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Muse Mantra Meanings by Jules Dolly

Date post: 06-Apr-2016
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These five pages accompany The Muse Mantra Deck, a set of 60 spirit-lifting healing cards featuring real women from around the world and their mantra. To purchase the deck please visit www.etsy.com/shop/julesdolly To find out more, visit JulesDollyArt.co.uk
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This card invites you to stop the internal chatter, even if for 5 minutes. Get quiet in your own company. Take time to sit or lie down and listen to any whispers, whatever the issue in your mind, notice what your inner muse is saying. If this card appears today, know that this too shall pass. Nothing stays the same: the cycle of life continuously moves and changes, with time. Take heart in this Muse and keep saying the mantra to yourself today. Often we beat ourselves up when we ‘think’ we have made wrong choices. The Muse in this card reassures you that it’s ok to get things wrong. Don’t give yourself a hard time. Rest up, relax, and carry on. A new day approaches. Do you feel like you’re going round in a circle, trying to make a decision? Which way is best, is this right or wrong? There are no quick answers. See the bigger picture – you are a beautiful human in this landscape of life, know you’re surrounded by lights and your way is always illuminated. Here you are given permission – permission to make space, to make time, to make changes. When we feel cluttered, absorbed by others’ energies, we can feel hemmed in; change then feels scary. This reminds you to be the one to make the space and do whatever you need to do to make changes – big or small. When our bodies feel tired, we sometimes withdraw, and move slower. What our bodies crave is rehydration. Water is your life source – the purer, the better. Bathe in it, swim, paddle, drink – it nourishes you in every way – it soothes you, so drink it in and feel it inside you. The Muse encourages you to gently look after yourself. Often confused with being selfish, she wants you to be mindful of putting yourself first, (if that’s hard to do, nearer the top). Take time today to think of your own self-care. Start with whatever pops into your mind first. This card wants you to contemplate softness, act in softness, feel softness. Whatever is presently an issue, choose the soft approach. Be flexible and soft with your conversations and interactions. Love is the powerful emotion, which is all around us. Yet sometimes, when stuck, we only see the negative – the Muse wants you to begin here – release the negative and be open to Universal love. Tune out of the negative news, download and open up to the Love that is around. This mantra repeated can really help you clear head- space. Be open to new ideas, invite new friendships into your life, welcome situations that make you clap happy. Seek out these experiences and listen to the signs and nudges around you. When we begin to listen to the quiet voice within us, we start to hear the truth. The question we find is how do we listen to our own voice of truth and the answer is through meditation and quiet contemplative time. Whatever that means for you; gardening, yoga, taichi, swimming, Allow your voice to be heard. If this card appears for you today, she wants you to repeat this to yourself today. Connecting with others begins with connecting to yourself – be the instigator and reach out. By saying this over and over today, you are clearing the channel. The Muse Mantra Deck. All Rights Reserved © 2014 Julia Dolowicz
Page 1: Muse Mantra Meanings by Jules Dolly


This card invites you to stop the internal chatter, even if for 5 minutes. Get quiet in your own company. Take time to sit or lie down and listen to any whispers, whatever the issue in your mind, notice what your inner muse is saying. If this card appears today, know that this too shall pass. Nothing stays the same: the cycle of life continuously moves and changes, with time. Take heart in this Muse and keep saying the mantra to yourself today. Often we beat ourselves up when we ‘think’ we have made wrong choices. The Muse in this card reassures you that it’s ok to get things wrong. Don’t give yourself a hard time. Rest up, relax, and carry on. A new day approaches. Do you feel like you’re going round in a circle, trying to make a decision? Which way is best, is this right or wrong? There are no quick answers. See the bigger picture – you are a beautiful human in this landscape of life, know you’re surrounded by lights and your way is always illuminated. Here you are given permission – permission to make space, to make time, to make changes. When we feel cluttered, absorbed by others’ energies, we can feel hemmed in; change then feels scary. This reminds you to be the one to make the space and do whatever you need to do to make changes – big or small. When our bodies feel tired, we sometimes withdraw, and move slower. What our bodies crave is rehydration. Water is your life source – the purer, the better. Bathe in it, swim, paddle, drink – it nourishes you in every way – it soothes you, so drink it in and feel it inside you.







The Muse encourages you to gently look after yourself. Often confused with being selfish, she wants you to be mindful of putting yourself first, (if that’s hard to do, nearer the top). Take time today to think of your own self-care. Start with whatever pops into your mind first. This card wants you to contemplate softness, act in softness, feel softness. Whatever is presently an issue, choose the soft approach. Be flexible and soft with your conversations and interactions. Love is the powerful emotion, which is all around us. Yet sometimes, when stuck, we only see the negative – the Muse wants you to begin here – release the negative and be open to Universal love. Tune out of the negative news, download and open up to the Love that is around. This mantra repeated can really help you clear head- space. Be open to new ideas, invite new friendships into your life, welcome situations that make you clap happy. Seek out these experiences and listen to the signs and nudges around you. When we begin to listen to the quiet voice within us, we start to hear the truth. The question we find is how do we listen to our own voice of truth and the answer is through meditation and quiet contemplative time. Whatever that means for you; gardening, yoga, taichi, swimming, Allow your voice to be heard. If this card appears for you today, she wants you to repeat this to yourself today. Connecting with others begins with connecting to yourself – be the instigator and reach out. By saying this over and over today, you are clearing the channel.






The Muse Mantra Deck. All Rights Reserved © 2014 Julia Dolowicz

Page 2: Muse Mantra Meanings by Jules Dolly


If this card appears to you today, you are being given a prompt to either spend time with children or reconnect with your inner child. Listen to their laughter, watch movies from your own childhood. Whatever pulls you – your soul will thank you for it. If we feel out of sorts, sometimes it is hard to find the courage to take steps forward and we can feel truly stuck. Today your Muse encourages you, with her smile and her mantra to move forward with love, joy and peace. Repeat this and remember it. We have to imagine possibilities don’t we? The muse gives us an invitation to write down, visualise, speak and listen to inklings of possibility. You don’t have to do anything just yet. Imagine. Yes. Your body protects you – we take that as a given don’t we? It does the best it can to look after you every day. Today let your body know that you acknowledge all that she does. It contains you and holds you. Bless all that it is. Is there a decision you have to make today as this card appears? The Muse is very sure that you’re ready and aware of your next move. Be thankful for being right there, right now - make yourself comfy. Is there something going round and round in that monkey chatter brain of yours? This Muse wants you to release the worry, so that you can make some space for peace and calm. How can you do that? Go quiet and repeat this mantra today.







You may be feeling that nothing is ever good enough – the clothes you wear, the hair you brush, the body you see. This mantra is a quote taken from Thich Nhat Hanh, which invites us to start with acceptance of ourself. Beauty comes from our own acceptance and not our perfection. The Muse wants you to know that one joy can scatter a hundred griefs. As a human experience, grief has to be moved through- just one joy can ease that grief. One joy can dissolve – seek out that most simplest of joys to help you today. There are days when you just need to repeat over and over that inner glow CAN warm you from the inside out. Today is one of those days. Get warm, light the fire inside your belly and let the embers warm you within – let this ooze out. This is a powerful mantra to say to yourself, if she appeared to you in your reading. How often do you say “I am enough, I am loved, I am present.” Well, you are and today your divine muse wants a beautiful reminder that you are enough. This Muse presents you with her mantra poem perhaps to be sung, danced, or maybe drummed. Whatever your choice, she wants you to move deeply into this poem and notice your response to the words – do you need to write this out? Take this with you today and tune into your reaction. Today can you live from Love, Authenticity, Courage, Creativity or Possibility? It’s a choice for you and the Muse wants you to believe that it’s totally do-able. Follow your heart today and sink into the love of this mantra.





 The Muse Mantra Deck. All Rights Reserved © 2014 Julia Dolowicz

Page 3: Muse Mantra Meanings by Jules Dolly


The Muse nudges you to believe the beauty that is in you. So often we are cruel to ourselves, we would never talk to our best friend the way we talk to ourselves – well, today, our Muse reminds us to believe, truly. Changing beliefs takes attention and intention. This mantra feels like a song. Words, when joined together can calm and soothe your heart, mind and soul. You are all of this mantra and if today, this card appeared, it is a reminder that you need to whisper the message to yourself. This flowing mantra is a poem to remind you that when you actually allow yourself to unwrap the gifts that you already have, a feeling of deep fulfillment finds you. If this card appeared to you today, find beauty within, let it resonate and keep it close to you. Being still means no distraction and no movement; sometimes when the world around us is frantic, draining and fast, what our soul craves is stillness. This mantra wants you to carve out space to be still and invite in quiet time, because sometimes that is all that is needed. If this card appears in your reading, the Muse wants you to have faith and trust in the process, whatever that may mean to you. It’s tough when we are facing problems, ill health or drama, we can often not know the reason and we just have to sprinkle the pixie dust. If you’re feeling wobbly, either personally, or professionally perhaps spiritually, know that this mantra has turned up in your reading to encourage you that all you have is within you to feel stronger. What can you do today to feel it?







You may be worrying about your past or feeling fearful about your future – the Muse today wants to remind you to live in the moment and take a deep breath. Whatever you’re facing, see it in the present moment for what it is – as the Muse says, “what have you got to lose?” Occasionally we just need to take the leap and have trust, don’t we? We can deliberate and analyse over and over, when we just have to take that step. This David Brinkley quote wants us to know that often when we take that leap, our wings form and we flourish. Is this card a reminder that you need to leap? In order to support your internal needs you need to know what they are. Is there anything causing your anxiety, pain or discomfort? Is this an issue around your self care? Know that the Muse in your reading wants you to think more about this and do what needs to be done. This card arrives in your reading today because you doubt when to say no and when to say yes. Go silent and think of your decision or question – what does no feel like in your gut? This is where you trust - right in your gut. Does it feel like a yes – do you get the sensation of yes? Trust is the Muse’s message today. The Muse wants you release any negativity today. Whether that be a thought, a belief, or a person who is bringing you down. Take steps to avoid negativity around you. We can’t change the situations around us but we can choose to release the hold it has upon us. What if today you decided you were going to sparkle? How would that look and what would you do? If this card fell into your reading, why not commit to sparkling today? Choose it and see how it filters out to all who you come into contact. If at home, then sparkle with self-care and warmth.





 The Muse Mantra Deck. All Rights Reserved © 2014 Julia Dolowicz

Page 4: Muse Mantra Meanings by Jules Dolly


Are you tough on yourself? Do you ever let up? This card asks of you, in just two words, to ‘Be Gentle’. Be lenient, understand your own needs, be your best friend, allow yourself some slack and be tender towards whatever you’re facing today. What are you asking today? What needs to be heard? Do you have a decision to make or are you stuck? This card appears for you to know that sometimes you don’t have to choose; it’s all in the blend. Muse on this card for it will become clearer throughout the day. Carry it with you. When you focus on your passions and make them a way of life, your life opens up and fills you with space and light. Whether you know what these passions are right now, or you’re discovering them, integrate them into you life and make them part of your soul’s desire. When you’re navigating your life path, feeling safe and held is a mantra that can soothe your journey. Often through no fault of our own, we haven’t felt safe or supported. Today, if you have pulled this card in a reading, the Muse wants you to take her with you for she will be your safety today. Are you feeling stressed out today? Do you need to stop and take a deep breath in? The Muse today, inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh and his breathing meditations wants you to say this mantra to yourself as you stop. ‘Breathing in, I smile, Breathing out, I’m alive.’ Yes, you are. When we look at our health, we know that one area can often feel out of balance; e.g. our emotional health can be shaky, or our environment can feel stressful when other areas feel okay. The Muse today wants us to commit to every area of your health being in balance – she also encourages you to look at what isn’t and explore where you may need support.







How are you feeling today? Your Muse wants you to soak in the sensation of feeling truly calm and comfortable. Whatever this means to you, take her closely with you as you go about your day and say this mantra over in your mind. She is there to help you. In order to be supported, we have to ask for support. Trying to do everything on your own without seeking guidance is not healthy for you. There is help out there – ask and all will be well. You are OK. Is it possible to radiate love and healing? Yes of course it is. We can set our intention and approach people, opportunities, work and even negative experiences with love and healing. It is about our intention – If your questions today relate to feeling a struggle around this, your Muse wants to assure you she’s with you. Your body may not feel relaxed right now, so today the Muse wants you to nurture it – write a list of how you can and take one and start there. Feeling relaxed in our bodies can come from physical movement, yoga, dancing, massage, love making or bathing. The list is endless! What’s on yours? Sometimes we feel scared and want to hide our shining light. The Muse is here to remind you that you have to whisper this mantra sweetly to yourself. Be bold, Be brave, Be yourself. This mantra speaks volumes and today it is a soothing healing balm. If you chose this card today, then what can you do to find the joy around you? Are you feeling joy-less? If so, the Muse wants you to seek it out. Joy can be found in gratitude so what are you grateful for today, make your beautiful gratitude list today and list five things – seek out the joy and joy will find you.






The Muse Mantra Deck. All Rights Reserved © 2014 Julia Dolowicz

Page 5: Muse Mantra Meanings by Jules Dolly



We know that scents soothe us so, today what smells do you need around you? Are you putting up with smells that aggravate you? Find the one that soothes and surround yourself with that scent. The power of this sense is immense and can’t be taken lightly. Like a tree we need to be rooted and grounded, as well as flowing and flexible. When life’s troubles throw curve balls, ‘be like a tree’, sway to accept their incoming to avoid a full-on hit and stay rooted through practices that ground you. Take this Muse Mantra with you today, write it out and feel it’s depth. We can often feel stuck in our problems or decisions, and really, what we need to do is go outside and live fully. The Muse wants us to feel the earth under our feet and see the stars up above – notice all the beauty that nature has to offer and be present in this moment. To help you move through your feelings today, this mantra can help. This contemplative Muse wants you to listen to who you are becoming. The you right now is in the process of becoming the you that is waiting. Often we want to rush to the next phase of who we are, today, consider that you are evolving and becoming. Receiving this card in a reading encourages you to dance, create and colour your soul alive. What will it take for you to feel alive? Saying this mantra in your mind, like an affirmation can help to ease any stress and tension in your mind and body. What if you chose to shift the focus? Turn your attention to something else. If you’re feeling caught up with a particular situation, relationship, stress or worry, the Muse today wants you to shift the focus and go do something else, turn away from it for a while, revisit it feeling lighter.







We become caught up in the busy whirl of daily life and at the same time, we can feel overwhelmed with all we need to do. These pressures that we put upon ourselves can make us feel shaky too. Today your Mantra wants you to ‘know that you’re OK’. Please note it and whisper to yourself or to another. Can you tap into the energy around you today? Do you need a boost from somewhere, can you inhale and exhale whilst standing tall outside amongst nature. When we feel pushed to the limit, we need to connect with the energy around – what does that mean for you? Finding what you love can be a big step; honouring what you love and doing it daily is the next big ask. What do you love to do, are you avoiding it? Once you re-discover what you love to do, go do it and do it every day. Hint you may need to go back to your childhood to re-discover your love. The Muse wants you to feel happy and joyful today and if this appeared in your reading, know that you can feel it. When things around you are not going as you planned, turn your mind to this mantra and seek out the happy and the joy. Seeking answers from outside of ourselves can sometimes confuse us even more. The Muse wants you to notice your inner guidance and tap into it. To do this, you have to get quiet and be still, in order to hear the whispers and the messages. Practice this every day. The Muse wants you to open your heart for healing – be receptive to it all around you, in whatever form, feel what is happening from those you resonate with and those you don’t. Unfurl the tightness you’re holding and extend your arms to receive the messages for your highest good.





 The Muse Mantra Deck. All Rights Reserved © 2014 Julia Dolowicz
