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Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition

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  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    DEPARTMENTS 5 reections rom the editor

    8 healthy pets

    10 ft bodies

    12 intuitive insights

    14 healthy kids24 herb blurb

    26 healthy eating

    30 community calendar

    32 resource guide

    33 advertiser directory


    6 Creating and using crystal medicine bags

    8 April showers bring Pet anxiety?

    11 Allergies Is there such a thing?

    14 Getting kids to eat right

    16 Spring cleaning to manifest the chakras in our homes

    20 Use natural cures from your kitchen

    22 When every blade of grass counts

    24 Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)

    27 Te power to heal

    28 Natural options for preventing seasonal allergies








    20 2



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    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


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    OUR MISSIONTo provide relevant information on personal wellne

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  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Do you have a comment or question about something you read in Nature's Pathways? Is there a story you'd

    like to read? How about something you didn't like as much? Whatever your opinion, we want to know!

    Please e-mail Jackie at [email protected] or [email protected]. Thanks for reading!



    April is always an exciting time of yearor those o us who plant gardens. Te earth becomes ready totill, temperatures are on the rise and our energy levels seem to geta spike. Growing up, my dad had it mastered. Just the right seed

    varieties were ordered, crop rotation was mapped out and soil wasprepared to perection. Let the work begin!

    It is so appropriate that we celebrate Earth Day this month.April 22 marks the 42nd anniversary o this movement to encour-age awareness and appreciation or Earth and its resources. Tisyear, Earth Day Network calls upon more than one billion peoplearound the globe to help Mobilize the Earth. We are encouragedto unite or a sustainable uture and encourage others, includingorganizations and governments, to do their part.

    What dierence can we make? Maybe, as a amily, you couldplant a tree in remembrance o a departed loved one; or individu-ally make a commitment to write to your government ocials,shop local or invest in reusable, canvas shopping bags. Whentaken collectively, these small acts can make a dierence!

    We have so many great articles to share with you this month.

    Natasha Fuller oers some natural options or preventing seasonalallergies. Marcia Simler shares several ways to get natural curesright rom your own kitchen. And, J. Orkowski touches on waysto get your children to eat right. Tese are just a ew examples oways you can live healthier and reduce your carbon ootprint please read on or more!

    Best wishes to all o you on your path to healthy living. Pleasefnd a special way to leave your mark this Earth Day!

    In health and happiness,

    REFLECTIONSfrom the editor

    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Medicine is considered to be any number o objects orenergies that can help heal physical, emotional, mentalor spiritual wounds, so that you can continue to evolve

    and grow as a person. Healing crystals are considered to be a veryspecial kind o medicine. Te tradition o using crystals in medi-cine bags extends to cultures throughout time and in all partso the globe, including Native peoples rom North and South

    America, as well as healers rom many Arican nations, Europeand Asia.

    Medicine bags are worn to enhance the users personal powerand to provide the wearer with guidance, healing energy, luck andprotection. Bags and pouches were traditionally flled with objectsthat were meaningul to the user, and so, were considered to be

    very sacred. Tese objects were honored or their role in personal

    empowerment. In modern times, medicine bags can be useprovide guidance or your spiritual journey, as your sacred medobjects and crystals help to connect you to your spiritual nature

    Te sacred objects used in your medicine bag may include thlike crystals, bones, eathers, stones, shells, or any other objectsare meaningul and sacred to you. Te objects you choose represent dierent aspects o your lie, or they may represent po yoursel that you want to see grow and develop spiritually.

    Medicine bags traditionally contained a clear crysta

    because it has memory and can be programmed

    Shamans around the world have always utilizedthe special power of quartz for healing purposes.

    (Zerner 18)

    By using crystals, quartz or others, in yourmedicine bag, you create a source o energy andpower to draw upon or healing work, ocus,personal growth or inspiration. You maychoose your medicine stones by theirappearance (color, shape, texture,

    Creating and

    using crystalmedicine bags.......................................................................ByAshleyLeavy

    6 Natures Pathways| April 2012

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    etc.) or by the way that they make you eel (how they aect youremotions, your physical body, your way o thinking or your senseor spirituality). It is suggested that you choose your stones intui-tively, but you may also fnd it helpul to choose healing crystalsbased on their known properties.

    It is important to honor the stones you select as the

    ancient ones containing the cosmic pulsations of

    cosmic wisdom. (Zerner 52)

    Once you have selected all o the objects or your medicine bag,it should be easy to see how each o these objects reects an aspecto yoursel. You will fnd that your medicine bag will eel comort-able as it has your own personal touch. Ideally, these pieces oyoursel should help to provide support, comort and personalempowerment as you continue down your lie path.

    Te materials and design o the actual bag or pouch shouldalso be selected careully, as the energy o the pouch is equallyas important as its contents. You may be attracted to work witha particular color o abric to bring in the healing energy o thatcolor ray; similarly, you may want to embellish your medicine bagwith symbols o a particular deity, power animal or spiritual guide.

    Aer selecting your bag and cleansing your crystals, you shouldempower your medicine bag. o do this, place your bag and stonesin ront o you (it is suggested that you do this in sacred space).Pick up one object or crystal at a time, hold it in your hands andthink about why you have chosen it or your medicine bag. Placethe object inside o your medicine bag while holding this intention.Once all o your stones and objects are within the pouch, hold itbetween your hands and visualize it flling with pure, healing light

    energy rom the Universe. You should then thankthe bag and its content or playing a role in

    your personal healing.You are now ready to wear your medi-cine bag. You may choose to wear it

    daily, or special occasions or duringparticularly rough patches o yourlie. Alternatively, you may chooseto place the medicine bag on youraltar, in a sacred space, or to carry itin a purse or pocket.

    As you continue your liesjourney, you may fnd that you wantto add or remove items rom yourmedicine bag. Tis is to be expectedbecause as you grow and change,your means o support and empow-erment will also naturally grow andchange. I you are intuitively guided

    to change the contents o yourmedicine pouch, you

    should trust yourinner knowing

    and makeadjustments.

    When used with an attitude of honor and respect

    the bag and its contents are able to bring the shaman

    in touch with powers of his or her innermost being.

    (Zerner 17)

    Te more you work with your medicine bag, the more itbegin to vibrate to the requency o your highest good and the energy o your spiritual sel.

    Crystal healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine

    rather to complement and enhance it. e information here is pmetaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal heshould only be used with the understanding that it is not an indedent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.

    Ashley Leavy has been drawn to work with crystals and stones since childAer years of self-study, she began earning a number of professional certicin crystal healing. Ashley is a master of crystology and is certied and accrin Melodys Level I & Level II Love is in the Earth Workshops. She has also stwith Master Crystal Teacher DaEl Walker of the Crystal Awareness Ins

    Ashley has earned many other certications over the years and considers coing education on the subject to be a top priority. She is also a member of the GSpiritual & Holistic Association, which strives to support a professional appand a high standard of practice for ethical and conscientious holistic therapaddition to oering healing sessions, Ashley loves to teach and presents a nu

    of in-person workshops as well as correspondence courses on crystal healing.also an accomplished, published author and is currently writing a book on chealing. For more information, please visit http://www.crystalhealer1.webs.c

    Resources: Zerner, Amy & Monte Farber. e Shamans Guide to Healingtals: Making Medicine Bags & Using Energy Stones. Sterling PublishingYork, New York: 2010.

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    April 2012 |Natures Pathways

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Thunderstorms and spring trips to the vet or groomer maybe warm weather phobias that send your dog or cat intoull panic mode, whining, barking rantically, trembling,

    pacing! Holistic veterinarians can suggest solutions or this distressthat are healthier than conventional tranquilizers. An eectivenatural solution oen requires a multimodal approach, however.

    Nervous attempts to calm your pet can make matters worse. Youneed to be the voice o reason. You need to be calm and confdent.

    Go about your business as i everything is fne and routine. Yourpet looks to you or courage and strength. oo much wooing andcooing can make him think that there is a reason to be concerned.

    Play some relaxing music in your home i it is raining and thereis lightning or in your car i your pet is distraught while travelingin a vehicle. However, this is not the time or rock music!

    Tundershirts mimic the eect attained when one swaddles aninant. Te snugness o a blanket, a onesie, a tight t-shirt providesa sense o security. Some pets will hide in the bathtub, under thebed or in a closet to try to achieve this same eect on their own.Some brands o thundershirts provide extra pressure at acupunc-ture points that are associated with sedation. Most pets are calmerand saer i restrained in a carrier or pet seatbelt when traveling ina vehicle on the way to an unnerving appointment.

    A ower essence blend called Rescue Remedy has been used oryears to calm anxious humans and animals. As this is a homeo-pathic, it is most eective when the symptom picture is matched,i it is selected as a remedy. Since this is oen not possible, you willfnd this product works like a charm or some individuals and notat all or others. Because it is not consistently eective, I do notroutinely recommend it, however, it does not hurt to try it. Floweressences are extremely sae.

    I have ound western herbal ormulations to be more reliable

    homeopathics; however, they are very dose dependent. Tey work i you give enough. I use glycerin extracts or dogs and Tey are weaker than alcohol extracts, but sweeter, thereore mmore palatable, especially or cats. My avorite product is the AnApawthecary ranquility Blend. Tis liquid is sae or a dog or recommend one ull dropper orally or a cat or tiny dog, up toull droppers or a large dog such as a retriever. Tis takes twenthirty minutes to relax your pet, so you need to plan accordinglycan be used several times in one day i needed. Tis should noused daily, long term. Te energetics o oods and herbs can dimor exacerbate anxiety. Te Animal Apawthecary Blend o valeskullcap, oatstraw and passion ower was expertly ormulateGreg ilord, a trusted herbalist who authored Herbs or Petsharvests quality plants rom his land in Montana.

    In 1969, a study perormed on cats given valerian orally shoa decrease in restlessness, ear and aggression. Lab animal resehas demonstrated sedative and anticonvulsant properties o rian whole herb extract and some o its constituents via an ience on GABAnergic neurons.

    I daily calming is needed, a Chinese herbal ormulation be benefcial. Dr. Huisheng Xie, ounder and instructor at theInstitute, a oremost veterinary acupuncture school in Florida

    April showers

    bring Pet anxiety?......................................................................ByDr.Jodie


    8 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

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    Many pets will calm with a gentle touch or even enjoy a masI call massage petting with intent.

    You may combine, in act you should combine, several o ttechniques or maximum eectiveness.

    ormulated a 16 herbal blendcalled Shen Calmer. Shenmeans mind. Pets and horseswho are shen disturbed willrelax, fdget less, travel betterand be more receptive to train-ing, veterinary or groomingcare when they consume thisplant combination on a regularbasis. Tis brown powder canbe mixed in ood. One o theherbals contained within is Chaihu, also known as bupleurum. Inmice studies, it has not only beenshown to have sedative proper-ties, but also immunostimulantand liver protective. Research onits constituents has demonstratedanalgesic, antipyretic, anti-inammatory and even antibiotic eects.

    Another very pleasant modality used to soothe man and beastis aromatherapy. A cold air, nebulizing diuser is the best methodto deliver potent calming essential oils to an anxious patient.However, a drop on the ur or pet bed can be quick, simple, eec-tive and inexpensive. iny diusers are also manuactured to

    attach to a pets collar. Perhaps the essential oil with the most noto-riety or calming is lavender. My avorite blend is called Peace andCalming. It contains blue tansy, patchouli, tangerine, orange andylang ylang. angerine contains esters and aldehydes, which aresedating and calming. A 1995 Mie University study documentedthe ability o citrus ragrances to bring about a sense o security inhumans. Animals are more sensitive to the eects o oils.

    Many petswill calm witha gentle touch

    or even enjoya massage.

    Dr. Jodie is owner and small animal veterinary practitioner at the Animal DHolistic Veterinary Complex in Muskego. She is a 1987 graduate of the Univer

    Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine. Her expertise is in naturaltion, including the recommending of raw diets and in the prescription of westerChinese herbals. Dr. Jodie has traveled to China and became certied in veteracupuncture by the Chi Institute in 2008. Learn more about holistic pet healtby visiting www.AnimalDoctorMuskego.com or calling 414.422.1300.

    For more info: www.animaldoctormuskego.com; www.thundershirt.com; blueskymassage.com; Herbs for Pets, Tilford; Veterinary Herbal Medicine, WynFougere; Chinese Veterinary Herbal Handbook, Xie, Preast and Liu; Chinese MHerbology and Pharmacology, Chen and Chen; Essential Oils Desk Reference,

    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    going to be detrimental to your training regimen. Only elite athtypically abstain rom all orms o physical activity on their dayand thats generally because their bodies are under so much sduring their daily training. Days o were never meant to be slounging on the couch watching movies, though occasionally t

    just fne too!Question: I have a riend thats using some ques

    able supplements. How should I approach given the act that he seems to believe th

    working well?Answer: Tis is a tough questio

    answer, but you might want to statelling him that diet is a huge part o

    equation, and that supplemtation, though useul at ti

    cant make up or a defdiet. Ten, I would him meet with a qfed expert that can a look at the supplem

    hes using and provide some real, science-based back on the saety and ecacy o the products. Sp

    dietitians have specialized training in this area, andcan fnd one in your area by checking out the SCAN

    site (www.scandpg.org). Keep in mind, i he truly eels thasupplements are helping him achieve his goals, there might n

    anything you can say that will change his mind.know that you did all you could.

    Question: Is it true that you can only digest 30 grams o proteinat a time?Answer: No this is defnitely a myth. Some claim that LouFerrigno came up with this one back in the 1970s, but no oneknows or sure. I am amazed at how many people think this is true,and Im also curious to know where these olks think the rest o theprotein (above and beyond 30 grams) goes i it isnt digested. Tesimple truth is that you can digest any amount o protein that youingest, but the caveat here is that the digestive process will just take

    that much longer. Tis is true o any macronutrient. Te more youeat, the longer it takes to process simple as that. I you happento hear this myth being bantered about in the gym at some point,be sure to put orth the real acts.


    Karmen Nenahlo is with Anytime Fitness, the worlds largest 24/7tness franchise. For more information, visit www.anytimetnes

    Expert answers to

    your health andwellness questionsProtein digestion, activityon days off andquestionable supplements....................................................................ByKarmenNenahlo

    Question: Is it okay to do casual physical activities on my dayso rom working out?Answer: Absolutely! Scheduled physical activities arent necessar-ily warranted, but it doesnt mean you cant go out and have un. Tisincludes playing with your kids, going or a walk with your spouse orpartner or playing a sport with some riends. Youll obviously improveyour ftness and health by doing this and, or most olks, it really isnt

    10 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

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    m thrilled to have a chance to connect with you throughthis article, and I appreciate you taking time out o your busyschedules to give it a read! Listen, this article is designed not

    to give you answers, but rather to challenge your thinking so youcan come up with answers on your own!

    I have practice members tell me all the time, I have allergies,and Ive had them or a long time. Te allergies are caused by suchthings as dogs, cats, pollen and dust just to name a ew. Every timeIm around those things I start sneezing, coughing, my nose startsto run and my eyes begin watering. It really aects my lie!

    When I hear this, I eel terrible because I can tell it truly is aect-ing their lives at work, at home and with their hobbies. Te ques-tion I have to ask, however, is, I the allergies were truly causedby dogs, cats, pollen and dust why isnt everybody allergic tothem? Aer all, we are all exposed to those things at some point!

    So why doesnt everybody start sneezing, coughing, get a runnynose and have watery eyes when they are exposed to these things?Do I have you thinking yet?

    Maybe its not the dogs, cats, pollen or dust that is causingthe allergic reactions, but rather your bodys inability to prop-erly adapt to its environment. Or, maybe allergic reactions are aperectly healthy thing, not pleasant, but perectly normal. Yourbody is amazingly smart and health is your bodys deault! Its whatchiropractors call innate intelligence. Its that inborn wisdomthat runs and controls your body without you even having to thinkabout it! It wants you to be healthy and will do everything it canto keep you healthy. Tink about it. Youre smart; you know thatinhaling pet dander, pollen or dust is a bad thing! So when you areexposed to these things, your body reacts. Te sneezing, coughing,runny nose and watery eyes are all deense mechanisms that youramazing body has against the particles in the environment! Tesereactions actually keep the bad stu out! Amazing, right?

    Guess what controls those healthy reactions and that innateintelligence its your nervous system. Your brain sends signalsover the nervous system to tell your body how to react perectly.I you have intererence or pressure on the nervous system, yourbody cannot unction or heal at 100%. Tese intererences are

    what chiropractors call subluxations, or misalignments ospinal bones that put pressure on the nervous system and athe way your body is unctioning.

    Wait doc, are you saying that chiropractic can cure allergNo sir. As a matter o act, chiropractic doesnt cure anythingdoctor does; and anybody that tells you dierent is lying. Youyour body alone are the only things that can heal anything!Wchiropractic does is remove the intererence in your bodys inability to heal itsel. When your body and your nervous syare unctioning at 100%, then your body will have the verychance to express true health!

    So you have a couple o options: You can run to the drug sand load up on allergy medications that might mask a symp(not to mention the side eects) or you can work to correccause o the problem naturally by allowing your bodys in

    intelligence to express itsel ully! Which one makes the msense to you? In chiropractic oces all over the world therthousands o people every single day choosing the second opand loving every second o it! When was the last time youyour spine and nervous system checked?

    Chaz Ebert, DC is with Full Potential Chiropractic, 6514 Odana Rd., MaFor more information, visit www.fpchiro.com or call 608.829.1895.

    Allergies Is there such a thing?....................................................ByChazEbert,DC

    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition



    A monthly advicecolumn for yourenergy system.....................................................................

    Everything in the universe contains energy, yet energy is somethingmany of us dont understand. Every month Tina Bensman, a prac-ticing clairvoyant and energy healer, is here to answer any questionsyou have about your energy system. Topics may include energyanatomy, dream analysis, chakra balancing, manifestation, lifepatterns, etc. e ideas written here do not replace medical atten-tion. Always listen to your body, mind and intuition when receivingadvice of any kind.

    Dear ina,

    How do distance healings work? It just doesnt make sense how anenergy worker can balance someone when they are not physicallythere. Could you explain this please?

    Keeping My Distance

    Dear Keeping My Distance,

    I completely understand why the idea o distance energy work,healings and readings just doesnt make sense. Let me explain.

    First o, energy is everything. Energy can never be created ordestroyed. What is here has always been here and always will. Itcannot disappear, it can only change orms. Our bodies are energy aswell as our thoughts, eelings, spiritual purpose, etc. Energy is every-thing. It is basically data communicating to the world around us.

    When a healer connects to a client, he/she is connecting to thatpersons energy; not only the energy o their bodies, but every-thing that embodies them. I can only speak to my process, so aerI connect to a client, I tune into their energy through sight, soundand touch. I speak directly to their spirit, which brings their wholeenergy system in ront o me and shows me what needs to beworked on. Since energy is simply communicating data, it doesnt

    matter where the person is physically located. Sometimes I in-person clients that need to use the bathroom in the middthe session. Tats no bother because Im already connectethem; I just continue the healing as they take care o business

    Te important thing to think o related to distance work is comort level. Most crucial is trust. You should eel comorwith the practitioner and trust that they are actually working your system since you are not physically there. Second, i youyou need an in-person session to get the ull eects, honorneed. Again, the process or a practitioner is the same wheyoure in-person or not; however, i it doesnt eel real to youhealing wont stick. Your comort is a frst priority. Many pepreer distance work because you usually get a ull report deing the session, which may be dicult to remember i you arelistening during the in-person session.

    Our bodies are energ

    as well as our thoughfeelings, spiritual purposetc. Energy is everything

    Tina, a Madison Intuitive Counselor and Energy Healer, is a lifelong studthe paranormal. She had her rst clairvoyant vision at a young age and conto see and hear energy. Tina is trained in clairvoyant reading and many moties of energy healing, but through professional training she was disappointhe methods many schools used to devalue everyones natural gis. Tina se Chakra House to teach how natural and easy it is to work with energbelieves that everyone has natural psychic gis and can access their abilthey realized their potential.

    12 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

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    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition



    How can we get our kids to eathealthier? Tat is a great ques-tion; frst lets look at what is

    against us and then what we need to do tocombat it.

    Kids are bombarded by media messagestelling them to eat terrible processed ood-like products that have no nutritional value.Tey see more ads or Coke, Snickers andMcDonalds than they ever will or locally

    grown, resh or healthy ood. When ilast time you saw an ad or a vegetruth is, like politics, the guys who the worst to oer have the most mto spend on telling you why you nee

    Getting kidsto eat right.................................................................ByJ.Orkowski

    14 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

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    Straight out, theyre lying. Teyre lying tomake money. Sadly, we all all or it. Likesubliminal messages, they creep in whenyou are least prepared to fght them o. Iwill coness to buying an item because Iwas watching V the night beore and theytold me I was missing out on real cookieavor unless I got the new super udgyblah blah blah. Tere I was in the check

    out; Dang, they got me!Just as we have our own views swayed

    into action, kids will see what we do andchoose and emulate us. What we haveworking against us is that we make terri-ble choices too. I we want our childrento make better choices we need to as well.But what our problem is, is that maybewe havent bought into healthy eatingourselves. We should.

    We know this much: All people, includ-ing children, manuacture ree radicals asa by-product o metabolism. Tese reeradicals cause destruction and aging oour cells and our bodies. Te more activea person is the more ree radicals they willproduce. On average, children are moreactive than we adults (I your child is not asactive as you, stop reading this article andcall me ASAP at 608-848-FLIP!). Tis is aact. Te only way to reduce these risks is toconsume ood with good antioxidants. Teantioxidants in ruit and veggies neutralizethose ree radicals.

    Once more, the fber in raw plant ood

    (raw is always better than cooked) canlower your cholesterol, scrub clean theintestinal walls and reduce the risk o diabe-tes by slowing carbohydrate absorption.Food with antioxidants can lower the risk omany types o cancer. Convinced yet?

    How about the case o phytochemicals?Phytochemicals that can be ound in rawruits and veggies will reduce the risk omany types o other diseases. Did youknow there are over 1000 phytochemi-cals in a single tomato? Mmm. Tere arealso minerals in grown ood, like calcium,sodium, magnesium and potassium that areall vital to proper body unction, making usecient; and whats better, theyre makingus less prone to sickness and making us eelgood (as opposed to tired, lazy, stupid, ine-fcient, sick and depressed).

    I whats against us is the media, ourhabits and a lack o acts ... thats easy. 1.Stop buying what they pitch. Tat will save

    on the amily budget, too. Every once andawhile a treat is fne; even the most healthyamong us is allowed the occasional cookie.Just realize that you are not missing out onthe real cookie avor o super udgy blahblah blahs. 2. Change your habits. An appleis better than a Snickers any day, and theremnants o a consumed apple are biode-gradable, not so o our riend the Snickers

    bar (my inner-tree hugger is showing). And3. Get acts. Tey come best rom someonewho is not selling something. So be wise inyour Web inormation diet queries.

    Here are some great strategies for

    getting your kids (and you) to eat more

    fruits and veggies:

    Keep ruit in the house. Dont buy a ton oit because when it rots it negatively rein-orces your eelings toward not spendingmoney on a snack that will go to waste.

    Have a little bit o ruit or vegetable cutup and ready to be chosen. Make itsaccess easier.

    When you crave a sweet snack, grab ruit.My wie changed my mind as I grabbedmy car keys and told her I was goingto the store to grab something sweet.She tossed me an apple without a word.Busted. How can I argue with that?

    Let your kids see you eating good oodas a snack selection. In the above scene,my wie didnt have to toss my boys anyapples. When they saw what dad washaving (and realized there was no hopeo him bringing chocolate home any timesoon) they got their own apples.

    Send ruit or vegetables to school inlunches. Again, accessibility is essential.

    At dinner time, serve a salad as a separatecourse as opposed to a part o the mainmeal, just like in a restaurant. Kids getthe salad when they are most hungry andit will fll them with good nutrition right

    away; not to say the rest o your meal isnot nutritious, just saying get them gooduel when the tank is low.

    Be satisfed i they eat only a portion othe salad course, its better than nothing atall. Victory comes in small doses, its OK.

    Keep trying new ruits and veggies, donttake yuck or an answer. ry a dierent

    presentation or a dierent recipe anagain. Kids may turn up their nosesget them to keep trying something. Tis research that shows that kids exposure to oods sometimes as mas 14 times beore they admit to likinTat number does not apply to liver.

    Use recipes that blend healthy oowith other oods until kids realize it wont kill them. I love Jessica Seinbook about deceptive recipes or kidact we have made everything in the band my kids oen ask or repeats. also noticed that it didnt taste as gwhen I re-made some dishes withousecret ingredients.

    What we know is that raw ruit and veare the building blocks or healthy boTats a act. Its also a act that raw and veggies make us healthier. It mtake some work, but isnt eeling betterliving healthier worth a little eort?

    J. Orkowski (owner, program director, team coahas enjoyed international competition as a gyand has coached around the country in various camps and programs since 1980. Oen a fea

    presenter at gymnastics seminars, J. opened Gyity in 1999. He is the safety educator of WisconsUSA Gymnastics, sits on the board for Gold MStandard Clubs of Character Education and is Wisconsin State Board for USA Gymnastics. the vice president of the Wisconsin GymnasticsOwners Association and the proud dad of his B

    projects; Owen (2004) and Emmett (2008).

    humanNaturenutrition & wellness

    Feel great with nourishing foodsand food-based cleansing.

    Katy Wallace, ND RYTBrittany Sandoval, BS


    2158 Atwood Ave, Ste 10

    Madison, WI 53704


    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition



    s Te Intuitive Realtor in Madison, I talk to sellers aboutthe importance o decluttering in an eort to get theirhome sold, but it is also very important in our daily lives.

    When we clear out clutter, we are opening up our lives to maniest-ing, to receiving what we are wanting in our lives. Clearing out theclutter is about letting go, letting your unloved or unused items goand allowing the energy chi to ow.

    Our homes have energy in them just like our bodies; our roomsactually mimic our chakra centers. ake a look at your living spaceand see how it relates to your own lie; see i they mirror yourblocked chakras.

    Rooms and living spaces that typicallyrepresent the major chakras are:CrownChakra: attic, roo

    BrowChakra:den, home oce, windowsThroatChakra:living room, amily roomHeartChakra: kitchen, dining areasSolarPlexusChakra: bathrooms, personal spacesSacralChakra:master bedroomRootChakra: basement, crawl spacesAura: porches, decks, landscaping, garages

    Spring cleaning tomanifest the chakras

    in our homesTurning your life andhome into a sanctuary!......................................................................ByHeidiKelley

    A basement that is ull and disorganized could mean fnanci

    security problems. A kitchen that is jumbled and messy could r

    love or relationship troubles. An overstued living room could le

    stung your eelings, basically not speaking up or yoursel.

    Many o us have the tendency to collect clutter. I adI am still a work in progress. I came rom a amily that severything; we might need it in the uture. When we hang our unused items, saving them or a rainy day, we are basisaying we dont have the aith that we will receive what we in the uture. We are living in ear, lack and scarcity. Tis is many o our ancestors lived and it has been passed on genera

    to generation.I have ound the more I clear out o my house, the more I m

    room or new. One thing that I learned is to ask mysel i I loveitem, i I dont, I get rid o it. We should only have items surroing us that we truly love, that really make us happy. Tis not helps our house look better, but it improves how we eel, win turn raises the energy level in the house, that ultimately r

    Alternative and traditionalveterinary treatment for pets

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    (608) 798-1887 marilaveterinaryclinic.net

    16 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    1902 S. Stoughton Rd. Madison, WI 53716


    Ernest Bingham-Master Fireplace Builder





    SERVICESHistoric Masonry Restoration Tuckpointing

    Custom Chimney & Fireplaces Repair, Design & Build MantelTraditional Chimney Sweeps Lifetime Warranty Relining

    PRODUCTSAlderlea Blaze King Bodart & Gonay Enviro European Home

    Malm Mendota Mors Pacic Energy Rais RikaRSF St. Croix Thelin Valor Wittus

    Member of National Trust for Historical PreservationFounder of Wisconsin Chimney Sweep Guild, which then became The Wisconsin Guild

    Chimney Service Specialists (The Oldest State Chimney Sweep Guild in U.S.)NFI Certied Decades of certications from America and Europe

    Multiple certication carrier in historic masonry U.S. Heritage Grout




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    the vibration in our body. It is a continuous cycle that assists us to

    maniest and achieve our dreams!Clutter and disharmony block our mental and spiritual energy

    and make it harder to create, prosper and maniest new things intoour lives. When we create a space by getting rid o the old, the newcomes into our lie. So i you get rid o old clothes, you are makingspace or new clothes to be maniested in your lie.

    One fnal thought: You must be open to receiving. Sometimesthe clutter is your own sel-sabotaging block to get in the way oyour desire. Listen to your heart and try to understand i you haveany deep ear about the outcome o what you want to maniest. Doyou think you will lose the memories i you sell your home or thatyour amily wont accept your new career? Listen to your heart,your soul, your intuition and then be open to receive.

    Now it is time or me to head to the basement to start clear-ing out!

    Clutter and disharmony blockour mental and spiritual

    energy and make it harder tocreate, prosper and manifestnew things into our lives.

    Heidi Kelley, e Intuitive Realtor/Healer (Keller Williams Realty), oers avariety of services including Space Clearing, Energy Healing, Meditations, Crys-tals, Altars, Vision Boards and Soul Coaching. ere are many articles and testi-monials on her Web site and blog at MyIntuitiveRealty.com. You can contact herat [email protected] or 608.575.4183. My desire is to assist individuals, not

    just real estate clients, to turn their lives and their homes into a sanctuary, tocreate a sacred space and to be a blessing to others. She is in the Madison area,but works in surrounding areas as well.

    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Great American Chimney& Masonrys Bingham ina class by himselfBy Jackie Peters

    Taking it to

    another level

    Be it the Inca Walls in Cusco or the Parthenon in Greece,

    spectacular creations have been constructed out of

    stone from the earth across varied cultures since the

    beginning of civilization.

    These historic stonemasons must have had such

    passion to do such physical and tedious work. Their long-

    lasting masterpieces seem to connect us with our ancient

    ancestors. There is a certain respect for the handworkof masonry; the skill and precision of which cannot be

    matched by any technology of the modern world.

    Such passion and respect is still alive today. Ernest

    Bingham, of Great American Chimney & Masonry in

    Madison, has devoted his life to perfecting the craft. In fact,

    he is recognized as one of the top masons in the Midwest.

    Bingham began to pursue his trade in the early 1970s

    when he became a builders apprentice in California. (It

    is interesting to note that this manner of learning also

    existed long ago, when medieval stonemasons served

    seven-year apprenticeships; todays last about four

    years.) He later studied under a Scottish master in West

    Virginia. At that point he was encouraged to study the

    craft at The Lime Centre in England and the Scottish

    Lime Centre in Edinburgh both renowned for teaching

    the intricacies of traditional building skills.

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Bingham opened his business in Madison in 1977, deter-

    mined to preserve Americas masonry. He is still here doing so

    today. Historic masonry restoration is his strong suit. Mostly

    being dispatched to older houses (75 years old and up), hes

    happy to have the challenge o a 200-year-old project.

    In one case, Jim Notstad, o Monona, whos worked with

    Bingham or 30 years, hired him to build a freplace and outside

    chimney on a structure built in 1848. Obviously the bricks were

    quite aged, so Bingham obtained bricks o the same consistencyand color rom an old church he was working on. He worked his

    magic and the fnal result actually exceeded my expectations,

    says Notstad. I you look at the exterior, the area where the

    work was done looks like part o the original structure and every-

    thing works perectly.

    Bingham, understandingly, takes pride in this. A master fre-

    place builder, he is a member o the National Trust or Historical

    Preservation, a ounder o the Wisconsin Chimney Sweep Guild,

    which later became the Wisconsin Guild o Chimney Service

    Specialists, a NFI Certifed Master and a multiple certifcation

    carrier in historic masonry.

    The average person doesnt understand that historic and

    modern masonry are very dierent, says Bingham. People

    should be wary o contractors that use modern mortars to

    repair old buildings, as it will destroy them. Properly done,

    this type o repair, or repointing, restores the visual and

    physical integrity o the masonry. Improperly done, repoint-

    ing not only detracts rom the appearance o the building,

    but may also cause physical damage to the masonry units

    themselves, according to Technical Preservation Services.

    Eileen Sutula o Madison can attest to the rustration

    involved with correcting poorly done repairs. We had a

    leak in our attic or 15 years due to our chimney. During

    this time we had it rebuilt twice by two

    other contractors in an attemptto resolve the problem. Finally, we

    were saved by Ernest. He said he

    would fx it or the LAST time

    and that is exactly what

    he did. We couldnt be

    more pleased. Not

    only is he an

    amazing crats-

    man, but he is

    also an artist. His

    work is just


    As the authority in masonry repairs, Bingham has also inve

    his time and money on applying or patents on various t

    o the trade that he is sure will make lie easier or his e

    masons. These include, Mortar Match, the Speed Hawk

    a biomass windcap, among others.

    The ideal time to do masonry repair in our biospheric z

    is rom March to September. So, Bingham encourages pe

    to call now or service, as the season flls up ast. I youd

    a quote, hes happy to provide one. In act, in the history ocompany, he has never exceeded

    an estimate! Although hes had

    to pay or that over time, he

    remains a man o his word.





    Great AmericanChimney & Masonry

    1902 S. Stoughton Rd., Madison608.221.4415


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    We are a Holistic Natural Health Care Clinic & Natural Spa.We use herbs, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids& natural foods that our Creator put on this Earth to use.

    Verona/Madison Clinic201 E. Verona Ave.Verona,WI 53593608-848-8378 877-753

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    Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired??We have solutions through customized nutritional and testing programs.


    Holistic Clinic and SpaSaliva Test Diet PlansBlood Type Diets

    Appointments are available for Kinesiology tond out deciencies you have. Saliva Testing (forpeople of all ages or animals) is also available tothose of you that cannot come to the clinics.

    Verona/Madison Clinic201 E. Verona Ave.Verona,WI 53593608-848-8378877-753-1689

    Monroe OceW4745 Blumer Rd.Monroe,WI 53566608-325-3209800-753-1689

    During the monthof April 2012


    Olive oil & coconut oilEczema Packed with inammation-reducing antioxidants, these oils are thebasis o many moisturizers and, used alone,are ree o chemical irritants you may fndin store-bought creams. Rub one teaspoonper square inch o skin, creating a seal thatkeeps skin rom drying out. For seriouscases, cover oiled skin with cotton wrapsovernight. Many people with this problemdo not take in enough oils internally, as the

    body requires 4-6 tablespoons o oils daily.

    Sea saltAthletesfoot A saline solution providesa hostile environment or ungus, decreasesexcess perspiration and soens skin soantiungal oils (that we carry at the clinic)

    can penetrate deeper. Soak your eet or5-10 minutes in a mixture o two teaspoonso sea salt per pint o warm water.

    Capsicum (red pepper)Bleeding/heart attacks Cayenne(another name is red pepper) or capsicumhelps stop bleeding and heart attacks bystimulating your cardiovascular systemsaction and ability to break down cholesterolbuildup. It also helps gastric ulcers, vascu-

    lar headaches, impotence (resulting romvenous insuciency), inection, kidneyproblems, asthma, pleurisy and thyroiddysunction. A French study also oundcapsicum benefcial or chronic atigue andwarming the body due to its heating abili-ties. So use it oen in your dishes, not just

    in your chili, because regular black pehurts the nerves in your back.

    Tonic waterRestlesslegs a 6-ounce glass o tonic wbeore bed may calm symptoms o releg syndrome. Te quinine it contains hstop repeated muscle contractions. Or,by the clinic, because the shortage o vitaB12 is what the root cause is.

    Baking sodaUrinary tract infection and alkal

    yourpH It makes the urine more alkawhich prevents bacteria rom multiplMix teaspoon o baking soda into ounces o water at the frst sign o sytoms. Drink plenty o organic cranb

    Use natural curesfrom your kitchen.........................................................................................ByMarciaK.Simler,CNHP

    20 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    juice with it (sweetened only with stevia,not sugar, which eeds the bacteria).

    GarlicInfectionsandnaturalbloodthinner Garlic relieves many ailments, including:intestinal problems, chest pains, epilepsy,leprosy, toothaches and wounds. Eatinggarlic helps clear arteries, eliminate hoarse-ness, expel tapeworms, increase urinary ow,relieve dropsy and soothe chronic coughs.When crushed in wine, garlic is benefcial orrabid dog bites and snake bites. When boiledwith oregano, garlic helps kill bed bugs andlice. When burnt and combined with honey,garlic heals herpetic eruptions (resembling theskin lesions o some herpes virus inections),liver spots, white spots and scurvy. Scientistsconfrmed that garlic is a potent antibioticand immune system stimulant, increasing thepower o the immune system up to ten-old.

    Animal studies proved garlic stops the growtho tumor cells and Candida inections.

    Cloves and cinnamonSorethroatandbloodsugarhelp A teamade out o cinnamon and clove powderand honey helps soothe a sore throat.Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar.Cloves also help with toothaches.

    Using some o the items we already havein our kitchens may help us with minorcomplaints, and save us time and money. Wecarry the above-mentioned items in organicorm and would enjoy the opportunity to helpguide you in any o the listed situations. Stickwith the natural cures and stay healthier!

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    Garlic relieves many ailments, including:intestinal problems, chest pains, epilepsy,leprosy, toothaches and wounds.

    Marcia K. Simler, CNHP (Certied Natural HealthPractitioner) owns Natural Health Works HolisticClinic and Natural Spa with oces in Verona and

    Monroe, Wis. She is a certied kinesiologist. Visit herWeb site at www.naturalhealthworksonline.com. e

    Monroe oce is located at W4745 Blumer Rd. Phone

    numbers for the Monroe oce are 800.753.16608.325.3209. e Verona oce is located aE. Verona Ave. Call 608.848.8378 or 877.753Natural Health Works oers therapeutic mashot-rock massages, emotional release masdetoxing foot baths and hand baths, and more

    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Everyone knows someone who, withgreat zeal, tends their lawn with theblind passion and steely determina-

    tion o an Olympic athlete set on winningthe gold. Outsiders dont understand thatthe American obsession with meticulously

    m a n i c u r e d ,lush greengrass oenstems roma nostalgicand romanticplace. A grass-

    stained kneeis as Ameri-can as applepie and the girl next door.

    Te idea o grass is hardwired in themodern American psyche rom word go:Bombarded with grassy tableaux imagesat every turn, rom childrens books tolaundry detergent advertisements, actualgrassy memories overlap with those craedby others; such that everyone can agreethat its wonderul to roll about in thick,cool grass; to stumble and all, ootballclutched to chest onto the soest terrainimaginable not a twig in sight on whichto scratch onesel; to lay on ones back withloved ones near, calling out cloud shapesoating high above as butteries and beesbusily dart about their days labors.

    Ah, lovely grass! It raises property valuesand, when impeccably tended, has the addedbonus o comorting those passing by with

    the knowledge that nature is under conall can eel sae and secure. Never mindhardly a day goes by without news oharmul eect or another to humans, inanimals and the environment, resulting the use o chemical ertilizers, pesticidesherbicides. When every blade o grass coand control is the goal, people justiymeans or the idealized end.

    Reality oen diers rom an ideal. oen, when the green veil is liedreality that the green spaces around aments, homes and oce building become sad reminders o a time thatpassed, a time when people werent so neighbors interacted socially and chilspent more time outdoors than indoorKEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE

    people will congregate, relax and pla

    When everyblade ofgrass counts.............................................................ByTinaLupiezowiec

    Everyone can agree that iwonderful to roll about in thic

    cool grass; to stumble and fafootball clutched to chest on

    the softest terrain imaginable

    22 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    green spaces is noble; controlling natureat any cost, is not. Te stakes dont haveto be high. Sustainable solutions abound.One growing trend in tur, pest anddisease management has been the transi-tion rom less eective and more harmulto the environment (and wallet) chemi-cal ertilizer and pesticide treatments,to the application o compost tea and/or

    straight-up compost.

    Compost not only ertilizes plants, it alsorebuilds soil microbiology and helps withweed and disease suppression. Researchinto the eects o compost teas on golcourse greens, or instance, has shownthat compost teas improve tur health andsuppress disease.1

    Long, long ago, an eccentric urban armeruttered words that still reso-

    nate to this day, One mans

    dandelion weed is another mans dandjelly. Quit being so romantic about grass and grow some owers or the or crying out loud!

    Toughtully made compost or comtea, applied correctly, is a viable optiotur management.

    Tina Lupiezowiec is an eccentric urban farmeowner of Goin Lupi, LLC. You can learn mo

    visiting her Web site at GoinLupi.com. Alsoher on Facebook: www.facebook.com/goin

    1) e Eects of Compost Tea on Golf CGreens Turf and Soil: Presidio Golf CSan Francisco CA

    2)e Wise Garden Encyclopedia, Harper Collins, New York, NY p. 984

    3) Sustainable Horticulture: Today and TomoRaymond P. Poincelot, 2004, Pearson EducInc, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. p.187

    4) Goin Lupi A-Z: Composting & UW-MaExtension: Master Composter Manual, Lesson Composting Process p. 19

    5)UW-Madison Extension: Master ComManual, Lesson 2, Slideshow Notes

    6) Brian Leudtk, UW-Stevens Point, UW SSolid Waste Research Program, May 2010.

    7) Vern Grubinger, UVM-Ext., Compost TeSuppress Plant Disease.

    Other resources: Compost Tea: Bando Org(Madison, WI), 608.255.1079, National Susta

    Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA); HLawns: Healthy Lawn Team (Madison, WI), H

    yLawnTeam.org, WI Pesticide Notifcation Rtry: 608.224.4616, NCAP Pesticide-ree SoluHotline: 800.218.2352.


    Gifts & Books

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    April Events

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    jewelry~ music ~ scarves

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    wide variety of crystals and stones

    Turf:The mat of grass plants [aka. sod], their interwoven roots, as wellas the entangled soil that forms the body of any stretch of lawn.2

    Decomposition:The breaking-down by microorganisms of plant andanimal residues.3

    Composting:Is the purposeful act of controlling nitrogen, carbon, air and water toquicken the biological decomposition of organic matter.4

    Compost:The byproduct of composting, compost is a valuable, nutrient-rich, humus-like material rich in organic matter and benecial soil microorganisms. It improves

    soil tilth (texture & feeling), drainage of clay soils and the water holding capacity ofsandier soils. It also improves soil nutrient retention and suppresses some soil-borneplant diseases.5

    CompostTea:Is an umbrella term referring to a nutrient and/or microorganism richsolution prepared by releasing compost nutrients and microbiology into solution.6Some people make compost tea to be the extract of compost made by suspend-ing compost in a barrel of water for a short period of time, usually in a burlap sack.The resulting liquid can then be applied as a soil or foliar fertilizer. To others, its notcompost tea until the extract is fermented or brewed usually with some type ofmicrobial nutrient source such as molasses, kelp, sh byproducts and/or humic acids.7

    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Red raspberry is a member o therose amily and is cultivated acrossthe United States. Some common

    names include Western Timbleberry,Black Raspberry and Red Raspberry. Mostspecies have similar medicinal value.

    Te berries, leaves and root bark canall be used therapeutically. Red rasp-berry leaves are a rich source o the

    minerals: iron, manganese, magnesiumand calcium. Tis herb also contains vita-mins A, C and some o the B-complex,and avonoids and tannins. Red rasp-

    berry lea is also rich in silicon, whichhelps strengthen bones, nails and teeth,and promotes healthy skin.

    Raspberry leaves are most renown asan excellent toner and astringent or theemale reproductive organs. In France, redraspberry leaves are considered a tonic orthe prostate gland.

    Red raspberry is considered an excel-lent herb or pregnancy. Red raspber-rys qualities include strengthening theuterine muscles, enriching early colos-trum in breast milk and easing labor. Redraspberry in combination with pepper-mint is used or alleviating morningsickness. Red raspberry is commonlyblended with some other emale tonicherbs and used in the last fve weeks opregnancy to acilitate an easier deliveryand quicker recovery.

    Red raspberry also normalizes menstrualow and relieves cramping, which makes

    it a good tonic or menstruating womDue to the large amount o manganered raspberry leaves, it can be helprelieve ringing in the ear. oo much

    raspberry can cause loose bowels.Raspberry leaves can be inused in

    water to make tea. Tis is done by pouone cup o boiling water over one orteaspoons o raspberry leaves and allowto steep or 15 minutes. Strain and dOther methods o preserving the leare by drying them and putting themcapsules or making them into a tinctu

    A quote rom the renowned Quherbalist, Henry Box: A tea made red raspberry leaves is the best gi ever gave to women.


    Red raspberry(Rubus idaeus)......................................................................ByCherylHosmer

    Cheryl Hosmer, naturopath, certied natural professional and certied biofeedback speciathe owner of Simply Herbs: Natures Way to H& Happiness. She oers whole health anquantum biofeedback, herbs and supplemessential oils, ear candling and aqua chi detobath. For more information, please visit her Wewww.simplyherbs.net or call her at 920.757.64

    References: From e Shepherds Purse - MBarlow; Planetary Herbology - Michael TierraC.N.H.P. Herbology Class - Philip Fritchey.

    Red raspberry leaves are a rich sourcof the minerals: iron, mangane

    magnesium and calcium

    24 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition



    NY TIMES OPINION COLUMNIST MARK BITTMANIsthmus Green Day and Food Fight Restaurant Group are pleased to host

    food industry expert Mark Bittman, renowned author of Food Matters,

    How to Cook Everything and several other healthy food oriented books.



    POPULAR DEMONSTRATIONS & DISPLAYSSee top local chefs with plenty of tasty samples, plus an upcycled fashion show, a gallery

    of art made from recycled materials, kid-friendly crafts and activities, and so much more...

    Saturday, April 21, 2012Monona Terrace Downtown Madison 9 am5 pm

    Back and better than ever, Madisons one-day sustainability expo returns in April.

    Discover how life can be healthier and happier for you, your hometown, and the whole planet.



    Speaker Mark Bittmanis a regular on

    NBCs Today show

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition



    Calories 270

    Total Fat 14g

    Total Carbohydrates

    Protein 22g

    Nutrition Facts (per serving):Prep Time: 15 minutesCook Time: 45 minutesServes 10





    3.Sautthemushrooms, onion,garlic,saltandpepperonthestoveforab


    4.Combineallthe ingredientsandpourintothepupastry.



    1 pupastry

    2 cupsmushrooms,sliced



    1cupfreshspinach, chopped

    3oz. reducedfatfeta



    Shana Conradt is co-founder, oper and nutrition specialis

    BeWellCooking.com. She is the aof Getting Fit With FoodHealthy Eating Recipes. She w

    founding partner of Ellipse Fitness/Ellipse Mament Company; the co-founder of Livewelland personal trainer for Kristin Steede, a conton Season 7 of NBCs e Biggest Loser. SConradt has been a tness instructor, weighconsultant, teacher, educator, counselorcompetitive athlete for more than 15 years.


    26 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    Where does the power to healreside? Are we healed by others,or do we heal ourselves?

    A third possibility begins to emergewhen we remember that were not as sepa-rate as we appear. While to our senseswere distinct packages wrapped in skin,in reality the worlds edges are soer andmore porous than that.

    For one thing, solid-seeming suracesare made o electrons ying through spacearound protons and neutrons, and tinyparticles readily pass through skin in eitherdirection. But theres a more signifcant

    orm o interconnection.Like all living beings, were flled and

    surrounded with electromagnetic energyfelds that contain inormation about ourphysical, mental and emotional states. Tisinormation silently and subtly radiatesrom us. Trough a process called entrain-ment, we catch each others moods, muchas an object vibrating at a certain requencycauses susceptible neighboring objects(like violin strings or crystal glasses) tovibrate at the same requency.

    Moods are not all thats catching; therequency at which a healthy organ or ahealing racture vibrates can be caughtrom the energy o a nearby hand or a suit-ably tuned machine. When this happens,the body recognizes and matches therequency o the nearby hand (or machine).

    Emotional healing can work the sameway. With experience and training, one cantune ones state o mind to match that o

    a person whos grieving or eeling stuck then model the way up and out, creatinga vibrational path that the other can in turnchoose to match.

    So whos doing the healing? Both peopletogether, and its possible because our ener-gies connect; like sound waves, they travelbetween us and inuence one another.

    I we wish to heal, either ourselves orothers, then, it makes sense to learn tomodulate our own energy. o that end,IBIA regularly oers Freeing the Powerto Heal: e Foundation Workshop (nextdates: April 21-22, 2012) as well as more

    advanced courses.Te introductory workshop includes

    centering and grounding while connectingwith each other, observing habitual energypatterns and releasing/surrenderingunwanted energy. Along with these prac-tices, it provides a ramework or continu-ing to discern and transorm previouslyunconscious aspects o the sel.

    Tis type o training is useul or every-one. Its benefcial eects ripple out wellbeyond the participants, since each onesenergy touches amily, riends, neighbors,clients, co-workers ... companion animals perhaps the entire earth, i ever so slightly.

    raining like this can reduce the uncon-scious violence we do each other when weallow a bad mood to uel our interactions.Oen we rationalize and justiy our actionsso we wont see what were really doing.

    My ather never gave us a beating we didntdeserve, writes Derrick Jensen with some

    irony in "A Language Older than WoHow many times are we harsh with otand then quick to excuse ourselves sowont eel bad?

    Te good news is that we have a chId like to urge each o us to continue doping awareness and reedom in relatioour own energy so that we can, collecttap into the power to heal.

    Leora Weitzman, PhD, LMT is an instructoadministrator at TIBIA (Transformation ~ Int~ Bodywork ~ In Action, tibiainc.com), whealso oers bodywork and intuitive sessions.

    The power

    to heal....................................................ByLeoraWeitzman,PhD,LMT

    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


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    Allergy season does not have to be a miserable time orthose suering rom seasonal allergies. Symptoms o itchy,watery eyes, sinus pressure, and stuy or runny noses are

    treatable with natural alternatives.raditional therapies or seasonal allergies include: over-the-

    counter medicines that can leave you eeling drowsy and oggy-headed; prescription medications that oen have the sameeect; and staying indoors.

    As the trees prepare to bloom and pollen flls the air, many are

    tempted to watch rom behind windows in order to avoid trigger-ing an allergic reaction. But, there are ways to enjoy the outdoorsduring spring!

    When staying indoors is no longer an option, seasonal allergysuerers can take comort in knowing that natural alternativesassist in eeling better without rustrating side eects. Preventionis ideal. Acupuncture and herbs are natural options or preventiono seasonal allergies.

    When the time or prevention has passed and treatment osymptoms is the primary concern, acupuncture provides a sae,natural alternative to traditional treatments.

    How does TCM view allergies?raditional Chinese Medicine (CM) looks at the entire person;taking all symptoms into account, in order to diagnose the patient.It bases treatment on individuals. Te treatment or a person havingproblems with a cough and dry, itchy eyes will be dierent rom thetreatment or a person with a phlegmy cough and watery eyes.

    What is root/branch treatment?Acupuncture and Chinese herb treatments are based on the CMsystem. It treats the symptoms frst, the branch o the problem.

    Te practitioner then treats the root o the problem. By ting the root o the problem, people suering rom allergiesachieve lasting results and reach the point o prevention.

    What is acupuncture?Acupuncture is the insertion o fne needles into the bodys

    at specifc points located on the meridians. Acupuncture ocon the movement and balancing o Qi in the body. For allerneedles are placed in points specifc to the symptoms the peis experiencing. For example, a fne needle is oen placed i20, located in the nasolabial groove, level with the midpoint olateral border o the ala nasi, to assist in draining the sinuses. Mpeople begin to eel relie by the end o their frst treatment.

    How can herbs help?Herbs suggested or allergies are dependent on the root oproblem as determined by the acupuncturist or doctor o orimedicine. Herbs support the body in healing and strengthethe Qi to prevent urther symptoms.

    When should I start?It is important to remember that seasonal allergies are best contrand prevented. So the sooner you receive acupuncture and hthe less you have to suer with seasonal allergy symptoms.

    Natural options

    for preventingseasonal allergiesYou dont need to hide indoorsto enjoy spring withoutseasonal allergy symptoms......................................................................ByNatashaFuller

    Natasha Fuller is an assistant to Dr. Zhou of Dr. Zhous Acupuncture,and Wellness Clinic in Madison. Dr. Zhou has successfully treated hundr

    patients suering from seasonal allergies in his more than 30 years of experPlease see our Web site at AcupunctureHerbalMD.com.

    28 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

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    April 2012 |Natures Pathways


  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition



    Mondays, 5-6 p.m.Piloxing (Pilates and Boxing!)with Becky PelnarPiloxing uniquely mixes Pilates and box-ing into a at torching and muscle-sculptingworkout guaranteed to whip you into shape.Experience the transormation as you attaina sleek, sexy and powerul sel-image. At thecore o Piloxing is the principle that eminineis powerul. Piloxing blends the power, speedand agility o boxing with the beautiul sculpt-ing and fexibility o Pilates. Add to that theun and sexy dance moves, and you haveyoursel a Piloxing class! The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Mondays, 6:15-7:15 p.m.,Wednesdays, 6:15-7:15 p.m.Hatha Yoga with Mary LautenDesigned to accommodate all levels o ex-perience and intensity, this Hatha Yoga classcombines mindul asanas, posture trainingwith an emphasis on alignment, breathing ex-

    ercises, meditation and relaxation techniques.Learn to release long-held tension patterns,build strength and fexibility and explore howa healthy body and a calm state o mind gohand in hand. The practice on the mat is justthe beginning; its what we can carry o themat that is transormative. The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Mondays, 7:30-8:15 p.m., Thursdays,5:00-5:45 p.m., Fridays, 5:00-5:45 p.m.Zumba with Becky PelnarZumba uses hypnotic Latin rhythms andeasy-to-ollow moves to create a one-o-a-

    kind tness program that will blow you away.The routines eature interval-training sessionswhere ast and slow rhythms and resistancetraining are combined to tone and sculpt yourbody while burning at. Add some Latin andHip Hop favor into the mix and youve got aZumba class! It is easy to stick with, and youwont want to stop when class is over, leav-ing you with the results you want! Ditch theWorkout. Join the Party! The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Tuesdays, 7:00-8:15 p.m.Vinyasa Flow Yoga

    with Laura FlanaganIncorporating both a Yin style o holdingposes along with Vinyasa (breath-synchro-nized movement), Vinyasa Yoga poses movesmoothly rom one to another and becomemuch like a dance. Emotional releasesand experiences are common in VinyasaFlow Yoga classes. The Chakra House, 330W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Thursdays, 7:15-8:30 p.m.Restorative Yamuna Yoga with Laura FlanaganThis class includes work with Yamuna Foot Wak-ers as well as work on both the large and smallYamuna ball (YBR). By releasing and elongatingmuscles and removing tension patterns that re-strict movement, you will experience proounddepth in asana in a restorative yoga practice. Thispromotes a deep eeling o relaxation. It is besti students have had some experience in YamunaBody Rolling, but not a requirement. Those whohave their own oot wakers and balls are encour-aged to bring them to class. The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Tuesdays, 4:45-5:45 p.m.Yoga for Every Body with Mary LautenI you think yoga is just or the young, strong andfexible, think again! The noncompetitive spirito Hatha Yoga or Every Body allows students topractice in a way that suits their own abilities andphysical characteristics. This low intensity class o-cuses on mindulness, breathing and proper body

    alignment as you are guided through poses thatcan be adapted or every body. Release tension,increase awareness, and improve strength andfexibility. Great or beginners! The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Saturdays, 9-10 a.m.Core Yoga with Mary LautenWith concentration on core strength andbody alignment, Core Flow Yoga bringsboth breath and movement into balancedenergy. With ocused direction, we movemindully with personal attention on breathand body awareness, taking yoga o the

    mat into the world. The Chakra House, 330W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Every frst & third Tuesday, 6:30-8:00 p.m.Meditation for Activists: Self-Realizationand Social TransformationBeth Wortzel & Jim Powell. The evening will bedivided between instruction in yoga meditation,presentation and discussion on such topics asdierentiating spirituality rom religious dogma,yoga ethics and socio-economic perspective,balancing responsibility to sel and to societyand a group meditation including kirtan/chant-ing and meditation. Beth and Jim have been

    practitioners and teachers in the tantra yogatradition since the early 1970s. Donation. CallMimosa at 608.256.5432 to register.

    Apr. 6 5-9 p.m.Absolutely Arts 7th BirthdayApril 1st is Absolutely Arts 7th Birthday! Wewill be celebrating on April 6th rom 5p-9p!We are partnering with the Madison ChildrensMuseum, Shabazz High School and OakwoodVillage to display a multigenerational show in

    Absolutely Art. We will also be displayinworks o Lapham Elementary School segraders in Ca Zoma. The works will be bsecond graders and it is their graduation sbeore they move to Marquette or 3-5th gWe are pleased to work with Sally Behr anamazing students.Also, in April our window will be ull o

    den bricks by Lowell Elementary School 45th graders. These bricks were inspired the bricks made last year or Hippo PThey are continuing to raise money or bing a library in Gahanna. We will be havclosing reception or Lowell Schools shoApril 27th rom 5:30p-7:30p.

    Sunday, Apr. 8 6-7 p.m.Aura Reading

    Jeremy Anacker. Come or an introductiAuras where inormation leads to personsight. Sensing the context o transormatiogins with really knowing yoursel as energseeing that this is at the heart o your wholexperience. Also get some great energy

    strategies that will help to change youyour whole lie. (note: Reiki Sharing othis event at 7:15.) Donation. Call Mimo608.256.5432 to register.

    Sunday, Apr. 8 6-8 p.m.Kirtan Chanting with John ArmsKirtan is an organic fow o call-and-respchanting o ancient mantras. This prao Musical Meditation helps still the mcalms the senses and allows all participregardless o age or spiritual backgroto share in the sacred space and re-conwith a deeper sense o well-being. Suged Donation: $10. The Chakra House,

    W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Tuesday, Apr. 10 6 p.m.-7 p.m.Wellness in Every Season: Spring Suppofor the Liver Willy St. Coop West

    Join Kelly Hora, M.Ac. o Bluestem Acupture and Katy Wallace, ND o Human Nto explore how to align yoursel with thergy o spring to experience optimal heIn Chinese medicine, we nd that the enin nature is expressed in our bodies andwe are most well when we resonate withenergy. The liver is the organ most relatspringtime. This program will ocus on

    and techniques to support and cleanse theand also explore the emotional and spimaniestations o spring such as clear vgrowth and fexibility in lie. Free. Pleasetact Coop member services to register.

    Friday, April 13 7-9:30 p.m.Group Gallery Reading with AkeeyaAn evening/gallery with Akeeya includes ing o her adventures with the other scommunicating with the other side, hu

    30 Natures Pathways| April 2012 www.naturespathwa

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    insight and Divine Guidance. Some who at-tend are spectators, some are participants, allwill partake o Spiritual tapas. Every evening/gallery is unique and topped with ***glitter andfash***. Private sessions are also available. $40per person or $35 each or groups o 2 or more.Call Mimosa at 608.256.5432 to register.

    Saturday, Apr. 14 3-5 p.m.Essence Collage Workshop: A Vision Boardwith a Twist with Heather EwingChange can be instantaneous. Who are you?What is your git? Take a powerul soul journeyconnecting to the divine within. Discover themagic your Essence Collage is sharing with you!Think o a Vision Board with a twist. All suppliesare provided. Fee: $59 ($49 when you bring ariend). Please pre-register. The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Sunday, Apr. 15 10:30-4:30 p.m.Painting from the Heart with Bettina Madini

    Join us or a ull day dedicated to creativity,

    exploration and discovery. Bettina Madini isa visionary painter and receives her art workand guidance as inspirations rom within. Inthis workshop we will be connecting with thehigher heart and paint/create rom this sacredplace. No artistic background is required orthe class. Connect with your Creative Spirit,experience the opening o your heart to all theunlimited possibilities lie oers. Nurture yourdreams and learn about watercolor and how toapproach a new, empty sheet o paper (or a newterritory within yoursel and your lie?). Fee:$120. Please pre-register. The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Sunday, Apr. 15 11 a.m.-1 p.m.MeetUp: Living the Law of Attraction:Mind, Body & SpiritPlease join us to welcome Mary Anne, authoro Rise Above the Sh**! Her topic is: Are YouFollowing Your Dream? Why Not? Our groupis made up o kindred spirits who are inter-ested in practicing The Law o Attraction in theMadison area, in an eort to consciously co-create anything and everything that we desire.Our emphasis is on the Abraham-Hicks mate-rial, although other sources are also explored.Our practice includes tools such as books,DVDs, CDs, games, meditation and anything

    else we choose to experience. To register, con-tact Heidi Kelley, The Intuitive Realtor/Healer,608.575.4183, www.meetup.com/madisonse-cretsociety/, [email protected]. Location:Keller Williams Realty, 3 Point Pl., Madison.The oce is at the end o the drive on the let.Follow sign to conerence room.

    Wednesday, Apr. 18 6 p.m.-7 p.m.Wellness in Every Season: Spring Supportfor the Liver Willy St. Coop East

    Join Kelly Hora, M.Ac. o Bluestem Acupunc-ture and Katy Wallace, ND o Human Natureto explore how to align yoursel with the en-ergy o spring to experience optimal health.In Chinese medicine, we nd that the energyin nature is expressed in our bodies and thatwe are most well when we resonate with thatenergy. The liver is the organ most related tospringtime. This program will ocus on oodsand techniques to support and cleanse the liverand also explore the emotional and spiritualmaniestations o spring such as clear vision,growth and fexibility in lie. Free. Please con-tact Coop member services to register.

    Saturday & Sunday, Apr. 21 & 22 9 a.m.-6 p.m.Freeing the Power to Heal: The FoundationWorkshopIn this class, we begin to recognize and releasewhat stands between us and ull access to heal-ing or ourselves and those around us. We dis-tinguish between our automatic deense mecha-nisms that we have previously thought o as ourSelves, and the authentic Sel rom which ev-

    erything unolds naturally, with grace and ease.Fee: $300 each, $250 when 2 or more registertogether. TIBIA, Inc. 6225 University Ave., Mad-ison, 608.238.7378, www.tibiainc.com.

    Saturday, Apr. 21 - 10:15-11:45 a.m.Chakra Tai Chi & Guided Meditation withChristina Wilke-BurbachClear, balance, align and harmonize yourchakras with the energy o the upcoming ull ornew moon. Chakra Tai Chi is a orm o movingmeditation in which you cultivate the energyo your chakras, the earth and the heavens.You will be lead through a powerul ChakraTai Chi routine that allows you to experience

    and have a deeper awareness o your chakras.A chakra guided meditation and brie discus-sion will ollow. Each month ocuses on a di-erent chakra; covering a total o 12 Chakras.No experience is required and Tai Chi is greator any activity level. The ocus, ormat andmeditation change slightly rom month tomonth. This is a regularly scheduled class thatyou can attend every month. You do not needto attend every class though it is highly encour-aged. You can begin the series at any time. Fee:$15. Please pre-register. The Chakra House,330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6128,www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Saturday, Apr. 21 12:30-5 p.m.How to Balance Your Chakras with Chris-tina Wilke-BurbachThe chakras are energy centers in our bodyand openings or lie energy to fow into, out oand through our aura and bioenergy eld. Eachchakra is associated with certain physical, men-tal, emotional and spiritual interactions. Lowenergy or blocked energy in a chakra (or theentire system) can lead to disharmony, disease,maladaptive patterns, stress and/or atigue.

    Learn over 14 techniques to clear, baand align your own chakras AND the cho others. Techniques include acupressurfexology, crystals, aromatherapy, sound, yoga, meditation, tai chi and more. Webe practicing all techniques hands on! $75. Please pre-register. The Chakra H330 W. Lakeside St., Madison, 608.237.6www.thechakrahouse.com.

    Absolutely Art.............................................Assurance Blood Health Support ............Best Cleaners o Madison ...........................BeWellCooking.com ..................................Blue Sky School o Massage .......................Burnies Rock Shop ....................................Capital Hypnosis ........................................Creating a Peaceul World ..........................Dr. Zhou's Acupuncture Clinic...................East-West Healing Arts Institute ..................Full Potential Chiropractic ..........................Global Association o Holistic PsychotherapyGoin Lupi ..................................................Great American Chimney & Masonry ........Gymnity ...................................................Human Nature ...........................................Isthmus Green Day 2012 ...........................

    Jockey Person to Person .............................MaRiLa Veterinary Clinic............................Midwest Accounting Services.....................Midwest Macrobiotics ................................Mimosa Books & Gits ...............................Natural Health Works ................................Peaceul Heart Gits & Books .....................Sacred Rhythms .........................................The Chakra House ......................................The Intuitive Realtor/Healer ........................The Silly Yak Bakery ....................................TIBIA ..........................................................


    Advertise your event in th


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    $20 per entry(advertisers)

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  • 8/2/2019 Nature's Pathways Apr 2012 Issue - South Central WI Edition


    communityRESOURCEguide Our community partners in the natural healthand green-living revolution


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    At Mimosa we are dedicated toembracing the global diversity owisdom and belie. Mimosa is oneo State Streets
