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: HO.-iM............ ; 1 1 0 P ; National Forest-Service'is At- ' teraptinfltoRun'DpwnOriBin ^ ^ of Many Baffling Biases in •. Fire Zone 'WASHnraiow, »,.(«- . B it/ Inomiliir TO B« ’ rM oiqr b Ua.zuiuiui irttiiin. al ftm t, llMitaoa, accordinf to <Uipttebai nadrtd today t r the .'foiart. Mnie» .fna Its UUmla i bMOgaartm. ' A tpcdal farea of forect bfflen h u Umo detalM-to ' j-ttm deva tha offeadan. ' J .. 8oDimarix)ng the' flre tUttntlon, tbe Mrvio^ eaia.ln.Northern Idaha^,.1000- aere & e on.tbe Clearwater NalionsI forest bad net bsea brooght nnder coor trol and ib Canjros ereek on the Blaek- feet fornti not far from.tbe Canadian border,'i,<lne Itand of timber iQttound* ____ ^ ins’ a noted tourlBt eamping groiind, lo* eoted en an attraetlve leenle lectien of thc| north forlb-Flathead blgbwAT- bai been dettroyed. Tbe fire litQatian in tbe Paeifle Northweit aiie woi reported to .bo^ex* tamely lerioni. . ' ' liBB J 1WP8 nr BOB. . i. Mlu'oula, U oat, Ang. 0, .(AV-The flre bomlng on Twin eroek on the OlearwfltoT fore»t-haa Jtitfiped in ilze '' and tonight ig bnraing'oTer l200 aeroi of green merehanUblo Umber. Thli blaxe il aa 70t inaeeeulble and trail il being bnllt to it. < T m new flrei were repotted today, one of them at Qoarti, abont 40 milei wcit MUtotila and the olhet at St. B e ^ - The UeCetmiek ereek' blase, 80 mUei weit of*Ulnon1a, U barolag - over'60 aerei and ii being foDght by Inmberjacki eoployed by a company ' whidi 'owtti ;timber near where the 4 blaxe il bnreiag.. The blaia- 'puk/ bsraing . over 70 aerei-of'tober bai not been I ebeeked u yet, bot fite;flghting erewi «port progreie.'jr;. The.Wdl la^e flre on tbe Btaekfeet bu ipread orer UO aerei, with 29 men ___ / ftghUBg AL • -Bdnforeemeata-to^the number of half a leore were lent In . to Wall, lake today. ‘Sfaty men ia w been nnable to bring the Star ere^Jjlato to a etop/.lt.baT Jng eoverea W pn tbo KtoUwd foreit. . ', KaUipia Blase Spreada. WhLfe eondltioiii on the Eanlkn are • / not nafatorable, tho KaUipell No. 2 blau et tiat onit baa ipread OTer..40a aerta aad li itJU bnndng rapidly. K . force of 00 men ll battling it,. On the S t Joe a BOTT blaze U boniDg on Eagle ereek, a crew being? on the • way to fight It Th'oogh the foreitry • . erow»'-are .working ander adTorie weather ' cendiUoai, they' have'been Mjjeeiifni in holding the, many allei of flre line on Marble, Poehl ond Dome- itead-ereeki; dh W oki DmMEtS Free Staters Land'at Cork, ’Youghal and 'Bantry, Dis- lodoinglrresuiars LONDON, Aug.. », daring itroke ytu performed by the goTcm* sen t forcei wben they eent fonr. ihipi containing 1600 Uen withartUler}' from . Oablin to Cork and iQeeeiitally «tteet< V -^d ilmultaneou landlngi at Cork, Ton* gbal and Baatry,-aeeordlng to a dia- . patch:to the Tiaei tonight'-The dia- patch atatei that lerere reiiitanee w u met with only la the caio ot Bantry.' I i Daslng Oosp. .■ The eorreipondent ealli the eosp tke raoit daring t^ k e of tbe canpalgn.' A plet w u blown up by the national forcei who landed from the iteam en .. ia email boata. The irreg^ara offered eome realit- anee to tbe dliembarkatlon bot were overpowwed. '. Sale* Oompletea Poueaslen. , The.natlouli eoptored W eit irnion ball and took eompMe poueatlon ^ the - __IbrftT. The Tlm'ci' corwii«naent dltci _______L.tho .itatCTient-of.8..mBrcflBtile.'akippety who arrived In DnbUn, .and latd 4bat 1i8 law the Cork barrack* afire. ^ IDAHO WBATHEE. _ ..Thunday: Thnndentomi and cooler. THE ONLY ASSi N : fa Kidnaped Boy Fitids ' ' ' Embrace of Mother -AfterSixteen Years V Lad tivo'd In^o'raiice of ]hkr- _^Dtfl«fi-Until!I'aced-wltlj— . J ........ .. .Old Mother S SPOKANE, Aug. 9, WP)-C«cn ' Drittao, kidnaped July IS, 1000 trom near Walla Walla, toolght rested'iD hli own home, otter Mn. ' R. L. Drlltan of Soap Lake had IdoDtltled him oi her aon. Though M n. B rittan’e IdqnUfi* eotlon ot tbo boy, who le now 21 ' years old, w u. iutan'taneoui, a ' -t- careful cheek .of nhyileol ebarae* terlstlci wllb a .young brother,' t- ■ Bobert O rlttu, aged 16, wu.made; Nothing w u found to dliput«:bla ' rlgbt to the nome ot Cecil Brittan. Ae Cecil Leolghen, tbe boy h u lired in vorioui eltlei of tbe Pa- cifle eoait ever ilnce he .can re- it member. - He went to eeboel in 1 . Portland, w.bere a couple witb ' 0 wbom be had Iked gave blm their B . uane,'LenIghen. He baa no reeol- a .leetion of the kidnaping, or of life f with bll own parent!. » .. ' iPliiFOII IK DISlES ifle Illinois Operators Refuse to ’ . Meet Union Heads Unless Pl, —Agreement to'Submit Ques- S: tion is Had j<H .. ----- hll . -OmCIAeO. Aug. 9, (/F)-W . E . 1 il • Eavaaattfi, piftOOnt of tlu Coal Oparaton' aaotiatioQ of tba fitth ay, and ninth diitzlcta, today anaonno- ilei ed following a two day eoafartaoa St. ’: of Sllaeia opm ton Ibat they «» would >1^ go to Oleraland to coa* lag . fer with John L. Lawii^ leader ef l>r the atrlUng Binen. Tha neettng-■ my eir tha. lUtaota operaton'wiQ ba the neomad ’tODUxiev. < -> . “We eeat'Ut. ^ii.jkjaiegrtm,” irr.''B 3m inM ^‘-^*i^ liiff whetheribe would apee.to the principle ten of atbltration u laid down ty Preii* lire dent nardlog. Wo reeeived a reply In . .whieh he u ld be w u not ia fayor of ar- eet bitration. We therefore decided that len we wonld not go to Clereland." the :-Ko-Plana-A»-Had* --------- ^ ^ Mr. Earaaaogh.uld that’there wu ^ ao plan of action for tomomw’s moot- ing ot ZUinoie operatora here. x.DlinoU operators' in absolntely united on the matter of arbitration," be aaid. '.'We'wili only settio tbe itrike by arbitration. . are <*Wo'feel that we wonld ntrender - the unie of'the entire publie and be- 104 tray the president hlmielf ahould wo A drop our flgbt for arbltratloa ’it thia time." . II'K OeafaraDea DeUyi Aetioa . ^ CLEVELAND, 0., Aug. 9, ^ a leeond Ume, tU .jolat intersUte eoa- ,g- fereneo ot ebal'^en'.'A ad operatora delayed utl'on to % to permit the hold* QQ. out idinoU operators to decide whether thoy would participate la aegotUtloni that may end the loft eoal itrike. Adjounment w u taken, until tomor- row,-although virtual deeldon had b«ea mode by union leadera to negotiate a contract wilb.tbe operaton already en- rolled'in tho eonfereoee, and who eon- S troi only part of'the cool production of the contral competitive field. Policy Oontfflittoe to Meet Aa a forerunner to the conference ae»-’ •bn tomorrow attorooon, tbo union’i •k, policy commiltco wUl meet in tho mom- ' ing to pow finally on tho quoitlon.of a prospective lettlement whleh wonld affect molt Ohio mines and also seat- torod onoi in weitlShi.PenMylTaala, In. diana and Hllnoi», these four itatee forming tho central competltivo field. Tbo committee also eipocta to consider ^ extension ot tho coatral field to otber parta ofrPennsylvAnla a'nd: West*Vir* ^ Bentlmeat livoTing & sotUwaeat with r the operaton hero leemedpmdomlaaat ' ^ am'ong tho eom^ttee member!, and w u ' - regarded as forecutlngnpproval'of tha ' union leaden' decision, wbleh became . - known otter Preiident John L.. Lewis ko of the mlnen bad roeelvdd asrarance tron operators ia statea outaide the lal central field, ot their wllllagn«|i to no- | m gotlate controete oa the b u ll made for that fleia. - , - It- .' . flealen Is Short | >ro Only n short session marked the eon- fereneo today, adjournment ’being fol- j lowed witb the announeement that tbe ( OB dclay.wai to permit "eerUdn important < jiO operating intereiU" to decide whether , tci they would-joln-in -tho-aegotiations. j mr JgoidJni-act been rwelrsA-AUM . lat tlmo of tbo dediJoa ol ibe QUnols op- erators association In rofuilag to pa^ tielpato unless the union agreed to a^ i bitration.' iir. Lewis hnd Informed the ] IVinols operaton that ho would not j er. a^oo to tbelr deocbd'for arbitration. 1 SSfKHATED PRESS NE\ iL L S TWIN .FALLS, IDABO, TE ira is -JNiffllliF- : SMilli S '" ' BigFour Brotheriioods,Switoli- . menand Trackmen fiefuse to ; Return to Posts Stone ;■ Sounds His'Warning » • 1. JOUBT, ni., Aog. ti (/PH w itb I liz cflcipanlea of troops patrolUi|f I- tba y a t^ th* strika of approxi< I- nataly 2,000 membais ef th« >‘bic. ’ B fots’' . bretbeitioodi; awitchmaa k ■ and trackman coatiaoad to tlanpaU r traffle onir th«‘ Blfliv JoUat iod SartaiB raiHoad haia toaight. 400 UlB on Dnty ’ Three Mmpanlei of the IS2d infantry who-eame here followisg the fatal ont< break Uesday .in wbieli two men were killed and another lerioasly injubd, wore sent baek to Chicago tonigbt, - About 400 men ot the 13£nd, fin t U t- ,t9ljj)n, .Including two, , BQcblao—pin companies, were left oni duty. Tho strike pt tbe trainmen wm voted S et a mass meeting lu t nigbt u a pro- test agaiut the lUtlonin'g of troopi obout the yardi of tho railroad whloh .ser>‘es u an outir belt Uno in Chicago'! Intricate tall lyiten). Tho trainmen da* elared'tfiot*the armed guordi'endaa- to gered tbelr lives and tbat tbey woold ICC aot roturn to wbrk ontll the men'were reaored. ' . , ‘8 - Bnry Two Vietlmi Whllo leVen copipanles . of troopi were detraining today to relievo wmo of thoso wbo arrived ofi Monday, lev- I eral' hundred railroad atrlkera and tbelr II synpatbisefa were atUndiog tho fun- tl oral bf 'Fran'k Lavlno, the slain striker. > A loallor crowd wltneised the eorvleos a over tbe body ot Philip Bolt^ tho slala f ndlroad guard, at about tbo la^o time. I* . Meaawhlle a pouible extension to- t morrow of the tleup to all the other g- - roads entering Joliet w u feeing' dll' a euHod by tho itriken. Both union leaden and railroad' offielalu, how- 1 »» ever, oxprested .hopa of a v e r t^ th« Un' fnrther'«pma*oft!»’»wa!koiit'aa*'rt iple relievbg tho litnatloa oa the bait liat u i. u tbe reinlt of a conferenco to be held Iq betwoon brotherhood’and railway offi- ar- elal*- - - bat ' ' • --------- - STAlfD BT VSS . ---------:CliBViIlUNIV0«-Aug,r9r(ff)-Ball- road brotherhood ehieti here today iot< prutlealiy. lehred. aoUeo tba.t theli member! might deelde .'for theauolvoi ^ wbelher'DbJeetlouble working condi- , n tlons at railroad terminals in eonnee- ll tion with the atrike of ahopmen justify their re m i^ g away from; iM t Joba. "W e arO not going to havo our nion j,g, ;hot op or beaten'ap or thrutensd by armed guardi^tJ«iUr^d ihopa and yards," Wanen S.,&tene, Resident of the. Brotherhood of Locemotivb Engi- neen, said wbea told that ieveral hna- J. dred membora of the "big four” broth* erhoedi bad gone on itrike ot JoUat, m , last midnight.. ' ‘When tho men eanaot go to work without having ir* j*®* r e s ^ n iib l e guards endangering their " lives, they aay go homo and stay tbero until tho condition Ii removed,** bo said. , ' . - End II Not Yet I a "'Thero wllI bo oho hundred more lin - en- liar cases if condition! aro not ehang- ea- ed,” he sold. of Asked It tho .wnlkoot at Jollot met with Ihe approval of tho brotherhood chiofi, Mr. Stono said: “ The action does not requiro aay ap- provnl.. Oot mea aro aot expoeted to PJ. work pndor soeh conditions «s now pto- jrail At mnny.rallroad terminals." ' Brotherhood engineer! already bavo boon notified that tboy may rdtnso to Jn. take out l^comotlvM In defective eon* dUlon but hiivo'been cautioned aot to bo "too teehnlcaL" Thfl three roilroad brotherhoodi with headquarton here have tolegrophod 'ir. brotherhood' officials at Joliet backing up the.rofosal ot 1300 engiaeeri, fir»- men, trainmen and conductor! aad m t iwitchmea of the Elgin, Joliet ttd Bait-. e n railroad to retura to woric, whllo JJ,, ilale,lroopi are on-guard. iBBEouLA&rnBs m'aovm ’ , MAT LBA© TO INVBSnOASION U,, POBTUND, Ore.,' Aug. 0, BQ. regularities discovered late today, dor* fgj lag the rochock of •republiean guber* . naterial primary votes lutltutod by ' Charles llall, following the nomination of Ben W. Olcolt for governor; threw Srvetos to tho Oleott side and cauud District Attoraey Myen to announce tbat.nn immediate iareitlgatlon ot the " t oioctlon connt'in one preelnet In Molt* >or nomah eonnty would hb' made for pos* OS.- «n>le“ g r i r r i r j Q r r octlo'n:--------- mt ■ ' --------- Dp- "DBOLABS QBKBBAL StB lSB MADRID, Ang. P, (ff^-A general a.^ strike hna boon declared throughout 'ho Portugal, according to the Madrid lot powspapers. Sorlous ' dliordors are I. feared, tho dispatches say, , j EWSPAPER m TWIN f DAII THUBSDAT UOBNINO, AUOUST 10. lOS -i PREDICTS DESTRl ih- ; , to ' ne ; ll >' ' I- . r ’ , trr mt* . oro ' ^ ’’iv' lAt- tod ifo- '' opi loh V o 'l .. do. ; DB. M. A NOBLB& fafflotu gMlogl u; a few days a teniUa oaiUiqaake « aga to Aiaaitca. JoUowtag oa tho Hnagary thrwr tbo population lat< of tba formation of tba aatt siiiiTiTi I OFilH IDS nOHEHEII loa •' • ai Striking Railway Unions Mark- S '■'inlffirae’llitSlg Held to Consider Hattilnt Plan Jl. _=jK»saDrai<iir,-Ao«,-ii,-OT— J.- Haadi of striking, raoroad naions marked tiaa har» today , vhUa a ^ tla g 'tb * anlTal of ozocotlTM of other trtiuijortatloa-lab« sanlaaUosa who bava bt«n iixvltod' 7^ to tba gonaral conferwcO'Ptlday ' to oouldar tho shoptaen’a laply to “J PraaldaBt- Hatdiag'a latast pro* II Posad J taiii Jot satUamaat. “ ‘“ tino wore “ J consldefti&^;poislblllty Uiat Presi- ” dent H ^ g . might seek a leglsla^vd •»** remedy fwlthe- countw's admittedly soriooa.ia^Trial ailment . Ijt* '■ PttNpaai’Kot Pixad.. ion nopubileai^' leaders at the eapltol, ir* howover, held tha view lhat tho preU- leir dent had ao le^latlv« program in ero mind'when ho suggested to thom the ko desirability ot maintaining fall nlem- borahip attendance when tho house re* Msombles Tuesday. Their •Inquiries ' along this line, thoio leaden uld' to- day, hnvo utiiH ea tbem tbat eongresi would bo called upon. If tho lUontlon warrants wch actlott in tho view of tbo oxcentive, to enact remedial legislation. It w u tho.understanding In republican clrelee'thftt eongreis wonld bo Informed ap* of tho netual eituatlon in a prcildontlal to fflcisago if and when it was cnilod npon TO- to a c t , Sees Union Offldali. I’rosidont Hording, according to un- ion spokesmen, took eogoiznnce of thb developments at JoHet, HJ.,,, whoro " train servico ompleyes nalM out to- . day boeanso of conditions arlriag from tho shopmen'* etrike, by calling H. B. WiHs, W. N. Doak and Arthur J. Lovell, Wuhington agents of three of tho fonr brotherhood ,unleni, to discuss the now sltnatloii wllh ^ctotary ol «t-. Labor Dftvl^’ ilo " The president nloo wns given n view of tbo ^sltlon taken by non-atriking railroad shop employes, whon a delega- tlon of workmen on tho Ponniylvanla W (tyitcm *w u received at tho Whito I^ House. The dele^tion uked that'iU or* loniority righti bo'not snbordlnated to er* sosiority rights ot striken in the at* by tempf to bring abont a setlement' • on B. M. Jewell, eh'alrman 6t'the lead- ow e n ' group of tho seven itriklngunions, «d ptedlclod that the president’s {Inal of* ice ter of a buls of settlement for the iho strike might await-an answer until lit* Monday or Tuesday, os* _ _ ' __________J i'. bandit oano oomes to end ------------ ^F-JTB-BOAD-AT-IOBHPtftlW- LOS ANOELES, Ang. 0,' (ff)-Two ral landIU wore shot and killed while at- lut tempting to .bold up the otflco of on rid ire eompany hero tonight Another man iro^TOs wounded and. is'at tbo reeolving hospital.' A fourtii w u amited. >FALLS COUNTY LY N 1022 . ACTION OF EUROPE ■ . )loglst, 'ef PhyadelphU, predlcta tbat .within ke WUl destroy aU Bnrope and do nntold dam. th« ho«Uo{hi8&S»pnsbeey«attbqukMla Into 4 panic. Ea bai^ his propb^ on i aartb. CHS l i i ' IS ID MEJLL :il DFPffiiVE )rk- Lloyd George Finds cdnfereno! g'Is 'Wu?ti6 n~so''S¥loiK^i ling Takes Counsel of lili’nistei'- . Recess Is Taken , ------- ll^W W N , Aog^ 9 (ff)-Tba aUlod- <ni proBilon WlU not meet tomonow to* discuss Garaan xaparattoni. Thay m - wUi.ffatber again on Triday, bnt )r-.‘ iThetb^.only toi tba pnrpou of ' 4d' fosaaUy sdjMmlng MT«tn4ny ay fot a forthn aeatlng alsawbsra, to ortocoBslderaaantirelyBowplaa fo* for a aottleaeat of-tho-flnaacUl altniMOn In Oannany, • ptobably were will depend on tb« osteoma or a 'nsl* gaAbating of tba B iinA cabtnM tomonow aut wUaUror aaw mg- •eoiy gestions Fraaeo aaybav# to otfsr.. The plan of K. Polneare, the Froneh premier, lubmitted en Monday, wbleh iltol. w u reterred-to-tho expert! to' deter teU- mine whether it would itsult la “ prO' > in ductlve guarantees." h u beea reject- the ed by tho finance minilten wha dem* agreed, with tho exceptloa of the J re* Preach mlnliter, that It would aot be irioi 'fproductlvo ot hard eash." '~ 1 ' to- ' ' Pro&cb Btaad Aiona itlon The report ot the experts’ eommit- ! the- tee opposed all the Freneh proposals by Uon. a pajorlty ot four to ono, Tho Bol- :ican glans, howover, lupported'the Froneh -mod plan of ollled eontrol of slate-owned itlol mines In' tho Buhr regten. A mnjo^ apon Ity of the ixperts branded this pro- posal as "uielesi, oxeept u a sane- tlon." Tho-«ggestod esta,bHshmentof UQ. custom's lines between tho occupied tho and the iroit of Germany and hero around tbo Buhr region was rejected ; to- " undoiirable.- As recounted by tbe Crom Britlih spokesmen, the majority of the :. B,. experts held that no' real moratorinm r J. would bo afforded by remitting the B ot present forms et payment-If equally cuss onoroui obllgatloni wero placed upon > ol Qennany. Oppose OaxaaaDtntloa -. J" Tlie view of all eioept’-the Proaeh * delegate w u that if any guarantee! of thU nature wero to bo-taken it wonld IiH, bo simpler to take over the prtieat ens* toms arraagemeat at the Oermaay j tj frontier .than'to divide ' Oermany by fresh customs liarrier!. The propoul to seUe 60 per'eeat interest in; faeto^ gad. ies, especially tho dye works on tbo ons, bank.ef the,Bhhe, also'wu do- , <j{. dined on the gtound'thit thU eoal4 b« the done .«o}j*-by compellbg ’ tho Qorman inti) government lo buy out tbe present pro* - prioton, which would invdvb an 'Issuo .-I,- of.jnoroipnpetjnoney.ani-alfttrthir ag*. gravatloh'of the Oennan monetary alt- Pwo ' ' • ftt- SBNATOB’S WITB D lBa ’ nn WASmNOTON, Aug. 0„ (ff^M rs. man NIcIiolIno Jocobien Nelson, wife of ring Senator Nelson, Minnesota, died early .- Wpdncsdny aftcr.a long illness, i JEWS -’ ^ PBIOBJPOT'OBHTI ; ]!so8snFiiir Female Is:Led from tiie'.-Court Room Screaming "I Want to ' See a Kleagle” — Carrie’d Drugs los ' mobms . Am , », O T -, Tha story of tbe tald at InglawMd iu t April when ena aaa w u klllad, w u told by ths owaan of tha raid*, ad place In tha'trial today ef Sn ’ Klux Klanimea wbo are alleged to have taken part ia the affair. Fidal . and U attlu Bldaayan, farothaa. 'teatlfled they wara dnggad fr^m thalr boBsa partly clothed lata at night,' carried abont In aa anto* aebile for two boors, thraataned and eventually set ti«« tlx mtlaa - from tbelr hose. ; “ , Testimony Is totennpted. !nio tcstlaiooy, given through an tn* tcrproter, w u Interrupted twlco by dq*' usual Incidents, tho first being 'the clearing et the courtroom because.of n bunt of laughter from tho speetalors over anmmrer by one of tbe wltnoues. A SO minote recess followed this and tho trial bid just been rosumod 'ivhen ^ a young woman spectator began to sob violently. As a bailiff wai leading 3 , hor from the room, she became hysteri- cal and ecroamed, " I want to see a kleaglol" Two klanimon bearing that ' ^ title, who are omong tho defendants, - said Ihey-knew nothing of her. Matroni who examined her nt the eounty jail, - r said they found a patkago eon'w^ng a habit-tonnlng dmg in her handbag. Bhe told them her name .s u 'Margaret Sullivan. 'She w u sent to' the-p(yeh> -. pathie ward of tho eonnty hospUal for r- I p . D ^ e d fSaUiai UVioT. L M attb'i Elduayen testified that tbe r enforced automobile i ride oa wbleh h« L l and hll brother were taken Inclnded visits to two police lU tleu and fatUe ' attempU to have the prisoners looked n06 np..v Hla eroinxaalaaUen eoiidaled ;; Tjlo ^^*w helher he bsid sold liq n ^ to ^ ' - * : captors before they.bonadrhla.'; UattUs also denied he told his cap* ’ ton that he had paid <500, to a fedeml .. official for “ protection," of $I2». to a eounty official and itOO.'to aa an* nnmed.porton_fer.the.samo.pn»pw*«-^— ^ Four defendant! were uked by tbelr Z ' conuel to stand up, after which Mat* , ^ tiu w u uked if ho coold Identity them - u hil cepton. He u ld he could n o t' Jg T6UB o t B a i l % Fidel Elduayen eald ho wae arouied la the .night of tfae raid by tbe eatraace ol of'"maay.masked aea". In the room .' ly where ho and his wife wi»e asleep, the a ' intmders,~he said, pointed -reveWers- tt and fiked him to get up. Ha w u tak* g. en out, clad in only .overalls, he-da* clorod, and boond, after whloh be w u ' taken on the trip prevloosly deeerlbed 1““ by hla brother. ' hleh ««Dorlng the trin,” Fidel said, “ the 'ta^ men who ^ero with us asked me where pro* my holler w u. I told thea I had aoae . . ect;. and they'conld go baek and leareh ay . »rb9 ranch from end to end for ono If they tho wanted to. -Then they'threatened to - be klll'me. ,I heard them talking aboat:» ‘ ^ rope and said: 'That tree'w ea|t do. ' Tho other tree is>higber.' After, that ’ ’’ thoy took us back lo Inglewood,'thea to tho hllle, where they let us go." ' “y Both^brolhen eald they uaderstood Boi- English slightly but-could-aot express '°ob themselves in tbat language, aed , ________________ LflEiMDFIlESlEBlD 18 mm itod ~ tbo Vico-PresldoQt AssDmes'BctleB . the Performed by Harding Slsoe im Inangnration of STstem ' . ' ally WASHINOTON, Aug. 0, (ffVTko poa gOTsmorahip of tho fodoml Toserve >oard became vapaat tonight lor the first time since .Iha.lnaugilnlieti of the . reserve system In August, 1914, with ", . tho plrallon ot the term of W. P. 0. ' Harding of Birmingham, Ala. ' ’; E P. Pbtt, vice governor o f the toard, will assume the, dotiei of gov* y crnor pending tho tonflrmalloa by the lehnto ol a nominee fer the position ' or the deslgnntioo of one of the pru- , ent beard memben u ' govemor by tho President Harding, fle- - ' b« 0. W.'B. ft K, BS80ET , nan TO USB OP OIL BUBNBB^ . Jro* OMAHA, Aug. ff, {ffhrlnitall f ■no oil burnen on locomotlvei ot the Ore* ■-.■ ag*' gon-Washlogton-Bailroed’rand-lftvlga'— alt* tbn company’s Hnes, part of tb Unloa ’ padfio system, may become aeeesmy"' ' as tbe result of tbe eoalltrike wu stated at the Byitw'a',:headquTttt«v. trs. here. Oil bumers,wore need p w t, to .1 of tho world war's 'staOi^n^“ for'guo*“T<:*» irly lino and ean eaiily.ba'irdniial d, . wusald. '- V.-
Page 1: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '

: H O .-iM ............

; 1 1 0 P; N a t io n a l F o r e s t - S e r v i c e ' i s A t -

■ ' t e r a p t i n f l t o R u n 'D p w n O r i B i n

^ o f M a n y B a f f l i n g B i a s e s in

• . F i r e Z o n e

'WASHnraiow, » ,.(« - . B i t / I n o m i l i i r T O B «’ rM o iq r b U a.zu iu iu i irttiiin.

a l f t m t , llM itaoa, acco rd in f to <Uipttebai n ad rtd today t r the

. 'f o ia r t . M n ie » . f n a I t s U U m la i bM O gaartm . ' A tp c d a l farea o f

forect b f f l e n h u Umo d e ta lM -to ' j - t tm d e v a th a o ffe ad a n . '

J . . 8oDimarix)ng th e ' f lre tU ttntlon, tbe M rvio^ ea ia .ln .N orthern Idaha^,.1000- aere & e o n .tb e C learw ater N alionsI fo rest bad n e t bsea brooght nnder coor tro l and ib Canjros ereek on th e Blaek- fee t f o rn t i no t fa r f rom .tbe Canadian border,'i,< lne I tan d o f tim ber iQttound*

____ ^ ins’ a noted tourlBt eam ping groiind, lo* eoted en an a ttrae tlv e leenle le c tien of thc| north fo rlb -F la th ea d blgbw A T - b a i been dettroyed.

Tbe fire litQ atian in tb e Paeifle N orthw eit a iie w oi reported to .bo^ex* ta m e ly lerion i. . ' ' ‘

liBB J 1WP8 n r BOB. . ■i. ■ Mlu'oula, U o a t , Ang. 0, .(A V -T he

flre bom lng on Tw in eroek on the OlearwfltoT fore» t-haa Jtitfiped in ilze

' ' and tonight ig bn raing 'oT er l200 aeroi of green merehanUblo Umber. T h li blaxe i l aa 70t inaeeeulble and tr a i l i l being bn llt to i t . <

T m new f lr e i w ere repo tted today, one o f them a t Q o arti, abont 40 milei w c i t M Utotila a n d th e o lhe t a t S t. B e ^ - The U eCetm iek e reek ' b lase, 80 mUei w e it of*U lnon1a, U ba ro lag

- o v e r'6 0 a ere i and i i being foDght by Inm berjacki eoployed by a company

' w h id i 'ow tti ;tim ber near w here the 4 blaxe i l b n r e ia g ..

■ The b la ia- 'p u k / b s ra in g. over 70 a e r e i - o f 't o b e r b a i n o t been

I ebeeked u y e t, bo t fite ;flgh ting erew i« p o r t p ro g re ie .'jr ;.

T h e .W d l la^e f lre on tb e B taekfeet b u ip read o re r UO a ere i, w ith 29 men

___ / f tghUBg AL • -B d n fo re e m e a ta - to ^ th enum ber o f h a lf a leore were le n t In

. to W all, lake today.‘S fa ty men i a w been nnable to b ring

the S ta r e r e ^ J j la t o to a e to p /.lt.b a T Jng eoverea W pn tb o K to U w d fo re it. . ' ,

’ K aU ip ia B lase Spreada.

WhLfe eondltioiii on the E a n l k n are • / no t nafa to rab le , tho KaUipell No. 2

b la u e t t i a t o n it baa ip read OTer..40a a erta aad l i itJU b n n d n g rap id ly . K

. force o f 00 men l l b a ttlin g i t , .On th e S t Joe a BOTT blaze U bon iD g

on E agle ereek, a crew being? on the • w ay to f ig h t I t Th'oogh the fo re itry

• . e row » '-are .working ander adTorie■ w eather ' cendiUoai, they' h a v e 'b e en

M jjeeiifni in holding th e , m any a l l e i o f flre line on M arble, Poehl ond Dome- itead -e reek i;

d h W okiDmMEtS

F r e e S t a t e r s L a n d ' a t C o r k ,

’ Y o u g h a l a n d 'B a n t r y , D is -

l o d o i n g l r r e s u i a r s

LONDON, A u g .. » , daringitroke ytu perform ed by the goTcm* s e n t fo rcei wben they eent fonr. ih ip i containing 1600 U en w ithartU ler} ' from

. O ablin to Cork and iQ eeeiita lly «tteet< V - ^ d ilm u lta n eo u land lng i a t Cork, Ton*

gbal and B a atry ,-aeeord lng to a dia- . p a tc h :to th e T ia e i to n ig h t '-T h e dia-

pa tch a ta te i th a t le re re re iiitanee w u m et w ith only la the caio o t B a n try . '

I i Daslng Oosp. ■ .■

The eorreipondent e a lli th e eosp tk e rao it daring t ^ k e o f tbe c a n p a lg n . '

A p le t w u blown up by th e national fo rcei who landed from th e ite a m e n

. . ia email boata.The ir reg ^ a ra o ffered eome rea lit-

anee to tbe dliem barkatlon b o t w ere overpowwed. '.

Sale* Oompletea Poueaslen . ,■ T h e .n a t lo u l i eoptored W eit irnion

ball and took eompMe poueatlon ^ the-__IbrftT. The T lm 'ci' c o rw ii« n a en t dltc i

_______L.tho . i t atCTient -o f.8 ..mBrcflBt i le.'ak ippetywho arrived In DnbUn, .and la td 4ba t 1i8 law the Cork barrack* a fire . ^


_ ..Thunday: T h n n d en to m i and cooler.


N :f a• Kidnaped Boy Fitids ' ' '

Embrace of Mother - AfterSixteen Years

V Lad tivo'd In ^o 'ra iice of ]hkr- _^Dtfl«fi-Until!I'aced-wltlj— .

J ........ .. .Old Mother

S SPOKANE, Aug. 9, W P)-C«cn ' D rittao, kidnaped Ju ly IS, 1000 trom near Walla W alla, toolght rested'iD h li own home, o tte r M n .

' R. L . D rlltan of Soap L ake had IdoDtltled him o i her aon.

Though M n. B r itta n ’e IdqnUfi* i » eotlon o t tbo boy, who le now 21

' years old, w u . iu ta n 'tan e o u i, a ' - t - careful cheek .o f nhyileol ebarae*

te rlstlc i wllb a .young b r o th e r , ' t - ■ Bobert O r l t tu , aged 16, w u .m a d e ;

N othing w u found to d lip u t« :b la ' rlgbt to the nome o t Cecil B rittan .

Ae Cecil Leolghen, tb e boy h u lired in vorioui e ltle i o f tb e Pa- cifle eoait ever ilnce he .c an re­

it member. - H e w ent to eeboel in 1. Portland, w.bere a couple w itb '0 wbom be had Ik e d gave blm their B . uane,'LenIghen. H e baa no reeol- a .leetion of the kidnaping, o r o f life f w ith b ll own parent!.» — .. ' • iPliiFOII

IK DISlESifle •

Illinois Operators Refuse to ’ . Meet Union Heads Unless

Pl, —Agreement to'Submit Ques- S: tion is Hadj<H ■ .. -----h ll . -OmCIAeO. Aug. 9 , ( /F ) -W . E .1 i l • E av a aa ttf i, p iftO O nt o f t l u Coal

O para ton ' aao tia tioQ o f tb a f i t th ay, and nin th diitzlcta, today anaonno- ilei ed following a two d a y eoafartaoa S t . ’: o f S llae ia o p m to n I b a t they « » would >1 go to O leraland to coa* lag . f e r w ith John L . Lawii^ leade r e f l>r th e atrlU ng B in en . T ha n e e ttn g -■

m y eir th a . lUtaota o p e ra to n 'w iQ ba the neom ad ’tODUxiev. < -> •

. “ W e e e a t 'U t . ^ i i . j k j a i e g r t m , ” i r r . ''B 3 m in M ^ ‘-^* i^

liiff w hetheribe would a p e e .to th e principle ten o f a tb ltration u laid down t y Preii* lire den t nard log . Wo reeeived a reply In

. .whieh he u ld be w u not ia f a y o r o f ar- eet bitra tion . We therefore decided tha t len we wonld not go to C lere land ."the :-K o -P la n a -A » -H ad * --------- ^

^ M r. E a ra a a o g h .u ld t h a t ’th e re w u ^ ao plan of action fo r to m o m w ’s moot-

in g o t ZUinoie operatora here.x.DlinoU operators' i n absolntely

un ited on the m atter o f a rb itra tio n ," be aaid. '.'W e'w ili only se ttio tb e itr ik e b y arbitra tion. .

are <*W o'feel th a t we w onld n tre n d e r- th e u n i e o f 'th e entire publie a n d be-

104 tr a y the president h lm ielf ahould woA drop our f lg b t fo r a rb ltra tlo a ’i t thia

tim e ." .II'K OeafaraDea D eU yi A e tio a .^ CLEVELAND, 0 ., A ug. 9,^ a leeond Ume, tU .jo la t in te rsU te eoa- ,g- fereneo o t e b a l '^ e n '. 'A a d operatora

delayed u tl'o n t o % to pe rm it th e hold* QQ. out idinoU operators to decide w hether

thoy would participate la aegotU tlon i th a t may end the lo f t eoal itr ik e .

A djounm ent w u taken , u n til tomor­row,-although virtual deeldon h a d b«ea mode by union leadera to negotiate a contract w ilb.tbe opera ton a lready en­ro lled 'in tho eonfereoee, and w ho eon-

S tro i only part o f 'th e cool production of the contral competitive field.

Policy Oontfflittoe to M eet Aa a forerunner to the conference ae»-’

• b n tomorrow attorooon, tbo union’i •k , policy commiltco wUl m eet in tho mom- ' in g to pow finally on tho quo itlo n .o f

a prospective le ttlem ent w hleh wonld a ffec t m olt Ohio mines and also seat- torod onoi in w eitlShi.PenM ylTaala, In . diana and Hllnoi», these fou r ita tee form ing tho central competltivo field. Tbo committee also eipocta to consider

^ extension o t tho coatral f ie ld to otber p arta ofrPennsylvAnla a'nd: W est*V ir*

^ Bentlm eat livoTing & so tU w aeat w ith r the opera ton hero leem edpm dom laaat ' ^ am'ong tho e o m ^ ttee member!, and w u '

- regarded as fo re cu tln g n p p ro v a l'o f th a ' union le a d e n ' decision, w bleh became .

- known o tte r Pre iiden t Jo h n L .. Lewis ko of the m lnen bad roeelvdd asrarance

t r o n operators ia statea outaide the la l c en tral field, o t the ir w llllagn« |i to no- | m gotla te controete oa the b u l l m ade for

th a t fleia. - , -I t- . ' . flea len Is S ho rt |>ro Only n short session m arked th e eon-

fereneo today, adjournm ent ’be in g fol- j lowed w itb the announeement th a t tbe (

OB dclay.w ai to perm it "eerU dn im portan t < jiO operating in te re iU " to decide w hether , tc i th e y w ou ld -jo ln -in -tho -aego tia tions. jmr J g o i d J n i - a c t been r w elr s A - A U M . la t tlmo of tbo dediJoa o l ib e QUnols op­

era tors association In ro fu ilag to p a^ tielpato unless the union agreed to a ^ i b itra tion .' iir. Lewis hnd Inform ed the ] IVinols operaton th a t ho would no t j

er. a ^ o o to tbelr d e o cb d 'fo r arb itra tion . 1



• i r a i s-JNiffllliF- : SM illiS ' " — ■' Big Four Brotheriioods,Switoli-

. menand Trackmen fiefuse to; Return to Posts Stone;■ Sounds His'Warning» • —1. JO U B T , n i., Aog. ti ( /P H w itbI l iz cflcipanlea of troops patro lU i|fI- tba y a t ^ th * str ika o f approxi<I- n a ta ly 2,000 membais e f th « >‘b ic . ’ B f o ts ’ ' . bretbeitioodi; awitchmaa k ■ and trackm an coatiaoad to tla n p a U r tra f f le o n ir th«‘ B lfliv JoU at io d

SartaiB raiH oad haia toa igh t.

400 U lB on D nty ’ Three M mpanlei o f the IS2d in fan try

who-eame here follow isg the f a ta l ont< break U esday .in wbieli tw o m en w ere killed and another le rioasly in ju b d , wore sen t baek to Chicago tonigbt,

- About 400 men o t the 13£nd, f i n t U t - ,t9ljj)n, .Including two, , BQcblao—p in companies, were le ft oni duty.

Tho strike p t tbe trainmen w m voted

S e t a mass meeting l u t n igb t u a pro­te st a g a iu t the lU tlonin'g o f troopi obout the y a rd i of tho railroad whloh

.ser>‘es u an o u tir be lt Uno in C hicago '! Intricate ta ll ly iten). Tho trainm en da* e lared 'tf io t* the armed g u o rd i'e n d aa -

t o gered tbe lr lives and tb a t tbey woold ICC a o t roturn to wbrk ontll the m en 'w ere

r eao red . ' . ,

‘8 - B nry Two V ietlm iWhllo leVen copipanles . o f troopi

were detraining today to relievo wmo of thoso wbo arrived ofi Monday, lev-

I eral' hundred railroad atrlkera and tbe lrII synpatbisefa were a tU nd iog tho fun- tl oral b f 'Fran'k Lavlno, the sla in striker. > A lo a llo r crowd w ltneised the eorvleos a over tbe body o t Philip B o lt^ tho s la la f ndlroad guard, a t about tbo la ^ o tim e. I* . Meaawhlle a pouib le extension to- t morrow of the tleup to a ll th e other g- - roads entering Jo lie t w u feeing' d ll' a euHod by tho itr ik e n . B oth union

leaden and ra il ro a d ' o ffie la lu , how- 1 »» ever, oxprested .hopa o f a v e r t ^ th« U n ' fn r th e r '« p m a * o f t !» ’» w a!k o iit 'a a* 'r t iple relievbg tho litna tloa oa th e b a it lia t u i . u tbe re in lt o f a conferenco to b e held

Iq betwoon brotherhood’and railw ay offi- a r- elal*- - - ba t ' • ' • --------- -

STAlfD B T VSS .---------:C liB V iIlU N IV 0«-A ug ,r9 r(ff)-B a ll-

road brotherhood e h ie ti here today iot< p ru tlea liy . lehred. aoUeo tba.t the li

member! m ight deelde .'for theauolvoi ^ w belher'D bJeetlouble w orking condi- , n tlons a t railroad term inals in eonnee- l l tion with the a trike o f ahopmen ju stify

the ir r e m i ^ g aw ay from; iM t Joba. " W e arO not going to havo ou r nion

j,g, ;ho t op or be ate n 'a p o r th r u te n s d by armed g u a rd i^ tJ « iU r ^ d ihopa and y a rd s ," W an e n S.,&tene, R e s id e n t of the. Brotherhood of Locemotivb Engi- n een , said w bea told th a t ieveral hna-

J. dred membora of the " b ig fo u r” broth* erhoedi bad gone on itr ik e o t JoUat, m , last m idnight.. ' ‘W hen tho men eanaot go to w ork w ithout hav ing ir*

j*®* res^ n iib le guards endangering the ir " lives, they a a y go homo and s ta y tbero

until tho condition I i removed,** bo said. , ' .

- E nd I I N o t Y et

I a "'Thero wllI bo oho hundred more l i n ­en- lia r cases i f condition! aro n o t ehang- ea- ed,” he sold.o f Asked I t tho .wnlkoot a t Jo llo t m et

w ith Ihe approval o f tho brotherhood chiofi, Mr. Stono said:

“ The action does no t requiro a ay ap- provnl.. O ot mea aro a o t expoeted to

PJ. work pndor soeh conditions « s now pto- jrail At mnny.rallroad te rm in a ls ." '

Brotherhood engineer! a lready bavo boon notified th a t tboy m ay rdtnso to

Jn. take out l^comotlvM In defective eon* dUlon b u t hiivo'been cautioned a o t to bo " to o teehnlcaL "

Thfl three roilroad brotherhoodi w ith headquarton here have tolegrophod

'i r . brotherhood' officials a t Jo lie t back ing up the.rofosal o t 1300 engiaeeri, fir»- men, trainmen and conductor! a ad

m t iw itchmea of the Elgin, Jo lie t t t d Bait-.e n railroad to re tu ra to woric, whllo

JJ,, ila le ,lro o p i are on-guard.

iB B E o u L A & rn B s m 'a o v m’ , MAT LBA© TO IN V B SnO A SIO NU,, PO B T U N D , Ore.,' Aug. 0,BQ. regularities discovered la te today , dor* fgj lag th e rochock of •republiean guber*

. naterial prim ary votes lu t l tu to d by ' Charles lla ll, following the nom ination

o f Ben W. O lcolt for governor; th rew S rv e to s to tho Oleott side and c a u u d D istrict A ttoraey M yen to announce tba t.nn immediate ia re itlg a tlo n o t the

" t oioctlon c onn t'in one preelnet In Molt* >or nomah eonnty would hb' made fo r pos*OS.- «n>le“ g r ir r i r jQ r r octlo'n:---------mt ■ ■ ' — — ---------Dp- "DBOLABS QBKBBAL S tB lS B

MADRID, Ang. P, ( f f^ -A general a.^ strike hna boon declared throughout 'ho Portugal, according to the M adrid lot powspapers. Sorlous ' dliordors are I. feared, tho dispatches say,

, j




ih - ; ,

t o '

ne ;


> ' 'I- .r ’ ,

t r rmt* . oro ' ^



todifo- ' ' opi loh Vo ' l ..do. ; D B. M . A NOBLB& fafflotu gMlogl u ; a few days a te n iU a oaiU iqaake «

aga to A iaaitca. JoUowtag o a tho H nagary th rw r tbo population lat<

o f tb a form ation o f tb a a a tt

s i i i i T i T iI OF ilH IDS nOHEHEIIlo a •' • •

ai Striking Railway Unions Mark- S '■'inlffirae’llitSlg

Held to Consider Hattilnt Plan

J l . _ = jK » s a D r a i< i i r , - A o « ,- i i , - O T —J . - H aadi o f striking, raoroad naions

m arked t i a a har» today , vhU a a ^ t l a g ' t b * an lT al o f ozocotlTM o f o the r t r t iu i jo r t a t l o a - la b « sanlaaU osa w ho bava b t«n iixvltod'

7 ^ to tb a gonaral c onfe rw cO 'P tlday ' to o o u ld a r tho shoptaen’a la p ly to

“ J PraaldaBt- H atd iag 'a la ta s t pro*I I Posad J t a i i i Jo t s a tU a m a a t.

“ ‘ “ t in o wore “ J c o n s ld e f t i& ^ ;p o i s lb l l l ty U iat Presi- ” den t H ^ g . might seek a leglsla^vd

•»** remedy f w l th e - c oun tw 's adm ittedly s o r io o a .ia ^ T ria l a ilm en t .

Ijt* '■ PttN paai’K o t P ix ad ..

ion nopubileai^' leaders a t the eapltol, ir* howover, held th a view lh a t tho preU- leir den t had ao le ^ l a t lv « program in ero m ind 'w hen ho suggested to thom the ko desirab ility o t m aintaining fa ll nlem-

borahip attendance when tho house re* Msombles Tuesday. Their •Inquiries

' a long th is line, thoio lead en u ld ' to- day, hnvo u t i iH e a tbem tb a t eongresi would bo called upon. If tho lU ontlon w arran ts w ch actlott in tho view o f tbo oxcentive, to enact remedial legislation. I t w u tho .understanding In republican c lre lee'thftt eongreis wonld bo Informed

ap* o f tho netual e ituatlon in a p rcildontlal to fflcisago i f and when i t was cnilod npon

TO- to a c t , •Sees Union O ffldali.

I’rosidont Hording, according to un­ion spokesmen, took eogoiznnce o f thb developments a t JoHet, HJ.,,, whoro

" train servico ompleyes n a l M o u t to- . day boeanso o f conditions a rlr iag from

tho shopmen'* etrike, by calling H . B. WiHs, W . N . Doak and A rthur J . Lovell, W uh ing ton agents o f th ree of tho fon r brotherhood ,unleni, to discuss th e now sltnatlo ii w llh ^ c to t a r y ol

«t-. Labor D ftv l^ ’ilo " The president nloo wns given n view

of tbo ^ s l t lo n taken by non-atriking railroad shop employes, whon a delega-

• tlon o f w orkm en on tho Ponniylvanla W (tyitcm * w u received a t tho W hito I ^ House. The d e le ^ tio n u k e d th a t 'iU or* lon iority r ig h ti bo 'no t snbordlnated to er* sosiority r igh ts o t s tr ik e n in the at* by tem pf to b ring abont a s e tle m e n t' • on B. M. Jew ell, eh'alrman 6 t ' th e lead- ow e n ' group o f tho seven itr ik lngun ions, «d p tedlclod th a t th e president’s {Inal of* ice te r o f a b u l s o f settlem ent fo r the iho str ike m ight a w a it- a n answer until lit* M onday o r Tuesday, os* _ _ ' __________J i '.

b a n d i t o a n o o o m e s to e n d------------ ^ F -JT B -B O A D -A T -IO B H P tftlW -

LOS ANOELES, Ang. 0 ,' ( ff ) -T w o ral la n d IU wore shot and killed while at- lut tem pting to .bold up the otflco o f on rid ire eompany hero to n ig h t Another man iro^TOs wounded and. i s ' a t tbo reeolving

hosp ita l.' A fourtii w u a m ite d .


LY N1022 . ■ ■


)loglst, 'e f PhyadelphU, predlcta tb a t .w ithin ke WUl destroy aU Bnrope and do nn to ld dam. th « h o « U o { h i8 & S » p n sb e e y « a ttb q u k M la In to 4 panic. E a b a i^ h is p r o p b ^ on i aartb .

CHS l i i ' IS ID MEJLL :il DFPffiiVE)rk- Lloyd George Finds cdnfereno! g'Is 'Wu?ti6n~so''S¥loiK^i ling Takes Counsel of lili’nistei'-

. Recess Is Taken ,------- l l ^ W W N , Aog^ 9 ( f f ) -T b a a U lo d -

<ni proBilon WlU n o t m eet tom onow to * U« discuss G araan xaparattoni. T hay m - w U i.ffatber again on T riday , bn t )r-.‘ iT h e tb ^ .o n ly toi tb a p n rp o u o f ' 4 d ' fosaaU y sd jM m lng MT«tn4ny a y fo t a f o r th n a e a tln g alsawbsra, to o r to c o B s ld e ra a a n tir e ly B o w p la a fo* fo r a a o ttle ae at o f-th o -f ln a a c U l

altniMOn In Oannany, • ptobably were will depend on tb« osteoma o r a 'nsl* gaAbating of tb a B i in A cabtnM

tom onow a u t w U aU ror aaw m g- •eoiy gestions Fraaeo a a y b a v # to o tf s r . .

The plan of K . Polneare, th e Froneh premier, lubm itted en Monday, wbleh

iltol. w u re te rre d -to -th o expert! to ' d e te r teU - m ine w hether i t would i t s u l t l a “ prO'> in ductlve guarantees." h u beea reject-

the ed by tho finance m in ilte n wha dem* agreed, w ith tho exceptloa o f the J re* Preach m lnliter, th a t I t would a o t be ir io i 'fproductlvo o t hard e a sh ." ' ~1' to- ' '

Pro&cb Btaad Aiona itlon The report o t the experts’ eommit- ! the- tee opposed all the Freneh proposals by Uon. a p a jo rl ty o t four to ono, Tho Bol- :ican glans, howover, lu p p o r te d 'th e Froneh -mod plan of ollled eontrol o f slate-owned itlo l mines In' tho Buhr regten. A m njo^ apon Ity o f the ixperts branded th is pro-

posal as " u ie le s i, oxeept u a sane- t lo n ." T ho-«ggestod esta,bHshmentof

UQ. custom's lines between tho occupied tho and the iro it o f Germany and

hero around tbo Buhr region w as re jected ; to- " undoiirable.- As recounted b y tbe Crom B ritlih spokesmen, the m a jo rity o f the :. B,. experts held tha t no' real moratorinm r J . would bo afforded by rem itting th e B o t p resen t forms e t p a y m en t- I f equally cuss onoroui obllgatloni wero placed upon> o l Qennany.

■ Oppose O a x a a a D tn tlo a -.J " Tlie view o f a ll e ioep t’- th e P roaeh

* delegate w u th a t i f any gua ran tee ! o f thU nature wero to bo -taken i t wonld

IiH , bo simpler to take over the p r t ie a t ens* tom s arraagem eat a t the O erm aay

j t j fron tier . th a n 'to divide ' O erm any by fresh customs lia rrie r!. The p ro p o u l to seUe 60 p e r 'ee a t in te rest in ; fa e to ^

gad. ies, especially tho dye w orks on tbo ons, b a n k .e f th e ,B h h e , a l s o 'w u do- , <j{. d in e d on the g to u n d 'th it th U eoal4 b« th e done .«o}j*-by com pellbg ’ tho Qorman

inti) governm ent lo buy ou t tb e p resent pro* - p rio to n , which would invdvb an 'Issuo

.-I,- o f.jn o ro ip n p etjn o n ey .a n i-a lf ttr th ir ag*. g rava tloh 'o f the O ennan m onetary alt-

Pwo ' — ' •ftt- SBNATOB’S W ITB D lB a •

’ nn W ASmNOTON, Aug. 0„ ( f f ^ M r s . man NIcIiolIno Jocobien Nelson, w ife of ring Senator Nelson, Minnesota, died early

.- Wpdncsdny a ftc r .a long illness, i



Female Is:Led from tiie'.-Court Room Screaming "I Want to ' See a Kleagle” — Carrie’d Drugsl o s ' m o b m s . A m , », O T - ,

Tha s to ry o f tbe ta ld a t InglawM d i u t A pril when ena a a a w u klllad, w u to ld by th s o w aan of th a raid*, ad place In th a 't r ia l today e f S n ’K lux K lanim ea wbo a re alleged to h av e ta k en p a rt ia th e affa ir. F idal

. and U a t t l u Bldaayan, farothaa. 'tea tlf led they wara d n g g a d fr^m th a lr boBsa pa rtly clothed la ta a t n ight,' carried abont In a a anto* a e b ile fo r tw o boors, thraa taned a n d eventually se t ti« « t lx mtlaa - from tb e lr h o se .

; “ , Testimony Is to te n n p te d .

!nio tcstlaiooy, given through an tn* tcrproter, w u Interrupted twlco by dq*' usual Incidents, tho f irs t being 't h e clearing e t th e courtroom because.of n b u n t o f laughter from tho speetalors over a n m m re r by one of tbe w ltnoues.

A SO minote recess followed this and tho tr ia l b id ju st been rosumod 'ivhen

^ a young woman spectator began to sob violently. As a ba iliff w ai leading

3 , hor from the room, she became hysteri­cal and ecroamed, " I w an t to see a k le ag lo l" Two klanimon bearing th a t '

^ title , who are omong tho defendants,- said Ihey-knew nothing of her. M atroni ’

who examined her n t the eounty ja il , - r sa id they found a pa tkago e o n 'w ^ n ga hab it-tonnlng dm g in her handbag.Bhe told them her name . s u 'M argaret Sullivan. 'She w u sen t to' the -p (yeh> -. pa thie ward of tho eonnty hospUal fo r r -

Ip . D ^ e d fSaUiai UVioT.

L M a ttb 'i E lduayen testified th a t tbe r enforced automobile i ride oa wbleh h«

L l and h ll b rother w ere taken Inclnded v isits to tw o police lU t l e u and fatU e ' attem pU to have th e prisoners looked

n 0 6 n p ..v H la e ro in x a a la a U e n eoiidaled ;;

T jlo ^ ^ * w h e l h e r he bsid sold l i q n ^ t o ^ ' - * : captors before t h e y .b o n a d r h la . ';

U a ttU s also denied he to ld h is cap* ’ t o n th a t he had paid <500, to a fedem l .. official fo r “ p ro tec tion ," o f $ I 2 » . to a eounty official and itOO.'to a a an*nnmed.porton_fer.the.samo.pn»pw*«-^—

^ Fou r defendant! were u k e d by tbe lr Z ' c o n u e l to stand up, a fte r which Mat* , ^ t i u w u u k e d i f ho coold Iden tity them

- u h il c ep ton . H e u l d he could n o t '

Jg T6UB o t B a i l% Fidel Elduayen eald ho wae arouied ’ la the .n igh t o f tfae ra id by tb e eatraace o l o f '" m a a y .m a sk e d a e a " . In th e room .' ly w here ho and his w ife wi»e asleep, th e a ' in tm ders,~he said, pointed -reveWers-

t t and f ik e d him to get up. H a w u tak* g . en out, clad in only .overalls, he-da*

clorod, and boond, a fte r whloh be w u ' taken on th e tr ip prevloosly deeerlbed

1“ “ by hla brother. ' hleh ««Dorlng the tr in ,” Fidel said, “ the 't a ^ men who ^ ero w ith us asked me where pro* m y ho ller w u . I to ld th e a I had aoae . . ect;. and they 'conld go baek and leareh a y . »rb9 ranch from end to end for ono I f they th o w anted to. -Then the y 'th re a te n ed to

- be k lll 'm e . ,I heard them ta lk ing ab o at:» ‘ ^rope and sa id: 'T h a t t r e e 'w e a |t do. ' Tho other tree is>higber.' A fter, th a t ’ ’’ thoy took us back lo Inglew ood,'thea to tho hllle, where they le t us g o ."

' “y B oth^b ro lhen eald they uaderstood Boi- English slightly b u t-cou ld -ao t express '°ob themselves in tb a t language, a ed , ________________

LflEiMDFIlESlEBlD18 mm

itod ■ ~tb o V ic o -P re s ld o Q t A s s D m e s 'B c t le B . th e P e r f o r m e d b y H a r d i n g S l s o e

i m I n a n g n r a t i o n o f S T s t e m ' . '

a lly WASHINOTON, Aug. 0, ( ffV T k o poa gOTsmorahip of tho fodoml Toserve ’

> oard became vapaat tonight lo r the f irs t tim e since .Iha.lnaugiln lieti of the

. reserve system In August, 1914, w ith ",. tho p l r a l l o n o t the term o f W . P . 0 .

' H arding of Birmingham, Ala. ' ’ ;E P . P b t t , vice governor o f the

to a rd , will assume the, dotie i o f gov*“ y crnor pending tho tonflrm alloa by the

lehnto o l a nominee f e r th e position ' or the deslgnntioo o f one o f the p ru - , en t beard mem ben u ' govemor by ‘

tho President Harding, fle- -

' b« 0 . W .'B . f t K , B S 8 0 E T , nan TO USB OP OIL BUBNBB^ .Jro* OMAHA, Aug. ff, { ffh rln ita ll f ■no oil b u rn en on locomotlvei o t the Ore* ■-.■ ag*' gon-W ashlogton-Bailroed’r a n d - lf tv lg a '— alt* t b n company’s Hnes, p a rt o f tb Unloa

’ p a d fio system, may become aee esm y " '' as tb e result of tbe e o a ll t r ik e w u

s ta ted a t the B y i tw 'a ', : h e a d q u T t t t « v . trs . here. Oil bu m e rs,wore need p w t , to .1

o f tho world w ar 's 's ta O i^ n ^ “ fo r 'g u o * “T<:*» irly lino and ean e a iily .b a 'ird n i ia l d,. w u s a ld . '- V.-

Page 2: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '

- . ' . . T O

Ilf'FEOST” :fsinm

— Coinniittee-Provided-Rate—is Rejected, will) tlie Resiilting

T .... Elimiiiation of. Duty .on _ _Leatfier, Bools and Slioes

t WAaHHrOTON, A n i. 9 ( /P H . HldM, bo«U -uid diOM tn d leaU ur • ' ^ TOt«d b tc k 'to Uie t n l f f i tM

- l i f t to d i r 1)7 th* H u t4 ^ v h ic b . . t i t u coocttm d la te tlo a ta k e a 1»r

. t l u heoM Bor« 'U u a tt h e n v u only e>» ro ll cell—on

^ 10de«<‘>«iid th e l e n l t m e 39 to 26 a c t in i t th e eoBinittee n t e e o f tw e

' ceiite » ponnd oq g re w o r plekled and fou r e en ti oa drleit hldea.

F u t j r L tnei O bliterated .

Tbo aenntfl'divided a i-fo lio irf: 'F o r a d u tf on hideii

' BepubUcaMrrBut*um, CBmoron, Cap­per, OuTlia, E rm t, Oooding, n a rrc ld ,L add, McConnIck, McNnry, N ieh0li0D.| K orbeek, Oddle, Phlppi, . J h o r tr id e e , ; Smoot, Stanfield, Stcrliog, and W arren ja « — 19* 1 hnvo i

Domocratf — A ih u n t, ' B rotuiard, birthc• , Flotcbor, Jones of New Mexieo, Kend- for tl

r iek , R a u d e ll and 8beppard~7 . hie a t - Totol 26. ' ■ «f, M

• A p iin it a duty on h ide i: P'*®**R epulH eant—Ball, Borah, TJrande*

gee, Calder, Colt, Cammini, DilUagbam, |) y |< Edjjo, PrelinRhnysen, H ale, Koyee, Lon- K IH root, Lodge, M m m ,'N o w ,-N ew b e rry , U l l l FopjHr, Ranaon; Spencer, SatbeH and, 1 ToTOiend, Wnd»wortii nnd W nil» -23 .

Democrat#—Dial, Oerry, Q tau , Har- * rii„H cfH n, M yon, Ovprman, Pomerenp,Rcod, Slmmoni, Smith, Stanley; Tram* Q fg n mei, Underwood, W alih o f Maisaeho* p • e t t i and W alih of M on tana-16 .

Total 89.Old Tiea S hattered ' ^

U o it o f tbo moro m arked lines wble^ havo dovoloped in tlio sonato during work

, tho ta r i f f figh t disappeared on ^tbls .omergj vote, hu t nbout tlio only surprise w as‘f , j . , . th a t a m ajority o f the ropublieans voted! against m aking hides dutiable. K o ti° ' only was there a 'sp lit among tbo major- jbetwot i ty leadenbip on tho question, b u t a(iib tb ^ i t i ia tbo flnanco committee m ajority a£(i an j^p i

. Id tbo ropublican ag ritu ltn ral. ta r i f f bloe, wbieh through .its 'e b a l^ y iehii; n a n , Senator Ooodlng of..Idaho , bad fo r 'c a a sked fo r two eonts on green bldee and n ^ to I

t ' s lx -Ju d r le d rU d es . < ' . ' I n g |]|Only tiro members of tho finaneo ^h ilo (

. eommitteo—C urtis niid Smoot—support- lUuatii : ed tlie duties, whIio fo u r, m e m b e rs - tjegion! : Calder, Dliliogham, F re linghnysen ' ond )y gbip

Sutheriaad—>'oted against tbem. C hal^ w . } n a n McCumbor nnd Sonator W atson o f ,man ol

. Ind iana , tho other two members pres- go, en t, wero paired and unable to vote. f ,„ i q, F ivo momVcrs o r th o T a if lf f l lo o bfoke' nUh’ l aw ay on tho baIlot~Sponeor, W illis, t f Now, K eyes and Townsotfa. ' ' •. from P

D iia g n e to A n a a d o e n t '' P0*‘P0f W ith hides son t back to tb s fre e lis t,

Senator Smoot of U tali, fo r flio com- •• m ittcc, moved th a t tho senato disagree ' to th e amendment proposing n ra to of ”- 12 cents .n pa ir nnd hvo e in ts nd va-

• .lorem on bools nnd.shops nnd vary ing >I'M n to s on band, rough and lole leather, . ^ b e lting and harness. leather and varl-

, . oas other kinds o f thU product. *»>»■ aT h is motion prevailed w ithout a roll du p iw

• call and jis a aubstltuto tho w aa te ap. rid the p ro v e d 'th o bouso provision-proposing to tba

' a do ty o f 20 p e r cent ad viilorem on noliien ebamols skins, pianoforte, pianoforte m m baetion, p layer piano action leather, .

V o ^ o l o d • upbolslery leather, glove ■lea the r,, winlsbed in wblto or in tb e ■e m s t H

W ithout rull calls tbo senato then . ■cu t from 4 to 3 per ccn t tho proposed H

: du ty on bags, baskets, be lti, satcbels, ■.card eases, pocket books, jew el boxes, M

. ' portfolios and other boxes nnd eases I f lwholly or in chief value of leather. On Msuch articles permnnently f itte d o n ! J B

;, fu rnished w ltb trnvcllog,' bottle, drink- HIng, d ining or luncheon, sowing, mnnl- w l

^ -euro or sim ilar sets, tho du ty was made H w45 p e r ccn t nd rnlorem in p lncc'of tbe H IICO'per cont originally pro'posed. I W

Y our a tten tion is especially invited D ly to tho fa c t th a t there are several nieo H

eool, comfortable apartm ents vacant n t ■;■ -the Justam ere Inn.—adv. ___________ ■

t; I ma


• ( d t y or-M onaU ln T ia s )

E as tb o ttd ■ - • . 'N o . 1 8 0 ________D epart T:20 a. « .

4 No. 8 4 _______ - D epart 6:10 p. d .{■ .Westbonad .1. N o. -------- D epart 12:80 p. ss.

N o .1 3 5 _______ d e p a r t 4i30 p. » . |

B 0G B B 80N BBANOH tE A lN a . " ' " ' ' l. Sonthbenad I

No. 8 1 9 ------------ D»P*rt W tlO p ..» . INortbbovad ■ '{b B

•N o. « 0 ------------A rrive 4:05 p. * - j O

>T*TT. MAKB-OT. Ho. 1 5 ^ 7 i . * . . -V s )

No. 83 a t 12i00 • . - " l l i iNo. a t 4 p . n . ,, f ’ .. . “

--------" N o : 'M 'a t '5 :M ”p r o > - ~ - ’ ^ ^ ^ - ~ ” ' 7I Woyawnn b tin fh a t 1 8 t0 0 » . __1 •

The fo reg o b g a i i l ii»k .e -np> opera tive M d effeetive nader ordiaary e 0 B d W < m i5 l f ^ p « l« a 0 t t a t0 l» a iJ - — •

- ahonld bo dropped a t abont th e w p l a r ' s l o ^ g t f i a e j t w oold b e iA -

to d l i^ te h tb e « a th f :■ proelM k o w .-. ^


W U ip^erve Jackie C

Jaekie- Coogan,-- fiioi^ktw , who will f » "tvo earned $1,000,OOO.before h is eigbtb and t(irthday, was' in conrt in1<bB Angeles tbe miir the f irs t tim e. Ho is shown w ith bis mois a ttorney, Plersoa M. H all;, bis .moth* report■ and bis father. Tho Ooogaas ap< Incomilied to be appointed legal g n a rd ia u did no


rotindwork for Oo-operatlon Dr. ] Betweea DiBtribator aod Op

. State Orjaniiation .

WASHINOTON, Aug. 9 (/PH O ronnd- UNI irk f o r ' co-operation betw een s ta te Augr- icrgpncy fuel organizations and the year 's J« r.l e in ln l coal illittlb iitlon tom. it tteo was begun today a t conferonces twccn Fuel D istributor Spencer ond, ^.j|j 9 s ta te ,conl commlttiics o f'M lch igan uni cla d.FpnnsylvanlO. o ’clockArrangements wero made w ltb the Tbe ebigan commlttcc, Mr. Spcneor sold, will be r 'co ring for tbe fuel needi o f th a t a t 10 i ito by means of orders fo r coal pass- commis ( through- tbo.' contral 'com m ittee, spoakri ilo offoH s to'relievo the O reat Lakes day tb uotion a lreody .aro under w ay , the fo r ’the {Inning having been mado w ith week- y«ar sl shipm ents o f 200,000 tons o f eoal, general V. D. Oalney of H arrisburg, chair fo r the n of tho I’ennsylvnnla public ntlli- Faeul I eommiltee, wblcb is tbo emergcnoy mbotini l..o rg»n lw tio iiJfo r_ tha t_8 la tc ,_ )no t jfoto.wl b M r. Sjnneer, Secretary Hoover and an I tw en ty" producing conl operators will be m Pennsylvania. I t wna decided to ccptlon tpone tho question of f ix ing a p tice wives,

coal mined in Pennsylvania, un til Upbam, day, when a committeo o f tho opem- Tho i s 'IsT o meet w ith tbo s tn to fuel com- crn Idi teo' In Philadciphla. ■ noon oi' ------------------------- . ThoElliabeth'a Ceaehei Aroused E nvy' w eek’s in tb e end tlie'iiuib’aada capU iila tea faculty id j i f l e r a nh lle (ilvera grcoi ir Jles, ium, Sa Ib'B* grent jM iouey of tbo qucca’i - - - - p leasure mo^o .liiein coachea. nnd .No^

them up un<l dciwne i Iid M un trle s A yo tb a great MilmlratloD of a ll be- nen t st




' 'set

I J H J H P l iH H w i Ml E i S i i Sol

~ P C R G R A H A M - C R A C K E b

: ptUuKir taM . iiUr mtW n p rm tp to tk tt tf t iM M , -

............ - —V«ws»<ncMMn>rrM _

• P ^ k CoMt BbCDit Co.'


e€oogan*8 Wealth^


------- e d 'tsumi

j r ' ' T l t k l l " ilo V ro tM l l l j io r tti io - ad to s till aa lle lo n s gossip regarding10 manner in which tbey are spending is money. Aa h is gnard lan i, they must ■port o v e iry e a r to th e court as to bis leome and expenditures, a thiag- tbey !d no t havo' to do as his parents.

l i i i i KlesniiN G Eo .

Ir. E. A. Bryao Will Address Opening Assembly ol Tear

September 20

U NIVEBSITY O F IDAHO, MoseoW, ig r -O—Keglstrotlon fo r the now • a r ’s work a t tho Unlv'crslty o f Idabo11 s ta r t Mondny, Soptember 18, a t 8 dock, according' to announeomont Qm tho oilnilntslrotlvo offlcoe. I t 11 contlnuo through Tuesday, and act*I class work will commenw a t 6 •lock .W ednesday m orn ing .'Tbe opening assem bly o f the yearII bo hold W odnesdoy, September 20, r 10 o ’clock. Dr. E . A. Bryan, s ta te

mmissioner o f education, will be tbo uakrr. On the aftcrnooii o f tho aame y the froshm en will bo assembled r the annual convocation o f the f ln tr i r students, a t which they rcceive aeral advleo as to w bat is In prospeet ■ tho y e a r ’s Work.?^eulty mombers w ill hold tbe lr f lrs t o tlngonS atu rday i.S op tem berlO , be- :o .,« lioo l.opm j_B .hL eo .iL «_n"M «8 . =1 an evening session of this meeting '.1 be in te rsp erse d an afternoon re*)tlon to facu lty members and .th e ir i-es, by P residen t and Mrs. A. H . bam, a t tho ir home, rho studcnt'spcclal tra in from south- I Idaho will a rrive shortly before in on Sunday.rho closing ovent o f tho opening e k ’s cxercises will h e a student and lulty reception held In the gymno-v 0, Batnrday, September 23.

. Noveiht Peddles Own. Booka.K young .novelist stood nn prnmi*Dt Street e cm c r in I^n d o n rcccntly ddiing be r on 'a books. She sold 80 ~ — ilM la lin bour.

i f the Club ind in the

Best Cafes-Yoifll 6ad Soow Fl^tt 'aervtd w ith broth*, soups,‘oysttr«i calads aad dwese.

Everyone llkca tp nibble ' tbcs«crisp,ta«ty'iodAW l*■fea. .

' Sold by grocer* In n i 'fftkMiti tndV an i/y ( /u .

D o j/r ask let e ra ek m


. ■ <

■ '


■SlENTSIinENO Ie y .u .s i i iE iC iP ”"' - —----^

Oommimdqat S>7i Idaho Oa- m i dots Bank a t Top o rE re ty ihoi

Phase of Work______ . 'P " '

U m V K lS I i r O P IDAHO, Moieow,L D g .'^ A larger percentage of tbo stu- a t i ents b f the U niversity of Idaho attend* fanid'»he-iiinth-O orps-A rea-R r-O .-*5'.-O .-w 0Tiummer encampment J n it l i ^ e d a t lo^l lamp Lewis th a a from any.'otber west- j

Get One of Electric

This is tbe finest family 1 the month of Angnst only. T temperatore reached by the ir on the special tilting stand. ^ed. ■ . ■

Place your order a t one

Electric She

• v .

VbuVe Stii^ wheny<

Your 1

havethel perfectly mild.. Aad t

-V, .TASTE, ■We pui

' • ■' Camels a: andlifelo cigarette. . That’s CIGAR]

)RNING, AUGUST 10, me m insU tuH on,'according to a sUte* m ent by Colonel E . R. Cbrismao, com- ^Ind m aadant here, wbo commanded,tbe sum- fata m ef eamp. ^ tra

'^T he Idaho cadets ranked a t tho e.d a v e i^ 'to p ' in 'o v e fy ;p b a « fl 'o f ' 'tb rw o rk wori a t tbo cam p ," continued Colonel Chris- ^ e r a a n . “ They won a cup in tbo rifle Jn a shoot, distinguished-themselves in - th e tra in ing w6rk and czcclied-ln athletic sporta and'contests^ ‘ mi

“ This y e a r 's encampment was 'th e best in tho history o f tbo summer camp . a t Camp Lewis. The throo ualts, in- fn n try , engineers and fie ld artllieiy ,w O T8-B tatloncd-in-the-sam o:eam pro l- -rjz : low ing students In each braneb to get _ ab idea o f the work of tbe o tb e r.,- .

f These Edison i Irons Now for

' H

ily iron made and is offered a t an nn< The handle always stays cool,, no

e ironing svface.. Ho holder is.nece . The sole plate requires no wax bei

once for one of these beautiful an<

lop—Idaho Pq

r I ^

IK ' • ll P f

■ J

radc itB ig lit irouL ightaCr taste will tell yoii that! ie flavor Md fragrance of cho tljr blended. T he/ie smootl

1 there’s NO CIGARETI'E . . . . .put the utmost quality, into tl 5 are as good as ifg possible fo ■elong knowledge of fine tobac tte. ■t ’s why Camels are^THE .RETTE,

3 a ir

= - = = = - ■'"F ie ld trips In aflto im e k s ,.variona

kinds of social .aetlvitlea nnder^ tho aanngenieat o f aspeelal offlcbr^ den o a> ' itratlons by tho rcgnla* troops aU tion-’ id a t C anp Lewis in barrage aad aeria l ■»ork,"all-«oiitrlbnted toTnflka thOTron*------------ner profiU bie and w orth whi)6 to those ............In a ttendance.” -

' Promote P rospsrity ." I h av e ever oonaldered Jt aa the

bdK peaaable duty of every ta e a b e r of aoclety fn prumoie. a s fu r a a la b ln Ilea, jlie p.rMpcriiy o f every la- dividual, bu t'luo re w ped a lly .tb o cdm. ... ta n n liy - la wliich he D6Iongi.'"=Jlllla H aacock. _

n Hotppint ir Only '*

* 1 .0 0D O W N

A M f/aJIfoniA for 4 Months

Price only



unequalled low prioe for. no m atter how high the Boessary, Just tip it back because it is nickel plat­

e d efficient irons.

ower Go.

r .yijl

f r

' • *

:am el:! For Camels hoicesttojbaccos,)th and melloiw- ,


i this one brand. < .. ' for skill, money laccostpmakea

:E QTJA-IrlTY '.4

Page 3: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '


M W . Xt Ci

| g ^ WOVW O B A R criK t,. ’ '*"‘-1- 8 t «oy

---------------- _|vCftHHtMl-MlN.-MNi^ ^ Ik » K t 8IBL0VM S T U S ,

■ / A sss\ m NEVCtl «^\t>,*H

x T k ^ m n o t t


........... ..............■ •.''H * tttlU I'le»*ue“' ' ' ' ' i ^ '* * i^Boiton 6-6, 6 t L oqIi (MI.

• • ■ ■ » » r i H t 2, c i B c i n r t t f J j , : ; .- B r o o U jn -^ .C h lc s ^ 0.

P hnade lphU -in itib iirgh -R a ln . '


■Won L m I P ciBL LouU J_____ ;..._.6S - • : - « ...... ;581l Bt

New Y o rk ___________Cl « .587 N<Chleago :_________ .-..S7 48 .543 D<PU tiborK h __________55 47 J53D Cl

• ' C ln d n n a t l__________ .57 31 J2 8 ClB ro o k ly n _________-JJ50 S3 .485 W

' PhllftdolphU ;______ ;.- J 0 02 ' .807 PlB o i to n ______________35 OO .347 B(


6U L ouli ftt .Boston;Cblcftgo a t Brookljrn.Clnclniuitl n t New York. I.jn tU burgh a t PhiladelpbiQ. f

EIMS n i U ;Seda Jerk Gotbamitea Oat of

Leadership, • Wbile Oards Split With Braves ' ie<

• ___ ■, . , ioN EW YOEK, A u j. 0 m - T h o n j h

. ou tb it taore than two to one, Cloeinniktl agn in defoatod .New York to & y .. I t |],

* ' ,w aa tb e worlds’ eb aa p io u * -th ird sne* n , ' cesiive defeat. McQoilUa, former

Bravo pitcher twirled brilllan tty for Now York, b n t b it support fell down i . in tbe 'p inchet. },„

Score: “ R. IH E.' i .,G in e in n a t l____________ - 8 0 0Now Y o r k ------------ 2 K 3 bl

B alteries: Coach anil W lngo; ) fe ' Q uiU an'aa^ Snjrder. ^

■ BEA V Ba AMD O A W » DIV ID Bi ' 530 8 T 0 N , Aag/O ( f f7 -6 l. L ou iiw oa t lo

In to f i n t place today by sp litting evon an w itb Boston^ while Cincinnati d e fc a te f N ew Y ork' D oston won the i f n t game, a ll o f B o itoa ’s n n i coming a f te r ' nirfV’s m u ff o f-U lllsr’i e u y pop f ly in bi the leeoad inniag with two ont. N orth e r lolleved Shetdel w ith two o a t In thl« itsniog and did not give a h it fo r tbe Ri roat o f tbo game. E r r o n ' by K op t Cc were instrum ental in Bt. L o ^a w lna ia^ h i

' t h o socond game.'. Bcorei:• F i n t gams: • , . , R. H . E . N(

8U Louis -------— 0 i r -3 D«Boston --------------------- .— 6 a 0

. B atteries: Shet'dol, N orth a n d Ain- Si sm ith ; U illcr and Oowdy.

8oc(md gam e:. .. ' B. H . E.81. Louis ___________ _ 0 C . 2Boston _____________- — 0 12 , 3

B atteries: Doak, North aud Clemons, ^ A insm ith; Ocicliger, McNairiora -an^

, 0 'N . m . • ______,,


DEOOKLYK, An*. > (ffHCW csBO I" defeated Brooklyn today. Cadore and A lexander cach, had oae bad Inning, Bi

O a d o ro w ea kening 'in th e -s U th when 01 H eathco te’a home run, with tw o on, de-

I. elded the game. toScoto: ' * • B . IL E . on

C h ic a g o ________ :---------- 0 13 0, 'B rooklyn ___________— 5 13 0

BaU orlcs: Alexander aad O ’Farre ll;. Cadore aad DeBerry. '

■ B ostoa-Pitliburgh game postponed—• rain . ,1

’ bl, Youth PriM fvsp. (.y

. A Doble life .a ln I t more tbao a n . am bition p r e a e m r ; It ta nlao a po^*

. e rfu l health and yonth p rew rre r. ,U _. la a toqlc th a t preTcats prem ature

aging: W hen the facullles a re cm- . . ployed In' working out a aplendlil ile«. tin y wo a re hnppy, contented; the n tn d Is 80 fully occupied th a t It can . no t detcrlorato or low Ila buoyancy, (j, And It Is Uie mind Hint keeps the ^ y young. _

J ---------:-----------T sn -P sr-C an t-W III-D * .--------------- J_ ^ - ; A W nahlagton aclenllst hna dlBCOT-

. c ra lly lia to a /lne,R«>wtb-of hfllr. W e, !■ ahnll 'ocpcct, a eomnilMlon from th e ^

: pean u t venilorn for iniMlng thin In- .fonnnUon ‘ulonK,—Boston T ninscrlpL __


c o M i s a T o ^ * fU>«£*OW£ L tK l' 1

» l> .- D I» TW I T J O l l M W « t; ........... - ............ SO U SH T 1

..... “ “ f»H .b tlC S 3 tlb 7 v v M j7 ! ' OAU&^'ri

IINOS OF aB6SM.TS IN the'y j. r - A B ttlca n League ■

Cleveland 7,-Boiton 3. P. ” - D etroit 3, Now York 8. * ' ' ' 8■v^:-;/;bi<«igo,5^i?hyad9ij.hiaj,,., - ’-Si

B t.L ou ls^W aa lilng tonO . I


Won L o i t , , P e t. -I Bt. Louis ........ ..............C4 43 .508 Batr N ew York ___________ W 45 ' .587 Voi1 D etroit ..... ^...;.58 51 .53C Loi) Chleago ...... ............:.;..55 5S .514 Bali C le v e la n d ___________ .'iO > 55 .503 Oal5 W ashington •_________50 SQ .471 Beir P h ilad e lp h ia ----------„..42 ' 02 .404 Poir Boston’ __________41 . fiO .383 Bae


N ^ ^ m c s scheduled. - - ' G --------- - fiFOURTNeniOiS c

• N o s e O u t S e n a t o r s iA i ^ a l i . g ' " O a m e o f - E o m ^ ^ S e r ie s ; Y d o k s a

W in f r o m t h e ,T ig e r s oaiI ■ — ^ ••• Bea

BT. LOUIS, Aug. l* .(ff)-T he league- J leading Browns made i t threo ou t of four ,over W ftibtnglon, w inning today.A baitiag^iaU y again st W alter Johnion ^ in - th e .seventh gavo tbe two run*, th a t ,

J brought vietory. Judge and OosUn of the S enaton and JileU nnua of the

Browns h it homo runs. ThO Bonaton ' were credited w ith n run by the offieial scorer In the n in th , b u t Umpire H er-

• ia rlty . refused to allow I t a i i t came ^ l)otTteca.ft.doulil(Lplay_thQLcnd#d.the.

; inn in g ., Judge w a i on th ltd w ith one ,J on t and crossed tbe p late during a don- » ble play a t fliiil. ’ • . ‘' Score: . B. -H ..' B.

W aih in g to n ________ _ 0 14 1Bt. LouU 8 13 2 j'. B a tte rie i: F rancis , Brillheart, John- *

t io n and Pieinieh;.. VanOlldor, Pruott I and Collins. . ' . J*r , ------- ----------- . • *.®', R i r i s K A E B S IT TWBNTY-ONB• D B T R O lt, Aug. 9 (fiV^New York 1 b it today nnd aided by Rlgney's I e rro n defeated D etro it fo r the thirdt irUtory ou t o ( fou t gonca played h e n . > » Ruth led o ff In the n in th Inning against f Cole w ith a drive into tbe b le a^ e rs fo r tbi \ h is 2 i» t homo run of the yeai.' , •«<

Score: , .R . H . R ofI New York _____:...............8 12 0 "3 D etroit ------------- ---- --------3 10 'i ■■} Batteries: Bhawkey, Both and .• Bchang; Ehmkc, Colo nnd Baulcr.


; CLEVELAND, Aug. 0 (fl>}-^lovo-• lond mado It throo out of fonr from ' Boiton todoy. Booiie, n roeruit from!• Cbattnnooga, d id -n o t nllow a Boaton .

mnn to rcneh first nr even h it tbo ball outside of Iho infield for the f l n t fonr innings. Colllni wns driven from the

) box in tho f lr t t Inning.1 Bcorc: R. H . E., Boston _________ ;.........- . 3 6 . 11 Clevolaad :----------- -----— 7 13 1• B a tte rie i: W. Collins, B uuell, Faller-

ton, Plercy nnd W nlton, Ruel; Boone. and O ’Neill.


5 CHICAGO, Aug.. 0bunched four hiU for three n u tq tie tho score in the seventh today and won

' on t in the eighth, 4 to 3, when Perkini li i t & home run Into the , le ft field > bleachen . F aber hurled good ball fo r ' Chleago up to tho seventh. -

■ Score: R. H . E.P h ilade lph ia ------------------- i 10 1Chicago --------------- 8 '8 2

B attprlc i: Rommel, H arrU and Por­kins; F a b e r and Y arynn. '

I f yonr property i t desirable and U advertlied la t h f e lau lfisd yon II find your.bnyer.

Mn W, VIshBr, _. Praetiee lim ited to in t e n d dii-

- - e a m -a a d -e lln le a l-f tn d -Ia b o ra to ry - — dingaotU. Special aUeatSoA

' tn n ^ b u s dlibase i and dlioates of children.-. Office w ith the Tw in FalU OUaic.'

ITS. T W I N F A L L g r i B a f i ^

P S - 0 , S H O W M E

t u . - ' .V6 S l n O l b D ' H O U t r I - n I F ( l e n w . v i o « r r i s :i)H -iN -'

i t W M tW ' S M t H R R W t S - Im T 'T p 0 6 t M E f t t - I Mk-i 'H M

TO H t R - SV4E m h V n o x ' k n o , S > N c e S H E W S B I C ^ «

« M H H E R , U K E - t o m f O O .,

— X — — 1 7

I ^ ' n—»


O oaitL aagna ^Portland 1, Vernon 0.Seattle O akland 0.

*8an F ranclieo .4^aalt..L ake 8. liba Angelct 4, Saeramonto 3 (10 In.}

. J

C O A S T J ^ A G V E ]

e t A t iD n r a o ? i h b o l it b s J, - Won Lost Pet. ?iB a n F ra n c lK O ________81 48’ .028 ii’ Vernon _______J.........75. S8 ;S91 d: Loi A n g e le s______ _...70 00 .538 01 Balt Lake ......— !:,\.;i,04 03 .504 *I OaklWid -------- --- :----- 01 (58 .47S •, Beattie ------------------- .58 70 .453 p1 P o r t la n d -----------i ------S3 .75 ,414 lfI S a e r a n e n to _________Sl 77 ' J)08

--------- \TH UB SD A Y 'S 0A U B 8 I

Balt lA k e a t Son FrancUco:Baeramento a t Los Angelei. (,

' . Vernon a t P o rtland . • •{ Oakland a t Beattie. ^


f -B fiA T T ^ :, Aug.Score: . , . ....... . It.. H . E.

Oakland ________________ 0 ' 4 0 •S e a t t l e ---------------------------5 10 1

Batteriea: Jones and K oohler; Jacob i ; and Adam t. ‘•

■ . SAK FRANCIBCO, Aug. D (ff): , ’ I Score: B. n . ^ E . *: Balt Loko -----------------S 9 4 ?: Ban F ra n cU co ______i - , - . 4 ' 11 O ’: B a tte rie i: K allio, MeCabo and Jen- I k ln i; Bhea and Yelle. ^ <

' LOS ANGELES, Aug. fl (/P): ^! Store: . It. H . E . >

BMrttDictttd 3 , o 0 “•' l o , A n g e le .-------------------- i n 3 <

B atteries: Colwell, C a n f ie in i S d b Cook; H oghet and Baldw in (10 inn-

V' tO BTLA N D , Aug. O' (ff):' flcore: .• R. H . B. i

Vernon ----------------------- 5 18 0 aP o r t la n d ------- u--------------- 1 0 1■ '^aU erles: Doyle and M urphy; Dem- I arce, Blcmlller and R ing. S

O ysttra Incraate . tI f fill th e progeny, o f ono oyster *

' lived and niulltpllcd,' and so oo. ?i through six generations, tbe heap of .

shells would be e ight tim es tb e aUe


G e t t h i s s t r a i g h t —

F o r t h e B r s t t i m e i n 7 0

; : l i f e - ■

I $ 1 b u y s y o u a g e n t u i

1 • . G i l l e t t c -

T h e “ B r o w n i e ” —

W i t h t h r e e g e n u i i

G i l l e t t e B U e s .

, C IL L E T IE SAFETY RAZOR C B o * t o ^ U .S .^

N o w a t a l l D e a le n

N ^ ^ l l f c



■ NAW; N O T IN - U iW : J -

‘W a I ................ / -iH 'n i ijt> u c e , / /

• o v ) < ySH E ^

------------ ------------1-------- 1 lylM

• • ■ , ' ■■ • ' ■ • j t<


I ; .----- . V{ I ie e W o r t h y T r o t s M ile i n ' '2 : 0 6 '«

B e a t i n g t h e O ld H a r k b y ~ H a l f U iQ D te •

. gNORTH RANDALL, Cloveland, '0 . , h

Aug. &-~Sottlng h ll nwn paco, Lee'W or- f thy , the unbeaten son o f L ee Axwor- thy .'w ou tho $11,000 cAomplon stallioa > stake, ono of tho rlchcst three-year-oM

O rand C lrtu il In lu r itlts of tho leason, < i in s tra igh t heats a t N qrtli Randall to- I day and. In doing so, brbko three rec- f ) ords, onu o f which II aaUl to be a " I w orld 's record. Tho race wns worth 'I *5,275 lo Frnnk H. EllU of Philadel- « J phla, owner of th e colt. I t w ai b it ’I I f if th ttra lg h t vietory of the seaion. • 5 Lee W orthy w ai '.d riven , by Ben 1

W hite of Cltfveland, who teamed him t Hi vfet0T7 in th e M atron stakes a t To f Icdo lnst week In tho fa stest h eat tro t- ■ ted by a threo-year-old thU year,.un til todny. This tim e, 2:05 1-2, waa lowered by h a lf a seeond in the f irs t heat to ­day. In tro ttln g 'th o milo in 2:05, Lee W orthy also clipped, a second o f f the stako-reeord. Ho tro tted tbo la s t h a lf ^ ^n 1:00 3-4 and the last lA in :2fl 3-4. •

> — - | » ..FILER

FILER.—C lark Sehlegcl o f Poeatello \ wns a week-end guest a t tho home, of I

. Mr. and M n , 0 , W . Anthony, leaving I Jlonany m orh lhg 'fo r a tr ip through ) Yellowstone park.

M Usei Stella .M acaw and Mabeli O ravca gavo a dancing pa rty a t thoi eountry homo of M lu > Cedi Johnson Sa tu rday evening. Several frora here

. attended..} “-R a y m o n d -a rav e s-T e to rae d — Frlday-l I from Corvallis, Oregon, where he has 1 been a ttend ing ichool.. Mrs. Olive Williams o f -Twin FnUt

4pent Monday here w ith Mi,ss E dith WlllUms.

IC iu G er tn d o W alter retnraed Mon- . day from Berkeley, Calif., where sb*) attended summer «chooL I MliS Oail M uuer, Rex Kimmel and • Mra. LM tcr M uucr motored to .Boise

F riday , rc tu ra lag Saturday.M rs. J . F . Mallory., and ehlldren ro-

tu raed home' Ba.turday' from a _twn w eekt m otor tr ip , through U tah nnd Idaho ,-v itH iag w ith TCiatiTCt:

.L i t t le Bobbie K irkpatrlrk celebrated b U 'f l f th b irthday .T uesday w ith a p a rty ’on th e M -J . Macaw lawn. Abont

^ f O O |.M?. . # 113 ■ I

I k m uId . If c . C iU oIuB U ilo. I

yoor /

• ■ '

line. L I-

^ ■ w l


3 0 H O M E T

/ ^ I T » Ul

/ « « t N -tHK-r O lb 6 « 7 > W M

W n w m u c h A i /T ltM 'F lC C O ? - S H l X t

' ' h o m e a wV -E E P TWE- CW C.K

i n o y N t > .

V ' /

~] tw enty-five g iiM ti were p resent. The lit tle folks enjoyed th«mselves n t the awlngs 'and 'on -the law a u n til ico cream and. cake wero eerved. Mrs. Kirkpat* rlek was a u U ted by M rs.'C arter. Those |

-■ present w ere: Bobby and Rex DavU, n Joe Ooodb,; C lark n n d Donald Sealey, !

fiud<1y Drake, Bod W llka,, ' Mleky ” Dwigfil, Jc an .JfnH bry .M m opne Love, '

Vera Orm, A nna Thompson, Pauline ■ B nnd Gernldine Maeaw, Lneille B eau ,

J::iaroneo CorUon, l l l f f A ndenon, Doro- ]lhy nnd^M argaret Cose.

Mrs. Lester.M usser and dilld ren are ' apchdlng the w^ek a t the home o f her

}., b rother, W llllani W alter, n e a r 'T w in ' ,r. Fnlls. . •

ilny Qetchcl, J lm .^ ra n e ls and Cro­on ve f W illiams le ft ' T ueiday evening for i]i| Coeur d ’Alene, ^here they .expect to n, flttd employment. ^Q. , L ittle Jean M allory hnd a narrow ( . cicopo from whnt m ight have been u a Hprinus accident. .When the electric >li w ash ing 'm aeh lao w as in 'm o tion she ll. n ltcm pted to p u l an nrtlele in ' tho is w ringer, which caught hor f la g e n , ta k ­

ing tlie hnnd through to tho knuckles.)n Tlio w ringer was full o f clothes, and m (}ulck action o f the m ith e r prevented 0 . fu rther trouble. S light bruises were t . siiitnlned. ll • • — ^

’ “ - r rd n Ancient City.Peking Is one of the oldest c itie s '

j . la th e w orld, being knuivn to exist In , f th e T n e lfth centui}' bctoro ClirlRt, but

a lthough It Is o f Imiuenso size. b u t. 26. miles .In d rcum fercnce , nitich of th e s|in(-o"ivUlilD Iho w alls Is unoc* cuplcd.

J50C : Sain- '

: p n lE l j»n ' • ■ . .sd ■ '

Friday and San t • •

■ 10 Bars Palm Olive So 15 Bars Rose Bath Soaj 4 Pairs Children’s Hos 4 Pairs Men’s Sox fo r . 4 Pairs Men’s Canvas2 Pairs Cfiildren’s Whi All Children’s Straw I 8 Ladies’ Trimmed Hal 3Yds.WhiteTwill,Qut3 Yds. Light Outing S'] 3 Yd3..Lightor,Darki 3 Yds. 27 in. Gingham 21-2 Yds. Rompei: Clo

All Misses’.and Chil( ular price leSi....

• All Ladies’ Oxfords i price less............... ...'

No ' ‘ Exchanae JaMgL

' ' . - s ♦ i «'*W t t K \

c i m u c o M C t I

I t 0 0AHD / , .AHO /

T /

' 'm

* ' W all-P spsr.Persons w h o ‘'don’t know w hat i l l s >.

" tbsm " may flnd a cure In c b e le t o t a w all p a p e r-th a t su its th e ir tijRe*. ■:

f I t h as been proven th a t w all , p a p er I’ can ptoduco nervo\isncss a n d Irrtit* ' ■ ' ’ billty. i f Its tone clashes w ltb tb e f ^ -

' Ings o t anyone In th e honse.

k"a a i l i i - VOtlB DRUCOST


*0)6 Temple Phvmacy , PociltDo. Idiho .V;

P O B B A U aB T

I U aJastlo I tU B ie jr , P l i t e D m Co.

. : .

H e d s a D n c t e , n s f

lie!m m \laturday OnlyfS o a p f o r ............ . . . ' . . . v . . . . . 5 0 c) a p f o r . . . . . . ; . : r i . . . . . r . , : ; . . f f O c ^

[ o s e f o r ............................- 5 0 c .r ................! ................................... . 5 0 c

I S G l o v e s f o r .............. . . 5 0 c' h i t e S h o e s f o r ................5 0 c! H a t s a t ................. ............. , 5 0 c[ a t s , a t e a c h 5 9 c

u t i n g P l a n n e l f o r , : . . 5 0 c .

i P I a n n e l f o r . .....................5 0 cc P e r c a l e f o r ................... 5 0 cm f o r .......................................... 5 0 cl l o t h f o r . ............ .................. 5 0 c

i l d r e n ’s S l i p p e r s r e g r

..........................S O c a p m r :

s a n d P u m p s r e g u l a r


E x c h i a i f i e \

rorflefmi/f : ;

Page 4: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '

T O O T : . ; * T V \

■ B i W i . i l U i l L !

l E p r aMovie 'Actor Issues Statement

in Wliich He Says Disagree-, j||— niint“ iflfirFoIlpwedB'y Prop- i

erty Settlement . -LOa ANOBLES, Oi l , A w .», (ff)

—WiUUm S. H u t , motion pte tis* stAT, U t« to d i7 Uraod » s lsn td ffU tttnent t h t t I u u d hla wife, W ln lM d West«Tnr, fllm u tn M , tw d 'H p « n t« d abo n t'tl ireo montiia

•rttlM nent h id [»'■ .tiva « ttecl»d ptOTiOlnf b v Ht Bi»lnt«n«oc< *nd t l u t o f tlielr nn- pt tl bom child t n d th U be bad 's o BUU know le^se e f anjr p l in i o f U ib . fo c B u r t fo r I n i t l t Q ^ d lroree m - . trooi

.ceedla*». ” : '

. H u t nlM mede publie a cop; of a 1 nlffht le tte r bo M id be bad lo o t to WUl I U. IIa7>, president o f tho U o tio n 'P J» ( J tu re P rodueen and B iitr ib u to ri aisoel' atloD o f Amoriea, deelarlDg he w ai ao t retponiiblo fo r l ia te n e n U publiihed bo re 'tha t Mr. had a ttem pted when in 1a i Aaftelci recQsUy, to d f e e t n reconciliation betw een U r. and U ri . .

n k iB U tooen t roU ew i Bom on . '

H n i t ' i r tn le a e n t cnme ftfler »evera\ w eeki o f rum or th a t a ll w ai no t well In .

- the H ar t houseI|Old u d th a t U n . B art had le ft ber bufband in bia HoIlTFOod yj home and had taken up ber reddenci | \ v i th her -n o tb er a t San ta Monica, a . < luburb. • • . ,

The ita tem en t follow*: . .. . . “ Ab a ll the newipaper*-of L oi An-

g e lu aro m rore, 1 bavo repeatedly and up td thia moment, donled there b a i . . been nny d ifficu lty botween U ii . H ar t ^

. « nu article th i i n ftem oon containing ' atatcnionti wbicb tb e paper intlm atei ,

• eame from Mra. H a r t’a nttorney»7-ana lomo o f Ihcm aro villolnouily untm o— a particularly the oaei referrlag to M ary „ . , H art, my lis te r , and to U r . Will H.H ays. . In th

' P n p e ity Settlem ent fiU de -

“ M n . H nrt and myaoJf lopwaUiJ ■ about tbrco m onthi ogo and ft Xow dayi

^.lator projierty con trao tf woro oxecutcd, Wh. m aking ample provliloni fo r ber main- log o

■ t<Eiace-4i,i well a i fo r our onborn Dako ,cbllil| which l l oxpoeted in Soptember. th li IW hether she fon tem p latei divorce pro* Ohio eeedingi o r n o t I bave ao knowledge, uuevi

• ■ " I t i l to ta lly untrue tb a t m y siito r »pHo| asiumed chargo of ray.>-k«mi»—when m w n

. . U n . H ar t le ft . U r ai*ter w ent to N ew diunii Fork prior to th e s e p u a tio n and i i itJll there. Slie h a i never regularly lived In The m y household ifnce my marriage. She Icncoi

■ lived n t 'm y Newh-gU raneh n n tll ihe■ wont past. P*>« '

' “ Tho 'tbro8,t ogainst her fo r the ■.. ■Uenatlon o f m y a ffee tion i l i too ob* p n O

•u rd an'd r id le u b n i to m e rit comment. h I J j “ M r. W ill H . H ay i b a i nover acted

< a i an interm ediary nor did be attem pt .any reeoncillallon w hile bo w o i' here.

, In fac t, to m y knowledge,..he did not even know about tho m atter. . ■

“ I t l l eipectally eruol and unealled U e t l for"to drag m y i l i te r 'o r Mr. H ay i Into L I th l l m a tte r fo r ne ither o f them haa had uu y tb in g te do w ith V ’ • .

H ar t nnd M lsi-W oitove r wore mu* ried o t b li homo bero December 7,1021. ^>0'

. M il l W cstorer ! i the daughter o f a San Pranciico nowapapor man. ‘

N q authorized atatem ent b a i come from ber on tho M paratlon.

* fclebr

l i i i s i i i f i s E SSISSED m i MEETS'

_ _ _ _ , on on

■ C o n v e n t io n O p e n s w i t h D ia o n a - S « dB io n o f K o e d s o f P e o p le f o r tbe v<

, O loB or V lo w o f S t a t u t e s " ' " r y. I . lonilai

8A N FBANOISCO, A o j. 0, (ff)-T h ii '"1*“ need fo r a bo lter underitanding of tho , , laiw a i tbo peop le 'i guardian and do* ' fonder, tho ehampion of. equal rl'ghti fo r all, wna the keynote of addrossci a t ' th e opening of tho annual A m erlcu B ar oMoelatlon convention bero today.' From P re ild e n t H&tdiog u s e a aes* ,Q(,uQti

! akge o npha iis lng Uie p a r t 'to bo-played „iay v . by, tho legal fra te rn ity in lolviag the .. prob leoa of tbo day : from 0 . 0 . Sev.

o r u c e of 6 t. P au l, p reilden t of the auoeia tlon , a d iieou ion o f ib e lncrea»- Ingly cloie touch o f tbo law w ith hu­m an iD ititutiona, and from Fred Bit- BEU

- mont Sm itb o f K ansas, an ozplanaNon ^g^— •o f tb e a ttem p t o f tb e E a a ta a indMlTlal eourt to se ttle controTcralei between Tu,;. labor aad c a p ita l

. A call fo r closer u n ity b ^ w e eq Eog- Le : llsh ip ta k la g a a tlo n i, to bo fo ite ied ..th rough the medium o f the legal pro- ^

feu io o , w a i made by. Lord T hom li Bhaw o f BanfcrmUne, representing tbe n ] . . , Engllib u d Scottish bars. iSC H enri /,ton Attbepla « f P a ris , w bo ipoke on bobaU 9 p .

:.o f - th s'IV eneh b » , told o f the r iie of ALLJnd ie la J p b w e r j^ ______ -Pbo:

'W iniam 'H ow ard T a f t, chief jn itleo l« I- th o -H n lt* d -S la le iru d -V ie e -P re a l- .'dent Calvin CooUdge w ere among those Afl on tho platform a t tbe opealng le n lo n . j |

. BBAD : ^ P aE z "n b W B |*

‘ r


. Haiiry Soland Is. 6bot i n ' n , IrlBh Warfare J

I ^H orjy Baland, -former rep rtien tn tlve ^

>f the B ail Elroann in the United 3t«tei, w ai iho t down while attem pting0 evade arrc il b y N ational Army "'*** rooim ncnr Dublin.

• band,

■ M I I SiiiEEin ii

--------- . ‘ take

Jisfributlon of Waterfall D'ur-ing Week Not Balanced to tk"' i

. Need of Growing Cropthere

WASHINOTON, Aug. 0, W -B f t in - ,torj%all was unevenly d istributed aad erop how e levelopments varied during tbe weekindiug yeiterday, tbe departm ent o f ranchigrleulture announced todny in Its Latreekly lummnry of weather and erop j ,ondltloni. tailsMueli o f tbo w eit u d 's e c t lo n i from roaeb:

be north cenlrol s ta te i o astw ud re- nherc olved bonefleial ih o w en b u t tbe Ohioalley, tho coatral.nortliern i ta t e i and ~lost of tho e a it gtilf nreaa need' molit* Thero badly, tho report said, wblle the the d<flmaging drought continued in the lo g o i o u tW s t and considerable hall w aiopOrted in scattered iocalitiei. Except lovo ior some delay ddo .to beavy rain fa ll tron ]i^llio upper G reat plains, farm wdrk f o r thrnorotly mode' good jfrogrosi. ing fc

E eso itj n w i i r a t i c

Whilo wot w eather delayed threih- j^f{Ig of w heat In 'N eb raska and South the lakota, tho w eather generally favoredbli work. TIio w in te r y ie lds in tbe ],omo•hio valiey/bowever, continued to ihow ,iievcn resulti. ShtTwora benefited la te '[)ring w heat in tho northern S o ^ y tell 6lount&ln atfttes, b u i in Idaho u d U tah |{)o' i|(omage was eauied by itrong w indi o r - «x ]»ln. prolec Tbe chief corn producing area ezpe^

meed m oderate-tpm peraturei nnd ben- 7 rfleial sbow en during the week, th e r f r rorTibowed. , . . • IS


- -• ’ p . !

letbaselah pf the Ears-Trips p a u Lightly into News Oolomnswith Story of 1000 Years

------- - Tlifldut}

aoSL A K , Oerinany, Aug. 0, (/p)— rowsy old Qoslari U etlm ielab o f the are, has tripped ligh tly in to the lime- n,on ght to nnneuneo to the world i t has . },q'q] lached Ita thousandth birthday, A g sta forc< lebralion, nttended hy prominent men gpeu om 1 many parla o f tha country,'K ked ,tliQ..occailQtt................... ......... ...................In . preparation fo r the ovent, Ooila> eased itse lf all up in Us "S u n d ay x},e a t ,” wltb n general coat of fresh touiob lint and lavish 'decorations. I t took ^1 oneo more lemetlilng of t b o , oVd Dry of eeiituriei gono by when i t oftenrved na an imperial rcildenee. Even ■ ■ ■0 venerable Kaiae^baus, b u ilt ' by . ^nTy m and lold to be th e oldest U fulor building in Oermany, oppeared * ightoncd up for the ' day.The anniversary obiervaneea began

thia building w ith a form al morn- f({_1 proRTRm In whleh publle leadc^t in _ rrn, provincial, and national life took -rt. A historical pageant aeverftl les long paraded th o ’a tieeU later, llowcd by 0 huge folk-plcnlo on tbe luntnln alde; In . tbe evening a folk- ly waa preaented by local ta lent. {{I

Wood T hat .Will Not F lo a t *^IrcuKiInn urnlnut la heavier than le r iinO will not float.

BBA D -IH B 3 A IL T N B W a .

■ a :

rwin F a lls -B oIs b - N a iler s ta g e ~ ~Leave f iS n F a lli 8:S0 A. IL , f « ,

flier, Buhl, Hagerman, BUsi. <From B U u to H alliy by Ooodlng

md Fairfield , arriv iog a t 8:80 P . U .From Bliss to Boise by S in g Hill,

llenn’s Ferry , U ena ta la Hom( stop for dinner), arriv iog Boll*

. . • *. u rITT. T»aitBflHATiini a g p a w . t tn a p uP h o M -E w a m tto a i to - sa a -W -w - -------

B ogtfioa E ot« l 81 r a - B r a r a n ~ s x c K a o H ~ H i H B "





D i M i i. tod

Eighteen Canines Are Believed to Hava Caused. Dealti o f«»

“ MSn/l/hWHiirilated Body ^ Is Found ' ""

■ ______ ■ P «sue

BA0BAI1EN70. OaL, A t e 9, (/P) abi —S a r n a t boo n e f qoasttealB f th i i eon »ft«m M n by o e p ttty ZHirtrlet A t- ovii t d n u r S a a a e l l f ^ t o d u u i g a m a * beii to rlally a tto ty to ld tU « (Wonting dlel b y ''U n . U abel Belaxda th a t be r 1 pack o f 18 d og i:k llled .A. BleMt . etTl n a c b e r ; ' a f t e ih « b a d . ^ u n t i e d ty pw lf t him j r e i ta r d a y ._______ _ theThe nudo and m ntllated ' body o f syn

Sleie w ai found on a eot in h l i ranch er«l lonie and Mra. Belarde u d ber bui* radi iand, L ouii Belarde, were arrested. >

fins» o p ^ . ^ • . to

The woman a t f i r s t den ied 'ahe knew the inythlng ahou t tb e a ffsJ r , b u t broke ; A ietfjj Jatcr and la ld tkit her dogw bad ittaekrd Blese n fter tbe r u e h e r had Rroi tm'eic her over tbe arm w ith a elnb.She said ib e dreued, b is wounds, took '

llm to b ii bouie an<f then prepared to ° ake him to Sacramento, b u t failed be- ause ber hu ibond’i e u w ai ou t of o^ ler: Wbon ahe and Belarde retarned to ho Uouio la te r , ibo aald, B lew w «i V

• & B litr ic t A ttorney Busieil deelared

here were many d lierepaneiei ia her ’ top*. 'H e la id abe eould a o t explain jj low eomo of Bieie 's clothing wM found ^ lauglng on n fenee between tho two ; ancbes. • . . ' n o

L ate today the woman waa tnken to ho ranch and again w en t over tb e do- m aits o f the killing offlelals. Upon ^ eaeblng ber house ibo ran to t l u room | rhere tbo 'dogs bad been: confined. .-

Dog* Otowd A bout W o m ta '

ThoMToman waa perm itted to ean ss ho dogs, who crowded around ber b u k - og ond whining.' ' , ‘Mcn d o n 't undecstand a woman’s )Vo fo r dumb anim als,’ ' aho told Un- ran H nllanan. “ I would give m y life or these dogi and tbey would dle 'flgbt- ig fo r mo. O ther people d o n 't under- land they are more to mo t b u my uaband nnd b ro th en .’ ' >A fter the woman had been retnrbed

) tho eounty ja il, County H n m u e Of- leor H . J l W ln te n w ent to tho ttn e h ouso w ith-a-depnty u d sbot th e entire aek of-eighteen dogs.Mra. Belarde said b e r i f ln t refu ia l to

ell o f B leio’i death w ai diio to foar Do' dog i woidd b e punished.“ T hey.protected n e u d I w u te d to

rotoct them ,” she said.

P. Morgan’s Cheek i^Tufi^'D oum by

an Italian OfficifdKOME, Aug. 0 ( /iV -Ita lla n news*

pnpera published a telegram to- dio’ from .Bolsnno, on tho I ta l lu < ’ X ustrinn fron tier, sta tin g th a t J.'P . MOTgnu, who WM pau l& s ^10°^ ’ A ustria to I ta ly a t tho Brenner p a u , was .naked by customs offi* e lali to. deposit tbe equivalent o f ■ ■

‘the Italion Import duty on hla ear< TIifl’ToftieU la'cxplalncd Ib'nt 't h e '- ' du ty would bo returned to him on hia leaving .Italy . The d lap afch " aaid th a t M r. Morgan ,wni w ithout monoy. Uo offered a cheek on his bahK'b'ut'thlB w arre fu icd . n e waa forced to retu rn ttf Innab ruek ' lo aecure Ihe necessary easb,' the .newspaper snys.

U fa as I See I t ■The iDiin who darta ahead o f an ao-

imobilo should never to u r y a girl ho d a rts Juick. ■

R I A l t oT H E A t R E


TODAY Big Western Special

“Dangerous Love”AU. STAE OAST ■.

A ThilUlag Bomanca of* X ion and Jea leo iy o f Two Woman


' “IT'S GREAT"Featuring Eank Mann

Kineto EducationalEeeentileles Of W «ip t and Beef

ADBBD A T T B A O n p N . .

* * G o G e r E m ^ u t c h * *------Two i f c B e o la io T n in U a- -

------- l i i - I t E B L - S H O W — —

. xTfoal A d m la a lo a -W fo rU b lo B ooojrB M ta.

■ ■ ■ ' , A , '


R adio C arries , Typed Message from Airplanes g;

-W A fiH lN Q tO N ,- Aug.’ 0, - W ^ T ^ e : ‘~ - .writing, in an nln>lnne .f ly in g among ^ ,iho'cloods, w ltb r ^ io . machinery, dup- tin Heating Ihe le t te n a t a grotind ita tle n _ mllca sw ay and ree ling tbo m enage off ” In .p rfn t, I s 't t developm ent,arinoon«d today by tbe navy departm ent oa g ir- 1 Ing to naval o irero ft “ a means o f eom- munlcation in adv|inee o f radio, tele- ^ graph and telopbDoe ty tteras now Incu rren t 'm e .” • ‘________________ ________-„ftuce»Mei- already a tta in ed b y c r p n t f — w o rk b f 'in eonjonetioa w ith tb e navy, ibe departm ent asserted, o u u re i the pnctSeabUUy o f .th e now icbeme. Tbat lucb a develoiunent will b e of inealeui- <\ able value..to n il, fo rm i of aviation, the eommerclol sQid m ilita ry ,’ foliowi Jb- • ^ 9vit_aUy on the beeli-;of th e work now piit be in g ao n e by tbe navy, i t waa 'p re - b l i dieted. . ' • .D i s

The device baa been named tbe “ tci- i n , I t reiem blei tbo commerelal

typewriter In -.tbat a .k ey b o a rd havlau Ibo le t te n o f -tb o n lpb ttb o t.-u d .o tb er lymboU on it, ia a rran g ed 'fo r band op- 1- :rAtion. £ a ek 'k e y ia eonneeted to the /o n radio inilallatlo ii in the. plane and wbeo Aa< ! le tte r l i itruek , a radio, impnlse is leu Hashed from tb e antennae on tbe plane eon lo the receiving sta tion below, where <le( Iho le tte r Is reprodneed on pajier.

A n v e n a l o f th e . operation 10 th i t Ihe p l u e e u reeeire mesMgei Xim 55^ (round stations,, is aald to be only n v_ na tter o f detail. ' «>,.

* 'ThIs,’ ' ,the Itatem en t sold, ("w ill be doll k m a rk ^ ite p in ndvanee, in tb a t 4 t een' fill allow' e zp lld t direetioni to acont- Dee iig and combat unite In f lig h t b y -tb e d n i :ommander-In-«hlef o f tho flee t u d rill enable ico n li and other ty p e i o f ^ )lnncs to convey aceurate and detailed nformatlon to tbe-b igh eo n w an d ." ^ ,

W ith th* Paasino, of Time.N o th lo g .ti more dlsaVtiolntiog t h u «ert

\ reunion of tbo “old gung 'you used' Twi10 know." A good nmny j)f .them a re d**so longer ilic fcllowx tbey used to be. . ^ind tin* nni')ti*iiii ntlli nro don’t emnc. 9?®

HEHE IS SONBig Banner Shot^Exi

Concert Entertaim

“The MorriNow on Their Way to


| l | p | 3

Thirty, minutes of others say about them:

“The musical numt ily,” Wathena Kansas (

“The Moiris Quartet tario, Canada.. • “The Morris Combini Chautauqua Reporter,'

HERE’S ONE f"Eikfl’ Lodgo Ho. 1448

They'axe ezoelleht and reoei Slkfl I personally recommend Soyes. Seoretaiy lOks Lodge

Feature Pictures— wild—Enacted in the Y Story from the stage s

Also Big Comedy i lation^—Thirty im'mtt

A B e a r o f a S F

Sihall AdiniJiloii^Miiliiioe 10 <


)RNING-AtJ6US¥^10,1922EA KO w iie o N 'B -A flaA flen iB — t r

LONDON,, ■ A u i. ‘ ( ^ o s ^ h O ’Siitlivad and -Beglntdd Dunn were hanged th ll morning in. W adiworth „ j , prison fo r tho assasslootlon o f Field lari M anhal S ir H enry Wilson on Jone, 22. {8?

____________ _ bcr

^ ’HefrlnoV L e a O T ih T o ie r ■Uore tje r rio ff a re eaten t b u u j

th e r kind o f flah; .102

- A l U S B U m iO H B .

In the B lstr ie t C ourt of tbe Eleventh Pla Judic ia l B istr le t o f the S tate of Idaho, Fal ia and fo r the Connty of Tw in Falls.

. H. L. S tew art, . « •____ j

vs. / u .l,Theodora B. Scbwar* u d Frieda D.■ Sehw art, D e f e n d u ta

' V 0The S tate Idaho le n d i gree tlng i to

th e above-named d e fe n d u ta : .' Ton a re hereby no tified tb a t a eom- - s

p ld n t bas beea file d a n i n t t jv i i a tbe D istrie t C on^ o f tbe s e v e n th Jiid lelal D iitr ie t o f the S ta te o f Idaho, in u d fo r Twin Folia Oonnty, by the above named pbd n tlff , u d yon are hereby di* ree led io a ppea r u d aniw ei;,iaid coa* p la in t w itb ia tw enty ( 20) d a ^ of. tho ._ le ^ l e e 'o f th l i sfamnroaa if le rro d w ith­in la ld J o d ia a l D i s t r i e t , 'u d w ithin - fo rty ( « ) d a n i f aerved elsewhere.A ad yon are f a r th e r notified th a t n » le u yon ao appear u d an iw er the aaid eomplaint w ithin tb « tim e h e re b ipeei- fled, tbo p la in tif f wiU take jn d g a ea t a ^ n s t y o a a a prayed in aald eom plaint .; Thia ae tioa la t r o s g b t fo r th e pnrpoie o f foreclosing a mortgage dated the 11th day o f Deeember, lOlff, execnted by th e d ^ e n d u ta fo r tha aeenrity of th e anm o f tw o t h o ^ d ( | 8,(t00.00} dollara, w ith in te re it a t e igh t (8^ ) per e e a t pe r annnm from th e l l t b day o t Deeember, 1981, together w ith two nna- d n d aixteen u d £8-100 {I818.28} doi* ia ia taxes, abo aeenred by aald mort* gage, w ith in te rest tb e n o f . a t ten <10%) p e r een t from U ay 81,1922, to ­gether w ith a tto m e y 'a f e e t u d eosta o f th ia aetion, u d , f o r the aale o f tU r igh t, UUe u d I n te n t t o f the defead* a a t F rie d a D . B ehw an ia u d to th a t j « e r t ^ parcel o f n a l «atat« Ioeated In T w in W iia Oonaty, S U te o f Idabo. and ; deieribed a i followa:

Tbe E aat One*balf o f tbe Sontbwest 9 iu r to r (B l-2 BWl-4) o f SeeUon Thir* f a i

METHINGEXGEHxtra Added Attraction-^Ti iners from the Portland R

ris Mountain Quto The Yellowstone Park—*

to Hear Them

3i Comedy,- Music and Har: im; . , .mbers by the Morris .Compi .3 Chautauqua.tette were a decided hit he)

in a iio n is^ ta r-n u m b er 0

ir, Vincennes, Ind.

fROM A CITY IN:48 recently employed the Horrla Ei sceiTcd encore after encore.' As ee end them to any community o r - or( dge Ko. 1448, Oaldwell, Idaho. .

i—“The Cave Girl,” a dran : Yosemite Valley in the mi e siiccess by Guy Bolton—Jy Special—Buster Keaton i mtes of laughs and thrills.S h o w F Y o m S t a r t10 and 2Qc; Evening Show 10c, 26o

not afford to miss I


2 2

t e t i . u lU IiD U m " o l U l. H o im iM “ n a o f two th o n iu d (t> /)00.00} dol* larsc w ith ia te re it U e n u a t e ight ( 89«) pe r cen t p e r a n a n n froai Deeam- ber lllb /1 9 8 1 , together w itb attom ey 'at e ta , 'a n a - t6i ta 'o r th l a 'a t t i 6ti;*...... -----------------

W itnesa a y b u d u d the aeal o f ^D istric t Court this S7tb day o f June ,1022.

.. (Signed) a a SIOOINS, Clerk.(Seal) B r a L . Bowen, B epntv.

Tumqr. & E aekm aa,' A tto m q r for. P la ia tlff . Sealdenee and O ffiee, Twin Falls, U abo . - . . 1

. ~~sonaB TO B T o q S o u ) B B a “— rou-afo-bereby-aotlfied-tbat-the-de.^-------------re^ttd iihflim tugi t iifg -cr t i n n t c g i F - -------- ---b o ld m of tbe Owybee liv e ito c k Oo. will bo held n t Twin Falls, Idaho, on tbo 15tb day o f A og^tt, 1022, a t B - • o ’clock p. m.

OW YHEE LIVESTOCK CO. '•By B udolf M artens, Secretary.

I D e s p i t e . , .i . t h e h e a v y ; *

D r a i n _ ,

t A v e s f e r t a y ................' ' ■" . . w a h a d

H 'crowd0 atthe--TT J enjoyed

f t -Y t o o ;A ' . e v e r ym la d v ~1 a n d -

■ R alrl . . ■

E p r e s e n t .

T bare 'B 'a PreaeBt fo r B u t i L ady 'irtioO oi& etto 'iha-U aU aM :


lEPTlONftL ! . :■The Original Radio Radio Station

uarteitte*’—Our Opportunity

a r m o n y . S e e w h a t

.. '1 I — I- ^ '

i p a n y s c o r e d h e a v -

l e r e , ” T o r o n t o , O n -

o n a n y p r o g r a m > ” - ; ' ' ........ ..........

t IDAHO- 1Entertolmin Quartet. ; lo o re ta^ of tlie looal. . , , orgasiBrtlon" — Sail

a m a o f y o u t h g o n e

m i d d l e o f w i n t e r — ■

— S i x r e e l s . ;

%in“HisWif^sRe.■ - v - ■■

r i to F in is h !t 6 o , '3 0 ; Its o n e y o u c a n *


Page 5: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '

~ ■ ■ ' T O

m i E i i i G

“ I G p T Ii Preoinct DeleoatlonsChosen a

' Prijiiary Eleoticins WIII Con "veiS'SMlawously {aCarr

Out Purposes of Law ; ,Elcellon oi d o le ^ te i t« th e Btat

convention and of a * 'iU te committee r man" or m c m b i r d f ^ aU te eommU

tctt to T«pre*eat tho puiy in tho eonalj prineipal i t c a i o f b u ib e w t

. • bo tranaie tod by oa?h' o t the th r t ‘ .eountjr eoDveaUoni to be beld ber

y. -------- -o est-T n c fd v .'A u g u it 15. ' —Conatjr eonyentions a lio m n ; ndop

. reioluU oB iw ith » view to -adria lng tb i t f t to , tonveaHon* in tb e lr w ork o d rafting pla tfonni.

- flU to eonventloni o f nil tbreo partje ’ will b e bold ilm n lU neou il/ A ugnit Si

Komlneea of eaeb p a rty fo r rep rtien ta tivo i In eongreu n sd lU to o ffiee i wll be n a ae d ;a t tbe ita te eonven tleu , ene] o f wbleh will promulgate Ita d eelan tlon o t -principle*. •

Vot« .Z >ot«nnliiailM egatlou. '

The repDhllean' i la to convention wll be b e l d V WalUeo nnd Tw in !FU1 eounty wlU bo repreiented In i t by V d elrgate i. Tfao d e a o e n tle ' lU to eon vention will be h«ld a t Hnlley u d Twli P t l l i eounly will w nd »lx delegnlei Tbe p la te fo r tbo progreM lrei aUti eenventlott ba i not y e t been annonnced

. Delegate! to county eonventloni.wen elected in each preelnet n t the prlmArj elcctloni la i l ' Week. _

In eaeb 'preclnet one delegate w ai t< . bo elected by eaeh pnrly for each 8( ^ o le 'i o r major f rn t lo n th e ieo t efts' ■Jn tb n t preeinct fo r the p a rty 'a candl d a te i in W20. ..

On tW i b u l l tho ropubllcan count] convention would bo-eompoied o f lO.i delcgalM, and tbe democroHe conven tlon of 7fl.

Slnco tho organization o f tbo .p ro RToiiIvo parly took place «a b « q ae n t U tfao 1020 electiohi, there waa no baali fo r npporUoalng delegatca, nnd eact p m b e t . w u nlloUod one delognto.

. P re d n e t D elegitleos.

• The delifgnled cleeUd to each of-thi county coovcntloni, oa ahown by ro titrna from .primary c lectioni In tbi faandi of eonnty offlelala wbleh an eomploto ezeet>t fo r tbo p ng rea ilv t p a r ty ,^ r e u tollowi-.

Tw in ^ 1 1 , 1 ( lS } - £ . A . BellevlUr R. E . Bobler, John F . E onien , W,- S HUI, J . y . Jobnaton. Cbarlea H . K ren gel, £ . - J ; U urray , a a U eU a rtln , W B . Priobe, J . A7.,Shrout, Leonnrd % Smitfa.R. U .B trobridge, R A . W nltera L . T. W rigbt,' to d P . B. Tober.' M ri K ato T ober, U rt . H . W . Cloutbek, H

— ---------- > fT ^oller-«K Jr-P.'Q reen '(tlcd-w lth-onivote each).

Tw in..Palli, 2 ,( ,l7 ) '-^ y O i_ A n itb a ry J . 6 ^ u ^ V L .- .^ ' 'C h a p ln , Floreneo D

■ n 6 a p , '6 r L n o d ^ n , 'J e b a ;W . Oraham A- Dorman Johnion, X vftV V allo ry , B T. N egni, A rtbar J . ' Pe'ifvoy, U . ' J Swecloy, 'W . 0 . Taylor^ g tw r t H . -Ta.7

/ U qr, Ofaeiter W. W lie, Shipman D avld Brdwn, and B. H . Bnrnpi, P . W

./..............Bronaugh, 0 . .E . puke, "W. O rr •'Chapn a n , ito 'ra i' cibiiehek, Mi'bio D 0. ,J. Hahn, Humphrey/, P .

- -Beebe,- Ray E;;Bhiwri,7]R'Bl Dooley, B J . Day, Oeorge Bpragno, T . J . Woodi

' ■ , O. B . M u U ,.E .P .'8 te t tle t, .E.-B-.Kft«D. D. Alvord; W. P | Paaior (Ued wlH ono vote eacli). Severa l'o f th e p e n b u involved In tho tie T o te 'a re know s t( be demoerata.

Twin Palle 3 ( l3 )-< ]eo rge W . Blee, P . S . ChamberlalD, J a m ii Oalllher, L

. H . Olffln, B. P . Bodbion, H . 0. Vas Autdftln, U rt . John IU V7blt«, Jo h n i .\VKUe, M n . W. B. Wolfe, 0 . C. Mllo* U aggie W lnani.

Twin I\j11i, i ( 7 ) - J . 0 . D loekitoae T. K . Hackman, n . M. H oller; A. H nn ti man, C; H . Hempleman, a t h e r B ^ e ,

. Ellen Boxroat. ■Twin Polli, 5 (10)—Idn BaUantyne;

Jw atfr U . BUe, H . C., D lekenoa, 0 . L . . DoLong, U lnnio Farriu', John 0. H a r

' vey, William T. Loille, Boicoo'StOTeni, Louli *A.‘Snyder. Alan P . Senior.

Twin P o U i^ - ( 1 0 ) - S ^ . .A n i , E . M,----------- H orrio tt, W. H . M m blng, P . W . M e

ho b erti , W. W . Parlib .i W. M . Shotwell, a W atkin, P e te r Panlien, M . 0 . Ware, n n i C. L . Bowlby, E . V . L ftnon, J . C lie a tty , B. H . Knyler, K 0 . O etlert, 0

■ R U nd , A. W. if tw b ray , Ed W alt( . -"{Ued w ith one veto each). • _

Twin P a lli , 7 ( l 2 ) - 0 . A. Bailey, 0 f . BrackcB, J . W. C. D coko/E . P . Du&

. . . lap; 0 . J . flfthn, E . J*.HomIbrook, B er th a M orie, Oeorge P . 8p rtgue, ,Pranli L . Blofhan, Pau l B. Tabor, Clara W ir t t Oe6rge S. B ryan t

Bubl, 1 {10)-rJ. Q. Adam i, B. P Buffington, W ..B. Green, jr ., L . J . John ion , A. E . KHm, H arry U v A e r ^ c C M ono, J . 'W ;-Taylot, D . C. W cw or, 0E. Body. , . - ■ .

Buhl, 2 ( 1 3 ) ^ . H . Darker, J . J Boyd, E . l i . Brooki, B . E . Browne, W il Ham Cunningham, E . B. Porter, .J .-C Ootci, H . C. Oecr, P . A. M »nh, B. B Slec, C. e ; W hitby, J cm 0 . E ailm an and John A- Brown, J . H . Shcr/ey, J

■--' W . TajrioTi B . W; A « tc 4 ;o t J im Plnel ------- (U ed-w lth one ,Tote-eaeh).--------- ---------

. F ile r (12)—A. E . Anden o n . B . 8 • Artec*, John B iaii, AV. T . ConnnC Sob

' e^t K . DllHnghmn,-P. a O ravci, Elmc . E. Haag, H . E . H am m erq^ t,,Iv»n ..O

Lincoln, H . H . Siblldman, W. ,A . S heu Oeorge Leonnrd. . '

. , . K to b e ily M. Arnold, A.; Q


' Bow Chicago Trdtn M a a g a a g a a e s a a a a a

| : | H [— - irry~

Ittee-mglt. . '

u totbreohero

I t i ,, i t , ( . -

T he Itr ik e on the i t r o e t .w ilne i ta d tr tje i elevated i s Chicago leenii to bavo litUe tt 22. e ffec t'on the ip lr i t i of the w orken is enta* Uie mId<Weitem n e tro p o U i.-T n d k a , , private c a n , io n e -d a w a Teblcle* tn d e tcb p reued in to lerviee. T h b:Iar»- ~ 'ig——

Burkhalter, W. P . Breckon, W ilbur W. B o l ^ W i l l i a m A. OUI; John W . Har*

... Sia, George L .-N oble, Ben i i PoUer,

i S,y 18 H aa ia a ,( 5 )- C . W. Coiner, WiUIa . . . . Sampion, S tuart Severni, H. Morton

Sm ith, a A. O riiw old.. lalcB. -M utUbgb ( 4 ) - M . B . Beley, 0 . 0 . lU te K ing, P . J . M a n b tll, Hyriun PieketC oeed. C aitleford (S)—W. C. Brown,' B. A. w ere Bootleion, M artin Miller, A. W. Todd, oAry H , W. Webber.

Bpgencm (1)—H . P . O lbbi o r Olenn “ Pritchcr .(tJed w ith one vote each), c a r t H ollliter ( 3 ) - J . M. B ratton , Man-

rlco Onbeen, George P . Orover.’ , Clover (4)—H . E . Ihim er, W ort

on ty W « t, T. I I , VnnBlpor, A. N . Bailey. 107 Doop Creok (3 )* ^ co rg o McPherton,

Inn- C. li. U lckh, i u d r M td ti,M aroa (3)—Kone eleeted.

.pro- ■ Thomels (3 )-T .^ U . Baff»r Edw in J. s t to Colbert, P . W. Neaie. _ ' - ! • bail! Bock Creek (2)—C lyao~Edmln*)n, each NcphI L anen . ' ' • . iJ. lAicorne (1)—Kone elQcted.;

B ulto (1)—None elected.Boiewortb (1)—W. K. OlbU; - -

J-tbo Allendale ( l ) - N o n e elected.' ro* A miterdam ( I ) —No eleetlon.

thfl iieTget ( 2 ) - N o election, oro Shoihono B u ln (2)—No elocUon.

‘ Democratic,

vllle, . T w in-Pallt, r (4 )-w ilH am P , Don- 1: 8. noly, C. D. W eaver, a o r le a W tathe^• Cron- beo, J , M. Dlmond, 0 . D: Taylor., W. Tw in P alli, 8 ( f l ) - J . E . B oberti, W . 'IJ. O rr Chapman,' a B. DoitUy, T. W. Iton , Bronaugh, F rank K leffner and M. W. M n . Denoyer o r H . N. Leete ( tied w ith. 40

M . vo tc i c aA ). _ .rone “ T w rnT alliT S ( 3 ) ^ . H .'D unaw ay, L

E . Plnncy, E . J . Plnrh,-O uy L . Kinney, » r y , E dgar J . Davlei,' Oeorgo K. Edinger.!0 D ; Twin Palii, 4 ( 5 ) - J . T. A rrington, ham, A . J .-P lx . J . H , MeNleholt, B . M . Spat- f, B- g u r ,;j . T. Windle.■'J . Tw in Pa lli 3 ;(4 )—J a n e i W. Porter,

Ta.7- J . P . Denny, P ..E . Dean, E arl 0 . Al- man, worUi.•• W. Twin Pftlli fl (3 )—T. J . Lloyd, John Ihap: B. W hite, a H . K ayler.- ‘M n . ' Twin Pttlli 7 (5)—B. H . 8t«veni6n,. : 0 . D onald ircL can , 11. W. Sawj^cr, OeorgQ r, B; Smith, T. E . Hunter.30di, Buhl I ( 0 ) - M . 1). L. B anlow , J.* L. Eftil, Daly,AV. R, M orrlton, A. W . McCallum, w ith E . L . Swanner, P . 0 . Meredllb. io n i Buhl 8 (0)—H atry . W. Barry, E i J . a to Daly, 0 . J . K alina, 0 . D. Patrick , a H,

. Taylor, H arry Wilion.Bice, PJlcr (fl)—E arl M“nTon. L . D . Alien', f, L.' 0 . a i Davii, J . M, Marke), Jaoeau V an Shinn, C. E . Hudolion; tt B . K im berly (4 )—A.. J»-WH»on, Kenneth [iloi, A nnette, J . j r . SleelsmlUi, J . H . Doty.

U anicn (2)—Lawrence H anien, O u tone, MeVey.m il- MurUugh ( l ) - J a m e i L. B am ei. .• * i e , Caatle'ford < 8 ) - J . W . Downey, K C.

D avli, H . A . Kenyon. .......... -yn e , llo lllilb r (2 )—B. E . Morehouio, W.3- n . Crtven.^ a ^ Deep Creep ( 1 ) - W . P . Cox. rom, M aroa ( l ) - J o h n D. H ea le r.

Boek Creek ( 1 ) - H . P . L nnen .M. Lncem e (1)—Nono olecUd.

Me- , BerRcr <!)—H . CrooUuun. ne it, B o tte ( l ) - K o n e eleeted. rare, BoiiwbrUi ( l ) - a B . 'H arrii.I. 0 . Bogenon (1)—N o cicctlon.I, 0 . Amiterdam ( l ) - N o eleetlon.^ftlto Allendale ( l ) - N o election._ flhoihonfl'B oiln ( l ) - N o olecUoB.T, a No elecUoni w ere.held in Bogerion,

A m iU tdua, Allendale u d SboiM&e B e ^ B ailn . .No cholco for delcgatei w oi re- m nk corded In L^eo'rne and B u ttb B etorni Irto , bavo no t been rocelved from 'Clover.

I, P , ■ ' ,;rohn- Tw in P a lli I —H .'T r p rc id h e lo T

C. t Twin P a lli 2—No elecUon. t , ' a Tw in PalU 3—n « r y H . K intey. '

Twin Pa lli 4—P . t , W oodmff. r. J , Tw in P a lli 5t^W. P. P re n e b .'W ll- Tw in P a lli 6 -N o n o . ,J.. a Twin P a lli 7 - E d . B randoi.J. B. Bohl 1 - a L . Schreffler. man, BuhF 2 ~ Jo h n P. Mothven. y, J . Pller—Elmer Aman.Hneh lUmhcrly—O . 0 . Zuck.----------- H anien—Sam -Pittnllo;— .---------------. 8 . Murtaugh—N one.,;__________ ■ ____B o ^ M nron-C T B T iflli:Im er Deep Creek—E. L . B ra ck e tt.'H..0. Clover—Oeorgo A . Chlldi. ' heat! ■ L nee rao-N one. ■ . ‘ •

Tbomoti—E. E* Hall. .L '0 . A miterdam—Dalo K unklc.- ■


ravels During Strike .

t a d photograph ahowi one b t Ute i tr e e ti 'illtUa th e 'o u tM a g .d I* tr Ic U ,w lt ttro w d ie a in I s oriy walUng u early u ba lf-pa it l i z iidka. the n o m in g for tome truck or wageu d to tak« th e n to th t l r place* of b u

T h b se u .

S":rm ii " ' ' ' ' • 'irtoD Edlt«d by M n . K a . Wllliami

. TelipboneaOfl. '

tC M ri. W ilbur Bolton nnd M lu Harrii A, W arner entortalacd n t a kenalogton 0

■odd, W edneiday afternoon a t .tho Warni home on Eighth, nvonuo ca it. ■ Pimc

lonn served du tlug thu afternoon t Betty Jane and Eda Je an Bolton, as la ter dainty reffc ihm oa ti were lorvci The g u e iti w cre-M ri. Chariot Macaulo; M n . Merlin Batloy, M n . W ilion Peel M n . A. W. Oitrom, o f Buhl, M n . H an ® enolt, M n . Sidney Ornvci, Mr#. Boi

r»on, ton Shaw, M n . Wonflell Allen, M rt. I C. Alexander, M rs.'W illiam Macaule;

' M n . P rank Magel, M n . Kenyon Orcei “ J- M n . Bd. Johnion, M n . P . H. Slowol . M n . 0 . B. Larsen, Mr*. A lbert Bcuol

M n . Em«ry oBnolt, M n . Z. H . Nortl M « . Marion P . B e tty , of Rupott, U t JuQcau Shinn, of P ilor, M n . Harol

• Moore, Mrg. Cllqton E vnni, M n . Clyd ” Slmpion, M n . J . P . -Johniton, M fi. ]

P. H art, o f E dgar, Nob., M ri. Dorma Johuion, Mra. Z o au -S m ith , M n , Pai

, - Taber, M n . J . A., W nlkor, M iii Byi Wall, M il l Boatrleo O strander, ML Florence Coitollo, M iis Catborine Oat*

Dos-1 M lu Morio Nowlon, and M iu Sara ;he^ Trouidole.’

, W M n . B . ' i Bobler w ai hosteu o W . W edntidfty a ttew o o a lo tbo Haimon W . club. Tho tlmo waa ip e n t wlUi bridg.

1.40 Mrs. H . P . B arger w inning tbo favo:____J U _ th e -u n d a a lo s-o f- th o -« a rd 'g a m <7i L refrcslim cnti were served. Tboio pro: ucy, en t were Mra. M . 0 . Conover, M ti. I

P . aBrger, M n . E rn c it W hito, M n . 1 :ton, B. Van Cott, M h . A . W . D uitcd, Mn P*"- J . C. Mooro, M re. A. B. Sllfor and Mr.

J . A. Campbell

* '• M™. n . n , IT td.lM m w «. io n d m j , . delightful lu rp rlie 'W cdnciday In boi

'obn ^ birthday a w Jlv em ry wbo, ieveral o f her f rien d i appeared bcai

ing ba ik eti filled w ith a ll lo r ti b f good ^ Ici, Ineladlng ft beauU ful blrUiday eaki

.. - A fto r tbo le rv ing o f dinner a genert Inm* enjoyed; Thoio prei

on t wero M n , a W. Oagood, M n . 0 . ^ ;• J Orimci,. M n . C heitor Q lf t , M n . I I t t ‘ BrosKBU, M ri. A. F . Oilund, M r

Oeorge H allatt, M n . D . A . Salmon,.M r llgg. Charlei L anen , H aio l O rim et and Doi ]eau othy.H editrom . .

Tho M. S. a elub n e t W edneiday 'i: termmn w ith M rs, 0 . :£ . D ake. The f in

Om vico-preiidont, Mra. Chariot E ldred pn tided over tho bu sln e u tb itloh durln

. which tbe club voted to g iro f ivo do (> la n .to u i i i t In tho purehaio of a mo'

log picture maehiao fo r tho high' ichoo W. A commltteo waa appoiated to loo

a fte r conning fo r tbo b o t luncboi-< tho Lincoln ichool fo r tho ciimlng yoa

■ Boll call w ai aniw ered w ltb miieoUai . ooui quotatloni. M ri. Dnjco read «

inloroitlng article oni nndomonrlibe ebildrcD. F lo ion to a&d oHlen Jneki rendered a piano duot, nnd Both Shlj man gavo a piano lolo. D uring the t< clal hour Mra. '^ u k o u s l i te d by » r 0 . B. Sblpmaa ier\-ed dolleloui rofrcil

■ m enu. . , *

A rthur J . P e a v o y ,. JV., eatortaiac W tt 'wiuj u laform al dancing p a rty ^ e ' day evoning a t h it hoolip.,on Sovcnl

avcnuo northi ^ o g u e i t i j tS io J I U n W ilma Keel, O yactb Tonng , i Hole Trbuidalo; Helen M eSinnoy, Edna Pa

; • TOlt, Florence D eaton, LUllan U n M e u n ; Fred H all, Bandall Victor

, . - W alton Swim, D udley 8wim, Tod Ta; lor,' Craven S w tt and P au l Bleler,

. M r s i r . U . H udfo td w as hoito W edneiday afternoon a t bor home (

' W aiaut I tree t a t a mooting of tho w w o n ’t Progrciilvo club, a ltcadod I eight mcmberi aad ono gneat. Oami

^Leoa) Guarantee Civeru^nw J «f X n i/^m nln-contlB ue ««(!

Aik lo •«« rile IVotoeot.

riSHitt.DBOO 00. ,

) ^ 0 , THURSDAY MORIafforded divonlon a t tha eoaelniion o th e builocH icu lon and refrcihment

'' were served.

. F l i l i l T i l l l S ■ ■ l i i i F i i i i l

L a s t E i lq s f o r E d g a r L . J ^ I e : W il l B e O o n d n o te d a t L . D .

B . O h n ro h

.-.IVtieral n rv lee* ptobably will b

s— b e ld -P r id a y - a f tc m o o n 's n h T X r D n eburoh h e ro .fo r KdRat L . Tyler, mar ager o f the Crystal.Spring* f ru i t f a n north o f Filer, whole body w o t fonn

- In an a ttltudo of repoio on tbe bed i b | t room a t a Bupert lodging houie lat Tucidny a ftcm obn ' n^out f ive liq,ar a fte r be expired. Burial will bo In th eemotery a t F lier, The body wa brouRht .hew W edneiday from Bnpnf and ia held a t the O roum an undortal

eitabllibm ent.^. D efinite arm ngcm cnti n i to tho fi

; 'n 'e/l»l-icrvlcci aw ait word from Mi T y le r 'l D other wbo It v ltltlng anothc ton a t Parker, Idaho, and from wboi nQ word had been, received Wodnci day nlgUt.

. Dccedent leaves h it widow who-wa t i i s M iu A lbertina Clark.-to whom he wa ,eas> n a r t le d la April, 19SS, a t F iler, and I “ ^ turvlvcd a lio by hla parenti, M r. an ?l2r“ S fri. J . A, Tyler, and five hnlhert an

three ila te n . The b ro then aro J . I Tyler, Parker; D. H. Tyler a ad L . I

= ^ I c r , T w la FalU -,-P . A. Tyler and I 0. Tyier, F iler. The i l i te r i 'a r o M r

' ' p . H} Beddei, Pa rker; M n . B. E . M> >3 ion', t£a»A ()tt, and Mra, J . J . Dolai , Pelf,-Idnlio. . . , •^ Decedent w at about 30 y e a n o f ag< , Ho w at lecTctary of tho Tw in Pall

County H orticultural asaoelatlon' an the active manager of tho Cryits

rri t Springs property, which, wUb b it fathe and brother, B. 0 . Tyler, he..Forchaae abont tb reo y e a n ngo. v Tlio famll

‘~ Y enh jo-b tfre-n t- a b o n r ib a t^ lm f l~ f ro i Norlhrfl'atcrn Idaho.

‘ y Mr. Tyler had be en 'a t Rupert fo r.io ' “ “ crnl daya on a btiaineii tr ip whon hi

je jj} , occurrcd.uloy, ^» e e k , _______________

S . AMSTERDAM i . n . . •------------— :--------- :uley, ' AM6TEBDAM.—M iu J e ita K ufki won, att'l neiihew. M nitcr Anthony Hardmoi woll, wlio linve sitent tho lummer In Kanifl noit, Cilv^nnd other M iuourl.po in ts, r c tu n ortli, C'l homo T hum lny evening,U tt . L . V . 'D u a 'w a a & w slneas v lin o r r irold tho county seat T hunday . .Hyde M r. Bnd.M rs.. G ilbert-H ull-of H olli’ I. E . were Amalerdam vlaUort on Thnr- •nan ^®. -

J lr . nnd Mnt. Clnud E arl wero vial D yrt eounty .»eat Tucaday ani l l „ Baturilny. .

-. D ais K nnkcl motored .to Twin TiV inrah T hunday evening to mebt b b sli

. ter, Mias Je s ta K unkol, who returno ' from a vlsU In M luouri.

Bnln fell Tburidny nflernoon an jilght, which w a t a g reat benefit t

L u /“'«®» Mr. nnd M n . E d P aitoor nnd famU;

nnd M tw M arie W eaver ip c n t 8unda: “ *** III Twin f t l l * v iaiting with rolatlvoa. P” »- Tho Bovcrend Mr. D urkett o f F ile »• H . pfenched an lp lorci«ng_term on a t th

^ .Amiterdam chnreh Sunday afternoon. • M n . Charlei Trueman received tb

Mjf*- and nowl of tho death of her brothei

£ '

HARVEST r ^ SHOES . .P ro- '

ekoy '

Men’s Harvest Shoes a S Right Prices

£ ^ $ 2 . 6 5 — 1 3 . 8 5■cath................. • • ,

,‘J " L i g h t w e i g h t , ; w e i

P u - s o l e s . ■Lind,

, E x t r a v a l u e s a l l w e e l

i n w o r k i n g s h o e s , o u t

,i« 'u ' " S s h o e s ; . v a l u e s t i

c on $ 3 . 5 0 ; t a n a n d s m o k e i

? 2 , 6 5 ; l i g h t w e i g h t w e i

■«"> s h o e s , v M u e s t o $ 4 . 5 0 -

^ . ? 3 . 8 5 ......

IbmrshEI, T H E M ODEL

"Bho« B«9al{l&g 1& 0«&a«cUofi"

RNING, AUGUST 10,1922on o f P. P. McMunlgal, .which o c rn r re d j i n e n ti Anaconda, Mont., Aligust 2.' Mra. True-

man -t^as unable lo a ttend on account of poor health.

' f t - Mr. and Mra. Dale Kunkol and chil- I J dron and M lu Llijlnn H a r d t ^ tponi

^ “‘“rday a r tho 'cdunty te a t..K f P Mra. A. P a te r will leave on W dB y’j n L n atago for Wella, Nevada, en ro u te-tt

Bippon, Cnllf., to 'jo lii Mr. P a te rr Thoy c i|w e t to nmko tbelr f«tuio home li

l ^ I e r Callfarnla.D . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pot^ra nnd daugh'

lor H elen o f H ollliter .w ere Sundaj gueala a t G arret P o tc n ’ bonie.

. . Mr. nad M n . ‘A. Tolman, Cbarlo<_____ T rucm an_nnd dr<HgM«-Audtcy_wcr<

Itogoraon v isitors I'r iilay. m as- _ p a a Engalla ofeU«Ul«lct wn* an Am form alerdam vlaitor Bunddy.

fouad R ifliar 'l Pomeroy of llollliilor woa t Sunday guest a t thv Kiinkcl ant

0 latolian n °la thjo gueits Sunday tho following; Mr , and M n . N. II. Sietsm a and family

Guy P e te n -n n d family and Dan Eu orUk’ o f H ollliter, M n . Minn Dultmai

ond Arble Dultman, nnd Andrew Truo ,8 fu. roan.1 Mr. Mr*. Emma K uhns. ..and,;.danghtcr ,other K uhni, formerly re ild cn ti o: wbom Amsterdam, will retu rn from Callfornli idnci- on W cdnciday. Buford Kuhna add A

E. K unkol'w ill t**'™ n f W elli, Ne 9-waa vodn;0 waa ■ -ind b ,-------------------------------------------------------

;.“ 3 . ' ATTHE HOTELSJ « * . i i » I . — I —L* TL I^OOEBSON—E. J , Mooney, Idahi ^ F a llt ; Oco. a Venable, Ketohuffli-.Mi

U f,, and M rt. K ephart, Gooding; Margare I, U a- Slilion , OoodlBg; E. L. Stllion, Oood Dolan, itig;. Mt». A iox.Em stlc, P o t t CoWni

Colo.; Ouy Flenner, Bolae; E .E . Brown r oge^ loe, S t. Joe, Mo.; L . Owon Boberti, Ida Palls bo Falla: E . 0 . Long, San. Franelico

r a n d Bay T r u k , Bolioj M iu Violet Hlggini ry ita l Bolio; M U i E dna Bohn, BoUe; 0 . I rather Spradilng, 8a l( Lake; J . B. Brannoi baaed Boiae; Q .'u McDonald, Bolte; Mn lamlly F led J . Barnea, Pocatello; M n. a I 'fro m Vogt, Pocatello; M n . 0 . 0 . Olean, Pc

catello; Leo W. Seller; Boise; F raak I >r.iov- Smith, Salt Lake; J . W clr Baker, 6h( in I’l* shone; P . V. U rk ln , Boiie; Loe O ut

mlngs, American Fa lls ; M . U A p ^o i Solt Lake; Eyres Powell, Chicago; J

------ r A. Bristol, C hlcago rL eo 0 . TrciedeiBoise; M lu H endry, Spokane; Wm. Vi

_____ H untsman, Ogdon; L . B. Knowlton, OjE . Pcndol

E _ .. - , i

P E R B IN B —A. a KnrncB god Bett]


1 Booth’s “ YanamUytnday ............. .......... ..............................

?E Sunligl1 tbe 'other. >. '

BUYV I h e r f i s ■ SUI

^ . . S u i g l i n r a r n s m

. G e r m a n t o w n

S h e t l a n d F l o s s

S a x o n y

. P o m p a d o u r ■ ’

I R a d i o S h e t l a n d

I T h i b i f W o 9 l

S i l k y W o r s t e d

i t t tC a m e l W o o l

P r e m i e r K n i t t i n g

S p o r t Y ^ n ' ,

. B l a c k ' ~

e e k W h i t e ‘ .

t M . . , ' , r _

Mixed ■ 'r e l t

' 0 — • C o l o r s

‘Another Pacta

i 2 .

I in Berkeley; R. H, M orton 'aad w ife, i s t i t . •rue- Lake; Mr.’ Life, Chfcago; M . ' J . ^ o y v - ' DuaV U olie; E Sunblado, Idaho .F d llt: a E - K ramer, Oneida, N .y . ;L ,H .C h iw f o fd , .

chil- Clovoland, Ohio; C. H. Leonard, B obb; pent j . P . Orr, B oIid; A tU iut-L ..O rconw iIt« ,.^

' - S alt Lakoi Mr. aad M rt. B. W; P lckott/- »y'» Yakima, W aib.j U r . an d 'U ta . B . Jobs- ’ ‘I* ion , Boise; Mra. Burdctlo M. H nrdlDg,' -

Wnrd, Colo.; D. K H udipn, J a rb id g e ; '' Mr. aad M n. J . J , TuUy, Philadelph ia ; ;

' Jam es J . Tuliey, Pblladolphia; J o b s J> .; Tolly, Philadelphia} Joseph P . TuBy, .

‘““y Philadelphia; Mary A, Tully, Philadel- , pbla; Fraaecs M, Tully, Philadelphia;

Boso M . Tally, PhU adolphl^ P h llln A. T ullyT T Iillia^SIo :------ - ■ 7

A“ - BRANDON E C U S LEAD„ „ B IliM IN dnA M , Ala.j Aug. i>, and A dditional to tn m i from y e ito rday ’i

s ta te demoeratie primary bavo a o t eu t J 9., down tho overwhelming m ajority o f M r. Judge W. W. Brandon of Tiiiealooio,

niiy, over Colonel Bibb Graves of Montgoffl'En- ery^ bla upponent to r the n m ln a t lo s

jnon fo r governor, fruo

htcr, I I ~ T ** f c O L i

\ £ x i 6 e 'BB A T T E R IE S ■ ■ ■


-«>■ .W E SPECIALIZEImd- ' — H I— ■:

“r : -Lighting Ji t - S f o r f m f l r

f s —and Ignitionu!L’ —Repdir Starters fp”: —Generators i a”: —Magnetos

a l l m a k e s o r b a t t e h i b s

>; J,’ O V E R H A U L E D A N D B E -

O H A S O E D ■' ,

« e» s w m n |P H O S E « 3 . T W r n T A X M ■;

s Annual nFairh t YarnsVYOUR rPPLY t h e

^ O W ! IH E W O B U )!

i U g h t B l u e , , •

P e a c o c k B lu e

A z u re B lu e 1 , .

N a v y B lu e

C h in a B lu e -

T u r q u o i s e B lu e , '

. ( L i o h t P i n k■ _____ _ ) S a lm o n

P D t K . . . R o s e ,

/ S u n r i s e V C o r a l

( J a d e > , .

O E E E N s J S o l id

( A rq o n n e

( C a r d in a l

S E D . . . . ^ S c a r l e t . ,

• • ( G a r n e t

( S e a l B ro w n I W o o d B r o w n

B E 0 W N .< H e n n a '

I F a w n( / D u s t , :

7 O ra n n e

______ ________ L u f l t i L Y e l l o w . . . i -

Page 6: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '

.■ ■ ■ •- . f £

t w i H F A L L S D A I L Y - N E W S .

, \ b n « d •'re<7 ■ o ra lo s e n e p t UQodkf.'


O at ymt ............................................. M-0* ;I ttoo lb i ........................................... ' . t t .U ■

' I mOBtU . . . . . . . ................... ; . . l l .UI t t ^ o » ....... . . . . : ................................t .M •


•n r ilo liT ib t? ‘ p e " m V ^fiotb« local D«wi publUbed b tn ln . AU rtskta : 9t rwDblleitlon e t ibeelil dliH tikM k«r«lD t n «Uo Mwrved. •

UP) m»»M A w xU t* ! rr> i» •

u t i or D ofki tht.dU onU on or (ht tdl* tor and no nwnuicrlpl wlU bo rittirotd •alMS uccomptnlod or n«e«wti7 pMt<

^ Ii

n > - N m I* « m rab w er U * Audit Bb tm b o t Clr«ulttloU | (tore wtom tuU ^lin


A n l J ^ ^ o r t j ^ ^ K M i o r ! HU “ tora BuHOIo i . CbloMP- are

■i'lT' 1 - ^ «Rl

WA3tnat: A mw wommt *"o The eommitteo in c h v g e of preliml-

n a jy anonRcm cnti fo r Philadolphl&’a cxhlbltlun to eelebrato tbo ooo hundred , and f l/tlo lh nnnlver»ar)- o f Amoriean ® indopendonco i> said to -bo wondering w bat the g rea t outitondiog feature, tho principal “ ta lking p o in t," will be. A t "®*‘

; tbe Contennial ihow 'in 167C.at Tbila- delphia tho tetepbeod, ozbibitod by Al- , cxandor Graham Doll, wa« the wonder " o f wonders. ,Thia simple device ically n ttrac tea nioro lntore*t than— wholo bulldinfff/ul} o f exhibits. SlrsBgeran- turnod homo to te ll of the pbenomonon and inspire in otlicrs a dosiro to seo it fo r OjeroMlvoi. The nex t fircat orpo- ‘ s ltlon, held a t Cliieago in 18P3, diiplay. ed tho m arvolt of eleetrie ilghtlng. Tbe

. n igh tly Illumination of. buildings and . ^ I - grounds and tlio olectrie fountain drew

enormous crowd*. Tiio Buffalo and Son Franeiseo oxpositioiis illiplsyod ° • til l fu rther advancos in th is art.

I t l» on in tbre iting eommontary on ' tho progrc ii made during the la it few

' , ycare in i»;:ionco and Ins-ontJon. th a t th e re seem to be no now wonders to exploit. However, tbe pessibilillcs of

' radio and of nVljtUoo bave.nbt ye t been ' . o x h ttu i tc d .8 ln c o a fo w 'y c m w lll clapi6

before.tho Philadelphia show opensJts • doors tliero is epportunllv to prepare a

. (u rp riio for v lg ito rt..lD u t'they .eanno t• Ijo cxpccted lo expre»4.nuy sucli cnthu-• alasm an w ai expended over Mr. Boll’s ‘

telopliono. ’ r m ore,w onderful Inven- i tio n s today evoko only the mildest eur-

. loslly and Indlfferont comment. Tho fact 1$, ham aolty 1$ becoming thorough. ' iy blaie. The mass haa nothing to do w ith Iho discovery o f tw entieth « n -

,, tw y mai.vei*. and ih e lr devebpm'ent, l)u t oecepts thom as a m a tte r o f course.

and 0

A B O O K IO M A BIH NJ) ' , .. _ H o w did jwoplb of other tln ics 'ttnn . »••

• - ago to Along w ithout telephoaeif P|> Nj ' ITip question li suggestod by new* e t. th e death o f Alexander Oraham Bell, £

th e inventor, whieh i t n reminder th a l T th e now indispensable instrum ent fe r long diitaneo taliitng was firs.t given the V lg iti w orld only .a few decadoi ago. ’ ‘-T w

I t is fu tllo td 'd e b a te which of tho 'modern invostioos'hu* booa ot gtcateit

'■ Ic B c f if to mankind. AJI, VriU bo pro- PEN pared,' however, (o agree th a t, tbe tele* Pcndio phone, if no t : p f , i i r s t '‘imptirtaneo; is ' j c a r tho hend of the list. I f h a i saved

' " .'lives by p e rm itting 'o f quick Bummon* ember .'ing of the physician iu tlmo of cmerg- tion. 'c n ey , o r by porm lttlng the giving, o t 'w a rn in g in caio of sueh accidents as

. ' tho bursting o t a dam. I t has bcon in> w rkcr; valuable in builncss. I t has rflvolu- lIsLer i tionU ed newspaper w ork l>y'making I t • possible t o , w o r t aowB so qo lddy lha t a p rin ted o e ^ n t o f a n y big fcappenlog charlei

' ean be pi],t on tho s tre e t w ithin a few K. Tra .. m ^ ‘J?* ''a fter I t r oceurrence. And I t notrd •

____h u done n ’Beh •iBjiieroovo tho isoIaUonf lf ta n n e rs and others living in lonely

. p lace#. , . Jjroughi_ The invention of t i o telephone was tlio stoi

A lexander Oraham BeH’a g rea t claim to fam e. B u t ho would havo been con*

• sldcred a g rea t man even w ithout th is i„ jjenl . d istinction, te r ho had othcr..TalaabIe RouniI-1

• inventions’ tb W i c red it and a lio 'w os out dot . , 'w o u ^ o w n as a w riter o f sdenU fic or-’ .' tlc lia -and to r h f i w ork /o r the hajj ly

wtlttD of tbo conditlon’of the deaf. the bor: I.

W ^ A T ff i TH E AKBWBET 'A il-im m ig ra tion" 'm ovement, which

leave* fto ly tbo oiiTyifeuKipeaii country ^ ^ Be ^■.JojcndJti.quota.to_.qur_8hpre_i,Jiiui pro*

■ented A jm u le which the im migration ta p lnn• commlsBioner and other“ studentB baro HTHTtni

. no t l)een ablo to wive". A atlcipation of ^th e framerfl of tho new Immigration law Mcm lo have gono astray . Imm igrants (orcRK^d

TWIN FALLS DAILY N]3 ^Spencer. Will BiBtiibnte

■ Wfttion'a JPael

| i W r . w j

Ilfn ry B . Spencer, former vlco p resi _ J ilent o f th e Southern Hallway and pur- ^hftRing Agent fo r the United Btatos duriog tho world w ar.'hns beeu charged by I 'residont U ardlng w ith d is tribu ting q q , And ration ing tho n a tio n 's eoal as a re* q. . |m lt o f tho mlno strik e .-------

- cnla re no longer crowding the iln e ri.an d f igh ting te r place Id tho land of prom* ino oa they oneo did. Bcoions ia expla* naUon d iffer , bu t when a ll the on iw on not are In, tho condition romaina. ‘ ' A

W hatever tho « a » n or reasons, the ofltflow fo r many m onths-has nbout jq o equalled nrrivafs, bu t the surprising “I f a r t Is th a t imm lgraiion from tbe more t f < <Icfirabfo countries lia* failon ott <1- most to thoTn'nishlng point. Tho Brit* coti ish quota o t IC.OOO has a surplus of “1 a lighlly m ore than 13,01)0, and Oemiftny "1 ■ent only 910 to m eet, th a t coun try 's ***" r i!x llcg ii_ D t-J3 ,C 2 L — A irivala—irom . lijni Franco, ‘ Scand inav ia ,. Bussia, Poland II ond Czozcho-Slovokla, fonner heavy befo contribu tors o f new blood, aro so few th a t they m ay i e said to hltvo stopped. ■<(

'She*SUM M ER ttBflOET O H 08TS ^ " I

Long ngo whon tho haunted house RTU a favorito (homo In fiction, tho Qt h< lilneo w ith sueh il reputation was nvold* ‘T !d nnd wbon nnyono was couipellod to » « 11 l«to I t nlghl i e 'm >9 In l a , md trem bling.

But nil th is has now been changed broui ind tho shrewd person who keeps a ummer resort advertises in oddition to toating, fishing, scenery, spring chick* , ms and fresh vegetables, th a j he en* 'T erla ins n ghost as a perm anent board* r. I ’o r ghost hunting haa bocome th e ® « s t beguiling of lumm or sports, nnd jnn 1 n cntorprisisg keeper of a.*'MftiDe memt oarding bouse h iu ju s t confessed th a t *‘cr r lie advertised an ecptopiaamio guest . n<l jiubH«h«J its p ic tu re ,'fo r whicli a «ni umnn boarder posed. and r■ 'V U irth faem aa 'dT or'haun ted houies ot-*h ich na U is, I t cannot be expected th a f ;en th is confession o f f r a u a will de ter (^.en lardera-from flocking to 'th e haunted he be buso, t o r i t is a well know n fo c t th a t S*** icro la nothing so obliging as a ghosl Jd ono Is su re-to 'ap p e ar i f o n l^ y o u ’ e de term ined to ie e I t. ' were, tl


■ --------- “Oh

Isltors to fiidade Governors of Two'States and Other Not.

. : • able Persons been i— . Loll

l‘ENBI.ETON, Oro.,-' Aug. 0 -T h o leen y ndiolon Bound-Up never fails to at* - "An ict m any famous people .who nre died— e n g the thousands who see (he big )W, nnd the 1022 presentation, Bop- nbcr 21, 22 nml 23, will be no czcop* n. other.'ion W. Oicolf, governor o f Orogoo,W. D avis, governor Of Id iho , Wal* “P ’i'**

e Irw in , Saturday Evening Post ker.j Ooorgo Palmer Putnam , pub- ier nnd nuthor; Heywood Broun nnd th IT ale; newspaper and magazine Itcrsi Prederlek O.'Brlen, nuthor ef Vhlto Shadows in'TOo South Sea?*'} I '^ p r irles Ifansbn Towne nnd Dr. W alter T raprock (Qeorgo Chappell), both rd w riters, havo made reservations ‘ tho th ree days, nnii other, promlneot 7®“ ™ '

plo wlH.bo hero atso .. •• klrcady the liv e s to c k -Is being ught to Pendleton in preparation for ro*®® stag ing of tho world '■ g reatest out- t"®

r drnma. Two carloads o f Mcxican Rhorn s te en , whose chief chara«er- c is a (leddeil hostility to the world " ' “ |- general, ore being shipped to tho iml Up city. The-animais will with- doubt add ronsidqrablo zest to thn t"*

nts of traek and lirena* aad It is bftblo thn t a ple.isont tlmo will be ^“ “3

by ail when (lie vinKors from over border "m ee t u p " w ith Ronnd-Dp

. r . "teeth I

P ilm ls try Up.to-Oate. p ,) ,. BelglBD fortune te lle r hus ndopled unablo, lodeni welliotj of imluilstry. Tliose j-tvioU-to .consuli.hcr.orc-reQ U lccd. ,j:v\v’h( »lnce tlielr'patmH|«n a plaster,m oM , |,ng,v,- rrg n rttilin m iT m it-th rn T rrM fnr«-------is Uielr charactcP and future. T he Mexico illng Is (lictnlcd to n. ai'cnagmpber, mci/inr Jd, ntfi|'7inDltcd to tiiu pcrscin In- •• jiy i s u 'd • DeviT.i


f S s ^ iLuluB ett

B y

Z o n a G a l e

■ • " _ I

" lU u s t r s t l s n s b r I rw in M rc ra

Omncki hr 0. M OMpuj

(Continued from W ednesday's Imuc)

(C lIA l’T S B Il-C o n tin n e d )T n llie early Ijo ilrt of th e nex t after*.

Booa w itb tho. aun sb ln iag across the tlircsbold. L ulu w as pa rlog something a t th e k itchen tab le. M n . B e tt woa asleep. . ( " 1 'don 't b la m e 'y o u a bit, mother.*' L ulu had said, u he r motiier nam ed tb e Intention.) Inn w as asleep. (B ut Ina alw ays took off tb e curse by colling I t h e r ‘ I 'e s ta ," long I.) Mo­nona w as p laylng w itb . a neighbor’s I chll(t->you he^rd tbe lr-sh rill ye t loVe- ' ly laughter a s they obeyed th e ad u lt' . )aw tb o t motloa Is pleasure . DI was J no t there. ' ' 1

A m an cam s round th e boDte and I stood tying n puppy to tb e porch pest. I A long shadow fell th ro n ih th e west I doorway, tho puppy whined. - '

“Oh," sa id th is n a n . “I didn 't mean to a rrive a t th e back door, bu t alnce I 'm 'h e r e - " . '

IlQ lifted a suitcoM to the porch, entered nnd .flilM tho kitchen. I

“I t 's Ina, Isn't I t r be said. I" r in h e r sister,” sa id Lulu, and un- E

deratood th a t he w as hero a t la st. D , “Well, I’m B ert’s b rother." said W

Ninlonr-^'So-I-caH come4D..can't i r l i e did so. turned round like a dog

before hia chair nnd sn t down beavlly, fo rdn jt hi* flngers-through heavy,-up- sp rln ^ n g brown bnlr.

"Oh. yea." aald l-ulu. “I'll cnll Ina. She's asleep." • - -

"Don't call her, then," suld Nlnlan. *Lvt’fl you and I ge t acquainted." Tl • I le 's a ld It absently, hard ly looking Lt a t h e r. ' ch

“I’ll gut the pup a drink If you •can- "*1 s p a ro m e a bodn ." bo. added. , '

Lulu brought tho basin and. while “N be w ent to 'the dog, she m n tiptoeing pal to th e dlnibg r ^ n cblnn closet and “S: brought n cut-glass tum bler, aa heavy, ] bs ungainly a s a stone crock. T his fa< Ihe flllcil w ith milk. „ ‘

“I thought maybe . . . " sa id .she, hei iQd offered I t - . re(

“Thank you I!' sa id Nlnlan. and th( Iralned I t "M aU hg plea, a s I 'I I to." tie observed, and brought h is cli&lr .sui Qcarer to th e table. "I d idn 't know -tiy [na had a sU ter,” ' he. w ent on.- "1 re* tel nember now B ert sa id ho had twu o f nol ier rela tives—". ' - '

L ulu fluHlied and glanced a t him pill* '" ’ully. • , •

" l ie has." she sa id . " It 's niy moltier kni ind nte. B ut w e ilo qu ite n good deal Jif 'th e"« o rk i’'—------------ -----------------------wa

"I'll l»et you do." said Nlnlan. ond lau [Id not perceive th o t anything hod ber icen violated. “ W bnt’s your nu m e r’ ,glrl le betiiought. did

She n-ns In nn Imineoso and obscure 1 xcltemcnt. H er m anner .was serene, ban e r bands a s they w ent on w ith the bcr eeling did not ircm b le; h er rilplloL wal rere given w ith 'aufD dent quiet. But . the he tcitd him h e r name a s one te lls ton bm eth ing :o f a n o th n and more re- s tn lote creature . She fe lt ns one may She eel In <fntn*trophe~no-sharp u n d e r- -Hh« landing, but m erely tb e sense th a t the p er ling cannot tioss lb lf be happening. laK "You folks fc r 'p c crm o r.h e 'went on.“Oh, yes r she cried, alraoot w ith >

eheroeoce. ‘ “IVby. w e 'ra Jjwked tor beh oil every day." . thai“ ’Bee.", he said, "how long have they cam

een m arried?" lowLolti fluslted a s i>he a n s n c ^ ; "F(f> -"I

■ enyeom ."’ B“And u y ear before tbn t the flrxt one kno

led—nnd two years they were mar- thri ed,” Jie computctJ. " I nevei* m r! fbal “1 ie. Tlien It’s- d o se to tw enty years taJf nee Bert und I have seen <-ach don :her.’’ ' M" « o ir a n f u l L u l u » W . and flu.<lied her

niln. ‘ ^ ■ ' 'b ig“W hyt" , • « tx"To be tiiiit long away from your

Sbej'^llihjpt^y Hhe found herself fncing ' “I Is hoiiestlyr us If (lie Immensity o t to i )r preroftt experience w ere clarifying Jcwi 'F uitijpr»t»nil)ug: Would Jl be so nw- T) 1 to be uwny from Bert nnd Monona pro* id Dl—jcK, nnd -Inn, for t« en ty twei nrsT * f ie 1“Yob ihJiiJt l h a t r ’ he laughed. "A .the in don 't know w hat he's Uke till hVs cour amed nround on tils own." H e liked Ing i e sound of It. “Roamed nro\ind on >'on i-oWD." h e repeated ..nnd , loughed nin. . “Course u woroon don 't know to p a t " groT"Why don't a h e r ’ aaked Lulu. She .JU < Isnrcd s pie on bcr band and carved t crust, ^hc Was stupefled to hear 'Pbla r own question. “ Why don’t a h e r Hi "Maybe she does. Do y o u r ' now"Ye*," snid Lulo, J»rt."Oood enough!” H e applauded ‘ M< Isc lm ly , w ith fut hands. H is dla- ann- ind ring sporkled, his even wblto. .aoftc •tb flosheiL " I've.hnd tw enty y e a r i Usht galloping ubou t" he Informed ber. •h e ’

a b lt.' n fte r ull. lo transfe r hi* In teh “H IS from blmself to her. - ' "Ibn nV’herorL-jibi! -usked, -althougb-sbe. jn*R>' ew. . ‘ It'Sdiuii A iin'iiiii. CFnTrar'A fiitrtrir "Pui"' rxIC), I'miiiiim," ;:e sc-nrcluil bln 'i/inry. "l\>)..ii)liii/’ III-»si)jKTj)iidi’il.'M y:- ,,„l,| l.ulii, Sl.- luul j,r» M ,|y i..''i< H T.iu ||.T life liMi Jtie least dw lr.'

IDAHO, Th u r s d a y Mo:r to SN any o f th e se .p laee i.- :B b e dld^

noi w ssl ro see them now. £ u t sb e wanted passlonatel# f o 't t e s t h e r « j» 4

' panlpn's mind. ' I"It 's tiie life," h e iBfbnned ber.*'Mt»t b i" L ulu b ttu tb ea . ■ " I - ^ j

She tried, and g a t T l f up. | '“ W hereyolt beeo m o8U y.r.he asked '

■ a t l o s t ------- ------------------ JB y this u n p rk e d e n te a ' in le r ts t lo

her doings she w as th row n Into ai s lo iro f e x d te m e n t . . . |

"HerA" alie aald. Vl’r e alw ays been ! I here, y jf te en ye a rs w ltb -Ina . Befor* 1

lh a t we lived In th e country." ■H e listened sym pathetically now. h ls ‘

: head well on one side . H e w a f d ied he r■ veined bonds pinch a t t h o l e s , "Poor

old girl." he was thlnkln c . ' .)" Is It Misa Lulu B e t t r h e abm ptiy *,

Inquired. "O r M r « .r ' . - '■ L uId (lushiHl lo aDgnlsh. , - ' I .

“MIm ," she so ld 'lo w ,' a i" o n e w ho ‘confesses ttie extrem ity o f ta llo re. ^

Lulu Flushed In Anguish.> S h l Said U w . hr

Then, from unplumbed depths, another' ^ Lulu abruptly spoke up. "From dioice." she said, fJ

" * H e shouted w ith laughter. • - L , "You b e ll Oh, you b e t r be cried. 1;; “Never doubti.Hl I t " H e m ade h ls ,* palms tau t and drum m ed on th e table. . , -S n y l- .h o sa ld , U"

Lulu glowed, quickened, smiled. H er face was ano ther fape. ’

‘■^Vhlch kind Of a U r. a re y o u r ’ she heard h e rsd f ask , and h ls shoutings ? , redoubled.--W ell I W ho w ould h a te thoujtht It o f her? J?

•‘'K orer give- myself aw ay," h e as- ^ aured her. "S a y ,, by Oeorge, I* never, ■ tij^ght of th a t.b e fo re ! T here’s no teirrug w^iethcr; n m an's m arried or, " , not, by his nam e ■■ J

" It Oon’t.m n tlcr ." sa id L atu. ■ " W h y n o t r ^"Not so mnny people • w ant te j

know .'' . . .A gain he loughedi T hia laughter ~

w as.ln tox lcatlng .tdX ula._N o one e rc r - - - laughetl a t w hat she sa id save Her- bert, whn laughed a t her. "Go It, old “ g l r i r Nlnlan w as thlnklag, b u t this did not uppm r. ' B

T be d illd Mononn now arrived, O: banging (he fro n t ga te a n d hdriing 0, herself round the honse o a tb e bo«rd walk, catching th e toe o f one foot in Artl the beel o f th e other and blnnderihg farwflW, head-' dow er,-^her short,' I lralght bn lr flapping ove r h e r face. L 1 She Iande<l flat-footed, on th e porch, ro yhe.began-to.spCfik,.us!ng-a ridlCQlons Terremlon o t words, 'scarcely artlcu- late, Ihcn In vogue In h e r gyoua And,

“Wliosc ( fo g r ahe B hrlekrt. . V'Nlnlan looked over h is ahoulder,

'jeW oat hla haad. flalshed som ctb la r rr, ha t he.w ns saylQg to L ntn. Monona n ramc to him rendlly enough, staring, Cc oosc-llppetJ. • . H. ]“" n i b r t l ’m y o n ra» cJe ."* a ld NJnlau. Bi BelBllimshlp being h e r h ighest 8h

mown form of romnnco, Monona waa „ h rlltfd by th is Intelligence; ’ • '

•‘O Jw .uji n >1*^" ra id NJnJsn. find- : ng In the p lum l somo vugue mltlga* it. Ion fnr sbmu \-ngue offense; l . j;

Mononn, looking sIHy.' cbniptleil. And ; 0 . ier nncJe said, m y sin rs, sucli n g rea t : loi ilg mil Rlrl—they would •Imve to p u t of I board on he r hend. "Co

"W hat's thn t?" In q u ires Monona, ihe had splcHl lils g rea t diamond ring, Ut

"Tills." wild her uncle, "w os brought Sa'o 0 me by Snnta Clous, wtio keeps a ewelry stiop In heovcn." *

T tie precision And sjiecd of tils' im* « .i> , rovlMtlon revealed him. H e bod in tl wenty ottier diam onds like th is one. A rth le kept them for those Sundays when the i he sun comes up to ttie w est.. O t decK ou rseJ-ofien i Some day tie w o s‘go; eneo ig to melt a diamond and e a t I t T hea un sparkled a ll .over in .th e dark , ever tie r . A nother diamond' h e w as gol^g ) plant. Tliey s a y - H e 'd id It a ll M«,ti rarely , absorbedl}-.. A bout It he w as u li{ , a conscienceless a s o savage. This' ^elvo raa no fancy spun to ptesvure a child. Com; Ills was llko lying, to r I ts own sake, rop, : H e w ent on tolklng w ith L ulu, and Ban :

ow aguin h e w as th e tease , th e brag- ^®*t< ort. tho unbridled, unmodlfled mole, tello Mononn stood In th e d rc le of hl«

rm. The lit tle being w ns nltentlve, “ “ jftened, subdued. Som e p retty , fa in t Sehn gh t visited ber. In h e r listening look. Maloi 16' showed he rse lf a charm ing child, of sn “It strikes me?’ Raid Nlnlon to Lutn, pan}*,

Ihnt you're golhg to do something Jnno, ilglilyJnt.crc_«tjnKjjerorc_j;ou ille." _ the 2; I t Wns thp~dcH r wTnvorsnilnlmi'Ini*

iilHe.HH.rn-«f-^l.(^nMd-tfl4;wii.*omc, ilDC ci'Ini!, hul l.iilii WHS nil fiillli. " j Slit> rlii.^rd llll- tivi.n ilmT mi Iht ill-'*,|| .„M.,I l.r:,..l,.„.; .......... Ht,- atOtO*r«, 11.* u-,:-. vv .'; ',..:-i her. acribc


and she looked .at him.' H e w u co'irf* pletely |lk e hla picture..-. She f d i .M .

* } f l d ie w ere looking n t b is picture nnd 1 she w as abastred and to n e d away.

J , ! . . “ Well, I hope so." ahe said, which j had certain ly never beeo tni.e^ to r ber

J old form less d ream s were no Intention 1 —BoUai>«:but-,#:BU»n..of,,dl!Konteot,

, ' “1 hope I can do somotblng th a t’s nice < before f q u i t" she sa id . Nor w as this .

• hope now Independently true, but only * I aurprislng lon ^ n g to appear Interest* t

” Ing.ln bis eyes. .To dance before him." “U 'fwt wotrtd, th e fo lk s .ih ink o f me, i, going on s o r she suddenly said. Her^ m ild senso of disloyalty w as dd ld o d s. I

■ So WQs b ls 'u ade rs tand lng g la n » ., . "F on 're ' Ihe a iuH * ‘b e rem orked ab* I

sently.-T---------------------- ^ -------------- 1------'- 'She lougbed happily. ^

, . T h e door opened. Ina a p ^ r e d . ^' •. - W e l i r . sa id Ina. I t .w a s .h e r ■

m olest tone.* Sh^ took ib ts moo to be o:a peddler, beheld h u child io h ls o

■ c tssp, mode a quick forw ard step, chin. l if te d fibe bad tim e fo r « .very ja re llo ^ ' o f a look a t Lulo. , ' "' . "Hello i" aald . Nlnlon. l ie had ttie " ‘ one form ula. " I believe I ’m yoor bas-

bond’s brother. AJo'f th is Ina r nI t bod no t crossed th e mind of Lulu

• to p resen t him.> B eaotlful. It w as ,to : see Ina relox,

soften, trann , tnnitom . huautnlte. It B gave one hope fo 'r 'th e whole species.

"N ln lsn i" she cried. She lent a tli fa in t Impression o f th e double e to the

Ij id lt/s l rowel. She s la rre d th e rest.1 on tll th e y sound squinted in. N ot {,< I Neenyon. bo t nearly Neenyuo. tj] l i e kissed ber. ' dc! " S /M D i r /f f b t l ta ’t b e r e r a / j e e r f f a ' ff/ I and shook Iier Onger a t him . 'In a 'a ob

conception of hostess*sliIp wns deO* r r n ite : A volley o t questions—w as bis

' tra in .-o s tltoe? H e hsil found the house a ll r ig h t! Of course I Anyone „

! could direc t him, ahe should hope. And I ho lytdn’t seen D w ight? J .S Iie ; m ust ^ ! tdcpJw ae-him .-;::;»B rtJj«~ihS a rrca ted

hcrnelf w ith a slTarp, curved fling of b e r starched sk ir ts .. N o l Tliey would 1 surprise him n t tea—she stood tau t, ■ ' Jlps cow preaxd . Oh, tb e Plows were tif coining to ten. How; unforHinote. ahe tliough t How fortunate , she wild.- ■=

' ' Thn child Monona modo h e r k n m ' ; s a d je lh o w s stiff a&{! danw d u/> end ' ,' down, 'she muat. riie^must pnrilclpote.

“A unt Lutu mnde th ree pies I" she ^ scrcnined,' and sliook h e r stra igh t hsir.

’ "Orapjtfus M kes." sa id W n ls^ " I j .hrouglit her a pup, and I t 1 didn't fo ^ (

, g e f to give it to her." .JT hey adjourned to th e porch—Nin.

lan, loo , M onona,. Xbe p u ppy -w as 1 presented, und y o w n e i . ' -Tbe pa rty Sal kep t on obout "tho place,". Inn de- llghtedly extilblted. th e tomatoes, the Iwo Jipple trees, ib e nuiv sh ed ,-th e bird bath . Nlnlon s i j d the unspdl*' X ab le " m - m ," risliig inflection, snd tho ^ " I see." prolonging the verb os wns ex* j jj , pected o t him . lo a sold th o t they p]o; m eoot to build a sum m er house, only, aod dear me, w hen yoo hove a f a m ily -b o t nor there , h e d ldo 't know anyttilng abont Julj t h a t I n t wns uaing h e r eyes, ahe w as oo arch, ahe w ^ i coquettish, she wns fliN i® - Ifatloua, and she bd ieved herself to be merely m atronly, sisteriy, wom.

u' She scream ed. D w ight wns a t th e of

gate. Now th e meeting, exdam ntjon, ] banality!, guffaw ' , . . good w ill l

And Lulu, peeping tbrougb i l i i sam blind. ship • - Mei- - 7 ' (Contlnnod-ln-next Issue)--------- - P

NOTIOB O P B H B B IP P '8 BALB O f J f “j B B A L BSTATB UN DBE DBOBBE tho o r POBBOLOSUBB A N D .O B D m ^ o r a A L B . _ , • « «

A rthur L. Swim & Co., a corporation,, . P W n tltf, cos^

* to tL IL L nthrop and rto rcn to E . Loth- a o ri

rop, husbond and w if e /• DiJ o h n ,0 .,I .cn * , E . J . M abno.an iT K ath ': — •

orio* A . Moloflo, b is w iti^ J . a San­ger,' C atl Fo lt, Oom S U te Lumber Bwei Compaay, a eorporation, I I . '£ . Oun. tiff.

N orlhw ettern Investm ent Company, a ^ftah corporation, P .- t f . McOowoa, * receivor o f N orthwestern Investm eot la C om pan/, ' now

II. R . I^oclond, L . H . Lathrop, D. D. the I B unuid?, a Volkmeier, and Dan->E Coun S hldds, directoM o t 's a id N orthwAt- r orn Investm ent Company, Boiit

Pocatello Security Tm8t.:Compnny, ati . poi . Idahft corporation, P . C. McQowan, i .

receivor o t said Pocatello Security if. C T ru s t Compony, wll

L. II. L.itliTop, a 6 . Cliamplain, 'Johu I 0 . Leuz, D an B. Bhidds, £ . J . M i- Uo ; loor, and Sheldon I ’ayne, d iree ton tflJoJ

of sa id , Pocotd lo Security T n iit D litr "Company, D efendants, EId <

--------- o t IdU nder and by v irtue o f on O rJ c ro f

Salo and Decree of-Poreclosure issued 3ut o t tbo D U triet Court o t tho Elov- jn th Ju.llclol D istric t o f tho Btot# o f .Cj®P Idaho, in und to r the Counly of Twla I Pali*, doted tho r th d*y c f Ju ly , 20ZS,In tho AbDve en titled action, wherein Arthur L. Bwlm t Co., n corporotion, *h Iho oboyo rJimod ftlolntlff. obtained a lecreo against L . H . Lathrop and Flor* inco E . Lathrop, husband and wlf<i, o t.»a lohn 0 . L cn i, B. J . Malone and K ath- nand irlno At Malone, his w ife, J . a Bangor, }»“14 Sari Pe lt, Gem o ta te Lumber Company, tho t'i I c o rpoa tlon , S....R--Guaimnger, ^orthw est?m Investm ent C om pany ,'i J ta h corporation. P . C. ilcOowan, ro ‘ elvef o f N orthwestern Investm ent Noi Jompany, H . W. P reslond, I.. H . Latl.* tip, D. D. Burnside, 0 . Volkmeier, and }an B, B hidds, directors of ta ld North* M.. T fcsto itt Investm ent Comiuiny. Poca* „ Nol ello Bocurity T rust Company, an Idaho 21st d /orporatloor F . C, MeGowoo, reeelvof ^ ® * it sa id P ocatd lo Security -T rust Com- ‘“W c lany, L . U . Lathrop, 8 . 8 . ChnmpUIn, fourt fohn 0 . I ,tax , Dan a Shields, E . J . Palls, dalone, nnd Bhddon Payne, diredor» cnce I f snid Pocatello Bocurity T r tu t Com Hen, i lanj*, dcfflndnnti, on tho 28th doy. of or so nno, 1022, which said decree was on to so he 28th day of June , 1022, reeorded Id with i •ndgm ent-Boofc-Seven-of-«ld-D lstri«t Wgh« lourt, n t page Pour Hundred Thlrlj-- of the I g h ir T - m m o m m ^ c d - h n s lI -n lH h a c -^(*1 crtnin lo t, piece b r pa re d of ^ n d si\* a ted in the County of Twin Palli, B v . to te o t Idaho, nnd boundod and do- ' cribed O i'follow s, to w it; . f}E/

[922 -(. Lots 18 and 1&, block 7, Bide Cake* ,; ^ddiUoiv '• • .' ' :.,LoU U and 45 o f Block S o t Bluo “ Lakes A ddition. ., LoU 85, £0 a n a 27 o f Block 1 o t Bliie h Lakes Addition.r Lots IS, 13 and 14 o f Block 8 o f Blue 1 Lakes A k U o n .r, LoU 40, 41 and 4S o t B lod t 4 o tb" B l ilo -L ak is-A d d ltlo n r:--------------------------------, L o ti. 19 and SO 'o f Block* $ o t Blue ' Lakes A dd ition ..' LoU 19 ,14 snd 16 o t Block 7 of Blue '‘ Lakes Addition.I* L o u 83 ond S i o f ,Bloek 8 o f Bine i. Lakes A ddition.r Lots and 30 o t.B lo ck S o f BInu I. Lakes Addition. .

Lots 33 and: 34 in Block 7 of^Blus . Ukei A idJtioa. ' .

Lots-41. 42 and 43 e t B lofk 6 o t Bine- likeT A T iaillon :------------------------ --------------------

. A ll.o t rold above real e s tate being ia Twin P a lli Connty, Idaho.

' ' And ia tho even t th a t 't h e proeeed*I of the ta le o f ony o f the above parcehi I of real e state do no t mako th e debt I secured by tho san^e, th e eonrt orders I sold the /«.')owJoff,dcsfribed rea l estato

or so mush thereof a s shall be neeesiary , to mako the am ount o f tbe aforesaid

indebtedneis:Lots 83, 83; 84, 3Q, 40 and 41 of

Block 11. .‘ Lols 29, SO, 27 and 23 'o f Block 12. <

LoU 27, 28, 20 nod SO of Bloek 18. ■. - , .Lots U, 13, 14, 10, IG .nnd 17 of: B J« k 10. ' ...................

All in Blue L akea Addltlbn W est t j tho City ol Tw in PftUs, Couaty of Twin

, Palls, Btnte o f Idaho . • . 'Publlo notlee is hereby given, th a t

on the 16th day o f August, 1922, a t the hour of 2 ofeloek p. m. (MountiUn Time), of sa id day, a t tb e eaat troa i

, door o f the eonrt house o t tb e County fft Twin y^}}t, Statf ot Jdsho , J will, la obedience io said o rder o t sale ond de* cree of toreclosnre, s d i thii above do ■ scribed nroperty to *otlsfy p lo b ti t f 's decree w ith inU rest thereon together w ith oil costs th a t bnve ocfirued o r m ay . ocerue, to 'th e h ighest and b e st bidder therefor, fo r eosh, law ful money o f the Vaitied. m ates .

Dated :( ih 17tb day ot Jaly, 1922.E. R. SHERM AN, Sheriff.

r Bounio Uerrlm on, Deputy.Ii. Ashton, A ddrney to r th e ploin-

ti f f h e rdn ._____________ ' .


M. D. Ynmoll, ~ T P la in t if f . ya.

J. tl. Toothmats, P lofcnce A . Tootbman,Charles, E spolt and L ena E spolt ana

• M le h ad B . O 'C onner, D efendants

Under and by v irtue o t-a o O rder o t Sole and Decree o f Pbreeloture, Issoed out of the D istrie t C onrt o f the EleTenth Ju d id a l D istrie t o t tb e S ta te o f Idaho,In and fo r. tb e C onnty o f T w in Polls, dated tb e 21st day o t Ju ly , 1029, fn tho.~* ~ abovo entitled aetion , w herein, U . D. Y am ell,-the ab o v iL M ae d p la in tif f ob. talned a decree again st J . & . Tootbman,Ploreoee A. T oothsias, Cbariea Sapoli ood L ena E spolt a n d W d ia d B. O ’Oon^ no r ,. defendants, on th e 14th d sy of July, 1022, which said decree w aa..^ on tho said 14th d iy o f July,- 1022, reeorded In Judgm ent 'B ook Seven a t page 604,. o f sa id d is tr ic t ' 'Court, I am commanded to h U a ll th a t eertain lot, p iece or parcel o t U nd sit . ooted fn e&e O m o ty o f Twin Polls, SU te o f Idsho, and bounded and deserlbed, as follows, to*w lt: j. L ot 4 In G raeeland Subdivision the same b d n « n j i a r t o f Seetion 4, l^ w n . ship 10, Sooth, Bange '17, E as t Boise Meridian, • --_P n b U e .n o tIce -ls -h e r« b y -g lT e n ,.th a l_____

on th e 2Sth day p t A ugust, 102S, a t th e - hour o t s o'c loek p. n '. '(M ountain tim e) Iof said day,’ a t th e east f ro n t door o f tho C onrt.B oote o t tb e Connty o t Twin

S ta te o f Idaho , I w ill, In obedl- BDce lo aald O rder o t Bala aad D eeres.Qt Foredosare,,seU th e abova described property to s a t is f y 'p la in t i f f 's decree ' with In terest thereon, togetliej_w ltb 111 . • eosls th a t have aeerued or n i y aeeme, to the .highest b id d e r to r e a u , law M jJonejr Of th e U n ited a ta te s .

, ■ . B y a a flam iJton, Dm o ^ . ' • ilwedey * Sweeley, A ttoroeya to r PJaSa>


In the D istric t Court o t th e Pourtl.. iqw the E leventh, Ju d ld n l D istric t o! • *• he Stato o f Idaho , in nnd te r the Jounty iff Twin PsHa.

toiie Payette Lumlior Company, a cor* ' ‘ ,P«»tion. . P la in tiff,

r. C. Donne, nnd Mr*. H . 0 . Deane, hi* wife, . D efendants

Uoder and by v irtue o f an order o f ' ^ nJe ond decree o t Hen Is iu H ont o t thp ilstrlct Court o f the P ourlh , now- tbo llB^entb, Jud ic ia l D is trk t of th e B ta.e t Idnho, '.n odd' to r the Countv of'win Fails, bn tho 12th day o f J n l y , ____B22,-ii^jjhc obove 'e n tit le d action ,"’ herein thi> Boiso P o y ^ ltj Lumber p p o n y , & corpom tlon, tbo abov&nam.1 p la in tiff, outoined n Judgm ent and ec^ e a ^ n s t tb e dereodaats, H . 0. eono^nil M rt. H . 0 . Doanc, h is wife,1 the 3rd day of Ju ly , 1022, which ta ld ccree w nt on th e 8rd day o f Jd ly .)22, recorded, in Judgm ent ^ o k Sevenr ta ld Conrt o t poge 455, I am com- andcd to s d l a ll o t those certilb ulldlogs d tu a te d and located npon ' lo f eertain lo t, piece o r pa re d o f land tua ttd , M e g and b e h g S o .tb a eonnty! Twin fiills . S ta te o t Idaho , b o u n d e d '..........id described, u follows, to*wit: .N orthcojt qua rte r jN G 1-4) o t tbe jr theast quarter (N B 1*4) o f Section 'I, Township 12 South, Range 15. E; U .. ’Twin Polls Countv, Stntp o f Idaho.Notice I t hereby i^ven, th a t on the s t day of Atfgust, 1022, a t the honr o f o ’d e d t p. n. (M ountain Time) ot Id day, o l the eo«t f ro n t door o f tho u r t hoRM in tho County o f Twin , ' »llt, S ta te o f Jd a h o , T will, in obed l- .ICO to said order d f salo nnd decree of in, i d l tho nbovo dbserilv>d property, so much thereof ns mny bo necossarv satisfy snid p ln ln t if r* judgm ent

llh Interesi thdrobn nod coats, to theeheat. bidder- for-cash ,..law fu l moner_______the Uhited S tn tcs . ; ^

D A l«W hlK 81 lM bjH > f:Jttly rl0ae .-77 -r~ ^ :3 :E. R. BII'e r MAN, SherifV. ' •

B.v.nonnie lle rrim an , Deputy,

BEAD TH E C L ^ S S IP ltD A D a' --

Page 7: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '

, - r t wi :

h eA d v e r t i s e n a e n t a

■ ' E i l l l—- = 0Rop-FORECAST-RbBS— —


B p m ltU e a BBT«n Show U tu * ln t« t m I s flUplA Q n la ftt B o ird < ^ U t to a i °

- C o r a Alao 8a« i. --------- • 7?

CUICAOO, Aug. V (ff)-^ V bca t, ecro f” aod oata a ll oitaljHihed new low reeord prlcca for tbe aeaaon tod*jr.~TVeaknen • “

. appeared 'to bo dno prim arily to .tbe b ig * “ .*[> * yield o f eoro fo reca it in tbo govem- **'

-• m nt erop report.' Tbe w boat m arket ^............ .cloaed unie ltled , f:8c"to 1 H e no t low^

_ er, with Bopiember ♦1.03 to 1.03 3-8 and D ecenber 11.09 H to 2:03.9-8. Cora flnUbed I 1 4 to 1 8-8 to 1 3-4e down, L oata o f f 3-8 to G-8 to 3*4e. In provli* looa tbo outcome w ai unchanged to 16e blgber. w l

Altbough ' exporters, took 300,000 . b u ibeli o f w beat hero and 600,000 to fl00,0iD0 bufbela a t tbo .seaboijrd, }Jqui*

. da ting la le i on th e -p a r t o f bolden. proved to be uueb moro tban an o ffieti Speculative demand was of aucb 'rO ' . . . itr ie ted cbaracter as to b o .'o f slight Importaneo in supporting values, ^ o government crop report was regarded. as m lfd l/ bullish regard ing w b e a t/b u t i . , th is condition was soon lo tt . sight of,

. aod atten tion focused Initoad on tho great, increase o f corn looked fo r as compared w ith a m onth: ago.

Qossip th a t U ppoings a t ' tbo in tc ^ national conferenco In London might adversely a ffec t foreign exchange rates ' j hnd some influeneo in depressing the' j w heat m arket, and so too did lower quotations a t L iverpool. A nother dls- j tnrblng factor was-muc>i selling o f 8ep- tomber 'a n d slm ultanqbus buyine of _

•U ay for lending e levator interests . Be- . sides, i t was said aJilppers here wero „ solllog w heat a t n loss. ,- Liquidation selling wos ev ident In .

. the com. m arket from s ta r t to finish. . Favorable crop adviccs nod Ijberni re- » , eelpis added to tho b'earisb results of . the government repo rt. O ats gnvo woy In “sympathy. " •

Packing buy lng 'ro llied the 'provision m arket. .*

Pot* to U arl^et I

. OHIOAOO, Aug. 0 M V -PoU tons: B Jersey' cobblers No. 1, sacked, *1.85 to a 1.00; K ansas, pa rtly graded, •1.70; MiDosota E arly Ohlos, pa rtly graded,

P o r tl in d U w rto c k

M RT L A N D , Aug. 0 t f P ) - C a t t lo - Rnt 81ow, weak [.receipt# 27. ••

H og»-50e lower}, receipts 75. Prim e «*• ligh t 112 to 12,50; smooth boovy 230 to *‘'7 300 lbs. $10.30 to 11.30} 300 lbs. and np _ 110 to 10.50} rough heavy «7 to ,0.00}

, feeder -pigs 111.30 to 12.00}. f a t pigs ^ I IU O to 12.00} staga 10 to 0.00. . q

------------- 8 h eop -8 loady ;- n o -ro M lp ts .-----------------D«1.30 to l.<0. 61

O m a ^ H y « t ^ ^

OMAHA, Aug. 0 (U nited S tates Bu- • bean of A gricultural Economies) ( / I ^ H ogs-B ecelp ts 7,000; oatly sales, to shippers 13 to 23e blgWcr; general m a^

______ slfiAdy b 25c h ighe r; .bulk-m ixedond 'packing grades «7.23 to 8.00} balk

. 200 to 300 lb. butchcrs <8 to 0.23; , top’ - ' J c a u l

C a ttlo -B oce lp ts 5,200} good andjCuci eholee fsd stoera and s toek s teady; top C an yearlings and medium w elgbt steers Beet ♦lO ifi; e thers slow, weak? ijrass stock ^ r i

■ generally s te ad y ; ' bulls weak} veals firm ; top 10.73} stoekers and fieders •teady. ' - '

Bheep-R eeelp ts 12,000; killing *?“ • e laues mostly 25e lower} bolk iambs 111.73 to 12.00} small loU prime nativo u U lamba «1 2 i3 ; 'range yearilngs •0.70; c sn l

w estern $S; feeders slow, w eak. W at

:*'■ C h lag o U vestock - ■. C niO A aO , Aug. 0 (U nited S tates Sugi

Bureau of A grleu ltunI Eeonomlcs) (/F7 8ugt - C a tt lo - n e c e lp t* . 12,000; b e tter » e s grades beef steer* nnd beef eows nnd grie

■ belforirslendy}.low grades both;-clnues uneven, weak to 1 5 c ' lower} canner cows showing more decline; top motur- od beef S tee n ,n n d ligh t ycatllngs g

“110,60; long yearilngs I10.85;' bulk beef steers 19.78 to 10.25; bulls nnd stock- Raec e rs about steady; colve*.closing strong Bace

. to 25e higher; bulk bn teher she-stoek H an ic.25 to 7.25; cnnners and gutters H nn

' largely 12.45 ta 3.73; bologna bulU Porkmostly U to 4.25; vcnl cnlvcs largely ^ IIOJIO to 10.73; few best vealers nround

• ,$11 t o ' l l i S to packors and upw ard to’ ^ *11.50 to c ity bntchors. g ,

Hog*—Reeelpts 20,000; strong to ICe jq, ,

V S k lD S - '

" S '/^O SH (IlCKEf!— . / T I W tawn ficdu^ v W S S 0 N 3 .T O I5

■\----------.■ ■

" N e w ;f s u n d e r t h i s - h.1 - • -I _ .. m

higher than .yesterday 's overage; to p i JIght <0.00; ^ulk .lights I9.70 to 0.85; ' bulk 210 to 250. ponnds-liutehers $9.10 to 0.00; bulk ^ 70 'to 350 pound b u tc h e rs ' $8.-10 to 0.00; p'aeklng eows mostly (7 to • 7JB ; pigs largejy >0.23 to 0.30} e a tl- ;

; S b i^p-R ccoip tB ’l7,000} f a t la m U | generally steady to 26e lower} mostly ' “ 10 to 25« o ff; closing best tlm o ;.to p natives »12 to paekers and e ity butcb- e rs;. bulk natives around <11.73} top w esterns 112.40; balk 112.10 to 12.40^

I f a t sheep steady; light nativo owfcs I lamb weight yeariings « 0 ; hcav y liln d s “ “ , 10.50} feeder lanibs slow; tw o loads , about flOlb. kinds on eountry aeeonot ! $12.15; about 75-lb. feeding y e a r lin g s , b

$9 to ya rd traders. <2r(

Now Y ork 8 t ^ . . I ] NEW YORK, Aug. 9 (flV -Coninsed

prleo movemonts took placo in to d a y 's ' rela tive ly doll stoek m arket session, b u t S r

tli0 undertone eontiniKd strong ond most Imporfant prleo changes wero w ithin nanow limits. An

Oonoral uneertalnty regarding the roilroad strlko situation was moro than j o ffse t by^the governm ent's report o f • bumper erop conditions. O rangers whieb will benefit by th is Increased I erop movement, sueh as N orthern, Un- sal< ion and Canadian Pftelfles, Qroot out Nortboru, .Chicago and N orthw estern and P^ro M arquette, cIosl:d generally a t gains' o f 1 to neariy 2 points, a f te r nn early display o f w eakneu . OiiSanTau- g a r stocks wero reactionary, as a tesuU of tbo senoto 's f ixing the ta riff oh Cu- A n ban sugar o t 1.84 cents n pound, b a t boi American Beet Sugar.-whleb will bone- DU f i t by the Increased rate, wns up 2 1-1 po in t., ■ P“

M otor nnd sliipping sliares were ngoln ” ' undor pressure today; J

L eathers and shoes wero In good do- , m and -In response to improved ^ rndo to i conditions. Tliero, wns a good Inquiry col also for public u tilities, Peoples Oaa, Tw N orth A m criran nnd Philadelphia com- ed (lanles reaching now high reeords. T ota l 1 sales wore 373,000 shores.

Call monoy opened a t 3 1-2 per eent,6 u t hardened ,to four ond thcnco to 4 1-2 w hen banks began railing loans, coineident w ith heavy withdraw als o f (ho govorftnent deposits. Bomo sniall lota qua wero loaned ou t on call as high os fivo tno per cent. Time money was leareo w ltb Tot no im portnnt changes In rates.

B usineu^ln foreign exchango w as re-

TWIN FAUSMARKETSPilCM P a id P ro d n cm

R n t t* f f l t__________________ 80 to 88c ero«Presh r?neh -«ggs________IE 1-2 to l« c #criHens, ponnd ------------------------------- lOfl doe;F ryers, p e t I b . --------------- -— ---------18e cost

to IW heat N o. J ------ ---------------------$1.80 mo»

L tM ttock DC a tt le - r^ w s , 4 1-2 to 3 l-Se; steer*,

3 1-8 to a 1 ^ ; Teali, 0 to 7e.- H o g * - P r l a s »@10e.-------- -------- -------- B

Sheep—M otton, no n s r k e t ; lim bs — lOe.

ItB 0 D 8 B n iF B ’» .0 tn D B .......... 8m i

(B.U I1 P r i » « r " i ,- F n l t i T ig tte U M ' s , I

yJow potatoes — — 8 to Sc norsPotatoes, cw tJ _______.^...^750 td 11.00 namCabbage, per l b . « trt 7« YOreen corn, do t. ....... ...... .......— meo:Cauliflower, lb. __________________ l3 o willCuenmbers, e ach ,.......—- . - ^ 8 1-2 to Oo signCarroU, bu n e h ,-----------Z i -----------Be o f 1Beets, b n n e b ...... S r o'ol(Turnips, buneh .............;.........' n . , be A . BLettuce, Idsho 3e fo rRodishes, boneh 6e menNew O nbns, bunch _________ - . - 1 f * ban iro n n to e s ,. ib . ._ -„ - ...... .. '.eO o.

D anW oupes___ ;_________ 6 1 4 . to 30c n mW atem olon, lb .i________ ________1— 4c ------

' PxOTliloai a a i B taplM . 'Flour, 48-lb. sack,...;.— — 11.83 to 1.45 ------5ugar, beat, 100 lb s„ ,„..-48 .75 to $ 8 J5 WSugar, eofls, 100 lb s_ _ :____ 10 to 10.10, hensCrSaol Chwso - H - ; ---------------- H s JD rltk O i m i . ____________:------------ tO«l T IBeans ____________ i___________— . « • »tlv«Bread ------ _» 1.9(g)10nlhtnnButter (crrainory ......... --------------4 5 e ; TotsiBatter (ranch) -- ------— .........- — 80c i -------Eggs, dow n _________________ 16c! -W

n a t t e ______________________ i o o i s a ' 3Bacon, sliced ■ _______ BOc nbovFlam 1_________- ____ a__________86e Noaora, s l i c e d _________________ 50c ' no (Pork c h o p s _________________25®3(la‘ A. 8[4mb chops — ----------------------3 0 ^ 0 c —P o r k ' 'o r o s t__________________ 25@30e

8 te a k -6 ir llo n 80ej T.Bone, aOe; ronnd 2fic; ehnek 20c. Cf

n u t 17 ,pl«t« «• »lOei b riakst Be. _

/ f m x WKiN" ) D t f I PIA klN E d LESS

;■ i I I ’.............


' s Gla)h e a d , O n e C e n i

?'■ - i F a c t U a r c o u n t , f o u r b

■ ' t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u

! j s a l e o r r e n t , t h e p o s i t ii

; i - ' •, strlc ted because of cable congestion, t. ,duo to tho cutting of nine of the 12 e t- > , bics by Irish Insurgent forces. SterlingI held sfcady, bu t Freneh and Belgian JI franes were down about 10 points. Ger- ' I man m arks d so were reactionary ondI other cdhtlnchU l rcmlttnnccs were l ^ rIrregular. • • f


O F S A M . ; S—

D rako‘Ba1Iard Company, a eorpo»(loo,' P Jain liff, !■

VI. ' • . *Ambrose 8 . Hall ond Alice G. ITali, hus- ^

band and w ife, Twin Falla K lg h n a c « District^ a quasl-publle e o f l ^ l a n . «

. ond Fairbanks ile r so a ^ d CeonwoK'fl h corporation, D efendoa tf ^

Under ond by vlrtuo of an order o f „ sale ond decree of foreelosure, Issued P o u t o f the D istriet Court o f tho E Iot- onth Jud ic ia l D istriet o f th e 8U t« o f * Idaho, In and for tbo County o f Twin ® F alls, da ted tbe 28th day o t Jn ly , 1028, ' in - th e above entitled ^ U o n , w befels D tak^B allord Company, a corporation; § p la in tiff , ..obtained. A decree agalnat • Ambrose 8 . H all and Alieo 0 . HalL bos- ' bond and w ife. Twin Falls H ighw ay a, D U triet, a quasl-publle corporatloo, and ^ Fnlrbanka Morse and Company';'* cor ^ po ratlon ; defendanU, on the §8th day o f July. 1022, whleh .tald-decree was on / , tb e said 28th day of Ju ly , 1028, reeordod .. in Judgm ent Book Seven a t Page 320, x, o f said D istric t Court, I am commanded . to soil a ll tba t eertain lot, piece o t par- ’ eel o f land situated in the County of r, Twin Falls, S lato of Idaho ,'and bound- tti ed and described as follows, to-w lt: « .

L ot Ono (1), tbp norlbeast quarter o f , tho liortbwest quarter, tho northw est I quarter o f the northeast q u a rte r , 'th o . . northeast quarter of tho nothcast quar­te r of Section Nineteen (10), the north- Ll west quorter o f tho northwoH quarter, sh the northeast quarter o f tho northw est •'

Siartor ond tho northwest quarter o f , 0 northeast quarter o f Section 20, tli Township 11 Boutli, Rango 20 E ast, Ai Bolso Meridian. , ■ > .Public notieo is hetoby given, tha t-on _

tbo 20th day of August, 1022, a t tho » hnur o f 2 o ’eloek p. m. (M ountain Pl Time) o f said day, a t tho oast fro n t ““ door o f the eourt houso o t tbo Couaty , o f Tw ln.Falls, S tato of Idaho. I will, in “ obedieneo to said order o f sa lf ond do- " etoe o t'foree losure, soil the obovo.do- scribed property to satU fy p la in tif f ’s » docrco w ith in terest together w ltb a ll costs th a t bavo oecraed or may accruo, n to the highest bidder fo r cash, lawful pa money o t tho United Stntes. - ”

D aied this 2d day of August, 1022. _ B. B. BHEBMAN, "

, s h t t t o . ' -By-Bonnlo H eirim an..D eputy.-------- „

n T iA M K E O T T O r NO? 1686 In the D istr ie t Court o f the United

S ta te s fo r the D istrict of Idaho, Bouth- sne rn Division. ' ' • At

In the .m atter of Nel' J . Jensen, B. —E . K eane atfd H arty . Jen icn , a co-part- •norship doing buslneu under tbo firm osi name o f Jensen and K eane, B ankrupts. v«

You aro h\)roby notified th a t tho f i r s t — m eeting of creditors of said bankruptswill bo hold a t the office of the under- 91 signed Referee in -Twin Falls, Countyo f Twin Falls, BUte o t Idabo, a t.2 :00 Ooi o 'o l6 e k p .m .o n th e lf lth d a y o f Angnst.A . D. 1022s sueh meeting wlil bo held . •fo r tho allowanM of elalms,' nppolnt; ^ 3m ent o f trustee, and 'exam ination of Poj bankrupts.

• ' GUY L. K IN N EY , —Referee in Bankruptcy. ' .

T he News U read by the pemaD enl T] sa ra in g elssses._________ ____________ 8t<

HELP WANTED ..iW A N T E D — Woman for general ^

housework. Phono 1531. ]

T IR B CO. WANTS sta te represenT a tiv e , jo d sales nanager to ope^broneh offlee; $300 neeeuary. UdI —versal T ire Co., Chicago,' III. • 1_______________■ _______________cas

W A N T E D -T oung or middle aged twicoupio with' F ord ear to travel a ll ovor a tCalifornia: Can make $500.00 per m onth — nbovo expenses. $300 eash required.No experienco seeossary. U n s t havo ^no children or inemnbranee. A d d reu ]A. 6 . K elley, Routo 4, Jeromo, Idaho. Wi

POSITION WANTED ' SCOMPETENT woman w anU p ^ ltlo n - I

as housekeeper. No woman bo u . X ndi Y, caro News. fin


-(Ou ,ri(isN t''JS S fiN y l 6£ AHOiSHOS ro o j w ------------ V a Itt WOSK /

■ — M ,


^ v i — . I d


ssifieI t p e r w o r d p e r

b u t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s i i

11 h a v e t o s e l l , t r a d e o r e x c

t i o n y o u w a n t , o r t h e h e l l

: for sale - real estate, T O R BALE—Nleely loeatedA«nalI , booming hoase. Prieod righ t. J » n s o n . . Bealty Co., 123 M ain E . . "

1 ■'f o r BALE .O R L E A SB -M odern ,■ toopilog bouse, 20 rooms, one-half block '

from bath houses In L ava H ot Springs, Idaho. A ddreu Box 6.

• FO R 8A LE-fiix-room cottage, mod- t I e rs , elose te , 30-ft. lo t, fino trees, price f i $3,500; $300 down. RenUd ndw, $30. .

Phone 137 o t 886W.

FOR B A L E -a7 te res , 7 mUei from ' U hallii on B u r Oreek, 8 n o m log honse,’ i t tb le , t i l 3 raU tenee, 1-9 be& g enl- ^, tiva ted , private w ater r ig h t 'm a la ditch „. (o m p le te l Priee $li0O.$O, w ill take %' e t t i v t r a d e .- .S . B. & ploy, F ilar , ld t> ^[ h P r S f Twin Falla Realty O o, Twin "

Falla. • • F

. FOR 8 A L £ ^ 0 aeres, \ m ile out, tm-prorem ests on eaeh fo rty ,-one . O-room vnonse, good rited b a ra w ith h a y center, „all feneed, bine grata pasture^ 1-8 mile _ o ff toek road, good-bearing orchard.Prleo $123.00 per acre w ith U sd lo rd 'a .share o f crops. E . B. Ripley, F iler , Ida* »

Twin lU la Realty O o .,-'T ffU i>

FO B B A L E -P iv e room ■ o d e n honse ^ fnlly fata lsbed . 010 T hird tv e . W. In .. quite 103 T hird ave. B.

FOB B A L E -D est 10 a erts , h a lf mils from d ty ; plowed ta d aeeded. $383 te re . T em a. A et bow. H . 0 . B trton , U O led* Booma. „

FOR 8 A L li-F iv » te re itM-t In Twin ra i l i ; «uitable fo t poultry f t n i . Ar _ thor L. Bw ia, owner. __________ _

FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES """t o R D A T T E R IE S $16.03."'"pteet-0- 0£ L ite Sorvieo Btatloo. Pbone 00. Sho- ~ shone s t. 8 . ,

F O R ^ S A I ^ S T , h a re some exeep ' S tional bargains in .osed cars. Jobnsos _ Anto Com£any;

FORDS bongh) and s o il t t tb e Anto *| W recking Co., 140 Sad At*. Booth _ Pboae 69.

FOR " P E P ” see " S T B P ’* the Oyl ll ' tnder Orinder. 147 Beeead ave N.


room modem fnrnUhed honse. BeUablc Pi p a rty . No children. W hite B ealty Co, s^

W A N T E I^ F o rd touring c a r In good condition. .Phono 323-B4. ' eo

■ I I.I II ■! imm, I ................ JjQI AM payiag cash fo r Fords, aa) -

B o d e l" tieo n t hefore yon s H l 'O e n t n ' Ti Parage , 313 ShosboBO B t as

WANTED—T raetor aad a U tlea a t) w engine repairing o t a ll k lsda . Ll»« Automobile Co. ' ' i

'.W ANIBD-^Yoor tires to • te p ab ^ best w ort, a t lowest - pi;lcet.* Idabt V n lua isiag Works, 189 Seeoad avs|. > be

” W A N T £ D -A bnyer. fo»~»* desatypew riter, add lag ssaeh lae ,' B eehas fdile^a 'bench , and .vise. Jobbsoa AaU t rO oapaay. ' ' , ’■]

.W A K iro - i l l U l l . o t T onltiji . . gW .t o p p r ie u a t a ll times. T w ia FaUi _ Poultry and Sgg Co., P . E . B tra ls , mast« « r . 'P h s n e 173."'840 Fourth ave. 8< ^

LOST -' LOST—Package: bought a t UnitedBtores. CaU 721-J. . ■ V----------------:____I_______________________do

LO ST—Sandoy .betw eon''8u]llvaneor mcner and Shoshone falls, bolf se t b e a n strhardest. . Reward. Phone S42R1. —

LOST—Ono 34 4 1-2 'Ponnsylvanla $3iCnp eord tlro on Buick rim , betw een foiMurtnugh and Hansen, Aug. 7. N otify LeNows officc. __________ we

LOST—Small p a ten t lo a th n sn it ^easo containing n e trc u ’s mako-qp, bo- ]tween Jerom e and JTwIn Falls. Leavn ay, a t Rogerson hotel. Reward. - * ~

FOUND ' -" P IO K E b U P - ^ n o whito V plW io"g. 11?.

W ill hold 48 hours beforo disposing of. Uh C ity Pond, 183 Sidney S tree t, & u th Bm P /ttk A ddition. -- -

—I I your property is Jeslrable^and Is , ndrertised (n .tb e classified — you’]) f la d yoor bnyer. m

8 GOT HIM " T ■

/ 'v f f i K T VAT41 / A CIOMT-1

yluCH w osy hot w eather?-------— r KOW n w s t r i n o '

. ^ I ON M J U R j n - ^

M N G , A U G U S T 1 0 . 1 9 2 2

W ME ? r i n s e r t i o h , a n d

J i n ' ^ i n . F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e

e x c h a n g e , a b o u t y o u r r o o m ;

e l p y o u n e e d — O N E C E N T

£ FOR RENTJ’j FO R RENT—Apartment, 130 Fourth

avo. E Phono 8« M . “--------- --------------------_________________ In

jn F o r Rent—F ron t room, ta tb adjoin- ®Ing, suitable fo r one or two meo. 01os« ~

|j. In. 150 T hird avo. Nt f to n o S83.

FOB K E N I'-T IitM m a l i i n l .h a l J]d- tp tr tm e n t, rtasoaablo] Bnagalow Apts. _ » F ifth s t and Beeond avs. X0. -I— : --------- -------------------5— ---------- ;-it

F p R RENT-^Twe a o d e n o fflis <o Q rooau.' Inquire Oity Pharssaey. ■

^ T h A V B F O B ~ ^ r " d e s l r a b l* six - 4’ rooas houw e a ' Eigbtb a re . N. U . J . f. Sw eeley,. F irs t Natloaal Baak bidg. ” ‘i l j T elsphonoW .______________________ * J j

: FOR SAlE^HISCELUliiEOUS j'“• FOB S A L E - E m M o n T y p m lt t f , »"

No. 0,1 in good condition. Prico $15.( j SchulUe, 137 South Shoshone S t. g

i FO R S A L E -3 0 yearlings and two — * year old Hnmpshiro rams for sale; also ~

^ aomo, heavy Hampshiie ram lambs. ” Phone or w rite H . 0 . Brown. ^ ' “

- COUNTRY LARD fo t sale. Phoao ** “ B11R2.: ±

FOR 8A L E <-7-foot^oC orm lek bind- jJ er. Phone 673R3.

? K N U L I^A prieo ta for skle. Bring ^ eontninors. ^Roy L. W rigbt.

; FOB S A L B - A p ilu t l <01 u i t o tT tto ? ! ° Honsman touch. Oall,G19JS.

F O S S A L E -A pH coti. M u o E a ; - F / ^ w ard, s ix miles south-of foundry.

W ANTED TO D U Y -Fum lturo for a “ i . fWe-room house. M utt be.eheap. Phone ^1. OMW. » ' »• — . wi!

FOR SA L E -M llw aukeo binder, $25. am . One mllo north Klngsbnry corner. Su

' Phono-203J^. .. _

PO B S A L E -O n e tweed sport s u i t , . ■ ' sizo 30, $5.00; one brown velonr coat, Sc ® sUk lined, $15.00. Phone 181-J.— wl

A BBAND NBW itio ag to i t Jor mln U"' r ig h t away. Wo are going to move. «](' Mrs. A nna Bllger, S tar Packing House, toi_ Twin Falls , Idaho. otl

FOB SALE-DeUeToo, n s a i opHcoti . fo r canning .' Move lively, ladles, next '- week will flnUb them. 7e delivered. ^ e Phono BI7R3. Two miles west and onu _

south. P a trick Wynn. • • ”

i FO R SA L E -W ealthy apples for i ' ' cooking. Dellviered bv the pound er- b o x .' Phono B37R4. ,I ----- -------L------- ■■■ _- FO B BALE—O ne-Intem aU onal Ensil- - -

ago C u tter in good shape, eheap. J . H . m Pleraon ,.2 qiiles north, 1 4 w est o f the ]

I W stblngton school, Twia Falls. ]

FO B B A L E -Eonsebold goods. ISO j S Adams. s . . , i]

FO R BALE—Berry Oops, eratea and I r b eeh iv es. Phone 3, U ooa’s Shop.........=

. FO B UALB OB T B A D B ^ V t(o 'li-b « ^ for young pigs or chlckeas. 313 n f t o 8W av*. W . •’■ FOR BA L E -B leyele t, trieytles, t l r n * aind aeeeaaoriea.' W erner's Bepair Shop,284 8ecoa< a t B . , ' ' g

FO R 8 A L B - B a » pain t ilS B per ^ gallon. Houae pa in t 18.60 per galloa. h o n e 3. Mooa^f.Bhop. ~

FOB BALE OB EZO BA NO B-N ew [ a ad »eeond-hand farm Implemeata. Bee .

us If yon hava any farm im p le a ^ ts yeu — do no t seed . Idaho Hdw. and Imple- ment O o.,'ln the F e u BnUdlng aeross - s tree t from F lre BUtlen. ’ ~

FOR B A L B -E o u u p a n t $8.30 to n . $3.30 p e t gallon, i s eelors; $8.73 to $3.75 —

fo r w hite. N o m i n e ia bn lk fo r less.L e t na tend a pa in ter to estimate TOnr ^ w ork. Wo will save yon money. Phone TW B, Moonta Shop. ____________ 8

FOR B A IiE -Furn ltn re. 525 Third , p' a .a- 1“ ■ —


. lings; reparable in ssiali iMtallsisBt*, liberal repaym snt prWllte# Artfanr t- '

* ^

, N atura l H istory P a c t ^T reea growing to great height g e »

^ l y b a te pointed letves. ' , i

a F x |f r a u R ,o F c o u ( ! s iT \i T O V N I % 1 ' i IHE IDER / W t i X t.F E D O FA M U fi-B O K ’ P W — - / U ID B lf FEl k o r /

's '

d W O R T H I T t

le News,”daily; ITellall : ms for rent, houSM for , iT per word—Phone ^ r

MISCELLAHEdUS ', ~ E L E 0 T R I0 A L 'M rA IR 8 b y " o r i I '

Mnlborg. Exporienced m otor .n w isd * ing; m otor bearings. H eodqoartflrt,

, Electric Service Station, phone 13. .

' ' HEM STITCHINO ond Picotlag a l .taehm en t .F i ts any sewing m t ^ e . -

, Priee $2. Economy Bales Oompasy;‘ Billings, M o n t —

UBB CONKEY’S FLY KNOOKBB— i t ’a th e best on tbe m a rk e t M iikjraiif ;

I eowa in com fort and get MOBB IIZ L S ' Darrow Bros. Beed * Bnpply Co., p h o t» . 6, Twin F.tlla, Idabo.

NOW is tho tim e to ge t yonr lea th tf ’ repairing done a t'cheapest ra te s . 'F r« 4 ,’ F o u , Br., t c r o u from F irs B tatlov-.'.

Phono 109-W. • '

, ’ M A K E YOUB iT N rB O n T A fiU I TBEEB P A Y - L e t sa | d r l u w ith 7 0 » oa budding, ^ t l n g or any other e t your orehard needs. J . A. W a t« u Phone 80441. - P . H . Crow, PhoB» / 810-W, B. F . D. No. 8.

! CLEANINO carpets, rugs, N a v a i^ ' Phone 88BB.

NICE, onlet roosss for a a te re l t^ ? '

C T h o W i i i . ” " ^ ;

& D. ITELLOQO, tS M l for ' a e r ’e D r r A rseaaU o t Lead for spray m aterial. Call phoae OBOR. P. Oi Boa 784.,. . . '

^ A B M LOANS t a d ' laoBthly pay m eat dwolJ'ng leans. A rthur L . Bwim.

"^A M M O N D ’S SLUG 8D 0T n t * CABBAGE W O R M a N othing e q u d t » i t D arrow Bros. Beed Supply 0 ^ - pbone 8, I w ln Falls, Idaho.

FR E E —P t tte ry servics. We have • ‘ well eqnlppoi ba ttery u r r i s o s t a t t o v w ith S tab l charging b n tf i t Testlag and distilled w ater free. H abe Ante '* .' Supply Co. Phone 810.

NOTIOB '. Tho onnual m eetteg of Independent School D b tr ie t No. 2, M nrtan gb Idaho^ will bo h o ld n t U urtougb on Tuesday, tho f if th dny o f September, 1988; Thia mooting is called fo r tho purposo 'p f electing tw o tm stees fo r three y e a r term s, a s d fo r tbo transaction o f ' n e h ' o ther bnsinesa. a s m ay rM nlre ottentlOB o t th is t im e . . '

: A .U . HOOVER, , ^ _ ^ _ f f l o r k m B c h o o n r | C N ^

L p ’ r b f e t f j t o n d l . ^

8BA D L . B O D O m . A ttorney a t lAw. Boob 0 , T w ia F t iU B aek and T n u t BnU dlflg.'Phoao 983. , ■


B p m 0 . H U L B -B o y d buUdteg. ~

8W BQLBT k SV B B L S T — A t to n e n a t law. P r a e ^ t - i n a ll tfn r ts . Twia F alls , Idaho . ‘ „

J . B . W iB E -L a w ra rT O ff ie e t-B eo M 0 a sd 7, over Twla Falls B a ih • T rosi Co., Twia Falls, Idaho.


O L A B ^ W ln d s h l e i d s , ^ ne t w ork. M oon’s shop. Phone


Shop. 182 Shoihone W est Shoes re paired wbile yon w ait, a t pre-war*

, prices, and all work gnaranleeL

TBANSrEB T o B o z 5 v ~ T B A N m S * 'o 5 i 5 m

Phone 348.


Camp No. 10800, meeU evew f ln * a ad th ird W ednesdaya a t Odd fiV low i hall. Joaspb Begal, Conaselj J .P . Johnston , Clsrk.

Bjr t t r . 0 * » B t t

^ W H 0 N l 5 \ f JLONE s t r i n g \ I ■ -P tA X O M --------- \»u o o r 4 tim e s -


Page 8: N :fa DAIILY NJEWS - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS...: HO.-iM.....; 1 1 0 P; National Forest-Service'is At- '

i D i w m - iI l i H O W I i' I l ’SGyESTSpI • , inoy\ . ■' thoro

I ‘ " E a s l e r n V i s i t o r s L o o k in g t o ' t h e

]_____ S t a t e J o r J o s s i b l e J e v e l o p -

r a e t i t . a s D a i r y C e n t e r , E n t e r l l l l r

T w in F a i l s C o u n t r y

■ HUUL, Aug. 0—(Spcctal to Tho ! ' 'K o m i—B riD ^og U said to bo one

of tho g roatc it opportunities over of* j . fercil to tho pcoplo of n neslcrn . ita to ,

, tho party o f eaatern dairy o ijw rta and . reprcieatntlvca o f eaatern ogrleoltural - pubitealloni, invltod lo Idaho by Oov- Ho

ernor D avli, a rrived hero thU evening tHcj i . on ita InvoitlgatloQ of tho region ,tot ^' pou ib te (levolopment a s a eonter of tho ,, ,

eountry 'a rapidly growing dairy Inilua- try . Tlio !>arty apont today oa the nortli aido and on route hero inapoeted Harn tbe .Tlioutand Bprloga atoek nw eh and irbic] o ther d a iry /a rm i. I t ffill bo in Twin nigbt

; Patla Thuraday, and will bo en lerltlnod ffa a t luncheon by a number of d a iiynea t|,o fa

; and other* iDteroited in tho lodoitiy . «jtQe i I t will ipood T hunday s ig h t a t Bn- by tt ! port. ;» fold :; _ 8m H « U Eogloa H e n w a , o

W ith W I.con .li, tbo p ioM nt ton lo t o""«! ■ of (Inlrylng /ann ing , unable to oxpaod ® j fu rliior, Kow Y ork atato doereailng io

proiluction, M innesota w ith very little ! inereaio In development poaaible and ■ i -lllo eonsumptlon of da iry produeti ia- I croaalng rapidly, tlieio i i g frodueers ; nnd oxporli a re looking to aeutbern Ida- j ho aa the idonl 'roglon Into whleh tho *’J’ j d a iry Induitry enn expand.I . Tlio visit oi( tho caatorn ozi>erla ll ox- l i r

pected to liave a twofold ot>Jeet, one l y L t - bolng tho ihow lng to Idatio tho po»l- I H f I bilitlea o f 11* own te rrito ry and tho op- ^

porlunlty i f iatolllgontly graiped, of >>■ ; trem endoui dovolopmont.in builneis, I

population and Importaneo. I n fact, i t ' I la h inted th a t aa a direc t ro iu lt of this I

' tr ip and th a t o f J . L . E r a f t , noted dairy j products distributor,~ionio m onthi ago, j . th a t tho eatabllshnieqt of a chain of F i rS I I • >ome Ih itly cheeio {actoiola in I M o 0 3 i la a poulbllU y fo r tho near fu tu re . Mr. >I K ra f t ia also a momber o t tbo preioot ' \I i»*rty. . . • ' ^I U r . E r a f t w u qnotoir a t B eita u pive ! tay lng : “ I am m d y to purcluwe rccelvt ( 200,000,000 poondt o f che«M from ^nonth I ida^io anmuUjr, and am b w ld e i.. f l n t .« I ir ilU i^ to e iU h llih 90 cbMs« f u - load*,-: ! lories In th s iU t« u aooa aa ttie automi

prodncoa ' coma to a m U ia t tb n of entire tlielr m any o ppo rtoaltla^" ’ ' r>- o rd io f

^ ' Tho Hcood object wlSch ia o f oqual .1 , im portaneo-ii-the gaining o f d irec t in- 0 * " ' i fonnatlon by the dairy oxporti and og- : riouU stal jo u m a ti fo r uio in ea itera

J a i i f ^ ^ e t B fo r 'th o guldanee of the ° .ida lvB W there in ezpondlog the ir ae-

in to tho Idobo region, whieh i t •J lj ie l iitc d out con support 80 Umea aa ' “J. a n y cowa od & given a* tho J

U .r ieh e it Wlieoualn land , -

J w m A d T W tlM Id a h o ....... 'm o n th

I Tremendoui pubiieity fo r tho aolith- ” I orn Idaho region ia oxpeeted oa o dl- I te c t resu lt of tho v is it o f o u te m ez- i p e ril . Ono m em ber of the pa rty , J . H.

^1. .^ randiop , who waa form erly p rofenor ' I. V nivcraity o f Idaho;

i l dairy editor o f tho Capper'* Painn p P resi, rep resen ting ,tho K ob'raika Farm I Jo D rn aV E o n aa aF m er ,C a p p er '* F a rm . j er, tii iM u rl S un ila tf> 0k1aho iu Form-

er, Ohio Farm er, Penniylvonio r trm e r ,I and lO chigan Form er, a ll Capper pub- , <“ llcallona w ith a elrculation ruan iog up , j in to tho millions. E Irk Fox, W aterloo, ^ *{ Lu, ropresenl* th e D airy F anner, as- I ' othor agricultural pabllea tioa o f hnge I eireulatlon. Tho Union P ac ific 8y*lem ' 5 i haa installed tn tho special c ar which I brought the p a rty w est a press burean .' (ompleto .ov,en to new i photographle i dark room for the -accommodation of

' 'r th e w citern pressj handling sew s of the I tr ip to tho eastern publlcatlena repro- : len led , and for use of correipondenU ■; o f tho party . IN U U-------- Also niding Uio work of tho p a rty are

B. A . Smltli, luporvDior o f ngrlculturo I of tho Union- Paelfio Byitem , C. 0 . ^ ; GIgnoux, ossls tant lupcrvlsor of agrl* . :* culture, and Joel L. P rie st, gcneml ' '

agen t o f the system for Idaho.

, D airy Bxp«rt» In P a r ty , Two

' n . 0 . B iailo i p f tho p«rty l> h t«d o l l” m lth } tho dairy husbandry extension depart- q j .: in o s t o f the U niversity of Iowa. 0 . (heir In ' W, ^ l e n II head of tho d a iry dlvii- tratc.I ion o f .th e departm ent o f agrieulture a t f,nj. ( j s ; .'W ashington. J . H .'/D orm an, h o a d .o f o fb av li ‘— the bu reau -o f nnlinal husbandry a t paid* W ashington: EA rl-B .-M niier, lecretary on.cond ; " of tho American Q uorniey Club, Peter- 0 ’clockI boro. Now Ham pshire; £ . H . X ^ ln g - low eou j ton , head of the departm ent o f dolry beriono, I . hnsbondry of ih e U niversity o f Wls- vagrane; ‘ consln; Beed M urray, l e c r e t ^ of the ponded " W iKOnitn LIv m I oUk B reede rs ' A**ocIa- foro the : tlon;, n . A. H ardiog, bead of the dairy ing en»e

^ejearch. division o f th o Frederlek 07 J . ‘ H. I ^M athewj Company of D etroit, also «*>“rgo ■• form erly head of the ' da iry departm ent i . o f tho U niversity of DUnoii, and 0 . L.; Qurllnghom, president of tho A>Tcihlre ''® ’■’ Breeders’ A ssociation a t B randon, T t , «« i_ a M :a l5 0 .in .i th e . g ro u p .o t.c a s lo in - ox-

I ■*'8 anJay by F rank B r6wn, secretary to '. Oovernor D w ls, 1*. E . S hophtid , m as- •' i r . H- I -a g e ro f tho .T w inF 4U iK o ty t S ldoL and ^ i iU o a J., and W ater Company, and Guy Flenaor, August j’i' jnanagcr’ of tho Idaho Bociamatlon As- j . t . Bvi

L ' . ' . .

WIN FALLS.:PAILY NEVwclatlon of Poeitello . Governor-Davl* < - p i ne t his guest* early U onday m orning I - I t Payette.,

Prom i'aye tto . tho pa rty ..went to Qolso, spending Mondoy ond Tueiday Ihcre, leaving Dolie - W ednesday for 3hoihono,ipendingtho day on thp Tw in . Palls N ortli Bide, and W ednesday, a t • Ouhl. Leaving Duhl T huriday thoy vJll motor to Burioy, stopping a t Twin ■'nils fo r lunch, and spending 'tho h lgn t C h i It Jtupert. Leaving B upert by ..tra ln , / }i6y will go lo • Pocatello, stopping * horo Friday night, going noryi through f 'datio Fa lli and Rczburg to Aahton on r Jnturday. ...

TOClfiEOflEEIIIfES■ ' ---------■ ,Wodn

H f t g is t r a t e H o ld s ’ S o s p e b l U n -d e r $ 5 0 0 B o n d A f t e r P r e - i„ (bi

l i m i D a ^ H e a r i n g lortio

■ tHoward Ilarn lth will answer in dls- n n

riel court hcfo to o ehargo o t forgery, por t was deolded Wednesday a fte r a pro- Inilnary hoarlng In tho easo before 'udge 0 . P D iv a ll. in probate court.la rn lih waa held under $500 bond ro urhlch ho Imd no t fu rnbhed W ednesday 3,light. the

H arnlih conducted hls own dotoMo a t fnnhe beulag. ' 1T« did no t cross « x o ^ m ~'iiabrltnessca whose testim ony w u offered footy the prosecution, bu t, on the ita n d , 4.)ld his o w n ;ito iy . B e la id tb a t he e d l'a* out o f tow n on tho day the alleged erolffenie w u committed, and denied hov- cenlig ever entered the ito re a t whlch ho ‘ tea>I alleged to have c u b ed .gorged teiu hock. W ltnasies w ho ' had Ideatlfiedim as tho person who. c u b e d th is ^ heck, ho said, wero m litakon lu the ir lentiflcatlon. 'H anilih w u arrested two w eobi ogo ~

y Twin Fnlls polieo offleeri. ' g,Qfg |

IfflM K LsFBEilHllfli

--------- 1180-ho

i r s t S i x M o n t l i s o f 1 9 2 2 S e e s J " ’ 2 3 C a r lo a d s o f M o to r s D e - p « ii. 1.

V l l v e r e d H e r e ,' — ^ • fru it, '

b'ivo cnrlonds of au tom obilei_.w o:a shippe<!clved In Twin F o lli during the Duringnth of JulyTTilakIng the to ta l fo r th e pod inI t .six m ooths-of tho year, 23 car- materljidi,-as-eompared 'w itli 16 earioada o f moditle tomoblles reeolvod here , during the tiro year of 1021, necordiog to n e - .Is o f tho Oregon Short Line fre ig h t of-

3arIoads of fre igh t .received during ly,*1022, roU llod 800,' u against 876 ring tho eonespondlng m onth l u t • ir, and carloads of fre igh t forw ard- ® from here during t h i a o n th jo s t

lod totalled JOS ns compared w ltbin July,--1021.-------------------------

Jomporalivo figures on tho fre ig h t vement to nnd .from Twin FalU iu «y, 1022, and tho conesponding. *” “ 5 Jnth l u t yonr nro ahown by S ho rt .0 ro eo rd s .u follows;>rloads| Oarloada .

lyOuIy . Ju ly lJu lya i m PBODUQTa 1022 m~ , I I ____A iphoit _____ f »U. l i .

. . = s = i-------- Briek -------- 2______O oal______ 62 45 farm li

. Canned Goods . 1 cording;___ C e m e n t____ A vlow, I

m 84 . . . M erchandise _ 114 111 b lshest>2 47 _____.F lo u r _____ 2 1 -t?to

? ■ , —

Hnlf 1 1 ®5 C _____Stock ---------- 1 1 “ Jljl*

_____O ra v e l_____ 33 30 Iw d v!1 • 3 S _____8 u g o r '_____ :. 4 31 ------- W h e a t--------- 11 2 . W ith

------ W o o l-------- 2 .j , i , Jl,4 17 , MUeellanooua - 33 80>5| 1U4|------- 'i 'o ta ls --------- ] i{»0| ^ /tl paled, i

- readilyO U C E M E N T S G IV E N T O i * ; t o

iM E X IC A N S T O M O V E O N— --------- th a t esl

ir t Offora F o re lg n sn H eld a a “ Vag<* o rm llk ^ “ D m nk” Ohanca to iM V e TTn- th is sect

d e r S oqw ided B e a tu c e greatest--------- ed BtsK

wo Mozleans pickcd up by the po- Tueiday n igh t woro W ednesday n r j T l

n lttcd to Icavo tow a under au p en d - I IM 'M lontences w ithin, e ight h o u n , of

r interview w ith tho police n a g li- n i l e. Jofo B aldivia w u aenlonced to H | | l tl3.S0 fine nnd .costa on ft change ' “ i*

lavlng.ben drunk and disQrdeily. Ho I 14 and the balance w u rem itted E i g h t condition th a t he leave tow s by 0 p j .ai ock W ednesday eviening. H ia fel- countryman, booked u Fo lix Bal-

one, drew Wl) flno a id coata on a raney ehargo, and sentence -wao aos- flK hi led on condition th o l ho 'lea v e bo-

tho time lim it se t in the preeed- *ease. of the- II.' S to ino ll rlM dod s a llty tof t o f b o i . f In lo iiea to J llo ntllll•a n d coils nM cucd w u rem itted BoUo onnso,-according lo tho docket en try , C1 nn " c x :m v lc e man ia bM pby- »l>ow cat

condition nnd will returji 10 th e M ®adernmefll hospital in a fow day*.” fommlsil - — ------------ ---------------- tlf ic a to -3rleols.Jc_{Q _fll_pCJiniM t-fci'jH 4 to bnlld .K ct^fldvr-------------------------------------- Rogcraon

— - Memb(•. liTfthi, tho opHclan rtom Bo\se, H . J . W bo o t tho Perrino ho le tnoxH W day , W right,. i»t 11. Wc f i t glasios conectly . L . 8wim, Bvani.—adv. - ‘ and B . F

V . .w. J, -



. HUGE PA IRCiiamber of Commerce Points Ou

Good Roads, ahd Effects of F Mal<ing-for-Development Hei Growing Demand for Dairy Pr

•T h-Iii Kiill* Is n log ical'location for H i chi'CM factory, milk condoniory or

vnjioruling plant, becauao o f ita nal- rnl ndvantngcs and acquired improvp- ^ * lenlii, according to a ita tem on t Issued /odncsdny by tho Tw in F n lli Ckatn- cr o f Commcrco. • •

Four principal rcuons arc so t forth II this stntcm ent In support o f tho u - ortion. Thoy a rf f r —

' 1. Tho agricnltural eom m onlty. Cointrroimftlag Tw in Falla w ill n p - r po rt 0 cheese factory, m ilk coadaa- aory or m p o ra t ln g p l u t .

2. T w ia Falls b u good paveda ad graveled toad* le a d l^ . In to ' th a o d ty , w hlcb^fact gua raatM t year- round trnek lia a l service fo r

3. T w in F a lls co m an a ity h u f tho som ber o f csw i "nM easary to* - fn m lsh .th a quantity o f a l l k n - day

" q u I ^ . fee m a la ta ia lng s ch««H tbat ' ^ o t c o « 4 « i i o t , . _ ,

4. (Twin FalU fo m a b a T a m c h - ed th e stage Of development In tb a evolnUoa e f agrlcnltar* « b e r« con-'. * T een trated m ethodi a ad high ly in- teasifled farm lag n a n lr* th e « • ^ t e i^ o n o f th s da iry Indnstry.

Tw in F^lis county, tho sta tem ent - q, lys, is tho largest producer o f form _ ] ) roduets in Idaho. I t b u an a rea op- ip j] roxinatoly 40 miles squarej 820 miles ' ^ r grovel and hnrd surfaced roads ond ^ ^ 1 oro ^han ISOO mllos of standord roads.

Qnetes Production SU tls tic s . Ashi

Q uoting froiif the lost jo p o r t o f the nto conimisirohisr of Immigration and bor, the Ktntemont continues: “ Twin ills connty bas 201,032 orros o f ir- " fa ted Innds and 2,747 form s, ih o , Co due of Its annual farm crop* Is |14,- Bam0.000. I t hns 8290 m ilk cows and loi £ ,080 othor eattio; 10I),085 sheep; 17,- Cli 0- horses and 17,200 awlne. ’ don According to Oregon Short L ine roe- ■- Fr ds thero wero forw arded from Tw in ney ills in 1021 a to ta l o f 822 eara of live- 'W itt jck, 15,617 lon* o f potatoc*; 78,672 Bh u of w heat and flour; 4822 tons o t son i Jit, w ith a to ta l fo r oil A m m odltios Tr< ipped_out..am onntlD gto!Sie,083 tons. . P r iring tlio samo year thoro wero ahipi Kent d in automobiles, implemonU, bnild- Bo itorlals, merchondbo ondciRlier com- _ j . iditles, toU lling 201„034 ton*. ‘ M

Fomr W ealthy O onntlea; CoA djoining counties o f T w la Fa lli . u ia , Mlnldoko, and Jerom o, eontoin M lS ltr ig a le d a erei aad 0024 farm s, _ < >dueitfg erops valugd a t 128,180,000 PC l y e a r . . L ivestock in .th o teg io n , ia - ki ding 17,420 milk eows, is > a lu e d n t * ' 1,1(50,000. -Mv-Oorlag the year 1021 these fout mile* ahIpped-onl.lB2I»..eata o f .llvih p „ _ ck ; 40,708 tona o f pota toes; 120,010 IS 'of w heat and llo w j^ W S ton*' of lit ; 16,687 tons of hay, w ith a toU l a ll eommodltiei forw arded amount-

; to .'130,802 tons. D uring th e same Wh rlod i t reeelvod f re ig h t shipm ents j-oun( th on aggregate weight o f 406,012 homO' la. • • • the ai

. 8maB r a n a i th a Bale . saultQi« average tise o f a ll farm s sn d c r the w I T w ia Fall* c aaat system; accord- lars, ' I to esilm ates o f th e canal company, eroge Ol ocrei:- Tfie average volne of a ll peiJIi -m lands i n ’TwIn F ^ Is eonnty, ae- Ing d -ding to the s ta te agrlenU ural re- maa, iw, is 1241 on aere, which is the namu ;hest average o f any lauds in the by I lo. Joromo connty, to the north. Both iks second, w ith flo o d la c .a n d Mint- vcsllp ca ranking third, and irrigated p o ^ and tl ns o f Cassia county<rankiDg nearly in tho h igh in value u Tw in P a lls county viotni ,di. I t 1

Destined fo r D airying. urediVlth farms a s 'im a U 'u thp ones io w in o : s district, the -statement concludes, m luei 1 land values u high u those Indi- nutnbi cd, and with crops growji th a t so H/- d ity adapt themselves to th e dairy ranehi u stry, i t Is ony fa ir to suppose th a t sing ' the fu ture tho production o t mUk cor or I IncroMC, and w ith tho itim nloU os " 'mu I cstoblighmeQt of a cheeso fac to ry rodo i n llk condcnsory hore w oold produce, watch I scction of Idaho ahould become th e jug a tc it-dn lry lag soctlon . in tho U nit- niaehli a u te s .


—: — ranchcjht Twin Fallfl Oltigens to lie ProBcnt When Idaho Oen- “f®"'

tra l Answers • . ‘' --------- Id

Ight Twin Falls clllM ns compose delegation named W ednesday even- Qgyeri a t a jo in t meeting o f committees

Iho Botary and K iw anls clubs to lid a hearing boforo the Idaho pub- , n tliltles commiuion A ugust 12 a t „ „ i 0 on the eommlislon's order to the 10 Central Ballway company to ^ r cause why applleotlon shonld n o t advertl nnde to tho Inferstalo commertenisilon for caneellotlon o f Its o e ^ _____a to -o f- eonvenioneo- ond -neeessity Z

ember* of the delegnlion named oro1. W eaver, F . W. D n m k e f- tT -E : ' M { h t„ T . 'J . Woods, J . a Bnssoll, A . ^ wim. Newel a W ight, Tw in Falls , ^ . ( B . F . Gmy, Contaet.



INDUSTRY ~9 u t t i i e A g r i c u l t u r a l R e s o u r c e s , -°

F a r m E v o lu t i o n a s F a o t o i t

H ere o f S u p p l y f o r C o u n t r y ’s >o P r q d i i o t s • L _


.0S o m m is s io n e r s C o m p le t e O f f i - k i

c ia l C o u n t o f R e t u r n f r o m J "

D e m o c r a t i o P r i m a r i e s. , — ■ . n

O fficial eaavas o f re tu ^ si frodi Dem- ” “ lefatic prim oiy e le c tio u held la Twia foils eounty, A n g ^ 1, was eompleted >y the eonnty .commissionen W edaes- . * lay when i t was fina lly determ ined ba t ao demoeratle f itlffary w as held n Clover preelaet. O ther preeinet* in in t rhlch tho demoerots Seld the prim aries rere Bogerson, A m sterdam , Allendale, .IU luito ond Shoshone Basla. • - o n d

The offieial e o n v u *hows to to l votes a w «llcd by each eoadidato oa follow*; regii

S tate 8 e n o to r-W . T'. P ike, flOO. ing , BeprescaUtlve* (fo u r to bo elected) trocl

-D . L., Boomer 660; £ 0 . D ovls 648; » p o V J.L toyd 140; J :u .M a r k e l 101; H ar- y W. Borry 37; P . R D eaa 11. ^

D istrict Judges (tw o to, bo elected)-W. A. Babcock 800; ATB. H leks 602; <■'<> < ,ih e rB .W ilso a2 M . - hasCommissioner T « r* t d U tr ic t ) - T . D.

onnor 400; a J . K alina 880. . Commissioner (seeond d is tric t)—©. "

I. Carlson 503; Jam es Fitzgerald 405. , Commissioner ( th ird d is tric t)—J . D . . arahort 371; W. F . Brewer 815: Don- I E . Begun 178. - _ „ f .,Clork o f D istric t C o u r t-B . A . Lon-

3n7fll.Prosecuting A tto m o y -G u y L . Kin-

)y 322; A. W . Ostrom 301; 0 . W. mham30B. 'B h eriff-M . E . Fineh 6W ; A. D. Wii- ftom

in 282. . ,tntl<Treajurer—P . H . Crow 765. - P n b a te J u d g e -J o h a R -D av les 621; -Bcl ennedy Taekord 868. prlneBoperintendent of Pnblle Instruction and •J. W. McDowell 716. higliA M ssor—B. P . P ro te r 712. ' montCoroner!-Dr. F .A .D w lg h t6 1 ; W. H . Berk, urkholdei' 13; P . J . Grossman 12. ' schoo B urveyor-Jam e* A . Bybeo 34. They

'^plexihg Problem Faced by Man Whose »oiit

Wine Store is Gone ^anohman-May Prosecute "Al- ' . ‘ leged lUsveB but WiU Faoo ,

Oharge of Ajsoolt _

Whether to prosecute-a •tim ber df ong men fo r th e ft o t thrco golloa* of Thi me-made wine from hi* cellar and a t will i J *ame time face pro*eeulIoa fo r u - in th( l i t -with ono of the jogs containing ) wino upon one o t tho alleged bnrg- Thi i, o r to oeeept the l o n o f U s bev- hold I Ige and di*mls* tho notioa o f op- in s , sling to the law . U th e oneitios b » • ; debated by a F i le r 'd is tr ic t ranch- east, la, nccording to o slo ty to]d w ith n,esei m u e f ponons concerned, omitted,

P rA atlon O fficer Jo h n B . A nlt. Apr th sides o f tbe e u e bave been In- U arki illgatod by the probation offieer,1 the decision u to subsequent ite p t BBi the premisei rests upon th e despoiled liner. . ' •;t seom* th a f th is n n e h m an tteo*- )d three, gallbn ju g i of homo-mode no lo b li cclias.' One day th e y wore tied and his lo ip lc lo u pointed to o « nber o f young m o n D t tbo jommun- . Guided .by theso su sp lc lou the lehman loid< In w ait ond one evo- € i Ig ovcrhnulcd tho yonng w ea in' a

on their way to o donee. H e reeog- . ed ono of h li jugs In the ear. H e I le plong w ith thom fo r a w ay and I tchlng bis opportunity, seizod the : and qujt tho car. Btopping the chlno, the youths tnm od bnck to ro- ■cr the jog. Tho ranchmon showed bt, ond raising the jo g he fetched it rn en-lho head o f one of th o young n with sneh emphasis os to render _ . youth unepnieloui, and to b r u k the ,3C so th o t Its contohls w ero w u to d .n/]

tho th in ty SOIL J JlOd 10 tbo..altuaUon_iUnds, _ ,H .th e . 3 2 chcr prosecutck' fo r tljo ft o f .h l s , q - i>, he faces prosoeutlon fo r a ssau lt y i n one of tho alleged, th ieves. I t is 0 2 problem. ^

U A J0B 1T 7 AOOUUUL&TBS ' q jilTTLB BOOK, A rk., Aug. 0, ( f f ) - .,-ernor T . 0 .'M cB ae, nominated u domocratie gnbem otorlal eoodldstp;

Ight had piled np a m a jo rity of-mofe g r n sixty thousand v o tu over Jodge P. Toney o t L ake TiUoge. p (

! yonr property is desirable and Is I P r erllied In the tlu s if le d . — ybn'll I your bnyer.- ^

j O O D I N G - C O t r r a E - ^

9 — 1 1 — ’2 2 V■ C O P P I N G , I D A H O

. , • 1

I O T N G , 7 ^ t ? G U S T M i £ i 2 :

T o c d l R r o v i t i o j r c o il - > . L J - I 1

, HLEOTION DATBfl • I L .August 16 — , Bopublleon, demo- . ®

erotic ond progrnsive parties hot(< <1 .county, convcnlfons.

' August 22 — S tale eontientlons:.Bopublleau a t WoDoe'e Idemoerats p. o t Holley: progressircs o t place yet.to bo designated. ors,

November 7 -^ o n e ro l el.eetlOD.. depu

-:W elcoais-B aby -8ea -U r.;and -U {* .-J . tr ic tQ. Pelormon oro tbo parents q t & son, Ju^ ;

born Wednesday morning a t the ir Johnhome',. 1416 Eighth ovenue c u t . recbl

, , « o f t lTakee V a a ttim —Claroneo L: Bowen, £ji

deputy elerk o f the d istrie t eourt, is indo:th is wcok tpoodiog n .v a e tU o a period yoorm ra y from his work o t tho court house, pwo

■ ■ • ' ■ domiO setts From Kehcaska—Mr. and Mr*. {| to

E F . H ar t otrd son, o f Edgar, Nebrosko, Twiiore guests o t the home of Or. ood Mrs. and J . F . Jo h u to n , 136 N in th avonue o u t.

. D epnty B a ton* .—Mis* Bonnie H erri- [III man, deputy sheriff, returned to her desk Wedne*day' o f{ c n * o - da y f» "v ttP tlon spent in the 'W ood river reg M ..:

Meet' A rriving O oss t-M r. and Mrs. >' H. J . Yonng* motored to Well*, -Tnes- D o i day, ^ l e t ' M r s . J lom er Yonng* oad *on who will v is i t o t,.th eJfo sog i home ^ in thi* c ity fo r (everal weeks.

.B e ts r a from O n U i v ^ £ W right ' ond Wendell A lien hove returned from 1 0 w eek’s outing In the. Copper B u ln * region, b y w n y b f B ob luoa B ar. Fish- Chorl ing grounds in tho t region hold ou t at- ^‘*'‘*1 troetive pbsalbilltlcs to onglen, they years report. ““ "12

____ , .. , . DeiE s iu a U o i i D l n ^ r ' H d o - O a r

Flonnor of Boise, managing director o f tho Idoho Beelomalion usoclatlon , who abort h u accompanied the pa rty of e u t 'e m moral dologotes since its a r r lv d in Idaho, l^olh come ahead o f ’the party W edoesday W itt to Tw in Falls and will remain here to- TH< day. Uie “

■■■, . Thi...A nnounce'B adlo O oncert-rTwln F a lls ices h Boy Seouts Thursday evening will mako bu t p n second attem pt to take music from pr Fr tbo o{r by moans o t tbolr radio tele­phone opparotus to proviso a pnbliif BNTl joncert In the c l ^ pork here,'under on • xgroemOBt wUh th e e lty admlnistTaUon. ST. [ t Is oxpoeted th n t musical njm bem entire bom tfizfirol Paeifle c o u t broadcasting oigh, itatlons will be reptodueed. Amou

— t oday -Bcboolmea B e ta rs—A. E . K arnes, reporl irlnelpal o f tho Twin Falls hig school, sceoe ind B .-B . Jones, formor head of the oshori i l g i ichool manual tn ln lo g dipsfrt- will I nent ^ore, returned W ednesday 'from — l- )orkeley, where both a ttended summer ichool n t tho U niversity o f C allfo rda. " rhey m ai}e .lbe ..trip ii;e rland and wero icconipanied by M n K a n e s and Mr*. # rones and children. Mr. Jone* w ill I lo head o f the manual tra in ing depart- I ' len't o f th e Elko, Nevada, high eehool L hU year. ^


'T h e Woman'* Home MI**lonaiy *o- I le ty of the eM thodist ehnreh will m eet L rhnnday oftem oos a t 2i30 in th r hureh 'parlors. ^

The ^ s b y te r l a a M la s io a ^ soelety rill meet' Thuraday afternoon a t 8t80 — a th e ehureh parlor*. ,

The Py th ian Sifters Soelal elnb wlU L old thoir regular iseetlng .F riday eves- ' * ng, Aug. a , o t 7 :8 0 .a t the -hom e.o f £rs. J ) . J I o r v e y .C i^ 6eO .F lft havenae u t . All m'ombers' are requested to be resent, i f posalbK

A pricots, '5o to . Be pound o t Public.[orket—adv. - ' ' ; . “p

BEAD TH E C L A B S im p A D S.'

Here comes Old Slim with new pric- c l

eson^ e?

F a b r i c »■o U

T i r e s "30x3..............$8.00 -V30x31.2.........$8M0 »32x31-2........ $14M r \31x4....... ......$15.50 I J32x4...;..........$11M ■.33x4........... :..$18M I ]34x4....:.-........ $ldm

• T h i s s a l e , s t a r t s

S a t u r d a y . o n t h e ^ £ p e r c e n t f r i c t i o t f : J

P r o o f B r u n s w i c k . ^

G M R A N TEE - ~ mC.WflR8S

• OLD P. O.-BLDO. ■

IfiTMESyiliS Tfl f liJEMIllSEO ■.

?aul A lie n e d B ^ n V M en,'o f •' Twin Falls, Sentenoed for .’

Ow Theft .at. Jerome .

Poul Alien and Bryon Allen, broth- irs, who wore orreste^ near tbe lr *bome lore l u t m onth by. Twin F a lls couaty loputy sheriffs,'p leaded ^ 1 1 ^ l a die- 'r ict-eourt-ot Jcromot^o c h e ^ ;o f * l e o l - - r - : ---------og on oulomobilo Ju ly 11 from J., W. rohntoa a t Jerom e,'aeeordlng to word ‘ ecbivod here Wedno*day a t tbe oftiee -f tho e lerk of the. d is trie t eoUrt. . '

Eaeh youth w u lenteneed to *erve oi^ ndcterminoto term o f from' one to 14 »eoT* in Iho peaU entiaty, and w h waaMwolod to “ go to ’'fork and j^opay jhp lamoge’' rosaltlog from thel^ act. ^ e h S to report regularly to Jo h a B. A alt, rwin iU ls eounty probatioa offieer, md to tbe eherlff o f Jerom o eounty. j ‘

■ [E linoeE ■ -

E D F D M P P}onald Wesley Hnghes follows

Qladys Kora Oral? in Death After Two Days

Double funerol 8orvieeB‘‘'w ill be.hoM )r Donald W esley ,H ughes,.four-year- Id aon aad-only child of M r. a n d U ra .harlos Hughes o T H a u e n , ond fo r h i s --------------susin, ’ Gladys Noro Cmlg, aged tw o cars and s ix inooths, dougbter o f Mr. nd Mrs. John Crolg o f Eden.D eath qf tbo little boy ocearred W ed- -

osday forenoon n t the hospital hore here he hod becij a po tien t for-only o lort tim e. The lit t le giri died M onday ' ornlng n t the poronts,'hom o a t Eden, olh littlo bodies o r e a t the J . E . D e­witt undertaking establishment. .Tlio fa the r of the boy Is b rother, of

10 ^ t h c r o f tho little girl.Tho tlmo fo r holding thp funeral serv­os h u not boon determ ined definitely ,. _ _ ,I t probaljly will bo se t fo r T hunday ■ Friday. . _ •


BT. JO H NS, N . F ., Aug. 0, itiro crow o f the British c ru ller. Bal- gb, which ran aground -O B 'P o in t mour in the a trahs o f ^ e l le Isle, oU ly day, w u landed.aafeTy, aeeordlng to porU reochisg here ton igb t from tbe ' eoe of tbe wreck. 'T he 800 m en ore hore on on uninhabited e o u t and ill be taken to H ollfax. ,

G i M ti Shoes ^f e l



Beginning today we will dispose of our entire stock of r - children’s low shoes consisting: of pat-" e n ti ,-w h ite a n d black k'id. Also can­vas for the small sum' of $1.00 per pair.

W omen’s , Oxfords and High Shoes

■ ' A T -

$ l ; O qP E R P A IR

"1 Sinclair’S" I T PAYS” ■
