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National park paklenica

Date post: 20-Feb-2017
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Page 2: National park paklenica

About Paklenica Because of its unique natural base,

exceptional geomorphological forms and magnificent forests, space and Velika Paklenica already in 1949 g.proglašen national park. The main reason for the proclamation of this area a national park was to protect the best preserved and largest forest complex in Dalmatia.

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Paklenica National Park covers an area of 95 square kilometers, on the southern slopes of Velebit mountain, beneath the highest peaks of the Vagan peak (1757m) and the Holy hill (1753 m). It covers an area of torrential flows and Velika Paklenica, and their distinctive canyons carved vertically into the south slopes of Velebit and the broader surrounding area.

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The relatively small area has an abundance of geomorphological phenomena and forms, diverse flora and fauna, attractive landscapes and untouched nature. The diversity of the living world is conditioned by climatic characteristics but also a rich and varied geological history.? The distinctive features of the National Park Paklenica are indigenous black pine forests, several types of beech forests, and deep ravines with streams - bujičnjacima Large and Small Paklenica. The wider space Paklenica is characterized by the rich and diverse cultural heritage.

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PLANT WORLD The wealth of flora is reflected in the list of

1,000 plant species and subspecies, of which 79 are endemic. The great diversity, the presence of relict, endemic, rare, protected species, of which a large number of the Red List of species of Croatia and on the IUCN Red List of endangered species, make the Park a very valuable floristic area, not only in Croatia but in Europe and the world. The flora of the park is dominated by the following families: daisies, grasses, legumes, mint family, roses, carnations

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Wear and fracturing of rocks under the influence of the sun, ice, water and temperature, below the steep cliffs and peaks, such as for example Buljma or Vaganski top, develop extractor or scree. In these karst habitats can be maintained only a small number of species because the surface is light, mobile, and broken rocks of different sizes. On notches grow many endemic plants such as Kitajbel columbine (Aquilegia kitaibelii) malijevo devesilje (Seseli malyi), tertiary relic toadflax (Linaria alpina) and widespread šuškavica (paronychia chapel).

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Cracks rocks have specific microclimatic conditions that many plants to survive unfavorable period of the last glaciation. Therefore, in such karstic habitats found a large number of endemic and relict species. Some of them are window bellflower, Croatian bellflower, Waldstein Bellflower and okrugolisna pjeskarica

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The diverse habitats in Paklenica and the vertical stratification provide home to a diverse fauna.

About invertebrates in the park has relatively little data. Most of the known species beskralješaka belong to groups that are attractive to visitors, such as butterflies. ? Although the fauna of butterflies studied, moths are almost unknown. Among them are most easily observed largest butterfly species in the Croatian fauna - big night butterfly (Saturnia pyri).

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From butterflies, and recorded are 84 species in the park, the most numerous representatives porodiceplavaca (Lycaenidae). The largest butterflies are Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius) and swallowtail (Papilio machaon). Alpine meadows and inhabits one of the most beautiful Croatian butterfly, Apollo (Parnassius apollo).

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Birds are the most numerous group of vertebrates. Birds are represented in the wider area of the park with 254 species, of which 112 species of nesting birds. From the breeding bird communities to mention rocks and cliffs in the canyons of Velika and Mala Paklenica, with 24 bird species. The most common are Rock Nuthatch (Sitta neumayer) imodrokos (Monticola solitarius).

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NUMBER OF TOURISTS IN PAKLENICA In Croatia in the first seven months of

2015, arrived half a million tourists more than in the same period last year, and in July there were three million arrivals, which is 4.8 percent more than in the same month a year ago.

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CULTURAL HERITAGE The area of South Velebit has been

inhabited since prehistoric times. It is assumed that the last ice age, as well as elsewhere in the Mediterranean, the area inhabited by small bands of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers. Sea level was then about 120 meters lower than it is today, and the Velebit Channel was a wide valley traversed by a river. The highest parts of Velebit were covered with glaciers.

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Wear and fracturing of rocks under the influence of the sun, ice, water and temperature, below the steep cliffs and peaks, such as for example Buljma or Vaganski top, develop extractor or scree. In these karst habitats can be maintained only a small number of species because the surface is light, mobile, and broken rocks of different sizes. On notches grow many endemic plants such as Kitajbel columbine (Aquilegia kitaibelii) malijevo devesilje (Seseli malyi), tertiary relic toadflax (Linaria alpina) and widespread šuškavica (paronychia chapel).

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FOREST At the National Park Paklenica, which occupies a

total area of 95 km2 differs 7 forest communities. The diversity of forest cover in a relatively small area is a wide range of altitudes (20-1757m), as well as differences in geology and the presence of permanent and temporary rivers in some parts parka.?Proljeće in Paklenica

On the highest peaks of the National Park, in the belt of Buljme to Babin summit Malovana and holy mountain, extends zajednicaklekovine pine forest with kozlokrvinom (Lonicero-Pinetum Mugi).

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WATERS Watertight sediments are situated beneath very

porous karstic deposits of carbonate rock in the extended part of Velika Paklenica, Brezimenjača and in the spring parts of Mala Paklenica and the occasional flow Orljača.

Therefore, within the Park has several permanent or occasional flows and many permanent springs. Permanent sources of drinking water, which is characterized by excellent quality, are Stražbenica, Kontinovo vrilo, Black vrilo, power and ovens.

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UNDERWATER Paklenica National Park has numerous karst relief

forms, including a very significant underground forms, caves and pits. The first written records of research caves in the park date back to the 19th century and are associated with the collection and research of cave insect. Until World War II, studied a small number of caves in the Park, followed by the proclamation of Paklenica national park research is conducted continuously with more or less intensity.

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The national park is a vast, largely unchanged region of exceptional and multifaceted natural value, which includes one or more preserved or insignificantly altered ecosystems, and is primarily intended for conservation of autochthonous natural and landscape values.

In national parks there are certain rules of conduct, and these are some of them:

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 Do not light a fire Do not throw cigarette butts and matches Do not throw garbage in nature, but take it with you A dog on a leash Do not move outside the marked trails Do not damage trees and shrubs Do not pick plants and fungiDo not be afraid, do not disturb, do not hunt and not to kill any kind of animal Do not contaminate streams and sources Do not make any noise No camping

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Matea i Laura
