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N144 MSK Burns Abuse Lecture

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  • 8/14/2019 N144 MSK Burns Abuse Lecture


    MSK/Burns/Abuse Lecture 11/09/2009

    Paper: 10 pages doesnt include cover page, copy of procedure &

    references etc. 10 pages Max but can be fewer. Can turn into Moodle or

    bring in a paper copy on Monday 10/23.

    Case Study: What are we going to assess for this patient in addition to

    what we have?

    CMS assess

    Pain level

    Risk Factors for this fall: Osteoporosis, Age, Thin & Frail, Nutritional

    status, Hx previous fx

    What else is worrisome for this geriatric pt with a fx?

    Prolonged immobility leading to loss of function

    How do we prevent osteoporosis

    Eliminate carbonated beverages, walking 30 mins 5-6x/week,

    calcium supplements

    Types of Fx (See slide for illustration)

    Long Bone fx

    Small Bone fx

    Spine fx

  • 8/14/2019 N144 MSK Burns Abuse Lecture


    Spinous processes

    Vertebral body

    Types of Traction

    Bucks: non-invasive, 5-10 lbs, prevents pain b/c decreases muscle

    spasm. Maintains alignment of the bone.

    Skeletal traction: pins into bone & contraption that attaches the


    Concerns for a pt in traction?

    Pressure ulcers can prevent by turning as long as traction

    stays aligned, usually need 2 ppl one to hold pt traction in

    place & one to turn

    CMS assess the distal extremity

    Infection (for skeletal traction)

    Priority Assessment

    CMST: Circulation (cap refill, pulse), Motion, Sensation,


    Other assessments: circumference of extremity & the quality of pin

    sites s/b w/o signs of infxn

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    Case Study 8 hours later

    Priority concern now: sensation to L hand extremity pale, cool,

    decrease in sensation, pain w/passive movement

    Compartment Syndrome

    Limb-threatening occurrence: high priority for us

    If concerned about this would measure circumference regularly to

    ensure its not getting bigger

    Surgeon can insert a needle into compartment to get a pressure

    reading on it.

    Fasciotomy done if d/t compartment itself, Bivalve cast (clamshell

    cast) if d/t tightness of the cast

    Prevention of compartment syndrome: Elevate the limb! And dont

    overload with fluid resuscitation.

    Question: what to do when pt has cool/pale distal extremity to injury

    in a cast

    Reinforce Dressing

    Remove pillow & lay the leg flat

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    Warm the foot w/heating pad & assess pulse w/doppler (dont do

    this b/c heating pad will make the extremity more edematous!)

    Elevate the leg higher & apply ice

    Case Study: 24 hours later

    Priority assess when she starts to become restless? Check

    oxygenation status since restlessness is the first indicator of O2.

    What are your priority actions?

    O2 via NC (already getting 2L)

    Notify the physician because Fat Embolism! Altered mental

    status is one of the first signs of this!

    Fat Embolism


    Altered mental status

    Respiratory distress (tachypneic, O2 sat)

    Truncal Petechiae b/c fat globules block the microcirculation

    Nursing Care


    Monitor circulation

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    1-3% of pt with single long bone fx get these

    Trunchal petechiae is 20-50% (???)

    Prevent by early immobilization of the fx & operative fixation to

    repair the break

    What other complications are orthopedic patients at risk for?

    DVT most common complication of ortho surg & LE fx

    Infection osteomyelitis especially


    Types of Fixation See Slide

    ORIF - Open reduction internal fixation

    IMN Intramedullary nail

    External fixation Ex Fix

    Fusion (spine) seen very rarely in other extremities

    Joint replacement

    Case Study 3 days later

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    Hip Precautions for this patient cant flex more than 90 degrees,

    keep hips abducted & avoid crossing legs. These pts given

    elevators to go over the toilet so they are not bending down so

    deep to go to the bathroom. These precautions done for 6-8 weeks

    (see slide for pictures)

    Other d/c issues

    Meds: pain meds, ongoing DVT prophylaxis

    Outpatient PT/OT & other f/up appointments

    They know the signs of infxn

    Types of weight-bearing permitted: NWB or TDWB

    Return to Case Study

    Priority Assessments

    LOC, Pain, Fluid Status ( AEB low BP & LOC), Breathing

    Approach to care of the burn patient

    Identify degree of burn & calculate percentage burns

    Calculate fluid requirements

    Maintain ABCs

    Initiate & continue wound care

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    This pt would go to the ICU discussion of which pts go to ICU &

    which would go to Med Surg unit

    Rule of 9s: circumferential scald burns from mid abdomen to toes


    For our patient calculates out to 65%

    Degrees of Burn Injury

    Superficial (1st


    Epidermis Only

    Heal 3-6 days

    Partial Thickness (Dermal)

    Epidermis + Dermis

    Superficial: heal 10-21 days, Uniformly pink, moist & painful,

    scarring minimal if at all & function intact

    Deep: heal 3-8 weeks, Dry & white, not painful d/t nerves

    burned away, person will be severely scarred & lose fxn

    Full Thickness

    Epidermis + entire dermis, sometimes into fat

    Cannot heal on own

    Needs grafting to heal

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    Capillary Leak

    Total Burn < 20% BSA = localized

    Total Burn > 20% BSA = systemic Ineffective Perfusion, Fluid

    Volume Decrease, Ineffective Cardiac Output

    Leak seals in 12-24 hours, fluid re-mobilization (migration from

    interstitium back into vasculature) starts at about 24 hours, then 2-

    3 days after, you enter the diuretic stage where the fluid is being


    Initially hyponatremic & hyperkalemic, later on hyponatremic &


    Fluid Resuscitation

    Parkland formula: 3-4 ml/kg/% TBSA burned

    total volume in first 8 hours

    total volume over next 16 hours

    Lactated Ringers has a little extra water & dont need to

    give a maintenance fluid on top of that for ongoing hydration


    Ongoing fluid resuscitation w/goal of urine output > 30 ml/hr

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    Persistent massive fluid needs -> plasmapheresis being used to

    modulate the inflammatory response

    Calculating Fluid Administration (KNOW THIS!!! Per Kyla)

    For Ms G: 50 kg; 65% burns; 3 ml/kg/% TBSA

    3 ml/kg = 150 ml/%

    150 x 65 = 9,750 ml


    8 hours = of total = 4875 @ 610 ml/hr

    Next 16 hours = 4875 @ 305 ml/hr

    8 hours starts from the time of the burn if pt got 2L fluid with

    paramedics, for example, we dont count this in our equation.

    Whether they got fluid or not, just do our calculation &

    administration anyway

    Systemic Effects r/t Capillary Leak (will cover in further detail when we

    talk about sepsis & shock) see slide with list of symptoms

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    ABCs Escharotomy sometimes needed since circumferential aschar

    on trunk can compress lungs, inhibit ventilation. Also happens on

    extremities & compresses circulation (note that escharotomy is not done

    through fascia)

    Burn Dressings

    Goal: keep clean, moist, prevent infection

    Note: cold water on burn only helps in 1st

    degree type burns at

    home, can contribute to hypothermia for more serious burns.

    Wound coverings

    Antimicrobial creams (silver sulfadiazene silver has

    antimicrobial properties & also keeps moist)

    Light wraping of gauze to keep cream in place

    Wet dsg when wound is healing & not infected

    We dont use wet-to-dry b/c v painful with these pts & that

    level of debridement not usually needed

    Wound treatments usually once or twice a day & this pt is at a

    specialty center for burns

    Nursing Concerns for these patients with big burn dressings

    Pain pre-medicate, sometimes even with propofol

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    Infection odor, purulence, exudate, edges of burn start to

    look inflamed & red, graft will slough off if infectious process

    is happening

    Burns on her R arm from hot water best tx for this burn?

    Cool the burn w/moist sterile compress then cover w/dry sterile

    dressing & administer tetanus

    Skin Grafting

    Graft care

    Ensure Adherence

    May need wound vac

    Can be homo or hetero graft some are human some are

    pigs, or an auto graft self donation of skin graft pt can

    keep donating from self, skin put through a mesher creating

    honeycomb appearance.

    Must be immobilized in that area until skin graft has taken

    Acticoat helps skin heal (LOOKUP)

    Nursing Care of the Burn Pt

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    Alteration in comfort

    RTC & PRN meds

    Premedicate for wound care or other treatments

    Risk for impaired wound healing r/t edema


    Soft wraps may be used to decrease swelling

    Risk for altered nutrition

    Start PO diet or tube feeds on admission as stress ulcer

    prophy and high metabolic needs d/t injury. (Unless there is

    some type of major indication)

    Would monitor blood glucose as well & would keep glucose

    out of fluids for 1st 24 hrs.

    Risk for infection

    Dressings as ordered


    Massive burns may require tropicana room

    Occupational/Physical Therapy from the very beginning, unless a

    skin graft needs to adhere or some other contra-indication.

    Maintain mobility & fxn

    Prevent contractures

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