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nc (Demesnes) - Teesdale Mercury...

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day. August '.HHh, 1947. RKER N E E R H-M. Forces I «m •ct sides of all EXOl IKIES Ird Cottle. IIS. ITTKACTIOX Famous :us (Demesnes) iY only UST22nd 1*. 2 « . and 3 6 7-30 Price* to 11 ui. till 2 p .m. on Circus X* cvlra charge. ISHOW VOL ALL KNOW (pairs Installations Efficient LGING A TREAT... PmQuaUty (ERS REPELLENT * ?! the D.M.P insect in vo^ue Protection 8 hours, with one MkJltcs. .Mosquitoes, »kin (which is not . "i It.HI' I with no harmful I or .irtiHci.il fabrics, ers. Hikers and all I uMcct repellents at 19and6/- + ********** i COVERS THE DALES—TEESDALE, SWALEDALE, WENSLEYDALE. Over •7 Years Service at Home one! Overseas li I Li Established 1854. SOUTH DURHAM, NORTH YORK AND WESTMORLAND ADVERTISER. S*U BvrymhtTt Ufuut cr Tailti Farm is- RSGISTEBEO AT THE GENERAL POST OfFICI AS A NEWSPAPER. No. 4,819 Barnard Castle, Wednesday, August 27th, 1947. PENICILLIN EFFLUENT. CRICKET. Pricj Three Halfpence* ST. MARY'S CHURCH CHOIR. CLERGY AND CHURCH WARDENS. LOCAL & DISTRICT NOTES CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN LONDON. The I eesdale Mercury cup final between the 54th T.R.. R.A.c.. Barnard Castle, and i ;vfiiu (Mi ( i. fo»k piai e MM Monday night, District (nun, ii when u good game was witnessed. The M lay night baited llrsi and matte 11 r foj 6 wickets. Attend a confer- Kveitw.tod could only manage '.li. A: the inviiaii [ t!i. eoncjusioii the Cup was presented to Major Omanl for the 54th by Mr Fred Wilkinson. Major Cuiiard said that they were glad t<i have won the cup, It would probably hi' the last occasion they would be able to competi- tor it as the OHh T.R... B.A.G., would be M, n c froiu theft midst before Christinas. Barnard Castle Urban held a special meeting on appoint representatives to cine in Loudon a 1 the Mnu.-ttv ol Health to discuss with that body and the other interested party, "i.la.xo Laboratories." Uie disposal of trade effluent from 'he Penicillin Factory at Barnard Castle, county," Couu. c. T. Singer presided wiili the Clerk, Mr J. C. Walker, and there was a good 'attendance, of members. The Minister wrote thai lie was not pic- pared to give an iiiTmediale decision with re- spect to the inquiry mlo the appeal by the i.la.xo Company which had been held on sih and 9th July. He suggested that a confer- ence be held on September ith in London , l 'l 35. A between the interested patties. t»"..i sn'iici.- i .The Council, after healing the (et'er read, score from <Ki decided September 4Ui an unsuitable dale exciting close to an interesting.da}"'sen and September isih was suggested. * 111 a 13 over match whii h followed, the 'I The Chairman said it would be useful to were again beaten by Lit to 129. run know the line t.laxo weie lo lake in 'hi mallei. Were they going to attend with A- •• Counsel " J it so, then lite Urban Council would need to be >o represented. Conn. Mrs Dowse : if the Council would like :o know that, there was no reason why they shouldn't. sir Harry Jephcoit would be at Barnard Castle at tiie week-end and ''• there was no reason to doubt a meeting •'• could be airanged. '•• Conn. A. M. Harvey said it wodld have ••• been useful if some contact could have been f- made with Glaxo that night ^ Coun. Collier said it would be best to lind out the Glaxo policy, it had been stressed H. earlier that Sir Harry Jephcott said he u would work with the Urban Council what- ever the ou'eonte of the inquiry. Couu. 1{ - Collier said in that light they should con- sult (ilaxo as friends even to the date 61 the conference Coun. Harvey said he agreed. He said this ignoring of Claxo was not going to do any j ; good. He said lie was concerned that Ho \ { further antagonism be created at this stage. [.-' County Coun. Singer • The Clerk had no p authority to consult UlaxO. if it was desired c' by the Coilncil, then it would be done, but,;' he must record objection to the woid autag- i(' oiiisin. It was a wind that hail been Used j ' too often and too freely in the matter. \' It was agreed three members of the Cotin- cil attend the conference, with the Lllei U and ," the Consulting Engineer. Conn. Birkbeck asked if the members selected would have plenary powers tu act. Couli. Singer : Yes. Coun. Mrs Butler : The Chairman is quite wrong. They won't. They will slate their case to the best of 'heir ability. Only the Minister had plenary powers. Codn. V. Carter wondered if all the inter- ested parties such as the Tees Valley Water In la-t Saturday's game Barnard Castle were beaten by only inn,- runs. Batting lirsi. ilie Town mule lis runs agaitMi sdhie extremely at-cursie bowling, s. Bainluidg •. the young Barney player, made a very use- last wiekel partnershiii by Parker ie flick.'i-i'i's' took ihi ibus providing a Vei v kei. iWll Hie wicke ir l!n to t2~t Unicorn Changes Hands. The licence of the Utoieoin Hotel, Ihisves, changed bands •»ti Wednesday wh-u jm applii ation for transfer was -rained by ihc Greta Bridge Magistrates Court [roast Ml - Walker to M: Reginald Hudson. Transfer et Licence, AI Greta Britlge Magistrates CouiI ill W .'d b\ Mr licence collection, which was for the United Nation Association Appeal Fund, was Li Is. Id. lJAit.S'Aiii) CASII.I ; v. i i n ; " BECONNOITEREHS." Played at Barnard Castle on suimday. Barnard Castle. W'. Anderson Ibw b Sanders ... y .Mitchell b Seddon ... 8 A Plews c Burrows b Seddoii lo Clarke h seddon ... ... »i Monelt llbw b Sanders ... 14 Riley c Scrivener b Lough .' IZ Donald b Sanders * u Musto c Burrows b Sanders » Witching b Sanders Bainbridge b Sanders Watson not out Extras A recent photograph of Baitiaid Casfle St. organist, and chinch wardens. It is Iiiti r ihc Choir of l a l o .Vi vears' standing. Some ing clergy : Canon BroWU, l»n ; the Dev. J. the ReV. II. W. II. Bit-chant. I9li ; Ihe Rev. period have been the late \V. Raper, the late and a the present member, ha; irganist. Mr -I been stricken Min \ s Parish church choir, with the clergy, "s'iu^ lo.tiiiil some of Hie older members of of ihein can recall service under the follow- 1". I 't 'iiiose, 1898 : the Iter. I., li. Ashbv. I9U6 I!. Selwyii Sniitli, I'.i:!"'. Organists over Hit F. W. ijaper. F.R.C.O. f o r o v e r -">u y e a r s ) . W iglilman (Is years wn with [i • health . Mi over (i. the Moore, win •l twelve ni' is still DISTINCTION FOR TEESDALE MAN. HELD MAN'S SHAP BRIDE. BRiDE A TEACHER AT ROSGILL SCHOOL. Total " Becoiiuoiterers." Deuison lbw b Donald Lough c Watson b Anderson Bui lie't h Anderson Burrows b Watson Wilkinson c Mitchell b Plews . Seddon c Moireli b Plews ... Darker b Donald Si i iveuer 1 Piews L. Hathaway st Musto b Plews Ford lbw b Plews .", I. Sanders not out i:.\tias Corporal Aircraft Apprentice C. II Stephenson, son of Mr and Mrs J jj Stephenson, Dalton Street, Dailingiun, and Bell 0 grandson of .Mrs E. Colliiisoti, of Dent Bank, and 9 Middletoii-in-Teesdale, received congratula- Mr tory words from the Secretary of s ate for The el': IIS Air, Hi Philip .Noel Baker, passing out parade of the Ml 49th craft Apprentices 1 ° School at Cranweli. Cpl, Stephenson ., at a recent Meica entry Of A .i- The li. ilie wedding took place at St. Mieha Chinch. SImp, on Saturday, of Mr llu^h R. son of Mr and Mrs Robert Bell, held, Miss .lane Eleanor l.owis, daughter of and Mrs Mark l.owis, Ravsitic, Shap. Dev. T. l i . Bailey officiated and Mi>s le was the organist, bride, who was on 'he arm of her uesday, an application was made Theodore Hall for Ihe tiansfer of Hi til he While Swan Hotel, Startforth, from Mi \\ . tiiblious. The police off..ied no objection and Ihe application was granted. Damage. In the pasl a considerable amount of dam- aye has been done to Barnard Castle Athletic I'ootball Club 's changing looms b\ pi ople breaking in. etc. An appeal o >i.>p ilu~ s«r. ol thing is made by the Club Committee. Burnt Out. When an empty iuruiiure wagon caugln fire on Stainniore earl\ Oil Monday iiK»rniug the driver had to ^o nearly a tulle before he found a teleplioiie. \s a result, 'lie lorry, a three-ton Studebaker iK-lougiiig to the Arena Transport <'."., London, was burnt out. Successful Exhibitor. A successful exhibitor at lleigiiington Show on Saturday was Mr Reuben saver, of Cotlieistoue. He .-coined Ihe lii >t prize III Ihe mare with foal class and second in the coll or lilly class. Mr Saver is a very ardeui horse exhibitor and hi- prize cards are now in considerable number. Whist Drive. The weekly whist drive held on evening at the lurk 's Read Hotel, Cas'le, to raise funds for the Boi Movement, is still forging ahead.' winners: Ladies I. Mrs Evans ; Pringle. Gents—1. Miss Armstnnu Parkinson & Sons Established 1875 AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS Phone 162 the No. l iCA.F. Radio fatirer. wore a dress of white brocaded satin trimmed with a spray of orange blossom, -r- was paiade warrant, veil I of embroidered 'lie. and coronet of was * olllcer when the Secretary of Stale took the orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of red Grouse Shootins .salute, and it was later announced by the roses. The matron Of honour Mrs I Young (plajfing :i> Collins and Mrs M.C. ieiits,. Walker. Tuesday Barnard Scouts' Pri/.e- i, Mr- ; Mt> caled prizes, Mrs F. Holt Central Sale Rooms Barnard Castle Commanding Officer that he had been awar- Cow'ard dtd prizes lor the highest aggregate and the highest marks for radio litter The parade was watched by a huge sal in the On Total Thursday, 127 of parents and sel lag Mar; >r R.A.F. Officers, inchid- Jackson \ir Chief Marshal Sir Roderic Hill, Air leng h .. ...uichal Sir Ralph S. Soiley, and Air Coin- mal modore II. L. It. A'chcrley, Air Officer liKtnding the Ij .A.F., Crauwelt. Cpl. Stephenson is aged 1'J years. 1. Mitchells benefit match joined the R.A.F. in I'.u. with the m i will lake place and should prove to be very y f making a career in the service, interesting. The teams are as follows : ter wore inalmaisoii pink marks with piiff sleeves and ipiill.ed collar, and tail'), carried a bouquet ol sweet peas. The brides crowd maids. Miss Anne Tubman and i .weuilolinr Shooting over the l.arlin^ioii Moors on I 'll AllgllS!, Ml II. Addison. Nicholson party shot 47 brace Of grouse. This, with the. opening day's bag of ; ( s brace. (nieces), turquoise wore sat i ii dresses of ankle- w ith bonnets of luakes a record lor shooting' over Ihe do^s >h Ibis moor. The winter'- heuvv snowfall lung satin trimmed wiih pink silk cord U o '' 1 , , u ' , , i l u s ° " " " ' * 11 «""uid.'aud feed- carried posies of mixed Mowers The l n « "" ""' beadier and bem s. ed is claimed to have put some stamina into the birds, which are in good condition. Barnard Castle Coif Club. Com- and best niati was Mr Joseph E. Bell (brother) He and the grooinsnian Mr \V. Robinson. Tin ntioii reception was held at the S'litii View Cafe T. K. Jackson's XL -C. L. Adamson (Dur- liain City and Durham County), W. T. Shield I Northumberland), F, Robson (Durham Uni- lloard, etc., woul.l be present. It was feltversity), J. Hey (Durham County;, J. Kyle hey would not. Couu. E. Watson said that (Durham Codnty), R. smithson (Durham the observers did not tome into it. The LUty), E. L. Proud (Bishop Auckland), R. B. Ministry were just not quite satisticd upon Froud (Bishop Auckland and Durham the subject and they want a friendly con- County Captain,,, W. Elms (Durham Coun- L;ieiice. ty), R. Herron ^Castle Eden), Coun! Mrs R utter : Our business here is R. Watson's XL—J. Can (Durham Codntyj, »" to discuss the inquiry over again but to U- Coverdale, ti. llarker (Kirkby Stephen), iivp'iint repfeseiitatives to a conference, she NN - Anderson, L,. R . Baileyj s. Bainbridge, siiU a quaitei of an hour had been wasted <•• Clarke, B. Donald, 1'. Morrell, and J. a/id still they had the business to do. she chell (Barnard Castle,, moved they get on. tickets for this match are on siile Is. The match will commeuc whele about all guesls assembled. The lion ynioou is lacing spent at Sou'hport. The MICKLETON- BRING AND BUY SALE. A very successful bring and buy held in the Mickleton Church in Saturday afternoon by the local Institute. hi in"' travelled in a brown mixture tailored A medal round was played on Inuisday ' evening. The following were Ihe best .aid's; returned : SS-l.j-73 ; sill Coun. ttuck proposed the Chairman, Codas. Roy Watson and E. Watson. Ihe Chairman called for a seconder (or seconded 'he proposal). Coun. Harvey : Is it in order for the Chair- man to second his own name I Coun. Singer : 1 did not second it. I cailed for a seconder. After discussion it was agreed the repre- sentatives thereupon on 2 at -30 p . m . Walton FOOTBALL. AUCKLAND AND DISTRICT LEAGUE. Barnard Castle Athletic were price declaring the sale open Mr that the spirit of friendliness engendered by the Women's lustitute .Movement was more invaluable ihan the handicrafts, and that spirit made for a better Luyland and a better world. The speaker was thanked by Mrs Hind. She was also presented with a bouquet by N. Anderson. Teas were hi charge of Mrs' Parkin, Mrs unable to J. Sowerby, Mrs Teward, and Mrs W. be elected singly. Coun. Huck fulfil their fixture on Saturday last as the Brown. Jelly stall—Mrs .1. Forster and Miss moved the Chairman, Coun. 59th T.R., R.A.C., have withdrawn from the M. Coulthard. 1 lb. stall—Mrs Anderson and jJJJ lu J Singer, and Coun. A. M. Harvey seconded, league. On Saturday they have Bishop Mrs Peacock. Bran tub—Mrs Wade and Conn. Mrs Rutter proposed Coiin. Birkbeck Auckland Reserves as visitors to the Ten Miss A. Raine. New stall—Mrs Thompson but he declined as the date coincided with Fields. and Mrs Catchpole. Jumble—Mrs Morton, the opening of school term. COCKFIELD v. BARNARD CASTLE SOCIAL Miss Salkeld and Miss V Forster. House of Coun. Mrs Dowse proposed Conn. V. CLUB mirth—Mrs Baker and Miss Dent. Coinpeti- Carter, but he declined. tion—Miss F. Forster and Miss Wade. Coun. Mrs Rutter proposed Couu. G. A. The opening game of the season took Flowers—Mis Cameron and Miss E. Bailie. Carter. Coun. A. M. Harvey seconded. Place at Cockl.ield on Saturday last. lhe The doorkeeper was Mrs Coilinson. CoUn. V. Carter proposed Coun. E. Watson Social Club, who it will be remembered won The s a ie was held under the presidency and this was agreed. the Weardale League last season, lielded a o f M r s C ullen and over £*) was made. The Chairman, with Couns. G. A. Carter fairly strong team, kicked off before a goou ' and E. Watson, were therefore selected to crowd in glorious sunshine. Ihey had a attend the conference. fair share of the exchanges and held out Coun. Collier then moved that Glaxo be against the fast Cocklield forwards, who approached in the matter and told what nred shot after shot at the Social Club goal, they had done.—This was agreed. Brunskill, the keeper, was playing a magni- Coun. Mrs Rutter: 1 expect the Councillorsttcent game, but CockiieJd gradually wore will pay their own expenses ? the detente down and. scored lour quick Coun Singer - Certainly not goals. Halt-time : Cocklleld, 4; Social Club, u. Barnard Castle N.l-.s. were called out to At the conclusion of business the Chair- After Ihe re-start the Social Club played an outbreak of lire at the North Tees Col- man expressed pleasure at seeing Coun. Roy better football and came near scoring on uerj, W liiston, at about 4 a.m. yesterday Watson back amongst them after his recent many occasions. Cocklield scored accident Coun. Watson replied and said further goals and were awarded a penalty done to machinery that the Council's expressions during his which they failed to convert, lhe illness had been very helpful. siiii Vvilh hai and gloves to match. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a pair of xL.&jji gold cuff links an I the bridegroom's present entries to the bride a gold locket, to the matron of honour a silver and pearl necklace, lo Hie bridesmaids silver i harm necklaces, sale was T | „ , children of Rosgill School, where Miss mute 'on l.owis is a teacher, presented Iier with a Women's haio/ueur and plastic fruit/fish. Mrs Win. Billiards. Hudson, headmistress of Rosgill School, With a view to creating more interest in Opened by Mrs Walton, there were flower* presented the bride with a silver tea service the game of billiards, exhibition games were jelly, lemonade and and household utensils. The bride is a arranged at the Cocklield Workmen 's Club, ) served. Ill member of the Church Council (representing when Colin Smiih Northumberland and B. C. Wear, si-13-71 : C. I i.piharl. F. W. Webb, Sj -K'-7;i ; T. K. Bell. \v. Raw. ss-i^-To. There were Ml A. S. Watson, the local g"ll pro., whilst playing over the course, did 'he third hole in one—lif! yards. This is th time he has accomplished this feat coming to Barnard castle & years ag P Staindrop Social Centre * HORTICULTURAL SHOW I in tli* Plains in 11 u sixthg 13th September, ^47 For Sthcduk at 2 p.m. 70 OPEN CLASSES apply : A. JACKSOM, Green Vi Staindrop produce, jumble, fancy ice cream stalls. Teas were al said Rosgill) and collector for the I'heir home will be at Kcld. Bible icietv. HARTON COLLIERY BAND. ATTRACTION FOR Special feature of MIDDLETON SHOW Middleton-in-Teesdale's 450 (breaks 108, 87 75th annual show on September 7th will be break being 56;. the visit ol the famous Marlon Colliery Hand Cockfield Concert week-end. They will give concerts in the show held on both the Saturday and Sunday. Under the'balon of Mr J. Alherton. this famous broadcasting hand will be a big attraction at Middlelou, where bra.-s bands lam School Boy Champion, played Trevor Sams i n a game of iou up. the schoolboy, who won by iuu chalks to 17. made a break of 0'J, and a further game was played by George Cranston (Crook), holder of the Junior Amateur Championship of All England, when he defeated .1. Walton, of EVenwood, in a game of 4iU up. Cranston 58) ;.Walton, 180 (his best g SPORTS g £15 80 yards handicap, £6 220 yards, £6 410 yards High Jump 2 Kntrics for handicap to H. MOOKE, is. Auckland Terrace y Sbildon ADMISSION it/-. Children lid. : Cars 2. : Bookmaker* £1 At the Garth on Sunday night, kind'., loaned by Mr J. Stephenson, t.rcy-huuud Inn, an excellent concert was given by Mr Wood walk 's microphone in aid of Uie have always been popular will be a great sheepdog trial with Xiii in prizes. Horse sports; with nearly iOu ill prizes, will also have a big following. Other attractions Wfiitetoveir^CoUiery Relief Fund Vocal and items were submitted, including recordings of the Black Dyke Mills Band. H.M. tiuurds, and iiieiiadier Guards Bands, musical Band. Manchester two Damage to the to machinery in the engine house bt Social lore the fire was got under control. Produc- Club scored their goal after a lun-throdgh tion will be stopped for sonie days. The by their inside-left. Result : Cockiteld, 6; colliery, which is owned by Mr J. W. John- Social Club,. 1. son, of Wackerfield, had just had some new The Social Club have another away match machinery installed the week before over .lion will be given in prizes in the many events. Horse, cattle and horticultural classes will be staged. The judges for ihe various classes are as follows : Cattle—Messrs T. 11. Lowe, Middiidge, and 11. Craig, W'estgate. Wensleydale and Teeswater sheep and dogs --Messrs It. J. Beckwitli, Staiinnnre, and T. ThorhboiTow, Arkengarthdale. Horses- Mrs S. Marshall, Penrith, and Ml F. Smed- ley, Kings Meaburn. Sheep dug trials- extent of nearly £2,000 was -Messrs H. Handley and H. Capstick. Raven- WINSTON FIRE. £2,000 DAMAGE AT COLLIERY. BEST KEPT STATION GARDENS. l^^J^-T^T^^ oatbieak ' the ^s -^ffj^Ho ^tTs -i tonedale. Industrial section — Mrs 1- Anderson, Lartingtoii, and Mrs Smith, Cald- well. Handicraft—Mrs Bell, Folly View, Butterknowle, and Mrs Croft, School House, kynesack. Horticulture—Flowers, Messrs T. Xo Bayles, Cotherstone, and W. S. Dobie, F.ggle- W. Kirtley, r the Bickershaw Colliery Children's Choir; and vocal items by Paul Robeson and several others by Richard Tauher Mr Woodwaik, who gave his ser- vices free, was thanked by Coun. John Re||, and a collection was taken by the members of the Parish Council, which realised the sum of £18 lis. tid., including E3 ;!s. given by the Cocklield Workmen's club. On behalf of Mr Woodwaik a dalesman responded with •' Rive to others and the sun will shine upon you." Coun Bell alluded to the Cockheld aged people's trip to SoUtll Shields oil Satur- day, August jqth. All who intend going should meet in ihe village at 'J a.m. MIDDLETON WANDERERS ALBIONS. ELUON AGRICULTURE OUR GREATEST INDUSTRY. 135 stations have qualitled for prizes in the 1947 c o m p e t i t i o n f o r best kept stations in the Nor h-Eastern Area of the klWB -B- Saturday with an away match with Eldon lhe teal dispay is not Uie only th i g A l b i o l l s y s u n i M . e d I severe defeat by 9 which is taken into account, general cleanli- , r o a l s t o .7fi ness, tidiness ai:d upkeep are also con- b ' sidered. CORRESPONDENCE. The joint secretaries are Mr T. Town Fnd, Middleton, and Mr G. Schedules are now available. Bellas, 31, A. Beadle. W,A EC, OFFICER OPENS EASINGTON SHOW. SUMMER S.O.S. 12,000 AT GRASMERE SPORTS. Darlington and District League. 10 Back are .. land, Leybuni, Ripon, Thornton Dale and the Army, most players wl Whitley Bay. forms before Hie season opened have There are 63 third class prizewinners and been posted away or will shortly he j wl lion. Mr Robert Bruce, Executive Officer to Dur- ham War Agricultural Committee, opening Easington Village Show and Sports Society's to its pre-war footing, Grasmeie show at Littlethorpe on Saturday, said that Sir,—As a lifelong supporter of (he "l>"ils on Thursday attracted l-'.ouo people, agriculture was now the yreaics iudustrv R.S.P.C.A. and an ardent animal lover, may Wrestlers were there in force, there being 67 and the country looked to it in the present to lake special entries in the lightweight event, 114 in the emergency. By staging such shows the animals in this abnoim- middleweight class, and 131 in the heavy- committee were creating a closer link be- Birds and animals need wcigln section. Some of these deserve tween town and country. do they special mention. Big burly Jack Brewer, There was a record entry in all classes. Manchester, was one. Fasinytoii and Hisiiici Young For all that is best in Fashions Fabrics Fancy Goods Lingerie Children's Wear Men's & Boys' Wear Household Linens Furniture & Furnishings You c a n d e p e n d on Tel. 43 . THE EDITOR OF THE TEESDALE MEUCLIU The winner ol the "Special Class prize ol io is South Howden. Tile 21 first class In very similar weather to that expen prizewinners include such stations well- enced at the close ol last season, 59th R.A.C known for their floral displays as Aysgarth, opened their season in the Darlington and 1 appeal to your readers Beverley Everingham, Uoldsborough, District Football League with a win over thought for thirsty animal Hessle, Pool-in-Wharfedale and Tynehiouth. Bank Top Loco at Darlington on Saturday d l 'y not sumniei t i,, .iiwici 0, tbu in soeond class stations last water at all times, but especially A ,.i.in. n , , ' ' i ,, n , W . 1 ' S , lufurtuiiatelv OWlua to changes within require it in hot weather, and 1 would urge from Illusion, near Manchester, was one. Easington and Disliict Young banners ArU.u.gton, Cloug .itoii, Driffield, Ooath- Lnfoitunattly,^ owui^ m ^i nan ^ts witnin w ^ fo j t t l l i U a ( | j s l l r l l u w l Ten years ago this wrestling policeman-Club's Cup was won by W Clnys.al. ol either of fresh water is available outside their gates 'hen a young man—scored his tilth crasnicrc Blackball, A German P.O.W. Eiic Rauiuanii, eoing for passing dogs and cats. Let us feel success. On Thursday, at the age of 12, tie employed by Mr Gilbert Forbes, ol l.inle- ates of commenda-This has caused Uie 59th R.A.C. to resign peculiar pity for those poor Strays whosereturned...to show the heavyweights of to-thorpe Farm, Easington Won a In si prize intates oi tomine. u» ius in* * k l a l | d a l | d u j s l n u l Le ague terror and anxiety are made even more day a thing or two in taking his score to six and several other Jwards m the lo.nu pro- w-inch thev'had entered as well as the Dai-acute by the added torment of thirst. «? a keenly contested event. But Brewerduce 'lass. liictoii Lea°ue for the lortln oining season Nor slioulU we forget the horses, to whom was not the only one 10 make a come-back. Agricultural Horse-. Brood OnTv twelve ulavers have so far been regis-a drink of cold water comes as a godsend in lor with him in the linal was one of his Moore Bros.. Helton ; tered for the season the tierce heat of a midsummer day, ami all nvals of yester-year, Big Bill Kit On Saturday play was not of a too high those helpless creatures in our keeping-the sometime champion and lour times a standard, as the very hoi weather and rabbits and the hens in the backyards, as men dry ground, coupled with a soft ball lend themselves to good football. -fulfilment Of their simple needs, ami SOBie- Shepherd, who trains oil the lells and m a yearling filly I, Moore Bros.; 2. I . W. . . .. barn gymnasium, won the senior guides mour, Hawthorne ; :t, R. Mann. Wingale race, passing pat Temple, last year's win-Two-year-old coll or gelding C. Hodgson PORTLAND. uer. as they thundered down the slope of Filly- 1, W. S. Shipniau. Sunderland. -'. J R.S.P.C.A. Butter Crag of Barnard Castle And at SUNDERLAND STOCKTON, and WEST HARTLEPOOL SPRING LODGE MORNING COFFEE AND SALE. Morning coffee and a sale were tMJUkes 1 fortunate to be a goal up at half- of an effort at Spring Lodge Laniard b u t for me amazhJg acrobatics of Castle, yesterday moruiug, in aid o he their goalie, they may well have Oueen's Jubilee SiiperaTinuatioii Pens oi * ^ , § o w „. The second half, how- Fund for Nurses. The elfoit was, b> kind ^ t | , t l u w l t h m o s t o t t n e b a U , and permission of Mrs Watson, J.I . ., w o ,n leu. (1 .' ve t ,ially ran out winners with a score as hostess. The gardens w i n u i n m e etloi. J Wilson, a newcomer to the Regiment, was held had a delightful appearance with o f 3-0. of Rothe.l.am United, heading their fresh cut lawns and sweet.lose bed g***^ nice centres from either wing, and Hinges of begonia bordeis. '"e "dfte who is now playing at inside-left, was served by Mrs Holmes, Mrs I K Be « t l i e n l o l ,, l e U his third season with the ison. sen., Mrs J. Astough and" Darlington League winner did well as the sheep and pigs and eattle «u the The wrestling was well up 59th farms—who look to human beings for the. s'audards. A twenty-yeais-ol his •wles, don ; ;{, T. Iiias- Feal, colt- Moore Rio lo (irasinere i, s. Wj I Seathwatte EasiiigUni <i. Brewis. Ilesle- Seymoiir and Sons. Sunderland. I, .). U. Murrav. Castle Kileu ; -'. .: 3. l i . I'.cvendge. Haswell. Filly' ppit Shollon ; 8, '•• Hodgson. ;;, (i. Cowan', Wiugate. Diauglu I am, £ir, etc., WINIFRED Darlington League, by giving the Miss Hell. A stall oi I ^j^J ^V™' opposittons goalie no chance With his shot was in charge of Miss Walton Mis 1 W.ti t l l i l ( J g o a , Rainbridge, Mrs White ami Mi* Colhe . ^ ^ w e c k s e e s t l l e 5 y t h a t h o m e t o uar- Competitions were In chaige of Mis A. I.eish- p mail and Mrs Nevisoii. hey sold tickets 1'"= 11 freelv for a beautiful chocolate take. Coffee was u 'haige of Mrs ,C. ft. Pickard and Mrs Local Wills. Shoitrid"e Milkers were Mrs Airowsmilh M l - George Rowehottom, of 11, Newgay, and late Coulthard. There was a good Barnard Castle, a former managing direc- atieiidance at the effort with a liberality of t o r u f the Saxone Shoe Company, left £6,95- spending for the very good cause. 6 s. 4d. (net personalty) £6,922. RONALD LITTLE, 62, NEWGATE, BARNARD CASTLE. FURNITURE REMOVALS. Deliveries to and from London, Midlands, and Southern Counties by arrangement- Loads Fully Insured in Transit. Full or Part Loads Wanted. ESTIMATES GIVEN. well in front of the other com- o. Brewis. Gelding over three years I . W . petitors. He was Stanley Edmondson, who Chrystal, Blackball : '• Moore Bros, fair "f in his lirst year as a fell rarer lias leapt horses in plough ••hains--| and 3, M e into the linielight by winning every event in p r o s , ; •>, HJH Bros., i.asiugiou. Turn out ill which ne has taken part -Hie fell races at C art harness—1, T. Mabidm. ICasingioii ; .'. Keswick, liraithwajte, Borrowdale. and now \ Anderson, Hetton. 'I'ug harness I , W . Grasmeie. His time of 14 mins. ii sees, did Brass, Easingtoii j i. N. Malcoinie. Ea-iug- noi break the record, but was 10 sees, faster ton ; 3, l i . llornsbv. Deioialed turn-oui I, than last year. F. Malcolm ; 2, l i . Malcolm : 3. (•. Hornsby. It is believed that the boys' guides race First prizewinners in other classes were record was broken, however, though by how Farm produce open E. Baumann. l.i'He mUch no one appeared to know. The win- thorpe : R. I.owlher. Casile Eden; II. Wal ner was Brian Palmer, 16-years old clerk in i 0 1 1 Hesleden • Mrs Criifferty ; E. Itaumann; the Westmorland C.C. unices. He led all F , Henderson,' Castle Eden ; A. Howard, the way. Easington ; A. Anderson. The hound trails were rather disappoint- Horse and ponv sports -.1. Hall, i i . P. Mur- ing. Penrith competitors did well in the ,. av j Westwick, A. Taylor. J. Fairs, j. cycle events. Secretarial duties were carried Hiiidmarch, M Gear; M. Brough; 11. Nichol- oiit by Mr Mylps D. Dickson. son. STANHOPE AGRICULTURAL SHOW September 13th, 14th, 15th BLACK Spocul iUtr.tvlioiis : DYKE MILLS BAND Trofiiti<r Handicap Open Scamper & Pony Scamper Handicaps Leaping Contests & Sheep Dog Trials Mr Tom Inglis's "Huiricane," Ihc fartnl trotter in Great Britain will compete in the Trotting Events A LA CASTE RKFRESHMENTS ON THE GROUND Secretary : J.Jamc «on, Raby House. Stanhope
Page 1: nc (Demesnes) - Teesdale Mercury Archiveteesdalemercuryarchive.org/pdf/1947/August-27/August-27-1947-01.pdf · Show on Saturday was Mr Reuben saver, of Cotlieistoue. He .-coined Ihe

d a y . A u g u s t '.HHh, 1947 .


H-M. Forces I « m •ct sides of al l

E X O l I K I E S

I r d C o t t l e . I I S .


Famous :us (Demesnes)

iY only


1*. 2 « . and 3 6


Price* to

11 u i . t i l l 2 p . m . o n C ircus X * c v l r a c h a r g e .


(pairs Installations

Efficient L G I N G

A T R E A T . . .


( E R S


t h e D . M . P i n s e c t in v o ^ u e P r o t e c t i o n

8 h o u r s , w i t h o n e

M k J l t c s . . M o s q u i t o e s ,

»kin ( w h i c h i s not . " i I t . H I '

I w i t h n o h a r m f u l I o r . irt iHci . i l f a b r i c s ,

e r s . H i k e r s a n d a l l

I uMcct r e p e l l e n t s

at 1 9 a n d 6 / -


********** i


• 7 Years Service

a t H o m e one! Overseas


I Li


S*U BvrymhtTt Ufuut cr Tailti Farm

i s -R S G I S T E B E O AT T H E G E N E R A L P O S T O f F I C I AS A N E W S P A P E R .

No. 4,819 B a r n a r d C a s t l e , Wednesday , A u g u s t 27th, 1947.

PENICILLIN EFFLUENT. CRICKET. P r i c j T h r e e Hal fpence*


the 54th T.R.. R.A.c . . Barnard Castle, and i ; v f i i u ( M i ( i . fo»k piai e M M Monday n ight ,

District ( n u n , i i when u good game was witnessed. The M lay night baited l l r s i and matte 11 r foj 6 wickets . Attend a confer- Kveitw.tod could only manage ' . l i . A: the i n v i i a i i [ t ! i . eoncjusioi i the Cup was presented to Major

O m a n l for the 54th by Mr Fred W i l k i n s o n . Major Cu i i a rd said that they were g lad t<i have w o n the cup, It w o u l d probably hi ' the last occasion they would be able to competi­tor it as the OHh T.R... B.A.G., would be M , n c

froiu theft mids t before Chris t inas .

B a r n a r d Castle Urban held a special meet ing on appoint representatives to c ine i n Loudon a 1 the Mnu. - t tv o l Heal th to discuss w i t h that body and the other interested par ty , " i . l a . x o Laborator ies ." Uie disposal of trade effluent f rom 'he P e n i c i l l i n Factory at Barna rd Castle, county," Couu. c. T . Singer presided w i i l i the Clerk, M r J. C. Walker , and there was a good 'attendance, of members.

The M i n i s t e r wrote tha i lie was not pic-pared to give an iiiTmediale decision w i t h re­spect to the i n q u i r y m l o the appeal by the i.la.xo Company w h i c h had been held on sih and 9th Ju ly . He suggested that a confer­ence be held on September i t h i n London , l ' l 35. A between the interested pat t ies . t»"..i s n ' i i c i . - i . T h e Counc i l , after h e a l i n g the (et'er read, score f rom <Ki

decided September 4Ui an unsui table dale e x c i t i n g close t o a n in t e res t ing .da}" ' sen and September i s i h was suggested. * 1 1 1 a 13 over match w h i i h fo l lowed, the ' I

The C h a i r m a n said it w o u l d be useful to were aga in beaten by Lit to 129. r u n know the l ine t . l axo weie lo lake in 'hi m a l l e i . Were they go ing to at tend w i t h A-•• Counsel " J i t so, then lite Urban Counci l w o u l d need to be >o represented.

Conn. Mrs Dowse : i f the Counci l w o u l d l ike :o know that, there was no reason w h y they shouldn ' t . s i r H a r r y Jephcoit w o u l d be at B a r n a r d Castle at t i ie week-end and ' '• there was no reason to doubt a meet ing •'• could be a i r a n g e d . '••

Conn. A . M . Harvey said i t w o d l d have ••• been useful i f some contact cou ld have been f -made w i t h Glaxo that n i g h t ^

Coun. Col l ie r said i t w o u l d be best to l i n d out the Glaxo po l icy , i t had been stressed H . ear l ier tha t Sir H a r r y Jephcott said he u

w o u l d w o r k w i t h the Urban Counc i l what -ever the ou'eonte of the i n q u i r y . C o u u . 1 { -Coll ier said i n tha t l i g h t they should con­sult ( i l axo as f r iends even to the date 61 the conference

Coun. Harvey said he agreed. He sa id th i s i g n o r i n g of Claxo was not g o i n g to do any j ; good. He said lie was concerned that Ho \ { fur ther an t agon i sm be created at this stage. [.-'

County Coun. Singer • The Clerk had no p au thor i ty to consul t UlaxO. i f i t was desired c ' by the Co i lnc i l , then i t w o u l d be done, b u t , ; ' he must record object ion to the w o i d autag- i(' oi i i s in . It was a w i n d that ha i l been Used j ' too often and too freely i n the mat ter . \ '

I t was agreed three members of the Cotin- /£ c i l a t tend the conference, w i t h the Lllei U and , " the Consu l t ing Engineer.

Conn. B i rkbeck asked if the members selected w o u l d have p lena ry powers tu act.

Couli . Singer : Yes. Coun. Mrs Bu t l e r : The C h a i r m a n is quite

w r o n g . They won ' t . They w i l l slate the i r case to the best of ' h e i r a b i l i t y . Only the Min is te r had p lenary powers .

Codn. V. Carter wondered i f a l l the inter­ested part ies such as the Tees Val ley Water

In la-t Saturday 's game Ba rna rd Castle were beaten by on ly inn,- runs. Bat t ing l i r s i . i l ie Town m u l e l i s runs agaitMi sdhie extremely at-cursie b o w l i n g , s. B a i n l u i d g •. the young Barney player, made a very use-

last wieke l pa r tnersh i i i by Parker ie f l i ck . ' i - i ' i ' s ' took ih i ibus p r o v i d i n g a Vei v

kei . iWll Hie

wicke i r l!n to t2~t

Unicorn Changes Hands. The licence of the Utoieoin Hotel , Ihisves,

changed bands •»ti Wednesday w h - u jm appl i i a t ion for transfer was - r a i n e d by ihc Greta Br idge Magistrates Court [roast Ml -Walke r to M : Reginald Hudson. Transfer et Licence,

AI Greta Britlge Magistrates C o u i I i l l W . ' d b\ M r l i c e n c e

col lect ion, w h i c h was for the United Nation Association Appeal Fund , was L i Is. I d .

lJAit .S 'Aii i) C A S I I . I ; v. i i n ; " B E C O N N O I T E R E H S . "

Played at Barnard Castle on s u i m d a y . B a r n a r d Castle.

W'. Anderson Ibw b Sanders ... y .Mitchell b Seddon ... 8 A Plews c B u r r o w s b Seddoii lo Clarke h seddon ... . . . » i M o n e l t l l b w b Sanders ... 14 Ri ley c Scrivener b Lough .' IZ Donald b Sanders * u Musto c Burrows b Sanders » Witching b Sanders

Ba inbr idge b Sanders Watson not out


A r e c e n t pho tograph of B a i t i a i d Casfle St. organist , a n d c h i n c h wardens. It i s I i i t i r i h c C h o i r o f l a l o .V i vears ' s tanding. Some i n g c lergy : Canon BroWU, l » n ; the Dev. J. the ReV. I I . W. I I . Bit-chant. I 9 l i ; Ihe Rev. per iod h a v e been the l a t e \V. Raper, t h e late and

a the present member, ha;

i rganist . Mr -I been s t r icken

Min \ s Parish c h u r c h c h o i r , w i t h the c lergy, " s ' i u^ l o . t i i i i l some of Hie older members of

o f ihein can recall service under the fo l low-1". I ' t ' i i iose , 1898 : the I ter . I., l i . Ashbv. I9U6

I ! . Se lwy i i S n i i t l i , I'.i:!"'. Organis ts over Hit F. W. i japer. F.R.C.O. for over -">u years).

W i g l i l m a n (Is years w n w i t h [i • health

. M i over

( i . the

Moore , w in •l twelve n i '

is still



B R i D E A T E A C H E R AT R O S G I L L S C H O O L .

T o t a l " Becoi iuoi terers ."

Deuison lbw b Donald Lough c Watson b Anderson Bui l ie ' t h Anderson Bur rows b Watson W i l k i n s o n c M i t c h e l l b Plews . Seddon c M o i r e l i b Plews ... Darker b Donald

Si i iveuer 1 Piews L. Ha thaway st Musto b Plews Ford l b w b Plews .", I . Sanders not out

i : . \ t ias

Corpora l A i r c r a f t Apprent ice C. II Stephenson, son of M r and Mrs J

j j Stephenson, Da l ton Street, D a i l i n g i u n , and Bell 0 g randson of .Mrs E. Col l i i i so t i , of Dent Bank, and 9 Middletoi i - in-Teesdale, received congra tu la- M r

— tory words f r o m the Secretary of s ate for The


IIS A i r , H i P h i l i p .Noel Baker, passing out parade of the

M l 49th

craft Apprentices 1 ° School at C r a n w e l i .

Cpl, Stephenson

., at a recent Meica entry Of A . i - The

l i . i l i e wedd ing t o o k place at St. Mieha C h i n c h . SImp, on Saturday, o f M r l l u ^ h R.

son of M r and Mrs Robert Bel l , he ld , Miss .lane Eleanor l .owis , daughter of and Mrs M a r k l . owis , Ravsit ic, Shap. Dev. T. l i . Bai ley officiated and Mi>s

le was the organist , bride, w h o was on 'he a r m of her

uesday, a n app l i ca t ion w a s made Theodore Hal l for Ihe tiansfer of Hi til he W h i l e Swan Hotel , S ta r t fo r th , f r o m M i \ \ . t i ib l ious . The p o l i c e off . . ied no object ion and Ihe appl ica t ion was granted. Damage.

In the pasl a considerable amount of dam-aye h a s been d o n e to Ba rna rd Castle Athle t ic I 'ootbal l Club 's chang ing l o o m s b\ pi ople b reak ing i n . etc. A n appeal o >i.>p i l u ~ s«r . o l th ing is made by the Club Commit tee .

Burnt Out. W h e n an empty i u r u i i u r e wagon caugln

fire on Sta inniore ea r l \ Oil Monday iiK»rniug the d r i ve r h a d to ^o near ly a tulle before he found a teleplioiie. \s a result, ' l ie l o r r y , a three-ton Studebaker iK- lougi i ig to the Arena Transpor t <'."., London , was burn t out.

Successful Exhibitor. A successful exh ib i to r at l l e i g i i i n g t o n

S h o w on Saturday was Mr Reuben saver, of Cotl ieistoue. He .-coined Ihe lii>t prize III I h e mare w i t h foal class and second in the coll or l i l l y class. Mr Saver i s a very a rdeu i horse exh ib i to r and h i - prize cards are now i n considerable number .

Whist Drive. The weekly whis t d r ive held on

evening at the l u r k ' s Read Hotel , Cas'le, to raise funds for the Boi Movement , is s t i l l f o rg ing ahead.' w inner s : Ladies I . Mrs Evans ; Pr ing le . Gents—1. Miss A r m s t n n u

Parkinson & Sons E s t a b l i s h e d 1875



P h o n e 162

the No. l i C A . F . Radio fatirer. wore a dress of whi te brocaded sa t in t r i m m e d w i t h a spray of orange blossom,

- r - — was pa iade warrant , ve i l I of embroidered ' l i e . and coronet of was * oll lcer when the Secretary of Stale took the orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of red Grouse Shootins . s a lu t e , and i t was later announced by the roses. The m a t r o n Of honour Mrs I

Young (plajfing :i> Coll ins and Mrs M.C.

i e i i t s , . Walker .

Tuesday Barnard

Scouts' Pri/.e-

i, M r -; Mt>

caled prizes, Mrs F. Hol t

Centra l Sale Rooms

Barnard Castle

Command ing Officer that he had been awar- Cow'ard d t d prizes l o r the highest aggregate and the highest marks for radio l i t ter The parade was watched by a huge

sal in the

On T o t a l

Thur sday , 127

of parents and sel l ag Mar ;

>r R.A.F. Officers, inch id- Jackson \ i r Chief Marsha l S i r Roderic H i l l , A i r leng h

. . . . . u i c h a l S i r Ra lph S. Soi ley , and A i r Coin- m a l modore I I . L . I t . A 'chcr ley , A i r Officer l iKtnd ing the I j . A . F . , Crauwel t .

Cpl . Stephenson is aged 1'J years. 1. M i t c h e l l s benefit ma tch j o i n e d the R.A.F. in I ' .u . w i t h the m i

w i l l lake place and should prove to be very y f m a k i n g a career i n the service, in teres t ing . The teams are as fol lows :

ter wore ina lma i so i i p ink marks w i t h p i i f f sleeves and ipiill .ed col lar , and • ta i l ' ) , carr ied a bouquet ol sweet peas. The brides c r o w d maids. Miss Anne T u b m a n and i .weui lo l inr

Shoot ing over the l . a r l i n ^ i o i i Moors on I ' l l AllgllS!, M l I I . Addison. Nicholson

par ty shot 47 brace Of grouse. Th i s , w i t h the. opening day 's bag of ;(s brace.

(nieces), turquoise

wore sat i i i

dresses of ankle-w i th bonnets of

luakes a record lo r shooting' over Ihe d o ^ s >h Ibis m o o r . The w i n t e r ' - heuvv snowfa l l

l u n g sat in t r i m m e d w i i h p ink si lk cord U o ' ' 1 , , u ' , , i l u s ° " " " ' * 1 1 «""u id . ' aud f e e d -carr ied p o s i e s of mixed Mowers The l n « " " " " ' beadier and bem s. e d is c la imed

to have put some stamina in to the birds , w h i c h are in g o o d cond i t ion . Barnard Castle Coif Club.

Com- and best n ia t i was M r Joseph E. Bell (brother)

He a n d the grooinsnian M r \V . Robinson. T i n n t i o i i reception was held at the S ' l i t i i V i e w Cafe

T. K. Jackson's X L - C . L . Adamson (Dur-l i a i n Ci ty and D u r h a m County) , W . T . Shie ld I N o r t h u m b e r l a n d ) , F, Robson (Durham Uni-

l loard, etc., w o u l . l be present. I t was f e l t v e r s i t y ) , J. Hey ( D u r h a m County ; , J. Ky le hey w o u l d not. Couu. E. Watson said that ( D u r h a m Codn ty ) , R. s m i t h s o n ( D u r h a m

the observers d i d no t t o m e in to i t . The LUty), E. L . P r o u d (Bishop A u c k l a n d ) , R. B. Minis t ry were j u s t not qui te satist icd upon F r o u d (Bishop A u c k l a n d a n d D u r h a m the subject a n d they w a n t a f r i end ly con- County Captain,, , W . E lms ( D u r h a m Coun-L;ieiice. t y ) , R. H e r r o n ^Castle Eden) ,

Coun! M r s Ru t t e r : Our business here is R. Watson's X L — J . C a n ( D u r h a m Codn ty j , » " to discuss the i n q u i r y over aga in but to U- Coverdale, t i . l l a r k e r ( K i r k b y Stephen), iivp'iint repfeseii tat ives to a conference, she N N - Anderson, L,. R . Bai leyj s. Bainbr idge , siiU a q u a i t e i of an hour had been wasted <•• Clarke, B. Dona ld , 1'. M o r r e l l , and J. a/id s t i l l they had the business to do. she chel l ( B a r n a r d Castle, , moved they get on . t ickets for th i s ma tch are on siile

Is. The ma tch w i l l commeuc

whele a b o u t a l l g u e s l s a s s e m b l e d . T h e l i o n y n i o o u is lacing spent a t S o u ' h p o r t . The


A very successful b r i n g and buy held i n the Mick l e ton Church i n Saturday af ternoon by the local Ins t i tu te .

hi in"' t ravel led in a b r o w n m i x t u r e ta i lored

A meda l r o u n d was p layed on I n u i s d a y ' evening. The f o l l o w i n g were Ihe best . a id ' s ; re turned : SS-l.j-73 ;


Coun. t t u c k proposed the Cha i rman , Codas. Roy Watson and E. Watson .

I h e Cha i rman called for a seconder (or seconded 'he proposal).

Coun. H a r v e y : Is i t i n order for the Chair­man to second his o w n name I

Coun. Singer : 1 d i d not second i t . I cailed for a seconder.

After discussion i t was agreed the repre­sentatives thereupon

on 2 at -30 p .m.

W a l t o n


B a r n a r d Castle Ath le t i c were

price dec lar ing the sale open Mr that the sp i r i t of f r iendl iness engendered by the Women 's lus t i tu te .Movement was more inva luable ihan the handicraf ts , and that sp i r i t made for a better L u y l a n d and a better w o r l d . The speaker was thanked by Mrs H i n d . She was also presented w i t h a bouquet by N . Anderson.

Teas were h i charge of Mrs ' P a r k i n , Mrs unable to J. Sowerby, M r s T e w a r d , a n d Mrs W.

be elected s i n g l y . Coun. Huck f u l f i l the i r fixture on Saturday last as the B r o w n . Jelly s ta l l—Mrs .1. Forster and Miss moved the Cha i rman , C o u n . 59th T.R., R.A.C., have w i t h d r a w n f r o m the M . Coul thard . 1 lb. s ta l l—Mrs Anderson and jJJJ luJ

Singer, a n d Coun. A. M . Harvey seconded, league. O n Sa turday they have Bishop Mrs Peacock. B r a n tub—Mrs Wade and Conn. M r s Rut te r proposed Coi in . Bi rkbeck A u c k l a n d Reserves as v i s i to rs to the Ten Miss A. Raine. New stal l—Mrs Thompson

but he dec l ined as the date coincided w i t h Fields. a n d Mrs Catchpole. Jumble—Mrs M o r t o n , the opening of school te rm. C O C K F I E L D v. B A R N A R D C A S T L E SOCIAL Miss Salkeld and Miss V Forster. House of

Coun. M r s Dowse proposed Conn. V. C L U B m i r t h — M r s Baker and Miss Dent. Coinpet i -Carter, bu t he decl ined. t ion—Miss F. Forster and Miss Wade.

Coun. M r s Rut ter proposed Couu. G . A. The opening game of the season took F lowers—Mis Cameron and Miss E. Ba i l i e . Carter. Coun. A. M . Harvey seconded. Place at Cockl.ield on Saturday last. l h e The doorkeeper was Mrs Coi l inson .

CoUn. V . Carter proposed Coun. E. Watson Social Club, who i t w i l l be remembered w o n The s a i e was he ld under the presidency and th is was agreed. the Weardale League last season, l ie lded a o f M r s C u l l e n and over £*) was made.

The C h a i r m a n , w i t h Couns. G. A . Carter f a i r l y s t rong team, k i cked off before a goou ' and E. Watson , were therefore selected to c r o w d i n g lo r ious sunshine. I h e y h a d a attend the conference. f a i r share of the exchanges and held out

Coun. Col l ie r then moved tha t Glaxo be against the fast Cockl ie ld forwards , w h o approached i n the mat te r a n d t o l d wha t nred shot after shot at the Social Club goal , they h a d done.—This was agreed. B r u n s k i l l , the keeper, was p l a y i n g a m a g n i -

Coun. M r s R u t t e r : 1 expect the Counc i l lo r s t t cen t game, but CockiieJd g r a d u a l l y wore w i l l pay the i r o w n expenses ? the detente d o w n and. scored l o u r qu ick

Coun Singer - Cer ta in ly not goals. Ha l t - t ime : Cockl le ld , 4; Social Club, u. B a r n a r d Castle N. l - . s . were cal led out to At the conc lus ion of business the Chair- After Ihe re-start the Social Club p layed an outbreak of l i re at the Nor th Tees Col-

man expressed pleasure at seeing Coun. Roy better foo tba l l a n d came near scor ing o n u e r j , W l i i s ton , at about 4 a.m. yesterday Watson back amongst t hem after his recent m a n y occasions. Cockl ie ld scored accident Coun . Watson rep l ied a n d sa id fur ther goals and were awarded a penal ty done to mach ine ry that the Counci l ' s expressions d u r i n g his w h i c h they f a i l ed to convert, l h e i l lness had been very he lp fu l .

s i i i i V v i l h hai and gloves to match . The bride's gift to the b r idegroom was a pa i r of xL.&jji go ld cuff l i nks an I the br idegroom's present entries to the bride a go ld locket, to the m a t r o n of honour a s i lver and pear l necklace, lo Hie bridesmaids s i lver i h a r m necklaces,

sale was T | „ , ch i ld ren of Rosgi l l School, where Miss m u t e 'on l .owis is a teacher, presented Iier w i t h a Women 's h a i o / u e u r and plastic f r u i t / f i s h . Mrs W i n . Bil l iards.

Hudson, headmistress of R o s g i l l School, W i t h a v i ew to creat ing more interest i n Opened by Mrs W a l t o n , there were flower* presented the bride w i t h a s i lver tea service the game of b i l l i a rds , e x h i b i t i o n games were

j e l l y , lemonade and and household utensils. The bride is a a r ranged at the Cocklield Workmen ' s Club, ) served. I l l member of the Church Counci l (representing when Co l in S m i i h Nor thumber l and and

B. C. Wear, si-13-71 : C. I i . p i h a r l . F. W. Webb, S j -K ' -7 ; i ; T . K. Be l l .

\ v . Raw. ss-i^-To. There were M l A. S. Watson, the local g " l l pro. ,

w h i l s t p l a y i n g over the course, d i d 'he t h i r d hole i n one—lif! yards . Th i s is t h t ime he has accomplished this feat coming to Ba rna rd castle & years ag

P Staindrop Social Centre

* H O R T I C U L T U R A L S H O W I in t l i * Plains

i n 11 u s i x t h g

13th September, ^ 4 7

For S t h c d u k

at 2 p.m.

70 O P E N C L A S S E S apply : A . JACKSOM, Green Vi S t a i n d r o p

produce, j umble , fancy ice cream stalls. Teas were a l

said Rosgill) and collector for the I 'heir home w i l l be at K c l d .

Bible icietv.


Special feature of M I D D L E T O N SHOW

Middleton-in-Teesdale 's 450 (breaks 108, 87 75th annua l show on September 7th w i l l be break being 56;. the v is i t o l the famous Mar lon Col l ie ry Hand Cockfield Concert

week-end. They w i l l give concerts i n the show held on both the Saturday and Sunday. Under the 'ba lon of M r J. A lhe r ton . this famous broadcast ing hand w i l l be a b ig a t t r ac t ion at M i d d l e l o u , where bra.-s bands

l a m School Boy Champion , played Trevor Sams i n a game of iou up. the schoolboy, who w o n by iuu chalks to 17. made a break of 0'J, and a fur ther game was p layed by George Cranston (Crook) , holder of the Junior Amateu r Championsh ip of A l l England , w h e n he defeated .1. W a l t o n , of EVenwood, i n a game of 4iU up. Cranston

58) ; . W a l t o n , 180 (his best

g S P O R T S

g £15 80 yards handicap, £6 220 yards, £6 410 yards High Jump 2 Kntr ics for handicap to H. MOOKE, is . Auckland Terrace y Sbildon

A D M I S S I O N it/-. C h i l d r e n l id. : C a r s 2. : Bookmaker* £1

At the Garth on Sunday n ight , k ind ' . , loaned by M r J. Stephenson, t .rcy-huuud Inn , an excellent concert was g iven by Mr W o o d wa lk ' s microphone i n a i d of Uie

have a lways been popula r w i l l be a great sheepdog t r i a l w i t h Xiii i n prizes.

Horse sports; w i t h near ly iOu i l l prizes, w i l l also have a big f o l l o w i n g .

Other a t t ract ions Wf i i t e tove i r^CoUiery Relief Fund Vocal and i tems were submit ted, i nc lud ing

recordings of the Black Dyke M i l l s Band. H . M . t iuurds , and i i i e i i a d i e r Guards Bands,

mus ica l

Band. Manchester

t w o Damage to the to mach ine ry i n the engine house bt

Socia l lore the fire was got under con t ro l . Produc-Club scored the i r goa l after a l u n - t h r o d g h t i o n w i l l be stopped for sonie days. The by the i r inside-left . Result : Cockiteld, 6 ; co l l i e ry , w h i c h is owned by Mr J. W . John-Social Club,. 1. son, of Wackerf ie ld , had jus t had some new

The Social Club have another away match mach ine ry ins ta l led the week before

over .lion w i l l be g iven i n prizes i n the many events.

Horse, cattle and h o r t i c u l t u r a l classes w i l l be staged. The judges for ihe var ious classes are as fo l lows : Cattle—Messrs T. 11. Lowe, M i d d i i d g e , and 11. Craig , W'estgate. Wensleydale and Teeswater sheep and dogs --Messrs I t . J. B e c k w i t l i , Stai innnre, and T . Thorhbo iTow, Arkengar thda le . H o r s e s -Mrs S. M a r s h a l l , Penr i th , and M l F. Smed-ley, K ings Meaburn . Sheep dug t r ia l s -

extent of near ly £2,000 was -Messrs H . Handley and H . Capstick. Raven-


£2,000 DAMAGE AT C O L L I E R Y .

BEST KEPT STATION GARDENS. l ^ ^ J ^ - T ^ T ^ ^ o a t b i e a k ' t h e ^ s - ^ f f j ^ H o ^ t T s - i

tonedale. I n d u s t r i a l section — Mrs 1-Anderson, L a r t i n g t o i i , and Mrs Smi th , Cald­w e l l . Handicraft—Mrs Bel l , Fo l ly View, But te rknowle , and Mrs Croft, School House, kynesack. Hor t i cu l tu re—Flowers , Messrs T .

Xo Bayles, Cotherstone, and W . S. Dobie, F.ggle-W . K i r t l e y ,

r the Bickershaw Colliery Children 's C h o i r ; and vocal items by Pau l Robeson a n d several others by R i cha rd Tauher M r W o o d w a i k , w h o gave his ser­vices free, was thanked by Coun. John Re||, and a col lect ion was taken by the members of the Pa r i sh Counc i l , w h i c h realised the sum of £18 l i s . tid., i n c l u d i n g E3 ;!s. g iven by the Cockl ie ld Workmen's c l u b . On behalf of Mr W o o d w a i k a dalesman responded w i t h •' Rive to others and the sun w i l l shine upon y o u . " Coun Bel l a l luded to the Cockheld aged people's t r i p to SoUtll Shields o i l Satur­day, August j q t h . A l l who in t end go ing should meet i n ihe v i l lage at 'J a.m.




135 stations have qua l i t l ed for prizes i n the 1947 compe t i t ion for best kept stations i n the Nor h-Eastern Area of the k lWB -B- Sa turday w i t h an away match w i t h E ldon

l h e teal d i s p a y is not Uie o n l y t h i g A l b i o l l s


s u n i M . e d I severe defeat by 9 w h i c h is taken in to account, general c leanl i - , r o a l s t o .7fi ness, t idiness a i :d upkeep are also con- b ' sidered.


The j o i n t secretaries are M r T. T o w n F n d , Midd le ton , and M r G. Schedules are now avai lable .

Bellas, 31, A. Beadle. W , A E C , O F F I C E R O P E N S EASINGTON

S H O W .


Darlington and District League. 10 Back

are . . l and , L e y b u n i , R ipon , T h o r n t o n Dale and the A r m y , most players w l W h i t l e y Bay. forms before Hie season opened have

There are 63 t h i r d class p r i z ewinne r s and been posted away or w i l l shor t ly he j w l

l i o n .

M r Robert Bruce, Executive Officer to Dur­h a m W a r A g r i c u l t u r a l Committee, opening Easington V i l l age Show and Sports Society's

to i ts pre-war foot ing, Grasmeie show at L i t t l e thorpe on Saturday, said that Sir,—As a l i f e long supporter of (he " l>"i ls on Thursday at t racted l-'.ouo people, ag r i cu l tu re was now the yreaics iudust rv

R.S.P.C.A. a n d an ardent a n i m a l lover, may Wrest lers were there i n force, there being 67 and the count ry looked to i t i n the present to lake special entries i n the l i g h t w e i g h t event, 114 i n the emergency. By staging such shows the

an imals i n this a b n o i m - m i d d l e w e i g h t class, and 131 i n the heavy- commit tee were c rea t ing a closer l i n k be-Bi rds and an imals need w c i g l n section. Some of these deserve tween t o w n and coun t ry .

do they special ment ion . B i g b u r l y Jack Brewer, There was a record entry i n a l l classes. Manchester, was one. Fas iny to i i and H i s i i i c i Young

F o r a l l t h a t i s b e s t i n



Fancy Goods


Children's Wear

Men's & Boys' Wear

Household Linens

Furniture & Furnishings

Y o u c a n d e p e n d o n

Tel. 43

. THE EDITOR OF THE TEESDALE M E U C L I U The w i n n e r o l the "Special Class pr ize

o l i o is South H o w d e n . T i le 21 first class I n very s i m i l a r weather to tha t expen p r i zewinners inc lude such stations w e l l - enced at the close o l last season, 59th R.A.C k n o w n for the i r f lo ra l d isp lays as Aysgar th , opened the i r season i n the D a r l i n g t o n a n d 1 appeal to y o u r readers Beverley Eve r ingham, Uoldsborough, Dis t r ic t Foo tba l l League w i t h a w i n over though t for th i r s ty an ima l Hessle, Pool- in-Wharfedale and T y n e h i o u t h . Bank Top Loco at D a r l i n g t o n on Saturday d l ' y not sumnie i t

i , , . i i w i c i 0, tbu in soeond c l a s s s tations last water at a l l t imes, but especially A , . i . i n . „ n , , ' ' i ,, n , W . 1 ' S , l u f u r t u i i a t e l v OWlua to changes w i t h i n require i t i n hot weather, a n d 1 w o u l d urge f r o m I l l u s i o n , near Manchester, was one. Easington and D i s l i i c t Y o u n g banners ArU.u .g ton , Cloug . i to i i , Dr i f f i e ld , Ooath- L n f o i t u n a t t l y , ^ o w u i ^ m ^ i nan^ts w i t n i n w ^ fo j t t l l i U a ( | j s l l „ r l l u w l Ten years ago this wres t l ing p o l i c e m a n - C l u b ' s Cup was w o n by W C l n y s . a l . ol

either of fresh wate r is avai lable outside the i r gates 'hen a y o u n g man—scored his t i l t h c ra sn ic rc Blackba l l , A German P.O.W. E i i c Rauiuani i , eoing for passing dogs a n d cats. Let us feel success. On Thursday , at the age of 12, tie employed by M r Gilber t Forbes, ol l . i n l e -

ates of c o m m e n d a - T h i s has caused Uie 59th R.A.C. to resign pecul iar p i ty for those poor Strays whosere turned. . . to show the heavyweights of to - thorpe F a r m , Easington Won a In si prize in ta tes o i t o m i n e . u » i u s i n * * k l a l | d a l | d u j s l n u l L e a g u e ter ror and anx ie ty are made even more day a th ing or two i n t a k i n g his score to six a n d several other Jwards m the lo.nu pro­

w-inch t h e v ' h a d entered as w e l l as the Da i - acu te by the added to rmen t of th i r s t . «? a keenly contested event. B u t B r e w e r d u c e ' lass . l i i c t o i i Lea°ue for the l o r t l n o i n i n g season Nor sl ioulU we forget the horses, to w h o m was not the only one 10 make a come-back. A g r i c u l t u r a l Horse-. Brood OnTv twelve u lavers have so far been r eg i s - a d r i n k of cold wate r comes as a godsend i n l o r w i t h h i m i n the l i n a l was one of his Moore Bros.. Hel ton ; tered for the season the tierce heat of a m i d s u m m e r day, ami a l l n v a l s of yester-year, B i g B i l l Kit

On Sa turday p lay was not of a too h i g h those helpless creatures i n ou r k e e p i n g - t h e sometime champion and l o u r times a s tandard , as the very ho i weather and rabbits a n d the hens in the backyards, as m e n dry g r o u n d , coupled w i t h a soft ba l l

l end themselves to good footbal l . - f u l f i l m e n t Of their s imple needs, a m i SOBie- S h e p h e r d , w h o t ra ins o i l the le l ls and m a y e a r l i n g f i l ly I , Moore Bros.; 2. I . W. . . ..

ba rn g y m n a s i u m , w o n the senior guides mour , Hawthorne ; :t, R. M a n n . Winga le race, passing pa t Temple , last year's w i n - T w o - y e a r - o l d coll or ge ld ing C. Hodgson

P O R T L A N D . uer. as they thundered d o w n the slope of F i l l y - 1, W. S. Sh ipn iau . S u n d e r l a n d . -'. J R.S.P.C.A. But ter Crag

of Barnard Castle And at SUNDERLAND STOCKTON, and W E S T H A R T L E P O O L


M o r n i n g coffee a n d a sale were tMJUkes 1 for tunate to be a goa l up at half-of an effort at S p r i n g Lodge L a n i a r d b u t f o r m e amazhJg acrobat ics of Castle, yesterday m o r u i u g , i n a id o he • the i r goalie, they m a y w e l l have Oueen's Jubilee Si iperaTinuat ioi i Pens o i * ^ , § o w „ . The second half , how-Fund for Nurses. The e l f o i t was, b> k i n d ^ t | , t l u w l t h m o s t o t t n e b a U , and permiss ion of M r s Wat son , J . I . ., w o ,n leu. ( 1 .' v e „ t , i a l l y r a n out winners w i t h a score as hostess. The gardens w i n u i n me e t l o i . J W i l s o n , a newcomer to the Regiment , was he ld had a d e l i g h t f u l appearance w i t h o f 3-0. of Rothe . l . am Uni ted , heading the i r fresh cut l a w n s and sweet . lose bed g * * * ^ nice centres f r o m ei ther w i n g , and Hinges of begonia bordeis . ' " e " d f t e w h o is now p l a y i n g at inside-left , was served by M r s Holmes, Mrs I K Be « t l i e n l o l , , l e U his t h i r d season w i t h the

ison. sen., M r s J. As tough a n d " D a r l i n g t o n League

w i n n e r d i d w e l l as the sheep and pigs and eattle « u the The w r e s t l i n g was w e l l up

59th farms—who look to h u m a n beings for the. s 'audards. A twenty-yeais-ol

his •wles, don ; ;{, T. I i i a s - Feal , col t -

Moore R io lo ( i r a s i n e r e — i , s. Wj I Seathwatte Easi i igUni

<i. Brewis . Ilesle-Seymoi i r and Sons. Sunder land. I , .). U . M u r r a v . Castle Kileu ; -'. .: 3. l i . I ' .cvendge. Haswel l . F i l l y ' ppi t Sho l lon ; 8, '•• Hodgson. ;;, ( i . Cowan', Wiuga te . D i a u g l u

I am, £ir , etc., W I N I F R E D

D a r l i n g t o n League, by g i v i n g the Miss Hel l . A stall o i I ^ j ^ J ^ V ™ ' o p p o s i t t o n s goalie no chance With h is shot was i n charge of Miss W a l t o n M i s 1 W . t i t l l i l ( J g o a , Rainbr idge , Mrs W h i t e a m i M i * Colhe . ^ ^ w e c k s e e s t l l e 5 y t h a t h o m e t o uar-Compet i t ions were In cha ige of M i s A. I . e i s h - p

mail and M r s Nevisoi i . hey sold t ickets 1'"= 1 1

freelv for a beaut i fu l chocolate take. Coffee • was u 'ha ige of M r s ,C. ft. P i c k a r d and Mrs Local Wi l l s . S h o i t r i d " e Mi lkers were Mrs A i r o w s m i l h M l - George Rowehottom, of 11, Newgay, and la te Coulthard. There was a good B a r n a r d Castle, a former managing direc-atiei idance at the effort with a l i b e r a l i t y of t o r u f the Saxone Shoe Company, left £6,95-spending fo r the ve ry good cause. 6 s . 4d. (net personal ty) £6,922.



FURNITURE REMOVALS. Deliveries to and from London, Mid lands , and Southern Counties by arrangement-

Loads F u l l y Insured i n Trans i t . F u l l or Pa r t Loads Wanted .


w e l l i n f ron t of the other com- o. Brewis . Gelding over three years I . W. peti tors. He was Stanley Edmondson, who Chrys ta l , B lackba l l : '• Moore Bros, f a i r " f i n his l i r s t year as a fe l l r a re r lias leapt horses i n p l o u g h ••hains-- | and 3, M e in to the l i n i e l i g h t by w i n n i n g every event i n p r o s , ; •>, HJH Bros., i . as iugiou. T u r n out i l l w h i c h ne has taken part -Hie fell races at C a r t harness—1, T . M a b i d m . ICasingioii ; .'. Keswick, l i r a i t h w a j t e , Bor rowdale . and now \ Anderson, Hetton. ' I 'ug harness I , W. Grasmeie. H i s t i m e of 14 mins . ii sees, d i d Brass, Eas ingtoi i j i. N. Malco in ie . Ea- iug-noi break the record, but was 10 sees, faster ton ; 3, l i . l l o r n s b v . De io i a l ed turn-oui I , t han last year. F. M a l c o l m ; 2, l i . M a l c o l m : 3. (•. Hornsby.

I t is believed that the boys' guides race F i r s t p r izewinners in other classes were record was broken, however, though by how F a r m produce open E. B a u m a n n . l . i 'He mUch no one appeared to know. The w i n - thorpe : R. I .owlher . Casile E d e n ; I I . W a l ner was B r i a n Palmer , 16-years o l d clerk i n i 0 1 1 Hesleden • Mrs Cr i i f fe r ty ; E. I t aumann ; the W e s t m o r l a n d C.C. unices. He led a l l F , Henderson, ' Castle Eden ; A. Howard , the w a y . Easington ; A. Anderson.

The h o u n d t r a i l s were rather disappoint- Horse and ponv sports -.1. H a l l , i i . P. M u r ­i n g . P e n r i t h compet i tors d i d w e l l in the , . a v j Wes twick , A. T a y l o r . J. Fairs , j . cycle events. Secretar ia l duties were carr ied H i i i d m a r c h , M G e a r ; M . B r o u g h ; 11. Nichol-o i i t by M r Mylps D. Dickson. son.

STANHOPE AGRICULTURAL SHOW September 13th, 14th, 15th

BLACK S p o c u l iUtr.tvl ioi is :

D Y K E M I L L S BAND Trofiiti<r Handicap

Open Scamper & Pony Scamper Handicaps Leaping Contests & Sheep Dog Trials

Mr Tom Inglis's "Huir icane ," Ihc fartnl trotter in Great Britain will compete in the Trotting Events


S e c r e t a r y : J . J a m c « o n , Raby House . S t a n h o p e
