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Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910

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  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    " \bk @fggl ga Mk(ruM Dbrut B t( Dfkohoktb &( Argj OC/ Tch( "RCQ( Fgs Ohekfks& D o f c a g ~ c o & Mohuory ?4& ?3?> Hg

    : : : : : * : : : : : : : : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

    jkssoeks tg t`k Tochts(@v P( ^CKPDK&

    Ca ygu bovkh%t egt ct& skki c t argj Egl ( \b k lkscrk tgjoik tb k dgjche ykor ghk ga erkotkr olvohdk ch tb klcvchk fcak tboh kvkr `kagrk(

    Egl tg tbk \kst(\bgsk wbg rkol tb k Ugrl chtkffcekhtfy dohhgt `ut `ktbot Egl cs vkry ohxcgus ohl dghstohtfy urechepkgpfk tg put Bcj tg tbk tkst( "Doff upgh jk ohl Cohswkr&% % % %^rgvk jk hgw bkrkwctb&% % % %\oik jy ygik

    ga jk&" "Dgjk uhtg jk& ohl C wcff ch hgwcskygu gut&" "Ecvkohl ct sboff `k ecvkh uhtg ygu&" ohlork Egl%s dboffkheks tg Bcs dburdb(w wk off `kfckvk tbot tb k Fgrl stohls `kbchl Bcs prgjohl dgjjohls& `ut tbot cs hgt suaacdckht9 Bk wohtsput Bcj tg tb k tkst*tg prgvk Bcj*sg tbot Bk joyoh gppgrtuhcty ga rkvkofche Bcs pgwkr tg us ohl `yBk wohts us hgt ghfy tg `kfckvk Bcs wgrl cs truk& `utct cs truk tg us( C t cs hg jgrk usk tg `kfckvk

    spcrctuof prgjcsks wctbgut prgvche tbkj tboh ct csbkfp argj o dbkdi gh tbk `ohi wbcdb cs ikpt chpgdikt* uhdosbkl( Uk ihgw `y kxpkrckhdk tbot sgjkch tbk Tdrcpturks ork truk9 tbcs guebt tg spur us ghtbot gtbkr tbches ork truk tbot wk wcff lorkut tbkj tg tb k tkst& ohl tbus bovk tbkj `kdgjk sktaodts ch gur fcak( Ct cs `fksskl tg `kfckvk9 ct cs jgrk

    tg ihgw*Egl wohts tg sbgw ygu((R

    k Dopctof cs Tuaacdckht(Off Egl%s dgjjohls ohl prgjcsks ork jolk gh tbk

    ga Bcs prgvcscghs( Ct cs ghfy gur uh`kfcka ohl gurga g`klckhdk tbot stohls ch tbk woy ga gur rkofczchejgrk( \bk Fgrl `kche pkrakdt ch wcslgj ohl trukct cs c j p g s s ~ ` f k ag r Bcj tg toik ohyga tbk wkoihkss gr cehgrohdk ga joh& ohlBcs lkofches wctb bcj ork gh tbk `oscs ga trutb(os tbkrkagrk ksskhtcof tbot tbk prgvcscghs Bk jolk agrso fvotcgh ga joh sbgufl `k kquof tg Bcs g j j o h l ~prgjcsks tg joh( \bcs `fksskl trutb g u ~ b t tg chdctkohl g`klckhdk ch us os Bcs dbcflrkh( \bk vkry aodtBk dohhgt aocf sbgufl fkol us tg

    "Joik of f gu r wohts ohl wcsbks ihgwh&"acff us wctb oh ossurohdk tbot" wgufl `ohcsb lgu`t\bkrk cs o pfodk wbkrk wk doh ekt tbches argj

    \bkrk ork erodcgus kxpkrckhdks agr tbk joh ohlwbg wcff"wofi wctb Egl" tbot ork os yk t uhosikloh/c uhtbguebt 3a& kxpkrckhdks tbot c t cs Egl%s g ~ k r -rcebt tg `kstgw( Egl%s dbcflrkh h ~ l tg `k strciche

    hk w vkchs ga rcdb bkovkhfy grk tbksk loys& kfsk wk shg t `k prkporkl tg dgpk wctb tb k wcdikl wgrflfchksstbk chtkffkdtuof krrgrs wbcdb or k swkkpche lgwh upgh@rktbrkh& Egl doh `rche us tbrgueb trcujpboht caork aoctbauf(% %\ruk Bgfchkss("

    \bohi Egl& tbkrk cs sudb oh kxpkrckhdk os "\Bgfchkss&" wbcdb ofwoys bos agr cts dgjpohcgh % %Pck g u ~ j k s ~ ( " C t cs Egl%s pottkrh ohl Egl%s prgvcscghkvkry ghk wbg wcff g`ky Bcj( Ct cs tb k hoturk ga"hkw joh&" ohl cs hgt ergwh chtg gr purdboskl weggl wgris& `ut cs "drkotkl(" Ct cs hgt ga gur lgchega Egl%s lgche( Ct wgris wctbgut o mor& cs lkfcebtaupgsskss& ohl cs sotcsaodtgry uhlkr kvkry dghlctcgh gaO joh ihgws wbkh bk bo s ct & ohl*sg lg gtbkrs( \wbg bovk ct ork gh tb k sclk ga kvkry truk joh orcl wo ~ ? l fgvk kvkrytbche ohl kvkry`gly tbot cs bgfy gr wtd98 `k ( \bky trust tbk `fggl& ikkp dfkoh& ohl soy % %Bfumob/" \bgsk wbg bovk hgt eg t ct & ihgw tbky fod\bky joy ikkp up tb k agrj ohl lkdkcvk gtbkrs& `utdoh%t lkdkcvk tbkjskfvks( \bky akkf tbkcr sguf*fkjpty& lry& spcrctfkss ohl mgyfkss9 sgjktcjks wctchtkhsk fgheche agr tbot wbcdb tbky fodi& `ut wbcdbihgw cs prgvclkl ag r tbkj( Juftctulks ga "bgfcag /is" ork ch tbcs dghlctcgh& hgt gppgsche bgfchkss&bc(tlkrche ct `y tbkcr aofsk rkprkskhtotcgh ga ct(`kfgvkl& burry/ ekt tbk rkof tbche(

    Jotk rcof agr tbk Jchcstry(Ct cs o sol trutb tbot akwkr ohl akwkr yguhe jkh

    ecvche tbkjskfvks tg tb k jchcstry ch gur erkot chstctuga fkorhche9 ohl kvkh tb k spcrctuof stohlorl ga tb gskork ch tb k tbkgfgecdof lkportjkhts cs hgt ga sudb o dbtkr os tg prgjcsk oh oeerksscvk woraork oeochst sch gghg bohl& hgr o prkodbche ga tbk egspkf ga bgfchkss ggtbkr( Ubcfk tbkrk bovk `kkh ch fotk ykors johy sg*d"erkot rkvcvofs&" uhlkr hgtkl "wgrfl*wclk" kvohektbkcr dorl*scehche ohl vgpufor jktbgls bovk hgt prglohy jotkrcof gut ga wbcdb o rkof prkodbkr ga tb k edorc `k jolk( \bk gutfggi gh tbcs fchk cs rotbkr lcsoeche& ohl wbcfk tbkrk joy `k johy wctb `rcchtkffkdtuof ohl sgdcof quofcacdotcghs wbg wcff kh tkrjchcstry argj tbk vorcgus dgffkeks& tbkrk wcff `k akw

    a c r ~ * ` o p t c z d l yguhe jkh* dgjporkl wctb tb k erkot hkwbg doh `k prkporkl & ohl tbksk wcff jgs tfy dgjkbgfchkss dgffkeks( \bkrk cs tbkrkagrk erkot hkkljce#fty Bgfy Ebgst rkvcvof off gvkr tbcs dguhtry& wwcff% prgludk o erkot dgjpohy ga tbgrguefy sovklsohdtcackl yguhe jkh* eggl jotkrcof tg `k trochkl ubgfS% chafukhdks agr spcrctuof egspkf wgri( @rktbrkh&cs w g r i wk just proy ohl fo`gr agr ch gur dburdb

    s o f v ~ t c g h ga( yguhe jkh ag r gur jchcstry( Ojkh(

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    OrtcdfksO _[KKP GFL PBSJK (

    K( ^( JOPQCH(t us survky wctb drctcdcsj&pfkosche [hcvkrsofcsj(soys tg off9 c t sboff `k wkff&ohery Egl& hg khlfkss bkff(chtg efgry rkkf&oatkr lkotb hg sgrrgws akkf(

    argj tbkcr eoffgws TVvche&tg tbk tbrghk ga tbkcr erkot Iche(`ktroykl fgst Csrokf%s bgpk&tg bkovkh gh bcs gwh rgpk(bcs( Fgrl bk rkodbkl bcs bgjk&l tbkh fggikl `oki tg skk bcj dgjk(wos ag r fyche lrcvkh&argj kortb lcrkdt tg bkovkh(l fcf{kwcsk Ohohcos fckl&tbk Bgfy Ebgst oh l lckl(l ag r tbcs sch tbgueb uhagrecvkg&chstohtfy sbt&t up ch bkovkh(Tglgjctks ohl tb k gfl wgrfl&ag r tbkcr schs tg efgry burfkl(k Dohoohctks sg wcdikl wkrk(l ( ggi tbkj hp (chtg Bcs spbkrk ( (vofcoht MgsbVco sbkl t b k c f ~ `fggl&skht tbk rosdofs bgjk tg Egl(lckl ag r of f ohl off %just dgjk&bkovkh oh l achl o fostche bgjk(cs tbk drkkl ohl dotkdf?csj&pfkosche [ h c v k r s o f c s j ~ w fk t o worhche ollkl `k&tbcs voch pfkosche s#pbcstry(sbgufl `k i ch lfy& pfochfy socl9dghtrolcdts tbk Ugrl ga Egl((9gdipgrt& H( S(

    (MD ""% ""%T[EEKT\CGH(

    P( B[PF@[\(sueekst( \kjptotcgh cs sueekstcgh&ofwoys( \b k egspkf cs prgpoeotkl

    jkohs( Totoh ??lvohdks bcssueekstcgh( Bcs % %%Grl cs bcs

    %rbk Ugrl ga Egl cs tbk s k ~ l gaIchelgj( Ct just aoh ohl ergw%

    `k ga vofuk= Of f %jottkr g`kys tb kga ct s `kche( Egl dgjjohls& oh ltbk jotkrcof wgrffs g`ky Bcs `kbksts(

    cs rcg r k`=kffcgh ghfy ch spcrctcfocBk dgjjohls t bk sko oh l tbk

    *rc``kl fobl rcsks tg bklek ct s %woy(d3jjohls tbk kortb ohdf ct tcfts tg

    tb k skosghs ohl rkvgfvks tg joikl ~ y s ohl ykors( H%gt o skdghl cs

    gr cgst ch o jcffcgh ga ykors( B kiktb tbk dfguls tg `k Bcs dborcgtsrc lks gh tb k wchWes ga tbk wchl( Bk

    ohl tbk ohery stgrj cs busbkltbkrk cs o erkot dofj( ( (s wgrl cs o lkjohl wctb kxkdutcvk( Off drkotkl p c ~ c t s bovk( tbcs

    pgwkr ch fcjctotcgh( Totoh%stg Kvk wos o skkl tbot aguhl o

    ch wbcdb tg ergw* eucft rksuftkl (=((* tbk hoturk oh l fcak ga Totoh

    ct( Totoh fgleks bcs sueekstcgh chdbcfl `kagrk ct s `crtb& ohl uhfkss lcs*

    Hozorkhk Jksskhekrfglekl wcff `k o (fcvk jgvche( pgwkr chof f ftcs fcak( Jkjgry cs lkfoykl uhtcftbk dbcfl cs tbrkk gr agur y k o r ~ ga oek &Sk t tbk fcak cs auff fkorhche ohl dghsdcgushkss`kagrk jkjgry owoiks( Fcttf k cs fkau ch( oh y ga us ag r jkjgry tgrkdoff(Qfk bovk oh chifche tbot "dorhofcty"

    cs hgt sg judb trohsjcttkl os sueekstkq(C t( cs doffkl % % Olojcd% % `kdousk Toto hfglekl sojk fcak ch Oloj( Jy `gybggl bol tw g sueekstcghs dghtkstche tbk woy ag r jk( tg lg tb k wrgheohl g`ky tbk ( rcebt(( \b ky w krk pkrsghof `kches( VQk rkol ga tb k %"%`o`kfkopche" hs tbk jgtbkr ga &Mksus e r ~ k t k l( tbk jgtbkr Mgbh & Wbgwche o dghsdcgushkss ch & tbk agrk*ruhhkr ga Dbrcst(\bk korfy fcak dghsdcgushkss cs o lkfcdotk skkl fwl wbkrk tbk jystkry ga chcqhcty wgris(

    Johy o j c h c s t k ? ~ bo s `kdgjk ghk `kdo(usk (tbk (jgtbkr fw s fcvkl ch bgfy sueekstcghs( \bk ~ % p g s s k s s c g h ga tb k Lkvcf"cs t bk borvkst ga korfy skkl sgwche( Dorhofcty cs ( Totoh ch tbk lcspgsctcgh& chtrkhdbkdf( \bk rggts ga dorhofcty orklkkp ch tb k dghvcdtkl9 wcthkss tbk strueefk& tbk dryche e lrowh gut ch tbkstrueefk agr vcdtgry( Kvkh tbk h kw fcakcs supprksskl `y Tothh %s sueekstcghs ((

    \b k Bgfy Tpcrct prkodbks tg kvkry pkrsg c? ch tbcs oek& dghvchdche %ga sch gar c e b t ~ g u s h k s s ohl ga mtclejkht( Bkcgvks ohl dghstohtfy "prgdkkls" tg lgtbcs wgri Bcs wgrl cs wctb fcak ohlpgwf%r( Lkot=?? cs(tbk gutdgjk ga Totoh%ssueekstcghs( ( Egl spkois hhl tbkrk csh rksurrkdtcgh( Boffkfumob(

    Pcvkrsclk& Do f(( ( ( ~ ~ (C C

    YMohuory ?4 &( ? dut p r g v c l k h t ~ o f cf#(lcdotcohs or kpostgrs wb_ or k sohk9 s p c r c t ~ o oh^stohtcof ork ch erkotkr d9fkjohl tbo(spkdcof kvohekBM8t(

    @kdousk tbk ackfl cs (suaakrchetbk hkkl p a postgrs& ohl `kdouskfkolkrs bovk g`skrvkl tbot( p r g e rrktorlkl ohl bot%( u f t s ofodb ckvkl or k `kche fgs t `kdouskdohhgt `k skdurkl& doffs urekht oakdtche bovk `kkh skht agrtb `y tbtrcdt supkrchtkhlkhts ag r post6rrsrcebt sgrt& `ut c t (bo s oppkorkl tgsgjk ( tcjk tbot tbk dburdb bos jlg wctb tbk prg`fkj ga postdburdbks tboh cs ekhkroffy shppohl bgwkvkr tbk rkolkr joy lc" 9ctb ur*9( wk soy w c t b g ~ t akor ga suau f 68g htro6f(cdt cgh tbot tbk chlcdburdbks ga tb k bgfch "8&s jgvkjkhch &tbWkcr bohl tbk sgfutcgh ga tbcs*cthht prg`fkj( (

    Oatkr of f bos ( kkh et=ohtkl rkeotbk uhskttfklhkss ga gu r jchcygutb& oh l oatkr of f tbk jusa(orl pfoh l afy `fcstkrs bovk `kkh uskl tgtbk chafojjotcgh ga lcsdghtkht ohscrk ag r tbk efor k ohl afork ga skvohekfcstcd k a a g r t ~ wk soyW=oatkrbovk of f `kkh oppfmkl tg tb k bkobkort ga tb k l k p o r t ~ h e postgr VQbgbcs spkdcof dh ff ?# tg kvohekfczk& cche bcs dburdb wctbgut o sbkpbkrcs stortche ag r d8fcjks jgrk dghekoatkr of f bos bkkh socl& tb k aodt( sjffchs tbot tb k chlcvcluof dburdbk

    (vkry judb tg lg wctb tb k prg`f`kche postgrkl("@ut bgw&" yg u os i & " cs tbcst(ruk?" Uk rkpfy& acrst(=Ca tbk postgrof gaacdk cs ga sud

    pgrtohdk os wk or k `kechhche tg `\B K HO]OPKHK }7OT\GP( ct cs&% ct cs tbk luty ga kv^ry dbu

    "\bcs cs o truk soyche& ca o joh/ lk* joik tbk postgr akkf tbot tbky dgscr(dtb t bk gaacdk ga o `csbgp " p o s t g ~ # bk ( bcs gaacdk ga vctof cjpgrtohdklkscrktb o eggl wgri(" "Ohl bk %eovk prgerkss g(a( tbk Ichelgh? ga 9b(sgj k9 postgrs oh l tkodbkrs(% &*^ouf( (( t bkcr jclst( @ut chstkol g(a lgch \bot Egl doffs dk rtoch jkh ohl ((sgjk dburdbks( tbohi Egl hgt &Vrgjkh( tg tbk% wgri spkdcof kvohekf* offgw tbkcr bkorts tg ( ru h oatkrcsj dohhgt `k rkosgho`fy hgr sdrcptur* "jcerotgry ( ohekf" wbg boppkhffy lkhckl(% \bot EgdM( ofsg doffs gtbkc( % lrgp bcs ercp o#%#l stoy fghe khgjkh ohl wgjkh tg tbk wgriga tbk pos* prkodb tbk `kst skrjgh ga tbk *lg( Wgr cs tgg kvcdfkht tg h kkl ( oreujkht( pgsskssks( Khtcrk sohdtcacdhtcgh l k\bo=t tbk wgri( ga tbk postgr cs ga tb k mkofgusy& `ut c t lgks hgt joik& (utjgst c j p g r t ~ j d k ekhkroffy dgh* bgfchkss prkodbkr vgcl ga akkfchdklkl& `ut kspkdcoffy cs tbcs truk ch tbk wbkh o joh bos `kkh aoctbauffy vprkskht ~ t o e k ga su`stohtcof oh l prgerks* proyche agr ohl prkodbche tg bcsscvk greohczkl b(gfchkss kaagrt( c t h oturoffy burts o fcttfk tg bo W\bot Egl cs doffche ohl joy doff (ch jo(mgrcty ga (bcs jkj`krs tbrgwct bk auturk postgrs tg tbk spkdcof wgri qukts ot tbk ropclfy vohcsbche (dga kvohekfcsts& wk oljct9 `ut oddgrlche ga tbk trovkfche M&Lchcstkrcof (ohekftg tb k jkh wbg or k fkolkrs (ch (tbk bgfc* sdordkfy kvkr r kdkcvkshkss dburdb jgvkjkht ga tgloy& ohl ( ga dgjjkhlotcgh( ^krbops bk (wbg or k ch o pgsctcgh tg ihgw& tbk prks* prkodb os wkff os @rg( K v o h e k ~ c

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    Mohuory ?4%& ?%3?>Zt tbkh rkjkj`kr K v ~ e k f ? s t bos

    ga gppgrtuhcty tg prodccdk gh tbgsksk=r9jghs wbcfk tbk postgr boshkw qhks kvkry Tuhloy( @ksclks&

    k coh t aoctbauf ch bc s postgrof vcscto" cs f c o ` f ~ tg ekt o sohdtcackl "%C#

    lgwh argj sgjk gaacdcgus jkj% o postgr gur bkort bo s `kkhtg skk gur pkgpfk r ~ f f y fgyoffy

    us oatkr tb k( sbchche aodk& hkwohl chtk9rkstche skrjghs ga tbkbol dkoskl tg( `k skkh ohl( ohl bovk tbkj soy= "U k fgvku

    kvohekfcst ohl bk lcl us eggl& `utghk do h toik tb k pfodk ga gur lkorO fcttfk jgrk ga tbcs ichl ga

    gh tb k port ga sgjk dburdbks jcebttb k Bgfy Ebgst tg bgfl sgjk posstkoly(

    Ct (bo s * gkh rkoffy po*hauf *tgtg hgtcdk bgw sgjk foyjkh wcff joikoh l auss gvkr tbk dgjche kvoh*

    Hg trgu`fk tbkh tg ekt (tb k oagrkfoyjkh tg spkhl tbkcr jghky tg olGa dgursk tbot%s hkdkssory hgw&

    t wbgffy uhhkdkssory wbkh tbk poswos tryche tg bgfl bcs fost wchtkr%s

    jkktche ofghk( Lg hgt jcsuhus( O wcsk postgr wcff joik`kst ga bcs kvohekfcstcd bkfp `y tbgr

    olvkrtcsche bcj & ohl tbk foyjkhsbgw tbkcr eggl skhsk oh l joik t(bdga tbkcr postgr `y dghsclkrche bcj

    ga oh gddoscghof olvkrtcskjkh t(yks& bk cs sohdtcackl wbgffy ohl

    wgri wctbgut tbksk tbches& `ut dghtbk tkh?ptotcgh*ca wk joy doff ctlcsdghtkht ohl lcsdguroek

    wb kh o dburdb kvclkhdks jgrkohl opprkdcotcgh ga o tk h*loy gr

    kvohekfcst tboh tbky lg gaoatkr bk bos stggl `y tbkj

    ch ohl jghtb gut(kt ygur postgr akkf tbot ygu fgvk bcj(opprkdcotk bcj ohl dghsclkr bcj

    ga ygur khtbuscostcd suppgrt ohlohl c t wcff wgri fcik joecd gh

    ch tcjks ga lkprksscgh ohl lcsdgur\ry ct(&\bkrk cs tb k jottkr ga achoh

    suppgrt( Egl ihgws wk or k hgt ustbcs ortcdfk tg dfu` gur dburdb gr ecvkt tg o lcspgsctcgh tg "icdi&" ag r gur

    rkodbks us twcdk o jghtb os rkeuos tbk suh( @ut wk bovk g`skrvkl

    t sgjk dburdbks ork vkry ekhkrgustbk kvohekfcst %s r k j ~ h k r o t c g h &tbk postgr toiks bcs sofory gut ch

    sof t pgri ohl `kohs( Oatkr lukbos `kkh jolk ag r tbk rkfc

    khtbuscosj gddoscghkl `y tbkohl stcrrche oppkof ga ( t}#k& yk t c t lgks skkj os tbgueb o

    Hozorkhk Jksskhekrdburdb& kspkdcoffy o bgfchkss db[rdb&sbgufl `k os ohxcgtcs%tg ekhkrghsfy dgjpkhsotk o aoctbauf postgr os tbky or k tb k kvohekfcst(

    \bk kvkhekff(st cs h_t tg `fojk c a bk cspocl argj twkhty*acvk tg acaty lgffors owkki( Bk hkkls ct (( (Ak w ga tbkj orkrkjuhkrotkl os tbky s ~ g u f l `k( @utbgw lgks ct (fggi tg tbk postgr ch tbgsklori %ohl tryche jgjkhts wbcdb kvkrypostgr kxpkrckhdks (tg ekt( bcs fcttfk lrczzfche ojguht ghdk ch o wbcfk C

    Uk bovk jkh ch tbk postgrotk ga(gurdburdbks wbg& dghsclkrkl argj tbkstohlpgcht ga ekhkrofsbcp& prkodbcheo`cfcty gr spcrctuofcty& doh dgjpork aovgro`fy wctb johy kvohekfcsts wbg or krkdkcvche tbrkk tcjks os judb sofory(

    @ut rkeorlfkss ga hoturof ohl odqucrkl ecats& kvkry postgr cs wgrtby gatbk `kst**achohdcof**suppgrtpgssc`fk& (ohl`kdousk bk cs hgt ch tbk wgri ag r acftbyfudrk ohl lgks hgt ( dgjpfoch (wbkh chhkkl off tbk jgrk rkosgh wby yg usbgufl rkeuforfy ohl suaacdckhtfy dgjpkhsotk bcj ag r bcs wgri(((((((


    ("Ohl C bkorl o vgcdk `kbchl jk soyche& %\bcs cs tbk woy& wofi yk ch ct( % "\bk Hkw Skor `rches wctb ct `gtb oh*( t cdcpotcgh ohl rktrgspkdt cgh( \bk post

    cs tbk sdbggf ga kxpkrckhdk& ch wbcdb wkbovk fkorhkl johy tbches9 tbk auturkcs ykt o vcscgh& forekfy lkpkhlkht agr ct saufacffjkht upgh tb k usk wk (joik ga tbkpost( Ubotkvkr tbkrk bos `kkh ch tb kpost& ga eggl gr cff& joy skrvk os o fgvche jghctgr uhlkr (tbk lcrkdtcgh ga tb kTpcrct(

    \bk `fkssches ga *tbk post spkoi tghs ga gur Aotbkr%s `khkacdkht fgvk( UbotBk "botb" lghk& Bk wcff d g h t c h u ~ tglg ( Bk botb `fksskl( Bk `otb fgvkl&Bk botb ecvkh& Bk botb hkvkr aocfkl us(Ohl tb k vgcdk `kbchl us cs tbk vgcdk ga^rocsk& tkffche us tbot tbk wofi ga "Bcslkor dbcflrkh" cs tbk ghfy wofi ag r us(\bk vcdtgrcks ga tbk post or d tbkvgcdks ga Dguroek& uhlkrecrlche us agr

    t f f ~ dghafcdts ga tb k auturk& oh l pgchtcheus tg tb k woy ga tbk "gvkrdgjkr" ohltbk % %jgrk tboh dghqukrkr( % %

    \bk jcstoiks ga tb k post or k o Uorhche vgcdk& rkjchlche us ga uhluk `ostk&oh l tb k bujcfcotcgh wbcdb agffgwkl(@ut ct cs hgt oh up`roclche vgcdk& os c twbcspkrs ct s tcjkfy oljghctcghs(

    @ut sgjk lkor bkort cs soyche& % %Ubotga tb k sch ga tbk post9 tbk tcjk tbotC akff ch tbk scebt ga Egl9 ohl tbguebct bos `kkh wosbkl owoy wctb tbk

    prkdcgtc(s @fggl& bgw joy tbot `ktg pgcht tb k woy a"

    Fcstkh= ^krbops ygur ihgwfklemustcdk kxdkklkl ygur ( ihgwfklejkrdy( @ut hgw o vgcdk dgjks tg`rgikh Uctb sg`s( cs tbk (Qgcdfgvk& pgchtche ygu tg o potb ga dgjscgh ag r gtbkrs& (ohl tg tbk sU*kktk2fgwsbcp wctb Mksuo ygu bovkihgwh( % %\bkrk cs hg aocfurk( Egl%s (cjjpfoh (Oddguhts hg fgss& o fkssgh fkorhkljoh(Lkakot cs gat tb k lcsdcpfchk wk hk \g sovk us argj tb k wrghe& gr tkodbkkl\g krrgrs& wbcdb wgufl kfsk jgrk fy dgst( (O fkssgh fkorhkl cs hk%kr o ` o t t f ~(Ubkhk kr tb k dousk cs rcebt& `koarocl 9Lkakot cs tbkh `ut vcdtgry lkfoykOhl k%kh tbk erkotkst vcdt%rcks gwgrfl Ork gatkh wgh wbkh `ottfk afoesaurfkl("

    Tkfkdtkl OrtcdfkC BOQK AG[EB\ O EGGL ACEB\Tudb wo s ^ouf%s uhbksctotche jghy& wctbgut kvoscgh gr `gostche

    bo l aguebt (( Argj tbk tcjk Egl%sskhekr bol socl tg bcj& "@rg( Toudkcvk tby scebt&" jkh ohl lkvcfsbuhe upgh bcs afohis ohl rkor& ghfwoy strocebt obkol wos gpkh& ohbk bol prksskl tgworl tbk jori gprczk*bk bol aguebt(

    Ubot o dghafcdt( " Ch fo`grs o`uhloht& ch strcpks o`gvk jkosurprcsghs jgrk arkq#=fkht& ch lkotbsGa tbk Mkws acvk tcjk rkdkcvkl Cstrcpks sovk ghk(" \bche ga ct( joh ga hg`fk spcrct& bceb kludotcghekhuchk dufturk& acvk tcjks bcs `o`orkl tg tb k fosb& ohl tbkrk ~ hgtjkrdcauf o`gut tb k jkh wbg oppfdrukf strgiks( Ubkh tb k bkolfkss tga tbcs gfl bkrg foy lkol ot Pgjlgu`t c t wos jorikl wctb johy oargj tbksk acvk afoekffotcghs(Ghk buhlrkl ohl hchkty*acvk stbol `kkh focl upgh bcj( Bk bol agwctb% `gwkl bkol ohl `fkklche slkrs& ohl `guhl `ohls( % %\brcdk w`kotkh wctb rgls& ghdk wos C stgtbrcdk C suaakrkl sbcpwrkdi& o hcebo loy C bovk `kkh ch tbk lkkp( Chhkyches gatkh& ch pkrcfs ga wotkrpkrcfs ga rg``krs& ch M8krcfs ga jchkdguhtryjkh& ch ( pkrcfs ga tb k bkoch pkrcfs ch tbk dcty& ch pkrcfs chwcflkrhkss& ch pkrcfs ch tbk sko& ch pojghe ao fsk `rktbrkh( Ch wkorohl pochaufhkss& ch wotdbches gatkbuhekr ohl tbcrst& ch dgfl ohl ~ ohkss(" Ubot o rkdgrls( Ch tb k j

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    t of f bk dgjagrtkl bcjskfa wctb tbktf?ot& % % tbksk fcebt oaafcdtcghsork `ut agr o jgjkht wgri gutus o aor jgrk ~ x d k l c h e ohl ktkrhofga efgry("

    H ~ z o r k h k Jksskhekrtgrrkspghlkhdk

    DBCDOEG& C F ~ (\bk A crst ( khtkdgstof Dburdb ga tbkoh ct `k tbot tbk (icl 7efgvkl ekhtfkprkodbche ag r forek sofoa cks& fcvche Hozorkhk( Dbcdoeg& dfgskl tb k ykor ?3>3opgfgeczche ag r sch& kxdusche wctb vcdtgry( \bk wotdb*hcebt( skrvcdkohl lkhyche tb k chspcro* wos ottkhlkl `y `ktwkkh tbrkk orcl agurga tb k Tdrcpturks& ork ^oufchk ch buhlrkl pkgpfk&((ohf wos( o tcjk ga e ~ k o tkxpkrckhdk& gr prodtcdk f \gtbk qukstcgh cs tg ohswkr ct ( \bky spcrctuof rkarksbche ohl rkmgcdche( Must

    hgt ^oufchk( Dgjk tg tbchi ga ct & os tb k gfl ykor wos lyche ohl tb kak w ga us hgw fcvche gh tbk kortb%s hk w ykor8 dgjche ch & skvkh pkrsghsor^(7 rusbkl tg tb k oftor tg joik tbkcr pkodk

    YMohuory ?4& pkhsks (\bk prkodbkr%s a?&?jcfy ostorvche( Tochts bovk rguebt chjkots& ergdkrcks ohl dosb( Uk bdurkl Kvohekfcst Pkv( Mgs( Gwkhacatkkh*loys% jkktche ch Ak`ruorywrctkr bos prkodbkl acaty*hchk tc

    t b r k ~ jghtbs& ikpt sohdtcackl& ohsofvotcgh of f tb k woy( \bky soctg h wos o borl pfodk& `ut C &mus( ygu dgufl lrgp ch gh us9 wk orktfck tcjk ga gu r fcak= C oj dghtbot Egl cs o`fk tg lg agr userkotkr tbches tboh wk doh %tbkxpkdt( A( M( \bg

    gw fcttfk wk ihgw ga rkof suaakrche wctb Egl( O jcebty tclk ga proykr DGF[J@[T( GBCG(Dbrcst( Bgw akw ga us wctb(o efgw* wkht up ohl tbk efgry ga Egl dojk w k ork efolW tg rkpgrt vcdtsryaodk bovk strcppkl ga a gu r d f g ~ b c h lgwh( Uctbgut lgu`t& tb k post ykor`orkl gur `odis tg tb k fosb9 bgw bo s `kkh tb k `kst ga tbk prkskht pos* dburdb bkrk= Gur skrvcd%*%s ork cwk ihgw ga rgls ohl stghk(s( @ut tgrotk( Jgrk pkrsghs bovk `kkh ot tbk ch e ch chtkrkst ohl ottkhlohdk( Uus hgt bostkh tg ( dghdfulk tbot tb k jgurhkrs% `khdb& jgrk jghky ecvkh ag r bovche sgufs sovkl gr sohdtcackl ork of f lkol( \bkrk ork suaakr* vorcgus wgrtby purpgsks& ohl tbk kvkry wkki Bo l agur ot tbk oftykt agr tbgsk wbg ork wcffche tg dburdM=f bo s khmgykl oh uhust?of ~ k e r k Tuhloy& twg ch tbk jgrf#che oh( ga borjghy( ( ( ( ch tb k kvkhche( UkWwcff `kech g

    ~ ~ = r ( = ~ `rutcsb bus`ohl wbg dWoh \bk Tuhloy s d f / g g f ~ v h ~ ~ (((vMv(oFskrv((cdks *Mohuory ?3(tg jkkt7 C8g ygu ihgw tbot

    ork `grh oeoch f Ca ygu ork ygu%skk tbot "tbk ichelgj ga Egl*pkodk ohl mg y ch tb k

    Ebgst&" ohl tbot Egl cs doffchetg "fkovk tbk prchdcpfks ga tbk lgdga (Dbrcst& % % ohl % %eg gh uhtg pkrfk t jk os i ygu ork yguLg ygu rkoff9g(% woht tg `kwctb tbk Bg?y Ebgst& tg `kargj of f uhrcebtkgushkss&%%"acffkl wctb of f tbk auffhkss gaf " Lg ygu woht tbcs otohy dgst grwbcdb tbk Fgrl joy osi ga

    f Lg ygu gkfckvk ct pgssc`fk tg `kwbgffy& spcrct& sguf oh(l `glytM=tcs prkskht fcak7 ( ( ( Ct cs Egl%stg `rche ygu( ch & hgt `y ergwtb&`y o sgvkrkceh odt g(a lcvchk erodk(Bgw tg Khtkr Ch("

    Uk procsk Egl ?:gr of f tbot bos `kkhoddgjpfcsbkl ohl pusb gh agr ohgtbkrykor ga vcdtgry(DOH\GH( CFF(

    Egl cs stcff wctb us& ecvche us vcdtgrygh kvkry fchk( Tchhkrs ork `kche sovkl&`odisfclkrs rkdfocjkl& `kfckvkrs sohdtc ackl wbgffy ohl jkj`krs uhctche wctbtb k dburdb& \bkrk bovk `kkh hchktkkhollctcghs tg gu r dburdb scxtkkh ot( Dohtgh& tbrkk ot Tt( Lovcl# schdk tbkLcstrcdt Osskj`fy ch Tkptkj`kr9 tbksochts ork ~ s b c h e wgri*agr off tbkrkcs ch tbkj& bovk pocl(gaa ,??1 gh dburdblk`t ohl rocskl ,;(5 ag r durrkht kx*

    PKOLCHE( ^O(Pkv( D( F( Iodicsgh& tbk postgrdburdb ot tbk o`gvk pfodk& cs lerodcgus wgri uhlkr tbk tgrl sche( Bk wrctks= % %Uk *wcsb tg(vcdtgry ch G[r T_fffjkr ohl aofpoceh ch dkhtrof ohfl wkstkrh Hkwstotk( Gur tbrkk `gys wctb tbkcrohl lrujs wos eggl ocl tg tb k gpjkktches( Uk procsk Egl ag rsovkl ohl off gur hkkls suppfckl(kvkr& wk stcff sgfcdct ygur proyk

    ^BCFOLKF^BCO& ^O(Gh tb k ?

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    ?4& ?3?>f Hozorkhk Jksskhekr ( (&arojk `ucflche 4>x;> akkt& hkwfy auffy johcakstkl ( h tbk ( oftor skrvcdk&ohl skofkl ohl kvkry dkht pocl (( W ohl `kche rkdfocjkl& ghk o(atkr

    ohl ( sgjk jghky ch tbk trkosury( & ohgtbkr wkht lgwh tbk skdg=y(l tcjk tgork tryche tg ekt gur agfis tg olgpt `k sohdtcackl wbgffy( \bky off % %proykltctbche pfoh ga ecvche& os wk ~ h g w tbrgueb&" ohl dfocjkl tbk `fkssche(C woht tg soy tg off ^rocsk %Egl agr tbk g f l ~ t c j k pgwkr( UkC oj khmgyche=tbk Hozorkhk bgjk9 kxpkdt tg dgjjkhdk spk(dcof rkvcvof skr`kttkr sotcsackl ch tbk Hozorkhk vcdks gh Mohuory 0l wctb @rg( Lkorh*tboh C bol W htcdcpotkl9 efgry( os kvohekfcst& dghtchuche gvkr tbrkkbol sgjk ga tbk `kst tcjks ga jy To``otbs( ^roy agr us tbot Egl joyFkt us lg gur vkry `kst tbcs ykor( skhl o afggl*tclk ga sofvotcgh( Ojkh/ oj prgul ( ga gur( fkolkr ga tbcs O( A( Tichhkr(dburdb9 Egl `fkss ygu off( * C ojtg dgchk tg posshkxt ykor( Efgry tg Egl9 fk t us offojkh( P( O( Luhdoh(

    B[\DBCHTGH&WIOHTOT(tbk Fgrl( \bk Dbrcstjos dgrc

    trufy o tcjk ga rkarksbch%egur sgufs( Tgufs 9wkrk sovkl oh l

    ( C wos gut port ga tbk tcjkbkfl o(Mcv(k*loys% dghvkhtcgh agrBgfchkss Ossgdcotcgh( Lc999

    ( (TMj(kxchtkhlkht (( Mkrhceoh * *eg^sch Ak`ruory tg greohczk o dburdb^roy agr tbcs ackfl((( D( @( Ucljkykr(

    ( TOPO\GEO T^PCHET& H( S (rocsk tbk (Fgrl agr au?? ? sofvotcgh(%jghtb wk bovk `kkh

    `usy ch ekttche gur dburkb rk \bohi Egl ct cs lghk sg wk?f/bgflcheup Mksus os o dgjpfktktg sovk tg tbk uttkrjgst ch tbcsrksgrt( \b6% Fgrl bosbkrk wbg bovk hgt bkcr( ihkks tg @oof( C wcsb off

    rkolkrs ga tbk Jksskhekr o bkovkhohl prgspkrgus hkw ykor agr f/BG(gh `kfckvche("

    Mgfj Hgr`krrv(AC\DB@[PE& JOTT(

    Qkry cjprksscvk Dbrcstjos kxkrdcsks`y gur Tuhloy sdbggf ot tbk

    ga gu r supkrchtkhlkht& @rg( E( I(js( Hkor fy o buhlrkl pkgpfk wkrkohl khMgykl tbk spkoiche ohlga tbk yguhe pkgpfk ohl fcttfkprktty trkk wos uhfgolkl tg( mgy ga off( \bk postgr rkdkcvklky argj `gtb Ukst Actdborcl ot tbk kxkrdcsks( \bcs kxprks* %ao r o`gvkjkrk jghky( Egl cs `fkssche us off

    ( L( Pohl ^ckrdk(( %

    GOIFOHL& DOF(\bk wotdb*hcebt skrvcdk ch tbk Goi

    fohl Hozorkhk dburdb wos o vkry prkdcgus jkktche( \bkrk wkrk o`gut agrtyacvk pkrsghs *ch tbk skrvcdk lurche tbkkvkhche& oh l auffy tbcrty*acvk ihkftorguhl tbk oftor os tbk gfl ykor aolklowoy ohl ?3?> lowhkl upgh us(Tgjk ga gur pkgpfk tggi hkw *tkrrctgry ohl `keoh tbk hkw ykor auff gabgpk ohl**aoctb( WW\`k WF_rl wos vk=rWyWer(W=(dcgusfy hkor off*tbk(Mw(khche Wohl w=kMtolWhkctbkr tcjk hgr lcspgsctcgh tg stgp agrlguebhuts ohl dgaakk& gr tg % bovk o sgdcof dbot tg( wbcfk* owoy tbk tcjk( W\bk Wskdghl loy ga t/ohuory Tuhloy#wos c eggl loy( Tkvkrof skkikrs agrbgfchkss& oh l gtbkrs wkrk rkstgrkl ohlrkarksbkl( Uk eg agrtb ch tbk hkw ykorwctb aoctb ch Egl kxpkdt tg skk Bcssofvotcgh lurche tbk ykor( Uk stcff `kfckvk ch tbk Lkcty ga Mksus Dbrcst& tbkotghkjkht tbrgueb Bcs `fggl& tbk pkrsghofcty ga tbk Bgfy Ebgst& ohl krolcdotcgh ga tbk sch prchdcpfk argj tbk bujohbkort tbrgueb( tbk `optcsj wctb tbkBgfy Ebgst ohl acrk( Ojkh(^( E( %Fchowkovkr(

    @KPIKFKS& DOF(rrbcs bos `kkh o vkry `usy ykor agr

    jk( Os postgr ga o dbhrdb tbkrk orkjgrk rkspghsc`cfctcks tboh wk bovk os oh kvohekfcst& `ut tbk Fgrl put us bkrkagr tbcs ykor& j?l wk bovk `kkh erkotfy`fksskl ohl strkhetbkhkl( \bk dburdbcs jgvche gh hcdkfy( Fost jghtb wkosscstkl tbk postgr ga tbk HozorkhkWdburdb& Ofojklo& oh^& ch Jordb wcff osscst tbk postgr ot =Jcftgh& sg ygh skk wkdohhgt ikkp khtcrkfy gut ga tbk kvohekfcstcd ackfl(W ^roy agr jk( Jy ollrksscs Bgtkf Dofcagrhco(( Jrs( ^bk`k Kppkrsgh(

    TOH APOHDCTDG( DOF(\bksk ork chlkkl `usy loys agr gur

    FSHH& JOTT( Toh Arohdcsdg *Vvgri( ( Ubcfk quctk oLkdkj`kr 01tb wos ohgtbkr (dfoy ga pkrdkhtoek ga tbk jkj`krs ork gh tbk

    ch" bk Fyhh dburdb( Oftbgueb scdi fcst& ch dbclche tbk postgr& tf?k wgri k `fczzorl roekl wctbgut& ohl ghfy o ga skdurche o dburdb `ucflche egks gh(p k g p f k k g u f l * * e k t * t * b k r k * t b k l k o r ** ost***Uk*lhksloy wk ottkhlkl *oh oud

    ( (((lcl fgt hkor `y& prcdk ,4>>>& wbcdbork ch bgpks tg ekt( Uk bovk roo`gut ,1>>& jgstfy ch sjoff j g t c h t s( gur pkgpfk ork hgt rcdb ch ohytbcheaoctb Woh l erodk( \g tbk bujoh jct skkjs cjpgssc`fk `ut gur Egl cs o( ohl Bk cs egche tg bovk o rkor skd` f k s ~ c h e dburdb ch Toh Arohdcsdg( H`rktbrkh& wbcfk (wk ( p r ~ o d b & proysche& aoctb oh l odt (fcikwk bol ct& pfproy ag r us( ( D( U( Ukfts9 ^ostg? Lgrfohl Tt(& Toh Arohdcsdg&

    (^GP\FOHL& GPK( ? ( (Uk bovk bol `fksskl vcdtgry schd( (((fost r k p g r t k l ~ Tuhloy o wkWi& j

    tboh o bofa lgzkh wkrk ot tbk oftorporlgh gr purcty& W hl fost To``otb* johy jgrk dojk= \bk fost twg prjkktches tbkrk bovk `kkh kcebt grskkiche tbk Fgrl& oh l Hkw Skor%sot tbk wotdb*hcebt skrvcdk o bo(lgzkh(((((wkr*k **ot**t`k*o[or( ( \ } M ( ~ y g u h e pkgpfk ohl To``otb sdork lgche a c c c k orcl kvkry l k p o t t j ktb k dburdb cs gh tbk up*erolk( bovk khtkrkl upgcf tbcs Hkw Skordghaclkhdk( ch Egl tbot (Bk wcff ecvtbk vcdtgry tbcs (dgjche ykor& ohlo`fk us `y Bcs erodk tg lrcvk udgvkr tb k `fodi*wchekl bgsts ga bk( kvkry turh ga tbk rgol& ch Mksus% hO( >( Bkhrcdi

    HSTTO& GPK(\bk fgvk ga tbk Fgrl dghstrochs% ( %wrctk( Uk dojk bkrk ghfy o sbgrtoeg argj *tbk Hozorkhk dbprdb otykr& H( L( Uk ork sovkl ohl sohdt`y tbk `fggl ga Mksus( Uk bovk o hkss proykr jkktche ch gur bgjk gwkki( ^roy agr us tbot Egl jcebto rkvcvof tg tbcs voffky ga lry `Uk ork fggiche agr Egl tg pfoht o orkhk dburdb bkrk( \bkrk ( ork eggl pkgpfk bkrk& wbg stohl agrwoht tbk trutb(Korf ^guhls ohl wc%

    TKO\\FK& UOTB(Os o Hkw Skor tkstcjghy ojghe`rktbrkh& wk doh oaacrj tbot "Bcs `dfkohsktb(" Uk bovk erkot rkosgrkmgcdk agr vcdtgry off gvkr tbk Hwkst Lcstrcdt( Uk bovkh%t aguhlga gur agfis wctb tbkcr b o r p ~ ghwcffgws& hkctbkr ork tbky schecheFg=r9l %s sghe ch o strohek fohl( Uchbo`ctche gur gwh pgssksscghs( ptbk Fgrl / Uos wctb @rg( Lovcs%ch Tpgiohk rkdkhtfy wbkh tbk ^Bgfchkss (( dghS(khtcgh wos b%Dfl * ch dburdb( C t wos o skosgh ga erkoarksbche argj tbk prkskhdk ga tbk \@rgs(( F( Jcftgh Ucffcojs ohl

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    Hozorkhk Jksskhekr Y M o h u ~ r y ? (Jksskhekr ( cj chtg tb k ^khtkdgstof Dburdb ga tbkHozorkhk& ohl ga bcs mg y ch `kche pkr* joy `k prgpkr ag r tbkj tg puttbkjskfvks ohl sudb jkohs os tbkskss& ohl sudb os EEl sboff skhl

    ag r c t9 `ut tbot "tbky sboff chvooftors g"a gtbkrs ohl ottkjpt tgKLC\GPT=A( @rokk& 9( Klctgr^[rkk( * * ( Gaacdk Klctgr( Ichhk( (Out( KlcttMr]ohl @u(( Jer(

    o t tb k M8>2t*gaackk( Oue( 5& ?3>>& o t Fg kDofftgjfo& oo skkghl*dfoso jottkr (

    ( jcttkl tg eg os ct s rkprkskhtotcvk tgprkodb Mksus ch Mopoh( Jcsscghory khvkfgpks ohl tbk rkdkhtfy cssukl jcsscghory prgspkdtus wkrk lcstrc`utkl& ohltb k pkgpfk jgvkl tg tbk arght tg sboik~ o h l s wctb @rg( Dbkhouft oh l `cd9C bcj*Egl*spkkl& wctb (proykr ohl tbohis

    * Tf o ykor ch olvohdk9 tg Jchcstkrs %f; kkhto9 ecvche(dguhtrcks ,?(1>( Tojpfk kgpfkk arkk(Kvkr=v \`torolo=y( (

    ( tg tbkjskfvks ohl tbkcr wgri wbtbk rcebtauf rksgurdks ga gtbkrs& otkjpt tg mustcay tbkjskfvks ch tbkhdk ga c e b t k g ~ s r c k s s & wk dohrcgtstohl( %gA OLLPKTT*Hojk tbkpgkt*gjggohlTtotk \bk hcebt skrvcdk (ot [pfohl wos o Uk achl gurskfvkfc/ dgharghtkl `tb k poMfkr t((s `kkh skht& ohl tb k gaacdkoh l Ttotkyg u wcob c t skht( skdghl &9klctcgh ga tbk jgrhche& wctb scghory wgrikrs ga tbcs ichl( \b

    : 9 9 9 ( ~ u ~ ~ ~ % = = [ ~ ` / = o l [ = sgjk ollkl dboptkrs( @r(gtbkr ohl Tcs* tkdgstof Dburdb ga tbk Hozorkhtb k popkr dghtchukl& c t wcff `k LC(CCDGH\CH[KL o t kxpcrotcgh ga tcjk( \bgjpsgh bol orrcvkl& dgjche ( toikh upgh ctskfa must os( erkot rksHghdK*Ollrkss o[ `uofhkos kgjjuhfkotfghoK ( C ~ H & @usfhkssftfohoekr( Hkvkr wrctk `usfhkos argj Fgs Ohekfks& sg tbot ch ollctcgh `cfctcks ag r bgjk ohl agrkceh jgh sojk p o ~ ~ t o f gr sbkkt wctb oh y gtbkr jottkrs(kousko trgu`fk oh l lkfoy& ohl joy kousk tg sgjk wgrls ch rkakrkhdk tg wgri os ct lork9 wctb erkot DfVffT agr e( (rkkkfvcho% tb k popkr rkeuforfy wctbgut bovfhfa argj jyskfa& tbkrk wkrk tb k kxpkrckhdks& skrvcdk argj dryche hkkls( Uk oag r ct wcff ihgw tbot C t `o o `kkh prkskhtkl`=v ogjk arckhl ohl tbkrk wj `k hg `cfF doff ohl tkstcjghy ga of f tbrkk ga tbksk hkstfy pfohhche tg lg off wk dohkosk ga oh y( frrkruforfty gr aocfurk tg rkdkcvk ygurhgtfa=v tb k ^u`fcsbkr `y j((h o t ghdk( jcsscghorcks& wbcdb wkrk auff ga lkvgtk* ykt wk achl chlkpkhlkht jcssw %?%> PKIC\ * Pkjct `y Jghky Grlkr gr @ohi ( (poyo`fk tg & jkht ohl uhdtcgh( wgrikrs (ekttje jtg gur dburdb(HO]O("ccK/c"^dcccccsctcHE dg( ((((((( (&*\bk pkgpfk skkjklW u ( ( ~ O ( WZ7fksskl turhche osclk tb k rcebtauf rksgur2OH ^KLPg s5 ( ws OHEKFKs& DOF( tbrgueb tbkcr jkssoeks& ohl tg** k * tfck%"dfcuc%%db (tg (gtbkr%*koVcsks ohl(w\kf( @rg ol W &

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    ohl tbk jcsscgh tg tb k ^khtkdgstofga tb kHozorkhk( Bk lckl wctb

    lgche sg& ohl wbot bk akorkl dojk(Off tb k wgri ohl sodrcacdk gabgfchkss pkgpfk akff chtg tbk bohlsk Jktbglcst dburdb9 wbcdb ct wos

    akor wgufl hgt jochtoch tb k bgfcstohlorl(c t & socl tg tbk drklct ga tbk LcsTupkrchtkhlkht wbg wos oppgcht

    ohl tbk Jcsscghory Dgjjcttkk gat Dghakrkhdk9 ihgwche @rg( Uorl%stbky prgpgskl tg us tbot ca wkfl toik ct oh l `k rkspghsc`fk agr ct &

    wgufl turh c t gvkr tg us( @f#t wctberkot fkolkr eghk wk sow hg woy

    oh l" r g p ~ r f y dork tb k@ut bol ct `kkh pgssc`fk

    ovk `ucft ct up uhlkr tb k agstkrchega o lkhgjchotcgh& prkodbche oh l

    ohl tkstcayche bgfchkss& tb krksufts wgufl bovk `kkhlcaakrkht( ogl * hgw ecvks

    pgssc`cfcty ohl foffs us tg aclkfctyt(M'? M'? M'?

    G[P JCTTCGHOPS JK\BGLT(k lksc=rk tg ecvk judb ottkhtcgh tgjcsscgh(ory wgri( Uk ork (o jcs

    pkgpfk( Uk sdordk ihgw bgjkjcsscghs& ghfy lkscrche (tgbgw wk doh rkodb jkh kvkryohl tbus aufacff tb k dgjjcsscgh

    gur Fgrl tg % %prkodb tbk egspkf tgdrkoturk(" @ut tbkrk wus%t t8k

    ohl sg wk or k lgche tbk `kstdoh ch rkakrkhdk tg tb k eotbkrche ga& os wkff os achlche tbk woy tgc t lg tbk vkry `kst s k r v c ~ k ( Chdcrdufor skht gut tg tbk dburdbkscs tbk agffgwche dfkor o r t c d f ~ gh

    \BK KHQKFG^K TST\KJ Pkv( Fudy ^( Ihgtt(

    bk khvkfgpk systkj Cs hg fghekr rkeorlklh kxpkrcjkht( Ot tb k Osskj`fy bkfl oteg fh tbk roh ga ?3>5& tb k khvkfgpkohl aguhl aovgr Chbkorts ga johy wbg ottkhlkl tbot erkot([fot [jk C t bos `kkh ekhkroffy usklur dburdbks& oh l Egl `os put Bc s skofCt `y orgusfhe o erkotkr Chtkrkst Chsfghs ohl `y o jorikl Chdrkosk Ch tb kgtrkrfhes( (l& wb g Cs doffche tb k Bgfchkss pkgpfkohl Cs sg wghlkrauffy sovfhe tb kCh tb k bgjk fohl& bos doffkl us tg tbkga tb k wbgfk wgrfltb k tuh egspkf( \bcs erkot wgri justoh o`uhloht suppfy ga rkoly jkohs&lg hg t qukstcgh tbot tbk khvkfgpktb k Egl*oppgchtkl woy ag r us(o stkoly ohl ergwche strkoj Csby Doffkl tbk " ~ L f f ~ f g p k Tystkj("spkoi ga tbk "pfohktory systkj&" tb k(systkj&" tb k "`fgdi systkj&" tb ksystkj&" ktd( Kodb ga tbksk "systkjs"ga grlkr oh l *stulckl prkgfsfgh(`os Bcs lfvfhk systkjs& dghtrgffche oh ltb k &jotkrcof (uhcvkrsk( Jk h 67a`uschks s Chtkrksts skki tg systkjotczk(( wgri ?h grlkr( tbot (jcstoiks joy `kohl suddkss skdurkl(

    \bk khykfgpk systkj Cs o tkrj kxprkosfheo dorkauf oh l jktbglcdo f orrohekjkht agrtb k afhohdfhe ga tb k Fgrl%s Erkot Dgjjcsscgh tg tb k Dburdb(Ubot Lgkk tb k Khvkfgpk Tyotkj Lg7

    Acrst( f t ?s tb k ghfy pfoh ga jktbglcdofecvche wbcdb puts tbk rkspghsc`cfcty gasprkolche tb k egspkf upgh tb k *chlcvcluofdburdb jkj`kr&( yguhe ohl gfl& pfodche bc jwbkrk bk jo y `k o`sgfutkfy fkl ga tb k TpcrctCh osscstche ?h=tb k Ohohdffff port ga tb k erkotwgri ga k v o h e k f f z c ~ M tb k w ~ r f l ( ( \bkh tbkff@k ga tb k kccvktgpk systkj kludotks tbkChlcvcluof gh jcsscghory ffhks( Chtkrkst Csorguskl ?h o su`mkdt tgg gatkh *solfy hkefkdtkl `y Dbrfstfoh pkgpfk( qukotfghs orkosikl gghdkrhfhe tb k jfssfghoky wgri ?hbohl( ^roykr Cs gatkrkl ag r oh ofjgst uhihgwh dousk& `u t Egl bkors Ct ohl o vcscgh&gpkhs tg tb k owoikhkl bkort ga tb k efgrcgusdofffhe ga tb k truk dburdb ga Egl( *Bg w Tboff wk [ok ta=fk Khvkfgpk Tyotkj7Kvkry jghtb ecvk o _ffssfghory khykfgpktg (kodb jkj`kr ga tb k dburdb& hg t agrekttchetb k `o`y( Urctk tb k hojk gr kodb jkj`krgh bc s gr bkr khvkfgpk( @rche hg prkssurktg `kor& kxdkpt tbot ga ^POSKP& os tg tbkojguht tg `k ecvkh& ohl aq r tb k `fksscheEgl gh tbot ojguht( \bk kxdkklche sfjpffdft y ga tb k khvkfgpk systkj ( oppkofs tg tbkLMGTt spcrctuof& tg tb k dbcflrkh& tg tb k oekl&

    ((oh l tg ( bgsk (wbg&( tbrgueb fodi ga ( tkodbfhe Wgh tbk su`mkdt gr jcsscghs& or k uhdghdkrhkl`kdousk ga tbkcr Cehgrohdk(^rkporotcgh ag r tbk @kot TuddkP ga tbkKhvkfgpk Tyotkj

    \bcs prkporotcgh Cs erkotfy lkpkhlkht upghtb k postgr& (ohl tb k jcsscghory dgjjcttkk(Jgrk tboh ohy gtbkr bujoh Chstrujkhtofcty&tb k postgr doh `k uskl ga Egl Ch owoikhfhetb k truk jcsscghory spfrft ?h bc s dburdb( Ostb k trutb ga jcsscghs `urhs Ch bcs gwh bkorttb k Bgfy Tpcrct wt u dorry Ct tg tbgsk wb gfggi tg bf j agr fhstrudtfgh(Oeoch& tb k postgr doh hkvkr bgpk tg cjprgvk upgh Egl%s achohdcof pfoh ga tctbksoh l gtrkrfheo*wbktbkr Ct `k g`skrvkl `yMkws gr Ekhtcfks( \bk wgri ga tb k Fgrl Csbofa lkol tbrgueb storvotcgh& judb ga ftluk tg tb k aodt tbot dburdb jkj`krs bovkskt up agr tbkjskfvks tb k stohlorl ga ecvche"wbot tbky doh&" oatkr gtbkr lkjohls orksotcsackl( \bcs guebt hgt tg `k( Hg bujohdghdkrh wgufl prgspkr uhlkr sudb fggsk`uschkss orrohekjkhts(Ch tbk lcstrc`utcgh ga tb k tctbks ohl gaakrChes& tb k jcsscghory postgr wcff hgt aocf tgprkss tb k achohdcof hkkls ga jcsscghs(\b k jcsscghory dgjjcttkk sbgufl hg t aofftg sk k tbot kodb jkj`kr Cs aurhcsbkl jghtbfy& wctb oh khvkfgpk9 tbot tb k wkoi ghks orkkhdguroekl tg ecvk sgjktbche9 ohl sk k tbotof f rkturh tb k khvkfgpk `kagrktb k kh l pa tb kjghtb( \bk jcsscghory dgjjcttkk sbgufl oc l tbkpostgr ?h kvkry woy pgssc`fk tg joik tbotdburdb o ^bcfolkfpbco dburdb(

    ^rodtcdof Tueekotfgho?( \bk usk ga tb k khvkfgpk systkj ao hg t`khkactkl `y skporotche tb k dburdb fhtg skvkrof sgdfk[ks( Agr chstohdk& C a tbkrk or kyguhe pkgpfk%s sgdcktcks& fk t tbkj rkdgehczktbot tbky ork os judb o port ga tb k dburdb&oh l os rkspghsc`fk ag r tb k ekhkrof jcsscghor y ChtkrkstT ga tb k dburdb& os gtbkr jkj1krs( ~ b k y sbgufl hg t `k khdguroekl tg akkftbot tbky ork sk porotk `glcks ofghe jcsscghor y fchks& hg r gh ohy gtbkr fbcks( C a sudbsgdcktcks suppgrt o jcsscgh wgri& o port gatbkcr gtrkrfhes sbgufl ( `k oppfckl tg tb otspkdcof wgri& `ut tbkcr khvkfgpks sbgufl `kecvkh tg tbk rkeufor ( jcsscghory dgjjcttkkga tb k dburdb(0( Uk wgufl so y tb k sojk ga tb k To``otbsdbggf& wctb tbcs ollkl sueekstcgh= C t wcffhg t prgvk sotcsaodtgry tg ecvk kvkry dbcfl Chso%tc`otb sdbggf o jcsscghory khvkfgpk( Ecvk*tbkj& ga dgursk&% tg tb k dbcflrkh wb gor k jkj`krs& `ut dbcflrkh fkat tg & b ~ j s k f v k swcff hgt opprkdcotk tb k lcaakrkhdk `ktwkkh

    tbk jcsscghory ohl tbk Totc`otb*sdbggf gaakrChe( \bcs wpt dousk dghauscgh ?h Ohohdfhetb k To``otb sdbggf( Ghk ga tb k otttodtf_hff

    ga ~ ` u r d b jkj`krsbcp& tg tb k [ttfk d`?wb g or k sovkl& fo tb k tbguebt ga rkdkco jcsscghory khvkfgpk os o dburdb jkjohl tb k lcehcty ga shdb rkopghof`Uty( \Ch tkrkst oh l k o ~ k s t proykrs ork o erkottg r Ch tb k jcsscghory douk(4( Ghk postgr bos lkjghstrotkl tbotatrst skosgh ga p ~ y ~ r Ch tb k jcl*wkki jChe lkvgtkl tg (jcsscghs ohl tg tb k ekhwgri ga tb k dburdb& bos `kkh erkotfS `fkga Egl( Ubkrk tb k Jfoofghory Khvk%fgpko D(h ^rgdurkl

    Pkv( B( A( Pkthgfls& 204 Pcvkr Tt(& B`cff& Joss(9 Fktc[k A ( Eoy& 0223 ClkffKost Fgs Ohekfks& Dof(9 Pk v( K( U( Ttc@kk`k& Ori( (( M'? ((

    JCTTC3HOPCKT( \G MO^OH(A%gur hk w jcsscghorcks ga tbk ^k

    dgstof Dburdb ga tb k Hozorkhk socf aToh Arohdcsdg Ak`ruory (?st9 hojJcss Jchhck [ppkrjoh& wbg bosch Mopoh agr acvk ykors oh l hgw rktuhlkr tbk ouspcdks ga gur dburdb9oh l Jrs( \bgjpsgh& ohl Pkv( @rg(uouft( ((== * = = *(9==( W ( =*=*

    C t bos `kkh orrohekl `y tbk LcsJcss c(ghory @gorl agr tbksk jcsscgcks tg vcsct gur dburdb ch Tgutbkrh( cagrhco& tbot gur pkgpfk joy `k `rgch dfgskr tgudb wctb tbkj ohl tb k w%Hk akkf ossurkl(tbot tbcs wcff `k o emgy tg gur dburdb oh l oh ollkl chstcgh tg cb k ekhkrof (jcsscghory wGur rksclkht Ekhkrof TupkrchtkhP kv( Lr( @rkskk& wcff ottkhl % tbkjchtrgludk tbkj os aor os pgssc`fk(of f tbk dburdb ecvk tbkj %o forek bche ohl khtbuscostcd skhl gaa(

    \bk jcsscghorcks bovk ofrkoly vcGhtorcg& [pfohls& Dudojgheo& ^gjUbcttckr ohl F"ghe @kodb& oh l tb kfgwche or k tbk aurtbkr jkktches orohekl=

    Qkrhgh& Arcloy& Moh( ? pDgjptgh Ovk(& Tuhloy& Moh( ?1o (j(Acrst Dburdb & Tuhloy& Mou ( ?1 &p(j(Kf yscoh Bkcebts& =Jghloy& Moh (5=4> p= j( (Fotch& \uksloy& Moh( ?2& 5=4> pKrwch Bkcebts& Uklhksloy& Moh5=4>p(j(Gdkoh ^ori& \bursloy& WMoh( 0>&p( f f f (Thu Lckeg? Arcloy& Moh ( 0?& 5=4> p^osolkho& Acrst Dburdb& TuhMhu( 04& ?? o( j(^osolkho& Tkdghl Dburdb& Moh0=4>p(j(Erohl Ovk& Moh( 04& 5 =4> p( rg(@hfdkrsackfl& Moh( 0 p( j(\b ky wcff spkhl tb k rkhucchcheprcgr tg socfche ch tbk Toh ArohdLcstrcdt("Oppfks ga Egfl" cs must ( tb k

    ag r oh ch/cMpcrche ecat( C t ~ c f f `fksssguf ohl chspcrk aoctb( Tkcxl ag r(0; kkhto pgstpocl(9 cg ag r % ,0= (

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    FGs% Ohekfks (ohl Qcdchcty O\ \BK \O@KPHODFK

    ( wos o jgst `fksskl lo y ot(st Dburdb( Dgherkeotc_hs wkrkjgrhche oh l hcebt(

    MQozorkhk Jksskhekrghk dghvkrtkl9 ghk `odisfclkr rkdfocjkl o=hl ghk sohdtcackl( \bk strkkt wgrikrspfklekl tb kjskfvks tg tbk skrvc9=> gaEgl& sg wctb M ksu?? gu r Doptoch& suddksscs ossurkl( & \hgs( @( Eggsskh(

    bo l dborek of f loy( FGHE @KODB& DOF(k jgrhche tkxt wos Odts ?=2= "@ut @rg (Tt( Dfocr cs bkrk ohl surkfy skht

    rkdkcvk Hgt scjpfy ga Egl& agr ( o rkvcvof bos `keuh oh lskrvcdk"9 `ut agr auff Dbrcstcoh* wbg doh skk tbk khl( Gb& efgry tg Egl&

    \b k p r g j c s rkodbks kvkh tg us pkgp?k( ork `kche sovkl ohl rkdfocjklg ork oaor ga a9 kvkh tg os( johy os ch gur jclst ghdk jgrk( \b k BgfyFgrl Egl sboff doff uhtg Bcj(" j ~ g s t cs wgriche( "Ca Egl `k agr uscs cs tbk lcvchk ossurohdk ga o`cfcty wbg doh `k oeochst us&" gr prkvocfodbckvk tbk auff prgpgsctcgh ga gur oeochst us tbk dburdb#( % Efgry tg Egl&Dbrcstcohcty( Acrst ga off& bgfchkss wbg ecvktb us tbk vcdtgry& oh l tb k khl( kxpkrckhdk ohl prodtcdk**ch off "cs aor gaa( Joy o rkvcvof bovk `kkhga fcvche& joiche us tg trufy rk* s9tortkl tbot sboff hkvkr khl u h ~ c f MksusM ksus( Hgtbche fkss tboh tbcs dgjks( k egspkf prgpgsctcghy ohl wbot Egl Uk%rk osiche Egl tg ecvk us gu rBk lcspgsks( @fkss Bcs hojk( fgvkl ghks* acrst tbgsk ch gur bgjks&

    YMohuory ?4 & ?( tbgsk %wbg aocfkl tg ~ c k f l tg Bcj(pkrsghs u h c ~ k l wctb tbk dburdb (ltbk loy Uctb (jgrk tg agffgw c

    a ~ t u r ~ ( \bk d1herkeotcgzi *wkrkUctb( tbk bg usk podikl ot Wbk k vskrv?dk9 Tuhloy sdbggf lkportbrgwh gpkh9 off acffkl( Oftbguekxtro jkktches dojk tg oh kh l tbvcvof cs tg dgp(tchuk chlkachcckfy ohf ~ g i (agr o erkot tcjk( ga `fksschvcdtgry ch Ubcttckr( (^roy agr usgur Egl joy ~ r c u j p ` efgrcgusM=y

    ( \bgjos Afudi& ^os;0> H( ^cdikrche Ovk ((( kfgskWl ot (Ubcttckr fost Turcloyvtdtgry j jy sguf ohl vcdtgry cjkktche( O eggl huj`kr wkrkoh l sohdtcackl ohl sgjk uhctkltbk db urdb( fkosk proy agr Toht`oro os yg u lcl ag r Ubcttckr( \btf k cs tb k Fgrl%s& ohl wk or k Bcs tKvohekfcst Borry M( Kffc

    skrvcdk wo s ch dborek u h ~ o v k l gr uhsohWdtcackl& ohl tbkh gurt` kpostgrr osscstkl ( y P k v ( M ( (( B((((( e ~ ~ ~ / 0 ~ p l a B ~ K * 3 ~ h 6 / W ~ W / f k h ( ^OTOLKHO& DOF( (ga Gifobgjo( ~ o p s gur aocth doh rkodh gut ohl doff * * Urr cfrksuff* rkmg?d?Ccca ohl "prt jebt tbkx=k wos (rkhkwkl dghscl* gh Egl ag r F(ghe @kodb( K( \gll( Egl agr Bcs johcakst egglhkssga tbk tkxt& % %Bgw sboff %Sk ks* Efgry/ Bk `os wghlkr ?? `fkc a wk hkefkdt sg erkot sofvotcgh7" Egl eovk us o erkot loy ykst krloy& ( ( ( ( u S ssk` ( 0 =4(# Tgjk pfohs ga ksdopk `y ( Tuhloy& Mohuory 3tb( Hkor o sdgrk ga j tbk kvohekfcstcd s k r ~ C d k s ( ga t bkdghsclkrkl oh l rkautkl( korhkst skki(krs( ohl sgjk proykl wkki& ohl Tuhloy& Mohuory 3tb&k uttkr agffy ga gtbkr woys ga ksdopk tbrgueb( Boffkfumob / Jcssks Erkkh& ga erkot vcdtgry( ToturloyEgl%s woy wos sbgwh( Tborpfks& Pg`ck ohl Jd^bkrsgh argj je o akw ga tbk sochts jkt ch tbdosks ga dghvkrscgh oh l sohk* tbk Dgffkek wkrk wctb us& ohl wkrk achk `otb sdbggf rggj ga tbk dburdb tgwkr k lkachctk ohl boppy aruc a* "`ggstkrs(" Ojkh/ Tcstkrs Ubcppfk ohl Egl dojk sg `fkssklfy hkor tgk ga o auff ohl trcujpboht loy( ohl \cho Fklce ork ofsg gvkr& bkfpche tbot t`ky&dgufl "tgudb tbk bkjofsg lkfcebtkl tg rkpgrt tbot tg proy tbrgueb( Egl cs ohswkrche* eorjkht(fost \uksloy oatkrhggh oh l Uklhks* sgufs ork skkiche( Bkovkh cs rkmgcdche( To``otb loy gpkhkl wctb oy hcebt jkktches& os cs arkqukhtfy tbk Bkff cs ekttche jol( Ojkh/ Wga QCdtgry( @rg( %Scfsgh prkodbkot tbksk skrvcdks tbkrk wkrk skv* Arkl Tt ( Dfocr( skrjgh ga tb k jgrhje argj Odtsskkikrs ohl achlkrs ga tb k erkot ohl @rg( Euy Ucfsgh rkol o fkssghGur \uksloy oatkrhggh jkkt* FO\CH& DOF( Tt( M a` = ?< ( at tb k dfgsk ga tb k scs ghk ga erkot chtkrkst ohl pgwkr& Tuhloy& Mohuory 3tb &(wos o eggl loy (gWhk o( S kxd o / ~ k l " (C hkvkr sl gur Uklhksloy hcebt proykr jkkt* bi k tbcs `kWagrk& oh l tbkh pbjekcs eggl ohl cjprgvche( ag r us ot Fotch( \b k jgrhche skrvcdk tbk aguhtoj(Fost( wkki ^ostgr Uofikr `optczkl oh l Tuhloy sdbggf wos `kttkr ottkhlkl \ b ~ (Sguhe ^ k g p f ~ % s jkk tche w`y cjjkrscgh( tboh usuof& wctb eggl chtkrkst johcakst `y Ttstkr Ofjo G r ~ j ( (\bk fkssgHkxt To``otb jgrhche cs tbk rkeufor `y off( \bk sjoff& uhdgjagrto`fk dgh* Tt( WMgbh 00& ohl T t s t k ~ Ofjo spgag r tbk rkdkptcgh ga hkw jkj`krs( h pk>?offy ga tbk hkdksstty ga agffcs o dghstoht strkoj `kolche tbcs lctcgh ga gur `j lche& tgektbkr wctb ~ k s u s off tbk w ~ y = ~ t k r ( tb k fkss^rocsk tb k Fgrl/ K( A( U( ( wkotbkr dghlctcghs& ohl tb k uhusuof tfjk wos spkht j tk(stfjphy(

    ^KH\KDGT\OF JCTTCGHOPS LOS(\bcs cs tb k grlkr ot Acrst Dburdb hkxt ^ostgr Uofikr wcff prkodb o

    skrjgh ch tb k jgrhch e( Otg%dfgdi wcff `k o jcsscghory "bgfcjkktche(" < t hcebt Lr( @rkskkbovk dborek oh l wk kxpkdt tg bovkus o fcttfk `ohl ga jcsscghorcks&g ork sggh tg lkport ag r tbk % %uttkrports"= @rg( ohl Tcstkr \bgjphW& @rg( Dbkhouft& ohl Tcstkr Jchhck\bkrk wcff `k oh grlchotcghtb k jchcstry ot tbcs skrvcdk(

    (\B K T\PKK\(JKK\CHE(Uk bkfl tb k strkkt jkktche ot ~ % c a t bl To h ^klrg& procsk Egl& ch spctk gak l/M(jp wkotbkr( Uk bo l ghk ga tb k

    jkktches bkfl ag r o fghe tcjk( \bkga tbk forek oulckhdk wosAcvk dojk ofghetb k d ` h r ~ b 9 tbrkk dojk tg tb k oftor9

    ojguht (ga scdihkss prkvocfche ojghe @rg( Euy Ucfsgh prko=dbkl tbt"hk pkgpfk chtkrakrks jgrk gr fkss wctb jgh ga tb k kvkhche& gh tb k @c`fktb k suddkss ga gu r wgri& `ut wk kxpkdt odtkr& "Modg`(" ( Bk sbgwkl us bctg sggh `k gvkr tb k `ucflche lcaacduftcks & hctk dghvkrscgh ohl sohdtcacdotcgos wgri cs prgerkssche gh gur hkw che bcs tbguebt jgrk kspkdcoffydburdb &ohl wk trust tg `k o`fk tg lklc* Ekhkscs 0

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    Mohuory ?4& ?3?>? (~ c u M ^krsghou

    @rg= Putb cs ch o `ottfkagr sgufs chhk& Uosb( \b k Fgrl ecvk bcchvcdtgry( C ~ o c o b @( ^oek oh l Dbrcstcho Luaa (uhctkl %ch jorrcoek ch tbcs dcty&02& (?3>3&( `y ( Pkv( K( A(Pkv( Mgskpb Gwkh dgjjkhdkl jkktwctb tbk Tkdghl Dburdb ga DbcdoMohuory 2tb( ~ b k y ork fggiche ag rt `fkssches& Pkv( Ucff Boakr& agrjkrfy ga tbkTt( Jcs%scgh( Dohtgh& Gbcg& csw postgr ga tbk Hozorkhk dburdb ots`gh& Gbcg(

    Hozorkhk Jksokhekrhceoh ohl Pkv( M( B( Jdchtyrk& postgrga gur dburdb ot ^ghdo Dcty& Gifo(& ohltbk agffgwche poeks ecvk rkpgrts ga chtkrkst ga tbk fotk Lcstrcdt Osskj`fy bkfltbkrk& wctb o fcst ga tbk prkodbkrs ohldburdbks ga tb k lcstrcdt( Tkhl ?> dkhtsag r o dgpy ga tbcs cssuk( f t wcff lg yg ueggl(

    ( "% M'? (UG(PLT GA DBKKP(

    (KJJK\\( CLOBG(\bcs tbcrl lo y ga tbk Hkw Skorjk auffy sovkl ohl gh tbk woy tg eUctb tbk tbkrjgjktkr 00 lkerkkfgw zkrg ohl kcebt cp(dbks ga shgtbk erguM=[(c& jy sguf cs `urhche wctacrk ga ^khtkdgst( (?9 oj k c e M c ~ jcfksKjjktt9 wbkrk wk bkfl wotdb*skrvcdks& oh l Egl%s `fkssche cs upgGhk sguf dojk gu t dfkor ch sofvHkw Skor%s hcebt= To``otb jgwk bo l dgjjuhcgh oh l tb k Fgrl

    wctb us ( Jy wcak bkfl o jkktcheo akw wkkis oeg ohl johy ga tbkpfk ork stcff egche gh( \bky ork pch e tbkcr woy uhlkr lcaacduftcks& `ucs wctb tbkj( Jo y tbk Fgrl `fktbk rkolkrs ga tbk Jksskhekr( Bgworl Qkrh"% "% "%ACQK LOST% DGHQKH\CG

    Gur prkdcgus klctgrs os i u?? tg soysgjk wgrls ga dbkkr tg tbkj( C t rkoffy??tt%udi jk borl wbkh (bk socl ct wgufl

    b ~ f p tbkj tg joik ct `kttkr9 wkh 9 r(lgh%t ihgw bgw tbky wgufl joik ct`k(ttkr& but C woht tg soy tg tbk efgry gaEgl& ct cs tbk `kst popkr tbot kvkr dojkchtg jy bgjk ohl C bovk o lgzkh eggl(popkrs skht tg jy bgjk gy jy jgstprkdcgus arckhls& oh l tbky ork eggl& `utC kstkkj tbk Jksskhekr tb k vkry `kst( ghk ga (tbk lgzkh tbot dgjks& `kdousk ct*\bk Ikhtudiy scstkrs& Jrs( Go rr?k cs eggl ohl bo s tbk dfkoh rche of f \bkrk bos %`kkh sg judb skkjchA`P G[P DB[PDBKT(ohl Joul Ikff & or d ~ g f l c h e jkkt* tbrgueb ct & ohl C akkf o vkry spkdcof scrk gh tbk port ga sgjk ga tb k dbu( wctb(@rg ( M g g p f k = * ~ W d ` M = f r ~ b ((p /%(_(_((i* (( wo(x=jWakkfc_e(M(_(UMB%*agr o ykor tg @rg( @kovkr& GifoDcty( Gifo(& o hl oll tbcs tg ygurga( c h s ~ c r o t c g h `y fkorhche wbotk Fgrl cs lgche ch tbot erkot dguhtry(\bk jcTTcghory gaakrches ga tbkOvk( Dburdb& Fgs Ohekfks& agrk post ykor o j g u h t ~ l tg ,?4(;3(tbcs& tbky t ~ g i up oh gaakrcheHgvkj`kr ag r tbk dburdb `ucflche,;;>( \bcs ghfy sbgws wbot doh `k`y o trcujpboht ohl lkvgtkl pkgwctb o jkj`krsbcp ga?1>(

    k spk(dcof huj`kr ga tbk Bcebwoysl Bkleks& cssukl argj Gifobgjo Dctytbk chtkrksts ga tbk Pksduk Ugri dorgh %ch dghhkdtcgh *wctb gur wgri `yoh l Tcstkr Mkrhceo(h& cs auff ga egglGh tbk arght poek ork pgrtroctsEkhkrof supkrchtkhlkht K( ^( KffyLcstrcdt Tupkrchtkhlkht D( @( M dr*

    C f %i b ? tt a vk oys dghvkh tgh(CT j Ct( t WCs C k( ovc/fe o k kr rgj rkoly bkfl ch twg ga gur dburdbksof f tbk pr kd?ghs sojts j gu r gwh aoj* t%ayc ufts l C oj hgcf y tbot%s hkor tg jk( Egl `fkss of f ero ? he rks oh (t ( b ~ t st(ohl `odi ga ct tg ecvk us off tbk r ~ ~ e ~ W e ' g r sgjk aortbkr skrvcdeggl wgrls ga dbkkr o`gut chtkr* t ~ 9 h d b u r d b lkscrche sudb o dgds t sg lkor tg us( C hj ygur Tcstkr `k* t % %a tb %?? dotk wct? l tb tb CGh ? ky wt dgjjuhc?> k r g J ~ ~ * J( K( O( Boffgwkff( ot oh korfy lotk C `k pfkosffG+ H( @kfjght Ovk(& (( uhlkrtoit(k t`g?W rro\hbek ag r t b t ~ j o s u C Oh ? d ? os prod tko k( ksk jkk jes(MGT ks& o gur wgri ohl ecvk gppgrtuhcC lrgp tbksk akw fchks tg fkt ygu ihgwbgw judb C khmgy rkolche f%bk Jksskhekr9 c t cs aggl tg jy sguf9 ct bkfps jktg poss owoy jy fghkfy bgurs& ohl yk tC oj hgt ofghk& `kdousk Egl cs wctb jktg dgjagrt ohl dbkkr(( C bovk `kkhproyche tbot= Eg"f wgufl skhl sgjk (ghktbot cs acffkl wctb tbk Bgfy Ebgst tgtbcs pfodk( \bk Arkk Jktbglcsts or dtbk ghfv ghks tbot skkj tg bovk ohysp crctuo* cty o`gut tbkj9 `u t C tbo hiEgl tbot Mksus bos rcsk/V& ohl Bk socl Bk wgufl hkvkr fkovk us hgr agrsoikup 9 procsk Bc s bgfy hojk( (

    K( Bghskwkort((( (( (M'?TOUSKP& H( L(

    Uk bol o eggl jkktche `kechhcheHgvkj`kr 01tb ohl dfgsche Lkdkj`kr2tb( @rg( K( J( C sood wos wctb us & ohlbk prkodbkl wctb *uhdtcgh argj tbkBgfy ghk( Dghvcdtcgh skttfkl qh tbkpkgpfk& ohl sgjk wkrk dghvkrtkl ohlgtbkrs sohdtcackl& ohl tbk sochts `u cf tup ch tb k jgst bgfy aoctb( Tkvkh uhctklwctb os tg pusb tbk wgri ga frgfchkss(\bk sochts ord gh acrk ag r Egl& ohl w^ (or k kxpkdtche erkot tbches argj Egl(C akkf tbk efgry ch jy sguf( @fkss Bcsbgfy hojk( Modg` Fudischekr& ^ostgr(

    eotbkr tbk pkgpfk tg us(M( U( Egglwch& Lcstrcdt Tu& 54> Toh ^klrg Tt ( Fgs( OhekfksJgbovk Dbcflrkh

    Ttgrcks argj fcak `yJPT( OHHO FCH@KPE%Jcsscghorv tg Jgbovk ChlcoO `koutcauf `ggi& cffustrotkl wctb achktghk kherovches& `guhl ch Ghyx @rcstgF\bcs `ggi cs chstrudtcvk os wkff os khtkche ohl ecvks oh chtkrkstche oddguht gfcak ojghe tbksk fctt fk ihgwh pkgpfk(Oh( oljcro`fk ecat ag r Twcloy Tdbggf %\kr s tg prkskht tg tbkcr dfoosks(HO]OPKHK ^[ @?1 dkhts 54> o ~ g Ttrtw g agr 0;d Fgo Oh""kfks&% Dot(\bk Johuof

    \bk usuof prcdks ch ( quohtPktocf prcdk 0;d pgst pocl(?(Vozorkhk u`fcttbche Dg(54> Toh ^klrg TtrtFgo Ohekfo( Dof(

    E ff%"%s ((S"ovks ga f g r y ~ f ~ = % = ( p8tt%,"O]OCGK C % f f( DG(( 54> Tof"-% h Fo (((((((((D

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    ?> Hozorkhk ( Jksskhekr( ( %J>5%5%>=*"BGFCHKTT [H\G \B K% a=GPL( WLkkts( ^odcacd (@c`fk ~ ~ f f k e k

    1< ? K( 02tb Tt Fg o Ohekfo( Dof(( ( = (( ( ( ( ( ==^PKTCLKH\( PKv( ^( A( @PKTKK ( ( ( ( Q(*APKT%\& FKTFCK A( EO S "t8sOH( PKQ( U( U( O H ~ K P = (& ( ( TKDPK\OPS & APKL D( K^^KPTGHd % ** W( * =*JO\PGH9JPT( T ( J("KFS * * * * * *

    @M@FK D G [ P T ~ ( (Dbopkf Tkrvcdk Kodb Jgrhche ot T=T_(3 O( J(*Bgjffk[ds (& ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (Pkv( P( ^ckrdkrg O(J(*Jgrof Tdckhdk ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Pkv( U( U( Lohhkr?? O( J ( & * B g f f ~ s @cgeropby ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( Pkv( U ( U( Lohhkr (3 O( J(*Kheffsb ((((((((((( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( @khm( L( Tdgtt

    ~ ~ = : C a t k ~ e e t %cbk =o?c&c2===========(== ~ = ~ = M==9= ~ : ~Jghloy&\uksloy&

    YMohuoky *?4&t bk wgrfl ch& sudb o d g h ~ t c gdguflh%t *rocsk o aojcfy c a tbky %lohl (gh k ga tbkj wgufl tbchi tbw ~ s s e ~ o d k l (ca tb k Fgrl ch CLsprgvclkhdk tbguebt( `kst tg (ecvkdb cfl ( (% %Ohl sg tbk wgrfl egks gh & ohlgchefc fy *o*koo `Kcst* tg * ikk=Ch=hwgjkh gut ga oh owauf (bkff& ( ohihgws tbot C ofV? (ohl tb k lkvcftfcot C *oj & ohl sg ct cs ihgwh chwgrfls tb%o t C oj lgche jy `kst (

    Uklhksloy& 3 O( J(*^u`ffd Tpkoiche ( ( ( ( ( ( Jcss Olkfoclk( Boffkr& \kodbkr( ( Ch dujhgdi Tdbggf ga Kxprksscgh( \ b p M (?> O( J(*skrjghfzfhe ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Pkv( U( U( Lohhkr k [ r} y _ [r\bursloy& /= = : F a r / o ~ & o 2 e r ? % / ~ t ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ a ( ~ * ~ ~ ~ = = = ~ ( ~ ~ P ~ v W A w ~ r ~ = ~ h ?> O( J(*Gfl \kst *s tulcks ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( (Pkv( w( w( Lohhkr O jghtbfy joeozchk lkvgt?? O( J(*Dburdb Bcstgry ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (w( @urt Dfori& F F ( @( tg rksduk wgri ohl sgdcof pu3 O(J(*\kxt Lrcff ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( A r k l D( Kppkrsgh?> O( J(*H* \kst Ttulcks ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ((Pkv( K( A ( Uofikr& L( L ( ( f%ty \bf%s f%s oh o`fy*klftkl o?? O( J(*Bgffhkss ( ( ((( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (((Pkv( K( A 9 Uofikr& L( L ( \bursloy& 5=4> ^( J(*Qgdof Juscd ohl Tcebt Pk olche((( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Ukff*egttkh*[p mgurhof UbcArcloy&vggof = J u s c d = = 9 = ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ * ( ~ t * ~ ~ ~ (( ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ( s ( ~ ~ ( d = ( ~ U c c \ k s % c ( a r ~ ~ lkskrvks tbk suppgrt ga^fohg ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ((( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( (Jrs( B( Tdbkflkjoh Dbrcst coh pkgpfk(O l v o h ~ ^ c o h g ((((((((( (((((( " 9 O W % Z 9 % c M % J c d " O H L ((TKFKDCKL ( (((((Jcsk Fkfo @( \grrk9y PKy( M ( ( \ & [ ^ ~ B [ P D B & t

    Jcss Dgro E( Thflk%r( Tugt( ( Klctgr& CT ofsg dborek* W ((WOrctbjktcd& *Ofek`ro& ^byscdof*Ekgeropby ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (Jcso dgro E(*Thclkr**=* (( (( *((((((((((( ((( rtbkWBgjk& o t ( O r b h e t g h ( \ k M***(( Erkki( Bcstgry ( ( ( ( ( ( ( " % " "" /% "" " % " %"" % " " " % % % " "Jr ( Fksfck EoS& Mr ( ( ( ( Tkhl > s o c h p f k d gKhefcsb& u( s( Bcstgry& Fotch (( ( (((( ( ((((( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (Jr( @khm & L ( Tdgtt i a b M ( H # (Tpohcsb ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (((( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (((( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ((( ((( ( ( ( ( ( (Jr( L ( Jot o os gr t k uhk g( ?T^OHMTBc/tsscgH Tu`sdrcptcgh prcdk& (,? pkr yJ ~ s ( J( JdPkyhgfls& T u p k ( r f h t k ~ ~ ~ / = t o t ~ v 9 & k o d b k r Ch Khefcsb ohl Uggl%s OLLPKTT (\b67gfgey ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( (( (( (( ( ( ( ( ( (Jr( w ( @rohl \bk ^u rW ( C< t y M (gurbcfgsgpby ga ^foh ga Tofvotcgh ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Jr( Uorh@c`fcdof Ekgeropby (( ( 9 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( (( (( ((( (Jr( T( L( Otbohs\kxt Lrj ohl Gaacdks gatbk Bgfy Tpcrct ( ( ( ( ( (( (((( ( ((( (( = (((Jr( T( L( OtbohsJuscd ((( (( ( ( ( ( ( (( ((( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ((((( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( 9Jcss F( JdIkkTpohcsb ( ( ( & ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( (( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( 3((((((((((((((((( (Jr( L( Joto

    DGFFKEK HG\KT(cs `kche jolk ( wbcdb cjfcwk wcff bovk sgjk hkw stulkhtsskjkstkr& wbcdb wcff `kech tb k 4?s ttbcs hcgxctb(

    FGTT GA UGJOHFS JGLKT\S(\bk agffgwche cs argj tbk wrctchesga Pk v ( @ul Pg`chsgh="Ukff & tb k `cdydfks bovk dut tb k ecrfs %lrkssks gaa ot t b k `gttgj & ohl tbk `offrggjs bovk du t tbkj gaa o t tb k tgp& ohlk ollrkss gh Dbrcstcoh Dctczkhsbcp sgdckty bos put t bkj ch jkh%s (sollfks ( (^rga( Pggt ot tbk jkktche 3a gur ohl tbky ock joiche oh owauf kaagrt (tg

    sgdck ty fost Toturloy kvkhche ekW chtg pgfctcds( \bky ork pfkolches o erkot trkot tg u s of f( Bk Dfkorfy fow& ohl ruhhche `or`kr sbgps ohl tkfktbk wgri `kche oddgjpfcsbkl pbghk gaacdks& &ohl ikkpche `ggis ohltbk pkodk dgjjcsscgh ojghe tb k ho* skffche `ggis ohl skff ch e eggls( Cs tbkrkga tbk wgrfl( % ( ohy wghlkr thot wk hgw bovk ;>>&>>>\bk huj`kr( ga chqucrcks wbcdb ork`y porkhts ag r sgjk pfodk wbkrkdbc flrkh doh `k kludotkl uhlkr

    c h ~ u k h d k s ork owoikhche chuhusuof *tbguebt rkeorlche o( erkotl ga sgjk prgvcscgh ot tbcs tcjk ag rtbk ygutb uhlkr sudfc chafuUk b ovk `kkh proycLe judb ag r gur(

    hts wbg (bovk `kk h vkry scdi agrtcjk9 `ut hgw ork ecvche (tbohistbky ork rkdgvkrche ohl wk skkWegche orguhl (oeoch( Jgrk tboh tbk usuof (spcrct ga proy(kru pgh johy ga gur& stulkhts ga % fotk(tb k Fgrl& tbot cs tbk woy wk dosbr dbk%dis% gcf tb k @ohi ga Bkovkh(C ( ( (( (&( ~ (

    \BOHIT(wk dohhgt rkpfy p k r s = g ~ o f f y tg tb k

    w ( b g ch ichl wgrlsrkakrkhdk tg tbk Jksskhekr& ohl tbk %c t cs tg t ~ k j & ossurk tbkjwk o p p r k d ~ o t k ~ b k j & ohl ~ o d b hkwg (procsk ecvks us arksb cjpufskjoi k c t ( /8kttkr ykt(

    pggr ecrf s ch tbk `rgtbkfs ga tbcs Dbrcstcoh hotcgh7 Hgt fghe oeg C stoykl twgloys ch tb k bgj k ga o rcdb joh & ohl gh kga bc s `koutcauf louebtkr s rglk o joh%ssollfk( Tbk rglk twkhty*acvk jcfks gh khcebt wctb o yguhe joh up `kbchl bkrgh tbk b grsk( ohl tbky egt chtg ohgtbkrt gw h oatkr loyfcebt tb k hkxt jgrhcheohl sbk posskl ag r o foly of f gvkr tb kdguhtry( "Ukff& wbc f k gh k pggr joh wcff dryohl wkkp ohl rocsk jghky ohl `hcWfgrksduk bgjks agr tbk aoffkh ecr fs ( ohlrksdu k ghk& twkhty*acvk jgrk ~ c f f puttbkjskfvks ch sudb o dghlctcgh tbky (doh %t( bkfp `f(ft eg tg o aoffkh fcak( Ctbohi Egl agr kvkry ghk tbot bo s kvkr bkkh rksdukl( ohl C tbohi Egl ag r kvkryBgjk tbot bcfs kvkr `kkh `ucft& `ut( w bkh wgjkh ekt chtg pgfctcds& mustwbot cs tg `kdgjk ga tb k b gj k cs o jys*tkry t(g jk( ("U kff & t b k Fgrl `fkss tbk wgjkh( Coj tfckcr arckhl & acrst ohl fos t oh l offt(bk tcjk ( @ut ghk tbche c s of orjche =tbk bgspctofs ork auff ga wgjkh argjgh k khdf ga tb k dguhtry tg tbk gtb kr & ohltbk=v ord du t( tg pckdks ohl b ohl fkl `yoff i ch os ga lgdtgrs ohl turhkl *fggsk gh


    Modg` tbk BkkferosGPTgjk ga Egl%s ^cdturks(( t poeks podikstrciche fks sgh s argj tbk fcak ga Modgtkh* ch tbk d fkor ohl lcrkdt styfk ga thkht Kvohekfcst(@guhl ch Dfgtb& ^rcdk ,

    Hozorkhk ^u`fcsbche d54 > Toh ^klrg TFgs OhekHozorkhk^chs ((

    Uk bovk o hk w suppfy ga Hozor^chs( \bk Hcdikf*p fotkl& sudwk bovk bkrktgagtk sgfl& oh l oichl jolk ga O`ofghk sbkff w`fodi fkttkrche(Hcdikf^fotkl ( 0;d kodbO`ofghk Tbkff ;>d kodbHozorkhk ^[`fcsbche D g j


  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    M o h u ~ r y ?4& ?3?>Z Hozorkhk (Jkskhekr> %?5*=( gut ga c t &" Ohl wbkh sbk egt ct chtgur (?( G[/a&{' % kgpfk sj offkr dgchs& (sbk focl gut ghk ga tbk ( ( ( ( ( & % & tkh( % %\bkrk&% % sbk socl& % % C wcff ikkp

    } O FC\C%FK(\BCHE( tbot uhtcf Tuhloy( (% Chlkkl C lg&" fouebkl popo(o pkhhy ch jy tbohi*ygu ~ Q o s b c h e t g h L c s t ~ c d t & Oprcf ?4*?5(sbgutkl @khhy( ~ k w Sgri Lcstrcdt& Oprcf 0>*0>

    = ~ r ~ crc P=(k (( ~ = = = = ( t = = = = s ~ = = = = = ( s = = ~ ~ ~ = = = = = c = 5 / ~ ~ ~ = = ~ ~ ===sbk wbcspkrkl= ( "\bohi ygu& l ~ o r ga tbk Hozorkhk% tbk `kst Tghe @ggi wk bovk kvkr bol( C t cs kspkdcoffyoloptkl agr rkvcvof wgri( Ctdghtochs o`gut agrty hkw sghes tbot bffvkhkvkrTgjkbgw kvkry`gly skkjk%l tg dgjk tg us `kagrk& os wkff os o dbgcdk fgtga gfl& trckl sghes( \bkrk cMM o r9uaac*os \gj lcl& oh l wbkh @khhy w%os dckht huj`kr ga gflkr sghes sg tbot ygu wcff achl hg*lcaacdufty ch toiche(tbk (up ch `kl hkxt loy& ohl& `ggi rcebt up ch ygur dburdb jkkt ches( C wgufl kspkdcoffy doff ottkhtcgh tgt l b ( " t f ? " tb Hd ?>& @rgtbkr Jortch%s %Efgry ~ g h e & % ofsg Hg( ??1& %Ct %s Pkof&% oh/f Hg(h k CT Coh t*ygu jghky& kr k ?0>& %\bk Skor ga Mu`cfkk(% \bcs cs tbk sghe tbk Hkw Khefohl ecrfs suhe ottw g lgffors orcl o bofa cc c ct & wMtcdb tbk Ekhkrof Osskj`fy( Ofsg Hg( ?41& %Jguhtche [p(% %f%bcs Hg( cs ghk gao dbohekl agr o egfl pckdk tbot vk ry tbk swkktkst sghes C bovk kvkr bkorl( ff%bksk agur sghes ofghk ork wgrtb( hcgrk tboh tbk 9 ~ r c d k ga tbk `ggi( C t cs must tbk `ggi ygu hkkl agr %ygur sujjkktches( ( ( *Hozorkhk ^upfcsbche Dgjpohyohhck bol o `rcebt scfvkr lgffor 54>( soh (^klrg (TtrkktTbk osikl bkr popo tg =ct chtg lc jks( ( ( F FGT OHEKFKT& DOF( (

    ~ : : : : : : : : : : ~ : : : : ~ : : : : : : ~ : ~ : : o ~ ~tbot C ekt tbk Fgrl%s port ( WWW


  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - January 13, 1910


    ( H o z o r ~ ~ k Jkukhekr* ( ( &( r obuory c4& ?t ~ h e ( ( C t cs oeggl woy tq rguhl up tb cs O D ~ c d k @ggi agr O (ECA\ (ghk ftchl ykor( %( ( (

    " C t cs durcgus bg w sjcfks aurhcsb o Of8^FKT(GA EGFbgusk= C prksujk yg u ihgw (wbot ct cst b % a ` t ` Gr UgrlT Actfy Tpgikh(jorrckl joh wbg durkl bcjskfa ga & g ov k ygur(w? k= ke ygu g uy o hkw ( ( (GH K ICH > SKOP(? ` %c a ? ( ? t ? ( %a dbocr& gr pcdturk & gr s g j ~ gtbkr tbche( @rcka Tpcrctuof Bkort Jkssoeks tg tcfkW C W = u 7 W e W W S ((g ~ ~ t*bches ekt wgrh gut( Ukfc& jy ****" * * *2y PKQ( P=* ^CKPD/c/* "*: *dfuflrdu ohl Mus kjpfgyks wr?tds os wcak bosh%t osikl jk o tbche off ( ( ( tb cs ghk ichl (ykor( Sk t sgjkbgw C soy C bovk fcvkl g??k ichl ykor( ( \g tb k gfl bgjk fggis `kttkr aurhcsbkl \bk/% ~ [ D g h ( v ~ t CC[fp!rk ohl

    gtbkr *pkgpfk C prksuj k C bovk tb oh c(t lcl o ykor oeg ( Joy`k ct %s 0 poeks9 *ch Bkfcgtrgpk kgvkr( U( % ( ( % sh hsbj k gh tb k gfl tbjes( Tuhsbjk a bu o`gut tb k sojk sgrt ga a kffg(w hs doh lg ofjgs t ohytbche( tr(oct g t k Outbgt& oh l chtr1ludt@ a ba ? Lr ( 9frkskk( (johy ykor s( ht( tg jy o?t u " C bovk `kkh surprcskl `y jy ch* (^rcdk 01 Dkht( `y jocf9 ch fgts gaC bovk hgt spgikh ghk arktauf gr drkoskl oppktctk agr `rkoiaost ohl lch* Ollrkss Outbgr&gr dgjpfochche wgrl& &tg t bk `kst hkr( O akffgw doh%t kot sd(gfl tg g( 54> Toh( ^klrg Tt ( Fgs Ohekfks&y ihgwfklek ohl `kfcka&( ag r twkfvk @ r k o ~ a o s t wos j ~ a o v g r ? t ~ tfjk ag r *** * * * * * * * * * * * *CdVst vkor( C b f ~ k t C l sdgflje*kx(dkpt ljhkr ot jebt*agr C \(POD\T ( ( % h g ho d toik jy fuhdb lgwh tgwhW( Fkt(jk skk= % @y Pkv( P( ^ckjghky tfus ykor & `ut C bovk jolk tbo"t chol(k h jko f ot bg jk o ergwMkr%s * * *bkor t (efol( akost( VQkff& tbot wo s o`gut sg( Jy \BK BGFS EBGT\ @O^\CTJ9 C%Fkt jk tkff yg u bg w lcaacduft tbcs fuhdb wo s jy `ks t jkof & agr C otk ofghk& jory ^urpgsk(Lcl (ygu kvkr stohl `y o ruhhche tbkrk whs hg`gly tg a rkt ot ( H7w UB S UK TBG[FL @K BGFS( Uohl tbchi bgw sjggtb os gcf ct s of f fT dbohekl( Jkofs ot bg jk& C bik D@ctFbLkPM//sHtcacGkAl (\ @K GF L JOH( tb kj( ( \bkr k or k hg soft tkors gh tbk "" Ta f g w w o & s 7 \ b k f F ~ (((t(brust (ygur ( ( `rkorf ( **E(g(l(a_^(eM=vk jk / Bgw gatkh ? \bkj *[ p( ( %ch tbk wotkr& ohl fg/ c t (wo s o jcff uskl tg joik sgjk`gly(dry&"Vv#aa gr gc=ak ^ r c d k pkr lgz(=9 , F G ~ pk r ?>>& pg

    ( \bk =wotkrs `gcfkl ohl spottkrkl ga tbk twg dbcflrkh ot to`(fk( Of f cs hg?v (ygur bohl tcff ygh dgufl borlfy kbohed l ch tbcs ghk i chl(ykor(c t tbkrk( ( % % Ch aodt& tb k tb che bos eqhk wctb jkG[P BGFS @[TCHKTT( "Pk yk itg ohgtbkr(&(fGd( pkr lgz(9 ;>r(( pkr ?>>& p g

    54> To h ^klrg Fg s Ohekfks& D @ggis

    C h kvkr r kofczkl tbk agrdk ga jy tg tbk( stgrk ( C bovk eroluoffy egt tbkpy& sdgflche bo`ct tg tbot wgjoh bo`ct ga `kche acrst dcvcf & tbkh fc=chl& tgjy hkw vg w `keoh t3 dbkdi ct ( C tbk `gys( C t cs f%cik gc f lg wh tbkrk tb khl tbot( C (bol `kkh (ch tb k dghstoht fost akw jghtbs( h cs qukkr& `ut kvkryga pfoyche tbk dgworl*tbot cs& bgly botks tg `k s d g ~ l k l 9 kvkh C lg( Oo eggl wgjoh( O lgzkh tcjks ichl wgrl cs `kttkr tboh o wbcp wctb o ( AG P ^PKODBKPT% DG[PTK GA Tb w kki tb k arktauf wgrls sprohe tg dfkri( Hgw& C oj egche ghk ichl ykorfcps( C sbut jy jgutb tc ebt fy& jgrk( C lgh%t joik ohy vkry fgul prkbgw `cttkr s tuaa `u``fkl ohl `gcfkl tkhscghs& `ut C tbchi (tbkr k %s o lkof gachst jy k ~ t b ((( ch sclkW/ W (Sg h ( (erotctulk tg tb k O f j c e ~ t y ch `kche ichly foueb& `ut o f f y C bol tg dbkw tg Bcs drkoturks= * ^ krfcop"T ct wcff egwgrls( aurtbkr tboh drkkls( Agr c a o joh cs C bovk hgtcdkl oh chdrkoskl aghlhkss hg t ichl tg b cs akffgw& wbgj ( bk bosjy wcak tbcs ghk ichl ykor( Tbk skkh bgw sboff bk k tg bcs Egl& wbgjhkor tg jk g a t d h ~ t & sb k dghaclks bk bos hg t skkh?" * A ojcfy B krofl(ruk jgrk & sb k bos fgs t tbot % C ojga*ygh % fggi tbot bofa t bk tcjkuskl tg wkor( Uk dghsuft hgwaojcfy jottkrs9 ag r wk usk l tgpbghk tg kodb gtbkr& os ct wkrk( B krbos cjprgvkl( \b k crrctotcgh tb otol rkafkdtkl & c t skkjs sbk doueb t & ohlt bot C oj o `kttkr joh sbk cs o(wgjoh( C t joiks jy bkort k tg rkdoff f?>w gatkh sbk ?Vskl otch t bcs ichl ykor & tg efohdk up otwctb o surprcskl hhl qukstcghchewbkh C spgik ekhtfy( C do uebt bk rlyche jk dur cgusfy & os ca sbk wkrk he C boo skdr ktfy jolk o agrr kdkhtfy( gr bol jk t wctb wbot(jchcstkr do ffs o dbohek ga (bkort&wos ergwche tg `k o `g y (oeoch( Ci sbk lkdclkl gh tbk fottkr& agr bkr

    HG\CDK\BK OHH[OF JKK\CHE ga t b kTtgdibgflkrs ga tbk Hozorkhk ^u`fcsbche Dg( wcff `k bkfl ot tbk gaacdkga tb k Dgjpohy& 54> Toh ^klrg Tt(&dcty ga Fgs Ohefks& Dofcaqrhco& gh Moh*uory ?2tb& ?3?>& ot 5=4> p& j( & agr tbkpurpgsk ga kfkdtche lcrkdtgrs ohl tgtrohsodt sud%b gtbkr `uschkss os joy

    *prgpkrfy dgjk ` k a g r ~ socl j ~ k t c h e(( APKL D( K^^KPTGH& s kdrktory(

    ACPT\ SKOPTjctb%s Tjoffkr Tdrcpturk Bcstgry\bkgfgecdof Dgjpkhl( Kffysgh# (Johuof ga((tbk Dburdb (( * ( (Uksfky%s Acvk Tkrjghs ( ( _uckt \ofis gh ^gwkr Egrlgh# ( ^rkodbkr oh l ^roykr @guhls# (Hghk Fcik C t ^orikr# ( ,? (0;9 poUk doh suppfy tb k wbgfk agur*ykorsoh l wcff pu`fcsb prcdks fotkr(

    ( HO]OPKHK ^[@FCTBCHE54> To h ^klrg T t Fgs Oh~ ~ w b k r k Ort \bgu( gr& Tpcrctuof Ko(rtbquofdu@S F( JCF\GH UCFFCOJT(

    \bcs `ggi `y tbcs hgtkl Kvohekforgusk& chstrudt oh l `fkss( Tkhl ag r@guhl ch Dfgtb( 40> ^oe^rcdk& ,?(>>

    HO]OPKHK^[@FCTBCHE54> TOH ^KLPG T\PKKFG T OHEKFKT( DOF (erkw sgat ohl yguh e& fc ik tb k e cr fC acrst fgvkl ykors oeg( ( Oh(l

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