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Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka

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  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    VodafoneMade By:

    Naveen Manwani51

    Yash Shekhawat31

    Prianka Ohri12

    Anandita Ray10

    Arpan Soni

    British Cultural Influence on the working of


  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Introduction to Vodafone

    Vodafone was formed in 1984 as a subsidiary ofRacal Electronics Plc. Then known as Racal

    Telecom Limited, approximately 20% of thecompany's capital was offered to the public in

    October 1988. It was fully demerged from RacalElectronics Plc and became an independentcompany in September 1991, at which time itchanged its name to Vodafone Group Plc.

    Took over Hutch in India for $11.1bn in 2005.

    Since then catering customers demand in India

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka



    The marketing mix is a combination of manyfeatures that can be represented by the four Ps.

    product - features and benefits of a good orservice

    place - where the good or service can be bought

    price - the cost of a good or service

    promotion - how customers are made aware of agood or service.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka



    Vodafone has always laid emphasis on product innovation anduniqueness.

    The logo of Vodafone contains a quotation mark with a circle witho in the Vodafone logotype being the opening and closingquotation marks suggesting conversation. Its logo is a truerepresentation of the belief The start of a new conversation, a

    trigger, a catalyst, a mark of true pioneering Vodafone was the first to introduce international roaming call in

    the world. It also 1st introduced commercial roaming GPRS service as it

    understood the changing cultural trends of the customers. When launched in India Vodafone mainly segmented on the

    middle class section of the society and came up with the conceptof Chota Recharge

    Indian culture was sensitive about exploitation of animals and soVodafone redesigned its successful add campaign of the pug

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    As the problem of deforestation is increasing and there isurgent need for conservation of trees, Vodafone hasintroduced online billing system for its customers

    As the concept of Globalization is on the verge Vodafonehas come up with features that provides customers with

    opportunities to chat, play games, send and receivepictures, change ring tones, receive information abouttravel and sporting events, obtain billing information - andsoon view video clips and send video messages throughlatest 3G bandwidth at ultra high speed.

    Vodafone live! provides on-the-move information services.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    PRICE Pricing is one of the most important elements of the marketing mix, as it

    is the only mix, which generates a turnover for the organization . It costs to produce and design a product, it costs to distribute a product

    and costs to promote it.

    An organization can adopt a number of pricing strategies. The pricingstrategies are based much on what objectives the company has set itselfto achieve.

    Penetration pricing Skimming pricing

    Competition pricing

    Product Line Pricing

    Bundle Pricing

    Psychological pricing

    Premium pricing Optional pricing

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    CULTURE Cultural factors have a significant impact on customer


    Culture is the most basic cause of a persons wants andbehaviour. Growing up, children learn basic values,perception and wants from the family and other importantgroups.

    Marketing is always trying to spot cultural shifts whichmight point to new products that might be wanted bycustomers or to increased demand.

    Operators must attempt to extract the full revenue potential of each service

    while taking account of a wide variety of factors, including affordability forend-users, the unique capacity and cost limitations of cellular technology,and the ability to differentiate from competitors:

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    UK women use mobile phones chiefly to communicate with people they

    know via voice, text and picture messaging. Men are more likely to own aSmartphone and to use its advanced features, such as Web access, e-mailand downloading capability.

    Women's online habits diverged somewhat from those of men. Femaleswere, on average, more drawn to social engagement; content and servicesfocused on friends, family and the interests they shared; and, thanks totheir role as chief household shopper, bargain hunting. I

    Vodafone has begun offering new fees and features to stir demand formobile Internet usage as there are currently a total of 7.4 million mobileinternet users in the UK.

    Pay as you go Plans.-PAYG

    Small businesses -Cheapside business and store efforts- Vodafone's moveto offer a dedicated service to the local business community will help toensure that businesses get the most out of their communications needs forthe best possible value on the UK's best network.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka



    Vodafone in India Includes: Launch of India Pack on its Vodafone Alert SMS service to commemorate

    the 62nd Independence Day. aimed at helping subscribers get informationon the History of Indian independence, culture, geography and people ofIndia. # from their mobile, Rs 30 as monthly charges

    Diwali promotion for its customers across India*. This Diwali, 500 luckycustomers will win a package of Dulux to paint their homes as a part of

    this unique promotional scheme! Other schemes include the chota recharge option and low tariff

    Unlimited SMS plans Launch of Rs 52 Bonus Card that allows its prepaid customers in Mumbai

    to make Local and STD calls to Vodafone numbers @ 1p/sec. Calls to otherphones (mobile or landline) across networks, anywhere in India, will becharged @1.2 p/sec

    These are all in line with the usage patterns and the patriotic,religious and cultural bent of the Indian society

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Place- The difference betweenIndia and UK

    In India the vodafoneaccessories or cardsare available throughvarious Voda stores as

    well as local stores.But in the UK it is onlyavailable at the Vodastores.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Place- The difference betweenIndia and UK (contd)

    During bill paymentVodafone in Indiastresses on payment inVoda stores ordropping cheques inVodafone Drop Boxesbut in the UK it stressesmore on onlinepayment of bills.

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    Place- The difference betweenIndia and UK (contd.)

    In India Vodafone follows selectivedistribution whereas in the UKVodafone follows Exclusive

    Distribution. In India suitable sellersstock the product while in the UKonly authorized dealers are allowed

    to sell the product.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Advertising Campaigns

    Global Communication Campaign

    Vodafone's 'big idea' campaign

    Vodafone Guerrilla Marketing - Desk Car

    Zoozoo Another Example of Vodafones Guerrilla


    Brand Ambassador

    Vodafones contribution to Corporate SocialResposibility.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Desk car campaignIn England to promote 3Gservices Vodafone have usedthese interesting desk cars. This car traveled aroundLondon traffic to show

    Londoners 3G experience in avery surprising way.

    This is part of there innovativeculturewhere as in Indiathey have introduced many

    new services such as chotarecharge, caller tune card etc.

    Their innovative revolvesaround the customers needsand expectations.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Vodafone launched commutercampaign

    This campaign was started byVodafone to promote the power ofaccessing the internet via themobile in UK.

    Where in India it associated itself with the IPL, where people coulddownload various videos and pictures of the matches andpresentation ceremony. As part a part of this campaign Vodafone setitself a challenge to set up a customers freemail account, such as Yahoo Mail, Google Mailor MSN, on their phone (Vodafone devises) inless than two minutes.And to its Indian counterpart It decided tomake its network connectivity no. after takingover hutch it increased it no. of mobile towerstwo fold with an objective to over take Airtel.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    ZOOZOO The innocence and simplicity which exuberatedthrough the ZooZoo was something whicheveryone looks for in their lives. The ZooZoosthrough their extreme expressions made theconsumers relive it. If you are sad, watch ZooZoo;if you are not well, watch ZooZoo, if you feellonely, watch ZooZoo- this was how ZooZoo creptinto the minds and hearts of the consumers.

    This strategy of Vodafone represent twocharacteristic of its culture organizational as wellas countrys..Organizational: giving the people what theyhave been always looking for in the best possibleway, in a way that would leave an impression on

    there mind.Country's: British are against the animalexploitation thus despite the PUG campaign was asuper hit among the Indian consumer and helped

    the dog itself they dropped it after PETA raised anobjection relating the animal exploitation.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Vodafone celebrate festivials withits customer

    Vodafone has been announcing variousoffers during Diwali festival..Paint your house

    Free talk time up to 1lakhFor UK customers of Indian origin specialrates on Diwali for calling India.On Christmas and other religiouscelebrations it offers similar options to itscustomers to show that it is passionate

    about its customers belief and ethnicityIt believes in building a brand withpassion because prices and technologycannot make much difference these daysbut the brand always stands out.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    A different aspect of Vodafone:CHARITY

    World of difference

    Till date Vodafone has sponsored more than 700 people towork for charity of there choice for two months.

    Vodafone charity foundation has presence around 23nations and have been working very efficiently to provideto the needy people.It also helps various NGOs to promote themselves duringDelhi Half Marathon it provided them free publicity space.

    It has contribute a lot for Haiti disaster.This is an ongoing mission parallel to it parent organizationVodafone group.

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Cultural Influence onVodafones Sponsorships

    English people love sports and adventure and it can be wellobserved in the sponsorship policy of Vodafone.

    As a winner itself in its own line of business, Vodafone sees goodsense in being associated with other winners, and being involvedin aspirational activities which excite the public.

    The company believes that its sponsees act as ambassadors for theVodafone brand, saying to the world this brand is all aboutbeing dependable, empathetic, innovative, can do and fullof vitality and life.

    It has established tangible links between the products and servicesit offers and the organization it sponsor Its European sponsorships

    Vodafone McLaren Mercedes

    England cricket team

    UAFA Champions League

    David Beckham

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    There has been always some deviation in its sponsorship policywhen it enter into a new country. Indian sponsorship was a bitdifferent initially. Indian audience are more attracted towardsBollywood celebrities and various household sops, It went for the TV channels rather then going for a sports event directly to

    make its presence felt. Vodafone collaborated with STAR channel, the leading television

    network in India, to launch a massive 24-hour nationwiderebranding campaign.

    Vodafone used all of the commercial airtime across the STAR

    India network from 9p.m. on 20th

    September, 2007 to 9p.m. on21th September, 2007 to run TV commercials.

    Vodafone along with Coke became the Platinum sponsor for the9XM with there name being flashed everywhere as it wanted tomake a widespread awareness in the country.

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  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Star studded field for VodafoneDelhi half marathon

    Soon after the take over of vodafone over hutch it sponsored vodafonedelhi half marathon.

    Film actors and corporate majors like yana gupta,Nafisa Ali, Ajay Bijli ofPVR cenimas group, HSBS, DELL, TV 18 took part.

    To built an alligience between the preference of the indian customerand it generic strategy for sponsorship it has made a perfect mix.

    It was into deals with television network as they helped it to reach tomasses where as its theme was always sporty

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    A comparative analysis

    European sponsorship policy(parent region) Choosing the best ambassador- David Backhem. Sponsors the McLaren F1 team Various other local sporting teams

    Indian sponsorship policy Allegiance between customer taste its generic

    policy Sponsoring major sporting event IPL

    Australian policy Sponsors AFL Sponsor to the V8 supercar racing Also sponsor many programs in MTV

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Consumer Behavior ofVodafone in home region-U.K

    The consumers in U.K go for

    pay monthly plans- 12 months, 24 monthswith phone as company has collaboration

    with companies like Blackberry. Pay monthly plans- only sim

    Pay as you go plan

    Not many vouchers and value addedservices

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka


    Consumer Behavior ofVodafone in India

    The consumers in India go for

    More of value added services

    Only sim as there is no such installment

    system on purchase of phones. Easy recharge vouchers

    More of prepaid connections

  • 8/14/2019 Naveen Manwani 51 Yash Shekhawat 31 Prianka



    As per the strategy of the Vodafoneand its generic strategy defined byits culture the consumer behaviour of

    two countries can be distinguished. As they define the business activity of

    the company.

    They both have some similarity as bothhave a long history together.
