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Realism the art style most people regard as "real art", where the

subject of the painting looks very much like it appears in real life. From a little distance everything looks "real" but up close you'll see it's an illusion created by skillful use of paint, of color and tone. The artist uses perspective to create an illusion of reality, setting the composition and lighting to make the most of the subject.

Cubism It is an art form created through a modernizes approach to

expression of the mind’s interpretation of the natural world. Cubism was a truly revolutionary style of modern art

developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. It was the first style of abstract art which evolved at the beginning of the 20th century in response to a world that was changing with unprecedented speed. Cubism was an attempt by artists to revitalise the tired traditions of Western art which they believed had run their course. The Cubists challenged conventional forms of representation, such as perspective, which had been the rule since the Renaissance. Their aim was to develop a new way of seeing which reflected the modern age.

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Abstract Abstract Art is art that is not an accurate

representation of a form or object.  This  representation can be differed in many ways including the shape, color, and form.  The artist takes the object and then either simplifies it or exaggerates it using these things. 

Abstract artists felt that paintings did not have to show only things that were recognizable. In their paintings they did not try to show people, animals, or places exactly as they appeared in the real world. They mainly used color and shape in their paintings to show emotions. Some Abstract art is also called Non-objective art. In non-objective art, you do not see specific objects. It is not painted to look like something specific

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Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon(The Young Ladies of Avignon, and originally entitled The Brothel of

Avignon) by Pablo Picasso

In term’s of Voloshinov’s social semiotic, the painting’s multiaccentuality tells us much about the limits of the signifying system within which it operates.

This Painting truly introduces Cubism as a modern art movement and proved to reject any and all principles established in the Academy.

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Le Portugais By Georges Braque

Le Portugais, painted by Braque in the summer of 1911, is an attempt to utilize the techniques and philosophies of Cubism to alter the viewer’s perception and definition of reality. In contrast to a more traditional, naturalistic work, which would accept the viewer’s preconceptions about the nature of reality and attempt to mimic them, Le Portugais unapologetically indulges in the idiosyncratic nature of Braque’s vision.

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Girl with a Mandolin

Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler

Pablo Picasso

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Man with a Mandolin

Woman Reading

Georges Braque

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Bergson’s philosophy was profoundly anti-materialist and idealist. He claimed that reality was that which we all seize from within, that is made up of each individual’s experience and intuition of the world rather than eternal objectivity or simple analysis.

The philosophy of Henri Bergson, which asserts that the flow of time personally experienced is free and unrestricted rather than measured on a clock and contends that all living forms arise from a persisting natural force.

Bergson saw the reality as something in constant flux and change.

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Ma Jolie by Pablo Picasso

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Clarinete et bouteille de rhum sur une cheminee

( Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on a Mantelpiece)

by Georges Braque A clarinet lies on a mantelpiece at the centre of this playful work. In front of it stands a bottle with the characters, RHU, the first three letters of the French word for rum. The word Valse (Waltz) introduces the idea of dancing, reinforcing the theme of music evoked by the clarinet and suggestions of treble and bass clefs. The scrolled form in the lower right-hand corner could stand for either the bracket of the mantelpiece or the head of an instrument.