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My Brentford - Community and Residents Reference Group meeting

Date post: 12-Mar-2016
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First meeting of My Brentford Community and Residents Reference Group. Definition of themes and formation of theme groups.
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RECORD NOTES soundings S04 2128 SO4_CRRG Meeting 1 171011_Final.doc Soundings - 1 - Project Title: My Brentford, High Street & Waterfront Job Number: 2128 Client: Ballymore Group Location: Watermans, Small Studio Date: 17.10.11 Prepared by: CF SUBJECT/TITLE: My Brentford Community & Residents Reference Group – Meeting 1 Project Team Present: Name Initial Role / Organisation David Laycock DL Senior Development Manager / Ballymore Group John Turner JT Director – Town Planning / Ballymore Group Joao Guedes Ramos JGR Project Architect/ Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) Marcus Lee ML Director / Glenn Howells Architects Logan Hepworth LH Project Architect/ Glenn Howells Architects Akay Zorlu AZ Associate Director / MacCreanor Lavington Christina Norton CN Director/ Soundings Caf Fean CF Senior Associate / Soundings Apologies: Debby Ray DR Associate Director/ AHMM Jim Pool JP Partner/ DP9 Reference Group members Present: Name Initial Role / Organisation Philip Nash Blira PN Island Residents Association Vanessa Radley-Collis VRC Radleys at Town Wharf Peter Radley-Collis PRC Radleys at Town Wharf Betty Lynch BL Town Wharf Residents Michael Peacock MP Hounslow Heritage Guides Pauline Oliver PO MSO Marine Jake Oliver JO MSO Marine Ann Bowden AB Resident Boat Owner, M.V. Courage Paul Hollamby PH M.V.Helena Nigel Moore NM Brentford Waterside Forum Christopher Richards CR Brentford High Street Steering Group/ The Butts Society Darra Rollitt DR Somerset Road Residents Association Shirley Rollitt SR Somerset Road Residents Association Sarah Pollard SP Vice Chair, The Butts Society Tim Luckett TL Brentford High Street Steering Group Derek Collett DC Somerset Road Residents Association Kath Richardson KR Chair, Brentford Chamber of Commerce / Brentford TW8.com Julia Quilliam JQ Brentford High Street Steering Group/ Brentford Chamber of Commerce/ Outer London Fund Committee/ High Street Traders Susan Betlem SB Vice President, Brentford Chamber of Commerce Stephen Fry SF Hounslow Chamber of Commerce Jan Lennox JL Director, Watermans Megan Trowell MT Our Lady of St Johns School Sarah King SK Resident, Ham Wharf Philip Davies PD Weydock Ltd (managing residential moorings), Ham Wharf boat resident Andrew Dakers AD Chair, Brentford High Street Steering Group Derek Simpson DS Team Rector, Parish of Brentford, Area Dean of Hounslow James Guest JG Windmill Road Action Group Denis Browne DB Chair of the Planning Consultative Committee, Brentford Community Council Katie Sully KS Development Director, ISIS
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Project Title: My Brentford, High Street & Waterfront

Job Number: 2128 Client: Ballymore Group

Location: Watermans, Small Studio Date: 17.10.11 Prepared by: CF SUBJECT/TITLE: My Brentford Community & Residents Reference Group – Meeting 1

Project Team Present:

Name Initial Role / Organisation

David Laycock DL Senior Development Manager / Ballymore Group John Turner JT Director – Town Planning / Ballymore Group Joao Guedes Ramos JGR Project Architect/ Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) Marcus Lee ML Director / Glenn Howells Architects Logan Hepworth LH Project Architect/ Glenn Howells Architects Akay Zorlu AZ Associate Director / MacCreanor Lavington Christina Norton CN Director/ Soundings Caf Fean CF Senior Associate / Soundings Apologies: Debby Ray DR Associate Director/ AHMM Jim Pool JP Partner/ DP9

Reference Group members Present:

Name Initial Role / Organisation

Philip Nash Blira PN Island Residents Association Vanessa Radley-Collis VRC Radleys at Town Wharf Peter Radley-Collis PRC Radleys at Town Wharf Betty Lynch BL Town Wharf Residents Michael Peacock MP Hounslow Heritage Guides Pauline Oliver PO MSO Marine Jake Oliver JO MSO Marine Ann Bowden AB Resident Boat Owner, M.V. Courage Paul Hollamby PH M.V.Helena Nigel Moore NM Brentford Waterside Forum Christopher Richards CR Brentford High Street Steering Group/ The Butts Society Darra Rollitt DR Somerset Road Residents Association Shirley Rollitt SR Somerset Road Residents Association Sarah Pollard SP Vice Chair, The Butts Society Tim Luckett TL Brentford High Street Steering Group Derek Collett DC Somerset Road Residents Association Kath Richardson KR Chair, Brentford Chamber of Commerce / Brentford

TW8.com Julia Quilliam JQ Brentford High Street Steering Group/ Brentford

Chamber of Commerce/ Outer London Fund Committee/ High Street Traders

Susan Betlem SB Vice President, Brentford Chamber of Commerce Stephen Fry SF Hounslow Chamber of Commerce Jan Lennox JL Director, Watermans Megan Trowell MT Our Lady of St Johns School Sarah King SK Resident, Ham Wharf Philip Davies PD Weydock Ltd (managing residential moorings), Ham

Wharf boat resident Andrew Dakers AD Chair, Brentford High Street Steering Group Derek Simpson DS Team Rector, Parish of Brentford, Area Dean of

Hounslow James Guest JG Windmill Road Action Group Denis Browne DB Chair of the Planning Consultative Committee,

Brentford Community Council Katie Sully KS Development Director, ISIS

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1.0 Welcome & Introductions Action 1.1 CF of Soundings public consultation opened the meeting and summarised the

structure of the evening. She also summarised what the team had been hearing so far from resident groups, businesses and organisations: 1. General support for the direction in which designs are headed 2. Enthusiasm to see change happen, cynicism that nothing has yet (ʻseen it all beforeʼ - want to know when and how it is going to happen) 3. People are proud of Brentford but want to see High Street improved 4. Concerns over ʻsamenessʼ - wish to see a variety of design (a mix of housing and dialogue around scale and massing is needed) 5. Support for regeneration of existing buildings 6. Opening up the Canal is positive 7. Boat dwellings make the place unique, what is happening to them? 8. Something for young people and the arts 9. Pressures on social infrastructure and community facilities 10. Clean up the area - what about temporary use for derelict buildings?

1.2 CF briefly covered the timeline for the project, which includes:

• A series of meetings and workshops, followed by a public exhibition

(29th October 2011) and in the New Year, more follow-up meetings as we dig into the designs and conclude with a Pre-planning exhibition in February 2012 and a planning application submitted in March 2012.

• The Reference Group will meet regularly.

• Theme Groups will be formed from the Reference Group

representatives, allowing for key themes to be explored in more detail with design team, community representatives and other stakeholders. The first Theme Group meeting will be held: Thursday 27th October, 7pm – 9pm @ The Docking Station, TW8 8AT.

• The Open Exhibition on 29th October will show more detail as regards

public realm, heritage and High Street retail strategy and land use strategy. It is hoped that a representative from each Theme Group will present the findings of the Theme Group workshops.

1.3 DL introduced the rest of the team present this evening, and summarised the

design thinking to date. The designs presented today are a ‘moment in time’, and they will change between now and March.

2.0 Presentation 2.1 The design team and specialist consultants introduced themselves. For more

information on each practice, please visit: AHMM (Allford Hall Monaghan Morris) - www.ahmm.co.uk Maccreanor Lavington Architects - www.maccreanorlavington.com Glenn Howells Architects - www.glennhowells.co.uk

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Grant Associates - www.grant-associates.uk.com Soundings – www.soundingsoffice.com DP9, Planning Consultants - www.dp9.co.uk (apologies, not present at this meeting) Smaller World, Waterside strategy - www.smallerworld.org.uk To email comments about the meeting and for comments on plans please contact: [email protected]

2.2 Heritage

AZ explained that the design team has been cataloguing yards and spaces between the High Street and the Canal. A methodology to assess the heritage aspects of the site has been developed. The various categories against which this was measured include state of repair amongst other elements. (More information on this will be talked through at the Theme Group workshop)

2.3 Retail

AZ described the current retail offer and experience of the High Street. He explained that the design team are keen to create a dense centre, with a concentrated segment of retail. The intention is to encourage movement between the High Street and the water basin. Some high end retail and independent shops are likely to be introduced.

2.4 Waterside activities

This will be discussed in detail at the Theme Group workshop. PH gave an overview of the kinds of activities imagined. These include:

• Activities that reflect the heritage of Brentford: MSO Marine and Lots Ait for example – an area where historic boats could be built, perhaps in an abandoned shop on the high street, to tease people down to the waterside to see more as well as activities such as

• Canoe polo, canoe slalom. The intention would be to animate the waterfront and encourage more activity. Somewhere to store boats off the water (dry stacking) and a floating bookshop are other ideas, as are major events to raise the profile of Brentford.

2.5 The moorings along the canal are important to the regeneration of the canalside

and the high street. They add something different to the character of Brentford. A separate meeting will be arranged to discuss the plans with boat residents, and the Waterside Theme Group will expand the discussion

2.6 Landscape

ML explained the landscape strategy. This is designed to add diversity to the site. Roof gardens above buildings, semi-private gardens, green spaces between buildings.

2.7 Community Reference Group

CN explained the role and intention behind the Community and Resident Reference Group. A note explaining the role of the Reference Group was circulated at the meeting. This is attached to this set of minutes.

3.0 Q&A following presentation 3.1 PN: How will the ideas shared at the Theme Group workshops cross-pollinate? 3.1.1 CN: the Theme Groups will gather at the end of the workshop to feed back

findings, and then share this with the public at the Open Exhibition, where they will present this back.

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It is Soundingsʼ role to record conversations and play back what has been said between the workshops and the Open Exhibition. This monthly Reference Group is also a means by which this information is shared.

3.2 DB: Keeping the frontage on the South Side of the High Street is fundamental.

Some negotiations need to take place early on – servicing, underground studies, these elements would enable a multitude of ideas to be delivered. The right people must be at the Theme Group meetings to be sure that these things have been considered.

3.2.1 DL: Certain issues we would aspire to achieve. Many meetings will need to take place with TfL, Highways and the Council to push the design approach through.

3.3 SF: Is there an economic strategy for the High Street? I am concerned that

keeping High Street separate to Waterfront will preclude an economic strategy for the whole site. There are some issues that need to be addressed including jobs, business and infrastructure.

3.3.1 Post meeting response DL: we agree and an economic strategy is being instructed.

3.4 DS: St Paulʼs School is five times over-subscribed. What is the plan for

supporting infrastructure and services on and/ or off site?

3.4.1 Post meeting response DL: we are currently carrying out a detailed socio economic assessment to identify any gaps in social and other infrastructure. This will help to identify what can be accommodated on site and how off site improvements or strategies can mitigate any impacts the scheme may cause. The site cannot accommodate a school, we will therefore give this particular issue very close scrutiny.

3.5 SP: I have always felt that Brentford is not linked in with the train or tube system.

Is there an opportunity to address this here somehow?

3.5.1 Post meeting response DL: the site is not of a sufficient scale to make wholesale changes to transport infrastructure. However, we will be looking at local improvements to pedestrian routes to key transport nodes, buses and cycle facilities in addition to providing a mix of uses so that new residents can live, work and shop all within Brentford.

3.5.2 JT: Perhaps the Town Centre manager could be involved in these meetings. Noted, and CF to revert back to Town Centre Manager CF 3.6 (Marvinʼs Wharf resident) What heights are the buildings? 3.6.1 ML: Heights range from 2 to 9 storeys. The general strategy is to follow the law

of the lanes, with a tight network of streets. Relative to the high street, there are opportunities to be higher on the waterfront.

3.6.2 Post meeting correction the heights of building have not been determined or fixed, but the current thinking is that there could be a range from 2-12 storeys, with 2-3 taller buildings along the waterfront ranging from 8-12 storeys and the majority of other building ranging from 4-6 storeys.

3.7 JO: Would the buildings next to the water have terracing? What is the monolith

to the Eastern End?

3.7.1 ML: The plans are very diagrammatic at this stage. 3.8 DB: There is a key building along the high street, with four storeys. We would

prefer if this were retained. We would like a varied roofline along the high street. Surely they set a precedent and it is of a better quality than Nat West.

3.8.1 This will be considered but has been addressed in detail by Maccreanor Lavington in their historic buildings assessment. Overall the team considers that this building does not score highly enough to warrant retention given the other

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buildings we are intending on retaining on the High Street. 3.1 3.9.1 DL: We were thinking of introducing a new boating industry, opposite the

existing, this, along with boat storage could act as a buffer between the new residents and the existing MSO Marine site. The land uses are still to be confirmed however.

3.10 DS: A plea for Brentford: more family housing. There have been numbers of flats

going up that are not big enough for families with more than one child. We need some actual housing and to know the mix.

3.10.1 Noted 3.11 AD: We would be keen to share the technical reports before the planning

application is submitted: would this be possible?

3.11.1 As far as possible we will provide information pre submission. It should be noted that a large majority of the documents only come together in the final weeks before submission, however, technical notes almost always inform the design development which can be shared where relevant.

3.12 (Resident) Where does social housing come into play? 3.12.1 DL: We are still working out where the Social Housing goes on the site. We

would not look to keep it all in one place.

3.12.2 ML: We would design this ʻtenure blindʼ, meaning that you cannot tell from the outside of the house (due to the design finish) what type of tenancy it is.

3.13 (Resident) Is there a time plan for the finished masterplan – is there a phasing


3.13.1 DL: We will look to get planning permission first. This is a big site and it will take a number of years to deliver the scheme in its entirety. Our short-term programme is to submit a planning application at the end of March 2012, which will then go to Committee. We then need to agree Section 106 contributions, etc. We would expect to start works on site in 2013. Between the three architects we imagine 40% detailed design and 60% outline (shapes, design code, land use – not fully designed) to be submitted. We will look at where the 40% will be delivered in due course.

3.14 (Resident) Whose responsibility is the appalling state Brentford is in? It needs to

be tidied up and improved. If we move a further ten years down the line, and the economic climate does not improve, it will only become further run-down. In the interim it would be great if this could be tidier rather than a mess.

3.14.1 CN: it would be good to explore what Meanwhile projects could take place, to improve the neighbourhood

3.14.2 JQ: The High Street Steering Group is there to make something of Brentford High Street whilst we are waiting. We are responsible for the Christmas Lights and other initiatives.

3.14.3 Resident: there is a lot to be done behind the High Street also. 3.15 DB: What will you do about continuity of trading? The people based on the site

have very different needs to this site, and there needs to be a continuity strategy.

3.15.1 The site will be phased which will provide an opportunity for continuity of trade. We cannot make commitment to existing tenants at this stage but we will of course be working with them as the scheme develops to minimise disruption to trading.

3.15.2 KR: This applies to boats moored also.

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3.16 (Resident) There had been talk of a green power station – is this incorporated

into the plans for this site? What is your energy strategy?

3.16.1 This is being developed. 3.16.2 KS: ISIS commissioned a study into a renewable energy approach to the area. 3.16.3 CN: there will be Frequently Asked Questions on the website Soundings 3.17 (Resident): Will there be a comments facility on the website? 3.17.1 CN: this is not anticipated at present 3.18 PN: It would be useful to know where you propose different uses to go – for the

workshops. Can you produce a coloured plan as a starting point?

3.18.1 CN: we will do this for the workshop Soundings Circulation All present and those sending apologies.

Date of next meeting: TBC
