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Nationalism 1815-1920. Defining Nationalism Remember the term “nation”? What does it mean? Then...

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Nationalism 1815-1920



Defining Nationalism

Remember the term “nation”? What does it mean?

Then what is national - ism?

Begin exploring this idea through the packet provided.


• Ideology = political belief system– Can you think of examples?

• Nationalism = ideology in which individuals identify with or become attached to a nation.

• Psychologists claim this comes from people’s feelings of needing to belong

Elements of Nationalism

The following elements forge bonds between people and can create a sense of unity…

• CULTURE - shared beliefs and a way of life• HISTORY - a shared past• RELIGION - a common religion • LANGUAGE - a common language• TERRITORY - a shared land

(place these elements on the top of your charts)

Congress of Vienna

• 1814-15: end of revolution and Napoleon’s era• Five European powers meet (Austria, Russia,

England, Prussia, France)

Congress of Vienna

Conservatism• The five leaders want Europe to

go back to the way it was before French Revolution (liberty and equality only leads to chaos and violence)

• Government should protect hierarchy and tradition– what kind of government do you

think these conservatives wanted?

• Revolutionary ideas of nationalism, rights, democracy are suppressed

Congress of Vienna

• Prince Metternich of Austria - leading player at meeting

• The leaders divide Europe among themselves - the idea is balance !

Congress of Vienna

To what extent are the borders of states drawn with respect to nations?

Which states are nations? Which states are not?

Congress of Vienna

• Lots of different ethnic groups (have common background or culture) are stuck living under these empires

• Example #1: Croats, Czechs, Germans, Hungarians, Italians, Poles, Serbs, Slovaks living in Austrian Empire

• Example #2: Italian people stuck living under Austrian rule, French rule, etc.

• These people start developing a sense of nationalism

Languages of Nineteenth-Century Europe

How is this map different than the previous map we viewed?

How are people organized?

New Ideologies: “The Spell of Nationalism”

Actively read this passage on “The Spell of Nationalism”

Be prepared to discuss

Notebook Check

Take out a separate piece of paper.

You can use your notes from this week to respond to the following independently:

1. Define the term “ideology”

2. Define the term “nationalism”

3. What was a problem with the agreement made at the Congress of Vienna?

Nationalism Across Europe

• Mr. Terry will assign you to a group• With your group, actively read your assigned text,

paying special attention to any particular elements of nationalism– History– Language– Land– Religion– Shared beliefs (culture, politics)

• Write down notes in the margins of the text or on separate paper, and be prepared to teach others

Nationalism Across Europe

• Meet with your group again and complete the portion of your graphic organizer that pertains to your text

• Mr. Terry will assign you a number• Meet with your new number groups and present what

you learned about your reading on nationalism• Respond to questions in writing after your group


Do NowBringing it together…

• What kinds of problems were many people in Europe dealing with in the first half of the 1800s?

• What ideologies developed in response to these problems?

Concept Web

• CONCEPT: Revolutions of 1848• REASONS:

1. Political rights (constitutional government, voting rights)

2. Civil rights (ex: freedom of press, freedom of assembly)

3. Economic rights (ex: right to form and join unions, right to strike)

4. Nationalism (independence for ethnic groups / “nations”)

• WHERE: throughout Europe! (fill in examples below each reason in the web / consider using one line for each country)

Conservatism vs. Revolutions

in France• Bourbons restored to throne in 1815• Charles X tries to rule like an absolutist• Angry citizens revolt in July Revolution (1830)• Charles X runs away to England and gives up throne

“My life’s work is destroyed!”

-Prince Metternich, in Austria

Conservatism vs. Revolutions in France

• 1830: new constitutional monarchy formed under Louis Philippe

• Louis Philippe popular w/ middle class, called the “citizen king”

• Over time, however, he gives more power (voting) to wealthy people and silences the press

• Working class gets poorer

Conservatism vs. Revolutions in France

• Revolution of 1848: people angry when government shuts down a reform meeting (workers, etc.)

• Louis Philipe gives up throne / “Second Republic” is formed• Louis Napoleon (Napoleon’s nephew) elected as president

Revolutions of 1848

• Republic doesn’t last for long in France (will eventually get it together in 1870)

• BUT most of Europe breaks out in revolution

REASONS:Why did events take place in France in


Revolutions of 1848

• Use information that you will learn in class today to begin adding EXAMPLES to your concept web.

• Consider breaking down examples by country

Austrian Empire• Hapsburg family (Maria Teresa, Joseph II, Marie

Antoinette, etc.) were still in charge, with help of foreign minister Metternich

• Determined to stop liberal ideas from Enlightenment and revolutions

• Offer military aid to all European governments who deal with revolt

Austrian Empire

• 1848: revolution in France sets off revolts in Austria

• Agitation for political reform (ex: more voting rights) taking place at universities

• People of different nationalities want independence

• Protestors fight the army in the streets of Vienna

• Metternich runs away, new emperor (Franz Joseph I) takes over

Austrian Empire• Russian czar Nicholas sends in troops to help

Austrians put down revolt• Revolt put down successfully, but nationalism

never goes away• 1867: compromise with Hungarians and form a

dual monarchy called Austria-Hungary (two separate and equal states, under one leader)

Brief Background on Italy

• Last time Italy was united as a single state was before the fall of the Roman Empire!

• Since then, the Italian people lived under the rule of separate states (governments)

Mazzini & Young Italy

• Artists, writers, thinkers interested in celebrating Italy’s culture & traditions

• Form secret societies to plot the overthrow of Austrian rulers

• 1831: Giuseppe Mazzini founds nationalist group called “Young Italy”

• Wanted to re-draw lines drawn by Congress of Vienna and unify Italy

• Attracted thousands of Italians

Revolutions of 1848PROBLEMS:• Poor farmers seeking

help with unstable crop prices

• Pope Pius IX (has a lot of control over Italian Papal States) and other Italian rulers do a bad job extending government participation to the people

• Pope Pius refuses to lead war against Austrian rule in northern Italian states.

Revolutions of 1848• Liberal reformers and nationalists get angry at pope and local rulers• Open revolt throughout Italy against Austrians and/or local rulers• Most of these revolts fail, but feelings of nationalism do not go away

Biedermeier in Germany(1815-1848)

• Biedermeier = period after Metternich and the Congress of Vienna divide Europe and restore the status quo

• Austria / Prussia / Russia form “Holy Alliance” - promise to fight liberal or revolutionary forces

• Things are very plain and simple in Germany• Less politics / return to private life

Biedermeier in Germany

• Suppression of liberal and radical ideas

• Thinkers like Heinrich Heine and Karl Marx leave Germany

• But there are some who are left who want reform

• Ex: Burschenschaften (militant liberal and nationalist university student group)

• People free from Napoleon’s rule / don’t want another foreign ruler

Biedermeier in Germany

• Zollverein (customs union) - removed taxes on products traded between German states

• Businesspeople like this and also start promoting idea of a unified German nation-state

• Industrialization, urbanization begin taking place

Biedermeier in Germany

• German national culture starts to come together

• “Deutschlandlied” (“Song of Germany,” 1841) will eventually become German national anthem

• Wagner - famous composer - writes music glorifying German myths and traditions (also known for his anti-Semitism)

Revolution of 1848• Revolution sweeps through Europe

• German liberals revolt• DISAGREE: constitutional monarchy or republic?

• AGREE: Germany should be unified• German national flag appears among


Revolution of 1848

• Prussian king (Frederick Wilhelm IV) promises

constitution and reforms

• Breaks promises: bans anti-government writings,

does not write constitution

Discussion• What effect did the Congress of Vienna

and Metternich have on the balance of power in Europe?

• How were the Revolutions of 1848 a response to decisions made at the Congress of Vienna?

• How were the Revolutions a response to other issues in Europe?

• Where would we place the leaders and groups of Europe at this time on our political charts?

Do Now

Take a look at your notes.

What are the five elements of nationalism?

What do you already know about Italian nationalism? What are their

concerns? What are their arguments?

SardiniaCamillo di Cavour • Italian nationalist who runs newspaper

called Il Risorgimento • this will become the name of the

nationalist movement for unification and overthrow of Austrians

• Only successful 1848 revolt is in Sardinia / Cavour becomes prime minister

Cavour & Sardinia• Cavour believes strong economy and monarchy

would be necessary for a successful unified Italy• Cavour allies with France by giving up some territory• France supports northern Italian states in war

against Austria• 1860: gain independence from Austria

Garibaldi & The Red Shirts

Giuseppe Garibaldi• 1833: joins Mazzini’s

Young Italy• Forced to exile in South

America / learns guerilla warfare tactics

• Fights for Cavour’s army in war vs. Austria

• Band of “Red Shirts” helps conquer southern Italy (Sicily & Naples)


• Garibaldi wants a republic but wants unification most - hands over southern Italy to King Victor Emmanuel

• 1861: elections throughout Italy / all states except Papal States (French control) and Venetia (Austrian control) agree to unify

Proclamation of 1860

Actively read this primary source excerpt from a writing by Giuseppe


What elements of nationalism can you find in the text?

Respond to questions at the end.

•1866: Italy helps Prussians beat Austrians in a war / Italy gets Venetia (joins Italy)•1870: Franco-Prussian War - France withdraws troops from Rome


Problems After Unification

• Widespread poverty• Unemployment and rising taxes• Rioting and violence in towns• Many (4.5 million) Italians forced to emigrate and

head to the Americas (USA and Argentina)

Problems After Unification

• Catholic Church does not recognize new Italian state / tells Catholics not to vote

• At first only wealthy men can vote / series of reforms allows all adult males to vote

• Industrialization hits Italy late / as this happens, the government limits on working hours and bans on child labor


• What problems did having a unified nation-state solve?

• What problems did having a unified nation-state create?

Do Now

Where might we place the nationalists of Europe in the 1800s

on our political charts?

Is it possible for a nationalist to also be conservative?

Status Quo- means to keep things as they currently are

- in some cases, it means going back to another time which is seemingly more peaceful

- As an adjective, where would we place “status quo” on our political charts?

Otto von Bismarck

• 1847: delivers conservative speech at national assembly that makes him famous

• 1862: becomes Prussia’s prime minister under King Wilhelm I

Otto von Bismarck

• Was not a liberal / did not work with the

revolutionaries during 1848• Believed Prussia had to lead the German people to


• Realpolitik - politics should not be based on ideals (ex: liberty, equality, fraternity). It should only protect the

interest of the state.

Otto von Bismarck• Increases power of Prussian military• Argues Germany will not be unified by speeches

or votes, but only by “blood and iron”• Liberal parliament doesn’t give him funds for

military, so he shuts down the parliament and builds it up anyway

Otto von Bismarck• 1864: kicks Danish rulers out of northern German

areas• Austro-Prussian War - Prussians win war and

territory from Austrians (1867)• Franco-Prussian War - Prussians win war and

territory from France (1871)• 1871: Unification of Germany achieved

Blood and Iron

Actively read this primary source excerpt from a speech by Otto von


What elements of nationalism can you find in the text?

Respond to questions at the end.

Unified German Empire

• Federalist government– Power shared

between 25 states (like U.S.)

• Power of Catholic Church limited

• Period after 1871 = “Second Reich”– Wilhelm becomes

first kaiser– Bismarck becomes

first chancellor

Game of “chess” between Bismarck and Pope

Unified German Empire• France pays reparations to

Germany for war costs / Germany can pay for railroads, causes industrial revolution to boom (coal mines, steel factories)

• Socialists protesting harsh working conditions in factories

• Bismarck hates socialists, but offers reforms to prevent revolution (1880s): benefits for health, accidents, old age, disability

• 1889: Wilhelm II becomes new Kaiser and fires Bismarck


In what ways can nationalism be positive?

In what ways can nationalism be negative?

Does nationalism always have to be about rights?

Do Now

How can nationalism lead to conflict?

How might nationalism be a concern today?


• how an individual views her/himself as a person, and

in relation to other people

• Is often about being part or not being part of a group

• is often a label

Ethnicity• another way of saying “nationality”

• when people identify with each other based on shared culture, history, homeland, language, religion, political

ideology, etc.

AnnexationForcible adding of one state’s territory by another state

Using the map:

What territory is in question?

What state had the territory?

What state annexed the territory?

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

• Actively read this text on “The Conflict in Ukraine”• Look for vocab terms we just defined

• Look for elements of nationalism

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Watch this video on “The Ukraine Russia Conflict Explained”

Russia-Ukraine Conflict• To what extent is the conflict about nationalism?

• What about the conflict has to do with nationalism? What about the conflict has to do with other ideas or arguments?

Russia-Ukraine ConflictDo the actions of states necessarily represent the opinions of all their people?

Thousands of Russians attend anti-war protests in Moscow, September 2014

Mostly peaceful / sometimes fights break out between protestors and nationalists
