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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1 Music only. Course # - ID-2018-24 1
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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Music only.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

This webcast includes spoken narration.

To adjust the volume, use the controls at the bottom of the screen. While viewing this webcast, there is a pause and reverse button that can be used throughout the presentation.

The written version of the narration appears to the right of the screen.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Certificates of Achievement will be available to staff needing documentation for General Orientation or Professional Development training requirements after completing all course activities.

Please view and then save or print your certificate in order to receive credit for this course.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Hello, my name is Frank Schweigert from The Columbus Organization. This is the first webcast in a course of six webcasts developed on the topic of Person‐Centered Practices for all newly hired service provider staff including managers, supervisors, Direct Support Professionals, Supports Coordinators, buildings and ground staff and administrative support staff.

This training content is offered by the Office of Developmental Programs to meet the General Orientation training requirements specific to the topic areas identified in the 55 PA Code 6100 Regulations.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

This is Matt. Matt is 23 years old and currently lives with his family. Matt is full of energy, very friendly and likes to be busy and to help others. Like many other people in Pennsylvania that have a developmental disability, he receives services and supports through an agency like yours that is in his community. Many of the services are funded through programs managed by the Office of Developmental Programs or ODP.

Depending on the particular responsibilities of your job, you could be called upon to directly support someone like Matt or somebody else with a developmental disability. Or maybe in your job you aren’t providing direct supports, but you might meet the person at the entrance to your building in the morning, or in the hallway or on a break. Maybe they hold the door open for you or you hold the door open for them. Maybe you discover that you share a similar interest, an appreciation for corny jokes, or maybe it’s just looking forward to exchanging a smile or quick hello.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

In this first webcast, we will explain the importance of being person‐centered, of getting to know the person, and balancing the things that give life meaning and keep us healthy and safe.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

A term you will hear throughout this webcast series, in other trainings and likely at your job is “person‐centered.” But what does that actually mean?

Being person‐centered is about seeing the person as an individual and considering their desires, their interests and their values. It’s about honoring and supporting their relationships with family, their friends. and their lifestyles. It's about understanding that the people we support have relationships that bring them joy and bring them pain, have hopes and dreams about the things they want to do and are passionate about, just like me and you.

Being person‐centered considers this from the person’s point of view and involves them in the decision making wherever possible. It’s about respecting who the person is and guiding the supports and services based on all that we know and learn about the person.

The statement “nothing about me, without me,” is used by many self‐advocacy organizations to summarize the intent of being person‐centered. It is meant to remind all of us that during meetings, activities, and in our day to day work, that we include and support the person with a disability in making the decisions, choosing the activities, and developing the relationships with others that help them to achieve their personal desires and dreams.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

The concept of being person‐centered is evident within ODP’s Mission and Vision statements.

The ODP Mission is to support Pennsylvanians with developmental disabilities to achieve greater independence, choice and opportunity in their lives.

The ODP Vision is to continuously improve an effective system of accessible services and supports that are flexible, innovative and person‐centered.

Being person‐centered is also reinforced in the ODP publication Everyday Lives: Values in Action. This document was published by ODP in 2016 after two years of gathering input and recommendations from a wide variety of stakeholders, including individuals with developmental disabilities and conducting research on best practices. We’ll talk a little more about that document in a few moments.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

First, let’s think about you for a few minutes ‐ who you are and what you would want others to know about you.

What are the special qualities about you that those who know and care about you would know and understand? How would you want them to introduce you for the first time to a friend or neighbor?

Take a moment to type in your thoughts on the screen. When you are ready, click the submit button to continue.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Maybe your answers included something about your sense of humor? Your love of singing or music? That you are dependable? Maybe your answer had to do with a sport or activity that you are particularly good at and enjoy doing?

It’s less likely that your answers identified things about you that maybe you’re not so proud of or would rather share only with your closest friends or family. Maybe that you have a medical condition, have poor math skills, are forgetful or a lousy cook.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

It’s natural for us to want to be known for the things we are good at, for the things that other people like and admire about us. We all have things that we’re not so good at or that are not as admirable, but we don’t want to be known by those things. We want to be known for our positive characteristics, the things that our families and friends appreciate about us, the things that can make others want to get to know us despite any shortcomings we have.

This is true for everyone. It is true for people with or without a disability. Being person‐centered is about recognizing and focusing on the positive characteristics of a person instead of the things that may not be as positive.

Think back to my introduction of Matt at the beginning of this webcast. I introduced him to you by describing things about him that his friends and family appreciate. You first learned that he is someone who is full of energy, friendly, likes to be busy and likes to help others. Matt, like everyone, has some challenges in his life and may need support for some of them, but those challenges are not all that he is and not how he (or you) would want to be introduced to others.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Back to you for a minute.

What are the things that you value in your life and would need to have in order to feel happy, content and satisfied?

Take a moment to type in your thoughts on the screen. When you are ready, click the submit button to continue.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

This same question was asked of people with developmental disabilities and is reflected in these value statements in the Everyday Lives: Values in Action publication and are the things we all value.

As I review each of the values that were identified, think about what you wrote down and where these fit in your life.

Captured in Everyday Lives: Values in Action is: *Being Connected to, welcomed, accepted and treated with respect within my community. *Having Responsibilities upon which others depend and commitments which I can honor. *Being listened to and understood in a way that my Communication is valued and respected by others. *Being supported to Succeed in the things that interest me. *Having opportunities to become or remain Employed, in a real job that I like or finding ways that I can Contribute to my community that are meaningful to both me and my community. *Being appreciated and valued as the unique Individual I am and want to become. *Being respected for the Relationships I choose and supported to develop new relationships. *Having people that Partner with me, honoring my choices and work with me to build bridges.

Everyday Lives: Values in Action also identifies the values of: *Having a level of Stability in my life where changes happen with my input and permission. *Being Healthy, Safe and supported to weigh the risks in life, balancing my wants and needs. *Having services that are high Quality and that help me to live my life in the way I choose. *And being my own best Advocate and having my expressed wants and needs listened to and understood by others.

Being person‐centered recognizes these values and that the people we support and their families want a life that is really no different than the life you, I or anyone else would expect or demand.

A copy of the Everyday Lives: Values in Action booklet is available where you accessed this webcast to learn more about what is important to people and how the service system is responding.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Now think about a day recently where you could say, “That was a good day.” Maybe it wasn’t a perfect day, there were some things that happened that may not have been as positive, but you can look back and say, “Overall, this was a good day.”

What happened to make it a good day? * Who were the people that you spent time with that helped to make it a good day? * What were the activities that you got to do that made that day a good day? * What foods were you able to enjoy (or avoid)? * What were the unpleasant things that you were able to skip?

Take a moment to type in your thoughts on the screen. When you are ready, click the submit button to continue.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Were there specific people during that day that said something or did something that helped to make it a good day for you?

Take a moment to type in the names of those people and what they did or said. When you are ready, click the submit button to continue.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

When we have a good day it is usually because one or more of the things that we value supports choice and decision making, and gives us a sense of satisfaction, enjoyment or meaning were a part of that day. These things are important to us and because they are important to us, having one or more of these things in our day, even when not everything in your day goes right, helps us to have a better day.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

But if one or more of those same things is absent, a seemingly normal day can become a bad one.

For example: For many people having coffee in the morning is part of their daily routine. Maybe it’s making the coffee at home or maybe it’s from a favorite convenience store on the way to work. Maybe it’s doing both! Having that coffee in the morning is something that many people enjoy, and it is important to them.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Imagine for a moment, that you are one of those coffee‐loving people. Now imagine that you did not get your coffee this morning before going to work. Maybe you woke up late, or you ran out of coffee and did not get to the store to buy more. How might that affect your day?

*For some people, not being able to get that morning coffee, might be just a bump in the road.

*For others, missing out on the morning coffee is going to make them a bit grumpier but by lunch time, if everything else is pretty normal, they’re over it.

*But we all probably know at least one person for whom even if everything else that day goes perfectly, the only thing they remember about the day is that they didn’t get that morning coffee.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

For some of us, having that morning cup of coffee is part of our daily routine. Having a cup of coffee is your way to ease into the day as you watch the news, spend a few minutes reading or just enjoying the quiet before going to work.

Or maybe you prefer getting your coffee at the local convenience store on your way to work. It’s quick and it’s predictable. Maybe they use a special blend of coffee that you particularly like. Maybe it’s not really about the coffee itself, but a chance to see a friend who is always there or the greeting you get from the person at the counter. And maybe, it’s the caffeine.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Whatever your routine is, having that cup of coffee each morning in the way that you prefer is important. The presence or absence of the things that are important to us, that we value, can impact us in many ways. But an everyday life is not just about having the things we value.

Sometimes it may take some digging or exploring to know the things about people but it’s in our jobs, it’s an essential part of supporting people. If you support someone now and you can’t quickly name the things you like and admire about him or her or identify the things, activities, or people that he or she likes or loves ‐make it your business to learn this over the next couple of weeks.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

To really enjoy life and to be able to continue to enjoy the things that are important to us, we also need to consider the things that will keep us healthy and safe. Think about that for a moment.

Think of a time when you were sick. Maybe you had the flu, or maybe a medication you take was causing some side effects.

Was there a time in your life where maybe you didn’t feel safe? Maybe your car broke down late at night or maybe you were lost?

Imagine for a moment that you are in a place where you don’t feel particularly safe or you are feeling ill. Would you really be interested in meeting new people then? Would you enjoy trying a new food? Would you be focused on enjoying the ball game or a concert?

Probably not. When we are concerned about our health and safety, the things we enjoy and give us satisfaction can take a back seat. Being healthy and feeling safe allows us to focus on and enjoy the people and things that are important to us and we tend to be more willing to try new things.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

The challenge we all face is trying to maintain a balance between the things that give us satisfaction and the things that keep us healthy and safe. If you focus only on doing the things you enjoy or having the things that give you meaning (without giving any thought to your health and safety) at some point your health may suffer. If you focus so much on your health and safety that you don’t get to do the things you enjoy, you will be miserable.

Finding that balance is difficult. Maintaining that balance is challenging. We all need and benefit from the opportunities and support to find and maintain the balance in our life.

Sometimes you can focus more of your attention on the things that are important to you, but sometimes, like when you get the flu, your attention needs to focus more on feeling better now so you can really enjoy the things that are important to you later.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

We all need some help finding a way to maintain that balance at times. A large part of supporting others in a person‐centered way is understanding the things that the person values and gives meaning to their life as well as those things that can help them to stay healthy and safe.

Finding and maintaining that balance is not always easy. You may need help from your friends, your family, the people you work with and the other people you know and who know you. They can help you to discover ways to maintain that balance in your life. When you are faced with a particular life challenge and your life gets out of balance, these relationships can be a vital support to helping you to get things back into balance.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

To continue, take a moment to type in your thoughts to this question.

Besides your family, who are the most important people in your life?

When you are ready, click the submit button to continue.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

In addition to the people you listed on the last slide, think again about the things that you value, enjoy and give meaning to your life. Think about your list of what makes a good day for you and the list of people that help you to have a good day.

Friendships and relationships are important to all of us. Maybe you included one or more friends or family members. Maybe who you would include depends on the activity. Maybe you included a specific spiritual or social group. Maybe you included specific events or activities in your community. For many of us, we enjoy the things we value more and they give us more meaning when we can share them with others.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Again, take a moment to type in your thoughts to the following question.

What are some of the places or activities that you participate in where you feel welcomed, where your presence is valued and where people would miss you if you were not there?

When you are ready, click the submit button to continue to the next screen.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

The value of relationships cannot be overstated. Being known by others, appreciated for our gifts and talents, being a part of our community and being able to benefit from and contribute to these relationships gives a sense of belonging, of being needed, and knowing we are missed when we are not there.

Relationships also help to keep us safe. When people know you, know what is important to you, understand the things you need to keep healthy and safe and value you for what you offer, you are safer. The relationships you have with your friends, your family and in the community help you to maintain the necessary balance in your life because they know and care about you.

Being person‐centered combines recognizing the importance of balancing the things that are important to us and the things that keep us healthy and safe with the value of belonging, being needed or missed, and relationships. As you continue to learn more about the people around you, being person‐centered also includes the words you use to communicate to others about people with developmental disabilities.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Being person‐centered is not just a way of thinking or acting. Being person‐centered affects the way we talk with and about people with developmental disabilities.

Regardless of your role or job responsibilities, the language that you use when talking to others can have a significant impact on how someone may view people with developmental disabilities who are supported by you or your agency and represents how you think about the people your agency supports.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Think of it this way…Imagine for a moment that you are out with a friend and you are about to meet someone new. Your friend may know this person but you know nothing about them and they know nothing about you.

Your friend introduces you by saying, “This is Frank. Frank is overweight.”

Or maybe your friend says, “This is Frank. He is diabetic.”

Or maybe worse yet, “This is my diabetic friend, Frank.”

In each example, whether it’s the diabetes or being overweight, the way this is worded leaves the person I am being introduced to with the impression that my being overweight or having diabetes is all that I am. It defines me as a person; anything else about me is not as important.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

In Pennsylvania and across the country, there is a focus on using People First Language (or Person First Language). People First Language is not just about putting the person’s name first, it’s also about changing how we think about the person by the words we choose. The message is that the diagnosis or condition is not all there is to know about me.

The message changes from Frank IS diabetic, to Frank HAS diabetes.

Using People First Language says that the person with a disability is more like people without disabilities than different. Using People First Language is a person‐centered approach to talking about and thinking about people with developmental disabilities.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Here’s another example – we could say “Mary is non‐ambulatory. Or “Mary is wheelchair bound.” Our perception of Mary from these statements can send the message that Mary is limited in her abilities because of the wheelchair. When we say “Mary uses a wheelchair to get around”, Mary is not defined by her wheelchair, it may be a part of her life but it leaves the door open to other things that actually makes Mary someone you may want to get to know better.

If you would like more information on People First Language, the Disability is Natural website has a variety of resources and information. A link to this website is included on this slide and in the course where you accessed this webcast.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Being person‐centered is about seeing the person as an individual and not defining them by their disability. Being person‐centered is about appreciating the person for who they are, acknowledging their strengths, their interests, and their abilities. Being person‐centered is about supporting people to navigate the challenges life brings in ways that also support the things that give value and meaning to life and promote positive relationships, safety and health.

If you are a new staff person, you may not be familiar with most or all of the people who are being supported by your agency. If your job is to provide support in the person’s home or at work, it will take time to get to know the person and really understand them. If your job is working in the office or maybe helping to maintain the buildings or grounds, you may not have a lot of opportunity to learn much more about the people your agency supports other than maybe a few first names.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

With that in mind, let’s take a moment to think about how you can be person‐centered if you know very little or nothing about the person.

At the beginning of this webcast I introduced you to Matt and told you that he is 23 years old and currently lives with his family. You have heard that Matt is full of energy, very friendly and likes to be busy and to help others, but this is all you know about Matt right now.

Imagine for a minute that Matt enters the area where you are working and just stands there quietly watching you. What do you do? What do you say?

Maybe you’ll give him a nod and say hello. Maybe you’ll ask him if he needs help with something. Either of these choices are a good start. You have recognized him as a person who should be greeted, or may need help with something.

When you greet Matt, he doesn’t immediately return the greeting but he continues to watch what you are doing. You repeat the greeting and this time he holds up his iPad and touches an icon on the screen. You hear a voice that says, “I want to get a job.” You realize at that moment that maybe Matt doesn’t use words to communicate. You just learned two things about Matt! He communicates with his iPad and he wants a job!

Now what?

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

Depending on the situation, maybe you’ll ask him if he wants to help you with the task you are doing.

Maybe you’ll ask him if he is supposed to be working somewhere now.

Maybe you’ll ask him what kind of job he is interested in.

For the moment let’s say you asked him about the kind of jobs he likes to do. Matt touches his iPad again and this time it says, “I like to help people.” And you respond by saying, “That’s great. I like to help people too.”

At this point another staff enters the room. “There you are Matt! It’s time to go to back work,” and Matt turns around to leave, but waves to you first and you wave back.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

In the few minutes you spent with Matt, the simple interactions you had with him recognized and demonstrated the value and contribution each person has to offer. You treated him the same as you would have treated anyone else that may have entered the room where you were working.

This is what being person‐centered is all about. We all need the support of others at some time. Some of us may need more support, some less. Sometimes we may only need support for a particular task, while at other times we may need more support or supported in a number of areas.

When you act in ways that are person‐centered, you demonstrate how you value the person’s abilities, their skills and their potential and provide the support needed in a way that the person prefers. It’s a positive reflection on you, on your agency, and most importantly is a positive reflection of the value and potential of that person as a member of your community and his community.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

As someone who will have opportunities at work or in the community to interact with and maybe support people like Matt who have developmental disabilities, being person‐centered IS an important part of your job.

Regardless of your role or job responsibilities, how you respond to, interact with and treat the people supported by your agency is seen and experienced by the person, by your co‐workers and by the people in the community.

Will you recognize people for their abilities? Will you recognize them for their skills and talents? Will your attitude demonstrate the value of recognizing the knowledge and potential of every person?

What will your story be?

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

This concludes the first webcast on Orientation for ODP Service Providers: Person‐Centered Practices. Please be sure to watch all six webcasts and complete all the course requirements in order to obtain your Certificate of Achievement and training credit.

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Orientation for ODP Service Providers Person-Centered Practices: Webcast #1

This webcast has been developed and produced by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs in partnership with The Columbus Organization.

Thank you for participating in this lesson.

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