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NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203;...

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NAA: B883, QX62481 Series number: B883 Control symbol: QX62481 Barcode: 4467831 Number of pages: 9 BIGG FRANK HUMPHREY : Service Number - QX62481 : Date of birth - 14 Oct 1926 : Place of birth - ROMA QLD : Place of enlistment - QLD : Next of Kin - BIGG ALFRED These copies are provided for research or study purposes. Before making use of the material for other purposes (for example publication) you should familiarise yourself with any copyright obligations.
Page 1: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

NAA: B883, QX62481

Series number: B883

Control symbol: QX62481

Barcode: 4467831

Number of pages: 9

BIGG FRANK HUMPHREY : Service Number - QX62481 : Date of birth - 14 Oct 1926 : Place of birth -

ROMA QLD : Place of enlistment - QLD : Next of Kin - BIGG ALFRED

These copies are provided for research or study purposes. Before making use of the material for other purposes (forexample publication) you should familiarise yourself with any copyright obligations.

Page 2: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

w,AUSTRAUAN MILITARY FORCES. ' \ mnA.II|.E’ Non, 1042.)0 . , / ,ATTESTATIQN FORM 1 won smcml. 1-"oacns RAISED 1-‘on SERVICE IN AUSTRALIA on ABRO i-’ i lA. l, 62//—'*3>1e>e h N /I»/r<7r+m<L/u,q_gm¢E;/S||mame_. ~~~~ ~_ “OI er ames...“ ............_.._. ........._.__(I|.oC|( unnu)Um! .... .... ................ ....... .. . 7 .. .......... ..,/’ /‘Enlisted /0, 5:TUiCc .. , . ....(PI¢¢¢)3- Q1. What is your name! ,: {>1“-2. Where were youhm-r {.}s.a. Aroyou a mmm: b'¥:':‘ A num n-. = n "u n s u n 1:the mm-, produged/at. H fl “ ~ 44. Whnt in yuu'@ llld dhte at birth! {5. What is you Vtrudbl€1~u;pupa@h . .. .‘ 6. Are You man-led. _Bi!l¢l0-vldnwewl ow ordivorcee! 1. Wllil are ma~a¢u_pL ybui children! H. 41 . . .~~.5312”? °' “‘ ‘-3'1"" _-..f’.' .1‘ ‘°' ‘L'.§T"'° "T" "“.‘§?. ">.:§ ‘- -(D) II you WGPQ Q-llll-\‘RI\‘l or diemlnaed In any such urvlee, whatwas the reason! .... (c) It now sex-v'ln¢.w'P3-rtlcul . .. . .ox‘.9_ Who is your w nej of kin! (Ox? 0! \'¢alalionship:—wllo,husband. eldest rum mldesc danwh . lather. mnthm‘, eldest.brother. eldest miner. mess hall-brother, eldest. hnli-sister.) 10. What 1| you pdzmariqcaddress! ll. What in your railzloue ‘danominaon! (Answer opoiinl.),uulions lo lie pul to persona calla! cu! or prueniing lhamelves /or volunlary enlistment. 'Inor nuar the town .. in the Sate or country DateofAge ..;//MB» iimm-........... _ _s.(¢) A.M.F.—8- (I) Hm Yo“ may Pr;-lzivu “"1; "W-Yr M *1" Iowa ==='1m>- 9.4 7 f 10_ ‘ L11.12. Hava you over been convicted by a civil cuurtl ll so, tar what lgoenee I .... 13. Have you my olthe follnwlnz Educational Qua-ilcatlonli Ifso, which! QOTHER//No.Rank_.,.<_,.....,,l 4 .Unit._.i....... __ _(b) /(c No.......... .. . 1 1Relationship. . _3. Lea.III;?3;§I¢§;L2i;IfIff1IIIIIIII"'1IIIi§..,1. Certicate for Entry to SecondarySchool................... .. 2. Iuwnnodiata. .... . 6. Unl1. Obhe4. Leaving Honours-<4.-->--.--..---i---.--_-- - verslw r 3, _ ______ _____ __ _ ____._.do solemnly declare that the above answers made by2;?me to theabove questionsare true and that am wi g bo serve i Australian Military Forces within or beyond the limits 0!the %mm0nwealhh S’ nalurea Aunt‘ or Wit ' O an ($ignalw=)( 1: I we nwvu )‘Thepencnwillhevnrnednllhnuldlnginhlnenmwenlomyullhesequslionnhewilll>e|i.nbl|Iohe:v1n:ul:inunderlh:D:ImuAct.0 TH OF TMENTTC. ._ . that I will Well and truly serve ourSovereign 1026., the King, in the Military Forces of bmmonweal 1,5 Australia. until the cessa.§ion of the_prese_nt time of v-faram} (,y¢{>ve 3103315 hqrgggr or um,“ 50¢“; lgvyfu-y ged, dismi ;"= or xfemoved, and that I w1]l_z‘esist His Ma1er§ty's €_n€ml8Sand caum His Ma.ju|ty‘apeace to be kept and maintained, and that I will m all matters appertaining to my service faithlullyin vlp e (nh.,.,., l.;;;;;;;;.";;;;i;i 'jj""‘j1"QZ/Zr;/l;;f;7I'I"§.'fjllj 1discharge my duty according to law. . Quy Beforeme—t!n&hhnol9\t|oalIhc&l\ohhmulhth0nbonhrm|hm\ldhunmnxhdbvddo Lha\vord“| "2n§ 'Z1§I13%?d|s“|¥fa'n¥yq&Q¥melyL$gIa%|§'dn¢hn"ludbydellg\hlI "lhhelpmu " .”~“°'/"*“*“°““‘ 11; Auu»=i:1= H. 11:. mw, Gavernmcnt Printer,Mellbouraz. E Z y“ //"' Q’ if1w0'€‘ R. /2/kw / /-73

Page 3: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

\I,4-gmi, 1\00V\\. , ' ~‘ - ~72; ‘ ‘ *- -- ’_. " 1 . 1%" 1 ‘-.’Y'~ EV‘: 7% -Y4. J»;~11 |§,1;; \2f;=‘$7. ml€:m‘:_: -:13‘ mum wé A Ham 1.11‘ _wv~. 2“, V ,2 A #44N/)%-».|,+~aj Ewz MM"‘I>\‘l /7%o2 §1

Page 4: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

‘ ,

Page 5: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

9 nee i945?/¢~%-5"--*~'[ M-~» W"A.A.F. A. I02.nurr A—CofnPI|edbY um; % ’“’“‘”“‘* PROCEEDINGS FOR DISCHARGE. tlnhoduced gs)R‘::i'::i:; ”?“’...,.£.Z?ii€?""/ >-1v P1 c 'AMR 5 0 253A"m( Unit..§.%.m. u..@.£______.____Army No Rank Z/Reason for 4 i r’ ' ‘ 6 {_ \I Y mm M‘“~"—-D'sch<=rc¢ . /£/ 1/" _selm in which discharge desIred—— Other Namee .. Surname ........ Normally State in which mem- I Q (Block Letters)ber‘s home ls situated. ' ---~-----~--'-PART B—Pers'0nal d ils—<.ompiled by Un_it:I. Home address .. Unit (for discharge purposes).4....cg....1...-.:.I.:.........I...;......i......l.§.z1..;..IDate commenced |: T D97q/// /1; N, of Birth /1%/__4§2 /<24 ' Served/gricontinuous Full Time War Service in tBe H ,. . 4* J_ , L 2 ,1 1‘, H I ‘ ,9. SW19 whether:-— J ............ PART D—Campiled by Ech. {'7 Rec.: H8. Details for Certificate of Discharge N0. 4 ...om 1/ to / / ...Married, single, No. ofDependants in respect at iyhorn ............ 'dlY°"¢edi "id" d°P°"d°"*'5 °"°W°"°° is bemg "°'d:" for a Total Effective Period‘ of 7 S E7 da hi h I d d 7-5 6_ ‘ ' y§,‘W 'c inc u eor widower ------ U"de' '5 Y"$~---T»-7-'5 Y"- C’ °""'--->'""'Active Service in Australiat}.S.b.........,days and (32. Present Descri tio fS ld' : *'_— ' ' ‘P O O ‘er '— Medical Cases Only MR [1 O 253Al I) (dlHeight..s€..ft2.§...,|ns. Eyesifzz D‘ bilih/:7n€=>mpi=><ion.....fZeL.._ Hal ..Marks/Scars.___ ____,... ._...~ ....»_._..........- / Trade Group In which employed ___-_-»_~---3. Operational Service :—(a) Overseas area Embarked Disembarked_ of service from Al-st. In Aust.._ -J /-__ ...-/..._.../......_' _ ___ A/~..../-~ ___/...... .. ____.______..__ ........... ../._ /._-_. --/._._/._-, ___________________,lb) N.T. (North of Par. l4~}° Sth.) or Torres 'c /7 LDegree afDisability .....__..._..%Authenticating Signature Far Echelon3:183)_i_ ....____ ___./-_/ _-/-_-/_- “"-“'* i>7;_" - * 7 V ,~ o@[email protected].€....../ll. ..... ../..4s.£_ 5'» // i cm*;:¢K$liiF§"§'ii2i"}l§'§{i€'i"”"'PART C—Compiled by Ech. and Rec.:4. Non-effective Service ; '.-:‘l<Active Service O/S Australia ....-t<tTi.....idays,Decorations and Awardsi during that Service: or a ge Entered ‘Class and Register...i;,€f..........cDischarged from dischargeconfirmed vide Schedule ...to take effecttweed "°"\?~;~1J:'aJ§g=i~ A 'Plci<:e.‘:~.~.i... ~..§..L.';.Z::.~..igi¥ature..........DOt¢...i@./QR.‘/.\.i.ii%33‘llCBrmi/C,4........¢0ZtAFa,.......ECh. and Rec.6. Details compiled by‘ . A.A.F.A.lOl written by....m,.i.c..........,.....checked /tntered Discharge Certificate Register......i,, . . Entered "Will " _‘A./\.F.A.l3l obtained by ..... ..... ..Register,.......'Z...Z.j i’PART E—-To be signed by Soldier on discharge‘7. l hereby acknowledge receipt of: (a) Certificate of Discharge Jlb) Army Form A l3l porting to contain my Will.(c) WarDate...2..§i....:.......:Signat_j_ure 0ldier...$:.[ . ........ 74.“. Signature of Witness....... * “Effective Period" means the period of service, less any consecutive 2| d yslor more for which the soldier was riot entitled to pay. ,/3tAustra|iameans the mainland of Australia and Tasmania.ill Does not include War Medall. l8d

Page 6: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

' Q/J , /an/c/A/Tia/(1/"LA‘““"‘1 /fr/ \“ brrlmnumou or DIMOIILIZATION PRIORITY "mm mmco‘ /1“‘Q 4 \-;L QYS’ 5, Y RANK....£;g.-.................uN1T ...... ° Q ..- OTHER Date of Commencement of Full War Time WarServicerzzz/....,//../.i{.§.' Age at commencement of Full Tirne War Service.........{g..............years.I. ASSESSMENT OF NORMAL PRIORITY. PointsI. Length of Service in months // X Z (males) or X I (females) .. .. ___r:2..é‘._.._2.Age at enlistmenf in years /IX Z lmalesl or X 3 (females) .. . .. .. 3. Dependancy Status lmales onlyl—one point for each month of Service .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. -iTotal (Normal Priority) J?4. Dependency Status (females onlyl—lnsert"A" ‘ H H H . ‘ v H H i ' i ‘ U ch“' 5. Marriage (females only) —lnsert "B" . 'T'_"—:6. Records and assessment checked. ' gin J l l < _. ._......_» ?Lu;l£~;;;;;;:f.....§ignatur- of Officir,7. I desire discharge in the State ot.m_ .n£..... V0 F’ TlI l V l I ‘Ht’8. l izitend to apply-— I/, hf l‘ i) i_‘(iii of Memblr.\ C. DECISION OF COMMANDING OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OF SERVICE ON FORMATION H.Q.TSlgnatu Date‘Not to be retained 6, >7 i D.ALLOTMENT OF SPECIAL PRIORITY.Reason and Authority........W_......4....s....s.........e................e.,...._... DQLA Signature of Commanding Officer . or Represenmve of 5eMce_INSTRUCTIONS.LENGTH OFSERV|CE.—Months of service calculated from the date of commencement at full-time service to the date notied by L.H.Q.AGE AT ENLlSTMENT.—Completed years of age at date of commencement of full-time warservice.DEPENDANCY STATUS.—Accarded only ta members on whose behalf an allowance is being paid by the Army for one or more dependants.MARRlAGE.—Claims by female members for discharge on account of marriagewill not be recognised if such marriage has not beenreported, and in consequence has not been entered in their personal records.TPART C.—REA$ONS FOR RETENTION-—to be inserted as appropriate(ll Member of PermanentMilitary Forces; (ill) Service throughout Demob. perlod—voluntary.(Ill Applicant for Permanent Military Farcox. llvl Servlcus es.s¢'ntial—Retained until‘Strike out when appropriate Agfhgry

Page 7: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

ED TRUE copy*1 AT |=$;F:L:En€r:PY CF THETOT = CF 51 _|A€:N::'26'Uc_|. %~ * 1345\aA F B 103—l (Adapted)SERVICE AND CASUXLTY FORl!l ,,,,,,y M, Qxsual _4-Q" \ 1_ H ’ "‘ / .1‘§$;»*~;,mt ,.;w:=~_@m--nRank M ChnstmnNames Franz K1nP'hr'¥ kg Surname 3 I G emu mum I ‘T(On Enllltment)Date of Enhstment '~"1q"'44 E C‘ 99"11"44 M0‘, 21/ Manta! Ccndmon M. ,. _505%?! Q'I'D Next of Km AL‘-‘rod mbwt B135 ~~Placeate and Place of Burthl4"]\Q-1936 RWA Qnln Address of Next of Km EQRQIV1.8. 37UTH?0RT Q'LDTrade or Occupanon C1-CPReh on Of Relatxonshxp Fl-til.’(D<2-:,: 3I__.l'_'1»~4rL:Previous °erv1ce NIL0" '1 C1: v‘On a'nd Record;cER.:-_ _;'."fceQu”"S and EchoNOTHING TU BE WRITTEN IN THIS SPACE: 1?U75g1Medml C]aSslcan°n_8ass Idenucanon-—Color of Haxr 33% Eyesass Dxsnncnve Marks(On Enlistment)" Aumomy“"°"’ ‘W’ °' 1" '="""“~= "@"“=* *=""".:;::::.‘::"*".:m“;':-;.*:';':;Y,:;":.¥.a;::“:*=::a*:::z Date Of M .. ;',="',,g; _Date at casualty Casualty or amu-oi lntrfli c:::mé‘ at!::md§:='h:;:;g2'ma%:: mu Casualty Clearing stations anDu“ From whom dlsembarkation uni embukaclon frog: atheatre or war Uncludma furlough kc) Du-um“.received-“~/ 10 fl 7(“ fiwvm ‘as 4; I 14- _ 1in(;wl!<‘I 4~ leaf___,_,_*% 2Z“’u£' u c<>+Office: I/c Gland Ech and 9. ‘ “ Wm!‘$ 4! §""“/ 5 Q44? Ll d ERR;§GDD__£_-,_,_,_LofCArga, 0//2/- 5JAN1 4/ Mgguhe m X»14FEI> 1945 .. Mmggo our TO /,7 AUST INF Tam; BN 4FEB194 _ 4;,‘ ,/Q R 40 Iv Aw an MARcHEn nu EX. / ./-7 R 7'/1%” ){/<>///w<>/ /4 A A ww _/QQ3° 9 4/’ M CHED °"TT° 2AusT INF svzc GP QM;/@*' *?MgR‘~f§5 “'3“U” '"’ in gum m rmnc; lq AUST ms Trw aw mm}~ 194 1&1»Iwésm er A Y_ mwhoq 0111 tolq Ausr IN" rws BN~ ' 19 AIT an MARCHED m EX. 2 Ausr INF spsc GP,%; M, U.2174: MARCHED OUTTOQ/B3AustInfBn(AIF) /56 W J9 /14:--'~ ~ u.) L L;\\,Eu__s4"'\_ ._ _ ___ _ ___

Page 8: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

” ‘ * _ !5' §%/ 6/ea F/4 (5%) C\[email protected]>/REPORT Reqofdcg casualftlu xegagidlng ggomhoélong ( mtg tekapomgy local or ant» ‘ D t Xappon e users pos ngsu. ac ens o eurun pay woun c asH 5 ital Casualty eaxlng Stations Date01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon trom I then-tn at war (Including turo gb ac) Dncum or Em“INF TRG IN 24, ..;.,;'*~Isw1@n \raa.o§I'<}’J'-Q-'1-‘+5M’ 1 '+<;I3/33 Aust Inf Bn Taken on Strength V‘ 19 AUST '1 M)6T\945 'T‘rqn<feYI'¢>d out in <5 H R D WW V C 2'1 001194’W A i ___ "M"! ‘WM aw /<1/"~q~‘-ig’; ¢»m(N1 0*? g7Jal/»~£t;M0 lé‘ é7L;u\J2,1‘:» ~11 -141u /01¢ Z5 »é»»Zi»( /¢¢-$2‘ J x/xv//Y» » ,,.__ g' 15 »./-11 “ P/‘H ,7” ’*°' 3"” 34,, " 3%.68¢; :2 :> as 3°’ 4ZJ,’.3”‘ W ”’fi$3Q1” // /.2 #4" 77‘7"=;"-*43034 ‘Z//2 6:1: (Ag,£,.t»4,l Mt) V 3;,/f I0 A ué J ‘,5t 5.1 0,.1.¢a...,t gm ¢$¢=..A-,) .1/4-,/,4 /=3; .,», °%"9” ¢¢“q4@44B2 ({~q)U!JI|(¢ 3 //3 Q‘ I 0‘ D20/1:%-I/4'/J'°3l($ i@"l“1§nw , HQ : Z ‘&a7€<4-44-I_ M (8)/VAL.//0:! (Bu-yn'4n1. Own"; e'§~q 7 3,’,Q t /ofznfel Hrdvvql $ Gnu, ¢0~.¢¢’ y / 6Aewl 0 ..1..z <: Una! .1. ,/yify-.1ls: v-4,6f:)RK -17;.-oer I/10$ 0| Q’H~4 '7-_m‘_é_L:z( J ~y%2f‘g€.“‘1'{;_!j/‘/A 4-;i\§ /1 vé - Tarp 41: /MP nnvmvp n/5 F08‘. nobJ7as¢¢-1|;/Q3-5 -79/11,6 r-up m.\\Q1va\\magg/;R(;1=D RFASON AMR & 0 253A (1)Amhomy AMR & 0255 (2) (a; (Iv 4"/4 ‘*4"gm; mo Z91"/"1 qa/n/vs’:‘ ,.%*fZIIOVJS SIIIL

Page 9: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

| ., _‘II; I FORCES.AUSTRALIANMOBILIZATION ATTESTA .. ORMTo be filled in for all Persons at the Place of Assembly w cal out under Parts III. or IV.of the Defence Act.2 . A.A. Form Mob. I"_ > (Revised Decelnblr,l94l)Surname .... .......... (BLOCK CAPITALSIUnit ....... . Enlisted for war service .....-..»_....t......,.,.,..;@.:,.u.ns ...... ..... ..(Place).............C'h1"istion N101112 . .. . . .. . (State) ...................... ..........(Date)AQl.lL’SlI0!lS to be putto persons called out zrr1. What is your namel . . . .J ‘ 2. In or near the town of........... 2. Where _ V rnl . . . . . . . . .* - ’ In the state or eountry .re you W u JE&t'la»---»>~<] \4. What is Ilennd date o h'rtl1'l . . . .§ t’"_.~; s 'w 3 45,(a.) W11éi;_isyu1i:- ormal trade or Qecupatio ‘I radei any’! 5. (0) - (b) PP §dQ% ationl . (b) ...... .. rag,6. (0.) Artgpn 'ed, single or widower? . .(b) If &3fi te am of marriage? ..7. (a) H "you previous naval, military or Air Force ser-77!’!vice Qam Ce or war‘! If so. Where and in what arm? , 7. .... .. (b) WE,Ygy@3’e reason for your discharge?89. What is your permanent addressi . . I‘. What is your religious denomination? (This question need {Z /gnot beanswered if the man has e conscientious objection} 10. .............. ' 1to doing so) . .If so—(a) What Court‘! .. .. ..(b) For what offence‘! . . . .. { 4. .... %4 . %. Who l next of kin‘! (Order of 1-e1ationship— Address............... .. .. .wife, eldest son, eldest daughter, father, mother, eldest‘ 4‘ ' .brother, eldestsister, eldesthalf-brother, eldest haltlsister) -- - - ~Relationship...............,........... .. .. . Which, if any, of the following Educational Qualicationsdo youpossess’! .. .. .. .. .. ... 4_. Have you ever been convicted by a Civil Court? . . . . 12.presenting themselves for enlistment.‘1. Surname ..................... (nocx CAPITAIS)" ' Other names ...... miDate of Birth ..... 1, _ _ _ 6. (a) , _ , _(b) ...... ' = .. ;Zi.;iiiiJ"'" 4-in-a~J~lL. Certicate for entry to Secondary Schoo1................2.3.Intermediate...................................................... .... .. Leaving................... _Leaving Hone . . . . . . . . . . ...5.67.Technical........ . >o.University egree............. Other Dip1omas..............“ I .Q/‘Delence Acts\ " ,1 ,,,, above answers made by me to twve questions are rnWitnessed . ..__ .. (Sigmture of Attesting or Witnessing O/cer (Signature)"Tho peuan will bewarned that should he give false answer: to any at these question: he will be liable to heavy penalties under the solemnly declare that the

Page 10: NAA: B883, QX62481 - rslvwm.s3.amazonaws.com · 01' Casualty Plaza“ of $203; é7°e;rtggL1:€aandéxlislon to and discharge from 0 pDam Hgglgeggddm mbsu-katlon and embarkatlon

iI1BMEDICAL EXAMINATION ‘yI have made full and careful examination of the abovenamed person in accordance with the instruction‘; contained inthe Standing Orders tor Australian Army Medical Services. In my opinion heis—“1. Fit for Class 1. A {2. Te lam I tN.............~.........c.~s - >1 rv >¢ 3. ‘Fit-£0»-Glass-I-I-\ l4. ss Hi ...... 5. s e .t .1 . - _ 'Stgllatltre of Ema-mmmg Medical Oicer .... ' Classications which are inapplicable to be struck out. 1Reason for untness to be stated.COATH OF ENLISTMENTiFor persons enlisted or called upon under Part Ill. or Part IV. of the Defence Act, and not being members ofthe Active Citizen Military Forces to serve in the CitizenForces in time of war. Not compulsory for sewing membersof the Forces or those allotted to the Citizen Forces under Part Xll. of the Act, but unless in any case an objection israised, the oath should be administered to them aspart of the ceremony of attestation.swear that I will well and trulyserve our Sovereign Lord, the King, in the Citizen Military Forces of the Commonwealth of Australiafor the duration of the present time of war, or until sooner lawfullydischarged, dismissed, or1-emoved, and that I will resist His l\[ajesty’s enemies and cause His Majesty’s peace to be keptand maintained, and that I will in all matters appertaining to my service faithfully discharge mydutyaccording to law.51: alp gllile (sh!S1'_r/nut-u1'e of Person Enlisted............ Subscribed at“. .... in the State 0f,........... .... .. .. ...... "day of ........ .... ..19 Before 1ne—Signature of Attcsting I Persons who object to take an oathmay make an affirmation in accordance with the "I‘hir:l Schedule of the DefenceA\(‘t- In such case the above form will be amended accordingly and initialled by the Attesting Oflicer._ » _.-1*" ~_ -'; V; -' 1‘-*-3 ,-" id?‘ , '. V‘ .,‘}' 1-:»-~' \Q1 .rQ11 ~I-I’¢ -=5:-.-7:1,. Q;. 4..:1 if. =1» ,gr F-i - /[email protected]'¥" .5? I.»<.-.11‘! ."' af‘. F .EL ., 24../z-#44_ I~/ wwj 7'‘ Govt.!rls'bnno. '2,,,,d[a/“I01
