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Mystical Illumination: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer...

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Click here to return to forum Mystical Illumination: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi @ Delia Puiatti If we can’t trust our inner guidance, what can we trust? We, as humans, travel our life‟s path perceiving only a limited amount of the whole in any given situation in light and audio spectrums, our scope of vision; or only so far into the future of our own life, even having to make a concerted effort to see numerous sides of a given situation. Are we left to stumble on our own through life with this limited perception? Not when psi capacities are included in the equation. It took me a while to discover, but through my spiritual practices I found psi capacities to be a trustworthy ally, assisting me along my life path in an intimately accessible way, while also helping me develop more compassion, insight, and faith. How do we connect to this capacity? Furthermore, how can we evolve by applying these intuitive abilities to our path in practical ways? IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017 Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

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Mystical Illumination: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

@ Delia Puiatti

If we can’t trust our inner guidance, what can we trust?

We, as humans, travel our life‟s path perceiving only a limited amount of the whole in any given

situation – in light and audio spectrums, our scope of vision; or only so far into the future of our

own life, even having to make a concerted effort to see numerous sides of a given situation. Are

we left to stumble on our own through life with this limited perception? Not when psi capacities

are included in the equation. It took me a while to discover, but through my spiritual practices I

found psi capacities to be a trustworthy ally, assisting me along my life path in an intimately

accessible way, while also helping me develop more compassion, insight, and faith. How do we

connect to this capacity? Furthermore, how can we evolve by applying these intuitive abilities to

our path in practical ways?

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

Illuminating Inner Worlds

At a time when I was undergoing massive upheaval in my life, with little or no guidance or

support, I began to experience something like a spiritual awakening. Having been skeptical thus

far of psi phenomena, out-of-body experiences, telepathy, astrology – anything people classify as

woo-woo essentially – I began having experiences that forced me to question my beliefs. If

OBE‟s were imaginary, or supposedly risked spiritual dangers as some warned, then why was I

experiencing them alongside reduced anxiety? If psi phenomena were something people only

imagined, then why was I experiencing spontaneous knowledge (later confirmed) of thoughts,

events, and outcomes?

Despite my skepticism and confusion over who or what to trust, I maintained an unshakeable

faith in my dreams, a central part of my spiritual faith. My dreams have been always been an ally

to me, the central and most real and significant part of my existence. I knew instinctively that

dreams were my most direct connection with the Divine – that I could infallibly trust them to

offer guidance through this direct connection – so in my confusion, I relinquished argument with

my own experiences and simply asked my dreams to tell me what was going on. I asked my

dreams to explain these experiences that conflicted with what I thought I knew: what is true

among so many conflicting and contradicting views on spirituality, especially concerning these

recent psi experiences? What does it all mean? Is this a path worth continuing on?

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

Dream 1:

A significant temple, reminiscent of a masterpiece cathedral like Gaudi‟s „La Sagrada Familia‟

(in complexity and significance, not in appearance). A grassy hill comprises the lower levels; the

upper levels carved intricately . . . [in] detailed, complex images illustrating spiritual truths,

depicted through scenes with numinous events and beings. The carvings also contain „hidden‟

images embedded within the more obvious scenes in the bigger picture, in a Daliesque way. I

understand now that each individual has a unique level of perception: some can see every image

and detail within the larger picture, others only the simpler, more obvious forms. Some people

are compatible in ways of seeing – noticing the same element – yet there will always be those

who cannot see what others see in terms of complexity, detail, or entire images. I‟m taught that

this has no bearing on what the images actually are, or their validity: it merely demonstrates the

fact that we all vary in ways of perception. Disagreement is futile, since individuals have

differing capacities and focus in perception. A wise teacher later instructs me further on

spirituality with practical demonstrations and examples.

On awakening, the message is clear: it‟s all there, all real; we just see different parts. I can stop

worrying about conflicting views or ideas, embracing the differences as part of the whole, and

apply my unfolding capacities in a quest to see more clearly. The trust this dream inspired gave

me the confidence and permission to further explore my spirituality, and especially my psi

abilities as they emerged rapidly around this time, as well as a deeper appreciation for different

approaches and views.

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

Sagrada Família (official) (Own work)

https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:SecondNews/Sagrada_Familia_(officiel) / CC-BY-SA-3.0

Dream 2:

Facing a galaxy close up, I can clearly see the constellations. I notice a rhythmic series of

movements; the constellations move slowly, rhythmically, incrementally as though keeping time.

TICK . . . TICK . . . TICK . . . Each movement is a shift, indicating passage of appointed

moments – not a measurement of time, but a time-keeping of events as they are planned.

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

This work is a derivative of “Constellation Display” by Michael Coghlan,

https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikecogh/15745845132 / used under CC BY-SA 2.0

With this concise dream image, my questions about the nature and use of astrology were

summarily answered, and my personal relationship with dreams and psi strengthened through

reinforced trust. More so, my skepticism relaxed enough for me to learn and apply the symbolic

language in astrology in my own work.

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

Illuminating Outer Worlds

Psi dreams not only illuminate understanding relevant to our internal development, but can also

shed light on the path ahead by revealing aspects of waking life situations that our ordinary

physical senses cannot perceive. The fact remains that despite our best efforts to obtain

information and weigh up considerations of any situation, there is always information we‟re not

privy to – as well-informed as we can aim to be, we really can‟t know everything.

In this manner, psi dreaming has often helped me navigate numerous domains of life; including

relationships, career, health, and more. These dreams have indicated when to move on, pointed

me towards people who would become beneficial influences, even shown the truth of difficult

dynamics with others in ways that elicited compassion and allowed me to let go when needed, by

revealing underlying reasons for relevant issues. Dreams sometimes offered insights into their

personal struggles, helping me to adopt a healthier level of detachment and wisdom, sometimes

even by showing me their wounds symbolically as if to say „this is what‟s really happening,

don‟t take it so personally!‟ In more positive circumstances, dreams have also pointed to people,

jobs, and places that turned out to be wonderful blessings, encouraging me to forge ahead with

them where otherwise I may have passed them by at face value.

Among my many experiences, one is particularly clear enough to illustrate concisely with

minimal context. At the time of the dream, I was operating an Artist-Run Initiative (my own

retail store and gallery space) within an arcade slated for redevelopment in around 5 years, one

of numerous other ARI‟s in that arcade hosted by our local council. I had given it a chance for

over two years with varying results, but began agonising whether stagnating conditions were

worth enduring for the upcoming changes promised, or if it were wiser to cut losses and get out

while ahead. Was my persistence an investment of tenacity, or just clinging to denial? Time to

consult my dreams.

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi


On my way out of the arcade, I notice the escalators right outside my shop have been

abruptly cut off halfway down, resulting in a wall which holds a ringing public

telephone. Answering the phone, I find a council employee has called to warn that

complaints have been made about the state of the arcade, some fault or deteriorating

building condition. I‟m told that it will be fixed, but during repairs I will not be able

to come into the arcade anymore. She asks if this is fine with me, and I agree that it

is in fact fine, reflecting that at least it will give me a day off.

Numerous elements indicated a clear answer: the terminated access (escalators and interfering

repairs), warnings about deteriorating conditions, and the transmission of information through a

telephone (deliberate or psi contact). Acting on the dream, I immediately terminated my lease

while the remaining artists stayed on, believing council‟s promises of improved setup and

continuing tenure for another two years. Soon after, previously classified information was

revealed: demolition of the arcade was due earlier than promised (in 3-6 months) and that the

council had misled everyone about the redevelopment time frame. My dreams saved me

disappointment and wasted overheads, as well as looming burnout, thankfully.

By this stage of my life, it was undeniable that psi dreams were a reliable, practical ally. But now

I wondered, what is the key ingredient that allows me to tap into this function?

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

Allowing the Light In

Reflecting back on what was different about the times I was successfully able to tune in with psi,

I found that rather than being about any specific techniques, the magic X factor seemed stronger

when I was earnestly leaning in with my heart in trust, openness, and relationship towards both

my dreams and Source – in striving less, more results emerged, much like the relaxed way in

which we allow dream recall to surface rather than grasping for it. The less I approach it as a

technique, instead opening my heart in trusting connection to the numinous, the more

illuminating psi dreams emerge. Over time, my psi abilities seemed cultivated by and responsive

to my earnest relating with Source through dreams. It will have different terms and forms for

everyone, yet would be accessed through the same faculties regardless.

What if receiving psi guidance is not so much a matter of reaching out with our antennae, but

perhaps more of a centering, creating a realignment that allows the light of awareness to flood

in? That surrendering in trust and relationship allows the naturally fitting parts of Self and Divine

to align, as if opening a lens cap? Openness amounts to consent, and is the basic requirement of

being a receptive vessel; it‟s essentially the listening of the soul.

Among numerous ways and spiritual practices that strengthen connection to Source, I‟d like to

offer a very personal practice of mine as an experiment, with which you are invited to explore

your own personal, intimate connection with the numinous, the divine, or whatever you

personally deem as Source. Over the years, I‟ve noticed an opening through which my most

cherished moments of divine presence filter in, similarly described by C.S. Lewis as the spiritual

longing he termed Joy:

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

“You know very well what is the common quality that makes you love [favourite

things], though you cannot put it into words . . . from childhood to old age, you are

looking for, watching for, listening for [it] . . . All the things that have ever deeply

possessed your soul have been but hints of it – tantalising glimpses . . . But if it

should really become manifest . . . Beyond all possibility of doubt you would say

"Here at last is the thing I was made for" . . . It is the secret signature of each soul.”


My daily devotional practice involves seeking divine presence in ordinary moments and the

things I cherish most; this strengthens the mystical relationship, reinforcing my trust for when I

seek psi guidance. Let‟s see how this personal connection affects our dreaming!

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi


Part A: Aligning the Lens

In a quiet space or a time of meditation, reflect on the things that truly bring pure joy, yearning,

and reverence to your heart. Notice the sensations arising in your heart and spirit as you „gaze‟

upon these.

The best day you‟ve ever had

Your favourite places

Your most treasured moments and memories

Your favourite colour, flavour, or activity

A place that feels most like home

Your favourite songs

A time you felt most loved

Your most cherished childhood memories

A time and place you wished you could live in

Your most favourite dream experience(s) and place(s)

A time you felt truly understood or loved

The connection you have with friends, loved ones, pets

The fascination and enjoyment you find in doing what you love most

Notice a connecting felt sense, a common quality or flavour, as though it were a thread running

through all of these and connecting them. Take hold, examine, and savour this essence behind all

of these – does it seem like something else is showing itself? Do you note a presence, a

connection, or a sense of familiarity? Perhaps a sense of home, conveyed through so many

different modes, manifestations, and appearances?

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi

Spend some time reflecting on and immersing yourself in this. The more joy and wonder

you feel, the better.

Part B: Allowing the Light In

In preparation for sleep, reflect on these experiences and/or the common presence and quality

you may have discovered among them. If you wish, carry this around and seed it the entire day

as you would an incubation, not so much as a question, but more so ruminating on the sense of

love, yearning, and connection as you would when thinking of a loved one or a cherished

memory. You may incubate something like “show me a truth I have been wanting to see”,

“please reveal yourself to me”, “show me how I am connected to psi”, or whatever feels most

truthful and earnest, most fitting, and is your most honest way of relating to what lies behind the

common thread of all the experiences in part A.

As this is an ongoing experiment, one in which we are chartering the innermost reaches of spirit,

it‟s best approached with a spirit of playfulness, a childlike curiosity, and most importantly, no

agenda. The less we demand answers and the less we expect revelation to conform to our present

mindset, the more space opens up for insight and the more deeply we can connect. We are not

dealing with something that fits one definition, compartment, or even manifestation, but a

boundless Presence which spills over into all manner of experience. This essence favours play

and curiosity, wonder and openness, over any notions of fixed knowledge. Above all, this is a

living relationship: approaching psi in a „relationship-with‟ manner – as opposed to simply a

function to be used – amplifies the fundamental element of reverence, a cornerstone of receiving

and learning.

Record dreams following the incubation, and keep an eye out for potential psi guidance. I would

love to hear about any experiences related to the experiment, so if you feel inclined, I encourage

you to share here, or keep in touch via raining_gemstones [at] hotmail [dot] com.

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi


In cultivating a personal relationship with our dreams based on trust, spiritual devotion, and

personal connection, we open the door to reliable life guidance and the ability to perceive beyond

our ordinary senses, as part of a deepening spiritual practice. Regardless of whether we see this

greater intuition as a fundamental part of a greater force or being, or just our own higher

awareness, this realistic act of meaningful, reverent connection opens the door for more fluid

conversation between this greater awareness and our ordinary everyday consciousness, as well as

drawing us ever nearer to the source from which it all originates. In doing so, the guidance we

can receive and implement from psi dreams is in service to ongoing development as individuals

and the greater whole.


[1] Lewis, C.S. (1962). The Problem of Pain. New York: Macmillan, pp.146-147.

IASD PsiberDreaming Conference 2017

Delia Puiatti: Illuminating Our Inner and Outer Worlds with Psi
