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National Park Service visitation

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National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior Natural Resource Stewardship and Science 2014 National Park Visitor Spending Effects Economic Contributions to Local Communities, States, and the Nation Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR2015/947
  • National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior

    Natural Resource Stewardship and Science

    2014 National Park Visitor Spending Effects

    Economic Contributions to Local Communities, States,

    and the Nation

    Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR2015/947


    Visitors marvel at the colors, sounds and smells at Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park.

    Photograph courtesy of Jon Thomas of Fort Collins, CO.

  • ii

    2014 National Park Visitor Spending Effects

    Economic Contributions to Local Communities, States,

    and the Nation

    Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR2015/947

    Catherine Cullinane Thomas1, Christopher Huber

    1, and Lynne Koontz


    1 U.S. Geological Survey

    Fort Collins Science Center

    Fort Collins, Colorado

    2 National Park Service

    Environmental Quality Division

    Fort Collins, Colorado

    April 2015

    U.S. Department of the Interior

    National Park Service

    Natural Resource Stewardship and Science

    Fort Collins, Colorado

  • iii

    The National Park Service, Natural Resource Stewardship and Science office in Fort Collins,

    Colorado, publishes a range of reports that address natural resource topics. These reports are of

    interest and applicability to a broad audience in the National Park Service and others in natural

    resource management, including scientists, conservation and environmental constituencies, and

    the public.

    The Natural Resource Report Series is used to disseminate comprehensive information and

    analysis about natural resources and related topics concerning lands managed by the National

    Park Service. The series supports the advancement of science, informed decision-making, and

    the achievement of the National Park Service mission. The series also provides a forum for

    presenting more lengthy results that may not be accepted by publications with page limitations.

    All manuscripts in the series receive the appropriate level of peer review to ensure that the

    information is scientifically credible, technically accurate, appropriately written for the intended

    audience, and designed and published in a professional manner.

    This report received formal peer review by subject-matter experts who were not directly

    involved in the collection, analysis, or reporting of the data, and whose background and expertise

    put them on par technically and scientifically with the authors of the information.

    Views, statements, findings, conclusions, recommendations, and data in this report do not

    necessarily reflect views and policies of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the

    Interior. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or

    recommendation for use by the U.S. Government.

    This report is available from the Environmental Quality Division

    (www.nature.nps.gov/socialscience/index.cfm) and the Natural Resource Publications

    Management website (http://www.nature.nps.gov/publications/nrpm/). To receive this report in a

    format optimized for screen readers, please email [email protected].

    Please cite this publication as:

    Cullinane Thomas, C., C. Huber, and L. Koontz. 2015. 2014 National Park visitor spending

    effects: Economic contributions to local communities, states, and the Nation. Natural Resource

    Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR2015/947. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

    NPS 999/128377, April 2015

  • iv



    Figures............................................................................................................................................. v

    Tables .............................................................................................................................................. v

    Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... vi

    Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1

    Overview of Economic Effects Analyses ....................................................................................... 2

    Types of Economic Effects Measured ........................................................................................ 2

    Economic Regions ...................................................................................................................... 3

    Data Sources and Methods.............................................................................................................. 4

    Recreation Visitation Estimates .................................................................................................. 4

    Visitor Spending Estimates ......................................................................................................... 4

    Regional Economic Multipliers .................................................................................................. 6

    2014 VSE Model Updates .......................................................................................................... 6

    Results ............................................................................................................................................. 7

    Recreation Visits ......................................................................................................................... 7

    Visitor Spending ......................................................................................................................... 8

    National Contribution of Visitor Spending ............................................................................... 10

    Local, State and Regional Effects ............................................................................................. 11

    Limitations .................................................................................................................................... 12

    References ..................................................................................................................................... 15

    Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 16

  • v



    Figure 1. Distribution of total party days/nights by visitor segment ............................................. 7

    Figure 2. Distribution of NPS visitor spending by spending category .......................................... 9



    Table 1. NPS visitor spending estimates by visitor segment for 2014. .......................................... 8

    Table 2. Economic contributions to the national economy of NPS visitor spending -

    2014............................................................................................................................................... 10

    Table 3. Visits, spending and economic contributions to local economies of NPS

    visitor spending - 2014.................................................................................................................. 16

    Table 4. Visits, spending and economic impacts to local economies of NPS non-local

    visitor spending - 2014.................................................................................................................. 26

    Table 5. Visits, spending and economic contributions to state economies of NPS

    visitor spending - 2014.................................................................................................................. 36

    Table 6. Visits, spending and economic contributions to regional economies of NPS

    visitor spending - 2014.................................................................................................................. 38

    Table 7. Park unit type abbreviations. .......................................................................................... 39

    Table 8. Visit allocation to states for multi-state parks. ............................................................... 40

  • vi

    Executive Summary

    The National Park Service (NPS) manages the Nations most iconic destinations that attract

    millions of visitors from across the Nation and around the world. Trip-related spending by NPS

    visitors generates and supports a considerable amount of economic activity within park gateway

    communities. This economic effects analysis measures how NPS visitor spending cycles through

    local economies, generating business sales and supporting jobs and income.

    In 2014, the National Park System received over 292 million recreation visits. NPS visitors spent

    $15.7 billion in local gateway regions (defined as communities within 60 miles of a park). The

    contribution of this spending to the national economy was 277 thousand jobs, $10.3 billion in

    labor income, $17.1 billion in value added, and $29.7 billion in output. The lodging sector saw

    the highest direct contributions with 48 thousand jobs and $4.8 billion in output directly

    contributed to local gateway economies nationally. The sector with the next greatest direct

    contributions was restaurants and bars, with 60 thousand jobs and $3.2 billion in output directly

    contributed to local gateway economies nationally.

    New this year, results from the Visitor Spending Effects report series are available online via an

    interactive tool. Users can explore current year visitor spending, jobs, labor income, value added,

    and output effects by sector for national, state, and local economies. This interactive tool is

    available via the NPS Social Science Program webpage at


  • 1


    The National Park System covers more than 84 million acres and is comprised of more than 401

    sites across the Nation. These lands managed by the National Park Service (NPS) serve as

    recreational destinations for visitors from across the Nation and around the world. On vacations

    or on day trips, NPS visitors spend time and money in the gateway communities surrounding

    NPS sites. Spending by NPS visitors generates and supports a considerable amount of economic

    activity within park gateway economies. The NPS has been measuring and reporting visitor

    spending and economic effects for the past 25 years. The 2012 analysis marked a major revision

    to the NPS visitor spending effects analyses, with the development of the Visitor Spending

    Effects model (VSE model) which replaced the previous Money Generation Model (see

    Cullinane Thomas et al. (2014) for a description of how the VSE model differs from the previous

    model). This report provides updated VSE estimates associated with 2014 NPS visitation.

    System-wide visitation estimates in 2014 increased by 7% (or 19.2 million visits) compared to

    2013 (Ziesler, 2015). Visitation in 2014 rebounded from a 2013 decline that included a 16-day

    government shutdown and many park closures for repairs after Superstorm Sandy hit the

    Northeast in late 2012. The re-opening of the Washington Monument, some 21 months after it

    was rocked by an earthquake and repaired, also added to 2014 visitation numbers. Additionally,

    several national parks saw record-breaking visitation in 2014, including Joshua Tree, Rocky

    Mountain, Grand Teton and Glacier national parks.

    This report begins by presenting an overview of economic effects analyses, followed by details

    about the data and methods used for this analysis and 2014 model updates. Estimates of NPS

    visitor spending in 2014 and resulting economic effects at the local, state, regional, and national

    levels are then presented. The report concludes with a description of current data limitations.

    Park-level spending and economic effects estimates are included in the appendix.

    New this year, results from the Visitor Spending Effects report series are available online via an

    interactive tool. Users can explore current year visitor spending, jobs, labor income, value added,

    and output effects by sector for national, state, and local economies. This interactive tool is

    available via the NPS Social Science Program webpage at


  • 2

    Overview of Economic Effects Analyses

    Visitors to NPS lands spend money in local gateway regions, and these expenditures generate

    and support economic activity within these local economies. Economies are complex webs of

    interacting consumers and producers in which goods produced by one sector of an economy

    become inputs to another, and the goods produced by that sector can become inputs to yet other

    sectors. Thus, a change in the final demand for a good or service can generate a ripple effect

    throughout an economy as businesses purchase inputs from one another. For example, when

    visitors come to an area to visit a park or historic site these visitors spend money to purchase

    various goods and services. The sales, income and employment resulting from these direct

    purchases from local businesses represent the direct effects of visitor spending within the

    economy. In order to provide supplies to local businesses for the production of their goods and

    services, input suppliers must purchase inputs from other industries, thus creating additional

    indirect effects of visitor spending within the economy. Additionally, employees of directly

    affected businesses and input suppliers use their income to purchase goods and services in the

    local economy, generating further induced effects of visitor spending. The sums of the indirect

    and induced effects give the secondary effects of visitor spending; and the sums of the direct and

    secondary effects give the total economic effect of visitor spending in a local economy.

    Economic input-output models capture these complex interactions between producers and

    consumers in an economy and describe the secondary effects of visitor spending through

    regional economic multipliers.

    Types of Economic Effects Measured The economic effects of visitor spending to local economies are estimated by multiplying visitor

    spending by regional economic multipliers. Two regional economic metrics, economic

    contributions and economic impacts, are described in this report:

    Economic contributions describe the gross economic activity associated with National Park

    visitor spending within a regional economy. Economic contributions can be interpreted as the

    relative magnitude and importance to regional economies of the economic activity generated

    through National Park visitor spending. Economic contributions are estimated by multiplying

    total visitor spending by regional economic multipliers. Total visitor spending includes

    spending by both visitors who live within the local gateway regions (local visitors) and

    visitors who travel to the parks from outside of the local gateway regions (non-local visitors).

    Economic impacts describe the net changes to the economic base of a regional economy that

    can be attributed to the inflow of new money to the economy from non-local visitors.

    Economic impact estimates only include spending by non-local visitors. Spending by local

    visitors is excluded because if local visitors choose not to visit the park, they will still likely

    spend a similar amount of money within the local economy participating in other local

  • 3

    recreation activities. Economic impacts can be interpreted as the economic activity that

    would likely be lost from the local economy if the National Park were not there.

    For both of these metrics, four types of regional economic effects are described:

    Jobs are measured as annualized full and part time jobs that are supported by NPS visitor


    Labor Income includes employee wages, salaries and payroll benefits, as well as the

    incomes of sole proprietors that are supported by NPS visitor spending.

    Value Added measures the contribution of NPS visitor spending to the Gross Domestic

    Product (GDP) of a regional economy. Value added is equal to the difference between

    the amount an industry sells a product for and the production cost of the product.

    Economic Output is a measure of the total estimated value of the production of goods

    and services supported by NPS visitor spending. Output is the sum of all intermediate

    sales (business to business) and final demand (sales to consumers and exports).

    Economic Regions In order to assess the economic effects of NPS visitor spending, appropriate local regions need to

    be defined around each park unit. For the purposes of this analysis, the local gateway region for

    each park unit is defined as all counties contained within or intersecting a 60-mile radius around

    each park boundary1. Geographic information systems (GIS) data were used to determine the

    local gateway region for each park unit by spatially identifying all counties partially or

    completely contained within a 60-mile radius around each park boundary2. Only spending that

    took place within these regional areas is included as supporting economic activity.

    1 The economic region for parks in Alaska and Hawaii are defined as the State of Alaska and the State of Hawaii,

    respectively. Due to data limitations, the island economy of the State of Hawaii is used as a surrogate economic

    region for the U.S. territories of America Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. 2 This method results in some relatively large local gateway regions, especially in some western states where

    counties are large. Because of this, there is the potential for including some areas that are not intrinsically linked to

    the local economies surrounding each park.

  • 4

    Data Sources and Methods

    Three key pieces of information are required to estimate the economic effects of NPS visitor

    spending: the number of visitors who visit each park, visitor spending patterns in local gateway

    regions, and regional economic multipliers that describe the economic effects of visitor spending

    in local economies. Visitation source data are derived from a variety of efforts by the NPS Social

    Science Program. The data sources and methods used to estimate these inputs and the resultant

    economic effects are described below.

    Recreation Visitation Estimates The NPS Visitor Use Statistics Office (https://irma.nps.gov/Stats/) provides detailed park-level

    visitation data for 370 National Park units. The annual NPS recreation visitation estimates

    published in the 2014 Statistical Abstract (Ziesler, 2015) are used for this analysis. The abstract

    reports the number of overnight camping and lodging stays within the parks. For each park,

    visitation is measured as visits3. Visitation estimates must be adjusted based on trip characteristic

    data in order to develop an estimate of visitation that is useful for estimating total visitor

    spending. Adjustments to visitation estimates are described in the visitor spending estimates

    section below.

    Visitor Spending Estimates The NPS has conducted Visitor Services Project (VSP) surveys since 1988. These surveys

    measure visitor characteristics, evaluations of importance and quality for services and facilities,

    and a subset of the VSP surveys include questions on visitor spending. Fifty-six VSP surveys

    conducted between 2003 and 2012 have the requisite data necessary to estimate park-level visitor

    spending profiles for this analysis. Spending data for the 56 surveyed parks were adjusted to

    2014 dollars, and were used to represent spending patterns at the surveyed parks. Non-surveyed

    parks were classified into four park types: parks that have both camping and lodging available

    within the park, parks that have only camping available within the park, parks with no overnight

    stays, and parks with high day use (including National Recreation Areas, National Seashores and

    National Lakeshores). Generic spending profiles for each of these park types were developed

    using data from the 56 surveyed parks. A number of parks are not well represented by the four

    park types constructed using the VSP survey data. For these parks, profiles were constructed

    using the best available data. These units include parks in Alaska, parks in the Washington D.C.

    area, parkways, and parks in highly urban areas. Profiles were also constructed for a number of

    unique parks.

    3 Parks count visits as the number of individuals who enter the park each day. For example, a family of four taking a

    week-long vacation to Yellowstone National Park and staying at a lodge outside of the park would be counted as 28

    visits (4 individuals who enter the park on 7 different days). A different family of four, also taking a week-long

    vacation to Yellowstone National Park but lodging within the park, would be counted as 4 visits (4 individuals who

    enter the park on a single day and then stay within the park for the remainder of their trip). These differences are a

    result of the realities of the limitations in the methods available to count park visits.

  • 5

    Visitor spending data from the VSP surveys are reported as spending per party per night for

    overnight trips, and spending per party per day for day trips. A party is defined as a group that is

    traveling together and sharing expenses (e.g., a family). Party days/nights are defined as the

    number of days (for day trips) and the number of nights (for overnight trips) that parties spend

    visiting a park. To estimate total party days/nights, park visit data from the NPS Statistical

    Abstract are combined with trip characteristic information derived from the VSP surveys. Trip

    characteristic data includes average party sizes, re-entry rates, and lengths of stay. Visitation data

    are converted to total party days/nights using the following conversion:

    / =


    The VSP data is also used to segment visitors by type of trip. NPS recreation visitors are split

    into the following seven distinct visitor segments in order to help explain differences in

    spending across user groups:

    Local day trip: local visitors who visit the park for a single day and leave the area or

    return home,

    Non-local day trip: non-local visitors who visit the park for a single day and leave the

    area or return home,

    NPS Lodge: non-local visitors who stay at a lodge or motel within the park,

    NPS Campground: non-local visitors who stay at campgrounds or at back country

    camping sites within the park,

    Motel Outside Park: non-local visitors who stay at motels, hotels, or bed and breakfasts

    located outside of the park,

    Camp Outside Park: non-local visitors who camp outside of the park, and

    Other: non-local visitors who stay overnight in the local region but do not have any

    lodging expenses. This segment includes visitors staying in private homes, with friends or

    relatives, or in other unpaid lodging.

    Spending is further broken into the following eight spending categories derived from the VSP

    survey data:

    Hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts,

    Camping fees,

    Restaurants and bars,

    Groceries and takeout food,

    Gas and oil,

    Local transportation,

    Admission and fees, and

    Souvenirs and other expenses.

  • 6

    Regional Economic Multipliers The multipliers used in this analysis are derived from the IMPLAN software and data system

    (IMPLAN Group LLC). IMPLAN is a widely used input-output modeling system. The

    underlying data drawn upon by the IMPLAN system are collected by the IMPLAN Group LLC

    from multiple Federal and state sources including the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of

    Labor Statistics, and the U.S. Census Bureau. This analysis uses IMPLAN version 3.0 software

    with 2013 county, state, and national-level data. Economic effects are reported on an annual

    basis in 2014 dollars ($2014). Where necessary, dollar values have been adjusted to $2014 using

    Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) deflators.

    This analysis reports economic impacts and contributions at the local-level, and economic

    contributions at the state, NPS region, and national levels. Local economic impacts and

    contributions use county-level IMPLAN models comprised of all counties contained within the

    local gateway regions; state-level contributions use state-level IMPLAN models; regional-level

    contributions use regional IMPLAN models; and the national-level contributions use a national

    IMPLAN model. The size of the region included in an IMPLAN model influences the magnitude

    of the economic multiplier effects. As the economic region expands, the amount of secondary

    spending that stays within that region increases, which results in larger economic multipliers.

    Thus, contributions at the national level are larger than those at the regional, state, and local


    2014 VSE Model Updates The 2014 VSE analysis uses 2013 IMPLAN data. The 2013 IMPLAN dataset features increased

    industry detail compared to previous years, expanding the number of industry sectors from 440

    to 536 sectors. To estimate how visitor spending ripples through economies, visitor expenditure

    categories are matched to IMPLAN industry sectors (a process called bridging). The new

    expanded IMPLAN sector scheme required visitor spending categories to be re-bridged to the

    new sectors. Most of the spending categories were matched one-to-one from the 440 industry

    scheme to the 536 industry scheme, with the exception of expenditures made at restaurants and

    bars, and retail and souvenir expenditures. Restaurant expenditures were split between the new

    full-service restaurants and limited-service restaurants sectors. This change had very little effect

    on impact and contribution results. Retail and souvenir expenditures were moved from the

    general merchandise stores sector to the miscellaneous store retailers sector, to better represent

    the types of retail stores most likely frequented by NPS visitors. The previously used general

    merchandise stores sector describes department stores and warehouse clubs, whereas the newly

    used miscellaneous store retailers sector describes florists, gift stores, art dealers, and thrift

    stores, among others. For retail purchases, only retail margins are modeled as stimulating

    economic activity in the local economy. The general merchandise stores sectors has a relatively

    low retail margin of around 27 percent, whereas the miscellaneous store retailers sector has a

    higher margin of about 45 percent. As a result of this higher applied margin for retail and

  • 7

    souvenir expenditures, estimated secondary effects of visitor spending are relatively higher in

    2014 as compared to 2013.


    Recreation Visits A total of 292.8 million NPS recreation visits are reported in the 2014 NPS Statistical Abstract

    (Ziesler, 2015). This is up 19.2 million visits from 2013 visitation. Total party days/nights are

    estimated for each park unit and for each visitor segment based on visitor segments splits (as

    described in the visitor spending estimates section). In 2014, visitor groups accounted for 117.5

    million party days/nights. Figure 1 provides the distribution of total party days/nights by visitor


    Figure 1. Distribution of total party days/nights by visitor segment. Total party days/nights measures the number of days (for day trips) and nights (for overnight trips) that visitor groups spend in gateway regions while visiting NPS lands.

  • 8

    Visitor Spending In 2014, park visitors spent an estimated $15.7 billion in local gateway regions while visiting

    NPS lands. Visitor spending was estimated for each park unit and for each visitor segment based

    on park and segment specific expenditure profiles (as described in the visitor spending estimates

    section). Total visitor spending is equal to total party days/nights multiplied by spending per

    party per day/night. Table 1 gives total spending estimates and average spending per party per

    day/night by visitor segment. Figure 2 presents the distribution of visitor spending by spending

    category. Lodging expenses account for the largest share of visitor spending. In 2014, park

    visitors spent $4.8 billion on lodging in hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts, and an additional

    $386.7 million on camping fees. Food expenses account for the next largest share of

    expenditures. In 2014, park visitors spent $3.2 billion dining at restaurants and bars and an

    additional $1.1 billion purchasing food at grocery and convenience stores.

    Table 1. NPS visitor spending estimates by visitor segment for 2014.

    Visitor Segment Total Spending

    ($ Millions, $2014) Percent of

    Total Spending

    Average Spending per Party per Day/Night


    Local Day Trip $925.4 5.9% $40.72

    Non-Local Day Trip $2,473.4 15.8% $88.23

    NPS Lodge $542.6 3.5% $402.71

    NPS Camp Ground $435.6 2.8% $128.61

    Motel Outside Park $9,565.8 61.0% $276.66

    Camp Outside Park $922.1 5.9% $123.45

    Other $824.0 5.3% $41.34

    Total $15,688.9 100% $133.56

  • 9

    Figure 2. Distribution of NPS visitor spending by spending category. In 2014, visitors to NPS lands spent an estimated $15.7 billion in local gateway regions.

  • 10

    National Contribution of Visitor Spending This section reports the economic contributions of visitor spending to the national economy.

    These contributions are estimated by multiplying total visitor spending by national economic

    multipliers. Contributions at the national-level are larger than those at the park-level because, as

    the economic region expands, the amount of secondary spending that stays within that region

    increases which results in larger economic multipliers.

    Table 2 gives the economic contributions to the national economy of NPS visitor spending. In

    2014, NPS visitors spent a total of $15.7 billion in local gateway regions while visiting NPS

    lands. These expenditures directly supported nearly 174 thousand jobs, $5.0 billion in labor

    income, $7.6 billion in value added, and $12.4 billion in output in the national economy. The

    secondary effects of visitor spending supported an additional 103 thousand jobs, $5.4 billion in

    labor income, $9.4 billion in value added, and $17.3 billion in output in the national economy.

    Combined, NPS visitor spending supported a total of 277 thousand jobs, $10.3 billion in labor

    income, $17.1 billion in value added, and $29.7 billion in output in the national economy.

    Table 2. Economic contributions to the national economy of NPS visitor spending - 2014.

    Sector Jobs

    Labor Income

    ($ Millions, $2014)

    Value Added ($ Millions,


    Output ($ Millions,


    Direct Effects

    Hotels, motels, and B&Bs 48,359 $1,783.0 $3,080.1 $4,805.7

    Camping and other accommodations 5,558 $159.2 $248.6 $386.7

    Restaurants and bars 60,614 $1,372.2 $1,847.3 $3,183.3

    Grocery and convenience stores 4,644 $143.0 $205.9 $313.0

    Gas stations 2,674 $98.2 $129.5 $202.5

    Transit and ground transportation services 7,760 $364.5 $767.8 $1,153.6

    Other amusement and recreation industries 26,279 $626.9 $901.8 $1,603.4

    Retail establishments 17,850 $405.7 $453.1 $708.1

    Total Direct Effects 173,738 $4,952.7 $7,634.1 $12,356.3

    Secondary Effects 103,222 $5,350.1 $9,418.5 $17,339.3

    Total Effects 276,960 $10,303.0 $17,053.0 $29,695.0

  • 11

    Local, State and Regional Effects Contributions and impacts to local gateway economies are provided in the appendix in Tables 3

    and 4, respectively. Economic contributions are estimated by multiplying total (local and

    nonlocal) visitor spending by park-level economic multipliers. Economic impacts are estimated

    by multiplying non-local visitor spending by park-level economic multipliers. Park unit type

    abbreviations are included in Table 7 in the appendix.

    Contributions to state and regional economies are provided in the appendix in Tables 5 and 6,

    respectively. State-level contributions use state-level multipliers and regional-level contributions

    use regional multipliers. For parks that fall within multiple states, park spending is proportionally

    allocated to each state based on the share of park visits that occur within each state. Visit shares

    for multi-state parks are listed in Table 8 in the appendix.

    The size of the region included in an IMPLAN model influences the magnitude of the economic

    multiplier effects. As the economic region expands, the amount of secondary spending that stays

    within that region increases, which results in larger economic multipliers. Thus, contributions at

    the national level are larger than those at the regional, state, and local levels.

  • 12


    The accuracy of spending and impact estimates rests largely on the input data, namely (1) public

    use recreation visit and overnight stay data; (2) party size, length of stay, and park re-entry

    conversion factors; (3) visitor segment shares; (4) spending averages; and (5) local area


    Public use data provide estimates of visitor entries for most parks. Various counting instructions

    consider travel mode context at park units to derive recreation and non-recreation visitation at

    both a monthly and annual resolution. Re-entry factors, vehicle occupancy rates and other

    corrections are collected using travel surveys that increase the accuracy of these estimates. While

    these methods are well established in the visitor use estimation literature, these are still estimates.

    Visitor spending estimates are calculated by multiplying total party days/nights for each visitor

    segment by average spending profiles for each visitor segment. Accurate estimates of visitor

    segment splits and trip characteristic data, including park re-entry rates, party sizes, and lengths

    of stay in the area, are needed to convert park visits to the number of party days/nights by visitor

    segment. Data used in the VSE model are derived from Visitor Services Project (VSP) surveys.

    For each park, visitors are split into seven visitor segments (local day trip, non-local day trip,

    NPS lodge, NPS campground, motel outside park, camp outside park, and other). Visitor

    segment splits for each park determine how many visits are attributed to each visitor segment,

    and can have a substantial effect on visitor spending estimates. As with trip characteristic data,

    visitor segment splits are derived from VSP data. These data seem to overestimate the percent of

    visits that fall into the other segment. Other visitors are defined as non-local visitors who stay

    overnight in the local region but do not have any lodging expenses. This segment includes

    visitors staying in private homes, with friends or relatives, or in other unpaid lodging. Although

    the percent of visits assigned to this segment is likely overestimated, average spending for the

    other segment is low; thus, an overestimate in the percent of visits that are classified as other

    should have a downward effect on spending and economic effect estimates.

    Many visitors come to local gateway regions primarily to visit NPS lands. However, some

    visitors are primarily in the area for business, visiting friends and relatives, or for some other

    reason, and their visit to a NPS unit is not their primary purpose for their trip. For these visitors,

    it may not be appropriate to attribute all of their trip expenditures to the NPS. The VSE model

    only counts expenditures for the number of days that these visitors visit the park, but it does not

    adjust daily expenditures to omit spending such as motel and rental car expenses. This likely

    results in an over-attribution of visitor spending in sectors such as lodging and local

    transportation. Plans are underway to improve this methodology as better data on trip purpose

    and visitor spending become available.

    Similarly, it is difficult to allocate trip expenses for visitors who visit a park as part of a multi-

    destination trip, a tour package, or a longer vacation. This is especially applicable for visitors to

  • 13

    the large western national parks and parks in vacation destinations like Hawaii. Plans are

    underway to develop improved expenditure profiles for visitors on these types of trips.

    The generic profiles constructed from the available VSP data should be reasonably accurate for

    many park units. However, a number of parks are not well represented by the generic visitor

    spending and trip characteristic profiles developed from the VSP data. For these parks, profiles

    were constructed using the best available data. These units include parks in Alaska, parks in the

    Washington D.C. area, parkways, and parks in highly urban areas. There is a great need for

    increased sampling rigor across park types and geographic regions in order to increase the

    accuracy of these data and thus improve the accuracy of future visitor spending effects analyses.

    Efforts are underway to diversify the number of park units that these profiles represent. It is

    expected that these inputs to the model will continue to improve, and park unit specific data will

    be more prevalent through socioeconomic monitoring.

    Parks in Alaska- Visit characteristics and spending at Alaska parks are unique. Spending

    opportunities near Alaska parks are limited and for many visitors a park visit is part of a cruise or

    guided tour, frequently purchased as a package. Most visitors are on extended trips to Alaska,

    making it difficult to allocate expenses to a particular park visit. Lodging, vehicle rentals, and air

    expenses frequently occur in Anchorage, many miles from the park. Also, many Alaska parks are

    only accessible by air or boat, so spending profiles estimated from visitor surveys at parks in the

    lower 48 states do not apply well. For this analysis, Alaska statewide multipliers are used to

    estimate impacts for parks in Alaska. Visitor trip characteristics and spending profiles are

    adopted from two reports on visitor spending and impacts in Alaska: a 2010 report on visitor

    spending and economic significance of visitation to Katmai National Park and Preserve (Fay and

    Christensen, 2010), and a 2010 report on the economic impacts of visitors to southeast Alaska

    (McDowell Group, 2010).

    Parks in the Washington D.C. area- The many monuments and parks in the Washington, D.C.

    area each count visitors separately. To avoid double counting of spending across many national

    capital parks, we must know how many times a visitor has been counted at park units during a

    trip to the Washington, D.C. area. For parks in the Washington, D.C. area, we assume an average

    of 1.7 park visits are counted for day trips by local visitors, 3.4 visits for day trips by non-local

    visitors, and 5.1 park visits on overnight trips (Stynes, 2011). Better data on visitor trip patterns

    in the Washington D.C. area would improve the accuracy of spending and economic effects for

    these parks.

    Parkways and urban parks- Parkways and urban parks present special difficulties for economic

    impact analyses. These units have some of the highest number of visits while posing the most

    difficult problems for estimating visits, spending, and impacts. The majority of visits to these

    types of units were assumed to be day trips by local or non-local visitors. Due to the high

    numbers of visits at these units, small changes in assumed spending averages or segment mixes

  • 14

    can swing the spending estimates by substantial amounts. Better data on parkway and urban park

    spending patterns and trip characteristics are needed.

    The economic effects of visitor spending are estimated by multiplying visitor spending estimates

    by local area multipliers. Local area multipliers are developed using county-level IMPLAN

    models comprised of all counties contained within the local gateway regions. For this analysis,

    the local gateway region for each park unit is defined as all counties contained within or

    intersecting a 60-mile radius around each park boundary. This method results in some relatively

    large local gateway regions, especially in some western states where counties are large. Because

    of this, there is the potential for including some areas that are not intrinsically linked to the local

    economies surrounding each park. Efforts are underway to improve local gateway region


  • 15


    Cullinane Thomas, C., C. Huber, and L. Koontz. 2014. 2012 National Park visitor spending

    effects: Economic contributions to local communities, states, and the nation. Natural

    Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR2014/765. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

    Fay, G. and Christensen, J. 2010. Katmai National Park and Preserve Economic Significance

    Analysis and Model Documentation. Prepared for: National Park Conservation Association

    and National Park Service, Katmai National Park and Preserve, 60 pp.

    IMPLAN Group LLC, IMPLAN System (data and software), 16740 Birkdale Commons

    Parkway Suite 206, Huntersville, NC 28078 www.implan.com.

    McDowell Group. 2010. Economic Impact of Visitors to Southeast Alaska, 2010-11. Prepared

    for: Alaska Wilderness League, 33 pp.

    Ziesler, P. 2015. Statistical abstract: 2014. Natural Resource Data Series

    NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRDS2015/775. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

    Stynes, D. J. 2011. Economic Benefits to Local Communities from National Park Visitation and

    Payroll, 2010. Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/EQD/NRR2011/481. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

  • 16


    Table 3. Visits, spending and economic contributions to local economies of NPS visitor spending - 2014.

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP 241,264 $13,530.8 227 $6,428.5 $10,306.8 $18,129.5

    Acadia NP 2,563,128 $221,130.5 3,486 $91,220.0 $154,139.8 $270,924.7

    Adams NHP 178,468 $10,009.0 150 $5,619.6 $8,846.5 $14,096.5

    African Burial Ground NM 54,861 $3,076.8 41 $1,815.7 $2,817.8 $4,230.7

    Agate Fossil Beds NM* 12,441 $875.4 11 $272.5 $490.2 $913.0

    Alibates Flint Quarries NM 4,513 $253.1 3 $101.0 $176.3 $314.9

    Allegheny Portage Railroad NHS 172,883 $9,695.9 161 $4,802.2 $7,546.2 $13,090.2

    Amistad NRA 1,130,095 $47,251.2 669 $14,492.1 $26,196.2 $47,269.3

    Andersonville NHS 127,189 $7,133.1 122 $2,745.4 $4,676.0 $8,688.1

    Andrew Johnson NHS 42,863 $2,403.9 41 $1,077.8 $1,799.1 $3,114.5

    Aniakchak NM&PRES 134 $122.8 1 $48.8 $115.5 $172.2

    Antietam NB 337,080 $18,904.5 274 $10,301.5 $16,167.6 $25,738.1

    Apostle Islands NL* 290,060 $44,389.3 702 $16,907.0 $29,651.1 $53,777.3

    Appomattox Court House NHP 278,776 $15,634.7 261 $6,761.5 $11,315.2 $19,941.7

    Arches NP* 1,284,768 $146,081.2 2,455 $61,114.3 $110,401.2 $193,737.4

    Arkansas Post NMEM 30,861 $1,730.8 26 $760.2 $1,195.2 $2,075.9

    Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial NMEM

    671,638 $37,667.6 537 $20,582.8 $32,310.5 $51,081.3

    Assateague Island NS 2,170,681 $90,417.2 1,241 $35,689.0 $62,774.0 $102,346.9

    Aztec Ruins NM 44,720 $2,508.0 40 $929.8 $1,615.5 $2,865.9

    Badlands NP 868,094 $53,312.9 874 $20,883.5 $34,407.7 $66,184.9

    Bandelier NM 130,107 $7,802.6 123 $3,377.7 $5,458.4 $9,790.7

    Bent's Old Fort NHS 24,555 $1,377.1 21 $545.6 $973.4 $1,685.5

    Bering Land Bridge NPRES 2,636 $3,977.9 52 $1,895.1 $3,480.3 $5,658.7

    Big Bend NP 314,102 $27,185.4 410 $9,245.8 $16,842.7 $30,170.2

    Big Cypress NPRES 1,192,856 $91,111.2 1,323 $50,613.1 $80,400.7 $129,699.8

    Big Hole NB 36,987 $2,074.4 33 $864.8 $1,300.6 $2,408.1

    Big South Fork NRRA* 599,906 $17,531.8 242 $6,304.6 $10,713.2 $18,638.3

    Big Thicket NPRES 109,957 $6,743.0 95 $3,220.3 $5,201.5 $8,632.9

    Bighorn Canyon NRA 224,082 $9,325.5 147 $3,764.3 $6,008.5 $11,111.4

    Biscayne NP 525,745 $32,351.3 459 $17,859.9 $27,890.1 $44,794.0

    Black Canyon Of The Gunnison NP 183,046 $10,948.4 148 $5,093.4 $8,314.0 $13,469.7

    Blue Ridge PKWY 13,941,750 $863,528.7 14,020 $408,847.2 $678,557.0 $1,175,763.3

    Bluestone NSR 38,450 $1,587.6 23 $633.5 $1,019.4 $1,792.4

    Booker T Washington NM 26,128 $1,465.4 23 $649.6 $1,060.2 $1,889.9

    Boston NHP 2,476,078 $138,866.2 2,071 $78,093.7 $122,993.7 $195,610.8

    Boston African American NHS 408,640 $22,917.8 341 $12,883.1 $20,295.8 $32,286.1

  • 17

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Brown V Board Of Education NHS 26,868 $1,506.8 26 $789.3 $1,255.6 $2,197.9

    Bryce Canyon NP 1,435,741 $117,882.8 1,810 $46,455.8 $82,083.0 $142,767.3

    Buck Island Reef NM 34,400 $2,045.9 25 $929.5 $1,574.1 $2,425.2

    Buffalo NR 1,357,057 $56,575.7 890 $22,278.5 $36,471.3 $65,160.8

    Cabrillo NM 893,434 $50,106.6 742 $27,025.6 $41,453.1 $66,724.4

    Canaveral NS 1,451,225 $89,598.7 1,348 $43,032.6 $71,969.5 $119,444.4

    Cane River Creole NHP 28,981 $1,625.3 25 $653.7 $1,119.0 $1,967.3

    Canyon De Chelly NM 827,761 $51,378.9 757 $18,407.3 $32,261.1 $57,807.4

    Canyonlands NP 542,431 $31,282.7 477 $11,839.6 $21,210.0 $37,337.0

    Cape Cod NS 4,426,750 $185,543.3 2,421 $97,292.1 $149,273.6 $232,951.3

    Cape Hatteras NS 2,153,349 $131,618.7 2,047 $55,699.3 $92,629.8 $162,760.5

    Cape Krusenstern NM0 - - - - - -

    Cape Lookout NS 430,928 $20,901.8 332 $7,597.2 $12,582.0 $23,366.8

    Capitol Reef NP* 786,515 $54,427.5 776 $20,214.6 $35,511.6 $61,895.3

    Capulin Volcano NM* 50,891 $1,470.2 22 $455.6 $785.0 $1,466.3

    Carl Sandburg Home NHS 82,377 $4,620.0 75 $2,010.0 $3,383.4 $5,852.9

    Carlsbad Caverns NP 397,309 $24,544.8 368 $8,915.9 $14,950.4 $27,397.2

    Casa Grande Ruins NM 63,699 $3,572.5 55 $1,906.8 $3,079.7 $5,055.9

    Castillo De San Marcos NM 760,707 $42,662.8 697 $19,865.4 $33,634.5 $57,455.9

    Castle Clinton NM 4,727,109 $112,958.5 1,321 $56,256.8 $85,684.8 $130,218.9

    Catoctin Mountain P 188,170 $10,979.7 150 $5,787.6 $9,179.0 $14,592.2

    Cedar Breaks NM 762,907 $47,049.1 701 $17,427.4 $30,990.7 $54,258.1

    Cesar E. Chavez NM 8,855 $496.6 8 $270.0 $417.3 $685.2

    Chaco Culture NHP 38,385 $2,116.1 34 $854.7 $1,419.6 $2,566.4

    Chamizal NMEM 108,400 $6,079.4 98 $2,355.3 $4,097.1 $7,534.7

    Channel Islands NP 342,161 $20,248.6 290 $11,401.3 $17,553.9 $28,631.0

    Charles Pinckney NHS 53,486 $2,999.7 47 $1,327.1 $2,255.5 $3,748.7

    Chattahoochee River NRA 3,119,162 $128,793.3 2,014 $67,136.8 $104,240.3 $177,414.6

    Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHP 5,066,219 $91,912.3 1,381 $51,031.8 $81,261.6 $130,497.5

    Chickamauga & Chattanooga NMP 996,694 $61,523.8 959 $24,342.3 $42,404.4 $75,337.4

    Chickasaw NRA* 1,152,083 $17,666.5 186 $4,665.6 $7,476.4 $13,482.4

    Chiricahua NM 45,125 $2,607.7 36 $884.6 $1,536.3 $2,689.6

    Christiansted NHS 109,160 $6,122.1 77 $2,898.1 $4,800.6 $7,452.5

    City Of Rocks NRES 94,825 $5,318.1 85 $2,142.4 $3,447.7 $6,149.4

    Clara Barton NHS 20,028 $1,123.3 14 $614.7 $965.2 $1,528.1

    Colonial NHP 3,335,061 $187,040.6 3,123 $88,515.5 $145,600.8 $254,353.0

    Colorado NM 416,862 $25,300.8 386 $9,972.1 $17,993.9 $31,142.2

    Congaree NP* 120,123 $5,945.6 84 $2,294.3 $4,041.7 $6,901.6

    Coronado NMEM 118,838 $6,664.9 103 $2,681.2 $4,691.0 $7,996.2

  • 18

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Cowpens NB 200,836 $12,403.0 199 $6,059.0 $9,779.1 $16,768.5

    Crater Lake NP 535,508 $44,787.6 769 $21,613.0 $34,055.9 $61,038.2

    Craters Of The Moon NM&PRES* 214,993 $7,172.0 112 $2,626.2 $4,285.6 $8,111.8

    Cumberland Gap NHP 879,934 $54,075.7 828 $22,558.6 $39,131.2 $67,642.9

    Cumberland Island NS 61,402 $2,471.5 37 $1,078.9 $1,761.5 $3,013.4

    Curecanti NRA 931,368 $38,728.6 522 $16,390.9 $27,031.4 $44,334.2

    Cuyahoga Valley NP 2,189,849 $135,805.0 2,284 $67,095.4 $107,710.5 $189,924.7

    Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP* 57,565 $3,266.0 61 $1,854.8 $2,896.6 $5,096.3

    De Soto NMEM 342,039 $19,182.6 304 $9,847.1 $16,054.9 $26,733.9

    Death Valley NP 1,101,312 $89,177.4 1,264 $44,343.6 $71,914.5 $116,463.3

    Delaware Water Gap NRA* 4,041,672 $132,702.1 2,013 $80,891.8 $124,328.2 $194,684.5

    Denali NP&PRES 531,315 $524,279.2 6,806 $249,433.1 $462,498.1 $748,443.4

    Devils Postpile NM 114,414 $6,988.7 103 $2,891.5 $4,875.8 $8,302.0

    Devils Tower NM 440,875 $26,996.4 432 $10,778.9 $17,924.9 $33,693.9

    Dinosaur NM 250,624 $14,298.4 194 $5,736.4 $9,469.8 $16,059.1

    Dry Tortugas NP 64,865 $3,783.6 46 $1,582.4 $2,583.3 $4,160.9

    Edgar Allan Poe NHS 13,700 $768.3 10 $451.5 $701.4 $1,133.6

    Effigy Mounds NM* 77,811 $4,748.7 82 $1,853.5 $3,144.7 $5,747.2

    Eisenhower NHS 58,239 $3,266.2 47 $1,773.2 $2,769.9 $4,409.8

    El Malpais NM 164,063 $9,201.2 156 $3,922.4 $6,451.0 $11,737.1

    El Morro NM 46,256 $2,804.1 42 $798.9 $1,503.9 $2,849.9

    Eleanor Roosevelt NHS 60,455 $3,390.5 47 $1,801.7 $2,916.6 $4,499.2

    Eugene O'Neill NHS 3,202 $179.6 3 $104.0 $154.7 $247.3

    Everglades NP 1,110,900 $104,476.5 1,552 $60,917.8 $96,751.9 $155,544.7

    Federal Hall NMEM 137,538 $7,713.6 100 $4,565.2 $7,066.0 $10,598.6

    Fire Island NS 384,343 $15,960.1 188 $8,639.7 $13,376.9 $19,989.9

    First Ladies NHS 15,326 $859.6 14 $455.4 $708.5 $1,231.1

    Flight 93 NMEM 284,226 $15,940.4 266 $7,952.8 $12,471.8 $21,617.5

    Florissant Fossil Beds NM 63,298 $3,549.9 55 $1,945.7 $3,124.5 $5,132.0

    Ford's Theatre NHS 655,441 $11,910.5 172 $6,739.4 $10,645.8 $16,795.9

    Fort Bowie NHS 6,964 $390.6 6 $154.6 $270.4 $462.5

    Fort Caroline NMEM 187,844 $10,534.9 172 $5,091.3 $8,457.1 $14,428.8

    Fort Davis NHS 49,843 $2,795.4 42 $902.4 $1,620.5 $2,947.7

    Fort Donelson NB 262,317 $16,204.4 240 $7,561.4 $12,485.1 $20,826.3

    Fort Frederica NM 228,102 $12,792.7 207 $5,913.3 $9,723.6 $16,700.4

    Fort Laramie NHS 49,038 $2,750.3 43 $1,073.6 $1,845.4 $3,212.7

    Fort Larned NHS* 24,607 $1,430.9 21 $470.6 $841.6 $1,571.8

    Fort Matanzas NM 568,530 $31,884.9 521 $14,909.6 $25,243.0 $43,022.9

    Fort McHenry NM&SHRINE 769,300 $43,144.7 622 $23,381.1 $37,286.7 $58,869.6

  • 19

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Fort Necessity NB 219,546 $13,557.8 219 $6,850.6 $10,878.3 $18,752.7

    Fort Point NHS 1,677,456 $94,076.9 1,325 $54,436.5 $80,996.3 $129,525.0

    Fort Pulaski NM 387,010 $23,911.3 351 $10,187.6 $17,242.9 $28,990.3

    Fort Raleigh NHS 264,987 $14,861.3 243 $6,514.7 $10,638.2 $18,741.6

    Fort Scott NHS* 25,966 $444.6 6 $141.5 $228.8 $428.9

    Fort Smith NHS 88,790 $4,979.7 84 $2,037.9 $3,388.5 $6,165.7

    Fort Stanwix NM* 60,819 $3,206.0 43 $1,234.7 $2,442.4 $3,910.0

    Fort Sumter NM 828,521 $46,466.0 714 $20,559.0 $34,974.8 $58,198.5

    Fort Union NM* 10,934 $707.6 9 $300.1 $459.6 $793.2

    Fort Union Trading Post NHS* 11,520 $883.6 10 $313.9 $465.0 $801.2

    Fort Vancouver NHS 803,739 $45,076.2 766 $24,326.7 $37,421.2 $64,753.8

    Fort Washington P 466,078 $26,139.2 367 $14,285.6 $22,364.9 $35,176.2

    Fossil Butte NM* 16,623 $795.3 10 $302.6 $488.0 $847.9

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt MEM 2,938,238 $53,392.9 775 $30,211.9 $47,723.6 $75,293.3

    Frederick Douglass NHS 45,492 $826.7 11 $467.8 $738.6 $1,163.8

    Frederick Law Olmsted NHS 8,668 $486.1 7 $272.8 $430.0 $686.1

    Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania NMP

    873,328 $48,979.0 690 $26,115.2 $40,790.5 $64,610.8

    Friendship Hill NHS 34,317 $1,924.6 31 $984.1 $1,544.7 $2,671.2

    Gates Of The Arctic NP&PRES 12,669 $19,119.2 251 $9,108.4 $16,727.5 $27,197.9

    Gateway NRA 6,021,713 $143,825.1 1,709 $72,086.3 $109,267.6 $167,385.9

    Gauley River NRA 117,355 $4,846.6 71 $1,929.6 $3,040.0 $5,320.5

    General Grant NMEM 100,623 $5,643.3 72 $3,328.8 $5,170.3 $7,767.2

    George Rogers Clark NHP 125,218 $7,022.7 117 $2,741.3 $4,651.0 $8,548.5

    George Washington MEM PKWY 7,472,150 $46,713.1 854 $27,495.8 $40,683.9 $66,695.2

    George Washington Birthplace NM*

    131,984 $5,772.5 79 $2,996.2 $4,682.2 $7,358.2

    George Washington Carver NM* 41,535 $733.5 11 $291.9 $461.7 $826.0

    Gettysburg NMP 1,020,702 $62,913.7 868 $33,259.2 $52,739.5 $83,823.0

    Gila Cliff Dwellings NM 31,136 $1,746.2 24 $538.6 $955.1 $1,765.3

    Glacier NP 2,338,528 $193,345.6 3,405 $91,058.6 $139,669.0 $260,526.3

    Glacier Bay NP&PRES 500,727 $111,595.9 1,979 $60,041.9 $94,726.5 $159,895.2

    Glen Canyon NRA 2,368,452 $151,751.1 2,166 $56,617.4 $100,036.3 $171,761.9

    Golden Gate NRA 15,004,419 $357,087.2 4,416 $173,611.2 $255,554.0 $409,790.4

    Golden Spike NHS* 44,125 $2,423.2 39 $1,186.9 $1,866.6 $3,330.7

    Governors Island NM 698,228 $39,158.8 506 $23,175.7 $35,871.0 $53,804.9

    Grand Canyon NP* 4,756,771 $509,528.0 7,846 $265,037.7 $441,309.6 $711,041.9

    Grand Portage NM 88,877 $5,490.3 78 $1,595.9 $2,927.3 $5,393.0

    Grand Teton NP* 2,791,393 $489,710.1 7,822 $226,450.9 $362,187.4 $636,692.6

    Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS 20,564 $1,153.3 21 $556.4 $817.7 $1,529.1

  • 20

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Great Basin NP 107,525 $5,846.3 86 $1,896.9 $3,382.8 $6,108.6

    Great Sand Dunes NP&PRES 271,774 $15,754.9 234 $6,103.9 $10,923.9 $19,040.4

    Great Smoky Mountains NP 10,099,276 $806,719.9 12,759 $366,278.5 $639,907.0 $1,087,764.5

    Greenbelt P 132,688 $7,920.6 107 $4,185.1 $6,668.3 $10,496.1

    Guadalupe Mountains NP 166,868 $9,949.4 152 $3,749.4 $6,553.5 $11,900.3

    Guilford Courthouse NMP 173,261 $10,704.7 176 $5,172.8 $8,110.5 $14,212.2

    Gulf Islands NS 4,455,240 $185,611.0 2,731 $80,812.4 $131,010.4 $224,462.4

    Hagerman Fossil Beds NM 22,483 $1,261.0 22 $602.1 $934.4 $1,674.2

    Haleakala NP 1,142,040 $70,290.1 837 $32,210.8 $54,581.0 $84,066.3

    Hamilton Grange NMEM 20,944 $1,174.6 13 $691.8 $1,074.1 $1,610.3

    Hampton NHS 32,499 $1,822.7 25 $1,004.6 $1,587.3 $2,515.8

    Harpers Ferry NHP* 261,203 $12,358.0 192 $7,222.3 $11,270.9 $17,919.0

    Harry S Truman NHS 29,364 $1,646.8 28 $874.9 $1,389.0 $2,429.5

    Hawaii Volcanoes NP 1,693,005 $136,839.7 1,672 $64,076.4 $111,326.3 $170,878.0

    Herbert Hoover NHS 139,086 $7,800.4 131 $3,233.9 $5,627.1 $9,928.9

    Home Of Franklin D Roosevelt NHS

    179,339 $10,057.9 140 $5,395.7 $8,680.3 $13,401.7

    Homestead NM* 69,156 $2,185.5 33 $766.9 $1,283.1 $2,366.6

    Hopewell Culture NHP 36,432 $2,043.2 34 $1,060.5 $1,642.3 $2,889.9

    Hopewell Furnace NHS 48,105 $2,697.8 45 $1,529.4 $2,392.1 $3,936.2

    Horseshoe Bend NMP 64,360 $3,609.5 64 $1,651.7 $2,653.6 $4,788.1

    Hot Springs NP 1,424,485 $87,606.1 1,422 $36,484.5 $61,917.8 $111,375.4

    Hovenweep NM 26,808 $1,620.4 23 $622.4 $1,093.0 $1,871.7

    Hubbell Trading Post NHS 81,476 $4,569.5 71 $1,643.5 $2,838.9 $5,137.2

    Independence NHP 3,648,051 $204,594.0 3,217 $120,228.8 $186,764.9 $301,845.7

    Indiana Dunes NL 1,553,372 $64,905.3 913 $34,631.3 $54,588.4 $88,057.2

    Isle Royale NP 14,560 $3,426.3 56 $1,210.8 $2,168.3 $3,990.6

    James A Garfield NHS* 17,956 $616.0 11 $321.2 $503.7 $894.4

    Jean Lafitte NP&PRES 445,524 $24,986.3 393 $11,798.8 $18,963.4 $32,470.8

    Jefferson NEM* 1,817,091 $173,646.4 3,195 $96,597.8 $152,540.4 $270,001.1

    Jewel Cave NM 104,348 $5,852.2 99 $2,385.7 $3,889.6 $7,417.8

    Jimmy Carter NHS 62,056 $3,480.3 60 $1,332.3 $2,270.0 $4,221.2

    John D Rockefeller Jr MEM PKWY 1,264,842 $42,478.2 726 $23,408.2 $38,171.0 $67,593.6

    John Day Fossil Beds NM* 183,420 $8,374.1 131 $3,509.4 $5,473.7 $9,812.5

    John F Kennedy NHS 26,272 $1,473.4 21 $826.6 $1,303.1 $2,079.8

    John Muir NHS 41,536 $2,329.5 32 $1,347.8 $2,006.3 $3,209.6

    Johnstown Flood NMEM* 141,353 $8,366.7 150 $4,365.4 $6,818.6 $11,879.3

    Joshua Tree NP* 1,589,904 $73,769.2 1,030 $37,957.5 $59,989.2 $97,156.4

    Kalaupapa NHP 67,211 $3,769.5 49 $1,784.4 $2,955.8 $4,588.6

    Kaloko-Honokohau NHP 154,206 $8,648.4 110 $4,094.0 $6,781.7 $10,527.9

  • 21

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Katmai NP&PRES 30,896 $46,627.2 614 $22,213.3 $40,794.5 $66,329.3

    Kenai Fjords NP 270,666 $52,777.2 980 $28,925.6 $44,402.0 $75,580.8

    Kennesaw Mountain NBP 2,119,013 $118,840.8 2,010 $67,492.0 $104,476.4 $177,869.0

    Kings Canyon NP 502,267 $42,507.7 648 $18,327.7 $31,004.6 $53,275.7

    Kings Mountain NMP* 251,093 $9,640.1 155 $4,700.1 $7,454.3 $12,791.5

    Klondike Gold Rush AK NHP 1,085,202 $211,237.1 3,922 $115,802.2 $177,693.9 $302,504.5

    Klondike Gold Rush WA NHP 62,023 $3,478.5 48 $1,668.5 $2,884.3 $4,651.0

    Knife River Indian Villages NHS 10,751 $603.0 9 $264.0 $422.1 $763.1

    Kobuk Valley NP0 - - - - - -

    Korean War Veterans MEM 3,767,287 $68,458.2 992 $38,736.4 $61,189.2 $96,538.0

    Lake Chelan NRA 35,360 $2,218.1 29 $1,072.3 $1,837.3 $2,915.5

    Lake Clark NP&PRES 16,100 $24,298.1 320 $11,575.7 $21,258.7 $34,565.3

    Lake Mead NRA 6,942,874 $290,172.8 3,919 $130,946.7 $209,508.7 $338,965.3

    Lake Meredith NRA 692,195 $28,867.3 431 $10,610.7 $18,477.9 $33,156.8

    Lake Roosevelt NRA 1,180,897 $49,385.2 694 $19,080.3 $34,479.4 $58,116.8

    Lassen Volcanic NP 432,977 $25,148.9 374 $9,318.1 $16,455.6 $28,633.9

    Lava Beds NM* 138,499 $5,647.2 77 $2,053.9 $3,416.2 $6,070.6

    Lewis and Clark NHP 244,920 $13,735.9 221 $7,202.5 $11,262.5 $19,061.4

    Lincoln MEM 7,139,073 $129,729.4 1,882 $73,406.1 $115,954.5 $182,941.1

    Lincoln Boyhood NMEM* 99,795 $4,559.9 76 $2,166.1 $3,495.9 $6,238.1

    Lincoln Home NHS* 218,131 $12,690.8 208 $5,019.5 $9,266.9 $16,013.6

    Little Bighorn Battlefield NM 281,436 $15,783.8 271 $7,026.7 $10,903.5 $20,408.1

    Little River Canyon NPRES 224,931 $12,614.9 210 $5,604.6 $9,308.0 $16,468.8

    Little Rock Central High School NHS

    115,907 $6,500.4 111 $2,850.4 $4,735.0 $8,533.9

    Longfellow NHS 46,370 $2,600.6 40 $1,461.1 $2,303.1 $3,665.7

    Lowell NHP 514,524 $28,856.1 433 $16,163.0 $25,497.3 $40,654.5

    Lyndon B Johnson NHP 88,428 $4,959.3 79 $2,502.2 $4,091.5 $6,970.8

    Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac NMEM

    254,168 $14,254.5 203 $7,789.1 $12,227.2 $19,330.7

    Maggie L Walker NHS 9,045 $507.3 8 $237.3 $393.4 $682.9

    Mammoth Cave NP 522,628 $43,642.1 685 $21,301.9 $35,276.0 $59,783.6

    Manassas NBP 514,139 $28,834.5 408 $15,761.3 $24,667.8 $38,938.0

    Manzanar NHS* 77,633 $7,764.2 114 $3,250.6 $5,391.9 $9,112.4

    Marsh - Billings - Rockefeller NHP 39,086 $2,192.1 32 $1,002.0 $1,726.0 $2,834.1

    Martin Luther King Jr NHS 766,031 $42,961.4 728 $24,602.5 $38,060.9 $64,682.9

    Martin Luther King, Jr. MEM 3,199,136 $58,133.9 842 $32,894.5 $51,961.1 $81,978.9

    Martin Van Buren NHS 19,187 $1,076.1 13 $510.7 $877.1 $1,386.0

    Mary McLeod Bethune Council House NHS

    9,295 $168.9 3 $95.6 $151.0 $238.2

    Mesa Verde NP* 501,563 $49,982.2 742 $19,580.3 $34,957.3 $60,129.3

  • 22

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Minute Man NHP 1,056,549 $59,254.5 888 $33,219.1 $52,469.3 $83,628.4

    Minuteman Missile NHS* 62,058 $4,426.9 74 $1,712.1 $2,815.6 $5,483.2

    Mississippi NRRA 85,637 $3,536.0 56 $1,734.9 $2,784.9 $4,846.7

    Missouri NRR 134,762 $5,564.5 88 $2,086.6 $3,489.1 $6,435.3

    Mojave NPRES 554,560 $31,092.7 451 $15,322.1 $24,312.9 $39,283.7

    Monocacy NB* 56,187 $4,494.5 65 $2,525.8 $3,980.0 $6,278.9

    Montezuma Castle NM 407,017 $22,826.7 343 $12,173.9 $19,498.9 $31,796.1

    Moores Creek NB 87,775 $5,413.6 82 $2,086.6 $3,660.6 $6,445.2

    Morristown NHP 264,363 $14,826.3 197 $8,832.2 $13,616.2 $20,697.4

    Mount Rainier NP* 1,264,259 $45,531.7 595 $20,879.1 $36,176.6 $57,733.1

    Mount Rushmore NMEM 2,144,807 $120,287.4 2,070 $50,000.2 $81,000.2 $154,930.0

    Muir Woods NM 1,049,400 $58,853.6 823 $33,952.9 $50,391.6 $80,236.6

    Natchez NHP 215,256 $12,072.2 190 $5,214.8 $8,423.3 $14,818.8

    Natchez Trace PKWY 5,846,473 $136,497.0 1,843 $47,561.9 $76,370.7 $134,118.5

    National Capital Parks Central 1,999,231 $36,329.5 528 $20,539.3 $32,466.3 $51,281.3

    National Capital Parks East 1,311,995 $23,841.2 352 $13,379.4 $21,532.8 $34,049.6

    National Park of American Samoa 13,952 $782.5 9 $370.4 $613.6 $952.5

    Natural Bridges NM 87,119 $5,229.5 73 $1,927.7 $3,371.9 $5,767.4

    Navajo NM 65,778 $4,005.3 55 $1,473.6 $2,573.0 $4,395.8

    New Bedford Whaling NHP* 272,732 $14,024.0 225 $8,391.3 $13,065.7 $20,668.9

    New Orleans Jazz NHP 36,017 $2,019.9 31 $982.5 $1,563.6 $2,662.1

    New River Gorge NR 1,124,799 $47,014.7 714 $18,843.9 $30,297.0 $53,459.2

    Nez Perce NHP 221,439 $12,419.0 194 $4,908.2 $8,806.3 $15,195.8

    Nicodemus NHS* 3,375 $181.0 2 $50.9 $92.9 $173.7

    Ninety Six NHS 65,687 $3,683.9 60 $1,550.3 $2,697.7 $4,679.7

    Niobrara NSR 53,444 $2,206.8 35 $593.0 $1,048.0 $2,078.6

    Noatak NPRES0 - - - - - -

    North Cascades NP 23,865 $1,028.4 11 $438.7 $740.2 $1,173.1

    Obed W&SR* 215,766 $3,668.9 46 $1,253.0 $2,010.4 $3,426.5

    Ocmulgee NM 122,800 $6,887.0 118 $2,642.4 $4,575.4 $8,380.3

    Olympic NP 3,243,873 $263,953.3 3,592 $128,149.7 $227,305.2 $365,559.9

    Oregon Caves NM 69,405 $4,709.8 79 $2,009.7 $3,309.8 $6,007.5

    Organ Pipe Cactus NM 224,547 $13,499.0 195 $6,983.5 $11,401.6 $18,710.6

    Ozark NSR 1,296,437 $53,912.0 842 $19,036.6 $31,540.9 $58,266.6

    Padre Island NS 578,814 $23,892.7 361 $8,616.8 $15,156.4 $27,198.2

    Palo Alto Battlefield NHP 41,516 $2,328.3 41 $859.6 $1,564.5 $2,861.0

    Pea Ridge NMP 104,686 $5,871.2 100 $2,649.6 $4,286.0 $7,686.9

    Pecos NHP 38,255 $2,145.5 35 $970.4 $1,539.7 $2,749.3

    Pennsylvania Avenue NHS 54,035 $981.9 13 $555.6 $877.6 $1,384.7

  • 23

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Perry's Victory & International Peace MEM*

    129,441 $11,103.9 216 $6,442.6 $10,115.8 $17,450.4

    Petersburg NB 205,572 $11,529.1 192 $5,355.7 $8,833.1 $15,496.4

    Petrified Forest NP 836,800 $51,696.5 719 $18,628.6 $32,888.9 $56,833.8

    Petroglyph NM 115,860 $6,497.8 108 $2,892.8 $4,609.5 $8,311.0

    Pictured Rocks NL 527,897 $21,906.0 312 $6,965.4 $12,453.7 $22,175.2

    Pinnacles NP 196,636 $11,028.0 151 $5,512.1 $8,388.0 $13,456.9

    Pipe Spring NM 56,484 $3,167.8 49 $1,194.7 $2,100.1 $3,690.8

    Pipestone NM 62,151 $3,485.7 59 $1,450.1 $2,392.4 $4,423.9

    Piscataway P 109,472 $6,139.5 85 $3,355.5 $5,253.4 $8,263.4

    Point Reyes NS 2,433,943 $102,799.7 1,322 $54,957.6 $81,356.9 $128,852.0

    Port Chicago Naval Magazine NMEM

    786 $44.1 0 $25.6 $38.1 $61.2

    President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home NHS

    11,113 $623.2 9 $248.8 $423.2 $749.6

    President's Park 723,923 $13,154.9 191 $7,443.6 $11,758.1 $18,550.8

    Prince William Forest P 315,072 $17,917.2 237 $9,375.9 $14,860.1 $23,403.6

    Pu`uhonua O Honaunau NHP 401,807 $22,534.6 285 $10,667.6 $17,670.6 $27,431.8

    Puukohola Heiau NHS 134,734 $7,556.4 95 $3,577.1 $5,925.4 $9,198.5

    Rainbow Bridge NM 62,911 $3,528.3 52 $1,310.5 $2,281.5 $3,921.2

    Redwood NP 429,166 $26,322.4 428 $10,955.7 $18,101.3 $32,650.1

    Richmond NBP 179,552 $10,069.8 167 $4,663.5 $7,739.6 $13,515.1

    Rio Grande W&SR 310 $311.2 6 $127.5 $226.7 $417.4

    River Raisin NB 55,281 $3,100.3 51 $1,537.6 $2,498.9 $4,272.2

    Rock Creek P 2,437,948 $44,301.7 645 $25,069.1 $39,644.4 $62,654.2

    Rocky Mountain NP* 3,434,750 $217,019.5 3,382 $123,180.0 $199,324.4 $329,355.2

    Roger Williams NMEM 51,523 $2,889.6 43 $1,589.8 $2,527.6 $3,988.1

    Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front NHP

    45,549 $2,554.5 36 $1,478.1 $2,199.3 $3,517.0

    Ross Lake NRA 710,612 $30,287.9 376 $13,702.6 $22,990.9 $36,493.8

    Russell Cave NM 18,531 $1,039.3 17 $424.2 $722.3 $1,285.5

    Sagamore Hill NHS 19,319 $1,083.5 13 $636.1 $986.3 $1,470.6

    Saguaro NP 673,572 $41,588.2 610 $21,615.4 $35,370.5 $58,096.9

    Saint Croix NSR 671,582 $27,645.6 439 $13,488.3 $21,616.5 $37,646.1

    Saint Croix Island IHS 11,587 $649.8 10 $270.2 $436.3 $789.6

    Saint Paul's Church NHS 16,461 $923.2 10 $543.6 $843.3 $1,258.6

    Saint-Gaudens NHS* 37,785 $1,799.9 30 $995.2 $1,655.1 $2,688.7

    Salem Maritime NHS 403,758 $22,644.0 336 $12,840.5 $20,099.8 $31,849.0

    Salinas Pueblo Missions NM 30,537 $1,712.6 28 $771.1 $1,226.5 $2,192.8

    Salt River Bay EHP 5,193 $291.2 3 $137.9 $228.4 $354.5

    San Antonio Missions NHP 1,395,337 $78,254.8 1,268 $38,064.9 $62,971.6 $108,344.9

    San Francisco Maritime NHP 4,256,888 $101,688.8 1,255 $49,559.4 $72,864.4 $116,699.8

  • 24

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    San Juan NHS 1,382,906 $77,557.7 985 $36,714.8 $60,817.2 $94,412.5

    San Juan Island NHP 268,946 $15,083.4 204 $7,215.0 $12,233.2 $19,514.0

    Sand Creek Massacre NHS 7,402 $415.2 7 $112.5 $218.4 $410.7

    Santa Monica Mountains NRA 694,714 $29,060.9 416 $15,595.3 $24,099.9 $39,738.7

    Saratoga NHP 58,772 $3,296.1 50 $1,397.5 $2,538.6 $4,168.3

    Saugus Iron Works NHS 11,181 $627.0 10 $354.9 $556.9 $882.7

    Scotts Bluff NM 119,160 $6,682.9 100 $2,638.6 $4,518.9 $7,743.3

    Sequoia NP* 1,039,137 $76,741.7 1,099 $31,204.5 $53,557.1 $91,684.3

    Shenandoah NP 1,255,320 $80,394.0 1,085 $41,852.8 $66,255.3 $104,696.4

    Shiloh NMP 409,086 $22,942.9 373 $8,537.4 $14,636.8 $26,582.0

    Sitka NHP 157,297 $33,546.1 604 $18,154.9 $28,395.6 $48,057.3

    Sleeping Bear Dunes NL* 1,395,400 $144,705.9 2,309 $56,724.2 $103,835.1 $181,736.2

    Springfield Armory NHS 20,595 $1,155.1 16 $613.9 $990.8 $1,570.1

    Statue Of Liberty NM 4,198,815 $235,482.6 3,046 $139,251.8 $215,703.4 $323,637.7

    Steamtown NHS* 84,257 $4,377.4 72 $2,271.3 $3,598.7 $5,987.1

    Stones River NB 272,500 $15,282.6 246 $7,463.6 $12,268.2 $20,660.5

    Sunset Crater Volcano NM 176,723 $9,911.2 146 $3,634.2 $6,454.6 $10,987.9

    Tallgrass Prairie NPRES 17,776 $997.0 16 $427.6 $706.4 $1,262.6

    Thaddeus Kosciuszko NMEM 1,476 $82.8 0 $48.7 $75.6 $122.2

    Theodore Roosevelt NP 559,580 $33,959.9 470 $12,658.3 $20,267.1 $35,988.6

    Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS

    21,064 $1,181.3 13 $696.8 $1,082.3 $1,625.9

    Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural NHS

    22,025 $1,235.2 17 $515.9 $975.0 $1,577.9

    Theodore Roosevelt Island P 146,500 $8,216.2 117 $4,489.6 $7,047.7 $11,142.0

    Thomas Edison NHP 51,345 $2,879.6 38 $1,705.7 $2,627.6 $3,961.7

    Thomas Jefferson NMEM 2,708,607 $49,220.1 713 $27,850.7 $43,993.8 $69,408.9

    Thomas Stone NHS 5,844 $327.8 3 $179.9 $280.7 $440.6

    Timpanogos Cave NM 95,680 $5,366.0 94 $2,844.8 $4,457.7 $7,933.6

    Timucuan EHP 1,121,318 $62,887.0 1,029 $30,239.1 $50,244.1 $85,812.8

    Tonto NM 36,361 $2,039.2 30 $1,090.3 $1,756.0 $2,874.9

    Tumaccori NHP 38,017 $2,132.1 32 $857.7 $1,500.6 $2,558.0

    Tuskegee Airmen NHS 24,319 $1,363.9 23 $543.1 $897.5 $1,663.3

    Tuskegee Institute NHS 11,786 $661.0 10 $263.2 $435.0 $806.1

    Tuzigoot NM 74,902 $4,200.8 64 $2,249.0 $3,596.3 $5,858.1

    Ulysses S Grant NHS 40,287 $2,259.4 39 $1,198.8 $1,882.9 $3,305.7

    Upper Delaware NSR&NRR 230,846 $9,531.8 108 $4,957.7 $7,515.8 $11,235.7

    Valley Forge NHP! 1,990,881 $24,192.4 431 $14,494.8 $22,222.9 $36,445.0

    Vanderbilt Mansion NHS 398,448 $22,346.2 309 $11,978.8 $19,263.1 $29,728.4

    Vicksburg NMP 550,875 $30,894.8 517 $14,296.0 $22,647.3 $40,397.6

  • 25

    Park Unit Total

    Recreation Visits

    Total Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Contribution of all Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Vietnam Veterans MEM 4,403,467 $80,018.6 1,160 $45,277.8 $71,522.2 $112,840.3

    Virgin Islands NP* 426,931 $59,773.8 789 $29,498.4 $52,131.2 $79,965.4

    Voyageurs NP 239,159 $18,825.0 301 $7,273.1 $12,970.1 $23,352.1

    Walnut Canyon NM 135,231 $7,584.2 111 $2,781.0 $4,939.2 $8,408.1

    War In The Pacific NHP 266,191 $14,928.8 190 $7,067.1 $11,706.5 $18,173.2

    Washington Monument 423,170 $7,689.7 110 $4,351.2 $6,873.2 $10,843.9

    Washita Battlefield NHS 13,186 $739.6 11 $260.7 $441.6 $814.0

    Weir Farm NHS 34,083 $1,911.5 23 $1,112.7 $1,732.2 $2,590.4

    Whiskeytown NRA 851,902 $35,336.6 516 $13,062.7 $22,481.6 $38,848.1

    White House 569,392 $10,346.8 149 $5,854.7 $9,248.2 $14,590.8

    White Sands NM* 503,660 $25,565.3 386 $9,218.9 $15,839.4 $29,051.3

    Whitman Mission NHS 58,500 $3,280.9 49 $1,205.8 $2,189.0 $3,695.2

    William Howard Taft NHS 23,609 $1,324.1 22 $682.9 $1,066.3 $1,874.3

    Wilson's Creek NB 161,058 $9,032.7 155 $4,061.5 $6,568.1 $11,794.3

    Wind Cave NP* 547,022 $52,761.4 919 $22,098.8 $36,464.4 $69,821.2

    Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts

    388,283 $21,776.2 314 $11,908.5 $18,710.5 $29,647.4

    Women's Rights NHP* 30,254 $2,105.9 29 $895.7 $1,708.2 $2,712.2

    World War II Memorial 4,230,793 $76,880.9 1,114 $43,502.3 $68,717.5 $108,415.4

    World War II Valor in the Pacific NM

    1,620,815 $90,900.4 1,154 $43,031.0 $71,279.9 $110,654.8

    Wrangell - St Elias NP&PRES 74,722 $112,768.0 1,488 $53,723.1 $98,661.8 $160,417.7

    Wright Brothers NMEM 430,517 $24,144.7 393 $10,633.3 $17,408.2 $30,602.4

    Wupatki NM 195,963 $10,990.3 162 $4,078.5 $7,211.2 $12,261.9

    Yellowstone NP* 3,513,483 $421,003.8 6,662 $192,222.5 $309,368.0 $543,732.5

    Yosemite NP* 3,882,642 $405,223.4 6,261 $187,903.0 $315,990.0 $535,319.3

    Yukon - Charley Rivers NPRES 1,912 $3,374.4 27 $1,341.9 $3,173.6 $4,734.0

    Zion NP* 3,189,696 $172,231.9 2,423 $89,003.8 $146,868.9 $233,123.4

    * For these parks, results are based on a visitor survey at the designated park. For other parks, visitor characteristics and spending averages are adapted from national averages for each park type. 0 Areas that were open but did not report visitation in 2014.

    !Visitor segment shares and trip characteristic data were updated this year to reflect the large portion of local day trips to this park. These changes result in lower visitor spending and economic contribution estimates for Valley Forge NHP.

  • 26

    Table 4. Visits, spending and economic impacts to local economies of NPS non-local visitor spending - 2014.

    Park Unit Non-Local Recreation


    Non-Local Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Impact of Non-Local Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Abraham Lincoln Birthplace NHP 202,662 $12,931.0 217 $6,165.4 $9,913.9 $17,428.8

    Acadia NP 2,428,489 $217,914.6 3,445 $90,142.0 $152,237.3 $267,755.2

    Adams NHP 149,913 $9,565.3 142 $5,392.1 $8,509.1 $13,544.0

    African Burial Ground NM 46,083 $2,940.4 38 $1,743.3 $2,710.7 $4,065.9

    Agate Fossil Beds NM* 11,894 $868.9 13 $271.2 $488.1 $909.3

    Alibates Flint Quarries NM 3,791 $241.9 4 $96.7 $169.5 $302.9

    Allegheny Portage Railroad NHS 145,222 $9,266.0 156 $4,612.6 $7,261.9 $12,587.0

    Amistad NRA 770,256 $41,758.0 603 $13,099.8 $23,884.5 $43,099.9

    Andersonville NHS 106,839 $6,816.9 117 $2,632.0 $4,497.1 $8,356.4

    Andrew Johnson NHS 36,005 $2,297.4 38 $1,034.1 $1,730.1 $2,994.8

    Aniakchak NM&PRES 134 $122.8 1 $48.8 $115.5 $172.2

    Antietam NB 283,147 $18,066.4 261 $9,890.9 $15,554.5 $24,736.6

    Apostle Islands NL* 268,225 $43,724.1 691 $16,683.1 $29,304.9 $53,139.6

    Appomattox Court House NHP 234,172 $14,941.5 249 $6,485.7 $10,881.9 $19,173.9

    Arches NP* 1,284,768 $146,081.2 2,455 $61,114.3 $110,401.2 $193,737.4

    Arkansas Post NMEM 25,923 $1,654.0 26 $730.6 $1,150.2 $1,996.8

    Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial NMEM

    564,176 $35,997.7 513 $19,761.9 $31,085.3 $49,093.8

    Assateague Island NS 1,491,626 $80,050.9 1,116 $32,347.1 $57,288.3 $93,320.7

    Aztec Ruins NM 37,565 $2,396.8 37 $891.5 $1,553.0 $2,756.4

    Badlands NP 815,311 $52,645.3 866 $20,683.5 $34,108.3 $65,604.6

    Bandelier NM 122,309 $7,704.0 122 $3,346.1 $5,409.8 $9,703.2

    Bent's Old Fort NHS 20,626 $1,316.1 20 $524.1 $936.6 $1,621.3

    Bering Land Bridge NPRES 2,636 $3,977.9 52 $1,895.1 $3,480.3 $5,658.7

    Big Bend NP 301,736 $26,890.1 408 $9,159.8 $16,690.3 $29,898.7

    Big Cypress NPRES 1,122,490 $90,221.2 1,313 $50,247.1 $79,865.1 $128,823.1

    Big Hole NB 31,069 $1,982.4 32 $828.6 $1,249.8 $2,315.9

    Big South Fork NRRA* 341,953 $14,236.9 203 $5,366.7 $9,231.5 $16,058.8

    Big Thicket NPRES 103,047 $6,655.6 95 $3,189.6 $5,154.6 $8,554.5

    Bighorn Canyon NRA 154,279 $8,259.9 133 $3,416.9 $5,482.2 $10,148.6

    Biscayne NP 492,470 $31,930.5 455 $17,684.2 $27,635.2 $44,379.2

    Black Canyon Of The Gunnison NP 172,137 $10,810.5 148 $5,045.9 $8,239.7 $13,350.6

    Blue Ridge PKWY 13,057,382 $852,343.3 13,871 $404,913.8 $672,406.2 $1,165,069.6

    Bluestone NSR 26,915 $1,411.5 22 $578.1 $933.8 $1,639.8

    Booker T Washington NM 21,948 $1,400.4 24 $623.8 $1,020.1 $1,817.2

    Boston NHP 2,079,906 $132,709.8 1,974 $74,930.7 $118,302.9 $187,937.2

    Boston African American NHS 343,257 $21,901.7 326 $12,361.5 $19,521.9 $31,019.5

  • 27

    Park Unit Non-Local Recreation


    Non-Local Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Impact of Non-Local Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Brown V Board Of Education NHS 22,569 $1,440.0 25 $758.0 $1,208.0 $2,113.9

    Bryce Canyon NP 1,357,065 $116,003.6 1,785 $45,777.9 $80,957.8 $140,877.3

    Buck Island Reef NM 32,375 $2,020.3 24 $921.0 $1,560.5 $2,403.4

    Buffalo NR 940,322 $50,214.0 803 $20,315.3 $33,348.7 $59,593.1

    Cabrillo NM 750,485 $47,885.2 709 $25,940.5 $39,864.7 $64,153.7

    Canaveral NS 1,358,734 $88,428.9 1,334 $42,595.4 $71,305.5 $118,327.1

    Cane River Creole NHP 24,344 $1,553.3 24 $625.7 $1,076.9 $1,890.5

    Canyon De Chelly NM 775,674 $50,720.1 748 $18,226.0 $31,970.2 $57,297.0

    Canyonlands NP 512,595 $30,905.3 474 $11,732.6 $21,026.1 $37,019.2

    Cape Cod NS 3,016,509 $164,015.0 2,170 $88,411.7 $136,261.1 $212,078.3

    Cape Hatteras NS 2,018,961 $129,918.9 2,025 $55,159.1 $91,789.5 $161,281.1

    Cape Krusenstern NM0 - - - - - -

    Cape Lookout NS 299,446 $18,894.6 305 $7,025.6 $11,697.6 $21,732.4

    Capitol Reef NP* 770,305 $54,208.1 774 $20,165.8 $35,432.2 $61,758.6

    Capulin Volcano NM* 49,034 $1,448.3 23 $449.8 $775.2 $1,447.5

    Carl Sandburg Home NHS 69,197 $4,415.1 73 $1,927.8 $3,254.0 $5,627.1

    Carlsbad Caverns NP 371,955 $24,224.1 363 $8,822.7 $14,810.9 $27,149.1

    Casa Grande Ruins NM 53,507 $3,414.1 52 $1,831.6 $2,962.0 $4,861.5

    Castillo De San Marcos NM 638,994 $40,771.4 667 $19,040.4 $32,351.9 $55,213.4

    Castle Clinton NM 1,921,363 $70,126.8 857 $37,963.3 $58,391.0 $88,158.6

    Catoctin Mountain P 177,546 $10,845.3 149 $5,734.8 $9,100.0 $14,463.3

    Cedar Breaks NM 714,398 $46,435.5 694 $17,254.8 $30,704.3 $53,762.6

    Cesar E. Chavez NM 7,438 $474.6 7 $259.3 $401.4 $658.7

    Chaco Culture NHP 36,483 $2,092.1 33 $847.3 $1,408.0 $2,545.3

    Chamizal NMEM 91,056 $5,809.9 96 $2,256.4 $3,939.4 $7,246.5

    Channel Islands NP 322,234 $19,996.5 287 $11,297.1 $17,400.0 $28,378.4

    Charles Pinckney NHS 44,928 $2,866.7 44 $1,272.7 $2,169.7 $3,602.9

    Chattahoochee River NRA 2,183,414 $114,508.4 1,824 $61,293.9 $95,396.7 $162,316.3

    Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHP 4,223,994 $84,213.5 1,264 $47,314.6 $75,669.0 $121,270.0

    Chickamauga & Chattanooga NMP 933,198 $60,720.8 950 $24,099.8 $42,013.7 $74,649.0

    Chickasaw NRA* 700,251 $11,057.6 139 $3,399.6 $5,542.8 $10,117.1

    Chiricahua NM 42,632 $2,576.1 35 $876.4 $1,523.2 $2,666.8

    Christiansted NHS 91,695 $5,850.7 74 $2,783.7 $4,620.0 $7,161.4

    City Of Rocks NRES 79,653 $5,082.3 80 $2,057.9 $3,317.4 $5,913.0

    Clara Barton NHS 16,824 $1,073.5 15 $590.2 $928.6 $1,468.6

    Colonial NHP 2,801,451 $178,748.4 2,985 $84,909.3 $140,013.6 $244,554.9

    Colorado NM 391,230 $24,976.6 381 $9,877.8 $17,830.7 $30,863.3

    Congaree NP* 83,410 $5,607.2 80 $2,199.1 $3,892.7 $6,640.9

    Coronado NMEM 99,824 $6,369.4 98 $2,574.9 $4,513.6 $7,690.4

  • 28

    Park Unit Non-Local Recreation


    Non-Local Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Impact of Non-Local Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Cowpens NB 188,029 $12,241.1 197 $5,999.9 $9,689.4 $16,614.6

    Crater Lake NP 507,415 $44,116.6 759 $21,328.8 $33,625.3 $60,282.4

    Craters Of The Moon NM&PRES* 204,281 $7,076.8 112 $2,601.5 $4,248.2 $8,041.5

    Cumberland Gap NHP 824,393 $53,373.2 820 $22,340.0 $38,777.6 $67,028.1

    Cumberland Island NS 45,240 $2,224.8 34 $991.7 $1,625.5 $2,777.8

    Curecanti NRA 642,360 $34,316.7 471 $14,896.3 $24,679.6 $40,477.7

    Cuyahoga Valley NP 2,050,401 $134,041.3 2,260 $66,451.7 $106,736.0 $188,200.6

    Dayton Aviation Heritage NHP* 35,362 $3,023.3 55 $1,711.5 $2,684.0 $4,709.2

    De Soto NMEM 287,313 $18,332.2 291 $9,433.8 $15,434.6 $25,685.8

    Death Valley NP 1,042,699 $87,777.4 1,246 $43,801.6 $70,994.0 $114,952.3

    Delaware Water Gap NRA* 2,783,420 $111,699.6 1,683 $68,514.7 $105,454.7 $164,632.9

    Denali NP&PRES 531,315 $524,279.2 6,805 $249,433.1 $462,498.1 $748,443.4

    Devils Postpile NM 107,283 $6,898.5 101 $2,862.9 $4,831.2 $8,226.3

    Devils Tower NM 413,256 $26,647.1 429 $10,673.9 $17,763.1 $33,390.6

    Dinosaur NM 237,172 $14,128.3 194 $5,685.0 $9,388.5 $15,923.9

    Dry Tortugas NP 61,205 $3,737.3 46 $1,567.3 $2,560.9 $4,124.4

    Edgar Allan Poe NHS 11,508 $734.3 12 $433.9 $674.8 $1,089.9

    Effigy Mounds NM* 68,251 $4,550.5 78 $1,792.7 $3,047.1 $5,568.0

    Eisenhower NHS 48,921 $3,121.4 45 $1,702.2 $2,664.7 $4,238.1

    El Malpais NM 137,813 $8,793.3 149 $3,762.3 $6,202.7 $11,285.6

    El Morro NM 43,419 $2,768.2 41 $791.4 $1,490.8 $2,824.8

    Eleanor Roosevelt NHS 50,782 $3,240.2 44 $1,729.4 $2,805.8 $4,324.4

    Eugene O'Neill NHS 2,690 $171.7 2 $99.9 $148.8 $237.8

    Everglades NP 991,282 $101,619.3 1,513 $59,502.3 $94,603.9 $152,058.9

    Federal Hall NMEM 115,532 $7,371.6 95 $4,383.4 $6,797.4 $10,186.0

    Fire Island NS 265,853 $14,151.2 169 $7,871.2 $12,232.0 $18,232.8

    First Ladies NHS 12,874 $821.5 14 $437.5 $681.8 $1,183.8

    Flight 93 NMEM 238,750 $15,233.7 255 $7,638.8 $12,001.7 $20,786.7

    Florissant Fossil Beds NM 53,170 $3,392.5 52 $1,868.5 $3,004.8 $4,936.1

    Ford's Theatre NHS 546,058 $10,910.6 158 $6,247.9 $9,912.3 $15,605.9

    Fort Bowie NHS 5,850 $373.3 6 $148.5 $260.2 $444.8

    Fort Caroline NMEM 157,789 $10,067.9 165 $4,881.3 $8,134.2 $13,867.3

    Fort Davis NHS 41,868 $2,671.5 41 $865.7 $1,560.0 $2,835.7

    Fort Donelson NB 245,579 $15,992.7 237 $7,491.3 $12,373.5 $20,635.6

    Fort Frederica NM 191,606 $12,225.6 198 $5,670.2 $9,351.8 $16,054.7

    Fort Laramie NHS 41,192 $2,628.3 40 $1,034.5 $1,776.1 $3,092.7

    Fort Larned NHS* 21,977 $1,400.7 22 $463.4 $830.7 $1,552.4

    Fort Matanzas NM 477,565 $30,471.3 497 $14,289.7 $24,279.1 $41,341.9

    Fort McHenry NM&SHRINE 646,212 $41,232.0 594 $22,440.5 $35,867.7 $56,576.6

  • 29

    Park Unit Non-Local Recreation


    Non-Local Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Impact of Non-Local Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Fort Necessity NB 205,547 $13,380.8 216 $6,785.6 $10,780.5 $18,581.2

    Fort Point NHS 1,409,063 $89,906.2 1,267 $52,279.0 $77,904.7 $124,535.3

    Fort Pulaski NM 362,307 $23,598.9 346 $10,087.0 $17,085.5 $28,723.4

    Fort Raleigh NHS 222,589 $14,202.5 233 $6,250.0 $10,230.2 $18,020.3

    Fort Scott NHS* 15,411 $333.5 5 $107.2 $178.6 $336.4

    Fort Smith NHS 74,584 $4,758.9 81 $1,954.1 $3,257.2 $5,930.7

    Fort Stanwix NM* 42,573 $3,109.1 42 $1,202.8 $2,389.0 $3,820.0

    Fort Sumter NM 695,958 $44,406.0 682 $19,715.5 $33,643.4 $55,936.7

    Fort Union NM* 10,596 $706.0 10 $299.4 $458.7 $791.7

    Fort Union Trading Post NHS* 10,116 $858.0 11 $307.1 $456.3 $786.8

    Fort Vancouver NHS 675,141 $43,077.8 733 $23,347.6 $35,980.6 $62,260.6

    Fort Washington P 391,506 $24,980.4 351 $13,715.0 $21,516.5 $33,807.8

    Fossil Butte NM* 16,623 $795.3 11 $302.6 $488.0 $847.9

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt MEM 2,447,891 $48,910.6 707 $28,008.4 $44,435.2 $69,958.7

    Frederick Douglass NHS 37,900 $757.3 11 $433.6 $687.7 $1,081.4

    Frederick Law Olmsted NHS 7,281 $464.6 7 $261.8 $413.6 $659.2

    Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania NMP

    733,596 $46,807.6 658 $25,072.2 $39,242.9 $62,105.5

    Friendship Hill NHS 28,826 $1,839.2 31 $945.4 $1,486.6 $2,568.6

    Gates Of The Arctic NP&PRES 12,669 $19,119.2 252 $9,108.4 $16,727.5 $27,197.9

    Gateway NRA 2,443,079 $89,194.7 1,110 $48,666.3 $74,419.6 $113,281.0

    Gauley River NRA 82,119 $4,308.7 65 $1,761.7 $2,785.8 $4,869.1

    General Grant NMEM 84,523 $5,393.1 70 $3,196.0 $4,973.7 $7,464.6

    George Rogers Clark NHP 105,183 $6,711.3 113 $2,631.1 $4,476.8 $8,221.8

    George Washington MEM PKWY 1,046,101 $6,585.8 120 $3,879.7 $5,746.6 $9,415.7

    George Washington Birthplace NM*

    113,895 $5,498.7 74 $2,875.1 $4,503.8 $7,070.8

    George Washington Carver NM* 31,590 $697.8 11 $279.1 $442.6 $791.7

    Gettysburg NMP 955,874 $62,093.7 858 $32,939.9 $52,262.9 $83,044.9

    Gila Cliff Dwellings NM 26,154 $1,668.8 25 $515.8 $918.6 $1,697.9

    Glacier NP 2,214,757 $190,389.2 3,360 $89,856.6 $137,877.0 $257,227.6

    Glacier Bay NP&PRES 500,727 $111,595.9 1,980 $60,041.9 $94,726.5 $159,895.2

    Glen Canyon NRA 2,368,452 $151,751.1 2,166 $56,617.4 $100,036.3 $171,761.9

    Golden Gate NRA 6,082,391 $220,886.0 2,902 $116,882.9 $173,181.4 $277,417.7

    Golden Spike NHS* 40,288 $2,371.1 39 $1,168.5 $1,839.3 $3,283.8

    Governors Island NM 586,512 $37,422.8 483 $22,252.8 $34,507.7 $51,710.1

    Grand Canyon NP* 4,756,771 $509,528.0 7,847 $265,037.7 $441,309.6 $711,041.9

    Grand Portage NM 83,206 $5,418.6 77 $1,579.3 $2,900.3 $5,342.9

    Grand Teton NP* 2,590,696 $484,892.7 7,758 $224,861.2 $359,690.2 $632,343.1

    Grant-Kohrs Ranch NHS 17,274 $1,102.2 19 $533.2 $785.8 $1,470.6

  • 30

    Park Unit Non-Local Recreation


    Non-Local Visitor

    Spending ($000s, $2014)

    Impact of Non-Local Visitor Spending


    Labor Income ($000s, $2014)

    Value Added ($000s, $2014)

    Output ($000s, $2014)

    Great Basin NP 102,372 $5,781.1 85 $1,881.4 $3,356.1 $6,059.5

    Great Sand Dunes NP&PRES 256,651 $15,563.6 232 $6,048.6 $10,829.7 $18,876.9

    Great Smoky Mountains NP 9,524,510 $792,991.4 12,566 $360,902.1 $630,773.4 $1,072,415.3

    Greenbelt P 124,814 $7,821.0 106 $4,146.1 $6,609.7 $10,401.3

    Guadalupe Mountains NP 156,990 $9,824.5 151 $3,713.5 $6,495.5 $11,795.7

    Guilford Courthouse NMP 162,202 $10,564.9 174 $5,123.2 $8,036.5 $14,082.2

    Gulf Islands NS 3,060,328 $164,316.7 2,457 $73,563.2 $119,730.5 $204,721.7

    Hagerman Fossil Beds NM 18,886 $1,205.1 20 $577.9 $898.6 $1,609.8

    Haleakala NP 1,069,725 $69,375.4 828 $31,907.5 $54,094.1 $83,287.0

    Hamilton Grange NMEM 17,593 $1,122.6 14 $664.2 $1,033.3 $1,547.6

    Hampton NHS 27,299 $1,741.9 25 $964.2 $1,526.8 $2,417.8

    Harpers Ferry NHP* 208,963 $11,398.9 178 $6,724.3 $10,539.7 $16,724.3

    Harry S Truman NHS 24,666 $1,573.8 28 $840.3 $1,336.3 $2,336.6

    Hawaii Volcanoes NP 1,598,641 $134,585.8 1,647 $63,241.0 $109,832.0 $168,532.7
