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Myers Park United Methodist Church€¦ · Myers Park United Methodist Church ... make thy way...

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Myers Park United Methodist Church A Service of Christian Worship June 26, 2016 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Sixth Sunday After Pentecost WE GATHER Welcome Please pass the hospitality pads at this time. Passing of the Peace Chiming of the Holy Trinity Opening Voluntary Prelude in C Major J.S. Bach Call to Worship from Psalm 77 I will call to mind the deeds of the LORD; I will remember your wonders of old. I will meditate on all your work,

Myers Park

United Methodist Church

A Service of Christian Worship

June 26, 2016 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 a.m.

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost



Please pass the hospitality pads at this time.

Passing of the Peace

Chiming of the Holy Trinity

Opening Voluntary

Prelude in C Major J.S. Bach

Call to Worship from Psalm 77

I will call to mind the deeds of the LORD;

I will remember your wonders of old.

I will meditate on all your work,

and muse on your mighty deeds.

Your way, O God, is holy.

What god is so great as our God?

You are the God who works wonders;

you have displayed your might among the peoples.

With your strong arm you redeemed your people,

the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.

Come let us worship! Processional Hymn No. 73

O Worship the King LYONS

The Creed No. 885 A Modern Affirmation We believe in God the Father,

infinite in wisdom, power and love,

whose mercy is over all his works,

and whose will is ever directed to his children’s good.

We believe in Jesus Christ,

Son of God and Son of man,

the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace,

the ground of our hope,

and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death.

We believe in the Holy Spirit

as the divine presence in our lives,

whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance

of the truth of Christ,

and find strength and help in time of need.

We believe that this faith should manifest itself

in the service of love

as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord,

to the end

that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen.

Gloria Patri No. 71 GREATOREX

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Holy God, we know that you created us in love,

to enjoy this world and You,

to serve your creation and your children.

And we know that we do not do your will.

With clenched hands, we can neither give nor receive.

With eyes tight shut, we cannot see pain or beauty.

With feet of clay, we cannot dance in joy or run to help.

We ask for your help and your power to change.

Open our hands and eyes,

move our feet toward grace and hope and trust in You.

This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Words of Assurance

…In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!

In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!

Glory to God. Amen.

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism (9:45)

Congregational Response (9:45) Child of Blessing, Child of Promise STUTTGART

Child of blessing, child of promise,

baptized with the Spirit’s sign;

with this water God has sealed you

unto love and grace divine.

Child of God your loving parent,

learn to know whose child you are.

Grow to laugh and sing and worship,

trust and love God more than all.

Reception of New Members

Anthem (9:45, 11:00)

Who At My Door Is Standing? K. Lee Scott

Who at my door is standing, there patiently drawing near,

who entrance is demanding? Whose is the voice I hear?

Sweetly the tones are falling: “Now open the door for me!

If thou wilt heed my calling, I will abide with thee.”

Within, the rooms are darkened, all filled with dust and sin;

how shameful, how unworthy for Christ to enter in.

Yet, the tones are falling: “Now open the door for me!

If thou wilt heed my calling, I will abide with thee.”

Door of my heart, I hasten! Thee will I open wide.

Though he rebuke and chasten, he shall with me abide.

Sweetly the tones are falling: “Now open the door for me!

Lord God, I hear thee calling, come now, abide with me.

Dear Lord, abide with me!


Hymn of Preparation No. 473

Lead Me, Lord LEAD ME, LORD

Lead me, Lord, lead me in thy righteousness;

make thy way plain before my face.

For it is thou, Lord, thou, Lord only,

that makest me dwell in safety.

Epistle Reading 2 Corinthians 8:1-14

Reader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God.


Choral Call to Prayer

Take, O Take Me As I Am

Take, O take me as I am;

summon out what I shall be;

set your seal upon my heart

and live in me.

Prayers of the People

After each petition, we enter into the prayer together with these words:

Pastor: Lord, in your mercy,

People: Hear our prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer


Prayer of St. Francis Allen Pote

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, thy pardon, Lord.

Where there is doubt, let there be faith.

Oh, Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.

Where there’s despair let me bring hope.

Where there is darkness, let there be light,

Where there is sadness, let there by joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console.

To be understood as to understand,

To be loved as to love.

Oh, Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

And it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below; Alleluia! Alleluia!

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Prayer of Dedication

WE GO OUT TO SERVE Closing Hymn No. 111

How Can We Name a Love TERRA BEATA


Benediction Response

Lift High the Cross CRUCIFER

Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim

till all the world adore His sacred name.

Come, Christians, follow this triumphant sign.

The hosts of God in unity combine.

Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim

till all the world adore His sacred name. Closing Voluntary Prelude in Classic Style Gordon Young


Stand as you are able



Rev. Dr. James C. Howell, Senior Minister


Palmer Cantler, Duke Divinity Summer Intern (9:45, 11:00)

Rev. Barbara Barden, Minister of Adult Education


Jennifer Huff (8:30), Alina MacNichol (9:45), Gentry Caudill (11:00)


James R. Jones, Director of Music and Organ

Amanda Williams Henry, Soprano

Chancel Choir (9:45, 11:00)


Caroline Griffith (8:30), Haley Godwin (9:45), William Gourlay (11:00)


Jack Griffith and Walker Huff (8:30)

Martin Godwin and Nathan Sherman (9:45)

James Gourlay and Bo Grant (11:00)


Dean Lowery (8:30), Sadie Scott (9:45), Andrew O’Brien (11:00) ________________________________________________________________



WELCOME! We are thankful you are here, worshiping with us. If you’re just

getting to know us, we are a community that welcomes people from all walks of

life. Any staff member, usher or church member is glad to answer questions, or

share directions. Check out the Guest Information bookcases in the narthex

gathering space outside the Sanctuary or drop by the Welcome Center in the lobby

of the Parish Life Building for resources so you can get to know us better. New

guests are invited to pick up a complimentary drink tumbler at the front desk, in

the Sanctuary narthex and by the Jubilee Hall door.

WELCOME, NEW MEMBERS This morning, we welcome new members to the

life of our church: At the 8:30 a.m. service, Spencer and Laura Schimmel. At 9:45

a.m., Logan Jamison, Kaley Smith and Joel and Jennifer Glasco. At 11:00 a.m.,

Josh Cash, Jordan Padgett, Gray and Ashley Reavis, Carroll and Joyce Gray and

Georgia Meyer. Please take a moment at the end of each service to extend a

personal word of “Welcome!” Want to learn more about our church family and

how to get involved? Our Discover Myers Park class shares about the life of the

church. The next Discover Myers Park meets at 10:45 a.m. Sunday, August 14, in

the lobby of Parish Life Building for coffee, fellowship and conversation. You

don’t need to sign up in advance, just come and join us. Reach Rev. Parker Haynes

at [email protected] to learn more.

WELCOME, CHILDREN Bright blue bags with fun activities for your children

are at the Sanctuary entrances. Please return them after worship.

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM Receiving the sacrament of Baptism

at this morning’s 9:45 a.m. service are Merrill Elizabeth Robbins and Nolan James

Robbins, children of Erin and Andy Robbins; and Zachary Vick Wilson, son of

Holly and Greg Wilson.

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given to the glory of God and in honor

of Mark and Doris Edwards on their 50th wedding anniversary, by their loving and

grateful family, Elizabeth, Mark, Jennifer, Avery and Zack.

WANT TO PROVIDE ALTAR FLOWERS? If you would like to provide altar

flowers in memory or honor of a loved one, please contact Peg Broughton at

[email protected]. Available date: July 17 and 31.


service this morning in the memorial chapel.

CLASS FOCUS: HEAVY HEARTS All adults are invited to a summer elective

Sunday School class continuing through July 24 (no class July 3) at 9:45 a.m. in

Room 108 of the Parish Life Building. Partnering with Stephen Ministers, the class

is discussings the book, Don’t Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart: How to Relate to

Those Who Are Suffering, by Stephen Ministries founder Kenneth C. Haugk.

A REMINDER ABOUT GIVING Your generosity all year long helps us serve as

Christ’s hands and feet in the world. We are a bit further behind than usual, with

income through May trailing last year by 11 percent. We know we all love our

Church and want to insure its financial stability. Contribute online at

www.myersparkumc.org, place a check or cash in the offering plate at worship or

mail to 1501 Queens Road, Charlotte, NC 28207. For more on any aspect of the

financial life of the church, reach Executive Director Saribeth Dozer at 704-295-

4844 or [email protected].

DOWNLOAD OUR APP The Myers Park United Methodist Church mobile app

is available for download. You’ll find the latest sermons from Dr. Howell and our

pastoral staff, live streaming worship services and other resources to help you stay

connected online and in real life. To download, search for Myers Park Methodist in

the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or Windows Marketplace.

CONNECT ON SOCIAL MEDIA Miss a sermon? Want to share a Sunday

message? Watch videos, listen to podcasts, share and connect on social media –

24/7 – plus find exclusive content and photos. Connect

at www.facebook.com/myersparkumc, follow us on Twitter at

www.twitter.com/myersparkumc and on Instagram at

www.instagram.com/myersparkumc. Subscribe to our Podcast, Myers Park UMC

Sermons, available for free on iTunes. Subscribe to our YouTube channel,



YOUTH SUMMER SHENANIGANS Students in rising Grades 7-12 should look

out for fun stuff coming in Youth Ministries: Mountain river tubing July 7, an all-

day mystery trip July 28, Taco Tuesday and Open Gym Wednesday. Learn more at


HANDBELLS 101 Want to learn to play handbells? Intro To Handbells classes

open to all adults are Tuesdays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 229 in the Snyder

Building: July 12 (Damping And Weaving), August 9 (4-In-Hand And Shelley

Ringing) and August 30 (Mallet Madness And Techniques A-Z). Details: Director

of Music for Children and Youth Brian Childers at 704-295-4806 or

[email protected].

YOGA WITH MELANIE Dr. Melanie Dobson, a registered yoga teacher since

2006, will offer Yoga With Melanie from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Thursdays

starting July 28 in Room 031 downstairs in the Snyder Building. The class is open

to all levels of practitioners, from beginner on up. Each class will use the Scripture

text from that Sunday’s sermon as its theme. Melanie has taught yoga in a variety

of settings, including churches, retreats and a cancer care recovery house. To sign

up for the free class or learn more, visit www.myersparkumc.org/small-groups.

SINGLE BOOMERS The Single Boomers church fellowship group for those

roughly ages 52 to 70 meets for dinner at 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each

month at a different restaurant. Other upcoming activities include pontoon boating

on Lake Norman, movies, plays and more. To learn more, reach Jan Nomina at

[email protected].



Duke Divinity School summer intern Palmer Cantler will offer a four-week study

on the Psalms and why they are important in our prayer lives. Class will meet

Mondays at 7:00 p.m. on July 11, 18 and 25 and August 1 in Room 105 of the

Parish Life Building. The class will look at the different types of Psalms, their role

as human words consecrated by God and how they are able to name the various

emotions in the human experience. To sign up or learn more, reach Palmer at

[email protected].

SING IN SUMMER CHOIR Everyone from sixth grade on up regardless of

experience is invited to sing in the Summer Choir at the 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary

service from July 3 to August 7. Gather in the Choir Room at 10:00 a.m. on those

mornings for coffee and donuts, then rehearse at 10:15 a.m. before singing in

worship. You can participate on any or all Sundays. Details: Nancy Hamff at 704-

295-4831 or [email protected].

WIRED 4 MINISTRY The next Wired 4 Ministry class will be from 6:30 to 9:00

p.m. Thursday, July 14, in Room 106 of the Parish Life Building. The class helps

people understand their spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality and experiences.

Then the church can recommend ways to connect in ministry. Class registration is

required. Reach Carol Tate at 704-295-4822 or [email protected] or visit


HYMN SING JULY 31 The annual Hymns & Hot Dogs hymn sing will be at 5:30

p.m. Sunday, July 31, in Jubilee Hall, offering a chance to join in on such classics

as I’ll Fly Away and Amazing Grace. Director of Music Jimmy Jones promises a

chance to shout out requests. Hot dogs, chips, lemonade and fellowship follow.

LEARN ABOUT BAPTISM All are invited to learn about the sacrament of

Baptism at a class at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, August 14, in Francis Chapel. We’ll share

the meaning of baptism, and logistics involved in getting your child baptized at our

church. The class is required for parents seeking baptism for their child. Child care

is available. No reservations are needed to attend the class.

WEEKEND RETREAT Rev. Bill Roth will lead a retreat August 19-21 to

Caraway Conference Center in Sophia (near Asheboro), exploring Wayne Muller’s

book, How, Then, Shall We Live? All are welcome, and spaces are available.

Details: www.myersparkumc.org/adults.

ADULTS PLUS! RETREAT The ministry to ages 55 and over will hold a

Spiritual Life Retreat October 19-21 at Lake Junaluska in the N.C. mountains.

Church member Mark Edwards will lead a program on Paul: His Letters And The

Early Church. To learn more, reach Christine Mull at 704-295-4815 or

[email protected].


FREEDOM SCHOOL, WEEK THREE The 80 Freedom School scholars at

Sedgefield Elementary School are in the swing of things. Service opportunities this

week include: Providing snacks for scholars and Servant Leader Interns (teachers);

one-on-one reading; and chaperoning field trips to the library, Discovery Place,

Lazy 5 Ranch and First Tee. Sign up at www.MPUMCFreedomSchool.org.

SERVE AT THE MEN’S SHELTER Our church prepares and serves dinner

twice a month at the Men’s Shelter. Upcoming dates ate July 6 and 12. Join the

team at www.myersparkumc.org/serve.

HELP NEWLY ARRIVED REFUGEES Partner agency Refugee Support

Services is taking a group of children to the fire station on Wednesday, July 27. If

you’re willing to transport our new neighbors from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. using the

church van, contact Local Missions Coordinator Jen Rothacker at [email protected].

EMERGENCY DONATION CALL The Salvation Army Center of Hope has

seen an alarming uptick in the number of women and children coming to the

shelter. The Center is asking the public for portable Pack ‘n Play pens (no cribs),

twin sheets, towels, washcloths, diapers and baby wipes. Donations go in the

Parish Life lobby bin.

MISSION: MEXICO Our mission trip to Mexico July 17-23 will offer the chance

to build friendships and worship with our Mexican neighbors, help build a home,

explore a medical clinic and nutrition program and learn how they provide school

scholarships. To learn more, reach Lindsey Powell at [email protected] or

Virginia Humphries at [email protected] or visit


SIGN UP FOR BRAZIL Join the mission trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,

September 17-23 as we partner with a United Methodist church to work with youth

at a teen center, share fellowship at a nursing home and do light construction.

Details: Donna Sheehan at [email protected] or Shannon Bannister

at [email protected].

GIVE US YOUR GARDEN OVERFLOW Our Garden Ministry will happily

take the excess produce from your garden and donate it to Refugee Support

Services. Reach Mike Farrell at 704-425-3826 or [email protected] to

arrange details.

KIDS BORED ALREADY? Go to www.myersparkumc.org/serve to see all the

ways your kids can serve this summer.

DONATE FOOD ALL SUMMER Remember to grab a blue MPUMC canvas

bag and fill it with canned and boxed goods for Loaves & Fishes food pantry.

Priority items include canned meats and pastas, cereals and canned fruit. Donations

go in the Parish Life lobby bin.

Myers Park United Methodist Church Mission Statement:

We are the body of Christ, growing in faith and serving others.
