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The records reproduced in the microfilm publication

are from

War Department Collection of Confederate Records

Record Group 109

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On the 1,158 rolls of this microfilm publication are repro-duced Confederate Papers Relating to Citizens or Business Firms,"Citizens File." The series consists of more than 650,000 vouchersand other related documents filed in over 350,000 alphabeticallyarranged jackets. The papers are primarily original records,most of which date from 1861 to 1865, pertaining to goodsfurnished or services rendered the Confederate government byprivate individuals or business firms. The "Citizens File" ispart of the War Department Collection of Confederate Records,Record Group 109.


Most of the papers reproduced in this microfilm publicationwere created or received by the Confederate War and TreasuryDepartments. After the Civil War the records were among thoseof the late Confederate government that came into the custody ofthe U.S. War Department. A number of years later, the present"Citizens File" was assembled by the Confederate Archives Divi-sion of the Adjutant General's Office.

The Confederate Archives Division originated with a WarDepartment order of July 21, 1865, providing "that a Bureau beorganized in the Adjutant General's Office for the collection,safekeeping, and publication of the Rebel Archives that havecome into the possession of this Government." The office wasofficially designated the Archive Office of the War Departmentby a subsequent issuance of August 23, 1865, and on August 19,1867, it became an integral part of the Adjutant General'sOffice. An order of July 24, 1880, directed that the ArchiveOffice be merged into the War Records Office of the War Depart-ment, but a modification on August 10, 1880, placed it in theRecord Division of the Office of the Secretary of War. TheArchive Office, now designated the Confederate Archives Division,was once again placed under the Adjutant General's Office byan order of February 7, 1888, where it remained until transferredto the War Department Record and Pension Office by an order ofMay 15, 1894.

The custody of the War Department offices over the recordsnow comprising the "Citizens File" is indicated by the stampsthat appear on many of the documents. Documents are most commonlymarked with a large oval stamp reading "Record Division, RebelArchives, War Department," apparently a designation used by theArchive Office. A smaller oval stamp reading "Adjutant General'sOffice, Confederate Archives Division" also appears frequently.

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The "Citizens File" was one of several artificial seriescreated during the late 19th century to facilitate War Departmentresearch in claims cases. Following the Civil War, Southerncitizens filed many claims seeking compensation for property lossesallegedly inflicted by Union forces. The Treasury and JusticeDepartments, Southern Claims Commission, Court of Claims, andcongressional claims committees were involved in processing thesecases, and all, upon occasion, required documentary evidencebased upon the Confederate records in War Department custody.If the disloyalty of the claimant could be established by doc-umenting services performed for the Confederacy, the claim couldthen be disallowed at a great saving to the Government.

Vouchers, which showed goods furnished or services renderedby private citizens or firms to the Confederate government, soonproved a valuable source in establishing the disloyalty of Southernclaimants. The original vouchers or copies thereof were fre-quently furnished to Government agencies involved in the proc-essing of claims cases. Locating the vouchers pertaining tospecific claimants, however, was usually a tedious and time-consuming process. Originally, about 500,000 vouchers occupying857 file boxes were geographically arranged. In addition, therewere about 160,000 additional vouchers scattered among the ac-counts of quartermasters and commissaries.

The present arrangement of the "Citizens File" was effectedafter several decades of heavy demand for vouchers in the settle-ment of claims cases. In June 1891 a special work force of clerkswas set up within the Confederate Archives Division of the AdjutantGeneral's Office to arrange and classify previously unexaminedpapers. In the course of their work, the clerks removed vouchersfrom quartermaster and commissary accounts and interfiled themwith the larger geographically arranged series already at hand.The new series, however, was rearranged alphabetically in 1,349file boxes, each box containing jacketed files of papers per-taining to individual citizens or firms. After the work wascompleted in 1892, the Adjutant General claimed that the newarrangement would "greatly facilitate the work of the [ConfederateArchives] division in furnishing information in answer to callsfrom the different departments of the Government, but chieflyfrom the Department of Justice and the Court of Claims."


The "Citizens File" consists primarily of the alphabetizedvouchers assembled by the War Department from 1891 to 1892. Thevoucher was a record that served to document an account, in thiscase between the Confederate government and private citizens orbusinesses. Vouchers were often, although not always, preparedon printed forms in accordance with a format prescribed in theRegulations for the Army of the Confederate States for theQuartermaster's Department. The regulations also specified that

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vouchers be made out in full for transactions involving publicmoney or property. Accordingly, the voucher usually listed thegoods supplied or services rendered and the cost, and specifiedthe location where compensation was received by the payee. Thecontracing government officer signed the voucher, thus certifyingthe correctness of the account, as did the individual furnishingthe goods or service when payment was received. Often, voucherswere notarized as a further testimonial to their accuracy.

In addition to the vouchers that form the bulk of the"Citizens File," other types of documents are also to be found.These papers, most of which also pertain to business transactionsfrom 1861 to 1865, include original correspondence or copiesthereof, telegrams, receipts, statements of accounts, requisitions,contracts, payrolls, bills of lading, abstracts of expenditures,invoices, passes, lists of company employees or stockholders,accounts of Confederate court proceedings, and reports ofConfederate Treasury Department auditors pertaining to claims.Occasional documents predate 1861 or postdate 1865, the latterfrequently relating to claims actions instituted after theCivil War. Many, if not most, of the documents other thanvouchers were evidently added to the "Citizens File" subsequentto its creation. Items were most likely added because theyserved to further document instances of disloyalty or, perhaps,because no more convenient file repository was readily at hand.

The "Citizens File" relates generally to domestic businesstransactions with the Confederate government. Many of theindividual files within it pertain to persons who furnished forage,food, slaves for labor, horses, wagons, building supplies, andvarious types of equipment, or who rendered services such ashauling supplies or provisions, transporting prisoners, buildingor repairing equipment, and grazing livestock. Other files per-tain to various businesses that dealt with the Confederacy,including railroads, ironworks, leadworks, iron mining companies,newspapers, merchants, banks, stagelines, steamship companies,telegraph companies, and tanneries. Papers pertaining to Con-federate transactions with foreign businesses are not easilylocated in the "Citizens File" and were generally not filed underthe name of the foreign enterprise in question. Papers pertainingto foreign firms are sometimes found filed with those of Con-federate businesses that dealt with them directly.

There are other files for military officers, civiliangovernment employees and officials, and organizations or officesof the Confederate government. Files for detectives, hospitalmatrons, clerks, depot laborers, messengers, and purchasingagents generally consist of vouchers relating to their pay or toexpenses encountered in the course of their work. Files pertain-ing to government officials generally relate more to administra-tive aspects of the offices than to business transactions. Theyare likely to contain such documents as copies or drafts of

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letters, endorsements or memorandums, letters of recommendation,copies of regulations, copies of printed government documents,and worksheets. Still other files relate to claims against, theConfederate government for alleged property losses or for goodsor services furnished.

Most of the individual files are small and consist of oneor a few vouchers. There are, however, larger consolidations,many of which pertain to government officials and large businesses.A partial listing and description of larger aggregations ofpapers among the "Citizens File" follows this introduction.

In addition to the original documents, many of the filesalso include information recorded by the War Department. Cross-references to other related files in the same series are oftenfound on the jackets or on cards within the files. Referencesto related materials among other Confederate records, now inRecord Group 109, are also found on cards within the files.The sources cited include chaptered and numbered book records;letters received by the Confederate Secretary of War, Adjutantand Inspector General, and Quartermaster General; military in-spection reports; payrolls for civilian and slave labor; "vesselpapers"; sequestration papers; muster rolls; and compiled militaryservice records. These records are not reproduced here, butsome are available in other microfilm publications. In additionto the cross-references, the files occasionally contain factualdata recorded by the War Department relating to a particularindividual or business.

The "Citizens File" is arranged in rough alphabetical orderby the surnames of individuals or by the names of businesses.Where a business title consists of more than one name, the paperswill usually be filed under the first name. In addition, suchpapers are often filed ahead of those pertaining to individualsof the same name. Papers pertaining to the firms of Noble §Bell, Noble £ Brothers, and Noble Brothers 5 Co., for example,have been filed ahead of those for A. Noble and A. J. Noble.There appears to be no particular arrangement of documents withinfiles. For some of the larger consolidations, documents appearto have been numbered consecutively by the War Department. Evenin these instances, however, no pattern or order is discerniblein the internal arrangement.

Because of certain irregularities in the arrangement ofthe "Citizens File," a user may need to bring considerableingenuity and knowledge to bear in order to locate desired in-formation. Occasionally, files have been established underunusual or unlikely headings; for example, one for "Register,"which contains papers pertaining to Robert Tyler, register in theTreasury Department. War Department clerks were sometimes

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inconsistent in choosing file headings, as some papers are foundfiled under the names of businesses or firms while others arefiled under the names of individuals in those organizations.Papers relating to the Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond, Va., forexample, are filed under Joseph R. Anderson, the president of thefirm. Similarly, papers pertaining to the South Western andSouthern Telegraph Cos. and the Southern Express Co. are filedunder the names of company officials, employees, or agents.Occasionally, files contain papers for more than one individualor firm. In some instances this may have resulted from a desireto conserve jackets when relatively few papers could be filedtogether. In these cases, the names of the different individualsor firms may be listed on the jackets. In other cases, however,it may not have been possible for the clerks arranging the "Citi-zens File" to distinguish one individual from another with the samename on the basis of information available from the papers. Thus,a file apparently pertaining to one person may in fact pertainto several. In addition, papers pertaining to a particular in-dividual or firm are frequently found in more than one file.Inconsistencies in the spelling or wording of names or businesstitles on documents, changes in business titles, and inconsistentfiling procedures evidently resulted in the creation of multiplefile headings.

Related Records

Among the War Department Collection of Confederate Records,Record Group 109, a number of related series have been reproducedas microfilm publications. Pertaining to C.S. citizens who hadcontact with the U.S. Army are M345, Union Provost Marshals'File of Papers Relating to Individual Civilians, and M416, UnionProvost Marshals' File of Papers Relating to Two or More Civilians.Papers relating to C.S. citizens who furnished vessels for govern-ment use and some files concerning shipping companies may befound in M909, Papers Pertaining to Vessels of or Involved Withthe Confederate States of America, "Vessel File." Like the"Citizens File," the above series were artificially created bythe U.S. War Department. Information pertaining to goods andservices furnished by citizens and businesses to the Confederacymay be found in M437, Letters Received by the Confederate Sea-retary of War, 1861-1865., M474, Letters Received by the Con-federate Adjutant and Inspector General* 1861-1865, and par-ticularly in M469, Letters Received by the Confederate Quarter-master General, 1861-1865. Finding aids to the letters are avail-able in M409, Index to Letters Received by the Confederate Sec-retary of War, 1861-1865, and M410, Index to Letters Received bythe Confederate Adjutant and Inspector General and the ConfederateQuartermaster General, 1861-1865. Outgoing correspondence isavailable as M522, Letters Sent by the Confederate Secretary ofWar, 1861-1865, M627, Letters and Telegrams Sent by the ConfederateAdjutant and Inspector General, 1861-1865, and M900, Letters andTelegrams Sent by the Confederate Quartermaster General, 1861-1865.

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Many of the related series in Record Group 109 are notpresently available as microfilm publications. Records of theU.S. War Department's Archive Office document the use of theConfederate vouchers in post-Civil War claims cases and containinformation relating to the assembly of the "Citizens File."Included among the Archive Office records is a partial inde"x topapers in the "Citizens File" pertaining to telegraph andmanufacturing companies, railroads, and other businesses. Thevolume gives the names of companies and individuals under whichpapers were filed and is useful as a finding aid. Among recordsof the Quartermaster General are various series relating tosupplies, accounts, claims, articles purchased, and the paymentof civilians and slaves. .The records of military commandsinclude information about civilians employed and accounts ofsupplies issued and purchased. Among the Treasury Departmentrecords are ledgers of accounts and registers of claims.Records of the Medical Department and various hospitals includesuch pertinent series as accounts of supplies and articlespurchased, vouchers for hospital supplies, receipts of paymentfor services rendered, lists of slaves and civilian employeeshired, invoices of supplies, and records of payment of employees.Among the records of various ordnance establishments are accountbooks, lists of employees, records of hired men employed, receiptsfor goods received, records of slaves employed, accounts withcontractors, and copies and abstracts of contracts.

Other related records are in the Treasury Department Collec-tion of Confederate Records, Record Group 365. Closely relatedto the "Citizens File" is a volume of lists of abstracts ofinformation concerning Confederate citizens, which consists ofabstracts of information furnished to the Southern Claims Com-mission by the U.S. Treasury Department from the captured Con-federate Treasury records. There is also an accompanying nameindex to evidence of transactions with the Confederate govern-ment. Additional related series in Record Group 365 includecontracts and registers of contracts, registers of civil paywarrants, certifications of accounts, and a number of recordspertaining to the sale and purchase of cotton.

Records relating to Southern claims may be found in"GeneralRecords of the Department of the Treasury, Record Group 56.Available on microfilm is M87, Records of the Commissioners ofClaims (Southern Claims Commission)j 1871-1880. There are alsopertinent materials among General Records of the Department ofJustice, Record Group 60, Records of the United States Senate,Record Group 46, Records of the United States House of Repre-sentatives, Record Group 233, and Records of the United StatesCourt of Claims, Record Group 123.

This introduction was prepared by Robert H. Gruber. Theappendix was prepared by Edwin 0. Stokes.

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Select List of Larger Aggregations of Papersin the "Citizens File"

Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Adams § Duncan

quarters of service rendered orindividual or firm goods furnished and


Charleston, S.C.

Adams, R. W., $ Co. New Orleans, La.

Adger, J. E., § Co. Charleston, S.C.

Alabama § Florida Pensacola, Fla.RR.

Alabama andMississippiRivers RR.

Alabama andTennessee RiversRR.

Allen, S. B.

Alston, W. H.

Amiss, E. J.

Selma, Ala.

Selma, Ala.

Bonham, Tex.

Columbus, Ga.

Furnished hardware,including stoves, pumps,grates, lamps, and messgear, 1861-64

Furnished groceries, drygoods, and cutlery,1861-62

Imported hardware,cutlery, guns, iron,nails, and agriculturalimplements, 1861-62

Transportation, 1861-63

Transportation, 1861-65

Transportation, 1861-64

C.S. depositary, Trans-Mississippi Dept.r fileincludes monthlyaccounts, 1862-65

Provided wharfage atColumbus Wharf, 1863-64

Richmond and White President of FarmersSulphur Springs, Va. Bank of Blacksburg, Va.,

and agent of MontgomerySprings Co.; furnishedfoodstuffs, horses,cattle, pasturage, wood,and building rentals,1862-64

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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Anderson, J. R., Richmond, Va. Proprietors of Tredegar§ Co. Iron Works furnishing

artillery and othermunitions and ordnancesupplies, 1861-64

Atlantic £ Gulf Savannah, Ga. Transportation, 1863-64RR.

Atlantic $ North Goldsboro, N.C. Transportation, 1861-64Carolina RR.

Atlanta Atlanta, Ga. Advertising and otherIntelligencer services, 1862-64

Augusta Factory Augusta, Ga. Clothing and dry goods,1861-64

Augusta, Ga., Chronicle & Sentinel. See Morse, N. S., § Co.

Augusta, Ga., Constitutionalist. See Gardner, James, and Stockton§ Co.

Augusta, Ga., C.S. depositary at. See Hatch, M., and Metcalf,Thomas S.

Ayres, Asher Macon, Ga. Furnished groceries andbuilding supplies,primarily to MaconArsenal, 1862-65

Ayres, R. M., § Co. Staunton, Va. Furnished foodstuffs,leather goods, andtallow, 1861-64

Bacon, John W. Marietta and General supplier, par-Lexington, Ga. ticularly of tools and

riding equipment,1862-63

Ballentyne, H., Mobile, Ala. Printing services,§ Co. publishers of Mobile

Daily Tribune, 1861-64

Bargamin, G. § A., Richmond, Va. Metalwork and plumbingjr services, 1862-65

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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Barnett, MiconS Co.

Barrett § Co.

Bean, W. J.

Beckham, T. M.,$ Co.

Becktel, R. K.,$ Co.

Bee, William C.,$ Co.

Bein, John D.,$ Son

Bell, William

Besser, John S.

Bidgood, George L,

Binford, Frank

quarters ofindividual or firm

Montgomery andTallassee, Ala.

Montgomery, Ala.

Montgomery, Ala.

Richmond, Va.

Memphis, Tenn.

Charleston andHardeeville, S.C,

New Orleans, La.

Richmond, Va.

Huntsville, Tex.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Merchants in dry goodsand hardware, 1861-64

Published MontgomeryAdvertiser, 1861-64

Proprietor of Bardwell$ Bean dealing inbuilding services andsupplies, 1862-64

Assorted supplies toOrdnance Dept., 1862

Synonymous with Beckteland Park, suppliers ofprovisions and groceries;file contains papersrelating to C.S.-seizedgoods in 1862

Supplied foodstuffs toEngineer and CommissaryDepts., 1861-65

Furnished hardware,including metal tools,leather goods, andbrushes, principally toOrdnance Dept., 1861-62

Clothing and dry goods,1861-63

Financial agent at C.S.depositary; fileincludes monthlyaccounts, 1861-65

Stationery supplies,1861-64

Clothing, especiallycaps, and related drygoods, 1861-63

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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Blandin, J. W.

Blue Ridge RR. Co.

Bogel, E. § W.

Bones, Brown§ Co.

Bonham, Tex., C.S.

Booth § Sommers

quarters ofindividual or firm

Selma, Ala.

Charleston, S.C.

Baton Rouge, La.

Augusta, Ga.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Stationery and musicalsupplies, 1862-64

Transportation, 1863-64

Dealt in drugs, medi-cines, chemicals, andperfumes, 1861

Supplied metal products,including tools andsurgical supplies,1862-64

depositary at. See Allen, S. B.

Petersburg, Va.

Bostick § Seymour New Orleans, La.

Boyle, Gamble§ Co.

Brauer, Fred C.

Brennan, T. M.

Brooks § Gaynor

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Nashville, Tenn.

Memphis, Tenn.,Columbus, Miss.,and Selma, Ala.

Supplied metal products,including kitchenware,1862-65

General merchandisersand dealers in metalproducts, includinglamps, 1861-62

Manufactured andrepaired swords, sabres,bayonets, and tools,principally for OrdnanceDept., 1861-64

Procured and suppliedbeef for prisons,hospitals, and Soldiers'Home, 1861-64

Proprietor of ClaiborneMachine Works; manufac-tured arms and ordnancesupplies, 1861-63

Manufactured ordnancesupplies, includingammunition, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Brown, Fleming& Co.

Bruner, J.

Brunswick §Albany RR.

Burke, Boykin& Co.

Burke, John W.

Burr, L. S.,S Co.

Butler, Gilbert

Butler, Osceola

Button, C. W.

Cabaniss,Elbridge G.

quarters ofindividual or firm

Atlanta, Ga.

Raleigh, N.C.


Macon, Ga.

Macon, Ga.

Memphis, Tenn.

Savannah, Ga.

Macon andSavannah, Ga.

Lynchburg, Va.

Augusta, Ga.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

General commissionmerchants and dealersin foodstuffs andstationery products,1862-64

Supplied foodstuffs,principally to hospitalsin Raleigh, 1862-63

Transportation, 1861-64

Steam printers andbinders, 1863-64

Dealer in stationerysupplies, 1862-64

Manufactured artillerycarriages,, small arms,and cavalry and infantryaccouterments, 1861-62

Carpentry work, prin-cipally for EngineerDept., includingconstruction of gunplatforms, bombproofs,and batteries, 1862-64

Assistant in MedicalPurveyor's office;procurer of medicalsupplies, 1862-64

Book and job printer andproprietor of LynchburgVirginian, 1862-64

State collector of taxesfor Georgia; fileconsists of correspond-ence relating to hisappointment and resig-nation and slips showingdeposits of funds,1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Cape Fear Steamboat Co., Va. See Worth, Joseph A.

Cardozo § Bro. Richmond, Va. Supplied stationery and(also under printing goods,Cardozo, C. E.) 1863-64

Carter, Madison Richmond, Va. Furnished assortedsupplies to Ordnance andQuartermaster Depts.,including barrels, kegs,and box straps, 1862-64

Case, George Richmond, Va. Supplied horse equipment(also under Case, to Ordnance Dept. andGeorge V., § Co.) transported horses

and mules, 1861-63

Cave, E. W. Houston and Supplier of stationeryGalveston, Tex. goods, 1862-63

Central Laboratory, C.S., Macon, Ga. See Strate, J. R.

Chalkley, 0. H. Richmond, Va. Wholesale and retail(also under dealer in leather goods,Chalkley, 0. H., principally shoes and§ Co.) horse equipment, 1861-64

Charleston £ Savannah RR. Co., S.C. See Swinton, William H.

Chattanooga Daily Rebel, Tenn. See Paul, Franc M.

Chewacla Lime Co. Yongesboro, ̂ Ala., Supplied lime,and Macon, Ga. 1862-64

Chichester £ Co. Augusta and Dealt in medicines andSavannah, Ga. wholesale and retail

drugs, 1862-64

Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va. See Smith, William R., andWard, W. B.

Churchill, C. B., Selma, Ala. Contracted for supply§ Co. of ammunition to

Ordnance Dept., 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Claghorn §Cunningham

quarters of service rendered orindividual or firm goods furnished and


Savannah, Ga. Dealt in groceries,provisions, and shipchandlery, 1861-64

Claiborne Machine Works, Tenn. See Brennan, T. M.

Clark, W. G., § Co. Mobile, Ala.

Claussen, J. C. H. Charleston, S.C.

Clay, J. Withers

Coale § Barr

Cobia & Co.,Henry (also underCobia, Henry)

Published MobileAdvertiser and Register,1861-64

Proprietor of SouthCarolina Steam Bakeryfurnishing baked goodsto Commissary Dept.,1861-63

Marietta, Ga., and Printing services,Huntsville, Ala. 1862-64

Abingdon, Va.

Wilmington, N.C.and Charleston,S.C.

Colquitt, Joseph H. Richmond, Va.

Published the Virginian,1862-64

Steamship agent;imported foodstuffsand other items andexported cotton, 1861-64

Supplied leather goods,1861-64

Columbia Banner, S.C. See Gibbes, R. W.

Columbus Daily Sun, Ga. See Gilbert, Thomas, § Co.

Columbus Times, Ga. See Warren, J. W., § Co.

Columbus Wharf, Ga. See Alston, W. H.

Confederate Leather Mfg. Co., Ala. See Doane, Harmon

Cook § Bro. Athens and Augusta, Supplied small arms,Ga., Memphis, Tenn., including Enfield riflesand New Orleans, La. and bayonets, other

metal products,including horseshoes,and lumber products,1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Cooke, Roy§ Co.

Cooke, William

quarters ofindividual or firm

Fredericksburg andRichmond, Va.

Salisbury andCharlotte, N.C.

Cooper § Kimball Jackson, Miss., andSelma, Ala.

Cooper, John M., Savannah, Ga.S Co.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Supplied medicines andsurgical goods, 1861-63

Ordnance agent for NorthCarolina Iron Dist.,1861-64

Proprietors of JacksonMississippian, 1862-64

Wholesale and retaildealers in books andstationery supplies,1861-63

Corinth, Miss., purchasing agent at. See Kilpatrick, William H.

Cosgrove, James New Orleans, La. Manufactured saddles,harnesses, and trunksand dealt in hides,leather, and oil,1861-62

Cottrell, Samuel Richmond and AmeliaS., & Co. Counties, Va.

Coupland, Carter Montgomery, Ala,

Courtenay, S. G. Charleston, S.C,

Cox, Brainard§ Co.

Montgomery, Ala.

Furnished leatherproducts, includingsaddles, harnesses,whips, and collars,principally to OrdnanceDept., 1861-64

Furnished steamshiptransportation of menand supplies, 1862-64

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1861-64

Furnished steamshiptransportation of menand supplies, 1861-63


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Cox, Charles

Crenshaw § Co.

Cross, John

Cruger, Lewis

CrutchfieldCo., A. F.

Gushing, E. H.

Dade, Hurxthal§ Co.

Danville Mfg.Co. (also underLipscomb, James R.)

Davie, J. P.

quarters ofindividual or firm

Vicksburg, Miss.

Richmond, Va,

Macon, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Petersburg, Va.

Houston, Tex.

Mobile, Ala.

Danville, Va.

Calveston, Tex.

Davis, Benjamin B. Montgomery, Ala.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Repaired vessels andfurnished metal goodsand sheet metal toOrdnance and Quarter-master Depts., 1862-64

Merchant importers ofassorted materials,including leather anddry goods, 1861-64

Blacksmith at C.S.armory; file includespayroll of clerks,armorers, and otheremployees, 1862

Comptroller of currencyfor C.S. Treasury Dept.;file includes correspon-dence and memorandumsrelating to expendituresand estimates and printeddigests of the Comptrol-ler's opinions, 1862-65

Publishers of PetersburgDaily & Weekly Express,1861-64

Editor of HoustonTelegraph, 1862-65

Imported and dealt inhardware and cutlery,1861-63

Textile producers,1862-65

Supplied hardware,tools, and metal goods,1861-63

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-er firm quarters of

individual or firm

Dawson § Blackman Charleston, S.C.

Dawson, John

Day, J. E.

Wilmington, N.C.

Montgomery, Ala.,and Macon, Ga.

Deane, F. B., Jr., Richmond, Va.$ Son

Desmare, A. Opelousas, La.

Devereux, J. H. Charleston, S.C,

Dickerson, H. J. Savannah, Ga.(also underDickerson, H. J.,§ Son)

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Chemists and apoth-ecaries; furnishedmedical supplies,1861-62

Wholesale and retail drygoods merchant, 1861-64

Treasurer of Macon §Western RR., 1861-64

Supplied ammunitionand metal products toOrdnance Dept., 1861-64

C.S. depositary inOpelousas, 1864-65

Purchasing agent forCommissary Dept. andprocurer of subsistencestores, 1862-63

Steamship charter agent,1861-64

Dixie Works, Canton, Miss. See Werner, V., § Co.

Magnolia, Miss.,and Mobile, Ala.

Dobbin, Robert A. Richmond, Va.

President of ConfederateLeather Mfg. Co. inMagnolia and tanner ofleather for C.S.A.; fileincludes correspondenceand reports relating toclaims for damages re-sulting from theGrierson raid ofApr. 27, 1863, 1863

Managed C.S. iron yardat Richmond, Va.; filepertains to pay for hisservices and operationalexpenses, 1863-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Donnan, W. S. Richmond and(also under Donnan, Staunton, Va.W. S. § G.)

Dove $ Co.

DuBose, I. C.,§ Co.

Duff, James

Dunn § Spencer

Durand, S. A.

Richmond, Va.

Mobile, Ala.

San Antonio, Tex.

Duncan, Blanton Columbia, S.C.

Petersburg, Va.

Atlanta, Ga.

Durham, George I. Austin, Tex.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Supplied assortedhardware, includ ingcutlery, saddlery, andguns, 1862-64

Manufactured small armsand supplied chemicals,oil, turpentine, andother goods to OrdnanceDept,, 1861-63

Wholesale druggists andsuppliers of surgicalinstruments and othermedical goods, 1862-64

Supplied transportationfor military goods,including subsistencestores and hardware;file includes documenta-tion pertaining to1860 dealings with U.S.Government, 1860-62

Printing and engravingservices, 1861-62

Imported metal products,including cutlery,tools, and guns, 1861-64

Supplied military clothgoods, includingknapsacks, haversacks,and tents, 1861-64

State collector of wartax; file includescorrespondence andstatistical tabulations,1861-65

Duval, James P. Richmond, Va. Furnished medicines andmedical supplies,1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Nature of business orservice rendered orquarters of

individual or firm goods furnished and

Dyke $ Carlisle(also under Dyke£ Sparhawk)

Eagle Machine Works,

Eagle Mfg. Co.

Edgerly, M. J.

Tallahassee, Fla.


Printers and proprietorsof Floridian andJournal, 1862-63

Edmond, Robert

Edmond, Robert,$ Co.

Ege, John B.

Ellis § Mitchell

Ells, C. W.

Elmore,,E. C.

Elsworth, Russel§ Co.

Richmond, Va. See Rahm, A. J.

Columbus, Ga.

Macon, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Petersburg, Va.

Wilmington, N.C.

Macon, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Mobile, Ala.

Producers of textiles,1862-64

Messenger for C.S.arsenal at Macon; fileincludes correspondenceand other papersrelating to operationalexpenses, 1863-65

Supplied pasturage,forage, and foodstuffs,1863-65

Transported men andfreight by canal packetboat, 1861-63

Printer and dealer instationery supplies,1862-64

Dealt in and suppliedgrain, 1861-63

Messenger for C.S.arsenal at Macon,1863-65

C.S. Treasurer andcommissioner of tax forVirginia; file includescorrespondence and listsof prepayment certif-icates with interest,1862-64

Dealt in wood and housefurnishings, includingstoves, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

English, C. J.

Epps, Thomas C.

quarters ofindividual or firm

Mobile andMontgomery, Ala.

Richmond, Va.

Erskine, William Monroe County, Va.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Steamship agent furnish-ing transportation,1862-64

Agent for SubsistenceDept. concernedprimarily with ambulanceand wagon repair, 1862-63

President of Mount Lakeand Salt SulphurTurnpike Co. and White$ Salt Sulphur SpringsTurnpike Co.; furnishedgeneral supplies,forage, and pasturage,1861-63

Etowah Mfg. §Mining Co. (alsounder Etowah IronWorks)

Etowah, Ga.

Ettenger § Edmond Richmond, Va.

Supplied metal and metalproducts to OrdnanceDept., including artil-lery carriages andammunition; file includescopies of 1856 incor-porating acts and 1860bylaws, a topographi-cal map of the property,and correspondence withthe Ordnance Dept.,1856-64

Supplied artillerycarriages and otherordnance goods, 1861-62

Ettrick Mfg. Co., Richmond, Va. See Lynch § Callender

Evans § Cogswell Charleston, S.C. Stationers, printers,lithographers, andengravers, 1861-64

Evans, GeorgeP., £ Co.

Richmond andCamp Lee, Va.

Printing services,1863-65


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm


Fariss, R. C.

Charleston, S.C,

Montgomery, Ala.,and Richmond, Va.

Farley, J. A. Montgomery, Ala.

Farmers Bank, Blacksburg, Va. S&e Amiss,

Farrow £ Dennett Mobile, Ala.

Fayetteville Observer, N.C. See Hale, E.

Findlay, R. B. Macon, Ga.

Fisher § Agnew§ Co.

Flash, H. L.

Florida, Atlantic£ Gulf Central RR.(also underJeffreys, W. 0.)

Columbia, S.C,

Macon, Ga.

Sanderson,Tallahassee, andLake City, Fla.

Nature .of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Furnished constructionsupplies, includingbricks and lumber,1862-64

Special agent of theQuartermaster Dept. andcommissioner of C.S.Impressment Board; fileincludes correspondenceand printed priceschedules of Feb. 1865,1863-65

Produce Loan agent,1862-65

E. J.

Book, card, and jobprinting services,1862-64

J., § Son

Supplied materials andslaves to Macon-Arsenal,1862-65

Imported and dealt inhardware, cutlery, guns,and bar iron; furnishedtools and iron products,1861-64

Proprietor of MaconDaily Confederate,1861-65

Transportation, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-er firm

Florida RR.Co. (also underSwann, Samuel A.)

Ford, J. 0., § Co,

Forstall, E. J.

Franklin, J. B.

Fraser, John,S Co.

Fulton § Price

Fuss, J.

Gage, Charles P.

Gaines, DeaverCo.

quarters ofindividual or firm

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Gainsville and Lake Transportation, 1861-64City, Fla.

Memphis, Tenn.

New Orleans, La.

Raleigh, N.C.

Charleston, S.C.

Wilmington, N.C,

Macon, Ga.

Mobile, Ala.

•Ashville, N.C.

Manufactured and dealtin leather goods, 1861-62

File consists of cor-respondence, primarilyto the TreasurySecretary, relating toC.S. finances, 1861

Purchasing agent forOrdnance Dept., 1861-64

Merchant importers ofvarious goods, includingsubsistence stores,medicines, textiles, andordnance supplies,1861-64

Proprietors ofWilmington Journal;furnished printing,advertising, and bindingservices, 1861-64

Acting master armorer atMacon armory; file in-cludes correspondence,reports, and otherpapers relating tobuildings, machinery,and work output, 1862-65

Provided wharfage for'Engineer and OrdnanceDepts. property, 1862-64

Dealt in dry goods,groceries, and generalmerchandise, 1861-63


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Galveston, Houston Galveston, Tex. Transportation, 1861-63$ Henderson RR.(also under Brown,James M.)

Galveston, Tex., customs collector at. See Sorley, James

Gammon, William Knoxville, Tenn. Agent of CommissaryDept., 1861-64

Gardner, James Augusta, Ga. Proprietor of theConstitutionalist andSouthern Field andFireside, 1861-64

Gardner Hill Mining Co., Va. See Irwin, George C.

Gary, J. H. Richmond, Va. Supplied furniture andwood products andcontracted for construc-tion work, 1862-64

Genella, Antonio Vicksburg, Miss. Imported and dealt inchina, glassware, andother merchandise,1862-63

Georgia ladies gunboat or floating battery. See Lamar, G. B.

Georgia RR. $ Augusta, Ga. Transportation, 1861-64Banking Co.

Gibbes, J. G., § Columbia and Supplied military clothCo. (also under Charleston, S.C. goods, including tentsGibbes, James G.) and cotton bunting, and

cordage and harnesses,1861-63

Gibbes, R. W. Columbia, S.C. Proprietor of SouthCarolinian and ColumbiaBanner, 1861-64

Gibson, John $ Richmond, Va. Furnished lumber andGeorge clothing to Quarter-

master Dept., 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Giddings, G. H.(also underGiddings, GeorgeH., and Giddings& Co., G. H.)

Gilbert, Thomas,5 Co.

Gill, W. B.

Gilliland, WilliamH.

Gimmi, Louis (alsounder Gimmi, L.,and Gimmi, Lewis)

Glass, P. B.,S Co.

Glass, R. H.,& Co.

Goodman, D. W.

Goodrich § Co.

Goodrich, WilliamH.

San Antonio, Tex.

Columbus, Ga.

Selma, Ala.

Charleston, S.C.

Richmond, Va.

Columbia, S.C.

Lynchburg, Va.

Mobile, Ala.

New Orleans, La.

Augusta, Ga.

Goodwin $ Robbins Selma, Ala.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Purchasing agent forOrdnance Dept.; procuredarms, ammunition,saltpeter, and othergoods, 1861-62

Published ColumbusDaily Sun; furnishedprinting, binding, andadvertising services,1862-64

Wheelwright and black-smith services andconstruction and repairof army wagons, 1862-64

President of MountPleasant Ferry Co.,1862-63

Supplied leather goods,1862-64

Published and dealt inbooks and stationery,1862-64

Proprietor of LynchburgRepublican, 1863-64

Wharfage, 1862-64

Wholesale grocers andcommission merchants,1861-62

Construction contractorsand dealers in buildingsupplies, 1862-64

Imported and dealt inhardware items,including tools andcutlery, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Goodwyn, John W. Lynchburg, Va.

GranitevilleMfg. Co.

Gray, Peter W.

Graniteville, S.C,

Marshall andHouston, Tex.

Green, B. W.(also under Green,B. W., $ Son)


Cue, Joseph

Richmond, Va.

Griswoldville, Ga.

Montgomery, Ala.

Gunn, James

Gustin, Samuel J.

Richmond, Va.

Macon, Ga.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Superintendent of nitrerefinery at Lynchburg,Va.; file pertains tooperating and travelexpenses, 1862-64

Supplied cottonproducts, 1862-64

Agent of C.S. Treasuryfor Trans-MississippiDept.; file includescorrespondence relatingto Gray's appointmentand duties subsequentlyperformed and a copy ofhis report of July 7,1865, relating to theofficers and agents ofthe late C.S. Treasuryin Texas, 1861-65

Furnished food suppliesto Winder Hospital andmanufactured wagons,1861-64

Manufactured small arms,particularly nav,yrevolvers, 1862-65

Manufactured leathercavalry equipment,including saddles,harnesses, bridles, andother military accouter-ments, 1861-64

Lumber products, 1861-64

Supplied military goods,including bedding,knapsacks, and cartridgebelts, 1862-65


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of

individual or firm

Gwin, J. C., $ Co. Mobile, Ala.

Habersham, R.,$ Sons

Haiman, L.,Bro.

Savannah, Ga.

Columbus, Ga.

Hale, E. J., $ Son Fayetteville, N.C.

Hall, M. J.

Hamilton, Markley§ Joyner

Hanckel, A. S.

Harman, Thomas K.

Marshall, Tex.

Atlanta, Ga.

Charleston, S.C.

Fayetteville, Ark.

service rendered oroods furnished andates

Wholesale and retailimporters and dealers inhardware, includ ingtools, nails, other metalproducts, and cordage,1861-64

Suppliers of grain,forage, and storagefacilities, 1861-64

Manufacturers ofbayonets and cavalryswords for OrdnanceDept., 1862-64

Publisher of FayettevilleObserver; furnishedprinting, stationerysupplies, and advertis-ing, 1862-65

C.S. depositary forTrans-MississippiDept., 1864-65

Wholesale druggists andimporters dealing inmedical and surgicalsupplies, soap, oil, andother goods, 1861-63

Supplier of dry goods,1861

Pork supplier to Army;file includes papersrelating to his claimfor furnishing salt porkto the army of Gen. BenMcCullough, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Harris, Isham Tennessee

Harris, R. F.

Harrison, H. H.,§ Son

Hart § Bailey(also underHart § Bro.)

Hart, H. L.


Nashville, Tenn.

Wilmington, N.C.

Lake City andTallahassee, Fla.

Hart, S. N., $ Co. Charleston, S.C.

Hatch, F. H. New Orleans, La.

Hatch, K. Augusta, Ga.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Governor of Tennessee;file includes correspon-dence with Gens. A. S.Johnston and BraxtonBragg and C.S.officials, 1861-77

Furnished metal products,including horseshoes,nails, hammers, andartillery carriages,1861-64

Steamboat inspectors andconsigners of subsistencestores; furnished food-stuffs and householdgoods, 1861-63

Proprietors ofWilmington Iron § CopperWorks and dealers inbelting, packing, andmetal products, 1861-63

Quartermaster agentprocuring tools, forage,wagons, horses, andother goods, 1862-64

Imported hardware, bariron, and steel andsupplied materialsused in South Carolinacoast defenses, lo6!-6?

Collector of customs;file includes corres-pondence with TreasuryPept. r>.nd a report onthe coast blockade c'&tec1

Fov. 2, 1861, 3861-62

C.S. depositary atAugusta; file relatesprimarily tc intereston Treasury notes,1863-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of

individual or firm

Haviland, Stevenson Charleston, S.C.S Co.

Hawkins, N., 8 Co. Macon and Savannah,Ga.

Haws 9 Dunkerly Knoxville, Tenn.

Haxall, Crenshaw Richmond, Va.* Co.

Hiden, Joseph Orange County, Va,

Hill, Warren § Co. Petersburg, Va,

Hodges, F. Richmond, Va.

Hogg, Thomas D. Raleigh, N.C.


Savannah, Ga,

service rendered orpods furnished andates

Wholesale druggists,1861

Furnished haulingservices, 1861-64

Job printing and dealersin stationery supplies,1861-63

Grainmill operators andsuppliers of grain andlumber, 1862-63

Supplied wood, rails,horses, and othersupplies; file includespapers pertaining toboarding of Brig. Gen.D. R. Jones and staffand mutual charges ofdisrespect arisingtherefrom, 1861-64

Processed raw cotton,1863-64

Agent of C.S. governmentfor purchasing supplies,1862-63

Commissary general forNorth Carolina andofficer in charge ofState ordnance; fileincludes correspondencerelating to theprocurement of arms,ammunition, foodstuffs,and other supplies,1862-64

Wheelwrights andblacksmiths, 1861-63


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of^ service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished and

Hollis, Thornton F. Galveston andHouston, Tex.

Horton $ Shepherd Columbia, S.C.


Builder, particularly ofbridges, and supplier ofwood, 1861-63

Dealt in medical andlaboratory supplies,tools, cookingequipment, and othermetal goods, 1861-64

Houston Telegraph, Tex. See Gushing, E. H.

Houston, Tex., customs collector at. See Sorley, James

Howard, T. W.

Howe, R. C.

Hunter, James,Son (also underHunter, James)

Hunter, R. M. T.

Lynchburg andRichmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Newtown andRichmond, Va.

Transportation agent forQuartermaster Dept.,1861-64

Supplied officefurniture, 1861-63

Manufactured iron andsteel products forOrdnance Dept.,including small armscomponents, 1861-64

Member of C.S. Senatefrom Virginia; filerelates to Senateservice and variousgoods supplied to theC.S.A., and includestwo letters from John C.Calhoun dated May 9,1843, and May 1844,1843-64

Huntsville, Tex., C.S. depositary at. See Besser, John S.


Montgomery, Ala.

Impressment Board, C.S., Ala. See Fariss, R. C.

Chemists and druggists,1862-63


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Irwin, George C. Lexington andPetersburg, Va.

Jacobi, F. M. Memphis, Tenn.

James River &Kanawha Canal Co.

James River Mfg.Co.

Richmond andLexington, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Jamison, Sanders G. Columbia, S.C,

Jessup § Hatch

John, J. R.

Augusta, Ga.

Selma, Ala.

Johns, E. W. Richmond, Va.

Nature of business orservice rendered or

foods furnished andates

President of GardnerHill Mining Co. andagent of Nitre § MiningBureau; furnished useof lead mine at SilverHill, 1861-64

Pyrotechnist for C.S.laboratory at Memphisand procurer of ordnancesupplies, includingpowder, fuzes, chem-icals, and assortedhardware items, 1861-62

Supplier of transporta-tion and dockagefacilities, 1861-65

Producer of textiles,principally tent clothand grain bags, 1861-64

Chief of Treasury Dept.Note Bureau; fileincludes correspondenceto Treasury Secretaryrelating to operations,1861-64

Suppliers of leathergoods, principallyhorse equipment, 1862-64

Impressing agent atSelma; file relatesmostly to impressmentof slaves to work onSelma defenses, 1863-64

Chief purveyor inMedical Purveyor'soffice; file includescopies of letters sentand circulars for 1862,1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Johnson § Schaffter

Johnson, William


Johnston £ Co,

Johnston, J. A.(also underJohnston, James A.)

Jones, A. H.

quarters of service rendered orindividual or firm goods furnished and


Salem and Lynchburg, Printing services,Va. 1863-64

Charleston, S.C. Furnished buildingsupplies, includingwood, cement, andgravel, 1861-64

Richmond, Va. Imported and dealt inforeign and domestichardware, cutlery, andguns, 1861-64

Fredericksburg, Va. Druggists, apothecaries,and wholesale and retaildealers in drugs andmedicines, 1861-62

Richmond, Va.

Augusta, Ga.

Jones, G. W., § Co. Memphis, Tenn.

Jones, WiselyS Co.

Judah § LeBaron

Julienne, L.

Kelly, James

Jackson, Miss.

Warrington andPensacola, Fla.

Jackson, Miss.

Charleston, S.C,

Carpenter and builder,1861-63

Furnished metalproducts, includingstove parts, pans, andtin goods, 1862-64

Wholesale and retaildealers in drugs,medicines, paints, oils,and hardware items,1861-62

Printers and stationers,1863

Steamship ownersfurnishing transporta-tion for freight,1861-62

Dealt in stationerysupplies, 1861-63

Furnished transporta-tion for supplies,1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of

individual or firm

Kent, Paine § Co. Richmond, Va.

Kilpatrick,William H.

Kinsman, H. W.

Memphis, Tenn.,Columbia, S.C.,and Columbus, Miss,

Charleston, S.C.

Kirk, E. C., $ Co. Memphis, Tenn.

Kirkman, Hays § Co. Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Kiser, Fredrick Vicksburg, Miss,

Knapp, N. B. Savannah, Ga.

Knight, J. B. Dallas County, Ala.(also under Knight,J. B., $ Co.)

Knowles, B. W. Richmond, Va.

Kohler, William Richmond, Va.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Importers and wholesaledealers in foreign anddomestic dry goods,1861-64

Purchaser of suppliesfor Ordnance Dept. andMedical Purveyor,1862-64

Wholesale and retaildealers in dry goods,including window shades,curtains, and tents,1861-64

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1861-62

Textile manufacturersand suppliers ofsubsistence stores,1863-64

Blacksmith and wagonmanufacturer, 1862-63

Manufactured leathergoods, includingcartridge boxes,sheaths, and harnesses,1861-64 _

Supplied pig iron toOrdnance Dept. andNitre and MiningBureau, 1863

Supplied cordage,1863-64

Agent of Union Lead MineCo. supplying lead shot,lead, and mining equip-ment, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Krenson £ Hawkes

Lafitte, Edward,§ Co.

Lamar, G. B.

Savannah, Ga.

Charleston, S.C.

Savannah, Ga.

Lane, William K.


La Roche $ Bell

Lawler, L. W.

Goldsboro andRaleigh, N.C.

Baton Rouge, La,

Savannah andMacon, Ga.

Mobile andTalladega, Ala.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Marine engineers, boat-builders, and marinesuppliers, 1861-64

Imported and dealt infoodstuffs, medicalequipment, metal,chemicals, and othergoods, 1861-63

President of the Bank ofCommerce and the 1861Convention of Banks ofthe Confederate States;file includes copies ofcorrespondence relatingto the secession ofGeorgia and its seizureof New York vessels,procurement of arms,export of cotton, andconstruction of theGeorgia ladies gunboator floating battery in1862, 1861-63

State collector oftaxes and supplier offorage and lumber,1861-64

General dealers> inforeign and domestichardware, 1861

Dealt in subsistencestores and miscellaneoushardware, particularlyplatform scales, 1862-63

General agent of C.S.Produce Loan; fileincludes correspondenceto Treasury Secretary,1862-63


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Leake, William M. Columbia, S.C.

Le Baron, J. M.

Leeds § Co.

Lehman § Co.

Lincoln, W. W.

Mobile and Selma,Ala.

New Orleans, La.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Papers relating to hisindictment, trial, andimprisonment forcounterfeiting C.S.Treasury notes, 1863

Dealt in generalsupplies, includingpaper, oil, and tools,1862-63

Manufactured assortedmachinery and suppliedammunition and fieldartillery, 1861-63

Memphis, Tenn., and Imported and dealt inJackson, Miss.

Savannah, Ga.

assorted goods, includingcarpets and books,1861-63

Druggist furnishingmedical supplies,1861-64

Druggist and chemist,1861-64

Supplied lumberproducts, 1863-64

Supplied leather goodsand hides, 1862-65

Supplied subsistencestores, principallyflour; file includespapers pertaining to1863 claim for C.S.-seized flour, 1862-63

Louisiana State commission for distribution of provisions ormoney to needy service families. See Nunez, A.

Lippitt, William H. Wilmington, N.C.

Littlefield £ Green Millen, Ga.

Little, Smith § Co. Macon, Ga.

Lockett, E. Jackson, Miss.

Louisville §Nashville RR.

Kentucky andTennessee

Transportation, 1861


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Lovell § Lattimore Savannah, Ga.

Lovitt, W. H. C. Norfolk, Va.

Luck, Robert F.,§ Bro.

Richmond, Va.

Lynch $ Gallender Richmond andPetersburg, Va.

Lynchburg Republican, Va. See Glass, R.

Lynchburg Virginian, Va. See Button, C.

McCan § Harrell New Orleans, La.


McCarthy § Young

Richmond, Va,

Richmond, Va.

McClanahan § Dill Memphis, Tenn.,Montgomery, Ala.,and Atlanta, Ga.

McCombs $ Co. Memphis, Tenn.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Supplied hardware,including guns, cutlery,tools, and nails, 1861-64

Dealt in millinery goods,1861-63

Blacksmiths and wheel-wrights specializing inambulance and wagonconstruction and repair,1861-64

Agents for Ettrick,Matoaca, and BatterseaMfg. Cos. supplyingassorted dry goods,including tent clothand osnaburg, 1861-65

H., § Co.


Suppliers of ordnancecomponents and ironproducts, chiefly forArmy and naval artillerycarriages, 1861-62

Supplied lumber productsand transportationservices, 1861-65

Supplied lumber products,1863

Proprietors of MemphisDaily Appeal and sup-pliers of printing andadvertising services,1861-64

Supplied hardware,including iron goodsand cutlery, 1861-62


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

McElroy, W. J.

McElwain, W. S.

McGinnis, J. H.

McKee, Andrew W.

McKethan, A. A.

McKown, EveEichbaum

Macon, Ga.

Holly Springs,Miss.

Madison,Tallahassee, andLake City, Fla.

Alexandria, La.

Wilmington,Goldsboro, andFayetteville, N.C,

Rome, Ga.

McLean, William F. Richmond, Va.

McMinn, William L. Richmond, Va.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Supplied metal productsand dry goods, 1862-65

Manufactured ironproducts, includingsmall arms, cookingutensils, and railroadrails; file includescorrespondence andcontracts, 1862-64

Agent for QuartermasterDept. engaged inprocuring transportationand other services,1862-64

Major and assistantquartermaster; fileincludes papers relatingto his court-martial andconviction for treasonin 1864, 1861-64

Wheelwright specializingin ambulance construc-tion, 1862-64

Machinists, wheelwrights,£ blacksmiths, 1862-64

Captain in BenMcCulloch's Rangers, La.Volunteers; file con-tains papers relating tohis court-martial andconviction for mutinyand fraud, 1861-62

Carpenter and supplierof assorted hardware,including tentpoles,hinges, and screws,1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Nature^ of bus ines s orservice rendered orquarters of

individual or firm goods furnished and

McNamara, Michael

McNaught, Ormond§ Co.

Newberry andCharleston, S.C.,and Savannah, Ga.

Atlanta, Ga.


Mailcarrier; filerelates to his trialand imprisonment forsecreting, embezzling,and destroying mail,1862-64

Supplied hardware,including tools, nails,cutlery, and cordage,1861-64

Macon § Western RR. Co. See Day, J. E.

Macon, Ga., C.S. armory at. See Cross, John, Edgerly, M. J.,Ells, C. W., Findlay, R. B., Fuss, J., and Sawyer, Peter C.

McPherson, James,§ Co.

Magales, James

Atlanta, Ga.


Magee, Horter §George (alsounder Magee §George and Magee§ Kneass)

Magruder, Maj. Gen. TexasJ. B.

New Orleans, La.

Mailory, S. R. Richmond, Va.

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1861-64

Agent for OrdnanceDept. in Virginia;procured metals, chemi-cals, and other items,1862-63

Proprietors of saddlerywarehouse and importersand dealers in saddleryand military goods; sup-plied scabbards,cartridge boxes,pouches, belts, andother items, 1861

Commander of Trans-Mississippi Dist.; filecontains papers relatingto his military careerand duties, 1862-63

Secretary of C.S. Navy;file includes corres-pondence with TreasurySecretary regarding navalappropriations, 1862-63


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Manassas Gap RR.

Manchester CottonS Woolen Mfg. Co.

Mansfield, S.,§ Co.

quarters ofindividual or firm


Richmond, Va.

Memphis, Tenn.

Marks, W. H., $ Co. Wilmington, N.C,

Marshall, C. K.(also underMarshall, Charles

Jackson andVicksburg, Miss.

Marshall, H., $ Co. Atlanta, Ga.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Transportation, 1861-64

Producer of textiles,including tent cloth,1861-64

Wholesale druggists andimporters and dealers indrugs, chemicals, paints,foodstuffs, and assortedhardware, 1861-62

Manufactured and dealtin metals and hardware,including stoves, guns,lanterns, and pumps,1861-64

Assistant quartermaster,Mississippi; procuredgoods, services, andtransportation, 1861-64

Blacksmiths and sup-pliers of cavalry andartillery sabres andother metal products,1862-64

Marshall, Tex., C.S,

Martine, James

Massenburg § Son

Massey, E. W.

depositary at. See Hall, M. J.

Fayetteville, N.C.

Macon, Ga.

Richmond andWinchester, Va.

Supplied hardware itemsfor FayettevilleArsenal, 1861-64

Druggists, 1862-64

Superintendent ofsubsistence and forage,Bacon's Quarter Branch,Richmond, Va.; boardedslaves, made wagoncovers, and cared forhorses and mules,1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Matoaca Mfg. Co., Va. See Lynch § Callender

Maury, William A. Richmond, Va.

Mauzy, Richard Staunton, Va.

Maxwell, A. L.(also underMaxwell, A. L.,Co. and Maxwell,A. L., Jr.)

May, Charles P.

Demopolis, Ala.,Knoxvi11e, Tenn.,and Macon, Ga.

Montgomery, Ala.

Mayo, Robert A. Richmond, Va.

Mayse, George Warm Springs andLexington, Va.

Judge Advocate; fileincludes correspondence,relating to his appoint-ment, 1862-65

Editor and proprietor ofStaunton Spectator;provided printing andadvertising services,1862-64

Foundry owners andbridge-buildingcontractors; fileincludes correspondence,1861-64

Supplied leatherproducts, principally toOrdnance Dept.,including harnesses,bridles, saddles, andhaversacks, 1861-64

Rented buildings inRichmond for use ashospitals and prisons;file includes papersrelating to claims fordamages to woodlands,fences, and tobacco onhis property allegedlyinflicted by C.S.forces, 1862-65

Proprietor of WarmSprings Hotel, used asC.S. hospital; filepertains to rentingrooms and furnishinghospital supplies,forage, and other itemsand to claims fordamages allegedly suf-fered, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Mazange, 0., § Co. Mobile, Ala. Dealt in hardware,cutlery, bar iron, andother goods, 1861-64

Medical Purveyor's Dept. See Stewart, James

Medical Dept., procuring of supplies in Havana, Cuba, andNassau for. See Wheelock, E. B.

Memminger, C. G. Richmond, Va. C.S. Treasury Secretary;file includes correspon-dence, memorandums,estimates, and copies ofregulations, 1862-64

Memphis § Memphis, Tenn. Transportation, 1861-63Charleston RR.

Memphis £ Ohio RR. Memphis, Tenn. Transportation, 1862-64

Memphis, Clarks- Tennessee Transportation, 1861-64ville 5 LouisvilleRR. Co.

Memphis Daily Appeal, Tenn. See McClanahan § Dill

Merchant, L., £ Co. Mobile, Ala. Suppliers of hardwareitems, including tallow,tar, cordage, tacks,turpentine, and brooms,some of which were usedin Mobile fortifications,1861-64

Meridian Daily Clarion, Miss. See Shannon, J. J., S Co.

Metcalf, Thomas S. Augusta, Ga. C.S. depositary atAugusta; file includespapers relating toexpenditures andaccounts, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Middleton, William Charleston, S.C.

Midlothian CoalMining Co.

Miles § Bro.

Miller, A. N.

Miller, C. L.

Mills, J. C.

Richmond andDanville, Va.

Richmond, Va,

Savannah, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Memphis, Tenn.

Mills, R. & D. G. Galveston andHouston, Tex.

Mississippi, assistant quartermaster for,

MississippiCentral RR.

Grenada, Miss.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Furnished rice; filecontains papers relatingto alleged ransacking ofhis plantation atCombahee Ferry andproceedings of an 1863board of inquiry intosame, 1862-63

Furnished coal, usedprincipally by Engineerand naval vessels,1861-64

Furnished leatherproducts, principallycavalry saddles, bridles,and halters; file con-tains correspondenceand 1863 contract withOrdnance Dept., 1862-64

Machine work, includingrepair of guns andfurnaces; furnishedartillery ammunition andcarriages for use onfortifications, 1861-65

Furnished foodstuffsfor Jackson Hospital,1862-64

Supplier of ordnanceequipment, 1861-63

Supplier of commissarystores, slaves, arms,and powder, 1861-64

See Marshall, C. K.

Transportation, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Mississippi, Mobile, Ala. Transportation, 1861-64Gainesville £Tuscaloosa RR.

Mississippi River Defense Expedition. See Montgomery, Joseph E.

Mitchell, Thomas A. Richmond, Va. Transportation agent forC.S. Nitre and MiningBureau, 1861-64

Mobile Advertiser and Register, Ala. See Clark, W. G., § Co.

Mobile, Ala., Produce Loan agent at. See Scott, John, and Lawler,L. W.

Mobile § Girard RR. Columbus, Ga. Transportation, 1861-64

Mobile § Great Mobile, Ala. Transportation, 1861-64Northern RR.

Mobile £ Ohio RR. Mobile, Ala. Transportation, 1861-64

Mobile Daily Tribune, Ala. See Ballentyne, H., § Co.

Mobile Foundry, Ala. See Skates § Co.

Molitor, F. Memphis, Tenn., Supplied ordnanceand Columbus, Miss, components and tools,

including rammers andhandspikes, 1861-63

Montgomery, Ala. ,v Produce Loan agent at. See Farley, J. A.

Montgomery Advertiser, Ala. See Barrett § Co.

Montgomery, Joseph Mississippi Commodore, C.S. Navy,E. and leader of

Mississippi Riverexpedition; filecontains correspondenceand other documentspertaining to riverdefense and the RiverDefense Fleet, 1862-65

Montgomery Mail Montgomery, Ala. Printing and advertisingservices, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Montgomery Springs Co., Va. See Amiss, E. J.

Montgomery § West Montgomery, Ala.Point RR. Co.

Montgomery Wharf Montgomery, Ala.

Moody § O'Ferrell Enterprise, Miss.§ Co.

Moore § Smith

Moore $ Turner

Washington, Ark,

Richmond, Va.

Moore, Halstead § Memphis, Tenn.Co.

Moran, William(also underMoran $ Sanders)

Morris, A.

Charleston, S.C,

Richmond, Va.

Morse, N. S., $ Co. Augusta, Ga.

Morton, A. W.

Moses, Alfred

Richmond, Va,

Richmond, Va.

Transportation, 1861-64

Wharfage, 1861-63

Supplied foodstuffs,dry goods, forage,lumber, and hardware,1861-64

Dealt in medical sup-plies and hospitalstores, 1862-64

Supplied foodstuffs toRichmond hospitals,1863-64

Supplied ordnanceequipment, includingammunition boxes,1861-62

Provided transportationfor ordnance stores andequipment, includingartillery, 1861-64

Publisher and dealer inbooks and stationerysupplies, 1861-64

Publishers of AugustaChronicle & Sentinel;provided printing,binding, and publishingservices, 1863-64

Cashier of Richmond CityGas and Water Works,1862-64

Supplied dry goods,1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Moses, James C.

quarters ofNature of business orservice rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Knoxville, Tenn. Supplied hardware,particularly metalproducts, 1861-63

Mount Lake § Salt Sulphur Turnpike Co., Va. See Erskine, William

Mount Pleasant Ferry Co., Charleston, S.C. See Gilliland, William

Nalle, B. F. Orange County, Va. Collector of tax-in-kindfor Orange County;furnished forage andother supplies, 1861-64

Nashville £ Chat-tanooga RR.

Nashville, Tenn.

Navy, C.S. See Mallory, S. R.

Neff, Joseph H. Wilmington, N.C.

Transportation, 1861-63

Dealt in naval stores,groceries, and hardware,1861-64

New Bern Dai/ly Progress, N.C. See Pennington, J. L.

New Orleans, customs collector at. See Hatch, F. H.

New Orleans, La. Transportation, 1861-64New Orleans,Jackson § GreatNorthern RR.

Nichols, George N.

Nimmo, R. M.

Savannah, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Printing services,1862-64

Wheelwright andfurnisher of shoes,tents, tools, and metalproducts, 1861-63

Nitre and Mining Bureau, C.S. See Goodwyn, John W., Irwin, GeorgeC., Mitchell, Thomas A., Reardon, William M., and Todd, John R.

Noble Bros. § Co.(also under Noble§ Bros.)

Rome, Ga. Foundry owners and sup-pliers of ordnancecomponents, includinggun iron, artillery, andartillery carriages andcaissons, 1861-63


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Norfolk § Peters-burg RR.

quarters ofindividual or firm


service rendered or

foods furnished andates

Transportation, 1861-64

North Carolina, assistant quartermaster for. See Oliver, WilliamH.

North Carolina Central RR. See Piedmont RR. Co.

North Carolina Iron Dist. See Cooke, William

Transportation, 1861-64North Carolina RR.Co.

North EasternRR. Co.

Note Bureau

Nunez, A.

O'Donnell, Peter

Old Dominion Iron$ Nail Works Co.

Oliver, John

Raleigh, N.C.

Charleston, S.C.

Richmond, Va.

Vermillion Parish,La.

New Orleans, La.

Richmond, Va.

Oliver £ Douglass Savannah, Ga.

Savannah, Ga.

Transportation, 1862-64

Office of C.S. TreasuryDept.; file includesweekly summaries ofTreasury notes received,signed, and numbered andcorrespondence relatingto work performed,1861-63

Agent of the State com-missioner for distribu-tion of provisions ormoney to needy servicefamilies, 1864

General stationer,printer, and blankbookmanufacturer, 1861-62

Manufactured iron,nails, and spikes,1861-64

Furnished sheet ironand hardware, includingstoves and housefurnishings, 1861-64

Supplied paints andrelated products, in-cluding oils and grease,1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Oliver, William H. New Bern, N.C. Assistant quartermasterfor North Carolina;procured supplies,1861-64

Opelousas, La., C.S. depositary at. See Desmare, A.

Orange § Alexan- Richmond, Va. Transportation, 1861-64dria RR. Co.(also underFreeman, A. R.)

Orgill Bros. § Co. Memphis, Tenn.

Orr, James L.

Orrell £ Hawes

Osmond, Jesse

Otis, William(also under Otis§ Bancroft)

Owen, John G.

Charleston, S.C.

Wilmington, N.C

Savannah, Ga.

Mobile, Ala.

Mobile andMontgomery, Ala.

Supplied hardware,including cutlery andiron nails, 1861-62

C.S. Senator from SouthCarolina; file consistsof alphabetical list oflosses sustained bySouth Carolina citizensresulting from enemydepredations, 1861-63

Furnished transportationof goods via ferryingand hauling, 1861-64

Proprietor of planing-mill and lumberyard,1861-64

Supplied lumber, build-ing supplies, and toolsused to constructartillery batteries,floating batteries, andriver obstructionsaround Mobile, 1861-64

Captain of steamersSt. Charles, Coquette,and others furnishingwater transportation,1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Panknin, C. F. Charleston, S.C,

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished arddates

Chemist and apothecary,1861-63

Parker, Jacob

Paul, Franc M.

Warrenton, N.C.

Chattanooga, Tenn.

Paxton, A. M., § Co. Vicksburg, Miss.,and Memphis, Tenn.

Payne, D. B.

Pease § Davis

Pelham, C. P.

Lynchburg, Va.

Pearson § Newell Richmond, Va.

Atlanta, Ga.

Columbia, S.C,

Pennington, J. L. New Bern, N.C,

Commissary agentprocuring various goods,1861-64

Associated withChattanooga Daily Rebeland supplied printingservices, 1862-64

Foundry owner andproducer of metal pro-ducts, particularlyartillery and artillerycomponents; some doc-uments in file relateto destruction of companybooks and papers duringthe capture ofVicksburg, 1862-64

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1862-64

Provided generalcarpentry work, 1861-64

Wholesale and retaildealers in produce andprovisions, 1862-63

Proprietor of SouthernGuardian and supplierof printing and adver-tising services,1862-64

Editor and proprietorof New Bern DailyProgress; suppliedprinting and advertisingservices, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Pensacola £Georgia RR.

Peters, George

Tallahassee, Fla.

Richmond, Va.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Transportation, 1862-64

Superintendent forremoving the sick andwounded; p er formedambulance work, 1862-64

Petersburg Daily & Weekly Express. See Crutchfield £ Co., A. F.

Petersburg RR. Co. Petersburg, Va.

Peterson, W., § Co. Richmond, Va.

Pettibone, L. W. Selma, Ala.

Phinizy § Clayton Augusta, Ga.

Piedmont RR. Co. Virginia andNorth Carolina

Pitman, A. A.

Pleitz, F. E.

Co. Clarksville, Va.

Memphis, Tenn.

Plumb § Leitner Augusta, Ga.

Transportation, 1862-64

Dealt in drugs,chemicals, paints, oils,and dyes, 1861-64

Operator of receivingand forwarding house;supplied arms, ammuni-t ion, iron, lumber,coal, foodstuffs, andassorted hardware items,1862-64

General purchasingagents in cotton,1861-64

File consists of corres-pondence relating toproposed connection ofRichmond and DanvilleRR. and North CarolinaCentral RR., 1862-65

Dealt in hides, 1862-65

Furnished ordnance andcavalry equipment,including holsters,scabbards, and cartridgeboxes, 1861-62

Druggists and chemistssupplying paints, oils,inks, medicines, andother items, 1862-65


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Pollard £ Walker

quarters ofNature of business orservice rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Plummer £ Gilbert Memphis, Tenn,

Richmond, Va.

Wholesale and retaildruggists and suppliersof paints, oils, andmedicines, 1861-62

Grocers and commissionmerchants, 1863-64

Powell, James R. Montgomery, Ala.

Powell, Joseph F. Richmond, Va.

Price £ Chaffe Monroe, La.

Price, Caleb

Price, John W.

Price, ThomasR., $ Co.

Purcell, Ladd$ Co.

Mobile, Ala.

Staunton, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Purse, Edward J. Savannah, Ga.

Supplier of forage andfoodstuffs and agent forrail transportation;file contains papersrelating to his claimfor molasses and sugarallegedly seized by C.S.authorities in 1862,1861-64

Building contractor andcarpentry services,1861-64

Stageline proprietorsfurnishing transportationfor troops, 1861-63

Supplied hardware,including metal products,tools, and cloth used infortifications aroundMobile, 1861-64

Furnished foodstuffs forgeneral hospital,1862-63

Dealt in staple and drygoods, 1861-64

Wholesale druggists anddealers in paints, oils,and other supplies,1861-65

Stationer, printer, andbinder, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of service rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Quinby § Robinson Memphis, Tenn.

Quinn, John M.

Rahm, A. J.

Greensboro, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Raleigh £ GastonRR. (also underAllen, C. B.)

Raleigh, N.C.

Proprietors of WesternFoundry furnishingartillery pieces andcomponents, 1861-62

Supplied foodstuffsfor Bell Hospital inGreensboro, 1864

Proprietor of EagleMachine Works; manu-factured artillery,artillery carriages,ammunition, and toolsand outfitted gunboats,1862-64

Transportation, par-ticularly of corn,1861-64

Raleigh, N.C., ordnance office at. See Franklin, J. B.

Raleigh, N.C., State collector of taxes at. See Lane, William K.

Randall § Williams Mobile, Ala.

Randolph, J. W. Richmond, Va.

Rawlins, T. G. Atlanta, Ga., andKnoxville, Tenn.

Reardon, William M. Richmond, Va.

Booksellers, stationers,and blankbook manufac-turers, 1861-64

Printer and dealer inbooks and stationerysupplies, particularlydrawing materials,1861-64

Wholesale and retaildealer in hardware,iron, steel, nails,cordage, and otherproducts; furnishedtools and other metalgoods, 1861-64

Transportation agentfor C.S. Nitre andMining Bureau, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm


quarters ofindividual or firm

Richmond, Va.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Weekly reports ofTreasury Dept. clerksengaged in signing andnumbering coupon bonds,1862-64

Rhodes, WilsonHurt


Richmond, Va.

Atlanta, Ga.

Richmond § Char- Richmond, Va.lottesvilleTurnpike Co.

Richmond § Danville Richmond,Va.RR. (also underPiedmont RR. Co.)

Richmond § Peters- Richmond, Va.burg RR. Co.

Richmond § York Richmond, Va.River RR. Co.

Richmond, C., § Co. Memphis, Tenn.

Richmond City GasWorks (also underMorton, A. W.)

Richmond, Va.

Richmond Enquirer Richmond, Va.

Richmond Examiner(also underWalker, R. F.)

Richmond,Fredericksburg§ Potomac RR.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va,

Dealt in hardware,cutlery, and saddlery;furnished tools, nails,screws, and other items,1861-64

Supplied dry goods andhardware, 1862-65

File includes a listof tolls, 1862-64

Transportation; fileincludes payrolls,waybills, and otherdocuments, 1861-64

Transportation, 1861-64

Transportation, 1861-64

Supplied ordnanceequipment, 1861-62

Fuel services, 1861-64

Advertising services,1862-64

Advertising services,1861-64

Transportation, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

Nature of business orservice rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Richmond Iron £ Steel Works, Va. See Hunter, James, § Son

Richmond Sentinel, Va. See Smith, Bailey £ Co.

Richmond, Va., C.S. iron yard at. See Dobbin, Robert A.

Richmond, Va., Judge Advocate at. See Maury, William A.

Richmond, Va., Medical Purveyor at. See Johns, E. W.

Richmond Whig

Roberts, Dunlap& Co.

Roberts, Wirt§ Co.

Robinson, S. C.

Ross § Seymour

Richmond, Va.

Macon, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Macon, Ga.

Advertising services,1862-64

Dealt in groceries andplantation goods,including tools, cordage,nails, and other items,1863-65

Supplied coal used insmall arms manufacture,1862-63

Supplied small arms,including carbines, andsmall arms components;file includes correspond-ence to Ordnance Dept.,1861-65

Dealt in dry goods andgroceries, 1862-64

Rushing, Smith§ Mahan


Marion Station,Miss.

Memphis, Tenn.

Dealt in dry goods,hardware, and medicines,1861-63

Supplied metal goods,including stoves andtin and copper ware,1861-62

Salt Sulphur Springs Turnpike Co., Va. See Erskine, William


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Sampson, Henry

quarters ofindividual or firm

Houston, Tex.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

General agent for C.S.Produce Loan in Texasand commission storageand forwarding merchant;file consists largelyof correspondence withthe Produce Loan Officeand the Treasury Dept . ,1861-63

Samson § Pae Richmond, Va.

Sattier, William, Richmond, Va,$ Co.

Savannah, Albany Savannah, Ga,$ Gulf RR. Co.

Savannah Daily Savannah, Ga.Morning News


Savannah, Ga.

Foundry and machineworks; suppliedartillery and artillerycomponents, ammunition,and other metal products,1861-64

Dealt in paints, oils,glass, and assortedhardware, 1861-63

Transportation, 1862

Advertising services,1861-64

Advertising services,1861-64

Savannah, Ga., Medical Purveyor's office at. See Butler, Osceola

Sawyer, A. (also Macon, Ga.under Sawyer,Abner)

Sawyer, Peter C. Macon, Ga.

Schley, George Augusta, Ga.(also under Schley,George § John)

Warehouse operator;supplied cloth, leatherand metal goods, arms,foodstuffs, and assortedhardware, 1863-64

Special messenger ofOrdnance Dept. forMacon Arsenal engagedin transportingordnance stores, 1863-65

Supplied dry goods,including grain sacksand tents, and food-stuffs and forage,1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Schofield § Bro.

Scott, John

quarters ofindividual or firm

Macon, Ga.

Mobile, Ala.

Scottsville Mfg.Co. (also underStaples, W. T.,Co.)

Scottsville, Va.

Seaboard § Roanoke Virginia andRR.

Seals, John H.,§ Co.

Seixas, J. M.

North Carolina

Atlanta, Ga.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Proprietors of ironworksmanufacturing machineryand machine parts forOrdnance Dept., 1861-64

Produce Loan agent forAlabama; file includescorrespondence toTreasury Secretary,1861-64

Textile producers,1861-64

Transportation, 1861-64

Printing services,1862-64

Wilmington, N.C., Steamship agent for Warand Charleston, S.C. Dept. at Wilmington and

Charleston; fileincludes correspondenceand telegrams relatingto shipment of cottonand procurement ofgoods, 1863-64

Selma, Ala., impressing agent at. See John, J. R.

Shacklock § Co. Memphis, Tenn. Supplied and repairedtools and machinery forOrdnance Dept., 1861-64

Shacklock, J. W.

Shanks § Bowers

Columbus, Miss,

Richmond, Va.

Supplier of artillerycomponents, particularlysights, 1862-64

Plumbing and gas piperepair, 1863-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Shannon, J. J.,§ Co.

Shannon, M.

Shelby CountyIron Mfg. Co.

Sink § Thompson

Sinton, C. J.

Skates 3 Co.

Sledd, John P.

Slocum, C. H.,§ Co.

Smith § Harwood

Smith, Bailey§ Co.

quarters ofindividual or firm

Meridian, Miss.

Vicksburg, Miss,

Selma, Ala.

Selma, Ala.

Richmond, Va.

Mobile, Ala.

Richmond, Va.

New Orleans, La,

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

service rendered oroods furnished andates

Publishers of theDaily Clarion providingadvertising and printingservices, 1863-64

Publisher of VicksburgVhig providing advertis-ing and printingservices, 1862-63

Producers of bar, rod,pig, and plate iron,some of which was usedin gunboat construction,1862-63

Dealt in dry goods andgroceries, 1862-64

Supplied hardware,including cutlery, guns,and tools, 186.1-65

Proprietors of MobileFoundry manufacturingartillery components,machinery, and machineparts for Ordnance andEngineer Depts., 1861-63

Supplied foodstuffs toWinder Hospital, 1862-64

Imported and dealt inhardware, includingtools and cutlery usedas garrison and campequipage, 1861-62

Dealt in hardware, in-cluding tools and nails,and dry goods, 1862-64

Proprietors of RichmondSentinel providingadvertising and printingservices, 1863-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Nature of business orservice rendered or

Smith, H. M.

Smith, N.

Snyder, Asa

Snyder, C. L.

Solomons, A. A.

Solomons, M. J.

Sorley, James

quarters ofindividual or firm goods furnished and


Richmond, Va.

Selma, Ala.

Smith, William R. Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Salem, Va.

Savannah, Ga.

Savannah, Ga.

Galveston andHouston, Tex.

Manufactured and dealtin agriculturalmachinery, 1861-64

Supplied leather goods,particularly cavalryequipment, 1862-64

Procured foodstuffs forChimborazo GeneralHospital, 1863-64

Supplied metal goods,including ammunition,stoves, and stoveplates, 1861-64

Commissary agent;procured leather andhides, 1862-64

Wholesale and retaildruggists supplyingchemicals and medicines,1861-64

Procured hardware goods,1862-64

Customs collector; fileincludes correspondence,some relating to hisappointment, 1862-65

South Carolina citizens' claims against enemy. See Orr, James L.

South Carolina RR. Charleston, S.C. Transportation, 1861-64

South Carolina Steam Bakery. See Claussen, J. C. H.

South Side RR. Richmond, Va. Transportation, 1861-64

South Western RR. Macon, Ga. Transportation, 1861-64Co.


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Various locations

service rendered oroods furnished andates

Communication services,1861-65

South WesternTelegraph Co.;pertinent filesunder names ofemployees or agents,including:Carter, Thomas L.Coleman, JamesCollier, Bryan W.Flippen, WilliamGaraudy, E.Howard, E.Saville, E. J.Trabue, G. W.Van Home, J.

Southern ExpressCo. (also underBarham, C. A. W.,Bowen, John A.,Bulkley, C. H.,Cox, John W.,Cox, Leonard,Dewey, F. H.,Gibson, J. P.,Hagood, R.,Hamilton, H. A.,Hawkins, R.,Hill, S. H.,Hoot, R. D.,Howard, B. T., andKeller, George W.)

Southern Field and Fireside, Augusta, Ga. See Gardner, James

Richmond, Va.,and otherlocations

Transportation andshipping services,1861-65

Southern TelegraphCo.; pertinentfiles under namesof employees oragents, including:Beardsley, CharlesBell, James H.Birdsong, A. H.Bragg, JohnCampbell, JohnCanova, A. L.Dodge, S. C.

Various locations Communication services,1861-65


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm quarters of

individual or firm

Driscoll, D. M.Greer, David I.Edwards, C. H.Evans, W. J.Harris, J. H.Hubner, C. W.Lamb, B. T.Lister, James N.Oakley, J. M.Pace, George R.Parsons, RobertPaterson, C. T.Rady, George W.Sandoe, GeorgeSanford, WilliamTallaferro, R. E.

Spartanburg $ Union Unionville, S.C,RR. Co.

Spiller £ Burr Atlanta, Ga.

Spotts § Harvey Richmond, Va.

Stabler § Jones Lynchburg, Va.

Starke $ Cardozo Richmond, Va.

Starrett, George Richmond, Va.

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Transportation, 1861-64

Pistol manufacturerswhose operations weretaken over by C:S.government; fileincludes correspondenceand inspection reportson pistols, 1862-64

Grocers and commissionmerchants supplyingfoodstuffs and hardware,1861-64

Supplied drugs, paints,oils, glass, andassorted hardware,1861-64

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1861-63

Manufactured and dealtin stoves, ranges, andfurnaces; provided ser-vices in plumbing, gas-fitting, and tinwork,1861-63


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

Nature of business orservice rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Staunton Spectator, Va. See Mauzy, Richard

St. Clair, T. A.(also under St.Clair, T. A., £Co.)

Stewart, James

St. Francis deSales Infirmary

Stockton § Co.

Stout, N. H.,Bro. § Co.

Strate, J. R.

Richmond andPetersburg, Va.

Savannah and Macon,Ga.

Manufactured, rented,and repaired ambulances,1861-64

Agent for Medical Pur-veyor 's Dept.; procureddrugs and medical sup-plies. File includescorrespondence to theMedical Purveyor,1862-64

Provided subsistence forsick soldiers and rentedlot to care for sickhorses, 1861-64

Proprietors of AugustaConstitutionalist pro-viding advertising andprinting services,1863-64

Memphis, Tenn., and Supplied assortedColumbus, Miss. hardware items to

Ordnance Dept., 1861-64

Richmond, Va.

Augusta, Ga.

Macon, Ga. Construction foreman atC.S. Central Laboratoryin Macon; file includesreports on numbers ofwhite and black employ-ees, 1861-65

Street $ West


Charleston, S.C.

Memphis, Tenn.

Commission merchantsdealing in foodstuffs,1861-64

Manufactured metalproducts, principallyartillery, artillerycomponents, and ammuni-tion; vehicles; andmachinery, 1861-63


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

individual or firm

Styll, R. H. Richmond, Va.

Swartzelder, L. E. Winchester, Va.

Swett, Daniel,§ Co.

Swinton,William H.

Syme, James

Vicksburg, Miss.

Charleston, S.C,

New Orleans, La.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Tent manufacturer,1861-63

Dealt in hardware,including constructionsupplies, leather goods,cutlery, and other metalproducts, 1861-63

Dealt in hardware andgeneral merchandise,including guns andtools, 1861-64

Treasurer of Charleston§ Savannah RR. Co.,1863-64

Wholesale and retaildruggist, 1861-62

Tallahassee Floridian and Journal, Fla. See Dyke $ Carlisle

Tappey § Lumsden(also underTappey, Lumsden§ Co.)

Richmond andPetersburg, Va.

Tardy $ Williams Richmond, Va.

Taylor, James M. Richmond, Va.

Manufactured and repairedartillery and artillerycomponents, such as car-riages and caissons, andrented tools and equip-ment, 1861-64

Wholesale grocers andcommission merchants,1862-64

Synonymous with JamesM. Taylor § Son, auction-eers and real estateagents; supplied wood,forage, and the hire ofslaves. File includespapers pertaining toclaim for damages to hisfarm near ChaffinsBluff, 1862-63


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Taylor, W. H. S.

quarters ofindividual or firm

Richmond, Va.


Texas $ NewOrleans RR.

Houston, Tex.

Thomas, William A. Sandersville, Ga.

Thurman, B. W.

Todd, John B.

Gordonsville, Va.

Mobile and Selma,Ala.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Auditor in second audi-tor's office, TreasuryDept.; file includescorrespondence, requi-sitions, and listsrelating to officeoperations, 1862-64

File contains corre-spondence, reports, andother papers relatingto telegraph companiesin the C.S.A. and thetakeover of telegraphlines by the government;includes a report byPostmaster General JohnH. Reagan of Feb. 23,1863, 1861-64

Transportation; fileincludes articles ofagreement and contracts,1862-63

Supplied cavalry goods,principally saddle trees,1863-65

Supplied foodstuffs toreceiving hospital,1863-64

Procured assortedhardware supplies,including paints andoils; file includespapers relating todelivery of oil andtallow to the U.S. Navyin 1860, 1860-64

Todd, John R. Lynchburg, Va. Superintendent in Nitreand Mining Bureauengaged in manufacturingcrude nitre, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

Nature of business orservice rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Toombs, William E. Richmond, Va.

Toon § Co., J. J. Atlanta, Ga.

Supplied foodstuffs toChimborazo Hospital,1863-64

Printing and bindingservices, 1862-64

Trans-Mississippi Dept., C.S. depositary for at Marshall, Tex. SeeHall, M. J.

Trans-Mississippi Dept., Treasury agent for. See Gray, Peter W.

Treasury Dept., C.S. See Cruger, Lewis; Elmore, E. C.; Forstall,E. J.; Gray, Peter W.; Memminger, C. G.; Register; Taylor,W. H. S.; and Trenholme, George A.

Treasury Note Bureau, C.S. See Jamison, Sanders G., and NoteBureau

Treasury notes, counterfeiting of in South Carolina. See Leake,William M., and Wright, Robert

Tredegar Iron Works, Richmond, Va. See Anderson, J. R., § Co.

Trenholme, George A. Richmond, Va.

Tuttle £Wakefield

Tyler £ Son

Ft. Gaines, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Union Lead Mine Co. See Kohler, William

Union Mfg. Co. Richmond, Va.

C.S. Treasury Secretary;file includes correspond-ence and other papers,1864-65

Wheelwrights and black-smiths furnishing toolsand materials for tor-pedoes, 1862-64

Furnished foodstuffs,1862-64

Originally manufacturedsewing machines butlater furnished smallarms components andprovided cleaning andrepair of muskets,1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

Nature of business orservice rendered or

individual or firm goods furnished anddates

Upson County RR.

Vance § Bro.

Van Lew, Taylor£ Co. (also underVan Lew, John N.)

Vicksburg, Shreve-port § TexasRR. Co.

Macon, Ga.

San Antonio, Tex.

Richmond, Va.

Monroe, La.

Transportation, 1861-64

Supplied wool, cordage,and other goods, 1861-64

Supplied hardware,including tools andcutlery, 1861-64

Transportation, 1861-63

Vicksburg Whig, Miss. See Shannon, M.

Richmond, Va.Virginia CentralRR. Co.

Virginian, Abingdon,

Wadley, Jones § Co.

Walker, R. F.

Va. See Coale

Herndon, Ga .•

Richmond, Va.

Waller, Logan § Co. Richmond, Va.

Ward, W,. B.

Warren, J. W.,§ Co.

Weaver, P. J.

Richmond, Va.

Columbus, Ga.

Selma, Ala.

Transportation, 1862-64


Furnished lumber sup-plies, 1862-64

Manager of RichmondExaminer providingadvertising services,1862-65

Commission merchantsprocuring foodstuffs,1862-65

Supplied foodstuffs toChimborazo Hospital,1862-63

Proprietor of ColumbusTimes providing adver-tising services, 1862-64

Dealer in foreign andAmerican dry goods,hardware, groceries,carriages, and otheritems; supplied tools,cutlery, leather goods,and miscellaneous hard-ware, 1862-64


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm quarters of

Nature of business_orservice rendered or

Weed, CornwellCo. (also underWeed, Nathan)

Wells, J. W.,Bro.

Wendenburg, R.,§ Co.

Werner, V., § Co.(also under Werner,Valentine)

West § Bro.

West § Johnston

West, Charles H.,§ Son

Western 3Atlantic RR.

Western NorthCarolina RR. Co

individual or firm goods furni.shed anddates

Savannah and Macon,Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Canton, Miss.

Richmond, Va.

Richmond, Va.

Charleston, S.C,

Atlanta, Ga.

Salisbury, N.C.

Imported and dealt inhardware, iron, steel,,and agriculturalimplements; alsofurnished artillerycomponents, includingcarriages, 1861-64

Furnished tools, lumber,wag on s, ambu 1 an c e s , aridforage, 1861-63

Dealt in paints, oils,glass, and artistssupplies, 1862-64

Wheelwrights and manu-facturers of small armsand ammunition; alsorepaired machinery andartillery carriages,1862-64

Carpentry services,1862-64

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1861-64

Ship chandlers supplyingtools, cordage, navalstores, and assortedhardware, 1861-63

Transportation, 1861-64

Transportation, 1861-64


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Name of individual Location or head- Nature of business oror firm

Wheelock, E. B.

Whitaker, J. B.

White, Edward

Wilkinson, John

Williams £Elliott $ Co.

Williams, GeorgeW., $ Co.

Willink, H. F.

Wilmington £Weldon RR. Co.

Wilmington,Charlotte andRutherford RR.

quarters ofindividual or firm

New Orleans, La.,Havana, Cuba, andNassau

Kinston and Golds-boro, N.C.

Atlanta, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Charleston, S.C,

Savannah, Ga.

Wilmington, N.C.

Wilmington, N.C,

service rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Proprietor of E. B.Wheelock § Co.,importers and wholesaledruggists; procuredmedical supplies forSurgeon General's Officeand chemicals forOrdnance Dept. andattended to cottonexport. File includescorrespondence with themedical purveyor atMontgomery, Ala., andthe Surgeon General,1861-64

Printer and dealer instationery supplies,1862-64

Supplied foodstuffs andtents, 1861-64

C.S. naval officer sentto England to purchasea cargo transport vessel;file includes correspond-ence and other papers,1862-63

Importers and wholesaledealers in hardware,cutlery, tools, andcarriage and wagonmaterials, 1861-64

Wholesale grocers,1861-64

Boatbuilder andrepairer, 1861-64

Transportation, 1861-64

Transportation, 1862-63


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Nature of business orquarters of service rendered orindividual or firm goods furnished and


Wilmington Iron § Copper Works, N.C. See Hart § Bailey

Wilmington Journal, N.C. See Fulton § Price

Wilson $ Co.

WinchesterPotomac RR.

Selma, Ala.


Operated warehouse forreceipt, delivery, andforwarding of goods,1863

Transportation, 1861-63

Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va. See Green, B. W.

Winn § Co.

Wisely, W. F.

Woltering, J. W.

Wood, Grenville

Woodhouse, James,§ Co.

Woods § Gilkeson

Worth § Daniel

Memphis, Tenn.

Mobile, Ala.

Memphis, Tenn.

Macon, Ga.

Richmond, Va.

Staunton, Va.

Wilmington, N.C.

Supplied leather goods,including saddles andboots, and blankets,1861-62

Printer and dealer instationery supplies,1862-64

Metalworkers supplyingsmall arms components,ammunition, buckets,stoves, safes, and otheritems, 1861-62

Manufactured and dealtin furniture and otherwooden goods; suppliedlumber and furnishedcarpentry work, 1862-64

Dealt in books andstationery supplies,1861-64

Dealt in hardware,including tools andlocks, 1861-64

Wholesale grocers andcommission merchants,1861-63


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Name of individual Location or head-or firm

Worth, Joseph A.(also under Worth£ Co. and Worth,T. C. § B. G.)

Wrenn, A.

Wright, Robert

Wyman, George,§ Co.

Wyman, Moses,Co.

Wynne, Charles H.(also under Wynne§ Co., Charles H.)

Wyse, Jacob

quarters ofindividual or firm

Wilmington andFayetteville, N.C.

Norfolk, Va.

Columbia, S.C.

Augusta, Ga.

Montgomery, Ala.

Richmond, Va.

Rome, Ga.

Yale, CharlesD., $ Co.

Richmond, Va.

Nature of business orservice rendered orgoods furnished anddates

Agents for Cape FearSteamboat Co.; providedtransportation forpersons and freightbetween Wilmington andFayetteville, 1861-64

Manufactured and dealtin carriages, harnesses,and saddles; furnishedinfantry and cavalryaccouterments, 1861-62

Printer charged withforging and possessingcounterfeit C.S.Treasury notes, 1862

Wheelwrights and sup-pliers of leather goods,principally cavalryequipment, 1861-64

Dealers in hardware,including tools, nails,buckets, brushes, andother items, 1861-64

Printers, 1861-65

General supplier ofhardware, cutlery,paper, shoes, foodstuffs,hospital goods, andother items, 1863-64

Supplied and repairedmetal goods, 1861-64

Young, Wriston£ Orr

Zeilin, J. H.,$ Co.

Charlotte, N.C,

Macon, Ga.

Manufacturers ofclothing, 1861-63

Wholesale and retaildruggists, 1862-65


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Roll Alphabetic range

1 A - Abl2 Abn - Adai3 Adam - Adams, I.4 Adams, J. - Aday5 Adc - Ah6 Ai - Alabama Arms7 Alabama Coal -

Alabama Ins.8 Alabama Life - Alb9 Ale - Alew10 Alex - Aley11 Alf - Allen, B.12 Allen, C. - Allen, I.13 Allen, J. - Allen, V.14 Allen, W. - Ally15 Aim - Alz16 Am17 An - Anderson, I.18 Anderson, J.19 Anderson, K. - Ando20 Andr - Ans21 Ant - Arc22 Ard - Armo23 Arms - Armw24 Arn25 Aro - Ary26 As27 At - Atk28 Atl - Aur29 Aus - Av30 Aw - Az31 B - Bac32 Bad - Bah33 Bai - Bailey, T.34 Bailey, W. - Baiz35 Bak - Baker, I.36 Baker, J. - Bakl37 Bal - Balk38 Ball - Balm39 Balo - Banu40 Bap - Bard41 Bare - Bari

Roll Alphabetic range

42 Bark - Barl43 Barm - Barnes44 Barnet - Barq45 Barr - Barri46 Barro - Barz47 Bas48 Bat49 Bau - Bayli50 Baylo - Beall51 Beals - Bear52 Beas - Beb53 Bee54 Bed - Beh55 Bei - Bell, G.56 Bell, H. - Bell, S,57 Bell, T. - Bely58 Bern - Benj59 Benn - Bens60 Bent - Bero61 Berr - Bery62 Bes - Beu63 Bev - Bib64 Bic - Bij65 Bil - Bio66 Bir67 Bis - Biz68 Bl - Blackl69 Blackm - Blad70 Blae - Blai71 Blak - Blal72 Blam - Blan73 Blar - Bli74 Bio75 Blu - Boa76 Bob - Bog77 Boh - Bol78 Bom - Bonf79 Bonh - Bool80 Boom - Bop81 Bor - Boss82 Bost - Bot83 Bou


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

84 Bov - Bowen85 Bower - Bowl86 Bowm - Boyc87 Boyd - Boye88 Boyh - Boz89 Br - Bradi90 Bradl - Bradw91 Brady - Bram92 Bran - Brank93 Branm - Bras94 Brat - Braz95 Bre - Brev96 Brew - Brid97 Brie - Bril98 Brim - Briz99 Bro - Broc100 Brod - Bron101 Broo - Brookm102 Brooks103 Broom - Browm104 Brown - Brown, A.105 Brown, B. - Brown, G.106 Brown, H. - Brown, Ja107 Brown, Je - Brown, K.108 Brown, L. - Brown, S.109 Brown, T. - Brown, W.110 Brown, Y. - Broz111 Bru - Brul112 Brum - Brux113 Bry - Bryans114 Bryant - Bryu115 Bu - Buch116 Buck117 Bud - Buk118 Bui119 Bum - Buq120 Bur - Burf121 Burg - Buri122 Burk123 Burl - Burn124 Burns - Burr125 Burra - Bursh126 Burt - Bury127 Bus128 But - Butler, R.129 Butler, S. - Buz130 By - Byn131 Byr - Byy132 C - Cak133 Cal - Cald

134 Cale - Calla135 Calle - Caly136 Cam - Camp137 Campa - Campbell, I.138 Campbell, J. - Campbells139 Campe - Cano140 Canr - Cap141 Car - Cark142 Carl - Carm143 Carn - Carpen144 Carper - Carra145 Carre - Carri146 Carro - Cars147 Cart - Carter, I.148 Carter, J. - Carter, R.149 Carter, S. - Carty150 Caru - Carz151 Cas - Casp152 Cass - Casy153 Cat154 Cau - Caz155 Ce - Chai156 Chal - Chambe157 Chambl - Chan158 Chap - Chapm159 Chapp - Char160 Chas - Chel161 Chem - Chev162 Chew - Child163 Chile - Chis164 Chit - Chr165 Chub - Clai166 Clak - Clark, D.167 Clark, E. - Clark, J.168 Clark, K. - Clark, U.169 Clark, W. - Clark, Z.170 Clarke - Clarky171 Clarn - Clay172 Cle - Clem173 Clen - Clig174 dim - Clit175 Clo - Cly176 Co - Cobb, N.177 Cobb, 0. - Coch178 Cock - Cod179 Coe - Cog180 Coh - Cok181 Col - Cole182 Coleb - Coleman, L.183 Coleman, M. - Colh


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

184 Coli - Collig185 Collin - Collins186 Collis - Coly187 Com - Conk188 Conl - Conne189 Conni - Cony190 Coo - Cook, N.191 Cook, 0. - Cooku192 Cool - Cooper, C.193 Cooper, D. - Coov194 Cop195 Cor - Corm196 Corn - Corz197 Cos - Cotr198 Cott - Couc199 Coud - Couv200 Cov - Cowan201 Cowar - Cowles202 Cowley - Cox, I.203 Cox, J. - Cox, W.204 Coxe - Craf205 Crag - Cram206 Cran - Crawford, G.207 Crawford, H. - Craz208 Cre - Cren209 Cres - Crip210 Cris - Croc211 Crof - Crop212 Cror - Cros213 Grot - Crowf214 Growl - Crump215 Crumpa - Cry216 Cu - Cul217 Cum - Cunninger218 Cunningh - Cup219 Cur - Curs220 Curt - Cz221 D - Dai222 Dak - Dam223 Dan - Daniel, J.224 Daniel, K. - Danz225 Dap - Dar226 Das - Dave227 Davi - Davin228 Davis - Davis, D.229 Davis, E. - Davis, I.230 Davis, J.231 Davis, K. - Davis, S,232 Davis, T.233 Daw

234 Day - Dazin235 Dea - Dean236 Dear - Dec237 Deck - DeJ238 DeK - Del239 Dem - Denm240 Denn - Deny

' 241 Deo - Det242 Deu - DeV243 Dew - Dh244 Dia - Dicken245 Dicker - Dickins246 Dickinso - Dicu247 Did - Dilla248 Dille - Dis249 Dit - Dm250 Do - Doc251 Dod - Dok252 Dol - Donl253 Donm - Dop254 Dor - Dos255 Dot - Doug256 Doul - Dowl257 Dowm - Doz258 Dra259 Ore - Dri260 Dro - Due261 Dud - Duf262 Dug - Dum263 Dun - Dune264 Dund - Dunm265 Dunn - Dunr266 Duns - Durg267 Durh - Dutt268 Duty - Dye269 Dye - Dz270 E - Ean271 Ear272 Eas273 Eat - Edd274 Ede - Edmond275 Edmonds - Eds276 Edw - Edwards, I.277 Edwards, J. - Ef278 Eg - Elc279 Eld - Elk280 Ell - Elliott, R.281 Elliott, S. - Ellis, N.282 Ellis, 0. - Elp283 Elr - Ems


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

284 Ena - Enn 334285 Eno - Ep 335286 Er - Ess 336287 Est - Etz 337288 Eu - Evans, D. 338289 Evans, E. - Evans, R. 339290 Evans, S. - Evat 340291 Eve - Evr 341292 Ew - Ez 342293 F - Fak 343294 Fal - Farg 344295 Fari - Farl 345296 Farm - Farr 346297 Farra - Fat 347298 Fau - Faz 348299 Fea - Pel 349300 Fern - Ferguson, L. 350301 Ferguson, M. - Fey 351302 Fi - Fif 352303 Fig - Fink 353304 Finl - Fise 354305 Fish - Fiss 355306 Fit - Fitzh 356307 Fitzi - Fla 357308 Fie - Flem 358309 Flen - Flew 359310 Fli - Floo 360311 Flor - Flori 361312 Florn - Fly 362313 Fo - Fol 363314 Fom - Fore 364315 Ford 365316 Fore - Fors 366317 Fort - Foster, I. 367318 Foster, J. - Fot 368319 Fou - Fow 369320 Fox - Foz 370321 Fr - Franc 371322 Frand - Frar 372323 Fras - Fraz 373324 Fre - Freeman, I. 374325 Freeman, J. - Frenc 375326 Frend - Frip 376327 Fris - Fry, R. 377328 Fry, S. - Fulk 378329 Full - Fulw 379330 Fum - Fy 380331 G - Gain 381332 Gair - Gallo 382333 Gallu - Gam 383

Can - GarcCardGare - GamesGarnet - Garrett, B.Garrett, C. - GarryGars - GarzGas - GatGau - GazGea - GemGen - GentrGentt - GeoGer - GiaGib - GibsGibso - Gibson, J.Gibson, L. - GigGil - GiliGilk - GillbGille - GillianGilliar - GilmaGilme - GilzGim - GivGl - GlasGlat - GilGlo - GnGo - GofGog - GomGon - GoodhGoodi - GoodmGoodn - GoodsGoodw - GoozGop - GordGore - GotGou - GozGr - Graham, I.Graham, J. - GramGran - GrantGranth - Graves, H.Graves, I. - Gray, G,Gray, H. - Gray, Z.Grayb - Green, A.Green, B. - Green, I,Green, J. - Green, S,Green, T. - Green, Z,Greena - GreenwGreer - GreggGrego - GrepGrer - GrifeGriff - GriffisGriffit - GrilGrim - Griz


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

384 Gro - Gru385 Gry - Guil386 Guim - Gunn387 Guno - Guv388 Guy - Gy389 H - Haf390 Hag - Hah391 Hai - Hald392 Hale - Halk393 Hall - Hall, I.394 Hall, J. - Hall, N.395 Hall, 0. - Hair396 Hals - Hamilton, A.397 Hamilton, B. -

Hamilton, W.398 Hamin - Hammon399 Hammond - Hamw400 Han - Hand401 Hane - Hann402 Hanr - Harb403 Hare - Hardim404 Hardin - Hardw405 Hardy - Harf406 Harg - Harl407 Harm - Haro408 Harp409 Harr - Harris, A.410 Harris, B. - Harris, I.411 Harris, J.412 Harris, K. - Harris, S.413 Harris, T. - Harrison, G,414 Harrison, H. -

Harrison, S.415 Harrison, T. - Hars416 Hart - Hart, L.417 Hart, M. - Hartz418 Haru - Harv419 Harw - Has420 Hat - Hate421 Hate - Hav422 Haw - Hawkins, N.423 Hawkins, 0. - Hawv424 Hax - Hayd425 Haye - Hayne426 Hayni - Haz427 He - Heas428 Heat - Hed429 Hee - Hei430 Hel - Hem431 Hen - Henderson, N.

432 Henderson, 0. - Hendre433 Hendri - Henk434 Henl - Henri435 Henry436 Hens - Hep437 Her - Herp438 Herr - Hersc439 Herse - Hew440 Hex - Hicko441 Hicks - Hicky442 Hico - Higg443 High - Hilk444 Hill - Hill, I.445 Hill, J. - Hill, R.446 Hill, S. - Hilli447 Hillm - Him448 Hin - Hinsl449 Hinso - His450 Hit - Hiz451 Ho - Hob452 Hoc - Hodges, F.453 Hodges, G. - Hoe454 Hof - Hoge455 Hogg - Hole456 Hold - Hollam457 HoiIan - Hoilay458 Holle - Holli459 Hoi1m - Holma460 Holmes - Holn461 Holo - Holz462 Horn - Hooi463 Hook - Hoot464 Hoov - Hoph465 Hopk - Hopw466 Hora - Horn467 Horo - Hos468 Hot - Housl469 Housm - Hov470 How - Howard, J.471 Howard, L. - Howe472 Howel - Howet473 Howh - Hua474 Hub - Hue475 Hud - Hudr476 Huds - Hue477 Huf478 Hug - Hughes, I.479 Hughes, J. - Hughey, W.480 Hughi - Hul481 Hum


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

482 Hun - Hunt, J.483 Hunt, L. - Hunter, H.484 Hunter, I. - Huntl485 Hunto - Hurs486 Hurt - Hus487 Hut - Hutc488 Hute - Huz489 Hy490 I - In491 Ip - Irv492 Irw - Isa493 Isb - Iz494 J - Jackson, I.495 Jackson, J. -

Jackson, N.496 Jackson, P. - Jacob497 Jacobe - Jamer498 James - James, B.499 James, C. - James, Y.500 Jameso - Jaq501 Jar - Jay502 Je - Jef503 Jeh - Jenk504 Jenn - Jert505 Jerv - Jew506 Jh - Johns507 Johnse - Johnson, B.508 Johnson, C. -

Johnson, G.509 Johnson, H. -

Johnson, J.510 Johnson, Ja -

Johnson, Je511 Johnson, Jo -

Johnson, K.512 Johnson, L. -

Johnson, P.513 Johnson, R. -

Johnson, T.514 Johnson, U. -

Johnson, Z.515 Johnston - Johnston, I.516 Johnston, J. -

Johnston, R.517 Johnston, S. - Jol518 Jom - Jon519 Jones, B. - Jones, D.520 Jones, E. - Jones, G.521 Jones, H. - Jones, J.H.522 Jones, J.J. - Jones, Ja

523 Jones, Je - Jones, Ju524 Jones, K. - Jones, 0.525 Jones, P. - Jones, R.526 Jones, S. - Jones, V.527 Jones, W. - Jons528 Jop - Jordan, J.529 Jordan, L. - Jow530 Joy - Jud531 Jue - J.W.F.532 K - Kan533 Kap - Kay534 Kea - Ked535 Kee - Keez536 Kef - Kelk537 Kell - Kelli538 Kello - Kelly, I.539 Kelly, J. - Kely, H.540 Kern - Kenda541 Kende - Kenn542 Kenne - Kennel543 Kennen - Kens544 Kent - Kern545 Kerr - Ket546 Keu - Kid547 Kie - Kil548 Kim - Kine549 King - King, G.550 King, H. - King, N.551 King, 0. - Kinl552 Kinm - Kirc553 Kirk - Kirkn554 Kirkp - Kis555 Kit - Kl556 Kn - Kni557 Kno - Knu558 Ko - Kop559 Kor - Kr560 Ku - Ky561 L - Lac562 Lad - Lai563 Lak - Lama564 Lamb - Lame565 Lamd - Lane566 Land - Lands567 Lane - Lanf568 Lang and Brumbeloe -

Langy569 Lanh - La P570 Lar571 Las - Lath


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

572 Lati - Lau573 Lav - Lawr574 Laws - Lawt575 Lax - Leak576 Leake - Le B577 Lee - Lee, H.578 Lee, I. - Lee, S.579 Lee, T. - Leev580 Lef - Leh581 Lei - Lem582 Len - Ler583 Le S - Leu584 Lev585 Lew - Lewis, I.586 Lewis, J. - Lewis, 0.587 Lewis, P. - L'Hu588 Li - Lik589 Lil - Line590 Lind591 Line - Linz592 Lio - Lip593 Lis - Little, Z.594 Littlef - Liv595 LI - Loc596 Lod - Loga597 Loge - Long, I.598 Long, J. - Long, Y.599 Longa - Lor600 Los - Lou601 Lov - Love602 Lovel - Lovo603 Low - Lown604 Lowr - Lr605 Lu - Luc606 Lud - Lum607 Lun - Luz608 Ly - Lynch, C.609 Lynch, D. - Lyns610 Lyon - Lyt611 M - Mac612 McA - McAl613 McAm - McB614 McC - McCam615 McCan - McCar616 McCas - McClai617 McClai - McClew618 McCli - McClu619 McCo - McCon620 McCoo - McCot621 McCou - McCra

622 McCre - McCulli623 McCullo - McCut624 McD - McDi625 McDo - McDonn626 McDono - McElm627 McElr - McEw628 McF629 McG - McGe630 McGh - McGl631 McGo - McGw632 McHa - MeI633 McJ - McKee634 McKei - McKey635 McKi636 McKl - McKy637 McL - McLa638 McLe - McLen639 McLeo - McLy640 McM - McMic641 McMil - McMu642 McNab - McNe643 McNei - McNu644 McO - McQ645 McR646 McS - McY647 Mad - Maf648 Mag - Magi649 Magi - Mah650 Mai - Mali651 Mall - Malo652 Malp - Mang653 Manh - Mann654 Manna - Manz655 Map - Mari656 Mark - Marl657 Marm - Marsh658 Marshal - Marshall, J.659 Marshall, K. - Marst660 Mart - Martin, G.661 Martin, H. - Martin, L.662 Martin, M. - Martin, V.663 Martin, W. - Marz664 Mas - Maso665 Mass666 Mast - Mathews667 Mathewson - Matth668 Matti - Mau669 Mav - Max670 May671 Maya - Mayl


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

672 Mayn - Mayr673 Mays - Maz674 Me - Mea675 Meb - Mef676 Meg - Mel677 Mem - Memphis and

Ohio Railroad678 Men - Merc679 Mere - Merp680 Merr - Mes681 Met - Mh682 Mi - Mic683 Mid - Mik684 Mil - Milid685 Mille - Miller, B.686 Miller, C. - Miller, I.687 Miller, J. - Miller, Je688 Miller, Jo - Miller, 0.689 Miller, P. - Miller, V.690 Miller, W. - Milli691 Milln - Millw692 Milm - Mims693 Min - Mino694 Mins - Mis695 Mit - Mitchell, F.696 Mitchell, G. -

Mitchell, S.697 Mitchell, T. - Miz698 Mo - Mobi699 Mobl - Moh700 Moi - Monf701 Mong - Montf702 Montg - Montgomery, J.703 Montgomery, L. - Monz704 Mood - Moon705 Moor - Moore, B.706 Moore, C. - Moore, I.707 Moore, J.708 Moore, K. - Moore, R.709 Moore, S. - Moore, W.710 Moore, Y. - Mord711 More - Morgan, D.712 Morgan, E. - Morgr713 Morh - Morris, C.714 Morris, D. - Morris, L.715 Morris, M. - Morrise716 Morriso - Morrisy717 Morro - Morsh718 Morso - Morz719 Mos - Mose

720 Mosh - Most721 Mote - Mou722 Mov - Mulk723 Mull - Mulw724 Muma - Mun725 Mur - Murphr726 Murphy - Murpt727 Murr - Murrh728 Murri - Muz729 My - Myers, L.730 Myers, M. - Myt731 N - Nan732 Nap - Nas733 Nat - Nea734 Neb - Neh735 Nei - Nelr736 Nels - Nely737 Nem - Nev738 New - Newl739 Newm740 Newn - Nez741 Ni - Nichols742 Nicholso - Nicon743 Nid - Nix744 No - Nok745 Nol - Nori746 Norm - Nors747 Nort - Norton, I.748 Norton, J. - Nos749 Notes750 Notg - Noy751 Nu - Ny752 Oa753 Ob - O'C754 Od755 Oe - Ok756 O'L - Olis757 Oliv758 Oil - On759 Op - Ori760 Orl - Orr761 Orra - Osb762 Osc - Ot763 Ou - Ov764 Ow - Owen765 Owenb - Oz766 P - Pac767 Pad - Pah768 Pai - Palma769 Palme - Palt


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

770 Pam - Pap 820771 Par - Park 821772 Parke - Parker, J. 822773 Parker, K. - Parkey 823774 Parkh - Parn 824775 Paro - Parr 825776 Pars - Pas 826777 Pat - Pats 827778 Patt - Patte 828779 Patti - Paty 829780 Pau - Pax 830781 Pay - Payne, N. 831782 Payne, 0. - Peam 832783 Pear - Pearr 833784 Pears - Peb 834785 Pec - Peek 835786 Peel - Pel 836787 Peli - Pende 837788 Pendl - Penn 838789 Penna - Peny 839790 Peo - Perkins, I. 840791 Perkins, J. - Perp 841792 Perr - Perry 842793 Perryc - Peters 843794 Petersb - Petr 844795 Pets - Peys 845796 Peyt - Phe 846797 Phi - Phillips, I. 847798 Phillips, J. - Philip 848799 Philm - Picken 849800 Picker - Pierc 850801 Pierd - Pil 851802 Pin - Pir 852803 Pis - Pittm 853804 Pitts - Piz 854805 PI - Pli 855806 Plo - Poh 856807 Poi - Poli 857808 Polk - Polv809 Pom - Poo810 Pop 858811 Por - Porter, J.812 Porter, L. - Pos813 Pot - Pov814 Pow - Powell, I. 859815 Powell, J.816 Powell, L. - Powell, Z.817 Power - Poz 860818 Pr - Prer819 Pres - Prib

Pric - Price, I.Price, J. - Price, R.Price, S. - PrickPrid - PrinPrio - PropPros - PsPu - PukPul - PuqPur - PursPurt - PyQ - QuiQuim - QuitR - RaglRagn - RaineRaino - RalRamRan - RandlRandoRane - RarnRas - RavRaw - RawtRay - RazRea - ReagReal - RectRedReeb - ReepRees - RefReg - ReicReid - ReimRein - RenoRens - ReymReynRez - RhiRhoRhu - RiceRich - RichardsRichardso - Richardson, N.Richardson, 0. -Richmond § Char-lottesville Turnpike Co,

Richmond £ DanvilleExpress - Richmond §Danville Railroad,Documents 1-499

Richmond § DanvilleRailroad, Documents500-555

Richmond Enquirer -RichmondExaminer


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

861 Richmond, Fredericks- 906burg § Potomac Rail- 907road 908

862 Richmond $ Petersburg 909Railroad 910

863 Richmond $ Stolle- 911Richmond, W. 912

864 Richo - Ridd 913865 Ride - Riggl 914866 Riggs - Ril 915867 Rim - Ris 916868 Rit - Riv 917869 Rix - Roa 918870 Rob - Robe 919871 Rober - Roberts, L. 920872 Roberts, M. - Roberts, Z. 921873 Robertso - Robertson, J. 922874 Robertson, K. - Robey 923875 Robi - Robinson, I. 924876 Robinson, J. - Robinson, 925

R. 926877 Robinson, S. - Robo 927878 Robs - Rodf 928879 Rodg - Rof 929880 Rog - Rogers, I. 930881 Rogers, J. - Rogi 931882 Roh - Ron 932883 Rood - Rose, J. 933884 Rose, K. - Rosn 934885 Ross 935886 Rossa - Rour 936887 Rous - Row 937888 Rowa - Rowl 938889 Rown - Roz 939890 Rua - Rue 940891 Ruf - Rup 941892 Rus - Russell, D. 942893 Russell, E. - Russw 943894 Rust - Ruy 944895 Ry 945896 S - Sale 946897 Salg - Samo 947898 Samp - Samw 948899 San - Sanders, L. 949900 Sanders, M. - Sandy 950901 Sane - Sar 951902 Sase - Saunders, I. 952903 Saunders, J. - Sauv 953904 Sava - Savo 954905 Saw - Say 955

Sea - SchellSchelp - SchnScho - SchySci - Scott, H.Scott, I. - Scott, J.Scott, K. - Scott, V.Scott, W. - ScuSea - SealSeam - SedSee - SeiSelSem - SesSet - SeySh - ShacShad - ShanlShann - SharoSharp - SharrShas - ShayShe - ShekShel - ShelyShem - ShepSher - SheyShi - ShipShir - ShnSho - ShorShos - ShrShu - ShySi - SikSil - SimmlSimmo - SimmonSimms - SimoSimpSimr - SimuSinSio - SkeSki - SkuSI - SlauSlav - SliSlo - SlySm - SmeSmi - Smith and YeiserSmith, A. - Smith, B.Smith, C. - Smith, D.Smith, E. - Smith, G.Smith, H. - Smith, I.Smith, J. - Smith, J.Y,Smith, Ja - Smith, JiSmith, Jo - Smith, JohSmith, Jon - Smith, M.Smith, N. - Smith, R.


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

956 Smith, S. - Smith, V. 1006957 Smith, W. - Smith, We 1007958 Smith, Wi - Smith, Z. 1008959 Smitha - Smy 1009960 Sn - Sne 1010961 Sni - Snu 1011962 Sny - Solomon 1012963 Solomons - Sor 1013964 Sos - Southerd 1014965 Souther1 - Southr 1015966 South Side Railroad 1016967 Southw - Soy 1017968 Spa 1018969 Spe - Spel 1019970 Spen - Sph 1020971 Spi - Spl 1021972 Spo - Spri 1022973 Spro - Stak 1023974 Stal - Stanf975 Stang - Stap 1024976 Star977 Stas - Sted 1025978 Stee - Stef 1026979 Steg - Steo 1027980 Step 1028981 Ster - Stevens, R. 1029982 Stevens, S. - Stevi 1030983 Stew - Stewart, J. 1031984 Stewart, K. - Stif 1032985 Stig - Stiz 1033986 St. Ja - Stog 1034987 Stok - Stone, J. 1035988 Stone, K. - Stor 1036989 Stot - Stoy 1037990 St. Pe - Straw 1038991 Stray - Stret 1039992 Strib - Striv 1040993 Stro - Stry 1041994 Stu - Stud 1042995 Stue - Suf 1043996 Sug - Sul 1044997 Sum - Sup 1045998 Sur - Sut 1046999 Sutt - Swal 10471000 Swam - Swaz 10481001 Swe - Swinl 10491002 Swinn - Syf 10501003 Syk - Sz 10511004 T - Tale 10521005 Tali - Tall 1053

Talm - TapTar - TateTath - Taylor, A.Taylor B. - Taylor, G.Taylor, H. - Taylor, J.Taylor, Ja - Taylor, JiTaylor, Jo - Taylor, N.Taylor, 0. - Taylor, V.Taylor, W. - TazTea - TelTern - TerTerr - TeryTes - TheThi - Thomas, G.Thomas, H. - Thomas, L.Thomas, M. - Thomas, Z.Thomaso - Thompson, F.Thompson, G. -Thompson, K.

Thompson, L. -Thompson, V.

Thompson, W. - ThonThor - ThoxThr - ThyTi - TilTim - TinTins - TizTo - TogTol - TomTon - TooTop - TowlTown - TralTram - TrelTrem - TrigTrim - TrotTrou - TshTub - Tucker, S.Tucker, T. - TupTur - Turner, H.Turner, I. - Turner, S.Turner, T. - TusTut - TwTy - TynTyr - UngUni - UzV - VanBVanC - VankVanl - VanzVar - VaugheVaughn - Yen


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Roll Alphabetic range

1054 Veo - Vez 11041055 Vi - Vil 110510St> Vin - Vio 11061057 Vir 11071058 Vis - Vy 110810.S9 W - Wadd 11091060 Wade - Wads 11101061 Wae - Wak 11111062 Wai - Wall 11121063 Walk - Walker, I. 11131064 Walker, J.1065 Walker, K. - Walker, V. 11141066 Walker, W. - Wall1067 Walla - Wallace 11151068 Wallach - Wally1069 Walm - Walth 11161070 Waltm - Want1071 Wap - Ward, L. 11171072 Ward, M. - Wardw1073 Ware - Warm 11181074 Warn - Warren, S.1075 Warren, T. - Was 11191076 Wat - Watkins, G. 11201077 Watkins, H. - Watkinso 11211078 Watl - Watson, I. 11221079 Watson, J. - Watson, W. 11231080 Watt - Watts 11241081 Wau - Way 11251082 Wea - Weaver, N. 11261083 Weaver, 0. - Webb, J. 11271084 Webb, K. - Webs 11281085 Wee - Weh 11291086 Wei - Weix 11301087 Wei - Weld 11311088 Wele - Wells, I. 11321089 Wells, J. - Wells, Z. 11331090 Wellsf - Wers 11341091 Wert - West, D. 11351092 West, E. - West, W. 11361093 Westa - Westw 11371094 Wet - Wha 11381C95 Whe - Whez 11391096 Whi - Whitak 11401097 Whital - White, D. 11411098 White, E. - White, I. 11421099 White, J. 11431100 White., K. - White, V. 11441101 White, W. - Whitef 11451102 Whiteh - Whites 11461103 Whitf - Whit I 1147

Whitm - WhitsWhitt - WhyWia - WieWig - WilbWile - WilgWilh - WilkiWilkin - WilkyWill - WillhWilli - Williams, B.Williams, C. -Williams, F.

Williams, G. -Williams, I.

Williams, J. -Williams, Ja

Williams, Je -Williams, L.

Williams, M. -Williams, R.

Williams, S. -Williams, Z.

Williamsb - WilliarWillie - Willis, I.Willis, J. - WillrWills - WilmWiln - Wilson, C.Wilson, D. - Wilson, I.Wilson, J.Wilson, K. - Wilson, T,Wilson, U. - WimWin - WineWinf - WinlWinn - WinslWinstWint - WiseWiseb - WitsWitt - WolfWolfe - WonWoo - Wood, I.Wood, J. - Wood, Z.Wooda - WoodhWoodi - WoodrWoodsWoodt - WoolfWoolfe - WootWor - WorsWort - WouWr - Wright, D.Wright, E. - Wright, J,Wright, L. - Writ


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Roll Alphabetic range Roll Alphabetic range

1148 Wro - Wym 1154 Young - Young, I.1149 Wyn - Wyv 1155 Young, J. - Young, R.1150 X - Yan 1156 Young, S. -1151 Yar - Yaz Yout1152 Yd - Yn 1157 Yow - Ze1153 Yo - Younc 1158 Zi - Zy

