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NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the...

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NASA TECHNICAL NOTE P_ I Z Z C , :t_ C@ P-J* ._::_ NASA TN D-7111 APOLLO EXPERIENCE REPORT- THE PROBLEM OF STRESS-CORROSION CRACKING by Robert E. Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center Houston, Texas 77058 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. C. MARCH 1973 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19730011148 2020-04-15T20:43:24+00:00Z
Page 1: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,





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C @ P-J* ._::_

NASA TN D-7111




by Robert E. Johnson

Manned Spacecraft Center

Houston, Texas 77058


https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19730011148 2020-04-15T20:43:24+00:00Z

Page 2: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,
Page 3: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,


1. Report No. I 2. Government Accession No.

NASA TN D- 7111 I4. Title and Subtitle



7. Author(s)

Robert E. Johnson, MSC

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

Manned Spacecraft Center

Houston, Texas 77058

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, D.C. 20546

3. Recipient's Catalog No.

5. Report Date

March 1973

6. Performing Organization Co'de

8. Performing Organization Report No.

MSC S-344

10. Work Unit No,


11. Contract or Grant No.

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Technical Note

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

The MSC Director waived the use of the International System of Units (SI) for this Apollo

Experience Report because, in his judgment, the use of SI Units would impair the usefulnessof the report or result in excessive cost.

16, Abstract

Stress-corrosion cracking has been the most common cause of structural-material failures in

the Apollo Program. The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-

tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended, has been signifi-cant. In this report, the significant Apollo Program experiences with stress-corrosion

cracking are discussed. The causes of stress-corrosion cracking and the corrective actions

are discussed, in terminology familiar to design engineers and management personnel, to

show how stress-corrosion cracking can be prevented.

17. Key Words {Suggested by Author(s})

• Stress Corrosion

• Aluminum Alloys

• Titanium Alloys

18. Distribution Statement

19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price

None None 20 $3.00

* For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virsinia 2215l

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Section Page

SUMMARY ..................................... 1

INTRODUCTION .................................. I

DISCUSSION .................................... 2

Lunar Module Stress-Corrosion Failures ................... 2

Pressure-Vessel Stress Corrosion ...................... I0

CONCLUDING REMARKS ............................. 14

REFERENCES ................................... 15


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Lunar module structure .........................

Crack in a swaged type 7075-T6 aluminum tube found on LTA-3

(magnification: 3x) ..........................

Closeup of the crack shown in figure 2 (magnification: 7x) ......

Edge view of the crack shown in figures 2 and 3 (magnification: 3x).Cross sections of points A_ B_ and C are shown in figure 5 .....

•Closeups of the cross-section points indicated in figure 4

(a) Cross-section point A ........................(b) Cross-section point B ........................(c) Cross-section point C ........................

Crack in a typical swaged type 7076-T6 aluminum tube(magnification: 10x) .........................

Cross section of the crack shown in figure 6. The outlined area isthought to be a swaging lap. Closeup of the outlined area is

shown in figure 8 ...........................

Closeup of the outlined area shown in figure 7 .............

Significance of gap-dimension errors on the resulting stress

(a) Linear offset .............................(b) Angular offset ............................

Crack in the radius of a machined longeron made of type 7079-T652

aluminum alloy ............................

Crack in the radius of a machined tank-truss fitting made of

type 7075-T6511 aluminum alloy ...................

Crack in the radius of a stiffener made of type 7075-T6 aluminum


(a) Location of the crack in the radius of a stiffener (indicated bydashed line) ............................

(b) Closeup of the crack shown in figure 12(a) ..... ........

Interrivet cracking on a channel made of type 7075-T651 aluminum

alloy ..................................






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Cracking around the fastener holes as a function of the alloygrain direction ................... .........

Cracking on a strap made of type 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. Thefailure origin can be seen at point A, and secondary cracks canbe seen at points B and C ......................

Intergranular cracking at the midthickness from stress-corrosion

cracking and transgranular cracking at surfaces, which indicateshigh tension loads (magnification: 100x) ..............

Cracking on a machined part. (Note the relationship of the crackto the alloy grain direction. ) .....................

Stress corrosion of type 6A1-4V titanium alloy from a failed nitrogentetroxide pressure vessel

(a) Failed pressure vessel .......................

(b) Magnified view of the inside surface shorting cracks .......(c) Transgranular cracks .......................(d) Electron fractograph of the failed surface .............

(e) Cross section of the pressure-vessel wall showing a flat frac-ture with a shear lip .......................

Origin of the failure that resulted from methanol in a type6A1-4V titanium-alloy pressure vessel

(a) Tank cross section at the fracture face (magnification: 10x) .(b) Microstructure of the tank inner surface

(magnification: 50x) .......................(c) Microstructure at the fracture face ................(d) Microstructure at the fracture face (different location from

fig. 19(c)) .............................









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Page 9: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,



By Robert E. JohnsonManned Spacecraft Center


Stress-corroSion cracking has been the most common cause of structural-material failures in the Apollo Program. The frequency of stress-corrosion crackinghas been high and the magnitude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and timeand money expended, has been significant. In this report, the significant Apollo Pro-gram experiences with stress-corrosion cracking are discussed. The causes of stress-corrosion cracking and the corrective actions are discussed, in terminology familiar todesign engineers and management personnel, to show how stress-corrosion crackingcan be prevented.

The basic conclusion of this report is that the environments and alloys used inthe Apollo Program in which failures occurred were generally the same as those en-countered in past aircraft and missile failures. Two exceptions to this conclusion arethe methanol-titanium and the nitrogen tetroxide-titanium incompatibilities, which werecombinations unique to the Apollo Program. Better communications are needed be-tween designers and fabrication personnel, and a more thorough education on existing

knowledge of stress-corrosion problems should significantly reduce problems in theconstruction of future spacecraft. A secondary conclusion presented in this report isthat the use of certain aluminum alloys and high-strength steels and the use of certainheat-treatment procedures should be avoided.


The following definition of stress-corrosion cracking is found in reference 1."When certain metal alloys are exposed to a corrosive environment while at the sametime they are subjected to an appreciable, continuously maintained, tensile stress,rapid structural failure can occur as a result of stress corrosion. This is known asstress-corrosion cracking and is characterized by a brittle type failure in a materialthat is otherwise ductile. "

The stress-corrosion susceptibility of an alloy is affected by the temperature, the

grain direction (in certain alloys), the grain size, and the distribution of phases or pre-cipitates in the alloy, in addition to such obvious factors as alloy composition, environ-ment, and stress level. Although the problem of preventing stress-corrosion cracking

Page 10: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,

is difficult, the use of correct assembly procedures and the proper recognition duringthe designphaseof the factors affecting structural sensitivity canbe instrumental inavoiding this problem.

The structural materials used in the Apollo spacecraft hardware are high-strengthalloys that are widely used in aircraft construction. The stress-corrosion behavior ofthesealloys is well establishedin certain environments. Therefore, it is importantto examinesomeof the Apollo Program hardware failures to determine why they oc-curred andhow they were overcome.

The photographsand muchof the information in this report were supplied by twoprime Apollo contractors, North American Rockwell and GrummanAerospaceCorpora-tion. The help furnished by theseorganizations in preparing this report is acknowledgedandappreciated.


Lunar Module Stress-Corrosion Failures

To provide a background for the discussion of lunar module (LM) stress-corrosion failures, a brief description of the LM structure and the design philosophythat affected the stress-corrosion susceptibility of the structure is presented. The LMstructure (fig. 1) is constructed largely of high-strength aluminum alloys along withsmaller amounts of titanium alloys and stainless steels. The evolution and design ofthe LM structure was based on a minimum-weight requirement. After the original

design release, two additional weight-reduction programs were conducted to trim everypossible ounce from all structural components. As a result, complex machining ofcomponents from bar stock or plate was combined with chemical milling to achieve ahighly efficient structure from a weight standpoint. However, this approach led to un-desirable stress-corrosion-resistance conditions because of the undesirable grain

directions exposed to environments and the sustained high fabrication or residualstresses in the parts.

The first significant failure of an LM structural component was reported inOctober 1967 on an LM test article (LTA-3). A crack was found in a web splice platemade of type 7075-T651 aluminum alloy. The cause of the failure was listed as thehigh installation stresses to which the component was subjected because of the omissionof a shim stock, contrary to the drawing requirements. The stresses, combined withthe water used in the pressure testing of the ascent stage, led to stress-corrosioncracking of the component. Because the failure was attributed to a fabrication errorthat had been complicated by the nature of the test (hydrostatic), no serious thought was

given at the time to the possibility that the failure was indicative of a general problem.Unfortunately, subsequent failures proved otherwise.

In December 1967, during the inspection of the same test article, numerous tubesthat were used to support equipment racks were found to be cracked near fasteners orattachment points. This finding led to an examination of other vehicle parts that had a

Page 11: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,

Figure 1.- Lunar modulestructure.

similar construction. Manycomponentsof assembledvehicles andsubassembliessub-sequentlywere found to be cracked. Becausethe failure modesand causeswere simi-lar, only one representative casewill be described.

The support tubes in the LM aft-equipment-bay assembly (fig. 1)are madeoftype 7075-T6aluminum alloy, andthe endsof the tubesare reduced in diameter byswagingand are attached mechanically to endfittings. The incidence of cracks at theswagedendsof the tubeswas high (over 20cracked parts) andhad resulted from abuildup of tolerances betweenthe tubeand the fitting. Whenthe parts were assembled,sustainedhigh tensile stresses were introduced in the tube, and cracks developedper-pendicular to the direction of high residual stress. In this exampleand in manyother

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,'cases, moist air was the environmental factor that caused stress-corrosion cracking.

The type of cracking observed and the general locations of the cracks are shown infigures 2 to 8.

Figure 2.- Crack in a swagedtype 7075-T6 aluminum tubefound on LTA-3 (magnifica-tion: 3×).

Figure 3.- Closeup of the crack shownin figure 2 (magnification: 7×).

Figure 4.- Edge view of the crack shownin figures 2 and 3 (magnification: 3x).

Cross sections of points A, B, and Care shown in figure 5.

L_ I

(a) Cross-section point A.

Figure 5.- Closeups of the cross-section points indicated infigure 4.

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F- -7

(c) Cross-section point C.

Figure 5. - Concluded.

(b) Cross-section point B.

Figure 6. - Crack in a typical swagedtype 7075-T6 aluminum tube(magnification: 10x).

Figure 7. - Cross section of the crackshown in figure 6. The outlined areais thought to be a swaging lap.Closeup of the outlined area is shownin figure 8.

Page 14: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,

Figure 8. - Closeup of the outlined areashown in figure 7.


To eliminate the problem, all

such fittings on assembled vehicleswere disassembled; the gaps created

by the tolerances in the mating partswere filled by means of liquid shim-ming, a technique by which a room-temperature-curing resin wasintroduced into the volume between

the parts and allowed to harden be-fore the parts were joined perma-

nently by mechanical fasteners.

The discovery of the numerousfailures alerted the contractors andNASA to the possibility that stressesintroduced by the assembly tech-niques used by the contractor easilycould cause stress-corrosion crack-

ing on other parts of assembled ve-hicles. Because the time at which

stress-corrosion cracking occurscan vary, often occurring after long

periods of time, all susceptible alloys on all LM vehicles were suspect. Therefore,hardware designs that involved type 7075, 7079, 2014, 2024, and 7178 aluminum alloyswere examined to evaluate the design and assembly stresses and to identify the locationsat which sustained stresses were of a sufficient magnitude to cause stress-corrosion

cracking. During the design review, approximately 1000 parts were judged to be sus-ceptible to stress-corrosion cracking, approximately 500 design components were listedas probable problems that would require detailed analysis, and approximately 170 partswere found to constitute possible problems.

To examine these potential problems, representatives of the contractor, the NASA

Manned Spacecraft Center and Marshall Space Flight Center, and the U.S. Air Forceand Navy reviewed the acceptance criteria to be used in the detailed analyses. The con-tractor and NASA began a review of design drawings, and vehicle inspections were con-ducted that revealed additional cracked parts and other critical parts that required


During the investigation, it was noted that many cracked parts failed because ofthe improper fitting of mated parts, particularly where angles or channels nested to-gether and were fastened by bolts or rivets. The process by which stresses can reachthe threshold required for stress-corrosion cracking (8000 psi or higher, depending on

the type of alloy and the alloy grain direction relative to the stress) is shown in figure 9.If proper precautions in the mating and shimming are not taken to eliminate the gap,high stresses can occur, particularly in the radius along the length of the parts. Ex-amples of this type of problem are shown in figures 10 to 12.

Another type of cracking often observed was cracking between such fasteners asrivets or bolts. This type of cracking usually resulted from poor preparation of theholes (burrs, lips, etc. ) and was aggravated by expanded rivets, which increased thestresses around the fastener holes. Examples of these failures are shown in figures 1 3

and 14.

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0.040 in., constant

"----0.375 in.

F ffff ff_l_

| ' ,

Gapsize, in. Stress, psi -J Gapsize, in.

O.002 18000 O.002O.005 54000 O.006

(a) Linear offset.

040 in., constant


Stress, psi I

9 00027 000

(b) Angular offset.

Figure 9.- Significance of gap-dimension errors on the resulting stress.



Figure 11.- Crack in the radius of a

machined tank-truss fitting madeof type 7075-T6511 aluminumalloy.

Figure 10.- Crack in the radius of a ma-

chined longeron made of type 7079-T652aluminum alloy.

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(a) Location of the crack in the radius (b) Closeup of the crack shown inof a stiffener (indicated by figure 12(a).

dashed line).

Figure 12. - Crack in the radius of a stiffener made of type 7075-T6 aluminum alloy.

F- 7

L_ J

Figure 13.- Interrivet cracking on a channel made of type 7075-T651 aluminum alloy.

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Still another type of failure involved straps. The clamping of parts resulted insustainedhigh stresses, which in somecaseswere quite close to the tensile yieldstrength. An exampleof this type of failure is shownin figures 15and 16.

Complexparts that are machinedfrom thick sections and in which short trans-verse loads are possible are particularly vulnerable to cracking becausestress-corrosion-cracking threshold stresses are lowest in the transverse direction. Anexample is shownin figure 17.


L_ .__LFigure 15.- Cracking on a strap made of

type 7075-T6 aluminum alloy. Thefailure origin can be seen at point A,and secondary cracks can be seen atpoints B and C.


Figure 14. - Cracking around thefastener holes as a function of

the alloy grain direction.



Figure 16.- Intergranular cracking atthe midthickness from stress-

corrosion cracking and transgranularcracking at surfaces, which indicateshigh tension loads (magnifica-tion: 100x).


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[- -3 Over 130 parts in the LM programwere found to be cracked as a result ofstress corrosion. Many corrective actionswere instituted. Among the solutions werecomponent redesign, heat treatment to makethe components less susceptible, shimmingor otherwise relieving fabrication stresses,addition of corrosion-protection coatings topreclude as much of the corrosive environ-ment as possible, and shot peening to in-troduce compressive surface stresses.

Pressure-Vessel Stress Corrosion

L_ _3

Figure 17. - Cracking on a machinedpart. (Note the relationship of thecrack to the alloy grain direction. )

The problem of stress-corrosioncracking in pressure vessels is especiallyserious because the occurrence of this prob-

lem usually results in catastrophic failure ofthe vessel and associated damage to otherhardware near the pressure vessel. Someof the significant Apollo Program pressure-vessel failures are described individually

in the following sections.

Nitrogen tetroxide in titanium-alloypressure vessels.- In all of the Apollospacecraft propulsion systems, nitrogentetroxide is used as the oxidizer. The stor-

age of nitrogen tetroxide under pressure intitanium-alloy pressure vessels was a sub-ject of concern because of known reactionsbetween titanium and other oxidizers. Ex-

tensive test programs were conducted before1964 to approve the use of type 6A1-4V tita-nium alloy as the standard Apollo space-

craft pressure-vessel material for this application. In 1964, qualification tests on the

Apollo spacecraft main propellant tanks were completed. The tests included 30-dayexposures of the pressure vessels to nitrogen tetroxide under the maximum wall stressof approximately 100 ksi.

In 1965, a stress-corrosion failure of an Apollo reaction control system pressurevessel occurred. This failure could only have been caused by the nitrogen tetroxide

reacting with the titanium-alloy pressure vessel. The failure analysis (refs. 2 and 3)showed that a change in the nitrogen tetroxide composition, within the limits of the pro-curement specification for the oxidizer, had eliminated one oxide of nitrogen and createda fluid that was causing serious stress-corrosion cracking of the titanium alloy. De-tails of the failed hardware are shown in figure 18.


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V- 7

IL __J

(a) Failed pressure vessel.




f ( ;1 ,,


; , J

t ii





Magnified view of the inside surfaceshowing cracks.

V-- -]"A


(c) Transgranular cracks. (d) Electron fractograph of the failedsurface.

Figure 18.- Stress corrosion of type 6A1-4V titanium alloy from a failed nitrogentetroxide pressure vessel.


Page 20: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,





(e) Cross section of the pressure-vessel wall showing a flatfracture with a shear lip.

Figure 18.- Concluded.

To eliminate the problem, NASA gen-erated a nitrogen tetroxide procurementspecification that carefully controlled theoxidizer composition to maintain compati-bility with the pressure-vessel titaniumalloy. In addition, by taking samples of theoxidizer from the flight supply system be-fore the oxidizer is loaded into the space-

craft and by testing the oxidizer in contactwith stressed precracked samples of thepressure-vessel alloy, NASA continues toensure that no fluid change has occurredthat could cause aggressive reactions dur-

ing a flight.

Methanol in titanium-alloy pressure vessels. - The most damaging failure of a

pressure vessel in the Apollo Program occurred in October 1966 when a main propel-lant tank ruptured inside an Apollo service module and caused extensive damage andserious loss of hardware. The failure occurred while the pressure vessel, made oftitanium alloy 6A1-4V, was filled with methanol and was pressurized. The failure modewas stress-corrosion cracking.

In this instance, methanol was used for safety reasons in the system checkout in-stead of the toxic propellant. Methanol was selected for its physical similarity (density,viscosity) to the propellant and because it could be removed from the system easilywithout leaving a residue or other contamination. The approval for the use of methanolwas based on a literature search, which uncovered no data to indicate a potential prob-lem. After the failure of the Apollo spacecraft hardware, numerous programs wereinitiated to investigate the problem, and the seriousness of the problem was defined inseveral technical papers (ref. 4). Examples of the metallography from the failed mate-rial are shown in figure 19. Additional information concerning the failure analysis iscontained in references 3 and 5.

In retrospect, the lack of a test program to approve pressure-test fluids beforethey were used and a continuing check against contaminants during use caused a seriousprogram problem. The Manned Spacecraft Center has corrected this situation by re-quiring compatibility testing before a new pressure-vessel material or a new test en-vironment can be used in the Apollo Program.


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Tallk cross section at the fracture

face (magnification: 10"/<).

a "°°'*'°°*°°°°°*°°"_

(b)j .,e,,

Microstructure of the tank ........inner surface (magni-. .........


fication: 50x). ........


l (c)Microstructure at the fracture face.

(d) Microstructure at the fractureface (different location fromfig. 19(c)).

Figure 19. - Origin of the failure that resulted from methanol in a type6A1-4V titanium-alloy pressure vessel.

Solid-fuel-rocket motor case made of type 4335V steel alloy.- Type 4335V steelalloy was heat treated to a minimum tensile strength of 210 000 psi. During hydrostaticacceptance testing, stress-corrosion cracking occurred that resulted in the rupture of


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two motor cases. The test fluid was water, andfailure analysis showedthat stress-corrosion cracking would occur if defects existed in the stressed alloy whenit wasbrought into contact with water. The defects in the motor caseswere identified astight cracks that hadresulted from the welding operation andthat could not be detectedby the postweld inspection. The corrective action for the problem was to changeto acompatible test fluid, hydraulic fluid, andto make the inspection and quality-controlprocedures of the welding operation more thorough.

Oxygen-storage vessel made of type D6AC steel alloy. - Type D6AC steel alloywas heat treated to the 220 000- to 240 000-psi tensile-strength range and was used tostore gaseous oxygen under pressure. The failure of one pressure vessel because ofstress-corrosion cracking was caused by a small defect on the exterior surface of thepressure sphere. The corrosive medium was listed as water because the test consisted

of immersing the vessel under water during hydrostatic testing. The vessel was nickelplated and the defect was found to contain nickel, which indicated the presence of theflaw before nickel plating. The corrective action taken was to change the test fluid to

oil and to discontinue the immersion of the tank during pressure testing. Also, inspec-tion procedures were tightened to enable detection of pressure-vessel defects beforetesting.


The Apollo spacecraft is constructed of high-strength alloys and is designed andfabricated to be a highly efficient, low-weight vehicle. Stress corrosion has been a se-rious problem in the Apollo Program and reflects the type of problem that can occurin a program requiring these characteristics. To illustrate the type of problem en-countered, several examples are examined.

The examples discussed in this report are typical ones and do not represent allof the stress-corrosion cracking failures experienced in the Apollo Program. How-ever, the examples discussed do represent the most significant problems encounteredin the Apollo Program and allow the following general conclusions to be drawn concern-

ing improvements that are needed to prevent the recurrence of similar problems infuture programs.

1. With the exception of two environments, information on the stress-corrosioncracking behavior of the alloys used in Apollo spacecraft hardware was available andcould have been used to avoid many of the stress-corrosion cracking failures if the in-formation had been applied correctly during the design, fabrication, and test phases.

2. Without proper consideration of stress-corrosion cracking, such designchanges as those for vehicle weight reduction can seriously affect the stress-corrosionsensitivity of the vehicle hardware by changing fabrication techniques, raw-materialmill forms, and stress levels, and by eliminating corrosion-protection systems.

3. Specific alloys and alloys subjected to certain heat-treatment procedures arevery susceptible to stress-corrosion cracking, and their use should be avoided wher-ever possible. Control should be exercised by the contractors and NASA over the use


Page 23: NASA TECHNICAL NOTE NASATN D-7111The frequency of stress-corrosion cracking has been high and the magni-tude of the problem, in terms of hardware lost and time and money expended,

of these alloys to ensurethat adequate consideration of stress-corrosion cracking hasbeen given to those applications in which the use of these materials is required.

4. New environment/,alloy combinations must be examined experimentally beforethey are used in a program. The use of material forms, heat treatments, stresses,potential stress concentrations, and environments must be simulated if meaningfulservice data are to be obtained and program problems are to be avoided.

Manned Spacecraft Center

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationHouston, Texas, July 10, 1972








Godard, Hugh P.; Jepson, W. B.; Bothwell, M. R.; and Kane, Robert L.: TheCorrosion of Light Metals. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1967.

Johnson, Robert E.; Kappelt, George F.; and Korb, Larry J.: A Case History ofTitanium Stress Corrosion in Nitrogen Tetroxide. Paper presented at 1966 Natl.Metals Congress Chicago, 1966. Also available as NASA TM X-59615.

Brownfield, C. D.: The Stress Corrosion of Titanium in Nitrogen Tetroxide,Methyl Alcohol, and Other Fluids. SD 67-213A, revised ed., North AmericanRockwell Rept., June 1968.

Anon.: Accelerated Crack Propagation of Titanium by Methanol, Halogenated Hydro-carbons, and Other Solutions. Defense Metals Information Center Memoran-

dum 228, Mar. 6, 1967.

Johnston, Robert L.; Johnson, Robert E.; Ecord, Glenn M.; and Castner,Willard L.: Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Ti-6A1-4V Alloy in Methanol.NASA TN D-3868, 1967.

NASA-Langley, 1973 -- 19 S- 344 15
