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National Weather Service Jan 2021 Mar 2021 · 2020. 12. 18. · National Weather Service Jan 2021...

Date post: 20-Jan-2021
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NEMUS Vol. 4 2014 105 Preferències d’hàbitat de les aus a l’espai protegit de la desembocadura del Millars (Vila-real, Almassora, Borriana). La comunitat hivernant i nidificant Joan Castany i Àlvaro 1 El treball descriu l’ornitofauna al paisatge protegit de la desembocadura del riu Millars (Castelló) durant la hivernada i la nidificació. Els resultats se centren en transectes lineals duts a terme al llarg dels 16 kilòmetres de l’espai protegit per a cada període. El volum de la mostra analitzada és de 12.221 contactes. 7.231 durant l’hivern (11 ordes, 30 famílies, 62 espècies) i 4.990 en primavera (13 ordes, 33 famílies i 68 espècies). El total d’espècies contactades és de 94. Entre les espècies més abundants n’hi ha 4 transsaharianes: falciots (Apus sp.), avions comuns (Delichon urbicum), oronetes (Hirundo rustica) i rossinyol comú (Luscinia megarrhynchos). En els 7 km. més apropats a la desembocadura cal significar la presència de coll verd (Anas platyrhynchos) i de rossinyol comú. Gafarró (Serinus serinus) i cadernera (Carduelis carduelis) es distribueixen equitativament al llarg de l’àrea d’estudi. La tórtora turca (Strepto- pelia decaocto) és abundant en el tram de més a l’oest (km 8 al 13). D’hivern les majors concentracions d’aus s’hi troben als 4 km. de més a l’est. El màxim s’hi concentra al km. 4 (pròxim a la depuradora d’Almassora) i es deu a la presència abundant de dos anàtids, sarcets (Anas crecca) i coll verds. De les 10 espècies més abundants d’hivernada només tres, gafarró, estornell (Sturnus sp.) i cadernera, apareixen també en primavera. Mots clau: paisatge protegit de la desembocadura del Millars; transecte lineal; índex kilomètric d’abundància. Habitat preferences of birds in the Protected Area of Millars river mouth (Vila-real, Almassora, Borriana). Breeding and wintering communities. e paper describes the bird comunity in the protected landscape of the Mijares river mouth (Caste- llón) during wintering and breeding period. e results focuses on linear transects conducted along 16 kilometers of the protected area. e volume of the sample reached 12.221 contacts. 7.231 in winter (11 orders, 30 families, 62 species) and 4.990 in spring (13 orders, 33 families and 68 species). A total of 94 species were contacted. Among the most abundant species we found 4 transaharian species: Swiſts (Apus sp.), House Martins (Delichon urbicum), Swallows (Hirundo rustica) and Common Nightingales (Luscinia megarrhynchos). In the 7 km closer to the mouth is remarkable the presence of Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and Common Nightingale. Serins (Serinus serinus) and Goldfinches (Carduelis carduelis) are distributed evenly throughout the study area. Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) is abundant in the westernmost section (8 to 13 km). In winter the largest concentrations of birds are found in the 4 easternmost km. (near the sewage of Almazora) due to the abundant presence of two ducks: Common Teals (Anas crecca) and Mallards. Of the 10 most abundant wintering species, only three, Serins, Star- lings (Sturnus sp.) and Goldfinches, are also present in spring. Keywords: protected landscape of the Millars river mouth; linear transect; kilometric index of abundance. 1. Associació Grup Au d’ornitologia. c/Mestre Ripollés, 40, 24. Castelló, 12003. [email protected]
Page 1: National Weather Service Jan 2021 Mar 2021 · 2020. 12. 18. · National Weather Service Jan 2021 –Mar 2021 Central Region Climate Outlook Friday, December 18, 2020 8:49 AM Above

Seasonal Drought Outlook

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There is currently a moderate La Niña in progress. The cold-water anomaly extends well west of the International Dateline. This will significantly weaken the impact the strength of the MJO as convection will have hard time moving east of 60E. This suggests La Niña will bethe dominant feature in the CONUS winter weather pattern.

La Niña will continue through the winter months but is expected to weaken during the Spring of 2021 (50% chance of ENSO neutral conditions by April-May-June).

● The La Niña signal will be dominant in January’s temperature pattern. The below normal snow cover over North America will enhance the warm signal farther north and west than is typical. Most of Central Region is favored to see warmer than normal temperatures. North Dakota and Minnesota have near equal chances of above, near or below normal temperatures.● Precipitation is favored to be above normal around the Great Lakes Region and drier than normal across western Kansas and eastern Colorado. Equal chances for above, near or below normal elsewhere.

January 2021

Temperature &

Precipitation Outlooks

● As the winter progresses, the cold signal associated with La Niña will increase over the northern Plains. At the same time, warmer than normal conditions will be favored from Michigan through Kansas and Colorado. Near equal chances of above, near or below normal temperatures are expected across areas in-between.● Typical of many La Niña’s, wetter than normal conditions are favored through the Great Lakes Region and into the Ohio Valley. Drier than normal conditions are favored across parts of Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska.

January through March

2021 Temperature &

Precipitation Outlooks

La Niña Advisory in Effect

Jan 2021 – Mar 2021National Weather ServiceCentral Region Climate Outlook Friday, December 18, 2020 8:49 AM

Above Normal Favored






The possibility of below normal precipitation is expected to expand drought conditions into Kansas, and allow the current drought to continue over Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and parts of the Dakotas. Improvement is expected over Illinois and northern Indiana, where above normal precipitation is favored.

Page 2: National Weather Service Jan 2021 Mar 2021 · 2020. 12. 18. · National Weather Service Jan 2021 –Mar 2021 Central Region Climate Outlook Friday, December 18, 2020 8:49 AM Above

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Jan 2021 – Mar 2021National Weather ServiceCentral Region Climate Outlook

IRI/CPC Probabilistic ENSO


Useful Links/Info:

Other Teleconnection Effects

• Higher frequency forcing factors such as the MJO are not expected to be a major factor in January. Presently, La Niña conditions are currently hindering the progression of the MJO.

• Presently, there are no signs of sudden stratospheric warming (to impact the forecast) either.

Friday, December 18, 2020 9:07 AM

ENSO Status:

La Niña Advisory

FMA La Niña

Snow Anomalies

Typically, during a La Niña, snowfall tends to be greater later in the season than during the beginning of the

season (see plots above).

DJF La Niña

Snow Anomalies

JFM La Niña

Snow Anomalies

News from Climate.govLatest ENSO Blog from Climate.govSea Surface Temperatures from the Climate Prediction CenterLatest ENSO Discussion from the Climate Prediction CenterDrought Information from the US Drought MonitorInteractive GIS Mapping from NCEI (Anomalies/Rankings) Local Climate Analysis Tool (LCAT) – Account registration requiredNWS Forecast Maps from Western Region

• The Consolidated and Multi Model Ensembles show the 95% chance of the current moderate La Niña continuing into mid winter.

• There is a 50% chance of ENSO-neutral conditions developing by mid spring. ENSO-neutral conditions are likely by summer 2021.
