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MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’...

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MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO
Page 1: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal- SGO

Page 2: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 7

English Language & Literature


MYP YEAR 4 LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREUnit title Key concept Related


Statement ofinquiry

MYP subjectgroupobjective(s)

ATL skills/Learner Profile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Novel- AnitaDesai's, ' InCustody'

Literature-70 sessions @40 min

Language(Structure andUsage) - 160sessions @ 40min.(the readingwriting andcommunicationskill would bereinforced inall the units ofliteraturethroughlanguage)

Connections Audienceimperatives,Character,Context

Personal andCulturalExpression.

Exploration-Ideas,feelings,nature,beliefs andvalues; ouranalysis andappreciationof aesthetics

Emotionalconstraintshave theirimpacts onindividualsand societies.

A- AnalyzingB-Organizing-C- ProducingtextD- Usinglanguage

Thinking skillsandCommunicationskills

LP- Thinker,Communicator

“In Custody by Anita Desai" (novel)CONTENT-1. Explore and appraise writer’s choices for creating effect.2. Understand the importance of using audienceappropriate tone and register3. Write to inform, evaluate, narrate, argue, persuade, andpresent their perspective. 4. The enhancement of inter-cultural tolerance, gain an insight into the socio- culturalcontext of the Post-Colonial age, a literary appreciation ofthe text.Structure and Usage:

The students will be taught to appreciate the effect writer'screate through their choices of language and the use ofgenre- specific conventions.; additional scaffolding vialanguage usage and appraisal exercises.Reading Skills: 1- demonstrate a precise understanding ofextended texts. 2- Synthesize, develop, analyse andevaluate facts, ideas and opinions. 3- Effectivelysummarise, paraphrase and re-express. 4-demonstrateunderstanding of how writers achieve their effects. 5-recognise and respond to sophisticated. 6-linguisticdevices. 7- Extract appropriate information for specificpurposes.Writing Skills: 1- express effectively what is thought, feltand imagined. 2- Order and convey facts, ideas andopinions effectively. 3- Demonstrate a sophisticated use ofimaginative and varied vocabulary. 4- Demonstrate a clearsense of audience and context. 5- Demonstrate accuracy inspelling, punctuation and grammar. 6- Use effectively avariety of sentence structures.Communicating Skills: 1- describe and reflect onexperience, and express effectively what is thought, felt andimagined. 2- Understand and convey complex informationin a sophisticated way. 3- Order and present facts, ideasand opinions effectively. 4- Discuss statements of opinionand attitude, discerning underlying assumptions and pointsof view. 5- Communicate with clarity, focus and purpose. 6-communicate appropriately depending on the audience andcontext7- Evaluate and reflect on what is heard.

Page 3: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 8

English Language & Literature

Play -'Macbeth' byWilliamShakespeare.70 sessions @40 min.

Connections Audienceimperatives,Setting,Character,Context.

Identities andrelationships

Exploration-socio-cultural andsocio-psychologicalimplications.

Emotionsaffectjudgment andcreate bias.

A- AnalyzingB-Organizing-C- ProducingtextD- Usinglanguage

Thinking andResearch skills

LP- Thinker,Communicator,Reflective

"Macbeth by Shakespeare"CONTENT-Macbeth – Act and scene wise detailed studyExplicit• Understanding of text in the dramatist’s chosen context• Topic tracking-tracing the development of theme, plot,characterInferential• A critical appreciation of dramatic conventions utilized andthe effect the playwright creates.• Draw inferences, recognize implications and makedeductions to evaluate the play• Analyze content against the context chosen.• Appraise plot development, the ascending action towardsthe climax and the denouementEvaluatory• Exposition the relative significance of the use of dramaticconventions to its larger cultural, contextual and literarypurpose.Service As Action- Inter house activity- Enactment of theexchange of dialogues between Macbeth and LadyMacbeth

Short poems-60 sessions @40 min.

Perspectives Genres, self-expression,style,structure

Personal andculturalexpressionExploration-Ideas,feelings,nature,beliefs andvalues; ouranalysis andappreciationof aesthetics

Criticalreadersunderstandthat contextand authors’perspectivesaffect readers’interpretationsof literarytexts.

A- AnalyzingB-Organizing-C- ProducingtextD- Usinglanguage

Thinking skills,Research andCommunicationskills

LP- Reflective,Open- minded,Inquirer

Poems- From Songs of Ourselves:: Vol 2 Part21.Kofi Awoonor:’The Sea Eats the Land at Home’2.Robert Bridges: ‘London Snow’3.Billy Collins: ’Afternoon With Irish Cows’4.David Constantine: ‘Watching for Dolphins’5.William Cowper:’ The Poplar-Field’6.Allen Curnow: ‘‘You Will Know When You Get There’7.Gerald Manley Hopkins:’ The Caged Skylark’8.Elizabeth Jennings: ’In Praise of Creation’9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’12:’Peter Reading: ’Cetacean’13: Edna St. Vincent Millay: ‘The Buck in the Snow’14.Charlotte Smith:’ Written Near a Port on a Dark Evening’15. Alfred, Lord Tennyson: ‘The Kraken’

Page 4: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:






Global context Statement ofinquiry

MYP subject group objective(s) ATL skills /Learner profile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Me andpeoplearoundme30Sessions@ 40min

Connection Message,pattern,purpose

Identities andrelationshipsAreas ofExploration• personalefficacy andagency• attitudes,motivations,independence

Human beingsconnect andcommunicate toentertain andsocialise betweenfamilies, friends,communities andculturesstrenthening theirvalues andbeliefs.

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

Social skillsCollaborationSkillsLearnerProfilesOpen-Minded,Caring

Different types of houses and its furniture.Visiting a native family/ house. Directions.Grammar: Revision of perfect tense, Futuretense, speak about past events or memories,perfect tense of modal auxiliary verbs.

Food30Sessions@ 40min

Perspective Meaning,empathy

Identities andrelationshipsAreas ofExploration• health andwell-being• lifestylechoices

Health is atreasure which isa key to a healthysociety.

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C: Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

Research SkillsInformationLiteracy SkillsLearnerProfilesKnowledgeable,Inquirer

Special meals / Typical meals. Comparison ofeating habits. Healthy diet / lifestyle. Fast food/foreign food.Grammar: Revision of Degrees, Imperativ (writea receipe in imperativ).

School30Sessions@ 40min


Audience,point ofview,pattern

GlobalisationandsustainabilityAreas ofExploration• commonality,diversity andinterconnection

Educationenhances theacceptance andacknowledgesand appreciatesdifferentindividuals todevelop the worldas a whole.

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

Thinking skillsCritical,CreativeLearnerProfilesThinker,Communicator

Compare Indian and target country educationsystem. Opinion about school rules, uniform andclubs. Compare role of class representative.Grammar: Posters and advertisements fornotice boards, article for school magazine(school exchange programme)

Page 5: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:



Hobbiesand Freetime30Sessions@ 40min

Culture Context


Personal andculturalexpressionAreas ofExploration• socialconstructionsof reality• philosophiesand ways oflife

Language playsan important rolein promoting allforms of tourism,to interact withthe world aroundus.

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

CommunicationSkillsCommunicationthroughinteractionLearnerProfilesCommunicator,Open-Minded,Risk- Taker

Compare weekend activities. Description ofHolidays and journeys with family/friends.Reason for going on holidays. Types of holidayaccommodation. Understanding Advertisementswith actual material Grammar: Interview offamous personality, to write text or essay onnew hobbies or free time activities( why hobbiesare important)

Service As Action- Comparison of weekendactivities of Indian and French People (ChartMaking)- International Mindedness.

Page 6: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:






Global context Statement ofinquiry

MYP subject groupobjective(s)

ATL skills /Learner profile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Me andpeoplearoundme30Sessions @ 40min


Message, pattern,purpose

Personal andculturalexpressionExploration-Roles and rolemodels,happiness andgood lifelifestylechoices.

The family andcommunity towhich we belongdetermine ourrole to the globalsociety basedon our identity,beliefs andvalues

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

Social skillsPracticeempathyCommunicateinformationand ideaseffectivelyusing varietyof media andformats

Significant concepts:Students should : Understand family relationships,Describe the appearances , house , house holdactivities ,talk about hobbies and interests ,spending and savings , narrate an outingGRAMMARadjectives ,prepositions, present tense with depuis ,time prepositions etc., the adjectives, reflexiveverbs.Activities- informal writing( email, letter, note,..),picture description, interview of a famouspersonalities)

Education andWork30Sessions @ 40min

Culture GlobalizationandsustainabilityExploration-:Exchange &interaction,Commonality,diversity &interconnection

Education helpsus to change ourpoint of viewand enhancesopenmindedness toorient ourselvesin global society

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

Self-managementskillsUnderstandand usesensorylearningpreferences

Find out more about the target culture, describeschool events in the past, school exchangeprogrmme, internship , futur plans for higherstudies and job Grammar: perfect and futuretense, reflexiv verbsActivities- Formal letter writing, article for schoolmagazine

TownandServices30Sessions @ 40min

Culture WordchoiceFunctionStructure

Personal &culturalexpressionExploration-:-Ritual andplay-criticalliteracy,languages andlinguisticsystems.

Language plysan importantrole in promotingsustainable formof tourism and isthe key to workcollaboratively.

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form


Find out more about the target countries,Understand descriptions of a town, talk abouttransport in the cities, weather and directions, talkabout country side/a visit to a theme park/ touristattractions/ practice shopping transactions/ recentcultural events , formal conversationGrammar: Imperative, conditional sentences,prepositionsActivities: Polite conversation ( shop, hotel and

reservation counter), postcard writing, brochuremaking

Page 7: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:



Food andHealthyLife Style30Sessions @ 40min

Culture EmpathyAudience

GlobalizationandsustainabilityExploration-Analysis andargument

By practicing toeat properly webegin to fulfillour purpose onthis planet togrow as healthy,creative, wise,andcompassionatehuman beings.

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication inresponse to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

Thinkingskillscritical thinkingCommunication skills

Talk about healthy eating, to express preferencesin choice of meals, comparison of food items andeating habits between own culture and targetculture, global health issues due to wrong eatinghabits Activities : Recipe writing, Roleplay, Debate Grammar :Imperative , passive voice, conditional sentences .

Page 8: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 1





Global context Statement ofinquiry

MYP subject group objective(s) ATL skills /Learner Profile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Family30Sessions@ 40 min

Connection Message,pattern,purpose

Identities andrelationshipsAreas ofExploration• personalefficacy andagency• attitudes,motivations,independence

Human beingsconnect andcommunicateto entertainand socialisebetweenfamilies,friends,communitiesand culturesstrentheningtheir valuesand beliefs.

A :Comprehending spoken andvisual textB:Comprehending written and

visual textC:Communication in responseto spoken, written and visualtextD: Using language in spokenand written form

Social skillsCollaborationskills

Different types of houses and its furniture.Visiting a native family/ house. Directions.Grammar: Revision of perfekt tense, Futuretense, adverbs of directions, speak aboutpast events or memories, präteritum ofmodal verbs.

Food30Sessions@ 40 min

Perspective Meaning,empathy

Identities andrelationshipsAreas ofExplorationhealth andwell-beinglifestylechoices

Health is atreasure whichis a key to ahealthysociety.

A :Comprehending spoken andvisual textB:Comprehending written and

visual textC:Communication in responseto spoken, written and visualtextD: Using language in spokenand written form

Research SkillsInformationLiteracyLearner ProfilesKnowledgeable,Inquirer

Special meals / Typical meals. Comparisonof eating habits. Healthy diet / lifestyle. Fastfood/ foreign food.Grammar: Revision of Degrees, Imperativ(write a receipe in imperativ), Passiv ( writethe same receipe in passiv)

School30Sessions@ 40 min


Audience,point ofview,pattern

GlobalisationandsustainabilityExplorationcommonality,diversity andinterconnection

Educationenhances theacceptanceandacknowledgesandappreciatesdifferentindividuals todevelop theworld as awhole.

A :Comprehending spoken andvisual textB:Comprehending written and

visual textC:Communication in responseto spoken, written and visualtextD: Using language in spokenand written form

Thinking skillsCritical Thinking. CreativeThinkingLearner ProfilesThinker,Communicator

Compare Indian and target countryeducation system. Opinion about schoolrules, uniform and clubs. Compare role ofclass representative. Grammar:posters and advertisements for noticeboards, article for school magazine (schoolexchange programme)

Page 9: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 2


Hobbiesand Freetime30Sessions@ 40 min

Culture Context


Personal andculturalexpressionExplorationsocialconstructionsof realityphilosophiesand ways oflife

Languageplays animportant rolein promotingall forms oftourism, tointeract withthe worldaround us.

Objective A :Comprehendingspoken and visual textObjective B:Comprehendingwritten and visual textObjective C:Communication

in response to spoken, writtenand visual textObjective D: Using languagein spoken and written form

CommunicationskillsThroughInteractionLearner ProfilesCommunicator,Risk- Taker,Open-Minded

Compare weekend activities. Description ofHolidays and journeys with family/friends.Reason for going on holidays. Types ofholiday accomodation. UnderstandingAdvertisements with actual material.Grammar: Interview of famous personality,to write text or essay on new hobbies orfreetime activities( why hobbies areimportant)

Page 10: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 1






Statement ofinquiry

MYP subject group objective(s) ATL skills /Learner Profile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)



Message, pattern,purpose

Personal andculturalexpressionExploration-Roles androle models,happinessand good lifelifestylechoices .

The familyandcommunityto which webelongdetermineour role tothe globalsocietybased on ouridentity,beliefs andvalues

A : Comprehending spoken andvisual textB: Comprehending written and

visual textC: Communication in responseto spoken, written and visualtext. Communicate with a senseof audience.D: Using language in spoken

and written form

Social skillsPractice empathy

Communicateinformation andideas effectivelyusing variety ofmedia andformats

Significant concepts:Students should : Understand familyrelationships, Describe the appearances ,house , house hold activities ,talk abouthobbies and interests, spending and savings,narrate an outing GRAMMARadjectives ,prepositions, present tense withdepuis , time prepositions etc., the adjectives,reflexive verbs.Activities- informal writing( email, letter,note,..), picture description, interview of afamous personalities)

EDUCATION & WORK30Sessions@ 40 min

Culture StructurePurpose

GlobalizationandsustainabilityExploration-:Exchange &interaction,Commonality,diversity &interconnection

Educationhelps us tochange ourpoint of viewandenhancesopen-mindednessto orientourselves inglobalsociety

A :Comprehending spoken andvisual text.B: Comprehending written andvisual textC: Communication in responseto spoken, written and visualtext. Communicate with a senseof audience.D: Using language in spoken

and written form

Self-managementskillsUnderstand anduse sensorylearningpreferences

Find out more about the target culture,describe school events in the past, schoolexchange progrmme, internship , future plansfor higher studies and jobGrammar: perfect and future tense, reflexiveverbsACTIVITIES- Formal letter writing, article forschool magazine.

TOWN &SERVICES30Sessions@ 40 min

Culture WordchoiceFunctionStructure

Personal &culturalexpression

Exploration-:-Ritual andplay-criticalliteracy,languagesand linguisticsystems.

Languageplays animportantrole inpromotingsustainableform oftourism andis the key toworkcollaboratively.

A :Comprehending spoken andvisual textB:Comprehending written and

visual textC:Communication in response tospoken, written and visual textCommunicate with a sense ofaudienceD: Using language in spoken

and written form

Communication Find out more about the target countries,Understand descriptions of a town, talk abouttransport in the cities, weather and directions,talk about country side/a visit to a theme park/tourist attractions/ practice shoppingtransactions/ recent cultural events , formalconversationGrammar: Imperative, conditional sentences,prepositionsActivities: Polite conversation ( shop, hotel

and reservation counter), postcard writing,brochure making.

Page 11: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 2




GlobalizationandsustainabilityExploration-Analysis andargument

By practicingto eatproperly webegin to fulfillour purposeon thisplanet togrow ashealthy,creative,wise, andcompassionate humanbeings.

A :Comprehending spoken andvisual textB:Comprehending written andvisual textC:Communication in response

to spoken, written and visual textCommunicate with a sense ofaudienceD: Using language in spoken

and written form

Thinking skillscritical thinking

CommunicationskillsUse a range ofspeakingtechniques tocommunicate withvarious audiences

Talk about healthy eating, to expresspreferences in choice of meals, comparison offood items and eating habits between ownculture and target culture, global health issuesdue to wrong eating habitsGrammar : Imperative , passive voice,conditional sentencesActivities : Recipe writing, Role play, Debate


Page 12: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 1



MYP PHASE 3 LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (HINDI)Unit title Key concept Related

concept(s)Global context Statement of

inquiryMYP subject groupobjective(s)

ATL skills /Learner Profile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Family andFriends'Generationgap'30sessions@ 40 min.

Connection Empathy,Point of view

Identities andrelationshipsArea ofExploration''support of selfesteem in ageneration gap''

The connectionbetweenempathy andpoint of view toharness theidentity andrelationship ingenerationgap.

Objective A:-Comprehendingspoken and visualtext:Objective B:-Comprehendingwritten and visualtext:Objective C:-Communicating inresponse tospoken, written andvisual text:Objective D:- Usinglanguage in spokenand written form:

Social skillsCluster:CollaborationLearner Profile: Caring ,Balanced

Topic-:''Status''Meaning of GenerationDifference Opinion between family members.1 Samay samay ki baat (story)2 Sahijan ka Ped (Story)Basic Vocabulary, Synonyms, Noun, Pronoun

Health'Mentalhealth'20sessions@ 40 min.

Communication Point of view,Empathy

Fairness anddevelopmentArea ofExploration''mental healthfor imagining ofhopeful future'

Mental health-in a nutshell, iscommunicatingwith empathyto be fair,resulting indevelopment ofindividual.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

Thinking skillsCritical Thinking

Learner Profile: Caring

Importance of health, Causes of mentalsickness, Role of psychologist. Importance ofbalanced diet and healthy environment in life.Importance of regular Exercise.Yoga, meditation, regular exercise helpingmaintaining good health. Guidance to maintaingood health, Relation of health with behavior,Describing pictures, Letter Writing, ParagraphWritingService As Action - Role Play to spreadAwareness about mental health in the school..Learning outcome- Work collaboratively withothers. Discuss, plan and evaluate the activity

Travel andTourism'South'30sessions@ 40 min.

Culture Context ,Function

Personal andculturalexpressionArea ofExploration'' Histories ofideas, fieldsand disciplines''

The personaland culturalexpression canbe changedaccording tothe context inwhich wetravel.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

Research skill- InformationliteracyLearner ProfileKnowledgeable

Meaning of difficult words related to tourism.Definition of terms used in the topicImportance of travel in lifeBeliefs and values of the southern region and

the culture. Letter Writing, Paragraph Writing,Verb, Adjective, Adverbs, idioms, phrases.

Page 13: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 2


Media20sessions@ 40 min. .

Communication Message,Audience

Globalizationandsustainability''Importance ofmedia toshowcasecommonality,diversity andinterconnection''

Thecommunicationthrough mediaconveys amessage to theaudienceglobally.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

CommunicationResearch skillMedia literacy


Meaning of difficult words. Definition of termsused in the topicBias in Media , Reporting – Films - Religion -SportsInternational Affairs

Festival20sessions@ 40 min.

Culture context,function

Personal andculturalexpressionsExplorationritual duringfestivals ''

The function offestival is toshow personaland cultralexpression.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

Social Skill-CollaborationLP- Balanced,Reflective

Festivals of North, synonyms, Definition,Importance of Festivals in our lifeEssay Writing, Letter WritingConnection with Performing Arts: Thedifferent festivals can be showcased usingdrama and music. Activity : Dance and songon festivals in AssemblyLearning- intercultural understanding

Page 14: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 1



concept(s)Global context Statement of

inquiryMYP subject groupobjective(s)

ATL skills /Learner Profile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Family andFriends'Divorces'35sessions@ 40 min.

Communication Message,purpose

Identities andrelationshipsExploration-''Moral reasoningand ethicaljudgement.

Relationshipsassume apurpose byopencommunicationand respectingidentities.

Objective A:-Comprehendingspoken and visualtext:Objective B:-Comprehendingwritten and visualtext:Objective C:-Communicating inresponse tospoken, written andvisual text:Objective D:- usingLanguage inspoken and writtenform

Social skillsPracticeempathyLearner ProfileCaring, open-minded,balanced andcommunicator.reflective.

Topic- :''Moral reasoning and ethicaljudgement.''Meaning of GenerationDifference Opinion between family members.Reason for broken marriages. Importance offamily and friends, .support of the society.Stigma in the society. Role of single parent.Problems faced due to divorce.-Basic Vocabulary ,Synonyms, Parts of Speech

1. Article - Bikharate parivaar tootate reshte

HealthMedicineand ethics35sessions@ 40 min

Connection Meaning,Purpose,Message

Personal andculturalexpressionExploration-''Commonality,diversity andinter connection''

Interpretationandrepresentationof ourexpression is areflection of ourpersonal andspiritual health.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

Thinking skillsTransferLearner ProfileCaring,balanced,

Content: ''Commonality, diversity andinterconnection''Importance of the good health. Healthylifestyle, Food and nutrition, medicines and itsrole in life, prevention of disease.Importance of balanced diet, MalnutritionImportance of regular Exercise. Yoga,

meditation, regular exercise for maintaininggood health. Guidance to maintain good health,Describing pictures,

MediaAdvertising30sessions@ 40 min.

Communication purpose Fairness andDevelopmentExploration -Power andprivilege

Communicationhelps informingopinions andbias.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

Research skills-Media LiteracySkillsLearner Profilebalanced,

principled, ,thinker,communicator,

Topic : Power and privilege- Reporting- Films

MYP PHASE 4 LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (HINDI)Unit title Key concept Related

Page 15: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 2


Travel andTourism'India'30sessions@ 40 min.

Communication Purpose Personal andculturalexpressionExplorationArtistry, craft,creation, beauty

The purpose ofcommunicationis to exploreandunderstand.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

CommunicationSkill throughinteractionLearner Profilethinker, inquirer,

communicator,risk taker,

Mode of communication. Diversity in India.Culture, Language and religion.

Advantage of tourism.

Hobbies30sessions@ 40 min.

Culture Context Identities andrelationships

Exploration -physical,psychologicaland socialdevelopment

Hobbies help tounderstandculture in itscontext and inbuildingrelationships.

Objective AObjective BObjective CObjective D

CommunicationsThroughlanguageLearner Profilebalanced,

inqurier, risktaker

1. Meanings, Definition2. Importance of hobbies in our life3 Different types of hobbies.4 Relevance of hobbies in life.

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 7





Statement ofinquiry

MYP subjectgroupobjective(s)

ATL skillsLearnerProfile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

The basiceconomicproblem:30sessions @40 min.

Systems Scarcity,Sustainability

Fairness anddevelopmentExploration1-inequality,

difference andinclusion2-humancapability anddevelopment

Scarcity ofresourcesrelative tohuman wants isthe centralproblem ineconomics.

A: Knowing andunderstanding-B: Investigating-

Communication- throughLanguageSelf-managementLearnerprofile:Knowledgeable, Thinker,Communicator

1-Choice and the allocation of resources.2-What is the economic problem?3-Factors of Production4-The satisfaction of human wants5-Opportunity cost: the cost of choice

The allocation ofresources30 sessions @40 min.

Change Resources,Growth

GlobalizationandsustainabilityExploration :•Markets,commoditiesandcommercialization

Every countryhas an economyinvolvingdecisions aboutproduction,consumptionand exchange ofgoods andservices.

A: Knowing andunderstanding -C:Communicating

Thinking-Creativethinking skills-CriticalThinking skillsLearnerProfile:Knowledgeable,Thinker,Communicator,Principled andBalanced

1- How markets work2-Market failure.3-Economic Systems4-Social costs and benefits.

Connection: Business Studies - Allocation ofResources

The individualas producer,consumer andborrower.40 sessions @40 min

Systems Consumption,Trade

Personal andculturalexpressionExploration :products,systems,institutions

The bankingsystem in anymoderneconomy ensurethat there isenough moneyin circulation tofinanceproduction,consumptionand exchange.

C:Communicating-D: Thinkingcritically

Research-Media literacyskillsMindfulnessLearnerProfile: Risk-Taker,Knowledgeable, Principled,Thinker andOpen-minded

1-The individual as producer, consumer and borrower.2-Money and finance3-Occupations and earnings4-The role of trade unions5-Spending, saving and borrowing.

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 9


People inbusiness

40sessions @40 min.


Leadership Identities andrelationshipsExploration-compare aboutleadershipstrategiesglobally.

A globalconsensus isthat Leadersneed to maintaina healthyrelationship withtheirsubordinates forthe properfunctioning ofthe firm.

A : KnowingandUnderstandingD:


Thinking-Criticalthinking skillscommunication skillsSelf-Management-OrganizationalskillsLP- Thinker,Inquirer,Communicator

1-Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs2- Contents of a business plan and how business plansassist entrepreneurs3- Why and how governments support business start-ups, e.g. grants, training. The methods and problems ofmeasuring business size:4- Methods of measuring business size, e.g. number ofpeopleemployed, value of output, capital employed (profit isnot a method of measuring business size). 5-Limitations of methods of measuring business sizeWhy some businesses grow and others remain small:6- Why the owners of a business may want to expandthe business7- Different ways in which businesses can grow8- Problems linked to business growth and how toovercome.Why some businesses remain small ?Why some (new or established) businesses fail: •Causes of business failure, e.g. lack of managementskills, changes in the business environment9- Why new businesses are at a greater risk of failing?

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 8

INDIVIDUALS & SOCIETIESThe Private firmas producer andemployer30 sessions @40 min.


Power, Model Identities andrelationshipsExploration :•competitionandcooperation

A firm may takea number oflegal formsaccording tohow it is owned,controlled andfinanced.

A: Knowing andunderstandin

C:CommunicatingD: Thinking


Communication Skills-through.LearnerProfile:Communicator, Thinker,Knowledgeable andPrincipled

1-Types of business organization.2-Organization of production.3-The growth of firms.4-Competition

IDU and Connections with Business Studies

The role ofGovernment inan economy.30 sessions @40 min.



Fairness anddevelopmentExploration :•Democracy,politics,governmentand civilsociety

To achieve itsmacroeconomicobjectives agovernmentinfluences theaggregatedemand andaggregatesupply in theeconomy.

A: Knowing andunderstandingB: Investigating

Research-InformationliteracyMedia literacyskillsThinking-Critical.Transfer skillsLP:Communicator, Thinker,knowledgeable, Reflectiveand Principled

1-Government economic policy.2-Taxation


Unit titleKeyconcept

Relatedconcept(s) Global context

Statement ofinquiry

MYP subjectgroupobjective(s)

ATL skillsLearner Profile Content (topics, knowledge, skills)


30sessions @40 min.

System Choice;consumption;trade

GlobalizationandsustainabilityExploration-how businesswould sutainthemselves intodaysglobalizedworld.

Business activityis required in allsystems whereconsumers areoffered a variedchoice in todaysglobalized world

A : KnowingandUnderstandingD:


Thinking-Criticalthinking skills-Communication- Research-Media literacyskills-LP- Thinker,Inquirer,Communicator

1- Concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and opportunitycost2- Importance of specialization.3- Purpose of business activity4- The concept of adding value and how added valuecan be enhancedConnection- Economics

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 10




Unit title Keyconcept

Relatedconcept(s) Global context Statement of

inquiryMYP subject


ATL skillsand Learner

ProfilesContent (topics, knowledge, skills)


40sessions@ 40 min

Form Representationsimplification

Scientific andTechnicalInnovationsExploration-rational andirrationalNumbersthroughmathematicalpuzzles

Numbers canberepresented indifferent forms

A: Knowing andunderstanding

D: Applyingmathematics inreal-life context



Number concept1- Different types of numbers 2-Multiples and factors 3- Primenumbers 4- Powers and roots 5- Working with directednumbers 6- Order of operations 7- Rounding numbersFraction1- Equivalent fractions 2- Operations of fractions 3-Percentages 4- Standard form 5- Your calculator andstandard form 6- EstimationSequences and sets1- Sequences 2- Rational and irrational numbers 3- SetsMeasurements1- Understanding units 2- Time 3-Upper and lower bound 4-Conversion graphs 5- More moneyManaging money1- Earning money 2-Borrowing and investing money 3- Buyingand sellingRatio, Rate and Proportion1- Working with ratio 2- Ratio and scale 3-Rates 4- Kinematicgraphs 5- Proportion 6- Direct and inverse proportion inalgebraic terms 7-Increasing and decreasing amounts in agiven ratio

Algebra40sessions@ 40 min

Relationship SimplificationModel

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationArea ofExploration -How humansuse theirunderstanding ofscientific andmathematicalprinciples

Relationshipsin our naturalworld can berepresentedusing modelsandunderstand theuse ofscientific andmathematicalprinciples.

B: InvestigatingPatterns






Basic Algebra1-Using letters to represent unknown values 2- Substitution3- Simplifying expressions 4- Working with brackets 5-IndicesEquations and Transforming formula1- Further expansion of brackets 2-Solving linear equations3-Factorizing algebraic expressions 4- Transformation of theformula 5-Setting up equations to solve problemsQuadratic equations1- Expansion 2-Factorize Quadratic expressionsFurther solving of equation and inequalities1- Simultaneous linear equations 2-Linear Inequalities 3-completing Squares 4- Quadratic formula5-Factorize quadratics with coefficient of x2 is not 1 6-Algebraic fractionsConnection with Sciences – Physics

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 11


Probability30sessions@ 40 min

Logic RepresentationJustification

Identities andrelationshipsExploration-developing thehealthierchoices forbetter lifestyle

Makinghealthierchoices canresult fromlogicalrepresentations

A: Knowing andUnderstandingC:CommunicatingD:Applyingmathematics inreal-life context

Communication skillsLearnerProfile:Inquirer

Probability1- Basic probability 2-Theoretical probability 3- Probability ofan event not happening 4-Possibility Diagrams 5- Combiningindependent and mutually exclusive events 6-Using treediagram to show outcomes 7-Calculating probability from treediagramsConnection with Sciences-biology

Statistics30sessions@ 40 min

Relationship Representation

GlobalizationandSustainabilityExploration-global issuesand its impacton environment

Quantities canberepresented toestablishrelationshipbetween themglobally

A: Knowing andUnderstandingC:Communicating

Communication skillsResearchskillsCluster-Informationliteracy skillsLearnerProfile:Communicator

Statistics1- Collecting and classifying data 2- Organizing data 3- Usingcharts to display dataAverages and measure of spread

1- Different types of averages 2- Making comparisons usingaverages and ranges 3-Calculating averages and ranges forfrequency data 4- Calculating averages and ranges for groupcontinuous data 5-Percentiles and quartilesHistogram and frequency Distribution1- Histograms 2- Cumulative frequencyScatter diagram and correlation

Geometry60sessions@ 40 min

Form MeasurementRelationships

Personal andculturalExpressionsStudents willExploration-creating 3Dshapes withmaximumvolume andminimal SurfaceArea

Different formandmeasurementenables tocreate newstructures

A: Knowing andunderstandingB: InvestigatingPatternsC:CommunicatingD: Applyingmathematics inreal-life contexts


Lines, angles and shape1- Lines and angles 2-Triangles, Quadrilaterals and Polygons3- Circles 4- ConstructionsMensuration1- carry out calculations involving the perimeter and area of arectangle , triangle, parallelogram, rhombus and trapezium.2-Surface area and Volume of a Cube, Cuboids, Prism, Cone,Cylinder, Sphere, Hemisphere and Pyramids 3-Circumferenceand area of a circle. 4- Solve problems involving the arclength and sector area as fractions of the circumference andarea of a circle.

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 14



Unit title Keyconcept

Relatedconcept(s) Global context Statement of

inquiryMYP subject


ATL skills andLearnerProfiles

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Indices andsurds20 sessions@ 40 min.

Form Equivalence

Scientific andTechnicalinnovationExploration-the developmentof numbersystems and itsevolutionleading to theScientificinnovation

Appreciating theinnovationsmade throughthe extension ofthe numbersystems thatmay help inunderstandingthe completeform of realnumbers andequivalence toitsrepresentation.

A- Knowingandunderstanding

Thinking skillsCritical thinkingTransferLearner Profile:Knowledgeable

1- simple operations with indices and with surds, includingrationalizing the denominatorConnection - Chemistry - molar calculations andchemical reactionsPhysics - calculations with physical quantities

Functions50 sessions@ 40 min


Model Scientific andTechnicalinnovationExploration-Extending theunderstanding ofMathematicalFunctions to thesurrounding

Real lifesituation can bemodeled byidentifying therelation betweenthe variablesdefined.

B -InvestigatingPatternsD - ApplyingMathematicsto Real lifecontext

Thinking skillsCritical thinkingResearch skillsInformationLiteracyLearner Profile:KnowledgeableThinker

1-Concept of function, domain, range, one-one function,inverse function and composition of functions2- relationship between y = f(x) and y = mod(f(x)), wheref(x) may be linear, quadratic or trigonometric3-use of sketch graphs to show the relationship between afunction and its inverse 4- finding the maximum orminimum value of the quadratic function by any method5- using the maximum or minimum value of f(x) to sketchthe graph or determine the range for a given domain6- know the conditions for f(x) = 0 to have:(i) two real roots, (ii) two equal roots, (iii) no real rootsand the related conditions for a given line to(i) intersect a given curve, (ii) be a tangent to a givencurve,(iii) not intersect a given curve7- solve quadratic equations for real roots and find thesolution set for quadratic inequalities 8- simple propertiesand graphs of the logarithmic and exponential functionsincluding ln x and ex 9- the laws of logarithms (includingchange of base of logarithms) 10 solve equations of theform ax= bConnection-Physics - Physical quantities seen as a fuction with somevariables; Projectile motion and the predictionsEconomics - relationship between cost function,production function, etc.

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 15

MATHEMATICSSystem ofLinearequations20 sessions@ 40 min

Form Equivalence

Scientific andtechnical


Observing andgeneralising

linear relationsin the


Analysingequivalentgraphical formmay help inmakingpredictions forthe systemunder study

B-InvestigatingPatternsC -Communication

Thinking:Critical thinkingCommunicationLP:InquirerCommunicator

1- interpreting the equation of a straight line graph in theform y = mx + c 2- transforming given relationships,including y = axn and y = Abx to straight line form andhence determining unknown constants by calculating thegradient or intercept of the transformed graph 3- mid-pointand length of a line. 4- the condition for two lines to beparallel or perpendicular . 5- simultaneous equations intwo unknowns with at least one linear equation 6- theremainder and factor theorems. 7- finding factors ofpolynomials 8- solving cubic equations. 9- Solvingequation established for different physical quantitiesConnections- Economics - Optimization of the productionPhysics - Distance time graphs . Biology - predictinglinear relation between biological aspectsService as Action- Collecting data for poverty line andliteracy of various states in India and establishingconnection between the two. Suggestions for improvingthe generalised observation.Learning outcome- Discuss, evaluate and plan studentinitiated activities.

Circularmeasure &Trigonometry50 sessions@ 40 min

Logic Measurement

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration-the applicationof trigonometryto real lifesituations

Measuredpracticalparameters canbe extendedlogically for thedevelopments inthe society


Thinking skillsTransferSelf-managementskillsReflectionLerner Profile:InquirerCommunicator

1- the arc length and sector area of a circle,including knowledge and use of radian measure2- the six trigonometric functions of angles of anymagnitude(sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, cotangent)3- amplitude and periodicity and the relationship betweengraphs of e.g. sin x and sin 2x4- the graphs of : y = a sin (bx) + c, y = a cos (bx) + cy = a tan (bx) + c ,where a and b are positive integers andc is an integer. 5- using the relationships and solvingsimple trigonometric equations involving the sixtrigonometric functions and the above relationships (notincluding general solution of trigonometric equations) 6-proving simple trigonometric identitiesConnection-Physics - Wave functions and periodic functions

Permutationsandcombinations20 sessions@ 40 min


Patterns Personal andculturalexpressionExploration-Appreciating thecomplexarrangements insurroundingssimplified bymathematics

Developedpatterns basedon generalizedrelations canlead to betterexpressions

A- KnowingandunderstandingD- ApplyingMathematicsto Real Lifecontext

Research skillsInformationLiteracySocial skillsCollaborationLearner Profile:KnowledgeableThinker

1- distinguishing between a permutation case and acombination case2- the notation n! (with 0! = 1), and the expressions forpermutations and combinations of n items taken r at a time3- simple problems on arrangement and selection

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MYP YEAR 4 DESIGNUnit title Key



Statement ofinquiry

MYP subjectgroupobjective(s)

ATL skills Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Types andComponentsof ComputerSystems30 sessions@ 40 min

Systems ErgonomicsFunction

Fairness anddevelopment-Exploration-imagining ahopefulfuture bylooking atthe old andnewtechnologicalinventions.

Systems thatare designedto meet anindividual’sergonomicrequirementscan increasetheir ability tofunction withinthe world.




Candidates should be able to:1- define hardware, giving examples;2- define software, giving examples;3- describe the difference between hardware and software;4- identify the main components of a general-purpose computer:central processing unit,main/internal memory (including ROM and RAM), input devices,output devices and secondary/backing storage;5- identify operating systems, including Graphic User Interface,command line interface;6- Identify different types of computer including Personal Computer

or desktop, mainframe, laptop, Palmtop and Personal DigitalAssistant

Introductionto ComputerDevices25 sessions@ 40min



ScientificandtechnicalinnovationExploration-Systems,models andmethods

Understandingthe working ofdifferent form& functions ofComputerdevices for itsadaptation .

A - Inquiring& AnalysingC-CreatingSolutionD-Evaluating

Communication SkillsResearch

Skills(MediaLiteracy,Information Literacy)Thinking


1-Input Devices- keyboard, Mouse, Scanners, Tracker ball,Sensors…..2-Processing Devices from Super Computers to small low Powerconsumption devices like Smart Phones & Microcontrollers3-Storage Devices4-Primary /Internal (RAM,ROM)5-Secondary Devices- HDD,SDD,CD,DVD,CD-RW ...... OutputDevices - Printers, Monitors, Cutters....(II) Working of Input Devices(i)Input Devices- keyboard, Mouse, Scanners, Tracker ball,6- Sensors….. Processing Devices from Super Computers tosmall low Power consumption devices like Smart

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DataRepresentation & BinaryLogic 25sessions @40 min.


Ergonomics Form Representing&Communicating Data invarious formsto beaccessible tothe user

Objective C:Creating theSolutionObjective D:Evaluating

ThinkingSkills(Critical )

Students should understand -1- Data Representation ina- binary notation & to convert denary numbers to & from binaryb-Hexadecimal notation & to Hexadecimal integers to & fromBinary & Denaryc-Signifcance of Hexadecimal in Computer System2- Data Communicationa-Of what is meant by transmission of data

b-Distinguish between Serial & Parallel Data Transmissionc-Reasons of choosing Serial or Parallel Data Trasnsmissiond-Need to check for Errorse-Explain How Parity bits are used for error detectionf-Identify Current uses of Serial & Parallel Data Transmission suchas Integrated Circuits (IC), Universal Serial Bus (USB)g-Show understanding of the concept of Media Access Control(MAC) address,Internet Protocol (IP) addressh-Identify current uses of Hexadecimal numbers in computingEgDefining colours in Hypertext Markup lLanguage (HTML)

DataIntegrity &Security30sessions@40 min

System Persepective&Sustainability

Fairness &DevelopmentExploration-Authority,Security ansFreedom

Sustainabilityof ComputerSystem indifferentperspectivesfor fairdevelopment

Objective A :Inquiring andAnalyzingObjective C:Creating theSolutionObjective D:Evaluating

ThinkingSkillsResearchSkillsCommunication Skills

Sub topics: - Candidates should have an understanding of a rangeof ICT applications in their everyday life and be aware of the impactof ICT in terms of safety and security.1- Physical safety in an ICT based environment, E-safety, Thesecurity of personal and commercial data2- Various Possible Effect of Security Risk 3- Methods to RemoveSecurity Risk

Presentationauthoring50 sessions@ 40 min.



IdentitiesandRelationships -Exploration-transitions inmethods ofpresentingdata.

Designersadapt the formin whichinformation iscommunicatedin order tomake itaccessible tothe end-user.

Objective A :Inquiring andAnalyzingObjective B:DevelopingIdeasObjective C:Creating theSolutionObjective D:Evaluating



The students should know to practice/ use1- Master slides 2- Heading 3- Sub heading4- Bulleted list 5- Animation 6- Transition7- Save 8- Screen shot 9- PrintService As ActionStudents will be opening different gadgets and understand themechanism and working of the gadgets. They will explain about thetechnology used in the gadgets for making every individualtechnically sound. The same will be done using a presentation.Learning outcome- Work collaboratively with others.

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 1



Unit title Keyconcept



Statement ofinquiry

MYP subjectgroupobjective(s)

ATL skills andLearnerProfiles

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Chemicals oflife andanimalnutrition.10 sessions@ 40 min.

Systems FunctionBalance

Identities andrelationshipExploration-Health andwell being

The healthyfunctioning of asystemmaintains abalance andhelps in growthof its relatedelements.

A; KnowingandUnderstanding.

Thinking:Critical, TransferLP: Thinker

1- What are we made up of? 2- Structure and uses ofcarbohydrates, proteins and fats.3- Uses of vitamins,minerals, fibre and water.4- Healthy diet andconsequences of unhealthy diet.5- Digestion inhumans - both mechanical and chemical.6- Foodproduction

Enzymes8 sessions@ 40 min.

Change FunctionTransformation

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration-Biologicalrevolution

Scientific andtechnologicaladvancesenable societiesto use, controland transformthe function oforganisms andbiologicalmolecules.

B: Inquiringand designing.C:Processingand evaluating

CollaborationSelf-management:Reflection.LP: Reflector,Open- minded

1- What is an enzyme and what enzymes do?2- How and why enzymes are affected by temperatureand pH?3- The uses of enzymes. 4- Culture ofmicroorganisms.

Plantnutrition12 sessions@ 40 min.

Systems InteractionEnvironmentEnergy

GlobalizationandsustainabilityExploration-Connection ofPhotosynthesiswith transferof energy

Interaction ofsystems withenvironmentplays vital rolein transformingandconservation ofenergy forglobalsustainability.

A: Knowingandunderstanding.B: Inquiringand designingC: Processingand evaluating.

Thinking:Critical ,TransferLP: Thinker

1- Types of nutrition.2- Photosynthesis.3- Structure ofleaves. 4- Factors affecting rate of photosynthesis5- Uses of glucose. 6- Limiting factors.7-Photosynthesis investigations. 8- Structure andfunctions of xylem and phloem.

Connections: Mathematics - (Data analysis and graphplotting)

Livingorganisms intheirenvironment.10 sessions@ 40 min.

Systems InteractionEnvironmentEnergy

Identities andRelationshipExploration-CompetitionandCooperationbetween living

Organismsinteract with thenaturalenvironment bytransferringmatter andenergy

Objective D :Reflecting onthe impacts ofscience


1- Living organisms in their natural habitat. 2- Foodchains and food webs. 3- How energy is passed fromone organism to another through food chains and foodweb.4- Energy losses can help improve the efficiency ofproducing food by agriculture. 5- How carbon, waterand nitrogen are recycled in ecosystems.6- Factors

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 2

SCIENCESorganisms andenvironment

. that affect the size of population of organisms,including humans.

Cells andCellmovement10 sessions@ 40 min.

Systems FormFunction

Fairness andDevelopment

Exploration-Functions of acell and itscontribution infunctioning oflife

Specific formsrelated tospecializedfunctions ofsystems resultinto fairnessanddevelopment.

Objective A :Knowing andunderstandingObjective B:Inquiring anddesigning.Objective C:Processingand evaluating.



1- Plant and animal cells - similarities and differences.2- Cells contain different structures and organelles withspecialized functions including: nucleus, cellmembrane, cell wall, chloroplast, vacuole,mitochondria, and cytoplasm. 3- Cells may bespecialized for specific functions (for example, leaf cell,root hair cell, sperm cell, red blood cell). 4- Cell mustcarry out all of the basic functions of life. The cellmembrane regulates the flow of substances into andout of the cell. The surface area of the cell limits theamount of substances that can flow into and out of thecell. 5- The transport of substances into and out ofcells during diffusion and osmosis is based on aconcentration gradient.

Reproduction30 sessions@ 40 min.

Change Balance Personal andculturalexpressionExploration-Socialconstructionsof reality andways of life.

Changes shouldbe balanced tohelp the ways inwhich weexpress ourculture, valuesand beliefs.

Objective A :Knowing andunderstanding

Self-management:AffectiveEmotionalManagementLP: Balanced,Caring

1- Life cycle involving sexual reproduction using theexamples of a human and a flowering plant. 2-Lifecycle involving both asexual and sexual reproductionfor example, an aphid and coral. 3- Structure of aninsect-pollinated flower. 4-Process of pollination,fertilization, seed and fruit formation and dispersal.5- Label a diagram of the human male and femalereproductive organs. 6- Role of hormones duringpuberty.7- Mechanism of fertilization, copulation,gestation and lactation. 8- Sexually transmitteddiseases- Causes and prevention.

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 3





Global context Statement ofinquiry

objective(s) ATL skills andLearnerProfiles

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

The particulatenature ofmatter andExperimentaltechniques20 sessions @40min.

Change TransferPattern

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration –Processes forobtaining purechemical products

Scientific andtechnicalinnovations havebeen observedas a result of thechange of patternin the transfersrelated toproducts andhence processesand solutions.

ObjectiveB:Inquiring anddesigningObjective CProcessingandevaluating


L P- Thinker,Inquirer,Knowledgeable

1- Properties of solids,liquids and gases.2-Changesof state.3- Atom, molecule and ion. 4- Diffusion 5-The particle theory. 6- Appropriate apparatus forthe measurement. 7- Paper chromatography. 8-The importance of purity in substances for use ineveryday life, e.g. in the manufacture ofcompounds to use in drugs and food additivesService as action: Testing the purity of water fromswimming pool and waste water treatment plantLearning outcomes: Collaborative working anddiscussion and evaluation of the results.

Atoms,elements andcompounds;The periodictable15 sessions@ 40 min

Relationship ChangePattern

Orientation in timeand spaceExploration - Theexchange andinteraction ofelectrons leads tothe formation ofcompounds.

An exchange andinteraction in therelationship leadsto the change inthe patternoriented in spacewith time.

Objective A:Knowing andunderstanding

Thinking:Critical, CreativeResearch:InformationliteracyLP-- Thinker,Knowledgeable,Reflective

1- Physical and chemical changes.2- Elements, mixtures and compounds3- Metals and non-metals4- Solvent, solute, solution and concentration5- Structure of an atom6- Electronic structures7- Proton number, 8- Nucleon number, 9 Isotopes

Stoichiometry10 sessions@ 40 min

Systems BalanceTransfer

Orientation in timeand spaceExploration-Desired amount ofproduct is due tointeractionbetween thereactants.

A balancedsystem can beestablished bythe transfer,exchange andinteractionoriented in spacewith respect totime.

Objective A:Knowing andunderstanding


management:OrganizationLearner Profile:Thinker,Knowledgeable,Reflective

1- Chemical equations2- Balancing a chemical equation3- The mole concept4- Calculating the limiting and excess reactants.

ElectricityandChemistry;Metals15 sessions@ 40 min.

Systems MovementEnergy

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration - Theelectrolysisprocess of asolution is method

Movement of flowof energy insystems can bestudied bycarrying out aninnovation in thescientific and

Objective B:Inquiring anddesigningObjective C:Processingandevaluating

Thinking:Critical, creativeSocial-CollaborativeLearner Profile:Inquirer, Open-minded,

1- Electrolysis 2- The terms electrode, electrolyte,anode and cathode.3- The electrode products,using inert electrodes, in the electrolysis.4- Theproducts of electrolysis to the electrolyte andelectrodes used5- Refining of copper 6- Electroplating of metals7- Extraction of aluminium by electrolysis method

Page 28: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 4

SCIENCESto obtain pureproduct.

technicalprocesses toobtain thesolution for thedesired products

Objective D:Reflecting onthe impactsof science


8- Reactivity series, Extraction of iron and zinc byreduction method 9- Uses of metals

Chemicalenergetics10 sessions@ 40 min

Change EnergyTransfer

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration - Theenergetics of asystem can bestudied usingmodels, daigramsand methods

Changes thatoccur in differentsystems due tothe transfer ofenergy can bescientifically andtechnicallyexplained usingmodels andinnovativemethods.

Objective A:Knowing andunderstanding

Thinking:CriticalResearch:InformationliteracyLearner Profile:Thinker,Knowledgeable,Reflective

1- Energetics of a reaction2- Exothermic and endothermic changes related tochange in temperature and energy

Chemicalreactions10 sessions@ 40 min.

Change ConditionsConsequences

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration - Theamount of productdepends onprocesses andsolutions

A change in thescientific andtechnicalinnovations in theprocesses undervariousconditions andconsequencesleads to thedesired solutionsand products

Objective B:Inquiring anddesigning

Objective C:Processingandevaluating

Thinking: CriticalCreativeResearch:InformationliteracyLearner Profile:Inquirer, Open-minded, thinker

1- Rate of reaction2- Collision Theory3- Factors influencing rate of reaction:-concentration, surface area or particle size,temperature and catalysts.• Redox reactions (oxidation and reduction)

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Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 5



Unit titleKey



Statement ofinquiry



ATL skillsand Learner

Profiles Content (topics, knowledge, skills)Motion30 sessions@ 40 min.



Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration-Products,processes andsolutions.

Relationshipbetween movementand itsconsequences haveresulted in scientificand technicalinnovation.

Objective B:Inquiring andDesigningObjective C:ProcessingandEvaluating.

Thinking SkillsSocial SkillsLearnerProfile -Thinker ,InquirerCommunicator

1-Length and Time,2-Speed, Graphs of speed-time and distance -time,3-Mass and Weight,4-Density,5-Forces and their effects, Turning effects,6-Centre of Mass,7-Pressure, Work, energy and power, Energyresources.IDU - Physics + Physical and Health education

Service as Action - "Investigating Speed."Learning Outcomes- developing new skills,working in collaboration.Connections With Math - Graphs

ThermalPhysics30 sessions@ 40 min.

Change Energy,Transformation

Globalizationandsustainability.Exploration -Human impacton theenvironment

Transformation ofenergy brings forthchange resulting inHuman Impactaffectingglobalization andsustainability.

Objective A: KnowledgeandUnderstandingObjective DReflecting onthe impactsof science

Communication SkillsResearchSkills LearnerProfile -Communicator, Reflective.

1-Simple kinetic model of matter,2-Pressure and volume changes for a gas,3-Matter and thermal properties,4-Measuring temperature,5-Modes of heat transfer,6-Consequences of Heat Transfer.Service as Action - Essay writing on “Implications ofGlobal warming and the need to develop alternatesources of energy."Learning Outcomes - developing new skills,international-mindedness through globalengagement.Connections with Language and Mathematics.

Waves20 sessions@ 40 min.

Systems Interaction,energy

Orientation inspace andtime.Exploration -Exchange andInteraction

Exchange of energybetween systemsresult in theorientation ofparticles in spaceand time.

Objective B:Inquiring andDesigningObjective C:ProcessingandEvaluating.

Thinking SkillsSocial SkillsLearnerProfile -Thinker ,InquirerCommunicator

1-General wave properties, 2- reflection, refraction,3-Converging lens, 4-electromagnetic spectrum,5-Sound,Service as Action - "Investigating WavePhenomena".Learning Outcomes- becoming aware of strength

and areas of growth, developing new skills, workingin collaboration, persevere in action.Connections With Mathematics in numerical andBiology - impacts of sound waves.

Page 30: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 1




Unit titleKeyconcept


Globalcontext Statement of inquiry

MYP subjectgroupobjective(s) ATL skills/ LP Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Muraldesignbased onnature20sessions@ 40 min


audience orientation inspace andtime

Art in public place cancommunicate with a wideraudience.

A Knowing andunderstanding.B : DevelopingSkillsC : Thinking


Social skill:Workcollaborativelyin a productionteam withassigned rolesandresponsibilities.

1-Investigation tasks- what is mural? 2-Preparatory work and planning for the final work-3-study of natural elements in various media, layout plan. 4-Realization of final work-make a muralon a wall as group work.

Still life-Pencilshading20sessions@ 40 min

Change Genre Orientationin time andspace

Still life has been aimportant form ofexpression throughout thehistory of art

A Knowing andunderstanding.B : DevelopingSkillsC : Thinking

creativelyD : Responding

CriticallyThinking skills

Students are expected to- 1-learn about- formand shape, 2-proportion and scale, light and dark,3-develop observational skill, drawing skill,rendering skill in pencil, 4-demonstrate theapplication of skills and techniques, 5- make aStill life using various grades of pencil. 6-Outlineconnections by reflecting on their own artisticintentions and evaluate own artwork and acritique of a peer artwork.

Elementsof art –Value20sessions@ 40 min


Composition Personaland culturalexpression

Since we see objects andunderstand objectsbecause of how dark orlight they are, value isincredibly important to art.

A Knowing andunderstanding.B : DevelopingSkillsC : Thinking

creativelyD : Responding

Creativethinking skills

1-Understanding of Value as a primary element ofvisual art. 2-Know about various techniques ofcreating Value.3- Inquiry into the works of otherartists with specific reference to Value throughresearch. 4-Task- Students to create a black andwhite work in pencil referring to a photographicimage with a good range of value. 5-Write arefection about the process, evaluate works ofself and peers done in this unit.

Hue, Tintand Shade20sessions@ 40 mi


Audience orientation inspace andtime

Understanding of tint andshade is important to knowthe range and possibility ofa particular colour/hue.

A Knowing andunderstanding.B : DevelopingSkillsC : Thinking

creativelyD : Responding

Creativethinking skills

1-Understanding of tint and shade as part of thecolour theory. 2-Know about various techniquesof creating shades. 3-Inquiry into the works ofother artists with specific reference to tint & shadethrough research. 4-Task- Students to create amonochrome painting based on a specific subjectwith a good range of tints and shades. 5- Write arefection about the process, evaluate works ofself and peers done in this unit.

Page 31: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Physical & Health Education


MYP 4-5 PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATIONUnit title Key concept Related

concept(s)Global context Statement of

inquiryMYP subjectgroupobjective(s)

ATL skills/ LearnerProfile

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Title-Football50 sessions@ 40 min

Communication Perspective,Interaction

Identity andrelationship

For a team tofunctioneffectively, allteam membersmustcommunicateefficiently toeliminate anymisunderstandingthat might arisedue to differingperspectives.

Objective A-Knowing andunderstandingObjective B-Planning forPerformanceObjective C-Applying andperformingObjective D-Reflecting andimprovingperformance

Social Skill-CollaborationReflection skill

LP- Risk Taker,Principled, Balanced

1-Inquiry session on Football.2-Live matches to be shown to thestudents for techniques.3-Rules and regulation of the game.4-Practice sessions to develop differentskills of football.5-VerbalTechnical terms forcommunication.6- Nonverbal signals for communication.7- Matches to observe the affective skillsof the players.7- Drills to enhance the skills andstamina.8- Diet chart.

Title-Athletics80 sessions@ 40 min.

Change Energy


Scientific andtechnicalinnovation

InnovativeTechnical supporthelps inenhancing theathletic skills andalso to becomeaware of theglobalcompetitions inthe field of sports.

Objective A-Knowing andunderstandingObjective C-Applying andperformingObjective D-Reflecting andimprovingperformance

1-Self management-Organization andAffective skills-Mindfulness,perseverance andemotional management2-Research skillLP-Principled, Caring,communicator, inquirer.

1-Research information about the globalsports events2-Research information about therenowned athletes and their records3-Biographies of selected athletes4-Practice sessions of triathlon(swimming, cycling, running)Interschool competition5-Track and field events6-Exercises to build stamina7-Diets suggested for healthy life style.

Title-Swimming50 sessions@ 40 min

Relationships SystemsPerspective

Scientific andtechnicalinnovationExploration-Opportunity,

Availability oflatest innovativetechniques helpsin making oneselfaware of thedifferent

Objective –AKnowing andunderstanding

Objective- C

Self-managementAffective skills-Mindfulness, self-motivation,Perseverance,Resilience

1-Inquiry session on modern swimmingtechniques using different source likegroup discussion, Quiz, Charts, books,demonstration and videos.2-Identifying different techniques in backstroke, breast stroke and butterfly

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 4

Page 32: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 5

Physical & Health Educationrisk, andconsequences

perspectives of asport which isessential for bestpossibleperformance byconnecting health,reflex action, logicand scientificthinking.

Applying andPerformingObjective D-Reflecting andimprovingperformance

LP-Thinker, Communicator

3-Focus on body movements4-Practice sessions in the pool5-Performance of the strokes.6- Competition.7- Reflection on performance6- Identifying the important musclesused for breast and back strokes. 7-Physical exercises relevant forswimming.

Page 33: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 10



MYP 4 ARTS - PERFORMING ARTS- MusicUnit title Key concept Related

concept(s)Global context Statement of inquiry MYP subject


ATL skills / LP Content

Learn yourInstrument30 sessions@ 40 min

Communication StructurePresentation

personal andcultural expressionExploration-Discover Ragasand ways to learnand express

A goodcommunication ismotivated by goodsound and a goodsound is motivated bygood practice

A. Knowing andUnderstandingB. DevelopingSkill


LP- Inquirer,Communicator,Knowledgeable

Know and Understand: 1-UnderstandingCounterpoint, Ragas, and modesDo: 2-Faster passages, Tans and tukras.

IndianPeoplesTheatreAssociation20 sessions@ 40 min

Change RoleExpression

Globalization andSustainabilityExploration-Interconnectednessof music and socialmovements

Personal expressionsaffects collectiveexpression that leadsto major sustainablesocio-political change

B. DevelopingSkillC. ThinkingCreativelyD. Responding

Research Skill,Thinking SkillLP- Principled,Reflective,Thinker

1-Study of the songs of IPTA.2-Discussion on the lyrical and musicalcharacters of these songs. 3-Role ofmusic in neo peoples' movement.

Folk Musicof the world15 sessions@ 40 min

Aesthetic BoundariesGenre

Orientation inSpace and timeExploration-Evolution andadaptation of musicwith time.

Way of expressionchanges over time

A. Knowing andUnderstandingD. Responding

Research SkillLP- Principled,Open minded,Thinker

1-A comparative study in 4 Indian and 4World folk genre

Technologyand MusicIndustry15 sessions@ 40 min

Change InterpretationInnovation

scientific andtechnologicalinnovationExploration-Impact of technicaladvances oneconomic aspect ofmusic.

Technologicalinnovation andadvancement canchange the market ofart and this willchange theexpression of music.

C. ThinkingCreativelyD. Responding



1-Economic effects of technologicalaspects on music industry and market

Page 34: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:

Vasna-Bhayali Road, Vadodara -391410, Gujarat, India. Tel. : +91 - 265 - 2253851/2/3/4, FAX No. : +91 - 265 - 2253855E-Mail : [email protected], www.navrachana.edu.in 11



MYP 4 ARTS - PERFORMING ARTS - DramaUnit title Key concept Related

concept(s)Global context Statement of inquiry MYP subject


ATL skills /LP


Elements ofDrama andPerformance40 sessions@ 40 min

Aesthetics Composition,Audience,Expression,Presentation

Personal andCulturalExpressionExploration-the role of theelements ofDrama andperformance

The relationship of aperformer and anaudience depends onthe quality ofperformance

A- Knowing andUnderstandingB- DevelopingskillsC- ThinkingCreativelyD - Responding

Research,CommunicationLP-Knowledgeable, Reflective,open-minded

1-Research about the elements of Drama2-Understanding different styles inperformance arts

1. Elements of Drama2. Elements of Performing a play

3-Using digital media, create and presentunderstanding of the elements ofperformance4-Perform a ready script5-Devise and perform a 10 minutes playon a given theme6-Reflection and Evaluation of bothperformances

Understanding differentstyles inperformance40 sessions@ 40 min

Aesthetics Composition,Interpretation,Presentation

Personal andCulturalExpressionExploration-the differenttypes of

The more weunderstand andpractice the arts thebetter we perform

A- Knowing andUnderstandingB- DevelopingskillsC- ThinkingCreativelyD - Responding

Research,CommunicationLP- Reflective,open-minded

1-Understanding different styles inperformance arts

1. Radio Drama2. Ventriloquism3. Shadow theatre4. Dance Drama / Musical5. Mime / Pantomime

2-Perform a ready script3-Devise and perform a 10 to 15 minutesplay4-Reflection and Evaluation of bothperformances

Page 35: MYP 4 (Grade 9) Horizontal-SGO 4 Horizontal SGO.pdf · 9.John Keats :’Ode on Melancholy’ 10.Philip Larkin: ‘Coming’ 11.Ruth Pitter:’Stormcock in Elder’ 12:’Peter Reading:
