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Nationalism, Thinkers, & Change Unit 7, SSWH 17 a & d.

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Nationalism, Thinkers, & Change Unit 7, SSWH 17 a & d
Page 1: Nationalism, Thinkers, & Change Unit 7, SSWH 17 a & d.

Nationalism, Thinkers, & Change

Unit 7, SSWH 17 a & d

Page 2: Nationalism, Thinkers, & Change Unit 7, SSWH 17 a & d.

Indian Nationalism - 2 Parties

•Congress Party—mostly Hindus•Muslim League—Muslims •Both want South Asia to be independent of Britain

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World War I Increases Nationalism • British promise steps to self-government

in return for war service • After war, no changes; resentment

grows across India • Some radicals carry out acts of violence• Amritsar Massacre - Troops fire on

unarmed crowd; 400 killed & 1,200 wounded

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Gandhi’s Tactics: Nonviolence, Boycotts, and Strikes

• Mohandas K. Gandhi—leader of independence movement • Gandhi urges civil disobedience—

noncooperation with British rule • Gandhi urges boycott of British

goods, schools, taxes, elections • Civil disobedience takes an economic

toll on the British

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Protest of Salt Acts• Laws force Indians to buy salt from the

government • Salt March—240-mile walk led by Gandhi to

collect seawater for salt• British police brutalize walkers; Indians gain

worldwide support • In 1935, Parliament passes the Government

of India Act, gives India local self-government and some election reforms

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Turkey Becomes a Republic• Mustafa Kemal—Turkish general who

overthrows Ottoman sultan • In 1923, Kemal becomes president of the

Republic of Turkey • Splits government from religion, modernizes

Turkey, Kemal dies in 1938; given name Ataturk (“father of the Turks”)

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Art, Music, and Social Change• Artists depict inner world of the mind• Composers move away from traditional

styles, (Jazz: musical style that captures age’s new freedom)• Society Challenged: women take on new

roles during World War I (this work helps many win the right to vote, & gain access to better jobs)

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New Thinking after The Great War

• Albert Einstein—offered radically new ideas in field of physics (Theory of relativity: idea that space & time are not constant)• Sigmund Freud—Austrian doctor with

new ideas about the mind (Claims that human behavior is not based on reason)

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Revolutions in Russia Totalitarianism

Unit 7, SSWH 17 b

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Czars & Autocratic Rule • Government censors written

criticism; secret police monitor schools • Non-Russians living in Russia are

treated harshly • Jews become target of gov. -

backed pogroms (mob violence)  

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Revolutionary Movement Grows • Industrialization breeds discontent

over working conditions, wages • Growing popularity of Marxist idea

that the proletariat (workers) will rule • Bolsheviks—Marxists who favor

revolution by a small committed group: Lenin—Bolshevik leader

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Bloody Sunday: The Revolution of 1905 - workers demand reforms 

•Army fires into the crowd, killing many •Massacre leads to widespread unrest; Czar Nicholas forced to make reforms

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WWI: The Final Blow •Heavy losses in WWI reveal

govt’s weakness •Nicholas goes to war front;

Czarina Alexandra runs govt •Army losing effectiveness;

people hungry & unhappy

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Czar Steps Down •March (Bolshevik) Revolution— Nicholas abdicates throne • In November 1917, workers take control of the govt.

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Bolsheviks in Power • Lenin gives land to peasants, puts

workers in control of factories • Bolsheviks sign treaty with

Germany; Russia out of WWI • Civil War between Bolsheviks’

Red Army & loosely allied White Army

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New Economic Policy Political Reforms - country renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

(U.S.S.R.) • NEP & peace restore economy

shattered by war & revolution • Lenin creates self-governing republics

under national government • Communist Party—new name taken

by Bolsheviks from writings of Marx

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New Leader • Joseph Stalin—cold, hard

Communist Party general secretary in 1922 • Lenin dies in 1924, Stalin gains

complete control in 1928 • Totalitarianism—govt that

dominates every aspect of life

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Police Terror, Indoctrination, Censorship, Religious Persecution• Govt uses police to spy on &

intimidate • Govt shapes people’s minds through

slanted education • Govt controls all mass media, crushes

opposing views• Govt attacks Russian Orthodox

Church, loss of rights

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Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State Police State – Great Purge

•Terror campaign against Stalin’s perceived enemies •By the end of 1938, Stalin in complete control; 8–13 million dead

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New Economic System, Industrial & Agricultural Revolution

• Command economy—government makes all economic decisions Five-Year Plans—Stalin’s plans for developing the economy • Result: large growth in industrial

power; shortage of consumer goods

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• In 1928, government creates collective farms—large, owned by state •Peasants resist this change;

5–10 million die in crackdown •By 1938, agricultural

production rising

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Total Control Achieved – Stalin transformed Soviet Union by mid-1930s• Totalitarian regime: industrial &

political power, controls all aspects of Soviet life:

-unopposed dictator-rules by terror instead of

constitutional government -demands conformity, obedience

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  Fascism & Nazism

Unit 7, SSWH 17 c

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Fascism’s Rise in Italy

•Fascism is new, militant political movement•Emphasizes nationalism and loyalty to authoritarian leader

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Mussolini Takes Control - Il Duce• Italians want a leader who will take

action• Fascist Party leader, Benito Mussolini,

promises to rescue Italy• • Italian king puts Mussolini in charge of

government• •Mussolini takes firm control of politics

and economy in Italy

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Hitler Rises to Power in Germany

• Adolf Hitler—obscure political figure in 1920s Germany• Nazism—German brand of

fascism (racist)• Hitler becomes Nazi leader, plots �

to seize national power

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•Mein Kampf “My Struggle”—Hitler‘s book detailing beliefs, goals•Hitler believes that Germany

needs lebensraum, or living space•Germans turn to Hitler when

economy collapses

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Hitler Becomes Chancellor• Turns Germany into

totalitarian state•Uses brutal tactics to

eliminate enemies•Nazis take command of


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der Führer & Jews•Hitler takes control over every

aspect of German life•Hitler makes war on the Jews –

Anti-Semitism•Nazis deprive Jews of rights, �

promote violence against them

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Aggressors Invade

Unit 7, SSWH 17 f

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Militarists Take Control of Japan

•Want to solve economic problems through expansion •(invading)• •1931, Japanese army seizes Manchuria• • League of Nations protests action; Japan withdraws from League

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Japan Invades China•1937, Japan launches war on China•“Asia for the Asians”, trying to kick out foreigners

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Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia• 1935, Italy attacks Ethiopia• Ethiopia’s leader, Halie Selassie, asks League for help• League of Nations does not �stop aggression, gives Italy a fine.

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Hitler Defies Versailles Treaty

• •1935, Hitler rebuilds German army• •1936, Germany occupies Rhineland• • Britain urges appeasement, a policy of giving into aggression• • Germany, Italy, and Japan = the Axis Powers (alliance)

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Civil War Erupts in Spain• 1936, General Francisco

Franco leads rebellion• �Hitler & Mussolini help Franco (sent weapons)• 1939, � Franco wins Civil War• Franco becomes Spain’s �Fascist dictator

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U.S.A. = Isolationist Policy

�Isolationism—avoidance of political ties with other countries

1935, Congress �passes Neutrality Acts

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German Reich (Empire) Expands

• Hitler plans to expand Third Reich—German Empire• 1938, Hitler � annexes (adds) Austria• � Hitler demands the Sudeten-land from Czechoslovakia• Czechs refuse, ask France �for help

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Brit. & France Choose Appeasement

• Leaders meet at Munich Conf. to settle Czech crisis• Britain & France agree to let Hitler take Sudetenland• 1939, Hitler takes rest of Czechoslovakia• •Mussolini takes Albania; Hitler demands part of Poland

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Nazis & Soviets Sign Nonaggression Pact

•1939, Stalin (soviet leader) & Hitler pledge never to attack one another (divide up Poland)

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Timeline of Events Leading Up to WWII

Unit 7, SSWH 17 f

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JAPAN•1920s – Japan’s govt became democratic•1922 – Japan signed inter-national treaty: respecting China’s borders

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• 1928 – Kellogg-Briand Pact: renounces war• 1929 – Civilians in Japan blamed govt. 

for Great Depression (Militarists – extreme nationalists – take control of govt., kept Emperor Hirohito as figure head)• 1931 – militarists want to solve 

economic problems by foreign expansion, army seized Manchuria

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• 1933 – League of Nations protested Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, Japan withdraws from League of Nations• Nov. 1936 – Japan joined alliance 

with Germany & Italy: Axis Powers• 1937 – Japan invades China and 

starts a war

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ITALY• 1935 - Benito Mussolini, Italy’s leader, 

wants to create colonial empire in Africa & invades Ethiopia (to seek revenge from previous defeat), Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia asks League for help, they fine Italy• 1936 – 1939: Mussolini supports 

other fascist leaders to take over gov.,

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General Francisco Franco (fascist leader) fights in Spanish Civil War & Mussolini sends weapons to Franco (Franco becomes Spain’s dictator)• Oct. 1936 – Mussolini creates an alliance 

with Germany: Rome-Berlin Axis (Germany was becoming powerful), • Nov. 1936 - Axis Powers created with 

Japan joining the alliance• 1938 - Mussolini proposed a meeting 

(Munich Conf.) bet. Britain, France

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(who were preparing for war), Germany, & Italy – Brit. & France choose appeasement (gave into an aggressor to prevent war) & allowed Germany to have Sudetenland• 1939 – Italy seized Albania

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U.S.A.•1935 – U.S. supported isolationism (avoid political ties to other countries), Congress passed Neutrality Acts (laws banning loans & the sale of arms to nations at war)

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GERMANY• 1935 – Hitler (German leader) 

announced Germany wouldn’t obey restrictions of Versailles Treaty & rebuilds army (League did nothing)• Mar. 1936 – Hitler moves army into 

Rhineland, Brit. & France allowed it to keep peace

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• July 1936 – Hitler sends weapons to Fascist leader Franco in Spain• Oct. 1936 – Hitler & Mussolini create 

an alliance: Rome-Berlin Axis• Nov. 1936 – Japan joins alliance: Axis 

Powers• 1937 – Hitler announced his desire to 

expand German Empire: Third Reich• Mar. 1938 – Germany annexed (adds)

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Austria, Brit & France did nothing• Sept. 1939 – Hitler demands Sudetenland 

from Czechoslovakia, attended Munich Conf. & gained Sudetenland• Mar. 1939 – Hitler invades Czech & 

demands German port of Danzig in Poland• Aug. 1939 – Non-Aggression Pact: Signed 

by USSR & Germany, agreed to not fight & divide up Poland
