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National Service Scheme Daulat Ram College Universiy of Delhi

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National Service Scheme Daulat Ram College Universiy of Delhi Report on Swachhta Pakhwara August 1-15, 2017

National Service Scheme Daulat Ram College Universiy of Delhi

R e p o r t o n

S w a c h h t a P a k h w a r a A u g u s t 1 - 1 5 , 2 0 1 7

“ I will not let anyone walk through my mind with

their dirty feet."

― Mahatma Gandhi

Swachhta Pakhwada is a fortnight initiative to carry on the agenda of Swachh Bharat Mission, aimed at promoting cleanliness. Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 2nd October, 2014 as a mass movement to achieve the target of clean India by the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi in 2019. Cleanliness is very important in our life from all the aspects. We should take care of it all through the life. Cleanliness of body is essential for good health. It is said that dirt and disease always go together. Awareness of the Cleanliness and Personal Hygiene is the need of the hour in our country where the diseases like Dengu fever, swine flu, malaria, chicken pox and jaundice are spreading. People should realize the importance of cleanliness and personal hygiene to prevent themselves from these diseases.

Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi has observed ‘Swachhta Pakhwada’ with full zest and enthusiasm. All NSS volunteers actively participated in ‘Sawachh Pakhwada’ as per the schedule decided by the NSS Centre from 1st- 15th August, 2017.

Day 1 In order to give an input to our commitment towards a healthy and

clean environment, the NSS DRC Unit organised the Swachhta

Pakhwara Shapath, an oath taking ceremony where the volunteers

vowed to dedicate 100 hours a year to the cleanliness of their

institution, city and country. Now the time has come to devote

ourselves towards 'Swachhata' (cleanliness) of our motherland. The

event was addressed by the college principal, Dr. Savita Roy, who

emphasized on the importance of the environment and its

conservation in our lives.

The faculty enquired for feedback regarding the measures that can be undertaken by the students for further improvement of college environment. The responses ranged from more dustbins to recycling of waste. The event was interactive and called for the partaking of the students.

Day 2

In the campaign to make our college clean

and hygenic, the NSS Unit organised a

Cleanliness Drive. The volunteers through

their efforts made a significant difference

in the condition of the classrooms,

corridors and grounds. The venture aimed

at integrating the students with the

maintenance of the institution in hopes of

creating a harmonious environment. The

Unit and volunteers, both committed to the

regular upkeep of the campus. This

cleanliness drive will continue in future


Day 3 “Is cleaning only the responsibility of the karamcharis? Do citizens have

no role in this? We have to change this mindset. “ The NSS Unit swears

by the words of Shri Narendra Modi, the Honorable Prime Minister of

India. As a part of our initiative, we organised a Door-to-Door

Cleanliness Campaign covering PGs, residences and hostels. Our aim

was to spread awareness within the community regarding the

importance of a clean and disease free environment. The volunteers

took a hands down approach by interacting with the staff and workers.

Day 4 The NSS DRC Unit organized a Slum Cleanliness Drive. We went to

adopted slum “Cigarettewala Bagh” where we tried to facilitate

learning the necessities of maintaining a clean environment and its

impact on the health of the adults and children living in these slums.

The volunteers and teachers along with the help of residents cleaned

the public spaces and vowed to the future upkeep of their

surroundings. Once open drains are now covered with slabs with the

help of Area Pradhan. Our NSS volunteers also ensured proper cleaning

and maintenance of toilet block.

Once open drains now covered with slabs

Day 5 The NSS DRC Unit volunteers visited the WUS Health Centre as a part of the Swachhta Pakhwara Campaign. The volunteers cleaned the grounds of the Centre with enthusiasm and zeal to learn and further educate the masses on the need to sustain a clean environment. Each member felt compelled to do their bit towards a healthier India. The visit was educational for volunteers and fostered the goodwill of the community.

Day 6 The NSS Unit DRC organized a rally under our Swachhta Pakhwara

Campaign, across the University of Delhi, North Campus for spreading

the messages of cleanliness. The volunteers used placards and posters

along with slogans such as “Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat” and “use

dustbins, live clean” to spread the message. The ultimate aim of the

unit was to educate and empower society. In the rally, more than 50

volunteers participated and it was a big success.

Sarita Jain Programme Officer Daulat Ram College

