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Nanolab - school science.

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Nanolab is a suite of modern research equipment deisgned for interdisciplinary education and research.
Integrated interdisciplinary educational-research laboratory NanoLab
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Integrated interdisciplinaryeducational-researchlaboratory


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NanoLab is a suite of modern research equipment designed for interdisciplinary education and research.

Nanotechnology in education is an extremely wide spectrum of problems in fields of physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and mathematics which are interesting and promising to solve.

Laboratory projects included in suite have thorough description and several levels of difficulty. With them it is possible to conduct studies far away from school program.

Usage of modern research equipment in study process starting from school increases motivation of students and competitiveness of education.


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istry Biol



Modern laboratory must include not only high-precision microscopes and complex chemical reactors. To utilize their potential one have to use comparatively simple and inexpensive equipment, which quality and functionality directly impacts on variety and complexity of approachable systems and phenomena.

Most projects designed in such a way, that the can be performed under the guidance of good school teacher. Despite that, their themes are science trends of last 10-20 years and usually studied in senior university courses.

Projects allow to cope with interdisciplinary connections, develop interdisciplinary approach, form systematically scientific thinking and to learn more about modern problems of physics, chemistry, biology and nanotechnology.

Participation of students in scientific and engineering contests widens mental outlook and serve as excellent career guidance.

NanoLab support includes consultations on labs, use of equipment and organization of project research.

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Microscopy laboratoryRequires room with low vibrations

Scanning probemicroscope



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Laboratory of synthesis and analysis


Analytical scales

Pyrolythicchemical reactor

Set of lasers


Digital camera

Chemical ware Precision scales

Requires spacious room with fume hoods, good ventilationand at least 5 workplaces.

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Scanning probemicroscope

Designed for teaching principles of scanning probe microscopy and acquiring skills for studying nanoobjects and microstructures.

Semi-professional educational research suite. Supports all primary methods: atomic-force, magnetic-force and scanning tunneing microscopy, as well as nanolitography.

Allows to acquire resolution up to atomic scale.

Displayed series of atomic-force scans reveals various stages of evolution of amorphous metal

material during annealing.

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Salt crystallized within hydrogel Crystal of sodium acetate Crumbs of chemically degraded quartz

Cotton fibers

Lead glassChemical algae based on iron chlorideSalt crystallized on the surfaceof hydrogel

Rosin. Dark field microscopy

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1 µm

Pyrolyticchemical reactorAllows to conduct chemical reactions with gases, solids and vapours. Can be used as melting crucible.

Temperature is variable from room tempera- ture to 1300°C.

Pressure ranges from 1 to 0,001 of atmo- sphere

Reactor is specialized on synthesis of different types of carbon nanotubes.

Carbon nanotubes synthesized in reactor.Image in scanning electron microscope.

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Laboratory projects have several levels of difficulty

Projects with single devices. Demonstrate some phenomena and develop skills of work on modern equipment.

Basic projects

Designed for advanced studies with most motivated students. Provide insights on composite nature of modern research and interdisciplinary connections.

Advanced projects

Performed individually.On example of actual problem show structure of scientific research, form skills of designing and performing experiment, work with scientific adviser and prepare for performing independent research.

Research projects

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“Instant ice”

The list will widen continuously

“Crystallization of isomorphous compounds”

“Basics of chromatography”

“Directional properties of polyethylene”

“Diversity of colloidal systems”

“Synthesis of carbon nanostructures”

“Analysis of carbon nanostructures”

“Electrolysis on microscale”

“Amorphous metal tapes”

“Osmos in animate and inanimate nature”

Advanced projects(20–60 hours for each)

Basic projects(5–15 hours for each)

Preparation of catalyst via sol-gel method, synthesis of carbon nanotubes in gas reactor, research of influence of systhesis conditions on nantubes output.

Study of carbon nanostructures, as synthesized in previous project, so of pyrolithic graphite using scanning probe methods.

Study of structure and composition of nanostructures emerging during annealing.

Synthesis of artificial silicate “algae”. Study of phenomena of plasmolysis, syneresis and osmotic instability,

Study of dynamics changes in metals surface during electroplating.

Synthesis of various colloidal systems. Study of light scattering in colloidal systems.

Study of differences between different types of polyethylene, of hot pressing on their structure.

Basics and technique of paper chromatography.

Study of concept of isomorphism. Differences between crystallization of isomoprhous substances and isomorphous blends.

“Crystallization of isomorphous compounds”

Study of concept of isomorphism. Differences between crystallization of isomoprhous substances and isomorphous blends.

Rapid crystallization of supercooled hydrate solutions.

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0 ms

80 ms 120 ms

Basic project Basic project

Instant iceChemistry of paints

During this project students become familiarwith colour theory, structure of paintsand use of optical microscope.

During this project students become familiar with thermal effectsof chemical reactions, supercooled liquids and useof optilcal microscope.

40 ms

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Basic project

Directional properties of PE–HD and PE–LD

In this project students study structures of differenttypes of polyethylene, document their change underdifferent influences, acquire skills of using scanningprobe microscope.

Basic project

Electrolysis on microscale

In this project students become familiar with principlesof electrolysis and study kinetics of this process.

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Main purpose of this project is experimental research of complex space-organized structures.

In this project students become familiar with structure of stitched polymers, their kinetics in liquid environment and Tindall effect. Study of osmos includes its role in synthesis of some materials.

Acquired skills are: use of analytical scales, preparation of solutions and samples for optical microscopy, confident use of optical microscope.

Osmos phenomenonon micro and macro scale

Research project

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Modelingof sorption

Modelingof osmos

OsmosMacro scale Osmos

Micro scale

Conclusions aboutstructure and properties


Tindall effecton micro scaleTindall effect

on macro scaleVarious solventsMass change

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20 µm

Structural and magnetic domainsin amorphous metal stripes

Main purpose of this project is study of amorphous, nanocrystalline and polycrystalline states of matter.

Objects of research are amorphous metal alloys and methods of their processing and research.

Acquiring skills are use of plant CVDomna 2, SPM Nanoeducator II, analytical scales and conductivity meter.

Research project

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Preparationof samples

EtchingMass change




Conclusions about structure.Synthesis of nanocrystallinestate of matter.

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Synthesis of carbon nanotubes viacatalythic pyrolisys of ethanol

Main purpose of this project is mastering of method of vapour-gas sysnthesis of carbon nanostructures.

Object of research is influence of parameters for synthesis of carbon nanotubes on morphology of end product.

Acquiring skills are use of chemical gas reactor CVDomna, preparation of samples for probe microscopy and use of basic probe microscopy methods.

Research project

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Preparationof raw material

Preparationof catalysts


Preparationof AFM samples

Preparationof STM samples



Conclusionsabout structure

Synthesis usingdifferent parameters

Usage of systhesizedmaterial in researchprojects

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