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Music video a2 project

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Music Video A2 Project
Page 1: Music video a2 project

Music Video A2 Project

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Introduction For our A2 media production we have chosen to create a

music video. We have chosen this particular form of media because we feel that we can relate to the target audience and enjoy this form of production as well.

As we both have a passion for music and the culture behind certain types of music it was natural that we would draw upon our own likes and preferences.

We needed to go to our audience to consider what they wanted and looked for within a music video and how they felt that genres could be best represented

It was from this type of research that we then moved forward in selecting genre, content and style.

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Audience Research We wanted to start off by analysing our audience and

understanding their likes and dislikes when it can to music. We handed out questionnaires that enquired to their tastes and

preferences. We ensured that we gave them out in equal amounts to a variety of age groups and social groups. This way we could guarantee that we would collect a more rounded, fair set of results that would reflect the thoughts and ideas on the entire audience.

From the results of these questions we could then put together an idea of what we were aiming to achieve for the audience. For example we found from this research that audiences much preferred to see a story unfolding the video as opposed to pure action.

We decided to then give out an additional questionnaire to only our target audience so we could focus on what they wanted in more depth.

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Focus Group Results We found from our focus group that our audiences had very specific ideas and

opinions on what they wanted fro this video and fro music videos in general. Our group helped us to look at how we represented characters and the genre in general.

We asked a number of questions that we felt would help us to understand their thoughts and opinions. We then took their ideas, thoughts and preferences to ensure that their wants were incorporated into our own work.

The results that we uncovered fro this type of research defiantly effected the production of our music video in terms of what we chose to include and how we chose to produce our video in a way that would please the target audience and relate to other real media productions with the music genre.

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Genre Analysis We have chosen a Rock/ Indie genre for our video. This is a

genre that we ourselves listen too and therefore feel that we understand and can relate better towards the target audience.

We brainstormed on the general conventions of this genre so that would could refresh ourselves with the type of contents we would need to include. These brain storms included other bands of the same genre, colours associated with the genre, lighting and styles.

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Lyric Analysis We chose the song ‘All I Wanted’ by ‘Paramore’ for our

music video. We chose this song because we felt that there was a clear story line within the lyric but also it had an edgy undertone to it that we felt would connect well with the audience.

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Our storyboards have really helped us throughout the course of our production. We have used them as not only a guideline on how to organise our storyline of the video but also has kept us on track in terms of variation in camera shots and angles. The small sketches and brief descriptions have kept us going off track but have also given us the power to have a overall view of the production and how envision it before it has been completed. This has allowed us to see what will work well and what needs to be altered.

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Lyric Analysis We decided to analysis the lyrics to gain a greater understanding of

what the song meant in a representational way as well as a literal way. Its from this information that we can to conclusions about what the song meant and how we could translate its meaning into our video.

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Styling for Music Video We had an idea of how we wanted our main character in the video

to appear. In other videos that we had analysed we found that they often wore dark ‘Alternative’ style of clothing. This was a theme that wished to stick with. We then choose on an costume list that would reflect not only the style of the genre and target audience but also the general tone and atmosphere of the song and video itself.

In our genre make it is a large part of the lifestyle. In all the videos, magazines and CD’s that we analysed all female and even some male artists wore heavy make up. The focus of make up seems to be around the eyes. We feel that especially in our film this is important to portray the emotions of the song.

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Locations For filming We wanted the entire video to be shot inside a house with a

young girl walking around wallowing in a depressive mood. We felt that the lack of other characters and other settings would demonstrate the claustrophobic and lonely elements of the story.

For the first verse and the last verse we wanted the video to be shot in a bedroom. We needed the bedroom needed to reflect the genre and immediately set the atmosphere for the song. The song talks of a separation of a couple, we therefore wanted the room to express a distressed and anxious tone. We chose a dark purple room with a large window in the background, but chose for the curtains to be closed for the duration of the scenes. This gave a murky, gloomy feel to the room that worked well with the action.

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Styling for Music VideoCostume Dark or faded shorts/ skirt Plain black t-shirt Bare feet/ tights Loose, oversized cardigan

Make up and Hair Heavy dark eye make up Pale foundation Hair down curly, messy

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Props and Equipment List We chose to use minimal props, but did include a lot into the background

helping to add to the mise-en-scene of the room. The props that we did use

had specific uses and meanings behind them though.

Props Vodka bottle- We chose to include alcohol into the video to highlight not

only that the girl in the video is drunk and using alcohol as an escape from the way she is feeling but also as a way of reflecting the relationship that adolescences now have with alcohol.

Teddy Bear- We felt that this prop would be a strong contrast to the vodka bottle. The bear represents the innocence of childhood. Teddies are often associated with relationships and in this way I think that the teddy also shows a more emotional and romantic side of the story.

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Production We filmed over a number of days using the same costume, setting and

actors. We chose to use locations as discussed before to reflect the general and stereotypical representation of teenage girls in our chosen genre.

We used indoor locations therefore weather conditions were not an issue for our production. I think however we did struggle the most with lighting in our video. We wanted to combine the idea of the lighting reflecting the mood and atmosphere of the song but also wanted to keep a natural daytime feel. We used natural day light through windows only obstructed by light curtains to give a slightly darker and edgy ambience. As the video progressed the lighting progressed alongside it. We wanted the lighting to become a lot more clinical and focused in the bathroom scene to show a change in not only location but her mental state and feelings.

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Evaluation In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms, conventions of real media products? How did you use New Media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and evaluation stages? What have you learned from your audience feedback? How have you used/followed the theories about audience in

your productions? How effective is the combination of your main product and

ancillary texts?

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Evaluation In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms, conventions of real

media products?

We wanted to highlight the way that gender is constantly represented in music videos across the genres. We witnessed this in videos we analysed as well as others such as ‘Tears Don’t Fall’ by ‘Bullet for my Valentine’. When we noticed this we decided that we wanted to play around with these conventions in our own production. Women are continuously shown as being dependant on the male figure or character within the story. We used this by showing our female character as depressed and broken hearted by the departure of the male role. She is shown as being unstable, through her behaviour, for example, drinking and throwing his cloths away. I think that by showing her in this state the video will send out the message that modern young girls will be able to relate to.

Male characters are often seen as the more dominate characters in such music videos nowadays. We wanted to play on this idea, we did not have a male figure throughout the video. We did this to draw attention to the idea the whom ever the male figure is, is irrelevant to the message. We also wanted to highlight the more serious message of absent male role models in a lot of households in modern society. We chose to not have even a single image of him throughout to again emphasize this idea. We felt that this lack of male presents defiantly challenged the common conventions of gender importance and role within today's music scene

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Evaluation How did you use New Media technologies in the construction and research, planning

and evaluation stages?

As technology has developed over the recent years so has the way the we have viewed and accessed it. In our own A2 media production we have been able to utilise the new forms of technology to our advantage in order to retrieve the best kind of results. Social networking sites that often attracted out target audience such as ‘MySpace’ became a massive help in finding out their own thoughts and opinions on current music videos. We use Web 2 to help understand our target audiences opinions and views on music videos and songs. We were also able find a wider range of music videos online using sites such as ‘YouTube’.

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Evaluation What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Our audience feedback was very beneficial to our planning and production. Through interview, surveys and questionnaires we were able to further investigate our audiences wants and needs from music videos. It was the information and feedback that they provided us with that helped mould and shape the planning and in turn the production of our video. We found from them what music they preferred, what stories they preferred as well as more particular preferences such as colour schemes and locations.

At the end of our production we were able to use our audiences thoughts and opinions on the video to continuously improve our production. Thought filming and editing we often asked our peers and members of the target audience what they thought of it and how they responded to it then helped us to change and develop the end product.

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Evaluation How have you used/followed the theories about audience in your productions

Within our music video we have used media theories about audience in our production in a number of ways. We used Stuart Hall’s theory in the way that we left our ending open, this left room for our audience to understand and interpret in their own way. This way they may be able to relate in a different way to the way that we may have intended.

We then used Blumler and Katz theory of ‘Uses and Gratifications’ to recognize what our audience needed with media productions and how we could use our video to best fulfil their needs. For example by creating the video we have formed excitement in the place of boredom. And through the ancillary products we gave clarity where there was confusion. I think that through our video we may have also created comfort and community for isolation. People who are able to relate to the video will hopefully feel less remote when they see the same situations in the video that they are able to understand.

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Evaluation How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We think that our ancillary products and music video both work very well together and fit nicely together to create a united front toward the genre. Both products were created very closely together meaning that they share in a lot of their conventions such as colours and style. I think that theses are defiantly factors that needed to be kept constant throughout all productions. We used images in the ancillary productions that could be easily connected to the video and that related to the storyline for example the vodka bottle that is used in the music video a lot is also featured in the album cover. The font that was used in the music video for the end credits was also used in the advertisement for the music album.
