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1 Myleigh Neill Assignment 1 ENGL 3153 Technical Writing Dr. Kurlinkus September 24, 2015
Page 1: Myleigh Neill


Myleigh Neill

Assignment 1

ENGL 3153 – Technical Writing

Dr. Kurlinkus

September 24, 2015

Page 2: Myleigh Neill


Table of Contents

Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………….. 3-4

Resume Analysis…………………………………………….. 5-7

Job Call Analysis 1..…………………………………………. 8

Job Call Analysis 2……………………………………………9

Resume 1…………………………………………………….. 10

Cover Letter 1……………………………………………….. 11

Resume 2…………………………………………………...... 12

Cover Letter 2…………………………………………….….. 13

Thank You Letter……………………………………………. 14

Page 3: Myleigh Neill


Curriculum Vitae


Myleigh Neill

2500 Asp Ave, E101 Phone: (417)-860-8166

Norman, OK 73072 Email: [email protected]


B.S. University of Oklahoma. 2017. Meteorology. (Physical Geography minor,

Mathematics minor) GPA: 3.75

Field Experience

CLOUD-MAP (Collaboration Leading Operational UAS Development for Meteorology

and Atmospheric Physics) undergraduate research assistant, University of Oklahoma:

Sept. 2015 – present

o Probed the lower atmosphere using sensors attached to unmanned aerial systems

(UAS). Used these UAS to measure atmospheric quantities such as temperature

and dewpoint. Analyzed and cross-compared the data from the flights to explore

ways to improve the experiment.

Oklahoma Weather Lab, University of Oklahoma: Sept. 2013 – present

o Analyzed public forecast models and data. Collaborated with a team to come to a

consensus on forecast details. Produced independent, weekly weather forecasts

for the state of Oklahoma.

Tornado Library, National Weather Center Library, Norman OK: Fall 2014 – present

o Created an ArcMap database comprised of information on tornadoes that have

occurred in the United States between 1950 and the present. Compiled storm

information provided by observers

Work Experience

National Weather Center Library student assistant, Norman OK: Sept. 2014 – present

o Used technical programs such as ArcGIS to complete projects. Organized large

collection of atmospheric and geographic sciences materials such as books and

journals, and familiarized many scholarly journals and authors. Met deadlines for

distribution of high demand reference materials. Communicated effectively with

NWC employees and students to solve problems such as locating and borrowing


Volunteer Work

National Weather Festival Volunteer, Norman OK: Nov. 2013, Nov. 2014

o Organized and set up a display of free/purchasable items at the weather festival to

encourage attendees to contribute funds and continue to attend each year. Met

attendees as they entered the building and promoted the display.

University of Oklahoma “Big Event” Volunteer, Norman OK: April 2014, April 2015

o Volunteered time and physical work to better the community surrounding the

University of Oklahoma.

Page 4: Myleigh Neill


Relevant Coursework

Atmospheric Dynamics

Physical Meteorology: Thermodynamics

Meteorological Measurement Systems

Climate, History and Society

Programming for Meteorology

Physical Mathematics

Physical Geography

General Physics for Engineering and Sciences I & II

Differential and Integral Calculus I, II, & III


Forecasting (Oklahoma Weather Lab)


o Created simple scripts to run programs containing moving graphics. Edited

existing scripts to fix mistakes so that they would run.


o Edited existing scripts to fix mistakes so that they would run. Wrote lab reports

detailing the steps taken and the use of the script in a project.


o Imported files into ArcGIS to create a tornado track database (Tornado Library)

Academic Honors

President’s Honor Roll, University of Oklahoma: Fall 2013

o Requirements: 4.0 GPA

University Dean’s Honor Roll, University of Oklahoma: Fall 2013, Spring 2014

o Requirements: 3.5 GPA

College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences Dean’s Honor Roll, University of

Oklahoma: Fall 2014, Spring 2015

o Requirements: 3.5 GPA


Studying storm development and life-cycles through storm chasing: Summer 2015

Photography of storms and weather phenomena: Summer 2015

Page 5: Myleigh Neill


Resume Analysis

At first glance, Terry Faber’s resume is moderately scannable and includes a visual

hierarchy of bullets, vectors and italics, which are all strong qualities mentioned in the resume

presentation in class. One interesting aspect of the resume is that there is a summary at the top of

the page, stating all of the key points of the resume to follow. The organization of the resume is

also unique in that the education section is downplayed and placed on the second page rather

than the first. Doing this allows the experience and skills to be noticed first, highlighting the

most appealing qualifications to the potential employer. The resume also includes an example of

a spin, where Terry’s hobby of storm chasing is played off as an organizational skill under the

“Activities” section.

The resume includes key details that were mentioned in the reading “Obtaining a Job”,

such as project management, personal qualities, and technical expertise. It shows project

management under the “Research Associate” position by listing details of the projects that Terry

participated in. The resume describes Terry’s personal qualities in the “Activities” section where

several personal yet relevant activities are listed. It also shows technical expertise under the

“Computer Skills” section where Terry lists being proficient in many computer programs.

One con that the resume includes is that the email and website listed at the top of the first

page are hyperlinked, which is unprofessional. In addition, the resume in general could be

slightly more scannable by using horizontal lines or tabbing more information further to the

right, as most of the information starts near the left side, and the resume has a large block of text

in the middle of the front page. However, Terry’s resume is unique overall which could make it

stand out to potential employers.

Page 6: Myleigh Neill


Terry Faber [email protected] http://www.moreweather.com/

SUMMARY Meteorologist with over 2.5 years of professional experience including a background


Weather Forecasting

Public Relations

Internet Website Design

Computer Science

Class Instruction

Field Research

Data Analysis



Certified Weather Observer

Submit hourly weather observations at the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International


Verify special observations via tower communiation; Quality control previous work.

UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI (Virginia Key, FL) 1996-1998

Research Associate

Taught undergraduate course: "Introduction to Weather Forecasting."

Operated and maintained data acquisition from the ocean surface current radar during


Assisted in training of undergraduate students in weather balloon launching during


Created and maintained internet websites, including Atlantic tropical storm tracking.

Produced figures, posters and presentations dealing with meteorology and air-sea


Delivered daily weather forecasts and organized tropical briefings during hurricane


Communicated severe weather information to CNN television and the Associated Press.


Weather Station Coordinator (1995)

Provided weather information, including forecasts and data, to news media and public.

Supervised and supplemented undergraduate tower workers; maintained weather station.

Page 7: Myleigh Neill


Student Researcher

Produced daily weather forecasts and launched rawinsondes during Stratus Experiments.

Launched rawinsondes and monitored data acquisition during ASTEX Experiment in


Meteorologist, Campus Weather Service

Wrote and recorded discussions, forecasts and bulletins to clients throughout PA.

Discussed current weather on a weekly three minute live television program.

COMPUTER SKILLS Proficient in the following computer programs, languages and platforms:

Windows 3.11

Windows 95/98











Surfer Plot


Word Perfect


EDUCATION MS Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, 1996

BS Meteorology with Highest Distinction, Pennsylvania State University, 1994

University Scholars Program, Minor in Computer Science

ACTIVITIES Participant, National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest, 1992-1999

Top 5% final standing every year.

Organizer, Annual Tornado Chasing Trip, 1994-1998

Member, American Meteorological Society, 1993-Present


Dr. Bruce Albrecht

University of Miami

4600 Rickenbacker Cswy

Miami, FL 33149

Dr. Nick Shay

University of Miami

4600 Rickenbacker Cswy

Miami, FL 33149

William Syrett

Pennsylvania State University

608B Walker Building

University Park, PA 16802

Page 8: Myleigh Neill


Job Call Analysis 1

The first job call is for a college graduate who is looking to work for the Bureau of

Meteorology (BoM) in Australia. They expect for the applicant to have a background in math

and science, be able to analyze complex data, be an effective communicator, and be able to work

both independently and collaboratively. The corporate culture is formal and scientific. A couple

of buzzwords they use are “analyze”, meaning to examine and interpret something, and

“collaborate”, meaning to work with a team. In my resume and cover letter, I will mimic many of

their buzzwords that they have listed in their job call, such as analyze, collaborate, and

communicate, as well as specific skills they are looking for such as math and science. I will

adopt a scientific tone to appeal to their criteria of having a scientific background. In comparison

with my second job call, the BoM is more expectant of math and science experience than

meteorology experience, because of the fact that they train their new employees to their

forecasting standards.

I have customized my resume by firstly showing my education, since their main

requirement is to have completed at least two years of math and science related courses. This

technique of highlighting information that will appeal to the employer is introduced in the

“Obtaining a Job” reading. I then included my experience forecasting, as it would look

impressive to them to see an applicant who already has this experience, since many of their

applicants do not. I included my work experience at the NWC Library to show that I am used to

working in the professional environment of a government building. In my cover letter, I

connected with the Bureau’s mission statement in saying that I also value informing the

community of weather occurrences, as well as used many buzzwords listed in their job call.

Page 9: Myleigh Neill


Job Call Analysis 2

The second job call is for an internship with the North Dakota Atmospheric Resource

Board. The Board is looking for a meteorology or atmospheric science major with good

communication skills. They prefer that the applicant have completed meteorological coursework,

as well as have knowledge of Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and software. The job

description also mentions that the intern will be doing data recording and forecasting. The

corporate culture is formal and scientific. A couple of technical terms used in the job call are

“data recording”, which is keeping track of measurements and data usually in an organized

fashion, and “cloud physics”, which is the study of the life cycle of clouds. In my resume, I will

mimic some of their buzzwords and valued skills, such as stating that I have meteorological

coursework and computer knowledge of the operating systems they require. In my cover letter, I

will mention having knowledge of cloud physics, as well as having data recording and

forecasting experience, which are two skills they are expecting an intern to exercise. The tone of

my cover letter will be formal and scientific to match their job call. In comparison with the BoM

job call, the internship with the NDARB calls for more specific knowledge and experience in the

field of meteorology, and more individual skills as opposed to working well with a team.

As instructed in the “Writing Your Job Application Letter” reading, I used my cover

letter to discuss how I could use my previous experience to benefit the company. I customized it

with specific forecasting and data recording experience to match the tasks that their interns will

be performing. I also included a comparison of my passion for improving weather conditions in

hazard-prone areas, as this is the main goal of their Cloud Modification project.

Page 10: Myleigh Neill


Myleigh Neill 2500 Asp Ave, Apartment E101, Norman, OK 73072

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (417)-860-8166


University of Oklahoma Norman, OK Expected: May 2017

BS Meteorology, GPA 3.75

Minor: Physical Geography

Minor: Mathematics

Field Experience

National Weather Center Library Norman, OK Sept 2014 – present

Tornado Library Project

Created an ArcMap database consisting of information on tornado tracks

Compiled storm information provided by observers to provide Tornado Library users

with substantial information about specific storms/tornadoes

Communicated with team members in other areas of the project to make sure we were all

on the same track

University Of Oklahoma Norman, OK Sept 2013 – present

Oklahoma Weather Lab

Analyzed public forecast models and data

Collaborated with a team to come to a consensus on forecast details

Produced independent weekly weather forecasts for the state of Oklahoma

Work Experience

The National Weather Center Library Norman, OK Sept 2014 – present

Front Desk Attendant

Used technical programs such as ArcGIS to complete projects

Met deadlines for distribution of high demand reference materials

Communicated with NWC employees/students to solve problems such as locating and

borrowing materials

Academic Honors

Dean’s Honor Roll University of Oklahoma Spring 2015, 2014

Qualification: GPA 3.5+ Fall 2014, 2013

President’s Honor Roll University of Oklahoma Fall 2013

Qualification: GPA 4.0

Page 11: Myleigh Neill


2500 Asp Ave, E101

Norman, OK 73072

September 24, 2015

Mr. Thomas Anthony

Recruitment Manager

Bureau of Meteorology

GPO Box 1289

Melbourne, Victoria, 3001 Australia

Dear Mr. Anthony,

I am writing to request your consideration for the Graduate Meteorologist position at the Bureau

of Meteorology. I am currently in my third year studying meteorology at the University of

Oklahoma, and have completed the two years of math and science courses required by the

Bureau. I am genuinely interested in a career with the Bureau, and in contributing my

mathematics, science, and meteorology skills to the field of weather prediction. Like the Bureau,

I value the education of the community and seek to keep the public informed on current and

developing weather patterns that will affect their daily lives.

I have developed my communicative and productive team-working skills through my

participation in the Oklahoma Weather Lab student forecasting organization. During each shift, I

collaborated with several other meteorology students in order to come to a mutual agreement

about the details of the forecast for that week. I then worked independently to analyze numerical

weather prediction models and produce a specific forecast for my assigned time period. My

forecasts were published on the OWL website, which received positive feedback from audiences

ranging from the general public to experienced forecasters with the National Weather Service.

I have developed technical experience from my position in the Tornado Library project at the

National Weather Center. In this project, I created a database of official Storm Prediction Center

tornado tracks through ArcMap. I also compiled storm accounts and photographs donated by

storm chasers and photographers into the Tornado Library database so that users could be

provided with storm-specific information with each tornado track. This project has familiarized

me with working in a professional environment which is a skill I would be able to exercise when

working in the BoM offices.

I look forward to talking to you more about working as a forecaster with the Bureau of

Meteorology. Please contact me at (417)-860-8166 at any time that suits your schedule. Thank

you for considering me for this position.


Myleigh Neill

Page 12: Myleigh Neill


Myleigh Neill

2500 Asp Ave, Apartment E101 Email: [email protected]

Norman, OK 73072 Phone: (417)-860-8166


University of Oklahoma Norman, OK Expected: May 2017

BS Meteorology, GPA 3.75

Minor: Physical Geography

Minor: Mathematics


University of Oklahoma Norman, OK Sept 2015 – present

CLOUD-MAP (Collaboration Leading Operational UAS Development for Meteorology and

Atmospheric Physics)

Probed the lower atmosphere using sensors on unmanned aerial systems (UAS)

Measured quantities such as temperature and dewpoint

Analyzed data and conducted cross-comparisons

University Of Oklahoma Norman, OK Sept 2013 – present

Oklahoma Weather Lab

Analyzed public forecast models and data

Communicated with a team to come to a consensus on forecast details

Produced independent weekly weather forecasts for the state of Oklahoma


University of Oklahoma Norman, OK Sept 2013 – present

Atmospheric Dynamics

Physical Meteorology: Thermodynamics

Meteorological Measurement Systems

Climate, History and Society

Programming for Meteorology


Windows operating system and software, including Microsoft programs and latest


Mac operating system and software

Page 13: Myleigh Neill


2500 Asp Ave, E101

Norman, OK 73072

[email protected]


September 24, 2015

Mr. Joseph Hearst

Chief Meteorologist

North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board

900 E. Blvd. Ave. Dept. 770

Bismarck, ND 58505-0850.

Dear Mr. Hearst,

I am writing to request your consideration for the Intern Meteorologist position on the North

Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board. I am currently in my third year as a meteorology major at

the University of Oklahoma, where I am studying coursework over subjects related to the

NDARB’s Cloud Modification Project, such as cloud physics. Like the NDARB, I am passionate

about improving weather conditions in hazard-prone areas, and because of this, I believe I would

be a worthy addition to the NDCMP team.

While at the University of Oklahoma, I have been actively involved in a research project called

CLOUD-MAP (Collaboration Leading Operational UAS Development for Meteorology and

Atmospheric Physics). Through this project, I have developed research skills using unmanned

aerial systems to collect and analyze data of the lower atmosphere. With this data, I wrote reports

detailing the strengths and weaknesses of the technology. My skills in data recording would

allow me to produce quality records of data from the ND Cloud Modification Project.

I have developed my weather forecasting skills through my participation in the Oklahoma

Weather Lab student forecasting organization. During each forecast shift, I communicated

effectively with several other meteorology students in order to come to a mutual understanding

about the details of the forecast for that week. I then worked independently to produce a specific

forecast for my assigned time period. With my forecasting experience, I would be able to make

daily forecasts for the ND Cloud Modification Project with a high accuracy rate.

I look forward to talking to you more about working as an intern with the North Dakota

Atmospheric Research Board. Please contact me at (417)-860-8166 at any time that suits your

schedule. Thank you for considering me for this position.


Myleigh Neill

Page 14: Myleigh Neill


2500 Asp Ave, E101

Norman, OK 73072

September 24, 2015

Mr. Thomas Anthony

Recruitment Manager

Bureau of Meteorology

GPO Box 1289

Melbourne, Victoria, 3001 Australia

Dear Mr. Anthony,

I enjoyed getting the chance to meet with you on Tuesday and discuss the Graduate

Meteorologist position at the Bureau. Thank you especially for the tour of the forecast office, it

was a great opportunity to get a picture of the detailed work that goes on behind the scenes.

As we spoke about in my interview, my previous experience with forecasting will allow me to

transition smoothly into the daily forecast process at the Bureau. I am still very interested in the

position, despite the 24/7 shifts you mentioned that many people have been hesitant of. I am

flexible with my schedule and I would be excited to take on these hours if given the opportunity.

Could you let me know what the next steps are for me to take in the application process?

Thank you again for meeting with me. I believe that my forecasting background would be a great

match for this position. If there is anything else I can do to help with your decision, please do not

hesitate to let me know at (417)-860-8166. I look forward to hearing from you.


Myleigh Neill
