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NBCF Newsletter June - nbcfsite.files.wordpress.com · NBCF NEWSLETTER JUNE 2018 MEMBER NEWS LES...

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NBCF NEWSLETTER JUNE 2018 NBCF NEWS CONDUCTING ADULT SINGERS – CHANGES, CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES Thursday, October 11, 7:00 pm Central United Church | Peace Centre, Monc- ton NB Dr. Victoria Meredith People who enjoy singing usually want to maintain active choral involvement throughout their entire lives. Applying the principles of ex- ercise physiology to maintaining a healthy singing voice at any age, Dr. Victoria Meredith addresses changes and challenges that singers tend to experience across time. In this interac- tive session, conductors and singers will ex- plore what happens as voices mature; strate- gies for producing our best sound at any age; repertoire selection guidelines useful in choos- ing music for adult choirs; rehearsal tech- niques proven successful with adult singers; and relationships between choral singing and various aspects of health. The primary goal of this session is to help keep choir members singing as well as possible for as long as pos- sible! Conducting Adult SingersChanges, Chal- lenges and Strategies is held in conjunction with Choral Fest 2018. You may register for the workshop alone, or for the workshop and Choral Fest 2018 together, by visiting: https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/choral-fest/ CHORAL FEST 2018 Friday, October 12-Sunday, October 14, 2018 Central United Church | Peace Centre, Monc- ton NB Vaughan Williams, Dona Nobis Pacem Clinician: Dr. Victoria Meredith Registrations now open! Please note that there is a different registration fee for: NBCF Individual Member Member of an NBCF Member Choir Non-Member If you are unsure whether you are a member of a member choir, consult our choir member page: https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/mem- ber-choirs/ For complete details and to register, please visit: https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/choral- fest/ Or email the NBCF office: [email protected] WHERE TO STAY Rooms have been reserved at a special re- duced rate at: Rodd Moncton 434 Main Street Moncton, NB E1C 1B9 The Rodd Moncton is a short walk (approxi- mately 10 minutes) away from Central United Church, our venue. Single or double Occupancy rooms: Motel rate (2 doubles) $124 plus taxes Hotel rate (2 doubles) $142 plus taxes PO Box 714, Station A, Fredericton NB E3B 5B4 | [email protected] | nbcfsite.wordpress.com Page of 1 12 The next NBCF Newsletter will be posted mid-July 2018. Send your news before Monday, July 16, to: [email protected]


NBCF NEWS CONDUCTING ADULT SINGERS – CHANGES, CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES Thursday, October 11, 7:00 pm Central United Church | Peace Centre, Monc-ton NB Dr. Victoria Meredith People who enjoy singing usually want to maintain active choral involvement throughout their entire lives. Applying the principles of ex-ercise physiology to maintaining a healthy singing voice at any age, Dr. Victoria Meredith addresses changes and challenges that singers tend to experience across time. In this interac-tive session, conductors and singers will ex-plore what happens as voices mature; strate-gies for producing our best sound at any age; repertoire selection guidelines useful in choos-ing music for adult choirs; rehearsal tech-niques proven successful with adult singers; and relationships between choral singing and various aspects of health. The primary goal of this session is to help keep choir members singing as well as possible for as long as pos-sible! Conducting Adult Singers—Changes, Chal-lenges and Strategies is held in conjunction with Choral Fest 2018. You may register for the workshop alone, or for the workshop and Choral Fest 2018 together, by visiting: https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/choral-fest/


Friday, October 12-Sunday, October 14, 2018 Central United Church | Peace Centre, Monc-ton NB Vaughan Williams, Dona Nobis Pacem Clinician: Dr. Victoria Meredith Registrations now open! Please note that there is a different registration fee for: • NBCF Individual Member • Member of an NBCF Member Choir • Non-Member If you are unsure whether you are a member of a member choir, consult our choir member page: https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/mem-ber-choirs/ For complete details and to register, please visit: https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/choral-fest/ Or email the NBCF office: [email protected]

WHERE TO STAY Rooms have been reserved at a special re-duced rate at: Rodd Moncton 434 Main Street Moncton, NB E1C 1B9 The Rodd Moncton is a short walk (approxi-mately 10 minutes) away from Central United Church, our venue. • Single or double Occupancy rooms: • Motel rate (2 doubles) $124 plus taxes • Hotel rate (2 doubles) $142 plus taxes

PO Box 714, Station A, Fredericton NB E3B 5B4 | [email protected] | nbcfsite.wordpress.com Page � of �1 12

The next NBCF Newsletter will be posted mid-July 2018. Send your news before Monday, July 16, to: [email protected]


Book before September 12, 2018, for the re-duced rate. Call: 1 (800) 565-7633 (extension 7633) to book, and be sure to indicate that you are at-tending Choral Fest 2018. Choral Fest registrants are responsible for their own accommodations. Directions and further information at: https://roddvacations.com/hotels/rodd-moncton/

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL NBCF’s strength is its membership—please take this opportunity to renew yours now! To become a member, visit our website: https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/membership/ Or contact the NBCF office: [email protected] RENOUVELLEMENT D’ADHESION Notre force réside dans nos membres. Pour devenir membre, veuillez remplir le formulaire d’adhésion ici (en anglais): https://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/membership/ ou nous joindre: [email protected]

NOMINATIONS OPEN FOR 2018 NBCF AWARDS Nomination Deadline: Thursday, August 30, 2018 Each year, through the NBCF Awards, the New Brunswick Choral Federation honours those who contribute to New Brunswick’s choral community. To nominate an individual or indi-viduals, please provide the following informa-tion: • Name of nominee and contact information (mailing address, email address and/or phone

number) • Name of nominator and contact information (mailing address, email address and/or phone number) • A brief biographical sketch of the nominee, with particular focus on their musical life and achievements (two paragraphs or 200- 250 words. A shorter bullet point summary is also acceptable). • A summary of your reasons for nominating this individual (two paragraphs or 200-250 words. A shorter bullet point summary is also acceptable). Winners will be announced at Choral Fest 2018 in Moncton. Email your nomination to [email protected] before August 30, 2018.

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KENNEBECASIS RIVER (SSA, flute, piano)Beverly Lewis - Rothesay, NB


LOVE IS (SATB, piano, flute)CONSIDER (SSAA a cappella)Adam Hill - Sackville, NB

THE DIGBY SCALLOP (SATB, SSA, TBB, piano)David Holborn - Cornwallis, NS


Edward Enman - SteamMill, NS


Terry Pratt - Bonshaw, PEI


MEMBER NEWS LES JEUNES CHANTEURS D’ACADIE EN TOURNÉE EN LOUISIANE Les Jeunes chanteurs d’Acadie étaient en tournée du 24 avril au 1 mai en Louisiane pour participer au Festival international de Louisiane, à l’invitation de Zachary Richard. Les photos sont utilisées avec permission. Texte de choriste Noémie Robichaud. Quand on m’a demandé d’écrire un texte pour résumer mon expérience en Louisiane avec les Jeunes chanteurs d’Acadie, je me suis dit que ça serait impossible. Impossible, oui, cela peut sembler exagéré, mais comment réussir à ré-sumer une expérience ayant marqué ma vie en quelques centaines de mots sans oublier de détails importants. Je pourrais simplement le résumer par des rencontres inoubliables, des expériences hors du commun et de nouveaux apprentissages, mais ce serait ne pas rendre justice à ces huit jours en sol louisianais. N’ayant pas la possibilité de tout décrire le voyage, je vais me contenter de résumer mes moments forts.

Notre séjour a débuté en grand. Dès la pre-mière journée, malgré nos yeux cernés après un voyage de 22 heures la veille, nous étions tous très excités. Nous nous sommes rendu a l’école «Myrtle Place Elementary School» où certains élèves en immersion ont performé quelques chansons pour nous en français. C’est à ce moment que j’ai réalisé que le français existait bel et bien encore en Louisiane et j’étais très touché de voir ces enfants mettre tant d’effort afin de bien s’exprimer en français.

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Myrtle Place Elementary, Lafayette


Nous avons performé à notre tour quelques chansons de notre répertoire et immédiate-ment leurs visages se sont illuminés d’admira-tion envers nous. C’était très touchant de les voir nous serrer dans leurs bras seulement quelques minutes après les avoir rencontrés et de voir leur grande volonté de partager leur histoire. Nous avons ensuite joué avec eux pendant leur récréation, ce qui rajouta un gros sourire sur chacun de nos visages et termina parfaitement cette visite. Un autre moment fort de notre voyage fut notre participation à l’ouverture du Festival In-ternational de Lafayette ainsi qu'au « Kitchen party du CMA 2019». D’avoir la chance de per-former sur une si grande scène avec un super artiste comme Zachary Richard et des gens très talentueux de notre coin comme Dominique Dupuis devant une grande foule très sem-blable au acadiens de « par chez nous » fut une expérience hors du commun. On sentait qu’on rendait les gens heureux en chantant un peu partout ce qui était très gratifiant pour nous.

L’histoire des Cajuns et des Acadiens occupait aussi une place assez importante dans ce voy-age aussi culturel qu’éducatif. Nous avons eu la chance de visiter le village historique de Ver-millonville. Ce site touristique est constitué de différentes maisons avec des personnages à l’intérieur nous racontant leurs histoires, qui ressemble beaucoup à celles racontées par les Acadiens ce qui nous rappelait encore la ressemblance entre les deux peuples. Nous avons aussi visité un monument commémorant les Acadiens. Pour moi, de voir des « Ro-bichaud » sur le mur des déportés ça ma vrai-ment touché et ça a certainement créée un certain sentiment d’appartenance avec ce pe-uple. Si vous demandez à notre directrice, aux ac-compagnateurs ou à n’importe quels choristes quel était un de leurs moments préférés, la messe entièrement en français à la cathédrale de Lafayette ressortirait certainement à plus d’une reprise. D’avoir la chance de chanter plus d’une dizaine de pièces en français pour une église complètement remplie était un

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moment très touchant. De voir du haut du bal-con où on chantait, les visages ébahis des gens de voir 52 jeunes chantant avec tout leurs cœurs était tout simplement un moment mag-ique. Finalement, les bayous, les écrevisses, le gum-bo, la jambalaya et tous les attraits particuliers de la Louisiane ont fait de ce voyage une véri-table découverte culturelle, et m’a vraiment fait découvrir une région formidable. De plus, les longues heures de voyage et les moments dans les chambres d’hôtels à jaser de tout et de rien ont vraiment permis de créer de belles amitiés entre chacun d’entre nous, et a fait de notre groupe un groupe plus tissé serré et ayant une plus belle chimie qu’avant. Un énorme merci a Zachary Richard, à notre direc-trice (Nadine Hébert), notre pianiste (Brigitte Lavoie) et nos accompagnateurs (Mario, Chris-tine, Carole, Lise et Jolyne) sans qui cette ex-périence n’aurait pas été possible. Mon voyage en Louisiane avec les Jeunes chanteurs d’Acadie restera longtemps gravé dans ma mémoire. Pour en savoir plus visitez Les Jeunes chanteurs d’Acadie: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Je-unesChanteursdAcadie/

LES JEUNES CHANTEURS D’ACADIE TOUR LOUISIANA Les Jeunes chanteurs d’Acadie toured Lou-isiana from April 24 to May 1, to participate in the Louisiana International Festival at the invita-tion of Zachary Richard. Photos are used with permission. Text by choir member Noémie Robichaud. When I was asked to write a summary of my experience in Louisiana with Les Jeunes chanteurs d'Acadie, I thought it would be im-possible. Yes, “impossible” may seem exag-

gerated, but how can I summarize an experi-ence that has marked my life in only a few hundred words, without forgetting important details? I could simply summarize it as unfor-gettable meetings, rare experiences and new discoveries, but it would not do justice to these eight days on Louisiana soil. Since I cannot de-scribe everything, I'll just summarize my high-lights. Our stay began in grand style. From the first day, despite our sleepy eyes following a 22 hour trip the day before, we were all very ex-cited. We went to Myrtle Place Elementary School where some immersion students per-formed some songs for us in French. I realized then that French was alive and well in Louisiana and I was very touched to see these children put so much effort into expressing themselves in French. We performed some songs from our repertoire and immediately their faces shone with admiration for us. It was very touching to see them hugging us only a few minutes after meeting us, and seeing their great willingness to share their story with ours. We then played with them during their break, which put a big smile on each of our faces, and made a perfect finish to this visit.

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Myrtle Place Elementary, Lafayette  


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Les Jeunes chanteurs avec Zachary Richard, au site historique Vermillionville.


Another highlight of our trip was participating in the opening of the International Lafayette Festival and the "CMA 2019 Kitchen Party". To have the chance to perform on such a big stage with a great artist like Zachary Richard and very talented people from our own neigh-bourhood like Dominique Dupuis, in front of a large crowd very similar to the Acadians "par chez nous" was an extraordinary experience. We felt we were making people happy every-where we sang, which was very rewarding for us. The history of the Cajuns and Acadians also occupied a fairly important place in this cultur-al and educational journey. We had the chance

to visit the historic village of Vermillonville. This tourist site consists of different houses with characters inside telling their stories. These are very similar to those told by the Acadians, which reminded us of the similarity between the two peoples. We also visited a monument commemorating the Acadians. Seeing "Ro-bichaud" on the wall of the deportees really touched me, and it certainly created a certain sense of belonging with this people. If you ask our director, accompanists or any of the singers for one of their favorite moments, the Mass entirely in French at Lafayette Cathe-dral would certainly come up for more than one. To have the chance to sing more than a

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dozen pieces in French for a completely filled church was a very touching moment. For us to see, from the top of the balcony where we were singing, the amazed faces watching 52 young people singing with all their hearts, was simply a magical moment. Finally, bayous, crayfish, gumbo, jambalaya and all the special attractions of Louisiana have made this trip a true cultural discovery. In addi-tion, the long hours of travel and moments in the hotel rooms to chat about everything and nothing really made it possible to create won-derful friendships between each of us, and made our group a tightly knit group with bet-ter chemistry than before. A huge thank you to Zachary Richard, our director Nadine Hébert, our pianist Brigitte Lavoie and our companions (Mario, Christine, Carole, Lise and Jolyne) without whom this experience would not have been possible. My trip to Louisiana with Les Jeunes chanteurs d'Acadie will long be etched in my memory. For more on Les Jeunes chanteurs d’Acadie, visit: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Jeunes-ChanteursdAcadie/

CHOIR SCHOOL 2018 July 8 to July 15, 2018 Choir School is a week-long experience for youth 8-18 years old (and a long weekend for adults 18-??), where sacred choral music is ex-perienced in a residential camp-like setting. We sing a lot, play a lot, eat a lot, and learn more than we realize in our short time togeth-er. Spencer Belyea and Kevin Parks both return as music directors for this summer's Choir School, and we also welcome back David Buley as our adult clinician.  The ever-popular Nhat-Viet "Toto" Phi returns as accompanist, comic relief and master of the ivories.

For more information and to register, visit: http://www.anglicanchoirschool.com

CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL SUMMER CONCERT SERIES DATES Fridays all summer at Christ Church Cathedral Fredericton. More details to follow. June 29 Barrachois Festival Concert July 6 Steven Peacock (Guitar) and Emily Kennedy (Cello) July 13 Combo à la Carte, Martin and Ypie Shaver July 20 The Organ in Sanity and Madness, David Drinkell July 27 Celtic Fiddle, Katherine Moller August 3 Putnam Family August 20 UNB August 17 Frantically Atlantic

NB SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL 2018 The New Brunswick Summer Music Festival celebrates twenty-five years in August 2018.  This year's Festival will include some new ele-ments while celbrating the past with a program focusing on greatest hits from previous sea-sons. Festival 2018 Dates: Concert in the Park (Officers’ Square): Tuesday, 07 August 2018 Music at the Cathedral (Christ Church Cathe-dral): Friday, 10 August 2018 FUZE: To be determined Main Concert Series (Memorial Hall, UNB): Wednesday – Saturday, 15-18 August 2018 More information at https://nbsummermu-sicfestival.ca

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REGIONAL AND NATIONAL NEWS SCHOLARSHIP FOR PERFORMING ARTS Applications must be received on or before July 31 Students planning to pursue studies in a rec-ognized program in the performing arts are invited to apply for the Council of the Arts Fredericton Performing Arts Scholarship. The annual award is valued at $5000. It is in-tended for residents of the greater Fredericton area. The course of study can take place at any institution recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency and must involve performance or pro-duction. Students at secondary, post-sec-ondary and graduate levels are eligible. The recipient will be determined by a three-member selection committee. Information and application guidelines are available through the Fredericton Community Foundation at www.fredfdn.ca

CHRONOS VOCAL ENSEMBLE CHORAL COMPOSITION COMPETITION Deadline: July 15, 2018 Chronos Vocal Ensemble is an ambitious non-professional choir based in the Edmonton area. Founded in 2013, we aim to produce high-calibre choral performances in Edmon-ton, around Alberta and across Canada. We produce an annual season of concerts in Ed-monton and perform regularly in the surround-ing area. In 2015, we won the Healey Willan Grand Prize in the National Competition for Canadian Amateur Choirs. We have released three recordings: Presenting Chronos Vocal Ensemble (2015), The Simplest Way: The Music of Trent Worthington (2016) and most recently, Fresh: New Music From Canada (May 2018). We have toured around Alberta and the

Prairies, and will perform at Podium 2018 in St. John’s NL this June. Since its inception, Chronos Vocal Ensemble has championed Canadian music and sup-ported the creation of new works. With the launch of the second Chronos Vocal Ensemble Choral Composition Competition, following the release of our newest recording, the choir is continuing that focus on bringing new, en-gaging Canadian works to the choral commu-nity. We believe in supporting both established and emerging choral talent, creating two eligibility categories: Grand Prize (General) and Alberta Student Composers. Anyone who fits the gen-eral criteria is eligible to enter. To qualify for the Student category, an entry must meet all the general guidelines and some additional age and education requirements (see below). Prizes for the competition have been gener-ously provided by an anonymous supporter. Categories: General (All Canadian composers):  The com-poser must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or landed immigrant. The work sub-mitted must be original, not an arrangement of a pre-existing piece or melody. The composi-tion must not have been commissioned, pub-lished, performed or recorded at the time of entry, and must remain so until performed by Chronos Vocal Ensemble within the following season. Albertan Student Composers: To be eligible for this category, all the requirements of the general category must be met AND the follow-ing additional requirements must also be met: Composer must be a current Alberta resident,

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Composer must be 25 or under at time of en-try and/or in progress of completing an un-dergraduate degree in Music Prizes: The winning compositions in each category will be performed by Chronos Vocal Ensemble in the 2018-2019 season. Winners will receive a recording of the performance. In addition, prizes of $1500 for the General category and $500 for the Student category. Chronos Vocal Ensemble will champion the winning compositions and endeavour to pro-mote these works further as appropriate. For a winner interested in attending the pre-miere, Chronos Music Society may be able to contribute to costs. All entries must be accompanied by an Entry Form.  Full Guidelines and Entry Forms available at chronosvocalensemble.com/competition

RAINBOW HARMONY PROJECT: CALL FOR COMPOSITION SUBMISSIONS Deadline for submissions: August 3, 2018 Rainbow Harmony Project is inviting submis-sions of unpublished, unperformed works by Canadian composers for its new biennial Plat-inum Pride choral composition competition! Compositions must incorporate the lived sto-ries and experiences of the LGBTQ2* commu-nity and will be adjudicated by a panel of pro-fessionals. First place includes a $1000 cash prize, travel to Winnipeg for the premiere per-formance, and a professional recording of the piece. Deadline for submissions is August 3, 2018. For more details, visit: www.rainbowhar-monyproject.ca

VANCOUVER BACH CHOIR CHORAL COM-POSITION COMPETITION Deadline for submission: August 31, 2018 The competition is open to unpublished com-posers who are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or landed immigrant. If a citizen, you are not required to be currently residing in Canada.  There is no age restriction. Works to be submitted must be unpublished, but do not need to have been composed specifically for this competition. You may only submit one composition per year for consider-ation. If you have any questions, please direct them to [email protected] Complete competition details available at: http://www.vancouverbachchoir.com/competi-tion/

C/4 – CANADIAN CHORAL COMPOSITION COMPETITION Deadline for submissions: Scores must be re-ceived by February 15, 2019. Chor Leoni Men’s Choir is pleased to an-nounce the third annual Canadian Choral Composition Competition (C/4). The choir’s Artistic Director Erick Lichte will select three finalist compositions, and an independent panel of judges will determine their ranking (first prize $2000, second prize $1000, third prize $500). Each finalist will also receive a Barbara Pentland Award for Outstanding Composition from the Canadian Music Centre. In addition to the financial prizes, the com-posers of the three works will travel to Vancou-ver in May 2019, where they will receive three nights of hotel accommodation. They will hear their works sung by Chor Leoni in both re-hearsal and public performance, receive a pro-

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fessional recording, and address the audience at the C/4 premiere on Friday, May 10, 2019 at the Orpheum Annex (8pm). This competition is a Community Partnership with the Canadian Music Centre. Prizes • $2000 first prize | $1000 second prize |

$500 third prize; • travel to and accommodation in Vancouver

from Wednesday, May 8 to Friday, May 10, 2019);

• attendance of a workshop/rehearsal with Chor Leoni on their works on Wednesday, May 8;

• attendance of the premiere at C/4 on Fri-day, May 10, 2019, at the Orpheum Annex;

• participation in an in-concert conversation with Erick Lichte from the stage at C/4 on Friday, May 10, 2019;

• a professional recording of Chor Leoni singing the work.

Requirements • The composer must be a Canadian citizen,

permanent resident of Canada, or landed immigrant

• The work may be for up to 4-part male choir, TTBB voicing; occasional divisi is al-lowed.

• The work may be a cappella or include pi-ano accompaniment;

• Target length of work should be 3-6 min-utes.

• The composer must secure rights to any non-public domain texts, and verification of secured rights for use of texts must be in-cluded with submission;

• Scores must be submitted in computer en-graved format as a PDF file;

• Submissions must include an mp3 of the score’s midi file.

Preference will be given to works newly com-posed for this competition. Questions? Email [email protected] Scores must be received by February 15, 2019. Send scores for consideration to Erick Lichte, Artistic Director of Chor Leoni, at [email protected]. Finalists will be notified the week of March 4, 2019. Questions? [email protected] The New Brunswick Choral Federation La Fédération des chorales du Nouveau-Brunswick PO Box 714, Station A, Fredericton NB E3B 5B4 (506) 478-2875 [email protected] nbcfsite.wordpress.com Funding for the New Brunswick Choral Federa-tion comes from membership fees, private do-nations, and grants. Programs are funded from the NBCF operating budget and from program registration fees, as well from as grants and donations whenever possible. To donate to the NBCF, visit: http://nbcfsite.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/donations-and-fundraising/ or: http://www.canadahelps.org/dn/10420 The New Brunswick Choral Federation is grate-ful to receive an operating grant from the Arts and Cultural Industries Branch of Tourism, Her-itage and Culture, Province of New Brunswick. The next NBCF Newsletter will be posted mid-July, 2018. Send your news before Monday, July 16, to: [email protected]

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