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Chapter 6: Reasoning under Uncertainty c D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 1

Chapter 6:Reasoning under Uncertainty

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 1

“The mind is a neural computer, fitted by naturalselection with combinatorial algorithms for causal andprobabilistic reasoning about plants, animals, objects,and people.

“In a universe with any regularities at all, decisionsinformed about the past are better than decisions madeat random. That has always been true, and we wouldexpect organisms, especially informavores such ashumans, to have evolved acute intuitions aboutprobability. The founders of probability, like thefounders of logic, assumed they were just formalizingcommon sense.”

Steven Pinker, How the Mind Works, 1997, pp. 524, 343.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 2

Using Uncertain Knowledge

Agents don’t have complete knowledge about the world.

Agents need to make decisions based on their uncertainty.

It isn’t enough to assume what the world is like.Example: wearing a seat belt.

An agent needs to reason about its uncertainty.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 3

Why Probability?

There is lots of uncertainty about the world, but agentsstill need to act.

Predictions are needed to decide what to do:I definitive predictions: you will be run over tomorrowI point probabilities: probability you will be run over

tomorrow is 0.002I probability ranges: you will be run over with probability in

range [0.001,0.34]

Acting is gambling: agents who don’t use probabilities willlose to those who do — Dutch books.

Probabilities can be learned from data.Bayes’ rule specifies how to combine data and priorknowledge.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 4


Probability is an agent’s measure of belief in someproposition — subjective probability.

An agent’s belief depends on its prior assumptions andwhat the agent observes.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 5

Numerical Measures of Belief

Belief in proposition, f , can be measured in terms of anumber between 0 and 1 — this is the probability of f .

I The probability f is 0 means that f is believed to bedefinitely false.

I The probability f is 1 means that f is believed to bedefinitely true.

Using 0 and 1 is purely a convention.

f has a probability between 0 and 1, means the agent isignorant of its truth value.

Probability is a measure of an agent’s ignorance.

Probability is not a measure of degree of truth.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 6

Random Variables

A random variable is a term in a language that can takeone of a number of different values.

The range of a variable X , written range(X ), is the set ofvalues X can take.

A tuple of random variables 〈X1, . . . ,Xn〉 is a complexrandom variable with range range(X1)× · · · × range(Xn).Often the tuple is written as X1, . . . ,Xn.

Assignment X = x means variable X has value x .

A proposition is a Boolean formula made fromassignments of values to variables.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 7

Possible World Semantics

A possible world specifies an assignment of one value toeach random variable.

A random variable is a function from possible worlds intothe range of the random variable.

ω |= X = xmeans variable X is assigned value x in world ω.

Logical connectives have their standard meaning:

ω |= α ∧ β if ω |= α and ω |= β

ω |= α ∨ β if ω |= α or ω |= β

ω |= ¬α if ω 6|= α

Let Ω be the set of all possible worlds.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 8

Semantics of Probability

For a finite number of possible worlds:

Define a nonnegative measure µ(ω) to each world ωso that the measures of the possible worlds sum to 1.

The probability of proposition f is defined by:

P(f ) =∑ω|=f


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 9

Axioms of Probability: finite case

Three axioms define what follows from a set of probabilities:

Axiom 1 0 ≤ P(a) for any proposition a.

Axiom 2 P(true) = 1

Axiom 3 P(a ∨ b) = P(a) + P(b) if a and b cannot both betrue.

These axioms are sound and complete with respect to thesemantics.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 10


1. Negation of a proposition: P(¬α) = 1− P(α).

The propositions α ∨ ¬α and ¬(α ∧ ¬α) are tautologies.Therefore, P(α ∨ ¬α) = P(α) + P(¬α) = 1.

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2. Logically equivalent propositions have the same probability:α↔ β P(α) = P(β).

If α↔ β, then α ∨ ¬β is a tautology and P(α ∨ ¬β) = 1.α and ¬β are contradictory statements, so with Axiom 3

P(α ∨ ¬β) = P(α) + P(¬β) = 1

Since P(¬β) = 1− P(β) also

P(α) + 1− P(β) = 1,

and therefore P(α) = P(β).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 12


3. Reasoning by cases: P(α) = P(α ∧ β) + P(α ∧ ¬β).

The propositions α↔ ((α ∧ β) ∨ (α ∧ ¬β)) and¬((α ∧ β) ∧ (α ∧ ¬β)) are tautologies. Thus,

P(α) = P((α∧β)∨(α∧¬β)) = P(α∧β)+P(α∧¬β).

4. Reasoning by cases, generalized:

If V is a random variable with domain D, then, for allpropositions α,

P(α) =∑d∈D

P(α ∧ V = d).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 13


5. Disjunction for non-exclusive propositions:

P(α ∨ β) = P(α) + P(β)− P(α ∧ β).

(α ∨ β)↔ ((α ∧ ¬β) ∨ β) is a tautology. Thus,

P(α ∨ β) = P((α ∧ ¬β) ∨ β) = P(α ∧ ¬β) + P(β).

With P(α ∧ ¬β) = P(α)− P(α ∧ β).

P(α ∨ β) = P(α)− P(α ∧ β) + P(β).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 14

Semantics of Probability: general case

In the general case, probability defines a measure on sets ofpossible worlds. We define µ(S) for some sets S ⊆ Ωsatisfying:

µ(S) ≥ 0

µ(Ω) = 1

µ(S1 ∪ S2) = µ(S1) + µ(S2) if S1 ∩ S2 = .Or sometimes σ-additivity:



Si ) =∑


µ(Si ) if Si ∩ Sj = for i 6= j

Then P(α) = µ(ω|ω |= α).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 15

Probability Distributions

A probability distribution on a random variable X is afunction range(X )→ [0, 1] such that

x 7→ P(X = x).

This is written as P(X ).

This also includes the case where we have tuples ofvariables. E.g., P(X ,Y ,Z ) means P(〈X ,Y ,Z 〉).

When range(X ) is infinite sometimes we need a probabilitydensity function...

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 16


Probabilistic conditioning specifies how to revise beliefsbased on new information.

An agent builds a probabilistic model taking all backgroundinformation into account. This gives the prior probability.

All other information must be conditioned on.

If evidence e is all the information obtained subsequently,the conditional probability P(h|e) of h given e is the

posterior probability of h.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 17

Semantics of Conditional Probability

Evidence e rules out possible worlds incompatible with e.

Evidence e induces a new measure, µe , over possible worlds

µe(S) =

c × µ(S) if ω |= e for all ω ∈ S0 if ω 6|= e for some ω ∈ S

We can show that c = 1P(e)


The conditional probability of formula h given evidence e is

P(h|e) = µe(ω : ω |= h)


P(h ∧ e)


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 18

Semantics of Conditional Probability

Evidence e rules out possible worlds incompatible with e.

Evidence e induces a new measure, µe , over possible worlds

µe(S) =

c × µ(S) if ω |= e for all ω ∈ S0 if ω 6|= e for some ω ∈ S

We can show that c = 1P(e)


The conditional probability of formula h given evidence e is

P(h|e) = µe(ω : ω |= h)

=P(h ∧ e)


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 19


Possible Worlds:

Observe Color = orange:

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Possible Worlds:

Observe Color = orange:

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 21


Flu Sneeze Snore µtrue true true 0.064true true false 0.096true false true 0.016true false false 0.024false true true 0.096false true false 0.144false false true 0.224false false false 0.336

What is:

(a) P(flu ∧ sneeze)

(b) P(flu ∧ ¬sneeze)

(c) P(flu)

(d) P(sneeze | flu)

(e) P(¬flu ∧ sneeze)

(f) P(flu | sneeze)

(g) P(sneeze | flu ∧ snore)

(h) P(flu | sneeze ∧ snore)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 22

Generalized conditional probability

Computation of a conditional probability from given jointprobabilities

P(fn|f1 ∧ . . . ∧ fn−1) =P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1 ∧ fn)

P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 23

Chain Rule

Inverse of the generalized conditional probability:computation of a joint probability distribution from givenconditional probabilities

P(f1 ∧ f2 ∧ . . . ∧ fn)


P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)

× · · · × P(f3|f1 ∧ f2)× P(f2|f1)× P(f1)



P(fi |f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fi−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 24

Chain Rule

Inverse of the generalized conditional probability:computation of a joint probability distribution from givenconditional probabilities

P(f1 ∧ f2 ∧ . . . ∧ fn)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)


P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)

× · · · × P(f3|f1 ∧ f2)× P(f2|f1)× P(f1)



P(fi |f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fi−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 25

Chain Rule

Inverse of the generalized conditional probability:computation of a joint probability distribution from givenconditional probabilities

P(f1 ∧ f2 ∧ . . . ∧ fn)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)


P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)

× · · · × P(f3|f1 ∧ f2)× P(f2|f1)× P(f1)



P(fi |f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fi−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 26

Chain Rule

Inverse of the generalized conditional probability:computation of a joint probability distribution from givenconditional probabilities

P(f1 ∧ f2 ∧ . . . ∧ fn)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)× P(f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)

= P(fn|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−1)×P(fn−1|f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fn−2)

× · · · × P(f3|f1 ∧ f2)× P(f2|f1)× P(f1)



P(fi |f1 ∧ · · · ∧ fi−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 27

Bayes’ theorem

The chain rule and commutativity of conjunction (h ∧ e isequivalent to e ∧ h) gives us:

P(h ∧ e) =

P(h|e)× P(e)

= P(e|h)× P(h).

If P(e) 6= 0, divide the right hand sides by P(e):

P(h|e) =P(e|h)× P(h)


This is Bayes’ theorem.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 28

Bayes’ theorem

The chain rule and commutativity of conjunction (h ∧ e isequivalent to e ∧ h) gives us:

P(h ∧ e) = P(h|e)× P(e)

= P(e|h)× P(h).

If P(e) 6= 0, divide the right hand sides by P(e):

P(h|e) =P(e|h)× P(h)


This is Bayes’ theorem.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 29

Bayes’ theorem

The chain rule and commutativity of conjunction (h ∧ e isequivalent to e ∧ h) gives us:

P(h ∧ e) = P(h|e)× P(e)

= P(e|h)× P(h).

If P(e) 6= 0, divide the right hand sides by P(e):

P(h|e) =P(e|h)× P(h)


This is Bayes’ theorem.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 30

Bayes’ theorem

The chain rule and commutativity of conjunction (h ∧ e isequivalent to e ∧ h) gives us:

P(h ∧ e) = P(h|e)× P(e)

= P(e|h)× P(h).

If P(e) 6= 0, divide the right hand sides by P(e):

P(h|e) =

P(e|h)× P(h)


This is Bayes’ theorem.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 31

Bayes’ theorem

The chain rule and commutativity of conjunction (h ∧ e isequivalent to e ∧ h) gives us:

P(h ∧ e) = P(h|e)× P(e)

= P(e|h)× P(h).

If P(e) 6= 0, divide the right hand sides by P(e):

P(h|e) =P(e|h)× P(h)


This is Bayes’ theorem.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 32

Why is Bayes’ theorem interesting?

Often you have causal knowledge:P(symptom | disease)P(light is off | status of switches and switch positions)P(alarm | fire)

P(image looks like | a tree is in front of a car)

and want to do evidential reasoning:P(disease | symptom)P(status of switches | light is off and switch positions)P(fire | alarm).

P(a tree is in front of a car | image looks like )

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 33

Conditional independence

Random variable X is independent of random variable Y

given random variable Z if, for all xi ∈ dom(X ),yj ∈ dom(Y ), yk ∈ dom(Y ) and zm ∈ dom(Z ),

P(X = xi |Y = yj ∧ Z = zm)

= P(X = xi |Y = yk ∧ Z = zm)

= P(X = xi |Z = zm).

That is, knowledge of Y ’s value doesn’t affect your belief inthe value of X , given a value of Z .

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 34

Example domain (diagnostic assistant)








outside power















c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 35

Examples of conditional independence

The identity of the queen of Canada is independent ofwhether light l1 is lit given whether there is outside power.

Whether there is someone in a room is independent ofwhether a light l2 is lit given the position of switch s3.

Whether light l1 is lit is independent of the position oflight switch s2 given whether there is power in wire w0.

Every other variable may be independent of whether lightl1 is lit given whether there is power in wire w0 and thestatus of light l1 (if it’s ok , or if not, how it’s broken).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 36

Idea of belief networks

Whether l1 is lit (L1 lit) de-pends only on the status of thelight (L1 st) and whether thereis power in wire w0. Thus,L1 lit is independent of theother variables given L1 st andW 0. In a belief network, W 0and L1 st are parents of L1 lit.

w1 w2






... ... ......

Similarly, W 0 depends only on whether there is power in w1,whether there is power in w2, the position of switch s2(S2 pos), and the status of switch s2 (S2 st).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 37

Belief networks

A belief network is a graph: the nodes are random variables;there is an arc from the parents of each node into that node.

Suppose x1, . . . , xn are the variables of interest.

Totally order the variables of interest: X1, . . . ,Xn

Theorem of probability theory (chain rule):P(X1, . . . ,Xn) =

∏ni=1 P(Xi |X1, . . . ,Xi−1)

The parents parents(Xi ) of Xi are those predecessors ofXi that render Xi independent of the other predecessors.That is, parents(Xi ) ⊆ X1, . . . ,Xi−1 andP(Xi |parents(Xi )) = P(Xi |X1, . . . ,Xi−1)

So P(X1, . . . ,Xn) =∏n

i=1 P(Xi |parents(Xi ))

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 38

Components of a belief network

A belief network consists of:

a directed acyclic graph with nodes labeled with randomvariables

a domain for each random variable

a set of conditional probability tables for each variablegiven its parents (including prior probabilities for nodeswith no parents).

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Example belief network



Cb1_st Cb2_st

















c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 40

Example belief network (continued)

The belief network also specifies:

The domain of the variables:W0, . . . ,W6 have domain live, deadS1 pos, S2 pos, and S3 pos have domain up, downS1 st has ok , upside down, short, intermittent, broken.Conditional probabilities, including:P(W1 = live|s1 pos = up ∧ S1 st = ok ∧W3 = live)P(W1 = live|s1 pos = up ∧ S1 st = ok ∧W3 = dead)P(S1 pos = up)P(S1 st = upside down)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 41

Belief network summary

A belief network is automatically acyclic by construction.

A belief network is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) wherenodes are random variables.

The parents of a node n are those variables on which ndirectly depends.

A belief network is a graphical representation ofdependence and independence:

I A variable is independent of its non-descendants given itsparents.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 42

Constructing belief networks

To represent a domain in a belief network, you need toconsider:

What are the relevant variables?I What will you observe?I What would you like to find out (query)?I What other features make the model simpler?

What values should these variables take?

What is the relationship between them? This should beexpressed in terms of local influence.

How does the value of each variable depend on its parents?This is expressed in terms of the conditional probabilities.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 43

Using belief networks

The power network can be used in a number of ways:

Conditioning on the status of the switches and circuitbreakers, whether there is outside power and the positionof the switches, you can simulate the lighting.

Given values for the switches, the outside power, andwhether the lights are lit, you can determine the posteriorprobability that each switch or circuit breaker is ok or not.

Given some switch positions and some outputs and someintermediate values, you can determine the probability ofany other variable in the network.

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What variables are affected by observing?

If you observe variable Y , the variables whose posteriorprobability is different from their prior are:

I The ancestors of Y andI their descendants.

Intuitively (if you have a causal belief network):I You do abduction to possible causes andI prediction from the causes.

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Common descendants



fire tampering and fire areindependent

tampering and fire aredependent given alarm

Intuitively, tamperingcan explain away fire

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 46

Common ancestors



alarm and smoke aredependent

alarm and smoke areindependent given fire

Intuitively, fire canexplain alarm and

smoke; learning one canaffect the other bychanging your belief infire.

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alarm and report aredependent

alarm and report areindependent givenleaving

Intuitively, the only waythat the alarm affectsreport is by affectingleaving .

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Pruning Irrelevant Variables

Suppose you want to compute P(X |e1 . . . ek):

Prune any variables that have no observed or querieddescendents.

Connect the parents of any observed variable.

Remove arc directions.

Remove observed variables.

Remove any variables not connected to X in the resulting(undirected) graph.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 49

Belief network inference

Four main approaches to determine posterior distributions inbelief networks:

Variable Elimination: exploit the structure of the networkto eliminate (sum out) the non-observed, non-queryvariables one at a time.

Search-based approaches: enumerate some of the possibleworlds, and estimate posterior probabilities from the worldsgenerated.

Stochastic simulation: random cases are generatedaccording to the probability distributions.

Variational methods: find the closest tractable distributionto the (posterior) distribution we are interested in.

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A factor is a representation of a function from a tuple ofrandom variables into a number.We will write factor f on variables X1, . . . ,Xj as f (X1, . . . ,Xj ).We can assign some or all of the variables of a factor:

f (X1 = v1,X2, . . . ,Xj ), where v1 ∈ dom(X1), is a factor onX2, . . . ,Xj .

f (X1 = v1,X2 = v2, . . . ,Xj = vj ) is a number that is thevalue of f when each Xi has value vi .

The former is also written as f (X1,X2, . . . ,Xj )X1 = v1 , etc.

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Example factors

r(X ,Y ,Z ):

X Y Z valt t t 0.1t t f 0.9t f t 0.2t f f 0.8f t t 0.4f t f 0.6f f t 0.3f f f 0.7

r(X =t,Y ,Z ):

Y Z valt t 0.1t f 0.9f t 0.2f f 0.8

r(X =t,Y ,Z =f ):Y valt 0.9f 0.8

r(X =t,Y =f ,Z =f ) = 0.8

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 52

Multiplying factors

The product of factor f1(X ,Y ) and f2(Y ,Z ), where Y are

the variables in common, is the factor (f1 × f2)(X ,Y ,Z )defined by:

(f1 × f2)(X ,Y ,Z ) = f1(X ,Y )f2(Y ,Z ).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 53

Multiplying factors example


A B valt t 0.1t f 0.9f t 0.2f f 0.8


B C valt t 0.3t f 0.7f t 0.6f f 0.4

f1 × f2:

A B C valt t t 0.03t t f 0.07t f t 0.54t f f 0.36f t t 0.06f t f 0.14f f t 0.48f f f 0.32

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Summing out variables

We can sum out a variable, say X1 with domain v1, . . . , vk,from factor f (X1, . . . ,Xj ), resulting in a factor on X2, . . . ,Xj

defined by:


f )(X2, . . . ,Xj )

= f (X1 = v1, . . . ,Xj ) + · · ·+ f (X1 = vk , . . . ,Xj )

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 55

Summing out a variable example


A B C valt t t 0.03t t f 0.07t f t 0.54t f f 0.36f t t 0.06f t f 0.14f f t 0.48f f f 0.32

∑B f3:

A C valt t 0.57t f 0.43f t 0.54f f 0.46

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If we want to compute the posterior probability of Z givenevidence Y1 = v1 ∧ . . . ∧ Yj = vj :

P(Z |Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )


P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )

P(Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )

=P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )∑Z P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ).

So the computation reduces to the probability ofP(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ).We normalize at the end.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 57


If we want to compute the posterior probability of Z givenevidence Y1 = v1 ∧ . . . ∧ Yj = vj :

P(Z |Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )

=P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )

P(Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )


P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )∑Z P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ).

So the computation reduces to the probability ofP(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ).We normalize at the end.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 58


If we want to compute the posterior probability of Z givenevidence Y1 = v1 ∧ . . . ∧ Yj = vj :

P(Z |Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )

=P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )

P(Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )

=P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )∑Z P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ).

So the computation reduces to the probability ofP(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ).We normalize at the end.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 59

Probability of a conjunction

Suppose the variables of the belief network are X1, . . . ,Xn.To compute P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ), we sum out the othervariables, Z1, . . . ,Zk = X1, . . . ,Xn − Z − Y1, . . . ,Yj.We order the Zi into an elimination ordering.

P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )



· · ·∑


P(X1, . . . ,Xn)Y1 = v1,...,Yj = vj.


· · ·∑



P(Xi |parents(Xi ))Y1 = v1,...,Yj = vj.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 60

Probability of a conjunction

Suppose the variables of the belief network are X1, . . . ,Xn.To compute P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ), we sum out the othervariables, Z1, . . . ,Zk = X1, . . . ,Xn − Z − Y1, . . . ,Yj.We order the Zi into an elimination ordering.

P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )


· · ·∑


P(X1, . . . ,Xn)Y1 = v1,...,Yj = vj.



· · ·∑



P(Xi |parents(Xi ))Y1 = v1,...,Yj = vj.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 61

Probability of a conjunction

Suppose the variables of the belief network are X1, . . . ,Xn.To compute P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj ), we sum out the othervariables, Z1, . . . ,Zk = X1, . . . ,Xn − Z − Y1, . . . ,Yj.We order the Zi into an elimination ordering.

P(Z ,Y1 = v1, . . . ,Yj = vj )


· · ·∑


P(X1, . . . ,Xn)Y1 = v1,...,Yj = vj.


· · ·∑



P(Xi |parents(Xi ))Y1 = v1,...,Yj = vj.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 62

Computing sums of products

Computation in belief networks reduces to computing thesums of products.

How can we compute ab + ac efficiently?

Distribute out the a giving a(b + c)

How can we compute∑


∏ni=1 P(Xi |parents(Xi ))


Distribute out those factors that don’t involve Z1.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 63

Computing sums of products

Computation in belief networks reduces to computing thesums of products.

How can we compute ab + ac efficiently?

Distribute out the a giving a(b + c)

How can we compute∑


∏ni=1 P(Xi |parents(Xi ))


Distribute out those factors that don’t involve Z1.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 64

Computing sums of products

Computation in belief networks reduces to computing thesums of products.

How can we compute ab + ac efficiently?

Distribute out the a giving a(b + c)

How can we compute∑


∏ni=1 P(Xi |parents(Xi ))


Distribute out those factors that don’t involve Z1.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 65

Computing sums of products

Computation in belief networks reduces to computing thesums of products.

How can we compute ab + ac efficiently?

Distribute out the a giving a(b + c)

How can we compute∑


∏ni=1 P(Xi |parents(Xi ))


Distribute out those factors that don’t involve Z1.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 66

Variable elimination algorithm

To compute P(Z |Y1 = v1 ∧ . . . ∧ Yj = vj ):

Construct a factor for each conditional probability.

Set the observed variables to their observed values.

Sum out each of the other variables (the Z1, . . . ,Zk)according to some elimination ordering.

Multiply the remaining factors. Normalize by dividing theresulting factor f (Z ) by

∑Z f (Z ).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 67

Summing out a variable

To sum out a variable Zj from a product f1, . . . , fk of factors:

Partition the factors intoI those that don’t contain Zj , say f1, . . . , fi ,I those that contain Zj , say fi+1, . . . , fk

We know:


f1× · · ·×fk = f1× · · ·×fi×


fi+1× · · ·×fk


Explicitly construct a representation of the rightmostfactor. Replace the factors fi+1, . . . , fk by the new factor.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 68

Variable elimination example







P(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm,Smoke, Leaving ,Report) =P(Tampering)× P(Fire)× P(Alarm|Fire,Tampering)× P(Smoke|Fire)× P(Leaving |Alarm)× P(Report|Leaving)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 69

Variable elimination example







P(tampering) = 0.02P(fire) = 0.01P(alarm|fire ∧ tampering) = 0.5P(alarm|fire ∧ ¬tampering) = 0.99P(alarm|¬fire ∧ tampering) = 0.85P(alarm|¬fire ∧ ¬tampering) = 0.0001P(smoke|fire) = 0.9P(smoke|¬fire) = 0.01P(leaving |alarm) = 0.88P(leaving |¬alarm) = 0.001P(report|leaving) = 0.75P(report|¬leaving) = 0.01

Query: P(Tampering |Smoke = true ∧ Report = true).

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 70

Variable elimination example

Conditional probabilities and factors

P(Tampering)→ f0(Tampering) =true 0.02false 0.98

P(Fire)→ f1(Fire) =true 0.01false 0.99

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 71

Variable elimination example

Conditional probabilities and factors

P(Alarm|Tampering ,Fire)

→ f2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm) =

true true true 0.5true true false 0.5true false true 0.85true false false 0.15false true true 0.99false true false 0.01false false true 0.0001false false false 0.9999

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 72

Variable elimination example

Conditional probabilities and factors


→ f3(Fire, Smoke) =

true true 0.9true false 0.1false true 0.01false false 0.99

P(Leaving |Alarm)

→ f4(Alarm, Leaving) =

true true 0.88true false 0.12false true 0.001false false 0.999

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 73

Variable elimination example

Conditional probabilities and factors


→ f5(Leaving ,Report) =

true true 0.75true false 0.25false true 0.01false false 0.99

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 74

Variable elimination example

variables: Tampering ,Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report

query: P(Tampering |Smoke = true ∧ Report = true)

to eliminate:

Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report

distributions: P(Alarm|Tampering ,Fire)


P(Leaving |Alarm)




c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 75

Variable elimination example

variables: Tampering ,Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report

query: P(Tampering |Smoke = true ∧ Report = true)

to eliminate: Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report

distributions: P(Alarm|Tampering ,Fire)


P(Leaving |Alarm)




c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 76

Variable elimination example

variables: Tampering ,Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report

query: P(Tampering |Smoke = true ∧ Report = true)

to eliminate: Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report


P(Alarm|Tampering ,Fire)


P(Leaving |Alarm)




c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 77

Variable elimination example

variables: Tampering ,Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report

query: P(Tampering |Smoke = true ∧ Report = true)

to eliminate: Fire,Alarm, Smoke, Leaving ,Report

distributions: P(Alarm|Tampering ,Fire)


P(Leaving |Alarm)




c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 78

Variable elimination example

Eliminate the observed variable Smoke

f3(Fire, Smoke) =

true true 0.9true false 0.1false true 0.01false false 0.99

P(Smoke = true|Fire)

→ f ′3(Fire) =true 0.9false 0.01

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 79

Variable elimination example

Eliminate the observed variable Report

f5(Leaving ,Report) =

true true 0.75true false 0.25false true 0.01false false 0.99

P(Report = yes|Leaving)

→ f ′5(Leaving) =true 0.75false 0.01

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 80

Variable elimination example

Select e.g. Fire to be eliminated next

Collect all the factors containing Fire:

f1(Fire) =true 0.01false 0.99

f ′3(Fire) =true 0.9false 0.01

f2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm) =

true true true 0.5true true false 0.5true false true 0.85true false false 0.15false true true 0.99false true false 0.01false false true 0.0001false false false 0.9999

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 81

Variable elimination example

Compute a new factor for them, eliminating Fire

f6(Tampering ,Alarm)


(f1(Fire)× f2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)× f3(Fire)


true true 0.01292true false 0.00599false true 0.00891false false 0.00999

remaining factors:f0(Tampering), f4(Alarm, Leaving), f ′5(Leaving),f6(Tampering ,Alarm)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 82

Variable elimination example

Select e.g. Alarm to be eliminated next.

Collect the factors containing Alarm

f4(Alarm, Leaving) =

true true 0.88true false 0.12false true 0.001false false 0.999

f6(Tampering ,Alarm) =

true true 0.0129true false 0.006false true 0.0089false false 0.01

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 83

Variable elimination example

Compute a new factor for them, eliminating Alarm

f7(Tampering , Leaving)


f6(Tampering ,Alarm)× f4(Leaving ,Alarm)


true true 0.01137true false 0.00753false true 0.00785false false 0.01105

remaining factors:

f0(Tampering), f ′5(Leaving), f7(Tampering , Leaving)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 84

Variable elimination example

Select Leaving to be eliminated next

Collect the factors containing Leaving

f ′5(Leaving) =true 0.75false 0.01

f7(Tampering , Leaving , ) =

true true 0.01137true false 0.00753false true 0.00785false false 0.01105

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 85

Variable elimination example

Compute a new factor for them, eliminating Leavingf8(Tampering)



f ′5(Leaving)× f7(Tampering , Leaving)

=true 0.0086false 0.006

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 86

Variable elimination example

Multiply the remaining factors for Tampering

f0(Tampering) =true 0.02false 0.98

f8(Tampering) =true 0.0086false 0.006


= f0(Tampering)× f8(Tampering) =true 0.00017false 0.00588

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 87

Variable elimination example

posterior distribution for Tampering

P(Tampering |Report, Smoke) =

f9(Tampering)∑Tampering f9(Tampering)

=true 0.02844false 0.97156

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 88

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 89

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 90

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 91

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 92

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 93

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

f 6(Tampering ,Alarm)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 94

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

f 6(Tampering ,Alarm) f 4(Alarm, Leaving)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 95

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

f 6(Tampering ,Alarm) f 4(Alarm, Leaving)

f 7(Tampering , Leaving)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 96

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

f 6(Tampering ,Alarm) f 4(Alarm, Leaving)

f 7(Tampering , Leaving)

f 8(Tampering)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 97

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

f 6(Tampering ,Alarm) f 4(Alarm, Leaving)

f 7(Tampering , Leaving)

f 8(Tampering)f 0(Tampering)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 98

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

f 6(Tampering ,Alarm) f 4(Alarm, Leaving)

f 7(Tampering , Leaving)

f 8(Tampering)f 0(Tampering)

f 9(Tampering)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 99

Variable elimination example

Smoke = true f 3(Fire,Smoke)

f ′3(Fire)

f 5(Leaving ,Report) Report = true

f ′5(Leaving)

f 1(Fire) f 2(Tampering ,Fire,Alarm)

f 6(Tampering ,Alarm) f 4(Alarm, Leaving)

f 7(Tampering , Leaving)

f 8(Tampering)f 0(Tampering)

f 9(Tampering)


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 100

Variable Elimination example



Query: P(G |f ); elimination ordering: A,H ,E ,D,B ,C

P(G |f ) ∝







P(A)P(B |A)P(C |B)

P(D|C )P(E |D)P(f |E )P(G |C )P(H |E )





P(A)P(B |A)

)P(C |B)

)P(G |C )(∑


P(D|C )


P(E |D)P(f |E )∑


P(H |E )


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 101

Variable Elimination example



Query: P(G |f ); elimination ordering: A,H ,E ,D,B ,C

P(G |f ) ∝∑







P(A)P(B |A)P(C |B)

P(D|C )P(E |D)P(f |E )P(G |C )P(H |E )





P(A)P(B |A)

)P(C |B)

)P(G |C )(∑


P(D|C )


P(E |D)P(f |E )∑


P(H |E )


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 102

Variable Elimination example



Query: P(G |f ); elimination ordering: A,H ,E ,D,B ,C

P(G |f ) ∝∑







P(A)P(B |A)P(C |B)

P(D|C )P(E |D)P(f |E )P(G |C )P(H |E )





P(A)P(B |A)

)P(C |B)

)P(G |C )(∑


P(D|C )


P(E |D)P(f |E )∑


P(H |E )

))c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 103

Stochastic Simulation

Idea: probabilities ↔ samples

Get probabilities from samples:

X count

x1 n1...

...xk nk

total m

X probability

x1 n1/m...

...xk nk/m

If we could sample from a variable’s (posterior) probability,we could estimate its (posterior) probability.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 104

Generating samples from a distribution

For a variable X with a discrete domain or a (one-dimensional)real domain:

Totally order the values of the domain of X .

Generate the cumulative probability distribution:f (x) = P(X ≤ x).

Select a value y uniformly in the range [0, 1].

Select the x such that f (x) = y .

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 105

Cumulative Distribution



v1 v2 v3 v4 v1 v2 v3 v4





c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 106

Forward sampling in a belief network

Sample the variables one at a time; sample parents of Xbefore sampling X .

Given values for the parents of X , sample from theprobability of X given its parents.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 107

Rejection Sampling

To estimate a posterior probability given evidenceY1 = v1 ∧ . . . ∧ Yj = vj :

Reject any sample that assigns Yi to a value other than vi .

The non-rejected samples are distributed according to theposterior probability:

P(α|evidence) ≈∑

sample|=α 1∑sample 1

where we consider only samples consistent with evidence.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 108

Rejection Sampling Example: P(ta|sm, re)

Ta Fi




Observe Sm = true,Re = true

Ta Fi Al Sm Le Res1 false true false true false false


s2 false true true true true true 4

s3 true false true false — — 8

s4 true true true true true true 4

. . .s1000 false false false false — — 8

P(sm) = 0.02P(re|sm) = 0.32How many samples are rejected?How many samples are used?

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 109

Rejection Sampling Example: P(ta|sm, re)

Ta Fi




Observe Sm = true,Re = true

Ta Fi Al Sm Le Res1 false true false true false false 8

s2 false true true true true true


s3 true false true false — — 8

s4 true true true true true true 4

. . .s1000 false false false false — — 8

P(sm) = 0.02P(re|sm) = 0.32How many samples are rejected?How many samples are used?

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 110

Rejection Sampling Example: P(ta|sm, re)

Ta Fi




Observe Sm = true,Re = true

Ta Fi Al Sm Le Res1 false true false true false false 8

s2 false true true true true true 4

s3 true false true false

— — 8

s4 true true true true true true 4

. . .s1000 false false false false — — 8

P(sm) = 0.02P(re|sm) = 0.32How many samples are rejected?How many samples are used?

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 111

Rejection Sampling Example: P(ta|sm, re)

Ta Fi




Observe Sm = true,Re = true

Ta Fi Al Sm Le Res1 false true false true false false 8

s2 false true true true true true 4

s3 true false true false — — 8

s4 true true true true true true


. . .s1000 false false false false — — 8

P(sm) = 0.02P(re|sm) = 0.32How many samples are rejected?How many samples are used?

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 112

Rejection Sampling Example: P(ta|sm, re)

Ta Fi




Observe Sm = true,Re = true

Ta Fi Al Sm Le Res1 false true false true false false 8

s2 false true true true true true 4

s3 true false true false — — 8

s4 true true true true true true 4

. . .s1000 false false false false

— — 8

P(sm) = 0.02P(re|sm) = 0.32How many samples are rejected?How many samples are used?

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 113

Rejection Sampling Example: P(ta|sm, re)

Ta Fi




Observe Sm = true,Re = true

Ta Fi Al Sm Le Res1 false true false true false false 8

s2 false true true true true true 4

s3 true false true false — — 8

s4 true true true true true true 4

. . .s1000 false false false false — — 8

P(sm) = 0.02P(re|sm) = 0.32How many samples are rejected?How many samples are used?

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 114

Importance Sampling

Samples have weights: a real number associated with eachsample that takes the evidence into account.

Probability of a proposition is weighted average of samples:

P(α|evidence) ≈∑

sample|=α weight(sample)∑sample weight(sample)

don’t sample all of the variables, but weight each sampleaccording to a proposal distribution P(evidence|sample).

summing out the variables which are neither observed norsampled (exact inference)

the proposal distribution should be as close as possible tothe posterior distribution (unknown at sampling time)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 115

Applications of Bayesian Networks

modelling human multimodal perceptionI human sensor data fusionI top down influences in human perception

multimodal human-computer interaction

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 116

Human Sensor Data Fusion

two general strategies (Ernst and Bulthoff, 2004)I sensory combination: maximize information delivered from

the different sensory modalitiesI sensory integration: reduce the variance in the sensory

estimate to increase its reliability

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 117

Sensor Data Fusion

sensory integration has to produce a coherent percept

Which modality is the dominating one?I visual capture: e.g. vision dominates haptic perceptionI auditory capture: e.g. number of auditory beeps vs.

number of visual flashes

modality precision, modality appropriateness, estimateprecision: the most precise modality wins

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 118

Sensor Data Fusion

two possible explanations:I maximum likelihood estimation: weighted sum of the

individual estimatesI all cues contribute to the percept

I cue switching:I the most precise cue takes overI the less precise cues have no influence

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 119

Sensor Data Fusion

maximum likelihood estimate:I weighted sum of the individual estimatesI weights are proportional to their inverse variance

s =∑


wi si with∑


wi = 1

wi =1/σ2

i∑j 1/σ2


I most reliable unbiased estimate possible (estimate withminimal variance)

I optimality not really required; good approximation mightbe good enough

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 120

Sensor Data Fusion

overwhelming evidence for the role of estimate precision ...

weighting within modalitiesI visual depth perception: motion + disparity, texture +

disparityI visual perception of slantI visual perception of distanceI haptic shape perception: force + position

cross modal weighting:I vision + auditionI vision + hapticI vision + proprioception

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 121

Sensor Data Fusion

... but no really conclusive evidence for the reliabilityhypothesis

problem: estimating the variance of a stimulusI requires an independence assumptionI difficult to achieve in a unimodal taskI cues within one modality are correlatedI → multi-modal experiments

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 122

Sensor Data Fusion

Ernst and Banks (2002): vision-haptic integrationI modifying the visual reliability by adding noise to the visual

channelI two extreme cases:

I vision dominates (little noise)I haptics dominate (high noise)

→ perception requires dynamic adjustment of weights→ nervous system has online access to sensory reliabilities

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 123

Sensor Data Fusion

open question: Where do the estimates come from?

prior experience vs. on-line estimation during perception

on-line is more likely: observing the fluctuations ofresponses to a signal

I over some period of timeI across a population of independent neurons (population


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 124

Top-Down Influence

perception is modulated by contextual factors, e.g scene orobject properties

How to model top-down influence?I can be captured by prior probabilitiesI prior probabilities can be integrated by means of Bayes rule→ Bayesian reasoning

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Top-Down Influence

Kersten and Yuilley (2003)

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Top-Down Influence

Kersten and Yuilley (2003)

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Top-Down Influence

Kersten and Yuilley (2003)

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Top-Down Influence

Kersten and Yuilley (2003)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 129

Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction

Socher, Sagerer, Perona (2000), Wachsmuth, Sagerer(2002)

I multi-modal human machineinteraction using

I speechI visionI (pointing gestures)

data fusion from different reference systemsI spatial (vision) vs. temporal (speech)I language based instruction: fusion on the level of concepts

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 130

Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction

noisy and partial interpretation of the sensory signals

dealing with referential uncertainty

goal: cross modal synergy

sensory data: properties (color) and (spatial) relationships:degree-of-membership representation (fuzzyness)

combination using Bayesian Networks

estimating the probabilities by means of psycholinguisticexperiments

I how do humans categorize objects and verbalize objectdescriptions

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 131

Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction

identified object(23)3-holed bar5-holed bar7-holed barcube, redcube, blue...

likelihood of the object being the intended one

scene (23)3-holed bar5-holed bar7-holed barcube, redcube, blue...

probability of being part of the scene

objectn (23)3-holed bar5-holed bar7-holed barcube, redcube, blue...

probability of the categorization

object1 (23)3-holed bar5-holed bar7-holed barcube, redcube, blue...

type3-holed bar5-holed bar7-holed barcube...


type3-holed bar5-holed bar7-holed barcube...


instruction(23)3-holed bar5-holed bar7-holed barcube, redcube, blue...

prob of having been mentioned

typeobjectbarcube3-holed bar...




c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 132

Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction

more sophisticated fusion model (Wachsmuth, Sagerer2002)

I solution to the correspondence problem using selectionvariables

more adequate modelling of naming habits

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 133

Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction

results for object identification

correct noisy noisy noisyinput speech vision input

recognition error rates – 15% 20% 15%+20%identification rates 0.85 0.81 0.79 0.76decrease of identification rates – 5% 7% 11%

synergy between vision and speech

higher robustness due to redundancy between modalities

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 134

Bayesian Models for Sequences

the world is dynamicI old information becomes obsoleteI new information is availableI the decisions an agent takes need to reflect these changes

the dynamics of the world can be captured by means ofstate-based models

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 135

Bayesian Models for Sequences

changes in the world are modelled as transitions betweensubsequent states

state transitions can beI clocked, e.g.

I speech: every 10 msI vision: every 40 msI stock market trends: every 24 hours

I triggered by external eventsI language: every other wordI travel planning: potential transfer points

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 136

Bayesian Models for Sequences

main purpose:I predicting the probability of the next eventI computing the probability of a (sub-)sequence

important application areas:I speech and language processing, genome analysis, time

series predictions (stock market, natural desasters, ...)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 137

Markov chain

Markov chain : special sort of belief network for sequentialobservations

S0 S1 S2 S3 S4

Thus, P(St+1|S0, . . . , St) = P(St+1|St).

Intuitively St conveys all of the information about thehistory that can affect the future states.

“The future is independent of the past given the present.”

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 138

Stationary Markov chain

A stationary Markov chain is when for all t > 0, t ′ > 0,P(St+1|St) = P(St′+1|St′).

We specify P(S0) and P(St+1|St).I Simple model, easy to specifyI Often the natural modelI The network can extend indefinitely

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 139

Higher-order Markov Models

modelling dependencies of various lengths


S0 S1 S2 S3 S4


S0 S1 S2 S3 S4

I three different time slices have to be modelledI for S0: P(S0)I for S1: P(S1|S0)I for all others: P(Si |Si−2Si−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 140

Higher-order Markov Models

quadrograms: P(Si |Si−3Si−2Si−1)

S0 S1 S2 S3 S4

four different kinds of time slices required

Markov models can be applied to predict the probability ofthe next event

e.g. for speech and language processing, genome analysis,time series predictions (stock market, natural desasters, ...)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 141

Higher-order Markov Models

quadrograms: P(Si |Si−3Si−2Si−1)

S0 S1 S2 S3 S4

four different kinds of time slices required

Markov models can be applied to predict the probability ofthe next event

e.g. for speech and language processing, genome analysis,time series predictions (stock market, natural desasters, ...)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 142

Markov Models

examples of Markov chains for German letter sequences

unigrams:aiobnin*tarsfneonlpiitdregedcoa*ds*e*dbieastnreleeucdkeaitb*dnurlarsls*omn*keu**svdleeoieei* . . .

bigrams:er*agepteprteiningeit*gerelen*re*unk*ves*mterone*hin*d*an*nzerurbom* . . .

trigrams:billunten*zugen*die*hin*se*sch*wel*war*gen*man*nicheleblant*diertunderstim* . . .

quadrograms:eist*des*nich*in*den*plassen*kann*tragen*was*wiese*zufahr* . . .

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 143

Hidden Markov Model

Often the observation does not deterministically depend onthe state of the model

This can be captured by a Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

... even if the state transitions are not directly observable

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Hidden Markov Model

A HMM is a belief network where states and observationsare separated

S0 S1 S2 S3 S4

O0 O1 O2 O3 O4

P(S0) specifies initial conditions

P(St+1|St) specifies the dynamics

P(Ot |St) specifies the sensor model

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 145

Hidden Markov Models

A Hidden Markov Model consists of

S: a finite set of states si

O: a finite set of observations oi

transition probabilities T : S × S 7→ R+

emission probabilities E : S ×O 7→ R+

prior probabilities (for the initial states): π : S 7→ R+

HMMs are a special case of belief networks→ arbitrary distributions can be computed by means ofvariable elimination

HMMs make strong assumptions about the model topology→ special algorithms for inference are available

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 146

Hidden Markov Models

A Hidden Markov Model consists of

S: a finite set of states si

O: a finite set of observations oi

transition probabilities T : S × S 7→ R+

emission probabilities E : S ×O 7→ R+

prior probabilities (for the initial states): π : S 7→ R+

HMMs are a special case of belief networks→ arbitrary distributions can be computed by means ofvariable elimination

HMMs make strong assumptions about the model topology→ special algorithms for inference are available

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 147

Inference with Hidden Markov Models

Evaluation:What’s the probability of an HMM λ having produced anobservation sequence O = (o1, o2, . . . , ot)problem: hidden state sequence S = (s1, s2, . . . , st) is notknown

P(O|λ) =∑∀S

P(O|S , λ) P(S |λ)


P(O|S , λ) =t∏


P(Oi = oi |Si = si ) = Es1,o1 Es2,o2 . . .Est ,ot

P(S |λ) = P(S1 = s1)t∏


P(Si = si |Si−1 = si−1)

= πs1 Ts1,s2 Ts2,s3 . . .Tst−1,st

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 148

Inference with Hidden Markov Models

Forward algorithm

there are exponentially many state sequences→ naive computation requires exponentially manymultiplications: O(t · |S|t)

efficient calculation using a recursive reformulation basedon the Markov property

forward coefficients: αk(s) = P(O1:k , Sk = s|λ)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 149

Inference with Hidden Markov Models

Forward algorithm

initialize α1(s) = πs Es,o1 ∀s ∈ Srepeat, for k = 1 to k = t − 1 and for all s ∈ S

αk+1(s) = Es,ok+1


αk(q) Tq,s


P(O|λ) =∑s∈S


complexity reduced to O(t · |S|2)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 150

Inference with Hidden Markov Models

Backward algorithm

initialize βk(s) = 1 ∀s ∈ Srepeat, for k = t − 1 to k = 1 and for all s ∈ S

βk(s) =∑q∈S

βk+1(q)Ts,q Eq,ok+1


P(O|λ) =∑s∈S

π(s) β1(s) Es,o1

complexity reduced to O(t · |S|2)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 151

Inference with Hidden Markov Models


Filtering: P(Sk |O1:k)given an observation sequence O1:k = (o1, o2, . . . , ok)compute the distribution of Sk

Smoothing: P(Sj |O1:k), j < kgiven an observation sequence O1:k = (o1, o2, . . . , ok)compute the distribution of Sj , j < k

Prediction: P(Sj |O1:k), j > kgiven an observation sequence O1:k = (o1, o2, . . . , ok)compute the distribution of Sj , j > k

Decoding: S1k= arg max

SP(S1:k |O1:k)

given an observation sequence O1:k = (o1, o2, . . . , ok)compute the most likely state sequence S1:k

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 152



P(Si |o1, . . . , oi )

What is the current belief state based on the observationhistory?

P(Si |o1, . . . , oi ) ∝ P(Si , o1, . . . , oi )

= P(oi |Si )P(Si , o1, . . . , oi−1)

= P(oi |Si )∑Si−1

P(Si , Si−1, o1, . . . , oi−1)

= P(oi |Si )∑Si−1

P(Si |Si−1)P(Si−1, o1, . . . , oi−1)

∝ P(oi |Si )∑Si−1

P(Si |Si−1)P(Si−1|o1, . . . , oi−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 153



P(Si |o1, . . . , oi )

What is the current belief state based on the observationhistory?

P(Si |o1, . . . , oi ) ∝ P(Si , o1, . . . , oi )

= P(oi |Si )P(Si , o1, . . . , oi−1)

= P(oi |Si )∑Si−1

P(Si , Si−1, o1, . . . , oi−1)

= P(oi |Si )∑Si−1

P(Si |Si−1)P(Si−1, o1, . . . , oi−1)

∝ P(oi |Si )∑Si−1

P(Si |Si−1)P(Si−1|o1, . . . , oi−1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 154

Example (1): robot localization

Suppose a robot wants to determine its location based onits actions and its sensor readings: Localization

This can be represented by the augmented HMM:

Loc0 Loc1 Loc2 Loc3 Loc4

Obs0 Obs1 Obs2 Obs3 Obs4

Act0 Act1 Act2 Act3

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 155

Example localization domain

Circular corridor, with 16 locations:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Doors at positions: 2, 4, 7, 11.

Noisy Sensors

Stochastic Dynamics

Robot starts at an unknown location and must determinewhere it is.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 156

Example Sensor Model

P(Observe Door | At Door) = 0.8

P(Observe Door | Not At Door) = 0.1

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 157

Example Dynamics Model

P(loct+1 = L|actiont = goRight ∧ loct = L) = 0.1

P(loct+1 = L + 1|actiont = goRight ∧ loct = L) = 0.8

P(loct+1 = L + 2|actiont = goRight ∧ loct = L) = 0.074

P(loct+1 = L′|actiont = goRight ∧ loct = L) = 0.002 forany other location L′.

I All location arithmetic is modulo 16.I The action goLeft works the same but to the left.

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 158

Combining sensor information

the robot can have many (noisy) sensors for signals fromthe environment

e.g. a light sensor in addition to the door sensor

Sensor Fusion : combining information from differentsources

Loc0 Loc1 Loc2 Loc3 Loc4

Act0 Act1 Act2 Act3

D0 D1 D2 D3 D4L0 L1 L2 L3 L4

Dt door sensor value at time tLt light sensor value at time t

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 159

Example (2) Medical diagnosis

milk infection test (Jensen and Nielsen 2007)I having test data for a certain period of time available,

what’s the probability that a cow is currently infected

the probability of the test outcome depends on the cowbeing infected or not



the probability of the cow being infected also depends onthe cow being infected on the previous day

I first order Markov model











c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 160

Example dynamics

the probability of the cow being infected depends on thecow being infected on the two previous days

I incubation and infection periods of more than one dayI second order Markov model











I assumes only random test errors

weaker independence assumptionsI more powerful modelI more data required for training

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 161

Refined models of the dynamics

the probability of the test outcome also depends on thecow’s health and the test outcome on the previous day

I can also capture systematic test errorsI second order Markov model for the infectionI first order Markov model for the test results











c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 162


What’s the state sequence which most likely produced theobservation?

filtering and smoothing produce probability distributionsfor the values of a state variable

choosing the value with the highest probability gives only apointwise best estimation

I a sequence of pointwise best estimation need not be thebest state value sequence

I the model need not even be able to produce the pointwisebest sequence

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Viterbi coefficients:

δk(s) = maxS1:k−1

P(S1:k = (S1:k−1, s),O1:k |λ)

I δk (s) is the probability of the most likely path ending instate s and generating the observation sequence O1:k

because of the Markov property the computation simplifiesto

δk+1(s) = maxq

(δk(q) Tq,s) Es,ok+1

this corresponds to the principle of dynamic programming

first computing the deltas in a forward pass

afterwards reconstructing the best path by means ofpointers pred from each state qk to its most likelypredecessor qk−1

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Viterbi coefficients:

δk(s) = maxS1:k−1

P(S1:k = (S1:k−1, s),O1:k |λ)

I δk (s) is the probability of the most likely path ending instate s and generating the observation sequence O1:k

because of the Markov property the computation simplifiesto

δk+1(s) = maxq

(δk(q) Tq,s) Es,ok+1

this corresponds to the principle of dynamic programming

first computing the deltas in a forward pass

afterwards reconstructing the best path by means ofpointers pred from each state qk to its most likelypredecessor qk−1

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Viterbi coefficients:

δk(s) = maxS1:k−1

P(S1:k = (S1:k−1, s),O1:k |λ)

I δk (s) is the probability of the most likely path ending instate s and generating the observation sequence O1:k

because of the Markov property the computation simplifiesto

δk+1(s) = maxq

(δk(q) Tq,s) Es,ok+1

this corresponds to the principle of dynamic programming

first computing the deltas in a forward pass

afterwards reconstructing the best path by means ofpointers pred from each state qk to its most likelypredecessor qk−1

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 166


Viterbi algorithm

intitialize for all s ∈ SI δ1(s) = πs Es,o1

I pred1(s) = null

repeat recursivelyI δk+1(s) = max

q(δk (q) Tq,s) Es,ok+1

I predk+1(s) = arg maxq

(δk (q) Tq,s)

select the most likely terminal state st = arg maxsδt(s)

with p = δ(st) being the probability of the most likely path

reconstruct the most likely path backwards:qk = predk+1(qk+1)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 167


Viterbi algorithm

is similar to the forward algorithm

uses maximization instead of summation

has many applications in signal processing, patternrecognition, biocomputing, natural language processing,etc.

I message reconstruction for noisy wireless communicationI speech recognition / speech synthesisI machine translationI swype keyboardsI intron/exon detectionI ...

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 168


Viterbi algorithm

is similar to the forward algorithm

uses maximization instead of summation

has many applications in signal processing, patternrecognition, biocomputing, natural language processing,etc.

I message reconstruction for noisy wireless communicationI speech recognition / speech synthesisI machine translationI swype keyboardsI intron/exon detectionI ...

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 169

Example (3) Part-of-Speech tagging

elementary procedure for Natural Language Processing

annotating the word forms in a sentence with

part-of-speech informationYesterdayRB theDT schoolNNS wasVBD closedVBN

topic areas: He did some field work.fieldmilitary , fieldagriculture , fieldphysics , fieldsocial sci ., fieldoptics , ...

semantic rolesThe winnerBeneficiary received the trophyTheme at thetown hallLocation

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 170

Example (3): Part-of-Speech tagging

sequence labelling problemI the label depends on the current state and the most recent


one-to-one correspondence between states, tags, and wordforms

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 171

Example dynamics

causal (generative) model of the sentence generationprocess

I tags are assigned to statesI the underlying state (tag) sequence produces the

observations (word forms)

typical independence assumptionsI trigram probabilities for the state transitionsI word form probabilities depend only on the current state











c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 172

Example dynamics

weaker independence assumption (stronger model):I the probability of a word form also depends on the previous

and subsequent state











c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 173

Two alternative graphical representations

influence diagrams, belief networks, Bayesian networks,causal networks, graphical models, ...state transition diagrams (probabilistic finite statemachines)

Bayesian networks State transition diagrams

state nodes variables with statesstates as values

edges into causal influence possible state transitionsstate nodes and their probabilities

# state nodes length of the observa-tion sequence

# model states

observation variables with observation valuesnodes observations as values

edges into conditional probability conditional probabilitiesobserv. nodes tables

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 174

Two alternative graphical representations

Bigram-tagging as a Bayesian network











possible state transitions are not directly visibleI indirectly encoded in the conditional probability tables

sometimes state transition diagrams are better suited toillustrate the model topology

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 175

Two alternative graphical representations

Bigram-Tagging as a state transition diagram (can only bedepicted for bigram models)





w1 . . . wn

w1 . . . wn

w1 . . . wn

w1 . . . wn

ergodic model: full connectivity between all states

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 176

Example (4): Speech Recognition

similar problem: Swype gesture recognition

observation subsequences of unknown length are mappedto one label→ alignment problem

full connectivity is not needed

a phone/syllable/word realization cannot be reversed

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 177

Example dynamics

possible model topologies for phones (only transitionsdepicted)

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 0P(2|0) P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 0

0 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 P(4|2) P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 0 P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 178

Example dynamics

possible model topologies for phones (only transitionsdepicted)

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 0P(2|0) P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 0

0 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 P(4|2) P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 0 P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 179

Example dynamics

possible model topologies for phones (only transitionsdepicted)

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 0P(2|0) P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 0

0 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 P(4|2) P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 0 P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 180

Example dynamics

possible model topologies for phones (only transitionsdepicted)

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 0P(2|0) P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 0

0 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 P(4|2) P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 P(3|1) P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

P(1|0) P(1|1) 0 0 00 P(2|1) P(2|2) 0 00 0 P(3|2) P(3|3) 00 0 0 P(4|3) 0

the more data available the more sophisticated (andpowerful) models can be trained

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 181

Model composition

composition of submodels on multiple levelsI phone models have to be concatenated into word modelsI word models are concatenated into utterance models

[ f ] [ a ] [ n ]

[ f a n ]

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Dynamic Bayesian Networks

using complex state descriptions, encoded by means offeatures

I model can be in ”different states” at the same time

more efficient implementation of state transitions

modelling of transitions between sub-models

factoring out different influences on the outcomeI interplay of several actuators (muscles, motors, ...)

modelling partly asynchronized processesI coordinated movement of different body parts (e.g. sign

language)I synchronization between speech sounds and lip movementsI synchronization between speech and gestureI ...

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 183

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

problem: state-transition probability tables are sparseI contain a large number of zero probabilities

alternative model structure: separation of state andtransition variables

deterministic statevariablesstochastic transitionvariables

observation variables

causal links can be stochastic or deterministicI stochastic: conditional probabilities to be estimatedI deterministic: to be specified manually (decision trees)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 184

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

state variablesI distinct values for each state of the corresponding HMMI value at slice t + 1 is a deterministic function of the state

and the transition of slice t

transition variablesI probability distributionI which arc to take to leave a state of the corresponding

HMMI number of values is the outdegree of the corresponding

state in an HMM

use of transition variables is more efficient than usingstochastic state variables with zero probabilities for theimpossible state transitions

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 185

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

composite models: some applications require a model tobe composed out of sub-models

I speech: phones → syllables → words → utterancesI vision: sub-parts → parts → compositesI genomics: nucleotides → amino acids → proteins

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 186

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

composite models:I length of the sub-segments is not kown in advanceI naive concatenation would require to generate all possible

segmentations of the input sequence

︸ ︷︷ ︸sub-model for /n/

︸ ︷︷ ︸sub-model for /ow/

evolution of articulationacoustic emission

which sub-model to choose next?

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 187

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

additional sub-model variables select the next sub-model tochoose

sub-model indexvariables

stochastic transitionvariablessub-model statevariables

observation variables

sub-model index variables: which submodel to use at eachpoint in time

sub-model index and transition variables model legalsequences of sub-models (control layer)

several control layers can be combined

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 188

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

factored models (1): factoring out different influences onthe observation

e.g. articulation:I asynchroneous movement of articulators

(lips, tongue, jaw, ...)




if the data is drawn from a factored source, full DBNs aresuperior to the special case of HMMs

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 189

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

factored models (2): coupling of different input channelsI e.g. acoustic and visual information in speech processing

naıve approach (1): data level fusion




too strong synchronisation constraints

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 190

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

naıve approach(2): independent input streams

acoustic channel

visual channel

no synchronisation at all

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Dynamic Bayesian Networks

product model



visual channel

acoustic channel

state values are taken from the cross product of acousticand visual states

large probability distributions have to be trained

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 192

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

factorial model (Nefian et al. 2002)

factor 1 state

factor 2 state


visual channel

acoustic channel

independent (hidden) states

indirect influence by means of the ”explaining away” effect

loose coupling of input channels

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 193

Dynamic Bayesian Networks

inference is extremely expensiveI nodes are connected across slicesI domains are not locally restrictedI cliques become intractably large

but: joint distribution usually need not be computedI only maximum detection requiredI finding the optimal path through a latticeI dynamic programming can be applied (Viterbi algorithm)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 194

Learning of Bayesian Networks

estimating the probabilities for a given structureI for complete data:

I maximum likelihood estimationI Bayesian estimation

I for incomplete dataI expectation maximizationI gradient descent methods

learning the network structure

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 195

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

likelihood of the model M given the (training) data D

L(M |D) =∏d∈D

P(d |M)


LL(M |D) =∑d∈D

log2P(d |M)

choose among several possible models for describing thedata according to the principle of maximum likelihood

Θ = arg maxΘ

L(MΘ|D) = arg maxΘ


the models only differ in the set of parameters Θ

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 196

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

complete data: estimating the parameters by counting

P(A = a) =N(A = a)∑

v∈dom(A) N(A = v)

P(A = a|B = b,C = c) =N(A = a,B = b,C = c)

N(B = b,C = c)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 197

Rare events

sparse data results in pessimistic estimations for unseenevents

I if the count for an event in the data base is 0, the event isconsidered impossible by the model

I in many applications most events will never be observed,irrespective of the sample size

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 198

Rare events

Bayesian estimation: using an estimate of the priorprobability as starting point for counting

I estimation of maximum a posteriori parametersI no zero counts can occurI if nothing else available use an even distribution as priorI Bayesian estimate in the binary case with an even


P(yes) =n + 1

n + m + 2

n: counts for yes, m: counts for noI effectively adding virtual counts to the estimate

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 199

Rare events

alternative: smoothing as a post processing step

remove probability mass from the frequent observations ...

... and distribute it to the not observed onesI floor methodI discountingI ...

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 200

Rare events


interpolate with the estimates of a less sophisticatedmodel, e.g. combine trigram probabilities with bigram orunigram probabilities

P(on|on−2, on−1) =

c3 P(on|on−2, on−1) + c2 P(on|on−1) + c1 P(on)

good/acceptable coefficients ci can be estimated on heldout data

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 201

Incomplete Data

missing at random:I probability that a value is missing depends only on the

observed valueI e.g. confirmation measurement: values are available only if

the preceding measurement was positive/negative

missing completely at randomI probability that a value is missing is also independent of

the valueI e.g. stochastic failures of the measurement equipmentI e.g. hidden/latent variables (mixture coefficients of a

Gaussian mixture distribution)

nonignorable:I neither MAR or MCARI probability depends on the unseen values, e.g. exit polls for

extremist parties

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 202

Expectation Maximization

estimating the underlying distribution of not directlyobservable variables

expectation:I ”complete” the data set using the current estimation

h = Θ to calculate expectations for the missing valuesI applies the model to be learned (Bayesian inference)

maximization:I use the ”completed” data set to find a new maximum

likelihood estimation h′ = Θ′

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 203

Expectation Maximization

full data consists of tuples 〈xi1, ..., xik , zi1, ..., zil〉only xi can be observed

training data: X = ~x1, ..., ~xmhidden information: Z = ~z1, ...,~zmparameters of the distribution to be estimated: Θ

Z can be treated as random variable with p(Z ) = f (Θ,X )

full data: Y = ~y | ~y = ~xi ||~zihypothesis: h of Θ, needs to be revised into h′

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 204

Expectation Maximization

goal of EM: h′ = arg max E (log2 p(Y |h′))

define a function Q(h′|h) = E (log2 p(Y |h′)|h,X )

Estimation (E) step:Calculate Q(h′|h) using the current hypothesis h and theobserved data X to estimate the probability distributionover Y

Q(h′|h)← E (log2 p(Y |h′)|h,X )

Maximization (M) stepReplace hypothesis h by h′ that maximizes the function Q

h← arg maxh′


c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 205

Expectation Maximization

expectation step requires applying the model to be learnedI Bayesian inference

gradient ascent / hill climbing searchI converges to the next local optimumI global optimum is not guaranteed

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 206

Expectation Maximization

Q(h′|h) Q(h′|h)

Q(h′|h)← E (ln p(Y |h′)|h,X )

h← arg maxh′


If Q is continuous, EM converges to the local maximum ofthe likelihood function P(Y |h′)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 207

Learning the Network Structure

learning the network structure

space of possible networks is extremely large (> O(2n))

a Bayesian network over a complete graph is always apossible answer, but not an interesting one (no modellingof independencies)

problem of overfitting

two approachesI constraint-based learningI (score-based learning)

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 208

Constraint-based Structure Learning

estimate the pairwise degree of independence usingconditional mutual information

determine the direction of the arcs betweennon-independent nodes

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Estimating Independence

conditional mutual information

CMI (A,B |X ) =∑X

P(X )∑A,B

P(A,B |X )log2P(A,B |X )

P(A|X )P(B |X )

two nodes are independent if CMI (A,B |X ) = 0

choose all pairs of nodes as non-independent, where thesignificance of a χ2-test on the hypothesisCMI (A,B |X ) = 0 is above a certain user-defined threshold

high minimal significance level: more links are established

result is a skeleton of possible candidates for causalinfluence

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 210

Determining Causal Influence

Rule 1 (introduction of v-structures): A− C and B − Cbut not A− B introduce a v-structure A→ C ← B ifthere exists a set of nodes X so that A is d-separated fromB given X





c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 211

Determining Causal Influence

Rule 2 (avoid new v-structures): When Rule 1 has beenexhausted and there is a structure A→ C − B but notA− B then direct C → B

Rule 3 (avoid cycles): If A→ B introduces a cycle in thegraph do A← B

Rule 4 (choose randomly): If no other rule can be appliedto the graph, choose an undirected link and give it anarbitrary direction

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 212

Determining Causal Influence




Rule 1




Rule 2




Rule 4




Rule 2




Rule 2




Rule 4

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 213

Determining Causal Influence

independence/non-independence candidates mightcontradict each other

¬I (A,B),¬I (A,C ),¬I (B ,C ), but I (A,B |C ), I (A,C |B)and I (B ,C |A)

I remove a link and build a chain out of the remaining ones





I uncertain region: different heuristics might lead to differentstructures

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 214

Determining Causal Influence

I (A,C ), I (A,D), I (B ,D)






I problem might be caused by a hidden variable E → BE → C A→ B D → C

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 215

Constraint-based Structure Learning

useful results can only be expected, ifI the data is completeI no (unrecognized) hidden variables obscure the induced

influence linksI the observations are a faithful sample of an underlying

Bayesian networkI the distribution of cases in D reflects the distribution

determined by the underlying networkI the estimated probability distribution is very close to the

underlying one

I the underlying distribution is recoverable from theobservations

c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 216

Constraint-based Structure Learning

example of an unrecoverable distribution:I two switches: P(A = up) = P(B = up) = 0.5I P(C = on) = 1 if val(A) = val(B)I → I (A,C ), I (B,C )


problem: independence decisions are taken on individuallinks (CMI), not on complete link configurations

P(C |A,B) =

(1 00 1

)c©D. Poole, A. Mackworth 2010, W. Menzel 2015 Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 6, Page 217
