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nata and jee b.arch

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NATA and JEE B.Arch 2016 Career in Architecture & How to prepare for NATA and JEE Entrance Exam. iMADE Creative Studio
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NATA  and  JEE  B.Arch  2016  

Career  in  Architecture  &  

How  to  prepare  for    NATA  and  JEE  Entrance  Exam.  

iMADE Creative Studio

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Career  in  Architecture  

Architecture  career  in  India  is  very    lucraEve  and  it  pays  more  with  your  experience.        If  you  are  looking  for  a  career  where  creaEvity  and  knowledge  is  concerned  then  this  career  is  best    for  you.    Architecture  course  teaches  you  a  lot  of  subjects  with  hands  on  pracEce  and    you  will  also  learn  a  lot  more  other  things  throughout  your  pracEce,  if  you  are  admiKed  in  a  good  college,  which  will  give  you  an  naEonal  and  internaEonal  exposure.  

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How  to  get  into  Architecture  degree  course?  

•  B.Arch  (Bachelors  in  Architecture)  is  the  degree  you  will  get  while  you  enroll  into  the  5  year  course.    

•  For  geQng  admission  into  Architecture  course  first  you  need  to  clear  the  entrance  exams:  

•  1)  JEE  (Mains)  Paper-­‐2,  B.Arch    •  2)  NATA  (NaEonal  ApEtude  Test  for  Architecture)    


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Details  of  Architecture  entrance  exams  1)  JEE  (Joint  Entrance  Examina5on)  (Main)  Paper-­‐2  (B.  Arch  /  B.  Planning)  •  JEE  is  held  in  the  month  of  April  for  936  seats  of  B.Arch  /  B.Planning  

offered  by  Admission  into  5  year  B.Arch  program  offered  by  NITs  (NaEonal  InsEtutes  of  Technology),  IITs  (Indian  InsEtute  of  Technology),  InsEtuEons  funded  by  several  parEcipaEng  State  Governments  and  several  other  InsEtuEons  shall  include  the  performance  in  the  Joint  Entrance  ExaminaEon,  JEE  (Main)  previously  known  as  The  All  India  Engineering  Entrance  ExaminaEon  (AIEEE).    

 2)  NATA  (Na5onal  Ap5tude  Test  in  Architecture)  •  NATA  is  conducted  by  COA  (Council  of  Architecture)  at  naEonal  level  to  

provide  a  single  window  system  for  appearing  in  apEtude  test  and  to  facilitate  insEtuEons,  students  and  public  at  large  for  admission  to  First  year  B.Arch  Degree  Course  at  all  recognized  insEtutes  all  over  country.    

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Syllabus  for  Ap5tude  Test  for  B.  Arch.  Programs      Freehand  drawing:  This  would  comprise  of  simple  drawing  depicEng  the  total  object  in  its  right  form  and  proporEon,  surface  texture,  relaEve  locaEon  and  details  of  its  component  parts  in  appropriate  scale.        Geometrical  drawing:  Exercises  in  geometrical  drawing  containing  lines,  angles,  triangles,  quadrilaterals,  polygons,  circles  etc.        Three-­‐Dimensional  percep5on:  Understanding  and  appreciaEon  of  three-­‐dimensional  forms  with  building  elements,  color,  volume  and  orientaEon.  VisualizaEon  through  structuring  objects  in  memory.      Imagina5on  and  Aesthe5c  sensi5vity:  ComposiEon  exercise  with  given  elements.  Context  mapping.  CreaEvity  check  through  innovaEve  uncommon  test  with  familiar  objects.  Sense  of  color  grouping  or  applicaEon.      Architectural  awareness:  General  interest  and  awareness  of  famous  architectural  creaEons  both  naEonal  and  internaEonal,  places  and  personaliEes  (architects,  designers  etc.)  in  the  related  domain  with  climatology  and  material  understanding.      Candidates  are  advised  to  bring  geometry  box  sets,  pencils,  erasers  and  color  pencils  or  crayons  for  the  ApEtude  Test.      

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NATA  Entrance  Exam  Coaching  JEE  (Main)  Paper-­‐2  B.  Arch  Entrance  Exam  


•  Classroom  Coaching  for  NATA  and  JEE  (B.Arch)      iMADE’s  expert  faculEes  have  devised  simplified  teaching  methods  towards  the  complexity  of  the  Architectural  and  Technical  drawings  for  students  of  variable  understanding  abiliEes.  We  offer  live  drawing  sessions  to  improve  student’s  ability  to  imagine  unique  architectural  designs,  memory-­‐drawings  and  execute  it  with  accurate  details.    

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iMADE’s  Faculty  Members  •  Amarendra  Nandi-­‐  Guest  Faculty  –  SPA,  Delhi  (6  years  Teaching  


•  Ashish  KaEyar  -­‐  M.  Arch  -­‐  IIT-­‐Roorkee  (5  years  of  industry  knowledge  &  2+  years  of  university  teaching)  

•  Varsha  Biswas-­‐  M.Des  –  NIFT,  Delhi  

•  Ankit  Singh  –  M.Des  (Mobility  and  Vehicle  Design),  IIT-­‐Bombay  

•  Pankaj  Ranjan-­‐  M.Sc.  Integrated  (MathemaEcs  &  StaEsEcs)–  IIT  –  Kanpur  

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iMADE’s  Results  

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iMADE  Books  for  NATA  &  JEE  (B.Arch)  We  provide  well  researched,  good  quality  study  materials  and  also  previous  10  years  

quesEon  papers  of  JEE-­‐  Paper-­‐2  and  NATA.  

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iMADE  Student’s  Works  

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iMADE  Student’s  Works  

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iMADE  Student’s  Work  

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iMADE  Student’s  Works  

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iMADE  CreaEve  Studio  offers    NO.1  Classroom  Coaching    

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iMADE  CreaEve  Studio  offers    NO.1  Classroom  Coaching    
