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NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS...

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BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f<mt-mot4»re4 bomber l» Ibe klr. U. K. plutn h»T* naw m»de their thW Immbln* r»ld Inio Otrtaanj. ' Bur war bonds »od kc«p 'em bomblac. A Regional Kewspop«r SerTing Nine IrrisnUd Idaho Counties WAR BULLETIN LONDOV. r«b. U (UJ9—Anterleui bomb* tn. In *^treor fAm.” baro nUe tbcir third d«7tlxhl alUek of the var aa Qef> manj, It wa* annenactd todaj by 0. 9. »nny htadquarten. VOL 25, NO. 272 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. FRIDAY, I'KnilUARY 2G. 1913 PRICE 5 CENTS NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREAT . Russians Tighten Ring in Caucasus, Take New Points By llENftY SJIAflBO MOSCOW, I'cb. 26 (U.PJ—The red army liKhtencd its arc around the Germnn bridfreliend in the northwest Caucasus today with the capture of Staronizhcteblievsltaya, 35 miles northwest of Krasnador, while mud, blizzards and desperate axi.s counter-atuicks to the north slowed the soviet advances toward the Dnieper and Orel, As Farmers Tlu onged Machinery Sale The Soviet forcca in the Caucasus broke into the dis- trict ccnter of Staronizhetc- blievBkaya last night and street fiffhlinfr c o n t i n u e d until d^wH, when the occupa- tion was completed, the Bus- fiian mid-dny commujiigue re- ported. • Hundreds of'eticmr dcnd found and nmny prlaonera were ture<). the buUctln said. Oilier Soviet iroopa occupied Uie nearby rsllroad ttfltlon of Angcltn- akayn, wiping out the enemy gorrl ..... - ;bllev^ltaya. 41 miles eii.5t of the oea of Azov ot the norUi side of Uie Taman penln «ula, tollowe<t by l?ss Umn 11 IwJurs Uie capture of .Mlngrelakayo, SO niUcj to the souUi nnd 32 milex nortJieiut of the Block uca port anO naval bas« of Novoroulak. The Qermatu cmduaily were be. Inf forced b«ck on tlie Taman pen- Jn^ulft l(2cU and Ihelr only paUt of escape lay acroM the Kercheiuki strait to tlio Crimea. The mldnlnht communique nald two battalions— normally 2.0W men — of Oennan light Infantrj- dlvUlon were wlpwl out at Mlnsre^luj'a and the 300 lurv'lvora of the gnrrbon captured. Captart Three Place* Re<l annlu a.hns & stretch of the souUiem front from Orel to IUut«r captured only thre« Inhabited places durlns the p ut 13 hours, Uis mid-day communjQue re- ported.' This «'aj for Ttitrcr inan the averace far the past several veeks. , Soviet tankmen, some of them uslne American and British made tanks, routed the Germnn.1 from one town below Ore^, cnplnrlnR eight onU'tank guns, and (Ivo trucks iond- ed wlUi smmunlUon and suppllei. Sixty Oerpans surrendered. Numerous German counter-at- tacks were reported tn oUier sectors south of Orel wlUi heavy losses to tiie aemians, Including 200 killed In one district slone. 0ecp snow ond blinding bllmrds were harrasslng' Uie Soviets In this area. Tlie mid-day communique hod re- ported tiie capture of severol oUier AFttlementA west of Kharkov and the killlnR of 100 and wounding of .300 Oerman cfMcers ojid men In repulsing a eounter-BtUck. Thick mud was hamperlnf the Soviets along the battlefront. from Kharkov souUi to Uip sea of Amy as the lat« winter tiiaw Increased. SlElPERRyANO ■|S 10 Circulation of nominating pe- titions In Tn-ln FalU today revealed formation of wlmt ma>' be the onli' complete •■tlfket" for tJie municipal election next month. Tlie ticket will consult of Bert A, Sweet for raaj'or; Loj’al I. Perry and W. W. Thomw for councllmen. Tlie only oUitr announced candl- dalM for the city elcctlou Uius far arc Mayor Joe Koehler, u-ho h*a filed for his third term, and A. 8. (Oerli Colwell, who eetia one of tiie two commlMlooenihlps. Koehler and Colwell are not teaajed aa ticket, \ It was understood that Council- men Carl Ritchey and Lionel A Dfon. whose four-year terma urc plrlng. will not seek reelecUon. Mr. fiweet. who heads the only ticket In the field, la %buslnessi; -_-»ho.ha*-t*Juin prominent-part P tivSe and .Chamber ol Commewe Mtivltles for many years. He U con- sumers' relation counsel of the Twin Falls county n\Uonlng and war price board. Mr. Perry, an aailstAnt eaaWer of tlie Fidelity National bank of TRln l^vlls, la ranked as one of the pronilnrnt younger men of the clt>% Immediate past president of the Junior CUamber of Commerce, he )iM bwn a clvle leader, won th( National Junior Chamber of Com' merce award last February u the outstanding young man of Twin ralLi and Is An otricer In the IdaliO volunlrtT leitrvta. ' Mr. Tliomas. prominent Legion' iiaire who Lt on officer In the Idaho stale guard, has been aeUve in civic and sen ieemen's work ond la a suc- ee.uful bu-^lncuman as head of the dlstrlbuUns orsimliaUon here for Uie Sinclair Rellnlng company. ALLIES CLEARING FORAHACK ON BIG lAP BASE By The^Auoclated PrcM SGen. Dougias MacArUiur's Amer* lean and AusUallsn troops were re- ported clearing the way for a ell- macUo offensive aKalasl the blo Japanese base at.Salamoua It? New Guinea today while low-flylns al' lied aliack plants bombed nnd ma- thlnt-nswed lo«v» and WfcUa In Uie Mubo region 12 miles below Salamaua. Allied patrols In one sector killed W Japanese stragglm, It w|u re- ported. In Uie tkles, Unlt«d Nations air- men blMled the Japanwe shipping center at Rabaul. New BrIUln. for Uie fourth night In & row. Score lilts nnnglng over the aearchlighl- flooded harbor for two hour?, allied filers scored four hlta on an 0.000- ton ve.«el, believed to be a sen- plane tender, and saw bombs ex- plode near three cargo aWps. OUier pUnes sttaiked the town of Rabaul and the Vanakanau air- drome and strafed enemy flying .jUlda at Gasmata'aad Cat>e Olmi- ecsver, N«w'Britain. ' ' American aerial attacks oo Jap- anese poslUoa In both tlie Solomon nad AleuUan Islands were reported by Uie nary whlcli anid fires were tarted during one raid In the Sol- omon*. Navy communique No. 202: “NORTII PACIFIC— "I, On Feb. 23. U.S. bombew. wlUi flKhUr e.icort, atuvckcd Japanese po. Bltloai at Klska. Clouds prevented, obsen-atlan of results. “.soimi PACjric— -2. o n Feb. 2J: "(A) Dauntle.is dive bombers (Dougla.1), wlU) Lightning Lock- heed (P-38) and Wildcat (Orum' man F4F) e.worl, Iwmbed Japanese posiUons at Vila, on Kolombnngara Island. Fires were slarKd In the get area. "(B) Liberator heavy bombers tConsolIdated) attatkrd enemy po- MUon-f at Kahlll and nt Falsi In Uie Shortlond bland area." TJie ralcl on KUKa was Uie Iftte.^t ft- series of attacks delivered against Uie Japane.ie base In the norUi Pacific with Increasing fre- quency In recent weeks. Some au- thorities con-ildcred It significant that no enemy rcJlstance wj ported. \ In the aerial action in Uie llere'i Just one amall teellon of Ihe Iirtnrr crowd which thronced ilie “rood for victor)''* marliliiery aoellen. lotendrd to get usable mafhlnrry Into the hand.i of ranchers «ho nerd It lo proclurr America’s war rropt. U'llh more tb^cI.OOO prnoni on the u ie grounds al nuon, the bidding nak <iplrUrd for xome 1,010 Item* of matblnery.'isliJf I'holo-Entravlnri 200 Implements Snapped up In Two Hours as Sale Booms Goverunieut W ill Ask ^ider_., Usage of Unrationed Foods held norUiweslc'ni wclor of the Sol/ omona and In the central : lightly held section, Vllo. where Uie fires were utarted. Is in the Munda rca only IM nauUcal mites north- B»t of QusdalcaiiAl air Held. Kahlll ind Fatil ate Japaiveeo all base cenlera In the northwestern Solomons In Uie area which In-' (CMti««t4 •!. rtt< >. o . t » . < NO GANDITI CnANOB BOMBAY, Feb. 20 {/?')—An offi- cial bulleUn said today that there had been no nppreclable cliange in I the condmon ol .Moliimclas K. Can'* dhl. now In Uie ntli day of his 31- day fasL It added that lie was ctieerfuL RESpiSON N E | CARS EASED WAaiUNOTON. Feb. 26 MV-It will be Just a Uttla eaaler hencfr. forth to buy a new automobile.-- The oiflee ot price odmlnlstraUon cwed UiB restrlcllona. cffecUva March 0. and made the enUre stock of unsold car»~about 240.000-avall' able for ale under raUoning regu- lations. - It said that the l&S order had been rewTltten and simplified to expand eUglblllty lists and to llbemllze types and with list prices o\-ef SI.SOO. Tlie new order provided: I. "A moderate enlargement’ those eligible to buy new car Include persons who» present no longer servlaoble and who I r»placements for purposes list- ed for "C" guollne book holders. 3. A “greater expansion" In tlie list of persons eligible to buy con- vertible* and cars la Uie hlgher-prU ced bracket to Include those not hating use of a ■•serrtceabJe vehicle needed In any gainful occupation — work relsted to Uie war effort public seni-lcc." t. "RaUon free" purchase by any- e In the same classlflcaUon of a 1941 model driven less Uian 1.000 miles (considered new). Dealers will be hold responsible for seeurinc, InformaUon on Uie purehaacr’o I qu&Ullcatlons, WASHINGTON. Fib. 28 (UJD-A hlgli-pOB-ercd propaKundri canipiilfin iduce hoiwslvrs to substitute Honed -.forjaUonfd frjod.iUifh ... le family diet Li beln? plnniied by^Uiree govrmment agcncle.s. Tl^c campaign, tlmrtl to tnlnclile wlUi point rnllonltiK of cunnrd foo<ls - -XL week ahd of meat and fats in e neor future. U belnir spoii.'iorpd Jointly by Uie office of var Inlor- mation. Uie ngrlculcure depiirtment and the office of prlec admlnl.'trn-^ Uon. Housewives will be urgrd to fresh vcKelnbles. potaioc.i. fruit, l . . call, brcnd. egcs and milk In place ot commwUUf.s new raUoncd. Store- keepers will br ft.ikr<l to rIvb prom- inent display 10 Ihrm both In Uielr Btore.i luid odvertkliiR. Chief medl.i of ilie c.imixilsn will be ncwdpapprs. radio, moUou jilc- turc.^. Ircturcs and blllbonrds. An O W I officials .<»ld leading food nd- vertLicrs reeejitly iiieduM 1100,000.- 000 worth of fldvcrUflliiic for boost- Inp foods recommended by govern- ment, OBericlea. OWr tilrepcly Miwlylnjr slve mtitcrlftl for womi-'n's of newspapers, !ij;;Rc;.tln .njenu.1 and iif.v clKhc.s Ml foetlttiil turunent la-a^kli Ienlure'''rw:ularly .............. apccink’’—item:i in plentiful OWI nl'.o was uiiderslooil lo .ilderlng prodiicUon of fllni.'i of lu ••rducftllDnal ” prottnun. With point rallouliiK of canned and procevwl foxl.i <IU(> lo bruin Monday, CPA iiriif^l whoU-Miler.i of proce.wd food' in n-:r freely to relalli-r.s '*tio ^ihort time IcU In '.vlilrh their slocks uikU t itir prr.seni. rair.', freeze. Tlie frr>-,v j>< tIo<1 xins in- tended to ennbic Kioci‘r>' i.Kire.'i to reslock Ihelr jJirlM;.. which In limiiy cn.'.ps were nlmn-.i nni'il'xl <luiin;: Uie lost nvtnuu- I jmvIuk nivh before Uie freeze went Intr. rffeci. Price AdmlnLvtrainr PrrnlK;' M. Crown relternlftl lliat OPA will re- quire Rrude labellnir of llie lfl4J jKifk of conned fniiw niul ve«et:iblr.'i,ile- ipltc taipa-ilUon of jwlnt ratlonlns. s p:irt /;ll))|)Ilc's (••only II rrpU'lllvll FLASHES of LIFE Pii-” ''*'"’ TROUBLES SBA’TTLE. Feb. :6-Mrs, FAigi Chriest went to a shoe repair shop for ft pair pf heels. . ‘•Aren’t Uiey reody yet?" the ask' ed. tiring of waiUng In slocking feet. Alas, the cobbler had given the slioea to anoUierxcu-itomer by mU- take. \ He ru'hed acroM Uie .itrect toT>(jy er a new pair. No raUoning book, Mrs. Chriest dug Into her purse. _.NQ_ratlanlng-book..................She wftlktil home In \ine\almtil shoes from the cobbler's .-^helt—"and Uiey hum- ---- TK1PLET8 KEAIINS. Utah. Feb. JS-Sfft. t*ioy Manning ot Uie air lorcea b*.ilc training cen&r. reporting:' "Sir, I told a guy to gel a broom nd sweep the kitchen, r'i'aw him go outside, but just then he walked out ot a closet right beside me. •I asked if he intended to get that broom. Ho looked a UtUe strange aind said yea sir. and went Into the storage room. •Thea 1 walked acroM the kitchen and thero sits Uie guy eating a sandwich . . ■Everything's all right, aergeant." Intertiptecl the lieutenant, “Tliat was Itob. Bill and Henry Aldrlnger. Thty'rt.irlpltia.- DOUBLES SAfrlAKE crry. Feb. ss- mts. fiamtjel Wynn. Jr, and Mrs. Donald Campbell. l9-year-oll twins, went to the hospital at the same'time and shared Uie same room. At 2:45 a. m. a son was bom to Mr*. Wjiin. At 2:45 p. m. a wn wua born to Ura. Campbell. SOLONSO.K.LAW WASmNOTdN^Fi-b. 30 dJ.D-The house rules comtnincc toclnv ap- proved legLilallon (le%lKned to curb obsenteeLim after Hep. Lyndon Johnson. Te*.. slated Uiat ’'nbAen' welsm •sank’ « UUerty .ililp-n diir' Ing December, ftlille the German submarines got onh' 31.'• The committee i:nvf;’ speedy Ap proval lo Johnson’.s bill ulilcli 'a ould place In the hamli of selective i Ice boards the coniiilct^ rmployment rccords of Uie 347.000 clvlllnu work- c»-ln-navy yartl<-nnd-slfttlon.^.-It was Indicated U-.e mctu'ure will co before the houae nc.xt Monday Tuesday. Chairman Carl Vlnr.on, D.. Oo., ot the house naval affairs committee announced hearlnss would open next week on leKlMntlnn designed to curb absentect'.m in all war in' diistries. Rep. Melvin Maa.i. R.. Minn., ranking minority member of the naval atlalrs group, toW the mles committee mat war Industry ab- sentcelsm la the "most aerlous Uireat" to the morale of the armed services at Qie present time. COMEDIAN ILL OMAHA. Pfb. 2« (4>i—Clllco Mnrx. screen and sUge comedian, now on a personal appeamiiee tour, wai in a hospital today wSCerlns from u-hat' his physician described as a "severe of bronchltls,- CLEUK HESIGNS WASinnOTON, Feb. 3$ m — Donald J. McClanahan of Nampa, Ida., a cltrk In Uic office of Sena- tor Clark. Dh Jds., has resigned to enter the coast guard academy at New Haven, Conn. McClanaliaa b married and has ong cliUd. ny r.KOUGK F. nKDMOSr> That fanners in tlie Jljiglc ..Vnlley'.arc'phuiniiic to par- 'licijiate in Uie iiiilion'a “food for victory” cani|)aijrn in biff way was iniiicatod today when more than 200 piccca of wiwipmunv svei'c snuppcti up in the fir,<t two hours oC,^hc farm machincrj’i'iiny auction. The auction .wiis under the spf>iisoi\ihip of llic Twin Falls Chambiir of Commerce and till! USDA war bonrd. An c.iUmiiteil 1.000 farmers Jam- med tho ined nmdilncry-packcd lot ot Uie Itarley WllltnnVs company, 225 ’Dilrd strcrt soutli, lo bid on more Uian 1,000 Inipltmenls of ev- ery (leM-rlpllon Uiere for sale. "It's the greatest sale ever held In i.ouihern Idiiho." Williams, s member of the Cliamber of Com- merre conimlUee In clmnie. trlum- liliiiiilly dfK'lared at the noon hour. Kamiera i>lra»ed •'Kirryililiii; l.i Kolng for good iirli-c.i — even a llUlc beiicr Uian (/rillharlly. and Ihe farmers .lecmed mlj:lity plea-.ed to get It,” Williams decbred. Three nuctloiieers ttere ftlternatlng In illrposlng ol tlic Tnncliluerv. Tliev ivrre W. J. Hollenbeck. XJoyjlHktuk. anil Oflcar Klnas. Loyal I. Perry and Rowild Post. reptesenUng tiic city's two^ bonks, were on hand to collect tlia^ checks and ready ca.M\ ' ■ciuiic rolling In. ir un-N the avid bidding confln' ) farm mochlnery. The fanners purcha.^ed Uiousands of Collars In bondn given for Uielr hid prices nierchandUe brought Uier ' the Chamber of Commerce torn SiOO Umb ’Hie biddliip on ihr var bond inerchuntllse started «iUi the pi choic of a lamb for 1100 nnd r.c Uiereaflcr a jwund of coffee v bid tn nt $100. - Mo'll of Uie formers never left llic auction lot dutiins the hour. They remained to look___ dc.slred maclUnerj- p.icked In Uie more than block-long lot. m TOUGHIE SAN FflANCISCO, Feb. 2<5 OI.PJ— Police were called to break up a deatllock between n bus driver nad his pa.vienger last nlsht. Tlie driver, ongercd by backseat drlvhiB ond sacrasUc remarks of women passengers, refused to let any of Uiem off until they said “ pleuic." Sensing complete victory, the driver then demanded that they say ’'pretty please." ’Tlie passengers balked, called po- lice. None was mad euoujh to sign a ccmplniat, so the driver was rot arrested. PROOF • SACRAMENTO. C#Uf.. Feb. 2fl m —Sacramento police doubted Dan Pleaschas’ atorr that he had stolen a 300-pound safe, without help. 'They took him to where he said he had aba&dontd It. The C-loot. 2-lncli. 2lJ-pound man picked It up and set It In jiie car. ' Lnler lie carried It Into the city prison property clerk's office. - Officer.-! yielded, nnd booked blcn on a theft charga EGISLAIURE NIS SAIURDAyiH By JOHN COKI.»rrT BOISE. Irio., Feb. :0 lUW-Tlie Idaho leghlttture movrd slo'ily through a grist of bllU today, but likely will pick up siiwl for Mne die adjournment gomeUine Saturday. Debate on Uie controversial inr«s- urc upproprlftUng »3S,t*0 to the governor far InvesilKallom of any and all department.i »a.^ nveried by dniftlng of a new mexMire. yet to be introduced. Under teriiui ot the new bill, the governor will receive a total of *45,- 000 for emergencies. Inve.'tlRatlons and tlic hiring of spcclal Irfnl roun- .^el, In comparison’ to Uie 175.000 previously plaiine<l for apiiroprl- aUon to Ills office. Draws OppoiUloii The M3.000 mea»ure. which Dem- ocrat representatives branded as a •'gestapo" and "stool pigeon" bill, was also appo-iert by Nome «ei>ub- llcans. It wa.1 designed prlmsrliy lo nllowr the governor to lnve.MlKaie pa.-it administration ot the .'tale liq- uor dUpensary on grounds that sufh un InvesURMloa was not poxilhle with all other stale elective officials of niiother puny faith. Tlic new bill will rei>e.-vl HO.OOO in contingency funds prevlou.ily ap- propriated to the governor and sub- otltiite oUicr amount as fotlo-,v,i; $10,000 forv special legal coiULvel. tlS.OOO for lnvestlgatloi» and tSO.OOO ior law enforcement emersency. Retalnwl on the sennto calendar lor llio second day was a bill ouv- InwlnB slot moclilnes in Irtalio. Hc- portcd out of committee in the home was n senale-'approi^ meas- ure IcRullse llquo^bs„.,«lfc drink. Its future course thtutiRh mo licmse will be considered by Iioum; leaders later ^oday. A bill llcrnsh'E liquor locker club.i was not reported out ot committee. R«ullne Leclilailon BoUi house.i workcil on routine legLilatlon. The hnaie voted lo rc- clftsslfy Bear Lake. Cu-sler, Bliilne; Kootcnnl. Net Pcrcc on Casslnroijn- UoA t4, ayow.,t-'3e cotnmlxtJiirrer. rtcelvo hiBhWtalarlM. Brief memorial services were held In tho house for funnpr represen- taUvea who died In tliA jis^it two years, TliOKO niemorallred were H. O. Relnke. Ttt'ln FalU county: U R. Adams. Minidoka: K, C. Pre.iton ond Fted Harrington. Canyon; Harold A. Stolnkopf, Elmore, and Oliver Cartpbcll, Boundao'. ’The rcnale rpent colL^ldernble tim t debating a bill m-iking pos- se.^on of beaver hldrs iin Imllctable misdemeanor, with opixinenl-i hold- ing thnt under Its term.1 any perron with a beaver hide li\Ills j>iT.st»lt)ii, whether he got It Irsally nr not, was (CentlRBid .n l’.»t J. C.l.-a I) Price Tops Put On Rabhil-Mgat WASHINOTON. Feb. 20 1.7’,-"ni office of price admlnL^trailon tnda, brought rabbit mest under ^peclfle price maxima. Deftlnnlng .March 1. no breeder can le«nlly sell a live rabbit for fojrf for more than 2< cents a wijKU. a live, colwed, (not tntlftly 'V-hlte rabbit) for more than 22 cents a jviund. and no drewed rab- bit may bring more Uian 44 cents a pound at wholesale or SS cents at retail. Roosevelt Stays A t His Quarters WASHINO’TON, Feb, 20 (flV-On Ills iihy.-^lclan's advice. Pre.Mdent Ilort.evelt remained In his While Hoiirr <juaricn ORaln today trying Inlesilnal up.'et. be able to tell you,” D, Ila’-iett. awLiUnt rcretar}-. ‘’that Uie meahj^ belter." .luikc off a ■'I'm Kind t( said William presidential : President Li s< Yankees, British Gain 10-15Miles In Africa Attack ALLIKD HEADQUARTKUS, North Afrsctt, Feb. ’>5 m i— American and British forces, atrikinjr toward the flank of a German army rctrealin? from the Kast.'terlne poa«. have gained between 10 to 15 mile.i in the Sbiba area, and it appeared today that part of Marshnl Enyi;> Kommel a trooixs were racing for Sfax on the east Tunisian coaat. The (cain in the Sbiba sec- tion was made by allied pa- trols which apparently were trying to Ret a.stridc the road to Sfax in irlTid to cut off axiii force.H before Rommel could cxtricafe them from their prc- tljcamenl. A dispatch by Plill Ault. Unlled Press corresiwndent wlUi Amtrlcati forces in Uie Kaaierlne peas, said It WHS believed by front-line officers, UiftV Rommtl had chCMW two cnaln lines—of retreat—eastward -toward Sfux arul souUiword toward Gafsa. Tlie squeeze on Uie Oerrnan-lUUan forces may force Uiem to abandon Ferlann, Oofsa ond Sbeltia, It was Burley Youth on Submarine That Sank 5 Jap Ships BURLEY. Feb. SG-Dean M. Hayes, electrician’s maH*. Uilrd elB.is, Jias written his fatlier, Chester Hnyej. Burley, of his ex- !>erlences aboard a U. S. Bubma- rlne during Its recent victorious cniUe In which It altneked and ^ank five Japanese vewls In a convoy north of New Guinea. Young Hoyes entered Uie serv- ice last, year nnd completed his trolnlng Indiana, and has served aboard th; same sub since Uiat lime. In hLs letter to his father, dat- ed Feb, 14. Hayes Included cllp- jilngs from Honolulu papers tell- ing of the brave exploits of the crew or the .sub ond of Uie awarding of the dlsUngulshed service cross by Gen. Douglas MacArUiur to Lieut. Comdr, Dudley W. Morton. 35. Miami. Ha., skipper. ■nie sub b credited wlUi sink- ing two Japanese frelRhlers. a tanker, a transport and a de- slioytT, and to Jndltaie eomplite vlctor>- over Uiese shl|«. the Mib- nmrlne came Inio port with a well.use<l broom attached lo her periscope. Boards Vary ■Ifeferiiierits, Says Leader WAaHINQTON. Feb. 20 WV-Al though board* hare been directed lo deter es.senUai farm- workers,, the InierpreUUon of. what Is esstnr ' varies from board to Gen. LcttLs U. Her.shey.. «el«t scrvlco dlrector.-'admll.'fi ••Ineviubly there will be men who ■jectcd who are In better con- thnn men who have been That I.S Uie hiunan equa- he added, at lelectlve. nrv'lce. cy ftpjiroprlaUon hearings hoiL'io nub-commltlee. 'People Are noman" , ..Ake<l to account for Uie Inck of inllnrmlly In the delennent ol armers. Hex»hey said. " I account for It first becuu.sc Uie local boards are compoied of human beings that equatfl people differently. They equate Uie nece.wlUes ot war dlf- fertnUy. Many of them are In a po- sition where Uiey had sent a large number of boys already from cer- tain families and they are under Uie compulsion of not fhidlne tome reason for leaving someone elso’s boy al home. I do not Uilnk Uiere Is anything in life carried on ' human beings that is carried uniformly." Net OptlmUtla Wille not caUsfled wlUi Ullsc ... dlUon. Hershey was not opUmlsUc about gaining a more eveu Induc- tion rtcord In the future. "Thtie will bt Uie opinion ot Uit doctors as to whether a man. Is fitted, and inevitably there will be men who ore rejected whn are In belter condition ihrin men who have been taken," he Mid. T lm t is the human'equaUou, I ihlnk we mu.it recognize that we have people who nrc honestly doing (C.nUnn«4 •!> Tiii t, C*tnan Wickard Takes Responsibility T 'o r Rescinding Army Farm Aid ny TONY S.MITH WASHINOTON. Feb. 23 O l-PJ - Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard told Uic house ogrlcuUure committee loclay that he was rc- spon-ilble for rescinding of an army order for alignment of tr^wps to pick cotton In Arizona. He leMAJlcd that he told army chieftains he did not believe an 'extreme emergency" existed In Arl- »na cotton fields become the form jecurlty admlnlstraUon hod sent migrant cotton pickers into Uie area. And he added that he did not be- lieve troops should be used for farm work cxcept In 'extreme emergen- cases. Wlckard's appearance — on his third succes.ilve day as a witness before Uie committee—wos marked by spirited quesUonlng about var- ious phases of the farm labor sltua- Uoti. Several members protested Tlgoroiu^ against administration pollides. The secretary sold htdid not be- lieve eoncress lOiould enact legbla- llon which would "let a man out of the army because he lived in a rural arcs." but that hs would like lo see leglslotlve ncllon which would pre- vent furUier drafUng of skilled farm Ubor. Under quesUonlng by committee chairman Hampton P. Fulmer. D., S. C.. Wickard sild he had been advised by selecUve service director Lewis B. Hcnliey Uiat 250.000 single farm workers have been plated in the new 20 classification — the (re- ferred deslgnaUon for essential farm workers. •'Unlesa someUilng Is done lo sure Uie farmer of aid he U going to plow his crops under." Pulmer' serted. Several commlUecmen protested against operaUon of the so-called unit s}-stem of determlDins which men should b« deferred u menUal farm workers. Wickard, reqnetUnr ‘voncreto eTidcDC«'‘ ot a n ; caaei wbere eJsenUal fanners had beea drafted, said the ualt cysKm waa to be dlKUssed Kt a conlerenc« wlUi manpower oftlolalS'later today, ■ House farm bloe leaders' neaa- while, moved to Btro Wlctanl aid. Take Kerrine ran Tlie vital Kasserlne pass was firmly In oUled hands and a head- quarters communique said American and BrlU-ih forces now held high ground nortliwest and southeast of Uie gap. <DNU. official Oemian news agency, admitted the ’Tunisian de- feat In a backhanded manner.* It silld In a broadcast Ui#t Offensive OperaUons In Uie central Tunisian moUnUlns had -been concluded** and claimed Uiat the axis foicea bad token almost 4.000 prisoners and captured or destroyed 315 tanks.) Tho allle-1 also were acUve far to le' nortli in the Bou Arada area where Uiry made a raid that In- flicted casuolUeji on Uie enemy and resultod In the taking of ottwnert. Same Old Tricks Rommel, tas''using his famlUar tricks In .trying to covtf hU.rvtqiat, UTS aJUoftcommunlUfifl rtMrtcti poM had been 'heavily mined sod American and BrlUsli combat teams proceeded slowly to aTold'traps. In one week.’ the entire plcturo has changed In Tunlala. Koomiel, who a lew days ago seemed to bo abbut to break through and rail up towBJtl tbe northern TunlsUn coast. 4iow.in caught between the alUed army’ on Uie west and the Britlih -«lghlh. axTtiy to U\e tcnUi. ntttkOi elKlith army patrols were Inunselr acuva along (he Mareth line—usual- ly a sign that Gen. Sir Bernard L. MontKomery Is ready to strike. Tlio onies oppearetl to be gelUng ready for a grand smaili Ihrougti the air at Uie axt^’ Tunisian posi- tions. All signs IndlcuU Uiat Uis American and Brltlsii pilots now have definite superiority and y«- letUay. nccorcSlns to the cotnrousil- que, Uiey ranged over the cnllrc Tu- nisian front. Bomben at Work Hea^-y and nietlluni bombers from ' Uie mid-east attacked Qabcs and Uie MarcUi line. P.ylng Ibrtrt-Ms, escorted by Llghinlngs and Spltnres, started flrt-s In Uie dock area of Ul- terte. Two enemy lighters were shot down by Uie e.'bcorUng planes. Bril- Lih Blsley bombers bombed targets near SbclUa and Gafsa and hit an ammunUlon dump. Tliree allied aircraft are mfsslng from all opcrallon.i ond one plane, pterlouily reported nvtsiliig, l\aa re- turned up safe. ACIIONOELAYEO ONOE S WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 (WO-'^i# Mrnutc commlUee on nUltary afroJrs today postponed acUon on a bill to defer alKfarm labor from the draft ofter Uie measure waa challenged as a threat to Uie armed sen-lces' plans for successful prosecuUon of Uie war. Sen. Chan Gurney, R.. 8. 0 . pro- tested that the measure waa "the mo6t MTloMs threat to om war prt>- gram that has arlseo—« threat to morale and an Interference with the ability of our armed serrlcea to as- semble the force* needed lo fight UUs war." The committee then determined to nav>' and. «elecUve ser^'ic« officials beforo ocUng on the bUl Monday. The measure was one of two In* troduced b^ Sen. John H. BaaUuad, D, Ala., and a group of other farei Slate senators who hava protested Uut agilculture cannot meet IM food and fibn producUon’ quotas unless the drain on larm labor Is holted. Crew of 10 Dies As Plane Crashes; entb!» crew ct lo vu.UDtd Ir' *'-* onih 6f m» ' norlbtwt of-l----- nlcht, CaqiMM -clear mandat*- oo Ihejaiid-ao*
Page 1: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f


It M*U ftbeat I lM per boor for cuoUm

alone to kwp » f<mt-mot4»re4 bomber l»

Ibe klr.

U. K. plutn h»T* naw m»de their thW

Immbln* r»ld Inio Otrtaanj.' Bur war bonds »od kc«p 'em bomblac.

A Regional Kewspop«r SerTing Nine IrrisnUd Idaho Counties

WAR BULLETINLONDOV. r«b. U (UJ9—Anterleui bomb*

tn . In *^treor fAm.” baro nUe tbcir

third d«7tlxhl alUek of the var aa Qef>

manj, It wa* annenactd todaj by 0. 9.

»nny htadquarten.

V O L 25, NO. 272TW IN F A L L S . ID A H O . F R ID A Y , I'K n ilU A R Y 2G. 1913 PRICE 5 CENTS


Ring in Caucasus, Take New Points


M OSCOW , I'cb . 26 (U.PJ— The red army liKhtencd its arc around the Germnn bridfreliend in the northwest Caucasus

today w ith the capture of Staronizhcteblievsltaya, 35 miles

northwest of Krasnador, while mud, blizzards an d desperate axi.s counter-atuicks to the north slowed the soviet advances

toward the Dnieper and Orel,

As Farmers Tlu onged Machinery Sale

The Soviet forcca in the Caucasus broke into the dis­tr ic t ccnter of Staronizhetc-

blievBkaya last n ig h t and street fiffhlinfr c o n t i n u e d u n til d^wH, when the occupa­

tion was completed, the Bus- fiian mid-dny com mujiigue re­

ported.• Hundreds of'eticmr dcnd found and nmny prlaonera were ture<). the buUctln said.

Oilier Soviet iroopa occupied Uie nearby rsllroad ttfltlon of Angcltn- akayn, wiping out the enemy gorrl

..... - ;bllevltaya.41 miles eii.5t of the oea of Azov ot the norUi side of Uie Taman penln «ula, tollowe<t by l?ss Umn 11 IwJurs Uie capture of .Mlngrelakayo, SO niUcj to the souUi nnd 32 milex nortJieiut of the Block uca port anO naval bas« of Novoroulak.

The Qermatu cmduaily were be. Inf forced b«ck on tlie Taman pen- Jn^ulft l(2cU and Ihelr only paUt of escape lay acroM the Kercheiuki strait to tlio Crimea. The mldnlnht communique nald two battalions— normally 2.0W men — of Oennan light Infantrj- dlvUlon were wlpwl out at Mlnsre^luj'a and the 300 lurv'lvora of the gnrrbon captured.

Captart Three Place*Re<l ann lu a.hns &

stretch of the souUiem front from Orel to IUut«r captured only thre« Inhabited places durlns the p u t 13 hours, Uis mid-day communjQue re­ported.' This «'aj for Ttitrcr inan the averace far the past several veeks. ,

Soviet tankmen, some of them uslne American and British made tanks, routed the Germnn.1 from one town below Ore , cnplnrlnR eight onU'tank guns, and (Ivo trucks iond- ed wlUi smmunlUon and suppllei. Sixty Oerpans surrendered.

Numerous German counter-at­tacks were reported tn oUier sectors south of Orel wlUi heavy losses to tiie aemians, Including 200 killed In one district slone. 0ecp snow ond blinding bllmrds were harrasslng' Uie Soviets In this area.

Tlie mid-day communique hod re­ported tiie capture of severol oUier AFttlementA west of Kharkov and the killlnR of 100 and wounding of

.300 Oerman cfMcers ojid men In repulsing a eounter-BtUck.

Thick mud was hamperlnf the Soviets along the battlefront. from Kharkov souUi to Uip sea of Amy as the lat« winter tiiaw Increased.

S lE lP E R R y A N O ■|S 10

Circulation of nominating pe­titions In Tn-ln FalU today revealed formation of wlmt ma>' be the onli' complete •■tlfket" for tJie municipal election next month.

Tlie ticket will consult of Bert A, Sweet for raaj'or; Loj’al I. Perry and W. W. Thomw for councllmen.

Tlie only oUitr announced candl- dalM for the city elcctlou Uius far arc Mayor Joe Koehler, u-ho h*a filed for his third term, and A. 8. (Oerli Colwell, who eetia one of tiie two commlMlooenihlps. Koehler and Colwell are not teaajed aa ticket, \

It was understood that Council- men Carl Ritchey and Lionel A Dfon. whose four-year terma urc plrlng. will not seek reelecUon.

Mr. fiweet. who heads the only ticket In the field, la % buslnessi;

-_-»ho.ha*-t*Juin prominent-part P tivSe and .Chamber ol Commewe

Mtivltles for many years. He U con­sumers' relation counsel of the Twin Falls county n\Uonlng and war price board.

Mr. Perry, an aailstAnt eaaWer of tlie Fidelity National bank of TRln l vlls, la ranked as one of the pronilnrnt younger men of the clt>% Immediate past president of the Junior CUamber of Commerce, he )iM bwn a clvle leader, won th( National Junior Chamber of Com' merce award last February u the outstanding young man of Twin ralLi and Is An otricer In the IdaliO volunlrtT leitrvta.

' Mr. Tliomas. prominent Legion' iiaire who Lt on officer In the Idaho stale guard, has been aeUve in civic and sen ieemen's work ond la a suc- ee.uful bu- lncuman as head of the dlstrlbuUns orsimliaUon here for Uie Sinclair Rellnlng company.


ON BIG lAP BASEBy The^Auoclated PrcM

SGen. Dougias MacArUiur's Amer* lean and AusUallsn troops were re­ported clearing the way for a ell- macUo offensive aKalasl the blo Japanese base at.Salamoua It? New Guinea today while low-flylns al' lied aliack plants bombed nnd ma- thlnt-nswed lo«v» and WfcUa In Uie Mubo region 12 miles below Salamaua.

Allied patrols In one sector killed W Japanese stragglm, It w|u re­ported.

In Uie tkles, Unlt«d Nations air­men blMled the Japanwe shipping center at Rabaul. New BrIUln. for Uie fourth night In & row.

Score lilts nnnglng over the aearchlighl-

flooded harbor for two hour?, allied filers scored four hlta on an 0.000- ton ve.«el, believed to be a sen- plane tender, and saw bombs ex­plode near three cargo aWps.

OUier pUnes sttaiked the town of Rabaul and the Vanakanau air­drome and strafed enemy flying

.jUlda at Gasmata'aad Cat>e Olmi- ecsver, N«w'Britain. ' '

American aerial attacks oo Jap­anese poslUoa In both tlie Solomon nad AleuUan Islands were reported by Uie nary whlcli anid fires were tarted during one raid In the Sol­omon*.

Navy communique No. 202: “NORTII PACIFIC—"I, On Feb. 23. U.S. bombew. wlUi

flKhUr e.icort, atuvckcd Japanese po. Bltloai at Klska. Clouds prevented, obsen-atlan of results.

“.soimi PACjric—-2. on Feb. 2J:"(A) Dauntle.is dive bombers

(Dougla.1), wlU) Lightning Lock­heed (P-38) and Wildcat (Orum' man F4F) e.worl, Iwmbed Japanese posiUons at Vila, on Kolombnngara Island. Fires were slarKd In the get area.

"(B) Liberator heavy bombers tConsolIdated) attatkrd enemy po- MUon-f at Kahlll and nt Falsi In Uie Shortlond bland area."

TJie ralcl on KUKa was Uie Iftte. t ft- series of attacks delivered

against Uie Japane.ie base In the norUi Pacific with Increasing fre­quency In recent weeks. Some au­thorities con-ildcred It significant that no enemy rcJlstance wj ported. \

In the aerial action in Uie

llere'i Just one amall teellon of Ihe Iirtnrr crowd which thronced ilie “rood for victor)''* marliliiery aoellen. lotendrd to get usable mafhlnrry Into the hand.i of ranchers «ho nerd It lo proclurr America’s war rropt. U'llh more tb^cI.OOO prnoni on the u ie grounds al nuon, the bidding nak <iplrUrd for xome 1,010 Item* of matblnery.'isliJf I'holo-Entravlnri

200 Implements Snapped up In Two Hours as Sale Booms

Goverunieut W ill Ask ide r_ .,

Usage of Unrationed Foods

held norUiweslc'ni wclor of the Sol/ omona and In the central : lightly held section, Vllo. where Uie fires were utarted. Is in the Munda

rca only IM nauUcal mites north- B»t of QusdalcaiiAl air Held. Kahlll ind Fatil ate Japaiveeo all

base cenlera In the northwestern Solomons In Uie area which In-'

(CMti««t4 •!. rtt< >. o . t » . <

NO GANDITI CnANOB BOMBAY, Feb. 20 {/?')—An offi­

cial bulleUn said today that there had been no nppreclable cliange in

I the condmon ol .Moliimclas K. Can'* dhl. now In Uie ntli day of his 31- day fasL It added that lie was ctieerfuL


WAaiUNOTON. Feb. 26 MV-It will be Just a Uttla eaaler hencfr.forth to buy a new automobile.--

The oiflee ot price odmlnlstraUon cwed UiB restrlcllona. cffecUva March 0. and made the enUre stock of unsold car»~about 240.000-avall' able for ale under raUoning regu­lations. -

It said that thel&S order had been rewTltten and simplified to expand eUglblllty lists and to llbemllze types and with list prices o\-ef SI.SOO.

Tlie new order provided:I. "A moderate enlargement’

those eligible to buy new car Include persons who» present

no longer servlaoble and who I r»placements for purposes list­

ed for "C" guollne book holders.3. A “greater expansion" In tlie

list of persons eligible to buy con­vertible* and cars la Uie hlgher-prU ced bracket to Include those not hating use of a ■•serrtceabJe vehicle needed In any gainful occupation — work relsted to Uie war effort

public seni-lcc."t. "RaUon free" purchase by any- e In the same classlflcaUon of a

1941 model driven less Uian 1.000 miles (considered new). Dealers will be hold responsible for seeurinc, InformaUon on Uie purehaacr’o I qu&Ullcatlons,

WASHINGTON. Fib. 28 (UJD-A hlgli-pOB-ercd propaKundri canipiilfin

■ iduce hoiwslvrs to substitute Honed -.forjaUonfd frjod.iUifh

... le family diet Li beln? plnniied by^Uiree govrmment agcncle.s.

Tl^c campaign, tlmrtl to tnlnclile wlUi point rnllonltiK of cunnrd foo<ls - -XL week ahd of meat and fats in

e neor future. U belnir spoii.'iorpd Jointly by Uie office of var Inlor- mation. Uie ngrlculcure depiirtment and the office of prlec admlnl.'trn- Uon.

Housewives will be urgrd to fresh vcKelnbles. potaioc.i. fruit, l . . call, brcnd. egcs and milk In place ot commwUUf.s new raUoncd. Store­keepers will br ft.ikr<l to rIvb prom­inent display 10 Ihrm both In Uielr Btore.i luid odvertkliiR.

Chief medl.i of ilie c.imixilsn will be ncwdpapprs. radio, moUou jilc- turc. . Ircturcs and blllbonrds. An OWI officials .<»ld leading food nd- vertLicrs reeejitly iiieduM 1100,000.- 000 worth of fldvcrUflliiic for boost- Inp foods recommended by govern- ment, OBericlea.

OWr tilrepcly Miwlylnjr slve mtitcrlftl for womi-'n's ofnewspapers, !ij;;Rc;.tln .njenu.1 and iif.v clKhc.s Ml foetlttiil turunent la-a^kliIenlure'''rw:ularly ..............apccink’’—item:i in plentiful OWI nl'.o was uiiderslooil lo .ilderlng prodiicUon of fllni.'i of lu ••rducftllDnal ” prottnun.

With point rallouliiK of canned and procevwl foxl.i <IU(> lo bruin Monday, CPA iiriif l whoU-Miler.i of proce.wd food' in n-:r freely to relalli-r.s '*tio ihort time IcU In '.vlilrh their slocks uikUt itir prr.seni. rair.', freeze. Tlie frr>-,v j><t Io<1 xins in­tended to ennbic Kioci‘r>' i.Kire.'i to reslock Ihelr jJirlM;.. which In limiiy cn.'.ps were nlmn-.i nni'il'xl <luiin;: Uie lost nvtnuu- IjmvIuk nivh before Uie freeze went Intr. rffeci.

Price AdmlnLvtrainr PrrnlK;' M. Crown relternlftl lliat OPA will re­quire Rrude labellnir of llie lfl4J jKifk of conned fniiw niul ve«et:iblr.'i,ile- ipltc taipa-ilUon of jwlnt ratlonlns.

s p:irt

/;ll))|)Ilc's (••only II rrpU'lllvll

FLASHES ofLIFE Pii-”''*'"’


Chriest went to a shoe repair shop for ft pair pf heels. .■‘•Aren’t Uiey reody yet?" the ask'

ed. tiring of waiUng In slocking feet.

Alas, the cobbler had given the slioea to anoUierxcu-itomer by mU- take. \

He ru'hed acroM Uie .itrect toT>(jy er a new pair.No raUoning book,Mrs. Chriest dug Into her purse.

_.NQ_ratlanlng-book..................—She wftlktil home In \ine\almtil

shoes from the cobbler's .- helt—"andUiey hum- ----

TK1PLET8 KEAIINS. Utah. Feb. JS-Sfft.

t*ioy Manning ot Uie air lorcea b*.ilc training cen&r. reporting:'

"Sir, I told a guy to gel a broom nd sweep the kitchen, r'i'aw him

go outside, but just then he walked out ot a closet right beside me.

•I asked if he intended to get that broom. Ho looked a UtUe strange aind said yea sir. and went Into the storage room.

•Thea 1 walked acroM the kitchen and thero sits Uie guy eating a sandwich . .

■Everything's all right, aergeant." Intertiptecl the lieutenant, “Tliat was Itob. Bill and Henry Aldrlnger. Thty'rt.irlpltia.-

DOUBLES SAfrlAKE crry. Feb. ss- mts.

fiamtjel Wynn. Jr, and Mrs. Donald Campbell. l9-year-oll twins, went to the hospital at the same'time and shared Uie same room.

At 2:45 a. m. a son was bom to Mr*. Wjiin.

At 2:45 p. m. a wn wua born to Ura. Campbell.


WASmNOTdN^Fi-b. 30 dJ.D-The house rules comtnincc toclnv ap­proved legLilallon (le%lKned to curb obsenteeLim after Hep. Lyndon Johnson. Te*.. slated Uiat ’'nbAen' welsm •sank’ « UUerty .ililp-n diir' Ing December, ftlille the German submarines got onh' 31.'•

The committee i:nvf;’ speedy Ap proval lo Johnson’.s bill ulilcli 'a ould place In the hamli of selective i Ice boards the coniiilct^ rmployment rccords of Uie 347.000 clvlllnu work- c»-ln-navy yartl<-nnd-slfttlon. .-It was Indicated U-.e mctu'ure will co before the houae nc.xt Monday Tuesday.

Chairman Carl Vlnr.on, D.. Oo., ot the house naval affairs committee announced hearlnss would open next week on leKlMntlnn designed to curb absentect'.m in all war in' diis tries.

Rep. Melvin Maa.i. R.. Minn., ranking minority member of the naval atlalrs group, toW the mles committee mat war Industry ab- sentcelsm la the "most aerlous Uireat" to the morale of the armed services at Qie present time.

COMEDIAN ILL OMAHA. Pfb. 2« (4>i—Clllco Mnrx.

screen and sUge comedian, now on a personal appeamiiee tour, wai in a hospital today wSCerlns from u-hat' his physician described as a "severe

of bronchltls,-


WASinnOTON, Feb. 3$ m — Donald J. McClanahan of Nampa, Ida., a cltrk In Uic office of Sena­tor Clark. Dh Jds., has resigned to enter the coast guard academy at New Haven, Conn. McClanaliaa b married and has ong cliUd.

ny r.KOUGK F. nKDMOSr>

T ha t fanners in tlie Jljig lc

..Vnlley'.arc'phuiniiic to par- 'lic ijia te in Uie iiiilion'a “ food for victory” cani|)aijrn in biff way was iniiicatod today when more than 200 piccca of

wiwipmunv svei'c snuppcti up in the fir,<t two hours oC,^hc

farm machincrj’i'iiny auction. The auction .wiis under the spf>iisoi\ihip of llic Twin Falls

Chambiir of Commerce and till! U SDA war bonrd.

An c.iUmiiteil 1.000 farmers Jam­med tho ined nmdilncry-packcd lot ot Uie Itarley WllltnnVs company, 225 ’Dilrd strcrt soutli, lo bid on more Uian 1,000 Inipltmenls of ev­ery (leM-rlpllon Uiere for sale.

"It's the greatest sale ever held In i.ouihern Idiiho." Williams, s member of the Cliamber of Com- merre conimlUee In clmnie. trlum- liliiiiilly dfK'lared at the noon hour.

Kamiera i>lra»ed •'Kirryililiii; l.i Kolng for good

iirli-c.i — even a llUlc beiicr Uian (/rillharlly. and Ihe farmers .lecmed mlj:lity plea-.ed to get It,” Williams decbred.Three nuctloiieers ttere ftlternatlng

In illrposlng ol tlic Tnncliluerv. Tliev ivrre W. J. Hollenbeck. XJoyjlHktuk. anil Oflcar Klnas. Loyal I. Perry and Rowild Post. reptesenUng tiic city's two bonks, were on hand to collect tlia checks and ready ca.M\ ■' ■ ciuiic rolling In.

ir un-N the avid bidding confln') farm mochlnery. The fanners

purcha.^ed Uiousands of Collars In bondn given for Uielr hid prices nierchandUe brought Uier '

the Chamber of Commerce torn

SiOO Umb ’Hie biddliip on ihr var bond

inerchuntllse started «iUi the pi choic of a lamb for 1100 nnd r.c Uiereaflcr a jwund of coffee v bid tn nt $100.- Mo'll of Uie formers never left llic auction lot dutiins thehour. They remained to look___dc.slred maclUnerj- p.icked In Uie more than block-long lot. m


Police were called to break up a deatllock between n bus driver nad his pa.vienger last nlsht.

Tlie driver, ongercd by backseat drlvhiB ond sacrasUc remarks of women passengers, refused to let any of Uiem off until they said “pleuic."

Sensing complete victory, the driver then demanded that they say ’'pretty please."

’Tlie passengers balked, called po­lice. None was mad euoujh to sign a ccmplniat, so the driver was rot arrested.

PROOF •SACRAMENTO. C#Uf.. Feb. 2fl m

—Sacramento police doubted Dan Pleaschas’ atorr that he had stolen a 300-pound safe, without help.

'They took him to where he said he had aba&dontd It. The C-loot. 2-lncli. 2lJ-pound man picked It up and set It In jiie car. '

Lnler lie carried It Into the city prison property clerk's office. -

Officer.-! yielded, nnd booked blcn on a theft charga


By JOHN COKI.»rrT BOISE. Irio., Feb. :0 lUW-Tlie

Idaho leghlttture movrd slo'ily through a grist of bllU today, but likely will pick up siiwl for Mne die adjournment gomeUine Saturday.

Debate on Uie controversial inr«s- urc upproprlftUng »3S,t*0 to the governor far InvesilKallom of any and all department.i »a. nveried by dniftlng of a new mexMire. yet to be introduced.

Under teriiui ot the new bill, the governor will receive a total of *45,- 000 for emergencies. Inve.'tlRatlons and tlic hiring of spcclal Irfnl roun- . el, In comparison’ to Uie 175.000 previously plaiine<l for apiiroprl- aUon to Ills office.

Draws OppoiUloii The M3.000 mea»ure. which Dem­

ocrat representatives branded as a •'gestapo" and "stool pigeon" bill, was also appo-iert by Nome «ei>ub- llcans. It wa.1 designed prlmsrliy lo nllowr the governor to lnve.MlKaie pa.-it administration ot the .'tale liq­uor dUpensary on grounds that sufh un InvesURMloa was not poxilhle with all other stale elective officials of niiother puny faith.

Tlic new bill will rei>e.-vl HO.OOO in contingency funds prevlou.ily ap­propriated to the governor and sub- otltiite oUicr amount as fotlo-,v,i; $10,000 forv special legal coiULvel. tlS.OOO for lnvestlgatloi» and tSO.OOO ior law enforcement emersency.

Retalnwl on the sennto calendar lor llio second day was a bill ouv- InwlnB slot moclilnes in Irtalio. Hc- portcd out of committee in the home was n senale-'approi^ meas­ure IcRullse llquo^bs„.,«lfc drink. Its future course thtutiRh mo licmse will be considered by Iioum; leaders later ^oday. A bill llcrnsh'E liquor locker club.i was not reported out ot committee.

R«ullne Leclilailon BoUi house.i workcil on routine

legLilatlon. The hnaie voted lo rc- clftsslfy Bear Lake. Cu-sler, Bliilne; Kootcnnl. Net Pcrcc on Casslnroijn- UoA t4, ayow.,t-'3e cotnmlxtJiirrer. rtcelvo hiBhWtalarlM.

Brief memorial services were held In tho house for funnpr represen- taUvea who died In tliA jis it two years,

TliOKO niemorallred were H. O. Relnke. Ttt'ln FalU county: U R. Adams. Minidoka: K, C. Pre.iton ond Fted Harrington. Canyon; Harold A. Stolnkopf, Elmore, and Oliver Cartpbcll, Boundao'.

’The rcnale rpent colL ldernble tim t debating a bill m-iking pos- se.^on of beaver hldrs iin Imllctable misdemeanor, with opixinenl-i hold­ing thnt under Its term.1 any perron with a beaver hide li\ Ills j>iT.st»lt)ii, whether he got It Irsally nr not, was

(CentlRBid .n l’.»t J. C.l.-a I)

Price Tops Put On Rabhil-Mgat

WASHINOTON. Feb. 20 1.7’,-"ni office of price admlnL^trailon tnda, brought rabbit mest under ^peclfle price maxima.

Deftlnnlng .March 1. no breeder can le«nlly sell a live rabbit for fojrf for more than 2< cents a wijKU. a live, colwed, (not tntlftly 'V-hlte rabbit) for more than 22 cents a jviund. and no drewed rab­bit may bring more Uian 44 cents a pound at wholesale or SS cents at retail.

Roosevelt Stays At His Quarters

WASHINO’TON, Feb, 20 (flV-On Ills iihy.- lclan's advice. Pre.Mdent Ilort.evelt remained In his While Hoiirr <juaricn ORaln today trying

Inlesilnal up.'et. be able to tell you,” D, Ila’-iett. awLiUnt rcretar}-. ‘’that Uie meahj^ belter."

.luikc off a ■'I'm Kind t(

said William presidential : President Li s<

Yankees, British Gain 10-15 Miles In Africa Attack

A L L IK D HEADQUARTKUS, North Afrsctt, Feb. ’>5 m i — American and British forces, atrik in jr toward the flank

of a Germ an army rctrealin? from the Kast.'terlne poa«.

have gained between 10 to 15 mile.i in the Sbiba area, and it appeared today that part of M arshnl Enyi;> Kommel a trooixs were racing for Sfax on the east Tunisian coaat.

The (cain in the Sbiba sec­tion was m ade by allied pa­trols which apparently were

try ing to Ret a.stridc the road to S fax in irlTid to cut o ff axiii

force.H before Rommel could cxtricafe them from their prc-

tljcamenl.A dispatch by Plill Ault. Unlled

Press corresiwndent wlUi Amtrlcati forces in Uie Kaaierlne peas, said It WHS believed by front-line officers, UiftV Rommtl had chCMW two cnaln lines—of retreat—eastward -toward Sfux arul souUiword toward Gafsa. Tlie squeeze on Uie Oerrnan-lUUan forces may force Uiem to abandon Ferlann, Oofsa ond Sbeltia, It was

Burley Youth on Submarine That Sank 5 Jap ShipsBURLEY. Feb. SG-Dean M.

Hayes, electrician’s maH*. Uilrd elB.is, Jias written his fatlier, Chester Hnyej. Burley, of his ex- !>erlences aboard a U. S. Bubma- rlne during Its recent victorious cniUe In which It altneked and ^ank five Japanese vewls In a convoy north of New Guinea.

Young Hoyes entered Uie serv­ice last, year nnd completed his trolnlng Indiana, and has served aboard th; same sub since Uiat lime.

In hLs letter to his father, dat­ed Feb, 14. Hayes Included cllp- jilngs from Honolulu papers tell­ing of the brave exploits of the crew or the .sub ond of Uie awarding of the dlsUngulshed service cross by Gen. Douglas MacArUiur to Lieut. Comdr, Dudley W. Morton. 35. Miami. Ha., skipper.

■nie sub b credited wlUi sink­ing two Japanese frelRhlers. a tanker, a transport and a de- slioytT, and to Jndltaie eomplite vlctor>- over Uiese shl|«. the Mib- nmrlne came Inio port with a well.use<l broom attached lo her periscope.

Boards Vary ■Ifeferiiierits,

Says LeaderWAaHINQTON. Feb. 20 WV-Al

though board* hare been directed lo deter es.senUai farm- workers,, the InierpreUUon of. what Is esstnr ' varies from board to Gen. LcttLs U. Her.shey.. «el«t scrvlco dlrector.-'admll.'fi

••Ineviubly there will be men who ■jectcd who are In better con-

thnn men who have been That I.S Uie hiunan equa-

he added, at lelectlve. nrv'lce. cy ftpjiroprlaUon hearings hoiL'io nub-commltlee.

'People Are noman", ..Ake<l to account for Uie Inck of inllnrmlly In the delennent ol armers. Hex»hey said. " I account

for It first becuu.sc Uie local boards are compoied of human beings that equatfl people differently. They equate Uie nece.wlUes ot war dlf- fertnUy. Many of them are In a po­sition where Uiey had sent a large number of boys already from cer­tain families and they are under Uie compulsion of not fhidlne tome reason for leaving someone elso’s boy al home. I do not Uilnk Uiere Is anything in life carried on ' human beings that is carried uniformly."

Net OptlmUtla

Wille not caUsfled wlUi Ullsc ... dlUon. Hershey was not opUmlsUc about gaining a more eveu Induc­tion rtcord In the future.

"Thtie will b t Uie opinion ot Uit doctors as to whether a man. Is fitted, and inevitably there will be men who ore rejected whn are In belter condition ihrin men who have been taken," he Mid.

T lm t is the human'equaUou, I ihlnk we mu.it recognize that we have people who nrc honestly doing

(C.nUnn«4 •!> Tiii t, C*tnan

Wickard Takes Responsibility

T 'or Rescinding Army Farm Aidny TONY S.MITH

WASHINOTON. Feb. 23 Ol-PJ - Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard told Uic house ogrlcuUure committee loclay that he was rc- spon-ilble for rescinding of an army order for alignment of tr^wps to pick cotton In Arizona.

He leMAJlcd that he told army chieftains he did not believe an 'extreme emergency" existed In Arl- »na cotton fields become the form jecurlty admlnlstraUon hod sent migrant cotton pickers into Uie area. And he added that he did not be­lieve troops should be used for farm work cxcept In 'extreme emergen-

cases.Wlckard's appearance — on his

third succes.ilve day as a witness before Uie committee—wos marked by spirited quesUonlng about var­ious phases of the farm labor sltua- Uoti. Several members protested Tlgoroiu^ against administration pollides.

The secretary sold htdid not be­lieve eoncress lOiould enact legbla- llon which would "let a man out of the army because he lived in a rural arcs." but that hs would like lo see

leglslotlve ncllon which would pre­vent furUier drafUng of skilled farm Ubor.

Under quesUonlng by committee chairman Hampton P. Fulmer. D., S. C.. Wickard sild he had been advised by selecUve service director Lewis B. Hcnliey Uiat 250.000 single farm workers have been plated in the new 20 classification — the (re­ferred deslgnaUon for essential farm workers.

•'Unlesa someUilng Is done lo sure Uie farmer of aid he U going to plow his crops under." Pulmer' serted.

Several commlUecmen protested against operaUon of the so-called unit s}-stem of determlDins which men should b« deferred u menUal farm workers. Wickard, reqnetUnr ‘voncreto eTidcDC«'‘ ot an; caaei wbere eJsenUal fanners had beea drafted, said the ualt cysKm waa to be dlKUssed Kt a conlerenc« wlUi manpower oftlolalS'later today, ■

House farm bloe leaders' neaa- while, moved to Btro Wlctanl

aid.Take Kerrine ran

Tlie vital Kasserlne pass was firmly In oUled hands and a head­quarters communique said American and BrlU-ih forces now held high ground nortliwest and southeast of Uie gap.

<DNU. official Oemian news agency, admitted the ’Tunisian de­feat In a backhanded manner.* It silld In a broadcast Ui#t Offensive OperaUons In Uie central Tunisian moUnUlns had -been concluded** and claimed Uiat the axis foicea bad token almost 4.000 prisoners and captured or destroyed 315 tanks.)

Tho allle-1 also were acUve far to le' nortli in the Bou Arada area

where Uiry made a raid that In­flicted casuolUeji on Uie enemy and resultod In the taking of ottwnert.

Same Old Tricks Rommel, tas''using his famlUar

tricks In .trying to covtf hU.rvtqiat, UTS aJUoftcommunlUfifl rtMrtcti

poM had been 'heavily mined sod American and BrlUsli combat teams proceeded slowly to aTold'traps.

In one week.’ the entire plcturo has changed In Tunlala. Koomiel, who a lew days ago seemed to bo abbut to break through and rail up towBJtl tbe northern TunlsUn coast. 4iow.in caught between the alUed army’ on Uie west and the Britlih -«lghlh. axTtiy to U\e tcnUi. ntttkOi elKlith army patrols were Inunselr acuva along (he Mareth line—usual­ly a sign that Gen. Sir Bernard L. MontKomery Is ready to strike.

Tlio onies oppearetl to be gelUng ready for a grand smaili Ihrougti the air at Uie axt ’ Tunisian posi­tions. All signs IndlcuU Uiat Uis American and Brltlsii pilots now have definite superiority and y«- letUay. nccorcSlns to the cotnrousil- que, Uiey ranged over the cnllrc Tu­nisian front.

Bomben at Work Hea -y and nietlluni bombers from '

Uie mid-east attacked Qabcs and Uie MarcUi line. P.ylng Ibrtrt-Ms, escorted by Llghinlngs and Spltnres, started flrt-s In Uie dock area of Ul- terte. Two enemy lighters were shot down by Uie e.'bcorUng planes. Bril- Lih Blsley bombers bombed targets near SbclUa and Gafsa and hit an ammunUlon dump.

Tliree allied aircraft are mfsslng from all opcrallon.i ond one plane, pterlouily reported nvtsiliig, l\aa re­turned up safe.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 (WO-' i# Mrnutc commlUee on nUltary afroJrs today postponed acUon on a bill to defer alKfarm labor from the draft ofter Uie measure waa challenged as a threat to Uie armed sen-lces' plans for successful prosecuUon of Uie war.

Sen. Chan Gurney, R.. 8. 0 . pro­tested that the measure waa "the mo6t MTloMs threat to om war prt>- gram that has arlseo—« threat to morale and an Interference with the ability of our armed serrlcea to as­semble the force* needed lo fight UUs war."

The committee then determined to

nav>' and. «elecUve ser 'ic« officials beforo ocUng on the bUl Monday.

The measure was one of two In* troduced b^ Sen. John H. BaaUuad, D , Ala., and a group of other farei Slate senators who hava protested Uut agilculture cannot meet IM food and fibn producUon’ quotas unless the drain on larm labor Is holted. ■

Crew of 10 Dies As Plane Crashes;

entb!» crew ct lo vu.UDtd Ir' *'-* onih 6f m» 'norlbtwt of-l-----nlcht, CaqiMM

-clear mandat*- oo Ihejaiid-ao*

Page 2: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

Page iwaTIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO F n o a j . F e l « M y 2 6 , l ^

S E S S i lO E N I S A M D W K I f f

<rt.» T m On.)- fuUty or U« crime. The bill paw­

ed, a toNo C#op«r»llen

The hmue Ut« yeiienlay pa-'jied moluUon Joi &iM dl« s.<lJ<juro- mcnt #l 6 p. m. Uxlay. but Uit wiwti; did BOl cwicur- Sfn. C. A. Rohlw.

pftsliffll pro t«n. M * nUtt«l K waj posalblf. by »doptlne n iih ictlon on about 30 bUls. U> adjtram late tonight, but moat jsn- bU>« i4ld thty would rntlicr holdover tuiUl SalurtlftV.

Tliere was no evUrncc of »n •t- tempt to comply »ltH Dottolfsen’i imutst tor *1,003.000 txlrn, for rrlief. ft turn tj)' him »l'en lie approved the moa.'ure rcpenllng the Knlor cllJMw' smnU act. Titt icg- Ulaluro freem* lilliflfd In Brantlng Uie depttrtmmi of public a.«ljtnnce kubslanllally Uie mwc niiproprlS' U(«i oi two ytm ago.

T«'o liquor bull In tlie liouse. boUi approved by the senate, will “Kct * ride" todny. P.-vwasc of one lecal- Sil!\S Uciuor by (lie tltliik b UQUtiiful. Tlie oUirr. which llcea- c.i liquor locker cluUi, Ij npi*»e.l by severnl itprestnSiMlvrs m ii Is “un-cjiforctable.” It liai, however, ft c]iaJic« for pwiiKe. LoclciT eluba can be operattfl utult/ preifnt law, but they nrr not llctnsed,

Albion AppropfUtlnn Ye.'terdtty, IM house ixiised . .

protirlatlon blll< for Lewiston oiiU Albion Normal tchooLi iJi two of a threat by the rftreiichmeiit bloc. •TJie Albion mriiurr, llrst up for conilderntloii and teit ineiuure of cconotiiy, pnis«J. 33 to 32. 'Hie re- Utiielimcul rei)tcjcniallvcs favored abandonment of tlie IM normala for the duration na sn ecanomy meaa-

1^0 approprlitloh bills* lor the University of Iil»lio at Moscow and the aouiheni branch at p^atello ])a.ued without i hltcli. ’

The hoitfc also paved a bill ap­propriating |1J,0M for the wldlem' home at Bobe. Tlie Joint approprl- nllons commUtee eliminated 'tha Appropriation from the regular jneasurM. but prfjsure woa ro heavy Itom over Ihe tWiie. tht speclaJ bVV Wii3 pul Ui the lioiiper.

U waa learned the eommlttee ot optJilon the old toldlera aliould be CJired for by ilie lederal govem- tnent and t)iat Ihe building could bo tued to house certain itite buri;auji Amors them the flih and game de­partment.

Keep the WMte Ftao 0/ Sajeiy Flying

" Now 45 days icH/toui a Ira flic death in our iiOQie


Boards Vary Deferments, Says Leader

trrt» r»i« oi>o Uielr belt, but they have different vlewpolnu, different crllerU. b«l tho.« local board.i have to live in the aunospfiere that tliey create. Tliey must live there day by day and try to »quare them»elves the number of boys Uiey take Uie boy» they Itavt."

Roughly 8,000 rocmben of local boards have re.ilgned out of a total of 20.000 Ilershey infllcawd.

Approximately 4,000,000 men had been Inducted up to laai December tlirough Uiese boards, he (aid. vlth present Induction* running Just un- der 400.000 a month lor all lervlcea. Total reRUtmnta from 18 to 44 Is KIJ63.000. plus n.000.000 In the 45-65 group.

Seen Today

Mai’ine Hero W ill Receive Radio Letter

K MuTUush Jlnl In U iaiarlne corps llgtiUnR In the south Pacific «’IU ahoiUy rocelve a aliort- wave ‘letter from homt," hU llral word from the follu on the Magic Valley home Xronl in seven monUis.

ArranKement* lisve been c^plel- ed ihrougli Uie Salt £Ake oTtlcp of xcar lnform*tlon fat fte relajla* oX a letter from Ur. And l i n . O R. Turner, Murtaugh, to tlielr son, Utut. Samuel CordeU Turner, 'who l5 flghtlns with the marines “some­where In the PKlfle." The letter Irom Mr. and M a Tuiner will be Included on a resular iliort-wave broadcast to tlie men In the souUi pacific, wltlcl} hu been arranged IS minutes dally by the offlco of vitx iBfotmaUon.

Mr. and Mrs. Tutr(er vere locat­ed through tlie sulstance ol the postollica deportmenl, a letter be­ing seat "■blind" to "relatives of Weuienant Samuel Cordell Turner" b7 the Salt Lake OWL Director Ottli Peterson reported the letur retched Mr. and Mr*. Tureef and « repl7 recelted from them

'within three days, It wai relayed tmmtdlalely to the overMu ihvlslon of OW^ lor transmlulon to Lleuten- *nt-TSimer.

Mr. Peterson said the program at the present time li designed espec­ially tA reach marlnea fIgliUnR liv Almost Inacceaaible places to keep them In touch with the home'front. He said tel&Uvei ot cUiti m»Tlnn known to be In/He south Pacific may u.ie this sphlce by eonlactlnj the Ball Lake otilee of car infor- maUon.

Hailey Private Among Wounded

WASHINQTON. Feb, i i (J’J - The war depITftniem made public today, the names of 3Ce wldlers wounded In north AJtlta. ilwe early November. lP43.Some of tJie wound­ed In the list hove recovered nnd returued to duty... Included In the Itit of 3} officers and 38J enlisted men was: Pvu Rua- Ml K. Jlowes. son cl Mrs. Marie E. Howe*; Hailey.

Boy, 9, DiesRXJ88CLL LANE. Ptb. :«-\7ort

haa been recclred by relatives here that Ronald Morris, D, son of Mr. w d Mr*. 1* R. iRny) MorrLi, dffd last week tn Los AngelM from A atreptococcus stnuj Infection.

Mr. and Mre. Morrli are working !o the Lockheed plant at Durbonk. h u been rqecelved by reUUvea

_.Ca>lf..A fllgtg,-Carcl al&o-survlvea.

rnrmers and every kind oT machinery flooding sale grounds at •'food for victory" aucUcm. . . Pep- uty Sheriff jolm LtUer rising hur. rledly and dtclilmlng eamestly aj prankster - thrown light bulb ex­plodes behind him. . . FedeaLrlan Blvlng way jor big dog whJch is uainE-aamo tide of the walk.. . Ttr« nnd wheel standing In probate court room, exhibit In civil case. . . Art Vnllton, awallhig hU i i l l to the army air coriis engineering division, expcrUy painting wall at •Dean'*Rorft«e. . . Three pair of “3 o o e ^ PoUard June 10, 1503, He Joined the oa Secotxd avenue north leMdcol^r ‘chnsUan Union church »t Prairie

Rldg», Mo, In 1»5.clothesline. Jumping around In the wind Ilk# trio of hobgoblina. . . Woman turning to caU to feminine trlend lagging behind, and speak­ing thus elegantly; •''Come on. plckle-pvu*-.. . Riileigh Jonei wear­ing a coat so loud It can almost LalK>. . Harley WUUami with » hungry look, unable to buy » sand­wich on his own machinery lot at U\e bit: auction.. . At the sim* lot. Chamber of Commerce Prexy Claude Detwellef wearing a smile » yard wide ri» he stans the crowd.. . And, the same lot again, Chairman Kenny Shook here, there and erery- where amonr'scrae 1.0SO piece* of machinery.

Grville Wilson’S

Last Rites HeldFinal riles lor Or\-lU» WUson were

held Thursday afternoon at the Twin f^lls mortuary chapel with Rev. O. U Hassenpfeng officiating. Mr. ftnd Mrs. O. L. Chuialn accom­panied b; Miss Mberta WoU Mr- nlshcd musle.

pftllbearen were—Jerry M. Cop- penbargtT, Albert, ilansen. C. M. Terr>', Earl Terry, JacfNLeno and Fred Haalcr. Interment was In the Twin Fais cemete«ry.

TKe Hospital

Ont}' emergency beds Were avail­able at liie Tain PaUs county gcn- eial hosplUl Friday.

ADMITTtD Mrs. Rose Burton and M n. A. R-

Toone, both of Twin FalU: Bioa Urohn, Eden; Don OUon, Kimberly, and Mra. Ktrintih BtiUn. PWer.

DISMIfiBCD Bobby Adams. 0. D, Watson. Ken­

neth Durk, Mr*. Ma* Durk, Jimmy MUchell. Miss Iret« Egbert. Mrs. Frank Potter, Mrv Max BrUht and Mrs. K. Webb, all of Twin Falls; Roy Smalley, Buhl; Miss CheTb'ft EUson, Kimberly: Mr*. rYwicls Egbert, Castleford; Heno' Dalncfts nnd Mn. Charles Moline, both or Murtaugh; Mrt. Ekl Knowle* and son. Price, t7lali,-and Mrt. O. E. PhllUps and *on, Jerome.


BE:EB0UT—OraveaWe services tor Mrj. Blanche Deebout will be held at 3:30 p. m. Mondaj- at the Twin Ftilla cemetery with Ret. Mark C. Cronenberter officiating. White mortuary Is In charge of arrange- mentA. Relatives have reque«t«d Chat flowers be omitted.

WEATHERchance in temperature _ tonight, nigh yeaterday' 4«. lew 13. Low-this-nemlng i i.

i C N I B ! S I(rr»« r»*» t>»*>

while saatdiing up o biie at the Red CroB canteen, whlclj also dolni a land oitice bu^eu.

The auction was jc.*if<Iu!ed conUaue untu b p. m.. bvji it belimd that wlUi such a Urijt number of farmera preirnt and many pieces of michlnto' ‘ “f sale It may nin «veral hour* longer.

B<dlitrlbaUan TUa Kenneth clulrman al the

Chamber of Commrrce ca-niiilitee in charge of U;e uJe. i;r«;.ed that tha awUon is wtiely a fann chlnery redijirtfiution allalr tc the farmers Lmplemrn:.' to l>- Xhe crops tJirj- df.Mrr. iJo o.-.c iiroliw from the aale but the farmer w seils and the farmer «ho bu}s, pointed out.

Soxne Idea of the large nu.-nber farmer* preient at eie tve « given by the hundred', of automo­bile* In the cltj-. For blocks around the machinery lot e\rr>- b:i cf puk* tng space was taken

Pneumonia Takes Gerald Zaeharias

Oerald-Btewart Zac}iani.V 35, died a l.l.p . m. Tliurrinj' ol sme-monlo. He was bom Dre. 9. ]!>07, in Uquln, Penn- and came to Twin falls in IflU, where he h*.\ lived sl--.ce.

Mr. Zaeharias b »urUved by-hW parenu, Mr. and .\lr>/A. C, Zocli- artas. Twin Fai:!i: lao bfoliierJ, Merle E. and WiLvsn A., both of Twin FaUs, emd two {.uiers. Mrs, Al­ice VeleeUne. Aubuni, Wn.-Lh, and Airs. Margaret Robiii.son, Uobe.

Berrtces win br held a'. 3 5V Saturday at the T»in Fall' mu ary chapel. Burial will be m Twin y»U» cemetery.

Wendell Services For W. McDowell

WENDELL, Feb. :6-l*\infral »er\> Icea for'William Ojcar .McDowell, ««. Who died Feb. 33 at his home on' the Niagara Springs rsncti, were held here Friday afternoon at tlie MethodUt church wlUj Dr. 5. Dallas McKell. the pastor, hi charge. Bur­ial was at the Wendell eemeteri'.

McDowell had lived in Itlalto more Uian • year, coming here from Kan- •aa. Ke Wa» bcm June 33, IKS, In Missouri, and marrlrd {'srah Loube

SurrlTtng are his wife and daughter!. Mary Lee, Holbrook. An*, and Vera Clark. .Medicine Lodge. Ran., and two ^ons, Mnrlsa McDowell. Wichita. Kan, and Sid­ney McDowell. Wendell.'

PAINTRed paint on a cuiti^tont meant

•1 line* cr bonds for .iU moiorlsi . 11 was reported by Munlcli>al Judge J. O. Pumplirey.

Tha painted curb Is In frfnt of the postolflce. and it marks the area covered by tiie "lO-minute limit," algn. The moiorL'ts: Clarence Dixon, Ewald Thaetnent, Bob Reed, opnnl# Clark. Peggy Snyder an l A. E. Nef^er. all of Twin Falls county.

Ftye ether motoibts put up }i fines or bonds for having improper Ugbts. They wtre Herbert Wood­land. Vlrgle Dowlln. Olen King. Bill r»a i« atid John O'Connor.

Twin Falls News in Bi'ief

a«ca to Vtah

Mlu Xrelyn OockrtU Is leatl&g Sunday for employment in Balt Lake City.

Here F«r Wedding 0. A.1 Oates arrived yeiterday

from Long Beach to attend the wed­ding or- his daughter. Miss Valeri* Oatea.

T* Attend Fonenit ^Royal Neighbors lodge wilt meet

In a body at a p. tn. Saturday at the Twin FalU mortuary to attend the funeral of Oerald Zaeharias.

On Call/flmla VUH - •Mrs, Vtrgll McBride left ‘Ihun-,

day for Los Angeles to vUlt her son. Ensign Billy McBride, and

lUghler, Mn. Nellie Madsotv.

Egypt.. i been rtctlved by Mr.

and MrarFay Hann from their son, CpJ. Kenneth Hann. who Is sUf Honed In Egypt, \elUng of his re­cent. promotion.

Citizens’ Grants Get Court Test

COEUR D'ALENE. Wa.. ?rt. 3« (■P> — Action has been started to test In the state supreme court the repeal by the legislature of the in­itiated senior cltUens' grants act, Orland A. Scott, national To*t>-

Jve for Idaho, an-'

Nampa, has been ............... ......Scott a* chairman of the executive committee. Attorneys have been re­tained to press the case before the high court.

Albert QtUng, Twin Palls, Ij a member of the cotnmltlee.

Jew Lodge Chief Will Visit Here

BOISE. Feb. 38 (/P>—Herman Lew- kowlts of l^heonlx, Arlz., grand prei- lAent of district grand lodge No 4 of B'Nal £11101 wiU oddreu lodge* of the organliatlon In Boise, Twin. Fallji. Pocatello. Salt Lake City and Ogden during the coming week.

HU official visit u> the Boise lodge rill be Sunday,

Tnutsf«n«d i» Tsna

AwalU AsaUnmentWallace Olenn Green, ion of Mr.

*ni5 Mn.'Olenn Oreen. has rtlum. ed from OoUe where he look a navy radar eounie. A former student at the University of Nevada, he Is now •waiting a^algnmrnt by the nary,

Out-ef-TeivR ijur*aCpL Frank Orlffin and Mrs, Orlf-

fin. Seattle, and Mrs. Vernon Qold- •mlth, Bohe. were the houseguests of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Rayl and laiuUy, Mrs. QtUttii l» tlie former MlM Helen Rjiyl and Mrs. Gold­smith waa Miss Dorothy Rayl.

Wett SUrt*Work started Tliursday on ....

I3J03JO cell block being construct­ed at the cltyrhall by Tony Bobler. contractor. Eight men are now working on the Job. which Bobler esUmated would requlre.fltf ds£» to complete.

Birth*To Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Relnke,

•Twin Falls, a boy, and to Mr. and Mr*. Lloyd Weech. Hansen, a girl, both bom Feb. 20, and to Mr. and Mrs. Paul McComb, Twin Falls, a girl. Peb. 25, all at the Twin Falls county hospital maternity home.

VWU Friend* Here • Tech. SgL Vaun Klrkman. son ef Mr. and Mr*. George Klrkman. for- mer residents now living in Phoenix, stopped In Twin Falls tp vblt Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Poctee, Mrs. Kath- erlne Klrkman, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Klrkman and other friends and rel­ative* on his -i’fty to Phoenix. Ser­geant Klrkman has been stationed huAlaaka for three years.

Tire Blown OutA blown out tire on a car driven

by C. W. Boyd, route one, wa* the principal damage when machines driven by Boyd and Rudolph Mar- tens, route one. IJuhl. collided Wed­nesday In the 100 block of Third irtnuB south, according to a police reporL The Martens car was draw­ing away from Uio cub, the report said. (When It and the other ma. china collided. Boyd damage was estimated at *30 and damage to the Martens car at ts.

All Machinery Offered at

Buhl Auction Sells EarlynUKL. Feb. 3S—The apptoxlmalely 135 pieces of farm ma-

clilnery placed on sale at an auction tporuored by tlie Buhl Chamber of Commerce and U8DA war board In the Interest of the “food for \ictory campaign were quickly crabbed up by farmers nere’'Tl»ur*day,

"The farmen paid well for the machinery and everybody aeemed well satisfied," a member of the committee sold.

The mjichinery brought about U.OOO, Clerk Will Hawkins said.Roy Hopkins ser>-ed as auctioneer.county Agent D. T. BoUnRbsoke, Twin Falls, nddreased llie more

than *00 farmers present on the “food for victory" campAlen.Chief committeemen on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce for

Ihe machinery sale were Earl Dunbar, of the Mountain State* Imple­ment company, and BUI Roberts of the Buhl Implement comptiny.

It waa Indicated that another and probably much Idntec event ot (he name kind may be held here in about two weeks. Bad weather handicapped many nuichers who wanted to bring in equipment Thurs­day. .

OPH[irn » r>«» om)

match' the senate's first tueteaaful attack cn the admlnbtratlont farm parity structure.

Hi?use leaders predicted early en­actment of a s<nate*approv«d hlU to halt deduction of gorenutteol benefits In fixing maximum farm prUei — one o£ the coroervtonta ol President Roosevelts stabilization procram. Only two senator* — boUi Irom Rhode lslAnd~voted against the bill yesterday. Seventy-eight, including the President'* chief Ueo- tenant. Democratic Leader Albes W. Barkley cf Kentucky, voted for It.

Altlioush fann manpower remalTA a major luue. yesterdays *enate vote temporarily focuses the farm bloc'j aUtntloa oi its drltt lor higher price*. EarUer this week. Wiekard. making one of his Innum­erable iccrnt uppcamncea before congrtislonal committees, asked the congressmen to give him a 'dear mantlate' on hi* food production program.

The atviwer of the howe farsa bloc was formation of a seven- poUcy committee to coordinate farm bloc demands and possibly carry them to the \Vhlte House.


(r n « Pw> Ou)elude* the uutheast coast of Bou­gainville Island, the whole of Short- land Wand and one of two subsid­iary islandi.

On the Burma front. RAF planes flying from India, carried on their steady offensive againal the Jap> anese, shooting up enemy river croft, railway trains and towns.

Fresh rrporti on the Japanese at­tempt to raid U. S- air base* yester­day (n Aisam, India, disclosed that American fighters poalU^ly or probably destroyed 29 p U i^ and that only nine of the total emy aircraft were alghted heading back for home.

Amrrican plants also Tanged cr Burma, completely destroying Japanesee camp, damaging and . Ucklng olhrr urgets.

Four ^Urrisge Uceasea

Licenses to wed were issued Thut»- day and Frldaj- to four couples. They were ^taurlca Hayne*. 25, and Charlotte Jeanette Hawklrv'. 31. both of TV-ln Falls', Kenneth Lonte. 24, Tuln Fall-1, and AltoJec Bowman. 21, Jerome; Frank Chlyo K)-ono. 3«. and Asako Kodama. 7",. both of Hunt; Sntoru Kodama, 3S. and Bueno HlkldvI2, both of Hunt.


Cash Registers

I Adding Machine

PHONE 167-W . - B U H L

EXPERTAantbw ERCf lA*: t^ts* Ua!»

boys a ^w Uai ar=y a th!=« cc two aMCt *.*wo«=« . . -

Half of Legion’s Debt Is Pledged

p»i: ca=,i=arv*en‘ a t UsaAsencaa l/tfsa seethe W nfss- day nK licd a t x p«yscc2of ajtSTscsatelr UT of t ic rr—.ta-.ra; ca ts#

aasoea srn.il.Lfgijo eepkaiia-

ih s mrJ-od ei po.-t e£ ti# oa

,^2 ' •—^*rr- W'.— ti? seetasarr> ,v »=-T=i: ofcearw

Prt. BsrtcD Sewsry. sew tm- iahlEg basJc trvsiig aJ c « p KaS- l*r. CaSf. tcyped abaxS* at th* td( sJesal ccrp* rrpX-KS*i: tr*islss <«aler w.:h a w<*i only serea c=der tiietise rceaed. He h*d 1C ac'gregate fcr *2 Xrpa of Jour pair.ta bef.tr '.iiri '•!* oCher sa hu eospayr rating of rxpert r J '^ a a . Oc:? thrve men la the ciia* ca=p won that

trader the a.-=y scort=g. ts is expert; Ies-1T< Is ^ 13t-ISS cstitsaaa.

Prli>',* Sratry . wh» wC3 V* » | »ad Taber, radio tectsldaa ta the aignil esrra. 1Is the aes c ; Mr. a=^ >Ia. C T. ------------New bry. T * a Falls. He ea , tfjed the ariay 1*33 tixatw^mcsLhi j f EvD* TO.vnt ago. A tcacher at' Fi::*

ofctarasi *» ia M ii ccsr.tr.bi'.i.'tJ » ’. h i >pe>. dal a-T i*55x rtvriTec.

Twri Prater. reierm i'iireser:'. orTVrr, = iie a talk.

C. I t Kre=.-»: r»<sted rS.rrar C i iU.-ry Season

r a . i lie ea- y lixatw^mcsLhii 1 nn* c;-.T bfi-T; { i a g ra^te cf |"— {1 . . . . . .

Albica 6U‘.e Nfltsai. aiaealed Tw;n ; I Pa^a high three y tw aa i'was graduaXS Seca the Oteas fW* ry high schoc:.

B w W a Staaw iT

J«el McOra



Sunday and Monday

r u 's — 'u o n r t o s w d t

A Disiey Cater CutMA. Newi * N«. U -Tbe SecTrt C«ier aal

nTctsaa-* Day taCO.MING s i *n d .\y :


O F «U T nN T «IT



J i0 k . . n i u M i i r

M f ” —

SIT SERMON■ at the



a djn»ml« mid rorceftd ipeakCT Is on President ItocM* re]f« ron of boaonblo mention for having become succesaftil

' ta ^ of a phrHeal handicap reaulUng from tnlantll* panlytu. II d(Urer hli last termon m Sundajr ereolng.

Big Days Starting ^ T O M O R R O W ic

Plus Complete Late Show Starting at U:30 p. m.ORPHEUM — KSTBTOMGHT-

VcnM uei L a U • F tH r ic M u t l i

in “13IARRIED A v r r r c i r

Page 3: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

F t i i iy . t It*. . TIMES-NEWS. TWIN PALLS, IDAHO Page Thr^

B A H lE l iY E N DO N F A R M W lf

w iss i? f3T os. a* rfv-w-Crsr^'. cC ^TftTSv-** i»r«TTa e»

*.» CrRTrsxKl-»: :ir=i i i v cTti- •tn .'= i= rc prt* K_',-r. «x i w dv“;<«i a SiT.-csifd

*aD:%rse *sik» *P*rrrri: a SiZ jS7C«ct»< t j r»r—

S »rci. ixu in ^ t x ■«-c=X —^ ci R.-vrfwr.’* !•-*•

p iti a . AU, ».:•

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C ut Jaxr - r ^ « » r

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CeM s<e«w e# A*wiee>




T » N->.vC srjirr.--' ’K-vi'I.VS.» v-< s^v>-rr^ tT~jftnwt K*4>i r.-.' iT ftltifT ;:u3i u> :'x -.hf;'..lir-..' T>f =v- .-r 5*

i-N ^^•:^ TU.T —r .■ .v; CfliT^e j^arr.'j, «tr? ci.'iUfvi n'v"* T-.' t:vv:,-a rt>rei=v» trro r».-S

«TT» j»r.i.-f. fcsi » '»=T Frtt%vt- VT*-*-

«TJi 5£ac« Hflrr. r^->.m.-h » 1 CV'. Ki^-vci. t^vctrv

xs=^-c, fcStx'CTJ. T^^ ir il " J . f «T-."?:rrN

>Ct. K Cl r-vrjpT «1.« -tL-Tv-iysl Vt a tr,>^ ••>: mrT5.-.\ .f. hrr ^.n^• t-iT tvcr^a «Trr J'.n.->Mrv >ii.--=i C;^rx.% >^:^ CV.-n

M n v- .T T t r r ru~t:r.vir. irvS >Tv 0 R.

v'-TTsa rfr?T%'.-^yrz.' ir%I Mrv rrxntrj

5^ lu:


s-C. Ck.vn^ tt. Vc ':t.a Ci.-.T \3T Crj.:’.-?.r C in , i.r:.-mw|

nVr «T.' V-r ca Us *.>•.»fvT-, rv-o .'Cre'!« SfT


R r > ; Kv-it-^T S»f4 Ut-r>g r>-;r^ iTrs.Vr' Sskd • » cjy T^t:' Tijca J.t

oiii f.-ctj. 7ir,vT3^ ?♦ cnTS Tts.- KTSiiiT ^^l• rtj

SW^lZtf «V^. » ST=T:>rr


WAsniNqxoN, rt*. a oijd- Th# houj*<<fllull business eoramltlfe today blamed office or price atlraln- litr»tlon rftfuUtloM for caiulna iho worst mtftl "black mark»t" iti hU- lary—one which "4ubjfcta tlie pop- ulaQon U> the rUk of enUns dlvu- cd mfat-“

In • rrport on the meM packing Rlluatlon. the cotntniuw churKt'tl Uial Uie OPA and SocrrUry of Ak- riculturo Claude H. Wlckard have ndKjuale IrgblaUve auUiorlty to correct the mnUdJustmn)! and In- JuiUcfl now current In the mrM In- (lailry, "tut tho' hiive not worked In clow coo]>fniUon and liave dif- frrtd on toporUinl (]utr,[!oiu of I»UC7-"

Hup(>Itr* Too SmtU ■nie report ewne irniUl incmulnc

lndkalion.1 Uial ment tupplles «-lll bo too amall to permit a mtloii of 31 ouncrs per ptrsoti i>cr wi'-'k ft hi;i raUonln# atarta about AyrU I iind colncWcnl wlUi u rc'i»rt by Prlcc Admlnbtralor PrciilL'j M Uro«-n Umt the “rcIaUvcly few chi.1elrr ■’ oi>crftUn8 on Uio black market "face Ml unpromi.'lmt tmucc."

The home nmnll bii.sinr\i rotnmJl trc clian*cd tJiiiV uhoIcMilp prlco ci'lUnga ealnblUhe<t by OI’A havi iiBRravated Uic nntural nir:il short uRc by puHltiB ft "MVtireie" oi\ tl\c mrat packer*, which iiiny cirlvc onC' third of them out of bu lne.v!,

No Ktpbnallon “Die record before Uip commit'

te<* contalta no !Jills(acUir>' nation' of the lonif r.tanillnt: failure of tJic offlec of price iidmlntmrailon to accord lo meat procrsjon the fulr nnd equitable murKln rcfliilred by (Ue prtco contrcl act." thi- coTOnlt- ice Mild.

"Unle-M Uie packers iira a.-.iurcd «ucl] fa ir, murKlnj. Uic nation Is faced with liicn-MUiR meat »hort- aRea and the pof.Mb;c Ici t oj n>i much M one»thlrd of the present planU . . . “

Wlckard told n prcM conferertec yesterday that slauRht^r wppllra ot meat ttiivc been "dliSspiminUs^Rly' small" In view of Uie record number of cfttll# BBd hORs gronTi l i i l y He siiJd ho would not -care to j... did" that plans announced early Uils year lo »llos\ mtw\ at au pound* per person could be earned out.

At Jca»t three factors point to shorter than expected civilian meat supplies; <l\ R\UllATV and Srnd-ltase requirements orr !nc ea. lnR; (3) federally laipectcd slnuKhtfrlnR has been less tljan cxi)ecU'<l. iina 13) Ancentlna, which mrnt to Drl lain, l^aa had a tJwn, {tt<5 ctop,

THE rOU-OWiTJCO r m t s a r e n o t 1NCI.UDI3);trena. j*sa«.->ean. peuia salicl. tMit wn came, ollvea.

prrsfnTTs rri-l c*irj. trUjiiei. milt puddmci. Irricii Irult'; liicv-ctiafrs o\rr : j ftw n A-eceUWes in conialiicrs over 10jviCTwSv rruil la cvwi»tm« oirr one callon, meat .Mr»-s coiit;kln-» « s-eir \TCfta>}p\ rx'je vjch u j-pifihem. tnac-ironl, noodles,m-hrUVr or no-; thej- »u-» jafktd «ith added \TCfiatsIe muccj. veKetable ;;;;jrs Si ccr.iMTJcri ^^Tr ar.d by.ppoducui of frtilt or veR-fTiMrt .vuc-h »A tin i-'j-Ji bew jnllt, fniU and vPKciable dye;:.

='.v>?r. 5*T.lirr 'i JS-A-i. . r..T^r . u

« ••frto »: •>? jv=» cC i- r Tnrrrx 3 t . xr.i O C.

«T.5 Xl'J' 'S'*rr^i 5t7TT- Kri iti.::

s : ,v t »-.T. c -.-r.5-4J e r J N.N1?* iirv Ss.vV )-ivt fx- fCS-CTi C-.' -«T.T -Jrxt

Carrn- Sifci -ci I;.-.551.'; C-TT ?x » =x .X J-- »; tjjr Jccru* c.: Ji.t ^ ,v:5. r w . v t

_ Sin, .%•» >iks irr.TTi9 • T t*. rriSTM. isOJ? -Sc*1A--WX »=a cr a t . fc=>£ i£r». J t i l L*.-«c&- ^ e M ftc tm to

r » sSa*«»«*» CT.r-.'ttf.

XT. i= .i i t v JC r>r=. .-i* v.XTT v nJJf TUX V.CJtirs »TNii:ax jjc_n\TskTT o

Cftii TrvTi. » i »


1. rtr;d O';;; tJie srt of the e»\",tenta (from the label If any).

' S. i^e VTVwa U“:» ty-p of the chart, j*(j«nnc ilie welRhi. in CJ31CCI ir:J jvNii>iv r--!j ».V cv '-jna la »hlch this wtlRhl bclonKs. ‘

5- r . ^ l-.e;:r. ;r. U-.e li:Ur.{ of i:esa !a the column lo Uie lefl.* ':>J' ?vv-l \J ie the lira *ir;y»rs on Ihe .same line a.s'Uie Hem

;-•> Uif cv-CiTTsn ihp evcTrrt ir lfh l., A”, sr.-Ji ef:rr3i:;r.Kl'6r wlsht.v U no wtlRht tsSA.-i.-N: <•* l.^e ;;e=i. t^e life rr.at b* welshed.

ts r:ri.ri£ ihe v»tae o{ & a i f jilvrn inr-.M f>Jd ccTK« to be the wmc »j the ovoirdupoi*

cvir.v'c. Or.f u coe c»e «'.iirt Is la-o pounds.T?>f iv-r.; c ; »r.y lien wrifhirjr C'tr Jour <<> poundJi sh.\U be

arrivt^ 4*. Cie rusher of pyanii o l that liem by thetoax >•»>.:»■ 7*z Tv-JiTii cJ vja\ »f»-<Iif'*^r pountl" column;rrfcr;i.-c-i a ;v'i;T-.d iJvO J be ^ UJT S ja Qvaner-poundv Tlia', an Item

4 ivx.r.i.\ J o « x n wvcid be cvsvvdfied u wTlRhini; < pounds 13


i t . i t i . r,.<Tr r s i= : t t hit;,fc jwa. r . . .

rrrtsas^ ^ h«=st r c «e-r«25 T s c ta s ;

Sas Swsi tr*a?ts?Tv? t-*i TV:*.rrr=i Cijyc:. tCy^v xjiter i>e

>v<i ct; X,-«T=.iipr.11-* X— c- JiTre e4 wrerC

c.* s>£3.->«.. K » «-Je ».■: i.' ^ a C.-^=x

W vi',x‘s-* 3£ r3 . Ssz-teTs a jin f K » i.

STA-'i-wveirtt *.1 :s* rre^ii:K-1 Ik:;' lin . Oex^ie Civ-vitt» Mv'tce. ivi « ,T«i U it Sbc S.-0. i i i

I r x ;_ is c u » Ti.“ssrije.Cxi:, ».^a=».TSi tuacr > 2 . S>.-Sst!=X 5y eq=::rjgarcgi3 >tewCNt I;j’-".;',':vr,

i t t . Swe\ii.norr i Sfe- JCC;. 5C4KJ-, *aS XTJl ier i t v S»s»

5£s. S S u s s r a t a i p t a i .6x;:Si.TL. *£SB»». « » T».e=at S « t.a«s :^ iiaciJPT, i t v StOfrat.

F « . Sarrtj Lirtis$5=3a. Cis;? H s i. lA . iaa tsTTOi Sx- & tI-4a.T

i a 7»TTa.a. 3C-. «a2 te v S. C. i.*«apa3t.

sr- s a : i» n t o i i jc s , J w in s . & a i a a a j is .

K c 5kh» «r 5j i ?»nsia. i t . »a i xsv SI. A. itkiieir,.

iSa. E ir : ^ S tw v c » n i » ,■ 3 rs= ac « ss» iw s» *r-t* r m a t > 5 jm■ai SusiJ.

i t v SMsy SJT » ; i lr v J v i Sk&SKt 5v»c:s*» • ; s : : b a » s> ta * rarsii * ;'Ctrstt C5K=ti r--^ » i=a.-iiNT5.'

®=* ■I « O. i 5£TCJ .rs « j s ra» tf - •Asr,T3r *.-ar « vir«-. a

C '^'ei ;o? C e e of p-itiivc ih* pccpt XTJue cl Uie lien;.

POINT UATION VALUnS:Tlib table with 11. 1C coluiniu for M.-'-s of canned, botllcd, dried, v .

■ hydriitcil und frur<’U foods .nIio \;i nt it Onnco how miiny ilunil;; niiy cho.'.rn item Mill mm , Hicli inciiiljrr tif n fiinilly t. nllourd poiiU.i for MarclL Column c.ii left show.n v;irlctv of foodr Piirchaw cuii follow down the l^^t,•plck lilx licm, thi n follow ncro-a lo ihe .ilw of the can he wishes. Bl:e K dt'uoud nt Wp oC verilc.il columtvi. Tlvc column hnvlnjt the cornct M:i- cit iIil- lop will ;.how mniibrr uf |>otnt.", in block face lype. Urlclly. find the imn. lli’-n n-iid iicui'.i ft)r .ito. Intcr.^ectlnif .’•quaro contains nunibrr of polni.i, Thu l “th column dcnoic.i tho rote of points per ix)untl r:ich llc-in cos:.-!. It Is iucd only when Item welglia moto Ilian foiir poiiiiA'. Mo-t ot ihc cMumiw will not be In Rnneral use since crftnln ;.l/r.i n:i- niarr popular ihnu /dhiT . Tlie sixth column frtim.ttic left VilU be listi.t Kciiurally aNcU in fluurliitf veKctjible purch Kluce It coulttltLs .•i.-c'. in v.!'.icli 'cm-i.iblr;; arc iiio:,t widely lOld; columns 5. C. 0 from lelt viill Lt onr.i umhI nitv.t on fnilt-H column 4 for 80Up.i; columns 7 and 12 lur fruit iviul vi’nc.'i;>bli: julci'.-<. It U ■accreted by the office of prire Bdnil'iMralloit that consumen kerp on hand a netmpaper cllpplni of this fharu „

PEL\S AND DtlANS:Point v.ilucs lur ilr)' bcniu. drj' pc.i.t, ItnllU and dry and deiiydrated

MUps, which were nililid lo thi' ration iificr Uic OI’A prrpiircd the ubovo table, are; Up lo Dcimr., etc. 1 point; r.oups 2 jwlnta; over 2 to 4ounces, beans eic. : point.-.. ;,uupi 4 [lolnU.; over 4 to 0 ounce.'. benn.n etc. 3 polnLv f.oups fi iK'lnt.'.; o u t ti lo a ounce:', heaiu' etc. 4 poinLs. Mup.^ C points; over B to 10 oiincc.i. br;iii\ <-ir, :< i)olnis. soups 10 polnu; over 10 to 14 ounces, bcaia rle. 7 tx>lni.', i.oiips 13 ixiinU'.; over 14 to 10 ounces, beans elc. 8 polni.'., i.oujis lU jwlnii; per i>ounii.i. bcuns etc. 0 points and soups 10 polnU. . / ^

Point Katibning

Meeting Subject5i.vjcs3:s. rvK rs—The U'k.>AU~4>

t.-ci xe» p iro ehurth.5^e r»>i PnaJieRfS

e:- k. liisej. ei G?»r%S ARaj «S tfip ISrriblr. r>xr. XtrOxt eW>f. Ta-ss ra'.lv ».n- .Svserraaa CSrc r. ra?-..'«v :r*r-TT a p:\vna huh. *4£ .?ed i.' e S a n C. Hoa

'Tv'Cr.X rx-.--c.-.r,.i.%af3. STOirr >.'• liw IP i liA . «»r

b.i*?4. T»-,n rc :} , *r*l « tvVTM nr^TT. reierrfvl :•> Pe*rl lUrtvr m » "red >'.-rrz rtKT' tn RaiioK'j

S.ac:vC-jK-*l »ittc*rs cw the Um .V a^.i \T».'^utco wast:'TT» tr M.-V M*r B^ake, T»S» rWilj. Mr*.. Ff-XrOi. T«ta :iVTd awvrtiaa fcai accth harp tKs=5»r\ and *Bat*

<C the Rfp;;Kv-." Ctsjs * i ; « « C>f Jlar.ve^ scivvi. \»dfr u » «ir»«fU,Tn Nna SJter.

*7 rJe'irr Tb theraLC." e=r=“i •;«?:? v im

*Tai> S to.* »'.x»s a uvat

JiiTi. S ::a e ^ > jttsl*iaJL. HxiL.-cr- iht ihrt*p r » cvvitestiaU «<t li»e^'*h CT*ae. "I^seiia P itt. Tbtii* Rjya^Civ »r»J ir*;,vir»

«fcci iT*d her ?«vr-jrtkw ca a * -vOa! Caa 1 ttt ts. i r a ss» Wkr.' Ther a»*n»d jnaes craatrd ^ ^ftee^aan tCrSr.

>&v CCie Jcaes. cii»rs» 6l ih» paraaa ctf t i* ^««r*sa aawittd t» r*i2s eisdfc, c » ^ * »*4ae. ~V>r>TTa<ii »ad PTtK- tfr."

r ra a k e«T«n«s ub)» MnL. Ooasa « a l is a . S4*y Ks$t*a peered av

e « ! ihr ch'.»^ « » i<S^^n^(d b m pat rV-CU Saaratr feT' a Ksaaase* Jssa xJ» iM d crosv

«M MTCT4 ?* S>SC» thw -

m m s r r T o e r n s M U L ts inliOXDox. r»4>.. » t ;E ^ ia

vcs zs s ;:«S AJjv* feetiwrtas »Li«, l« r , jr ,

a= v%*tic;aj ^= i»a««= «S t ir * d a u i tg- M craco ;»£>» xaUtaixy.


i t a . Melvin Olien and dauchter, Sharon and GIa\<U, Blaokfoot, vis­ited rr-UUves aj>d frlenrt.<i here. On

took the bus to Blaekfoot.Mr. and Mnt. Berle C.ameron ttrr

the I>art■nt. of a dauRhier bom ot « !f lUtlfT h«.pl!i3,

Carey Progrt^*.h-e dub met at t iii >«ae of Mr. and Mm. Albert Stan, fwd. After thr re6«'ar business u-m tnn.'actM-t.')e •fiertiDon v u spent tn ,»e»tne',for the Red Crtcj.

Carry nellef .Noctrty utui held at the L. D. & chunJi, Tlie lllenx- tUT Has prerenle<l by Mrs.D«,\le WUde. .Mit;. Jennie Davis and Mn, Charley lla.'.kel] Rave-' storlej ffwa the BibJe >Ao*1nc the prose cwitrtbuUaax to Uteraturr.

TTip'15 Q-allUne cooimlliees In Uie Tiller been «w klnj Um poat t»n veeka on QUllts. U.iif of the

harv beei> canpleied and JumSed In and reveral of Oia fteupa *:» siantoff on the second.

DeatrVre Jlniit, BoUe. *vblted trtend* and rtlaUvei here.

Mis. .^iKlrtw iniverrta. Ketcli„., Is vlMtlne her moUier. Mrs, Jennie PatUwon.

Mn> Ruth Benin and son visited ihMf ramitf la Bellevnie.

Xtr. aad Mrs. A. U Tkylor and d*u£hter, June, b rlslUnc Mrs. Ta>'-

pam>t^ Mr. and Mr*. W. oOrtm.

n n t tart tn Idaho v a i built hy D am Tl»ogap*Mi. 11 n t cated Kal­is?*! hoQM. CO l* J » pend Oreille.

Minnesotan Held On Check Charge

JEHOMB, Feb. % — ISobert U FYeeborB, 23. wlm ;-ilil liis liwnc L-. In Minnesota, wn-. nrrrilcd lliurr.. day nljht by Bbt rKf L. S. John- f.on on a bad chrr): churBe.

Sheriff JolwMiu :-.Hil KrecborR culled a (30 ciicct ni the SumniiT sen'lce slaUon hire, JicclvlMR.mrr- chsindlse and tilwMi. 5K in cliariRe. and also that he pre.'cnted a check for *50 to Paul L. imdy to pay for a barrel of oil obt.-ilnM from the Hosmftn service station. Doth checti U'tre raW lo be »n l'n i on a T^lii Palls bank whicli ?ilil ihcy "crc not Cood.

KreebcfR w-ss rri'orleil lo have told Jerome reslrt^nl' thnt he wm toujlng potatoes lor the Bovemmcnt.


Mr.s. Waller Smyth, daughter of Siini YoiinR. «a.s brought home from

the Bocla Springs hosplUl and U recovering at ^er home here.

6(Ct. Rlchnrd E. Gretr. Mrs. Oreer and »on. Ft. RUey, Kan., have been vlnltlns her pareni.s. Mr. and Mra. E-.\tl L;vtwti. ;

.Mrr. -Jesse-McBrlde.—Bllosd bus. band Is In foreign service. Is plan- nlng lo go lo Twin Palls to take a bu.\lne>-s cnursp.

Jimmy Uoptr. uho lias been nl- trndlnf: .'.chool at Moicow. ha.s ar­rived K) vbit his parcnif. Mr. and Mr.i. William Roper.


SERIOUST rti raHi i i In desperat* need of

ttexcnjnhen. The sftuaUoQ b crlt> kaa. Esma no* in either the •Tini.ih

<9* cr nrular coursel Classes n i l

be ttanJas Maich Itt, Your taroU* ;«a l tjalnlne *111 help the

at TvId FaUs Busl-

M a Tfahnaty.

Sun VallesL^^tagessolves the Hunt transportation probUhi

A new sercice okehcd by 0. D. T.



L t . Twin Falls 7 a . m . and 4:30 p. m.-

' A rrir ine Twin Falls 12:30 and 7 p. m.


CBANGE IN SUN VALLEY ScheduleLv . Twin Foils 8:15 a. m . A r r . Tw in F'alla 3:30 p . m .

t2:«& p. m. sebedolo remaloi the aane)

Sun Valley StagesJ. 1. SCnwiNN, Owner


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fordham have lift for Yakima to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Skid* more have moved to Uie place Uiey vaeatcd.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doramus enter, lalned nt a dinner to celebrate Uie 31at wedding nniilverr.ar ' of her parent*. Mr. nnd ^ rs. Dtilley Lorain. Filer. OUicr bucM.'s were Mrs. Alvin Nefmlir and son. Twin Palls, and Mra. and Mrs. Carl Doranus and nephew..

Mr. and Mrs, Valetlne Soulle we'ro supper sucsta Rt the Albert. Kolarlk home.

Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Yost were.....ed to Nebraska by the cleatti of Mr. Yost'a moUier. Tlie Yo.it daugh­ters art RlaylnK at the Jerry Palat home while their pnrer.li are away. Tlie Harold FortsLi arc doing Uie cliorea for Mr. Yoji.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. luckcr. Nam­pa, Ttho were on Ihelr way home after a biwlnwi trip to .California. vLilled Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Tvrrdy and Mrs, Haroltl Hamby,

MLvs .Miibcl .Miller, Albion, home for a vblt,

Miss Ilos.ibelle Ticrdy visited the Albert Kolarik home.

Mr*. Rudolph Peterson Injured her knee (juUe srrlousl}' In a fnll. She Li now tible to be about. 1’erjon.s to see her'were Mrs. Walter Pern- ber, Mrs. I^onsrd U lh. .Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Noh. Mrs, K. H. Pcm. ber and Mrs. E. T. Sandmeyer.

Willard BllllnBs b III ard Is be Inir taken care of at the home of his parenLs In Tain Palls. Ills fn- ther U hero helping wlUi tlie work.


'U this seal taken?"


TACOMA. Wash.. Feb, 20 <-1’)-- Discover)’ of a 13-year-old girl with n chain hobble around her ankles led lo Uie arre.st of her father.

P?osecutor Tlior Tollefi.on sworo out Uie fiirrant yr>lcrtlny for tlie nrre.st of Oust Oall for rUlriicdty conlflbulinK to Uie clilW.i ilclln- qunecy. Call and hts wile are boUi war Industry workers from niarck. N. D. Tliey cam# here i

Police officer Ray Oerrltien said Uie girl. Phylll,s, was hobbled wliJi II <lot{ chain and two jwdlock.s. with about 10 Indies of slack to nllow her to move obout Uie hoiwe. Tlie offi­cer said the girl was alonn In Uin house wlUi a baby sbter As.Mstant Prosecutor Marshall McConnlcK said he was Informed Uie girl had twice run awuy from Jiome and had been chained since Tuesday.' Ball for tha lather was set at »I,000. •

n s s D R inURLEY. Feb. 28-PUnuar* Ifl

readiness for the opening of th* Red Cross war fund drive to begin In Ca.wla county Monday. The goat to W.ow lor the eounty. "nie quota Is more than double thal ot last year.

O. ailndee Is chairman ot th» drive wltlr Mrs. Kales Lowe, county chapter clialrman, assUUng.

A large wlilto cross lias been placed In the window of the Otto Paulion building. As the moncT comes In the cross will be progreu- Ively painted red. When the quota Is readied Uie white crois will be­come a red cro.'j. AnoUier Red . Cro s display will be featured la Uin window of the Mae-.Marle dress shop. American Hates and Red CroU fbgs wlU be used on Ov'erland are*

A-iihllni: wIUi the canva.is of tha bu.Mnr.is Obirlct In Hurley will b« n<wu Kambo. Ilaro’ llarpsier. Hai- vej’ Robers. C. P. Kawel, Donald CWsholni. Howard Kunau. WlUlsm Itojwr. Tom J-\5sicr. Waller Shear ’ ana GeorKo Scliolcr. „

Women In charKc of Uie work on Llie south eldo ot town are Mr<. John Urooti, Mrs. James Bmlih, .Mrs. I.conard Salmon nnd Mrs. Bert Pa i-h■. on Uic noiU; side. Mii. Htt- rlclc Drake. Mrs. Dill Ramsey and Mrs. Fred fiinlUi.

Wllll.1 Sears will have charge ot Uie Albion dt.'.trlci and Mrs. nay

I Bcilke wUl conduct Uie canvavs at ' Oakley.

County Agent W. W. Palmer. wlllJ agriculture committees in each com- munUy, will have cliarse of UiO rural collecUona.

Contributions arc already comlns In and Chairman tillndce fays this Is a good IndlcaUon of lhe«uccc:i of the drive.

Hailey Without

Snow for WeekHAILEY. Feb. 36->l*\ther Hailey

nor Soldier crcek forest etatlons reported iinow last week. However. Uie year’s snowfall Is still far In ad> vnnce of other year*. Hailey hfti re- Tfcelvrd S1.7S inches. Lm V year at this time. Hallry hart received 7S.10 Inches and the average ts only ca.70 Inches. Soldier creek hna re­ceived 177 Inches whereas one year ago U had received only m j inches.

However. wlUi all this eenJion'n snowfall. Hailey now has only one more Inch on Uie ground.than last year at this time. Tlie snow depth now Is 32 Inches whereas It was 31 Inches a year nRO.

At Ketchum there U 43 Inches against 30 Inches a year ago, Oalcna has 72 InchM wlUi only 68 Indies this Ume last year. Old .Daldy has 85 Inches against 61 Inches, soldier creek nutier staUoQ now has AI inches n^!n.st 48 a yera ago. Fair­field has 2< Inches ngalnsl 30 Inches.

Royal Neighbors

Plan ConventionHANSEN, Feb. 20 — Mrs. Alta

Burdick conducted the fln i meetlns In the Woodman hall since her elec­tion to the olllce of oracle ot thi Royal Neighbor lodge. Seventeen mcmben were present to dlscuu further •rrangements for the dis­trict convention to be held In Han* sen In Uie cprlngr.

Mrs. Gal HUl and Mr*. HatU* Ilouchlns were appointed to the committee on InvesUgaUon ot possi­ble banquet smneementa while .Miss Lena Bohm and Mr#. Hugh Sanderson are on tha committee to secure' materlnU tor new team dre.sses. /

Mrs. Burdlci nnd Mra, Pred Kopp arranged lunch. Mra. Ross Calico received the white elephanL A per­sonal donation by each member waa taken to place in a fuhd for th* purchase of war bonds.

^ O lD S ; aFIGHT MISERY “ u ) |«hereyoufeellt>rub | tbroat. chest and back«iihUffle.test«] w VA^oRut

Minimize Risk of CropFailure withTESTED

SEEDVKAR tor 59 yeat*.

Consult the Nortlirap, King ft Company dratrr In your toim for Alfalfa, Clover, I'lrld. Onus or Garden teed. Or get nam« of the Northland Brand Seed dealer oear you by wTlltn* to . . ,

Northrup, King & Co.


"Judge,there'#beenquiteabitoftalkROing • nround Qbout prohibiting liquor in various Epots around tho country. . . around tho Army campa for one thing. What do you make of it?”

"Well, Henry. I eize it up about like this. I t looks to. me like the folks-who are doing the talking are ahooting a little bit higher than most people scan to realize. Sort of like the saleanum vho gets bi» foot in the door and before you know It he’a sold you

s bill of goods. Wouldn't surprise me a b it if what they’re really aiming for is to take in tho whole country again. We a ll know it didn't work the hut time. A ll we got waa tootUi liquor Instead o f /<xa/,IJquor...pIui

raeketecfB, Bnngsten nnd the worst Grime

wave the country ever saw.“Seems to me we've all got our bands fuH

to win this war without Martina up ao argu-

taent we just got throogh settUiM; a few .

years back.'* '

Page 4: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

Vago i'our T1ME&-NEWB, TWIN F J U ^ , IDAHO Friday , February 26.1943


W H IR L IG IGouUklxd is IPCJ. U

U l«°C r»MI«W ■Mk »T«nlntl.

niII)DIES-J*mcs Aluticlieon group of «: Informal UUt tiwt th«


/ ilcUstiUd

mill mmur April t a Ulli, l<Uho. undtr ll<« nt I



Ordinarily the uttachlnR Irrrlcvnnt riders to imporlmiL iPKisintlon. to force the con­tent ot the riders p.isl ImpcndlnR presidential

veio, niu.st be condemned ns vicious.The rider wliicli Representative Disney of

Oklnhoma lift.s lied to hla bill Increasing the .■itntutory debt lim it does not fa ll In to this cln-w bcc.iuse of the pccuJiar history of the President S25.000 salary-llm ltallo ji cdlct.

Dl5ney's rider would revoke the President’s order, nnd would substitute for It a congrcs- slonnl decree llmltlnB upper bracket solnrles to tlielr pre-Pearl Harbor tops.

This rider differs because it does not rep­resent a congre.s.'ilonal nttem pt to circumvent the PresMcnt'a veto power, On tlic contrary. I t Is a method of preventing the President from enacting os a one-man law w hat con­gress refused to accept.

Or Jet’s put It another way. I t la an n t­tempt to prevent one-th!rd the membership o f ft single house from enacting a law for

which A majority could not be obtained.If the Disney repealer were passed separ-

ftteJy and aent to the W hite House, It would be vetoed. Thereupon one-thlrd vote In either house would sustain the veto. This would have the eltect o t valldaUng an execu­

tive statute which could not have been put through congres.'j In the democratic manner.

I t would, in fact, perm it the President and 33 senators, for example, to pass a law which

, — to take an extreme possibility—w<w op­posed violently by 63 senators and all'^SS o f the representatives, not to mention the public.

Thb discussion hn.s noth lnc to do w ith the* rcspcctlve merits of the Roosevelt approach

to limitation and the Disney approach. It

happens that we prefer the congress.man's Jden. of Ihe two, though wc lean to the iheory th a t lim ltiillon should be through grnduatcd Income taxation rather than by fla t of any­body.

The President’s class appeal, contrasting $500,000 a year with $50 a month, leaves us cold. He would be more Impressive It he were to name a single S500.000-a-year beneficiary, remembering th a t it is the n rt which counts nnd tha t a half-mllllon-dollar executive would pay $320,280 Income tax' even a t th' current schedule, which w ill be exceeded next year.

Farley reccn ilora by WlUiig inrrv ii> New De*l was Uirouih both and below tlie Miuon Mid

Dlxon'a line. F. D. H.'a arlglnl pro­moter bMfd Ills conelu-ilon on » aetlts ot convtnalloni he tiu In i with key DemocraU In every of ilie country.

Jim, whoue election lorecasU lu. uiiUy hit Uie buIU-eyc. expreued •doubt wheUief llie Preiideni could carry Uxe aolld loutli if he'ran for a four.Lh term, a* tilj aidw upect Wm to do. AmoiiB Uit ivait» Honed tia anU-Rooievflt ptxi lljUltlM

HAT TCCKEIt Texaj, MlJJl-'Jiippl. AUbatnaand OeorgI#.

Tlic people and pollilclttn.i In llie^e arf.i Ing U3 rejjoru, no longer regard Uie cliltf r\fcullv« a-i A Democrat ol Uie old-f*ilUoiied »lrlpo and there- fora do not frel bound to vot« for him In keeping wiDi lliclr JiUlorlc prejudice*. They mlglil cu t Uielr bnliotji for a Republican provided *ome pracrturi can be rievked by which he will appei wUli A fcIlcliQuji party peeudonyin.

Tlin lormrr national chairman'* iiredlclloru may be all wrong, Dixie might line up folldly for F. D. R.or iomr otiier Democrat. Dut JI .......... “niarlu lieli>nl congen] the atmoopli He let Wlillp HouM opponenl.i In IJir ho fleniiip know tliey had tila blewlng faction with ttie chief execuUvn. T tlifif iwo old buddies 1* complet# aa

capltol hllL loiirr and r ril-j»tls-

s prop.*ictlc.

WIhU0.M-T5ie congreanlonal farm bloe'i oppoilUon to ilie prMciit sysirm of agricultural sub.-lriln nnd UtccmUe bonuses reiite^.cnis a teUitiv to econuitilc lundanirnLals. Tlie erstwhile •'glnmile'' clltjuei now rpiillre thnt liandouta from tlic V. 3. Irtaaury ulll not eolve the ba*lc problem* of ceilings and production.

Hard-hcnded leaders have advanced thU uriu.nient for year*, but only lately have Uiey been able lo tcU tnr Iclni to reclplenu of AAA RlfUi. Tliey imvo pointed out that the flow of ctnl) may .itoi) nny <Isy. Mount­ing toi.U may lorco a reduction In—or even elim- Inotf—the amount of money avullBblc for crop pay- menu. Some future ndmlnlalratlon bent cii tlirlft may mil a liali, n^peclnlly ulnce Uie public ttmi>e: to be rrtlng agalnat all form* of gratuUlM. Tlic.ve con- fldrratloiw underlie the demand tliat govrrnnient chfck.i Rhould not be Included in figuring a f&nner'i parity income.

Orower.1 insbt on & selUemenl whereby prices will bo fixed by rieflnlto and permaAent iegtslatlve de- cree. Tlipy reason lhal If they fannoi collect under loday'.i pro'perou* condlllons they never will be able to ilo *0, Tlicy have Uielr eye.i on a poulble paitwnr collap.ie almllar to that of I019-I0:i.

John L. Lewis waa Uit> firm lo rense that accept­ance of nnanclal aJicl political favors from nny Pre:- Ident is an cvanescent arrangement- "Any Individual or orEanlziUlon that hangs around the mxnslon will) hat m hand," ho tells hla people, "glvM litunges to fortune. He places hU neck In a partLan noose."

D ’cn WllUa.'n Green and Philip Murray, hereto­fore wllllns to receive New Deal plums throusli tho NLRD and \VLB. begin to ree the long-dli!ance wls- tlotti of ihelr tlvcil'a remtvrlui.


q'FROM NEW YORKREVOLTERS-The first revolu-

Uon in Europe may break cul Finland. Rtgld-'eensbrshlp and 3i

of physical cooUcU with thU i

liappy democracy have deprived Amcrlcani of unbUscd news con* cfmtng their former frlesdL But word h u finally reached J4ew York from most reUable soukm in the outcast land palaUn* *n entirely different picture from that depleted In the muzsled cab l e dli pa Idles.

Th e r a w a i Tiuch prof s- agented hullaba­loo preceding iherecent election of ................It waa Mid that Pre.ildent Rbto RyU. frequently mentioned pnthetlc to Uic allies, was bitterly opposed by Marshnl Mannerhelm, who holds dtsslmlllar views. The ln> formed declare that the contest wa*

bluff; Uiat ItyU and Mannerhelm •e Tweedledtim and Twcedledee; lat they represent the aame ole Inue which has always leaned to- ard Oermany; that thb croup re.

fu^ed to allow popular balloting anc :liat Uie contest waa decided by sev. ;ral hundred hund-ptcked electors.

Tlie coterie has always held dowr labor nnd liberal elrment.v AI' ihotiRh the powerful Social Demo- •rats finally voled for RyU, they save only lip wn'lce because Uiey ire not yet ready to act on their )wn. The common people peace before their naUon is mined

er. FeellnB « runnlnR »o hlKh an.explosion may be expectcd, e aim of revolten would be to

hurl the present reclme from Hi iddle. flchtlnj any natl troop hich Interfered and hoplnit that le jiUles win come to their rescue

niE-IIARDS—Most Plnn.1 an invlnced that their Rovernmeni

Riicued badly about the outcomo o:■ war, It ataked the nation'; m a nazi vlctorj" In fact, Jls

spoke.-rnien In the United States siUl bPllcve that Germany wlU wli iJist year Uie ministers could

• to ter

MO.VEV-Sam Raybun u.iual speech at a prlvat Vt., Chamber of Commei ence at such a ury affali pliere In the eapllal. It

recenlly deUvcred . dinner ot the Alex

:e. The Texan's meri reflects Uie altered

lot 80 long sgo :h*t a


Apparently a n ovcrenthuslastlc ideologist • w ent overboard in the FDR profile In the of- . flce of war informntlon’s new magazine. V ic­

tory, Unfortunately Elmer Davis did not read

It in advance. He now eonfe.-wes w ithout reservation tha t "It was lndefen.slble.” nnd promises that "the unfortunate incident" w in not recur.

ConslderlnK the ,^ort of m an Mr. Davis Is, wc can accept hi.s lusiiran je that, tf there are fourth term plans, he Is not party to them an d Victory b no t lo be a vehicle for their promotion.

The mapftzlne Itself Is dc.slKned to drive off neutral mnRnzlne rack.*: a German propaRan- da publication th a t docs us no good. To beat the nar.l-., wc m ust tJo a bcllc r Job. produce a more attractive maBazinc, kIvo the "cus-

tomors" what they want. I f they want per- sonalltle.-;. who In the 'U n ited Nations ha.i more appeal than the Pre.-iident?

WITHOUT F E A R OU FAV O R ConcedlnK tha t ovcr-2ealou.s subordinates

have made- their errors, the department of JUBtlce, thus far in World war n , has done cxceedlnRly well at keeping hysteria out of its prosecutions.

The attitude of the department is well sum ­marized by Assistant Attorney General W en­

dell DurRo In the current issue of the Am eri­can Bar Association Journal.

W itch-hunting, he says, can build a tem- porory reputation for a public official Jn war­time. but "such a coursc of action ta a t least

pnUlollsm. and may well am ount to a perversion of the essential features of

•democracy and lU Judicial system, for the continuation of which the war Is being waged." ^

Not only prosecutors, but editors and lay­

m en could well keep M r. Burge's waroSns In •m ind. Let’s stick to facts, and steer away from fiusplclons and unfounded rumors.

APARTMENTS O N A PP RO V A L A New York -builder has made o unique

proposal. He has a few unrentcd npart- m ents, and this is off-season for moving in tho metropolis. So he offers a year’s lease

wh ich the tenant can cancel w ithout penalty any m onth during the first aix.

This suggests to a reader th a t the army m ig h t try out the same Idea. Enlistments

for th e duration could be made cancellable a t th e end of any m onth through the first h a lf year In cow- either tho army or the soldier U dissatisfied.

T lie Idea wouldn’t work so well w ith the navy, because the sailor m igh t fin d him self 8.000 mtles away by the tim e he decided to change Jobs.

faithful New Dealer would have lor.-.ed to such a BalherJnB Into a Roo- evelt waste'ua.ilcet.

The speaker declared Uiat bmme» should not ba kicked around now or In the postwar period. Private enterprbe rather than government asmclrj, he :ild. must be depended on to carry us safely through tlie translUonal stnjes after the firing ha.i ceaied. He did not concede In w many words that the admlnLitratlon had discriminated agalnat Industry, but he left ilio 'imprewlon that he saw room for iniprovcmenl In tlie relallona butwcen Wa-shlngton, Wall sireft. Detroll ^ id oUier ceiiter.i of finance and manufnciure.

Mr. Rn)'bum expounded the Uieoo’ held hy a jrcat many persoiu Umt American productive mlsht wltl win Uio war resardffM of and perhaps In spite of the politicians. He suRgested wlUiout belnff one ulill di.iIoyal W the White House that Uie UfiUed Naliaiui would emerge on top no matter what the IdenlUy ot the man who ftinctloai aa our conslltuUonal com* niander In chief may be.

Note; lie won't nilinlt, It. but the likable bo-M ot the hoiir.e I.', a very receptive candidate for Uie Pemo- cratlc pre.sldentlnl nomination. lie has both Imporlsni people nnd wl:e money behind him.

Po t Sh o t swith the



) need

R£CORt)S-lt may .lound Iticredlblr. but Connecil- cul ConKrri.'iwoman Clare Luce U angling for Uia Republican nomlnntlon for vice-president In IPi4. She and her Iflcnds deny the allegation but there Is a definite movement afoot to make her America's first "favoriie ilnURhter."

Aiitute politicos don't UUnk she has a chance to achieve her nmbttlon. Tliey report that Ray Baldwin, governor of tJie Nutmeg atate, ha* hla heart aet on the number two poslUon, provided he cannot top Uie ticket. CongrefcMncii and commlUeemeji from lier biiltwlck like her personally and they admlro her in- tellijjence. Tliey jJiould. for her mcnUU faculUej ar# far more penetraUiig tuid profound Uian thelra. Tliey recOKnlte her triple Uireat—lookj. tongue and brRlni —and rather resent her feminine Intniilon.

However, don't aell the redhead short. She has broken rO, many record-i In her two montlw’ stay on capllol h ia that she may .imaah another one. LUc many wome'n, she U utterly unpredictable.

Other Points of ViewCRAtTSMES AT 45

Tlie announcement by the navy that It will accept men up' uj 4) yenra old for a number of special branchea of servlce.i Li a le.id that might be follOTsed In oUier branches of the armed services and In civil­ian employment lo greater extent than at present. In all of Uie talk about waste of manpower, too UtUe attenUon has been given tho middle-aged and old

Tliern U KlcnUflc basis for reJecUoa of men above 38 years old for service at tha fighting front. The older fellow.i fatigue too quickly, succumb more eai* Uy when wounded. They have not tho capacity for 8Ujt.Mned effort in office and laboratory elUier. but It IS not needed in Uie degree that U U needed at the front, and they do have Uie accumulated experlcnca and training of years of acn'lce.

A real obstacle in the way of employment of the older man and a-oman that U cot often menUoned is the higher Insurance risk Incurred by the emploj'er wheUier it be govemtnent or prlvaW etilerptUe. TliU factor weighed heavily In tho declalon to lower the draft age from <S to 38, Actuaries should worii out

me formula Uiat would relievo government and prl- .itc buslne-« of Uie relatively ffreatcr rlak Incurred

by employing persons In the middle and upper-ag* brackeu. At fln i bluili Uilt may seem to be an ln> human procedure, but U would be a Under one Uian the too.{re<5«tnv piacUt# o! letUri them aiarve. draw old-age pensions or eke out a hvellhood at menial Jolii wiien they are actually capable of akUled work.- DaIIa.1 News.

Thought there wi lei the "moron fire’ are some;

Why dirt Uio moron ealuli TelrlgnatoT? He heard It wm eriil Electric.

Tlien there wa.i the moron who moved Into the llrlngroom bci he was afraid he was ROlng tc

My College-Bolng sti sent the.«, (What won't these young 'uns pick up!)

W': M., Filer,

HEAVEN KOIl BEUOEANTfi Qcnlal Buck Vallton. now a cap-

the army but at the momenttainivlns I . prlvs

Uie army enehnnge school at Prlnci ton, writes that several .hart boiled army srrgeaivlJ have at last sehleved Utopia. ' “

The J5i officers 'capUto-s at least) wear no rank Insignia on Uie

For trftlnliii?ihfy'r<ind Uie army drill i

bllyful exprfMlmis of Joy whili barklns at ihls na.iortment of cap- tains and whatnot.

CipiBln Duck aUo add* Mme- thing we'd llltc to pass along. Writes

ind a t . ‘present irn\ ot the ,U. B. I plavs the Star anrt ihe old flag makes the chill* your fplne and

nrmy a.i the bnr RpanRtrd Rnnner Is hauled down. 1 run up and dow; youVec men. wereVocery men, executives of big bujlne.'j. wliolcsnle drug salesmen

tvtn oW men like me, thTOW back their shoiil{

their facbesln lo realize »hy v

I deads. you


but pul all Uie blast

WHO U'AKE.S THE BUGLEn?From our apeclnl navy conespon'

’ III. Emltfn Dob tcerlRht. we havi


SleuUi HP telephoned us to r.a; he nomlnatc.i - a cerUiln brunetti younjf lady for the comeback of the moiiUi. He saya this maiden wixa exchanging chit-chat with a local lilKh school r.cnlnr, who a.sked her: •■Whnt do you Uilnk I am, a man or a motue?" To which the brunette la.ia repUed very (julckllkc; "Well, they tell me cheese Is n favorite food of your/i^

APrhoroiATEi)Dill Dmley went a-bo'\llnB re­

cently. When he flnWied he put on hb Jackct and hat. walKed to hU e.ir . . . and couldn't find his kry.i, Iln and daufthtcr Grace hunted hkh and low, turned hli pocki

key. So he

c a K I) o f y o u r



A school 1.1 croas toctlon of there, all Uie

ill live hope and faith I the noblUty, all Un the triumph, stopped In the offlcc •SomethlnK h.i* gone

wrong with Tom.' He li '

»nd pain, a

dirty, evcntJi I I (

iKrced ■

CIIASK CLAKK TO M0U?O’ t l lE EENCH , U'cll. Chute Clark lia.i been Uken care of. He ti, r wlU be, Uie new United Stales district Judge for

Idaho to succeed Judge C. c. Cavanth, who reUred more than a year ago. ApparenUy 0. 8. Senator D. WorUi Clark itood firm In his determtnaUon to rec- ommend no one but Uncle Chase and yest«tJay Presi­dent Roosevelt sent lUs nomlnaUon to be Judge to

lenatp. Maybe me buggy ride wiUi Ihe President JKli Ihe Cocur d'Alene countryside last summer

. !d to reconsUe the President to a relative of Senator D. WorUi on Uio bench. Wbat*r«r Uie e*. planaUoo of th# ncmlnsUon. we jreaUy prefer Chasi on Uie bench to being loose U» Idaho poliUci. We b«. lleve that h# la a good lawyer wlUi credlUibl* atind- ing before the court* and In tho state bar tssocla* Uon- What we doubt Is hU Judicial temperament but we shall hope Ujat he will be able to scrub U>e poUU. ^ macJilne oil frota h u handa and administer th» law and Justice as contemplated In the coasUtuUon.— Pocatello Tribune. - ■ -

1 Uie Itralnlnit school at Tiiscon, Arli..."Read with considerable Intei---

your Pot Sliots Item about ‘csptaln of the head.' That brings up J other question. For years IVe wt dered whoever woke Uie bugler blow reveille. Well, I found < Uiii morning. I didl I had wai duty from 4 a. m. to « a. m. — wnlnr male of the deck. Am^ng oUitr duties wa.i waking the bugler at B;OS a. m."

Incklentally, the navy really Im* raunl«3 Its lads OBalrui disease. Enslcn Bob has had no less than seven "shots" of various Mrumi. Oplnci he: -'Slowly but surely the navy is replaclnc the printer'! Ink In my veln. with typhoid, teWnus, smallpox, yellow fever oUwr kind of shots ther<

to his fltore, got an extra key nnd rode home.

Next morning the Mlr.^ai dl.-rov- ered Bill had npproprlnieil unme- body file’s Jncket at the Bo-.vln- runio.It ’.i rlUier been Irone l out by now

to ralso tnetry tied about a jAckut,

PROPER VALl'K Pot ShoU. «tlU more than four

year* ax^ay from the necevllv of attending Parrnt-Teaclirr nicet- Inn. leama with pleasure fhal the achooli are one .onanlutlon tthlrh plate th* pwjKt \alut upon Fsther.

Wr find that in polnt» iiwarrlect each trade school room fnr paren­tal attendance at P.-T.A. Ihn .icare Is as thualy; Slather a tendlnf, one pelnl: father attendance, two polnU^

OUR BULLETIN BOARD One of the Patient bul\NoI«

Happy Hoffcren, Twin FalL\-Sorry ■)ui wc announcyl a moratorium my more contrlbs abouf the rn mnounclns altuntlon. We asrcc w .'OU, all except that Idea of c< trlbutlng »1 a monUi.

A WendeUUe, WendeU - Sp won't allow u.s to reprint "llltli Telephone Call to ihe Do-11," printed It a couple of years n; maybe wmebody can p.-ovidc j with a clipping.

^ HEARD ABOUT T0«7<Lady, parting from her fam

husband for half an hour or telling him: "Now you be carefi Farmer'-hatband replying; "Don’t worry. I BOl *2,000 life ln.'urani

And plpe-smoklnc oracle, k of hair. (lUndlng at bank- cor and prefacing an oraUon lo three equally idle companions wlUi Uila sutement; "I'll teU you Jwt vhei Uicse aUled generals are nil wet..

FAMOUS LAST L1.VE . Bhe-a worried •tiff-hei

eonkoral aent bli plelure with ■ pretty En«llah flrl!. .



H YEARS AGO, FEaW , IWi!ir. and Mrs. A. H. Brallsford vt rtcelved nniiouncemenl of Uie

btrm of Uielr first Braodclilld, John Brallsford Elliott, who wu bom to Mr. and Mra. Edward EUloU, lot AhHle«. Feb. 31. 1033.

Mr, and Mrs. S: 0.' HordllriBT Pourth avenue north, are the par- enU of a daughur bom Prldar momln* at-the Twm PaUs county central hospital.

Mi*. Leo T. Carter relumed to Salt Uk« laat eftnln* u ttr ■rtsiUn# her broUier. P. A. Webb and family here. ■ .

2T VEAltS AGO—FEB. 20. 1316 June 19 to 34 Is Ui# probable dato

of Twin FalU’ chaulaurjua UiU year, according to Information received by Jamea McMillan, secretary of the Commercial club.

On Wednesday morning at cleht o'clock, the marriage of Miss Ella Buchanan and Herman Oelse was solemnized at the CtUioUc cburclu The ceremony was performed by Rev. N. P. Hahn In Uie presence of relaUvea. of Uie contracUng parUcs. Tha jiwns peoplt wiu make thtlr home on the farm of Uie groom near this city

■n.ihfd I

.......of him. I'n;Ine him ln.“

ippeared and all about hUn ■ 1th the teacher's feporL

ac.ircely looked at thl.i friend. Principal who s;ild, "Sll down,

Tom. What's gone wrong?’ NoUitiiR,"■WeU. Miss Kate thinks you need

help, You know I’ll be Rlad to help you. If you'll Rive me n chiiiicc. Tell

hut hh llp. tight nnd Uic Principal unrier.'lood this w-as not Uie time. "I’ve got to go through ihr school this momlnR. Ju.il .May here and keep an eye on Uilnga. will you? Here’s a good book that's Ju.'.i fomr In. If anybody needs me, you caji e.uUy find me."

A Clouded Spirit T’.vo hours later, when Uie Prli

clpal returned Tom was deep In the book. He did not take hta eyes off the iiage when he Mid. "Nobody came In. Only the maUman. He kepi on reading until the gong struck. H( looked at the clock, then at thi book, and sremecl loaUi to lay It down. Take 11 along, Toro, and fir L h It.

NO. I c.m't. ThanUi."■All rlKht. Come back thU nitei nn .ind read U. Miss Kale wl ■iL',e you,"

imed In the aftemoo)Id brushed and in beltc

he.irt. but his spirit waa sUll clo\irte<l as l» tt\l to reading with Uie .-;uno absorbed Interest as be. fore. Next day he wcnl U) class nnd did better, but not at all as he lind done before. Miss Kate went searching for the reason and found It. U was enough to destroy nny child's Joy In life and «hak« him to his foundations.

- BmUl Bio*The woman who had passed foi

Tom’n mother for Uio ye.irs of hLs con.-.clous Ufe, had In a momeni .. anger. tumed.on him and told him he was no chim of hers, that he had no fother, Uiat hs was nobody from nowhere, and that she had bei paid for his keep, She was tired ol keeplBR him and hs could gi ever he liked, find another boarding place. Somebody would keep on sending Ui# check for him, she aup. posed. Up to Uiat moment Tom had bellevfd that he wa.i' Uvlng wlUi

n faUier and moUn ’ent out, got himself a Job

...... ne vegetablehim sleep on an old blanket under

^helvcs. He went to market 0 middle of Uie night, helped

unload and Uien set up Uie stands,- :i3P ol eolfte at the tonitr

drugstore and went lo school.iVhat happened to lUm? He's Miss

KaU:’a prldB and Joy, her adopted lately of a great easUim collegi, of the United 6Ute« navy wlUi

s shiny gold braid on hla uni­form. School Is -not all teat books and report cards. It U Uie, gay and glad, alive and martng.

with Riwla ed becfti

their blind faith In a wehrmacht luccesa. The cabinet which lost Its cliance to end the struggle 13 monUis ago conllnuts to reject theMvt hTRivcU,Marshal Mannerhelm Is rc.'specled

beeause of hU bravery In Uie Ruwo- Finnish war. But lili partisan Idrai .irc anaUiema to Uie great majority of clU.’ a'!. An example of hli fU' Hilly as a politician waa liLi at tempt to enlist support for hi crealrr Finland Tnovernenl, a 5a» :lsl dream whlcli. though lavWily

ibtali ■ •• ilnkl were pm-

fountlly shocked recenlly to learn from leaders who probed the mslter Uial the earlier sUtirrIc with Ihe Soviet miBht hove been nvolded. Rcconls o! deallnKs wlUi ihc krem­lin i l l « lw lhal bloodshed was un- nree.wary because Moncow had been willing to negotiate. But the pub­lic was kepi In Uie dark and told lhal the choice was limited to com­plete surrender or war. Naturally 'le courageous Flnna drew thtlr vords,AnoUier Incident, expailnc the al­lude of the officials now In power,

ti Uie c.n.vc of a Swedish newspaper

correspondent who was exported the other day because he wrote that Finland hoP^ the United SUtes would not fight agalitst her.

PubUe pressure may force the hand of the rulen and compel Usem to rerlve friendly relaUoa* wlU> Uiia naUon and sue for peace. But U Uie die-hards peralit Ifl their coallUon wllh Berlin, there 1* like­ly to be a short, savage retwUlon.

eUPPUES — Madams Chling Kal-ihefs elocjuent appeal for more al(i lo China may break Uia lo» Jam. Once before we deUyed too long In rushing planea to Chtmiklng, and for Uiat precrastlnsUon we and Uie Chinese are paying a Urrlbla prloe.

PUoU who operated In Uiat ton* and have alnce relumed to Niw York reveal a lacl that wlU ahock nearly everyone. Betsuae tho inakellke Burma road U approxi­mately 723 miles long by ground— and only 320 by air-more Uian 4»0 trucks were required to bring goods from Lashlo. as there are no oil refineries or adequate storage tanks In the Chinese capital. Thus molcr vehicles used up about hsU their cargo apace carrying gasoline.

Thirty-four DC3 transports op«r- aUng steadUy could freight as mucli material a.i the motor cars, but a lufflclcnt h^tmber was never as- ilgned to the Job. With the Jsp- jne.« In control ol Burma, eacli ilrcraft must travel 1.150 miles and

.;onvoy Ita own fuel. Announcement that we are flying In supplies Is deeepUvo because actual space for loads presents a heart-breaking problem In loglaUcs due to the pet­rol situation.

6ENTRIES — Powder-stained young Americans who i-ere pushed back Uirough the Tunisian moun- tain pa.-ues could hkve taken a fresh breaUi of morali If Uiey had

enough to remember Oeorg# Washington's blrUidsy. The green ConUnental army sun-lved aereral beaUngs, retreated many weary nlles and endured Its terrible Vsl- ry Forge Jjefore Jt finally drove the

-nemy to the aea. Our own gaUant but Inexperienced fighters itUl hava many obstacles to overcome, apart from Uommel’a aeatoned vetetaw, before Uiey too win their Yorktown.

An expert on Tunisia, now In ManhatUn, polnUi out that the ad­vance guard la batUlng In what normally la the only fertile belt of tlie barren land. But the rich soli s now drenched by torrenUal rains Khlch have turned road-beda Inlo muck. Normally adequate quarries rere opened to furnish stones wlUi ?hlch lo repair clogged drainage

systems and draw off ths water from highway.

Tlie Moslems have been friendly wlUi the Americans hut officers suiter aeule Jlltera lest out euy- going aoldlers ahould InnoeenUy arou.« the religious fanaUcUai of the tribes. It would be a trsglo mis- liap should, a bomb aceldentally hit

mosque, especially one In Kalr- len. Juit^uorth of the preaent dl bou Zld battlefield. This Is aU

’but Ihe holiest clly on the dartt con- Mnenl, second only to Mecca In | Uie veneraUon of the people ot Is- ■ lam. AuUiorlllea on Berber customs

10 Germans might pur­posely blow up one of th# sacred edifices and proclaim Uiat Uie out- rage wa.i committed by United Blales avlalora. A Jihad would re­sult In which frentled Arabs might slaughter lone XT. B. sentries and drivers over a wide area.

V Atii*I» r«rrt p iw rrj (•I tokkt l» 5 ^ , P o’

f, «UUo5*0, N.W Tor'k. N. T-'.n- ' 10 (run In eoln (n't a Uir>«-f«nl M com MU «r hsnilllns and pot-

AvIaUon has now climbed Into the 2,000-horsepower leagUB. To utilize tlUs higher po«’er a four-bUdcd propellor, wlUi electrically controUed pilch and comblnlog all the feauires of iwo nnd thtte-bladtd propeUtta which operate In opposite direr UoDS. has bees peifcctw.


NATIONS AT WARWAbHlNaTON. f>h. 20-Beforo too much under madame’s tech-

Mme. Chlang KnI-shek came don-n i

■here Uic oUier day. 1 looked back over the notes of my visit wlUi her for tea In Chungking Inst April. 1

ihouRlit perhaps I had been orerly Impressed. Ihe first few lines in vtiy notebook wti as follows:

•Then Hol l y Tong look m» to see Madame Clil-

6he mortUian lived up to buUdup. Speaks English — no ac­cent — cigarette Jn long holder — Co l . Chennault was leaving as I

arrived and she Introduced me-she ha* everyUilng—looks, wit, vivacity and Intelligence,"

She niknl nbo’il, the airplane trip, wheUier It -a-as hard, the route, how many dayj, and oUier traveling d»- Ulls. 6ho saM she might go to Uie United SUtes for trcnUnent soon. Slifi inlkfd about Uic Indian alUia- uon. and at length about aboUsh* lug extralerrtUiriallty, and said she waa "WlUna Item Uvc aliouldci believe Uiat what I WTOte about ■aadame’ih b n g at Uiat Urpc Jald It on fftlrly'Uilck. But on the KasU of her flnt few daya In Washington. It

ns to stand up. Sha haa conqutr- ill here Uius far. E\’cn Uii

paperwomen havo gone all her—so »ho must have someUilni that even Clare Luce haant got, be- cau.v! the lovely Clare had to work her way through.

Nen-ipoper correspondentii sre at Uie White Eouso presn con-

.jrence when she appeared wlUi Uie President parUclpaitd In a ahow such as we probably >haU ni again.

It was high slate drama, played by Uie real diameters. Somo dij Ujey rosy put Helen Hayes Jn Uii part but shell nrvet.do It any bettei Uian madams acted It In real lift. I t was the delicate, lemlnlne, ahread. quick, witty and powerful flr>t Ituly of the east against the great master himself. As the preu conference began the President ask-

. Uie reporters noi to put any catch questions to msdame. She In • -n ployed to the Pre.ildent os Ui«, slrotiR man who could work mir­acles.

Madame Chlang. tUy-. with fe«t dangling from the hlgh-seaKd Roosevelt chair, was working smooUily, while toj'lng wlUi her compact, lo coax a promise out of Prealdent Roosevelt for China. Mr. RoweN'ell. Uie master of Uie press- conference teclinlque, was to'lng wtU) equal tmoothoess not to melt

Imagine the scene. Two hundred reporters In on the shoi\'. Madame Chlang sitting between the Pretl- denl ond Mr». Roosevelt, who laid her hand protecUngly on madame’s fragile arm.

Madame make* a lively lltU« greeUng. wlUi delicate flowers for ereryone. A reporter thrusts a dl- r« t quesUon as to whether China’s' manpower Li being fulb' used In the war, Madame/holda her poise, but wlU) a touch of feeling replies that China's men are fighting to the tatent that munitions are available for Uiem,.\Vhen more munlUons ar# sent to China moro men will fight.

WlUt Uin grealeat of ease, the has Uirown Uie ball atjuare Into the lap^ of the President. He explains that we will send munlUons as fa.it as Uio Lord will let us. Madame, smil­ing and making It all so polite and sweet, says slie hears Uiere U a say­ing Uiat Uie Lord helps Uicae who help Uiemselves.

About thAt Ume President Roose- \xlt Indicated It had go:ie on long enough and suggested Uiai if Uie re- porters had any que.iUons for him Uiey'd better be getting on wlUi Uiem.

^Aj we left Uie President'* office, th« Uiree were sitting InscniUbly In a nest row. Mrs. Roosmlt's hand was no longer laid protecUngiy on madame’s arm. Madame, not a hair niffled. bad a pleasant Impersonal gaw from which no uioitghu escap­ed. The President was busy wlUi parUng words to straggling report-

86 Attend Fete Of Hailey Masons

HAILEY. ?eb. 39-Halley Masons held their annual Washlngton'i blrthdsy banquet and ball at the temple. There were 8S mtmben present. TTie banquet was served by UiB latUtB oi the ConummUy church.

After tha banquet a program waa presenUd. Mrs. EdlUi EUla Ryde. Ketehum. sang two sonp accom­panied by Mra. Agnea Besa. A short comedy-skit was presented by the Isdlei of Uie Eastern Star. A- Irtter frtm M. r . Ounnlnghaw. Washing­ton. D. O , editor of Uie Hatley- Times for more than 10 yean and a member of the local lodgt. w u read,

'Rie principal addrtu w u made by John Ardon. Ketehum. on the UfB Ot WashlngWH. After thi pro­gram dancfng waa enjoyed untU midnight. Music waa furnished by Uie Oraoce orcbutr*.

Page 5: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

FiiJuy, rcbruary 26,1943 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Fivo-^

Weds Soldier

Mlu SUrlha r. Itojd. Let An- fc ln , bcramr Ihr bride e( r^t. Tfd 'Vftli* Bl • rfrtmony per- formfd lirrf.'tSlaH Lntravlncl

« :t > ' *

Pvt. Ted Weeks,California Girl•Marry at Home

Mnrtlatc V(l^« wprc wltmnltfd nlionioon bctwfcn P\l,

TrO y. U Wrrt*, nrmy air corps, niicl NSL'- Mtirllm P. Dnml.'Uis An- Krlc-v by Dbhop J. C. FrfUerlekson of tha t. D- S- church.

Tln.*-crrcmony wu.i performfd ml Uic U'>n\c o{ ihc UrUlfCtootn'* par- piiLi, Mr. ninJ Mn. N. Anrtmon. : a Pollc sirrvt- Mr. and Mrs. LfO An <lrr.'.oii, IroTlirr nml l lpr-ln-ll^« nf tlic brltifKrnmi. nltcmlfd Uie juiinic couplc.

Prlvntp WVrti In unl-fi.nn, mid Ihr lirlrir nttlrrdIti n Jrr:.(‘y print flrp.M with a rw-

‘ Rplnllvr'. nlid frlrncl.'< p .^rnt M thP :.rr\ic lo Rrrrt the covjpl'- ulllt Rill.1 iind coiiKratuUtloiu »rrr; Mr7>. Clyde rinnupv. Mr:.. II. E. Plrrrc. Mr, ninl Mn. Alldfr:fin »nd d.itiKliiors Mar '. Elranor nnd Lfnh. nil of Ttt-lii Knllj; Mr. nnrt Mrs. O, H. Hiiitf.cy, Klmbrrly. Mr. ar.il Mrs. Krnr.'l K. Orcni, Buhl, and

, Mr. find Mr . W. \V. Crnllcr. Sacj , rnrlilo, C;illf.

'Hic liridfcrtvim b a craduxle Tttln FalU hiKh .-cliool oim Uie vlnv'. ot rrop'.ov»^lUr fonlrnrtmK Mul biindlns biul. nrr.' In Ihli Up Krnd.mlpdrrfpntly m ft . lipcl mfla! and air-

' pl.inc rciulr :nrchiinlc nl Lns An- frclr.-., i>nd b iiov; wUhIhP »lr forcp nl AUHlqurrfjUP, N. M. In llie rppalr .'.quadrou llirff,

Jll.' britlc Ls the dntishlrr of Mrx M. S. Slxkfr niid Ihf ble Dr. I'rnnk P. Boyd oI Saii Jcr^, Calif. Shr Kraduatcd ulth the elavr of 1930 Ironi Uie Campbell Union hlfih rclioot, Cfimpbpll, Calif.; and Is m ncfoinpIl5hrd slnRrr, havinE ^ludlf<! voice under Mrs. Allcp Nplson Ra«r- IIiik;'. Shp hn.-i befn hpard In rccu- Inr Sunday npprsraiicr.i ovfr a i>a- llonni raillo hook-up from Um An- Rp]e.i.

•nip p.ilr wli: rcliirn .-.xin lo Al- bu(|uiyque.

Marian % rtin . ' Pattern


Economist Tells of Meat Preparation

m GILAC£ fiaUL£Y

In a “Meat on the Home Front” demon.strution Thur.siiay afternoon at the American Lesion hall, .Mi.ss EtleK-iic S lohr,

hoiQC economist of the nntionnl livcatock and m ciit board,

Chicago, illustrated how to iircpnre meat u ttruc tivc ly mi'i nu tritiously for a week— to be .served once an d .somotimu.>< tw ice a day and «U11 stjiy in the meat ra tion nllowaiicc

ML-.1 ijlohr pxpliiinrd Uiat


L'SU’UL TWO-PIECEIlA fn.'Jiten with a future is thli

Marian Martin patlcm. W18. W(U undPr jCFUr coat non; as a u m t rn.icmbic later. U»i fatirlc jaJrascd from other drr-wnaklns for the op- lloiial conlmatlns skin bodlcc-top. Aren't flower buttons a (ay touch?

’nltcm 0H8 may bc'ortcred only in and somen'a sires H. 18.]B. » , 33, 34. 3S, 40. 43. Sire IS reqiilrrs 3'. yanLi 39-lnch fabric oih! '■ vard conlrait.

Send h!.\TEi:.V CENTS In coins for thh Marian- Martin pattern. Write plainly SIZE. .NAME. AD- BRESS and STVLE N'VMBES.

Order a copy of our sprtne l»*s Pattfm Book N0W1 Ereryoae In tlie family will find styles for a tmart ccononjlcaJ »rardrobe, plus make-over deslsn. PaUem book, ten centa.

Send your-order lo rattcm Depftrtmcni, T»U> I^alU.

Catholic Women Chart Plans for March 17 Dance

St. PaUlck's danci: and card purty under the #u.'i>lcfa of Uie St. Ed­ward's clmrch, aill be slven the evo- nlnc of March 17 al Uie Ampflcan Lesion hall. Card p:»yltiB Mil be :ln at 8:30 p. m. and danrlns at C p. m. Arlon UiJUan will fumbh the muac. T:>e dance »1U be ^^ml•for- mal and refrcjlunenis » lll be sen’ed at intermlsslun.

The co.-nmllle« in tliarge, lieaded by M n Max 1* Gray, tnel Tutbday lo dlicuij pUns. The commlllrt coii- jisLs of Mrs. Donald Curtia. Uck- cU, aiiiUied by Mtv A. C. Carter ami Mn. arorje Ryan; Mrs. Tliom. a.v Calilll. rrftTilimenta. aiiiited by Mrs. Claude DeUeller and Mrs. Oaen Buchanan: Mr*. El H. Quyer. carxl rtxim. and Mrs, lloberVH. War­ner. publlclU'. The De Sales club will be In chaise of the decorations uult M lu Joan Clair 83 clmlr-

TJie Catholic Women's leaBue met Thursday evrnlnK wlltv Mrs. Oeonje Wallace pTTiiilns. lo Cl-sai.%a Uie comlnB dance. Five dollars wa.i do- ii»!K} lo Uj(“ n«i Crtiu. JfQilr.wa »rrc Mrs. Delle White. Mrs. Al Hu.i- .'•ell. Mrs. Jo^<Ilh JUrdCily, Mrs. Frtd Abbott. Mr», Archie Queaiiell and Mrs. Frances OeoTBon,

* ¥ *

Musical Program •Given to League

A niu.\lcal program arran^d by Mi.\s aurley arceiilialgli and Mlij CflesUiie Salmon «a.i prrienied be­fore the entire membership of Uic GlrL'.' iMKue Tuesday afternoon.

Numberi on the program were a )iano duel by MLy Gene Olrander ind Mw Gfonia UurRp.-.s entitled '.\nllras Daiicc"; Ro£er Stafford ans: "Tlili 1> the Army. Mr. Jones," iccompinied by Miss Corrltxi: Mc- lieili; Mu.% FaJUi Klimey J.vnK "A Heart Tliai'.s Frw,” acconip.inled by Mlis Marjorie Alberiion; Howard Ronk played t'-o marimba numben. ■Bells of SC Mar>'s" and ’ La Gol- mdrliia.' BCCo.iipanled by Lcluiid

Tonwcnd; Mw Orplia Siokea and MUs E»a Siokts. accomiKUiled by Rlcliard Smltli, pta 'cd a flute duet, •Sonc of India"; • Mlii Ocne Os­trander plaj-cd a piano solo. "Clair de Lxine."

Addins comMy to the affair were ML-.S Shirley Snjder and Miss Ruth-

■■ jei 111 cttttame .'anK a hu­morous duct.

» « *

Husbands Feted By Jerome OES

JEROME. Fcl:, 2C-ln honor ihelr husbands and Kueits, members of Uie Eastern Star cliaplcr niter' lained at the Masonic hall. ApproX' imately 6S peROTj altended.

program In commtmorallon of Wa."ailnston's birthday was present­ed. “Tlie Star Spangled Danner

u .*.u:i5 by the croup, followeil by plexlse of ai;p£!ance to Jlie fbs. id pnyrr for the soldier*

'lee led by Mw. H. Maine Slioun.J . D; NoUnd and Mrs. Sylvai

Miller care rtadlncs. MLu Ine Durklialter and MLvi Patty Albert'

sa.ns a duel. • Minuet In O" wa; playetl by Mrs. Sliouji.

■"itiners al plnoclUe were H. L Ellis and Mn. John WooUey; a: brldse. Mn. Chailotie Jlobcrwin and

Maili- ii, and al Chlneie clicckers, Patty AlberL'on.

Goo’d Will Club Plans for Party

TJie annual binliday jariy of the Good Will flub wa.1 dbcu.vsed win Uie croup mel TIuinday at Uie hon of M n. J. R, NrlUon. Mrs, Uui . Whltnej-. Mn. T. D. Drou-nfleld and .Mrs. Jolm Kinder were selected tc form the menu commltlec.

nenilyrs xoled to si»n.v5i Camp Ftrr croup

•cala this year and aho pledced a I lo the Red Crau. Mra.

Whltnej- moa-thf while elei^ianU ♦ * »

Evelyn Cockrell Feted at Party

MiM Erelyn CockwU'wa^ honor­ed Wednesday ere nine al a party clven by Mr^. Vlrcll McDrldi.Mrs. l « i Klrkman at the former's home. The event uas In Uie form of a hORC and handkerclilef shower.

The ro cues'* wer ltd In cames hy Mrs. Jaji—Tliujson. Mrs. 8. L. Crowley and Mn. li. IL Blokea... ..

MLss CockirU is leavlns Sunday for Salt Lake City.

* * * Washingrton Mom'bers

Entertain HusbandsThe Waihinlton CourU dub en-

tcrUloed the husbands al a uxlal mectins last week at the home Mrs.* LouU SmlUi. War statnps _ P rtw wrnl lo Mrs. P. W, Llveb' and SXrt. Loyd Sulllran. Mrs. Uvely as- sisted the ho&te&s In Mrvtne. -

brrf. 48 per cpi; Of Ihe perk and 43 jx-r ccni of ih lamb were coniincmly purcha.sed cm of meat. Tlie food \ nluc b Uie latn In the oUier cuu, tlic :.;>ld. und th tntal can be prepiirc<l nitr.ictivrl; economically ond iii.'.;c(ully.

Oon’t Overcook Tlie home economi;,i strp,wd thu

In both the niol-.t niul drj' niptliixi o5 cooking, it Is Vmixrrlain iir to o\‘crcook the menu. In roasi.s. i the meut Is cookcd i-lo»ly itl a loi temperalurr. tlirri: will br Ir.- slirlnkage and the meat will hiiv a more uniform texture through

Tlie Importance strvallon of nil fcKxiMulfs uub ed by the ,ii)c;ik»r, Tliere b a for ever? bcrup nf mriil. J'ala drlpiiUiKS art: tmiK.rUUl ivn Uwy

irctl of buyUiK shortenfor thi

manufactui.Vutrltlve Value

r Tlie nutrlltvc value of nieat.-i eiplnliicd, .Mcat. are Uie bes around soiircc of the B vltumUi.i of cour.sc Brr the inoln protein food.

Dasic metlio<h of preparation nnd food value of the variety meuL hrart. llirr. kldnry.s. swcclbread.s loiiKUe. trii>p and brains, wiis rx plalnetl by Mbs .Stohr.

She expliiiiird the five basic mea' cookery niPiho<l:,: Rou:-tlnB. broil ins, panl;roitinK', bml.iliiK and cook- Uij in water, "We Kel re.-.ult; when we cook lender 'incut cul.s bj the (In' hpal mrmotl.-:. which an roiitliit, brolllnn iii;d panbrolUnx, slic i.nid. "If II woinnii unilerMaiuU thr.se mrthods, she will be nb! prepare iiiiKllilimly any meal may buy."

Prepare* Six l)Uhe»MUs Stohr prrpiired as she I

ed the .iU meal dL-.lics for the w As each dish was completed ll db|ilayrd to the audleii

rvpd wiUi bakc(and KariiWied wiih parsley, roait sided by loii.st dlpi sravy; ScQlcli pancnkw; « bmb stew prcpaieti wuh whole polnn.r:i stalks of celer>', oarrot-i, halved p.ir- snips and l)rlBs of parsley iim: -wed mo.',t atlractlycly; a IKn loaf bunked with peu-i; and brollnl beef imttlc.s tcnlcred wtlh cnldcii com were prepared. Tlilii weck'tmi-ni mnui WIL1 prepared for a family ol four, wntf meal allotmtni of pounds j>er ix-r;,on making a total of 10 iwunds per week.

To U\e acllKht tWesvn!MLj Siohr annoimcrd tliut membrrr, of the ciudli

r Uie rnliig I

^ U r O m Aitrm «l ■ORTILrv

fieiiiale Weakness«wck iM ouunr, m n e s 'Lrdla X. rtolhaa"! Vw«Ublt <poBBdli BMl*ap(c«aUr;or ve to RU m pmaoia «im m k . Bcmoi, bhM rMUao—dm to mse.

mcelhtr OWtttmaM. T»k*& RCoUrtT — rtnkharaVOamjMuiut

dlJhf;Tlie cniniilcte menu wllli all comp.-vjiy}iiB dl.',he. iind a shrel o reclppj for preparing the vurlPt; iRrtts wprc^aJWi to the hou:.e wi»p%

-Slate \Va» KltrlienTlie stane had b<-cn prepared tc

a-Mume the ii.-;p«l of ii kllclirn wiUi a refrlKerntor, raince nnd talje.

Twin Falls County Livestock Mar- kfthiK ov.oclfttlon furnlshe<l <thc building iflid the program was made available tliroiiKh Uic Extcnslur Sendee of which MLvi Marlon Hcp- »onh Li stale leader. Tlir countj nutrition rommlttc-c nnd the Amer­ican Red Cro.'-.i spoiiiored Uie event.

* if. >f.

Couple Weds atL.D.S. Temple

SPRINGDAt,E, Feb. i;G-Mr,Mrs, JamM L. Stewrrt mini Ihe niarrlaRe of llielr .'.on, Pnul atewert, to Mbs Merlne Whlti Pella, WeddhiK ceremonv wiis per formed In the t* D. S. lempli Wednesduy.

Mn. James L. Stewcrl and Mrs. Velnm Ifoolen nceonipanled the cou­ple to Salt Lflke Cliv.

* * .f.

Calvin Parrott Is Honored at Party

Nlne.>ear-old Calvin Parrott wa.', honore<l hy hl.s younK frlr'iul;i « i a birthday pwiv held nt iJir home of hb parcnt-s Mr. and Mr.s. Alva Par­rott, Tup.^dny nflppiooii.

Oame.s wrre played iiiitl pink ke cream, cake hikI cocoa witi- i.rrvrd, PaTora were candy nnd mystery i>eai nuu

Oue.st.s were Toild Paddock. Billy and Pauline Sturn', Gnrliind Green. Stanley nnd Lout.se VamipnUirk. Shirley Peters, De ly>v Duff nnd Doiinir ond Ruby Panotl,

MOUSTAI.V VIKVV SIKKTSMounlaln View tUib niel Ihl.'. Victk

wlUi Mrs, Clarn BlKKcrsUff. Mm. Cluirle.-i Durllnc presided nt Ihe bus- Ine i se-vJon, Mrs. Cro-.by BlCKcr- staff. Mr.v Virginia Brook-s and Mrs. Irwln Christian altcmled a.s cuesLi. Tlie croup will meet next with Mr*. ESnmet Dauer for a pollnck Ittnrh-

To Speak, Here


. . .. wliinlpee. Can.. tTanieliit. tocalhl .mil IrombonbI who will l>ftin >|irpbl meetliict al Ihg Awembty of (iod ehurrli here Sun- day mornlnc.

Elaine Bennett Crowned jQueen

Of Carey WardCARKY. Feb. 20-Tlic annual K ' '

and h-recn ball nf ihc Ciirey w M. 1. A. ttiis held iil the L, D, recrrallon hull wlUi Mb.s Klalr.e Uninetl, damUler of Mr. nnd Mi Uiwrrncp IJinnett. crowned <iucc

Tup l);dl (i|>ene<l with the In tiolial ejitraiirc of tJie (jUPi-n i h-T if.yal f.'-cnrl con.-bllnK of Mii: Kav . cveri' mid Victor Lee D.ir us train bciircrp. Joim Jljrtnn i rrc.wn b-'ali r, and U.wana Dlx. Judy. Pc,;Hy I’aync and Jaulce M lialrd iis flowi-r nlrb, Die ofJI att.-niliint.s V.-.TC Mb.'i DcLty P;it!,-.nn iinil Robert Putter,-,:)!!, M.lSln^ Sp.iJk.-, wd Vcilc Simp: Mt-.-i Un i.' i’dwcrs and Cloyd Mt ail). .Ml'.s KIrkhijiiJ ,M*'lviii Uilttiirlli. In the absrnci- ( .Ml.-.-. Kvi. Mcchnm, ftie relit qiirrn. Mr;.. Kr,il Severe, Y. L. M. I. A. Ili.t ii:. I'liiiit. phicrd Die rr(

id of Ihe ne'*’ ((iieei.wnliii

I ihi' i;t'ld and Krn'n iKnl Ir, IB roujilc.s ; l;idtc. dre;.'.ed In


. and di-i-<.'ended 1 tlieir partners i . In the roiiUne juple.'i .'.ejuratPd i

I! Illl-• ix-rfnr

r of t alt, II

ill.-;. Tlid-.e iMrt: iIMiiii:; III itir w.ni,’ were .MK'i Cli

iwMK P.itk, Mbs Ml! Judy, !!oii:ilc| P<c:;, Ml.':, M i::ilrd. K<iuii-lh Cook. .Mli.s Mu .MeCarHr, l^iy H;ilrd, MIm Merl Sp..rk-, U.iviil Uavl'.. Mb.s Kath liie F l'uards, Karl Dtxi i-, Mb.', Mi Iluintil, Lennox A<lam.son. Ml .Shirley Diirf..', U(i'-, Pe:k. ^ .Mildred IMnt. Rxinda llirut, .V Nonna Uiiili-tl, Keith Juste: ML'-. Kni-da Ciiate;.. Boyd Bnrlo MLm Miirjdrle Tho. l|l on and R1 nrd PaUer'.ni.

Tl!0 enure i>orfuriiiuni;e wa.-. ' der the able dtii-ctK:n ol Mr. i .Mr.. John Darm :!, Mr. D.irnvll. IjerlntelHleiit of JciiuoK, liaj takt iin iictlve part in all eiiurrh acl lUe.'i nml lias e Hii>-,-i,ite<l wiLli u young lltople ol

■ Ml.'.Kill U


Contestants Are Honored at Party

>11 of Y.W.M.I.A. liri-.l<:i

Crouch, an;.; honor of the youi

e D i: •. pre ,home.

Theren'tvenliiK ol U;v. enJoye<l,

Awards for the I'Piil;. wire jirc- ;1 Ml.'.< L.I Dr.Ill !',irry, .Mr;i,

Bertliu Dalton .SmrJi. Ml.'-s Vivian 'errj- nnd Ml.-

Ihc othPi;,. ri ilt Iruni

e ha.tf-v.-Y- -e

Boys’ Clui) Hears Addres.ses piveii

All three L... Iieanl tall::, bv Falb men TurMl.r. ■win Falk lilth : Dr. Georce P.

the senior unit mi eyes and on eye d of the meeilrut quesUon j)crlod.

Ttic Junior imii Rev. G. L. Clark n: unit ibteni-d wciJer.

Mrs. Fay H, ’. Boosk'i-Tlie Uidon Pm I!; let thb week nt :l

Fay llanii for n m Mrs. Ben Link lii..t. fts president o; the Oehcltree, vlcc-pie: Tom Pallon, ;.nre

The aflenioon wa pletlni ft quill..

heard a talk by ,.l the .'.ophomorc L-hlKle il. Del'

inn Is i^resident

ic Hioslen: club :>i- h.'TOC of .Mr*, ii-liovt iluncheoii. ailed .Mrs. Ilann club, Mr.s. M. P. Ideiit, nnd Mm,

■treasurer. :nl In com-


> O R D TftANSFER..'rile. WIm or Phan*

2 2 7Phoo» fu lly l^JSUREO CAflRIEnS,



^1V« Conntct WUt> V u Strrtce ADywbtra la Asierlea^

At the Churches

INs'tON '

m., Cbuix:

mu.M hr



Tlie following are Uie Kreate.st W'islerr. of rubber ll:t!.'. SptetV mechanical condition of car,.pres­sure. roiiKh starting nnd stnppUih',

SL\\N\\VVVV\\VX\\VV.N\V\V'■* line Furniture |

ni:UT A. SWEKT L SON ’jj l.tlij'^ la ln Ave. Em I J

J Used l-'unilture Houglit and f/. Sold. U-a-senienl Store. ■, p Convenient Term*. Phone IMS J



Tlie T9l nPalls Klwanls club led nil clubji. ewn Salt Uikc City,-In Uie Utah-fdalio district during thff ftllk and myon Iw.lery collecUon camimlgn, accordUiii to un an- nouncnnent read hy President U, J. Hdiwendlman al lliuriday’s noon­day luncheon-meelltui of the local orcanlwtlon,

Tlie amiounce.iicnl came from Vcmer Hewlett, Uic dbirlct cover- iior. Tlie silk and ruyon wUl be u.%ed by Uie govcmmrnl In Uie mok- Ing of paracliutes and oUier equip- “ lenl used by Uie armed forces.

Tells of Ited CrMi Tlie feature of the program, ar-

ruiiged by Frwitt Cook, was an nii. dres,s by Mrs. John llaye.i on Uii fle l Cross and Its work.

She said Uul the cami«lxn t< rnbe Uie Twin h'alls quota ol j:o.- 000 In Uie war fund tampjlgn would ojien nexi •l\je.--duy and thu' lo mecl Die tiuota mure than tli< usual t l mnnberslilin ’ ould ba needed.

DL'<u-s.slng Uie work of Uie Red Crcvs, Mrj, Hayes said Uie HrRunl- zatioii had i)rovld«J ffllef In iu major dbnsters, lus-shiing, 130.000 pcr.suns; trained iO.OOO nurTr^ald trained DOG.000 hi home iilirsli place<l 25,000 nurrAi In war sern... conducted camiwlgns for obtaining and dbtnbuting blood pla-sma nnd b conducting In almo-,i ever)’ city and vlIlaBc of the land the making, packing and shlpplni; ol .surxlcal dresr.lngs for senlce men.

Klwanii Will Hrup Pre.sldent Schwendlaian ^ald Uit

Kiwanb club would taxe a majni purl in the R«l CroM war lund ciunpalun.

Another speaker wm Pvt. O. A Ki-lkcr of the uroiy air corps re- M-rve who has coiniileted lib inter- niedlute flylns tralnlnii al Pocatel­lo and b home nwulung n.ulKnment. The former Tlme.vNtwn rrixirter brouuhl many IhukIis n.i he de.-.erlb- t^l hLi UiilliliiK. He -acM'llie «\itsl o! Roy Pnlnter,

OUier KUP.Mfl nrre D)r;) T--ro', ol James Rejiiolds; W, 0. Mo.sli-y. nf llev. Murk C, Cronfiiber-,;er. and Ted Welker, of Prer.ldeiil Srlin <llman. Lem Chapin won the defi nump.

Mrs. Hayes Will

Speak at HansenHANSEN, Feb, 26 - Mrs. Jolin

Hayes, Twin Falb, national vlce- pre.ildent of the Parent-Teacher tLvvKlatlon, has been secured n; Kue.'.t speaker for the mretlng oi Ihc Exceblnr P,-T.A. when Found­ers day will be observed. Mrs. Huyes will ftbo be At the head of the candle llKruing service, according Uie committee on nrranBcmcnts

.Mrs, Mar)' Zllkey. teacher of the lower grades, b preparlnc the pro- gram, which will feature ln.-.trU' mental numbers as well as vocal .selections.

Red Cross Will Plan Campaign

JEROME. Feb, 26-Offlctni Mid volunleer workers of the county Red Cror.i chapter will riiret nl 2:30 p.m. Saturday nt the war fund headquarters ln-41ie old Ftr.st Se­curity hank bullrilnn-. Pull plans for the big ----- -

The war man I'. Guy 8. Sin ly's quota b J3.00CI.

Tliere will be lour or five rural divisions and a.< many In the city.

The Public Forum


Editor, Tlmes-Ncws; -y)I have lived In fdaiio Acveral j ’ears

Mid luvvt Uiken liiitiesl In loail i»I- falr.s esiK'clally In Uie needy anrt WI»A workers. I have contJJctetf many of them and wondered how two old people could gel by on »1S or $30 per monUi, pay rent and _exbt, r went to homes lo see for my.si'lf; I saw real poverly—a aliamo ' ilnd a dl.sgrace lo the state lawmak« ers. Some of Uie oppo.iers of the cit­izens grwil Insulted over 70.000 clt- Ijena by Mylng they didn't know wlial Uu-y were vollng for. ,\lnny ol<l Pluni'pr;. that lleljHil establish UlO industrlr.t and niiule ihv statR whut tl is, lived Uirough Uie depre.'.slons and nro now In poverly.

Defenbach. the governor and #11 but a few of Ihe lexblaUve body publl',hrd lal.se Matemcnts as to UlO cokL (if the *40 i)cnsloii bill. They knew Uiey were not true and Die- gaily repealed It, depriving tlio needy of a decent living. Tliey Uilnlt the counties can buo' them in pot­ters Held, bill a.s Uiey have dlcUto- rlal power Uiey votnl Uiem.wive* *-'i per dfiy cxpen.se money nnd gave the governor n handout too.

The school teiichrni are also out for the big money. And did Uie blB .sliol.s howl about taxes, but not ii Uiln dime for the nee<ly. Tlic coni- niodity lL•: btance was all right Ull the cnmmndlly stamivi had lo bo bwiKht. ISut ^la^e ihal had »2S or $30 i>rr jKii.slons for two could not buy Uiein for they hud to Acrimp nnd .save to get by. It wns only lli«tf> Uiat did not really need It U m t^ t Uiem, but It gave .some white collsM n flit ;.i!ao’. As a whole I Uilnk this the mckst dbgraci-ful legblatlon ever [»ii.-i.sed, Tlie |>eopIr of Idftlio will hold the oppaiers of a dcccnt living 111 contcmpl for al] lime to


Jerome Draftees

In March NamedJEROME, Feb. 2G-Tlic foUowlnit

draftees will make up the March call nccordlns lo Floyd Q, Bcddall. selective tervlee board clerk:

Dor.sey Everette Miller, Elm<i Nlinon Garrl.son. Richard Arthur Woodlieail. Lyman Dewitt HoUo- wny. Lc.’die Edward Perkins, Ed­mond Burloit Wclb, Robert EUKcne Holston, Dick aranvllle Stump. Je.vie Conrad EHbrader. Ardell Earl Habcmian. Leonard Cleo Brauber- ger. LnwTcncc Edward Brown. Al­pha Clyde SIm.s. Gordon UURll Kyle. Donald Wayne Black nnd Dclmer CoaLs Pinkston,


-ACT NOW-for


Now aTallablf. Umltcd,«tbck


N E W . USED FURNACES Fuel Tanks — SuppliM

No more avalUble for daraUon

ROBT E. LEE SALES CO.«0 Main S. Phone 153-W


pevnd of lot fvr-................ . nlr-•rla M «r« l«»r .«t(-olrtr«ff >h«ll(. ■H*| r>ur UU ti

There'i more (hiii a limilarity of Initial letters between "VITAMINS" and'-'VICTORY" . . . Full strenfctH and vijtor csll (or vltamlni, protein, and mlnerilf, luch ai Iron and pliof- phorui.

For full itrength and enerfry, tha proper amounti of meal, mllic and other dairy producti, vegetablei. fruiti, breadt and certali, and fats and iweets muil be eaten daily.

Meat fumiihei much of tlio protein titeded for building and repairingbody tiiiue, iron for bulldinR rich blood, and copper and phoiphorut, wbieh with calcium build'bones and teeth. Meat, cipeeiall)' pork, ii a rich lource of thiamine, lometimei callcd the "morale vitamin." eiiential for proper funetlorang'Of heart... and n t r v n . ' ------------

Plan your meala accordin(( to good nutrition. -B« lUre to Include one or more lervlrga of meat daily at recommendtd

■ by th4,,n«lonil nuwltlon piogtim . . . and rttn«mb«r lK« our market luppliea only quality meat for your good health.

Include a quality meat in your family’s jnenu each day!


F A L L S B R A N FProceisetl ond DLstrlbuted by

INDEPENDEN T MEAT CO."A Name You’ve Known for Years'*


Page 6: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

Page S ix . TlMES-NEWSi T W m FALLS, IDAHO - Fridajr, Februarj- 26,1913


The f irs t flub-tllHtrict tour­nament, chnmpionship w ill begaiHcd tonigHt if Curcy re-

])eatJ! its victory over lia ilcy

— a triunhih it ndiicvcd in the first hiKlit of the Wood Uivcr lourncy nt Huiloy.

luilcy EiJnril llie rlshl to ciiler tli> niisLi by Uclcnllliir OootllnK BU’.e Kliool. :a-17. In llic »«ml-

• tlniU ot Uir lioiitjlc rllinlimtloil ■ rvfiii ItM nlnlil- Tlic dftcnl Him!-

BlaiP r.diCKjl Iiom ilie cvrnt.Hallty Ircl tlirounhoiii Uic coti-

l« t . KSliilnK n 10-6 iMcl nt Cie end of ilie Ilrsi pfMNS, 19 10 » M Uie half ntia 2:’-M aflf.' pprlwLi. Wilion Korrd 10 .xilnU for Hullry vlillp NfU of llif SI-'’'’ '■‘‘f’K vp U to ntitJ 10 19 of llic previous cvenlliS-

>|jy Nffd f;>Curry 1> Coiiifquciit-

3y, If \l loics to H.Mlry toiilBhl. oilier same will be morrow nlKlH.

Wllli Kalrllulil oal of llir mcnl bpMUvc cif Uinlthe openliiK rouml of tl;c ii *Ul)-(IHlrlcl nl tilif/liniir.

In Itir oiwiii nlKlil, Slior.lu

Drowniiig-It’s Wonderful No Shortage ^ ^ Of BaU Stars

D-I3, * ulll t

■■v.nry to­

il lUcliflcia.t Dlrlrldi

ir Kldi-nlglil. MiiriJliy sf'Tcd Id |X'

I Klimliimt n:nl Ccmnrr flip ff nrltl,

I KSi\s H'l'. 'ifl'’' 11-4,' Uie hnir. UlLvT. 25-17, ItJ

Uif o;>riil:i(! irnmr.pf Hit suU-dl.nirlclII toiiriiarneiU nt Glfiiiu Kerry. Pnynr. 1: Dlh.1, »nil Pre.Mnii. Kliii: Hill, cacli

made 10 poliiu.I Ijj Uie oUier same of llie aleims

Ferry lournnmrnt plnyed In.M iilsUt. Glrnnj Ttrry. IrartlnK nil Hit' way. ttefcuwd HdKennan. 31-17. All liul

n iour ol IJaKrr/7ia()'.» poljiu on Irec Uirowj, malcliiK Kocd on 13 out of 30 chancw, Loula Dolwrnn.

' Olenns Ferr)'. c»me llirotiKli wiili 14 polnU KHl Price, HBscrman. bcv- en. all on free throws.

• Tlili mornlnc JUSeniiin mel BlLis i and Wendell oppoied Klne Hill. To- , nlgUt. the wUmer of tl\e flrsl Kwne ( will meet Ujc Iwer of Uie second.: uhlle Olenns Terry will oppose tlie

winner of the second conlrJl.Three samts were played yester-

I' day In the roimd-robln MlnUCa.viia BUt>-dlatrlct ftl Ilupert.'Wlth llolmeg Bcorlne 15 points, iltj'ljurn ilefenled

I Malta. «-3J. nfier leading. 15-8 ' In the first same.

Drrto NeiH Paul A field goal In the last few sec­

onds of play gave Declo a 33-33 vlC' tory over Paul. Declo led, 2I-H. al the half. Harper, Paul, made 10 polnla for hLn team, five more than Jacobs. Uie Dccio leading scorer.

Th# wore of the final gnme nUi ■KM 4S-31 rteltnUnKAcequltt. Albion led. :O-!0.

r half. Ctirlsllan.'.eu hnd It point* for ! thB loser* and Hep»orUi 10 for Uie

ulnnen. In th« SouUi Bide lub-dl. trict

play at Haiellon. om team, tiie host dub. irn.1 eliminated In tiie Inlllal

I day's compeUtlon.- IlftllUttr TriotBphi

Dadger.i look llckUiBS froin ; Hollister, 30-U nnd Kimberly. 39-22.

to go to tlie sideline!. In Uie Kamr wlUi Uie Hawks, the lasrrs trnllr l lS-6 al the hnlf-tlmo and eouldn'i do4o the gap na LiuiUng picked U] 18 points for UiP wliinrra. Ua-j wn; lilgh for Ilnielton wll)i 13,

Against Kimberly. JInzclloii trail' cd all Uie way. nfier the IlulldoR. took & 13-7 ndvaniase nt the InUr- mtvlon, tnmbhiK counlrd 10 polnW lor the wlniirr.i. Qale wns tikli for lUzclton wlUi II.

TJie favored MiifUuKli Ir.nii won two game* during the day, along u-lUi Hollblfr. Tlio Red Devlli trim- Died Caalleford 33-:4 In opening play

. ajter leading IB-H al Uie half. Bronjion was high for Uie wlniirni wlUi. 11, while O. Broaii ioiii>cil Crv.-.- Ueford with 10.

Rlraberlr Dralen The oUier Murtaugh vlclno- was

• I Uie expense of Kimberly, 25-10. Murl«ugh led J3-10 al Ui» half. FVN ton led Uie lo.iers In scoring wltli It potnta. while Anleln plcktd \ip clsht for the winjier*.

Hollbler won 'lt-i lecond gnnie of the day from Hamen by a 31-10 count, leading ll-S at the half. X-anUng gol 15 point* to bring his loifll for Uie day to 37.

CasUcford captured Its oj>rn1nK Biinie from E<lrn. 34-18. leading 25-7 nl Uie hnlt-llme. Dcvoai coiiiiifd 10 polnta for Uie losers, while 0. Brown picked up 13 for Uie Wolvts,

Twlni Marian, left, and Vlrflnli llopkjni, XI. heldrn ef nitlonal aqUAlIc chomplnnihipf, are double piar^nlee of i^e ly lo •mlmmert In Ufverly IIIIU. Calif., pool, where thry Mn U/f#na«lj.

Robinson to Seek Revenge Tonight

D E T RO IT , Feb. 26 (/P)— R/>y (Sugn r) Robiii.-;on, nn un

crow ncd wcltenvei(jht, nnd Jacob L a M otta, an uiirunkcd m iddlew eight, collide tonight in a 10-round showdown nmtch th a t hafi arou.sptl tlie Detroit f ig h t public into jnittinK more m oney on the line than Joe Louis drew for his .fole home

tow n indoor hcuvyweiKhl liU o defense..with It sellout of Olympia slad'

B, rnnklln A Utnhill

Greco Will Fight Cleo Shans Tonight

NEW YORK, Feb. 28 (A’) - A mile suy wlih a punch, but Jiut )iit of Uie preliminary ranks, U !xpccted to draw nnoU\er full twuw for Uie weekly boxing fiesta at Mad­ison SQUnrc Oarden tonight.

Tlierc aren't any big names Itiled 1 Uie co-fentured 10-round bouts

that loM p\'l. Johnny Oreco of Uin Cnnndlnn army against Clw Bhans 1/a Angeles, and Pedro Hamandet Puerto Rico, against Sal BartolA Boston, but some 14,000 f»iu expected to J>ay 135,000 to see show mainly becaasa theyVe htard of Oreco s punching prowess.

In two preliminary showings here Johnny llntl<ned Harold Oreen In 1:34 of Uie first round and fin- Wifd off Billy Spear)- In 3:38 of Uie (irst. E-icti lime It was a punch Job.


Dy HIGH FULLEItTO.V, Jr.NE\V iO nK , ‘Pfb, 28 (^>-ne

memberlng an occasion ilurin; World war 1 when C«se nnd We.U- em R«i«r>'c comblntd ihtlr lootbali

, forces to play an anny -t«nm, Gor­don Cobble<llck of Uie Clevelawl Plain \De/Uer come.i up wiih Uic Idea ol pooling the maierlnl avnU- nble aX Uie -blK lour'” colleger- Case. Iteierve. John Carroll and

.... .....

. -------„.—ie between Ford-tiam . Columbia - Manhattan and Penn-Templc-Vlllnnova? . . . Or ar •IntersecUon tussle of Ilan-ard-Boj. loa coUege xu SUmtod-SV. Mwy'sJ

PUZZLE Now (hat (hfl freiliman rvle has

become a wartime easualtr, iti* nh- Ulle eduraion are runoinc Into further eompllraUeM . . . n Isn't cnouxh t« hare one freabman class arrlvlnr in Februarj and another Ir loty Instead «( the nuletDur Htp- l«inber wtleomlag bot In Ehede U- Una CherTe trying to decide Ihc lUtDt of boya «b» haw entered col- lero lB,«Jd-wtaler but are Mil re-

' gnlna to caioplele their high tchool Com««t rllh Jtuw rradaallng tUaaei. . . A couple of (hem belong lo (eami ellflblB for aUtc high Khool tonmera antf-veU. (hefn itQl hltb ach.aol littdnla.

ALLAGABOO~FOB ALtCAKOS , New York botrd>trsck jpUnter*

] si*y cti a cboDce t

him In ftcUon In Uie AAU cham- ploiuhlps Sdtunluy , . , Tfie lelten claim Uint Pete has brought his mtle time down from 4:23 to 4:13,7 outdoosr, liaa dent i'.ll.l Indoors can run n half mile In 1:53 and high Jump 0-ferl-S . .... But-all hands wrrr surprl.ied when he entered the mile ngnln.it Oil Dodds, Prank DlX' on. etc.. tor none of his perform­ances nhowa In the recoil books and a m FerrU’ Ingulrlej of Ui Kentucky AAU brought Uie rrply


TOIJAVS GUEST STAIt Arch Ward. Chicago Trlbonte:

■'Outrielder Jobnn; Ceoney, Ui« new Do4g«r, M\d CocnmUslootr K. M. Landis enter«d baatball Ihe ame year—1H21 . . . The commissioner, however, la a few y un Johnny's elder.-

tJERVlCE BEPT.Tlie FHjrt Sheridan. Bl, basket­

ball ifnm. which rt«enlly knocked off Uie mighty Camp Onuit ouUlt, has had a total of 37 players Uila ■Mon—and only two pracUce nei-

alonj . . . Ueut. MUce Bnmibdow, former TCU line coach, has uken clmrKfl of the nSne-sport pn*taTn nt Uie Georgia na>7 pre-fllght school, replacing Ueut. Comdr. Rus- MlJ- (Dutchy) SmlUi. transferred to Uie Blr teclinlwU training center at ChSt:aBo.

CLEANING THE CUFF . > kerp Canada Infomed on thi

doings of F r t Johnny Greco, whc fIghU CT*o fihsna tonight, tha Ca. nadJaa anny aeat a fonr-man pob- Ucllr atftff »lonf wtUi hhs.

lum expectcd almost hourly. .Matcli maker Nick Londes vLiluiied ii MO.OOQ Rate (or the third PjcelUiK of Uie two New Vorker.i—I ny Robln.ion, one of ihf _ moit talented workmen, and pudgy but durable UiMoiui, «ho ended 8uga&.«Ray‘s 139 Ilclil winning .iireak here Uiree wttks.nKo. T1 Loulii-Abe Simon Utle .-.crap tu years ngo Bro**ed 158,000.

Robln-wn. who as P'l. Wjilki Smith reports for duty In the army next week. Is dead serious abotr avenglnif the setback in Mr. Five b; Pivc, The sugar boy oulpolnieil I.a Molla lj\ Nt* York Iwt Oclohti but he ran out of giui In Uie te rt bout here and couldn't Imnc: m after JolUnj Jacob pul him un tli canvoa for a nine count.

LaMottft again Is expected to have n 10-pound pull In Uie welsht.i at ICO pound.1.

T2ie rea.ion.1 behind the fl'tk phet\omena—a Mlclitgan rccard In­door Rate for something 1cm Uiai a tlUe Rcrnp—arc really no: c«n' plex. In three hard working np- pearances here LaMotta ha.i beconii a locnl ta\'t>rlle. RoUln.<on. a lor, mer Detroit ne^’sboy. Iiaa the iiuni li and flnes.14 of a champion. Am' tlO U3ps for seftt,i evidently Is nt great hardship on well-heeled w.n workers.

^ 1 to 3 choice last time, Hobln- .ion may enter Uie ring ot, no bettei Umn even money.

Robtnion, whc«ie lijh l hand wi>; feared Injured while beaUng Call' forflla Jftcklo Wilson, Iiaj been dr. dart<J by stat< examlnera to be.fr rxcfllent coiulUlon for the vr.ip LaMotto seemingly always b ready-

Youngest Meets Oldest Manager

PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 38 vD — Big league baseball'a oldest and youngest magnates, 80-year-old Connie Mack of the AUileUes. and 33-year-old Bill Cox. new owner of the Phlli, met yesterday for the first Ume.

cox detcrll>ed the vWl wlUi base' baltii grand old genUeinon as ^oni of the big momenta of my life."

They met In Connie'* tower of' flee at Shlbc park. Connie compll' meiited Cox on hti selecUon of Bucky Harris as manager for Uie Plilt'. then conducted Cox on a lour of the park. Tlie Phils lease S PftTk lor vhelr home games. U Uie first time Cox had seen Uic dl.-imonO.


picking himself up twice. whUe trad­ing punche.« toe-to-toe. George (Sonny) Home. 158. of Nlle.i. O.. called upon bis va. Uy svsperlor box­ing skill to outpoint rugged Lany Pacino. 158. Boston, In a lO-rouiid fenture bout last night al Mechanics building.

MANCt'KO SIGNS NEW YORK. Feb. 58 (/T) - The

New York OlanU announced to­day the receipt of &lst\t4 contncu from Catcher Ous Manctuo aod In- fielder Connie Ryan.


The Phils will train this spring at Ilerthey, Penn, Owner Bill Cos ah' Dounced today'.


1 sere—A fine 6 room modem heme. Iidwd. floor*. Insulated, livn nreman stoker, full base­ment. double garage. H b]wk from clt7 limit. Pint locaUoa. Onl/U800.

BILL COUBEBLT r»ttnii Are. No. Fbon* U18


iprlns Uttinli g rriilerj show li ia l thR lea»t of Uie American league's worries Uils yew Is player UiorUtte.

rxt monUi 547 mm—only 13 Iw Umn ln.''t scaion-wlll report 10 spring training campi In Uie re­stricted war-time r/ines, league rec­ords dL'^loifd today. The St. Loub Brown.'/ rjjuad now numbers 30,

roijs 35 were Ibtcd In 13«, Tlic Detroit Tigers have boMied Uiclr

• :r lo 39, large.it In Uio leusur iil prcicnt und Mx more Uian they car­ried last, yc^r.

The New Yorfc Yankees, whose di'pariurt of sLnrs liw leiV-jTfiDus Infield niid ouUleld .problems, hiivc only; 37 pli.yers oii Uiclr sprlnx ra-.- ter, one of their snmlle.it group'' In hl.story. Tlie Boston Red box also pluli to (Jike 37 to camp, while Uie Phllndelplila AlhlcUcs IL t only 28, Uir Rmnllc.-,l .^quad In Uie league.

AlUiough ^evcrul tcuraa. esnecluUy Uic Ilr<i Sox und Yaiik.'i. will be prt-wrd lo develop players to iritlacc maliiiUiy.i, Ihe concUulon l» Uia.t plenty of men will be available. Ob- t.#rvcr» coiKludt Uwi a balance oJ talent heretofore lacking Miould prcxluce n good pennant ruce

The Khwiulc of exhlblUons j. a cut of about 50 per cent wlUi each If'iim eriiHimlng an average of about 15 contests into Uie curtailed M>ring traUiliig program.

taking a pre-m'-d ca^wc nt ' slty of NebraJka.-frtifd Cudi

~Sope. I was liking an i

Wyoming Beats Brigham U.

LARAMIE. Wyo.. Feb. 20 .-I’, — Wyoming university’s favored Cow­boys led off lLi three-game bid for a Mountain Five conference clmmplonslilp last night with n . 42 vlctoo' over Uie Cougar# of Brigham Young university. '

The Cowboya. eastern division winner. IwUed to a fast »iarl j»lth stocky Kenneth Salloa plunk­ing In the opening baskets.

WlUi 10 minutes to go in the starting half, however, the Cougars began hllUng. and for a few' seconds they held n one-point lead—II to 10.

Wj'omlng was In command after Milo Komcnlch's Held goal, and the Cougurs never caught up again, Tti half-time score was ^)-17^

Brndy Walker. B.Y.U. guant froi Mesquite. Nev.. was credited with keeping down Uir usually hlgharor- liiK to^al ol tall Komenlch. The Wyoming center wa.1 harrleil cnTi- tlnually. but bccame more >lu.'lve In the second half.

Bailors, a senior from • Larainle, dribbled through time after lime and piled up 31 poir>u to lead all .icorers. Walker, six foot, six Inches tall, tallied 18 of the Cougar points.

An esvlmaled 3,000 persons Bftw the opener In the three-game champliin.vhlp series.

Phi'll tliouKh Brigham Young la-.rs again tomorrow night, the eiLsieni and western division tltlists are .-.chrduk-d to play a third game Siiiurday.

Fogo Spark of Pepj)crdinc

1.0S ANGPX1-:S, Feb. 26 /4'r-So you neur liei'rd of Pete Fogo. eh? Well, you're hkely to. Just as yor hr;ir<l a lot UlU week about lltUc Pepprrrtlne colltKe. not even ver>' well known loi-ally. when Its liasktt- h.ill tenni drfesletl U.S.C.'S mighty Tri'l.ni,'., .’.fi-.'il. In the le.ifons mOil am.\tllig Upret.

To .viy l ofii) sp.irked the Pepper- dine offensive li to put II loo mild­ly. He pranlcally set 11 afire as he tn,'.>etl In j>olnt.'i In that Pepper- dlne victory which snapped Troy's 15-game winnlnn streak. Only the right before'Prte had tallied 38 markers when Pepperdlne downed San Jo.'.e SUile rnlltKe.- Since he. wsA 10 >esrs old. Pete's been playing b.vke-.ball And you really should havr hearil r.omethlng about him: On hli Onr5'. Ind.. high school team, he was iwlre selected all-suie forwnrd-ln IB3R and 1039, He .'pent a year nl Indiana, then came to l/>s Ansele.s.

Vandal Boxers Defeat Gonzaga

MOSCOW. Feb. i,< ,-Scorlng one unofflqjal knockout and dfop- plng one official teehnlril kayo, the University of Idaho boxing team stopped Goniaga university 5 'i lo a>j laM night,

Mlkr Barcl.iy or Idaho knocked out Bus Van llooy in a 145-pound claM exhibition bout while Dan Louspre i>{ OonrsR:i sccrtd a TKO over Rim Warren of Idaho In the official 145-pound event.

ITn not complainin', see?Because when fund If) I gel

the army, Uiey'll probably put pounding slakes btxausc I pounded a typewriter In civilian days.

But the ways ot Uic arrt.. noUilng aliort of queer when they consider your po.M backjround In handing out .li-ilKnment.v

Take the c«»e of l'»L Dobby '.Sloe" Gina ol the V- S. »nny air torp*.

Bobby Ii Ihe national eoUedal mile champion and U now entered ai an army reprrsrnlatUe In thi mile race al .Madlwin Square Car den on Haturdar nIchL

Jack Cuddy. Press report­er. Inlervlewrd him in New York UiiL-ly:

"Where are you asNlgned. Bobby?' •'Well," iaid Hobby, "rm In the

medical department—In Uie dlspcn- sab- at Uic 30111 nir depot."

In Uie medical de- patuntn\. I it.Mimr you have bttn ........ - ‘ - --e nt Unlver-

Cuddy.. , - . »n agricul­

ture course al Nebraska, because my folks Ike on a farm. W hj did they pul me In the medfeal department? Ilnjlher. I'veVen tryitlf U> find the antwer lo (hat $Gt quesUon for months!"

) It goes. clMer to home I . le a few otiier insLnnces of

ex-hlgli school athletes who wound up doing someUilni tntlrely dllfer- ent from civilian Mfe,

night here in Uie Tlmes-Ncws of­fice. we have a few cases In point —nothing WTong with It. but good for a Jaufih,

Ace Timts-.vew-, photographera Uie p.vi four years have been O. A. lOai) Kelker. John Brosnan and Ray AtcFnrlanrt, They ore all In the army now—but none doea pho- logniphy work. Brasnan being an Infantry staff serceant. McFarland holding a lieutenancy In the air corp and KtlktT about lo s tl the

A couple of other lads from the Tlme»-Newi. Frank Eldrtdge, e»- Bniln footballer, and Bab Lccrlghl. former Rupert lad, are tn the nary. Neither ever did any camera work while herr and If they knew any­thing about a camera, they kepi » a leerel.

Both are now tAklng photographic courses for the na^'.

Which brings to mind the old army Miying, "the le,-;.t j-ou know, the better we cAn teach you."

Bo.xing Plans Service Fund

NEW YORK. Feb. 30 ai.PJ—Box- iR's ser\-lce athUUc tund U to

ojjcraUon today lo hslp provide .iports equipment — chiefly boxing parnphernalla-for Uie U. 8. armed forces in America and abroad.

Rcpre.senUUves of varloas ring )rgiinlifttlons met yc.slerduy -ni the lOth Century club and organL-ed Uie fund. wlUi promoter Mike Jacobs as president and Abe J. Greene of Pntcr.ion. N. J.. president of the National Boxing n.tsoclniion. as chairman of Uie board of contnil.

Leon L. Raltis, chairman ofPennsylvania tommUAlon, is Si__ijiry. and Chairman John J. Phelnrr of the New York commU^lon b treasurer. Vice-presidents are Shel­don Clark of Illinois, ' John J. Hetlche of Michigan and Jules J, Covey of California. Tlie board of control includes comml-/lon ehalr-

from most of the other boxing states.

Tlie fund will tr>- in ral- jloo,- )0 annually to provide equipment ir men In Uio armed force-i. Exery

boxing club in the counU-y will be asked to stage a specinl fund than' before the end of April. After that the promoters will ajLslcn certain percentages ot the gate from other bouts to the fund.

Home From Solomons, Barney Ross Kneels and Kisses U. Ground

SAN DIEGO, Cuiif.. Feb. 28 W>- Bamey Rorj came home from Guad­

alcanal the way he usually left the ring—on Ills own two fe<t—and wiUi the dramauc story of the “lougheat round I ever slugged Uirwigh.'

Ttie fighting marine corporal re­called Uie RO.-J of old os he stepped dawn the gangplank t>( a hcnpttal siilp ye.sterday. Tliere was the fam­ous smile he showed in winning Uvee boxing Utie.s. And Uie wave of hands as If to his fans at the flght.s.

He v u . tn put it mildly. gUd to be back In Uie USA. In fact, he waj

pd over. He showed it by kneel­ing down solemnly wnd klriltis Uie ground.

"TIili," he said. " I vowed lo do ever I saw Amerlc.in soil again.

Sometimes out Uiere we’re not e shall.""Out Uiere- was Uie steaming,

blood-covered battlefield of Guadal csnal where the 33-yenr-old Chi cago won high praise of hi'company commander. Capt. C Le Blanc of Abbeyvllle. Ln..

Dudley Makes Good in Ai-my

PhTSnOROH, Peb. 30 <^>-BlIl Dudley, football's favorite son. 1 gaining as much ground with Ui army as he did on the pro football grldlron-he's . still leading thi league.

His drill ln.structor, 6gt. Georgi CiTT ty, ptedlelR. the 20-yMr.o)iJ ex-all American and currently air pro halfback will be Just as •’hof as an army nier ns he was as ar athlete.

Bullet Bill's popularity was dis­closed In a letter written to n friend here by Ollbert Stnley, for-

Awclaled Prr.vs writer, who

Contrary to recent reports. Staley said Dudlev’.s ambition li to return to pro football. He quoted Dudley as saying:

"If the war Is over In a year two I won’t mm down a lot of monev lo nlnv ihn game I love. It might be different It the war longer, but there seenvs to be of confidence around her** that well

■ enough touchdowns against the enemy lo win in a reasonable Itngth ot Ume."

Dudley is as popular among hi: (w comrades o.s he was among

Ui« Pittsburgh Steelers.

Purses Cut for

California RacesSAN MATEO, Calif.. Peb. 36 (UW—

After a iifectlng with n commlttei represenUng thoroughbred ow-ners and trainers at the local racing course, William P. Kyne, general manager of the California Jockey club announced Nu reduction of purses from $1,000 to *700. effective tCKlxy.

The remainluB *300 will be placed In e.vroiv to the credit of winning

rs In event Improvement In buslnrs.s JustlflM. Kyne asked,for the reduction of a temtxiran- bisLi. with the re.storatlon of 11,000 pur- .•,r.s, providing b'.islne.vs warrants.

Tlie lior.semen have requested that the track rq ou a. two day per ’Keet racing schedule for Uiree or four week-s, and Uie Jockey club directors are expected to hand down a de* cuion on the request by Saturday.

Tlie gun turreUi on Flying For- tre.sses are sen.slUve enough to allow almost InstlncUve control and ore equipped with U\e tilsnost magic SperT5' gunslghls which compen-sat« for the 400-500-mlle speed of diving enemy fighters.

noiiT sicJiiEi)OAKLAygW F :b. 28 c,f.

Signing c^fflTlos Malacara, Mexlrn City, to fight Sheik Rangel, Fre.ino. Calif,, u-elterwelglit. for a 10 round bout here March 17 was announced today by Matchmaker Jimmy Mur­ray,

W ill pay h ighest prices

for tanw or wild


— SKINS—Qrtns to ycur dew ttlns, tool

Idaho Hide & TallowTwin Falls . Goodlaf > Rupert

W E H A V ilots of room for your

------CULL POTATOES!Better.get them in before the

season ends! Call us if you

wish uTto'haul them! •


A te ia ^ to d ie b o n tH 700 ara In the market f< (Ttaranleed ttsed car. yen can't afford to orerlook these. We say Ihey are the best bays In tawa. Always lOOr. SaltsfacUon or I00>-, refand.

41 Ford Super Dlx Fordor Sedan

41 siudebaker Champion Club Sedan

il Bulck Special Fordor Sedan 40 Ford Deluxe Fordor ,40 Ford Dlx Tudor Sedan

40 ChevTolet Master Dlx Sedan

39 Mercury 0 Pass Coupe

41 Ford Deluxe Coupe J8 Ford Deluxe Pordor37 Che^TOlel Muter DU ^dan

38 Ford Deluxe Tudor Scda^

37 Dtluie Pordor Sedan 37 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan

40 Dodge K Ton Pickup

37 Ford *j Ton Pickup

39:Fcrd Pickup 'i Ton

Alany ethers, all makes, all mod- els. ,



The sturdy, dstk-halred Rees hid a lot to tell of his cape.-ier.ces. bo* grim and humorous. He tcld t*. simply, tn his own Imso . . . The night he spent in a s.".ell-ho;« wli.*i fire *oundcd IcaUiercecks aad Uo soldier.: the fight he pa; up agilrj; Uie Japs, and Uie liihtcr mosena that even ToJ» cant keep away from Uie American fUhU-".5 mea

RoAS. occlalroed boii.-.g'S ”=11.1 of Uie jeic." t t i i tlrsi ott lUs Outwardly at leas; you cculdr.'t teU he had been woutided. He leltphcn- ed his wll'e. Kaye, hi Jlolljaood. and Uien an older brother la Chi- cago who was to let their s eU mother know of his hcsif-'OKiii.

That night he spent la the sl'.eU hole, he said, he thought Lht "ieU would never ioutid."

•Fo«r of us were carT7.-lr.f the fifth marine'oul when we wt.*e c-4: off fro-Ti our ou:fl; t;y cn.-,:i:u.~,s Japs," he related. . . . “I was Uie only one unhurt. We dived for a pair of ilieli holes about 10 feet apart."

was tiien about 4 p. m. Wlih wss an Indian prUs^e named

Mosat Barney's b'udfiy. P tl. R. C.

AtXlns cf Rome, Ga- former golf p » at the Sanu Fe courw In Hol- Ij-mood. oc«-_-p:ed a nearby hole wiUi two ctaer aartoei.

Tt* shooUns coEUnued unUl 7 a. B . and during Uie nUht the three ssa-tnfs in tlie second hole werr hit again. Bos said he crawl­ed atwind «iUe<lr.5 v'^mutvlUoa and grerjdci.

-la all I Uirrw hand grenades. fLTd 100 rc'.;r.dJ cf Oarand rifle aasurJUon and at lea-st 80 rounds froffl ny Epnagfield." he went oil -Agah-j: us the Japs we.-« pourins la mac.'U.-.e-r-n and mortar fire. But «e kept them at bay. In Uieir etCT-er. ar.S they t l i n l get telling p-.ach la ca our liiUe group,*

They were rtsrued after dawn. Rau Knccted out -the Sa.moan

champion, a SlS-pound na- Uv». aT.er his pals.lnslsicd he lake Ilia 0.-U

"When It WAS over." tiois lald. “the rrferw turned the siakei. over to the pUtoon. and ever>' marine came lo a r later and ollereO me a sha.-e. What truj-*r

In rrward for Uie vietory. a lo­cal ktr< c t l ^ d him his choice o! his ds'.tfhtrrs la marria;e.

-B-.;t cr.e of Uiem w.i$ 14 and the ether o.-il.v 12.“ aald Barney.

A TTE N TIO N !Cash PaidFor Worthless or Dead

Cows. Horses anti Price of Pelts for Pcad Sheep


•Icet Ncarejt LLS 311. GOOl BCPERT SS


We all know about good cM soalhcni hospitality,

but wc th ink Idaho beats the south fo r friendliness.

Soldiers stationed here and visitors say th a t Idaho

folks are grand, and there’s a friendJy, neighborly

spirit here th a t ju s t can't be bealca.

Bohcmiao Q u b Beer fits into this

hospitality picttire. I t has just ^ e

right tang an d flaTOr to n ake it

Idaho's favorite beer.

Keep some on hand for friends

and Itclghbors. E n joy it no’er.

It 's ju s t as good in Fehrtary

a5 in AugusL

When you buy the big bot-

lla (itein i* quart) you get

more for yoor Aioney, and

halp ut UTc tboouads ef

-metal caps.


Page 7: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

* It Was Great U-Boat

Friday, FebroarjSrjMS TIMES-NEWS, t w in f a l l s . IDAHO^ Page Seven


1 Guests Favoi's

Chlt( of PoUce H o w d Cii-tU* and ssm ir W iirea larrry * j»ny Thara<l»y fcTursocg *^^5 m i ace o£ U» most s-cc*a4l!il f m fceia- to T»ta r»U3.

II «raa lhusu*! la tS»*. U « « e o l tt liie poUce il*tlcD. »sd »!*> »- w n U>* puaU turolilMd fanirs. Ho»cT«f. the « 'tnaicly tappy to m r j {»nss hctsf.

•tbe CBe»l»rt^e £U«U W «e r rp r « « iU * ^

of Ihf Idaho Dfpansirr.t atorr. EtlBficnX C. A- A»i«30oX J; C Pmnfj-.. Klns-s N«beri7-s. G*ais:e:.Plum!3U-.s ccoapirJ i t d • fe«

■nif fa m r t ^ t r t irtic.o frcra L'-.OM lined febore.

. rrco.rrwl «hfa Lowrry.<«hfr officer* o n i* uP *las EKwn Tu«wlii- iiUftt frrt hundrwli oi <lo-ar3 » « ta <S tloltn Kwli

Chief OCIeU*; thtattj bj owce» T w rv lij noon toUJnl *220. aad pcu-iibly mofr. U sa«:e tp oJdrraes. shoes, hadery. lir^rv.r trouKW, *nd 7»u»»w ja tp^.tr clrj of clothlns. Tbrr^ •

- ktt of t<3U relumed to Use Aito:; Pluaibliw co35P«iay. *-“.d » fj:< «Wdi had b « a sViea trees »In T*lii Fklii. The &»r=e c.' ihi

. ovtift to »hotn It » « rtturrwi no: learned.

N»( AnAlL’ioUiih the scKx j t-

oanera ThurMUy was oce d latseil tw jv inc i oJ 4^J:pll .evl a:u- elfs here In xa ie i:=-.e. i: d;d t» f represent the fuil acopt ei tie th w men and t io »-oaen c la l= « to

OOier ar*.icSf» alieiSy bai betn IdcntmctJ a j attics to Burio-. Buhl and Coodins. and aiisCar par- lies ellher have beta cr »*J be he;a in those p:*cei.

John n. llAle H id Hocser SUTJa. both of Goodlnc county, tsd C»rl Oibo.u wrre C»ken to the Cisiu cou)l>- JaiJ lo »B3-rrr petty la.ftsy clmrsn. Wlvea of Utlc iU n a helped officers rxjund up the Icci •t the hemes oi the t»o taslLxa, ■bout 10 miles •otithveat WcoceZ

Suit Asks Horse, Harness RecoveryThe recovery of hameai.

and fartn maehiaery a scuxht fcy the plaintiff In a probate eccr*. re;*, filed by C. A. Blcitford *«alrL*: Hs»- wd WUlls,

In hb petmot\ Sictfc.-d itatr Uitl he Is Ihe owr.er d a teiS e: hones. t«8 seta of «o rt ham ra a=c two wts of beas cytter blade* f:; a bean cutter *ttach=es: w a tractor. sU of which are » pqces' won of the defer.dant. Bickfsrd n ia Judsmrnt grantir.B reosTrry ef thj property, or parrser.t of nse. ti- »irtl Babcock U attocney fee the pUtaUtJ.

The Times-News

F A R MS A t E


Farmers • A aetionctra

Thlj coluon cvT t« » dil^y b.':- Ini of erery fara aaJe ad«rtsed In the •!:««->”-vs. Protect y « r sale dale by setUas yccr adwr-

. iL'fffitnt In early.


Watch this colu-T.n d i i r . . . H ranlea Date of the MaXr Fars Sales In all Msflc Valley.


BtSSlZ Wl.VKLER Adnrtl*esent r<b. : t

f •MARCH 5

ROBEBT A FOW IXR AdYerilaemesl SU nb :

ABMber Onsiaa I'.taat b the AUxalic *Tst 't« Ita gnrt mttn the r . S. dntraitr *t C»sdr. »».—r>.-_ UiQ-f«OT dadcid aa tar«y twpcd* aad laak the Mk that f M U. The tixAiag

Baisch Wins Suit In Tire Disputeifr-t «»J aiardet Hirrj

o: lie Balxh M>- vx «=;>asy. tv Pn>S»!e C.1. Ba:<y a trzagH: by Gecr^e---- --- mtJ.=h a ilfd i i l : «

u ro a:>sT\2 to be t r l i is the <ltfessia=t»

-\«cni;a£ to ssa=l car rtetaswd la Baach »».*'

c pay=r=ta t i l l W bta t* toctc^; c: j:oeait. zs=rser»»a <U:=sed tftai :»o c: ha urea had bee- ‘soxrd »r.i , cOseta s=SBa----Bisch >*ta l ia i the cc^y i:-t9 b«t

w the plarstlC »hlch m rt rrtr Ja h a ' iB»ijeh-»*»r:< oa -.*e car »hea t; »aA re-

:o t.*ie c-*=er.1= f cf ihe atfcsAan', Ju i;'

pa.sled ca t the p ^ l l f t Od li j ; ci:«r e r;i«s» t t .‘■Ji ceE-.ea-.ices ihat he had p«haa- ed »:=h t;.'ca as he <le»=-.aei The

aho hea that asytct re* ■ be


$15 Awarded for Dress .Alteration

J-Jdse C. A. Ba:>; *»»rdfd es.'e rcrtSLj ja ltt=Ki: fcr » li 5» hf" .5jt a g is ti R ryaZ deeaen. : ahlch ahe aaked * « .*=i«=e=t T; la-Tite v> a drcsa. a=d »*« ! <

*;asi>s Ihf c>a=.^toshaiiT. Ba:>T JAii licheck tir the ,-ji^sen: a his g«3gea«. *ad th tt carts £ad be«

ii . h s he d ii =>cs k=?r »5eO*r e r:.trrf.n «c=lS »«e7t the 'oii- T.: cr a ; ^ ^ : U>* c*s«. The jiaa- : aUesed that a drtaa haj bera

Slacks Figlit Draws Battle

Of Actresses» » nUSESlClN C OTItM.^N HOU.TWCOO. m . 26 005 -

p »:iXU G<»ada.-d »ad Oene Tier- B*T were the tr.Iy aowe atars U Ro5r«t«>d axrtTir.^ today « lth th< dr«a cf «xsi:fa ^f Ux;maT^» state catrerxcr. mho decreed that jlrU vUIX hacta ec«;.VSn\ v tM vlacki.

The rtr:t cif the picture beauties,* h c « » ra n s j cv' pis’j these aaay yrars have slacks *ha l theyare laday. a^rred that Dean Nora NeUl i^7«ef had n-.ade too broad rihr.r »h ra >hf heJd that narroi ro-r>±v cstly. ctxild »ear bifurra'.ed »r=itnta CO her casipui- ■Ocwd Ics- the drin." exclatefd

La Goddard, ^hod look fine in paati. bat f.eTrr has o»r.ed a palr.iTuiii l-'alii coJhly quoji « •sacks are Mr, ahsr.lr.aUo.' . .'^oru " r d fro.-n J2i:.000.


PeViTMary war bend Tam Halli codnljr coiitlnulns dalafllf, alUiouib still easily up Uie quou marfc. only *o!of bonds B-aj reported soid lu Cic week ending Feb. :0 In the Tte. Ne« s 4ur\-cy.

•nils fisurc Is not oaly the loai for the month of rehruarj- IH Ts Falla county, but Ls one of the col yx loaejt weekly sale* flgurrs :iilas'. Oc-,obeT.

.MUioash tills survey slio»ed iJi county off ironi previous s*.e4, i;i tl-.i.'d aeek of Uie month brous!) [he-lotal to BltliUt *7.600 of Ul Fetjruar)' quota of *172,000. wull ati

report lo come .^1. Til

aU n ih t, bu: U l-j are bet .. »rrenl built for a-ear

5S4 \TC«3e?v”Cat Oo«£lt

Miis TSerr.ey. *.‘53's beca ^ea.'lnj a ;T cn tscotly to r-lcturrs but «ho r.erer has been seen atreet. said the pxb>m ir.rolred th* c-u5 cst the aUcki. be* «ra they are Tdle

”BcAh *^e tapcrtar.t.” ihe saJd. *BKt Vte-.UJ de hid a a\-:rxiaded c< .tc5ir and HI bet ;.‘-.st 1 ihe ih s ird »*. a I’.j'.’.vv.-vxl r.iri tira hi s:wkj» .'he have tiwiTTT mhcu: r.rt belEj a «-all

SfiTnl c ' t h e r a*ted In Wk-'-s lr.f hc« Dear, r.'ar?. herirlf. I.vk ed tn s a.'Jok The'' aided that t.*ie' Cida-. W -: t.i be ca thabeo-.3e :iia ji» t.Se dean s-as : ectie fas—a-id It d.vsat pay to r> S2ju;-.irj: the

VTb^H t» Be ladse?'VTh^'i ;.•> IV «hen

fat a^c: »h ra ahrs jast pleasincly phzr.p’ * aaked Betty OrabJe. who Is rrrarded sttseranr as belnc fCrajiacty r- ^p . “Wccoca dress fee sier. ar.d j^eras to tae thej*re the .•u.'j— e;p draas cf KOraffi'

.-Ci.T Faye. aeldtsa Tre»pasts hen-*’-'. saaJ ahe be:iev< 5^:ks *er« hrrr to stay. ri.i rr.itti «h ^ iss-aed riir*.i as^lrsit the^a.

•With sailhaas ef Ttsnea sn d' fens* p ^ t s »rarta£ slacks, theyll al»v> be »cra.~ .vhe said. ".\ad If aay rs*. dc^ie? that .Oacks df' tlasvrv^j* her. ;*. «ca1 be r.ecr?' xary to ces a crar.t crtef to aake her pK". her ?^.-i5 :a soih ball'i

Cla-jijtte CcCbert jiU s-he Uked liarto ca everybody, except ceaU'

Large Lot Sale Held at Hansen

K.'CCSES, Feb. : -Os* < the


:a.-=i is :« ta the hatctr ra heU at the P iJ rrperty sxtheaji el Ri=-

I«7».te s s id y rcedA. »hi:h kers jrw;ert.Te tsyers Src: <lnT.

a ha:: siCe c: the y.-y. aa ed pe aie rreea

Bus to Hunt and Eden WiU Start

Jleetcas a ia j^feU ated for uj.-:? a;.*veduJed tmajporatioc t»ee=, T r.a Falia aad K\ai. 4&r.a L. Sch»taa. carter of the Sun lev ■siagea. arjscttacfd th il he has beea pa-;ed perraiislaa by the of- r » c: deferw iraw^pxutJan to be- r— a ^ s«rr.ce MarCs 1.• Sch«:aa m 3 there be t»c rwsid atpt daily betwsa Tais Pa li aad Edea. t-ta Jeracae a.i; Hsat, «t-.h a ude Vtp to Shasht>r.f

ihe trc i.Ctae t.3 »t:i leavt: T»ui Fj ::.' a! :1> a. n . uatehaf to Jeroaie.

aa i Edea. Oa the return ro thrr.;;ih H—.: a.-5d Jcrtwt

; ts Shahiae. a a i then back i:irou£h .'ersese to T«*.a F»U.v. heia: 12.S3 p. sa. The o'J^er bus *; lt»i« h e r at « • » ^ =■„ ss-.i arm hkrt here at T pi. = . s-.atlas ih »a=e trtp w-.ih the ei:»p:J3a l.hi

«C; a x ca ts. Shahaf.T. U : t=xaec*aiarr ra the a.'ierr.sca t.-Jp. Sch«t=a e«C itaM bemuse of aectiss «fd> Sua Valley b-.afa.

The ae« n ^ ;e u aacCier i ti.'c to a jys-.e=; »hJch Sch«-L-.n c^srati^; :r^ 11 yearr. Ke aow op­erates betirea Tata • Pall.< la i Saharr_ «hr:r b-.ye» raa oalj- b e :» t^ T » ia Falls aad Hailcy •hea he t--ct cnrr the xyittm.


i teajs V f l to crc'TT Kazy She ?*«<ie i.' tie Xxa. Ile.aber3

c< the liia.'er. oriafe saastalsed th* h=vh rxt=.

SPOT CASHDead es- t r « th * a Bs « l

V ttlcs ac^ C n «


PUBLIC AUCTIONU ill sell at p ub lic aaction a t my f a r a - lailes >«>mh. aj«d

!i fast of cast end o f >Uia.\T*im F a lK north side of


MONDAY, JLARCH 1st- 1 p .m .

REGISTERED CATTLEThis h as aeervdiM Wrd

Heflsttred Holacela O iu call tatlw—Ccliitha Sthta C*=aiy . Aaa*-«lTiss 3S tallcea. fcftd-

Reslstered Hclstela « rr—Arcade *•— «- KcmC't? W aier— . * years old—cJrtas “ p ’‘rr^

neflstered ItoStela eew^Area:^ Kc=T:d;ie—* vraracld-BlYl£e 10 caCcra. \

neglstered Holsteis bt:n-KiSTsijkt E4i» W alir; ptebe—a s months ohJ. ideal herd as* «ua W Jksd 15« 3l hacfcht.

COWS PLACHIXERY3 yis. 6lvt=4 5 s a l.; ik-Oeterta* jpo* cs.*;

■ p * 0 6eaac=hjT»w

il i is e caX-ratar «-.th Sei: beaaJloliieln cow. 3 yn-, cltias 4S

sal, bred , _Holsutn fU-K caU teifer. l abashed

S caU bred Hobteln yearJlr* heUer OuctTjey 2-yr.-cld heavy sprt=ff'

cr-frtihen llarch 31 Hobteln heifer—3 tacatha cU

StUvsl U lLK t^G MACOINt : i-oti - m a x « u

irMJee— .p r r

Pac-rc-x- s*»a c, r » s al

2S Tons ALFALFA HAYS««ad O oU st — O n *

S IX 1>-G.urax SULK C is s



New Trial Move Will Be on Briefs

NL'tjjn Zx rjTT Utal of a Tew Fali meeaas'S da.T.ife suit becau.>.e c: k tall a-^xa j ie i at a Carto,*'s cd- f i» «tZ be s-.:h=L;:;«l ta dutrvt ce =-. «a wrtteri brtfts^

That » is esrdr.Td by djdre J . W. Pcnrr CO acree^aer.t <d ro--a.vl » the c*j» e: M.->. M'Ttle C ud aiaSJt Dr, Want.'e A dw-trln e « r . r=y '-ij'- tera ret-irr.ed a w d x t :a tavar Vi the e»e spec- iaiah r».*a«=i 3d.-x Buj.'-.'s rrsiunt : » *=S.iO d a a v t^ She blaa-.rd the da.-tce- ihe fe'J ishllcvaa= « tees ciae r*sa ta the front

of ha. tihceXbaildas-

Tr» thwA ijd tac boata. ferrte*. aad ceher r.'ial:.a; e^,::;iaeat a.*e eperated br .\a;en.-»ri ra;L'.-«da.

reportUis bgiiil j ;*1cj e Tl.ttei-News suncy *ere; Palls.Ba.’ik and Trust coni-

par.y. Kiclellly .VaUonal bank. First Federal Savlnts and Loan a,\ictia- Ura. SoyOirni Idaho Productk.ti

Ts-ln Falls .V.i- tlor.ll Fj.-aj Loan aiioelatlo^, pa.t-

Orplieuin theater Jtlid ttic Tlwes-Nettj. all ot T«rfti Fj Um Farmers .S*Jlonal bonk. ldahoFir>t

il bank and the |>a'Uilflcc. all of Duhl; Ficlflity Nat'oiml t-ant. Filer; «nd I -> ;onlces at Kimbr.-ly asid nosrn,o;i.


I f f l ’ s P i l S » P E I l B y » L

Ni;\V VOHK. JUkCts cc.T.::-.ufvl reco^e.T hi^io tliou^h nua;eri;»' overcome pn.-;i; c losiRC !e:r;:;rv.


Son Asks Probate Of Adams Estate

Probate of the will ot Mr.s. Jane Jl.nr.'.. wlic> died l.wt Jan. 17, h.v' er:i .-.\l;rd In probate court by :ha5’.r^ K. Artam% Tain Falb. a on. «li» w named executor, r.'nperty ll-tcd Is Jl.6tl.62 In cavh

nd tJie total value of the e,\ta;e s s-iid not to exceed that tuiiomit. leir. arr Je.vie M, i)e\Vm. a daugli-

ter. Tain Falb; Charles K Adanv . Tula Pills; DIanclie F. Mc-

. a daUKliler. Burley; KUiel D. nojef. n dauthler. T»'ln Falbi; JaeK W. \Vi'.e, a crand.-.on. San UitKo. I Calvl.. iTiil Uobert E. V>l»e, b KT nd-

1.0 Antreles.c «m bcqueaUis a lUUt ot the e each to tlie son nntl U:e ? daujhters. and one-tenth of estate e-ieli to the two trand- , Probaie Judge C. A. Bailey he hrarlnc for 10 a. ut„ March


Thief Has Music, Then Steals Gas

The Rsy SiittO home. sOUlheaM 0.' Uollbter, uas vlilted by a gJ-'o- l;ne thief toih an ear for mu.ilf. ac- fordinc to a report to Sheriff War­ren Loarrj T iur.sday.

ShutUJ rr;x;rted that the Uilef Ja;.-. .^e.^trJnce to iJl-i home. door:, of x!u:h were locked, by breaklrtK i> «wdoa-. Tlien he put records o:i a reco.'d-playms mac.“ilne, arul took a li::le thne for muMc.

lal ot

Auto Damaged in Collision on Road

SHOSHONE. FrS :G-AH nuto- mobile dru-en by \\;;-iync Sjreiv.en. Bunnah. hit hUhw.iv e(ii:ipmei;t. nhleh wa.1 belnB moird from Hailt-y to Shttvlicne four and o.'ie-hslf miles nortli of Slui.-l:n:',e.

A iTMck'was a bis bull-dojer on a trailer and uiien Somi- en pas.ted Uie blade of the bull- Ir.rer tore oft mojt of the top h;U( )f Uie Sorensen car. lnrludin(f llv «lnd<hleld. Ecrrtfen. ^:lch:ly brui- ed. dro\-e the car into i-horho::i c.d then tkn' drnen to hV» humi by Sheriff John TlK.mav

NTW YORK, Pet). 24 (U.PJ — Tl\c market cla.ved irresular..Maska Juneau ___ _________ 4'.Allied SUjrei ------------ 7\.VJ'.s Chaliaeri .......... ....... ..... 311,.\.T.erlran Can ........... ...... ..... 79'..\merw»n Liv.vnotuc ........... iD'j.\mrrvan Metals . ...... 23',.\.T.erican P»d. A: S:<1. Snn. - 7\ .\aervfla IV-lins Mill-. . .\menran Smelt. Jiefiiiins ... «0'j.Kmerlran “M . >t Tel...............\aeriran TVabacco a .............33.\a*0M>da Copper . ......... 27'.•V.ia.tt« Refining ..................: i ' .Baliarn Lccomoil\e .. . . U ',B*!;aiore d: Ohio ...................Benda .^na tion ................... Jtr,Bettlehem Steel ........ ........... Cl',Bulova .. -.............................. :y .BwT\3ufhs .............................. MSCaWcwntU Paclllc .................... 34';Ciaadyai Pacitic ................J. I. Cise Co.........................91 I JCerro de Pv«. 5 Corn,.............. 37'.Cheripeake A O.Mo ............. 30'4Cl'.r^iler Corp...........................74’4Civa Cola . . . . . JOOa>m.nrrcial Solvents .. ... 13>, CvT..'<ilK!a!ed Co;'i>er ... . 5'»Cm.'olldaird IML-.on ................ 19Coa.'olidated O i l ............... ...... U'lCv-vatiatniiJ Can .....................31Cc.-,Uofaial oa ...................... 31-;C.va Products — .................. ST.C\;ri.ss\Vnihl_...................... a '4l>4 Pont . . . ........H I '.F-.rrstcflt TUr & n^Wxr ... . 2T,Freeport Sulphur . ........ . 30Oene.-al KeclrK....................... 38Oeaeral Focvls ......................:r37'.Oeaeral Motori .....................ClUeiJe Safety Raior .... ..... . fi’ ,Goadnrh . . • ........ 25\GOk'vJyear Tire & Rubber........30',Grrjhoand Cp. .............-....... . 15Ho!.al«t Oil ................. .........Hore Sound........................... 38 ■.Ihip. Or>?per .................-....... . 12'»tatematlcnal lUrrester .......... C3'.L-.terrjU.wal Nickel ......... 33 Ir.trraaUonal Tel. A; Tel_____ 7',

Matwllie ...................... 78Ker.necott Copper _........ ......... 31'.Kre;n> ------------- -- -------- 31Lo.-.i;ard ................................. 19'.>S«k Trucks .... ......... .......... 32SMuml Copper.......................... 7'.Moat^coe.T Ward ..................35\

W b KeWlnalor ....................National Biscuit ........... ........ 1

National Cash ResLiter______2NallonalDalry Producta---- 1Satlojial DLMHlers ............ ....2

New York Central............ ....... 1li'ortli American ............. ...... 1Na'rUi American aviation ....... 1Northern Pacific .................... 1Ohio OH*................................. 1Packard Motors ............... .P«amoual-Pub. .................... tJ. C. Penney Co .................... £Penn-'jlvanla n . U .............. - 2Peoples Oa.i ..................-... . 3Phelia Dodge ....... ...... .........- :Pliilllpe Petroleum ................ ^Public Service of N. J....-......... 1Pullman ........................... 3Pure Oil ................................. 1tladlo Corp. of America.....—Hadlo KelUi Orjiheum.........-Ilepubllc Steel ............ ...........1Reynolds Tobacco. D ------ ;Sears Roebuck ................. ......<

Bliell Union Oil ....... .......... .. 'Slmmoiui Co.............................Socony Vacuum — ...... ........- 1Southern Pacific ISouthern Rnllnay iSpern’ Corporatla IStandanl Brand.i ..................Standard Oil of California ... :Sundard Oil of Indiana ..... 1St.indard Oil of New Jersey .... :Sludcbaker ..............................Sun.ihlne Mines .............-.......S1.KI t Co.............................Texas Corporation ............... . •Timken Roller Bearing...........<

Traaumerlca .......................-Union carbide ....................—. IUnloti PacITlc ................... -. IUnited Aircraft C p ....... ......... :

.United Airlines ...................... :United atatea Rubber ...... . :United 6tate.i Steel ... ......... - 1Warner BrothersWc.itfnj Ut\loi\ .. IWe.vtlnuliou- e Electric ............ I

r . w. Woolwortli .................. :


Bunker Hlll-Sulllvan ...»....... .' 1Cities fiervlco ................Electric Bond <t Share .,Ouir Oil of Pennsylvanli Hecla .....................-.....

CHICAOO, Feb. 28 M>-Whe*t paced a sharp odnuice In grain prices today, spurtlog Uie permlssl* ble htnU of S cenL a bushel at one time, as hea»7 buying entered all plt.1 In response to Washington le(- islatlve developments.

talc pa.v a«o of Uie Bankhead bill late ytiierday and approval by the house banking coinmltlee todaT of a bill to li\clude. Incrcattd w«lA of farm labor in computing parity r.tlmulaied a flood of purchasing orders from mill InteresLs, commU* Nimi hoxues and professional trad-'

After hilling new highs for at leiut the past aU years, wlUi ihe September contract at a peak slnco 1829, Blipftt closed 3-34 higher, May *I.40-S. July »1.H7-J.«0!i, com w#3

ichnnted al ceUtatts. Mfcy tliO . ts advanced t -1 and r^e gained

_ 4....... 4JS...... 5'


Livestock MarketsD tW M UVi:STf)CK

11.; .S.UVW UO, t.

3 Executed for Golfer’s Murder

EDDYVILLE. Kv. Krb. ;S iV;- Three men convt.-ted of .'lavinj MaHoa Mllry. r-\esr-oM Lexms- ton, Ky» gn!f Mar, ilied 111 th'" elec­tric chair at the .'t.iie lymtciuury •arly today.The execution. ufie Marled at :01 a. a , «iUi Roi>eri U Aiwl.T^oti.

57. former Louli\li:e e.ile o;>er;;tor: T^mmy C. Penney. 3J. former ttx- tnjton carpenter, a.-.fi Raynifnd S. BaxieT. a . of Lex-.r.f.on, dyin^ In that order.

They were fnlloue.! to the rh.Mr by Ernest Trent. :T. eomicted of killlne Hlnwi Smi::i, ;i Breathitt county constable.

'Gcatlemen, the o.-.;y thmu I can say Is that l “ta ir.r.ctent of « h it I've Ijeen charged uith.” Atu^errnn dedared as three aitendnnu-i ;.t.-jp- ped him in the chair.

Army Coat Theft - Jails Ex-^Idier

Leo-iard Illckaua, 19. T-tcr, Ark.. 15 beir.g heM 6y pchc« cc. a chsrje of petty U.Teay la ccr.aT< ilca wltlt t.'ie theft cf aa ar^ay overcoat frca\ lh« CSO rxsas ls«r« TImrsdSs- r.liht.

Hl:kr:ian jcUted L-.e a.-tay at S:. Louli 6. l«0 . he tciJ Chit: cl Police Hoaa.-d Gillette, aad setxtd about a >ear befc.T reveSvtac a *had eciiduc! ili.';l;i.-se' bevsi?* eC the theft cf a car. He sentd U =:.r.ih\ at tl'.e r.atlcaaJ Inlatas x h x i a l

leaTla< the.*» ta Juse.

111:1 t.. SI

II>C.lie told the chief he pit

unllcrm »liea he ran cut c\J ctttl tan clothes durla* his tnttlhtj about the country. He said he *aat' rd !0 pet back lato th* aray, Jli ad.-nllted he tock the cterwat b i n-ia.med he Intended to retuia it th<



Oisettrd todvv la a Zurich dljpauh that Cerrr.any had ordered a halt In all beer cons«apt«a. bt6'.aalasMar 1 IS-

zfirowers of Carden 9eas & Beansz

D. LANDRETH SEED CO"America s Oldest Seed House"

Sl.\IN O F F IC E . IllU S T O I, P E N N .


NKXT TO COeOP CREAMERY L . A . BKTWKT- W esten ' Mp-. Phose X4SS o r 1 » C



i.t>s AS(irt,v.« t.ivrATOCK n.s AS'fiEM-s. r.ti. :•• Nr»l'<C>tIl4i Salibl* 1

• irritiii

Wheat Feed Cuts

Idaho ShortagesBOISE. Feb. 28 (-n-fihortnge

livestock feed In Idaho ha.i been, lomea'hat alleviated by arrlra] of limited amcninls o! feed wheal re­leased by the federal Kovemm'ent. Governor Bottolfsen announced.-

Jt Li being dlitrlbuted to thof.e 110 filed appllcatlon-i earlier

llirouKh the AAA. T»-o earn of wheat were distributed In BlKkfcot In less than two hours.■ Tlfe farmer, receive the feed wheal for fl» cenU a bailiel as com­pared wlUj market levels of »1.15 to

Twin Falls Markets

Mtr *

raM«> .

- POTATOMt. ttuMU So. tu Ri.^u s*. : ..... ....

lUn« d

UVE POULT«Tnrei:.n. \\i u>: u,*.__nn>ii>r*. : 19 It*. - l!n>ll«n. 3H ii> I it*. _______Vrycn, 1 t« 4 Iht. ... .....Rouun. I u IS IN________Ronitan. lU lb*. >BiJ an ■ L»«honi fowV UB(J«r < il*.U«hora fowlt, ( la m 1b*. _

014 cetU, oiiiter m It OM roeta. I « Ib*. 4n4 Crcokrl fcrMtl*. UnU

SUKk rf.4. IH c


S i ! K r ! . r = :Ur#* ClCTM .


illAlN 1




c«illnf prin*.


CIIICAtiO ailCAdO—AnV.»liJ9j^n t»eV

pr»elic«ll/ no lr»rk'uidift* M ' lack of cmrkil orr<rlnn: mie*I tiM . WtaccBil"I, KiorlJi niiu Tflumeh* U. S. .7A to 12.MS p«r t>u«h*l bAiktt.I lupplln llcht. drmand 0»J.r-II atwut •u*J/i

Butler and^Egga


LOH ASCCLES TROnUCE !l ANOCLF.:!. »!>. :t (A)—ItJSDAt uri 2(0,]l> lU.i cW« IIMM Ibt.J

County Clerk Asks Handling of Estate

Petition for letters of odmlnlatra- tlon In Uie esUle of Charles O. Loeliner. who died May 1. 1042. has beett filed by Twin Faltl ccwnly, signed by Paul H. Gordon, clerk of Uie board of coujity commls-iloners.

The property consists of four PUtr clly lots and cerUlii personal prop­erty with n total value saltl not to b« In exce.u of t&OO. Helrt lUted ars two sons, llomer Loehncr. Dobe. and Jack Loehner. who lives near Filer. Tlie petition tiska appoinu "ment ot W, C. Brown as adrolnlslm-

Probate Judge C. A. Bailey Kt , m, March 8 for the hearing.


Ployd winegar. son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. WVnegar. ha* relunttd from Ontceland Coltegs, .L<unotU. la., whlcli he attended the Ural «e- - mester.

Charles Blackliart has returned from Moscow, where he has been attending Uie university.

John Le.Mo>-ne la vlslthig at Uie home of his parenu, Mr. and Mn, Harry Le.Moync, pending orders from the navy.

La-Mar Haycock. »w\ ot Mr. laid Mrs. Joe Koycock. la vlalUng Ids parents while awalUtig a call to b«. gin training at FarrORUL Ua recelv- ed special training as a radio tech­nician at Uie NYA school. Welser.

Man-ln Stokes is visiting In King ..111 al the home ot Ids grandpar­ents. Mr. and Mra. Silas CondlU

.Mr*. Wiley Harmon. Jerome, vis­ited relaUvea iwro. -— --- -- -

Mr*. Howard Cllfloid axid Ur*. Dick Pope, who were In Boise for medical ireaUnenl. have returned home.

John w; Jones underwent on ap­pendectomy « l the Twin Palls hos- plUI.

Marcellno Loragm dlsloctited his shoulder In a fall. Ha wu taken to the WendeU hcjspltal for treatment.

Mr, and Mrs. SlLis Condll al- leodcd a rtxra) carriers meellDg at Uie home of Mr. and Mf*. Leo Moore. Ooodlng. Mrs, Raymond Carrico accompanied Uic» and spent me day at the home of Mr. Carrico's parenls, Mr. and Mrs. V.V. CaiTlco. -Mrs. Alice Park* also. accomPKdtd them txA retaaUted to spend the week at the home of her 'aughler, Mrs. John Hoover.Mr. and Mr*. Nick Haight and

chlldrea. DleWch. Tlsllad.at. ihB... home of Mr. aod Mrs. a O. Me- Reynolds.

Mrt. Andr WUlls i p « l i^wMk la

BUUard. Dltlrteb, vis. ited >t tha baa* ot her parc&is, Ur. aad U n. ZrsM BUUard.


•5» ■

Page 8: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

Page E ig lit T IM E S - N E W S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O ' rnda r. FebruuT 26. 1943



'Hir ciciilh < Hhciil’ kiv. cm;: liiiinblliu; Wllituvcr.

r*ICKikiiiK IjuikHii,I- iiijci- ti.^ llir ii[i:x':ir

wrII.fiil clii'lr*. nil:

r<l. liailAlltl lUTI".-.

•r IJii- Ixv.lira.M'

• 111.' Cf,irkir .'.Mrt.i;





X.TME AROk\ft.OP KtOsi=V


I.I'. lir rr:ul

n wrill .'I

jidilMV It (IKli-rrcl r. \>y virtur o:ir f.ldc of

Mr. Slviifiil.-.kl UIL1 n born lliik- . SliirlclliiK 111.' flll^lllllilll witli

one liiind. lir ;kIv.i:iccx1 lo crnllkf iirriuiil'-iiirm. Hi- iwUtcd ii knob lirn-, u Uhtp. All nl)iirp, Ihp c lll ;;;ivc' off ii liny r.luiw- rr of blur ; ikirl;.'.. l.Ulii i>iitlir mini.- M ;i r:i. liji-.llly Mr, Sljli- cnl'kl liirni'cl nl{ llip inuchliip,

'rlir [>;cjiMilp ot hninr ijiov-Ic.i tinilixl lilin, Mr. Klynrnlski wiik Jnto n rlmlr. Hut Iir creilil not rrliu. •mm. jiicldnily. Iir ihwiicht ot ilii- bookcn.ne.

In Uip tnnlii, Mr. Slynriil.ikl clifa'Ptl rcinllnu. An occn. loiiiii tlln Into Dally Uaclnc romi aui nioUKii to siiil.'fy hl.i lllrrun’ cravlnKs. Il'it now time huntt iiixin Jil.i hniiri.i. Cov- erinK his torch ttltli imr Ktcnl jxiw *0 tJml only n Irloklr o( lUtil nncrK- «j, ha « iKwt (If r.itiflont.

Wlllioiit KliuicInK nt ttifl title, hr opfUPd It In Ihp ml(l<llp and forUi- Ttllh, Inborloiwly. brsiiu lo rcml.

Tlml IV miuilfp. lallnii of Kto- plMin, ft wlillr vafxiroin niib.'lnncp nol unlike mUt nomiiilly prrrMlrs U18 rfliini of n <irp:iriP(l *|>lrlt nwcptftl by thp lilRliP.M aiilliorlllM.

Mnny nucli Injlancn hnve bffn recocilpd. Uul riorUtii« Uie ipectnciilnr of nil U thn c Douftln.i Cottfrbj', a Mnnrr llvhm

'ncnr tv lonely moor In tlic wrst Etislan<l,

Dousla.1 Colterby wa.i alleRPd to Jiftvr murdfrpd hl^ wife, AnftjitjLiln, •RlU) n nipnl clpavrr. But nt Ihp local n.wIrM ft JuD'. fomldcrlns the rvl- dcnce hi.^ufjlclml. rclurnpd n vtT- diet of nol fiullly. Doit>;inj| Cotlerbr VftJked out, a free miiii,

■•Beat dft mp, huhl" mutltrpd UiP Cnickcr. more IntrfMtwj now. Up wi* DouRlw Cctlcrby «.*}’mpntlietlc chnrncttr.

■ ip stomiy nUlil, a year la-....... -MURln.i ColtPfby wii brforrIhft fire 111 hi* holaiPd fflrmtioiL'c. he was suddrnly affllclPd wllh n weird feellnR. It wo.n a.'i If nonicUiinR. a prcscnce. were witji him In Uie

.mnS Uif n v t irr . ,'ily, tir riKaii'd up r em hLi k n ncck. hiiiiil liiniNfrtnrUy

looting domi, Collcrby .. the hair orj the doa'n nfek

• InR."a««T.” fsclftlmnS Uif,

and, iincoti.vloiwly,• and lolt the Imlr 01 .In M) dnlnx*. hi.i hiniil bru.ihed ARiilnst ii knob on I]erallke machine thiit stnud .........Ion,- tAble. But Uie Crackrr didn't notice. Jfe wn.i pnthralird by Doiik- ]aa Cotltrby and .'6;nt.'vvimi bffo«- se<l with Old Smoky,

Tlien 11 IrrrllyinK Uilnj hftpix-nr<l. Tlie dOK nrasp, Jiiicklr.i brLsUliiR, rwirfully, iilnwt IiirUvpIy, he back­ed whlnlnit Into a roriipr. And, n.i DouHlfts CoUerby 5noktil mi in Jm- clnttled {lOrror, he llllcd lils head


Uotixlii Co:tcii)v bmiiidcd from liU c hiilr, fromI'vrry ixnr In hl\ Ijrrly^taiulliix tlicir. l:'-iiiblliik-, lip l)<c;iiii'' uuarp.

,illliv inovniirnt. Ill Ihr Wlndnit Hr Kx-’K ii ,Mrt> /or- Wiiril, Ihrii ,'((i|)i>r.l n.i II Krljii)rd frr)in briilnil liy an uti,-rrn fo.--c:.-.

•nir v,-iii(lo-A-:i had b.rn clo^rd. liKolll.'l Ihr aUmmi. V-I—II1* M'<III>:p clrcuilLstiinrr! -our of ihr Ion;: diirk curlAlnn wiij miAink’, rliiplliiK. And

, Miildrnly a dry ^rr.MIn inrr ll.-rif lie back (if Dotit;la.i Cottorby's

-Uilii;; ttlillr and liiMilisIiin- llal. Ilkr n Khi>-tly fprlrr. mw .rmrrK- IriK fnim brlilnd ihr iiirinln. It

■inrd to Ir:>ii arro■ thf rr,mi. .vrriiiK IciiiitiiL'.ly In Un' iinrrrUlii

llcht from llir Iirrp:acp. DoiikIivs Colterby. liL. lurr nha.'iHy. could on­ly wiitch as. slo-i-lv and inrxorably. !hr Uilni: resoKrd lt-'<lf Into u Irnl and n-iichlni; hunil ■ . ■

Jo*' the CniPkpr ciL' iycl. niitl unib- H-fl for Old amoky. Hr I'X'k u pro-

dlKloii.i drink. liul, nbmit lo Act llie tiolllr <lown, liP l>.-iiiMx1. HL< Vl.nlon

cloudy and lil.' brain hllKhlly Ijpiiumbcd, Evrn ft), hp wiw nwari' of llKlit in IIIP rrxini. more llnht thiin could comp fnmi a i>iirtlally bIuckr<l-oul imckct loan,

Wondprlnxly, llip Crafkrr hU hrad. Thr nrxL liir.lant Ir* rbvp IV honmr yrll and Irapixl up. A /,pcc- iraj hand was rcachlnn iciw.ird him.

Like Ihe fablitl UiIil*. Old Smoky had UiP I«>u,rr In Indiirr forKrtluU nc.is. Tlir lilj.iiion' lliat Slynrnlr;- kl had lakrn hiid obtUPraicd from I1L1 mind all mrinoo' oT Hip movie .•<Tp(‘n: of Ihr ciini'Tii on Ihp low Inble. Purlhrr. hr was qiiltr iiiinware iJiut liLi Imnd had bruf’hM n Iltllo knob In the rnmrr.i and ,Mt In op- rrallon Ihp worklnK modpl of., a di;- vicc..known an Ihe Terrible Eye. And he conld not, of cour^c. havo hcpn ex;yclfd to know ihc TprriWt Eye, HtrnnKPly pnoiiKh, ;va.i brliiKlnn 111 (V pletun- of Ihp arm ond hiuKi ot MI.V1 Meath, ,slrrlohlni! .•.niiklly for 11 *40,000 llara from behind u cur- inliv In Ihe dru of HenO’ L. Clian- nlHR.

None of till* fnnned p.-vrt of Mr.- Slyncnl.-.kl’* working JyjOM'lodBc.

All Jie knew wan the same thlnp thnt hnrt hnppirnKJo Dour- I11.1 Colterby. adept w lt l i^ mcftt elenvrr, wft.* now IvapppnUiK «iib-

lally to him. And there fcemed but one thUiR to do nbout It. Tliat. In the words ot Kipling,

to ftrUe and R«t hence, r. Slyncnhkl h ft d already

nrl.-ien. Kow he roI hence.He flftlled tlirouKh the door of

the Taj MaJiivl nl ft pftce thnt would hftve &linmrd a Mac- .Mitchell. JIo skimmed Rra.-.i like an out.ilrc In hedKe- hupplnR xwallowa. He put dls-

between himself and tJiat Rlia-itly clulclilnic hand. And then, he madt a fiiivl n\Lilakt. Like Lof.-. wife, he tiirnpd,

SomrlhlnK while wn.i niovhiB behind him.

iTu He Contlnuril)





0 0 0 , 0 0 0^£^SOA /S .O R ALMOST


Page 9: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

Friday, Febnur}- 26,1243 T IM E S-N B W S, T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O ' Page N ine



a t


WANT AD-RATESB&sed CD Co*l-pef-Tort

I day per wort

J Oa j* _____ 4c per »ort pei <l*j

8 lUjT_____ 3c per « r t l per Oaj


Phone 38 o r 39


uns . QEonaiA c c a tb o r n .


d e a d l in e s

Week CUT*, n #. m- SuQdar. e p- in- BAtunUr

This paper tubscrlbea lo tie code of etWca ol the AsiocUUoa Ot Newspaper C tolfied AdTtr- iblng Uanagera Mid rc itn t» Us« ritljt to edit Jind reject «ny eU«- Mfled •dverUilnj. -lUiod kU" e«T>-in8 • Tlmei'Newa box mirn- Kf art slrtcUy conndmUaJ ind no lalonnalion am b« given in ffs&rd to Ibe adrertiaer.

Erron thoiild be reported Im- OJfdUtily. No »Uowa»e« wUJ b* mAde ioi tnorw than oa* iaea- rtct UueriioQ.


Wc »L'.h to tJjiink our Irlrnda and , nfJfiJibor.1 lor Ujrlr JOndncis and I OTOpftUiy and Uic beauiltm noraj

offrmiBs durtn£ ihe Ulneaa dMUi ot our wUe snd nioyier.

3 L. MnrsitU Mirt sow Mr. and Mrs. Sldni-i' Pifrw Mr. and Mrs. llaroW Thocnp'wa

and famU>'Mr. ai«l Mn.. Jwaes Miller and



SEE Clifford Houicr lor rooflr; palnUng. kalsomlnlrz. Work r»r- uvteed. Phone 1M7-NJ.


DEAR ANOEHIJNA: Public stenos- niplitr at «16—Docs »tirk flrsr nt*l

nALPH E Turner aiks y«J not to lei those shoes 50 too Jons* We hare expert extra help and enlarged our aljop to meet the demand. Well do your &hoe» wWlc you a-ilt. Ralph E. Turner^ 6hoe RC'

P»lr- __________


. NEW cl.iijes a u r . March I—“Bm h I up” or neular course. Twin Falls

Builne?3 DalTrnlty.


X-RAYS aisxOT aecuraU adjust­ment*. Dr. Hardin. 130 Mala north. Telephone 2329.

1 REUEVB pain In all cifcs. Dr. J. B. Jolm.son. S34 Third avenue tuU Pho.ie 3*4.



SIKOLEirartoc. lrrt«aUoe. ceKlTa~8- WriU Bm is. T’.Ott-Xcw.

“ C S S T oU W5Jt2*T. 1 sille «a»;.4 yyitH gtoberty. Pbcoe 31R-11-

EXPERIEN'CED Irrteattr. jtTJeral Una h f ^ Sftr.aU hotae wlia e:fc» trtdU aw fih lr Joba PisWor Aaiterdam.

ex pe r ie n ced rara lateer. 0 » d W tw . Write rra tk V. G:cd.mtl. Jereme. Phase 290-RL

H E L P W A N T E D — M EN a n d W O M E N

iL\N or Udy jas l’xr. Api^y a per­son. lo'.«gioKnutn Serd oxs' pa-V.




MODERN l^.^w-«>ccss•4ad•bath djp:ei. OanE«. M uch l i i Pti»e 6« J aT^r 5 30.

rrtREE rwds aad prtTate balh. I l« and csCd water. *m xz hi ' eonrr-SiS. Phcs:* 1217


THREE r« c !i a r J bath, p;f«e call e x nus^ C i Thl-d aTrr.ue aorth.

CUMi. cceircrtihle, at=r»ct:« •partnseat a: OxuyeArartnifr.ta. Chlilrrs aiCTp;eil..Phcc:e 1PM.

THREE nxca. aaderx peltate bath, entraac*. Brat, water t—'

*11. m r u asixi.*j-avtaue e»i:.


*PiS tocea ai*l cMdaeCi. 123 Sixth Atrt:ve c



DIRECTORYAdding laehines

Iddlae machlnri. Caih regliter. Typewrltrra. rx . rrpalrrd. Quick, expert serrlce. «U E. Main. Ph. Ot-J.


Appliance Repairinff

Baths and MassagesTfc* SU-WeU. C l Main W Ph. lU .

Bicycle, Sales and ServicemjLSWS CTCLERY

Insect ExlerminatorBed fuaHatlon. T. P. FSeral Co.

Floor SandingPiTd Pfel-'le. n s Locust. Ph. 190C-J.

der—Eiiser Rht by hr. ata ib l*1.

InsuranceFor FVe aad caiualty In»uraae«.

Su.Ttyand PJieUty Bondi. se« Sx ia larestiaesl Co. Baugh Bldg.

Key Shop

mimeographingr. p. DuilotJi CnlverUty. Phone 314.

Money to Loan

SALARY LOANS SlrlcU; ca&ndenUal

U to UO to eaployed people on your own tincture

CASH CREDIT COMPANY Room 2, Burkholder Bid*. Ph. T!0

Osteopathic PhysicianDf. O. W Rose 530 M N Ph B37-W

Plumbing and HeatingAbbott plumbing Ca Ph. 05-W,

Taxicab ScrviceCHECKER CA&-Phoae 330.

TrailtrsGeta TTallfr Company. Phono 433.

TypewritersS-iles. renuJa aad urvlce. Ph. W.



IM nocSES and small acre tracts to !*\\. 1 have bujers with Ciih. E. Mooa—Real Estate.


.VORTH 80. sa,4J0. Mlsht trade :cr T ira Fil\a prtjeny. 13U-J.

AN ESCELISO- 10 acre tae l u1lh txo hoKCs; one. 6 room modem. C;»e In. S2 000 win handle. Rob­e r t and K<rr.vm. Ptione MS. ■

560 ACRES. w;m 100 iharts water. 7 rocsa hosisf. wtndmllL J4.000. Ttrav-u Phcr.e I545-W.

FCCB stock rarcli- VTlll consider pw l home, prtml reasonable, for part pajtr.cats lamedute potaes-

Call ISStO.


PERMANENTS. ».00. Mrs. Deamer. Phone 1T47. ortr indepcndeai M(st Market.

QCmA spodal prices on all perma- ent<. Scauty Art* Acadeaiy>Ar- tUUe Beauty Saloa.

PERMANENTS. J l i a 500 Jefferson . etreeL Phooa IC9SJ Mayme Klaas


EPEClAli-«aM oU penaasmt, MOO: I 8M oU penaacent S3J0 idaho Barber aad B^uty Shop phoa# 434.


FOUND:\Leatljer bllUoId left I-udcj '.'v 5i«rond Hand S!ore_Caii liive f^me for ldfntlf>-lng. paj-irs for nd.

LOST; Brotm Ic.ithrr ••.■«rttar>' billfold. Contains personal pope.-;, <-nnh. Reward. Box 3G3 or p.Vmo

LOST: Droftu chunfcj' mart, about ■ l .«0 Ihs, .■jnooUi mouth. *tar or

liful. Inmp Ipft front Icc. Will M-t- - - tie bJli.i.-Wr1tt L«lCT Staley. MO-

iicr, Idaho.iicr, laatio. ^echcol «li3trS«. &=s 15. Tssr»-

S ITU AT ION S WANTEDv-^ ______________________

EXPKRIENCEO truck and tractor driver wum.i work Unmedlaldj

. phone 10C2W.

A PARMER’S family from Hunt \wnnt* year round work oa lart« farm. Set Kaj-. I east. U south eait end Main.

HK^-P W A N T E D — W O M EN

BEAUTY operator wanted at Eu- Btne Beauty Studio. Ouaracteed sa!nry_and commUilon.

OIRLS for waitress jrork. Also klt- dtfn help. Apply at once, in per­son. QrlKSs at Co\T}-a.


SHIPPINO clcrk wanted. Steady eroplojTncnt. Apply at Scars- Roebuck store.

AUTOMOBILE and truck ffifcl-.anlos wiMtri Jmmedlattly. Va p^i-BOn. McVpy's, Tu-la PalU.

MARRIED man. t il rrjuad farm work. Sea.'on work. Phooe 0391-R4.

WANTED I Experienced service £taUoa man.^ Steady wort'Good wa«ta.


STRICTLY modifTa focr tcca houje. ALio thrtf «c=s riraLvhrd apattmer.U Phcsie 1314.

TIJREeS c w F v i r * b ^east 6f' 210 No«h Locat. -aftf?6:30. c S-UTiUys.


1G3 ACRES netr Buhl. 5 roan mod­em hou.%e. hardwood floors, full h»;.pm«iL PricTd lo .sell. Paws-

now. ^Vould co:i\Jdfr .‘iiiall farm as part pajmcnt, S.iaKer-

S3 ACRES TOuth Jerome. EIrM raeas, t ilr bam. no rocks. Would trade for Tai-T Falls pro;>eriy or acrraie. 40 nrres. cood hoii.^e, haja, 40 acrt*-j7,000.00.Pal.- improve.-arali. Earl Murray. Phar-e 247J9. Filer.

heat. 330 SaUi a

3 .V traeu d M In. paved road.C::j- w^ter aad ie»-tr arallablc.

S rtr.. and Mnall houicsfor rra'.*:. on'.y t3.1S0—'j c.v.h.

10 A. tract wiUi strlctli- mM. ho-T.e. Cfaent hascaeat,furr.ncf, -Tf trr. ___,

Ose a l.';p brK M A on tr’iict a;ih modrm home and large


FEED crlndlns (Phone calls off fTlRdln;), Phane 318. Filer, More- huid Mining Serrlce.

Feed grtntJlng—srlnd onywher* Over 3 tons Be. Phone 0433-Rl. MILLER MILLING SERVICE


POUR freslj cots and ciihes—Jcr- jej'i and Oucnwys, Eversrccji Lodxe, cabin 21, 3M yards east city limits.

TEAM hordes. 5 yr.n.': wrUht 3,000: tfldlnir, 4 ye.ir.v m-ll bri'ko.Few heod *prin,;.-r hrifcrs. Oliver mower. Oliver plow. 3 jct.i harrww nnd olhet* farm L.<r Smith, 2't ea. 1. I, north Kimberly rond. 0162



IRON, all kmos meuij. cotton ran. cotton mattresses. Idaho Junk House.

MANURE. Win buy for *1.00 load. See Kay. 1 east. 4. jout* easi Main.

CASH paid for used fumlture. atorcs and circulating tjcatcn. UoooX Phone i.

WASIDNO mac.'jLiti. electric too- tora. coal tanira. vacuum clean- era. Wejiem Au:a

WAirmi-. Wood ot wtr» tian*«ti. la good conditioa, IHo each. Troy or NaUoaal plaav

1938-1940 DODOE. Intcmatlonal O. M. C. truck aad tractor. Semi units must be ca-npletc. 18-18 lo capacity. Good condition, Prlva' party, cash deal. Sam Rledcr. Route 3. Filer. Phone 3J-10.


DB OROFF.WOOD MOTOR CO.(Chryjler-PIiTTiouUi Dealer)

Jolin Roam-r. Head meciianlc 3J1 Malu East


TARP a-id bows lor ton aLake Chevrolet or Ford pickup. 5i3 r^jurtl) a'frnjB nortli.

FIELD glnve?. eleclrlo motor. eli“C' irlc wire, hand . aws. small ranees. Irons. Lucky's 5ec<'nd Hand Store.

DeLAVAL No. 15 cream separator. Flora. I ' j Mulli. \ west Mac's Service. Hlsliway 03,

MURESCO Kal.'iomlne—13c pound- We loan bruih. Krrnsel's Hard' ware Company.

STOVE repairz. order them nosl Sweet's Furniture Store. Phone U9&.

CAR »a.ih and vacuum witli com' plete luDrtc.MSon, $235. Joe CoV' ey i Texaco Serrlcc.

BRING In Ihui broken window bfri fore there is a shonaKe of glass. No cliarse lor W.Ur^. Pllo.^o 5. MjSinX.

HAVE IL-nliod rjpply of new four, pound bur:;ii) wo<il fcaK?, Cel youns wliLc Kettins b Kbod. L. L. L an f don.

SAVE your window ^hado roUer*. We make no charre for cutting and attachlne new shadej w.'ien purchaifd here..King's Basement.

16- FOOT vrKtlable nick, cumpletr «'i!h b:in:ina hookseuiiv wire bx'lccts. Excellent con- dlilon. Mrx. Lloyd E Cox. Route t-‘iree. Barley.



QtnCK lerrlce llbcml (rmdlng your colored hrn^ and Ir^rrs Poultry Supply. MI Fourth wejt.

■HIOHEST casli-prtco paid for pouU tr)-. Indepeadtnt Meat Company. Phcme 163.


pctiitky fc-i.T. m^lera two o L*irt« bed.-«xa h a s t !s rx d coa- ditlca cs up to 3) acrts ;ar>d c ^ Twin Falls. H3T*ri. P t iw oSi.t. 14«; midrace 3 ^U . P. a Bw 2?

W .\ BEHOi:SE .\ND


WANTED l=edlau:y,^ Tata FaTj warehouje ca trackage.SUajcn. Phoce SO.


SEVEN tPCQ .tsTipr. c^cw 5;. notf- em eitrpt heat. S a U doea p«y» meat. 4U Fifth .\Tr a je casi.

EIGHT roCE3 d-.;;:>x. Moiiera. hat water heat, s'.gte. Oa pa-nd s««t. we£ Vxated. A iase. Tfttts. jrjcc .

O.VE acre, 6 roccj =»iTra b3ts« Furriict aad JU*er. Ci.y w a« . Patrd atrret.

One acre. 3 rocxa fu3 hise-ment. e*rp weo. »lJiO ,

Oae aete.’ 4 rceca ba«=eTj hi____Hob house. TxTj. Graaarr. iSxlt Other bsiiSSs*- Deep-w^U wxte pftS3U.t «c hSthwv. JJJS3.

■c-.ir acm-Jofcla* towa cn gratrl- ed itrwL * j j « .

> acre. 3 Ttxan t a w . CeSar. eiaiek- ea house. 8 e ? ia . *sca

Ttx-ee nxo piastend baese od Jtiw i Cose la. J l^ s a ive roca hoae. raa iasrsesiv «Q FoTed sKtet. Good Him.

Fl«e nx*a hoiae. Uodera.. s:.:*er. Ceaeat Paitd s&tcvnjco.

E. A. Mocn—Mooc'3 Falat P-.=t;t5rt Stcct.



CHOICE 5 acres. unL-nprnved. rltj- water a^J .'-enrf avalliS;e. J3i00. K. L. Jeaklas.

GOOD euhtv nor1:l»e^t nf Goodinc. Cai.h or crop m il. I. Ciirbl<H>)<er-

Box 177. Jrmme. Phcxnr 27TW

JIKO IX)^Y^; and 1 3 ot each year crc^ wiU buy l£>3 acrcs near Oood- lag. laQuire S3 7ih Aven’je north.

SEVEN acrrs hay land. 2 acres p tsrr, B ii* win be received by : Twta Palls Highway Diitrlct » tU a p. a , March Ctli. 1S43.


TR.\DS-Lam. rolled rim kitchen r-tak. right hand drain board,Tj ; Km iiak with back. Al.'o uied tn U for -•ale. Phone 20iJJ.


F-13 F .UU tiLL tractor and 7 mswrr atlachaeaV See Wendell Natis;al n»nV


TVlrphcae 2S-IU1. Klmberb'.

e x t r a tood seed poUtoes. flrat year fitca Dillaa. Montana Blue tac. SccUnc now. UcCulhan, 3 •05th Kimberly, Phone 4J-R3.

K W h e C ^ d i

:istd.*«d aacks of good, free , dtica*. seed tpiids. first aad

wcBCJd year fm a certified. M. J . Mans. T^ephaae Castleford 509.


CORN—Xov booklr.s cooperatlev poo: cars eaitem co.t» to replace CoretMseat ahrat, G!obe_5eed aad Feed Cccrjnny.


500 N. H. RED elitcts lo plafe liberal sSiatcs U'.'.s •s.tvk. llAycs Halcliery.

ORDER your todsv. nest ielectlon. • loa- prices. AAk alwui o.ir Ilfty day

Bond. Oimble Sturej. Piione 65W,

,TURKEY poult.<. brtad-brT.asied ' type. Booking now lor April de- • llmr- Olobt! Seed ana Fred Com­


TRIPLE-DRED Wl'.ite Leghorns aad Hamp^trrs f r ^ Sales and Dourke Unichen-. ivwtins no' Globe Seed and t>ed Company.

SETJICTI'EIJ ^-A grs<:e baby chicks available llamedla'.ely «t Sears- Roebuck Ctxnpany. Ta'in Falla. Phnae l « 0.

ADSTRA-WHITE3, Ne'S Hamp- fchlna, 300 esg HOP sItnI Leg­horns. Rocks, straight-run pullets or cockerels. One day to. two weeks old. Special clean up aaJe eacli Tuesday—five lo ten cealsl Mayes aatchcry.


YOUR dog will do well oa Bugler • OSg Food Meal, made right here la Twla piiis by Gtob* Seed and Feed Company.


FIlESa flih, oystcn and cider, 4SC Clue Lakes North. PublU Market.

DELICIOUS apples JIJO bu.-ihcl. Oranges 4Jc bucket. Onipefnilt 49c buekeu Dehvered. Harold’# Market, phoae 6S&J.


UlTE model truck. Mwt have good rubber. l>i south South Park. Call sooimer.

USED stOTts. washers. raOloa. Irons, niotora. Turn your dont wantrin- to caah. Gamble Stores.

BURROUGHS 9-CQlu:nn oddtns m.ichme, Nntionnl casli rvgbtcr, N.illcnnl credit file. Office AppU- nnpp Shop. 441 EMt Main Street. Phone 43G-J.

Sokllcr klis TiieniOj bottles and Jugs

TnnTllns b.-»gs. flashlights mid ^tlel iraih burners

FlU ESTON E D E A L E RCorrttr Main atwl Sho^hone


GOOD u.»ed Vre?Unghoase electric — u-e. c:o.'ed\unlts. 13055. Tetws.

Ison Bates,'

USED furniture bought, sold and e* chac.:ed. Phone 123J — Sweef, Basement Stcrt.

SPARK oil burning heatcrx Limit' ed supply. Robert E. Lee Sales Companj-.

COMPLETE 4 rooms of . furniture, electric range, refrigerator and wa\liing machine, s a Fourth norL*>.

USED COAL CIRCULATORS Many sites arxt typ«i

• Priced from MO to S44iO ROBERT E LEE SALES CO.

ONE largo walnut dining set. 1 wal­nut bednxm suite with springs, mattrtis; single bed. sprln*. mat- trej.i: 3 Wilton rues, desk: all like hew. Call 2U S1*U» avenue east after fi p. m. and Sunday.


RECORDING baritone aad Frtach ham. Wonderful bargatna. Adams Muilc Store.



1S38 l»i TON Chevrolet truck with Cat bed and good rubber. Gates Mjrehlne Shop. Wendell.


•41 OLDS sedaa. B«w car r.:a:.•41 PONTIAC sedan. A-1. radio, ttr •39 FORD tudor. A-l. tire* like new

radio Jid heate.'. ,■38 OLDS sedaa. A-l.

WE PAY SPOT CASH for used can and trueka.

CHANEY MOTOR CO. Across from TeL Bldg-Ph. wi»






Deceased-NOnCE 13 HEREBY GI\-E<.

that a petlUoa for the p.*obate c\f the will of James A. Croca, deceaje«l. and for the Iswance of Letters Tw- tammtarr to John Mo.-rti Crea and Stanley S. Crcm. has beta filed ta this Court and that the 27th day of Fehrvary. 19U, at o'clock In the foreaoca cf saii day In said courtroom In the court hcicie. In the a ty and County cf Tw*.a P^Us. State of Idaho, has been fUed as the time and place fcr heartag said petition, wbea and whe.t ar»y person Interested may »;'pear aaJ coateat the sa.-ne. arid show ca^je. If any he Ims. *liy said petiii.-a should not be granted.

Dated this 15th day cJ Frbr; 19»3.(SEAL) C. A. B.\ILE\’.

Proiate ar.dex-offL-u c;e:k-

Publhh: Feb. 16. 23. 2?. IMJ

Real Estate TransferstftfarmalloR htmbhed by

Twta TalVa TtlW aad Abitraet Compaoy

FEtL. IIMarie BltienburK lo W, \V. lijW'

er>'. *2,850. Lt 14 Blk 35 TF T5.Deed: Katie Gecrse to .Vie Mil­

ler. t l, U 8 Blk 3 Ideal sudd:V.'i;a.Deed: Nelle M. Mlckfcrd to Sm.

*10. pt w 'ls w 8 10 rDeed; ChrtstSr.e Beh:l-.c«‘. to O

3 Lfland. »10. SWSW 13 10 14.Deed: G. 8. Leland to H. O Behr

horst. 110. Pt N‘sSW. SENW. 3 9 14.

Lease: L. A. Dean to W. H .Vkew, $850. W 4SE Pt. SESE =3 9 55.

Hon. Dlsch: U. s. army to WU- Uam H. Mels. Jr.

Deed: Plllsbury r.cur Mtl’.i to H. Ia. Hammond et al <Interm:n Seed C0.I JIO. Lt 4 lUlk US TP TV

Deed! R. N. Whitaker Walker. 10 Lt 43 B-er.a yt.-<ta Adda. TP.

Deed: F. Hore]j to M. W. Ca.-.e: $4700. MVSE 7 10 17.

>-Ea 13 f i•. a ; Jean.

. W. T.

Deed: E E. Haw $10 PI SWNE 8 10 16.

Deed: W. A. Cha.-.:Fisher. $10. NE ■ V. N^VNS 9 11 20.

Deed: C. E Stevens to J. Weber. S3SOO. Pt NWSW S 10 15.

Deed: C. H.i.-.n to W. M. Chlj. ham. J13C0 U 5 Blk 55 B'.:M Ts.

Deed: U L. Molc-ne lo G-:,- Ku:- yon. BENE 3 n 13.

Deed: M. M. OTJ.'len to Sm, $13,800. E’:NE NESE 3 11 13.

FEB. 20Deed: E P. surttler to C. BUxk.

» i0 0 . Lt U h'X 81 TF Ti.Deed: Xc.-a Gr.v;** to E.ti=.

Stradley. Jl. S ', SWNE 1: .N'- NWNB 12: 16-17.

Deed: Lucj- Earp to w i, $1. land. -r.

Deed; Emma }l St-'-dle.v lo Stmdiey, Jie. ;:;i. lu-.d.

Deed; R. \V. 0»ser to Eaaley. SIW. Lt 23 BU 10 Ca> ford Ts.

Deed: J. B. E :cr< to \V. R. \Vx-d. $4,000. NESW. :] 9 15.

Ftn- 33Leaie: O, IL Piper to L. Lowe.

NSSW. N^VSE 9 ;0 18.Deed: W. E BedJow toStella Bee

man. W.CCClPt E ', SESW II K' l W 'j SWSE NESW

Leaje: J. .V Jol;Guest. $3C3. Pt Block VUw Tratt vtv : : l i 17,

Deed: A. M. Sa::df to G. MeU'ilf. SIO. Lt 32 Blk r U^h’-Lad Vie* Tract.

'.Deed: D. A::drc-» to ir.jc- U«- resce. 110. Lts ’5. 10 Bl-.:eLakes Addn We :. TF.

Deed: Ne:;c:i .\ndrr:o: t.3 J. O. &UJCiv n . t.t 33 Blk 12 Blue Laica WMt. \

Deed\ Pirki Deve:.';v C*. to L^o Urban. VIW- Sec. 316 Dlst.. SuVse: Men^crtal Pa:

Deed; Xora E Leau !o iUtUe E. Ritchey.’. K.&SO. L; 4 Blk fcS TF Ts

'.i i l i iw II liy n: W 11 10 14. \ M-.as-a to E k Block 1 H;;hlaai'

Bills Introduced

IN THE HOI SE, HB !98 by sute aflalr^—.\mead

^ laws rtlatL-.g to Lceaiiag of per- /oa.1 to op'mie private motoc te‘

to pc.*m;t ijjuaace of auih ceases by tlierJls. tRepLaces HB 183).

HB 155 by itatr affal.-—Authc.- Islas ihcjllfs to wcrt w:t.“>. state police m tralfic control traffir safe­ly work and jaIp cf cperatars’ aad chauffeurs’ llter.ieJ. iReplaces HB 183>.

IN THE SE.\ATESJ4 ^v .sUte afalrs—PrcvOsiag a

con.vut3tio.-jd a.-seadmeai to rt- r fnxa tax exempt llita of ptr;>'

erty of t.'ie federal goverrjaeat f.-?- ttluclj stuie taxsuea has been aa- thortted ftv cKigms.

SCR 3 Ay State affaL-s coaialttee •Requesif.g the state board cf ed­

ucation ta ;>eTfc<a Its duties ta &ak- Ins eertala rectesmeodaticcs to the legtilalure u p.-o»ided for Sy Uwv

Water Supplies In Idaho ‘Best’

BOISE. Feb. 28 v»V-Water S3:>- pUea la Idaho are the bc^t they have bera la years asd po»stlal growing cctjiUtlons are “exctl>at.“ Harvey schwtsdlsaa. statfe cccx- mlsloner of agilculture. rrpoeted.

If labor aad ei;alpeaeat ahcrtages can be met. he s a li Idaho tarrscn, should hare a bumper year.

Bills Passed

IX THE SENATESB lOS by sUte affair>-Pe.’mlt-

tta* fedenl covtramer.t to purchase land foe migratory bird refuges.

SB 1:3 by tmgaUon — GlTlng boards of dlnctors of IrrlgaUon du- irtcts power lo Invest federal funds la federal or stale bonds.

SB IJ3 by sute affair—Aulhor- Uing county commissioners to In­crease oe decrease salaries of county cffKcn between now asd Jan. 1, 1943.

SB IM by flaanee-.^ulhorUlng staJLjaad boards to lease lAva Hot Sprt.-its p.-operxy.. SB 117 by sUte affaln-Coafer- na{ upca the goTtmor. during the re<.tas cf the legislature, the power to, saspend or xaodlly statatea Im- pedia* or laterferlnc with proper ccaduct of the war.

S3 141 by Jadlelary — Amending Uwa to provide lhat criminal feasei committed oa a'boundary be- tmtea counties may be under Jura- Cl.-tioa cf either county but not both.

SB lU by J'jdlclarr — Amending laws relating to the estates cf : rciideat dectadeats. proceeds whlrh go to fo.tlgn represenuUves.

HB i : by Murphy. D , Shoslioae— Ap;=c?rlaliag $324 for the Provl- desce hospital of Wallace, as refund ca paj'mer.l of ur.emploj'Cient per^aUtxi asseusients.

UU 73 by Hechtaer. D . Nei Perce -.\rp.-cp.%atir.g JMS.OJ to SL Joi- e.-vVs hojpltal. Lewi:ton. as a re. luT-i ca iiaymenl of unemp’-oytr.tal cca'-rerjatl.ia a.Me.’-'.mrnt,

im 107 by rducatiaa-Provldlrg that Jualor college dlstrlcta may levy a tix not to exceed o:ie ‘ '' mill cn the dollar fcr maintenance a.*:d care of tymnasju.'M and grc'-iadi la addition to other t

HB 141 as amended, by »Ute af- fai.->—Providiat lhat real estate

la lieu of funds loaned the real property by the state v.;rar-.'e fund iliall be held in tnut fcr the benefit of the fund or fcr aci le?j t-haa the amcoat of the Icaa.

HB Its by appropriatlo.'vi — .\meaimi laas relating to fees whlcli may be charged for examlna- Uaa of,seed samples by'state a- perlment statloaa.

UB 155 by apT^^r'-atloas—Appto* priatir.^ $300 from the general fund :.-r the repair of the Indian creek rr:frio:r.

HB l i i bv app.'ttp.'taUons—Appro- rrtsthig tl$MSS3 for retire.mcnl of d<;:.-lfa.*y warraats autliorlred by bca.*d of laad, commissioners tor the r,-ctev;Uoa of forest lands against damage by fire.

HB 16S Sy apprc'prUtlon.v—Appro- prjtir.g $43.f£3 for various claims agaiast the slate.

HB IC7 by approprtalloas—Appro. F.nitlac from special funds $848.42 to depar.meal of finance, oocupa- ti r-al hrease bureau, aeroivautlcs bureau, fuh aad ga.T.e commission­er aad ether bartau.%

SB 144 by state affalr»-Author- Ij:r.g the drfe.-meat cf income y-aymetits by pericra la the armed forces crerwas until si* months after the end cf t-.e war.

SB 14S by state affair?—Creating a :u.-.d cf Ivlfhway moiicj;herttofeTe alV-y-aied to cruntles.

IN THE HOUSEHB 1S2 by stale affairs—Repeal-

ir.,- HB 151 or this 'r.Mon of the leg' i-.i:-.;re. :;7r-‘ovT\i in both hoiire:

lag powxr sliall be mted In the gov­ernor in all cases of offmscd afaliut Uie tUvo except treason or oo con- Tiction upon impeaAement. (Goa* currlng In senate ameitdmenU

HB ISO by sUte affalrft-CrtaUnf county councils of public asslsUnct to scruUnlse public asslslaoco rolU

HB 101 by stale affalrj-Amend* Ing public ttsilstance laws to prorld* lhat persona assigning property to others for purposes of rfcelvlnj beo- efiLt under public aulstance aliall not be eligible for btnenu. provldlflf for recovery from recipients and dc* Ilnlns fraudulent nets.

HB IC4 by approprlaltons—AP- prtiprlatinft $1,843 to the James W. Web.vter citAte In Madison eounly B.V ft refur^tl for excess Inherllanc# laxes heretofore paid.

HB 17C by litiproprintlonv-Ap- proprlallnc $4aUfll.J0 to depart­ment of public assistance for re­mainder A f six montlis period be­ginning Jftji. 1. lOU.

HB 180 by RUte affolrs—Provid­ing lhat livestock alilpped In Uila .v'aite on iililpment.n orlclnatlpg In another Mjvte iJiall be deemed to co,mplj' wlUi Idalio brand Inspection laws If thlpmeni.1 comply with brand Inr.pecUon laws Of Uie other

HB 181 by state affairs—Amend­ing laws relating lo lIccnslnR of per­sons cngnKcd In farm produce coffl- ml.'c.lon bu;-lne.«.

mountain sheep and to permit certain federal employe. and mrmbcr.i' of Uie armed forces temporarily In the tlnte to obtain resident fL-ailns and hunting 11- cen.'e. ,

HB 178 by state affairs—Amend­ing J5U sc.v,lon laws to repeal 20 |XT cent tax on alcoholic beverafica.

j r a :?3 iy J. ri—Amend-

1M».HB .:X K ' rtate, affalr>-Amend.

t-.j U-WT re'litir.c to ta.'.ursnee brok- erv .ReT.acitu HB lOli.

HH :>i hr .'tatr affaln—.Amend' ;g Isw.- rrutirj: to wrr.tca rcporu,

,r ccc-.mii.-c.Taer merchants. <1? p:a.-T HB y«. Mjnf-d bv governor).

HB as ametidLii la fcaate , ed:;ra::ea—Provjdlr.g a method of

the number of c rocta ual’.v ui dlitncts in which the Ca;ted States U ass-jmlag tlie full c.-»t an c>»Tr;oad of puplK

H-’4 as amended la -senate by \ln- cent. R- .Ada. vnd S.Mn.nlc*. D . Ida- h» — rrvpc j: coa.ititutlon»l amrtsiaeat to iTOvide that pardon-

to e<iutlable distribution c

the expense Incurred through ad- mtnlstmUon of Uie special funds.

SB 111 by JudlclAr>- and corpora- lions—Providing for creation of Iiro protection districts. (Re;>lace8 HB U7>.

SB 115 hy agrlcuIture-Rflpealin* laa-M requlrlnK auciloneen to keep rccords ot ftnlmal.i will.

SB 121 by Judlclarj'—Amending laws to retjulre holders of morI«aK«» on co.ndlUotial aale.i contructs. Which have been sallsfled. to release and discharge person mortgaslcg tho property.

HJM 5 by state affairs—Memo- rlallxlng congress to provide pas* (U. S.1 .lenftte bUl 450 providing for

llinn {iffen_____s who mnv btdut)’.

HJM 4 by state'Rffalr*-lJemo- rlallslng congre.-w to protest aifninsl perratttlns students of Japanese an- ce.-.try to ifftve relocntloti centers to ftlletvd coUeRcs and universities,

HU 177 by sute affairs—Amend- Inr laws rclatlnfT lo e tabll.-'hment of public libraries by school districts to permit Ubranes in districts In whlcli r»o Incorporated town or vil­lage Is situated If the dlsUlct pop­ulation exceeds I.OOO. . '

SB 119 by Judlclaty-AmendlnS'' laws relating to proof of dclnuli In divorce cnsc.v

First Feminine C. of C. Member

GLE.NNS FERRY, Feb. :«-For the first tlxna In Uie hlstor • of the Glenns Ferry Chamber of Com­merce. that orcanlutlon has a fem­inine member. Elie la Mrs, Dorothy Wllmot. betiuly parlor osjerator. and was welcoET-ed M the liiit meeting, at which Ceorgo Mosgrove. new preildcnt. presided for the first time.

During the buslne.M meetlnj. th« • groiip voted support for the Por- ep«t»acl)cr as.toctallon In Its child recrrtUoii room project.

Program highlight was showing of filmj on the care of various elec­trical appllance.-« by Fred Pearl, mannger ol Uie local Idaho Power company.

Besides Mr. Morgrove. other new officers Include Sam Jones, vice- president. ond R. L, Cline, secre- tary-trea5urrr. n

American farm.i hare iibout J.-* SOO.OOO tracto.-s. according lo csU- mates-

Crossword Puzzle


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Solution or Yesterday's Puul«

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1. Offlrloui tntd-line wHi> spotli puas

)a. f<len<«ort*r SI. Itn*v«n iJ. Onran 1

«o»»ch * pMiUkt Mrt

Page 10: NAZI TROOPS SPEED RETREATnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF...BUY THOSE BONDS It M*U ftbeat IlM per boor for cuoUm alone to kwp » f

Page Ten T IM E S - N E W S , T W IN FA LLS , ID A H O . Flriduy, Febnaur 2S, 1943


Amrfican Forierainrs. kf;ii Uicir «a lr.'l OfHTianr ptii ft d»yl!chl atUcH o:i Orrmali fp.i.''. .ilirr n.\P a. :■uR la'I lUi: bcrr. Cfiurr o: a ^ fliKlne »orWi.

Only ft Ir» li"urs rilUcn hail fru;riip(l lack on NiirrnlTrw. radto brvMn bro;i(!;. cwint of n ifmy bomixT." i’n ‘ i‘-

lucK W "c!al larKcU-'.lour-niolorcd >rre Hravy.

al IJiP t'l llip ll.-vllan bool, were licavlly aiuckril In tJif Amcrlcau raid \Vcllnr dav T)ir ol ■ bn?c and icrrllory iiorlli ol Ulc liarbor *rrc hll ftl N.ijilr;,-

I'lilrf Trtxluflion t'rnlff Tlie Aj..\aua on NurnibfrK ^l™ck

Bl the hrarl ot llir U-boal mrnncr, for tlip city Is Clip of iJip rlilff pro­duction CPillrrs Inr dlrifl cnslitftal power

T he Ladies H ave It!

Konr n( t)ir kIx I9U Twlti KalU rommunit)' srrvlrr aitAril mIi llipm rrcplvlnt tlirir lidiinr ktoIU from O. J. Bolliiip. loailm Tliunnlar nlrlit. TIiP u lnnm »ho»»n nrc Mm. Join; K, Ha) Othrr ii<morrr< «rrr iial prrtrnl. (Staff rliolo>Kn(ravlnel

irr» art womm—and here are three ol >lrr i l the IhirU annual aWardi banquet . .Mri. K. r. Parrr and Mn. Itobert llailrr.

Four W om en, T^vo Men Given

’42 Coiiim uiiitv Service Honors

.vrarchltKliiinored \elilclrs,

Sbip.% rlrclrlc inolnr and firms <!pvIcc.% for produced iJiere.

An IniporlAiit Junction for rail lines from the Ruhr and Uerlln. also llM on rallwavi leadlnK In Italy. Vi’Ul a i>oi\ulaUQH ot neti! . A hair million It U Bavaria's second cliv.

Tlie official announcement did not identify the other liirscti In BT.'leni Oermaiiv but Coblcni. Co- loKtie and Praiikfori lie In th of fliKht. Another j>o:»Mble waa the big Mev.cr.’ichmill factory t l Furth, In Uie NurnibenjoerB area.,

erea1,650 Registei At Glenns Ferry

'QLENNS FERRY. Feb. :C-Ap- prftxlmalely l.tiO nar miinn book-i No. 3 were Lviued hrre durlni: reKl.i- iratlon houn In the nfiemoon and evpnlnc. becinnUiK Mnndav, U v,as annnunretl Wcdnesdny nlsht by J, j , Ruelilnilj, Mit>erlntciKlfnl of Ihf Olemu Ferr>' srhool.i and clinlnnan of ihp ratlonUiR Ixvirri.

Re^dent-< who did not CPi their ration books thU week will nor hsTp to fl-nit until March H. tvhri they may apply >o the fpcrrlao' o the mtlonine Ixunl. Mr?. Ijomi Qglnn, al the Cllv hnll, Mr. nurh- hoi* eonllmipd. Up nntlcliv 3,000 of the booti ttill li; , luued hprr when lhf»e people who do nnl now have tlieir booVS Imvp appliMl.

Mpmberx of local Parent* Tearher R.v'ocia!loi> Jianiikd rrnl'- tratloai from I to 5 pm. iliirlnK the. thrpe-dny perlcxl, and urnde .vhool teachers and .uimp of thp hlt;h .■ichofil trnchrr». offlcialed frwn 7 to 10 pm. daily.

Amone P.-T-V memberj «ho ax- nWed «.ere Mr«- Cl.irenfr Moirr. Mrs, Parlpv Oarmon. Mrv William Prterron, Mrs, U I., Jolini^nn, Mrr;. James McHurIi nml Mrs, Viola Car- penier.

Books Collected For Servicc Men

nunLE\‘. Fclr. 2&-A ^pecial drive tor Uie toHtfllon of booV;> tnr men In the BmiKl srrxicr l.'t brln? con­ducted this month «nc1er Ifip dlree- Ikm of women of ihp C.wla cmmty ned Cro.\,A cliaptcr.

School children are doins llie eol- lecUnc. To each Junior hlnli scliool student who collect.'! a book ft free plctufc sJio* ticket will be Khen. Mri. I. H. HarrL% Mrs. Charles Mr- Donald and Mr^, I., C. Doty a cliarisc of ihp drive here.

1 iiikI two mTIi ttprr honored In Tviin I'all’i 'nuir.'.d.iy nl;;: lu winners of the lOlJ rnmniiinlty r.ervlce nttiird.! iil ii •Aartime finiil. style dlniirr ni.-irlirtl by nnr other wartime tiolr-thi'ir nolit r.rrvlrr Krj a war mttnl riuuiilly, .were ml.viinK and were Mi|iiil.inial by horn crolls,Tlie 10« winners;Mra, K. P, P;irry. Mri. Robert Uiillcr. Mrs, John E, Mf'. t'n'"

Cloiiclirk. Stuiirt H. T»ylor nnd A. .W. MorKiin.Tlu' flr^t three ri-ciplniU llcndiince at liir b;>nfjiii'l when 'lw, lm;l. I •r O, J, IH'ihni; lelr name.'. Mrs. Clo\i< hcli lorvan couid not iill.nd Xh were at the monniil en;:nKf(l I ratlonint! work, and Mr. Taylor os out ot Uic cliy.

.Skclrlm Arll^lr-i Mr. nullmr. who priv.i'iiU'.l Uic \-nr»l,'. ft.i clima*'nf ilie llilrd iin-

niial honor cvrnl, ^kplchl•0 nctlv. llle,i of the winner.'. Mr: , HiillcT and Mrs, }\\rr>- were Jionoml lor Jmlf- fulU-ublc e fort. oti'b<u;i;f of the UHO i«nd .'erviiTincn; 'Mrs. llnycs for youDi work, P.-T, A, ncilviiic;;

le;idrr.-Jnp in the anil-p:iriily;il.s Mrs, Cloiiclii'lc for yl•nr of

iLvaMnncr 10 youth, for wirti- civic ervice, for UHO work: Mr. Tuylor

unobl^:^lve, but Im- porlanl, ciflc .mtvIcc 'behind Uic

■ cIlMiiixivl by hll 1942 iicllv- hrnd of il:r Cli.imbcr of

Commerce war bond comntlUec; Mr.MDrnaii fur hl.s work as nliiciilor

cluUmnn of Hie cmmlv c,ijnpalKn '*liirh achlcvrd nn

illcn;ii;y liiKli quota of wiir-vi-lal n:

viinl I .\fr, Morsar

'•rves the Miiililoku n-In- er as M< lJiodt:.l lnlni,-.!iT ;«-nl;vr >vt liwiVKi\nls .to-

It, nnd lermr<l Uir l; dux of Ihc modern ai Utino.it nKxI'Tniiy. 1 iiIonK lde vlrlii.il niii of the i)ear.antry.

ai.ld, were iir.-,av.lMiilli.ii.-. and c jiollllciil manlpiibitinn.

TJiur.M worklnn for a brticr fur Jiipnn'.i nia -i-.', liev, •Pioiii .'iald. "arc mainly ac[ii;il.-d by C tlmi inolln-;. "

OUiPf hpeakrtu Harold L, Lackey, chalnrnv

(lie Junior Chamber of Ci>mn committco which arn\ii-;ta

i;ue,sl.i. Ru,'.,';en‘niom:i,v .lay Idcnt, cxpliilniil ihr a-,v,n Mr. Uolhne IntrixliKrd fm) M'vrn IDU award wiiinc-r,s- A. Van Enk-1'l.n, Jix- D.ucvl AlworUl nnd Kay J. IlaJi.;.-

John D, hlKii .-.cinx pal. offerwl three .Mudrni, l(!cd Uie nucrlainmnit

I.-'Uoy K-f Am ai

• Stafford ^I Amor

Nevada M ay F in d TJiat 175,000

K«!cent M arriayes Are Ille<ralCMi.SON cm -, Nev., Feb, iC. lun •All erilmalPd ITi.OOO tiiir.bancLK rid wives, liicludinK mnnv New ork and Hi.lly«ood millionaires ho c.ime lo Nevada . eeklnc marltnl li'-i ln te,^d of divorce, may Ilnd irv are not leuallv married,.•nie leKallly of Heno dtvorc:e.s Imd

been qllesllnned bejore. but when was ca.st today on the Kcnu- of Nevada marrlaKcs. thn leeWalure and repre.-.entA-

1 of varini: liurclier.

Mr». DelU :>te\ens Pelerron Howi 31. of Sandy, died ypstenlay c pneumonia.

She »a^ n l,,ier of Aninld Slfv rns cif Hacennwi, Kjnest Sle vpiis of Tintlp, -Ida,: \\h C.vlfn; Pur ley iind Mn, Trani\uiUa Am Leech, both of Jerome. Jdv


! Btaff Set. RQtT,\Ul M. Fiss auV»lfe. who were cue.-.t.s of hts parent.'

■ UrTTnJ-MriTR. 'M.-TiKK:im7 de- parted. He Will,po to Ala-sta, where he ha.s brtn staUcnetl for Uie pan year, and sJie to Reno, Ncr, where the Is employed.

The Kelplne Hand club of Hope- TtU district trcent:y comp’cted and •old a (joUt. recelvinc JiJio, TJiLs w u a war project and »13,M

I civen to the USO and *10 to the SalmUon army.

IWr Cmclte. superintendent p( 1 the nupen 'waUr fleparlmcnl

Im been 111 Bt Ills home Nlnce Chrlit- I maj. U tUfhUf Unprovrd.' Mr. and Mrs. MarUn OlXinnell

a£d small dauchler, Boise. rUlled relaUve* here,

V Mr. and Mrt, IL U. Carter »nd drore to Idaho Palij to vWt

ihelr datijhtcr and sister, Mrs. Ver* nelce Sharp, and sons.

Mrs. CJyde nandolph. Hood Rhtr. Ore, ha* arrived In Rupert from Pocatello. Sbe v u a pioneer resi­dent of Rupert ntad tuit here tor tvo weeks.

Wra. O. £ Runyon hai retumed from a bu^e is (rip to Salt Lake City.

e 1T:.,00<) married couple;, c hockc<l niul mirpri.'.ed, Ipcality of (hr inarrlasp.s wa-s

ln-n-bl!l—-TflatlnjT- tn

-vpiileil I-I divo : pre

the currcnt Nrvadn IcRli- iax\irp lo rlRlit the .■Kuailon,

Authors of the bill, Sen. A, L. HalKlit of Cliurchill county miri A-wmbljinan C. C, Doak of Nyc county, .said that In 1337, the lenls- lalure npimrenily drprive<l Ju.stlcp.s of the peace nnd elerKymcn of le- KOI aulhorllr.io j>erform nmrrlnKr.s.

It cnnie about thU way. the au- Uiors explained:

Tlie leRlslaturc decided In 103; Umt Nevada's lu.sh marrlauo bust-

•boomlnR a.s a re.sult of nearby

ailoriii'y sriirral ruled aRaln.M aincndmpni, niiii Ju.'.llccs nRali talned their Ires, •/

In 1037, the Uv,LMU«re decWrd U Ihp amendment was invnlid, ' wa.'. no point In leiivinK It on r.tflliile Ixioks. So U wa.s repealed liy adoption of another amendnipn which not onI,v wiped out the par pertninlnp to Jii-'tlfe'.s fees, but In vnlldatcd the original terrllorial nci

Tlm.s by the lale nmendinent, tlie leKtslaiiire not only took fronj JudKen The rlKht to [icrform civil cen

lonles, but deprive<l elersymen < irlr-le«nl-p<mef fo unlte'cotipli I inarrlafre.Whether Ihp limmakprs can i rivthlni; for ihp Uioit.sands ulio larrled Mncp 1037 Is n mailer of

.|>emlallon- Tliry may be able topa.<.’. lesalltlnR the marrlnKc.-

(if lilts late dnte. snld Prank bill drafter for tti

California's "Kin

Ja tlce.l rich.A L w wa.s passed requiring jux-

llce.s paid more than $200 a month to turn their marrinRe fees oi

county. Tlie law amended ritorial statute of Nov. 23, which Krantrd both mlnbter; justices Uie power to perform rlaces,

montlii later, Uie Nevada^ - 1 . .


Extra Good F irst Year


"llipy are ninrrlaKPs,"

didn't t mented, "wli

at least common Uw iinoUier assemblyman int lo be quoted com- :h are perfectly legal."

AtTlie U nited............................. .Wildlife Service, by bandins birds, liaj»-lenrned-tlinl-wmo -bird*. n years.




I ^ L F S O L E S ____ 89<

iV e e I* L IP T ^ _____ .2 5<Kskktr tUfkilr klfktr SHOES DVED DMCK 5Q e

FALK'S, Sdllnr Azentj


Glenns Ferry’s

Clubs Get 2 a.m.

Closing OrderOLENNS FERRY. 1-Vb, 2G -

DcMu.'e vlllace officials wWi to coojirriitc with Ulc KO’.crnmPiit. all local clubs and |>ool halls have been ordered to clave .at 2 11, in.. In.-.tcad of remiilnliiK open all nltiht o-s lia.s been the cu,n- tom in ilie piM. It h;i.s been an- nounre<l by'CeorKc Murnrovc, clerk of the vlllnci' board.

The action, taken at thi» last vlllace bo.ird mrrtlni;. camc after Ktivernmrnt official.', at the nlr- l>nrt under coivstrucllan at Moimtaln Home reque.'ilrd the move bec.ame workers wcrr Irav- lilt: Mountain lionip, where simi­lar places arc clor.cd at midnight, lo co:np here.

ijlm CollliLs. clialrin:ui, prcjld- ed at the board mei-ilni;.


Tlie Uireat of n potato crop rc-

iluctlon from ring rot infection l,i claiming the ntipntlon of stnte nnd

Valley fivnu a.uihorUU's. rc- : to K. W. Whliman. pxien-

. jtalo ^peclalLM. who recently roncludpd It .'.erle.s of tlirec educa-

It mectinns In T\vln FalLs

iininK lo Miilin in 1039, ring rut

. pla

untv growers cent of their c Inl of epdOillllt • 10

nmn adw.«l jwtnW grower, ■ivirilcuhrly earcful" con-

! ilieir Kcd for Ulc coming ecaii'.e n[ ihe iui|xirtancc of K tnrre;ivil rjunta.s In the ir-Irrcclnn prtv.irain.


MKs Helen SiillUnn, daughter of Sr. and .Mr:,. D.iii iiiilUvan. Is con- nle' iMi,’ triiMi .in eiiiergcncy np- ■eiulectoiny performed at tlie Po- atflli-Krilrlal I,usi.it;,ir'ner-pftr^

her lo Po-

Mr , Hlcha•Plumed 1 d A. Elllotl lin.i re- Mtellti, where r.he Ls he chief dlspatchpr'* t'nion Pacific, nfter ireiit-s. Mr, and Mrs, Formerly Mts.s Coa-

ler marrlaKe wn.i re- tiy iicr parenu.


dally flow of 4.700 tonn of badly needed noft coal from the Montour number * mine of the Plttaburgh Coal company was halted for the third tuaight day today m ^roup* of the G50 idle miners milled about tlielr cominimity. tennlng lh»lr walk-oui purely a '•patriotic pro- iTJiV asAlnM ll« draft deferment of one nitm,

Harold Ca.'.v huiky prwlder local 1108. United Mine Workers, raid: "We aon't work while that euy remain.'.* in Uie mine."

The "guy" L Waller E. Chaffon, 27. unnmrrifd. who Uvea near Can- on.^burg. Pa., and work.1 in lii.s spore time on ills uncle's 700-ncre farm.

Chaffon said he never aake<l lor d'nft deferment and would like lo enter the army.

Thp company ts the nation's sec­ond brgejt bUiimlnous coai pro­ducer, oiKTatiiig a floien mines. II Mid the ca.sp involved a major point ill the ieletiue r.ervlce setup aa(l If Chftffon's dralt board, at tu meet­ing today, rerla.-.NlflPj him In J-A, It lmnie«llaiely Mill re-appea! tO the county board lor furUier dcfernicnt,

Tlioma-s G. Ferguson, superinten­dent of the mine, explained Chaffon ojKralc.-. u $10,000 mechanical coa’ loailer iiinl thiil no one Li avallnbli to replace liini.

Peter D<-Iil!i|)i>o. recording sevre- tiiry of tlie union, said "we hiivi oUier men In tlie mine wlio could car.lly take liw place. Some of c member,1 li.ne l:eeii drafted and many oI!ht.\ li:ive roius Ulftt Jliwo been thiit wr ‘!"H’t thlnlc thi.1 Ls fair deal."

U. P. Agent Talks

AtFilerBanquetV'll.ER, Veil :G—J. H. PhcUw,

Oxden, liveMock agpnt for the Unliin Piieille. "Uic principal .•.|x-.iker al tlie ;.[ockmcn's dinner given In Uip Metliodbt clmrch bnae- ment for Filer Kiw.'»nt;i club mem. berN and Ktir.Mr., .Mr. Phelps dls. ciw.cd the advi-.ablllly of the mil. road romiM.iiy Installing a Rcale foi stockmen for Inadln'g and unload' Ing nnd ottipr matters pcrtnlnlng to the i.luckyarcts, •

Hnvry Elcr»:l:, dUUict manager ol the Amaltramated Sucar compnny r.pc’ne on bcrl pilccs anil dVsc\iM«l Uip labor i.Kuation.

Frank I,. Stephan. Tv.iii FnlLs. welcomed llie giitsLs and E. M. Ray- tiorn re.s|V)nded for the Kiwnnl-s club- Col. Eiirl O. Waller wn.s miui- ter of ccremoiiirs. Abo Included were group sinning nnd general in troduction. Seventy-nine persons attended tliP dinner which featured Inml) furnished tiy Paul Detwellec ■r,\ln Falls, nnil 11. P. Ram-'.eyer, Filer.

Loan Association

Names O ffice rsOOODINO, Feb. 20 — Nortlwlde

National Fiinn Loan n.-soclntlon met in the office ot the i.ecretary Leon Wec'j;s, Inr Uie nnniwl dec. tion of officers. Julius Schjnltt wa-i rcelcctcd prc/.ldcul. Hnljih Paulk- ner. vice president: Leon Weeks ^ecretnry•lrc.^surcr, ami Mr;i. Shir- lev Pierce, nctlng ;,ccreiary-lrea.'i-

Loan cnmmlt chmltl. Manur-1

Faulkner and CU , W. Jii Schmitt has bn

Imt of the >’ortl; 23 yc:trs and tins i

more Uiiin 10 •k.son nre new • was rerently




ML'-S Matide Layrnck was lioste; to employes of the Idiilio company M her home in Han!.e?r>

■ wing dinner the gnnip v ns .-.eal- it pinochle with honors gntiig ML-.;i DoroUiea Wnfel, Bill

Ilavne.-i nnd Donnid DIcU’,.Normiin Parmclpr. f.n ot Mr. and

Mr*. Cnl Hill, ha. lelt for navy training at Camp Farrag\it.

Tlic Kimberly Chrlstinn Endeavor members held a farewell party al the home of Dorothy Fornwnlt, Unnsen. for Wayne Klous. who left .'.oon nfter for nrmy training, A potluck cupper was held, during •lilch UJit hdnoree w* prrsented ■Ith •» departure packet by the

group, TB-eniy-two jieople wftre heated. Parlor gnines and group alnglng were enjoyed. \


I t fA T T R G S S

CAmWUGTIONSATURDAY, FEB. 17In Atltlilion to O ur RcRular Run of Livcalock,

W c W ill H a ve -

50 Cows and Calves.Load of warmed-up White-faced

Steers.2 Carloads Stock Cattle.

100 Ewes lambing now. (JOOD HUN A L L K IN D S O F LIVESTOCK


W o rk Stoppage F eared in B ig

W est Coast A irc ra ft Lidusti'j*Br DOUGLAS BtLLMEYES

bEATTLE, Feb. 25 (UPJ-A work stoppa<e affecUnc mucli ol the west coast alrcr»Xl Iz^uslry wu threatened toder »Itef Tmployes at two Boelns planU baited tempor­arily the manufacture of Plying Foruesies.

ProdueUon at Boelne's Seattle and Renton planta was stopped terday when worken left the as- KTiMy Unes U> alicnd a o iu i o«eV> Ing and protest Uie war labor boards delay In raising Uielr wages to match the pay In west coast sUp- yartls.

About (1,000 workers, nuuiy of Uitm women clad in slacks, carry­ing placards, paraded through the slreei* after the meeUng, stopjiipg traffic at IntersecUons.

Aik Sympathy Tlie eiiiployea, memben of Uii

Inlernatlonul AssoclaUon of Ma. clilnists' (AFL), voted unanimously

urge tlmllar meetings next week the Vega plant, A Lockheed «ub-

sldlao' at Ourbank, Cnllf,: Uie Lockhctd plant at Uurbank; and Uie Coniolldated plant at San Diego.

Tlie mecUngs, which would last for 51 hours m Uiat employes on nil shllu could nttend, would be held at Coiijolldtttfd Tuesday and al Lockheed Wednewiay In event WLB falls to net on Uie Doelng local’s demand that Uielr minimum wage be ’rab.nl from 62OS c .1 hoi

Al Woshinaion, George W. Tny- r. vice chairman of Uic war labor

board, naid It pUinned to decide Liiuo of aircraft wages this week. He wouldn't iay whether the ulU- matum would ^peed board action, OUier members of Uie board would not comment.

ie noelng local abu scheduled ;her ••'round-the-clock” meet.

Ing to start nt 13:30 a. m. Monday If WLB has not. acted. WheUier Uie proixiied mecUngs would take work­ers ftoin tlie ptodiicllon lines w i not clear.

Plan UncerUlnllaroUi Olluoii, prejldrnt cf Uje

Boeing local, said the IntenUons of Uie workers when Uiey voted Uie mccnnKS wa.1 "uncertain." He said

decided wlieUier Uie workers uould stay oway from their Jobs lo allend Uie meetings.

He abo added thnt Uie neronau- Ucal mechanics union had filed «

. . In federal court whlcli would m.ike the war labor board act (julck- ly to jeUle Uie dispute or force the bo.i:d to kurrender JurLvlicUon In Uic ca.se.,Tlie emtilnyps voted to a?.k #11

I'aM nlrcrnft lot.-iki, reiiresentbig about 160,000 west coost olrcralt workers, to hold Blmllar "2<-hour meeUngs" If lho.se lichedulcd for Boeing. Lockheed and Consolidated fall Uielr purpo.se.

Officlah of Uie Lockheed Coaiolldated locals decMned to < ment on Uie Doelng local's request. Dul Dale Rtcd. prwWtsM ot U«

Fire at Residence In Glenns Ferry

OLENNS FERRY. Feb. 2ii-Dam- agp was confined to a daveniwt. whlcli WB.S totally destroyed, during a fire nt the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Jnhn.son. according to Fire Chief Charles E. Bullock.

Tlip blaze, believed to hnve start- .1 from a ^hort circuit in a floor

lamp WO.S dl.scovered while mem- bers ot the family ware attending the theater.


Miss Faye Weaver. Vancouver, Wn.sh., luid Mrr:, GcorKc Sargrant

:hlldren, I'ort Columbia, Wa.sh., who have tiei-n vl.sliing their

itJ. Mr. nnd Mrs. F, J. Weaver, lell for Uiclr home.s,

Nancy Jean Eiickctt had her lon-ftlbs n lOved,

Mrs, W, K. Ilud!/w and infant daughter hnve retunie<l from the

W m ty hdr.pltal matrnilty home, KleUi Ebersole. who hiu complet­

ed a nav}' radio trnlnlng coune at •' N. V, A, school. Weher. is home

iltillg a naVT e.all.

local representing Lockbeed-Vegi worken, u ld » mau mmicc be held Siiaday to protest WLSV faUure to. wmousce ai.*trall

SlaOUrLockheed. Vega and ConsoMated

all h«v\ almllAr wage problens pending with WLB, but Cynl Cba?- pellett. Tice preaidetit of botb Lock­heed &nd Vesa. said Al Los At geles

'he confident tluil "LocUveed- Veg» people will not »trike agiiiut the U. 8. govemotent aod ibe arm­ed serrlcei."

Production of PtjLig Fcrlrtasea was halted about noon yesurday and wad ru>t resumed untU t .e swing ahUt reported at S p. tn. asd 4 p. m. Compaajr officials said, how­ever. that operations were curuUfd until early today because of Uie failure of about 3 per cent ol Uie swing shut employes to report. Normal absenteelsa b about S per cent, they said.

Letter atade PsMleThe army air corps office at Dc^

Ing made public a telegraa sent to the union by Brig. Oen. Ciarlei E. Brunshaw, chief ol the wotem procurement dlsUlct. army air forces, with headquarters at Santa Monica. CalU.

It said In part:•TliU BcUon Is lltt> ln.i than

treasonable when It Is co:i.\i£lered that the Doelne Flying FdStrpiies btitiK produced by ihr-e woriers, constitute one ol cjr most effecUve strlkuig wcaponj. wlUiout wtiiibwe cannot liojJe to win this w ir___I urge you to Lake all pccilb> scUcn 10 Ixave your membe.i return to work Immediately . , . and jubordln- aie Uielr own jjersonal In'.errsta to Uiof* of this counto'.'

Union officials hid no cocsmtnt on the telesnun.


BOXS& r v i 2* ;ry—Cowwaret orien sb^saeat of Idabe

potAtoa easTwd m r case tht »Ut* to iae* pasy el ta eaaSiJsSed poato cactets, Hartty Sci*«>dl-

it ite en-- rViiarar tt *fri-said today.

T te c.*cier was disr.2=»d a l a s p e ^ W j j ' i e i Cs« liaiM fcKe;-

-ir Idaho p o u w i a.T col abip- ped east,'* Sihwrsilsaa det^arRl. •It wi2 ttTV s-ocb petals &re«a as Msr-.e. Utnsecta aad North D4t=:a an CTTV-t iiHy tc tatP otrr l i » tiate* etutlahed ttarkeu.

■-V» a JTs-ilt. the Idahi} p&iaia lnd^.atrr be Uitd with cfte ol Uie serVCJ probZesa Jn "J

wheS TTtUTTJ tsr.c.'TT.at to rtyala I’J 7 - ^ la i--*| potato r—

T^.e Eew7 ?»rer adTrntilar sched­ule 13 beuv; <as.*eleil. Schwrriill^an.

i d . -w:'th U-.e ih.N^rst In ri-.d tc bclSd a rrsene cf to te

t:cs=?t ta tl

O^erlosd.ir.i s\”.ir ;a»e effect a* few exlTjk poiir.d e! s.*iou:d ecssTcuate i weUhl.

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