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MYSULLIVAN DIEO LAST NIGHT - Chronicling America...Beginningtodaywe'llgiveyouonechance for...

Date post: 28-Jan-2021
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Beginning today we'll give you one chance for every $1.00 cash purchase and one chance for every $1.00 paid on account, at the prettiest, cutest big DOLL You've seen in many a day-- Stop by our place, look in show window, we are sure you'll want it bad. Given away Monday, December 7th. Don't forget we sell the very best COAT SUIT for $20.00 in the city. Also Pattern Hats at Half Price ??¿iii iii MK!Bi;i,iiMi H ir iii ; iii 'i if" II i Other Good Specials throughout thé Store OO O O O O OO O O O O O O OOO o' o o STARR ol O' O frO O O O 0,0 O.O O O O o Oo STARR, ^. 0., Ñor. ÍO.y-THé Wóm- an'e Missionary Society tbi Baptist. church had an UQuôuôtîJy iii treating meritinglait frrtday afternoon. Hüw to get^l^h^li^ ¡ Of OUT .JHHted io our school ketts last Friday af&j^fcjrlg Bult ilia ttcköcl bulidlUK ' throughout id the >&rég'^^^HmB^^NH ""' «aMeeïtencc*. tlon. whi«h" fi:'^^Hif^^l era «od 3PSÍrons.<ií.the á&MoV ell éÜ- Ä'&^Ä*1 is AS day, and snjëy^* BÍcnV^.Ujjhet oft the Utti week, ábd'. neehfe .e^seclating th» many helpful; idiggesttoufi huh made fer the beJtétfiWnt pi eur schnei, lti^q^jj^^y W'bcr friend* tlsleaurch to S^^ÍhÍ°s Dean wtfl l<*vo thu vs^ífc J*r Aties¬ ta, Oáu, to attend : a* delegates tho General öaronflw Miss Afcla' Penny: ot Attesten:?' is visiting relatíTcs m th a number of other $$f&feV elaborate School 1 young...... Honer. . Miss »essie Bryan of* Anderson ts Bpendlng the week, here with ker rela¬ tives,' " ' .?? Laura Watt Miss;;BoWie »IBO goef on next Wednesday!: to Plutn Branch where she will bk aj Winer of the iSonSá. y tKer<? - cext:*ix Mk ahef Bw^Mm.C^ok are mov¬ ing this week IhtoTa ct»tte«o near the- ».linn «hau .MHB^ _.«« ¿tw -'- Mr. end Mrs: MBttÖs^sonee of Iva rlsited at the hpäe AW Mr. ead Uni; D. C. Jones o^ Mr. Joe Maj! pjaj hi <|jèn>^ Co^gfe. visited his , Both« of Che ^reveling men register¬ ed at Hotel Colonia were Messrs. Mac G. Smith of ÔréelàwOdd ; J. M. Mob- laV. tjrihchbui^. VäL'-'af. À\ Hs¿*0»a«-. Anderson; Edgeus Mord, Auguatá; ?a»e to for 'Em. |Mm#iMswyér, on the srtest et him ta fe*ghw~restaurant, udge. and. aftéj" his request had compiled with the lawyer ...lcd: ,4you are a faramr1, aren't you?'3 'Vés, slr." '?'èirvy; you éh^Ki' Íftttóy October klags1. Ton aré astir early net appetite for breakfast'' ; àft down to home-m ede - sau- ^_i4 golden eiBKeeV' -tim!' "And fresh fried eggs." "Vvoil?" *'A^d á^den hr^wfc »»äpiiwkä." rum'." "And you rise Uh refreshed and sled yea-era íitve* leW*»***" , ^Mister; do yo« *BOW why I came to town today?" eshëd the farmer. ^eU no.? "lt was to pit, fteSe hf them very And the lawr**-wast ce. i-- >'¥.!? .ik.^JiilttjjjjLU-^-,! ja? trist AT.ONCla. Tc fio&iect or tinker with your' », b wry dan Reren». Kle yen weat blind! exatalaed and glasses fitted, prioce rèasdueclo. U to ti and up. Repglrs loe gftrt up. . ML .St* m ft. Wfritat* fl «rea«* Floor. Teh^haM Ciiieeetleas. . 8. SULLIVAN DIEO MY LAST NIGHT _ END CAME AT 8.15 AT ASHE¬ VILLE, N. C. LOSS TO STATE One ot Anderson's Most Prom¡¿| neut Business Men Succumbs to Illness. ». N. B. Sullivan is dead. When that message reached Anderson. last night tbe business mer. of the city, although they had prepared themselves for the Bhdck, could hardly. realise it, and friends or his in all parts of the coun¬ ty and State vere deeply grieved. Several days ago Hr. Sullivan's con- j ditton suddenly became very r¿rav*| and members of his family wero sum¬ moned from Anderson, but shortly after that »he. patient rall'ad and it was believed that he would be able to hold his own for revere! weeks, or even months, tn come but yesterday physicians telegraphed from Ashe¬ ville, N. C.. that the end could not be far off ¿nd bis Immediate relatives left st- once and were at his bedside when the end came last hight at 8:15 o'clock. , Born and reared In Anderson coun¬ ty. Mr. Sullivan has always bv-on ons J of the prime movers in the better j conrn-ercial enterprises of the city. He was a member of Sullivan broth¬ ers,. When that firm embarked In bus l-l ness here and with J. M. and H., K. Sullivan he conducted this enterprise] for a dumber of years. In 1900 the] Sullivan Hardware company of An¬ derson was chartered and N. B. Sui liven waa chosen president, which po¬ sition he has held since that time, building up his store Into the largest hardware store In the Ststo. Later the Sulllvan-Markley Hardware com¬ pany of Greenville was formed and Mr. Sullivan became president of this company: He was also vice president of the Farmers and Merchants bank of Anderson and a director of the following cotton mills: The Orr Cot¬ ton-mill, the Anderson cotton mill, the Gluck cotton mill and tho Jackson mills of IVA, Nimrod Bélfótte Sulli¬ van waa born November 16, 1863 and was therefore iii years of age. He was married to Miss Lila Simpson, an Anderson county woman, sad his wife, together with two hoys, Sam Orr and N.' B., Jr.. survive him. .Mr. Sullivan was easily one of the most prominent and most progressive business men of South Carolina. He waa well known, was highly respect¬ ed and was a prime mover in all the euoritj looking to the up-buiiaing ot Anderson and South Carolina For the last 10 years-tis health was such'that he could take no active part in the conduct' of hts business undertakings anti about five years ago he went to Asheville in thc hope that he might improve. Since that time he has made his Home in Asheville for a part of each year and hundreds of friends heifc had been hoping against hope that he might finally be restored to health. Mr. Sdi i Ivan was a member of the First Baptist church Ot Anderson and had always taken a deep Interest in church affairs. He had been a friend to the poor, of the city and they will sil respect nif memory. He .held mem- -fMafti*;: local locke of the Knights ox pyynas, ¿fin addition to his wife and hoys. M*, Sullivan is survived hy two brothers, C. S. Sullivan and w. W. Sullivan; * it waa said last night that the body will leave Asheville this morning and will reach Anderson either this after- noba ^tonight The remains will be ¡carried to: the home of C. 8. Sullivan and the funeral will take place from there Wednesday. Aadoraon Aatforhed fey Vote rn] County to Asea» Abutting Property tot Ixnpro^endsts. septa living' in Anderson have learned with decided pleasure that the city of Anderson ha* «ñn»! tte ritht, so far: as the county IB con¬ cerned, ta issesa abutting property tor the nurpoe« of permanent im¬ prove* ente. In the réicém;' SlecÜon thtä was one the einsffd* mch'ts roted ott and it resulted in favor of the proposed nfper.< ^arding u> ih#*flgures Just made1 pa*fc* Afc far es Anderson ehudfy ie eoe- cerncd the election of amending the eonstituücn so as" to ftlJdüf th* etty of Anderson to assess e.buUlhg prop¬ erty owners fer a sitar*7 .of-'W* eos* tit street improvements has resulted favorably for the chsngd. There wore 613 vote* jeaaf itt Gie eoûhi? -on- the smeodiaent, 4*5 for end 1Ï8 aè*tnst. In ofdtf'iiraMHftae constHutton a twa*tkfrd vet* favbratti*to thé change^ l»< necessary. The twonfitrüs total heeded wa* 400. sad the Votó exceded; 14)1» number, going to 48f>. J . Id sottte of the precincts no rotas' ware cast at all to any of the propos- ed à«kôdm«its to the State constitu¬ tion. As a matter ot fact the manager^, «pi» of: the precincts failed to come to this etty to get th* ir election hoses; Th* vate- cast ea the ticket mr State sfitoers exceeded the vote cast' on the smeadzncul* H. I ?MM TEN MBJM FOR COTTON . In order to show.that our sympathy for the farmers of this community is REAL-the kind that you can CASH IN-we are willing to sell the Very Best Makes of Pianos,and Organs at prices as low or lower than you can get them for elsewhere, and take Middling colton at TEN CENTS per pound in payment for same. We BUY our pianos OUTRIGHT-paying SPOT CASH for them-and we buy them CHEAP-therefore we are in a position to SELL them CHEAPER than the other fellow, who carries them on "Consignment' 1 or buys them "On Time." This is simple-nothing hard to understand about this; we all know that SPOT CASH always BUYS anything CHEAPER than "ON TIME"-Hence our ability to UNDER- SELL ALL COMPETITION. Every piano which we sell is fully GUARANTEED for TEN YEARS by theManufac- turers aud by us. We will sell YOU a Piano or Organ for Cash or Terms to Suit You. r ul. 'li i .yu .1- h » nw COME TO SEE US F*atlerson Music M M. PATTERSON, Manager. No. 130 West Benson Street : ????? Ai. o o .t-é*«^'« . PP «-«ro o o ó o BARXSS ÎHrTES, o o o Clerk qf Barries Council is planning to organisa a "Dont Worry Club" for the plantera who used guano thia year. Did you bret think aeriously ot tho canee,, and the ioln of worry? How¬ ever, you are here, and you cannot honestly get away for a time, therefore why not he as comfortable as possi¬ bler I do sot pretend to nay that ynu have no cause for Worry, but you cnn overcome the habit hy Joining; .'the Don't Worry Club. Yon will not make much progress in á week, but ts a, month yira will have a better temper, ! in three mohthe you will decide t Joining the Don't Worry Club was a very. «Hie atop. X marriage ot much interest was t'aat of Mr. T. a McCary and Miss Boee Tricker, at the home Qt Mr. W. A. PetUgrews, on the 6th ir sr. Rev' H' W. Stone offledaUng, They enter' the voyage of Ufo with best wishes of their friends. '-» : Mrs. M. O. Speer, of Canon, Qa., is spending a week with ber parents near thia place: Miss* Bffle Campbell, Miss ¿«ara Craft and Mrs. John Lewis came down from Anderson"last;Saturday to visit relatives here. . Mrs. H. W. Stone and little daugh¬ ter, Elisabet*;waa hero on the 5th lost , to witness the McCary Tucker ina r ringo. " WkÙ*'#èttii; around the fireside recently reed ope ct Uncle Dave's funnygraphs which said: five would it mn ÉM. ii alia nw'.II IM-nm.» i ?J" i* CUÍAR sight ls neossaary to 'tor health and success, vision caa generally bc * by focused be^bUnd to your own , Exercise sound wis¬ domand mt»«üi»ce by havtäfe US etaain* yonr eyes. It will be a thoro^^.'pattwfakteg, ev part «amluiUon «bat Will put r.ght trae* ot eight icosat oo aa for infonnatión and right »8.00 and Up. plicate broken glasees -«end them to us. never have become entangled with the orgeat If «he had not another woman to gossip with. And Lula Bald, Well, if ßho had been afraid of makes aa I am she would not get tangled with bim nohow. WoUM you have your nam» Smell Sweet, with myrrh of remembrance and charms melodiously in tho ear of future days, then cultivate faith not doubt and give every man credit for the good he dc* uover seeking to attribute base motives to beautiful acta. Wo aro heroes in process. A recent issue ot the Intelligencer ] contained an article written hy fÇîbejrt Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard' baa' gotten himself into the limelight and we may expect to hear of bim as "a candidate j for president lu 1016. In his magazine of August. 1911, Mr. Hubbard says: The Bible teaches at learnt four false and therefore Immoral things. Thèse are: 1, That mother¬ hood is a curse sent as a punishment [ 2. That work is a curse visited on men' as a punishment 3. That beggardom. ls superior'to industry, economy, and. wealth. 4. That celibacy Ia a condi- j tlon especially favorable to mental j and spiritual growth. Tho question ta j not so mach as the Bib»e inspires aa, j ls lt true, Soiho things inltare tra«, *omè are not I nave here named yon 1 four that are netHe who accepts any book, literally as his guide is lost In the samé year-the Very Bight [Reverend" Dean Hicks, Spokane, Wash., sase: The notorious filbert Hubbard baa been in our midst for the peat week. Twice u day he spoke at the Or- pheum Theatre to big crowds of peo¬ ple who should have known bettar] than to. WMIV time and-money on such a. freak. As for ourselves we went to see how j bad lt waa. Tbs man baa a soft voice sad many tricks of the stage, eacott ta these dramatic and hypocritical touches that catch the crowd, not what ho says. His remarks about oar great Institutions acd'bis Ring* at* the learned profession arJ atrocious and false In every pariicnlar. WORK PROOïOSSWO . strccBSSFuixtl COLUMBIA, a C., Nov. P.-In spite ot unusual ba*Ineas conditions Che work ot the Red Cress Beal Commla- atott tb Svvuth Carolina ts progressing successfully. The magnitude of the un dertoklng may bo seen from the siao of the order for seale abd advertising material, which the America* Its« Cross Association has recently shipped to the commission's headquarters at Columbia. The order con slats of 260.- 000 seals, 20.000 envelopes, 6.030 ea- [velcpo «lips and 2,000 card*. The ac- Uve selling season for the "coals ia frdm Thanksgiving to Christmas, Dnr- ,ing November inls great meas Of ma¬ terial will be distributed to the many ¡public spirited men and women throughout the state, who have con- rSjajáféd to'sat1'** agenta. As ovderce of .the,hearty spirit of co-operation met I with on ail aides may be cited the fact Reduced Price In .r Beginning üoduy our prices for gin¬ ning, bagging and ties will be Bale Good Equipment. Good Work. Prompt Service. Farmers Oil Mill I r Mu mn mn I III " - vt'. GLÜtK MILLS We have for sale 500 bushels Hancroft FroÜne Oats (graded seed Vat j&M.otftfer bushel, When ginned on Our Social Guns« we buv at s&Oí ' premium extra length stable cotton. Good st vie Dalrymple and Texas Storm proof are generally^ .... worth a premium. We buv for cash or exchange meal and hulls for ; seed, or sell meal and hulls for cash. ROBERT E. LIGON Gênerai Manager that the Southern Express Com puny oas generously agreed to handle the eabmtosion's shipments free ol A Cross Christmas 8eal booth was conducted at the State Fair week before last tn Columbia. Plans are on foot to maintain similar booths at tko county fairs, notably in Spartanburg and Orangeborg. Tb? whole movement takes ea now interest from the feet that a spacial Ari tl-Tuberculosis Confereeco toe the* South ts to be held tn Atlanta the last week in November. Prominent South Carolinians tn various sections ot the .«tr. te are hole* Invited to attend. Reed Smith, executive secretary ot thc. Ked- Cros¿ ChrlstmÄs Seal Comtalscton«. has boen'appointed ono of th dents of this conference.
  • Beginning today we'll give you one chancefor every $1.00 cash purchase and onechance for every $1.00 paid on account,at the prettiest, cutest big

    DOLLYou've seen in many a day--Stop by our place, look in show window,we are sure you'll want it bad. Given awayMonday, December 7th.Don't forget we sell the very best COATSUIT for $20.00 in the city.

    Also Pattern Hats at Half Price??¿iii iii MK!Bi;i,iiMi H ir iii ; iii 'i if" II i

    Other Good Specials throughoutthé Store

    O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OOOo' oo STARR olO'O frO O O O 0,0 O.O O O O tí o O o

    STARR, ^. 0., Ñor. ÍO.y-THé Wóm-an'e Missionary Society oí tbi Baptist.church had an UQuôuôtîJy iiitreatingmeritinglait frrtdayafternoon. Hüw to


    Of OUT

    .JHHted io ourschool ketts last Friday af&j^fcjrlgBult ilia ttcköcl bulidlUK ' throughoutid the >&rég'^^^HmB^^NH""' «aMeeïtencc*.

    tlon. whi«h"fi:'^^Hif^^lera «od 3PSÍrons.
