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Music used as Propaganda in World War 1 .

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Music used as Propaganda in World War 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkTvb4 7OCsM

Music used as Propaganda in World War 1


Flanders Field Poppies

Hegel’s Dialectic

Thesis (Obama’s politics)

> New Thesis ( Deadlock)

Antithesis (Tea Party politics)

Marxist Dialectic



Middle Class >Classless State


The Confident 19th C

The fact that there has been no major war for a century and that we see continued progress in all walks of life provides

evidence that we (19th C citizens) wisely control our destiny.

Destabilizing Factors

• France Bent on Revenge

• Nationalism

• Imperialism

• Growth of Alliance System

• Militarism

Building A Fire – in a pot belly stove

• Destabilizing Factors

Pre WWl Destabilizing Factors

• France Bent on Revenge• Franco-Prussian War

• Loss of Alsace and Lorraine

Vallotton En Famille - split-Dreyfus affair.mht

Pre WWl Destabilizing Factors

• Nationalism -The Romantic Movement

-French Revolution


Barack Obama 1/28/11 speaking about the Egyptian situation

I want to be very clear in calling on the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protesters. The people of Egypt have rights that are universal.

Mr. Morsi on Egyptian standards

If you want to judge the performance of the Egyptian people by the standards of German or Chinese , or

American culture, then there is no room for judgment… When the Egyptians decide something, probably it is not

appropriate for the US. When the Americans decide something, this, of course, is not appropriate for Egypt.

New York Times, Sept 23, 2012

Eugene Delacroix – “Liberty Leading the People”


Delacroix - Massacre At Chios

Jl Talmon on Greeks:

Europe knew next to nothing about contemporary Greece; did not know that centuries of Byzantine Christianity, Turkish despotism and isolation from Europe had succeeded in stifling the last vestiges of Classical civilization and that the modern Greeks were priest-ridden, quarrelsome nation of small shopkeepers who had long forgotten Sophocles and Phidias, chivalry and civic virtue.

Romanticism and Revolt, p110.

Casper David Friederich-”Morning”

Carl Nielsen “The Inextinguishable”(1914-1916):

“National feeling, that until now, was distinguished as something lofty and beautiful, has become spiritual syphilis …and it grins hideously through empty eye-sockets with dreadful hatred,”

KCPA program notes for St Louis Symphony, 9/14/14

Pre WWl Destabilizing Factors

• Imperialism• Political

• Economic

• Social Darwinism

• Great Power Status

Africa 1870


London Daily Mail- excerpts May 1909

Germany is deliberately preparing to destroy the British Empire.

All of Europe is to be Teutonised. We are all to be drilled and schooled and uniformed and taxed by Prussian officials, and the Emperor William II is to rule us with a rod of iron.

Britain alone stands in the way of Germany’s realization of world-power and domination.

Pre WWl Destabilizing Factors

• Growth of Alliance System• Triple Alliance

• Non-renewal of Reinsurance Treaty

• Triple Entente

Triple Alliance:

Germany – Austrian Empire – Italy (?)

Triple Entente:

Britain (including Empire) – France -- Russia

Pre WWl Destabilizing Factors

• Militarism• Growth of Armaments

• War unavoidable?

• Role of Military in State

Total Industrial Position, Britain=100 in 1900

1880 1900 1913Austria-Hungary 14 25.6 40.7Britain 73.3 100 127.2France 25.1 36.8 57.3Germany 27.4 71.2 137.7Italy 8.1 13.6 22.5Russia 24.5 47.5 76.6Japan 7.6 13 25.1United States 46.9 127.8 298.1

Kennedy, Paul, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, (Vintage Books Edition), p 201.

Defense expenditures – Great Powers (Millions of Pounds)

Britain France Russia Triple Germany Austria Italy TripleEntente Alliance

1894 33.4 37.6 85.8 156.8 36.2 9.6 14 59.8

1913 72.5 72.0 101.7 246.2 93.4 25 39.6 158.0

Military Manpower in 1914 – (Millions)

Peacetime WartimeTriple Entente 3.5 5.7 (Includes Serbia & Belgium)

Triple Alliance (Ger & A-H) 1.2 3.5

Ferguson, The Pity of War, pp 92, 106

Erich von Falkenhayn, German General, architect of German strategy at Battle of Verdun speaking

during the Russo- Japanese War

… we must have a struggle for life with all its horrors, but also with all its glorious developments, if everything here is

not to grow weary and be smothered in lies and sluggishness. If only it is not already too late.”

Mulligan, p111

Conrad von Hotzendorf –Austrian Chief of Staff – 1918

Philanthropic religions, moral teachings and philosophical doctrines may certainly sometimes serve to weaken mankind’s struggle for existence in its crudest form , but they will never succeed in removing it as a driving motive in the world….It is in accordance with this great principle that the catastrophe of the world war came about inevitably and irresistibly as the result of the motive forces in the lives of states and peoples, like a thunderstorm which must by nature discharge itself.

Joll, The Origins of the First World War, 3rd ed, 2007

Emile Zola – radical French novelist

Would not the end of war be the end of humanity? War is life itself. Nothing exists in nature, is born, grows or multiplies except by combat. We must eat and be eaten so that the world may live. It is only warlike nations which have prospered : a nation dies as soon as it disarms. War is the school of discipline, sacrifice and courage.

Comments on Hague Conferences:

Kaiser Wilhelm, “I’ll go along with the conference comedy but I’ll keep my dagger at my side during the waltz….I agree to the stupid idea so that [the tsar] doesn’t look a fool in front of Europe! But I will in practice in [the] future only rely on and trust God and my sharp sword.”

Izvolsky (tsar,s ambassador): whole idea inspired by “… by Socialists, Jews and hysterical old maids…”

Joll and Martel, The Origins of the First World War, p 259.

Baron von Holstein, senior official in Foreign Ministry

If the Chief of the General Staff, and particularly a strategic authority like Schlieffen, thought such a measure to be necessary, then it would be the duty of diplomacy to adjust itself to it and to prepare for it in every possible way.

Remak Origins of World War I, p128

Kaiser Wilhelm ll (Dec, 1912)

Austria had to act vigorously against the foreign Slavs (Serbs), because she would otherwise lose her power over the Serbs in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. If Russia were to support the Serbs {Russian declaration: she would immediately invade Galicia, if Austria were to invade Serbia}, war would be inevitable for us…The Fleet, of course would have to face the war against Britain.

Geiss, p 42

Paul Leroy-Beaulieu – influential French journalist“Colonization Among Learned People”, 1885

Colonization is for France a question of and death. Will France be a great African power, or will it become a second-rate European power counting , in one or two centuries, as little in the world as Greece or Romania count in Europe. We envision for our country the highest destiny : France, having become an established colonial nation, will again have open before it high hopes and big perspectives.

Why Do Soldiers Fight?

British sentry

“Shoot him? Why, Lor’ bless you sir, ‘e’s never done me no harm.”

Duffy, “Through German Eyes”, p32.

Erich Marie Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front, pp 180-1, (1928)

“Mostly by one country badly offending another,” answers Albert with a slight air of superiority.Then Tjaden pretends to be obtuse. “A country? I don’t follow. A mountain in Germany cannot offend a mountain in France. Or a river , or a wood, or a field of wheat.”………………………………………………………………………………………..“True, but just you consider, almost all of us are simple folk. And in France, too, the majority pf men are labourers, workmen, or poor clerks. Now just why would a French blacksmith or a French shoemaker want to attack us? No, it is merely the rulers. I had never seen a Frenchman before I came here, and it will be just the same with the majority of Frenchmen as regards us. They weren’t asked about it any more than we were.” “Then what exactly is the war for?” asks Tjaden. Kat shrugs his shoulders. “There must be some people for whom the war is useful.”


Erich Marie Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front, pp180-1 (con)

“Who are they then? Persists Tjaden. “It isn’t any use to the Kaiser either. He has everything he can want already.” “I’m not so sure about that,” contradicts Kat, “he has not had a war up till now. And every full grown emperor requires at least one war, otherwise he would not become famous. You look in your school books.” “And generals too,” adds Detering, they become famous through war.” “ Even more famous than emperors,” adds Kat. “There are other people back behind there who profit by the war, that’s certain”, growls Detering.

Note: 1982 Ballantine Books edition

Moltke the Elder, May 14, 1890 to the Reichstag

The age of cabinet wars lies behind us. Now we only have people’s. Gentlemen, it could be the Seven Years War, it could be the Thirty Years War”- woe betide whoever plunges Europe into flames, whoever is the first to light the fuse to the powder keg.

British Lieutenant Dougan Chater

I think I have seen one of the most extraordinary sights today that

anyone has ever seen. About 10 o’clock this morning I was peeping

over the parapet when I saw a German, waving his arms, and presently two of them got out of their trenches and some came

towards ours.

Chater (con)

We were just going to fire on them when we saw they had no rifles and so one of our men went out to meet them and in about two minutes the ground

between the two lines of trenches was swarming with men and officers of both sides, shaking hands and wishing each

other a happy Christmas.

Gilbert, p118

David Hume, A Treatise On Human Nature, 1740

When our own nation is at war with any other, we detest them under the character of cruel, perfidious, unjust, and violent: But always esteem ourselves and allies equitable, moderate, and merciful. If the general of our enemies be successful, ‘tis with difficulty we allow him the figure and character of a man. He is a sorcerer: He has a communication with the daemons; as is reported of Oliver Cromwell, and the Duke of Luxembourg: He is bloody-minded, and takes a pleasure in death and destruction. But if the success be on our side, our commander has all the opposite good qualities, and is a pattern of virtue….His treachery we call policy: His cruelty is an evil inseparable from war….It is evident the same method of thinking runs thro’ common life.

Hedges, Chris, War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, 2002, p19

Capt Sean Ramiriz

The war’s over. Now is the rest of my life going to have to be turbulent for me to enjoy it? I think so.”

-list of planned post war activities includes: cliff diving, big game hunting, ice climbing, riding motocross, running withj the bulls

Wall Street Journal, Dec 1-2, 2012

Acceptance of War

• Euphoria?

• Opposition

• What Kind of War?

Sidney Lowe British publicist at the time of the First Hague Conference:

“A righteous and necessary war is no more brutal than a surgical operation. Better give the patient some pain , make your own fingers unpleasantly red , than allow the disease to grow on him until he becomes an offence to himself and the world, and dies in lingering agony.”

Kaiser Wilhelm ll –on First Hague Conference

• I’ll go along with the conference comedy but I’ll keep my dagger at my side during the waltz.

• I agree to the stupid idea so that [the Czar] doesn’t look like a fool in front of Europe.



Casper David Friederich –”Monk By the Sea”

Friedrich Fabri – German evangelical patriot

Admittedly, during the past century we have often been told, especially in Germany, about “the declining might of England “…. But that is petty bourgeois nonsense, as we look around the globe and assess the ever-increasing colonial possessions of Great Britain, the strength which it draws from them, the skills of its administration, and the dominant position which the Anglo-Saxon stock occupies in all overseas countries.……………………………………………………………………..If the new Germany wants to restore and preserve its traditional powerful position in the future, it will conceive of it as a cultural mission and no longer hesitate to practice its colonizing vocation.

German General Friedrich von Bernhardi

…War is a biological necessity of the first importance, a regulative element in the life of mankind which can be dispensed with, since without it an unhealthy development will follow, which excludes every advancement of the race and therefore all real civilization.

The struggle for existence is, in the life of Nature the basis of all healthy development.”

Anglo-German Relations

• British Noblesse Oblige

• “Weltpolitik” and Kaiser Wilhelm ll

• Naval Arms Race

• “Weltpolitik” and British Problems

• Did Germany Want War?

Kaiser Wilhelm ll

Max Weber – 1895 Freiburg University

We must understand that the unification of Germany was a youthful folly, which the nation committed in it’s declining days and which would have been better dispensed with because of it’s expense, if it should be the conclusion and not the starting point for a

German Weltmachpolitik.

Hans Delbruck – 1899

We want to be a World Power and pursue colonial policy in the grand manner. That is certain. Here there can be no step backward. The entire future of our people among the great nations depends on it. We can pursue this policy with England or without England. With England means in

peace; against England means-through war.

19th Century Novelist Theodore Fontane

You mention the speeches given by an exalted tongue, in which so much is said and even more is passed over in silence. I always lose my temper when I read them….He has a million soldiers and wants to have a million battleships too. He dreams …of humiliating England. Germany is to be on top, in each and every thing . I rather like all this – I won’t discuss right now whether it is clever or practical - and I would gladly follow him on his tightrope walk if only I could see the right sort of chalk under his feet and the proper balancing staff in his hands. But those are the things he does not have. What he wants, while it may not be impossible, is vastly dangerous, and his equipment is wrong and his means are insufficient.

Remak, The Origins of World War One,p72

19th Century Novelist Theodore Fontane

You mention the speeches given by an exalted tongue, in which so much is said and even more is passed over in silence. I always lose my temper when I read them….He has a million soldiers and wants to have a million battleships too. He dreams …of humiliating England. Germany is to be on top, in each and every thing . I rather like all this – I won’t discuss right now whether it is clever or practical - and I would gladly follow him on his tightrope walk if only I could see the right sort of chalk under his feet and the proper balancing staff in his hands. But those are the things he does not have. What he wants, while it may not be impossible, is vastly dangerous, and his equipment is wrong and his means are insufficient.

Remak, The Origins of World War One,p72

David Lloyd George -1911

If a situation were to be forced upon us in which peace could only be preserved by the surrender of the great and beneficent position Britain has won by centuries of heroism and advancement, by allowing Britain to be treated where her interests were vitally affected as though she were of no account in the Cabinet of nations, then I say emphatically that peace at that price would be a humiliation intolerable for a great country like ours to endure.

Queen Victoria to Wilhelm – 1896

My dear William, I feel I cannot refrain from expressing my deep regret at the telegram you sent President Kruger. It is considered very unfriendly toward this country, which I am sure it is not intended to be, and has, I grieve to say, made a very pointed impression here.

Popular British Song – 1909

There’ll be no wo’arAs long as there’s a king like good King EdwardFor ‘e ‘ates that sort of thing!Mothers needn’t worryAs long as we’ve a King like good King EdwardPeace with ‘OnnerIs his MotterSo God Sive the King

Tuchman, The Proud Tower, p 391

Posters, Music and Patriotism

