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Myths and Facts of Dieting - Homepage - La Clinica...Overall, your weight is a reflection of the...

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Many of us have been on a diet or have tried to lose weight before. We hear dieting advice from friends, family, TV and see it all over magazines. There is so much information out there that we don’t know who or what to believe! Take the quiz and see how much you know. True or False? 1. T / F Skipping meals, crash dieting or fasting is a good way to lose weight. 2. T / F Eating after 8pm causes weight gain. 3. T / F Diet pills and/or natural or herbal weight-loss products are safe and effective. The Truth 1. False. When you skip meals or limit the amount of food you eat, you are more likely to increase snacking or overeating at the next meal. 2. False. It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat. It is about the total amount of calories you eat during the whole day! But, it is important to eat regular meals throughout the day for a healthy metabolism and more energy. 3. False. Some diet pills have dangerous health side effects; others are not even tested nor proven to be safe and/or effective. Overall, your weight is a reflection of the calories you eat and the calories you spend doing activities. There is no magic pill or drink. 1. EAT AT LEAST THREE MEALS A DAY. Don’t skip meals and don’t eat in front of the TV. 2. USE THE PLATE METHOD: Fill ¼ of your plate with whole grains, ¼ with protein, and ½ with fruits and vegetables. 3. CHOOSE LEAN PROTEINS, such as skinless chicken, fish and low-fat dairy such as milk or cheese. 4. EAT SLOWLY by chewing your food thoroughly. Listen to your body and stop eating when you’ve had enough to eat. Don’t wait until you are uncomfortably full to stop eating. 5. KEEP HYDRATED. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Cut back on juice, soda and energy drinks. 6. EXERCISING WILL HELP YOU MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT. One way to keep off lost weight is by continuing to exercise. Myths and Facts of Dieting DON’T DIET. It confuses your body and can make it harder to keep a healthy weight. Try these tips instead:
Page 1: Myths and Facts of Dieting - Homepage - La Clinica...Overall, your weight is a reflection of the calories you eat and the calories you spend doing activities. There is no magic pill

Many of us have been on a diet or have tried to lose weight before. We hear dieting advice from friends, family, TV and see it all over magazines. There is so much information out there that we don’t know who or what to believe! Take the quiz and see how much you know.

True or False?1. T / F Skipping meals, crash dieting or fasting is a good way to lose weight.

2. T / F Eating after 8pm causes weight gain.

3. T / F Diet pills and/or natural or herbal weight-loss products are safe and effective.

The Truth

1. False. When you skip meals or limit the amount of food you eat, you

are more likely to increase snacking or overeating at the next meal.

2. False. It doesn’t matter what time of day you eat. It is about the total

amount of calories you eat during the whole day! But, it is important

to eat regular meals throughout the day for a healthy metabolism and

more energy.

3. False. Some diet pills have dangerous health side effects;

others are not even tested nor proven to be safe and/or effective.

Overall, your weight is a reflection of the calories you eat and

the calories you spend doing activities. There is no magic pill or


1. EAT AT lEAsT ThrEE mEAls A DAy. Don’t skip meals and don’t eat in front of the TV.

2. usE ThE plATE mEThoD: Fill ¼ of your plate with whole grains, ¼ with protein, and ½ with fruits and vegetables.

3. choosE lEAn proTEIns, such as skinless chicken, fish and low-fat dairy such as milk or cheese.

4. EAT sloWly by chewing your food thoroughly. Listen to your body and stop eating when you’ve had enough to eat. Don’t wait until you are uncomfortably full to stop eating.

5. KEEp hyDrATED. Thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Cut back on juice, soda and energy drinks.

6. ExErcIsIng WIll hElp you mAInTAIn A

hEAlThy WEIghT. One way to keep off lost weight is by continuing to exercise.

Myths and Facts of Dieting

DON’T DIET. It confuses your body and can make it harder to keep a healthy weight. Try these tips instead:

Page 2: Myths and Facts of Dieting - Homepage - La Clinica...Overall, your weight is a reflection of the calories you eat and the calories you spend doing activities. There is no magic pill

Muchos de nosotros hemos estado en dietas o hemos tratado de perder peso antes. Escuchamos los consejos de cómo hacer dieta de los(as) amigos(as), la familia, la TV y lo vemos en todas las revistas. Hay tanta información por ahí que ¡no sabemos a quien creer! Toma la prueba y descubre cuánto sabes.

¿VERDADERO O FALSO?1. verdadero Falso Pasar por alto las comidas, dietas

intensivas o ayunos son buenas maneras de perder peso.

2. verdadero Falso

Comer después de las 8 de la noche causa un aumento de peso.

3. verdadero Falso Las píldoras dietéticas y/o productos

naturales o de hierbas para perder peso son seguros y efectivos.

LA VERDAD1. Falso. Cuando pasas por alto las comidas o limitas la cantidad de

comida que comes, es más probable que comas más snacks o comas

de más en la próxima comida.

2. Falso. No importa a qué hora del día comas. ¡Lo importante es el total

de calorías que comes durante todo el día! Pero, es importante comer

comidas con regularidad durante el día para tener un metabolismo sano

y más energía.

3. Falso. Algunas píldoras dietéticas tienen efectos secundarios

peligrosos; otras ni siquiera han sido investigadas o comprobadas de ser seguras y/o efectivas. En general, tu

peso es un reflejo de las calorías que comes y las calorías que gastas haciendo actividades. No hay una píldora

mágica o bebida.

1. ComE Por Lo mEnos TrEs Comidas Por dia.

No pases por alto ninguna comida y no comas enfrente de la TV.

2. usa EL mETodo dEL PLaTo: Llena ¼ de tu plato con cereales integrales, ¼ con proteínas y ½ con frutas y verduras.

3. ELiGE ProTEinas bajas En Grasa, como pollo despellejado, pescado y productos lácteos parcialmente descremados como leche o quesos.

4. ComE dEsPaCio, masticando tu comida completamente. Escucha a tu cuerpo y para de comer cuando hayas comido lo suficiente. No esperes hasta estar incómodamente satisfecho(a) para parar de comer.

5. manTEnTE HidraTado(a). La sed, se puede confundir con hambre. Asegúrate de beber agua en abundancia. Reduce el jugo, la soda y las bebidas energizantes.

6. HaCEr EjErCiCio TE ayudara a manTEnEr

un PEso saLudabLE. Una manera de no subir o ganar el peso perdido es continuar haciendo ejercicio.


