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n fHl Ii ul 111 - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · and Ld tnd News....

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7ii V 4 '.' . . . . ' fJMJMWt,Ji..l IlT "' " "mmm - .1- 1- ii n ' ..n ii ulliifa .i.i... - ... i..ii. -- - - i. n.i-- rt J- - - ' l ""' I, - - p - - r" im iii - - ii ri i ii r i K '. 1 fHl Ii iff n ' i JLhi ul l L K 1 111 ". & ?. k ; E-- $ ..JLiULlMNUUM IL JUMLMLV 4 rtssnencmn . Vol. XLIL No. 1902. HONOLULU, H. I.. "WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 28, 1888. CO OENTB 8UB80RIPTION PER MONTH. 3C - in- - - f . I., : t yf. (SSB' P' bH U (i.l WJl 3, ,. F &m l MS3 I'- I1 t1 . ' i THE DAILY BULLETIN Is punted and published at the ofllce, Quoeu Sivoet, Honolulu, II. 1., every afternoon (Suuilivys excepted). Subscription, 50 conls por Monlh. Address nil Communications Daii.v BUMiltTIN. Advertisements, tc "cn3tiro Insertion, should be handed In boforo ouo o'clock r. u. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor JAS 0. CLEVIOSl Managor Bulletin Staam Printing Office. Nowspaper, Hook nnd Job Printing of all kinds douu on the most favorablo terms. Boll Tolcphono Ko. 258 Mutual relepUoue No. 250 BailrBBimiin Stmiarr Published twice a Month. A.n inlereUlng and comprehensive publication, and contains from 40 to CO columns of reading matter on local top. ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Ld tnd News. It is the best paper tmbllslied in llio Kingdom to send to frlendu abroad. Subscription (mailed) S3.G0 a year. Coinmisaion Mevouants. . TT ja.A.OIiLli'iiiJiiO & Co., General Commission Agents. r,76 y Honolulu G. W. MAOTAELAHE & Co. MPOBTKHB AND COMMISSION MBHUUANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Queen street, 1618 BBEWEK COMPANY, jm ilitmitwd) ' KHBRAIi MKllCAHTILE AND Commission 'Agents. list op opkiokkb 1 p. O. Jones, Jr. . ..Presidont& Manager J. O. Oabtkb. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary ' ' ; duiectohb: Hon; O. R. Bisnor. B.C. Ai-lbi- H. ATKBUOUSE. ' - V6ti ly T. WATEBHOTJBB, JOHN Importer und Dealer in General Merckaudise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 8. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle &t OOOKa, CASTLE Slapping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 0 King st., Honolulu. 1 Wm. a. Irwin. Clauu SprtckoH. Ibwin & Company, WG. Sug:.r Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 at CO., WILDEB Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Rulldlng Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and 0,ueen ats., Honolulu. . QBINBA0M S CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise ami Commission Merchants, Honolulu, mid Lil Oi&tfoinlu street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. E. Lowers, r.J.Lowroy, O.M.Cooko. s OOOKE, LEWEBS to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers nnd Dnalcrs in Lumbpr and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 Wholesale- - Grocers & "Wino Merchants 281) Beaver Block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAT, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker HaB removed to one of the New Stores in the Thomns JIIockKipg Street, Three doois from Castle. &'Cookes', "Whero ho Is prormred to manufacture all "liuds 1 Jewelry. CO AM. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Bteeot, - Honolulu, H.I Mutual Tel.371. - IlellTel.aOB. Law Books & Lawyers' Statlonory a Specialty. Order takui for Newspapers, Priodl. cals, IlookH, Mush', etc., from any part of the orhl, having made all arraugc raents thotofor whilst In San FrancUco. Bed Itubber HtumpH to Order. 71 ; : tf'you find anything, X advertise It iu tho Dauty Bollbtin M&&& Professlouals M. THOMPSON, Onico In Campbell's UlocU, Cor. Fort & Merchant SU-.- , Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. t When tlcslrtd, will rIvc the law In n written opinion, ns to the probable of the contention upon the facts staled. 10881V JM. MONSABBAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Heal Eatato in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotta ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gnzettu Block), Honolulu, Havrnilnu Islands 1U BROWN, Altorncr and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac LwlcdEincuts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 J Alfred Magoon, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgment to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ouico, Honolulu. . . VETJGRINAKY. A RITCHIE ROW AT, x2l Veterinary Snrjccon. Ofllce and Residence: 1G0 King street 3Iut,tial Telephone 35 f. Ordon luftat Hotel Stables will be received and promptly attended to. 43 Bin T H. SOPER.M.D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. W. Corner Sixth nnd Market. (.trcets, opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab- lishment, San Francisco. 23 .ii MALCOLM BROWN, NOTARY PUBLBC. For tho Island of Oahu. Ofllce, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 4 ;ju ti II. M. BENSON. a. f. SMiTn. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Bocricko & Secchlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksccker's Perfumes and Toi)ot Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Streft, Willium's Block, ITono-21- 6 Honolulu, II. I. WEMEE & GO. Blniinfuctiirlii Jewellers, NO. OS VOBT SXltBET, Constantly on hand a lnrgc assortmen of every dcscrlptionof Jewelry, "Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 95Sly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having improved facilities, is prepared to 111! orders at short notice. 1854 tf CARRIAGE GO. Carriages at al hours, dny and night. SaddloTlorecs, Buggies, Wagonettes and Villago Carls wittt stylish and gentlo horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Second hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggieu, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 32, or npply tu '' MIXES & MAYH5Y. . 1574 ly Steam Works, Bunny South Tele, Bell 172,Mutunl 215 Dopot, Merchant Street Tele, Bell 172, Mutual SOO. Taliiti Lemon Works. The undersigned having purchasfd the business of tho Tahiti Lemonade Works, tho'dopot has been removed to No. 23 Merchant Btrcet. All orders for Aerntcd Wators mniiu factured nt the above establishment will receive prompt attention. J. E.BROWN & Co. P. O. Box 4C9. 1820 NOTICE. John Mugnon is authorized to MB. collect for our account, and fclgn receipts. J. IS. BUOWN & CO, Jan. 10, 1SS3. W TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING, X advortiso it in tho Daily Bulletin, Beavor L Um Tho Bost Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffeo at Ml Hours The InestBrctd oi ,Cigars & 1 obacco always on hand. H. .1. NOI.TE, Proprlotor. PIONBEB STEAM GAIT FACTORY AND UJL3C33KY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook nnd Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- 8E2T Telephone 74 WM. McOAXSNblSSS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest IlccT. Von I, siutton, ITlHh, Ac, Ac ' Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at sho.'t notice, and VegetnbleB of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly Trias fe"o Ut..n. . Inn . W.7 yv y IVI I HUM III II r'7TA. Meat Company 88 King Street. G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTOBS. 1717 ly ILMEIffiKoT Commission Jllk Merchants SHIP CHANDLERY, Naval StorcsiSoGrocerieis Urlckn, Jjimo A Cement. Families and Ship3 supplied on most reasonable terms. C- - ISLAND ORDERS' SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 470. No. 20 Fort St., np. O. S. S. Co's "Wharf. 1800 tf PoM Anps Stock Sill F03R SHiE.. Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Hcitor Calvos from 10 tu 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOWSETT. Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70 TTXtAJNTOJE. Continental and Colonitti' AGENCY. 36 Hue de Dunkerqne, - - Paris, , Executes Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swls German, and English Goods, at the best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices, Commission, Two.and.a.llalf per cent. All Trade and Cash Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded whenreiiucsled. Remittances, through n London oP l'aris lianucr, payauio on ueiivery ot Shipping documents; or, direct to the manugcr. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, and Sells, for Home and Colonial Firms. l'lcco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics, Silks. Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Gluss, and ChInii.waro, Clocks, "Watches, Jewellry, Fancy Goods, Electroplate, Musical Instruments, Fans, Ecclesiastical and Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &o , Oilman's Storrs, Books, Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromos, Machinery, &c, &o. 1U0 ly S Taliiti Lemonade Works, who havo on hand any J of our Bottles or Cases, would greatly oblige by tending wort! to tho Depot. 28 Merchant street, and they will ut onco ha culled for. Our Hntlles nru all crystal valve, nnd tho words "TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS" blown thereon. Bell Teh-phon- 173. Mutual Tolcphono flCO. 45 tf .1. K. BI'.OWN & CO. 4 TF YOU WANT A SERVANT, J. advertise In tho Daily Bulletin, ' fc iu-:- . ,. : ..i - vr. &2xx; w 3v.':?!4f:'Sfi&t,tj'i-;-j-j.iift- 5 BARGAIN in EMBROIDERIES. imbroideries, Embroideries, AT THE , POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Street, Honlul. N. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor. o Hamburg and Swiss Edgings ! Hamburo; and. vrisss Hiisertixig-- s ! ! Children's Embroidery Flounces ! Ladies' Embroidery Flounces ! In Skirt nnd Holoku Lengths. Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits, DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE, i Thereby saving United States Duty. The Entire Lot will bo offered at Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, XJLo Blacksmith "Work, Painting and 79 & 81 lim strut, MORGAN "vJg9a3;&L -- ww ICnti-aiice-s IVoim. Iiiujc txul 3Iereliunt SLm. ' o Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a flrst-clat- s manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. SST-Be- ll Telephone, lC7TjSa (mrh tSTHcM Telephone, 107- - HAY AND -- GRAIN GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices- - -- UiWiAU ujjj u.-zi-- nr nf & .1 .. it-.-- .j ., ,,.,-- a. TTTlfrT. mam Telephoneo 175. Corner .....ii.tihw... JOHF I0TT, 1. 8 Granite, Iron namfem Carriage Building, Trimming. Oil Rose Premises. Edinrjurgh Queen Streets. and Tin Ware Street Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLTJMBITC, TIN, COPIES, AND 993 SHEET IRON WORK. GEO. ENGELHARDT, (Formorly with Ssmuol Nott). Importer and Denier 1m STOVES, OSSADELiEES9 'LAMPS; OHOOKERY, GLASSWAUE, HOUSE FUKN1BHING HABDWAUE, AGATE IRON AND TINWA.HE Agent EalFs Safe and Lock Company, Braver Block, - Fort Street. T Store formerly occupied by B. KU'l'T, opposite Bprcckela & Co.'a Bank. - 106 EAEE 0HAH0E FOE IHTESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFEltfet) BY THE o n b n b MiiaDse uie m ASS3-1- OVREt OF THE UNITED STATES. 'lUE protection of Life Insuinncc; combined with the Investment Principles of X n Savings liank t'. ample of a Endowment Policy for $10 000 taken out at the age of 25 years : Annual Total Premiums Cah Fund Equivalent Paid Premium. Paid In 29 yrs. Then due. Tjp Policy for Life. uu $487 $9,740 $18,110 $43,800 Estimates for different amounts and your family from future want or provide lnuisputauie, fiou.i'oricunuic, vc, &C. For full particulars, apply to Alexander 1010 ly MMMWtV.WnVfSVTIM Coutraotor LUCAS, 4fa and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, iSspla nadc, Honolulu. Mauufactiii-e- all kinds of Meuldlngs, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood work llulsh. Turning, Scroll nnd Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to nnd work guaranteed. Orders from tho .other solicited Contractor nnd Itulltlcr. S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick and woodea buildings, Plans and Specifications fur- nished. E Ofllce, HO Bcrctania St.; Mutual Telephone, 352; Postofllce Box, ISO. 322 ly PLANING MILL. Alakcn, near Queen St, Telephone 55. Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly fi-f- ? HONOLULU IRON "WORKS, &g&2SSteam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers1, iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made, to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cute- d at short notice 1 gorse Clipping! NEATLY DONE and with despatch HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA- BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tl CHR. GERTZ, Importer and Dealer in UcntH', Ladles', dt Children's Boots, Shoes and Slippers. Tho Choicest Brands of Cigars &' Tobacco Always ou Hand. t Orders from the othci Islands solicited. 7U tf J. HOPP & CO. 74 KIiib Street. Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attendod to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Panics in small or largo 891 quantities'. ly. -- TN"3ETV- MercMiit Tailoring Establislim't Tho undersigned having opened a first-clas- s McrclmntTallorlug Estab- lishment nt tliu Cor. Kiny and Bcthol Streets, (Damon Building) under tho firm nanio of .Habermacher&Co, Begs leave to solicit the patronnga of his fritmds and public generally, CO Cm F. HABEItMAOHEE. ONLY LIVE PAPER in Honolulu "Tho Dally Bulletin." tO cents per month, uranGe.Go ewo,ooo,(M)o. Annuity for Lifo $1,310 different gc3 cheerfully given. Protect for your own old age. Policies Free, J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. FIRE, LIFE, AKD MARINE INSURANCE, Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insafanco Co, (Firo and Marine) Assote, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire andHariao) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Bouth. British Fire and Marine Ins. o . Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insurance $75,000,080 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. 1C53 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'oo Agents. AOKNTS FOR The Xbw Knclond MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. Tho iEtna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Uulon Firo nnd Sparine Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National ' Insurance Conip y ESTABLISnUD 1845, Capital, 9,000.000 Relchsnarkt. undersigned, having been ap- pointed agent of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorablt Terms Lottos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo la Honolulu. H. BIEMENSOHNEIDEK, 0"0 ly nt "Wilder & Co's. Husface&Roberison, DBAYM K,N . A LL order for CarUge promptly tended to. Particular attontlon paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to nult at lowest prices. Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams Co.'a auction room. 983 ly Mutual Tflophonu No. 19. The Inter -- Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Koop'constantly on hand for sale Bteam Family and Bladamith Coal and a general assortment of 1r)' Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AERATED WATEES. Lemon Soda and Glnrer Ale of all iu. ferior quality, Ju unall lictjles, as by Oli I tin men at Five cents a hot. tli', are um am) will not bo made at this establishment. 1754 4 ) ' '0 ? .4S1
Page 1: n fHl Ii ul 111 - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · and Ld tnd News. It is the best paper tmbllslied in llio Kingdom tosend frlendu abroad. Subscription

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Is punted and published at the ofllce,

Quoeu Sivoet, Honolulu, II. 1., every

afternoon (Suuilivys excepted).

Subscription, 50 conls por Monlh.

Address nil Communications Daii.vBUMiltTIN.

Advertisements, tc "cn3tiro Insertion,should be handed In boforo ouo o'clockr. u.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor

JAS 0. CLEVIOSl Managor

Bulletin Staam Printing Office.

Nowspaper, Hook nnd Job Printing of

all kinds douu on the most favorablo

terms.Boll Tolcphono Ko. 258

Mutual relepUoue No. 250

BailrBBimiin StmiarrPublished twice a Month.

A.n inlereUlng and comprehensive

publication, and contains from 40 to CO

columns of reading matter on local top.

ics, and a complete resume of Honoluluand Ld tnd News. It is the best paper

tmbllslied in llio Kingdom to send to

frlendu abroad.Subscription (mailed) S3.G0 a year.

Coinmisaion Mevouants.

. TT ja.A.OIiLli'iiiJiiO & Co.,

General Commission Agents.

r,76 y Honolulu



Honolulu. H. I.Queen street,1618

BBEWEK COMPANY,jm ilitmitwd)


Commission 'Agents.

list op opkiokkb 1

p. O. Jones, Jr. . ..Presidont& ManagerJ. O. Oabtkb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

''; duiectohb:

Hon; O. R. Bisnor. B.C. Ai-lbi-

H. ATKBUOUSE.' - V6ti ly

T. WATEBHOTJBB,JOHN Importer und Dealer in GeneralMerckaudise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

8. N. Castlc.-- J. B. Athcrton-- G. P. Castle&t OOOKa,

CASTLE Slapping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 0 King st.,

Honolulu. 1

Wm. a. Irwin.Clauu SprtckoH.Ibwin & Company,WG.Sug:.r Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

at CO.,WILDEB Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Rulldlng Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and 0,ueen ats.,Honolulu. .

QBINBA0M S CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise ami Commission Merchants,Honolulu, mid

Lil Oi&tfoinlu street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

E. Lowers, r.J.Lowroy, O.M.Cooko.s OOOKE,

LEWEBS to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers nnd Dnalcrs in Lumbpr and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

Wholesale-- Grocers & "Wino Merchants

281) Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!

THOMAS LINDSAT,Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

HaB removed to one of the NewStores in the

Thomns JIIockKipg Street,Three doois from Castle. &'Cookes',

"Whero ho Is prormred to manufactureall "liuds 1 Jewelry. CO

AM. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Bteeot, - Honolulu, H.IMutual Tel.371. - IlellTel.aOB.

Law Books & Lawyers' Statlonory a Specialty.

Order takui for Newspapers, Priodl.cals, IlookH, Mush', etc., from any partof the orhl, having made all arraugcraents thotofor whilst In San FrancUco.

Bed Itubber HtumpH to Order.71

; : tf'you find anything,X advertise It iu tho Dauty Bollbtin



M. THOMPSON,Onico In Campbell's UlocU, Cor. Fort &

Merchant SU-.- , Honolulu, U. I.


t When tlcslrtd, will rIvc the law Inn written opinion, ns to the probable

of the contention upon the factsstaled. 10881V


and Notary Public. Heal Eatato in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgottated, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gnzettu Block), Honolulu,Havrnilnu Islands 1U

BROWN,Altorncr and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking AcLwlcdEincuts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


J Alfred Magoon,ATTOKNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgment

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Ouico,Honolulu. .


A RITCHIE ROW AT,x2l Veterinary Snrjccon.

Ofllce and Residence: 1G0 King street3Iut,tial Telephone 35 f. Ordon luftatHotel Stables will be received andpromptly attended to. 43 Bin


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Corner Sixth nnd Market. (.trcets,opposite Hawaii Nei Millinery Estab-lishment, San Francisco. 23


NOTARY PUBLBC.For tho Island of Oahu.

Ofllce, : : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 4;ju ti

II. M. BENSON. a. f. SMiTn.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Bocricko & Secchlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksccker's Perfumes and Toi)ot

Requisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,"WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo--t Streft, Willium's Block, ITono-21- 6

Honolulu, II. I.

WEMEE & GO.Blniinfuctiirlii Jewellers,

NO. OS VOBT SXltBET,Constantly on hand a lnrgc assortmen

of every dcscrlptionof Jewelry, "WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.



Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder.

Having improved facilities, is preparedto 111! orders at short notice.

1854 tf

CARRIAGE GO.Carriages at al hours, dny and night.

SaddloTlorecs, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillago Carls wittt stylish and gentlohorses to let.

FOR SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggieu,Carts and Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 32, or npply tu''

MIXES & MAYH5Y.. 1574 ly

Steam Works, Bunny SouthTele, Bell 172,Mutunl 215

Dopot, Merchant StreetTele, Bell 172, Mutual SOO.

Taliiti Lemon Works.

The undersigned having purchasfdthe business of tho Tahiti LemonadeWorks, tho'dopot has been removed toNo. 23 Merchant Btrcet.

All orders for Aerntcd Wators mniiufactured nt the above establishment willreceive prompt attention.

J. E.BROWN & Co.P. O. Box 4C9. 1820


John Mugnon is authorized toMB.collect for our account, and fclgnreceipts. J. IS. BUOWN & CO,

Jan. 10, 1SS3. WTF YOU LOSE ANYTHING,X advortiso it in tho Daily Bulletin,

Beavor L UmTho Bost Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at Ml Hours

The InestBrctd oi

,Cigars & 1 obaccoalways on hand.

H. .1. NOI.TE, Proprlotor.


AND UJL3C33KY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook nnd Baker.71 Hotel St. -- 8E2T Telephone 74

WM. McOAXSNblSSS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlccT. Von I, siutton, ITlHh, Ac, Ac

' Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at sho.'t notice, and VegetnbleBof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly

Trias fe"oUt..n.. Inn. W.7 yv yIVI I HUM I I I II r'7TA.

Meat Company88 King Street.

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail Butchers



ILMEIffiKoTCommission Jllk Merchants


Naval StorcsiSoGrocerieisUrlckn, Jjimo A Cement.

Families and Ship3 supplied on mostreasonable terms.

C- - ISLAND ORDERS' SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box, 470.

No. 20 Fort St., np. O. S. S. Co's "Wharf.1800 tf

PoM Anps Stock

SillF03R SHiE..

Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Hcitor Calvos from 10 tu 13 months old.


J. I. DOWSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1887. 70


Continental and Colonitti'

AGENCY.36 Hue de Dunkerqne, - - Paris,


Executes Indents for every descriptionof French, Belgian,Swls German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices,

Commission, Two.and.a.llalf per cent.All Trade and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhenreiiucsled.

Remittances, through n London oPl'aris lianucr, payauio on ueiivery otShipping documents; or, direct to themanugcr.

Tho Agency Represents, Buys, andSells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

l'lcco Goods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks. Velvctb, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Gluss, andChInii.waro, Clocks, "Watches,Jewellry, Fancy Goods,Electroplate, Musical Instruments,Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods, Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &o ,Oilman's Storrs, Books, ArtisticFurniture, Stationery,Chromos, Machinery, &c, &o.

1U0 ly S

Taliiti Lemonade Works,

who havo on hand anyJ of our Bottles or Cases, would

greatly oblige by tending wort! to thoDepot. 28 Merchant street, and they willut onco ha culled for.

Our Hntlles nru all crystal valve, nndtho words "TAHITI LEMONADEWORKS" blown thereon.

Bell Teh-phon- 173.Mutual Tolcphono flCO.

45 tf .1. K. BI'.OWN & CO.4

TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,J. advertise In tho Daily Bulletin,

' fc

iu-:-. ,. : ..i -

vr. &2xx; w3v.':?!4f:'Sfi&t,tj'i-;-j-j.iift- 5


imbroideries, Embroideries,AT THE,

POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE,104 Fort Street, Honlul.

N. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor.o

Hamburg and Swiss Edgings !

Hamburo; and. vrisss Hiisertixig-- s !


Children's Embroidery Flounces !

Ladies' Embroidery Flounces !

In Skirt nnd Holoku Lengths.

Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits,DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM EUROPE,


Thereby saving United States Duty. The Entire Lot will bo offered at

Astonishing Prices,Astonishing Prices,

Astonishing Prices,


Blacksmith "Work,

Painting and

79 & 81 lim strut,


--wwICnti-aiice-s IVoim. Iiiujc txul 3Iereliunt SLm.


oEvery description of work in tho above lines performed in a flrst-clat- s manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.SST-Be-

ll Telephone, lC7TjSa (mrh tSTHcM Telephone, 107--


Largest Stocks,Choicest Quality,

Lowest Prices- -

-- UiWiAU ujjj u.-zi-- nr


.1 .. it-.-- .j ., ,,.,-- a. TTTlfrT.

mamTelephoneo 175. Corner


JOHF I0TT, 1. 8

Granite, Iron


Carriage Building,


Oil Rose Premises.

Edinrjurgh Queen Streets.

and Tin Ware


Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


GEO. ENGELHARDT,(Formorly with Ssmuol Nott).

Importer and Denier 1m



Agent EalFs Safe and Lock Company,Braver Block, - Fort Street.

T Store formerly occupied by B. KU'l'T, opposite Bprcckela & Co.'a Bank. -106


OFFEltfet) BY THEo n b n b

MiiaDse uie mASS3-1- OVREt


'lUE protection of Life Insuinncc; combined with the Investment Principles ofX n Savings liank t'. ample of a Endowment Policy for $10 000 taken

out at the age of 25 years :

Annual Total Premiums Cah Fund Equivalent PaidPremium. Paid In 29 yrs. Then due. Tjp Policy for Life. uu

$487 $9,740 $18,110 $43,800Estimates for different amounts and

your family from future want or providelnuisputauie, fiou.i'oricunuic, vc, &C.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexander1010 lyMMMWtV.WnVfSVTIM

CoutraotorLUCAS, 4faand Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, iSsplanadc, Honolulu.

Mauufactiii-e- all kinds of Meuldlngs,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Woodwork llulsh. Turning, Scroll nnd BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to nnd workguaranteed. Orders from tho .other


Contractor nnd Itulltlcr.S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick and woodeabuildings, Plans and Specifications fur-nished. E Ofllce, HO Bcrctania St.;Mutual Telephone, 352; Postofllce Box,ISO. 322 ly

PLANING MILL.Alakcn, near Queen St,

Telephone 55.

Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.18 ly

fi-f- ? HONOLULU IRON "WORKS,&g&2SSteam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers1, iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade, to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cute- d

at short notice 1

gorse Clipping!NEATLY DONE and with despatch

HAWAIIAN HOTEL STA-BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tl

CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer in

UcntH', Ladles', dt Children's

Boots, Shoes and Slippers.

Tho Choicest Brands of

Cigars &' TobaccoAlways ou Hand.

t Orders from the othci Islandssolicited. 7U tf

J. HOPP & CO.74 KIiib Street.

Manufacturers and Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobbing promptly attendod to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Panics in small or largo

891 quantities'. ly.

-- TN"3ETV-

MercMiit Tailoring Establislim't

Tho undersigned having opened a first-clas- s

McrclmntTallorlug Estab-lishment nt tliu

Cor. Kiny and Bcthol Streets,(Damon Building) under tho firm

nanio of

.Habermacher&Co,Begs leave to solicit the patronnga of

his fritmds and public generally,CO Cm F. HABEItMAOHEE.

ONLY LIVE PAPER inHonolulu "Tho Dally Bulletin."

tO cents per month,


Annuityfor Lifo$1,310

different gc3 cheerfully given. Protectfor your own old age. Policies Free,

J. Cartwright,General Agent, Hawaiian Islands.


MARINEINSURANCE,Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,055,000

Commercial Insafanco Co,

(Firo and Marine)Assote, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire andHariao)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

Bouth. British Fire and Marine Ins. o .

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Life Insurance$75,000,080


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

1C53 ly

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo &. Marine Insur'oo Agents.



of Boston.

Tho iEtna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

Tho Uulon Firo nndSparine Insurance Co.

of San Francisco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian National '

Insurance Conip yESTABLISnUD 1845,

Capital, 9,000.000 Relchsnarkt.undersigned, having been ap-

pointed agent of the above Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorablt Terms

Lottos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo laHonolulu.

H. BIEMENSOHNEIDEK,0"0 ly nt "Wilder & Co's.


DBAYM K,N .A LL order for CarUge promptly

tended to. Particular attontlonpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to nult at lowest prices.

Ofllce, adjoining E. P. Adams Co.'aauction room.983 ly Mutual Tflophonu No. 19.

The Inter -- Island SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Koop'constantly on hand for sale

Bteam Family and Bladamith Coaland a general assortment of

1r)' Bar Iron.


HIGH CLASS AERATED WATEES.Lemon Soda and Glnrer Ale of all iu.

ferior quality, Ju unall lictjles, asby Oli I tin men at Five cents a hot.

tli', are um am) will not bo made at thisestablishment. 1754



' '0?


Page 2: n fHl Ii ul 111 - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · and Ld tnd News. It is the best paper tmbllslied in llio Kingdom tosend frlendu abroad. Subscription







ftqg&K&i2aaai&iSlBaiS n 'ajjSfeaBaE&aalat TgfijilfegjMli0tl5fcjfc?8 cssspiiastiggsgaaraggsa


Finance SJeimrtmeiU.

Honolulu, II. T'., Feu. 10, 1888.

Notioo is hereby given to nil em-

ployees of the Hawaiian Govern-taun- t,

niul to other persons to whommoneys mny be duu tit the HawaiianTreasury on oi before March 31,1888, to present vouchors for sottle-mo-nt

on or befoir thai dulc; and allpersons having moneys on accountof the Government mo requested tomake their icturns promptly, inorder that there mny bo no delay inclosing tho accounts for the fiscalperiod ending March 31, 1888.

Vv L. GREEN.08 tf Minister of Finance

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands

Draw Exchange on theBaulc oi CiilUbrnia, . IP.

And their agents inNEW YORK, BOSTON, HONG KONQ.

Messrs. N. SI. Rothschild A Son, LondonTho Commercial Rank Co., of Sydney,

London.Tho ojnincrciul Rank Co.. of Sydney,

Sydney,The Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstoliurch, and Wellington,Tho Rank of British Columbia, Vic-

toria, B. 0., and Portland, Or.AND

Transact a General Banking BusinessCOO ly

X ja. jbj

Pledged to neither Sect nor Patty,But established for the benefit of all.



The Supreme Court has addresseda circular to the Police and DistrictJudges, Sheriffs and Deputy She-liff- s,

which we reprint to-d- forpublic enlightenment. The circularembraces five regulations for theguidance of the officials to whomaddressed. Thess regulations, eachand all, are designed to effect animproved condition of the lowerjudiciary, tand their observance will

certainly bring about that result.The fourth wc are inclined to espe-

cially endorse and commend. Itdisallows 3113' share of fines to "theMarshal, the Sheriffs, Deputy She-

riffs, officers paid or unpaid, or toinformers," except in cases wherethe statute creating the offence al-

lows it. The whole amount of finesmust be returned to the Treasury.The system of allowing a share offines to officials in ccitain cases hasbeen productive of evil, and we be-

lieve little else; and its abolitionmust be conducive to good. It maybe well also for tho Legislature toextend the abolition, so as to in-

clude those cases where the statutecreating the offence allows a shareof tho fines to go to officials, byamending the statutes to that end.



Every country, or almost everycountry, hab, or has had, a goosewhich lays a golden egg, or is capa-

ble of laying a golden egg, if prop-perl- y

led and allowed proper liberty.History relates how that in va-

rious countries this bird has beenkilled in some instances by neg-

lect, and in others by a dose, orrepeated doses, of unwholesomelegislation, which is rank poison tothat distinguished breed of thegoose fnmilj-- . "

Here in these islands we onco hada very nice bird of this particularspecies. She flew out hero fromNew Bedford in the whaling days.Finding the country agreeable, shepitched upon it for a nesting place.She would go up North in the sum-

mer and feed on tho oil and bone of

whales, and in the winter comedown here fat as butter, and drppher great golden eggs in tho mostreckless and profuse manner. Allof a sudden Bhe took fright, flappedher wings, sailed away and left us.

After that came another goose ofthe same kind. At first tho crea-ture was gaunt and lean, but thejuice of sugar stalks soon fattenedher, and she became a most delight-ful bird. For a good many yearspast she has laid a golden egg everyday with punctuality and despatch.Sometimes she has made a mistakeand laid a half dozon. Most peoplewho have been in Honolulu anylength of time lmvo come fu for aportion of the eggs. Some people

who wero of the lean kind, with

empty pockets, have grown fat uponUiciii, live in splendid mansions,drivo about in handsome cninngeswith fast horses, and take a tripnbioad whenever it suits their in-

clination.Now, thoro is no doubt about

this goose's laying capacity. Shohas given full proof of it. And sheis not exhausted yet. Provided shegets the right kind of food and isnot bothered, she will keep on layine, never fear. Rut stuff this.beautiful and valuable bird withnasty tin-p- legislation, or hobbleher legs with a bundle of burden-some laws to keep her from strut-ting, or clip her wings and pluckher tail feathers to pt event her soar-

ing, and she will sicken and die,sure goosey, poor goosey will die.

Then what shall we do, with thuauriferous egg market empty? Woshall soon become empty too; andnaked as well, and occupatioulcssinto the bargain.

The planting iudustry is thegoose which lays our golden egg,and to encourage and nurture, notto impede and destroy, this indus-

try is the true policy of the Hawai-

ian Legislature and Government.


EniTon Bulletin: I think thatCitizen's communication in yester-day evening's issue was to the point,and suggest that the Finance Com-

mittee of tho next Legislature ex-amine the appropriation for Inci-dental, Ctiminal and Civil expensesin the Department of the Altorncy-Genera- l,

and if I mistake not thecommittee will find that the moneyneeded for a reward in .1 case likethat of the murder of Kok Yuk, hasbeen spent by the present incumbentin paying attorneys at law, for doingwork and wishing opinions uponmatters that tho Attorney-Gener- al

is supposed to draw his salary for,and for which that office was created.

Axotiikk Citizen.Honolulu, March 28, 18S8.

Ikmc wm Co. 1. 1


mutt,;J iy;i wsn

MO ONLIGIIT 3DR.1 LL.EMBERS of the above Company

sirr rrnurMeil to assemble THIS(Wednesday) EVENING, at 7 o'clockat then hall, to attend a drill practice.

l'er order,THOMAS SMITH,

903 It Actios Fonmnn.


The best HOT CEOSS BUNS can behutl at


From 5 A. sr. until 0 r. r., and will bedelivered

XMEXD HOTTo any part of the City.

Send in Your Orders finrly.902 :it


ON G000 FBIBAY,aiurcli 30tli TScxt.

JT. HOKNWill Inire ott hand a few dozen of

his well-know- delicious BUNSfioia 0 A. ii. to 0 v. u in iltu

Pioneer Steam Gaudy Factory, Bakery

& Ice Cream Parlor, Hotel street.


For San Francisco.The Oecideutul & Oriental fi. B. Com.

puuy's lino steamship

6 6 C3-- A. 3E2 Xj I Ol9 "Will sail for Bnn Frnncisco

On or about the 4th of April, '88.

For freight and passage npply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,002 7t Agents.

THE ONLY PAPER i.ud hy oiljl cmbfcfb tho Dully jJulletln.' CO

cents per mouth.

DAILY BULLETIN Iiub tliolurgest circulation of niiy jiaper

printed in lulu Kingdom. 60 edits permonth.

Auction Sales by Jatnos F. Morgan,


Watchmaker's Tools & Effects !

By ordor of J. II, Putnam, Rq., U. SConsul-General- , I will soil at

Public Auction

On FRIDAY, March 30th, 1888,

AT lO O'CLOCK. A. 31.,

At my Saloroom, Queen street, for thoEstnte of Wm. Turner, deceased,

Wntclimnkcr'n Tools.Wntcli Itcpniriiis Huterlul,

Large Lots of Clocks2 N. P. Show Cases,

1 Sofa, Counters, &c, &c.

JAS. F. MORGAN,HOI 3t Auctioneer.


SALE of FURNSTOREBy order of tbo Kxccntois of the Estate

ofG. Engclh'ird', decease!, I willsell at Public Auction, at my

Palcroom, Queen street,

On FRIDAY, March 3(1, '88,

AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M.,

Tho Household Furniture, comprising:

Parlor & BBtnon Furt're,Music Box,


Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Ele.

JAS. F. MORGAN,101 lit Auctioneer.



X open his mloon onSATURDAY, March 31st, and

will supply his patrons with every deli-enc- y

procurable. Meals at all hours.1)00 lni



HP AS been opened over the restaurantJL by one of the best piactical

barbers in the city. Gentlemen wish-ing a idee cany Sh.ivc, or a fashionableHair Cut will'llnd it to their advantageto cive me a trial. 7i lm

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.WO, corner Maunakra and King

btieeta. having this day made anassignment to me of all his pinperty andns-et- for the benefit of his creditors,nil persons liaring claims against himare requested to present the sauiit to meat once, and all persons indebted ( rowing any money to said "Yee Wo, andany persons having porte-sio- n or controlof any property lelongini; to htm willpleve make immediate' pnyment ordelivery of banio to rnc at tho office ofM. Phillips 5a Co.

M. GRKEN,Assignee of Yee Wo.

Honolulu, March 20, 1888.


ronE BtoaU iu tiadi", store fixtures andX sife now contnincil in the storefonneily occupied by Yre Wo, corner"Mauunkci anil King stiects, loKethcrwilii norso anil agon, maiding nnu in.xeresi rn ictso ai riiuinn, nnu all debtsdue and owini; upoir liool: account totiie fahl Yee W o, are oflere 1 for fcalc nsa whole, and mum lie hold heforc TUnS.DAY, March i!7th. Tartio? iksiriug topurohaser can oLtiin full iriformmiouat onlce of Phillips & C.

M. GJIBBN,ABsiyneo of Yee Vo.

Honolulu, March 21, 1&8. 00 lw

WANTEDrpo Ko,. 1 Piano fer aJL llori-- and I'haUo'n, or foi u Hoise

and Bnike. Iucnrirc at this oflico.!3tf


A SITUATION iu iv country stoic,by a .onns man that eunjead

and wiiie both Kuglinh and Portuguese.Address " M," P. 0. Pox W4. 50 ) 1 t


ON nccouut of my health and rardepailuio fiom the kingdom, ail

hi lis due to roe must be paid on orbefore the li-- t of April neit, or v ill beplaced in the bunds nf h cullertorOCOIw . W. T. PHOADS.



Co , will lm held at the oflico of W. O.Smith, Port Miect, on THUltMlAY,Mtticb 20, 1888, at S o'clock l'. Jl. Afull nttcuilaiico of the Udeslied. A. 1.. SMITH,08 td Seci etary W. D, & B. Co.


TO the subscribers of the MutualTelephone Company; In order to

secure the very best of sortico tho un.dcrsigucd requests that uny complaints Inregard to the inattention of the operators,or trouble ou the lines or instruments,will ho reported at onco to J. W. Pratt,Superintendent, or to

O. O. BERGEK,03 lw. Heeretnry.


MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO.to collect for the

Uui.m.tin.Honolulu June Stb, 1887. 57


popular paper published,


.J. fN Klnnu street No.Ajfi& VJ 30! parlor, 3 hed.

SM&ia'Mv rooms, sotvant'c room,rrSlitiJ stable and earrlagohouse. Lot 100x170 feet; garden.

Apply toP0 tf J. E. BROWN & CO.


a 'QCTWlIENrilkolmulKec.t!fl35a JD niiuioku 6tieet-- , lot runs

SSj&Ssa tluoufih to Kinnu strict, 100

feet frontage. Goo 1 pasturage. Cottigccontains 6 rooms cirrluge house andbtablcs for 3 or 4 horse. Kent 20 permonti'. Apply to

J. U. BROWN & CO.,!4tf '.'3 Merchant ttrcet.


rpHREE COTTAGES inX Palaina.Apply to

Wm. McOANDIiESS,93 tf at the Fish Market.


jwss. k TTWE minutes' walk from$fsKS$ - thH l'mi 0fllct' Su"'

able tor a caciieior.Apply to



;ws.A A COTTAGE on Llllhag0?S SX. street, between KhiRggS& and School eticets. Kent Sl'J

per mouth. Apply toM. S. GK1NBAUM & CO.,

80 tf Queen street.


The undersigned has just received directfrom the Koyal Ulster Woike,

Belfast, a specially flueassortment ot

Marcus Ward.'s Letter Papers,Suitable for Intcr-Ialan- and Foreign


Also, Menu, Name & Ball Programmes

Iu Great "Variety.

98J A. M. HEWETT. flw


undersigned having beenTHE Assignee of the Estateof R. W. Laine, bankrupt, requeueall perfcons who have claims against theestate of said It. W. Laine, tecured orotherwise, to present tho same dulysworn to, and all persons indebted tosaid Estate are requested to make imme-diate payment to

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,Assicneo of tho Estate of R. W.

X.nine, bankrupt.Bouolulu, March 10th, 1888. 94 3w

All kinds of





CHAS. J. FISHEL,Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.


Clearing Sale

We Will Sell22 dozn Ladles Linn C.ipe Collars at

10 cents eachHamburg Edging from fie. up320 perfcctlUting Mlssts' Corfels nfSoo210 doz Gent's Cotton Umlcrahlits 2"c181 dozen Misses' and Children's Silk.

clocked Hose, full finMi, 2Br.

203 dozen Men's Sllk-cloek- Ho-- e, fullfluish, $2.50 pordoz.

1G0 doz Mcn Ribbed Hoi", full iiui-- h,

Q3.E0 per doz.03 doz Gent's Col. Shirts, collars and

rufT-i-, at 50c eicb.C4 doen Boy's Straw Ht, C6c. each,

worth 10070 doz Children's School Hits at C0c,

worth double.


Wo mean to keep trade lively.

Visit our establishment, ask our prices,and you will think too.

DkatlieH' Jerseys,Wliito Goods,

Ix-e-H GoodsHave been sellrng cheap, but Ue present

stock will go for mere sonjj.

This great cut


Chas. J. Fishel,Conor Fort and.Hotel Sts.

87 lm

Brackets, at

& CO.'S.

A large assortment of Bird Cages, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Crockery, Glassware and Jelly Glasses, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Oil Paintings, Engravings, Allotypes and JNTow Cbromos, at

G. WEST CO.'S.Brackets, Easels, Mirrors and Frames, at

Purses, Ladies' Bags, Dressing Cases, Albums andScrap Books, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Bedroom Furniture, Book Cases, Desks, Meat Safes and

Chairs, at

Baby Carriages, Doll Carriages, Boy's Carts, and Small"Wheel Barrows, at


Combs, Brushes, Fans and Dolls, at

G. WEST& co:s.Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Accordeons, Drums, Flutes,

Yiolins, Banjos, &c, &c, at

G. WEST& CO.'S.Guitar, Yiolin, Banjo, Zither and Piano Strings, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.

Picture Frames, Cornices and Mattrasses made to ordor, atG. WEST & CO.'S.

PinnoB and all kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned andRepaired, at

G. WEST & CO.'S.

Canary Birds, warranted Singers, at

G. WEST & GO.'S, 105 Fort Street,mh.87 HOIVOUXJXXJ. - ly

i .

'. J "









He Now and Elegant Fitted Store of M. MoINERNY, corner

ot Fort and Merchant Streets,

r Trni P!wgf&gflp

Whoro will be found nn Elogant Display of Goods oi" ouchgradou, as this corner has boon alwaya noted for.

Entire Now Lines of Goods selected by Mr. E. A. Mc- -Incrny now East. Among my very General

Stock will be found

Ladies', Misses' & Childrens'

Frencli Kifl Button Boots and Slippers

Ladien' Miijses' & Childrens' Peb. & St. Goat But. Boots," fc ' u Dongola Kid Button Boots," " " Shoes & Slippers, vari. styles,

Ladies' Silk Hose, &

Ladies' Silk and Merino Undervests,Ladies' Misses' & Childrens' Lisle and Balbngan Hose,

Men's Silk Undershirts & Drawers," Perforated Silk Undershirts," Lisle Thread & Balbriggan Undershirts," Saxony Lambs Wool Undershirts and Drawers," "White and Red Shaker Flannel Undershirts and

Drawers," Anglo-Indi- a Gauze & Merino Undershirts.

Boy's Undershirts. My usual Pine Assortment of

's and Boy's Fine Shoes & SlippersMen's Elegant Neck Wear, "Very Choice Line of Sus-

penders, Jouvins White and Colored Kid Gloves,Gent's Pine Hiding and Driving Gloves,

Buck Gauntlets.

Every Style & Slaie in la's Ms & Boy's Straw Hats

Umbrellas, Walking Canes in Solid HeadsGold and Silver.

I have the most Complete Assortment in Elegant Fashion-able Styles from tho best houses in the United States.

Yery Elegant Tweed and Cass Suits,Cheviott Suits

Black Dress Suits,Black Frock Suits.

All My Clothing is Warranted Shrunk, "Well-Cu- t, CarefulLvBlade and Will Give Very General Satisfaction.

Razors and Pocket Kuives,Razor Straps and Brushes,

Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes,Flesh Brushes, Back Scratchera,

Hand Mirrors, (heavy plate) ,

ClDlce Mfiiiii; ai Otlier Toilet Arllcles.

Ladies' and Gents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks,Gents' Solid Sole Leather Yalises,

Gents' Fine Leather Traveling Bags & Satchels,Shawl and Trunk Straps,

Traveling Rugs, (very fine), which every traveler ought topossess.

Tlie Usaal FineStocK of Laflies1 Gent's & Boy's


Ladies' & Gents' Gold and Silver Chains, Solid Gold andSilver Jewelry, Dimonds and the famous G0RHAM

STERLING SILVERWARE, warranted 925 Fino.C3TN, B. No Platei Goods Sold in thh EstabHBument.tSa

Thanking the public generally for the very liberalpatronage bestowed on this house during the last 25 years,and soliciting a continuance of the same at the New Pre-mises. The Clerks will be found ready and willing to cour-teously attend to all ladies and gentlemen visiting thiaestablishment.

M. McENERNY.Honolulu, March 9, 1888. 86' lm

l?!H.JU "fm - '



Page 3: n fHl Ii ul 111 - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · and Ld tnd News. It is the best paper tmbllslied in llio Kingdom tosend frlendu abroad. Subscription


J (ti.QIi)i!wS1B

tho Fine Lino of A Flno I.tuc ofA 'ctv Mure xr you want a lioolt at

Ladies' Kid Gloves Fine Hat or Necktie, Tho Arcado-EG- AN & CO. Dress Goods, Ladies' & Misses' Shoes,i'ov

t'cr nJ.OO. At (So to AtFull Dress White Vests, The Arcado-EG- AN & CO. Tho Arcade EGAN & CO.Tho.Aroade EGAW & CO. The Aroade-EG- AN & CO. Latent Wt.Tlrw.




-- B





ARRiVAlS.March 28 --

Batk V MoLaiicu fioin Newcastle, Nrt W

Bktne SOW lhler fiomSan FranciscoStmr (J It Bishop fiom KuanShhr Lealil fiom KohalaleloStmr Knalaf torn Wnlalua ami Walnnac

Dtl'AtmiRES.Msuch 23

Stmr Mukolil for Mulokal at 5 p mStmr Iwalanl forl.ahalnaand llainnkua

at 8 u mIlk Forest Qnceti for San FranciscoStmr (J It Bishop for llaimmaulti at i

p in

"vessels leavingStmr Kaala for YVahmao and WahiluaSehr Lcahl for Unlaw aSchr Cat llna for Walnianalo Stouc



For Kauai, pur Mlkalialn, March 27

B VT I'unN, MlssLjmun, Mrs ItobtFountain and chlldtoii, Mr Akanu, J IIKalwi and wife, Hon 1' V ICanoa, Mls3Hart, and about 40 deck.

For M.iul, per UUellkc, March 27,T A. Buck and wife, Ml and Mis Warner,Hon W II D.iuicls. .1 I. Thomas, KBielcnbcig.

From S.m i l.iucKco, per barkentincS G Wilder. Match 28 Miss CarrioTiegloan, Mi Jus Tiegloan, Mr andMis . cecrup. Dick l)als.

CARGOES FROM ISL.AHD PORTS.Bishop 2.417 bags sugar.Leahi 1180 bags sugar.

S'tii'i'lHG NtJTES.

The b.uk Foiest Queen took for HanFrancisco thU afteinoon 15,573 bagssugar, weighing 1,GS2,783 lbs andvalued ab 7.1,282.24


Tun bark Foioit Queen walkedout to sua. fiom Brewer's wharf thisafternoon with a stiff breeze.

TiiE8teamcrC.lt. Bishop anivedfiom Kunu this morning.and depailsagain this evening for llunamaulu.

Dick Davies' blooded trotter stal-

lion arrived by the barkentino S. G.Wilder this lnoiniug, and was landedin good older.

The stcamsliip Gaelic, for whichMessrs. Hnckfuld & Co. are agents,will leave here foi San Francisco onor about the 4th of next month.

Love's bakery will be prepared todeliver hot cioss buns to any part oftho city, on Good Friday, Match 30,between the hours of 5 a. m. andC r. si.

The Hawaiian Band played charm-ingly last night under the doubleelectric light at Thomas Squaie. Apoliceman kept the hoodlum elementin check. . .' .

The b.uk W. McLarron with coalfrom Newcastle, N. S. W., was seenseveral miles to bea this afternoon,beating hut way to tills port. Herforetop-galla- miibt is gone.

A WEUrrJiESEiiVEi) skull was dugup yesteiday, where the kciosonowarcbouse extension is being made.An old resident here says that lots ofpeople wdii buried there in earlydays. ...

The main and mizzen top-mas- ts ofthe barkentine Planter, which woiocarried away by colliding with an-

other vessel when being towed outof San Francisco, have been replacedby new ones.

Captain Fehlber may bo seenstoaltliily gliding about town withwhat appeals to bo a subscriptionlist, but what is i cully a list of namesof parties who have forgotten whentheir licences expired.


Tub run on Horn's Butter Scotchkeeps up, and consumers koop oncoming. Boys and girls on theirway to and returning from schoolare munching Butter Scotch. Theniceness of the article is the seciet ofdemand and consumption.

J. E. Buown & Co.'s unrated waters"won't keep" in the Bulletin office

not owing to tho impurity of thoatmosphere nor tho infeiiority of themamifactuio, but on account of itsgood qualities, which insuie its rapidconsumption. Another case wasemptied yesteiday, and the bottlesare waiting to bo refilled.


The usual prayer meeting at thoCentral Union Church, at 7:30o'clock.

Services at tho St. Andrew'sCathedral at 7 :30 o'clock.

Rehearsal of the Arion MusicalSociety, at tho hall of Engine Co,No.'l, at 7:30 o'clock.

Drill of Mechanic Engine Com-

pany No. 2.Meeting of Mystip Lodge K. of

P., amplified third rank, at theirLodge room, King utieet, at 7;30oclock,


Annual raeoting of the WoocllawnDairy and Stock Company, at theotllce of W. O. Smith, at 2 o'clockI. M.

Maunday Tluusday. At tlio Ro-

man Catholic Cathedral, at 7 o'clocka. m., high pontifical muss. At 3 iu washing of fuet.

Band concert, at Hawaiian Hotel,at J;S0 r. N.



Itntatcd thio.it nnd itnnoyingcoughs iuu quickly lcliovcd by lliogenuine Butter Scotch, only to befound at the Pioneer Steam CandyFactory of F. Horn. Plenty of testi-monials. U8


nY i.r.wis j. ixvny.At 10 a. st. nt sales looms, a largo

variety of groceries, provisions,household furnitmc, etc.

THOSE STAINED TROWSERS.Tlie following explains itself:

Honolulu, II. I. )

Mar. 27, 1888. j

J. H. hormi, Marshal :

Dear .Sir: I have mado n olicini-c.- il

and microscopical examinationof the stains on llio trowscrs of aPortuguese arrested last evening,and find same to bo from nitrate ofsilver.

(Signed), Gi:o. W. Smith.


The barkentinc S. G. Wilder,Captain Paul, arrived this morningfrom San Fiancisco. Captain Paulreports 18 days of light winds andno trades. Captain Rugg, whobrought the Wilder here last tiip,was in San Francisco when theWilder left. Among the passen-gers by the Wilder, as will bo seenby the list, wcro Mr. James andMiss Carrie Tregloan. The S. G.Wilder is docked at Brewci's wharf.


Antone Pettina, cook of the barkForest Queen, was found guilty ofsmuggling opium, in the Police Courtyesterday afternoon and fined $400.Messrs. V. V. Ashfoifl and PaulNeumann appeared for Pettina, whileDeputy Attorney.-Gcnera- l Petersonand Deputy Maishal Hopkins con-

ducted the piosecution. The at-

torneys for the defense noted anappeal to the Supreme Court.

Later the appeal was withdrawn,the fine paid, and the stewaid de-

parted by his vessel this afternoon.Antone most likely found this tiippietty expensive. Four hundredand sixty-tw- o half-poun- d tins of1

opiun. at $7 per tin, 8200 lawyers'fees, and $400 fine, amounts to

3,834.Jack McVay, who was pounced

upon by Captain Larson, Sundaymorning, was found guilty of sellingspirituous liquors without a licence,and fined S125.


Following are the tenders leceivedat the Board of Health Ofllcc fordelivering to the Lepper Settlement200 heads of heifers. Tho contractwas awarded to Mr. S. Parker.

Molokai Ranch, by R. W. Mcj'or,at Kaunakakai, $14.50; at Settle-ment, $17.50.

J. McColgan, at lvamalo, 15.00;at Settlement 18.00.

John Ross, at Honolulu $15.00 ;atSettlement. $20.00.

E. Jones, at Kaanapali, 512.00 ;

at Settlement, $14.00.A. F. Judd, at Honolulu, $20.00;

at settlement, .

Sam. Parker, at Kawaihac, $9.00 ;

at Settlement $13.00.C. Brewer & Co., at Kahnlui,

$11.90 ; at Settlement .

Jasmes Gay, Class 1, at Hono-lulu $20.00; at Settlement,$23.00. Class 2, at Honolulu, 1G.50 ;

at Settlement, $20.00. Class 3, atHonolulu, 14.50; at Settlement$18.00.


BEFORE judd, c. j.

Wednesdat, Mar. 27, 1888.In ro estate of Kailikole (lc), late

of Waikiki, Honolulu, 'Oahu, de-ceased. Petition of Nahora Ilipafor probate of will, etc. Hearingon motion of contestant to introduceadditional evidence.

Motion allowed, testimony taken,matter argued and the Couit ordersthe will bo.admittcd to pro'bato, andappoints Ioane (k.), ndminibtiatorwith tho will annexed.

Mr. Kaulukou gives notice of ap-peal to tho Supreme Court.

W. O. Smith for proponent; J.L. Kaulukou for contestant.

.l.mii- - ,iguu xia.qPOLICE COURT.


One drunk, $0.Knhoohuli, assnult and battery on

a wahinu, $13.Geo. Hoiightailing, assault nnd

battery on a Chinaman yesterday,$G.


C. Afong vs. Kawai, deseition ofcontract service, continued.

D. F. Sandford vs. A. Waldron,I). F. Dillingham, garnishee. Claim$18. Judgment for plaintiff for $18with costs and commissions amount-ing to $7.05. Appeal noted,

A. Waldron vs. D, F. Sandford,W. A, Kinney for plaintiff, A. C.Smith for defendant. Counselagree that this case bo tried with theabove case of Sandford vs. Waldjon.

"Tho nine-ho- ur movement," saysa dispatch fiom Buffalo, "is spread-ing in the ship-buildi- cities andtowns of tho lakes,"


The following circular order hasbeen issued to Police and DistiictJudgus, Sheriffs and Deputy Sher-iffs:

I. Police and District Judgesthroughout tho Kingdom, except ashcicin below mentioned, arc to ic-cei-

all costs in civil cases, and allfines, costs and bail forfeited incriminal cases, whether paid intoCouit or to tho Jailer or DeputySheiiff after commitment to jail,and shall remit their receipts at theend of every month to tho Ministerof Finance, and shall send everymonth an account of their receiptsand disbursements, in detail to thoAuditor-Genera- l.

The Marshal at Honolulu, theSheriffs at Ililo, WailukuandLihuc,aru authorized to receive fines andcosts paid in the jails of said places,and shall remit the same, together

'with their other leceipts, direct tothe Minister of Finance. Tlicy shallalso account to the Auditor-Gener- al

concerning all , their receipts anddisbursements, at the end of eachmonth.

11. All process of Court, civil orciimiiial, must be served by the respective Sheriffs or Deputies, or bythe regular (paid) police. Only incases of emergency, when the aboveolllccrs cannot be obtained, shallservice by an unpaid olllcer ho al-

lowed.III. Mileage, at the rate of live

cents per mile, each way (as perstatute), shall bo allowed to olllccrssolving civil and criminal process.This is to be paid from the costscollected in the case. Mileage is tobe paid upon the distance travercdwithout refcienoe to the number ofpel sons aricbted or served.

IV. Hereafter no shaic of fines,except in cases where the statutecreating the olfense allows it, shallbe paid to the .Marshal, the Sheriffs,Deputy Sheiiffs, Ofllcers paid orunpaid, or to informers. The wholeamount shall be ictiiincd to theTreasury.

V. The Jailers shall keep a rcc-o- id of all persons ai rested and

brought to jail, and shall report thesame regularly to the magistrates oftheir districts, at the next sitting ofthe Court, with the bail taken, ifairy, which the magistrate shall enterupon his record.

A. F. Judd,Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Clarence. W Asiiioud,Attoiney-Gcnera- l.

Alliolaui Hale, March 20, 1888.fcjjfc WJi.T". mse



Thuusday, Mar. 29, 1888.The King vs. Pipiilani, lareenj'.

Appeal from Police Couit, Hono-lulu. S. K. Kane for defendant.

The King vs. Ah Hee, cruelty toanimals. Appeal from Police Couit,Honolulu. V. V. Ashfoul for de-

fendant.The KingTs. Mrs. Louisa Dork-

ing, keeping a disorderly house. Ap-peal fiom Police Coiirt,IIouolulu. P.Neumann for defendant.

F. II. llayselden vs. D. Kalialc-luh- i,

assumpsit $100.50. Appealfrom Police Court, Honolulu. E.Ward for plaintiff; W. A. Kinneyfor defendant.

llayselden vs. Kancaikala,assumpsit $52.00. Appeal fromPolice Court, Honolulu. E. Wardfor plaintiff ; W. A. Kinney for de-

fendant.Tong On Kec vs. Cheong Pan,

Man Ling and W. S. Wond, gar-nishee, assumpsit $03.00. Appealfrom Police Court, Honoolulu. A.Rosa for plaintiff ; A. C. Smith fordefendant.

Ah Why vs. Wing Wo, replevin.Appeal from Police Com I, Hono-lulu. W. II. Sea for plaintiff ; J.A. Mngoon for defendant.

S. Whitman vs. Kapahoni, as-sumpsit $12.95. Appeal from Po-lice Court, Honolulu. J. A. Ma-goo- n

for plaintiff; W. II. Sea fordefendant.

Kopia (k.) vs. J. II. Soper, re-plevin. Appeal from Police Court,Honolulu. A. Rosa for plaintiff;C. Creighton for defendant.

Kahaunaele (w) vs. Kapuaa (k.),trespass, damage $100. Appealfrom Police Coutt, Honolulu, W.C. Aehl for plaintiff; J. M. Mqn-sarr-

for defendant.Daniel Lyons vs. W. C. Achi,

assumpsit $18.50. Appeal fromPolice Court, Honolulu. V. V.Ashford for plaintiff; W. C. Achifor defendant.

Ho Sow vs. Chin Chow, assump-sit $20O. Appeal from PoliceCourt, Honolulu. V. V. Ashfordfor plaintiff ; J. A. Mngoon for de-

fendant.Thos, P. Spencer vs. Daniel Ly-

ons, assumpsit, balance due 855.Plaintiff's appeal fiom PolicoCourt of Honolulu. W. C. Achtfor plaintiff; V. V. Ashford fordefendant.

Akana vs. Ilamoku (w.), as-

sumpsit 80. Plaintiff's appealfrom Polico Court of Honolulu. W.C. Achi for plaintiff ; J. M. Poepoofor defendant.

.Cutter's Silk Mill at West Beth-lehem, Penn., now keeps 100 em-ployes busy, and will boon have al-

terations inadu that will necessitatetho employment of over three hun-dred persons.


Following is what tho S. F. Chro-nicle, of tbo 29th of February, Baysabout our treaty:

At the time of. the extension oftho notorious Hawaiian Reciprocity1'ieaty it was loudly pioclalmedthat the United States had made animmense gain for itself In securingthe concession of Pearl River har-bor. It was asserted that this wasof sufficient importance to morethan balance tho euormous lossof revenuo which this countrysuffers f:om that treaty, itbeing rcpiescntcd that theuse of Pearl River haibor wouldpractically place in the hands of theUnited States tho full control andtho destiny of the Hawaiian king-dom.

It was pointed out at that time,especially by tho Chtoniclo, that ifPearl River harbor wcro to bo madeat all useful as a naval station itwould have to bo improved at thecost of many million dollars ; thatin its present condition no vessel ofthe United States navy could entertho lrarbor ; that it would require tobe fortified at an enormous expense,and that in no aspect of the Casecould it be of advantage to thoUnited States, especially as we havealready a coaling station in thoharbor of Honolulu, which is allthat would be requiied, unless theUnited States proposed to go intothe colonization business, which itdid not.

Notwithstanding this, Pearl riverwas successfully worked for all itwas worth, and very much more,and under its spell the Senateyielded to the wishes of the Presi-dent and ratified, so far as it consti-tutionally could, the extension of thetreaty. No doubt Pearl river wasthe molng cause, and the Senatereally thought the United Stateswas getting something of value.

Now, however, there is inadopublic for the first time a letterfiom Ilia Minister Resident of theHawaiian kingdom to SecretaryBayard, in which the former, withthe utmost diplomatic courtesy, andwith that circumlocution so character-istic of international communica-tions, calls the attention of theSecretary of State to the fact thatthe autonomy of the kingdom is notsurrendered, so far as Pearl liver isconcerned; that the United Statesmay use it as it may use any otherharbor in the islands, and, most im-

portant of all, that the exclusivelight to use it is only for sevenyears, or duiing tho existence ofthe treaty. So the wonderful con-cession to the United States tuinsout to bo mere phrases an empty,meaningless string of words.

With this construction of thetreaty Mr. Bayard evidently agrees,as his reply to the Hawaiian Minis-ter clearly indicates. He saj-- s liecan sec no subtraction from Hawai-ian soveicignty over Pearl Riverharbor, nor any language imputinga longer duration to the use of thehaibor than the life of the tieaty it-

self. In shoit, ho accedes to everyclaim of the Hawaiian Minister, anddecides that all we have got for therenewal is the right to use a harborwhich we do not want for a periodof seven years, and that under thejurisdiction and control of the Ha-

waiian Government.The Chronicle has ahead' called

attention to the evident unconstitu-tionality of this extension of thoreciprocity tieaty, for the reasonthat it could be extended only byan Act of Congress, not by the Pre-

sident and Senate ; and if the Hoiibcof Representatives is not wholly de-

voured by partisan zeal and whollybesotted by its admiration for itsidol, it will renew the inquiry madeat the last session through its Judi-ciary Committee, and request Mr.Cleveland to explain upon whattheory he took the responsibility ofaltering tho revenue laws of thoUnited States by negotiating atreaty which admitted Hawaiiansugar duty free. Now that it liasbeen shown that the treaty itself isa humbug, and that the much-talk-cd--

concession is valueless, per-haps the House may conclude toinsist on its prerogative and demandthat the treaty be abrogated, unlessthe popular branch of Congresshave an opportunity to pass upon it.


There is no truth in thisclipped from the Boston

Journal of February 1st, hut, for allthat, in California, who reads it canrepress laughter? Plowing in Call-foiui- n

has its disadvantages. Acthis season especially farmers whoare plowing new ground turn upnumerous tarantulas and rattle--snake- s,

the latter being in a dor-mant state, but the fpnner as livelyas possible, Ono farmer recentlykilled a rattlesnake which had, nine-

teen rattles,L


Tim mean height of tho landabove sea level, according to JohnMurray, is 2250 feet, and the meandepth of tho ocean is 12,180 feet.Unly 'Z percent of the sea is included inside a depth of 500 fathoms,while 75 percent lies between 500and 3000 fathoms. If the land werefilled into the hollows the bcu wouldroll over tho earth's crust to a uni-form depth of two miles.


The sedimentary rocks in thehgicat thtckncsn incloso a successionof water-shee- ts or water-level- s occu-

pying distinct stages and extendingwitli uniform charalcrs under wholecountries like the strata to whichthey are subordinated. It is properto remark hero that by the termwater-she- et Is not meant a real bedof water lodged in a cavity betweensolid masses that serve as walls toIt, but water filling the minute in-

terstices of the cracks of a rock.Continuous and regular in sandtheso sheets arc usually discontinu-ous and irregular in limestones andsandstones, in which the water onlyoccupies more or loss spacious fi-ssures.

When natural issues arc wantinghuman industiy is able, by boring,to mako openings down to the subterranean waters, which it causes tojet up to the sitrfaco and sometimesto a considerable height abo c. Thethought of undertaking such worksis a very ancient ono. The Egyp-tians had recourse to them foricenturies ago ; and they were exe-

cuted in Fiance in 112G at Artois,whence the name of aitcsian wellshas been given to them.

The water levels of tho cretaceousstrata, from which the artesianwaters ibsuc, arc not always of ad-

vantage; but in the north of Franceand in Belgium they constitute themost formidable obstacle whichminers have to encounter in leach-ing the coal beds. v

A striking confirmation of thetheory of tho source of supply ofartesian waters lias been observedin Tours, wheic the water, spoutingwith great velocity fiom a well 110meters in depth, brings up, togetherwith fine sand, fresh-wat- er shellsand seeds in such a state of preser-vation as to show that they couldnot have been more than three orfour months on their voyage. Someof the wells of the Wady Rir havealso ejected fiesh-wat- cr mollusks,fish and crabs, still living, whichmust, therefore, hac made a stillmore rapid transit. fPopular Sci-

ence Monthly.



manufactured at tlie hIiovo establish-men- tare used by all the print-lpn- l

fjiuilirs at Honolulu, and evclusivrlvby II. B. M. vessels of vi.ir vUiling thisport. Plain Soda Wntoi icjuil toSchweppcB. Depot 24 Merchant btrcct

tOO iw

pH ARIJE! There's no use talking,v thu Now Candy Factory mikesdelicious Chocolate Creams! 08 1 w

SAY, JENNY! When wo go downtown we'll cull at tlio Jilite and get

an exquisite Ice Cream Drink! 8 ivr

TOB PRINTING ol all kinds cxe- -ontpd ill Hi- - Daily Bui i.etw Odltp

CHAS. J. FISH EL has leechedAustialin the latest ktylu of

ladies untiimuicd hat, also a. line lineof children's leghorn hats hi difeiontbhapes. C.ill and tec them. H7 lw

THE PEOPLES' PAPER-T- heX Daily Bulletin rl els ut nu nth

1ET SOME Genuine OldfjphioricdVJl liutterfccoleh (.vimlv, at tlio nowt andy Factory ! "Yum! Yum!"


YAK'S BOAT BUILDrNOR SHOP. Re-i- r of Lucas Mill.(t'l

THE DAILY BULLETIN 1h hreX evening paper. CO cunN psr mouth.


Cre.ims rcdutcd to iSO centsper wholo pound, uttlio Pioneer BtciruCuiidr Factory and Bakery, Hotel, he-t- w

eeu Nuunnu and I'oi t bt i eels. 71

THE BEST PAPER to subotriboX for is tho "Daily Bulletin." 00cents per mouth.

FRESH, HOME-MAD- Ennd Uoconuut Cnianiels re-

duced to SO cenU per whole pound, atthe Pioneer Btoam Candy Factory andBakeiy, Hotel, betwoeu Nnuanii andFoitstiOBts. 11

THE OLDEST DAILY in theX Klncdom The Daily Bulletin."

SO cents per month.


JL lorniii Madeira and Alaluga,fo: Eaie in kec md ch'-c- r by

GONSALYK3 A CO.,01 Queen street.


in Killed oin "TehDaily Bulletin." f.O cents per mouth


Vanilla Chocolate Creams(du-lielous- )i educed to 30 cents per whole

pound, at tho Pionbbh Steam CandtFactouy Anu lUKisitr, Hoi EI., KU- -TWKEN NlJlMNU ANIl FOllT STKI'.KTS.


AILY BULLETIN SUMMARY1 I'uhiniui. t'i pt ininm,

CLEAN RAGS ano second handwill be gratefully lecelr.

ed for tho use of the intnute of tlioBranch Bomltnl for Lcners at Kskiiako,or at the Leper Scttlintnl oa Uolokni,if left with J T, Wuterlioute, jr.. at thoQueen Street Hlore. t&f tf

MISS. P. THIELE,On Bcrctaiiia street near Pill.ol.

(Formerly McGulro'A House,)

Kindergarten & Elementary,Dally & Boarding School.

AIbo, Friuich ami Geiman taught, andllinIc I.esfuns given.

A eafe conveyance iill call loraudie- -

turu children living ut dUtuucv.73 Muluol Telephone No. hU, f 8m







63 65



A' 10 V 1 ilslor1


83 & 65Irwin & Co.






Ma LiM ai EntaiiM Swisses,

Black BmuM SI Low Prices.


Eiroiufiries and


Torclioi Laces

EERLIGH.Eort street.



Dupee Hams & Bacon, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Mackerel, KegsBeef, Kegs Poik, Smoked Halibut, Extra Select Oysteia, Salmon,Cranbeny Sauce, Boston Blown Biead, Table Fruits, Gerniea,

Ilnckius &, Franco American Feed Co.'h AsHort'd Soopn.Itidges Food, Imperial Grantim, polled Oats, Breakfast Food,Gem, Graham "Wafcis, Oaten Wafers, Snow Flake & CreamCi ackers, Ginger AVafeis, Chocolate Wafers, Pretzels, Prunes,Dates, Nuts, Apples, French Peas, Pop Corn, Gnrden Seeds,MThcat, Flour, Butter, Honey, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assor't ef Staple & Fancy Groceries, at Prices to Suit the Times.

H&" Leave your oiders, or ring up 110. -- a

e to the Public of these Islands

Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for the above arti-cle aie respectfully requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Can-dy Factory and Bakery, established 18011, before going to any other house,as my establishment is POSITIVELY the only establisliinr-n-t in Honolulu,notwithstanding all the ridiculous, empty and pompons newspaper blow-ing and puffing, where a cake can be piocurcd to give the greatest satis-faction to the most refined tastes, and to' lie an ornament of exquisitewoikuianship on your table whicli will not crumble in pieces when cut,but be a credit to the fino art of tlio Confectioner, whicli- - has not only fortwenty-fiv- e years but still bids competition defiance to this day. All at-tempts in any other establishment are inferior to mine and not wortli thoprice you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world a goodworkman's productions are always cheaper than a lialfmade one's are.Having had over half a century's practical experience the undersigned isenabled to ornament Cakes in all and tho highest styles of art.

a?1.1 he only Practical Confectioner


branches ProprietorHotel

luy UUUIVSIS Unit 111V

Honolulu Steam Candy Factory nnd Bakery.twetn Fort and Nuuanu Streets, Honolulu,

mr ONLY PHE "lMade of the celebrated CREAM of Ilie "Wood lawn Dairy,

sold at the great reduced price of

S2.00! $2.00! S2.00! SS.OO! S2.00!PR GALLON-HON- EST MEASURE


SSrrLSIISXXJESD 18G3.BCSt-A- s some evil disposed persons who ar openly boast-

ing of the intention of ruining my business and villanouslvfalBefying my GOODS and IQE OKBAM I will 'forfeitftl(lf) inu- imi'iimi i,.lv ...ill U..ii v" "J J"-'D- U M"ICE OlilijAM is notthan


in all ;

heir. I.




rr .m.,,.,., l .1"strictly pure although sold cheaper

anywhere else.


F. HORN,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Ornamenter

Both Telephones No, U. HoteljSt. bet. Nuuanu & Fort St"70 2m ' "

1 --







Page 4: n fHl Ii ul 111 - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · 2015. 5. 30. · and Ld tnd News. It is the best paper tmbllslied in llio Kingdom tosend frlendu abroad. Subscription


f. :.


Tolophono Both Companies 240,


FRESH GOODS from California en ICE,

O. Box 297.

& IN

A COMl'I.ETK 1.1KK OF . '




A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. ' T.aranaki Butter,"(IN KKGS.)

All of which Me ofler to Iho Public nt REASONABLE PRICKS.

Fresh New Zealand Butier, ON ICE, In 1 Pound Pats 1

Br ehch nrrlal from New Zeuluud SOMETHING FINE.leY0


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

Now Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Stairs and EuropeFresh California Produco by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended toand Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders Foli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Fost Office Box 145. Telephone No. U3. 108 ly





Just Received at Hcllisfer & Oo.'sA large assortment of

PERFUMES! PERFUMES!Comprising well-know- n brands of







ale afc


Genex-n.- 1 AijentKExpert



Accountants and Collectors,Aqcnts, Loan






Custom-Hous- o,




&Nolo of the

J. C.to

street, Ilono-t- f02


want totho

oritor any

iliti to intho the newtho which is put),

ou sti Gazetteand

only for



by cucli steamer of tho O S. 8. Co.

1 E!ly

Real &.


Let I For

FOR 1 Lot of Land. ft.Loealiou. Good S060.

1 lot of 10.1x103 ft. Healthy Lo--cal ion, etc., $850.

TO LET 1 House, 4 rooms15 per mouth.

1 with Store, $40 per month.Booms, en suite or single, from $2 to $5

per week.FOR LEAS- E- Lots, each C0x70 feet,

lor building. ntiou; wnterlaid on; terms easy and the right par.Iks assisted in


FRANKami liusliieoM

No. 84 Street.

P O. Box 840, Express Office.01)

For Lawns,Etc., Eto.

Tor 8nIo by & MJIYTJI.

aro now to allWE for tho abovo ofa suprrlor qunllty, curedand wni ranted one of the best articlesof the kind in tho mailtct. maybo left willi

I.. 200 street,G. M. Hotel Stable.

t'3 ltn

"Tim Hullcllii." fit) ficnlHper month.

Departments ofEooks and Accounts accurately and piopcrly

will receive special attention and icturns made.a Specialty. Records searched and rorrcct Abttiacts of Title

Legal Documents and Papers of disciiption carefully drawn and hand.BOinoly engrossed.

and Translating in all in gcncial we it this Kingdom.Heal Estate bought and sold. Tuxes and safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Eooms, Offices and leased and rented, and rents collected.

and Lifo in flrst-chu- s InsuranceCustom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy and

Loans at favorable rates.

and solicited forAny Articlo purchased or bold most favorable

Orders will receive attention.

CgT All Business entrusted to our caro will and lailhlul attentionmodcrato charges.

llaiag had ail extensive business experience for ocr tucnty-flv- o years inNow York City and wo feci to attend to nil business of unintricate and complicated naturo,or tact nnd disci and respectfullysolicit atihl.

Bell Telephone No. 274. XXnivaiiuu Agency.1an. 8 ly

ue illwoFRANCISCO.


in America.

Meals Superior all Others.

GONSALVES CO.,AtceiitH Hawaiian



MARCIIANT,(Bucccssor T. G. Thrum)

Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank- -

book Manufacturer.

l?rieud Bethellulu.


persons who communlALL with Poitueucso, citherfor business, for procuringservants other helps, will find

most profitable way advertiseLuso organ ofPoituguese co.ony,

llshcd Merchant tct, Build.In?. Letter Box 13.),

charges reasonable rates advertisemenU.




Estate, Fire Life InsurancoExchange Brokers.

For Sale! To Lease!

SALE 175x108Healthy view,






GODFREY,Coiiylat encrnt Agent


FERTILIZERS!Plantations, Gardens,


prepared reccivooidets Fertilizer





Businesskepi adjusted.

Colletiona prompt!'Conveyancing


Copying languagesraid ProperlyLand

Fire Insurance effected Companies.dispatch.

negotiatedAdvertisements Subscriptions Publishers.

terms.Inter-Islan- d particular

receive prompt

elsewhere, competentrequiring







(Post-Olllc- e


Almost every week wo read ofsonic person or animal being gored

a vicious bull or cow. I havebeen caring for bulls ever since Iwns big enough, which is over thirtyycifrs. I have hardly ever seen one.that was kept tied, but what he be-

came ugly. And many will get sorunning in tlio pnsturo. Now T

have a plan for dealing with vicioushorned stock, If a bull, I tic himby the neck to something solid, orthrow him and tic him down. Ithen saw his horns off closo to hishead. I do this the first time liegets ugly. 1 don't wait until hegores something. It does not injitiehis looks. "When j'ou get him up, achild can drive him. The light is allgone. If a nice cow, I saw theshell close to the head. Then takea hammer and strike the end of thehorn and remove the shell. Somesay this is cruel. Yes, I presumeit does hurt some, but nature soonforms a covering, as it is a frequentoccurrence for cows to knock the

'shells off the horns, and by thetime the horns are well the cow, nsa rule, forgets her viciousness.Better a little pain to an animalthan to carry in the body of a fatheror mother, or some other member ofthe family, cored by a viciousbrute. The gun is then broughtinto requisition, but too late tobring back the loved one. Hollis-te- r

Free Press.

Pittsburg, March G. This after-noon an advance of six cents in thepi ice of oil caused a most intenseexcitement. The market almostbounded from 04c to SI. 01, butbiokc at the closo to 08Jc upon sell-

ing to icalizc. The transactionswere heavy.

One "Watcrvillc lady expressed agreat deal of anxiety over the resultof the vote on the charter question.When asked her reasons, she re-

plied: "I don't want Watcrvillc tobecome a city because they saycities arc very unhealthy places tolive in." Lcwistou, Maine, Even-ing Journal.

TTic water-work- s at Council Grove,Kan., were opened on FebruaryIGth.



many kinds of catharticmedicines, do not make you

feel worse befoic you feel better.Their operation is gentle, but thor-

ough, and unattended with disagree-

able effects, such as nausea, gripingpains, &c.

Soigel'a Operating Pillsare the best family physic that hasever been discovered. The' cleansethe bowels from all irritating sub-

stances, and leave them in a healthycondition.

The best remedy extant for thebane of our lives constipation andsluggish liver.

These Pills prevent fevers and allkinds of sickness, by lemoving allpoisonous matter from the bowels.They operate briskly, yet mildlywithout any pain.

If you take a bovoro cold, and arethreatened with a fever, with painsin the head, buck nnd limbs, one ortwo doses of Seigel's Opcrsit-in- g

Pills will bieak up the coldand prevent the fever.

A coated tongue, with a brackishtaste, is caused by foul matterin the stomach. A few doses ofSeigel's Operating Pills willcleanse tho stomach, remove the bad"taste, and restore the appetite, andwith it bring good health.

Oftentimes diseased, or partiallydecaj'cd food, causes sickness,nausea and diarrhoea. If the bowelsare cleansed from tills impurity witha dose of Seigel's OperatingPills, these disagreeable effectswill vanish, and good health willresult.

Soigle's Operating Pillsprevent from excess ineating or drinking. A good dose atbedtime renders a person fit forbusiness in the morning.

These Pills, being Sugar-coate- d,

are pleasant to take. The disagree-able taste common to most pills isobviated.





ing.January 13, 1888.

V. . v


Arrive at Honolulu (ram San Francisco.

Australia April 3Mariposa April 12Australia..... May 1

Zcnlnmlia May 10Austialin May 29Ahuncdu Juno 7Australia June 26Maiiposn July C

Australia July 24Zeulnndia August 2

Austialia.. ..August 21Alameda August JitAustialia September 18Mariposa September 27Australia October 1G

Zealandia October 25Australia November 13Alameda November 22Australia December 11

Leave Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Zealandia Apiil 8Australia April 10Alameda May 0Australia May 8Mariposa .. . . Juno 3Australia Juno 5Zealandia July 1Australia July 3Alameda . July 29Austialia July 31Mariposa August 2G

Australia August 28Zcalnndia September aJAustialia September 25Alameda October 21Australia October 23Mariposa November 18Australia November 20Zealandia December 16Australia ' December 18Alameda . . . .(1889) Junuary 13

Honolulu LibraryANB

Readina Room Association.

Cor. Ilutcl & Alakca Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the prcsentime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Beading Room is supplied withabout llfty of the leading newspapersand periodicals.

A Parlor is provided for conversationnd games.Terms of membership, fifty cents a

Jiontli, payable qnaiterly in advance.No formality rcquhed in joiuiug exceptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries nndvisitors from tho other islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Association having no regularmeans of suppait except tho dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan interest hi maintaining an institutionof this Mud, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. CARTWKIGIIT, Pics.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PAKJIELEE, Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. KODGEKS, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Library Committee.

Nonce to SnuhBrs

Oi aid after Dec. 31, '87



"The Daily Bulletin."

All complaints, &c, in future,must bo made direct to the Managerof the Daily Bulletin ; and

All SubscriptionsDuo up to this day, Deo. 31st, 1887will bo oollooted by J. E. Brown &

Co., whoso receipt for the same villbe recognized only.

Bulletin Office,Honolulu, Doc. 31, 1887.

Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish!

riIIE AindorsiKned having been in thoX business fur the past 1G months,

and now being appointed by the Boardof Health ap Kubbish Collector. Ihcieby wish to thank the public torthere liberal patronage, hoping a con-

tinuance of the tame with a morelist of customers. I shall as

herctofoio hnvo my rubbish carts go oneach street wheie required three timeseach week. except In very laiuy weather,then two times each week. After thismonth each cart will cairy a bell toannounce its appcuianco on thu street,that no one will have an excuse for notBetting out their dirt.

CKff Prices us heretofore: OrdinaryHouse Kubbish nnd Yard Sweepings,GO cents, 7G cents nnd 81.00 per month,if put in containers.

The above prices arranged nccordingto the amount of rubbish taken away,

Trco Trimmings nnd Hore Litterwill bo charged extra.

Ilortea. Uullocks, Hogs' and Dogs willbe buried at reasonable rates.

N. F. BUKGESS.P. S.- - Anyone kuowluc of one who

is reqiureu to have the r runulsli re.moved, who is not able to pay the tux,if tho party or parties will let me knowI will do their carting frco of charge.DO lin N. P. B.


Q WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedO Whale Boat. 30 feet long, 3 feetdeep; 8 feet wide; 2 22 feel burf BoatB:1 18 feet Surf Boat: 2 Decked I'lunucr.J(l feet long, 0 feet 0 inches widr, 2 feet0 inches deep, with mast nnd sails allcomplete; 1 2J feet Sailing Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to.

J2.H.RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 61 tf


Groat Bargains!

I Barpi

Tho business pf tho lato

GEO. ENGELHARDTWill bo conducted by tho Uudorsigned

exocutors of the will of thedeceased, until the





Kttclieu XJtousllw,Stoves,


Lumps, JSlcM JLcm-- is Disrosnn.or- -

Everything will be sold at Cost

Price I

Thus affording housekeepers andothers a rare opportunity of re.plenishing or renewing tbeso neces-bar- y

household nrtlcles nt email ex.pense. They will also sell at publicauction sometime next uvl daleto be announced In u futuio issueat tli late resideneo of the deceasedou Queen Btrect, near the corner ofAlnkca. the entire content of the

Fernery and Conservatory !

BSTThcro is a gardener in dailynnd public Inspection is cor-

dially invited.


Executors of the Will.72 tf

pM fc- -1p


B g CD

a 5

6?a o ea

o? 5" po C

3 09p

0 PM

ni S wCD


K CD STO 2. "(i D2o S ci

0? t D2w o B OO t--i2O a





Nos. 33, 45, G2, C3, G7, 73 & 97.

r.. O. Hcbumnn, - - Proprietor.Stand Corner Merchant and Fort

Streets.ear Tciophoncs, ass. --&

inch 0.86.1y


WE beg to intimate that Mr. TV. L.Green who has hitherto, with

Mr. Q. W. Macfarlauo, conducted ouragency here, retires from the same ason 1st January, 1898.

Mr. G. W. Macfarlane, assisted byMr. Robeit Cation, will continue Jorepresent our firm hero.

MIRRLEES, "WATSON & CO.Honolulu, 23rd February, U88.

' 73 tf


Tho Waiklki realdcncc of.Mr. Fred HHnjaelden situated at ICnpiolani Parkbetween the residences of Hon. W. G.Irwiii, and Mr. t'rank Brown, Is offeredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto tho undersigned.92 tf FRED II. HAYSELDEN,


The prcmUes at Kallhl Valley adjoin,ing the residence of Mrs. Markham andknown as tho Guerrero Homestead. Theyconsist of three distinct lots, viz:

1 Houso lot upon which stands a sub-stantial Iwo'Story house and s.

Area about 1 3-- 4 acres, .2 Houso lot of about 34 cf an acre.3 House lot and faro land. Area about

2 acres.

For further paitlculars apply to

J. M. MONSARRAT,74 Merchant Street. tf


Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Slioeing1 DEYwrgje.,Fort Ht.. Xcxt I.ncas' 31111.

Shoeing, iVoni $1.50..

Horsoa and Cattle Treated forall DisoaBcs.

Residence: 31 Alakca Street,I. O, BOX 4.08.

Bell Telephone) gB58.

Aistrallai Mail Swlce.

FOK SAW FKANOISCO,Tho now and fine Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu from Sjduoyand Auckland on or about

April 8, 1888.And .will leave for the nbove port withnulls and passengers on or about that

dale.For fielgUi or passage, having


WE Q. IEWIN & CO., Agents.

For Sydney and Auokland,

The new and lino Al steel steamship

it ariposaOf the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due nt Honolulu from SunPrancisco on or about

April 12, 1888,And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passcngeis for the above ports.

For freight or passage, having SU-PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IEWIN & CO., Agents.

Ilgll Tal. BIO. Mutual Tel. ISO

l.O.Xtox415.Qffico 28 Merchant Bt., Honolulu

General Business Agency.


Conveyancing a Specialty Records searchcd and abstracts of title furnished onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing in illlanguages in general use in tho King-dom.

Custom Houso brokerage Fire and LifoInsuiance receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR.-Collecl- --Authoiized

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

Several valuable properties In andaround the city now for sale on easyterms.

Convenient Collages in desirable healthylocations in and near the city to let orlease &t reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by Beveral men andboys, who will make themselves use- -

ful in performing tbo various officesand chores required by private fami- -


Full particulars given on applicationat the agency.

Orders from the other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Boll Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. SCO.

P. O. Box 409.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Fire Proof Stone Building,

42 Merchant Street.



General Commission Merchants

General Agency for Haw'n Islandsof the

' Burlington and Chicago Railway

Across America,Connecting at Boston with the Azores

and Mudeira.

Through titkets granted from Honoluluto nil points East.

Acconutunt Department.Merchandise ktored sad sold on com,

mission. Consignments solicited.Shipping and Custom House Business

attended to.Books and Accounts kept and audited.Legal Documents prepared.Averages adjusted,Properties leased, rented and sold,Legal documents drawn.

To Let No SO Kluau street; parlor, 3bedrooms, kitchen, servant's room,ptublo, carriage house, garden, etc.Rent very moderate.

Cottage at "Waiklki, opposlto BunnySouth; large yard, stable, eto. Possession ou 1st April.

New York Line.54S iWC

Au Al vessel will bo despatched bythis Lino for Iltrtioliilu, to leave

New xork in all Slay.For further Information apply to

W. H. OKOSSMAK & BRO.,77 & 70 Broad Street,

Now York.

CASTLE & COOKE,07 3m Honolulu.


Al J. J. flams05 tf

3a3soaaiv3E5iBy the S. S. "Austrnlin" 8lh Fobruary,


California Orangos---prlm- o samplo, BarrolsSaurkraul. Kegs Saurkraul, Crates While

Heart Cabbago, Celery on Ico,Crates Cauliflower,


APPLES ATCD X3!jVIlfcS tA large consignment of

Potatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies,Jams, Prunes, Raisins, Chestnuts, Vnl.nuts, Uardnuts, Almonduutf, CannedTomatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Ktc , KloBS-L0-


CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET,60 XiiiC street, Honolnlc. tf



ALL kinds of diaage attended toCvith promptness. "White .and

Black Sand delivered in aunntitics tosuit. Also, Black Rock nnd Coral Rock.

Office: With J. F. Colburn, Kingstreet, near Maunakea. 72 8m


Book-binde-r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


W shes to notify tho public that hehas removed to larger quarters,

"No, 13 Kaahumanu Street,m UP STAIRS. -- a '

81 8m

Tahiti Lemonade Steam forks,TjisristY south.

Honolulu Depot, - - - 28 Merchant St.

Manufacturers of High Class AeratedWaters, put up in Patent Crystal

Valve Bottles


Plain Sodn,Ginger Ale,

Knsplicrryade,Hop Ale.

Tahiti Lemonade,Cream Soda


J. E. BROWN &ibo.,08 Proprietors. tf



Every description of


Bread & CrackersJ


SALOON BREADAlways on hand.


Island orders promptly attended to.08 Cm

Yosemife Skating

jBifSkating! Skating! Skating!

Cerner Queen & Richard Streets. -

Will ha open every evening from 7 to0:BO r. m.

MUSIC: Tuesdays nnd Saturdayseveniug for tho Public in General.

THOMAS E. WAXJU1601 Proprietor. lyr

