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Name SOC312 ExamTutorials.Com Ashford University July 8, 2013


ExamTutorials.ComAshford University

July 8, 2013

The upcoming slides has valuable information that all new adoptive parents should know about socialization and their children

Handbook for New Adoptive Parents

Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005) explained children's development with stages of interacting systems in his ecological model

These systems are labeled as follows: microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem

The first four systems of the ecological model operate via direct interactions with the child, whilst the fifth level, the chronosystem, positions the child and these interactions within a historical context

The importance of his theory lies in the emphasizes placed on the major role environmental factor plays on development

Bronfenbrenner's ecological model

Conceptual Clarification

Microsystem -"a pattern of activities, roles, and interpersonal relationships experienced by the developing person in a given setting. Meaning that a child can influence his/her peers and parents just as they influence them

Mesosystem - the linkages of two or more of the child's microsystems. Meaning that if a child brought a friend home from school, his home and school microsystem are linked.

Exosystem - is the linkages between two or more settings; however, one of these settings does not directly contain the developing child. For example, a parent's workplace or father's poker game can indirectly affect a child depending on the current workload or amount of financial windfall.

Macrosystem - society's impact on a child via its values, beliefs, policies, cultures, and customs. For example a child living in America would have different values than one living in China

Chronosystem - historical events that have a comprehensive effect on other systems. For example divorce can effect a child’s ecological systems for years

There are 4 different ways parents can approach parenting their children, I believe that the authoritative parenting style is the best in dealing with adoptive children.

Parenting Styles and Socialization

Authoritative Style

This style is characterized by high degrees of demands and been responsive.

Parent shows their children love and respect their individual independence but still set boundaries and standards frame work to guide their children’s actions

Children have some input on decisions that affect the family but disobedience is still not tolerated

There is a high degree of consequence management. Thus, discipline is focused on their children and they understand the consequences of their actions

Childcare/Peer Group as Socialization agent

The type of childcare you select for your child is very important. Whether you choose a nanny, family day care provider, or center-based program; the type of environment selected provides diverse opportunities for peer group interaction especially before and after school

For newly adopted children, nanny based childcare is very ideal

Having a nanny, the child will enjoy the familiarity and security of being at home with all her own toys and routines. Parents can also keep valuable of control over their child’s routine, diet, activities and play environment

Nannies provide individual attention for your child, which makes the bond between the nanny and the child as the child, these brings trust

There are many nanny groups that meet for playgrounds trips, work on different activities to enable the children connect with other children in a small group way

Nanny Based Childcare

As the world becomes more digitalized, computers and other electronic devices can often serve as an excellent educational tool for many children. Due to the abundant availability of age- inappropriate content on the web and TV , it is important to ensure that children have a safe learning experience. Adults need to monitor children's television viewing and control access to only relevant materials on the web.

Media and Socialization“Computers, video games, smartphones, and the Internet—unlike screen, printed, or

audio media—offer an interactive media through a broad range of learning, entertainment, and communication tools (Greenfield & Yan, 2007).”

Media and Socialization


Expand their knowledge with educational TV shows, websites, and apps

Teaches in a new method with games

Can explore different cultures in different countries

Interactive television shows can enhance a child's speech and cognitive skills


If not monitored children can be exposed to violence and other negative images that can adversely affect their development

More time on the computer means less time outside being active. Therefore limiting a balanced development

Media may conflict with values beliefs promoted at home

Preschool-aged children tend to believe and accept the judgments of adults and others in their microsystems, who often give positive, uncritical feedback, causing children to overrate their own abilities (Harter, 1998)

Self-esteem is a very important essential part to a lifetime mental health and social happiness

Being a positive mirror for not only your child but yourself helps to gain positive attitudes.

A child’s self image comes not only from what the child perceives about themselves but also how others think or perceives about such child.

Giving your child responsibilities will help build and uplift their self esteem, children need jobs to help build their self confidence and values

Child's self-esteem and positive attitude

Teachers/caregivers have a very strong impact on the children and their academic and social skills as the child spends more time with their teachers and peers at school and less time with parents and siblings

Teachers/caregivers will provide an environment of motivation for learning

Teachers/caregivers will not only provide specific instructions for the children and instill the rules in them, but they also are accountable for communication with parents on the child’s responsiveness and development

The importance of the teacher’s role in the children's life.

It is important for children to experience positive peer interactions with everyone involved in his/her life. These positive experiences help to build confidence, increase self-esteem and help to build themselves for their social/emotional development.

Important tips to create positive peer interactions:

Teaching children through everyday play situations will give them positive experiences daily.

Conversing at meal times, while driving Always using age-appropriate tools such as

imaginative play, board games

Importance of positive peer interactions

Bojczyk, K., Shriner, B., Shriner, M. (2012). Supporting Children's Socialization: A Developmental Approach. Bridgepoint Education Inc., San Diego, CA

Greenfield & Yan, 2007 Harter, 1998

