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National Library of Australia ... · with filly sovereigns added. For three-year olds. One mile and...

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National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page1518346 TERMS OF SUHSCTUPTION. Sid.rj, Mtun Shllw,/, p.rQumter. Stnylc NumUn Snpcxce. Count,,,, Seventeen Shilling, and Sixpence per Quarter i, n Vir a ni. M, "",,/ (or pu, m, ut ", advance, and len ,,cr ,-ful. add,d if amount " are allowed to run oLr sU,"oni,Z f CASH TERMS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Î for on» inch and under, Thret Shillings, and On« Shilling for evsry ad4ilional inoli, for taoh inurlion» 'Ä^^^^ ? ^^<= "X^f?** '*/ «** * ft*«btfb», 7, '¡R.ilu.,11 TA>K.U, Pur,,matta : MR. A. W. LMIYMOKU, Maitland und Wollombi ? MB J omiiînnw» «,«£//,,! >M ? ^n °f ui'ltC,atm},/'Ower Georpr-street, Svdncyjare MR. JOHN HAURM, «MJMK. WM, BALL, Collector», Sydney ; MR. Jostrit HUNT, Bilmnin ¡ Mit. T.M.SÜOMAN, Bathurst ; MR. LABAN WHITE. Wimhot} (,;i( tiutmian ; MH.THOMAI. HOI-C, Deputy Podi master, Sin/Lton and Jam's J'laint -*MR Wir. VAM iWn« ¡Vin rj,..?/ P .. ' ?"K V?LEMAK,> *T'niA ! MR. 1 HOMAS W. PAtMtn, Dopuly Postmaster, Wollongong ; MR. ROHGRT CRAIG, Cahiiietmnkyr, Goulburn ; MR. JOHN M'KIIUAY, Postmaster, Cassilis and Merion ; M«. JOHN GUA* t,,.,<h ; M«. HORATIO Tozun, /'or/ ¿/«cc/wane; MR. HLNR'Y Ai.DnubON. Clarence River '. MR W,.,., TVnv« /¿ti ;í^¿ ma8ter' L"-'eri>ool; , Berrima ; Mu. ROIU.RT DAVISON,/or ¿/¿e 7)i«/ricí o/ Ya.«; MR. THOMAS DOWSB, A/oreion HaV ; MR. JOHN UOULOIJIO, Postmaster, Raymond Terrace ; MR. PIKROE HEGARTY, Mmr.U W' * Jnna,lTe,'J «{¿t P %knKm ^mi.Lam^i.lon W rT ÄMWCH', £W ; MR. WINIAM »AUNCHI, UIIODCB, Wellington, for Port Nicholson arid Cook's Straits, New Zealand who are prodded with Printed Receipts, with the writUn give Notice that no other will be aekncwhdgedfor dsbts accruing from Januar g 1, l8 il. of Un», tit", number of luinra tm.g are intend* d io be inserted, or then rift bYcontinuecftiU poutftfrnmfJet) Ililli*,"J?!'??1'' /',"'e' sfl/r'^P'ie"lier> and iiht December ; at which periods ONLY can Subscribers decline by (jiving Notice and paying the amount due to the end of the Current Quarter. ADVERTISEMENT» must tqieeify on th* jaea j ut cvniumea mt touMcrtiiana-ttl, ana charged to the putty. No Advertisements can b, withdrawn after lilci cn o'clock, a. m., but new ones will bo received uni-/'" ' ' " ..?*>? ...... .. ....J ,., _ _.."_ J Niim o'clock in the Evening. No verbal communications oan be attended to, and all let tors must be post~paid or thi'i will not be taken in PARRAMATTA Î|J||/|NX STEAMERS, COMMERCIAL ,t >"-j-^' ~:",,S W li A R F. From Sydney, 9 A.M. From r»rrainatla,7 A.M. 12 NOON 8 A.M. * P.M. 12NOON 0 P.M. 3 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. FromSydncy,!» A.M. |From Parramatta, 7 A.M. G P.M. ! 4 P.M. Fare» reasonable. - FK U 1 T anti other Freight .it low rates ¡WOO L, at One Shilling a />«/*.; apply as under. * At I'airauiatta lo Cnpts. Morrnor Shoitcr; at Sydney to * JAS. PATKltSON, 123 _Manager. STEAM TJ MORETON BAY. cwjal, rVn E SOVEREIGN, ROjlrïlfsX ML Captain Cape, will leave 5-;'r\ ^|\V^ Sydney for Brisbane This iç-aa.,'-~*:'---i- ?> Evening (Tuesday), at BÍX o'clock precisely. FRANCIS CLARKE, Manager. Hunier Uiver Steam Navigation Company, Hlh January. 726 STBAITTO^LÄRENCKRIVER. *M^3lLik rrUIE WILLIAM IV., > /sl/BKffNS. -* will leave foi the «hove £ÍV «mTör^ Disltiet, on Wednesday next. »--- w j |],c i5i|| ¡niljin ai 7 d'clock in llic evening, Kclleck's Wharf, January li. G1!) STEAMER " CORSAIR." M \\ "-- ^ ¡PU E fine mid powerful ££££> ii open (or engagement, on reasonable terms, in towing vessels in and out the harbour, plcaauie excursions, &c , during the limited time ¡>he will remain here. For particular)« apply lo HENRY MOORE. Foit-slreet, November 29. FOR LAUNCESTON, '1 A" I" npilE fine new fast-sailing ^<fcS$\ -* Sehoouer^///7fy ANN «yKpMiy^ «ill sail on Widncsday next. ÍSTÍTZ?i-"--. For freight or passage, having tuperior accommodations, apply on board, orto _ Sk ROBERT SPARROW, 608 ~ 400, Pitt-street FIRST VESSEL FOR AUCKLAND. *w\',v1. fljMlE line new Brigantine ^f^> I COOLANGATTA, ^iCyVy , iao lons builhen, is again Es¿rf-i^~V-»tí laid on for the abovo Fort, ami »ill meet willi immediate despatch. For freight or passage apply on bcaid, at the Cu ciliar Whrtif: oi lo JOHN GIBLETT, 708 292, Fill street NOTICE TO PAS8KNÜEKS. R-k- rp II li B A R Q ü E |iN|n^ will be towed to sea on bulur i.'^V-v-r*- . . «jay, iho 19ih inataut, at noon. Passengers aro requested lo pay their pas- sage-money on or before Tuesday, the 14th inslant. «?* J. B. METCALFE. January 13. I>83 TOR LONDON DIRECT. FOR PASSENG15RS ONLY. á*r- r- rfl^IIE new British-built §f\ I Ship. ^f}y D U Ii L I N, <v,Í7¡> rV».«-. > ,y¿(j ton:),-Captain Jonen, has excellent accommodation lor passengers, and cal lies an experienced surgeon, will positively leave on th« Ililli instant. Apply to Captain Jonc», on board ; or, to CAMPBELL AND CO., bt8 Campbell's Wharf. FOR LOKDON. WOOL AND CA1HN PASSKNGfcRS ONLY. I A i: rïpllE Fiist-ClasH Ship ?ÍÜ\ J EMILY, F^\!L&P 580 ,onsi M* H' (»reavcB, Com -,ÍT5aC&»-'mander, ia now loading wool, and will Bail on or befoic 31st J unitary. The Accommodations for Cabin Passengers aro very sitj eiior; and a medical gentleman of the Royal Navy Roes in the vessel as bur- geon. For Freight or Passage apply on board, off Armilage's Whaif ; or to LYALL, SCOTT, AND CO., .¿83 . - Agents. FOR LONDON DIRECT. For Steerage and Intermediate Passent/ers. rpjlE Buti'sli-built Brig JL CAROLINE T__.._^ will sail positively on the ââir^'Sî Iii Et of Mareil next ; has room ii>r thirty tons of dead weight only. Apply to ISAAC SIMMONS, City Mait, 47't, George-street. P.S. The abovo fine little vcsbel will bo fitted up with every comfort and convenience for Steerage and Iuleimediato Passengers; flic can ies no wool, and will howell found with stoics, &c. C5 J FOR LONDON. For Light Frehjht and Patsengtr* only. A K *v nrUlE FAST-SA1 LING BRIG «mk§\ A ELEANOR, '§¡nJJÍ>íí).V 253 toiiB, Captain M'Farhino, .BASS» ?* has only room for 350 bales wool._ For freight or passage, apply to iho Captain, on board, to Mr. M. Joseph, or to J. B. METCALFE Januaiy9. 6'17 FOR LONDON DIRECT. ^kkv rP^IIE fast-sailing first """ -*i clash bauine, NU W YOU Ii l'A CK H T, 360 tons, Captain Hawkcsloy, now loading at the Circular Wharf, lias loom for light freight, and cabin pashcngeis only. Apply on boatd lo Captain llawkoaley, er to GRIFFITHS, GORE, AND CO. Hciil-slreet. _ 298 FOR LIVERPOOL, *~^KW npHE first class fast-sail J^Egs^ SARAJI BIRKETT, j--.,*?-. =r^J 202 lonu register, Joccph 1 roddow, commander. This vessel is now jtady lo neuve cargo, aud having'all her 'navy frugju engaged, will have quick dcojialeh. F'oi fieight or passage apply t-j GILCHRIST AND ALEXANDER, 'lüá No. 7Û0, Geurge-sUcct. NOTICE. -"&¡x rip ii F.-AI-BARQUE «9fÄt^s * MORAYSlllRE, *\¿£Uf/'^ C.iptaiu Smith, is open ¡foi "Cv'-i" ----» ii eight or chai ter. Apply to Captdin Siintli, 01 (¡03 SMITH AND CAMPDELL. HOMEBUSH RACES, 18-15. rinilE ST. LEGER STAKES, of Ten -B- Soveicigns each ; five sovereigns forfeit if declared to the llonoraiy Sccretaiy, (at tlio Royal Hotel, on the 1st of May, between the hourä of one and two, r.M.) ; with filly sovereigns added. For three-year olds. One mile and a half. Colts, 8 st. 7 lbs. ; fillies, 8at. 4l'is. Entrance, three sovereigns. The '1RIAL STAKES, of Ten Sovereigns each, with forty sovereigns added. Five so- vereigns forfeit if declared, (lo the Honorary Secretaiy, at the Royal Hotel, on the list of May, between the hour» of one and two, P.M.) For two-yenr olda. Once round the course. Cults, 7st. 7lbs ; fillies, 7st.4lbs. Euttancc, tbioe sovereigns. Entrances for the above races to be takon at tlie Royal Hotel, on Saturday, February 1st, between the hours of seven and nine, P.M. No person allowed to enter a Horse who is not a Subscriber to the amount of Three Sovereigns. In each race, where not less than three Horses start, the second Horse to receive back his stake. JOHN ROSE HOLDEN, ? . Honorary Secretary. Sydney, December 14. 7083 BANK NOTICE. COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY OF SYDNEY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a General Meeting of the Proprietors of this Bank will be held on Tuesday, the 21st instant, at twelve o'clock precisely, for the puipojc of íeceiving the Report of tho Di- rectors, and declaring a Dividend, for the half year ending Ölst ultimo, and for the election ofDireetois, in the room of Robert Scott, Ebq., deceased, Roger 'I herry and J ames Tod Goodbir, Esquires, disqualified, also for such other genci al or special business, touching the management and affairs of the Company, may be brought before the Meeting. L DUGUID, Mauaging Director. Commercial Bank Office, Sydney, Januaiy 1, 184.7. 86 Bank of New South Wales, January 3, 1845. ripiIE Proprietors Stock in this Bunk -*. are requested to meet at the Banking House, Geoigo-street, on Monday tho 20th instant, at 12 o'clock, to declare a dividend for the half-year, ended the 31st December last. JOHN BLACK, 205 Cashier. Commissariat Office, Sydney, 23rd December, 1841. UNTIL further notice, Tenders for Bills, to he drawn by the undersigned on Her Majesty's Treasury, at thirty days' sight, will be received at this Office every Thui sduy, at noon, the most favourable of which, if approved of, will bo accepted No Tenders will be received unless scaled, and in duplicate, markod " Tender ¡for Bills." T. W, RAMSAY, 8567 Dop. Com. Gen. HUNTER RIVER STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby give», thnt a Ge- neral Half Yeaily Meeting of the Pro- prietors in this Company will be held at their ofliees, on Friday, tho ."1st Januaiy, at twelve o'clock, noon, to receive the Report of the Beard of Directois, and a statement of the Company's accounts ending 31st December, and for other general purposes. FRANCIS CLARKE, Manager. Huntor Riv.pr Steam Navigation Company, January 4. 820 AUSTRALIAN SUGAR COMPANY. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Half-yearly General Meeting of the Proprietors of this Company will bo held at the Office (397, Pitt-street), on Wednesday, tho 22nd instant, at twelve o'clock precisely for the purpose of receiving the Report of the Directors, and for the tiansaction of such other business as may be then submitted lo them. EDWARD KNOX, Manager. Sydney, January 7. 474 GOULBURN MAIL. SAFE and Expeditious Travelling, with good conveyances aud steady coachmen, four times per week ; LEAVING SYDNEY On Tuesday, at 5 o'clock pin., aniving at Goulburn on Wednesday, at 8 o'clock p.m. Wednesday, at 5 o'clock pin., aniving at Goulburn on Friday, at 3 o'clock p. in. Friday, at 5 o'clock p.m., arriving at Goul- burn on Satin day,at 8 o'clock p.m. Saturday, atö o'clock p m , arriving at Goul- burn on Monday, at 3 o'clock p.in. LEAVING GOULBURN On Sunday, at 10 o'clock, p.m., arriving in Sydney on Tuesday, at 8 o'clock a.m. Tuesday, at !) o'clock a.m., arriving in Syd- ney, on Thursday, at 8 o'clock a.m. Wednesday, at 10 o'clock p.m., arriving in Sydney ou Friday, at 8 o'clock a.m. Saturday, at 0 o'clock, a.m., arriving in Syd ney on Monday, at 8 o'clock a.m. Booking Offices, at Mi.Titlorton's, Talbot Inn, Gcorgo-strcct, Sydney j Mr. Morris's Inn, Campbelltown; Mr. M. Doyle's, Mail Coach Hotel, Bert ima; Mr. Alex. Long's, Goulburn. Fares, as usuaT, JOSEPH li. JONES, 323 Contractor. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOOK AMD JOB fKlflTlH«*, tj>ERF/ORMEl) with «ecuraey and despatch, at low prices, by KEMP AND FAIRFAX. NÖnCE." ~ npiIE following prices will be charged -BL in future fur boiling down stock at Tarrabandra, tho station of tW- uudeisigned, m the Tumut :- * <a{r Cattle, 7J., or 200 And upwards, at (i.. per hind Sheep, at tia. pci head. The hide and tongue, salted, al 2s. per head, oi taken at 1¡>. foi bullueks, and 3J. oil. tor cows, 'Jaaks, iiut-ralo, at 40a. per tun. JOHN TOOTH. January o'.] ïOt FOREIGN AND COLONIAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE, l8, CORNHILL, LONDON, (OITOSITE THE ROYAL EXCHANGE.) Z'o Met chun ta, Commercial News Rooms, Public Lila aries, Agi ¡cultural Societies, Ojftcers of the United Services, Print eis, Publishers of Newspapers, and Resident!, in the Colonies generally. 13» I-. SIMMONDS, in returning tliauks . to his numerous Friends, and the Colonial Public in general, for the largo shaie patronage and support which ho lias re- ceived dining the pa3t six years, takes leave to inform them, that in consequence of the rapid influx of business from all parts of the world, and the great portion of his time which has hitherto been occupied by tho editing and publication of the Colonial Magazine, he has taken into partnership Mr. FRANCIS CLOWI a, a gentleman of fust-rate talent and respecta- bility, and that the business will bo hence- forward carried on under the Firm of SIMMONDS AND CLOWES; and ho re- spectfully solicits for the Firm that continued share of patronage and support which it will he their earnest endeavour to merit by promptitude, untiring energy, continued zeal, and moderate charges. SIMMONDS AND CLOWES, as General Agents and Commission Merchants, beg leave to acquaint ibu Colonial Public, that they are now ready toieceivo orders for supplies of any kind and quantity, and gooda of every description, of lirst-rate quality, at the very lowest mai kel pi ¡ces of the day, and to trans- act business up-ju the most liberal terms, provided Uley aro previously furnished with funds or drafts at eithoi long or short dates. or a reference to some London or Liverpool house for payment. SIMMONDS AND CLOWES will continue to receive consignments of merchandise, to be sold on commission, nnd upon the receipt of the bills of lading will accept drafts at three months for two thirds of the amount. Con- signments entrusted to their caro will meet with every possible despatch in their disposal, and the sales bo conducted with the greatest attention to the interests of the consignor. An extensive knowledge of general busi- ness, and the experience of so many years as Colonial Agents in London, coupled with promptitudo, attention, and judgment, will, they trust, enable them to give satisfaction to those who may favour them with their com- mands .«,* In consequence of the extensivo corre- spondence of the firm, (hey have to request that all letters may be post paid. 8Ö56 SKORGrK-STRKBT NORTH, .. OITOSITE BRIDGE-STREET. LOSS OS1 TBKTH. , "It. J. EMANUEL, Surgeon-Dentist, - Member of tho College of Surged 8 of Leyden and Utrecht, continues" to surfLY THE toss OP TEETH, from olio to a complete SET, Upon IliS BEAUTIFUL SYSTEM OP 8BLF ADHESION, which has procured him such uni- versal approbation in some hundreds of cases, and recommended by numerous physicians and surgeons of New South Wales, as boing the most ingenious method of supplying arti- ficial teeth hitherto invented. They arc so contrived as to adapt themselves over the most tender gums or remaining stumps, with- out causing the least pain, rendering the operation of extraction quite unnecessary. They are BO fixed as to PASTEN ANY LOOSE TEETH, by forming a now gum where the gums have SHRUNK from the uso of calomel or other causes, without tho aid of any WIRES or SPRINGS; and above all, aro firmer in the mouth, and fixed with that attention to nature as to astonish the most SCEPTICAL. Mr. E. also begs to invite those not liking to undergo any painful operation, as practised by most mem bors of the profession, to inspect his painless but EFFECTIVE SYSTEM. Specimens, from one to a complete SET, muy bo seen at his resi- dence daily. AND IN ORDER THAT HIS SYSTEM MAY BE WITHIN THE REACH Ol'THE MOST ECO- NOMICAL, he will continue the same MODERATE oiiAROEs. Those INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECT WILL FIND THIS STATEMENT OF THEIR bUPE III0R1TY OVER ALL OTHERS TO BE ENTIRELY AND SCRUPULOUSLY CORRECT, Mr.¡E. wearing himself artificial teeth made on this principle. Mr. Emanuel's Cement lor stopping de- cayed teeth, however largo the cavity : it is far superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and in a short time be- comes as hard as tho enamel, and will remain firm in the tooth for years, rendering extrac- tion unnecessary. It arresta all further decay, and renders them again useful in mastication. The tooth warranted never to change colour. Air. E. can confidently assert that this is one of the most valuable inventions ever introduced, and he will rea- dily undertake any case wherein others have failed. Parents should bo oxtremely cautious with their children in ¡.econd dentition ; Mr. E. having seen several cases wherein the perma- nent tooth have been extracted for the milk teeth, thereby causing malformation of chil- dren's mouths. Artificial palates on a new principle, re- commended by the Faculty tor ita restoring perfect articulation, without any pressure on the alveolar plates. Teeth cleansed of the scorbutic tartar. Teeth extracted, 2s. 6d. each. Instanta- neous relief for the toothache, sold in bottles from 2s. 6*d. to Ss. and upwards. This tinc- ture is invaluable to captains of whalers and gentlemen settlers. Ladies and gentlemen attended at their private residences. At home from Nine, A.M., till Six, P.M. Observe-two doorB from S. Lyous's Auc don Mart. 8530 MHYVTOWN FOUNDRY. JOHN S M IT II, Iron and Brass Founder, Newtown, near Sydney, having fouud it necessary, ft oin the gioat incicusc of orders, to enlarge his pi émises and make beveral importutit additions to his machinery, bogs to announce to his friends and the public of New South Wules generally, that he is now prcpaicd lo oxéenlo castings touny extent, in Iron or Biass, in the first style of workman- ship, and on a scale of charges which defy compétition. J. S. respectfully invites Engineers, Iron- mongers, and all persona desirous of pro- moting colonial prosperity and enterprise, to an inspection of the articles manufactured at bia Foundry, feeling assured that they will be found quite equal, both in style and quality, lo the most approved importations from either England or Scotland. Engine and Mill Work of all kinds, Sausage Machines on uu impiovcd principle, cottage and register Grates, Ranged with or without Ovens and Boilers, Camp Ovens und Boilers, Mercantile and Sash Weights, Cart Boxes, Ram Water Piping und Guttering, Balcony Ca-ting» to uny pattern Palisading, Columns for Shop Fronts, Boiling-down Pans ol any size, and eveiy other description of Foundry Work, on the shork-tt notice und the mo.st icuboiiublo terms. Orders icceived in Sydney, as usual, by Wiliiatu Maclaren, agent, No. 397, Pitt »licet North. January 8. . .. 493 TO SETTLERS AND OTHERS INTEKKSTED IN THE SALE Ol' COLONIAL PRODUCE. V AK E T T, Auctioneer and fi-'a o Connni«»ion Agent, (leorj'o-street, Sydney, opposite the Barrack Gate, focgj re- spectfully to inform settlers and others thal he will sell Wool, Tallow, Hides, Stock, and other Colonial Produce, at a Commission ol ONE PER CENT., which ij less than that charged by the London brokera. After the^ experience of last season, R. F. need not point out the advantage of this mode of salt, as it was universally admitted that wool, Sep., realized fully ten per cent, more by auction than by private sale. In the rear of the present auction rooms there ja an nxlensive store, which will be ap- propriated for the reception of colonial pro- duce until the da> of hale, for which no charge will bo made; also a large yard, nfi'mding every facility for unloading drays, &c. 3434 COLONIAL PRODUCE. rg^IIE undersigned begs to inform parlies -a- interested in the sale of colonial produce, that he is prepared to make ADVANCES on wool, tallow, hides, &c , intended either for private sale or public auction, and that ho will store the same NINETY DAYS without any charge for rent. His spacious stores will admit up- wards of 1000 bales of Wool ; and any quan- tity of tallow and hides may bo stored in his dry and cool cellars. ' To MEUT TiiB TIMES, ONE PER CENT. COMMISSION will hu charged for efiocting the sule. SAMUEL LYONS, Auctioneer. Georgo-strcet and Charlotte-place. 3800 CASH ADVANCKD ON SHEEP AND CATTLE. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF BATHURST, WELLINGTON, MUDGEE, THE NAMOI, JJARWYN, BIG RIVER, &C. rg^IIE following are the Prices charged A for BOILING DOWN at the Benbullen Establishment, half a mile from Keenan's, on the Mudgee Road : BULLOCKS 5S.; SHEEP Gd. Casks 42s, per ton, and the amount of charges taken out in tallow, &c. Bullocks will bo boiled down for the hide, head, &c, including casks. Settlers are requested to bear in mind that the carriage to Sydney is only 2s. öd. per cwt, which is much moro than repaid by tho additional tallow produced It is well known that from the want of food on the AVcstotii Road bullocks ure depreciated in value to mi extent of 10s. per head, and sheep in the same proportion. The Benbullen Boiling'down establishment is situated on the Mudgec-road, half-a mile from Keenan's, on the direct road from the Namoi, Barwyn, Big River, &c , distant 33 miles from Bathurst, and five from Cullen Bullen, where excellent paddocks are pro- vided. A cash advance, lo the extent of olio half tin value of the Stock, will be made on delivery j and the remainder will be paid on the quantity of tallow being ascertained.' . Further particulars may bo obtained on ap- plication at the establishment lo Mr. J. R. Harrison, or to Mr. Sloman, Commission Agent, Bathurst. * 7G10 JAMKS SIMMONS, 367, CASTLE REAGH-ST RE ET NORTH, NEAR HUNTER-STREET. npAKE NOTICE, the undermentioned -B. GOODS aro selliug at a rery trifling ad- vance on the English cost price. Tho whole of the goods have been purchased in England by J. S. himself, and pmchasers will have the full benefit of the rato oi exchange. 2000 Dozen regatta shirts, all fast colours, the best in the colony 5000 Pair double stitched heavy moleskin trousers 2000 Ditto white ditto ditto 500 Ditto fancy ditto ditto 500 Ditto stout leather strapped ditto ditto Moleskin jackets, &c. 1000 Pieces line shirtings and sheeting 1000 Pieces chintz piints and printed musliiiB Furniture chintzes Mousselines de laine Shawls of different kinds Silk handkerchiefs Black and coloured silks Ribbons and muslins Quilts and counterpanes Rolled jaeconets Superfine cloths Cassimcrcs, buckskins, and doeskins Printed velvets Lama cloths Fine Annuels Men's and boys' white shirts * Gentlemen's fine trousers Youths' suits of clothes White moleskins Printed jeans Broad ticks, linen and cotton Pilot coats Superfine beaver coats Canvas Saddles and bridles Lath, shingle, and batten nails Earthenware, chains, scales and weights. With a great variety of useful goods, too great for the limits of an advertisement. Shopkeepersand up country stoiekecpcrs will find a great saving iu making their purchases liu tho above waterooms. Goods will be sold by the piece, package, or parcel. N.B. Hysonakiuand fine hysou teas very cheap. 499 463, GEOKGE-STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. ra^IIE Public is respectfully informed, JL that preparatory to alterations in (heir premises, the undersigned deem it necessary to lessen, with as little delay as possible, their large stock of silk goods, embroidered dretscs, mousseline de lames, ¡Mik shawls, uewed col- lars, and other fancy articles, in making this announcement, however, they trust theil friends will not suspect them guilty of the common system of puffing, which cannot bo too much deprecated, and which their practico hitherto has been uui foimly to shun. They will in accordance with this ntmounc nient, immediately commence selling olf at such prices as will at oucc satisfy purchasers of the reality of their intentions. DAVID JONES AND CO. January 10, o'(ii TO TAILORS. rgHIE undersigned have jubt received -i- several cases ol' goods, suitable to the above, comprising, White cuttfii corduroy White and drab moleskins West of England cloths, in all colour« YorkshiiL ditto WaibtfcOdliug Tweeds Piiimose, drab, and black twilled lining Trimming, buttons, &c. 662 [DAVID JONES AND CO, KKW FANCY GOODS. TOSE WE THOMPSON AND SON Q-P havo received, per late anival", a lieh investment of supeib Bal/arine dresses, and new pattern French Laines with a variety ot small patttin ditto for children's dresses, «hieb for ttyle, elegance, and quality, they flatter themselves cannot ho surpassed. 'Mid, Pitt-street. 210 EDWIN BRYANT'S SHERRY, npilü undersigned beg to apprise their -? Friends and the Public, that they have now on hand a quantity of the above highly celebrated Wine, al greatly reduced prices foi cas'i, JOHN PECK AND CO, 615 Royal Hotel Wholesale Wine Vaults. STARCH, AT FIVE-PENCE PER POUND, Io bo had only at S. F. Mann's Grocciy Establishment, Pitt-street. TfllUE Manufacturer solicits, a trial which _ *L will prove the at tide is superior both in strength and quality to any imported starch, and as it has been subjected to the test of chemical process he confidently asserts one fourth is saved to the consumer. An allowance to the trade. Sydney, April 10. 4952 ON SALE, hy the undersigned, ex Hamlet and Morayshirc, an imuenseuiid splendid STOCK of the mest beautiful manu- factured goods ever oliercd to the puhlic, con- sisting of ladies', gentlemen's, andchildrcn'a BOOTS und SHOES of the newest and most fashionable make, suitable for the season. Lose no time, hut lay in a stock for the summer. Large assortment ol'children'sshoes. Also, Shoe Thread and every other descrip- tion of GIUNDKKV. THOMAS PEATE, Opposite the Old Burial Ground; and Opposite the Old Treasury. January 8. 465 CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, iu jars of 14 lbs. each. L AND S. SPYER. Jamisou-strcot. January 10. 590 SPERM AND BLACK OH, Sperm Candles and Rosin, for sale by S. WILKINSON, J UN. Alacquarie-place. January li. 686 HpHE undersigned will purchase for A. cash, or advance on WOOL, OIL, TALLOW, or other colonial produce, con- signed for salo to their correspondents in Loudon, Messrs. Magniao, Jardine, and Co. THACKER, MASON, AND CO., 6338 _ Fort-street. rg !HE undersigned will purchase Wool, BL. Oil, or Tallow, for Cash, or advance on the same, consigned for salo to their friends in Loudon, Messrs. John Gore and Co. GRIFFITHS, GORE, AND CO., 5059 Bent-street -, ra^HE undersigned will purchase or JL make advances on shipments of WOOL, OIL, or TALLOW, either to London or Liverpool. GILCHRIST AND ALEXANDER. Sydney, December 19. 8299 CONVEYANCE OF WOOL FROM MANEROO. ONE Shilling and Sixpence per cwt. will he the freight from Boyd Town to Sydney this season. 3382 MONEY to be lent on Mortgage. Apply to A. II. M'CULLOCll, Solicitor, 588 Elizabeth-sticet. IN THE ESTATE OF POTTS, BAXTEH, AND BROWN. A DIVIDEND of three binnings in the pound will bo paid at the oiliec of the undcisigned, to those creditors who did not participate in the hist plan of distribution ; and u dividend of sixpence in the pound to all the creditors who have proved Iheir claims against the estate. GEORGE KING, No. 14, Jamison-street. January 9. 597 TO CORRESPONDENTS WITH MONEROO. P|pilE Undersigned request that their JL Correspondents will in tuture directaheir Letters and Nowspapeis «¡«Sydney and Boyd Town, Twofold Bay. KINNEAR ROBERTSON, Maharattla. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Aston. DONALD ROSS, Deligate ALEXANDER ROSS, Deligate. WILLIAM HIBBURD.Georgo and Dragon, G. M. CLYMONT. BOYD ALEX.CUNINGlIAME.Cotalmyong. JOHN BOUCHER. LANG AND ROBERTSON, Little Plain. 'DONALD RANKIN, Mount Cooper. 300 WANTED, a Nurse to take charge young children ; ample testimonials us to character and ability will be required. Apply at the Colonial Troabiiry, or at Lar beit Cottage, Darlinghurst. Sydney, January 11. 658 COOK WANTED, male or female, but the latter would bo picferied. Character and competency indispensable. Apply to Mrs. Alfred Stephen, Tenace, Hyde Park, any morning between 9 and 12. 725 WANTED, a steady Woman as Cook and Laundress. Apply to Mrs. A. F. Wilshire, Botany-btreet. 691 WANTED, a good woman Cook, for a private family. Apply to Mrä, Pelly. Pelty's Hotel, January 10. 543 AN SERVANT~~WANTED ; re- lotereuces required. Apply at 197, Eli/.abcth-utrcct. 589 WANTED, a Groom, a Gardener, and u Cook : the laltct tithei a male or female ; they must al' thoioughly uudeistand their busiiiesj, und be able to piuduoe cor- j tificates ol good conduct and ability. Appli-j cation to be made to William Lawson, Es,q., M.C., Prospect; or to Mr. Thomas Agura, Kciit-btrectNurth. 591 j STRAYED, a Bay Mare, with black points, branded yB conjoined undir saddle on thu near side; has huon on the uni of Thomas Arndell, Esq , of Cattai Cru k, near Windsor, for the laot twelve month-, having now got u horse foul hy her . ide, about' tinco mouths old. The owner can have hu on ap plication, by paying the expense ol tin. advti tifluuieiit, otherwise the will bo Jeul lo the public pouud, at tho expiration oi one month from this date. Windsor, January !». oiö TEN SHILLINGS PER HEAD REWARD. 8TRA.YED, from the Woolpack Inn, West Balgo, on or about November last, two HORSES, of the following description : One bay Hoiso, black point?, branded on the near shuuldcr E. One accwbald Pony, M branded JL near shoulder, 41 under the sad- dle ; supposed to have strayed towards Bunnaby. Whoever will give any information which may lead to their recovery, either to Mr. Noel Chapman, Berrima, or the under- signed, will receive the above reward. JOSEPH 11. JONES. Woolpack Inn, West Bargo, January 4, 1815. 322 L" "ÖST OlTsTOLEN, from the pad dock, at Guyong, near Bathurst, a daik bay gelding, bald face, two fore and off hind leg white; branded RW or K11 on off shoulder, indistinct. Whoever will give in- formation for its recovery will receive the ic watd of One Pound, by applying at Guyong. 652 OOARD AND LODGING. &Jr Gentlemen accommodated with the san*e on moderate terms, at Mr. II. Noble's, 6 h Hunter-street, between Castlereagh and Elizabeth streets. 697 HOUSE AND STORE TO LET. rgpo LET, a compact Ilouse and Store JL in Harrington street, lately in the occupation of Swain, Webbs, and Co. Rent moderate. Apply on the premises, or next door. 87 _____ THOSE well-known and first-rate BUSINESS PREMISES," Spitalfields House," (with Stores, Stables, Dry Cellars, &c , &c,) in the cuntro of George-street, opposite the Commercial Bank. For particulars apply to Mr. Ayrane, No..8, Liverpool-street, Hyde Paik. . January 3. 158 rpO LET, the House, No. 218, Eliza M. beth stieot North, lately in the occu-. patiou of G. C. Turner,"Esq., containing nine rooms, with kitchen, &c , attached. Apply "at No. 555, George-street North. 492 r|pO BE LET, a handsome COTTAGE, -S- containing eight rooms, with kitchen, laundry, store, aud stables detached; also, fowl-houBe, piggeries, &c. There, is a well stocked lTitchen garden of upwards of one acre. This is a very desirable residence for a family of respectability. Rent moderate. Apply to Mr. Walker, or Mr. Eldridge/ No 4, King-stroct, near George-street; or to Mr. Finley, on the premises, adjoining the north end of Baptist's Garden, Surry IlilJp. January 6. 326 HOUSE TÖ~LET~ IN LYONS-TERRACE, HYDE-PARK. THE family residence at present in the occupation of W. II. Hart, Esq., pos- session of which will bo given on the 1st Januaiy next. Application to he made to Mr. S. Lyons, George-street and Charlotte place. 7217 COTTAGE TO LET, in Brisbane street, South Head Road. Apply to Mr. S. Lyons, Gcorge-strcct and Charlotlec place. %. Possession will be given in March next. 73 TO QUARRIES^ TO BE LET, on such ternis as may be ugrecd on, the quairying of the rock on tho land belonging to W. Molle, Esq., situate on the Church Hill, on the west side of Kent street, between that street and the Flovr Company's Wharf. For particulars, apply to WILLIAM MACPHERSON, Macquarie-street. December 7168 SALES BY AUCTION. TUESDAY, 14TH JANUARY. VALUABLE LIBRARY FOR ¡SALE DY PUBLIC AUCTION. MR. W. II. CHAPMAN, City Auctioneer, will sell by auction, at the City Sale Rooms, 514, George-street, THIS DAY, 14th JANUARY, 1815, At seven o'clock, P.M., AVALUARLE LIBRARY in various dopurtinents of literature generally in excellent condition, and in many cases superb bindings - amongst which will be found, Hume and Smollett's History of England, 16 vols. 8yo, half-bound russia. London. '¿'his edition ia very scarce, and valuable on account of the numerous portraits and woodcuts from Thurstan's designs; fine impressions. Priced in u recent catalogue ut £16 16s. Bertrand's French Revolution, 5 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. Loudon. Johnson's Dictionary (portrait), 2 vols. 4to, best edition, calf extra, London. The Works of .iosepbus" 2 vols The rate quarto edition-plates and maps. Ajine copg. Robertson's Works, by Dugald Stewart, 2 vols. 8vo. EdiubutgU. Jamieson's Dictionary of Mechanical Science, illustrated with many hundred engravings, 4lo. : London. Views of Cities and Scenery in Italy, Franco, and Switzerland, by Pioutand Harding, 3 vols. 4to. ; bold impression elcijantly bound ; London. Fisher's Views in Syria and the Holy Land, early impression, U vols., rich gilt binding : London Wright's Shores and Islands of the Mediter- ranean,- vols, 4to., beautiful plates, super extra : London. Great Britain, illusliutcd by Westall, 4lo. ; London. Rolliu's Ancient History, 6 vola. 8vo.,half extra. The complete Works of Lord Byron, royal 8vo. Howard's Beauties of Literature, 15 vol:;. ; I'ortiail : London. The Pictorial Bible, uiuuy hundred wood cu's, .') vols, imperial 8vo., cioth : Loudon. Cook' «Voyages, 3 vols, ft vo., maps and plates: London. Magcndie's Physiolouy, by Dr. Milligan: Limden. Arnoti's Elementa of Physics, neatly bound, liufik's Theological Dictionary. Ure'-.i Dictionary ot Chemistry, calf extra': London John lii.U'.i Eiifr.ivh'Rs, explaining the ana* tonn ol' tile liuiiea, Mu-ich-a, and Joint»,/>«<.' impre:ni>>n, ¿(.u/te ; Ho.: London. The Libr.uy ol Usulul Knowledge, 9 vols., 8vo., neatly bound And uiuuyolh'.ib equally valuable. The Cata- logues may bo hud (gratia), on application at tho rooina, two duys before Ino aale. 374 UNRESERVED SALE, THIRTY-TWO CRATKB USEFUL EARTUI5N WARE. Just Landed, ex Strait Birkett. TO BUYERS FROM THE NEIGUHOURING COLONIES, EARTHENWARE DEALKRS, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. JOHN G. COHEN has received in- structions from the importers, MESSRS. ROWAND, M'NAB, AND Co., to sell by Auction, at his New Rooms, 490, Geoige street, THIS DAY, Mm DAY DP JANUARY, 1815 At eleven o'clock precisely._ The following Goods, ex £>arah\liirkctl, Thirteen crates blue, green, and brown breakfast bowls and saucers Tinco crates willow dinner aud cheese plutca One crate willow dùhcs One crate willow cover dishes One cíale chambers, blue Two crates ewers and basins, hluo Eight crates assorted, consisting of cups, saucers, jugs, bowls, tea pola, cwora, basing, plates, dishes, &c. Two crates dinner sets One crate bidet, bed, and chair pans. Terms at sale. The Auctioneer beg3 to call the particular attention of the Trade, Country Storekeepers, &c , lo the above assortment of Earthenware, the whole being cxpresslyHmporled for this market. 562 F()UR SUPERIOR PIANOFORTES, FROM THE WELL-KNOWN MAKERS, It. WOLF R. BLACKMAN°\vill sell by auc- tion, at his Rooms, 489, George street, on WEDNESDAY, 15th INSTANT, At eleven o'clock precisely, A mahogany grund squaro pianoforte, six octaves, with transverse strings metallic string plate and extension braces, and grand pivot action, raised tablet corners, lyre pedal, octagon legs, French polished, &c. A mahogany grand square, ditto ditto, santo as above A mahogany banded circular-cornered piano- forte, six octaves, with grand pivot action, metallic spring plate, and French polished A plain mahogany pianoforte, with square corners, six octaves, with grand pivot ac- tion, metallic siring pluto, Fruich polished. Terms at sale. 695 IN THE INSOLVENT ESTATE OF JOHN WISEMAN, OF PATRICK'S PLAINS. (By order of the Official Assignee.) ¿CmMR. SAMUEL LYONS will sell -Iv.JL hy auction, at h'i3 Mart, corner ol' George street and Charlotte-place, on .WEDNESDAY, TUE 15TH JANUARY, At Eleven o'clock precisely, The following valuable Properties, belong- ing lo the Estate of the abovenamed Insolvent : LOT I,-ALL THAT SPLENDID PROPERTY CALi.bD GRANBLANG, AT PATRICK'S PLAINS, containing 3800 AC H ES, about 200 acres ?J : 55 i of which are in cultivation. <3 .___-0,j thW property there ia erected a very EXCELLENT MANSION HOUSE, Stables, Stores, &c, &c. The Orchard and Vineyard are well stocked and in full bearing. The for- mation of tho ahovohavc cost upwards of ONE THOUSAND POUNDS. LOT 2.-ONE ALLOTMENT IN THE TOWN OF PATRICK'S PLAINS, contain ¡Í V. ing half an acre. LOT 3.-A mixed herd of CATTLE, consist . ing of foi ty head, at Liverpool Plains. LOT 4.-A good serviceable STOCK HORSE. ?Terms at sale. 7485 -.WITHOUT RESERVE. EXTENSIVE SALE OF THE WHOLE OF THE STOCK-IN-TRADE, SLIOP FIX- TURES, GAS FITTINGS, &C, OF MR. SAMUEL EMANUEL, Of Manchester House," George-iheet, Opposite the Savings' Bank. ( rtyf SAMUEL LYONS will sell lT-iL by auction, on THURSDAY, 16TII INSTANT, At Eleven o'clock precisely, ON THE PREMISES, The proprietor being about to enter upon another line of business, All the well-selected and valuable Slock in-Trado, consisting of calicos, ticking, hosiery, silkj, haberdashery, ribboii3, black and white lace, blonds, mousse- lines de laine, white shirts, whito and striped Guernsey shirts, slop clothing of every kind, and in short whatever in found in a " wcll-arratigcd DnAPtRv EsTAUMSHMLNT." ALSO, The Shop Fixtures, and the Gas Fittings, which will be put up at one o'clock picciscly. Terms at sale 476 EXTENSIVE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SAMUEL SOLOMONS will sell by Auction, at the residence of Mr. Samuel Fairs, No. II, Lower Elizabeth-street South, near the Bridge, ON THURSDAY NBXT, JANUARY 16, 1845, The whole of his Household Furnituie, Al eleven o'clock, Cane chaiis, l'embroko tables, liair sofas, superior wardrobes, chests diawcts, oil cloth, vases, glass, carved four-po.it bed stoad and cm tains, splendid pictures, handsome chimney glass, (.rockery, glass, casks, guns, pistols, &c , &c. 592 PRELIMINARY N0TÍCI4 OF SALE OP S11EIÏP, CATTLE, AND STA ITONtf, AT MORETON BAY. IN THE INSOLVENT ESTATE OF Mil. RICHARD JONES. rg^IIE TRUSTEES this Estate licicby -fl- intimate that immediately alter shear- ing, they will caiue to be sold hy public auction, at Sydney, without reserve, in two lots 11,000 SHEEP Depd.iluihig at Tent Hill, about 60 miles from Bii-sbune, with the station, sub-iUalions impiovcmeuts, woiking cattle, implements and .supplie;.; also, 40UO SHEEP, and Si;0 CATTLE. Depasturing at the Coiidumine Ki vu, willi the sUilion, Mib-<-lations, improvement:., work- ing cattle, supplies, und implements. Th-i bleed callie is from eelcbtuted im- ported bulls; and the sheep produce supeiioi wool, und aie peifectly free from disease. In quulity of «(«ck, and advantage* ol' nt.i lioii3, a inore de.>irrtbk property is laivly "brought into lija mai lit. Full pin lieulars \> ij 1 be adveuiiod aj ¡toon us the returns arc utcivcd. By order the Tin stn», AUCH I BALD CAMPBELL ."....., "Accountant* i Bligh-stitet, Sydney, November 29. 7338
Page 1: National Library of Australia ... · with filly sovereigns added. For three-year olds. One mile and a half. Colts, 8 st. 7 lbs.; fillies, 8at. 4l'is. Entrance, three sovereigns. The

National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-page1518346


Sid.rj, Mtun Shllw,/, p.rQumter. Stnylc NumUn Snpcxce. Count,,,, Seventeen Shilling, and Sixpence per Quarteri, n Vir a ni. M, "",,/ (or pu, m, ut ", advance, and len

,,cr ,-ful. add,d if amount " are allowed to run oLr sU,"oni,Zf CASH TERMS FOR ADVERTISEMENTS.Î for on» inch and under, Thret Shillings, and On« Shilling for evsry ad4ilional inoli, for taoh inurlion»

'Ä^^^^ ? ^^<= "X^f?** '*/ «** * ft*«btfb», 7,'¡R.ilu.,11 TA>K.U, Pur,,matta : MR. A. W. LMIYMOKU, Maitland und Wollombi ? MB J omiiînnw» r» «,«£//,,! >M ? ^n °fui'ltC,atm},/'Ower Georpr-street, Svdncyjare MR. JOHN HAURM, «MJMK. WM, BALL, Collector», Sydney ; MR. Jostrit HUNT, Bilmnin ¡

Mit. T.M.SÜOMAN, Bathurst ; MR. LABAN WHITE. Wimhot}(,;i( tiutmian


MH.THOMAI. HOI-C, Deputy Podi master, Sin/Lton and Jam's J'laint -*MR Wir. VAM iWn« ¡Vin rj,..?/ P ..


?"K V?LEMAK,>*T'niA

! MR. 1 HOMAS W. PAtMtn, Dopuly Postmaster, Wollongong ; MR. ROHGRT CRAIG, Cahiiietmnkyr, Goulburn ; MR. JOHN M'KIIUAY, Postmaster, Cassilis and Merion;

M«. JOHN GUA*t,,.,<h ; M«. HORATIO Tozun, /'or/ ¿/«cc/wane; MR. HLNR'Y Ai.DnubON. Clarence River

'. MR W,.,., TVnv« /¿ti ;í^¿ ma8ter' L"-'eri>ool; , Berrima ; Mu. ROIU.RT DAVISON,/or ¿/¿e 7)i«/ricí o/ Ya.«; MR. THOMAS DOWSB, A/oreion HaV ; MR. JOHN UOULOIJIO, Postmaster, Raymond Terrace ; MR. PIKROE HEGARTY, Mmr.UW' *

Jnna,lTe,'J «{¿t P%knKm^mi.Lam^i.lon W rT ÄMWCH', £W ; MR. WINIAM »AUNCHI, UIIODCB, Wellington, for Port Nicholson arid Cook's Straits, New Zealand who are prodded with Printed Receipts, with the writUn

give Notice that no other will be aekncwhdgedfor dsbts accruing from Januar g 1, l8 il.

of Un», tit", number of luinra tm.g are intend* d io be inserted, or then rift bYcontinuecftiU poutftfrnmfJet) Ililli*,"J?!'??1'' /',"'e' sfl/r'^P'ie"lier>and iiht December ; at which periods ONLY can Subscribers decline by (jiving Notice and paying the amount due to the end of the Current Quarter. ADVERTISEMENT» must tqieeify on th* jaea

j ut cvniumea mt touMcrtiiana-ttl, ana charged to the putty. No Advertisements can b, withdrawn after lilci cn o'clock, a. m., but new ones will bo received uni-/'"'

' " " ' ' ' " ..?*>? ...... .. ....J


_ _.."_J Niim o'clock in the Evening. No verbal communications oan be attended to, and all let tors must be post~paid

or thi'iwill not be taken in


COMMERCIAL ,t >"-j-^' ~:",,S W li A R F.

From Sydney, 9 A.M. From r»rrainatla,7 A.M.

12 NOON 8 A.M.

* P.M. 12NOON

0 P.M. 3 P.M.


FromSydncy,!» A.M. |From Parramatta, 7 A.M.

G P.M.!

4 P.M.

Fare» reasonable. - F K U 1 T anti other

Freight .it low rates ¡WOO L, at One Shillinga />«/*.; apply as under.


At I'airauiatta lo Cnpts. Morrnor Shoitcr;at Sydney to*

JAS. PATKltSON,123 _Manager.


cwjal, rVn E SOVEREIGN,ROjlrïlfsX

MLCaptain Cape, will leave

5-;'r\^|\V^ Sydney for Brisbane Thisiç-aa.,'-~*:'---i- ?>

Evening (Tuesday), at BÍX

o'clock precisely.FRANCIS CLARKE,

Manager.Hunier Uiver Steam Navigation Company,

Hlh January. 726~


*M^3lLik rrUIE WILLIAM IV.,> /sl/BKffNS. -* will leave foi the «hove

£ÍV «mTör^ Disltiet, on Wednesday next.»--- wj |],c i5i|| ¡niljin ai 7 d'clock

in llic evening,

Kclleck's Wharf, January li. G1!)


M \\ "--^ ¡PU E fine mid powerful

££££> ii open (or engagement, on

reasonable terms, in towing vessels in andout the harbour, plcaauie excursions, &c


during the limited time ¡>he will remain here.

For particular)« apply lo

HENRY MOORE.Foit-slreet, November 29.

FOR LAUNCESTON,'1 A" I" npilE fine new fast-sailing

^<fcS$\ -* Sehoouer^///7fy ANN«yKpMiy^ «ill sail on Widncsday next.

ÍSTÍTZ?i-"--. For freight or passage, havingtuperior accommodations, apply on board,orto



400, Pitt-street

FIRST VESSEL FOR AUCKLAND.*w\',v1. fljMlE line new Brigantine


iao lons builhen, is againEs¿rf-i^~V-»tí laid on for the abovo Fort,ami »ill meet willi immediate despatch. Forfreight or passage apply on bcaid, at theCu ciliar Whrtif: oi lo


292, Fill street


|iN|n^ will be towed to sea on buluri.'^V-v-r*- .


«jay, iho 19ih inataut, at noon.

Passengers aro requested lo pay their pas-sage-money on or before Tuesday, the 14thinslant. «?*

J. B. METCALFE.January 13. I>83



r- rfl^IIE new British-built

§f\ I Ship.

^f}y D U Ii L I N,<v,Í7¡> rV».«-. >

,y¿(j ton:),-Captain Jonen, hasexcellent accommodation lor passengers, andcal lies an experienced surgeon, will positivelyleave on th« Ililli instant. Apply to CaptainJonc», on board ; or, to

CAMPBELL AND CO.,bt8 Campbell's Wharf.


I A i: rïpllE Fiist-ClasH Ship?ÍÜ\ J EMILY,F^\!L&P 580 ,onsi M* H' (»reavcB, Com

-,ÍT5aC&»-'mander, ia now loading wool,and will Bail on or befoic 31st J unitary.

The Accommodations for Cabin Passengersaro very sitj eiior; and a medical gentlemanof the Royal Navy Roes in the vessel as bur-

geon. For Freight or Passage apply on

board, off Armilage's Whaif;

or to




FOR LONDON DIRECT.For Steerage and Intermediate Passent/ers.

rpjlE Buti'sli-built BrigJL CAROLINE

T__.._^will sail

positively on theââir^'Sî Iii Et of Mareil next ; has

room ii>r thirty tons of dead weight only.Apply to

ISAAC SIMMONS,City Mait, 47't, George-street.

P.S. The abovo fine little vcsbel will bofitted up with every comfort and conveniencefor Steerage and Iuleimediato Passengers;flic can ies no wool, and will howell foundwith stoics, &c. C5 J

FOR LONDON.For Light Frehjht and Patsengtr* only.


«mk§\ A ELEANOR,'§¡nJJÍ>íí).V

253 toiiB, Captain M'Farhino,.BASS» ?* has only room for 350 bales

wool._ For freight or passage, apply to ihoCaptain, on board, to Mr. M. Joseph, or to

J. B. METCALFEJanuaiy9. 6'17


^kkv rP^IIE fast-sailing first"""

-*i clash bauine,NU W YOU Ii l'A CK H T,

360 tons, Captain Hawkcsloy,now loading at the Circular Wharf, liasloom for light freight, and cabin pashcngeisonly. Apply on boatd lo Captain llawkoaley,er to




FOR LIVERPOOL,*~^KW npHE first class fast-sail

J^Egs^ SARAJI BIRKETT,j--.,*?-.

=r^J 202 lonu register, Joccph1

roddow, commander. This vessel is now

jtadylo neuve cargo, aud having'all her

'navyfrugju engaged, will have quick

dcojialeh. F'oi fieight or passage apply t-j


No. 7Û0, Geurge-sUcct.


-"&¡x rip ii F.-AI-BARQUE«9fÄt^s * MORAYSlllRE,

*\¿£Uf/'^ C.iptaiu Smith, is open ¡foi"Cv'-i" ----» ii eight or chai ter. Apply to

Captdin Siintli, 01



rinilE ST. LEGER STAKES, of Ten-B- Soveicigns each ; five sovereigns forfeit

if declared to the llonoraiy Sccretaiy, (attlio Royal Hotel, on the 1st of May, betweenthe hourä of one and two, r.M.) ; with filly

sovereigns added. For three-year olds. Onemile and a half. Colts, 8 st. 7 lbs. ; fillies, 8at.

4l'is. Entrance, three sovereigns.The '1RIAL STAKES, of Ten Sovereigns

each, with forty sovereigns added. Five so-

vereigns forfeit if declared, (lo the HonorarySecretaiy, at the Royal Hotel, on the list of

May, between the hour» of one and two, P.M.)For two-yenr olda. Once round the course.

Cults, 7st. 7lbs ; fillies, 7st.4lbs. Euttancc,tbioe sovereigns.

Entrances for the above races to be takonat tlie Royal Hotel, on Saturday, February1st, between the hours of seven and nine, P.M.

No person allowed to enter a Horse who is

not a Subscriber to the amount of ThreeSovereigns. In each race, where not lessthan three Horses start, the second Horse toreceive back his stake.


Honorary Secretary.

Sydney, December 14. 7083




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thata General Meeting of the Proprietors

of this Bank will be held on Tuesday, the 21st

instant, at twelve o'clock precisely, for thepuipojc of íeceiving the Report of tho Di-rectors, and declaring a Dividend, for thehalf year ending Ölst ultimo, and for theelection ofDireetois, in the room of RobertScott, Ebq., deceased, Roger 'I herry and J ames

Tod Goodbir, Esquires, disqualified, also forsuch other genci al or special business, touchingthe management and affairs of the Company,

a« may be brought before the Meeting.L DUGUID,

Mauaging Director.Commercial Bank Office, Sydney,

Januaiy 1, 184.7. 86

Bank of New South Wales,January 3, 1845.

ripiIE Proprietors oí Stock in this Bunk-*. are requested to meet at the Banking

House, Geoigo-street, on Monday tho 20thinstant, at 12 o'clock, to declare a dividendfor the half-year, ended the 31st Decemberlast.

JOHN BLACK,205 Cashier.

Commissariat Office, Sydney,23rd December, 1841.

UNTIL further notice, Tenders for

Bills, to he drawn by the undersignedon Her Majesty's Treasury, at thirty days'sight, will be received at this Office everyThui sduy, at noon, the most favourable of

which, if approved of, will bo acceptedNo Tenders will be received unless scaled,

and in duplicate, markod"

Tender ¡for Bills."

T. W, RAMSAY,8567 Dop. Com. Gen.



hereby give», thnt a Ge-neral Half Yeaily Meeting of the Pro-

prietors in this Company will be held at their

ofliees, on Friday, tho ."1st Januaiy, at twelveo'clock, noon, to receive the Report of theBeard of Directois, and a statement of the

Company's accounts ending 31st December,and for other general purposes.


Huntor Riv.pr Steam Navigation Company,January 4.

_ 820


NOTICE is hereby given, that theHalf-yearly General Meeting of the

Proprietors of this Company will bo held atthe Office (397, Pitt-street), on Wednesday,tho 22nd instant, at twelve o'clock preciselyfor the purpose of receiving the Report of theDirectors, and for the tiansaction of suchother business as may be then submitted lothem.

EDWARD KNOX, Manager.Sydney, January 7. 474


SAFE andExpeditious Travelling, with

good conveyances aud steady coachmen,four times per week ;

LEAVING SYDNEYOn Tuesday, at 5 o'clock pin., aniving at

Goulburn on Wednesday, at 8o'clock p.m.

Wednesday, at 5 o'clock pin., aniving atGoulburn on Friday, at 3 o'clockp. in.

Friday, at 5 o'clock p.m., arriving at Goul-burn on Satin day,at 8 o'clock p.m.

Saturday, atö o'clock p m , arriving at Goul-burn on Monday, at 3 o'clock p.in.

LEAVING GOULBURNOn Sunday, at 10 o'clock, p.m., arriving in

Sydney on Tuesday, at 8 o'clocka.m.

I Tuesday, at !) o'clock a.m., arriving in Syd-ney, on Thursday, at 8 o'clocka.m.

Wednesday, at 10 o'clock p.m., arriving inI Sydney ou Friday, at 8 o'clock|


Saturday, at 0 o'clock, a.m., arriving in SydI ney on Monday, at 8 o'clock a.m.

Booking Offices, at Mi.Titlorton's, TalbotInn, Gcorgo-strcct, Sydney j Mr. Morris'sInn, Campbelltown; Mr. M. Doyle's, MailCoach Hotel, Bert

ima; Mr. Alex. Long's,Goulburn.

Fares, as usuaT,

JOSEPH li. JONES,323 Contractor.



tj>ERF/ORMEl)with «ecuraey and

despatch, at low prices, byKEMP AND FAIRFAX.


npiIE following prices will be charged-BL in future fur boiling down stock at

Tarrabandra, tho station of tW- uudeisigned,m the Tumut :- *


Cattle, 7J., or 200 And upwards, at (i.. perhind

Sheep, at tia. pci head.The hide and tongue, salted, al 2s. per head,

oi taken at 1¡>. foi bullueks, and 3J. oil. tor


'Jaaks, iiut-ralo, at 40a. per tun.

JOHN TOOTH.January o'.] ïOt



Z'o Met chun ta, Commercial News Rooms,Public Lila aries, Agi ¡cultural Societies,Ojftcers of the United Services, Print eis,Publishers of Newspapers, and Resident!, in

the Colonies generally.

13»I-. SIMMONDS, in returning tliauks

- . to his numerous Friends, and theColonial Public in general, for the largo shaieoí

patronage and support which ho lias re-

ceived dining the pa3t six years, takes leaveto inform them, that in consequence of therapid influx of business from all parts of theworld, and the great portion of his time whichhas hitherto been occupied by tho editing andpublication of the Colonial Magazine, he hastaken into partnership Mr. FRANCIS CLOWI a,a gentleman of fust-rate talent and respecta-bility, and that the business will bo hence-forward carried on under the Firm ofSIMMONDS AND CLOWES; and ho re-

spectfully solicits for the Firm that continuedshare of patronage and support which it willhe their earnest endeavour to merit bypromptitude, untiring energy, continued zeal,and moderate charges.

SIMMONDS AND CLOWES, as GeneralAgents and Commission Merchants, beg leaveto acquaint ibu Colonial Public, that they arenow ready toieceivo orders for supplies of

any kind and quantity, and gooda of everydescription, of lirst-rate quality, at the verylowest mai kel pi ¡ces of the day, and to trans-act business up-ju the most liberal terms,provided Uley aro previously furnished withfunds or drafts at eithoi long or short dates.or a reference to some London or Liverpoolhouse for payment.

SIMMONDS AND CLOWES will continueto receive consignments of merchandise, tobe sold on commission, nnd upon the receiptof the bills of lading will accept drafts at threemonths for two thirds of the amount. Con-

signments entrusted to their caro will meetwith every possible despatch in their disposal,and the sales bo conducted with the greatestattention to the interests of the consignor.

An extensive knowledge of general busi-ness, and the experience of so many years as

Colonial Agents in London, coupled withpromptitudo, attention, and judgment, will,they trust, enable them to give satisfaction tothose who may favour them with their com-

mands.«,* In consequence of the extensivo corre-

spondence of the firm, (hey have to requestthat all letters may be post paid. 8Ö56



"It. J. EMANUEL, Surgeon-Dentist,- Member of tho College of Surged 8 of

Leyden and Utrecht, continues" to surfLYTHE toss OP TEETH, from olio to a completeSET, Upon IliS BEAUTIFUL SYSTEM OP 8BLF

ADHESION, which has procured him such uni-versal approbation in some hundreds of cases,and recommended by numerous physiciansand surgeons of New South Wales, as boingthe most ingenious method of

supplying arti-ficial teeth hitherto invented. They arc so

contrived as to adapt themselves over themost tender gums or remaining stumps, with-out causing the least pain, rendering theoperation of extraction quite unnecessary.

They are BO fixed as to PASTEN ANY LOOSE

TEETH, by forming a now gum where the

gums have SHRUNK from the uso of calomel or

other causes, without tho aid of any WIRES or

SPRINGS; and aboveall,

aro firmer in themouth, and fixed with that attention to natureas to astonish the most SCEPTICAL. Mr. E. also

begs to invite those not liking to undergo anypainful operation, as practised by most mem

bors of the profession, to inspect his painlessbut EFFECTIVE SYSTEM. Specimens, from one

to a complete SET, muy bo seen at his resi-dence daily. AND IN ORDER THAT HIS SYSTEMMAY BE WITHIN THE REACH Ol'THE MOST ECO-

NOMICAL, he will continue the same MODERATE




AND SCRUPULOUSLY CORRECT, Mr.¡E. wearinghimself artificial teeth made on this principle.

Mr. Emanuel's Cement lorstopping de-

cayed teeth, however largo the cavity : it is

far superior to anything ever before used, as

it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, withoutany pressure or pain, and in a short time be-

comes as hard as tho enamel, and will remainfirm in the tooth for years, rendering extrac-

tion unnecessary. It arresta all furtherdecay, and renders them again useful inmastication. The tooth warranted never

to change colour. Air. E. can confidentlyassert that this is one of the most valuableinventions ever introduced, and he will rea-

dily undertake any case wherein others havefailed.

Parents should bo oxtremely cautious withtheir children in ¡.econd dentition ; Mr. E.having seen several cases wherein the perma-nent tooth have been extracted for the milkteeth, thereby causing malformation of chil-dren's mouths.

Artificial palates on a new principle, re-

commended by the Faculty tor ita restoring

perfect articulation, without any pressure on

the alveolar plates. Teeth cleansed of thescorbutic tartar.

Teeth extracted, 2s. 6d. each. Instanta-neous relief for the toothache, sold in bottles

from 2s. 6*d. to Ss. and upwards. This tinc-

ture is invaluable to captains of whalers andgentlemen settlers. Ladies and gentlemenattended at their private residences. At homefrom Nine, A.M., till Six, P.M.

Observe-two doorB from S. Lyous's AucI

don Mart. 8530


JOHNS M IT II, Iron and Brass

Founder, Newtown, near Sydney, havingfouud it necessary, ft oin the gioat incicusc of

orders, to enlarge his pi émises and makebeveral importutit additions to his machinery,bogs to announce to his friends and the publicof New South Wules generally, that he is now

prcpaicd lo oxéenlo castings touny extent, inIron or Biass, in the first style of workman-ship, and on a scale of charges which defycompétition.

J. S. respectfully invites Engineers, Iron-mongers, and all persona desirous of pro-

moting colonial prosperity and enterprise, to

an inspection of the articles manufactured at

bia Foundry, feeling assured that they will befound quite equal, both in style and quality, lo

the most approved importations from either

England or Scotland.

Engine and Mill Work of all kinds, SausageMachines on uu impiovcd principle, cottageand register Grates, Ranged with or withoutOvens and Boilers, Camp Ovens und Boilers,Mercantile and Sash Weights, Cart Boxes,Ram Water Piping und Guttering, BalconyCa-ting» to uny pattern Palisading, Columnsfor Shop Fronts, Boiling-down Pans ol any

size, and eveiy other description of FoundryWork, on the shork-tt notice und the mo.st

icuboiiublo terms.

Orders icceived in Sydney, as usual, byWiliiatu Maclaren, agent, No. 397, Pitt »licet

North.January 8. .




g£ V AK E T T, Auctioneer andfi-'a o Connni«»ion Agent, (leorj'o-street,

Sydney, opposite the Barrack Gate, focgj re-

spectfully to inform settlers and others thalhe will sell Wool, Tallow, Hides, Stock, and

other Colonial Produce, at a Commission ol

ONE PER CENT.,which ij less than that charged by the Londonbrokera.

Afterthe^ experience of last season, R. F.

need not point out the advantage of this mode |of salt, as it was universally admitted that

wool, Sep.,realized fully ten per cent, more

by auction than by private sale.In the rear of the present auction rooms

there ja an nxlensive store, which will be ap-propriated for the reception of colonial pro-duce until the da> of hale, for which no chargewill bo made; also a large yard, nfi'mdingevery facility for unloading drays, &c. 3434


rg^IIEundersigned begs to inform parlies

-a- interested in the sale of colonial produce,that he is prepared to make ADVANCES on wool,tallow, hides, &c , intended either for privatesale or public auction, and that ho will storethe same NINETY DAYS without any chargefor rent. His spacious stores will admit up-wards of 1000 bales of Wool ;

and any quan-tity of tallow and hides may bo stored in his

dry and cool cellars.'

To MEUT TiiB TIMES, ONE PER CENT.COMMISSION will hu charged for efioctingthe sule.

SAMUEL LYONS,Auctioneer.

Georgo-strcet and Charlotte-place. 3800




rg^IIE following are the Prices chargedA for BOILING DOWN at the Benbullen

Establishment, half a mile from Keenan's, on

the Mudgee Road :


Casks 42s, per ton, and the amount of chargestaken out in tallow, &c. Bullocks will boboiled down for the hide, head, &c, includingcasks.

Settlers are requested to bear in mind that

the carriage to Sydney is only 2s. öd. percwt, which is much moro than repaid by thoadditional tallow produced It is well knownthat from the want of food on the AVcstotii

Road bullocks ure depreciated in value to mi

extent of 10s. per head, and sheep in the same

proportion.The Benbullen Boiling'down establishment

is situated on the Mudgec-road, half-a milefrom Keenan's, on the direct road from theNamoi, Barwyn, Big River, &c , distant 33

miles from Bathurst, and five from CullenBullen, where excellent paddocks are pro-vided. A cash advance, lo the extent of olio

half tin value of the Stock, will be made on

delivery j and the remainder will be paid onthe quantity of tallow being ascertained.' .


Further particulars may bo obtained on ap-

plication at the establishment lo Mr. J. R.Harrison, or to Mr. Sloman, CommissionAgent, Bathurst.





npAKE NOTICE, the undermentioned-B. GOODS aro selliug at a rery trifling ad-

vance on the English cost price. Tho wholeof the goods have been purchased in Englandby J. S. himself, and pmchasers will have thefull benefit of the rato oi exchange.2000 Dozen regatta shirts, all fast colours, the

best in the colony5000 Pair double stitched heavy moleskin


2000 Ditto white ditto ditto500 Ditto fancy ditto ditto

500 Ditto stout leather strapped ditto ditto

Moleskin jackets, &c.1000 Pieces line shirtings and sheeting1000 Pieces chintz piints and printed musliiiB

Furniture chintzesMousselines de laine

Shawls of different kindsSilk handkerchiefsBlack and coloured silks

Ribbons and muslinsQuilts and counterpanesRolled jaeconetsSuperfine clothsCassimcrcs, buckskins, and doeskinsPrinted velvets

Lama cloths

Fine AnnuelsMen's and boys' white shirts *

Gentlemen's fine trousers

i Youths' suits of clothes


White moleskinsPrinted jeansBroad ticks, linen and cotton

Pilot coats

Superfine beaver coats

CanvasSaddles and bridles


Lath, shingle, and batten nailsI Earthenware, chains, scales and weights.


With a great variety of useful goods, too

great for the limits of an advertisement.Shopkeepersand up country stoiekecpcrs will

find a great saving iu making their purchasesliu tho above waterooms. Goods will be sold

by the piece, package, or parcel.N.B. Hysonakiuand fine hysou teas very

cheap. 499


ra^IIE Public is respectfully informed,JL that preparatory to alterations in (heir

premises, the undersigned deem it necessary

to lessen, with as little delay as possible, their

large stock of silk goods, embroidered dretscs,mousseline de lames, ¡Mik shawls, uewed col-

lars, and other fancy articles,

in making this announcement, however,they trust theil friends will not suspect them

guilty of the common system of puffing,which cannot bo too much deprecated, andwhich their practico hitherto has been uuifoimly to shun.

They will in accordance with this ntmounc

nient, immediately commence selling olf at

such prices as will at oucc satisfy purchasersof the reality of their intentions.

DAVID JONES AND CO.January 10, o'(ii


rgHIE undersigned have jubt received-i- several cases ol' goods, suitable to the

above, comprising,White cuttfii corduroyWhite and drab moleskinsWest of

England cloths, in all colour«YorkshiiL ditto


TweedsPiiimose, drab, and black twilled liningTrimming, buttons, &c.662 [DAVID JONES AND CO,


Q-P havo received, per late anival", a lieh

investment of supeib Bal/arine dresses, and

new pattern French Laines with a variety ot

small patttin ditto for children's dresses,«hieb for ttyle, elegance, and quality, theyflatter themselves cannot ho surpassed.

'Mid, Pitt-street. 210


npilü undersigned beg to apprise their-? Friends and the Public, that they have

now on hand a quantity of the above highlycelebrated Wine, al greatly reduced pricesfoi cas'i,

JOHN PECK AND CO,615 Royal Hotel Wholesale Wine Vaults.


POUND,Io bo had only at S. F. Mann's Grocciy

Establishment, Pitt-street.

TfllUE Manufacturer solicits, a trial which


*L will prove the at tide is superior bothin strength and quality to any imported starch,

and as it has been subjected to the test of

chemical process he confidently asserts one

fourth is saved to the consumer.

An allowance to the trade.

Sydney, April 10. 4952

ON SALE, hy the undersigned, ex

Hamlet and Morayshirc, an imuenseuiidsplendid STOCK of the mest beautiful manu-

factured goods ever oliercd to the puhlic, con-

sisting of ladies', gentlemen's, andchildrcn'aBOOTS und SHOES of the newest and most

fashionable make, suitable for the season.

Lose no time, hut lay in a stock for thesummer. Large assortment ol'children'sshoes.

Also, Shoe Thread and every other descrip-tion of GIUNDKKV.

THOMAS PEATE,Opposite the Old Burial Ground; and

Opposite the Old Treasury.January 8. 465

CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, iu jarsof 14 lbs. each.

L AND S. SPYER.Jamisou-strcot.

January 10. 590

SPERM AND BLACK OH,, Sperm Candles and Rosin, for sale by1

S. WILKINSON, J UN.Alacquarie-place.

January li. 686

HpHE undersigned will purchase for

A. cash, or advance on WOOL, OIL,TALLOW, or other colonial produce, con-

signed for salo to their correspondents in

Loudon, Messrs. Magniao, Jardine, and Co.THACKER, MASON, AND CO.,


_ _


rg !HE undersigned will purchase Wool,BL. Oil, or Tallow, for Cash, or advance on

the same, consigned for salo to their friends

in Loudon, Messrs. John Gore and Co.GRIFFITHS, GORE, AND CO.,

5059 Bent-street-,

ra^HE undersigned will purchase or

JL make advances on shipments of

WOOL, OIL, or TALLOW, either to Londonor Liverpool.

GILCHRIST AND ALEXANDER.Sydney, December 19. 8299



ONE Shilling and Sixpence per cwt.will he the freight from Boyd Town to

Sydney this season. 3382

MONEYto be lent on Mortgage.Apply to

A. II. M'CULLOCll,Solicitor,

588 Elizabeth-sticet.


A DIVIDEND of three binnings in the

pound will bo paid at the oiliec of the

undcisigned, to those creditors who did not

participate in the hist plan of distribution;

and u dividend of sixpence in the pound to

all the creditors who have proved Iheir claimsagainst the estate.

GEORGE KING,No. 14, Jamison-street.

January 9. 597




P|pilE Undersigned request that their

JL Correspondents will in tuture directaheirLetters and Nowspapeis «¡«Sydney and BoydTown, Twofold Bay.KINNEAR ROBERTSON, Maharattla.ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Aston.




LANG AND ROBERTSON, Little Plain.'DONALD RANKIN, Mount Cooper. 300

WANTED,a Nurse to take charge

young children ; ample testimonials

us to character and ability will be required.

Apply at the Colonial Troabiiry, or at Lar

beit Cottage, Darlinghurst.Sydney, January 11. 658

COOKWANTED, male or female, but

the latter would bo picferied. Characterand competency indispensable. Apply to

Mrs. Alfred Stephen, Tenace, Hyde Park,any morning between 9 and 12. 725

WANTED,a steady Woman as Cook

and Laundress. Apply to Mrs. A. F.

Wilshire, Botany-btreet. 691

WANTED,a good woman Cook, for a

private family. Apply to Mrä, Pelly.

Pelty's Hotel, January 10. 543



lotereuces required. Apply at 197, |

Eli/.abcth-utrcct. 589

WANTED,a Groom, a Gardener, and|

u Cook : the laltct tithei a male orj

female ; they must al' thoioughly uudeistand jtheir busiiiesj, und be able to piuduoe cor-


tificates ol good conduct and ability. Appli-jcation to be made to William Lawson, Es,q.,

M.C., Prospect; or to Mr. Thomas Agura,Kciit-btrectNurth. 591


STRAYED,a Bay Mare, with black

points, branded yB conjoined undirsaddle on thu near side; has huon on the uni

of Thomas Arndell, Esq ,of Cattai Cru k, near

Windsor, for the laot twelve month-, havingnow got u horse foul hy her . ide, about' tinco

mouths old. The owner can have hu on ap

plication, by paying the expense ol tin. advtitifluuieiit, otherwise the will bo Jeul lo the

public pouud, at tho expiration oi one monthfrom this date.

Windsor, January !». oiö


8TRA.YED,from the Woolpack Inn,

West Balgo, on or about November last,

two HORSES, of the following description :

One bay Hoiso, black point?, branded on the

near shuuldcr E. One accwbald Pony,M

branded JL near shoulder, 41 under the sad-

dle; supposed to have strayed towards

Bunnaby. Whoever will give any informationwhich may lead to their recovery, either to

Mr. Noel Chapman, Berrima, or the under-signed, will receive the above reward.


Woolpack Inn, West Bargo,

January 4, 1815. 322

L""ÖST OlTsTOLEN, from the pad

dock, at Guyong, near Bathurst, a daik

bay gelding, bald face, two fore and off hind

leg white; branded RW or K11 on off

shoulder, indistinct. Whoever will give in-

formation for its recovery will receive the ic

watd of One Pound, by applying at Guyong.652

OOARD AND LODGING.&Jr Gentlemen accommodated with the

san*e on moderate terms, at Mr. II. Noble's,6 h Hunter-street, between Castlereagh andElizabeth streets. 697


rgpo LET, a compact Ilouse and StoreJL in Harrington street, lately in the

occupation of Swain, Webbs, and Co. Rent

moderate. Apply on the premises, or next

door. 87_____

THOSEwell-known and first-rate


House," (with Stores, Stables, Dry Cellars,

&c , &c,) in the cuntro of George-street,opposite the Commercial Bank.

For particulars apply to Mr. Ayrane,No..8, Liverpool-street, Hyde Paik. .

January 3. 158

rpO LET, the House, No. 218, Eliza

M. beth stieot North, lately in the occu-.

patiou of G. C. Turner,"Esq., containing nine

rooms, with kitchen, &c , attached. Apply"at No. 555, George-street North. 492

r|pO BE LET, a handsome COTTAGE,-S- containing eight rooms, with kitchen,

laundry, store, aud stables detached; also,

fowl-houBe, piggeries, &c. There, is a well

stocked lTitchen garden of upwards of one

acre. This is a very desirable residence for a

family of respectability. Rent moderate.

Apply to Mr. Walker, or Mr. Eldridge/ No4, King-stroct, near George-street; or to

Mr. Finley, on the premises, adjoining thenorth end of Baptist's Garden, Surry IlilJp.

January 6. 326



THE family residence at present in the

occupation of W. II. Hart, Esq., pos-

session of which will bo given on the 1st

Januaiy next. Application to he made to

Mr. S. Lyons, George-street and Charlotte

place. 7217

COTTAGE TO LET, in Brisbanestreet, South Head Road. Apply to

Mr. S. Lyons, Gcorge-strcct and Charlotlec


%. Possession will be given in Marchnext. 73


TOBE LET, on such ternis as may be

ugrecd on, the quairying of the rock on

tho land belonging to W. Molle, Esq., situate

on the Church Hill, on the west side of Kentstreet, between that street and the Flovr

Company's Wharf. For particulars, apply to

WILLIAM MACPHERSON,Macquarie-street.

December 7168





MR. W. II. CHAPMAN, CityAuctioneer, will sell by auction,

at the City Sale Rooms, 514, George-street,THIS DAY, 14th JANUARY, 1815,

At seven o'clock, P.M.,

AVALUARLE LIBRARYin various dopurtinents of literature

generally in excellent condition, and in

many cases superb bindings - amongstwhich will be found,

Hume and Smollett's History of England,16 vols. 8yo, half-bound russia. London.

'¿'his edition ia very scarce, and valuable

on account of the numerous portraits

and woodcuts from Thurstan's designs;

fine impressions. Priced in u recent

catalogue ut £16 16s.

Bertrand's French Revolution, 5 vols. 8vo,calf, gilt. Loudon.

Johnson's Dictionary (portrait),2 vols. 4to,

best edition, calf extra, London.

The Works of .iosepbus" 2 vols

The rate quarto edition-plates and maps.

Ajine copg.

Robertson's Works, by Dugald Stewart, 2

vols. 8vo. EdiubutgU.Jamieson's Dictionary of Mechanical Science,

illustrated with many hundred engravings,4lo. : London.

Views of Cities and Scenery in Italy, Franco,

and Switzerland, by Pioutand Harding, 3

vols. 4to.; bold impression elcijantly bound ;

London.Fisher's Views in Syria and the Holy Land,

early impression, U vols., rich gilt binding :

LondonWright's Shores and Islands of the Mediter-

ranean,- vols, 4to., beautiful plates, super

extra : London.Great Britain, illusliutcd by Westall, 4lo. ;

London.Rolliu's Ancient History, 6 vola. 8vo.,half


The complete Works of Lord Byron, royal8vo.

Howard's Beauties of Literature, 15 vol:;.;

I'ortiail :London.

The Pictorial Bible, uiuuy hundred wood cu's,

.') vols, imperial 8vo., cioth : Loudon.Cook' «Voyages, 3 vols, ft vo., maps and plates:


Magcndie's Physiolouy, by Dr. Milligan:Limden.

Arnoti's Elementa of Physics, neatly bound,

liufik's Theological Dictionary.Ure'-.i Dictionary ot Chemistry, calf extra':

LondonJohn lii.U'.i Eiifr.ivh'Rs, explaining the ana*

tonn ol' tile liuiiea, Mu-ich-a, and Joint»,/>«<.'

impre:ni>>n, ¿(.u/te ; Ho.: London.The Libr.uy ol Usulul Knowledge, 9 vols.,

8vo., neatly boundAnd uiuuyolh'.ib equally valuable. The Cata-

logues may bo hud (gratia), on application

at tho rooina, two duys before Ino aale. 374




Just Landed, ex Strait Birkett.




JOHNG. COHEN has received in-

structions from the importers,MESSRS. ROWAND, M'NAB, AND Co.,

to sell by Auction, at his New Rooms, 490,Geoige street,

THIS DAY, Mm DAY DP JANUARY, 1815At eleven o'clock precisely._

The following Goods, ex £>arah\liirkctl,

Thirteen crates blue, green, and brownbreakfast bowls and saucers

Tinco crates willow dinner aud cheese plutcaOne crate willow dùhcsOne crate willow cover dishesOne cíale chambers, blueTwo crates ewers and basins, hluoEight crates assorted, consisting of cups,

saucers, jugs, bowls, tea pola, cwora, basing,

plates, dishes, &c.Two crates dinner sets

One crate bidet, bed, and chair pans.Terms at sale.

The Auctioneer beg3 to call the particularattention of the Trade, Country Storekeepers,&c

,lo the above assortment of Earthenware,

the whole being cxpresslyHmporled for this

market. 562


R. BLACKMAN°\vill sell by auc-

tion, at his Rooms, 489, Georgestreet, on

WEDNESDAY, 15th INSTANT,At eleven o'clock precisely,

A mahogany grund squaro pianoforte, six

octaves, with transverse strings metallicstring plate and extension braces, andgrand pivot action, raised tablet corners,

lyre pedal, octagon legs, French polished,&c.

A mahogany grand square, ditto ditto, santo

as aboveA mahogany banded circular-cornered piano-

forte, six octaves, with grand pivot action,metallic spring plate, and French polished

A plain mahogany pianoforte, with square

corners, six octaves, with grand pivot ac-

tion, metallic siring pluto, Fruich polished.

Terms at sale. 695



(By order of the Official Assignee.)¿CmMR. SAMUEL LYONS will sell

-Iv.JL hy auction, at h'i3 Mart, corner ol'

George street and Charlotte-place, on


At Eleven o'clock precisely,

The following valuable Properties, belong-

ing lo the Estate of the abovenamedInsolvent :



PATRICK'S PLAINS, containing3800 AC H ES, about 200 acres?J :

55 i


-- of which are in cultivation.<3 .___-0,j thW property there ia

erected a very EXCELLENT


_ . Stores, &c, &c. The Orchardand Vineyard are well stockedand in full bearing. The for-

mation of tho ahovohavc cost



¡Í V. ing half an acre.

LOT 3.-A mixed herd of CATTLE, consist .

ing of foi ty head, at LiverpoolPlains.

LOT 4.-A good serviceable STOCK HORSE.?Terms at sale. 7485





MR. SAMUEL EMANUEL,Of Manchester House," George-iheet,

Opposite the Savings' Bank.



H« SAMUEL LYONS will sell

lT-iL by auction, on

THURSDAY, 16TII INSTANT,At Eleven o'clock precisely,

ON THE PREMISES,The proprietor being about to enter upon

another line of business,

All the well-selected and valuable Slock

in-Trado, consisting of calicos, ticking,

hosiery, silkj, haberdashery, ribboii3,

black and white lace, blonds, mousse-

lines de laine, white shirts, whito and

striped Guernsey shirts, slop clothing

of every kind, and in short whatever in

found in a"

wcll-arratigcd DnAPtRvEsTAUMSHMLNT."


The Shop Fixtures, and the Gas Fittings,

which will be put up at one o'clockpicciscly.

Terms at sale 476



Auction, at the residence of Mr. Samuel

Fairs, No. II, Lower Elizabeth-street South,near the Bridge,ON THURSDAY NBXT, JANUARY 16, 1845,

The whole of his Household Furnituie,Al eleven o'clock,

Cane chaiis, l'embroko tables, liair sofas,

superior wardrobes, chests diawcts, oil

cloth, vases, glass, carved four-po.it bedstoad and cm tains, splendid pictures,handsome chimney glass, (.rockery, glass,

casks, guns, pistols, &c , &c. 592




rg^IIE TRUSTEES oí this Estate licicby-fl- intimate that immediately alter shear-

ing, they will caiue to be sold hy public

auction, at Sydney, without reserve, in two


11,000 SHEEP

Depd.iluihig at Tent Hill, about 60 milesfrom Bii-sbune, with the station, sub-iUalions

impiovcmeuts, woiking cattle, implementsand .supplie;.; also,

40UO SHEEP, and Si;0 CATTLE.Depasturing at the Coiidumine Ki vu, willi

the sUilion, Mib-<-lations, improvement:., work-ing cattle, supplies, und implements.

Th-i bleed oí callie is from eelcbtuted im-

ported bulls; and the sheep produce supeiioi

wool, und aie peifectly free from disease.

In quulity of «(«ck, and advantage* ol' nt.i

lioii3,a inore de.>irrtbk property

is laivly

"brought into lija mai lit.

Full pin lieulars \> ij1 be adveuiiod aj ¡toon

us the returns arc utcivcd.By order oí the Tin stn»,

AUCH I BALD CAMPBELL."....., "Accountant* i

Bligh-stitet, Sydney, November 29. 7338
