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Section Title Page


2.0 SCOPE 3









11.0 APPEALS 15







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1.0 INTRODUCTION This document provides information and guidance on the ACS scheme rules for Candidates undertaking ACS assessments. ACS is a nationally accredited scheme designed to ensure that Candidates are competent to carry out gas work safety in accordance with the National Gas Safety Assessment Criteria (NGSAC). ACS is approved by The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) by meeting the requirements of BSEN ISO/IEC 17024 – General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons. Logic Certification Limited (LCL) is a UKAS accredited Certification Body (UKAS No 0230) approved to issue certificates of gas safety competence and to provide examination and assessment facilities at approved sub contracted Assessment Centres.


ACS will only assess an individual’s competence relating to safe gas work. The scheme does not cover other works such as electrical installation, plumbing installation or non-gas safety legislation. See Also Section 7.0 - ASSESSMENT

These scheme rules, information and guidance do not apply to any training program or learning materials provided to Candidates in preparation for ACS assessment.

Note: Training is not a prerequisite of assessment and Candidates can apply for assessment only should they wish to do so providing they meet the entry requirements. See Also Section 5.0 - APPLICATION.


3.1 Equal opportunities

LCL will not condone any discriminatory act or attitude in the conduct of its business with the public or our employees. Acts of harassment or discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religious belief, political opinion or affiliation, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age or disability is not acceptable to LCL.

LCL is committed to equality of opportunity in all aspects of its application, examination, assessment and award of certificates of competence. This commitment applies to LCL employees and representatives, staff employed by Approved Centres and Candidates, regardless of gender, age, racial origin, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, marital status, wealth, employment status or any issues relating to health or disability.

LCL will promote practices and procedures which ensure equality of opportunity and will eliminate any which unfairly discriminate, directly or indirectly.

All LCL employees, representatives, Approved Centres and Candidates will be made aware of the existence of this policy and the means by which individuals can comment or complain about the policy.

3.2 Aims

LCL will ensure that;

The content and demands of its assessments and examinations are non-discriminatory and embrace the widest diversity of Candidates.

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The style and language of its verbal communications and documentation are readily understood and do not infer stereotyped or biased attitudes or behaviour.

All examination, assessment, quality assurance, auditing and certification staff will apply a fair and equitable certification service to all Candidates.

All Approved Centres operate equal opportunity policies which are in accordance with those of LCL.

All Approved Centres have an effective complaints and appeals procedure of which Candidates are made aware of.

3.3 Enquiry

In the case of an enquiry, complaint, appeal or comment relating to this policy, write to;

The Administration Manager Logic Certification Limited Unit 2, 1 Rowdell Road Northolt Middlesex UB5 5QR.

3.4 Access to assessment – Candidates with particular requirements.

LCL policy on access to assessment for all Candidates is to provide equal opportunity in achievement.

For Candidates with a disability and/or learning difficulties, LCL and its Approved Centres will make Reasonable Adjustments to the examination and assessment process to enable the Candidate to demonstrate competence and achieve certification.

In making any arrangements to accommodate Candidates with particular requirements LCL will not compromise the integrity of the examination and assessment process.

The principles of this policy are that reasonable adjustments;

• do not give unfair advantage over other Candidates

• will not compromise the integrity of the assessment

• are determined according to the particular disability or learning difficulty of each Candidate

• will be agreed by all parties inc, LCL, Candidates and the approved assessment centre

Where an Approved Centre and or LCL are unable to agree to make reasonable adjustments due to the severity of the Candidate's disability or learning difficulty, the reasons will be recorded and the Candidate notified in writing.

Where a request for reasonable adjustments is denied the Candidate has the right of appeal and should write to the Administration manager at the address detailed above setting out the reasons for the appeal.


The National Gas Safety Assessment Criteria (NGSAC) is determined and approved by the Strategic Management Board (SMB) who fulfils the role of the ACS scheme committee; no other criteria will form part of the assessment. The organisation responsible for the management of the SMB is E&USkills.

LCL offers assessments under the following main categories:

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• Domestic Natural Gas

• Non-Domestic

• Domestic Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

• Emergency Service Provider and Metering

• Commercial Catering

Where Candidates already hold an ACS Core Gas safety certificate in one area of work, it may be possible to extend the scope of that certification to a different industry sector by undertaking a ‘changeover assessment’ e.g. Domestic Natural Gas to LPG. These changeover assessments do not assess areas of gas safety in which the Candidate has previously demonstrated competence. They are subject to the Candidate holding a valid (less than 5 years old) primary core gas safety certificate and will effectively cease to be valid without a primary core gas safety certificate being held.


Candidates are required to apply for assessment by using the application form provided by the LCL Approved Centre. All of the details requested on the form must be provided before the application can proceed.

Candidates are required to supply the following information:

• Candidate’s name

• Candidates home address

• Candidate’s National Insurance number

• Candidate’s date of birth

By signing the application form Candidates agree to abide by the scheme rules.

The Approved Centre may also ask the Candidate for additional information to be supplied as may be appropriate and this must be presented to the Centre as required.

Applicants will normally need to provide two recent photographs of themselves of passport size and quality at the time of application with the Candidates name clearly printed on the reverse side. Where photographs are not provided LCL will not be able to process the certification of successful Candidates. Candidates undertaking ACS for the first time and therefore not known to LCL or Gas Safe Register will be required to produce documentary evidence of their identity, this will normally be their passport or photo ID driving licence.

When applying for assessment Candidates must disclose any medical condition that may effect the assessment or which the assessment centres first aider should be aware of.

Candidates must have sufficient gas work experience and meet all of the ACS entry requirements before they can be accepted for assessment. Candidates are categorised as one of the following:

Category 1

Applicants in this category are regarded as experienced gas fitting operatives; they will need to provide evidence to the Approved Centre prior to taking ACS assessments that they possess a gas fitting qualification or certificate(s) of gas safety competence issued either within or outside of the UK. The date of issue of their qualification/gas safety certificate may be greater than the normal five year validity period.

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Category 2

Applicants in this category are regarded as holding a nationally recognised qualification e.g. NVQ or City & Guilds craft certificate in a trade associated with gas work, e.g. plumbing. Application conditions for this category requires that the applicant provides to the assessment centre evidence of their qualification and written evidence confirming that they have undertaken ‘On the Job’ gas installation and/or maintenance training and have experience of gas work that has been carried out under the direct supervision of a competent operative(s) employed by a business registered with The Gas Safe Register.

Applicants need to provide to the Assessment Centre evidence of this Off the Job training and On the Job experience. The evidence must consist as a minimum the following:

• Name, address and the Gas Safe registration number of the business(s) providing the training

• The start and end dates of the Off the Job training programme.

• The start and end dates of the On the Job training programme.

• The types and sufficiency of gas work undertaken (not plumbing or other related work activities).

• The name(s) of the competent operative(s) of the business that has provided the On the Job training.

Assessment centres will decline access to ACS assessment if they doubt the authenticity of the information presented by the applicant.

Category 3

Applicants in this category are regarded as new to the gas industry, which are not holding any national qualifications nor have any gas work experience. Application conditions for this category require that the Category 3 applicant may as an alternative to achieving a Gas Services N/SVQ either:

• Obtain employment with a Gas Safe registered business which is willing to provide an auditable extended ‘in house’ gas training programme incorporating both On and Off the Job components with organisational support prior to the applicant taking ACS assessment

• Undertakes a training programme which is planned, managed and organised by a training provider. This training programme will incorporate both On and Off the Job training and experience with organisational support prior to the applicant taking ACS assessment. The On the Job training component will be carried out by a Gas Safe registered business in accordance with a training plan and programme designed by the training provider

Candidates with transferable skills can undertake the LCL Approved Prior Learning (APL) Managed Learning Programme (MLP) subject to acceptance. Successful completion of the APL will meet the entry requirements for ACS.

Evidence of the contents of the MLP detailing the Off the Job training and Supervised Workplace Practice (SWP) must be presented to the Assessment Centre as described in Category 2 previously.

Where Candidates undertake a MLP other than the LCL APL they will need to present to the Approved Centre a portfolio of auditable evidence as detailed within the requirements for Category 3 applicants. The portfolio will be assessed by a LCL approved Assessor who will determine whether the application requirements have been met.

For further details on the evidence/experience requirements please discuss with your Approved Centre.

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Candidates are required to conduct themselves is a suitable manner at all times, inappropriate conduct, physical or verbal abuse, any form of harassment or discrimination directed at or to any member of staff or other Candidates will not be tolerated and may result in termination of the assessment and the subsequent loss of any fees paid.

Information regarding conduct during the assessment will be provided by the centre.


Assessments take the form of both written and practical assessments, See Section 4.0 ACS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA.

7.1 The following legislation etc, is relevant to the work of gas fitting operatives but outside the scope of ACS, however Candidates should be aware of and work to these requirements where appropriate:-

a) Gas Safety (Management) Regulations. (Not directly work related.)

b) Health and Safety at Work etc Act, including:

• Working at height, for example ladder work and working from steps, in activities such as working on roofs, installing flues, and accessing roof spaces.

• Building work, for example penetrating structures, in activities such as making openings for flues, ventilation, and pipes. Also for example, lifting flooring and notching joists.

• Sweeping chimneys - that is sweep work associated with, but not involving, disconnection and refitting a gas appliance.

c) The Electricity at Work Regulations.

d) The Electricity Supply Regulations (as amended).

e) British Standard 7671 (IEE Wiring Regulations).

f) Construction (Design & Management) Regulations.

g) The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.

h) The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, for example risk assessment and associated procedures.

i) The Provision of Work Equipment Regulations, for example tools and equipment are suitable for the use they are going to be put to.

j) The Manual Handling Operations Regulations, for example lifting and handling, moving appliances, pipework, and equipment.

k) Workplace Regulations, for example workplace ensures health, safety and welfare.

l) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work Regulations, for example that PPE is fit and proper for the purpose intended and will be maintained and replaced as required.

m) The Construction (Head Protection) Regulations, for example working in obligatory 'head protection zones'.

n) The Noise at Work Regulations, for example working in 'hearing protection zones'.

o) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations, for example recognition and protection from exposure to hazardous materials used by the trade.

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p) Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations, for example work on insulated pipes and asbestos pipe.

q) Control of Lead at Work Regulations, for example work on water pipe.

r) Water Undertakers' Byelaws and British Standards 5449 Part 1 and British Standard 6700, for example any water system pipework or equipment.

s) Building Regulations, for example those that are non-gas specific/related, and protected shafts.

t) Factories Act.

u) Gas Meter Regulations.

v) Gas Quality Regulations.

w) Boiler (Efficiency) Regulations.

y) The Pressure Systems (Safety) Regulations 2000.

z) The Gas Meters (Information on Connection and Disconnection) Regulations 1996.

ACS assessments have been structured to enable Candidates to focus on gas work which covers the typical range of activities, as carried out by the Candidate in the course of normal gas work.

7.2 Tools & Equipment

Approved Centres will provide all of the necessary tools, equipment and reference documents needed to undertake assessment. Where a Candidate wishes to provide and use their own tools (e.g. if a disabled Candidate has his own specially adapted tools), equipment or normative documents, this must be agreed with the Assessor prior to assessment.

Specialist protective clothing or safety equipment will be provided as necessary by the assessment centre; however Candidates should wear suitable clothing including sturdy footwear when undertaking practical assessments. Neither LCL nor its approved assessment centres can be held responsible for loss or damage to such items while under assessment.

7.3 Assessment security

The use of use of mobile communication and recording devices whilst undertaking written or practical assessment is strictly prohibited. Candidates found using such devices during assessment will be deemed to have compromised the security of the assessment and be in breach of the scheme rules. Assessments are conducted in a consistent structured manner, in order to achieve this, Candidates are required to adhere to the scheme rules and follow any directions given to them by the Assessor.

Where Candidates have been found to be in breach of the scheme rules LCL reserves the right not to issue a certificate. In this case the Candidate will have forfeited any right to a refund of certification fees paid to the Approved Centre or LCL.

Where a certificate is not issued due to a breach of the scheme rules the Candidate will be advised of their right to appeal.

7.4 Completion of assessments

On successful completion of an assessment, the Candidate’s documentation is internally quality assured by the Approved Centre prior to being forwarded to LCL with a recommendation for certification. In the event of the recommendation for certification being rejected, LCL will advise the

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Approved Centre of any queries or deficiencies. See 7.5 below. The Approved Centre will inform the Candidate of any outcome other than certification. The assessment process including Internal Quality Assurance must be completed within 12 months from the start of the assessment. Logic Certification will not accept any request for certification from The Approved Centre where the candidate's transmitted portfolio is over 12 months old.

Logic Certification will where required advise OFTEC or Gas Safe Register where it has refused to issue a certificate of competence due to excessive time to complete the assessment process.

7.5 Standards of Service

On receipt of all assessment documentation and providing it is complete and correct, LCL will electronically forward all successful Candidates’ assessment results to the Gas Safe Register (GSR) within 10 working days. The certificate of competence and LCL ID card will then be posted to the Candidate (see Section 8.0 CERTIFICATES AND ID CARD). Where a Candidate’s information (e.g. National Insurance Number) is incomplete or incorrect, a certificate cannot be issued until the query is resolved.

Where required and for an additional administration fee LCL can express certificate a Candidates results within 2 working days (providing all assessment documentation is complete and correct), please ask the Approved Centre for terms and conditions and applicable fees.

Requests for replacement certificates will be dealt with promptly, certificates will be posted to the Candidates within 2 Working days of payment being received. Where payment is made by cheque this will be when payment to LCL have been confirmed (See Section 8.3).

7.6 Exclusions

Where circumstances beyond the control of LCL prevent the issuing of an ACS certificate and or the electronic forwarding of assessment results to GSR, LCL's standards of service will be suspended until operating conditions are returned to normal.

7.7 MOT style reassessment

Candidates undertaking reassessment of expiring ACS certificates can take advantage of the MOT style certificate. This enables Candidates to undertake reassessment up to 6 months before expiry. This will ensure uninterrupted certification without the loss of any unexpired certification duration.

Candidates undertaking reassessment with an ACS certificate which has over 6 months to expire will not be credited with any unexpired certification and are advised not to undertake reassessment until their certificate has less than 6 months to the expiry date.

Candidates undertaking MOT style reassessment must present original ACS certificates to the assessment centre prior to undertaking assessment. Failure to present an original certificate(s) may result in the request for MOT style reassessment of unexpired duration or access to assessment being denied.

7.8 Assessment Process and Referral

Candidates undertaking any ACS assessment for the first time will take 'Initial Assessment'. Candidates undertaking an assessment of a previously assessed ACS core or appliance for the second time will take what is described as 'Re-assessment'.

The assessment process for both Initial and Re-assessment requires candidates to demonstrate their competence against the NGSAC by practical performance in a simulated work environment within the assessment centre and by answering written and oral questions.

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The pass mark for both Initial and Reassessment is 100%.

Candidates are assessed as follows

� Written examinations for candidates undertaking initial assessment must be in accordance with Table 1

� Practical assessments for candidates undertaking initial assessment must be in accordance with Table 2

� Candidates undertaking reassessment must be assessed in accordance with Table 3 Where a Candidate fails an assessment, they will be advised of the result, assessment documentation forwarded to LCL and the assessment result electronically forwarded to The Gas Safe Register. 7.9 Advice to Candidates

Where a Candidate has failed an ACS assessment it is advised that they should not undertake work on any gas installation covered by the scope of the assessment which they failed.

Where a Candidate has passed an ACS assessment they are advised not to carry out work on any gas installation covered by the scope of the assessment until they are registered with the GSR.

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8.1 The ACS Certificates issued by LCL will contain the following information: -

Candidate’s name Certificate number Candidate’s National Insurance number Candidate’s date of birth Details of the scope of certification The expiry date of the certificate (and/or where appropriate individual assessments)

ID cards issued to successful Candidates will contain: -

Candidate’s name Candidate’s photograph Details of the scope of certification The expiry date of the individual assessments The name of the Approved Centre where assessments were carried out

8.2 Issue of certificates

Unless otherwise specified in writing by the Candidate prior to assessment, LCL will issue the certificate and ID card directly to the individual to whom the certificate relates within its standards of service.

LCL considers that certificates issued to Candidates will have been received, if not advised otherwise within 12 weeks of issue of the certificate. Candidates who have not received their certificate within 8 weeks of assessment, should in the first instance enquire with the Approved Centre as to the status of the request for certification.

Where the Approved Centre confirms that the request for certification has been transmitted to LCL, the Candidate should contact LCL to confirm whether the certificate has been issued.

Where written permission has been given by the Candidate to issue the certificate to a third party and subsequently requests a replacement, LCL will check with the third party to verify that the original certificate has been issued to the Candidate or is still awaiting issue. Where the original is awaiting issue to the Candidate a replacement will not be issued.

Where a Candidate notifies LCL that they have not received their certificate after 12 weeks from the date of issue, a replacement will be issued but will incur an additional administration charge.

The certificate and ID card remain the property of LCL at all times.

LCL may at its discretion issue a certificate that is subject to conditions. Those conditions will be agreed with the Candidate prior to or at any point during the assessment process. 8.3 Replacement certificates

Replacement certificates will only be issued where the Candidate has; lost, had stolen, misplaced, defaced, accidentally destroyed the original or has changed their name by deed poll. When requesting a replacement certificate, Candidates will be required to provide evidence of their identity.

To obtain a replacement certificate, Candidates must put their request in writing to the LCL Administration Manager at the address detailed in Section 17.0 confirming personal details and the reasons for the request. Where the request is for reasons of a change of name by deed poll, a copy of the deed poll will need to be attached to the request.

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Replacement certificates will indicate the date of issue and that they are a replacement. An application form for a replacement certificate is available from www.logiccertification.com

A charge will apply for issue of replacement certificates and/or ID cards.

Replacement certificates will be issued in accordance with LCL standards of service.


Certificates issued by LCL are subject to the requirements of the ACS Operational Requirements (ACS scheme rules). Certificated Operatives are required to:

• Work competently in the areas of certification at all times

• Maintain competence throughout the period of certification

• Not to misuse the certificate or ID card

• Show the certificate where required to do so

Where a certificate holder is deemed to be acting contrary to the requirements of the ACS certificate issued, LCL may at its discretion withdraw all or part of that certificate.

Where LCL decides to withdraw a certificate, it will write to the individual concerned advising that the certificate has been withdrawn and request its return. In addition LCL will advise The GSR of its actions.

Where a certificate (or part of) has been withdrawn the holder will be advised of their right to appeal.


A formal complaints procedure is in place and maintained by LCL and all of its’ Approved Centres. A Candidate may complain about any aspect of their assessment and certification under the scope of the scheme, but not about any training matters which are outside the scope of the scheme. Complaints relating to training need to be taken up with the Approved Centre concerned.

A complaint lodged by any Candidate regarding assessment or certification will be thoroughly investigated and duly reported on in writing to the complainant. Where it has been found the complaint was justified and remedial action is needed to prevent a recurrence, either LCL or the Approved Centre will take the necessary remedial action as soon as practicable.


Candidates have a right of appeal against:

a) LCL’s decision not to issue a certificate b) LCL’s decision to withdraw a certificate c) The decision arrived at by LCL as a result of a complaint d) The assessment decision where a Candidate has failed the assessment e) LCL decision not to make adjustments to any assessments in the case of Candidates

learning difficulty or disability

Appeals must be notified in writing to The Administration Manager at LCL, Unit 2, 1 Rowdell Road, Northolt, Middlesex UB5 5QR.

The Candidate must lodge their appeal within 30 days of the decision against which they are appealing and pay the appropriate fee at the time of lodging the appeal. (If the appeal is upheld, then the fee will be returned in full).

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Where a Candidate appeals against LCL decision to withdraw a certificate, it will not normally be withdrawn until the appeal process has been completed.

Full details of the appeal procedure are available on request.


ACS certification is conditional upon individuals maintaining competence during the period that the certificate is valid. Where LCL receives information or has reason to believe that an individual may not be working competently or has not maintained their competence, LCL reserves the right to investigate by whatever means is appropriate and withdraw the certificate if proven.


The holding of a LCL ACS certificate does not entitle the holder to use the LCL or UKAS logo or name. Use of the LCL and UKAS logos and name is strictly controlled and legal action may be taken where unauthorised use is identified.

Operatives holding a LCL ACS certificate are only permitted to display the certificate; any other use of logos is strictly prohibited.

The certificate must not be used to create a false impression of a competence or area of expertise or financial liability that does not exist or is irrelevant to the scope and nature of the certificate. Such use would render the certificate liable to withdrawal upon the fact being proven.

Details of the individual’s certification may be given out to interested third parties by either LCL or the GSR but will be limited to facts concerning the scope of certification.


LCL is registered with the Information Commissioners Office www.ico.gov.uk and will process personal information and records in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 (or any subsequent amendments or revisions).

LCL will not disclose such information to a third party unless it is for the purposes detailed on the Application Form or where required to do so to assist in the prevention or solving of a crime as detailed in Section 29 of DPA.

LCL may from time to time contact Candidates with information relating to technical issues or other relevant scheme matters.


Fees for both assessment and certification will be charged. The fee for assessment and certification will be according to the rates published by the Approved Centre.

All fees due for conducting the assessment and issue of certification is payable to the Approved Centre. Where a Candidate requests a duplicate or replacement certificate Logic Certificate will charge a fee for the replacement certificate in accordance with the published charges.

Fees will be charged for appeals based on cost recovery, where the appeal is upheld all fees will be paid by LCL. Where the appeal is not upheld all fees will be paid by the appellant.

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Individuals carrying out gas work within the scope of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998 must only do so provided:

a) They are competent to do so. The holder of a current ACS certificate of competence covering the scope of gas work they propose to carry out meets that regulation.

b) Where the work is carried out as part of a business, that business (either as a sole trader or via their employer) must be registered with Gas Safe Register.

Upon issue of a certificate of competence, LCL will electronically forward the details of the scope of certification to GSR.

For further information regarding registration individuals should contact Gas Safe Registrar at the address shown below. 17.0 CONTACT DETAILS

Logic Certification Limited Unit 2 1 Rowdell Road Northolt UB5 5QR Tel 0208 839 2439 Fax 0208 839 8612 E-mail [email protected]

Gas Safe Registrar PO Box 6804 Basingstoke RG24 4NB Tel 0800 408 5500 E-mail [email protected]

Energy & Utility Skills Limited Friars Gate 1011 Stratford Road Shirley Solihull B90 4BN

Tel 0845 077 99 22 Fax: 0845 077 99 33

[email protected]
