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My journey on the oregon trail

Date post: 09-Aug-2015
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My Journey on the Oregon Trail
  1. 1. My Journey on the Oregon Trail
  2. 2. We are off! April 28, 1853 Independence Mo. My name is Sarah and I am the wife of Moses and the mother to three beautiful children. Thomas is 17 years old, Mary is 10 and Charles is 5. Moses said a better future awaits us, as they are giving free land away in Oregon. He says it will take us six months travel to arrive, I hope we make it. Moses has gathered our supplies: a wagon, 7 oxen, food, a few cooking pans, our two rifles, gun powder, lead, a few candles, a few clothes, my sewing kit, soap and some tools Moses heard would be useful on the trail. Thomas, who loves music, brought his fiddle. Mary, who loves books brought her favorite and Thomas brought his sling shot. I brought my Bible and my mothers quilt. April 30, 1853 Today went rather well, we had one member of our party jump out just in the nick of time as his wagon tipped over, we all stopped to help and are thankful he and his family are well. We were able to travel about 16 miles today. It sure does feel like rain. It would be good for the cattle but I cant imagine it will be good for the wagons or pleasure!
  3. 3. May 5th 1853 We saw our first Indian today! They were very friendly and we traded with them and paid them ferry to go across the Kansas River. I must admit I was quite frightened. Many families are on the trail here looking to cross the river first. Thomas and Mary seem to enjoy the hustle of the camp, while Charles clings to my skirt. Since we are unable to cross the river for a couple of days, I hope to use the time to keep up on Mary and Charless schooling. May 6th, 1853 The weather has proven to be a formable obstacle on our journey. We have traveled none today because of the rain and lost one ox. We were able to find him rather quickly. The children are very sick of the rain, as am I. Moses has gone to meet with the men this evening to speak to our guide about our plans.
  4. 4. May 8, 1853 Our men and guide decided to start us out early this morning so that we could be one of the first on the ferry, when we got there the rope was broken!! The next passing was seven miles up river. As we were setting out we passed a wagon that carried a man with the Small Pox. I pray my family makes it to Oregon healthy and strong. One of our wheels has begun to crack. Moses is worried about it , I can tell. May 22nd 1853 One of our cattle just dropped and fell in the yoke yesterday, the journey to hard for him, we now are down to six. Last night we had a storm, with winds like I had never seen! We had to turn our wagons and drive the tongue of the wagon into the dirt just to barely keep from getting blown over. We lost some clothes and cooking pots, but were able to catch all of our cattle.
  5. 5. June 10, 1853 We saw the Chimney Rock as we passed it this morning! What a beautiful country this is. We traveled a total of 15 miles today. Thomas was able to play is fiddle last night next to the camp fire as we sang songs as a group, it was wonderful! June 24, 1853 We have made it to Platte River Crossing. The men decided that we could box up our wagon and cross ourselves, saving us money. As the charge to cross here is six dollars per wagon. We continued up and found good grass for the cattle and a good crossing. Moses and the men got two wagons across before the strong winds came. We will camp here and hopefully cross the other wagons tomorrow. Moses said he got word that the ferry went down today with a wagon that was too heavy. We pray for the families.
  6. 6. July 23 1853 Today we passed Steamboat Springs and if I had not seen it myself I would not have believed it!!! Its boiling warm water shoots through the rocks about two to three feet high I would say! Thomas noticed something wrong with the horse, we immediately gave it lard and vinegar, she seems to be better. July 31 1853 We parted ways and well wishes with some of our train members as they split off to go to California. It was sad to see them go but I know that we are that much closer to our dreams in Oregon! The mosquitoes are next to unbearable!
  7. 7. August 18 1853 Moses and the men have decided to avoid the road this morning as a result of a severe cholera break out ahead last night. Word is it is horrible. We will take the mountain route. I pray we make it through the dusty journey. To be ill with all this dust would be a trying thing indeed. The children are in good spirits but ready to be in Oregon. I tell them a little more than a month and our new life will begin. I have to say I will not be sorry to leave the wagon and dust behind. August 20 1853 We camped on the Snake River tonight. Thomas and Mary picked up chips for fuel. I hope the mosquito's will stay away tonight, they are with out mercy!. We had to get rid of some supplies to make our wagon lighter to ferry. I had to part with mothers quilt it makes me tear up to think about it.
  8. 8. September 8 1853 It was another hard day over the mountains and trying to get through the forest. We woke up to our cattle and others cattle missing. They were all found but delayed our start for sure. September 20 1853 We are finally here, Oregon is all that I dreamed it would be and more! Moses will go and work out the details of getting our land. He hopes to find some near a stream. Our new life will begin and we all survived to live it!
