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Nat Res 3rd Cases

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  • 8/12/2019 Nat Res 3rd Cases


    ROMANO, Gerlianne Joy S.

    Law 2B


    G.R 127882 January 27, 2004

    FACTS:President Fidel Ramos approved RA 7942 known as the Mining Act to

    "govern the exploration, development, utilization and processing of all mineralresources. Shortly, after its effectivity, the President entered into a Financial and

    Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) with Western Mining Corporation

    Philippines (WMCP) which is owned by WMC Resources International Pty., Ltd.(The latter is a wholly owned subsidiary of Western Mining Corporation Holdings

    Limited, a publicly listed major Australian mining and exploration company.),

    covering 99, 387 hectares of land in South Cotabato, Sultan Kuradat, Davao delSur and North Cotabato. On August 15, 1995, the Environment Secretary VictorRamos issued DENR Administrative Order 95-23, which was later repealed by

    DENR Administrative Order 96-40, adopted on December 20, 1996.

    On January 10, 1997, counsels for petitioners sent a letter to the DENRSecretary demanding that the DENR stop the implementation of R.A. No. 7942

    and DAO No. 96-40, giving the DENR fifteen days from receipt to act thereon.The DENR, however, has yet to respond or act on petitioners' letter. Petitioners

    claim that the DENR Secretary acted without or in excess of jurisdiction. They

    pray that the Court issue an order:(a) Permanently enjoining respondents from

    acting on any application for Financial or Technical Assistance Agreements;(b)Declaring the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 or Republic Act No. 7942 as

    unconstitutional and null and void;(c) Declaring the Implementing Rules andRegulations of the Philippine Mining Act contained in DENR Administrative

    Order No. 96-40 and all other similar administrative issuances as unconstitutional

    andnull and void; and(d) Cancelling the Financial and Technical Assistance

    Agreement issued to Western Mining Philippines,Inc. as unconstitutional, illegaland null and void.

    ISSUES:Whether or not the Philippine Mining Act is unconstitutional for allowing

    fully foreign-owned

    corporations to exploit Philippine mineral resources

    RULING:RA 7942 or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 is unconstitutional for

    permitting fully foreign owned corporations to exploit Philippine natural resources.Article XII Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution retained the Regalian doctrine which

    states that All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, andother minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential

    energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other naturalresources are owned by the State. The same section also states that, exploration

    and development and utilization of natural resources shall be under the full controland supervision of the State.

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    The constitutional provision allowing the President to enter into FTAAs is

    an exception to the rule that participation in the nations natural resources isreserved exclusively to Filipinos. Accordingly such provision must be construed

    strictly against their enjoyment by non-Filipinos. Therefore RA 7942 is invalid

    insofar as said act authorizes service contracts. Although the statute employs thephrase financial and technical agreements in accordance with the 1987

    Constitution, its pertinent provisions actually treat these agreements as servicecontracts that grant beneficial ownership to foreign contractors contrary to the

    fundamental law.

    UNGAY MALOBAGO MINES vs IACGR 69997 September 30, 1987

    FACTS:On July 20, 1962, the President of the Philippines granted the following

    mining patents on mineral claims located at Ungay Malobago, Rapu-Rapu Albay.

    Way back on October 30, 1959, John Canson, Jr. and Carlos Stilianopulos assigned

    their rights to their mining claims in favor of the petitioner. The assignment ofrights was recorded in the Office of the Mining Recorder of Albay on December 2,

    1959.The aforestated mining patents, after their issuance on July 20, 1962, were all

    recorded in the Office of the Mining Recorder of Albay on August 28, 1962 and

    transcribed on September 4, 1962 in the Registration Book of the Registry of

    Deeds of Albay. Consequently, the Register of Deeds of Albay issued therespective original certificates of titles pursuant to Section 122 of Act No. 496 in

    the names of John Canson, Jr., Carlos Stilianopulos, and the petitioner.Subsequently, or from 1968 to 1974, the following free patents were granted by the

    respondent Director of Lands and the corresponding original certificates of titles

    were issued by the Register of Deeds of Albay. The petitioner filed a complaint for

    annulment and cancellation of patents against the private respondents and prayedthat all the free patent titles issued in their favor for properties over which original

    certificates of title had already been issued in its favor be declared null and void.

    On January 25, 1980, the trial court rendered a decision dismissing the complaint.It ruled that since the disputed properties form part of disposable land of the public

    domain, the action for reversion should be instituted by the Solicitor General in the

    name of the Republic of the Philippines and that, therefore, the petitioner lackspersonality to institute the annulment proceedings. The petitioner appealed to the

    then Intermediate Appellate Court.On April 5, 1984, the appellate court affirmed the decision of the trial court. It

    ruled that the titles issued to the petitioner cover mineral lands which belong to thepublic domain and that these cannot be the subject of private ownership. According

    to the Court, under Section 101 of the Public Land Law, only the Solicitor Generalor the officer acting in his stead has the authority to institute an action on behalf of

    the Republic for the cancellation of the respondents' titles and for reversion of theirhomesteads to the Government.

    ISSUE:a) Whether or not the appellate court committed an error of law when it

    ruled that the lands in question belong to the public domain; and b) whether or not

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    the appellate court erred in discussing the complaint on the ground that the

    petitioner had no personality to institute the same.


    Nowhere in the records of this petition is there any mention of a date beforeNovember 15, 1935 as to when essential acts regarding its mining claims were

    executed. It is silent as to when the land was entered, measured, and plotted; whenthe legal posts and notices were put up; when the claim was registered with the

    mining recorder; whether or not the annual amount of labor or development, andother requirements under the Philippine Bill of 1902 were followed. These may

    have been complied with but not necessarily before 1935.

    A mere mention in the Torrens title that the provisions of the Philippine Billof 1902 were followed is not sufficient. The Philippine Bill provides the

    procedures for the perfection of mining claims but not the dates when such

    procedures were undertaken by any prospector or claimant. The same procedureswould have to be followed even after the Jones Law of 1916 and the Constitutionof 1935 were promulgated, but subject to the restrictions of the fundamental law.

    Petitioner has not established by clear and convincing evidence that the

    locations of its mining claims were perfected prior to November 15,1935 when theGovernment of Commonwealth was inaugurated. Herefore, applying the

    aforequoted provision to the case at bar, we conclude that the issuance of the lodepatents on mineral claims by the President of the Philippines in 1962 in favor of

    the petitioner granted to it only the right to extract or utilize the minerals which

    may be found on or under the surface of the land. On the other hand, the issuance

    of the free patents by the respondent Director of Lands in 1979 in favor of theprivate respondents granted to them the ownership and the right to use the land for

    agricultural purposes but excluding the ownership of, and the right to extract orutilize, the minerals which may be found on or under the surface.

    The petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.


    GR 135190 April 3, 2002


    On March 3, 1995, Republic Act No. 7942, the Philippine Mining

    Act, was enacted. Pursuant to this statute, the MAC cases were referred to aRegional Panel of Arbitrators (RPA) tasked to resolve disputes involving

    conflicting mining rights. On June 24, 1997, the DENR Secretary issuedMemorandum Order No. 97-03 which provided that the DENR shall study

    thoroughly and exhaustively the option of direct state utilization of the mineralresources in the Diwalwal Gold-Rush Area.

    On July 16, 1997, petitioner filed a special civil action for certiorari,prohibition and mandamus before the Court of Appeals against PMRB-Davao,

    the DENR Secretary and Balite Communal Portal Mining Cooperative (BCPMC).It prayed for the nullification of the above-quoted Memorandum Order No. 97-03

    on the ground that the "direct state utilization" espoused therein wouldeffectively impair its vested rights under EP No. 133; and that the

    memorandum order arbitrarily imposed the unwarranted condition that certain

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    studies be conducted before mining and environmental laws are enforced by the

    DENR.The assailed memorandum did not conclusively adopt direct state

    utilization as official government policy on the matter, but was simply a

    manifestation of the DENRs intent to consider it as one of its options, afterdetermining its feasibility through studies. MO 97-03 was only the initial step in

    the ladder of administrative process and did not, as yet, fix any obligation, legalrelationship or right. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, which was

    denied for lack of merit. Hence this petition.


    WON CA erred when it concluded that the assailed memorandum order did not

    adopt the direct state utilization scheme in resolving the Diwalwal Conflict.

    HELD:No, since the challenged MO 97-03 did not conclusively adopt direct state

    utilization as a policy in resolving the Diwalwal dispute. The terms of the

    memorandum clearly indicate that what was directed there under was merely astudy of this option and nothing else. Contrary to petitioners contention, it did not

    grant any management/operating or profit-sharing agreement to small-scale minersor to any party, for that matter, but simply instructed the DENR officials concerned

    to undertake studies to determine its feasibility.

    It must likewise be pointed out that under no circumstances may petitioner's

    rights under EP No. 133 be regarded as total and absolute. As correctly held by theCourt of Appeals EP No.133 merely evidences a privilege granted by the

    State, which may be amended, modified or rescinded when the nationalinterest so requires. This is necessarily so since the

    exploration, development and utilization of the country's natural mineral

    resources are matters impressed with great public interest.

    The DENR Secretary acted within his authority when he ordered a study ofthe first option, which may be undertaken consistently in accordance with the

    constitutional policy enunciated above. Obviously, the State may not be precluded

    from considering a direct takeover of the mines, if it is the only plausible remedyin sight to the gnawing complexities generated by the gold rush. As implied earlier,

    the State need be guided only by the demands of public interest in settling for this

    option, as well as its material and logistic feasibility.In this regard, petitioners imputation of bad faith on the part of the DENR

    Secretary when the latter issued MO 97-03 is not well-taken. Hence petitiondenied.




    Petitioner prays for the setting aside or reversal of the Decision dated 28December 2006 of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources

    (DENR)-Mines Adjudication Board (MAB) which affirmed the Orders dated 14

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    September 2005and 27 December 2005 of the DENR-Panel of Arbitrators, Region

    1, San Fernando City, La Union (Panel of Arbitrators), in Case No. 2005-00012-I,dismissing the Verified Protest/Opposition of petitioner to the Application for

    Exploration Permit of private respondent Montague Resources Philippines

    Corporation.Petitioner is a corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine laws

    engaged in the business of mining. On 31 March 2000,petitionersApplicationfor Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA), for the exploration,

    development and commercial utilization of certain pyrite ore and other mineraldeposits in a 4,360.71-hectare land in Dasol, Pangasinan, was approved and MPSA

    No. 153-2000-1 was issued in its favor.

    Private respondent is also a corporation organized and existing under thelaws of the Philippines and engaged in the business of mining. Private respondent

    filed an Application for Exploration Permit with MGB covering the same

    properties covered by and during the subsistence of APSA-SF-000089 and MPSANo. 153-2000-1 of petitioner. In turn, petitioner filed a Verified Protest/Oppositionto the Application for Exploration Permit of the private respondent. It

    was allegedly filed with the Panel of Arbitrators on August 30, 2005 and was

    received by the latter on September 5, 2005. Prior, however, to petitioners filingof its Verified rotest/Opposition to the private respondents Application for

    Exploration Permit, petitioners MPSA No. 153-2000-1 was cancelled, a Motionfor Reconsideration was likewise denied. The MGB issued EP No. 05-001 to

    private respondent. Panel of Arbitrators dismissed motu proprio the Verified

    Protest/Opposition of petitioner. Petitioner elevated by appeal to the MAB which

    was also dismissed. The case was elevated to the Court of appeals but judgmentwas rendered against the petitioner. Hence, this petition.


    Whether the Panel of Arbitrators has jurisdiction to cancel, deny and/or

    revoke EP No. 05-001issued by MGB to private respondent.


    The Panel of Arbitrators has no jurisdiction to cancel, deny and/or revoke EPNo. 05-001issued by MGB to private respondent Section 77 of Republic Act No.7942 establishes the jurisdiction of the Panel of Arbitrators, thus: Sec. 77. Panel of

    Arbitrators.x x x. Within thirty (30) working days, after the submission of thecase by the parties for decision, the panel shall have exclusive and original

    jurisdiction to hear and decide on the following: 1. Disputes involving rights to

    mining areas; 2. Disputes involving mineral agreements or permits; 3. Disputes

    involving surface owners, occupants and claimholders/concessionaires; and 4.Disputes pending before the Bureau and the Department at the date of the

    effectivity of this Act.

    The Panel of Arbitrators only has jurisdiction over adverse claims, conflicts,

    and oppositions relating to applications for the grant of mineral rights, but not over

    cancellation of mineral rights already granted and existing.

    As to who has jurisdiction to cancel an existing exploration permit, Section

    28 of DAO NO. 96-40explicitly provides:

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    Section 28. Cancellation of an Exploration Permit . The

    Director/concerned Regional Director may cancel the Exploration Permit for

    failure of the Permittee to comply with any of the requirements and for violation(s)

    of the terms and conditions under which the Permit is issued. For renewed

    Exploration Permits, the Secretary upon the recommendation of the Director shallcause the cancellation of the same. According to Section 5 of DAO No. 96- 40,

    Director means the Director of the MGB Central Office, while Regional

    Director means the Regional Director of any MGB Regional Office. As the

    authority to issue an Exploration Permit is vested in the MGB, then the same

    necessarily includes the corollary power to revoke, withdraw or cancel the same.

    Indisputably, the authority to deny, revoke, or cancel EP No. 05-001 of private

    respondent is already lodged with the MGB, and not with the Panel of Arbitrators.



    GR 163509 December 6, 2006

    FACTS:Central Mindanao Mining and Development Corporation entered into a

    Mines Operating Agreement with Banahaw Mining and Development Corporation

    whereby the latter agreed to act as Mine Operator for the exploration,

    development, and eventual commercial operation of CMMCIs eighteen (18)

    mining claims located in Agusan del Sur.Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement,Banahaw Mining filed applications for Mining Lease Contracts over the miningclaims with the Bureau of Mines. So that Banahaw Mining was issued a Mines

    Temporary Permit authorizing it to extract and dispose of precious minerals found

    within its mining claims. Upon its expiration, the temporary permit wassubsequently renewed thrice by the Bureau of Mines, the last being on June 28,

    1991.Since a portion of Banahaw Minings mining claims was located in

    petitioner PICOPs logging concession in Agusan del Sur, Banahaw Mining and

    petitioner PICOP entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, whereby, in mutualrecognition of each others right to the area concerned, petitioner PICOP allowed

    Banahaw Mining an access/right of way to its mining claims.Banahaw Mining converted its mining claims to applications for Mineral

    Production Sharing Agreements. While the MPSA were pending, BanahawMining, on December 18, 1996, decided to sell/assign its rights and interests over

    thirty-seven (37) mining claims in favor of private respondent Base Metals MineralResources Corporation. The transfer included mining claims held by Banahaw

    Mining in its own right as claim owner, as well as those covered by its mining

    operating agreement with CMMCI.

    On October 7, 1997, private respondent Base Metals amended MPSAapplications were published in accordance with the requirements of the Mining Act

    of 1995. On November 18, 1997, petitioner PICOP filed with the Mines Geo-Sciences Bureau (MGB), an adverse claim and/or opposition to private respondent

    Base Metals application. After the submission of their respective position paper,

    the Panel Arbitrator issued an Order disapproving private respondent Base Metals

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    MPSA on the reasons that adverse claim was filed on time, that the granting of the

    MPSA application on area subject of an IFMA or PTLA which is covered by aPresidential Warranty, the panel believes it cannot, unless the grantee consents

    thereto, without the grantees consent, the area is considered closed to mining

    location (sec. 19) (b) (No. 2), DAO No. 96-40) and that the mining location inforest or timberland is allowed only if such forest or timberland is not leased by the

    government to a qualified person or entity and if it is leased the consent of thelessor is necessary, in addition to the area clearance to be issued by the agency

    concerned before it is subjected to mining operation. Plantation is consideredclosed to mining locations because it is off tangent to mining. Both are extremes.

    They cannot exist at the same time. The other must necessarily stop before the

    other operates. Private respondent Base Metals filed a Notice of Appeal withpublic respondent MAB, the latter rendered the assailed decision setting aside the

    Panel Arbitrators order. The Court of Appeals upheld the decision of the MAB.

    ISSUE:(a)Whether or not the area covered by Base Metals MPSA is, by law, closed

    to mining activities and (b) Whether or not the Presidential Warranty is a contract

    protected by the non-impairment clauseof the 1987 Constitution.

    HELD:The Court ruled that the area covered by Base Metals MPSA is, by law, not

    closed to mining activities. RA 7942 does not disallow mining applications in all

    forest reserves but only those proclaimed aswatershed forest reserves. There is no

    evidence in this case that the area covered by Base Metals' MPSA has beenproclaimed as watershed forest reserves. Even granting that the area covered by the

    MPSA is part of the Agusan-Davao-Surigao Forest Reserve, such does notnecessarily signify that the area is absolutely closed to mining activities.

    Contrary to PICOPs obvious misreading of our decision in Apex Mi ning

    Co., Inc. v. Garcia, supra, to the effect that mineral agreements are not allowed in

    the forest reserve established under Proclamation369, the Court in that caseactually ruled that pursuant to PD 463 as amended by PD 1385, one can acquire

    mining rights within forest reserves, such as the Agusan-Davao-Surigao Forest

    Reserve, by initially applying for a permit to prospect with the Bureau of Forestand Development and subsequently for a permit to explore with the Bureau of

    Mines and Geosciences. Moreover, Sec. 18 RA 7942 allows mining even in

    timberland or forestry subject to existing rights and reservations. Similarly, Sec. 47of PD 705 permits mining operations in forest lands which include the public

    forest, the permanent forest or forest reserves, and forest reservations.The Presidential Warranty cannot, in any manner, be construed as a

    contractual undertaking assuring PICOP of exclusive possession and enjoyment ofits concession areas. Such an interpretation would result in the complete abdication

    by the State in favor of PICOP of the sovereign power to control and supervise theexploration, development and utilization of the natural resources in the area. The

    warranty covers only the right to cut, collect, and remove timber in its concessionarea, and does not extend to the utilization of other resources, such as mineral

    resources, occurring within the concession. The Presidential Warranty cannot beconsidered a contract distinct from PTLA No. 47 and IFMA No. 35. It is merely a

    collateral undertaking which cannot amplify PICOPs rights under its timber

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    license. Since timber licenses are not contracts, the non-impairment clause cannot

    be invoked.


    GR 152644 February 10, 2006

    FACTS:Petitioners John Eric Loney, Steven Paul Reid and Pedro B. Hernandez are

    the Pres. and CEO, Senior Manager, and Resident Manager for Mining Operations,respectively, of Marcopper Mining Corp., a corporation engaged in mining in the

    province of Marinduque. Marcopper had been storing tailings (mine waste) from

    its operations in a pit in Mt. Tapian, Marinduque. At the base of the pit ran adrainage tunnel leading to the Boac and Makulapnit rivers. It appears that

    Marcopper had placed a concrete plug at the tunnels end. On March 24, 1994,

    tailings gushed out of or near the tunnels end. In a few days, Mt. Tapian pit haddischarged millions of tons of tailings in to the Boac and Makalupnit rivers.

    In August 1996, the DOJ separately charged petitioners in the MTC of Boac,

    Marinduque with violation of Art. 91 (B), subparagraphs 5 and 6 of P.D. No. 1067

    or the Water code of the Phil., Sec. 8 of P.D. No. 984 or the National PollutionDecree of 1976, Sec. 108 of R.A. No. 7942 or the Phil. Mining Act of 1995, and

    Art. 365 of the RPC for Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Damage to Property.In the Consolidated Order of MTC, granting partial reconsideration to its

    Joint Order quashing the information for violation of PD 1067 and PD 984. The

    MTC maintained the Informations for violation of RA 7942 and Art. 365 of the

    RPC. Petitioners subsequently filed a petition for certiorari with the RTC assailingthat the portion of the Consolidated Order maintaining the Informations for

    violation of RA 7942 and the petition was raffled to Br. 94 while publicrespondents appeal assailing that portion of the Consolidated Order quashing the

    Information for violation of P.D. 1067 and P.D. 984 and this appeal was

    consolidated with petitioners petition.

    MTC Br. 94 granted the public respondents appeal but denied petitionerspetition. Petitioners then filed for certiorari with the Court of Appeals alleging that

    Br. 94 acted with grave abuse of discretion because 1.the Informations for

    violation of PD 1067, PD 984, RA 7942 and the Art. 365 of the RPC proceededfrom are based on a single act or incident of polluting the rivers thru dumping of

    mine tailings, and the charge for violation of Art 365 of the RPC absorbs the other

    charges since the element of lack of necessary or adequate protection,negligence, recklessness and imprudence is common among them, 2. The

    duplicitous nature of the Informations contravenes the ruling in People v. Relova.The Court of Appeals affirmed the Br. 94 ruling.


    Whether or not Br. 94s ruling, as affirmed by the Court of Appeals,contravenes People v. Relova.


    The petition has no merit. In R.A. 7942 (Philippine Mining Act), theadditional fact that must be established is the willful violation and gross neglect on

    the part of the accused to abide by the terms and conditions of the Environmental

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    Compliance Certificate, particularly that the Marcopper should ensure the

    containment of run-off and silt materials from reaching the Mogpog and BoacRivers. If there was no violation or neglect, and that the accused satisfactorily

    proved that Marcopper had done everything to ensure containment of the run-off

    and silt materials, they will not be liable. It does not follow, however, that theycannot be prosecuted under the Water Code, Anti-Pollution Law and the Revised

    Penal Code because violation of the Environmental Compliance Certificate is notan essential element of these laws.

    Petitioners reiterate their contention in that their prosecution contravenesruling in People vs. Relova. In particular, petitioners cite the courts statement in

    Relova that the law seeks to prevent harassment of the accused by multiple

    prosecutions for offenses which though different from one another are nonethelesseach constituted by a common set or overlapping sets of technical elements. Thus,

    Relova is no authority for petitioners claim against multiple prosecutions based on

    a single act not only because the question of double jeopardy is not an issue here,but also because, as the Court of Appeals held, petitioners are being prosecuted foran act or incident punished by four national statutes and not by an ordinance and a

    national statute. In short, petitioners, if ever fall under the first sentence of Sec. 21,

    Art. III which prohibits multiple prosecution for the same offense, and not, as inRelova, for offenses arising from the same incident.


    GR 157882 March 30, 2006


    In 1987, Cory rolled out EO 279 w/c empowered DENR to stipulate with

    foreign companies when it comes to either technical or financial large scale

    exploration or mining. In 1995, Ramos signed into law RA 7942 or the PhilippineMining Act. In 1994, Ramos already signed an FTAA with Arimco Mining Co, an

    Australian company. The FTAA authorized AMC (later CAMC) to explore 37,000ha of land in Quirino and N. Vizcaya including Brgy Didipio. After the passage of

    the law, DENR rolled out its implementing rules and regulations. Didipio

    petitioned to have the law and the IRR to be annulled as it is unconstitutional and itconstitutes unlawful taking of property. In seeking to nullify Rep. Act No. 7942and its implementing rules DAO 96-40 as unconstitutional, petitioners set their

    sight on Section 76 of Rep. Act No. 7942 and Section 107 of DAO 96-40 whichthey claim allow the unlawful and unjust taking of private property for private

    purpose in contradiction with Section 9, Article III of the 1987 Constitution

    mandating that private property shall not be taken except for public use and the

    corresponding payment of justcompensation. They assert that public respondentDENR, through the Mining Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations,

    cannot, on its own, permit entry into a private property and allow taking of land

    without payment of just compensation.In their memorandum petitioners pose whether or not Republic Act No.

    7942 and the CAMC FTAA are void because they allow the unjust and unlawful

    taking of property without payment of just compensation , in violation of Section9, Article III of the Constitution issues, among others issues.

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    Whether there has been an actual controversy or issue with respect to the

    unlawful and unjust taking of property without payment of just compensation.


    Public respondents are of the view that petitioners eminent domain claim is not

    ripe for adjudication as they fail to allege that CAMC has actually taken their

    properties nor do they allege that their property rights have been endangered or are

    in danger on account of CAMCs FTAA. In effect, public respondents insist that

    the issue of eminent domain is not a justiciable controversy which this Court can

    take cognizance of. A question is considered ripe for adjudication when the act

    being challenged has had a direct adverse effect on the individual challenging it.

    However, the court cannot await the adverse consequences of the law in order toconsider the controversy actual and ripe for judicial intervention.

    In the case at bar, Didipio failed to show that the law is invalid. Indeed there

    is taking involved but it is not w/o just compensation. Sec 76 of RA 7942 providesfor just compensation as well as section 107 of the DENR RR. To wit,

    Section 76. xxx Provided, that any damage to the property of the surface owner,occupant, or concessionaire as a consequence of such operations shall be properly

    compensated as may be provided for in the implementing rules and regulations.

    Section 107. Compensation of the Surface Owner and Occupant- Any damagedone to the property of the surface owners, occupant, or concessionaire thereof as a

    consequence of the mining operations or as a result of the construction orinstallation of the infrastructure mentioned in 104 above shall be properly and

    justly compensated.

    Further, mining is a public policy and the government can invoke eminentdomain to exercise entry, acquisition and use of private lands.



    GR 169080 December 19, 2007


    The Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources and Infanta Mineral andIndustrialCorporation (Infanta) entered into a Mining Lease Contract V-1050.

    Infantas corporate name was then changed to Cobertson Holdings Corporation

    and subsequently to its present name, Macroasia Corporation.After sometime,Celestial filed a Petition to Cancel the subject mining lease contracts andother mining claims of Macroasia including those covered by Mining Lease

    Contract No. V-1050, before thePanel of Arbitrators (POA) of the Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau (MGB) of the DENR.Blue Ridge, in an earlier letter-petition, also

    wrote the Director of Mines to seek cancellation of mining lease contracts and

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    other mining rights of Macroasia and another entity, Lebach Mining Corporation

    (Lebach), in mining areas in Brookes Point.Celestial is the assignee of 144 miningclaims covering such areas contiguous to Infantas (now Macroasia) mining lode

    claims. Celestial also holds an MPSA with the government which covers 2,835

    hectares located at Ipilan/Maasin, Brookes Point, Palawan and two pendingapplications coveringanother 4,040 hectares in Barangay Mainit also in Brookes

    Point.Celestial sought the cancellation of Macroasias lease contracts. Macroasia

    refuted the grounds for cancellation invoked by Celestial.Based on the records ofthe Bureau of Mines and findings of the field investigations, the POAgranted the

    petition of Celestial to cancel the Mining Lease Contracts of Macroasia; and found

    the claims of the others indubitably meritorious. It gave Celestial thepreferential right to Macroasias mining areas.

    It upheld Blue Ridges petition, but only as against the Mining Lease

    Contract areas of Lebach, and the said leased areas were declaredautomatically abandoned. It gave Blue Ridge priority right to the aforesaidLebachsareas/mining claims. Blue Ridge and Macroasia appealed before the

    MAB.Lebach did not file any notice of appeal with the required memorandum of

    appeal; thus, withrespect to Lebach, the above resolution became final andexecutory.

    The MAB made a decision upholding the Decision of the POA to cancel theMining Lode/LeaseContracts of Macroasia.However, the MAB, subsequently

    issued a resolution vacating its previous decision, holding thatneither the POA nor

    the MAB had the power to revoke a mineral agreement duly entered into by

    theDENR Secretary. The MAB further held that the power to cancel or revoke amineral agreement wasexclusively lodged with the DENR Secretary.Celestial and

    Blue Ridge made an appeal.The CA Special 12th Division affirmed theMAB Resolution which upheld the exclusive authority of the DENR Secretary to

    approve, cancel, and revoke mineral agreements. The CA also denied Celestials

    Motion for Reconsideration. While the CA Special 10th Division granted Blue

    Ridges petition; reversed and set aside the Resolutions of the MAB; and treatedthe cancellation of a mining lease agreement as a mining disputewithin the

    exclusive jurisdiction of the POA under Sec. 77 of RA 7942, explaining that the

    power to resolve mining disputes, which is the greater power, necessarily includesthe lesser power to cancel mining agreements.

    ISSUE:Whether or not it is only the Secretary of the DENR who has the jurisdiction to

    cancel miningcontracts and privileges?

    HELD:It is only the Secretary of the DENR who has jurisdiction to cancel mining

    contracts and privileges. After a scrutiny of the provisions of PD 463, EO 211, EO279, RA 7942 and its implementing rules and regulations, executive issuances, and

    case law, we rule that the DENR Secretary, not the POA, hasthe jurisdiction to cancel existing mineral lease contracts or mineral agreements ba

    sed on the following reasons: The power of the DENR Secretary to cancel mineralagreements emanates from his administrative authority, supervision, management,

    and control over mineral resources under Chapter I, Title XIV of Book IV of the

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    Revised Administrative Code of 1987.It is the DENR, through the Secretary, that

    manages, supervises, and regulates the use and development of all mineralresources of the country. It has exclusive jurisdiction over the management of all

    lands of public domain, which covers mineral resources and deposits from said

    lands. It has the power to oversee, supervise, and police our natural resourceswhich include mineral resources. Derived from the broad and explicit powers of

    the DENR and its Secretary under the Administrative Code of 1987 is the power toapprove mineral agreements and necessarily to cancel or cause to cancel said


    Under RA 7942, the power of control and supervision of the DENRSecretary over the MGB to cancel or recommend cancellation of mineral rights

    clearly demonstrates the authority of the DENR Secretary to cancel or approve thecancellation of mineral agreements. The DENR Secretarys power to cancel

    mining rights or agreements through the MGB can be inferred from Sec. 230,Chapter XXIV of DENR AO 96-40 on cancellation, revocation, and termination of

    a permit/mineral agreement/FTAA.

    APEX MINING CO vs Southeast Mindanao Gold Mining Corp

    GR 152613 & 152628 November 20, 2009


    A motion for reconsideration was filed by SEM. The Assailed Decision held

    that the assignment of Exploration Permit (EP) 133 in favor of SEM violated oneof the conditions stipulated in the permit. It also ruled that the transfer of EP 133

    violated Presidential Decree No. 463, which requires that the assignment of amining right be made with the prior approval of the Secretary of the Department of

    Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Moreover, the Assailed Decisionpointed out that EP 133expired by non-renewal since it was not renewed before or

    after its expiration. It likewise upheld the validity of Proclamation No. 297 absentany question against its validity. In view of this, and considering that under Section

    5 of Republic Act No. 7942, otherwise known as the Mining Act of 1995,mining operations in mineral reservations may be undertaken directly by the State

    or through a contractor, the Court deemed the issue of ownership of priority rightover the contested Diwalwal GoldRush Area as having been overtaken by the said

    proclamation. Thus, it was held in the assailed decision that it is now within theprerogative of the Executive Department to undertake directly the mining

    operations of the disputed area or to award the operations to private entitiesincluding petitioners Apex and Balite, subject to applicable laws, rules and

    regulations, and provided that these private entities are qualified.Apex, for its part, filed a Motion for Clarification of the Assailed Decision,

    praying that the Court elucidate on the Decisions pronouncement that mining

    operations, are now, therefore within thefull control of the State through theexecutive branch. Moreover, Apex asks this Court to order the Mines and

    Geosciences Board (MGB) to accept its application for an exploration permit.

    Balite echoes the same concern as that of Apex on the actual takeover by theState of the mining industry in the disputed area to the exclusion of the private

    sector. In addition, Balite prays for this Court to direct MGB to accept its

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    application for an exploration permit. Camilo Banad, et al., likewise filed a motion

    for reconsideration and prayed that the disputed area be awarded to them. In theResolution, the Court En Banc resolved to accept the instant cases.

    ISSUES:1.Whether the transfer or assignment of Exploration Permit (EP) 133 by MMC to

    SEM was validly made without violating any of the terms and conditions set forthin Presidential Decree No. 463 and EP 133 itself.

    2.Whether Southeast Mindanao Mining Corp. acquired a vested right over thedisputed area, which constitutes a property right protected by the Constitution.

    3.Whether the assailed Decision dated 23 June 2006 of the Third Division in this

    case is contrary to and overturns the earlier Decision of this Court in Apex v.Garcia (G.R. No. 92605, 16 July1991, 199 SCRA 278).

    4.Whether the issuance of Proclamation No. 297 declaring the disputed area as

    mineral reservation outweighs the claims of SEM, Apex Mining Co. Inc. andBalite Communal Portal Mining Cooperative over the Diwalwal Gold Rush Area.5.Whether the issue of the legality/constitutionality of Proclamation No. 297 was

    belatedly raised.


    1.The assailed Decision did not overturn the 16 July 1991 Decision in ApexMining Co., Inc. v.Garcia. The former was decided on facts and issues that were

    not attendant in the latter, such as the expiration of EP 133, the violation of the

    condition embodied in EP 133 prohibiting its assignment, and the unauthorized and

    invalid assignment of EP 133 by MMC to SEM, since this assignment was effectedwithout the approval of the Secretary of DENR;

    2.SEM did not acquire vested right over the disputed area because itssupposed right was extinguished by the expiration of its exploration permit and by

    its violation of the condition prohibiting the assignment of EP 133 by MMC to

    SEM. In addition, even assuming that SEM has a valid exploration permit, such is

    a mere license that can be withdrawn by the State. In fact, the same has beenwithdrawn by the issuance of Proclamation No. 297, which places the disputed

    area under the full control of the State through the Executive Department;

    3.The approval requirement under Section 97 of Presidential Decree No. 463applies to the assignment of EP 133 by MMC to SEM, since the exploration permit

    is an interest in a mining lease contract;

    4.The issue of the constitutionality and the legality of Proclamation No. 297was raised belatedly, as SEM questions the same for the first time in its Motion for

    Reconsideration. Even if the issue were to be entertained, the said proclamation isfound to be in harmony with the Constitution and other existing statutes;

    5.The motion for reconsideration of Camilo Banad, et al. cannot be passedupon because they are not parties to the instant cases;6.

    The prayers of Apex and Balite asking the Court to direct the MGB to accepttheir applications for exploration permits cannot be granted, since it is the

    Executive Department that has the prerogative to accept such applications, if everit decides to award the mining operations in the disputed area to a private entity.

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    GR 162331 Novermber 20, 2006


    Philippine Government and WMC Philippines, the local wholly-ownedsubsidiary of WMCResources International Pty. Ltd. (WMC Resources) executed a

    Financial and Technical AssistanceAgreement, denominated as the ColumbioFTAA No. 02-95-XI (Columbio FTAA) for the purpose of large scale exploration,

    development, and commercial exploration of possible mineral resources in aninitialcontract area of 99,387 hectares located in the provinces of South Cotabato, Sultan

    Kudarat,Davao del Sur, and North Cotabato in accordance with Executive Order

    No. 279 and Department Administrative Order No. 63, Series of 1991.TheColumbio FTAA is covered in part by 156 mining claims held under various

    Mineral Production Sharing Agreements (MPSA) by Southcot Mining

    Corporation, Tampakan Mining Corporation, and Sagittarius Mines, Inc.(collectively called the Tampakan Companies), in accordance with the TampakanOption Agreement entered into by WMC Philippines and the Tampakan

    Companies on 25 April 1991,as amended by Amendatory Agreement dated 15 July

    1994, for purposes of exploration of the mining claims in Tampakan, SouthCotabato. The Option Agreement, among other things, provides for the grant of the

    right of first refusal to the Tampakan Companies in case WMC Philippines desiresto dispose of its rights and interests in the mining claims covering the area subject

    of the agreement.

    WMC Resources subsequently divested itself of its rights and interests in the

    Columbio FTAA, and on 12 July 2000 executed a Sale and Purchase Agreementwith petitioner Lepanto over its entire shareholdings in WMC Philippines, subject

    to the exercise of the Tampakan Companies exercise oftheir right of first refusalto purchase the subject shares. On 28 August 2000, petitioner sought the approval

    of the 12 July 2000 Agreement from the DENR Secretary. In the interim, on 10

    January 2001, contending that the 12 July Agreement between petitioner and

    WMC Philippines had expired due to failure to meet the necessary preconditionsfor its validity, WMC Resources and the Tampakan Companies executed another

    Sale and Purchase Agreement, where Sagittarius Mines, Inc. was designated

    assignee and corporate vehicle which would acquire theshareholdings andundertake the Columbio FTAA activities. On 15 January 2001, Sagittarius

    Mines,Inc. increased its authorized capitalization to P250 million. Subsequently,

    WMC Resources and Sagittarius Mines, Inc. executed a Deed of Absolute Sale ofShares of Stocks on 23 January 2001.

    After due consideration and evaluation of the financial and technicalqualifications of Sagittarius Mines, Inc., the DENR Secretary approved the transfer

    of the Columbio FTAA from WMC Philippines to Sagittarius Mines, Inc. in theassailed Order. According to said Order, pursuant to Section 66 of Department

    Administrative Order No. 96-40, as amended, Sagittarius Mines, Inc. meets thequalification requirements as Contractor-Transferee of FTAA No. 02-95-XI, and

    that the application for transfer of said FTAA went thru the procedure and otherrequirements set forth under the law.

    Aggrieved by the transfer of the Columbio FTAA in favor of SagittariusMines, Inc., petitioner filed a Petition for Review of the Order of the DENR

    Secretary with the Office of the President. Petitioner assails the validity of the 18

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    December 2001 Order of the Secretary of the Department of Environment and

    Natural Resources (DENR) approving the application for and the consequentregistration of FTAA No. 02-95-XI from WMC Philippines to Sagittarius Mines,

    Inc.on the ground that:1) it violates the constitutional right of Lepanto to due

    process; 2) it preempts the resolution of very crucial legal issues pending with theregular courts; and 3) it blatantly violates Section 40 of the Mining Act.

    In a Decision dated 23 July 2002, the Office of the President dismissed thepetition.


    Whether the Philippine Mining Act of 1995, particularly Section 40

    thereof requiring the approval of the President of the assignment or transfer offinancial or technical assistance agreements should have a retroactive

    application to the Columbio FTAA.

    RULING:Applying the above-cited law retroactively would contradict the

    established legal doctrine that statutes are to be construed as having only a

    prospective operation unless the contrary is expressly stated or necessarily impliedfrom the language used in the law. In the case at bar, there is an absence of

    either an express declaration or an implication in the Philippine Mining Act of1995 that the provisions of said law shall be made to apply retroactively, therefore,

    any section of said law must be made to apply only prospectively, in view of the

    rule that a statute ought not to receive a construction making it act retroactively,

    unless the words used are so clear, strong, and imperative that no other meaningcan be annexed to them, or unless the intention of the legislature cannot

    be otherwise satisfied.


    GR 163101 February 13, 2008


    Benguet and J.G. Realty entered into a Royalty Agreement with Option to

    Purchase (RAWOP) , wherein J.G. Realty was acknowledged as the owner of fourmining claims with a total area of 288.8656 hectares. The parties also executed a

    Supplemental Agreement. The mining claims were covered by Mineral Production

    Sharing Agreement (MPSA) Application No. APSA-V-0009 jointly filed by J.G.Realty as claim-owner and Benguet as operator.

    After some time, the Executive Vice-President of Benguet, Antonio N.Tachuling, issueda letter informing J.G. Realty of its intention to develop the

    mining claims. However, J.G. Realty, through its President, Johnny L. Tan, thensent a letter to the President of Benguet informing the latter that it was terminating

    the RAWOP. The latter alleged that petitioner violated some of the provisions ofthe RAWOP, specifically on non-payment of royalties and non-fulfillment of

    obligations stipulated therein.J.G. Realty filed a Petition for Declaration of Nullity/Cancellation of the

    RAWOP. POA issued a Decision, cancelling the RAWOP and its SupplementalAgreement. BENGUET was subsequently excluded from the joint MPSA

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    Application over the mineral claims. Subsequent MR was denied. Said decision

    was upheld by DENR-MAB. Hence this instant petition.


    Whether or no the filing of the petition with the Supreme Court is proper.

    RULING:The instant petition can be denied outright as Benguet resorted to an

    improper Remedy.The last paragraph of Section 79 of Republic Act No. (RA)7942 or the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 states, A petition for review by

    certiorari and question of law may be filed by the aggrieved party with the

    Supreme Court within thirty (30) days from receipt of the order or decision ofthe[MAB].

    The Revised Rules of Civil Procedure included Rule 43 to provide a uniform

    rule on appealsfrom quasi-judicial agencies. Under the rule, appeals from theirjudgments and final orders are nowrequired to be brought to the CA on a verifiedpetition for review. A quasi-judicial agency or body has been defined as an organ

    of government, other than a court or legislature, which affects the rights of private

    parties through either adjudication or rule-making. MAB falls under this definition;hence, it isno different from the other quasi-judicial bodies enumerated under Rule

    43. Besides, the introductory words in Section 1 of Circular No. 1-91 amongthese agencies areindicate that the enumeration isnot exclusive or conclusive

    and acknowledge the existence of other quasi-judicial agencies which, though not

    expressly listed, should be deemed included therein.

    The judicial policy of observing the hierarchy of courts dictates that directresort from administrativeagencies to this Court will not be entertained, unless the

    redress desired cannot be obtained from theappropriate lower tribunals, or unlessexceptional and compelling circumstances justify availment of aremedy falling

    within and calling for the exercise of our primary jurisdiction.Thus Benguet should

    have filed the appeal with the CA.Petitioner having failed to properly appeal to the

    CA under Rule 43, the decision of the MAB has become final and executory. Onthis ground alone, the instant petition must be denied.


    FACTS:This case originated from a petition filed by respondent [Sulu Resources

    Development Corporation] for Mines Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) No.MPSA-IV-13, covering certain areas in Antipolo, Rizal. Petitioner [Armando C.

    Carpio] filed an opposition/adverse claim thereto, alleging, inter alia, that hislandholdings in Cupang and Antipolo, Rizal will be covered by respondents claim,

    thus he enjoys a preferential right to explore and extract the quarry resources on hisproperties.

    After due proceedings were held, the Panel of Arbitrators of the Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau of the DENR rendered a Resolution upholding petitioners

    opposition/adverse claim. Respondent appealed the foregoing Resolution to theMines Adjudication Board.

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    Meanwhile, petitioner filed a motion to dismiss appeal on the ground of

    respondents failure to comply with the requirements of the New Mining ActsImplementing Rules and Regulations. The Mines Adjudication Board rendered the

    assailed Order dismissing petitioners opposition/adverse claim. Petitioner filed a

    motion for reconsideration of said Order which was denied by the Board. Anappeal was filed with the CA but same was denied.


    Whether or not appeals from the Decision or Final Orders of the MinesAdjudication Board should be made directly to the Supreme Court as contended by

    the respondent and the Court of Appeals, or such appeals be first made to the Court

    of Appeals as contended by herein petitioner.


    The petition is meritorious. Factual controversies are usually involved inadministrative actions; and the CA is prepared to handle such issues because,unlike this Court, it is mandated to rule on questions of fact. In Metro Construction

    we observed that not only did the CA have appellate jurisdiction over CIAC

    decisions and orders, but the review of such decisions included questions of factand law. At the very least when factual findings of the MAB are challenged or

    alleged to have been made in grave abuse of discretion as in the present case, theCA may review them, consistent with the constitutional duty of the judiciary. To

    summarize, there are sufficient legal footings authorizing a review of the MAB

    Decision under Rule 43 of the Rules of Court.

    First, Section 30 of Article VI of the 1987 Constitution mandates that [n]olaw shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court as

    provided in this Constitution without its advice and consent. On the other hand,Section 79 of RA No. 7942 providesthat decisions of the MAB may be reviewed

    by this Court on a petition for review by certiorari. This provision Is obviously

    an expansion of the Courts appellate jurisdiction, an expansion to which this Court

    has not consented. Indiscriminate enactment of legislation enlarging the appellatejurisdiction of this Court would unnecessarily burden it.

    Second, when the Supreme Court, in the exercise of its rule-making power,

    transfers to the CA pending cases involving a review of a quasi- judicial bodysdecisions, such transfer relates only to procedure; hence, it does not impair the

    substantive and vested rights of the parties. The aggrieved partys right to appeal is

    preserved; what is changed is only the procedure by which the appeal is to be madeor decided. The parties still have a remedy and a competent tribunal to grant this

    remedy.Third, the Revised Rules of Civil Procedure included Rule 43 to provide a

    uniform rule on appeals from quasi-judicial agencies. Under the rule, appeals fromtheir judgments and final orders are now required to be brought to the CA on a

    verified petition for review. A quasi-judicial agency or body has been defined as anorgan of government, other than a court or legislature, which affects the rights of

    private parties through either adjudication or rule-making. MAB falls under thisdefinition; hence, it is no different from the other quasi-judicial bodies enumerated

    under Rule 43. Besides, the introductory words in Section 1 of Circular No. 1-91 --among these agencies are-- indicate that the enumeration is not exclusive or

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    conclusive and acknowledge the existence of other quasi-judicial agencies which,

    though not expressly listed, should be deemed included therein.Fourth, the Court realizes that under Batas Pambansa (BP) Blg. 129 as amended

    by RA No. 7902, factual controversies are usually involved in decisions of quasi-

    judicial bodies; and the CA, which is likewise tasked to resolve questions of fact,has more elbow room to resolve them. By includingquestions of fact among the

    issues that may be raised in an appeal from quasi-judicial agencies to the CA,Section 3 of Revised Administrative Circular No. 1-95 and Section 3 of Rule 43

    explicitlyexpanded the list of such issues. According to Section 3 of Rule 43, [a]nappeal under this Rule may be taken to the Court of Appeals within the period and

    in the manner herein provided whether the appeal involves questions of fact, of

    law, or mixed questions of fact and law. Hence, appeals from quasi-judicialagencies even only on questions of law may be brought to the CA.

    Fifth, the judicial policy of observing the hierarchy of courts dictates that

    direct resort from administrative agencies to this Court will not be entertained,unless the redress desired cannot beobtained from the appropriate lower tribunals,or unless exceptional and compelling circumstances justify availment of a remedy

    falling within and calling for the exercise of our primary jurisdiction. In brief,

    appeals from decisions of the MAB shall be taken to the CA through petitions forreview in accordance with the provisions of Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Court.



    GR L-49109 December 1, 1987


    Petitioner is a mining corporation, it alleges that it is the holder of fifty validmining claims situated in Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, acquired under the

    Philippine Bill of 1902.P.D. No. 1214 was issued, requiring holders of subsisting

    and valid patentable mining claims located under the provisions of the Philippine

    Bill of 1902 to file a mining lease application within one year from the approval ofthe Decree. Petitioner accordingly filed a mining lease application, but "under

    protest", with a reservation annotated on the back of its application that it is not

    waiving its rights over its mining claims until the validity of Presidential DecreeNo. 1214 shall have been passed upon by this Court.

    Three days before filing the disputed mining lease application, petitioner

    filed this special civil action for certiorari and prohibition, alleging that it has noother plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law to protect its

    rights (except by said petition). Petitioner assails Presidential Decree No. 1214 asunconstitutional in that it amounts to a deprivation of property without due process

    of law. Petitioner avers that its fifty (50) mining claims had already been declaredas its own private and exclusive property in final judgments rendered by the CFI

    Camarines Norte.The cases cited by petitioner recognize the right of a locator of a mining

    claim as a property right. This right, however is not absolute. It is merely apossesory right, more so, in this case, where petitioner's claims are still unpatented.

    They can be lost through abandonment or forfeiture or they may be revoked forvalid legal grounds.

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    Whether or not Presidential Decree No. 1214 is constitutional.


    Even assuming that petitioner was not bound to exhaust administrativeremedies on the question of whether or not its mining claims are still subsisting

    before challenging the constitutionality of said Decree. It is a valid exercise of thesovereign power of the State, as owner, over lands of the public domain, of which

    petitioner's mining claims still form a part, and over the patrimony of the nation, ofwhich mineral deposits are a valuable asset.

    It may be underscored, in this connection, that the Decree does not cover all

    mining claims located under the Phil. Bill of 1902, but only those claims overwhich their locators had failed to obtain a patent. And even then, such locators may

    still avail of the renewable twenty-five year (25) lease prescribed by Pres. Dec. No.

    463, the Mineral Development Resources Decree of 1974.Mere location does notmean absolute ownership over the affected land or the mining claim. It merelysegregates the located land or area from the public domain by barring other would-

    be locators from locating the same and appropriating for themselves the minerals

    found therein. To rule otherwise would imply that location is all that is needed toacquire and maintain rights over a located mining claim. This, we cannot approve

    or sanction because it is contrary to the intention of the lawmaker that the locatorshould faithfully and consistently comply with the requirements for annual work

    and improvements in the located mining claim.

    Presidential Decree No. 1214 is in accord with Sec. 8, Art. XIV of the 1973

    Constitution which states:"All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal,petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries, wildlife,

    and other natural resources of the Philippines belong to the State. With theexception of agricultural, industrial or commercial, residential and resettlement

    lands of the public domain, natural resources shall not be alienated, and no license,

    concession, or lease for the exploration, development, exploitation, or utilization of

    any of the natural resources shall be granted for a period exceeding twenty-fiveyears, renewable for not more than twenty-five years, except as to water rights for

    irrigation, water supply, fisheries, or industrial uses other than the development of

    water power, in which cases, beneficial use may be the measure and the limit ofthe grant".

    VILLARIN VS PEOPLEGR 175289 August 31, 2011


    Petitioner Aniano Latayada (Latayada) and three others namely, BarangayCaptain Sudaria of Tagpangi, CDO, Baillo and Boyatac, were charged with

    violation of Section 68, PD No. 705 as amended by Executive Order No. 277. CityProsecutor recommended to charge Villarin as well. The Version of the Defense:

    In response to the clamor of the residents of Barangays Tampangan, Pigsag-an,Tuburan and Taglinao, all in Cagayan De Oro City, Villarin, decided to repair

    the impassable Batinay bridge. The project was allegedly with the concurrence ofthe Barangay Council. Pressured to immediately commence the needed repairs,

    Villarin commissioned Boyatac toinquire from Sudaria about the availability of

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    timber without first informing the City Engineer. Sudaria asked for the

    specifications which Villarin gave. Villarin then asked Baillo and Boyatac toattend to the same. When the timber was already available, it was transported from

    Tagpangi to Batinay. However, the timber flitches were seized by the DENR Strike

    Force Teamand taken to its office where they were received by Vera Cruz, thesecurity guard on duty. RTC found them guilty. CA affirmed the judgment of


    ISSUE:SSUE: WON mere possession of timber without criminal intent is



    "There are two distinct and separate offenses punished under Section 68 of

    PD No. 705, to wit:(1) Cutting, gathering, collecting and removing timber or other

    forest products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable public

    land, or from private land without any authorization; and (2) Possession of timber

    or other forest products without the legal documents required under existing forest

    laws and regulations."The Information charged petitioners with the second offense

    which is consummated by the mere possession of forest products without the

    proper documents.As a special law, the nature of the offense is malum prohibitum

    and as such, criminal intent is not an essential element. "However, the prosecution

    must prove that petitioners had the intent to possess (animus possidendi)" thetimber. "Possession, under the law, includes not only actual possession, but also

    constructive possession. Actual possession exists when the [object of the crime] is

    in the immediate physical control of the accused. On the other hand, constructive

    possession exists when the [object of the crime] is under the dominion and control

    of the accused or when he has the right to exercise dominion and control over

    theplace where it is found."There is no dispute that petitioners were in constructive

    possession of the timber without the requisite legal documents. Villarin and

    Latayada were personally involved in its procurement, delivery and storagewithout any license or permit issued by any competent authority. Given these and

    considering that the offense is malum prohibitum, petitioners contention that the

    possession of the illegally cut timber was not for personal gain but for the repair of

    said bridge is, therefore, inconsequential. Petition denied.


    GR 139548 December 22, 2000


    Marcopper Mining Corporation registered its mining claims in Pao, Kasibu,

    NuevaVizcaya with the DENR from February 02,1982 to October 12, 1982.Private respondents Alberto G.Bumolo and others registered their mining claims in

    the same area from 28 July 1981 to 22 September 1988, which claims were

    subsequently converted into Mineral Production Sharing Agreements (MPSA).

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    On March 12, 1982 petitioner entered into Option Agreements over the

    mining. Under the Agreements, petitioner was granted the exclusive andirrevocable right to explore the mining claims for three (3) years with provision for

    extension. petitioner filed Prospecting Permit Applications (PPA) with the Bureau

    of Forest Development, DENR, on the alleged ground that a portion of the areacovered by the mining claims was within the Magat River Forest Reservation

    under Proc. 573 of June26, 1969 and with DAR on account of alleged coverage ofthe other portion within the Nueva Vizcaya Quirino Civil Reservation under Proc.

    1498 of 11 September 1975.Executive Director Leonardo A. Paat rejected petitioners Prospecting

    Permit Application (PPA) on the ground that the Memorandum of July 08, 1991

    endorsed by the Regional Technical Director for Mines revealed that the areacovered was outside government reservation; that the prospect claim was in

    conflict with existing claims; and, that the area had been extensively explored in

    the early 1980's.Petitioner moved for reconsideration. Regional Executive Director Samuel

    Paragas recommended to the DENR Secretary that petitioner's request for

    reconsideration be denied; that the existing rights of mining claim holders be

    respected; and, that the prior legal rights of MPSA/Financial and TechnicalAssistance Agreement applicants over subject area be recognized. As regards

    petitioner's PPA filed with the DAR, it appeared that it was issued a clearance toprospect for six (6) months from December 11, 1995.

    On August 15, 1997 petitioner appealed to public respondent Mines

    Adjudication Board (MAB). Petitioner maintained that subject area was within the

    Magat River Forest Reservation. On June 11,1998 the rejection of the PPA wasaffirmed whereas the mining claims of respondents Alberto G.Bumolo et al. that

    had been converted into a MPSA, subject to compliance with R.A. 7942 and DAONo. 96-40, were given due course. Petitioner moved for reconsideration.

    Respondent MAB denied petitioners motion.

    ISSUE:Whether respondent MAB erred in finding that the area subject of the PPA

    was outside the Magat River Forest Reservation.


    Respondent MAB correctly upheld the ratiocination of Regional Executive

    Director Paragas indenying petitioner's PPA. The disapproval of Marcoppers PPAmoreover, did not emanate from a single recommendation of the RTD for Mines.

    Records would show that as early as May 31, 1989 Bumolo group of PD 463claims which Marcopper has eventually surrounded by filing its own PAO 1-30

    group of claims was confirmed by the Forest Engineering Section of the region tobe outside proclaimed watershed areas, wilderness, national parks and existing

    government reforestation projects.the area covered by petitioner's PPA is outside the Magat River Forest

    Reservation has been adequately established by the following evidence: (a)confirmation asearly as 31 May 1989 by the Forest Engineering Section of

    Tuguegarao, Cagayan; (b) the 8 July 1991Memorandum Report of RegionalTechnical Director Punsal Jr.; and, (c) plotting provided by the National Mapping

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    and Resources Information Authority per its 2 June 1995 indorsement of the maps

    to the office of the Regional Executive Director.Petitioner contests the exclusion of the area subject of its PPA within the

    Magat River Forest Reservation based merely on the alleged "typographical error

    committed by somebody in the Engineering Section of the DENR." Aside from thefact that the allegation does not have anything to support it, the aforementioned

    documents which the Regional Executive Directors relied upon in denying the PPAhad already settled the issue. Furthermore, respondent MAB even fortified the

    bases for the rejection of petitioner's PPA. As plotted by the Lands ManagementSector of DENR Region 2 contained in the sketch plan of 11 November 1996and

    as shown in the Land Use map of the Community Environment and Natural

    Resources Office of Dupax, Nueva Vizcaya, the area covered under the PPA isindeed outside any government reservation.
