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NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION GEOGRAPHY JUNE EXAMINATION 2015 GRADE 10 This paper consists of 9 pages including the cover page.






This paper consists of 9 pages including the cover page.

Geography/P1 Grade 10 2 June 2015

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Instructions: 1. This question paper consists of TWO questions 2. Read through both questions carefully

3. Question 1 and Question 2 counts 70 marks each.

4. Answer ALL questions.

5. Number your answer according to the numbering system in the question paper

6. Write neatly and legibly

Geography/P1 Grade 10 3 June 2015

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Question 1 1.1 Match the statement in Column A with the correct word or phrase in Column

B. Write down ONLY the question number and the letter of the correct answer e.g.1.1.1 C

COLUMN A COLUMN B 1.1.1 The agreement to phase out the use of


A Relative humidity

1.1.2 The gasses that absorb the long wave


B Stratosphere

1.1.3 Percentage of water vapour in the air. C Focus

1.1.4 The layer on which ozone depletion takes


D Kyoto Protocol

1.1.5 Water vapour changes into water droplets

during this process

E Water vapour and

Carbon Dioxide

1.1.6 The point below the earth’s surface where

an earthquake starts.

F Condensation

1.1.7 The type of rock that forms from

compaction of sediments.

G Geological time

1.1.8 The layer of the earth which is the thickest

and syrup-like.

H Intrusion land forms

1.1.9 The number of years ago that rocks and

land forms were formed.

I S-Waves

1.1.10 Includes: Batholiths, Laccoliths and


J Mantle.

K Sedimentary rock

L Land forms formed by

the impact of a


10x1 [10]

Geography/P1 Grade 10 4 June 2015

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1.2 Study figure 1.2 on ozone depletion and answer the following questions : 1.2.1 From the diagram identify the greenhouse gas that causes

ozone depletion

1x2 (2)

1.2.2 What are the consequences of Ozone Depletion. 2x1 (2)

1.2.3 Suggest THREE ways of reducing the effects of Ozone


3x2 (6)



1.3 Study figure 1.3 and answer the following questions:

1.3.1 What is the process called whereby the sun radiates energy to

the earth?

1x1 (1)

1.3.2 How do wavelengths of radiation from the sun differ from the

radiation from the earth? Provide a reason for your answer.

1+2 (3)

1.3.3 In a tabular form,comapare insolation and terrestrial radiation

3x2 (6)

1.3.4 Distinguish between conduction and convection 2x1 (2)


1.4 Study the synoptic weather map in Figure 1.4 and answer the

following questions.

1.4.1 What is the difference in the way a cold front and a warm front

is indicated on a synoptic weather map?

2x1 (2)

1.4.2 State whether the following statements are true or false:

(a) The atmospheric pressure of the two low (L) pressure areas

at the bottom of the map is above 1000 hPa

(b) To indicate a strong wind ,the isobars in a synoptic weather

map are further apart

(c) Cold fronts are associated with Low-pressure cells

(d) Standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is around


(e) The front to the south of the country has brought warm

weather to Cape Town.

(f) The isobaric interval in the map is 2 millibars 6x1 (6 )

Geography/P1 Grade 10 5 June 2015

Please turn over


1.5 answer the following questions

1.5.1 Define the term folding 1x1 (1)

1.5.2 Name the three types of folds that you have studied 3x1 (3)

1.5.3 List any four different types of tectonic plates that you have


4x1 (4)


1.6 Answer the following questions:

1.6.1 How can technology help humans to protect themselves

against the damaging effects of earth quakes?

1x2 (2)

1.6.2 Refer to figure 1.6 and complete the following statements by

choosing the correct word in brackets.

(a) A very large dome shaped intrusion landform labelled F is

a (batholith/sill)

(b) A rounded mushroom-shaped intrusion landform labelled D

is a (dyke/laccolith).

(c) A concave saucer-shaped mass labelled E is a

(lopolith/volcanic pipe)

(d) The horizontal sheet of lava injected through cracks in the

Rock labelled A is a (batholith/sill)

4x1 (4) 1.6.3 Draw a detailed diagram of a volcano with sufficient


3x2 (6)


1.7 Describe the following concepts

1.7.1 Desertification 1x2 (2)

1.7.2 The Rock Cycle 1x2 (2)


1.8 Write a paragraph in which you discuss the impact of

earthquakes on the economy and for each impact suggest

what can be done to reduce the impact.

3x2 [6]

TOTAL 70 Question 2

Geography/P1 Grade 10 6 June 2015

Please turn over

2.1 Choose the correct phrase/word from the choices to complete

the sentence. ONLY write down the question number and the

corresponding correct answer, e.g. 2.1 A

2.1.1 Moisture in the atmosphere is in the form of A water vapour

B water and oxygen

C water and greenhouse gasses

D water condensation

2.1.2 Water vapour capacity refers to: A the amount of water vapour in the air

B the maximum amount of water vapour that the air can

hold at a particular temperature

C the amount of water vapour in the air expressed as a


D warm air with no moisture in the atmosphere.

2.1.3 The following is not an aspect that influences temperature

around the earth:

A distance from the equator

B height above sea level

C ocean currents

D wind direction from the ocean

2.1.4 Convection rain refers to: A heated air that expands, rises and cools adiabatically

B air rising on the windward side of a mountain, cools


C warm air that rises above cold air that condensates

D warm air that rises and does not cool down.

2.1.5 The lines on a synoptic weather map that links places with the

same air pressure is called a _____________

A isohyets

B isotherms

C isobars

D isopressures

2.1.6 Extinct volcanoes are ….

Geography/P1 Grade 10 7 June 2015

Please turn over

A Volcanoes that have not erupted for a long time that

scientists do not expect them to erupt ever again.

B Most common along plate boundaries

C They have not erupted for many years but scientist cannot

be sure that they are extinct.

D They form when the lava is very fluid.

2.1.7 Plate tectonics refer to: A where earthquakes causes the most damage

B refers to the combination of earthquakes and weather

C refers to the movement of plates

D four different types of plates that occur

2.1.8 Igneous rocks are: A composed of Nife

B rocks which form from layers of compressed sediments

C contains very small crystals

D form when magma solidifies

2.1.9 A rift valley is a A steep slope which forms along a fault line

B block of land uplifted between parallel faults

C block of land which slips down between parallel faults

D Large lowland region between shields and fold mountains

2.1.10 A Tsunami can occur when: A the epicentre of the earthquake is on land

B heavy rain falls after the earthquake

C the epicentre of the earthquake occurred under the ocean

D the earthquake’s duration is longer than 10 minutes.

10x1 [10]

2.2 Study the synoptic weather chart in Figure 2.2 and answer the

following questions:

2.2.1 (a) Is this a summer or winter synoptic weather chart?

(b) Other than the date, provide two reasons for your answer in






2.2.2 Describe the weather conditions at Marion Island 6x1 (6)

Geography/P1 Grade 10 8 June 2015

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2.2.3 What is the air pressure at East London? 1x2 (2)

2.2.4 a) Is the wind stronger at B or C?

b) state a reason for you answer in 2.3.4(a)






2.3 Study Figure 2.3 and answer the following questions

2.3.1 What climatic feature does the cartoon indicate? 1x1 (1)

2.3.2 Describe the consequences of the feature identified in question


2x2 (4)

2.3.3 Name TWO things which humans can do to limit the impact of

the feature named in question 2.3.1

2x1 (2)


2.4 Study Figure 2.4 that indicates the location of Durban and

Cape Town and answer the following questions:

2.4.1 Other than the effect of latitude on climate, why is there a

difference in temperature between Durban, Cape Town and


3x1 (3)

2.4.2 Write a paragraph of about six lines in which you evaluate the

impact of flooding on people




2.5 Answer the following questions

2.5.1 Define the following concepts

(a) Continental drift

(b) mesa

(c) butte

(d) Tsunami



2.5.2 Distinguish between the following terms

(a) Magma and lava

(b) weathering and erosion

(c) Caldera and volcanic neck

2x3 (6)

Geography/P1 Grade 10 9 June 2015

Please turn over


2.6 Answer the following questions:

2.6.1 In a paragraph of about eight lines, discuss both the positive

and negative impacts of volcanoes.

4x2 (8)

2.6. 2 Explain why do earthquakes have a greater impact on

developing countries than what they would have on developed


2x2 (4)

2.6.3 Distinguish between the different kinds of faults 3x2 (6)

2.6.4 Name the two types of instruments which can be used to

measure the intensity of earthquakes

2x1 (2)


Total [70]







This paper consists of 5 pages.

Geography/P1 Grade 10 Annexure 2 June 2014

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Figure 1.2 Ozone depletion

Figure 1.3 (Source: Via Africa)

Sun and Earth radiation

Shortwave radiation from the sun enters the atmosphere

Long wave radiation from the earth is trapped by greenhouse gasses

Earth is heated up

Kortgolfstraling vanaf die son deurdring die atmosfeer

Geography/P1 Grade 10 Annexure 3 June 2014

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Question 1.6

Question 1.6

Intrusion Landforms Question 1.4 Synoptic weather map (Source: Study & Master)

Geography/P1 Grade 10 Annexure 4 June 2014

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Figure 2.2 Synoptic weather map

Figure 2.3

Source: Google Images

Geography/P1 Grade 10 Annexure 5 June 2014

Please turn over

Figure 2.4 Map of South Africa

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 1 of 11







This memorandum consists of 11 pages

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 2 of 11

1.1 Question 1 1.1.1 D√

1.1.2 E√

1.1.3 A√

1.1.4 B√

1.1.5 F√

1.1.6. C√

1.1.6 K√

1.1.8 J√

1.1.9 G√

1.1.10 H√

10x1(10) [10] 1.2 1.2.1 Greenhouse gas:

x CFCs √√


1.2.2 Consequences of ozone depletion: x Influence on human’s eyes√:causes cataracts and a

reduction in vision. Could ultimately lead to blindness. √

x Skin degeneration, wrinkles and skin cancer√ x Can reduce the immune system which makes humans

more susceptible to illnesses. √ Any 2x1


1.2.3 Ways to reduce ozone depletion: x Use of products that are written ‘ozone friendly’. √√

x Technicians that repair refrigirators and air conditioners

should recover and recycle the old CFCs so these are not released into the atmosphere. √√

x Drivers of cars with airconditioners should check them regularly for leaks. √√

x Internationally,people should keep high-altitude flights to a minimum as combustion in aeroplane engines

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 3 of 11

reduces the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. √√ x The production of CFCs and other chemicals known to

break down ozone should be eliminated. √√ x Trees should be planted√√ x Agreements within the Montreal Protokol√√

Any 3x2




1.3.1 Insolation√


1.3.2 Radiation from the sun is in shortwave and

radation from the earth is in long wave. √

When the earth’s surface heats up the heat is transferred to

the surface, the surface in return radiates long-wave radiation

back in to the atmosphere. √√


1.3.3 Insolation Terrestrial radiation

Heats up the earth’s surface√

Cools the earth’s surface√

Consists of short, medium and

long waves√

Consists of long waves√

Takes place during the day


Takes place during the day

and night√


1.3.4 Conduction is the method of heat transfer from one stationary

molecule to the next/transfer of heat by contact √and

convection is the method of heat transfer in moving air or

water/transfer of heat by vertical movement√



Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 4 of 11

1.4 1.4.1 Cold front: triangles on the line that looks like teeth√

Warm front: half circles on the line that looks like small bumps

on the line√


1.4.2 a) False √

b) False√

c) True√

d) True√

e) False√

f) False√




1.5.1 Folding is the compression of two plates of the

crust to form mountains√/The bending and

buckling of sedimentary strata to form

mountain ranges. √ (concept)




1.5.2 Up fold/Anticline/Crest√

Down fold/syncline/valley√

Open fold/√


Overthust fold√

Any 3



1.5.3 North American plate√

South American plate√

African plate√

Eurasian plate√

Indo-Australian plate√

Pacific plate√

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 5 of 11

Nazca plate √

Antarctic plate√





1.6.1 • Technology can help to locate and predict active fault

zones √√

• Ensure that emergency services receive information


• Instruments can record the amount of tension building

up between rocks. √√

Any 1x2


1.6.2 • Batholith√

• Laccolith√

• Lopolith√

• Sill√



Award TWO marks for correct drawing

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 6 of 11

Any FOUR labels




1.7.1 • Desertification: process in which a desert or semi-arid

area expands. √√


1.7.2 • The Rock Cycle: Process in which rocks on the earth

changes. It is the ongoing process of making, breaking

down and remaking of rock to create another type of

rock√√ (CONCEPT)

1x2(2) [4]

1.8 Impact of earthquakes on the economy

x Destruction of infrastructure√: Build dams along fault

lines to absorb shocks√

x Destruction of buildings√ build earthquake resistant


x Flooding of coastal areas√ :Build strong breakwaters to

protect coastal areas against flooding√

Credit one mark for each impact and one mark for its solution in paragraph format. Accept other reasonable alternatives



Total 70

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 7 of 11

Question 2 2.1

2.1.1 A√

2.1.2 B√

2.1.3 D√

2.1.4 A√

2.1.5 C√

2.1.6 A√

2.1.7 C√

2.1.8 D√

2.1.9 C√

2.1.10 C√ 10x1(10) [10]


2.2.1 a) winter√

b) Cold Front over Cape Town√√

Low temperatures over the interior√√

Little or no rainfall over the interior√√

Indication of rainfall over the Southern parts of the


Any ONE reason


2.2.2 Environmental temperature: 5C√

Dew Point temperature: 5C√

Wind Direction: East North East (ENE) √

Precipitation: not indicated/rain√

Wind Speed: 20 Knots√

Cloud cover: Overcast√


2.2.3 1016hPa√√ 1x2(2)

2.2.4 a) B√

b) Isobars are closer together which indicates a strong



Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 8 of 11

wind. √√


2.3.1 Global warming √ 1x1(1)

2.3.2 x Melting of icecaps√√

x Rising of ocean levels√√

x Rising of earths average temperatures√√

x Loss of habitat and animals√√

(Any Two, accept other reasonable answers


2.3.3 x Introduce measures to reduce the use of electricit√

x Expand public transport systems√

x Reduce the use of nitrogen fertilisers√

x Reduce production of CFCs√

x Introduce an energy tax√

(Any ONE, accept any other reasonable answers)




2.4.1 x Durban: Location close to the Warm Mozambique


x Cape Town: Location close to the Cold Benguela


x Bloemfontein: Distance from the ocean and height

above sea level√


2.4.2 Impact of flooding on people x Floods will damage crops and lead to starvation√√

x Floods will damage homes, schools,roads and bridges

and lead to economic losses√√

x Higher/more rainfall will create ideal conditions for

mosquitoes to breed so it will increase the incidence of

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 9 of 11


x Flooding in areas where sanitation is poor will cause

epidemics of water borne diseases such as cholera,

typhoid and dysentery√√

Heavy brains and frequent flooding will affect the environment causing:

x Mudslides, landslides and erosion √√

x Topsoil will be washed away so that there is less fertile

soil for agricultural use √√ x There will be damage to vegetation and habitants√√

Any 3x2(6) Accept any reasonable answers




2.5.1 (a)Continental drift: the theory that the continents were once

one land mass, but that they have drifted apart over time√

(b) Mesa is a large flat topped hill. √

(c) Butte is a flat topped hill with a small top eroded from a

mesa. √

(d) Tsunami is a series of huge sea waves caused by an

earthquake in the sea floor√


2.5.2 (a) Magma is liquid rock inside the earth√ while Lava is liquid

rock that flows over the surface of the earth√

(b)Weathering is the breaking down of rocks √while Erosion

is transportation of the weathered rock√

(c) Caldera is a large crater created by volcanic explosion and

collapsed volcanic cone√ while Volcanic neck is a column of

rock above the land √




2.6.1 Positive impacts of volcanoes x Volcanic ash can act as a fertilizer for soil/lava

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 10 of 11

weathers into fertile soil√√

x Hot springs and geysers act as tourist attractions. √√

x Hot springs and geysers associated with volcanoes can

be used to generate electricity and heating systems. √√

x Volcanic rocks is good and making roads. √√

Negative impacts of volcanoes

x Volcanic bombs can injure and kill people. √√

x Large areas of farmland can be destroyed. √√

x Lava and ash may destroy roads,buildings and

infrastructure. √√

x Eruptions can melt snow and cause mudflows that burry

settlements. √√

x Areas covered in lava cannot be reused for many years. √√

x Toxic gasses can cause acid rain and pollution. √√

x Toxic gasses can cause sicknesses to people √√

Any Four in a paragraph format. Candidates must refer to both aspects to earn full marks. Accept other reasonable alternatives


2.6.2 x Developing countries will not have sufficient funds to

implement monitoring equipment or to warnings out

quickly enough. √√

x Because most of developing countries infrastructure

might be old or not built very well,it will not withstand the

impact of an earthquake in comparison to developed

nations advanced construction methods√√

Geography Gr10 June Marking Guidelines Page 11 of 11


2.6.3 A normal fault: Rocks on either side of the fault move away

each other(tension pulling rocks apart) √√

A reverse fault:Where land is squeezed

together/compressional forces(rocks compressed together). √√

a tear fault: When two rock masses move sideways past each



2.6.4 Seismograph√

Richter Scale√

2x1(2) [20]

Total 70

Grand Total 140
