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My Proposal of Qualitative R

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem English is the first foreign laguage in Indonesia. In this globalization era, English is very important to be mastered because it becomes an international language. It means that, it is used for communication by the people around the world. Nowadays, there are many kind of information media, such as TV, radio, magazine, newspaper and also internet use English to transmit information. So, besides it is used as communication medium by people with another, it is also used by many kind of information media to transmit information or news. In brief, by mastering English the people can obtain a lot of information either it is in written or spoken forms and establish relationship with the people among countries. Actually, there are four skills in English that should be learned by students. Those are reading, listening, speaking and writing. Reading is one of an English skill which make the students be able to enrich their knowledge. By comprehend reading, they will get lot of information about what that they read. The next skill is listening. Listening skill only focusses on hearing and getting the idea what the speaker says. Besides to increase the students’ ability in hearing, this skill also will help them to know how to pronounce a certain word appropriately. Another skill is speaking. Speaking is the most particular way to express idea and opinion. By practicing 1


A. Background of the Problem

English is the first foreign laguage in Indonesia. In this globalization era, English is very important to be mastered because it becomes an international language. It means that, it is used for communication by the people around the world. Nowadays, there are many kind of information media, such as TV, radio, magazine, newspaper and also internet use English to transmit information. So, besides it is used as communication medium by people with another, it is also used by many kind of information media to transmit information or news. In brief, by mastering English the people can obtain a lot of information either it is in written or spoken forms and establish relationship with the people among countries.

Actually, there are four skills in English that should be learned by students. Those are reading, listening, speaking and writing. Reading is one of an English skill which make the students be able to enrich their knowledge. By comprehend reading, they will get lot of information about what that they read. The next skill is listening. Listening skill only focusses on hearing and getting the idea what the speaker says. Besides to increase the students ability in hearing, this skill also will help them to know how to pronounce a certain word appropriately. Another skill is speaking. Speaking is the most particular way to express idea and opinion. By practicing to speak more and more, someone will be able to speak more fluently and has good performance in spelling or pronounciating word. The last skill is writing. In writing, grammar, the creativity to thinking, and ability in choosing approprite word are absolutely needed, in order the content of writing is communicative, clear and understandable by the reader. All four English skills are very important and should be mastered as well as possible by the students.

For foreign language learners to read, they have to be prepared to use various abilities and strategies they already possess from their reading experiences in their native language. They will need the knowledge they possess to help orient themselves in the many dimensions of language implicated in any text. Researchers have established that the act of reading is a non-linear process that is recursive and context-dependent. Readers tend to jump ahead or go back to different segments of the text, depending on what they are reading to find out. Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of interrelated sources of information (Anderson). Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among: (1) the reader's existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the text being read; and (3) the context of the reading situation (Wixson, Peters, Weber, & Roeber).

As we know, there are many factors which influence the success of the English teaching. One of factors that supports the success of English teaching is the textbook. In fact, the textbook is the main source material used in teaching learning process. It can be great value in teaching, particularly to the beginning teacher. A textbook plays an important role in the teaching and learning process. Perhaps, this is the reason why most English teachers use a textbook in their class. Textbooks are important resources for teaching both productive and receptive skills. It is not surprising that some teachers use a textbook as the backbone of their courses (Graves 2000: 174). Many novice teachers lack the experience and confidence to prepare their own materials and rely on the textbook to ease their burden. Some teachers, experienced and inexperienced, simply follow what is presented in the textbook, while others supplement it by using materials from other textbooks or sources. As Celce-Murcia (2001) says that for teachers, using a textbook involves, first, the selection of a book, and then, implementing the book in class.

The above information is based on the theorical consideration. Empirically, the studies about textbook have carried out by a number of researchers such as Wahyuni (2003) and Eny Susilowati (2004). The first research was done by Wahyuni (2003). Her research is about textbook analysis. The sample was Communicative and Meaningful English for SMU English textbook published by Yudhistira Jakarta written by Roesmini dkk,2000. She employed descriptive content analysis. The analysis is based on the 1994 English Curriculum and the instructional materials. The result is that this textbook is relevant to the 1994 English Curriculum and fulfilled the requirements of good instructional materials.

The second research was conducted by Eny Susilowati (2004). Her research is analysis on the quality of English textbook used for the first year students at MAN Mojosari-Mojokerto published by Balai Pustaka. The design of this study was descriptive because she wanted to describe the general quality of the textbook, such as subject matter, vocabulary and structure, exercises, illustration, and physical appearance aspects. And the result is this an English textbook published by BalaiPustaka used for first year students at Madrasah Aliyah negeri (MAN) Mojosari-Mojokerto is categorized as good English textbook.In Indonesia, the Department of Education and Culture publishes the compulsory core textbooks for all public schools. These textbooks, including the English textbook for senior high schools, are supposedly written based on the syllabus of the national curriculum. In other words, the textbook should reflect the curriculum to ensure that the objectives of the teaching and learning process can be achieved. And also the textbook was published by many publisher. But, the textbook does not always reflect the curriculum. Based on 2013 curriculum :

"Understanding, applying, analyzing factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural based on a sense of curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and Humanities with insight into humanity, nationality, State of the Union, and the associated cause civilization phenomena and events, as well as apply the procedural knowledge in a specific field of study in accordance with their aptitude and interest in solving problems. Process, others are allegorical;, and menyaji in the realm of concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of learned in school independently, and be able to use the method according to academic rules ".

In Indonesia there is an agency that organizes about a decent textbook and unworthy to be published. the institution is named BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). According to Permendiknas Nomor 2 Tahun 2008 Pasal 4 Ayat (1) that:

Buku teks pada jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah dinilai kelayakan-pakainya terlebih dahulu oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan sebelum digunakan oleh pendidik dan/atau peserta didik sebagai sumber belajar di satuan pendidikan.

However, the problem is that in Indonesia the standards in textbook writing are still far from satisfactory (Alwasilah 2002). This may raise a question as to whether the textbooks actually present the materials required by the curriculum. This question needs to be answered because as McNeill (1995) indicates, not every textbook contains all materials required by the curriculum. Since many Indonesian teachers tend to follow the textbooks rigidly or rely almost completely on them, it is important to ensure that the textbooks reflect the curriculum. Textbooks that do not reflect the curriculum may not bring about the outcome expected by the curriculum. The matter is of some importance because as Swales asserts, textbooks represent a problem, and in extreme cases are examples of educational failure.

Based on the reasons mentioned above, it is important for the reseacher to investigate the quality of English textbook based on the 2013 English curriculum and Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP), especially the evaluation of English textbook used for first year students at Senior high school, in this study English textbook Pathway to English published by Erlangga is taken to be observed.

B. Scope of the ResearchThe scope of this study is the analysis reading material of English textbook Pathway to English published by Erlangga for Senior High School.

C. Research QuestionsThe research questions is stated below:1. How is the quality of English textbook Pathway to English published by Erlangga used for first year students at Senior High School based on 2013 curriculum ?2. How is the quality of English textbook Pathway to English published by Erlangga used for first year students at Senior High School based on BSNP ?

D. Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of the study are :1. To know how the quality of English textbook Pathway to English published by Erlangga is used for first year students at Senior High School based on 2013 curriculum.2. To know how the quality of English textbook Pathway to English published by Erlangga is used for first year students at Senior High School based on BSNP.

E. Significance of the StudyThis study is hoped to contribute the significance for :1. The HeadmasterThe first is to contribute the headmaster. The headmaster will know whether the English textbook which is used by the teacher provides appropriate and good evaluation or not. So the headmaster knows what is the need to support the English instruction, such as providing the facilities for teaching learning process. 2. The TeacherThe second contribution is the English teacher. The result of this study will be very useful for English teacher to be reference in selecting or choosing an English textbook. 3. The ReaderThe third contribution is the Reader. By reading the result of this study, the reader will be given a general overview about how to analyze the quality of textbook. It is very useful because by giving a general overview about how to analyze the quality of textbook, the Reader is able to determine the quality of textbook based on certain criteria, in the context is BSNP and English Curriculum 2013.


In order to sharpen the theoretical framework of this study, this chapter is devoted to review some relevant theories and studies concerning with the review of references on textbook, principles of material development, and the description of the curriculum.

A. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK1. Textbook Textbook is the most frequently used of all printed educational materials. In the hands of knowledgeable practitioner, the textbook becomes one of many aids to assist the student in acquiring clear concepts of subject matter. According to Richard (2001), textbook are used in different ways in language program. For example, a reading textbook might be the basis for a course on reading skill, providing both set of reading texts and exercises for skills practice. A writing textbook might provide model compositions and a list of topics for students to write about. A grammar textbook might serve as a reference book and provide examples as well as exercises to develop grammatical knowledge. A speaking text might provide passages for students to read and discuss. A listening text together with audio cassettes or CDs might serve as the primary listening input in a listening course. The textbook properly viewed as an aid to teaching. It is simply one of many possible materials of learning because it helps the teachers and students achieve the goal of learning. It is used if it can do a better job that any of the other available materials of instruction. Teachers find significant advantages in the textbook which are important to be learned. It usually summarizes a great quantity of valuable information traditionally associated with a particular course. The text can provide a common resource since a copy is usually in the possession of each pupil.

a) The Role of the Textbook Instructional materials in the form of the textbooks are very important for both teachers and students. In making teaching preparation and conducting the teaching , teachers need textbooks. In addition, without textbook teachers will have difficulties in constructing written evaluation. For students, textbooks also play an important role. The student who do not have textbooks with them during the teaching and learning activities will not be able to follow the lesson well. In other words, lack of textbooks in teaching and learning activities can create the less success of teaching. Merdi (in Widayanti, 1997) says that instructional objectives in teaching and learning activities cannot be fully achieved because of the lack of textbook for the students. The teacher chooses material for study because it will do a better job of assisting learning than any other available material. The textbook is most commonly required, and teachers naturally look at it first to see it is appropriate to the desired learning activity. If not, the teachers search for other materials. In this way, these other materials have come to be called supplementary materials. The beginning teacher needs the text for support and self confidence. Teachers feel that they can relay on textbooks because they know authors are more expert in their fields and, therefore, are better qualified to plan the materials for specific course. As Callahan and Clark state that the textbook can be great value, particularly to beginning teachers. They are considered very helpful in teaching-planning, since they provide an organization or structure for the course. Moreover, they provide selection of subject matter that can be used as a basis for determining course content and determining emphases. Textbooks can also provide a certain number of activities and suggestions for teaching strategies and tactics. Based on the important role of textbooks in the teaching learning activity, good textbook should be selected in order to support the success of the teaching learning activity. In selection or preparation of the textbook and other teaching materials, the foreign language teacher must make every attempt to select and prepare materials that present the spoken language. They must be aware of the fact that no language in the world is written exactly as it is spoken.

b) The Criteria of a Good Textbook Textbooks are only one of many kinds of instructional materials useful in learning. McKean advocates, the material should meet the same general criteria used in choosing a textbook. The material selected for used should (a) contribute to the learning objectives of the lesson (b) involve significant content planned for study (c) be compatible with the teaching procedures to be used, and (d) be appropriate to the particular group of pupils who will use this material. Every teacher of foreign language is faced with the necessity of selecting a textbook that it is suited to his or her teaching situation. In many schools, the selection of specific textbook may already have been made before the teacher arrives on the scene. Once selected, the textbook with whatever other teaching materials have been chosen must be adapted to the particular techniques and methods used in the classroom by the teacher. The teacher usually uses the textbook for a relatively long period after a selection is made. Therefore, it should be carefully analyzed and thoughtfully selected. According to Ornstein (1990) a good textbook has many desirable characteristics. They were all organized, relatively up to date, and accurate. A good textbook must be well organized. Here, textbook must have a good composition of instructional materials. The materials must be organized clearly and contain of all English skills. A good textbook is relatively up to date. It means that the material of the textbook must contain of the newest things, so it will give some new news or information to the students. A good textbook should be accurate. In this case materials in the textbook should not present wrong information or presented in error grammatical language and incorrectly words. According to Celce and Murcia (2001) a textbooks categorized good if it is viewed from the whole aspects of the textbook. They are subject matter, vocabulary and structure, exercises, illustration, and physical appearance. The first aspect is subject matter. A textbook is good if: The subject matter covers variety of topics which are suitable with the curriculum, in this case is the 2004 curriculum; The ordering of materials are arranged in logical form; the content grade are appropriate with the students need; And the materials are accurate up to date. The second aspect is vocabulary and structure. A good textbook is if : The vocabulary and structure which is used is appropriate with the students grade; The vocabulary items are controlled from the simple to complex one; The new vocabularies are repeated in the next chapter to make the students memory stronger; The sentences length is suitable with the students level; The structures gradually increase in difficulty level to suit the growing ability of the students; The words that are used are the daily words, and the sentence structures follow normal word order; The sentence and paragraph follow one another in logical sequence; And linguistic items are introduced in meaningful situation. The third aspect is exercises. A textbook can be said good if the exercises: Develop comprehension and test knowledge of main ideas; involve vocabulary, structures, and language skills which build up the students ability; Provide practice in difference types of written work (like sentence completion, spelling and dictation, guided composition, and others); cumulatively test new materials; and develop meaningful communication by referring to realistic activities. The fourth aspect is illustration. The illustration of a good textbook should: Create a favorable atmosphere by depicting realism and reaction; Be clear, simple, free, and interesting; And directly related to the content to help the learners in understanding the text. The last aspect is physical appearance. A good textbook is good if: The cover is durable enough; The text is attractive; The picture on the cover can make the students are interested; And the size is suitable with the students handle.

2. ReadingReading SkillsReading is a complex undertaking and an impressive achievement, as demonstrated by a century of research (Afflerbach & Cho, in press; Huey, 1908; RAND Reading Study Group, 2002). And also reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). At different historical times, reading has been defined by referring to specific skills such as reading the Bible, understanding direc- tions, or answering questions about text. More recently, start reading that involve intentional control and deliberate direction of behavior. Nuttall (1996, pp.44-124) suggests that there are three major categories of reading skills namely efficient reading skills, word attack skills, and text attack skills. Each category is divided into sub-skills as follows:1 Efficient reading skills are divided into five sub-skills, i.e. identifying the reason for reading, choosing the right material, using the text effectively, making use of all the resources in the text, and improving reading speed (pp. 44-61).2. Word attack skills consist of three sub-skills: the interpretation of structural clues (both syntactical and morphological); inference from context; and the use of the dictionary (pp. 62-76),3. Text attack skills are comprised of eight sub-skills, i.e.: understanding syntax, recognizing and interpreting cohesive devices, interpreting discourse markers, recognizing functional value, recognizing text organization, recognizing the presuppositions underlying the text, recognizing implications and making inferences, and prediction (pp. 78-124).McWhorter (2002, pp.386-387, 397-398, 418-419) adds other important reading skills namely distinguishing between fact and opinion, paraphrasing and summarizing.3. Curriculum The word curriculum can be interpreted in many ways. There are many different interpretations and definitions among people and experts in education toward this concept. It depends on their background knowledge and point of view they have. Curriculum can be defined as all plans activities that are provided for students. As what Luhulima (in Tjokrosujoso, 1996) says that curriculum is a planned and organized series of learning experiences and activities to be made available to the students to achieve defined educational objectives. In this research, the writer stress on the usage of 2013 English curriculum as the basic of research. Although it is the newest one, most of school have been done during teaching learning process. This curriculum can be called Perekat Bangsa curriculum. 4. BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan)Based on the basic criteria governing the juridical quality of BTBI namely: PP No. 19/2005 pasal 43 ayat (5): "The eligibility of the contents, language, representation, and the graphic's textbook lesson rated by BSNP and defined by regulation of the Minister.Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) is an independent agency, professional, independent and carry out a mission to develop, monitor and evaluate the implementation, the implementation of national education standards. BSNP defines several criteria for quality textbooks are eligible eligibility, which includes four components, namely:A. Eligibility of the contentsThe eligibility criteria in assessing the quality of the content writing textbook includes several components, namely:1. Suitability of the material with a standard Competency (SK) and Basic Competence (KD)2. Suitability of the material to the curriculum3. Accuracy of content4. Date material5. Encourage curiosity6. Scientific Substance and life skill7. Enrichment8. Diversity value

B. The Appropriateness of LanguageThe eligibility criteria in assessing the quality of Language writing textbook includes several components, namely:1. StraightforwardThe language used in BTBI must be straightforward, not convoluted, just list the basic material elaboration, important, and necessary

2. CommunicativeBTBI that meets the eligibility to use communicative language, so it is easy to understand and are understood by students.

3. Dialogic and interactiveA good BTBI to use language that can motivate students, language used evoked a sense of pleased when learners read them and encourage them to learn it thoroughly. Besides textbooks should also encourage students to think critically, the language used is capable of stimulating the students to question things further, and seek the answer independently from text books or other sources of information.

4. Conformity with the development of the learnersBTBI should be the glaring discrepancy with the level of intellectual development of the learners, the language used in describing a concept should correspond to the level of cognitive development of learners. Compliance with the level of development of the learner is also an emotional thing to note in BTBI.

5. Compliance with the rules of EnglishIn the writing of textbooks, especially BTBI must pay attention to the rules of English that is good and right.

6. The use of terms, symbols, and iconsIn BTBI the use of the term and depiction of the symbol or icon that represents a concept should be consistent between sections in the book consistently.

C. Feasibility Presentation

1. Presentation techniquesThe technique of presentation is the deciding factor is the quality of a text book. Presentation techniques in BTBI include:

a. Systematic Consistency dish in chapterConsistency in the presentation of each chapter systematics, i.e. must have a preface, contents and cover.

b. Suitability of ConceptSuitability of Concept in the presentation of BTBI associated with the presentation of the concepts presented in the easy start runtun to difficult, from concrete to abstract and from simple to complex, from the known to the unknown. The previous material could help understanding of material on the next part.

2. Supporters representationSupporters of the presentation of the BTBI associated with the rendering can motivate readers, especially students in reading. Supporters of the representation, including: Generating motivation in learning Examples of questions in each chapter New key words at the beginning of each chapter The question exercise at the end of each chapter Introduction Glossary List index (subject) Bibliography Attachment

3. Presentation of learningServing in a BTBI for the High School should be interactive and participatory, i.e. There is a section invites readers to participate, for example by referring participants try to workout with a text of the speech. Serving in a BTBI also relates to a method and approach to the representation of which is usually directed to a method of inkuiri/experiments, and at the end of each chapter contains material/exercise that can be practiced by learners.

4. Coherence and flow of thoughtCoherence and conformity of thought in a BTBI related to the delivery of messages between a sub chapter with other chapters, between section later with section later or between paragraphs, in an adjacent section later reflects the suitability and the interconnectedness of the contents of a BTBI. In addition the message or material that is presented in chapter one, section later, the paragraph should reflect the theme of unity so as to foster the integrity of meaning.

D. The Graphs Size book formatThe use of the format to be the standard BTBI, usually using the size book format with the font between 12 14 pts for Times New Roman, or comparable to it for other font type, unless the title is then adjusted to your needs. Part design skinSkin BTBI design must be attractive, simple and illustrative. Good selection of fonts, colors, and illustrations. It is also a decisive factor is the quality of a good BTBI. Part design contentsDesign content on BTBI should be easy to read and support material. This is seen from the font type, font size, font color, paragraph form, illustrations, drawings and illustrations. The quality of paperThe quality of a paper BTBI for High School and high school should be a strong and good quality. For example, using paper Power Mac G4. Quality printsPrint quality BTBI a good quality mold that is clean, clear and contrast. Either white, black, and other colors. Quality of the chapter'sThe quality of BTBI binding machines for High School and junior high school must use a good binding qualities and strong, so that is not easily damaged (folded or torn).B. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREBased on Eny Susilowati (2004). She was researched an analysis on the quality of English textbook used for the first year students at MAN Mojosari-Mojokerto published by Balai Pustaka. The design of this study was descriptive because she wanted to describe the general quality of the textbook, such as subject matter, vocabulary and structure, exercises, illustration, and physical appearance aspects. And the result is this an English textbook published by Balai Pustaka used for first year students at Madrasah Aliyah negeri (MAN) Mojosari-Mojokerto is categorized as good English textbook.The second research was conducted by Nurhidayati (2003). Her research is analysis on the quality of general presentation, content material and mechanical aspects of the English textbook for the second year students of SMU published by Erlangga. The descriptive design was used by her. And the result is this English textbook is categorize as excellent and appropriate to the level of student. The last research was Iswahyunis research (1998). She investigated the relevance of textbook to the 1994 English curriculum, physical appearance and the materials of textbook published by IKIP Malang based on the 1994 English curriculum. The sample was English textbooks for the third years students of SMU. In this research, descriptive content analysis was used. And the result is English textbook published by IKIP Malang which is investigated meets the requirements in material, physical appearance and relevant to the 1994 English curriculum.


In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss the research methodology. For this purpose, four points of discussion are presented. Those are, A) Approach and Type of the Research, B) The Research Existence, C) Procedure of the Research, D) Place and Time of the Research, E) Sources of the Data, F) Procedure of the Collecting the Data, G) Technique of Analyzing the Data, and H) Checking the Research Finding Validity.A. Approach and Type of Research1. The approach of the researchThe design used in this study was qualitative research approach. According to Strauss and Corbin (2003), qualitative research is purposed as kinds of research that the result is not got through statistic procedure or another form arithmetic. Then, qualitative is choosen in this study because the researcher steady research that based on experience and method of qualitative can give detail more complex than quantitative research. And also it was analyzed in terms of what people in the book say and do in a certain text to evaluate the cultural sensitivity quotation of English language texts (Dunnet, etal., 1992).This design was employed to obtain information about the quality reading material of Senior High School English textbook for the first year students. In this study, English textbook for the first year students used at SMAN 4 Kediri published by Erlangga was taken to be analyzed that based on BNSP and 2013 English curriculum.

2. The Type of ResearchThe writer used a content analysis to explain this study. The researcher used a content analysis because it used to determine the presence of certain word, concepts, themes, phrases, characters, or sentence within texts or sets of text and to quantitythis presencein an objective manner. Barelson (1974) states that content analysis is research tool focused on the actual content and internal features of media. The writer here wanted to know the quality reading material of the English textbook published by Erlangga which was used for the first year students at SMAN 4 Kediri.

B. The Researcher ExistenceIn this study, the researcher as instrument of the research, because they have more background knowladge about the context is researched. That means the researcher give questions to data source and they also understand what happened. The researcher is doing analysis according to inductive toward the data was got. In here, researcher as complete observer because they directly descend to the area of research and they give questionare to the students that they are also known existance by students.

C. Procedure of the ResearchIn this study, the researcher steady research that based on experience and method of qualitative that can give detail more complex. In the real research the researcher was employed to obtain information about the quality reading material of Senior High School English textbook for the first year students. In this study, English textbook for the first year students used at SMAN 4 Kediri published by Erlangga was taken to be analyzed that based on BNSP and 2013 english curriculum.

D. Place and Time of The ResearchIn the research, the researchers choose SMAN 4 Kediri. There are several reasons that support the researchers select that area. First, that area has students who have capabilities above the average, especially in reading, and the teachers who are teaching in there have used new curriculum 2013 in teaching English. Second, because that area has a library which provides types of book with different curriculum. Automatically the researchers interested in researching how the quality of textbook are available there, did the textbook meets the criteria or not based on English curriculum 2013 and BSNP.

This research was conducted at the high school level, especially at SMAN 4 Kediri to the period October 2013 to March 2014. The month of January was chosen as preliminary studies related to the provisions of the institutions that set the time research is 6 months.

NoPlanning ActivitiesMonth




Draft concept implementation

Agree a schedule and assignments

Drafting instruments

Seminar concept implementation

2.The Implementation

Set up tools

Determine School

Do the action I

Do the action II

3.The Preparation Of The Report

Drafting concepts report

Seminar on research results

Repair report

Duplication and delivery of results

E. Sources of The DataAccording to S. Nasution primary data is data that can be obtained directly from the field or place of study. Meanwhile, according to Lofland that the primary source of data in qualitative research is that the words and actions. The words and actions is a source of data will be obtained from the field by observing or interviewing. Researchers use these data to obtain direct information about (the title) is by way of interviews with students SMAN 4 kediri.

Secondary data is data obtained from literature sources and a variety of other sources consisting of personal letters, diaries, records of the association meetings, until the official documents from various government agencies. Secondary data can also be magazines, newsletters, publications of various organizations, the annexes of official agencies such as the ministries, the results of the study, thesis, survey, historical studies, and so on. The researchers used secondary data to strengthen and complement the discovery of information that has been collected through direct interviews with students SMAN 4 Kediri.

F. Procedure of Collecting the DataIn this research, the writer employed a questionnaire and the documentation as instruments in collecting data. Mardalis (2002) says that questionnaire is the technique to get data through set of written questions which are asked to the respondent in order to obtain answer or information which is needed by researcher. Meanwhile, documentation is looking for the data that are based on written object, such as book, magazine, regulations, document, daily note, etc (Arikunto, 2002). The questionnaire is adapted from Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language by Murcia and Celce. The steps of collecting data of this research as follows: 1. Developing the research instrument (in this case is questionnaire) 2. Validating the research instrument by discussing it with supervisor 3. Administrating the research instrument to the respondents The time that is needed to collecting the data in this research.

G. Technique of Analyzing The DataThere are some procedures of data analysis in this study. First, the writer will collect the data. Next, the writer will analyze it based on the category. After that, the writer will like to analyze it. In this study, the criteria of English textbook quality based on the following score percentage: 85 - 100% = A 70 - 84% = B 55 - 69% = C 30 - 34% = D 0 - 29% = E

Note: A = Excellent B = Good C = Fair D = Poor E = Very Poor


Thus the research proposal titled: AN ANALYSIS READING MATERIAL ON THE QUALITY OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK PATHWAY TO ENGLISH PUBLISHED BY ERLANGGA FOR THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL that we submitted, researchers hope the approval of research proposals that have been submitted. To that end, researchers say thank you.

ATTACHMENTQUESTIONNARE (Adopt from Eny Susilowati)Berilah tanda cek () pada pilihan skor yang menurut anda paling sesuai dengan Kurikulum Pendidikan 2013.



Sangat BaikBaikCukupKurangSangatKurang


A. Subject Matter

1. Subject matter-nya sudah mencakup keseluruhan topik yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013.

2. Urutan materinya tersusun dalam bentuk yang logis.

3. Tingkat isinya sesuai dengan kebutuhan sisiwa.

4. Materinya akurat dan terkini (up to date).

B. Vocabulary dan Structure

1. Vocabulary yang dipakai sesuai dengan tingkat siswa.

2. Vocabulary yang ada terkontrol dari yang sederhana sampai yang kompleks.

3. Vocabulary baru diulang dalam bab berikutnya untuk memperkuat ingatan siswa.

4. Panjang kalimat sesuai dengan tingkatan siswa.

5. Strukture-nya secara bertahap tingkat kesulitannya bertambah sesuai dengan perkembangan kemampuan siswa.

6. Kata yang digunakan adalah kata sehari-hari dan struktur kalimatnya mengikuti order kata normal.

7. Kalimat dan paragrafnya berurutan satu sama lain dalam urutan yang logis.

8. Istilah-istilah linguistiknya diperkenalkan dalam konteks yang tepat.

C. Latihan (Exercises)

1. Exercises-nya mengembangkan pemahaman dan tes pengetahuan tentang ide pokok, detail, dan ragkaian ide.

2. Exercises-nya mencakup vocabulary, structure, dan language skill yang membangun kemampuan siswa.

3. Exercises-nya memberikan praktek dalam bentuk perkerjaan tertulis yang berbeda (seperti melengkapi kalimat, spelling dan dictation, mengarang, dll).

4. Buku tersebut memberikan review dan secara komulatif mengetes materi baru. Exercises-nya mengembangkan komunikasi yang bermakna dengan megacu pada kegiatan yang realistis.

D. Ilustrasi

1. Ilustrasi yang ada menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan dengan menggambarkan realisme dan tindakan.

2. Ilustrasinya jelas, sederhana, bebas, dan manarik.

3. Ilustrasinya secara langsung berhubugan dengan isi untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami teks.

E. Penampilan Fisik

1. Cover/sampul buku tahan lama.

2. Gambar pada cover/sampul bisa menarik perhatian siswa.

3. Teksnya atraktif.

4. Ukuran buku sesuai untuk dipegang siswa.

Berilah tanda cek () pada pilihan skor yang menurut anda paling sesuai dengan kriteria Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP).


Sangat BaikBaikSedangKurangSangat Kurang


A. Kelayakan Isi

1. Kesesuaian materi dengan Standar Kompetensi (SK) dan standar Dasar (SD).

2. Kesesuaian materi dengan Kurikulum.

3. Keakuratan materi.

4. Kemutakhiran materi.

5. Mendorong keingintahuan.

6. Substansi keilmuan dan life skill.

7. Pengayaan.

8. Keberagaman nilai.

B. Kelayakan Bahasa

1. Lugas

2. Komunikatif

3. Dialogis dan Interaktif

4. Kesesuaian dengan peserta didik

5. Kesesuaian dengan kaidah bahasa Indonesia

6. Penggunaan istilah, simbol, dan ikon

C. Kelayakan Penyajian

1. Teknik Penyajian

2. Pendukung penyajian

3. Penyajian pembelajaran

4. Koherensi dan keruntutan alur pikir

D. Kegrafikan

1. Ukuran font buku

2. Desain bagian kulit

3. Desain bagian isi

4. Kualitas kertas

5. Kualitas cetakan

6. Kualitas jilid-an

