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Naruto Action Adventure Game

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Action RPG game system developed and based on the Naruto world using the Fuzion system.
Rabaal-Xero Naruto: Anime Adventure Game
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Naruto: Anime Adventure Game

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Naruto-Anime Adventure Game


Physique: How strong and healthy you are.

Wisdom: How smart, determined, or perceptive you are.

Combat: How well you fight.

Movement: How far you can move. 1 move = 5 feet, or 1 square.

Derived Characteristics:

Defense: How tough you are. Defense is subtracted from any damage done to your character.

Health: How much punishment you can take before you are knocked out or killed.


Body Anything to do with physical strength, immune system, ect.

Mind Anything to do with using your mind, will, or charm.

Evasion How good you are at not getting hit in combat.

Weapon How good you are at using a weapon.

Taijutsu Physical Jutsu and abilities.

Ninjutsu Special Jutsu, like fireballs or lightning.

Genjutsu Status Jutsu, mind control, sleep, paralyze, ect.

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Using Skills:

When a hero attempts a skill, you roll three 6-sided dice to see if you succeed or not. You combine the result of the roll with a characteristic and a skill to beat the difficulty. The difficulty is determined by the GM assigning the task a value by how hard it is to accomplish.

Difficulty Level: Difficulty Rating

No problem 10

Easy 14

Difficult 18

Hard 22

Almost Impossible 26

To beat the value you will roll an Action Roll.

Action Roll= Characteristic + Skill + 3d6

If your total meets or beats the difficulty you succeed,

If you roll all 1’s, you automatically fail.

Example Difficulty

Fix a flat tire 14

Fix a blown engine 22

Do simple math 14

Do calculus 18

Open a stuck door 10

Pick a lock 18

Break into bank vault 22

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Using Skills against Each Other:

Sometimes your hero will be using skills against another character (either played by another player or the GM). With opposed actions, the opponent will make an action roll to set the difficulty that you must overcome. This is also true for Combat Attack rolls.

Attacker's Action Roll

Characteristic + Skill + 3d6

VsDefender's Action Roll

Characteristic + Skill + 3d6

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Combat is measured in increments called Phases. Each phase is 3 seconds long. Each player can do one thing during a phase. When every player and enemy has done something, the phase ends and a new phase begins.

Every 4 phases is called a round. At the end of each round all heroes and enemies left regenerate any health they have lost, up to (2x Physique), if the attacks have not been particularly lethal (such as bullets, knifes, lasers, ect.). If the heroes or bad guys have lost more health than they recover, they are still injured. They must wait until the end of the next round (four more phases) to recover any more health.

Taking Turns

Each phase, the character with the highest Wisdom goes first. If two characters are tied, the character with the highest Combat characteristic goes first.


Each character can do one action (from the list below) and one basic movement per turn. A basic move is half a characters movement stat.

Attack Use any type of attack (including Jutsu)Block Stop any one hand-to-hand attack. The difficulty is the attacker’s Combat+

(Fighting or weapon) skill+10Dodge Add +3 to your evasion skills for this phase against all attacks; You may not

attack this phase.Grab You can grab a person or an object. Your Action Roll is at a -2 and your

Evasion skill is at -3 this phase.Get Up You can stand up if you’ve been knocked down or thrown. You may take one

other action also (except Run or Sprint)Run Move up to your full movement. If you do this, you may not take your basic

movement.Sprint Move up to twice your movement stat. Your Combat characteristic is halved

and your Evasion skill is reduced to zero and you cannot take your basic movement.

Throw Throw a person or an object. (-4 to Action Roll if it is not made for throwing)Charge Gather Chakra to use in a Jutsu or use a non-attack powerOther Action Any other single action at the GM’s discretion.

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Combat is resolved in the same manner a skill check is, through an Action Roll. The type of attack being used (physical, weapon, Jutsu) will determine the skill the attacker uses in the roll. The defender will roll using his evasion skill. For example, if Jonny is punching at Billy, Jonny will roll a Combat+Body+3d6 to determine if he hits. Billy will be rolling his Combat+Evasion+3d6 to see if he can avoid the attack. The higher roll always wins, and ties go to the defending player.


When a person or an object is hit, it takes damage. The defending player first subtracts his Defense from the total damage, and any damage left over is then subtracted from his health pool. When a character has no more health left, he is knocked out or dead (GM’s decides).

Doing Damage

The amount of damage an attack does is always determined by rolling a group of six sided dice and adding the total. If the character is using a physical punch to attack then the amount of dice rolled would be equal to their Physique + Body skills. If the character is using a melee weapon, you would also add that weapons dice into the damage. If the character is using a ranged weapon, you would roll only the number of dice specified by the weapon.


When your character takes a hit there is a chance that he will be knocked back. To see if you get knocked back, subtract the number of dice of the attack from the targets Physique + 1 die. The result is the amount of Movement the character is knocked backward. If the movement done exceeds the Physique of the target, he is knocked down. Example: Jonny hit Billy with a 15 Dice attack. Billy’s Physique is 10 and he rolls 1 dice which lands as a 4 giving a total of 14. That means that Billy is knocked back 1 movement (12-11=1)

Collisions and Falling

Knockback will sometimes result in a character colliding with an object. In any collision, the character and the object both take 1 Die of damage for every 3 Movement traveled rounded down to a minimum of one die. This same table can be used for falling damage.

Movement 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30+Dice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Other Kinds of Damage

Shock, Poisons, Burns & Asphyxiation (choking)

These are environmental effects that can harm you for as long as you remain in their area. The GM assigns the severity of the effect and sets the damage accordingly.

Severity Mild Intense DeadlyDice Per Phase 1-4 5-10 11-20Effect Painful, dangerous

over timeIntense pain. Can kill over a few phases.

Can be almost instantly fatal.

Creating a Character

Step 1: Get some Characteristics!

Characteristics are the values that show how good you are in action. They are measured from 1 (fairly weak, average of a human child) to near infinite (although a fit, non-augmented human has values of around 5 to 7). You’ll start with the four basic characteristics:

Physique: How strong and healthy you are.

Wisdom: How smart, determined, or perceptive you are.

Combat: How well you fight.

Movement: How far you can move. 1 move = 5 feet, or 1 square.

You will also receive two Derived Characteristics. These are determined by using another characteristic as a base value. These are:

Defense: (Physique X2.5) How tough you are. Defense is subtracted from any damage done to your character.

Health: (Physique X5) How much punishment you can take before you are knocked out or killed.

As a starting character you will have 25 points to distribute among your 4 characteristics. You must put at least one point in each one.

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Step 2: Get some Skills!

Skills are things your character can learn how to do. Each skill has a number that shows how well your character can perform that skill. Each skill is also paired with a characteristic to figure out if you succeed at a task; the Characteristic usually used is listed with the skill, although the GM may decide to use a different stat. There are six skills in this game.

Body Anything to do with physical strength.

Mind Anything to do with using your mind, will, or charm.

Evasion How good you are at not getting hit in combat.

Weapon How good you are at using a weapon.

Taijutsu Physical Jutsu and abilities.

Ninjutsu Special Jutsu, like fireballs or lightning.

*Note. Just because a skill you want isn’t listed doesn’t mean you can’t have it. All you need is a related characteristic and GM’s approval.

(This includes Genjutsu if you GM is brave enough to venture down that path.)

Step 3: Fighting Styles

The next step for crafting your ultimate ninja is creating his (or her) bag of tricks. Let’s be real here, no ninja is going to walk in to battle throwing basic kicks and punches, he’s going to be using martial arts. This is the basis of how your character fights. Don’t be confused, this isn’t his or her Jutsu, this is just their ability to do basic martial arts attacks and the types of attacks they have.

1: Describe your flashy new move. What does it look like? What movements does it entail? Get creative! Don’t just say “Uh, I kick at him.” Tell how your ninja sweeps his leg through the air in a vicious arc that sends the enemy flying up just to be pile driven back into the ground head first.

As a starting character you will have 25 skill points to distribute among your skills.

Not every skill must have points.

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2: Determine the damage. Next thing is to determine the number of dice this attack will do. You will still do your regular damage (Physique + Body), but this step allows you to do additional Dice on top of that damage you would already do in physical combat. (see damage Pg. 6) For Example. My Physique is 10 and my Body is 10, which means my base physical damage is 20 Dice. I decide I want to create a Fighting Style that will do an additional four Dice of damage. Now when I use this Style I will do 24 dice of damage.

3: Determine the Style’s skill cost. You can’t have something for nothing, am I right? The trade off for these style’s is that since it does more than a typical punch or kick it is harder to land. For every die of damage you add to the attack beyond your basic damage, you must subtract 1 point from your Body skill when using that style. This is the fighting styles skill cost. This cost is only applied to the roll when you make the attack and does not persist afterward.

4: Name That Skill! Give that skill some personal flare. You can name it after what it looks like, or you can name it after some sort of beast! Go nuts! Whatever you choose though, make sure it matches your Ninja’s personal style and the campaign setting. After all, you would never see Gara using “Purple Mist Love Fist” now would you?

Step 4: Jutsu and Chakra

A Jutsu is a specialized type of ninja tool that utilizes a ninja’s Chakra, harnessing it and focusing it into an attack, create defenses, or activate special abilities. In this game you can think of Chakra as a type of currency. You “spend” Chakra to use your Jutsu. All characters will start with a Chakra pool which will increase as the character battles and hones their skill and concentration abilities. There are even some abilities that will allow a character to harness the Chakra from the environment (or even other people) to use for their own means. This is usually forbidden Jutsu, so GM’s should be wary of giving a player the ability to do this. Before we can begin crafting our ultimate techniques we must first harness the power of our Chakra.

Starting Chakra: How much Chakra does a character start with? There are two ways to do this; the dynamic way and the static way. The dynamic is where you have your characters roll two six sided dice individually. The first die roll determines the hundreds, the second determines the tens. If a player rolled a four and then a five, that player would have 450 Chakra. This has the possibility for players to have up to 660 maximum Chakra, but also as low as 110. Players who rolled lower will end up feeling under-powered which is why I prefer to go the static route. The second option, static, is where you just assign your new players a set amount of Chakra to begin with, usually 300 for a beginning level campaign. To make things simple we will deal with Chakra in multiples of 10. It keeps the game flowing a lot smoother. Remember: You may only Focus and use Chakra in multiples of 10.

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Focusing Chakra

It takes time to focus your Chakra into that deadly lightning bolt. It doesn’t happen instantly. Every Phase (three seconds), you can only Focus as much Chakra as your Focus statistic. Your starting focus is determined by adding your Physique and Wisdom together and then multiplying that by 10.

Chakra Skills

Just like with fighting techniques, there’s a catch here too. The more power you put behind a Jutsu, the harder it is going to be to pull it off. This Difficulty is always based on the amount of Chakra you put into the attack; divided by 10. For example, if you were to throw out a 100 Chakra Fireball Jutsu, the Difficulty of that Jutsu would be 100 ÷ 10=10 so you must beat a Difficulty 10 on your Action Roll to use that Jutsu. Should you boost that up to a 500 Chakra Fireball, you would now have to beat a Difficulty 50!

Using Jutsu is just like using any other skill, only in this case you use your Taijutsu or Ninjutsu skill combined with your Combat characteristic and 3d6 to beat the Difficulty. If your total meets or beats the difficulty, you successfully activate the Jutsu; if it fails, you simply can’t activate the Jutsu (but you still lose the Chakra put into it.)

Chakra Recovery

For every hour spent resting (doing nothing) you will recover Chakra at a rate equal to your Focus. Sometimes there are ways to get around waiting. Some characters have been known to eat a food pill to gain an instant chunk of Chakra back in a tight situation. Do not down play the need for rest though. Even the most epic ninja has to sleep and there is realistically not an endless supply of Chakra food pills just sitting around. Make your characters earn them or reserve them for the direst of situations.

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So now you know how to Focus your Chakra, let’s see what you can do with it. Jutsu is the staple of ninja society. A great ninja is measured by the power of his Jutsu. All Jutsu attacks are measured in the same way: For every 2 Chakra you put in to the attack, it causes 1 die of damage. For example, you created a 20 Chakra Leaf Hurricane. When used, the attack would cause 10 dice worth of damage.

Hitting the target: Slow down turbo. Just because you used the move doesn’t mean it automatically connected. Jutsu have one more important feature-actually hitting what you’re aiming at. Whenever you activate your Jutsu, you not only have to roll to see if you activate it, you have to roll to see if it hits also. In this game we assume that if the target isn’t really small or isn’t moving, you automatically hit. If the target is another character (player or enemy) the rule is to treat it just like any other opposed Action Roll.

Special Effects

Jutsu can be given special properties to make it more useful. Accurate allows the attack to follow the opponent making it harder to dodge (doubling your to-hit die roll). Bending allows the attack to go around corners or obstacles and make up to a 90 degree turn (but not actually follow the target). An Area-of-Effect allows the attack to cover a circular area rather than striking a single target. Delay allows the effect to be postponed up to a certain amount of time. Rapid fire allows the attack to be broken up in to multiple smaller attacks that can be aimed at more than one target (the attacks must be in equal amounts). Homing allows an attack to make one final pass at the enemy if it missed the first time it was used. Finally, Piercing gives the attack the ability to rip through Deflections (see below) by negating their effect. Any of these can be added to a Jutsu on the fly, they just increase the difficulty of activating the Jutsu.

Attacker's Action Roll

Characteristic + Skill + 3d6Vs

Defender's Action Roll

Characteristic + Skill + 3d6

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Accurate +10 Chakra per phase of Accurate (+5 to hit, Does not carry over to damage.)

Bending +10 Chakra for every bend, up to 90 degrees (can attack around corners)

Area-of-Effect +20 Chakra per Movement from the center of the attack (can hit everything in that area)

Delay +10 per phase delayedRapid Fire +10 Chakra per additional target you

fire atHoming +50% Chakra cost for the attack to

make one additional pass at the enemy.Piercing +10 Chakra for every 10 Dice of

Deflection negated.


A deflection is any type of Jutsu that would deflect or reflect damage. An example of this would a type of force field that keeps the attack from affecting the fighter at all. You won’t even take knockback because the Deflection is what took the hit. The down side to this is that a deflection is only good for blocking Jutsu; it is not effective against a close-in melee attack.

Deflections only stop Jutsu. When using Deflection, you will subtract one die from your opponent’s Jutsu for every Chakra used in the deflection. Example, if you established a 20 point deflection and attacked with a 25 point Rasengan, I would subtract 20 dice from it leaving only 5 dice of damage to get through.

A deflection is not automatic; it requires some kind of action to activate. If your opponent gets the drop on you before you can raise your deflection, you better hope that your defenses are up to the job. However, once activated a Deflection stays active until it is:

Knocked down by a superior attack Dropped by the person who raised it The person who raised it is hit by a physical attack, like a weapon or basic punch / kick,

breaking the concentration of the deflection.

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Reflex Boosts

Charged by Chakra a Ninja can increase his ability to react to a situation and increase his speed through focus and expending Chakra. A Reflex Boost can be accomplished in one of two ways. Faster Reactions or Increased Actions. Both require their own expenditure of Chakra, but if combined can have devastating effects.

Faster Reactions: Since when you go in any given phase is determined by your Wisdom characteristic, one advantage of Reflex Boost is to increase your Wisdom so that you can act before the other guys.

o For every 10 Chakra spent you can increase your Wisdom by one point for

the purpose of determining who goes first. This boost lasts only one phase, always taking effect in the next phase after the Chakra was used.

Increased Actions: Normally a character can only take one action per phase but by channeling their Chakra into their nervous systems they can perform a flurry of attacks in the blink of an eye.

o To increase the number of actions by one for a single phase costs 50 Chakra

Points. The most extra actions a character can take is their Movement Characteristic + 1

Increased Strength

A character can also channel Chakra into their body to increase their Physique characteristic (for the purpose of feats of strength only, not attacks) This could come in very handy should a boulder decide to fall in an unwelcome spot and the players should have a need to move it aside. To do this requires spending 10 Chakra for every 2 points of Physique per phase.


This Jutsu allows a character to create multiple exact copies of himself. These clones fight and act as the user would, doing the same damage as the real person. Neither the original nor the clones may use any other Jutsu while the Clones are in effect (this includes Deflections) and they must all act in the same turn as the original. If the purpose for the clone is to act as a decoy (they are unable to attack but still resemble the original in all ways) the cost is then reduced by half.

The cost of a Clone is 100 Chakra per Phase, Per Clone.

The cost of Decoy Clones is 50 Chakra per Phase, Per Clone.

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“Enough already! I wanna be Hokage!”

Gaining Power

There are three areas you need to take into consideration when gaining power. First is the amount of Chakra you have. The second area is improving the amount of Chakra you can focus. Finally the third is improving the amount of Chakra you can control (a skill). All of these are done by accumulating experience. There are two ways to do this. The first way is training; the second is fighting.


Training takes time. A lot of time. As a rule, a character will gain 10 points of experience every year they live. That’s a LONG time to wait to get your power up.

Here are a few Training types and the amount of experience they award.

Light Training: 2 Experience per Month. (a typical workout routine) Moderate Training: 5 Experience per Month. Heavy Training: 2 Experience per Week. Intense Training: 5 Experience per Week.


By far the fastest way to gain experience is to fight an opponent who is tougher than you, (and win of course). Even should you fail at defeating them, should you at least survive the encounter you will still gain experience. To determine the amount of experience gained you divide your opponent’s Chakra level by your own Chakra level (rounding the results up to the nearest whole number) then multiply that result by 10. The result is how many points of experience you gained.

For example, let’s say that Naruto fights Kakashi. Naruto’s Chakra level is 500 and Kakashi’s is 2500. Even though Kakashi kicked Naruto’s butt, he still gets his experience for

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surviving the fight. He would divide Kakashi’s 2500 Chakra by his own 500 to get 5, and then multiply that by 10 which would give him a total of 50 experience to distribute.

Applying Experience

Once you’ve gained experience, the next step will be to apply it. You can apply your experience to either your Chakra, Focus, Skills, Defense, or your Hits. Your only limitation is that you must assign experience in multiples of 10. A good rule of thumb to follow is that 50% of the experience gained has to go directly in to Chakra and the remaining 50% can go where the character sees fit. This ensures that the character is making forward progress as far as his “power” is concerned and keeps him from dumping all his experience into his health or skills.

When leveling up you want to take into consideration your characters strengths and weaknesses. If your character has plenty of Chakra and his Skills are good, but you find that you are having trouble Focusing enough Chakra, that is where you should be spending your points.

Chakra increases on a one for one basis, one Experience increases your Chakra by 1

Focus also increases on a one for one basis, one Experience increases your Focus by 1

Increasing a Skill costs ½ the new level rounded down. If your current level is 23 and you want to raise it to 24, that would cost you 12 Experience since 12 is half of 24.

Defense increases at a rate of five Experience for every point of Defense. Health is increased at a rate of one Experience for 1 health.

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