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Museological News 3 March 1983 Semi-annual bulletin of ICOM International Committee for Museology Stockholm 1983

Museological News 3 March 1983

Semi-annual bulletin of ICOM International Committee

for Museology

Stockholm 1983


In this issue vou will find

* message ta the members of ICOFC»l by the Interim Chairman

* report of the Fifth Meeting of in Paris wi th

ICOFQ~ 1982

- the list of l~.rticipants

- the let ter of resignation of Dr J former Chairman of ICOFC»l


- the report on the work of ICOFCM in 1981 -1982

- ICOFO/1 Rules

- the list of ICOFOM balies and office holders in 1977-1982




guidelines for the colloquium Methodolo<JY of museology and training of personnel. London 1983

work and time schedule for the preparation of the Sixth ~leeting of ICOF0'1 1983 in Londùn

* list of members of ICOF~l

* forms

- ta register participation in the Sixth Meeting of ICOFûl'1 in London 1983

- ta make nominations for the election of ICOFŒ1 office holders and bodies in 1983

- to state thùt your National Con@ittee of ICCM is prepare<'! ta 'lct as hast for some of the Annual Meetings of IC01~1 in 1984 or 1985

This issue of MUSEOLOGICAL NEWS has been prepared by the Interim Chairman of ICOFOM with the assistance of Unesco-ICOM Documentation Centre in Paris and the Museum of National Antiquitiesin Stockholm .

ùeadlines for your planning

Mailing day To be sent to the Interim Chairman

April 30 Registration form for participation in ICOFOM Sixth annual meeting, symposium and colloquium

April 30 ProposaIs of ICOFOM

for elections office holders

April 30 ProposaIs concerning venue for ICOFOM's annual meetings in 1984 and 1985

April 30 ProposaIs concerning revision of ICOFOM rules

June 30 Comments on draft meeting programme ( published in Museological News No 4 )

June 30 Comments on draft policy declaration & triennial programme of ICOFOM ( published in Museological News No 4 )

July 10 Interventions to the colloquium Methodology of museology and professional training

ICOFOM office holders

Interim Chairman

Dr Vinos Sofka Director of the Department of Coordination and Museum Development Museum of National Antiquities Box 5405 5-114 84 Stockholm, Sweden


Mr André Desvallées Inspection générale des musées classés Direction des musées de France Palais du Louvre F-75041 Paris Cedex, France

Assistant Secretary

Mr Gérard Turpin Director of the Audiovisual Department Direction des musées de France 9, Quai Anatole France F-75007 Paris, France


What next?

A eJr.lLC..ial qwution 6011 l COFOM

- the ICOM Int.vr.nationaf Comm.ittee 601t MMeoeogy.

lCOFOM'-6 meeting .in T'MÜ fMt 6aJ:.f Ü be.h.ind LW. Antvr. two 'feM-6 06

mMt toW ùu:tction, we have had the. oppolttuYL.ity to attend thù>

~omÙ>.ing event. The 6eef.ing ü gone that, a6tVt. the -6ucce-6-66uf yeM-6

1977-1980, the Mu-6eofogy Comm-<.ttee WM on .d!.> way to dÙ>Mfv.ing .it!.>efü.

Thank-6 to the endeavoUlt-6 06 not onfy the .il'l-i:UatOJe-6 and the OJtganüVt.-6

06 the PaJtü meeting but af-6o the. pM.Uc.ipant!.> , pMucufaJtfy tho/.>e who

at the fMt m.inute M.6umed the f1U>k 06 pfl~evrt.ing paJOVt.-6, the Comm-<.ttee

hM at fILM woken up 6ltom .it6fetluvlgy and Ù> com.ing fa .U6e aga.in. 1

Indeed, we had il vvr.y good meeting, and not oney becau-6e où the -6ymp0-6.ium

and aU papvr.-6 plte-6ented. fve-n mOIte encollAag.ing WOle the lLttempt!.> ta get

the ilCtiV.ity -6tMted ag<Li.n onnto Itega.in 6<Li.th .in the. Comm.ittee'-6 6utulte.

And now wha;t wUf happen ? Thü ü the qu~tion Mked, l am -6tUte, by aJ:.f who 6eel 60Jt mLWeofogy al1d have the 6ate 06 the Mru,eo.fogy Comm.i-txe.e. vVt.y

III«ch at heaJtt.

fhe 6.iMt coneJr.ete ta.6k ü ta pltepaJte ou--t paJtt-<e.ipat.ion .in ICOM'-6 14th

Genvr.aJ:. A.b.6embly -<11 London next -6ummVt., al1d otUt annU1li meetù1g, Olt Genvr.af

AMembly ta 60Uow cO!tltec:tiy the teflm.ino.ecgy 06 the ICOFOM ItrL-fe-6, to be

heU at the -6ame t--i.me.

We agfleed .in T'MÜ that we -6ha if aJtJtange on thL6 occM.ion a -6rrmpM~ On

OUlt own caJ:.fed "Mu-6eum - tVt.lt.itOltlj - -6oc..iety /nelAJ pltactice-,~ - neJV tendenc.i~"

w-i.th the paJttic.ipation On eco-fogüt!.> , mLWeofogüt6 Md M.plte-6ent.at.iv~ on

Mme oU--t6tand.ing ecotJ1U-6eum!.>. An .inteAaction, a con6ltontat.ion between

theOJty and ~actice, ü what .it -6hou.-ed be.

FtUtthvr.mOlte, we accepted a.n .invda:ttol1 ùltom the ICOM Int.eJtnationai

Commillee 6011 the TIla.iYl-ing 06 PVt.-60I1lte-f to hold togetl1eJt a -6I101tt coUoqu~

on "Methodology 06 mU-6eology and flta.tYl-ing 06 peltMnne-f". The .inte.l1tion Ü

that educatOJt-6 .in mU-6eo-fogy, tlta.in.ing the new gel1Vt.at.ion 06 mLWeum wOJtkVt.-6

at un.ivVt.-6.iti~, and mLWeum peop-fe ~n pflactice .in the. mLWeum woltld -6/toufd

düc~ thü qu~tion togethefl.

Hna.eey, we aJte go.ing to /tofd OUf! Ge.l1Vt.al AMembeu p.t 0peJ! • T/tü :t-i.me

.it ü mOJte .impOlttant tha.11 the annuaf mee:t-i.ng,~ .in plte.v.iou.1 ljeM-6. We Me

not only go.ing to M-6eM wllat ha-6 been O!l ha-6 not been done dult.ing tlle

l'Mt :tJt.ienn.iaJ:. wOJtk.ing pVt..iod. but a.-CM ta plal1 the. 6utuJte (ma clteate the

pltVt.equ.-W.ite cond.i:t-i.oM. fJle ma!.>t dec.tde togethVt. etbOllt the Comm-i.ttee'-6


tJl~"-'m.-i.lLt'. pitogJtaJmle IUld ho.f.d e.f.ectioM 06 oHice ho.f.deM 06 the di66eJtent

ICOFOM bodiu 60Jt the next thJtee ljeM-6. And thi-6 i-6 not aJ'..f - we agJteed

-in PMi-6 tha..t 6i.M.t 06 aU, we have to anaflj-6e, di-6cU-6.~, and decide upon

ouJt COlfrllittee '-6 pit06.ife. , aim-6 and .f.ong-tvr.m poLi.cy!

ThM .f.Mt meYlÜoned -i..tem a..f.ong with the niennia..f. PJtogJtamme 1983-1986

-6hou.f.d be the main poin.t-6 06 the wOJtk at the London mee~~ng. It i~ vvr.y

impOJt.ta.nt .tha.t lAie maJœ c.f.eM whe~e we -6ta.f1d and what we ~.tand 1Î o!t. OuJt

a..tti.tude to the Jtefation be.tween theOJty and pitac.tic.e in the Comm'<'ttee' ~

woJtk hM to be -6ta..ted. We mrv..t mak.e an '<'nventOJtlj on p!tob.ee~ to be

di-6cuMed lUld give pltiOJt.U:y to the mMt acute one-6. OuJt p0-6ition among

the ICOM c.ommitteu lUld the c.oncept 06 oUJt !te.eation to them -6hou.ed be

pltuented. Thi-6 and ~evvr.a..f. othvr. que-6tioM Me wa';.üng 60Jt c.R.Mi6ication.

What: -6haU we do nut? Th.ü i-6 the que,~t.ion we tnu.6t Mk. oIVt-6e.evu. We

cannot jrv..t pM-6ivefy Mk: Wha;t happeM? al1ri ex,pect a miltac..ee. AU o~ U-6

togethvr. mu.6t ac.t to put U6e into ICOFOM aga"-11 - O![ oUJt p.eaM and

JtuoiutioM wiU be nothing mOJte than wi-6h6uf think'<'ng. Ac.adem'<'c

dec..f.<VtatioM pltonounced br! e.eec..te.d 066icehoJ'deM c.annot challge. the c.oUJt~e.

The action 06 a..f..f. ICOfOM membvr.-6 togethVt ü nQ.ede.d to !teac.h the goa.R..

When I acc.epted the tMk 06 coo!tdinating ICOFOM'-6 woJtk in ~~e ab-6ence 06

a chailtmlUl to eMUJte pJtepaJtation 06 oUJt meeting ';n 1983, -i..t WM on condit.ion

that aU membvw 06 I COfOM' -6 Executive BoaJtd COl1tJtiblLte to the tMf1.. Today

I wou.f.d .f.-i.ke to widen the ciltc.f.e and enCOIVtage a..f..e 06 1J0u who th-ink. that

the ~eoioglJ Committee ~~ needed and can c<Vt!t1J out rv..e6u.f woJtk 6o!t

mu.6ewn 6efio~hip -in the wOJt.f.d to come and he.fp. We <Vte wa.<.ûng 1ÎoJt lJou ­

'OuJt Committee need-6 ljou!

I hope ta -6ee you in London next ~ummVt at ICOM 83!

V.i.no~ S06/za) In.teJtim Chailtman 06 ICOFOM


Report of the Fifth meeting of ICOFOM

IeOM International Committee for Museology France, October 1982

1 At the invitation of the ICOM National Committee of France

and the Direction des ~lusées de Frêlnce, aild with their

considerable financiaJ support, ICOFüM held its Fifth

meeting on October 21-23, 1982 in France.

1.1 The meeting took place in Musée des Arts Décoratifs in

Paris with the directer of the museunl as hast.

1 1.2 The meeting was attended by about 3D museUln people mainly

from"the host and other European countries, but also l'rom

America (Mexico, Canaùa) and Africa (Mali).

1 The participants are listed in enclosure No. 1.

1.3" The meeting was opened with an address of welcome by the

Assistant Secretary General of JeUM MIS P 01cina and an

introduction speech by Mr .J Favière, Chairman of th€' French

National Committee of ICOH.

During the opening day the participants were welcomed by

Mr H Landais, Director of the Musées de France and President

of ICOM.

1.4 Mr Vinoi Sofka, Sweden, was chairman of the meeting and

Mr Gérard Turpin, France, secretary.

Mr G H Rivière, Permanent Advisor of JCOM, was present at

the meeting and gave the chairman his support.

1.5 The programme of the meeting consisted of two parts:

1. The symposium "The system of l1Iuseology and inter­

disciplinar i ty"

2. ICOFOM's Annual Meeting.

An excursion to the basilica and the royal tombs, and a

visit at Musée d'art et d'histoire in Saint Denis enàed

the meeting.

A detailed progran~e of the meeting i5 presented 1n

enclosure No. 2.

1.6 A report on the discussions, negotiations. conclusions,

decisions and recommendations of the meeting follows.


2 ?ymposium 1982



theme of the symposium


was IlTJ1e sy~tem of museology

2.1 The theme was


discussed ln ni ne papers presented at the



Seven of them dealt with the problem in its yeneral concept:

Mr Felipe Lacouture (~1exico), Mrs Maria Manuela da Mota

(Portugal), Mr Awraam M Razgun (USSR), Mr VinoA Sofka

(Sweden), Mr Tomislav Sola (Yugoslavia), Mrs Judith K

Spielbauer (USA), Mr Zbyn~k Z Str~nsk; (CzechosJovakia).

Three participants discussed the problem in relation to

the ecomuseum and its activities: Mr Pierre Camusat (France),

Mlle Maude C~r~ (Canada), Mr G6rard Collin (France, the

paper read by his colleague).

2.2 The seven first mentioned parers were distributed ta the

participants at the meetinq. For the other three presen­

tations there was sorne informative material avail~ble.

Besicles, aIl participants reccived tllc "Conlpte rendu cle la

r'union du comit~ 'ad hoc' pour la pr6parati.on d'un num6ro

sp'cial de la revue de J'Unesco - Museum sur le thème

Mus'e et interdisciplinarit' du 1976" prepared by Mr

G H Rivière.

2.3 The theses presented were discussed in

In the working group "Museelogy" 20-25

the chairman was Mr A Grote.

two working groups.

persans teok part;


About 10 persons

the chairman was

G Il Rivière.

joinecl the workin'J group "Eco-museum";

Mr Filipe Lacouture, assisted by Mr

Both the groups presented short summaries of the

from the discussions at the plenary meetin'J. The

are enclosed with the documents of the meeting.



A plenary session

the symposium.­

and a summary by the chairman closecl

2.4 All the symposium papers will be published in the next

issue of MuWoP - Museological Working Pauers.

Ideas from the working groups at the meeting and summaries

of the symposium discussions will he included in the

published material.


3 lCOFOM's annual meeting 198~

Questions concerning ICOFOM's

were in the foreground of the

furtl1er existence

annual meeting.

anel work

3.1 With sincere regret the meeting

Mr Jan Jelinek's retirement for

receiveel information about

reasons of heaith from his

post as Chairman of the Committee. Great gratitude was

expressed for his achievements within :LCOM and especially

for rCOFOM, which was constituted after his proposaI in

1976 and worked under his chairmanship from 1977-1982.

) Jan Jelinek's letter of

enclosure No. ~.

resignation is reproduced in

3.2 Due to the situation, the members present of ICOFOM's

Executive Board took the initiative of asking Mr Vinoi

Sofka to act as interim chairman of rCOFOM until the next

election in London during rCOM 83, with the task of

coordinating the prepara tory work for ICOFOM's partici­

pation in ICOM General Assernbly in 1983. This was accepted

by Mr Sofka, on the assumption that the whole Executive

Board will contrihute actively ta the work. The participants

of the meeting were informed about this nomination, which

met with no objections.

Minutes from the extra session of the Executive Board in

this matter are enclosed with the documents of the meeting.

3.3 It was confirmed that the composition of the Executive

Board is unchanged as fol10ws:

J vice Chairmen

Secretary Assistant Secretary Members

ICOFOM's Editorial Board



Arjona, ~larta (Cuba) Perrot, Paul (USA) Ra7.gon, Awraam M (USSR) Desvall~es, Andr~ (France) Turpin, G~rard (France) Grote, Andreas (FRG) Kaplan, Flora S (USA) Russio, Waldisa (Bu,zil) Sutarga, A M (:Lndonesia) Tsuruta, Soichiro (Japan) Vasquez, Mario (Mexico)

was completed as follows,

Sofka, vinos (Sweden), Editor of ~'luWoP

Spielbauer, Judith K (USA) Turpin, G~rard (France' Editor of

Museological News


3.4 . A report of ICOFOM's

given by Mr V Sofka.

activities of ICOFOM

work during the past period was

A special report concerning the

Editorial Board and of the Editor of

MuWoP - Museological workinq

October 1980 - October 1982,


Papers during the period

compiled by V Safka, was

The annual meeting accepted both the reports. The ICOFOM

report is reproduced in enclosure No. 4. The report on the

activities of the Editorial Board will be published in

next issue of MuWoP.

3.5 ICOFOM's activities in connection with the participation

in the General Assembly and General Conference in London

1983 and the Committee's future work were discussed. "A

) proposaI for further orientation of ICOI'OM's activities" by

Z Z Stransky (Czechoslovakia) was distributed to the

participants and presented at the meeting together with a

résumé of JK Spielbauer's (USA) proposaIs in her letter to

the Chairman of the meeting. Sorne ideas concerning the

necessary coordination of the Committee's programme and

the editorial plan for MuWOP were sketched by V Sofka (Sweden).

Three temporary working groups were formed, and after

discussions the following measures were decided:



ICOFOM's sixth meeting will he held

14th General Assembly.

The programme of this meeting shall

in London


during ICOM's

1/ A symposium: "Museum - territory - society/New practices

new tendencies", organized by ICOFOM.


The theme will be presented as an interaction/confrontation

between the theory and practice. Specialists from the field

of ecology and of typology of museums will meet representa­

tives from 3-5 appointed museums, two of which are preferably

in France, one in Holland and one in Canada.

2-3 half-days shall be reserved for the symposium.

2/ A colloquium: "Methodology of museology and training of

personnel", organized as a joint project by ICOFOM and ICOM

International Committee for Training of Personnel.

Appointed Illuseum and university sppciali.sts

Committees will discuss the theme.

from the two

One half-day shall be reserved for the colloguium.

8 ,

3/ ICOFOM's annual meeting 1983 which shall deal with

ICOFOM's aim and profile in general ICOFOM's internaI rules ICOFOM's membership Report on ICOFOM activities during 1981-1983 Report on ICOFOM's financial situation ICOFOM's Triennial Programme 1983-1986 including research and working programme, publication programme and cooperation programme Elections for the period 1983-1986

3.5.3 ICOFOM's Interim Chairman assumed the responsibility of

taking aIl necessary steps, in collaboration with the Sec­

retary and the Assistant Secretary and in consultation with

members of the Executive Board, ta prepare ICOFOM's 6th

meeting in London.

The Interim Chairman shall as soon as possible work out ) and distribute a work and time schedule to members respon­

sible for different tasks in order to coordinate aIl the

preparative activities.

3.5.4 Three working groups were constituted to support ICOFOM's

direction (namely the Chairman and the Secretaries) in this

work. The groups will make inquiries and contacts, and

work out certain documents for the London meeting in order

ta submit them to the direction for inclusion into the

warking papers for the meeting.

1/ The Programme j~orking Group (T'-"G) must prepare the

outlines of the ICOFOM Poliey Document and of ICOFOM's

Triennial Programme 1983-1986; drafts of partial programmes

from the Cooperation-WG and the T'ublication-"G shall be

included in P-WG's outline.

The P-WG has the following members: R Carrillo (Spain),

. V Taft Jensen, Chairman (Denmark), T ~ola (Yugoslavia),

J K Spielbauer (USA) and Z Z Str~nsk§ (Czechoslovakia).

The group shall work in close collaboration with the

Interim Chairman and the Secretary of ICOFOM.

2/ The Cooperation working Group (C-WC) has to make contacts

with other ICOM International Committees, participate in

their activities as observers, inguire into the possibility

of cooperation with other committees in joint projects and

report ta ICOFOM and make proposaIs in this field.


The C-WG has the following members: Po G Burcaw (USA),

A Grote, Chairman (PRC) and F Schouten (Rolland).

The following persons will act as ICOF'O~] observers in other

ICOM International Committees: A Grote (FRG) - Museum Public

Relations and Reg ional Museums; l'van Mensch (Holland) - CECA;

A M Razgon (USSR) - ClnOC; F Schouten [Aolland) - Training

of Personnel; VSofka (Sweden), T Sekelj (Yugoslavia) ­

Treatise on Museology.

3/ The Publication Working Group (Pub-WC) is reponsible

for the theoretical-methodological journal MuWoP - Museo­

logical working Papers and the infor.mation bulletin Museo­

logical News. It has to support the Editor of MuWoP and the) Editqr of Museological News in their work, follow ICOFOM's

publication activities and the achievement of ICOFOM's

publication progralnme, as weIl as make proposaIs in this ) field.

The Pub-WG consists of V Sofka, Chairman and Editor of

MuwoP (Sweden), J K Spielbauer (US~), G Turpin, Editor of

Museological News (France).

Advisers and re9ional contact persans will be: 0 Kanaré (Mali)

for Africa, F Kaplan (USA) and W R~ssio (8ra7oil) for North

and South America, S Tsuruta (;Japan) for Asi.a, J Aodge

(Australia) for Australia, MM da Mata (Portugal) and Z Z

Strjnsk~ (Czechoslovakial for Europe.

3.5.5 A revision of ICOFOM's internaI ru les has ta be undertaken

according to the changes of Rules of procedure for the

international specialized Dor1ies of ICOM prepared by the

Advisory Committee of ICOM.

The Interim Chairman shall contact the Chairman of the 1 Advisory Committee and the Secretary General of ICOM in order

to conform to ICOM guidelines and, in collaboration with the

Secretary of ICOFOM, prepare an outline of revised rules

for discussion.

The rules now valid can he found in enclosure No. 5.

3.5.6 Elections of the Chairman, the Secretary, and of members of

ICOFOM's Executive Board as weIl as of Chairmen of existing

working groups for the period 1983-1986 shall take place at

the London meeting.

\0 i

The Executive Board of ICOFOM under the management of the

Interim Chairman has to prepare the elections in accordance

with valid ICOM rules.

In order to secure participation from as many members as

possible in the elections, it was decided that aIl members

entitled to vote shall have the opportunity to make proposaIs

for the nomination of:

- Chairman, Secretary and members of the Executive Board

- the Chairmen of the working groups.

The nominations must be received by the Interim Chairman

by May 15, 1983 at the latest.

The Executive Board, under the direction of the Interim

Chairman, shall compile a report of the nominations received

for ICOFOM's annual meeting 1983 and make a proposaI for the

constitution of each ICOFOM body.

The elections shall be conducted according to valid ICOM


In order to facilitate reflection on the composition of

ICOFOM bodies, a li st of officeholders at ICOFOM during

1977-1982 is presented in enclosure No. 6. Furthermore,

the Assistant Secretary was commissioned to publish a

complete list of members entitled to vote in next issue

of Museological News.

3.5,7 An account of ICOFOM's financial situation and suggestions

of how ICOFOM activities outlined in the Triennial Programme

shall be financed will be presented to the annual meeting


The Interim Chairman and the two Secretaries were com­

missioned to prepare. a report on this matter.

4 The excursion ta Saint Denis

On the last meeting day, an excursion initiated and guided

by Mr G H Rivière, was made te the basilica and tlle royal

to~bs and ta the Mus6e d'art et d'histoire in Saint Denis.

The Architect en chef Mr Douzat and the Conservateur Mr

Rollin made a very competent and i'lteresting guided visit

which was very mu th appreciated.


5 ICOFOM's fifth meeting, which was initiated by Mr J Jelinek

and Mr G H Rivière and has been held thanks to the invitation

and financial support of the Direction des Musées de France

and the French National Committee of ICOM, has, despite

great difficulties, been satisfactorily accomplished.

The meeting which was realized after a period of very

limited activity for JCOFOM has for the first time since

ICOM 80 in Mexico once again 0athered ICOFOM's members and

contributed to revitalizing the activities of the Committee.

There was optimism among the participants that JCOFOM's

work shall 0et under way again and, with the support of )

all the Committee members, carry out weIl planned and

prepared activities with the aim of accomplishing. in the

framework of ICOM, the Committee's goals and tasks.



Dr V Sofka

Chairman of the

Fifth meeting of ICOF0M


No 1 List of participants in the Fifth annual meeting of ICOFa4, Paris 1982

No 2 Agenda of the Fifth annual meeting of ICOFa-I (The document is enclùsed \vith the docwnents of the meeting)

NO 3 Dr Jelinek's letter of resignation

No 4 Report on ICOFa-I's work in 1981-1982

No 5 Rules of ICOFa"l

No 6 List of ICOFCX'! bodies and office holders in 1977-1982



Enclosure No. 1

Fifth annual meeting of the ICON International Cornrnittee for 11useology

Paris, October 20-22, 1982


CAl-roSAT, Pierre


CERE, Maude

da MOTA, M Manuela


EZRATI, J Jacques


GROTE, Andreas



.KONARE, Oumar


Joècomusée de la Région de Fourmies-Trelon rue FTançois Delaplace, 59610 Fourmies, France

Pez Volador, 26_10o .B, Barrio de la l~trella, Madrid 30, Spain

Ecomuoée de la Haute-Beauce Saint Evariste, Québec, Canada

Museu Calouste Gulbenkian Parc Santa Gertrudes Av. de Berna, Lisboa, Portugal

Direction des Musées de France Inspection (~énérale des Musées Classés et Contrôlés Palais du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France

Direction des Musées de France Inspection Générale des Musées Classés et Contr81és Palais du Louvre, 75001 Paris, ITance

Président du Comité national français de l' ICO~I

Musées de Strasbourg, Chateau des Rohan 2 Place du Château, 67000 Strasbourg, France

Institut für Museumskunde In der Halde l, Berlin-Dahlem, RFAjGFR

Ecole du Louvre, Direction des Musées de France Palais du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France

Finnish Museums ASSOCiation/Suomi Museolitto Museokatu 5, m'-OOIOO Helsinki, Suomi/Ji'inla.nd

Institut Supérieur de Pormation et de Recherche Appliquée B.P. 1744 Bamako, Mali

Muséo nacional de historia Castillo de Chapultepec, Mecixo 5 D.F., Mexico




LE 11AGUET, Jean Paul

OLCINA, Paulette

PLAMCRARD, Marie-Christine

HAZGON, Awraam M



RIVIERE, Georges-Henri



SOFKA, Vinos

!'JOLA, Tomislav )


TURPIN, Gérard

van GELUWE, Huguette

van MENSCH, Peter


von HINTEN, Wassilia

Musée Denon, Place de l'Hôtel de Ville Chalon-sur-Saône, 71100 France

Musée Denon, Place de l'Hôtel de Ville Chalon-sur Saône, 71100 France

Musées du Château des Ducs de Bretagne 44000 Nantes, France

Secrétaire Général Adjoint de l'ICOM l, rue Miollis, 75015 Paris, France

Conservation des Musées de Poitiers 3 bis rue Jean Jaurés, 8600 Poitiers, France

Musée national historique Gosudarstvennyj istori~eskij muzej Krasnaja plosead 1/2 Moskva URSF/USSR

Conservateur départemental des musées de la Vendée 85000 La Roche sur Yon, France

Conseiller Permanent de l' ICOM l, rue Miollis, 75015 Paris, France

Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire Parc du Cinquantenaire, Bruxelles, Belgique

Reinwardt Academie Van den Brandelerkade 24a Leiden 2313 G.W., The Netherlands

Statens Historiska Museum Box 5405, S-114 84 Stockholm, Sweden

Museum Documentation Centre Mesnicka 5, POB 539, 40000 Zagreb, Yugoslavia

Museumstjenesten Sj~rupsvej l, Lysgard DK-8800 Viborg, Denmark

Direction d.es Musées de France, Audiovisuel 9, Quai Anatole France, 75001 Paris, France

Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale Tervueren, Bruxelles, Belgique

Heinwardt Academie Van den Brandelerkade 24a, Leiden 2313, G.W., The Netherlands

Rijksmuseum Stadhourlerskade 42, Amsterdam, The Net.heJ:lands

Institut fü:r Deutsche Volkskunde Würzburg, RJ'A/CFH


Enclosure No. 3

Dr J Jelinek's letter of resignation

Dear Colleagues,

l announced my rcsignation for re'lsons of health from the post as the Chairman of the IeOM Internation,il Committee for Museology.

In 1976. considering the need for a forwn for

) theoretical question, l asked the Rxecutive Council of ICOM for the permission to found an international museological' committee. This was constituted in Leningrad during ICOM's General Assembly in 1977. The status as the ICm! International Committc for HuseoloGY

) was approved.

In 1978 we heId our second meeting .in l'oland "here we were invited by the Polish National Committc of lem!. The sub,ject of our meeting \ofas "Poasibilities and limite in scientific research typical for the musewns" aB we considered the role of scientific activit.ies in our everyday professional life ".8 important and not fully clear. The results of this meeting apl'eared in the form of a publication produced by my office with the kind support of the Czechoslovak .';"overnment.

The third meeting of our committee was held in 1979 in Torgiano, Italy, organized by our member Mra M. Lungarotti with the kind support of the Italian National Committee of ICOM. Here 'L/!;i>in the results of our discussions on the subject "Ecological und Bociological aspects of modern museolo{~ical H,ctivities in the light of cooperation with other related institutions" were published with the support of my office in Czechoslov'lkia and of ICON. AIl of the'JG meetings were held as symposül \'Ii th "'orne time reserved for our administrative matters.

The fourth meeting was held in 1980 durinl; our l'lst General Conference of IeOM in Mexico. The subject waS "Systematics and systems in museoloI;Y". Unfortunately ­partly because of the distance from Th.rope which hindered the participation of sorne of our colleagues - the results of our discussions couJd not be l'ully concluded and therefore we decided to continue this subject during our next meeting. Systematics of museolot~Y were conuidered to be an important subject, not only theoretlc<tlly for the structure of museology, but also for IeON to help to forro its bodies, their structure and profoGsional representation in a 10gic,,-1 and re'lsonable way. The theory of systems as a now methodological approach was considereci a. useful sllbject for museology as well.


The policy l proposed, accepted by the Executive Board of our Committee, was to help and to support the creation of a theoretical hasis for our profession and to encourage the devolopment of museology as a special scientific branch. For this reason we supported the joint ICOM and Unesco project for a Treatise on Museology as weIl as close cooperation with the ICOM International Committee for the Training of Personnel. Refore 1980 we had already discussed with our member, now the head of the editorial activities of our Committee, the possibility of creating a specialized publication, "Museological Working Papers". Ile kindly started the activities and in 1980, with the broad support of the Swedish government, institutions and foundations, he published the first volume of this periodical. Those who understand edi.torial anù publishing work can imagine the difficulties involved in realizing such a specialized and commercially unattractive but important project. Now the second volume has appeared, thanks to the Swedish financi"l support a~ain, but certainly only if museum professionals acknO\<ledge the importance of this forum for their professional) development and support, can "~luWoP" as i t. ia now called, survive its first difficult ·years anri develop into an indispe~9able and recognized periodical. The Executive Council of ICOM approved Museological Working Papers as the organ of our Committee in Mexico in 1980.

Several administrative ~uestions should be settled for the near future in order to· prepare the next meeting in London 1983. The theoretical (symposium) and administrative (annual meeting) progra~ne should be carefully prepared with the ailll of publishing the results in "MuWoPll.

During each General Conference meeting a triennial progranune for the Committee is to be discussed and approved including the three subjects for the symposia at the coming annual meetings. The selection of these subjects should respond to professionai as weIl ·as to ICOM's needs and interests. Ac"ordi.ng to the statlltes the new Executive Board of ICOf'OM "1.11 be elected at the meeting in London.

l believe that the ICOM International Commi ttee for Museology under a new chairmanship will bec orne an important body, useful for our professional development and for ICOM's life as weIl.

For this goal l wish you much success.

Jan Jellnek, m.p.


Enclosure No. 4 !

ICOM International Committee for Museology

Fifth annual meeting of ICOFOM Paris - France, Octobel' 1982

Report on ICOFOM affaira 1981-1982

Compiled by V Sofka, Sweden

) 1 It has become tradition and an unwritten rule that our meetings consist

of two parts:

a) a symposium

b) an annual meeting, devoted to the committee's affairs - (administrative ) matters) with a view hack and ahead:

What has been done during the l'ast period?

What do we have to do?

In other words: an account for and planning of our activities.

This year's meeting cannot be an exception to this rule. On the contrary!

There are more reasons than ever to devote some time of our meeting to

these questions, the most serious of them being that

- our committee has not had any meeting Binee Mexico 1980 and its work has

slightly stagnated

- our chairman has resigned.

2 First a glance backwaxds:

Everything seems to indicate that the accoQ~t of our committee's work

during the past period will be much more meagre than the accounts given at

tlo.e earlier meeting in 1980 for the perion of 1978-1980 (3 years). That

period has been related in Mu\oJoP No 2 on pp. 67-68/69-70. Let me sum up:

we arranged 3 meetings with 3 symposia., published 2 symposia publications

and the first issue of MuWoP, organized a PR-drive for the latter with

10,000 leaflets etc., took part in the work in the rCOM Committee for

Treatise on Museology and establishen collaboration with ICON International

Committee for the Training of Personnel.

For the period of 1981-19R2 (two years) l1e can only report today's meeting

and symposium, further publ.i.shinr,- of MuWoP No 2 l1ith 10,000 PR-leaflets,

of No 1 and 2 of rCOFOM' s bulleti.n 8emestriaJ ~\llseological News and finally

an attempt to enlarge ICOFOM's basis of collaboration with rCOM International



Committees by aHeuding meetine;s of the Documentation Committee (2 ammal

meetings, V Sofka), the Museum Public Relations Conunittee (1 meeting, V Sofkaj

and the Training of Personnel Commit tee (1 meeting, V Sofka represented

by A Wexell). Besides, the committee's representatives (V Sofka, T Sekelj)

are still members of the Treatise Co~~ittee, but this cOJlUJlittee has not

been summoned since Mexico.

3 There is still one year left of our planning period of 1981-1983 before

wè have to give a final accolrnt of TCOFOM's Triennial Programme in London.

A short glance at the programme 19R1-1983, published in Proceedings of the

13th General Assembly of TCOM, ~uWoP No 2, p 71/68-69 and in Museologioal

News No 1 must lead to the conclusion, however, that the original programme

ineluding 3 annual meetine;s, 4 study projects/symposia, publishing of

symposium material, Museologieal Nm'1s (6) ?.nd Museological Working Papers

(3), and activities of collaboration within TCOM can hardly be carried out)

to the planned extent.

This is one of the problelDs which we must diseuss at this meeting. We have

to analyze the situation, study the rGasons for a certain stagnation of

our activities, take measures te revitalize our committee and create

opporlunities for accomplishing at least pm't of our original programme.

4· The other problems of our cOlllmittee' s affairs that Vie have to tackle and

decide about concern

- office-holders and membership

- our future activities, first of aIl during the next triennial period


5·· To suro up - our tasks at the Fifth annual meeting of TCOFOM are the following:

5.1 Questions concerning office-holders and membership

- J Jelinek's resignation from the post as Chairman of ICOFOM and the

provisional steps needed for the period up to the elections at the next


- applications for membership in ICOFOM

- the present etate of membership in the committee (registration report)

and enlargement of this (recl~iting)

5.2 Programme questions - i.e. working progrmnmes

- for the meeting in London in 1983

- for the trienniuUl 1984-1981)

and further

- publication projects within lCOFûM (MuWoF, Museological News)

- collaboration projects with other committees of IC()~l

- other activities.



5.3 Organizational and economic questions

- preparation of the meeting in 1983

- preparation of elections in 1983

- constitution of rCOFOM's workin~ groups

- regulation of rCOFOM's economy

We must discuss aIl these problems here at this meeting and decide

- what shall be done

- how it shall be done

- who shall be responsible

We must try to finish as muoh as possible - but not be too hasty. We must

allow ourseIves and the constituted working groups enough time, especially

when we feel that we need more investi~dtions, discussions and contacts,

before we can present a final proposaI and take the decisions.

This is my suggestion hew te werk here and my view on rCOFOM's preblems.

Please take it in this way - net binding or definite but open te aIl

justified suggestions of alterations and completions that you want to make.



Enclosure No. 5·



1.1 The Committee shall be known as the International Committee for Nuseology and shall be a permanent Committee of ~he

International Couneil of Museums.

'.2 The activities of the Committee sball be governed by these rules and by the StatuteH of ICON.

1.3 According ta the Statutes of ICON the working languages are English and French.

) 2 Aims

The International Committee for MuseoloGY sets itself the following aims:

2.1 Ta establish museology aB a Bcientific discipline;

2.2 To study and ta assist in the development of museums and the museum profession,·to study their raIe in society, their activities and t~eir functions;

2.3 Ta encourage critical analysis of the main trends of museology.

3 Membership

Nembership is generally open to members of the museum profession and other interested persons in related fields.

According ta the Statutes of ICOM only individual and institutional members of ICON have the right ta vote.

4 Meet ings

4.1 A General Assembly takes place every three years at the time and at the seat of the General Conference of ICOM.

The functions of the General Assembly shall be:

- ta receive and approve the report of the Chairman,•

- to hear reports of the wcrking groups,

- ta propose future programmes te the Executive Board,

- to elect the Executive Board.

Decisions are taken hy a simple majority of the voting members who are present at the General Asserubly.

4.2 Working meetin~s take place upon resolutions of the Executive Board.


5 Executive Board

The Executive Board ehall b0. composed of thirteen membere elected for three years by the General Assembly.

Members shall be eligible for re-election not more than two successive terms.

The Chairman and the Secretary shall be elected by the Executive Board among the elected membcrs of the Executive Board.

The function of the Executive Board shall be to manage the affairs of the Committee.

The Executive Board shall endeavour ta meet at least once a year.



- -

ICOFOM BODIES according ta the elections in 1977 and 1980, with partial elections in 1978, 1979 and 1982

1977 1978 1979 1980 1982

Executive Board

Chairman Jelfnek (Czechoslovakia) Jelfnek Sofka - interim chairman

Vice-chairman Bondzie (Ghana) Argona (Cuba) Perrot (USA) Perrot Razgon (USSR) Razgon

Secretary }lanoury (France) Klausewitz (FRG) Desvallées (France) Turpin (France)

AAsistant secretary

Other members Abranches (Angola) Grote (FRG) Argo;1a (Cuba) Kaplan (USA) Camargo (Brazil) Russio (Brazil ) Kiau (GDR) Sofka (Sweden) Roy (India) 8utarga (Indonesia) Rymaszewski (Poland) Tsuruta (Japan) Smith (Australia) Vasquez (}lexico) Vasquez (Mexico)

Editorial Board

Chairman Sofka (Sweden) Sofka Sofka Sofka

I~embers Diessner (GDR) Grote (FRG) Jel!nek (Czecho- Spielbauer (USA) slovakia)

Klausewitz (FRG) Kiau (GDR) Turpin (France) Turpin Razgon (USSR) Klausewitz (FRG)

Razgon (USSR) ~



Joint colloquium London 1983

project for the organization of the colloquium


during the triennial Conference of ICOM in London, August 1983

organized jointly by the ICOM International Committees

for the Training of Personnel

and for Museology

1. Origins of the symposium

As saon as the Internation~l Committee for Museology was

founded, voices were raised ta assert that the field of interest

of this Committee and that of the International Committee for

the Training of Personnel were overlapping for the larger part.

Others affirmed that each Committee had its own specifie calling.

In any case, a wish for close collaboration between the Committees

was unanimous.

Nonetheless, the move from wishes to realization has not

always been easy, particularly in 50 far as both Committees had

already set their own triennial programme which they were obliged

ta fulfil. The first possibility will therefore be the ICOM

General Conference in London.

During the week of 17 ta 23 October 1982, the Committee for

the Training of Personnel met in a symposium in Ottawa to discuss

the theme of mid-career training; from the 20th ta the 23rd of

October, the Committee for Museology held a symposium in Paris

to discuss the systems of museology and interdisciplinarity.

) The Chairman of the Committee for the Training of Personnel

suggested to the Executive Board of the Committee that a joint

meeting be held with the Committee for Museology. Once approved,

the following message was sent by telex to Paris on the 19th of


"Dr Jan Jelinek, Chairman of the Committee for Museology:

Dear Chairman and Colleague,

The Committee for Training of Personnel, from its meeting in

Canada, sends you its best wishes for the success of the meeting

of your Committee for Museology. We join you in your work, while

regretting that we cannat participate directly.

In spite of wishes for a close collaboration between our two

Committees, expressed by our own members as weIl as by yourself,


the commitments set by the triennial programme on the meetings

and their themes for the period 1981-1982 have made an additional

meeting impossible.

We suggest that a joint colloquium of two half-days be

organized at the ICOM General Conference in London next year.

Two themes seem appropriate:

- Methodology of museology and professional training

- The Treatise on Museology, museological theories and the

future of the profession.

If you join us in this proposaI, can you give us an answer,

either by telex or by telephonebefore Friday morning of this

week in Ottawa? With many thanks in advance for your answer, and

counting on a strengthened future collaboration we send our best


(signed) Jan B. Cuypers, Chairman, ICOM International Committee for the Training of Personnel


On the morning of October 23rd, the following message was

received in Ottawa:

"Mr. Jan Cuypers, Chairman of the Committee for the Training

of Personnel:

We have received with pleasure your wishes for success, which

are reciprocal. We accept your proposaI for a joint meeting in

London 1983 on the first theme: Methodology of museology and

professional training. Recause of the many problems which our

Committee must resolve, only one half-day meeting will be

possible. We are looking forward to our future collaboration."

(signed) Vinos Sofka, Interim Chairman of ICOFOM.

The result of the above is the organizat·ion of the colloquium.

2. Practical matters related to the organization of the colloquium

The time allotted for the colloquium has been reduced to the

strict minimum: one half-day. An extremely economical use of the

time allowed is essential and will have a determining influence

on the organization and the proceedings.

The time available for preparing it is also very short.

It is indispensable that the theme of the colloquium be re­

stricted to only those aspects which are most important and

significant for the two Committees. The aim of the symposium is

to provide a valuable contribution to our common cause: the

improvement of the profession through the in depth theoretical

study of museology and of training.

The aims of our colloquium and the restrictions of time

impose a very strict planning. The following conditions appear


al The basic texts will be written by the authors sufficiently

ahead of time (see 3. below) and distributed to the registered

participants before the colloquium.

bl A distinction must be drawn between: 1) the authors,2) other

active participants, and 3) participan~not registered.

It is expected that the members of the two Committees as weIl

as other members of ICOM, who wish to participate actively in

the debate, register in advance as participants. Consequently,

the registered participants will receive the basic texts and

shall have the opportunity to study them before the meeting.

cl The time available for the colloquium will be entirely devoted

to the discussion on the hasis of interventions by the active) participants; these interventions must be written and submitted

to the Board of the colloquium at a time which will be set

later, but in any case before the opening of the colloquium.

The interventions will be classified by theme, and the time

for their presentation will be strictly limited.

dl The languages of the colloquium, including the basic texts, are

the working languages of ICOM, that is to say French and

English. In so far as possible, aIl the texts submitted by

the authors should be written in both languages.

3. ProposaI for the organization of the colloquium

1) In February the two Chairmen will ask 6 to 8 authors to

write basic texts reflecting the ideas of each author on the

subject "Methodology of museology and training", on the basis of

the outline below (see 4.). The texts should be 8 to 12 type­

written pages, with double spacing, or about 2,000 to 3,000 words.

Each text should be mailed by March 25th, 1983.

2) Each author of these basic texts will receive, as rapidly

as possible, a complete set of the texts of each of the other


Each author is then requested to write a second text which

will be the position the author takes on the subject in relation

to the points of view expressed by the other authors. This will

require a document of approximately 5 ta 10 pages (1,250 to a

maximum of 2,500 words) to be mailed by May 25th.


3) The active participation in the colloquium will be

ensured by registration sent to the Chairman of one of the

organizing Committees at the latest June 10th.

Rach registered participant will receive a complete file

before the meeting (the papers mentioned in 1) and 2) above);

During the colloquium none of these texts will he read or

presented by their authors.

4) The active participants who wish to comment on one or

more of the basic texts, or add their point of view or other

proposaIs, are invited to do so on the following conditions:

al the text of the intervention should be entirely written.

The text should be at the maximum of 600 words (numbered) bibliographical references can be added later).

bl each text of the intervention should be submitted to the

Board of the colloquium (the place will be set later) at a )

deadline which will be decided upon later, but which in any

case will be weIl before the beginning of the colloquium.

The texts will be, if necessary, communicated to the authors

of basic texts. These interventions will be filed by theme

(by the Board). Bach intervention will be read by the author

(max. 5 minutes).

5) A general debate will follow, made of:

al replies by the authors of the basic texts

bl eventual replies by the interveners

cl eventual observations and remarks by the observers.

6) The colloquium will be concluded by reading an essay of


7) Publication of aIl the texts is envisaged.

4. Proposed development of the theme

1) Initial prerequisite

The object of museology must be defined (object in the sense

of subject matter). It is not necessary that this definition be

considered as definitive; the author may simply aim to state

clearly what he means by museology so that there will be no doubt

in the mind of the reader. It is therefore not required to

develop the definition at any great length.

2) What is nature of_mllseolog~cal knowl_~dge?

Museological knowledge and museographical expertise cover

a very wide field. Should it aIl be considered as:

- scientific knowledge?


Or should one also make distinctions:

- philosophical knowledge

- pragmatic knowledge

- technical expertise

- manual skills? or others

3) Museological knowledge is comprised of what different

fields? or else:

What is the system of museology and how can one envisage

the interdisciplinary relations between its different fields?

In the field of museological knowledge (scientific knowledge):

should the following be included, or not?

should the following be at the same level, or at different levels:

- physical, chemical, and bio-chemical knowledge (conservation)

- historical knowledge (history of museums and museum deve­

) lopment, etc.)

- theoretical and philosophical museology (theory of museum

education, etc.)

- sociology and psychology (study of individual and group

visitor behaviour)

- etc •..

4) what are the objectives of museological knowledge?

A distinction will be made between:

- the objectives of museology and museological research

- the objectives of museological teaching and training

The objectives of museological knowledge determine its methods.

5) Methods of museological knowledg~

One must differentiate between:

- methods of museology and museological research

- museological teaching and training methods.

what is the difference?>

6) Methodology

Does the above discussion lead us to suggesting a methodology

for museology?

will there be only one methodology, or will there be several

different types of methodology?

And in what relation is this methodology to that of

professional training in museology?


ICOFOM lIction Proqr_ vith ret_rance ta ICOM

Work and time schedule . _. . -- " .. - _. ---_ ... ---- ­ .

Period: January 1 - July 31, 1983

'83, London

Compiled by Vino'S Sofka, Stockholm, sweden


1 Participation in ICOM '83

1.1 Inform ICOH (Secretary General/Execu­tive Council) and UK Organizing Comm­ittee of ICOFOM's participation in ICOM '83

1.2 Reservation of premises by·UK Org. Comm. for ICOFOM activities during ICOM '83

1.3 Following up instructions etc. re ICOM '83 (Executive Council, Advisory Committee, Secretary General) and UK Org. Comm. Necessary steps to be taken.

1.4 Preparation of ICOFOM documents for ICOM '83 (ICOFOM activities report, programme proposais, draft resolutions)

2 ICOFOM 1983 General meeting, London

2.1 ~~~!~~!E~~!~


2.1.1 Notice of the General meeting with invitat ­ion. ta the ICOFOM Symposium and to the joint ICOFOM/Training of Personnel COlloquium. To be announced in Museoloqical News, No.3 and distributed without delay.

V. Sofka Oct. 1982 Done personally at a meet­ing with L.. Monreal 25.10.82

V. Sofka Oct. 1982 Letter of 28.10.82 to UK Org. Comm. (Mr. Hebditch) according to instructions from L. Monreal Replyof 3.11.82 received. Reply from organization group expected.

V. Sofka in collab. Current with A. Desvallées & G. Turpin

V. Sofka in collab. See the following items with ICOFOM Ex. Board

V. Sofka/A. Desvallées 28.2.83 To all members of ICOFOM and all ICOM COmmittees (Chairmen)

G. Turpin 10.3.83















J.1. 1


Registration for participation in the General meeting, Symposium, and Cclloquium. Completed torms te be sent to the Interim Chairman

List of participants (name, country, institution, address) To be published in·Mus. News, No. 4 To be distributed at the beginning of t te meeting.


Draft programme to lCOFOM Ex. Board for their comments.

Ex. Board comments te Interim Chairman

Revised draft programme to ICOFOM mem­bers with request for suggested changes, additions, etc.

To be published in Mus. News, No. 4

Comments to the Interim Chairman

Final meeting programme (translations, clean transcription). To be distributed at the beginning of the meetinq.


The General meeting

ICOFOM Symposium

Joint lCOFOM/Training of Personnel Cclloquium

ICOFOM 1983 General meeting

!~§Q:§~-~=~~~!~!~~-~:~~! Compilation of draft activities report. To be sent to Ex. Board for comments.


G. Turpin

G. Turpin

V. Sofka

Ex. Board

V. Sofka/A. Desvallées

G. Turpin

ICOFOM memhers

V. Sofka

G. Turpin









10a7 .. 83

Colloquium see item 5.6.1

In consultation with the secretaries

See item 3

See item 4

See item 5

V. Sofka 31.3.83


3.1.2 !

i : 3.1.3

Comments from EX. Chairman

Final version

Board ta Interim Ex. Board

V. Sofka



Ta be published, if possible, Mus. News, No. 4

in G. Turpin Hi.6.83

Ta be distributed at the beginning of the meeting

G. Turpin

3.2 ~~~E~~_~E~~_~~~~~E~~~2_§E~~e~

3.2.1 Final texts ta Interim Chairman V. Taft Jensen & A. Grote


3.2.2 Final texts to Ex. Board V. Sofka 10.5.83

3.2.3 Publication of final texts, in Mus. News, No. 4

if possible, G. Turpin 10·.6.83

Ta be distributed at the beginning of the meeting

G. Turpin.

3.3 !~~~:~_~~!!=l_~~=!~E~~~~~_~_!E~~~~~~! ~E~2E~'.'!!,!1~

3.3.1 Draft ta the Interim Chairman (Basic material - ICOM decision concerning the establishment of ICOFOM, Minutes of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Annual meetings, ProposaIs from Collaboration W.G. and Publication W.G.)

Programme W.G./ V. Taft Jensen


To be sent ta Ex. Board for comments V. Sofka 25.4.83

3.3.2 Comments Chairman

from Ex. Board ta Interim Ex. Board 10.5.83

3.3.3 Ex. Board comments ta Programme W.G. V. Sofka 20.5.83

Back ta Interim Chairman Programme W.G. 5.6.83

3.3.4 Final draft V. Sofka 10.6.83

Ta be published in Mus. News, No. 4 G. Turpin 10.6.83


Ta be distributed at the beginning of the me",ting

G. Turpin


-. ~_.,

ACTION JtlUlPClallllLi: D&lIIlLIIIB . JO! :-.









ICOFOK Statutes

Draft revis ion of valid statutes

Comments from Ex. Board

Final outline of revised statute&

To be published, if possible, in Mus News, No. 4

To be distributed at the beginning of the meeting


Information on the present constitution of the Ex. Board and existing Working Groups, the election procedure, tenns of office

Request to ICOFOM members to propose to the Interim Chairman and the Secretary candidates for Ex. Board membership, for the Chairmanship of ICOFOt{, for the Work­ing Groups, & for new Groups

To be published in Mus. News, No. 3

Discussion within Ex. Board of the suggestions concerninq election of ICOFOM's Chairman and Ex. Board members

Preparation for election by special group of Ex. Board.

Ex. Board/Election Committee proposaI for elections

To be published in Mus. News, No. 4

To be distributed at the beginning of the meeting













son" Turpin











1. 3.83





ProposaIs to be mailed to the Interim Chairman by the members of ICOFOM 30.4.83 at the latest

ICOFOl~ Symposium Museum - Territory - Society N~w ~Y~~+ices - new tendenciesw _. __ . ----­-




4.1. 1

4.1. 2













Contact with appointed speakers as to their contribution, conditions, material, etc.

Theoretical part - Contact with ecology experts; Contact with museology experts on types of museums

Practical part - Contact with salected museums

Receipt of symposium papers from the speakers

Symposium papers to aIl speakers for comments

Receipt of comments


Participants special registration

Distribution of symposium papers and comments to aIl registered participants

Contact with 2 experts for analysis and compilation of the symposium material

Delivery of the compilation according to 4.5.3


Compilation according to 4.5.3 To be distributed at the beginning of the symposium

Symposium papers and discussion to he published in MuWoP

V. Softa

The s;>eakers

V. Softa

The speaker.s

V. Sofka/G. Turpin

V. Sofka


.G.• Turpin

V. SOfta









July 83


See item 2.1.2


















5.7.2 '" '"

Joint ICOFOM/Traininq of ••nonn.l Colloquium Methodology ot lDulleology and training of Personnel

-Contact with the Chair.an of IOOM Train­ing of Perllonnel Caaaitt.. ail te planning and organisation of the Colloquium

Contact with appointed speakers ail to their participation, conditions, mat.rial etc.

Receipt of Colloquium papers

Colloquium papers to all speakers for comments

Receipt of comments

~E~fêEê~!~~~_~~E_~~~_~~!!~~!~ discussion

Participants special registration

Contact with 2 experts for analysis and compilation of Colloquium material

Delivery of the compilation according to 5.6.2

Distribution to all participants of Colloquium papers and comments of compila­tion at the beginning of the COlloquium

Receipt of written contributions te the discussion by the participants


Response te cOl'lllllents of the authors, compilation expertll, participants


v. son.

J. cuypeniv. SOfta

The sp.eakers

. J. cuyperll/v. Sofka

The speakers

J. CUypers/v. Sofka


J. Cuypers/v. Softa


Nov. 1982









July 83


e-tact takan. Conlliderations in fC09rellll. Written outlines é1beusaed.

Mailing day

Mailing day

See item 2.1. 1

24 heurs before start of COlloquium at the latest te J Cuypers 1 V Sefka

- - -,­ -#'0-':' ,


















7.1. 2


7.1. 4




Publication of Colloquium mat.rial in V. SOna ltuWoP

MuWoP - Museological WOrleing papers

Funding for MuWoP, No. 3 V. Soflea NovIDee 1982 Applications made to Qalbanltian ~oundation

(3.12.82) and to ICOM(25.20.82) Japlies expected.

Contact with appointed authors V. Soflee ~larch-, 83 Provided funds have been granted

Editorial work

Collecting contributions V. Sofka Apr il./~y, 83

Editorial revision V. Sofia June,83

Linguistic revision IeOH May IJune, 33

Printing V. Sofia July, 83

Publicity drive July-Aug., 83

Distribution Aug. 83

Museological News

Publication of G. Turpin -Mus. News, No. 3 10.3.83 Mus. News, No. 4 10.6.83

Manuscript V. Soflea/G. Turpin s•• item above

Editorial work G. Turpin

Printing G. Turpin

Distribution G. Turpin

Other Steps


Members oflCOFOM

Membres de l'ICOFOM


M Sid Ahmed KERZAD1 'Parc Zyriab

Bd.S. Boyakouir ALGER Algeria

M ABRANCHES Direccao National de Muse os de Angola Caixas Postais 1266. E 3244 LUANDA Angola

M José Garcia LUMANISARrO Caixa Postal 3215 LUANDA Angola

M Jorge MITRE C Museo Mitre San Martin 33(, BUENOS AIRES Argentina

Mme Lilia ALCIRA DE PIERINI Museo de la Reconquista Limiers 818 Tigre Rov BUENOS AIRES Argentina

Mrs Nancy SMITH The Australian Museum P.O. Box A 285 SYDNEY South, NSW 2000

, Australia

Mr Noel J FLANAGAN Australian War Museum P.O. Box 345 CANBERRA City ACT 2601 Australia

Mr Abdulrahman Sand Abdulaziz MUSAMEII Bahrain National Museum P.O. Box 43 MANAMA Bahrain

Mme Janine SCHOTSMANS Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire Parc du Cinquantenaire la. B. 1040 BRUXELLES, Belgique

Mme Fernanda de CAMARGO E ALMEIDA Caixa Postal 38016 ZC 19 PUC RIO DE JANEIRO -GUANABARA 20000 Brazil

Mme Wnldisa Pinto RUSSIO Museum da Industria ­AV. Rio Branco 1269 CEP SAO-PAULO Brazil

M Larndes D PINTO Muséo de Arte Popular RIO DE JANEIRO Brazil

Mme Véra Helena HECK HARNEIRA Rua Padre Nunes 200 Jardin Bela Vista STAndre CEP 0900 SAO-PAULO, Brazil

Mr, Mohd Jaya Bin SAHAT Brunei Museum KOTA BATU Brunei

Mrs Lynn MARANDA Vancouver Centenn!al Museum 1100 Chestnut Street VANCOUVER BC Canada

M René RIVARD Museart C.P. 9954 SAINTE FOY, Québec Canada G1V 4C5


Mra Luby ACZEL Cani:l.<lian Museum Association 280, rue Metcalfe Suite 20 L OTTAWA Ontario K2P IR7 Canada

M Pierre MAYRAND 4226 Br6beuf MONTREAL - Québec H2J 3K7 Canada

Mrs Lonna Patricia KEE . National Museum of Man

OTTAWA Ontario Canada


Mrs Candace STEVENSON Nova Scotia Museum 1747, Summer Street HALIFAX N.S 834 Il 3A6 Canada

M Branko Marinov MAII'l'INIE Museo Argneologico Casi110 771 ANTOFAGASTA Chile

Mme Flores de CARVAJAL Associacion Colombiano de Mus60s Apartado Aereo 21173 BOGOTA, D.E. Ccilombia

M Pascal MAKAMBILA Musée Marien N'Gouabi B.P. 459 BRAZZAVILLE Congo

Mme Marta ARJONA, Dra Palacio de Bellas Artes Animas y Zulueta LA HABANA Cuba

M Thelna BOVNT Museos de Armas de Cuba LA HABANA Cuba

Dr Jan JELtNEK Moravsk6 Muzewn l1stav Anthropos Nam~str 25. unora 7 BRNO Czechoslovakia

Mr Villy Toft JENSEN Tuno Hovedgade 34 DK-8799 TUNO KATTEGATT Denmark

Mr Bj.6rn STURUP Kulturhistorisk Museum Stenmansgade 2 DK-8900 RANDERS Denmark

Mr Jesper KNUDSEN Holstebro Kunstmuseum S~nderbrogade 2 DK-7500 HOLSTEBRO Denmark

Mrs Anja Tuulikki HUOVINEN Finniah Museums Association Museokatu 5A6 SU-OOIOO HELSINKI 10 Finland

M G Henri RIVIERE Conseiller Permanent de l'ICOH l rue Hiollis Maison de l'Unesco F-75732 PARIS Cedex 15 France

Mlle Ségolène BERGEON 4, rue de Longpont F-92200 NEUILLY SjSEINE France


Mme Claude HOCQUARD 2, rue de la Fontaine F-9I570 BIEVRES France

M Jacques MANOURY lIStel Scrive l, rue du Lombard F-59000 LILLE France

M Patrick O'BYRNE 9, rue Julien Certain

) F-78220 VIROFLAY France


M Gérard TURPIN 8, rue Laromiguière F-75005 PARIS France

Mme'Monique MALDAGUE Musée des Antiquités Nationales F-78000 ST GERMAIN EN LAYE France

Mme Odette TEISSIER DU CROS Musée Cevenol F-30I20 LE VIGNAN GARD France

Mlle Marie-Christine PLANCHARD Musée de Poitiers 3 bis, rue Jean Jaur~s

F-860oo POITIERS France

M André DESVALLEES Direction des Musées de France Palais du Louvre F-75041 PARIS Cedex 01 France

MM Claude et André LAURENLIN Musée Denon F-7IIOO CHALON SUR SAONE France

Mme Evelyne LEHALLE Musée d'Histoire 3, rue Colbert F-I300I MARSEILLE France

M Alain NICOLAS Musée d'Histoire 3, rue Colbert F-I3001 MARSEILLE France

M G GUILLOT-CHENE Musée d'Evreux 6, rue Charles Corbeau F-27000 EVREUX France

Mlle THIEBAUT Direction des Musées de France Palais du Louvre F-7504I PARIS Cedex 01 F'rance

M Francis RIBEMONT Conservation des Musées 29. rue Delille F-85020 LA ROCHE SUR YON Cedex France

Dr Erik HURNS Das Museum für Ur­und Frühgeschichte Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Bodestrasse 1-3 DDR-I02 BERLIN

Ml.' Rolf KIAU Institut für Museumswesen Müggelseedamm 2000 DDR-II62 BERLIN

Prof Wolfgang RERBST Muaeum für Deutsche Geachiohte PSF 1305 Unter den Linden 2 DDR-I086 BERLIN

Dr Wolfgang KLAUSEWITZ Naturmuaeum und Forachungainstitut Senckenberg D-6000 FRANKFURT Senckenberganlage 25 Gm/BRD

Dr François LACHENAJ, C. O. CH. Boehringer Sohn D-6507 INGELHEIM AM RIIEIN Gm / BRD


Dr Andreaa KUNTZ Stadtmuaeum Düsseldorf Backerstraase 7-9 D-4000 DffSSELDORF l Gm / BRD

Dr Andreas GROTE Inatitut fürMuaeumskunde In der RaIde l D-IOOO BERLIN 33 Gm / BRD


Mrs Eva Seib GIERSBERG Am Leonhardabrunn 8 D-FRANKFURT 90 G:FR / BRD

Dr Georg REINHARDT Stadtiache Galerie Albstadt Kirchaugrasser 11 D-7470 ALBSTADT (EBIGEN) G:FR / BRD

&8 \l'assilie. VON HINTEN Gregor Mendel Str 2 n-8708-GERBRUNN Gm / BRD

Mr Nana-Kon BONDZIE Ghana Museums and Monuments P.O. Box 3343 ACCRA Ghana

Prof Geoffrey LEWIS University of Leicester Dept of Museum Studies 105, Princess Raad East LEICESTER LEI 7LG Great Britain

M S PAPADOPOULOS Directeur du Musée Ethnographique et Ethnologique de Macedonia 68, Avenue Vaas. OlgasTHESSALONIQUE, Grèce

Mme Elisa POLYCHRONIADIS 17. R. Aslanoglou Paléo Psychico ATHtNES Grèce

Mme Ruth Celada LOPEZ Museo Universitario de San Carlos As. Alon 107 GUATF..MALA Guatemala

Mr Moh. Amin SUTAARGA Museums Dept of Education and Culture JAKARTA Indonesia

Dott Sara CIRUZI Museo Na.zionale di Antropologia Via. deI Proconsolo 12 1-50122 FIRENZE Italy

Mme Maria Grazia LUNGAROTTI MARCHETTI 11useo deI Vino Torgiano 1-06100 PERUGIA Italy 38

M Walter PERSEGATI Seeretary Monumenti Musei e Gallerie Pontifiee Direzione Generale 00120 CITTA DEL VATICANO Italy

MM enotti MAZZINI Museo di Geologia e Paleontologia 1-50121 FIRENZE Italy

Dr Katsutoshi ONO ) 626 Honyakushi - cha

Nara-ski NARA 630 Japan


Prof Soiehiro TSURUTA Hosei University Faeulty of letters 2-17-1 Fujimi Chijoda Ku TOKYO 102 Japan

Mr NAN YOUNG LEE National Museum of Korca SEOUL Korea

Dr N G M Kman LAWIRE Museums of Malawi P.O. Box 30380 BLANTYRE 3 Malawi

Mr W C SALIMA Minietry of local government P.O. Box 30312 LILONGWE 3 Malawi

M Sylla ABDON1AYE Musée National du Mali B. P. n· 159 BAMAKO Mali

Prof Mario VASQUEZ Rio Ebro 68 Apto 7 MEXICO 5 D.F

Mme Sofia BUZALI Museo de Arte Moderno Reforma y Gandhi MEXICO 5 D.F

Mme Maria Elena CHRISfENSEN Museo de Arte Moderno Reforma y Gandhi MEXICO 5 D.F

Prof Salvador Toussaint HAZA Museo de Arte Moderno Reforma y Gandhi MEXICO 5 D.F

Prof Alexandro Rojas GARCIA Mirazul 83 C CHAUTITLAN IZCAL EDO de ~lEXICO

Mme Teresa MARISCAL Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes MEXICO D.F

Mme Sandu CORINA Eseuela Restauracion MEXICO Churubuseo

Mme Denise BRUJIS Temistorles 21 Appt 4 Polanco MEXICO 5 D.F


M Venegos HAYDEE Museo de Arte de Ponce PONCE PR 00731 Mexico

M Eugenio SISTO V Museo Franz Mayer Rio Magdalena 108 MEXICO ZO D.F,

M Felipe LACOUTURE Museo Nacional de Historia DU6gacion M Hidalgo CIP 11580 MEXICO D.F


M Philippe ROY Mus6e Oc6anographique MONTE CARLO 9800 Monaco

Kr Bernard ASSELBERGS Reinwardt Academie Rogere Bersepsopleiding Museum medewerkeru Oude Vest 35 LEIDEN Netherlands)

Dr Guiliam DUSEE Reinwardt Aoademie V.D. Brandelerkade 24 A 2313 G.W. LEIDEN Netherlands ,

Kr Peter VAN DER HEYDEN Rijksmuseum Postbus 506n 1007 DD AMSTERDAM Netherlands

Mr Ekoy 0 EYO Department of Antiquities Nigerian Museum LAGOS Nigeria

Mr Otu Ekja Okon EKPA Cultural centre Museum and Arts Gallery PMB II58 CALABAR Nigeria

Kr Muhammad Istihag KAKN

M Jos6 UGARTE Associacion Peruana de Museo,s CAMANA 459 LIMA l Peru

Dr Ludwik PRZYMUSINSKI Ul Jazielly 1M3 76200 SLUPSK Poland

Dr Bohdan RYMASZEWSKI Directeur du Departement des Mus6es Minist~re de la Culture Krakowskie Przedmiescie 15-17 00-071 WARSZAWA Poland

Kr }'lorindo da Silva GONCALVES Instituto joe6 de Figueredo Rua des Janelas Verdes LISBOA 2 Portugal

Mme Maria Teresa Gomee FERREIRA Directora Museum CalQlBte Gulbenkian Avenida de Berna 45 A LISBOA, Portugal

Mme Manuela Mda ~IOTA

Museum Calouste Gulbenkian Avenida de Berna 45 A 1093 LISBOA Portugal



·M Ousmane HUCHARD SOW H.L.M. Di~ge B 321 Appt 23 Gueule Tap6e DAKAR Senegal

Mme Rosario CARRILLO Estella Polar 6, 70 C MADRID 30 Spain

Mme Carmen G VIEJO ALVAREZ Calle Juan Ramon Jimenez 2 MADRID 16 Spain

Kr Sune ZACHRISSON Nordiska Museet Djurgârden S-II5 21 STOCKHOLM Sweden

Dr Vinos Sofka Museum of National Antiquities P.O. Box 5405 S-II4 84 STOCKHOLM Sweden

Krs Chira CHONGKOL Department of Fine Arts Ministry of Education NaphraDhat Rd BANGKOK Thailand

Mrs Alice CORNEWELL 330, N Royal street ALEXANDRIA Va 2231~


Mr Paul N PERROT Smithsonian Institution A & l 2467 WASHINGTON De 20560 USA

Mrs Ellen HORN Arizona state museum University of Arizona TUCSON, Arizona 85721 USA

Mr Surovik Bohnert MARGO Amasaz Heritage Center Mesa Verde National Park Box 13 MESA VERDE,. CO 81330 USA

Mra Judith K SPIELDAUER Department of Sociology and Anthropology Miami University OXFORD, Ohio 45056 USA

Mra Maria PAPAGEORGE American Association of Museums 1055 Thomas Jefferson St N.W. WASHINGTON DG 20007 USA

Mr Malcolm ART Chairman of Education American Museum of National History 79th and Central Park NEW YORK, NY 10024 USA

Mrs Arminta NEAL Assistant-Director Exhibits and Planning Denver Museum of National History City Park DENVER, Colorado 80205 USA

Prof Flora S KAPLAN New York University 19 University Place Room 308 NEW YORK, NY 10003 USA

Mra Joanne LANDRY 319 Roaemont LA JaLLA, California 92037 USA

Mme Irina ANTONOVA Mus6e de Beaux-Arta Pouchkine Volkhonka 12 MOSKVA USSR

M Fiodor KROTOF Mus6e central de la.R6volution de l'URSS MOSKVA USSR

Dr A M RAZGON Mus6e Historique d'Etat Krasnaja Plo~cad 1/2 MOSKVA USSR


Prof Vitali SOUSLOV Musée d'Etat de l'Ermitage LENINGRAD


Mme M VERTOGRADOVA Chef-adjoint Section des Monuments des Mus6es d'Art Minist~re de la Culture de l'URSS MOSKVAUSSR .. M Arq. Marcos MILIANI Museo de Bellas Artes Parque los Caoboe CARACAS Venezuela

1'1 Arturo MILLION Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Francisco Narvaez Isla de Marganta POZLAMAR Venezuela

Mme Lucila ANZOLA Galeria de Arte Nacional CARACAS Venezuela

1'1 Acoata CRUZ Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Francisco Narvaez Isla de Marganta PORLAMAN, Venezuela

M Unija RONDON T Escela des Artes Universitad central de Venezuela CARACAS Venezuela

Mr Duean KOJOVIC Musej Revolucije Vofvoele Putmika 9 SARAJEVO Yugoslavia

l'Ir Izet RIZVAN BEGOVIC Zemaljsuci Musej Vofvoele Pumika 7 SARAJEVO Yugoalavia

Dr Tomielav ~OLA

Muzejski dokumentacioni centar Meenicka ulica boj 5 41000 ZAGREB Yugoslavia

Mrs Katarina AMBROZIC Njegoseva .,. 28a BEOGRAD Yugoslavia

Prof G Ellis BURCAW University Museum University of Idaho MOSCOW , Idaho 83843 USA

M. Rafael CASTRO Galeria de Arte Nacional CARACAS ,Venezuela



!'Ir Ivan DRAEV Vice-Directeur Musée national d'histoire Rakovsky 92 SOFIA llulgaria

!'Ir Martin MIHOV Maitre de conférences Rédacteur en chef de la revue Musées &Monuments:de la culture Alabin 33 B, POB 548 SOFIA llulgaria

Alberta Culture Historical Resources, The Library Historical Resources Division 12845 102nd Avenue EDMONTON, Alberta T5N OM6 Canada


!'Ir David L NEWLANDS Lecturer-Coordinator Museology Programme University of Toronto TORONTO, Ontario M5S 1A1 Canada

!'Ir R Lynn OGDEN Assistant Deputy Minister Cultural Affairs &Historical Resources 177 Lombard Avenue WINNlPE3, Man Canada

!'Ir Jan KOCK, Museumsinspektor Aalborg Historiske Museum Algade 48

. Postbox 805 DK-9100 AALBORG Denmark

!'Ir Matias Aho Vatsela SF-21210 RAISIO As Finland

!'Ir Emmanuel EBONG 125 Bd· Montparnasse F-75006 PARIS France

Dr Sachin ROY E-8.F.D.D.A. Flats Munirka NEW DELHI 110067 India

Ms Daniella LUJŒMBURG Curator Museum Beth-Hatefusoth Ramat-Aviv TEL AVIV Israel

Han-Dok Medico-Pharma Musewn Attn Kim Quae-Jung 344 Sang Bong Dong Dong Dae ~Iun-Ku


!'Ir Cornelis BOSCHMA, Director Fries Museum Turfmarkt 24 LEEUWARDEN Netherlands

Dr T L R WILSON, Director Robert McDougall Art Gallery PO Box 237 CHRISTCHURCH New Zealand

Dr Manuel Coelho Bapt.de LIMA Directeur Museu regional de angra do heroismo Angra do heroismo ACORES Portugal

Mme Maria Ligia Correia dos Reis Bapt. de LIMA Rua da Boa Nova 7 Angra do heroiemo, Terceira ACORES Portugal

Miss Elaine PAINTIN Education Officer British Library Great Russel Street LONDoN WC1B 3DGGreat Britain

Mr Mikhail TSHUKANOV Directeur Musées du Kremlin Kremlin MOSCOU USSR



to ICOFOM's Executive Board Dr V 8ofka, Interim Chairman 8tatene hietoriska museum Box 5405 8-114 84 STOCKHOLM

concerning "nue for lCOFOM's annual meetings in 1984 and 1985

l euggest that the ICOFOM meeting

in 1984 shall be held in country



in 1985 shall be held in country

______________ city )


l have reoeived preliminaryjdefinite assurance from ."" 1 . D, institution, . D' etat.e bodies __-'- _

ci: ICOH National Committee of

that lCOFOM can be invited. with guarantee for the arrangement of the meeting.

Conditions: the hoat oountry is responaib1e for _


ICOFO!'! is responsib1e for



Institution __


______________ DatePlace 198" -~-------





to ICOFOM's Executive Board Dr V Sofka, Interim Chairman statens hiBtoriska museum Box 5405 S-114 84 STOCKHOLM

concerning the elections of ICOFOM bodies in 1983

l BuggeBt the following persons as candidates: •Chairman


Vice-chairmen (3)

Executive Board (8)

Programme Working Group (5)



_ Publication Working Group (5)



Cooperation Working Group (5) Chairman _


l Buggest the following changes in the internaI organization of ICOFOM:





Place Date _____ 1983



to ICOFOM's Executive Board Dr V Sofka, Interim Chairman Statens historiska museum Box 5405 S-114 84 STOCKHOLM

concerning participation in the Sixth meeting of ICOFOM in London 1983 on the occaeion of ICOM 83

________________________ nameMr, Mrs, Miss

________________________ occupational title

________________________ institution, museum etc.

) address ---------------------- (home or work)


l want to participate in the Sixth meeting of ICOFOM in London aB

,'01 member of IeOFO~1

01 observer and member of IeOH International/National Committee for/of _

l vant to talce active part l want to present

in the symposium "Museum o symposium papers·0: territory -'society"

in the colloquium "Methodology o colloquium papere of muaeology and training of personnel"

in the General Meeting of other materials/proposalsDi o . ' ICOFOM

l vant to receive the documents of the meeting àt my address

o in English o in French

l want to talce active part Other statements: in ICOFOM's work in

0; the Programme Working Group

DI the Cooperation Working Group

Di the Publication Working Group

t:J other activities



