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Page 4: Natural Anxiety Relief€¦ · Other natural anxiety remedies 17 Conclusion 18 ... indigestion, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, twitching, frequent

I. Understanding Anxiety and its Natural Remedies 5

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) 5

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 6

Panic Disorder 6

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 7

Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia 7

II. Common prescription drugs 9

Anti depressants 9


MAOIs 10

Benzodiazepines 10

III. Top 6 Natural Remedies Tips for Anxiety 12

Natural anxiety remedy tip #1: Practise deep breathing 12

Natural anxiety remedy tip #2: Get a massage 13

Natural anxiety remedy tip #3: Practise yoga 13

Natural anxiety remedy tip #4: Get enough exercise 14

Natural anxiety remedy tip #5: Enhance your self esteem 15

Natural anxiety remedy tip # 6: Consume a healthy diet 16

Other natural anxiety remedies 17

Conclusion 18

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I. Understanding Anxiety and its Natural Remedies

Statistics show that millions of Americans experienced an episode of anxiety disorder at one point in their lives with more women between the ages of 16 and 54 suffering from this debilitating condition.

Anxiety is characterized by feelings of tension, worry, distress or

nervousness which are typical reactions to difficult situations or stress. When worry becomes a habit, is excessive or disproportionate to the situation that it prevents you from performing your usual activities, it may already be an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders share common

symptoms such as severe worry, irrational fear, irritability, difficulty in concentration, and constant feeling of tension. These emotional symptoms

are accompanied by physical signs that are often mistaken for a medical condition. Physical symptoms include: fatigue, heart pounding, excessive urination, twitches, upset stomach,

sweating, trembling, difficulty in breathing and shaking.

Anxiety disorders manifest in various types and in combination with other mental disorders such as depression and eating disorders. The

major types are:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

This disorder is characterized by constant worry and irrational fear even without provocation. Its symptoms include restlessness, fatigue,

indigestion, headaches, muscle tension, muscle aches, difficulty swallowing, twitching, frequent urination, feeling out of breath and hot flashes. GAD is usually seen in tandem with other anxiety disorders, depression or substance abuse, requiring specialized treatment that addresses their symptoms.

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GAD may start in childhood or middle age and develops gradually. It is diagnosed and treated only when symptoms continue for at least six months. Treatment is important because this disorder can be so severe that the affected person can no longer carry out simple daily activities.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

This involves persistent, upsetting thoughts (obsessions) and the need for rituals (compulsions) to control the anxiety triggered by these

thoughts. An obsession with germs or dirt, for example, may develop a compulsion for repeated hand washing. The compulsion to lock and unlock doors several times

before sleeping may also be a disorder prompted by an obsession with intruders.

While its is normal to have certain routines such as checking things

before leaving the house, people with OCD are unable to control their rituals, causing them distress and interfering with their daily lives. This disorder requires treatment because the rituals or compulsions can end up controlling the affected persons, preventing them from working or performing normal responsibilities at home. OCD often manifests

together with an eating disorder, other anxiety disorders or depression.

Panic Disorder

This condition appears as a sudden attack of terror accompanied by a pounding heart, sweatiness, weakness, faintness or dizziness. Other

physical symptoms may include feeling flushed or chilled, tingling or numbness of the hands, as well as nausea and chest pains, which are often mistaken for a heart attack.

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People with panic disorder often feel a sense of unreality, fear of

impending doom or of losing control. While a panic attack may strike anyone without it developing into a panic disorder, those who experience full-blown and repeated episodes can have very restrictive lifestyles and should obtain anxiety relief to improve their quality of life.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

This condition usually develops after a frightening event or experience involving physical harm or the threat of physical harm such as mugging,

rape, torture, abduction, child abuse, car accidents, bombings and natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.

Its symptoms include flashbacks, being startled easily, recurring nightmares, aggression and violence. People with PTSD may avoid situations, places or people that

remind them of a distressful event. While not everyone who has suffered from a traumatic event will develop PTSD, those who do tend to show signs of this disorder within 3 months

of the incident for more than a month.

Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia This type of anxiety disorder is characterized by overwhelming

anxiety, excessive self consciousness as well as an intense and constant

Causes of anxiety disorder

As with most mental health conditions, the cause of anxiety disorder remains unclear. Specialists have identified risk factors which increase a person’s chances of suffering from anxiety disorder. These include:

• Genes: Studies on twins and families show that anxiety disorder tends to run in families.2

• Sex: more women are affected by this disorder

• Environmental factors such as physical and emotional stress, pollution and one’s diet.

Anxiety disorders are complex conditions for which there is no known cure. Treatments typically include medication, psychotherapy or both, depending on the circumstances of each case.

Medicines used to treat anxiety must be prescribed by a doctor and taken following strict instructions. Prescription drugs, however, produce unpleasant side effects such as stomach problems, sleep abnormalities, and drug dependency, leading experts to research, develop and use natural and safe treatment options for anxiety.

It is important to remember that anxiety can often be controlled without medication through a combination of natural remedies for anxiety practiced around the world.

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fear of being watched and judged by others, preventing them from

functioning well at work, school and from performing ordinary activities, including making and keeping friends.

Its physical symptoms include blushing, excessive sweating, nausea, shaking and difficulty talking.

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II. Common prescription drugs

Scientists have yet to identify the real cause of anxiety although factors such as heredity, changes in brain function, insufficient serotonin and dopamine may increase anyone’s chances of developing anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is often accompanied by depression which can range from mild to severe cases. This is why medications

usually prescribed for this disease are anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and beta-blockers to control the symptoms.

Anti depressants

These contain substances that alter the activity of neurotransmitters or brain chemicals which may contribute to anxiety disorders. Treatment often starts with a low dosage which is gradually increased in the succeeding weeks. It may take 4 to 6 weeks for the patient to experience the complete effects of medication.


Serotonin is a naturally occurring brain chemical that is believed to be responsible for regulating appetite, energy, sleep, mood, libido and cognitive functions. Individuals suffering from anxiety are often found to have low levels of serotonin or decreased serotonin activity in the


Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) are a kind of anti-depressant that works by increasing serotonin activity. These are often prescribed for treating panic disorder, OCD, PTS and social phobia.

Common SSRIs prescribed for treating anxiety and depression are Prozac and Zoloft.

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Their common side effects include:

• abnormal dreams• anxiety• decreased sexual desire or ability• diarrhea• dizziness• dry mouth• flu-like symptoms• flushing• increased sweating• loss of appetite• nausea• nervousness• runny nose• sore throat• stomach upset• sleep problems


Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) such as Nardil are the oldest class

of antidepressants. This type of drugs are less frequently used for treating anxiety disorders because of reported cases of drug interactions with ordinary food and common medicines. Harmful drug interactions include:

• confusion• hallucinations• increased sweating• muscle stiffness• seizures• changes in blood pressure and heart rhythm


Also known as anti anxiety drugs, this class of medicines is used only for short term treatment because prolonged use leads to drug tolerance.

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Patients who stopped taking benzodiazepines such as Valium have

reported experiencing withdrawal symptoms and a recurrence of their anxiety episodes. These also produce side effects such as dizziness, headaches and nausea.

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III. Top 6 Natural Remedies Tips for Anxiety

Medications such as benzodiazepines may help manage symptoms of anxiety disorders but cannot cure anxiety. Due to the increasing awareness of the risks

associated with anti depressants, more people are turning to alternative medicine and natural remedies for anxiety for safe relief.

A survey of treatment options reveals the following top 6 natural remedies for anxiety:

Natural anxiety remedy tip #1: Practise deep breathing

People suffering from anxiety disorders tend to take small short breaths. This disturbs the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide that the body needs to maintain a relaxed state and induces symptoms of anxiety.

Diaphragmatic breathing is a natural breathing technique that the body

is born with. The diaphragm is located between the ribs and stomach. It involves breathing in while pushing down the diaphragm muscle and breathing out while moving the diaphragmatic muscle back to resting position. Here’s how:

• Sit on a comfortable but firm chair with your back straight. • Place one hand on your chest and the other on the stomach.• Inhale through the nose and count up to 3. The hand on your

stomach should rise as you breathe in while the hand on your chest remains steady.

• Exhale through the mouth while counting up to three. The hand on your stomach should descend as you breathe out while the other hand remains steady on your chest.

• Push out as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles.

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• Focus on breathing without entertaining other thoughts. • For best results, practise this technique at least 10 minutes

twice a day.

Natural anxiety remedy tip #2: Get a massage

Manipulating muscles and soft tissues by pressing and rubbing them not

only promote good circulation but also relieve a variety of symptoms including anxiety, depression and stress. Massage therapists have the necessary background in anatomy, physiology (the study of organs and tissues) and, kinesiology (the study of motion and body mechanics), which guides them in applying pressure at the appropriate points on the

body. Soothe yourself with these self-massage techniques:

Scalp soother: Put thumbs at the back of your ears and spread the other fingers on top of your head. Using your fingertips, massage the scalp in circular motions for 15 to 20 seconds. This technique provides

instant stress relief and reduces tension headaches as well.

Shoulder tension relief: Stretch one arm in front of you and across the opposite shoulder. Using your fingertips, apply pressure on the muscle above your shoulder blade in a circular motion. Repeat on the other


Natural anxiety remedy tip #3: Practise yoga

Chronic stress can lead to anxiety disorders and yoga is an effective method for reducing

stress and anxiety. Research suggests that yoga improves mood and sense of well-being, counteract stress and positively affect levels of certain brain and blood chemicals.

It combines physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation and a distinct

philosophy that reduce stress which is a risk factor of anxiety disorders.

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Yoga techniques come in various styles and poses, the most popular

being Hatha yoga for stress management. Integral in all the yoga styles are the poses and controlled breathing technique.

Yoga poses: Also referred to as postures, yoga poses involve a series of movements which increase strength and flexibility. Beginners will start

by practicing simple poses such as lying on the floor while completely relaxed and gradually work their way up to more challenging positions under the guidance of a certified yoga instructor.

Breathing: Controlled breathing requires focus and helps clear the mind

of negative thoughts that often produce stress. When combined with yoga poses, this system quiets the mind and induces relaxation without need for medication.

Yoga is generally safe in healthy people when practiced correctly. Some

poses, however, may not be appropriate for people with certain medical conditions such as extremely high or low blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and severe osteoporosis. As with other forms of treatment, people with a medical condition should first consult their doctor before starting a new therapy.

Natural anxiety remedy tip #4: Get enough exercise

Regular exercise is an important aspect of anxiety treatment because the body releases brain chemicals

such as neurotransmitters and endorphins that make you feel good. It also serves as a healthy distraction that can take you away from a cycle of negative thoughts. Exercise need

not be strenuous in order for you to experience its relaxation benefits.

Here are some exercise tips that help reduce anxiety:

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• Perform aerobic exercises such as biking, brisk walking, running,

swimming and dancing to derive the most benefits for natural anxiety relief.

• Strive to exercise at least 4 to 5 times a week.• Use a variety of exercises to stay motivated and choose fun activities

so exercise does not feel like a chore.• Obtain your doctor’s prior approval before starting a new exercise


Natural anxiety remedy tip #5: Enhance your self esteem

At the core of most anxiety disorders

is a low sense of self worth and self esteem that often lead to worries about social acceptance and how others perceive you. By recognizing your important qualities and

accomplishments and developing your skills, you build confidence and boost your self esteem. Here are some helpful ways to start developing your self esteem:

• Watch your words by avoiding self criticisms and negative statements either at yourself or at others.

• Stop feeling guilty about the past. View mistakes as valuable lessons

from your past but look forward to better times and more opportunities to do things right.

• Follow your dreams by setting goals, making plans and looking for opportunities that allow you to achieve the things you want in life.

• Treat yourself to simple pleasures, love yourself and invest in self development books, seminars and workshops.

• Laugh more often—at yourself and with others. Laughter is still the

best medicine for physical and emotional disorders.

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Natural anxiety remedy tip # 6: Consume a healthy diet

What you eat plays an important role in regulating your moods and the proper function of the central nervous system. Natural therapists and nutritionists

maintain that certain substances found in food, stressful eating habits and vitamin and mineral deficiencies can make anxiety symptoms worse or trigger mood swings. Here are some things you

should cut down or eliminate entirely from your diet:

• Stimulants: Coffee, tea, alcohol, caffeinated drinks and sodas as well as stimulant drugs contain ingredients that leech important vitamins

and minerals needed by the body for balancing moods and the nervous system.

• Salt: This everyday seasoning is known to deplete the body of potassium, a mineral that promotes healthy nervous system. Salt can also cause hypertension and must be avoided by susceptible persons.

• Preservatives: Processed food contains chemical additives for enhancing flavor and increasing shelf life. The body, however, is not built for processing these additives which have been associated with long term biological effects, including brain chemical imbalances.

• Sugary food: Sweet refined foods affect the blood sugar causing

spikes in energy levels, anxiety, mood swings and irritability.

Consume more fresh fruits and vegetables such as avocado, asparagus, celery, beet root and carrots. Add more wholegrain cereals, fish, eggs and garlic to your meals.

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Other natural anxiety remedies

Natural products: Herbal medicines, vitamins and minerals are safe and effective in providing natural anxiety relief. These may be bought over the counter as dietary supplements and don’t usually produce side effects.

In particular, kava (piper methysticum), a plant that grows in the South Pacific, provides quick calming effect described as an uplifting, euphoric feeling. As a natural muscle relaxant and mild sedative, kava is effective for the treatment of anxiety and its other symptoms such as tension, stress, irritability and insomnia.

St. John’s Wort (hypericum perforatum) acts as a mild sedative by increasing the level of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. It is used for treating mild depression, anxiety, tension and irritability. Kava and St. John’s Wort, however, are not to be used with

anti depressant drugs.

Vitamins: Taking vitamin supplements such as the B-complex vitamins ensure normal function of the nervous system and induce relaxation

naturally in persons affected by stress. Other nutrients that reduce anxiety are magnesium and calcium which may be obtained from multi vitamins or supplements.

Acupuncture: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views disease as the result of weak Qi (energy) or the body’s life force. Thus, the focus of TCM’s methods is in the restoration of energy imbalances or blockages using traditional herbs and acupuncture.

Acupuncture involves stimulation of specific points on the body using hair-thin needles to correct energy blockages thought of as sources of disease. It stimulates the release of brain chemicals for regulating moods, reducing anxiety and even relieving pain. The needles are manipulated by hand or by electrical stimulation, ideally conducted by a

licensed therapist.

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Whether used alone or in conjunction with medical treatment, acupuncture can relieve anxiety and promote wellness.


Anxiety, fear and worry may lead to

anxiety disorders that prevent you from living life to the fullest. Medication can

help but the risks far outweigh the short-term benefits of anti depressants and drugs.

On the other hand, natural remedies for

anxiety are inexpensive, easy to follow at home, safe and provide lasting benefits such as improved physical health, increased self confidence and self esteem, and peace of mind.

These anxiety self help tips can easily blend into your lifestyle so you can enjoy your usual activities and cope better with stressful situations.

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