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NCAA Transfer Rules

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  • 8/7/2019 NCAA Transfer Rules


    Transfer 101 www.ncaa.org 1

    Transer 101Basic inormation you needto know about transerring

    to an NCAA college

    For Divisions I/II/III





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    NCAA GOALS FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES Balance academic, social and athletics experiences.

    Have a collegiate athletics experience based on air, sae and

    reasonable standards and a commitment to sportsmanship.

    Ensure a quality education that leads to academic success.

    Support opportunities or par ticipating in athletics.

    National Collegiate Athletic AssociationP.O. Box 6222

    Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6222



    August 2010

    NCAA, NCAA logo, and National Collegiate Athletic Association are registered marks o the Association.You must not use them in any manner unless you have received prior approval rom the Association.

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    Whats inside?So, you ar thinking about transrring...............................................................................................4

    Relieve your anxiety: Read this guide to learn what you need to know ....................................4Focus on both school and sports .........................................................................................................4You may need more inormation .........................................................................................................5

    Bor you o anything, gur out whr you ar ha ..........................................................6First, decide which school is right or you .........................................................................................6Then, learn about the division and conerence o the new school...........................................6

    Fin out i th transr ruls aly to you ...........................................................................................8

    Figure out i you are a transer ..............................................................................................................8Know your initial-eligibility certication status ..............................................................................8Figure out i you are a qualier, partial qualier or nonqualier ...............................................9Amateurism eligibility requirements ..................................................................................................9Know when you need to get permission to talk to another school .........................................9Where to go or help...............................................................................................................................11

    Tak a closr look at th ruls ............................................................................................................... 12Understand the basic transer rule ................................................................................................... 12Learn the language ............................................................................................................................... 12

    Whn can you lay? .................................................................................................................................. 13I you are now in a two-year school ................................................................................................. 14I you are now in a our-year school ................................................................................................ 19

    I you have been at a our-year school and now attend a two-year school ....................... 21Imortant nitions you might n to know ............................................................................ 25

    Whr to go or mor inormation ...................................................................................................... 28NCAA resources ...................................................................................................................................... 28Resources outside o the NCAA ......................................................................................................... 28

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    1 So, you are thinking about transerringRelieve your anxiety:Read this guide to learn what you need to know

    I you are thinking about transerring to a dierent school to play a sport, you might be conused and ull o questionslike

    n Do I have to tell my current school that I want to transer?

    n When can I play ater I transer?

    n What transer rules apply to me?

    n What do I need to do at my two-year college to make sure that I am eligible to play?

    n What do I do i I have more questions?

    n Where do I start?

    The National Collegiate Athletic Association, (also called the NCAA) understands that the decision to transer toanother school is an important and oten difcult one in your college career. Thereore, you should not transer untilyou know all the rules and potential consequences. We do not want you to negatively impact your education or your

    chances to play college sports.

    We would like to help you make your transition to your next school a smooth one so that you can continue youreducation and, at the same time, continue to participate in your sport. But you have a responsibility in this process aswell. You need to learn as much as you can to protect your own eligibility. While NCAA schools have a responsibility

    and interest in giving you accurate advice about transer and eligibility rules, you must understand exactly how therules apply to YOU. Based on the acts, every situation is dierent.

    Bor you act, o your homwork. Mak sur you unrstan how transrring will afct YOU.

    We have written this guide to try to help you answer as many questions as we can. We will also tell you about otherplaces to go or more inormation i you need it. Since we believe that both the academic and athletics aspects o yourlie are valuable, we are committed to supporting you as you make this critical decision about changing schools.

    In this guide, we directly address students who are interested in transerring to an NCAA school. However, parents,

    guardians, coaches and other school sta may nd this guide helpul as well in learning the basic transer rules.

    Focus on oth school and sports

    The NCAA wants your college experience to be exciting, rewarding and successul. The most important result is thatyou have the opportunity to receive a quality education and take your place among the student-athletes who have

    attended college, played sports, received their degrees and gone on to make important contributions to society.

    To be a true student-athlete, you will need a basic academic oundation beore you are eligible to play sports. That iswhy NCAA rules and regulations cover both academics and athletics. And that is why you will need to be a successulstudent in the classroom beore you can play at an NCAA school.

    Be sure to careully review the requirements or both academics and athletics beore you make a move to change

    schools. Transerring schools could put you urther away rom earning your degree.

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    You may need more inormation

    This guide introduces you to the key issues involved in transerring. But beore you transer to another school to playyour sport, you may need more inormation. This guide will mention a ew resources to get you on the right path. Key

    people, including your coach or compliance ofcer, can help you successully work through the process, so you shouldseek their advice and ask them all your questions. This guide will point you toward several people to contact and somehelpul websites to browse. You should take advantage o all the inormation that is available to you.

    In addition to NCAA rules, you need to know that conerence and individual college rules apply to you as well. Youshould consider all the rules beore you decide whether transerring is right or you. Do not jeopardize your uture; donot rely on this guide alone.

    Where to get help?

    n Visit the NCAA wesite at www.ncaa.org. You will nd publications to download and key topics to read.

    n Talk to people at your current school. Sta in the athletics compliance ofce or athletics department can explainthe rules to you.

    n Talk to the school you want to attend. To nd out what the schools requirements are, talk to someone in theschools athletics compliance ofce or athletics department. However, note that you will probably need written

    permission-to-contact beore talking to someone. See Know when you need to get permission to talk to anotherschoolon page 9.

    n Call the conerence o your new school. For a list o NCAA conerences, see Where to go or more inormation onPage 28.

    n Contact the NCAA. To speak to someone, call us Monday through Friday rom noon to 4 p.m. Eastern time at317/917-6008.

    AbOUT THE NCAA The NCAA made up o more than 1,300 schools, conerences,

    organizations and people is the organization through which

    many colleges and universities govern their athletics programs. It is

    committed to airly administering college athletics and protecting the

    best interests o more than 380,000 student-athletes.

    The 1,051 active member schools are divided into three major

    divisions: Divisions I, II and III. Schools choose which division they will

    join. One key dierence is that Divisions I and II may oer athletics

    scholarships; Division III does not award athletics scholarships, but

    does oer nancial aid based on academics or need.

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    2 Beore you do anything,fgure out where you are headed

    First, decide which school is right for you

    We understand that your rst question is probably, When can I play ater I transer? We know that your goal is to beable to play your sport at a new school as soon as possible. But beore you can answer that question, you need to dosome homework to nd out which rules apply to your situation.

    The rst step in the transer process is to decide i you want to transer at all and which school you want to attend.

    Either narrow your choices down to a ew schools or decide exactly where you want to go.

    Throughout this initial process, keep in mind that academics are just as important as athletics. The new school shouldhelp you satisy both your academic and athletic goals. In short, your academic success and pursuing your degreeshould be most important in your mind.

    When you begin to think about going to a new school, understand that the rules are dierent depending on whether

    you want to transer to an NCAA Division I, II or III school. For instance, schools in Division I or II may oer athletesathletically related nancial aid to cover costs o tuition, ees, room and board, or books. Division III schools do notaward athletics scholarships, but they do oer nancial aid based on academics or need.

    The rules also depend on whether you are currently enrolled at a two-year or a our-year school. For instance, i you are

    enrolled at a two-year school (some people call that a community college or a junior college) and want to transer toa Division I or II school, you may need to graduate rst rom your two-year school beore you will be able to play yoursport at the new school. I you transer beore you graduate, you may have to wait a year beore you can play.

    That is why it is important to learn more about how the rules apply to your particular situation beore you do anything.

    Larn th transr an ligibility ruls or th NCAA, conrnc an th nw school you lan to


    Learn aout the division and conerence o the new school

    Once you have selected your new school, look up the eligibility rules or the conerence o the school.

    In some cases, conerence rules can be more restrictive than NCAA rules, so you need to have a clear picture beore youmake a move. For instance, conerences may dier on how long you must attend the new school beore you can play.

    So, it is important to know all the rules that apply to the new school you want to attend.

    See Where to go or more inormation on page 28 or a list o conerences and phone numbers or go to www.ncaa.org.

    Rmmbr, you still must aly to b amitt to th school you want to attn.

    A word o caution

    Meeting the NCAA transer rules DOES NOT guarantee that you will be admitted to the school you are thinkingabout attending. To be able to play at the new school, you must remember to apply or admission. You will have to be

    accepted according to the schools admissions and academic requirements beore you can play your sport.

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    Where to start?n Go to http://www.ncaa.org/sponsorships or inormation about the school you want to attend. You will nd a

    complete list o NCAA schools, sorted by division, sport, conerence and region. You will also nd a database to help

    you nd the names, addresses and phone numbers or athletics contacts at each school.

    n Talk to the school you are interested in attending so that you are sure you understand all you have to do tobe admitted both academically and athletically. Talk to the sta in the admissions ofce, athletics department

    or athletics compliance ofce. but eore you call, understand that you will proaly need to get writtenpermission-to-contact rom your current school eore you have a conversation with the new school. See

    Know when you need to get permission to talk to another school on page 9.

    n I you are still conused, contact the NCAA national oce or the appropriate conerence oce or more

    inormation about your specic case.

    THE bOTTOM LINE Decide which school you want to attend.

    Find out about the schools division.

    Learn the specic NCAA and conerence rules that apply to the new


    Learn the new schools rules or policies.

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    3 Find out i the transer rules apply to youFigure out if you are a transfer student-athlete

    The rst question you want to ask is, Am I a transer student-athlete? It seems airly simple, but you need to answerthis basic question beore you can move orward.

    So, how do you gure out i you are considered a transer? First, we would ask several questions about the mostcommon conditions involved in transerring rom one school to another. We call these conditions transer triggers.

    The triggers are important because they tell you i you are a transer student-athlete and i you will need to know thetranser rules.

    Ask yoursel these questions:

    n Have you ever been enrolled ull time at a two-year or our-year school in a regular academic term? (Summer doesnot count.)

    n Have you ever reported or practice with the regular squad?

    n Have you ever practiced or played while you were enrolled part time?

    I you answered "yes" to any o these questions, you are a transer student-athlete. That means you now need to learnthe transer rules i you still want to play your sport at a new NCAA school.

    A CASe STUdY

    Brady was recruited to play basketball at Wisteria Lane College, an NCAA school. He enrolled in classes as a ull-time student and

    attended class on the irst day o the semester.

    On the ourth day o class, Brady went to the registrars oice and dropped rom 12 credit hours to nine, making him a part-time

    student or the rest o the semester.

    At the end o the semester, Brady decided that he wanted to go to Marcus University, another NCAA school.

    Is Brady a transer student-athlete?


    The transer rules applied to Brady the minute he became a ull-time student and went to class on the irst day o the semester. He

    must get written permission-to-contact rom Wisterias athletics director beore he can speak to the coach at Marcus University.

    Know your initial-eligiility certifcation status

    Once you have identied which school you want to attend, you need to look at your initial- eligibility certication status. SinceNCAA schools agree that all athletes must meet minimum academic standards beore they can play, make sure that you have metthe requirements.

    I you are thinking about transerring to a Division I or II school, you must rst gure out i you would have qualied to play hadyou chosen to go there as a reshman ater you graduated rom high school. We call that being a qualifer. The core courses you

    took in high school, the grades and number o credits you earned, and your scores on standardized tests all combine to helpdetermine whether you are a qualier.

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    In art, your eligibility Cntr status trmins which transr ruls aly to you an how many

    sasons you may lay.

    Figure out i you are a qualifer, partial qualifer or nonqualifer

    Why is this important? In part, your NCAA Eligibility Center qualier, partial qualier or nonqualier status determines whichtranser rules apply to you and how many seasons o competition you may have remaining to play at your new school.

    Contact the NCAA Eligibility Center to determine your status:

    Go to www.eligiilitycenter.org;or

    Call 877/262-1492.

    Should you register with the Eligiility Center?

    The Eligibility Center is responsible or evaluating academic records o high school athletes who want to play at Division I or II

    schools during their initial year o collegiate enrollment.

    Division III athletes do not need to go through the Eligibility Center.

    Note: I you never registered with the Eligibility Center, you will be classied as a nonqualier. Schools cannot assume that youwould have been either a qualier or a partial qualier unless they have a nal certication report rom the Eligibility Center.

    Amateurism eligiility requirements

    In response to the NCAA memberships concern about amateurism issues related to both international and domestic

    students-athletes, the Eligibility Center determines the amateurism eligibility o all reshman and transer prospectivestudent-athletes or initial participation at Division I or II schools. In Division III, certication o an individualsamateurism status is completed by each school, not the Eligibility Center.

    I you plan to participate in intercollegiate athletics at a Division I or II school, you must have both your academic andamateurism status certied by the Eligibility Center beore representing the institution in competition.The inormation you provide about your athletics participation will be reviewed and a determination will be made as towhether your amateurism status should be certied or i a penalty should be assessed. I a penalty is assessed, you willhave an opportunity to appeal the decision. The ollowing precollegiate enrollment activities will be reviewed:

    1. Contracts with a proessional team.2. Salary or participating in athletics.3. Prize money.4. Play with proessionals.

    5. Tryouts, practice or competition with a proessional team.6. Benets rom an agent or prospective agent.7. Agreement to be represented by an agent.

    8. Delayed initial ull-time collegiate enrollment to participate in organized sports competition.

    Additional inormation regarding NCAA amateurism rules is available on the NCAA website (www.ncaa.org).

    Know whn you n to gt rmission to talk to anothr school

    Written permission-to-contact

    Generally, i you are enrolled as a ull-time student at an NCAA or National Association o Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)

    our-year school and you want to transer to a dierent NCAA school to play, your current schools athletics director must give

    written permission-to-contact to the new coach or member o the athletics sta beore you or your parents can talk with oneo them. That is called having a permission-to-contact letter.

    You may write to any NCAA school saying that you are interested in transerring, but the new coach must not discuss transeropportunities with you unless he or she has received written permission-to-contact rom your current school.

    I your current school does not give you written permission-to-contact, another school cannot contact you and encour-age you to transer. This does not preclude you rom transerring; however, i the new school is in Division I or II, you cannot

    receive an athletics scholarship until you have attended the new school or one academic year.

    Also, i your current school ofcials deny your request to permit another institution to contact you about transerring, theymust tell you in writing that you have a right to appeal the decision. In that instance, a panel o individuals rom your currentschool who are not involved in athletics will conduct a hearing to decide the issue.

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    do not talk to anothr schools coach until you know th ruls about rciving writtn rmission.

    When do you not need written permission-to-contact?

    In Divisions I and II, i you are transerring rom a school that is not a member o the NCAA or NAIA, you do not needwritten permission-to-contact.

    Also, i you are now in Division III, you may issue your own release (called a sel-release) to allow another Division III

    school to contact you about transerring. The sel-release applies only to transer student-athletes rom a Division III

    school to another Division III school. For a sample sel-release, go to www.ncaa.org.

    CASe STUdY

    Rachel attended U2 College in Division I as a reshman and practiced with the swim team. Beore swimming in a

    meet, she was cut rom the team.

    Ater spending a summer at the beach, Rachel decided she wanted to transer to a Division II school and join the

    swim team.

    Does Rachel need to ask U2 or written permission-to-contact?


    Because Rachel practiced with the swim team at U2, she was considered a member o the team and a student-

    athlete, even though she never participated in a meet.


    Nolan attended Stars Hollow University in Division III as a reshman and sophomore. Nolan practiced and

    competed on Stars Hollow's men's lacrosse team.

    Prior to the start o his junior year, Nolan decided to transer to another Division III school to pursue a degree notavailable at Stars Hollow University.

    Does Nolan need to ask Stars Hollow University or written permission-to-contact?


    Because Nolan is transerring rom a Division III school to another Division III school, he may issue his own sel-release to allow another Division III school to contact him about transerring.

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    Where to go or help

    I you want to go to someone or help in guring out i you are a qualier:

    Contact your high school guidance ofce. Your high school will have some o the records you need, including your

    grades, which courses you took and how many credits you earned.

    Check with the Eligibility Center. Representatives can assist you in evaluating your academic record to determine i

    you are a qualier.

    - Visit the Eligibility Center website at www.eligiilitycenter.org; or

    - Call 877/262-1492.

    Eligibility Center

    NCAA Eligibility Center:Certifcation ProcessingP.O. Box 7136Indianapolis, Indiana 46207

    Package or overnight delivery:

    1802 Alonzo Watford Sr. DriveIndianapolis, Indiana 46202

    Web address:www.eligibilitycenter.org

    Eligibility Center customer serviceRepresentatives are available from 8:30 a.m.to 6 p.m., Eastern time,Monday through Friday.

    U.S. callers (toll free): 877/262-1492

    International callers: 317/223-0700

    Fax: 317/968-5100

    THE bOTTOM LINEFigure out i you are a transer.

    Get your high school academic records.

    Find out your NCAA Eligibility Center status or whether you need to

    register with the Eligibility Center.

    Get written permission, i you need it.

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    4 Take a closer look at the rulesUnderstand the basic transfer rule

    I you transer rom a two-year school and do not meet the transer requirements, or you transer rom a our-yearschool, whether you are an international or domestic student-athlete, this basic transer rule applies to you:

    You must spend one academic year in residence at your new school before you are eligible to compete.

    Learn the language

    Many people have the wrong idea about what the transer rules really mean. That is why we suggest that you take aew minutes to become amiliar with the key denitions that apply to transer student-athletes. We dene several othe most commonly used words here. For a more extensive list, see Important defnitions you might need to knowonpage 25.

    One academic year in residence = How long you must spend at your new school beore you can compete. Sometimes

    people call the year in residence "sitting out."

    For your academic year in residence to count toward your eligibility to compete, you must sit out only at the schoolwhere you intend to compete and you must be a ull-time student. You cannot meet this requirement by attending the

    school part time or by not being enrolled in school at all.

    For a semester or quarter to count toward your one academic year in residence, you must be enrolled ull time (which isgenerally at least 12-credit hours) and you must be enrolled beore the 12th day o class.

    Full-time enrollment = Each school determines the meaning o ull-time status on its own.

    Typically, you are a ull-time student i you are enrolled or at least 12-credit hours in a term. However, some schoolsdene a ull-time student as someone who takes ewer than 12-credit hours in a term.

    Transerale credit hours = Credit hours rom your rst school that your new school will accept toward your degree.

    Each school determines how many and which credit hours are acceptable or transerring.

    Progress toward degree = Whether you are moving toward earning your college degree at a reasonable pace. Eachschool determines how many credits you should take within a given time period to be considered meeting progress

    toward a degree. The school applies the same denition to all its students.

    The NCAA also determines what progress toward degree means. To be able to play, you must meet NCAA, conerenceand school rules that govern whether you are appropriately making progress toward earning your degree.

    Five-year clock= In Division I, the rst time you enroll in any two-year or our-year school as a ull-time student, youstart your ve-year period o eligibility. You have ve-calendar years rom initial collegiate enrollment to play our

    seasons o competition even i you are not enrolled in school at all or attend school part-time within that timerame.

    10-semester/15-quarter clock= In Division II and III, you have 10-semesters or 15-quarters in which to complete all

    your seasons o competition. You use one o your 10-semesters or 15-quarters every semester or quarter you attendeda two-year or our-year college and are enrolled ull-time or are enrolled part-time and compete. Unlike Division I, in

    Division II or III, you are not charged during a term that you are not enrolled in school or attend school part-time.

    Oneacademicyear inresidence







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    Kyle transerred to CBB College beore the beginning o the school year and is sitting out a year. He completed

    12-credit hours in the all term and 12-credit hours in the spring term. At CBB, students who take 12-credit hoursare considered ull-time students.

    Did Kyle complete his academic year in residence?

    Yes. Since Kyle completed two ull-time semesters (12 + 12), he satised the ull-time requirement or the year.


    Megan transerred to Gatsby College and is sitting out a year. At Gatsby, students with 12-credit hours areconsidered ull-time students.

    Megan completed 12 hours in the all term at Gatsby. In the spring, she enrolled or nine hours and wasconsidered a part-time student.

    Did Megan complete her academic year in residence?

    No. Megan did not complete two semesters as a ull-time student. She must still complete a second semester asa ull-time student beore she has ullled her academic year in residence.

    When can you play?

    Several key actors determine when you will be eligible to play. According to the NCAA, the specic rules that apply to

    you depend on:

    n I you are a qualier, partial qualier or nonqualier;

    n I you are currently enrolled in a two-year or a our-year school;

    n Whether you want to go to a Division I, II or III school;

    n Which sport you play (or instance, i you play baseball, basketball, ootball or men's ice hockey additional rules may


    n Whether you are a mid-year enrollee (in baseball or basketball); and

    n Whether you meet academic rules or eligibility.

    I you want to transr an lay at a ifrnt school, rmmbr that NCAA, conrnc an school

    ruls all aly to you.

    On the next ew pages, you will nd several charts to help you gure out which transer rules apply to you. Butremember that these are the NCAA rules only; other rules rom the conerence and the particular school you want toattend may aect your ability to play as well.

    We have divided the inormation rst by the type o school that you now attend (whether you now go to a two-year

    or our-year school). Then we show you which rules generally apply according to your Eligibility Center qualier, partialqualier or nonqualier status. Other situations may exist, but the charts show you the most common rules.

    n I you are now in a two-year school, go to page 14.

    n I you are now in a our-year school, go to page 19.

    n I you have een at a our-year school and now attend a two-year school, go to page 21.

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    I you ar now in a two-yar school an hav

    nvr rviously attn a our-yar schoolI you are now in a two-year school, never previously attended a our-year school, and want to transer to a our-year school,we sometimes reer to you as a 2-4 transer. Here are the rules that generally apply to you. I you have previously attended aour-year school prior to enrolling in the two-year school, go to the 4-2-4 rules on page 21.

    Note: I you are an international student and attend a school outside o the United States, go to the rules or student-

    athletes who are now in a our-year school on Page 19, even i you are in a two-year school.

    2-4 an you want to go to Division I

    I you ar a qualir

    At th two-yar school, i you:

    n Complete at least one semester or quarter as a ull-time student? (Summer school does not count.)

    n Earn an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter transerable-degree credit hours or each term you started ull

    time at the two-year school?**

    n Earn a grade-point average (GPA) o 2.000 in those transerable credit hours?

    I Ys to all: I No to at last on:

    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You can play right away during the rst year

    ater you transer.*+

    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You cannot play until you complete one ull

    academic year o residence.*(See the exceptions on page 17.)

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    ** In men's basketball, not more than two credit hours o physical education activity courses may be used to ulll the transerable degree credit andgrade-point average requirements, unless the student-athlete is enrolling in a physical education degree program or a degree program in educationthat requires physical education activity courses.

    + Baseball and basketball - mid-year enrollee: In Division I, a transer student-athlete in the sports o baseball and basketball who initially enrolls at thecertiying institution as a ull-time student or the spring term shall not be eligible to compete until the next academic year (i.e., all term).

    I you ar a nonqualirAt th two-yar school, i you:

    n Complete at least three semesters or our quarters as a ull-time student? (Summer school does not count.)

    n Graduate rom a two-year school? You must earn 25 percent o the credit hours at the two-year school thatawards your degree.

    n Earn 48-semester or 72-quarter transerable-degree credit hours at the two-year school? I you initially enrolledull time in any college ater August 1, 2009, the transer credits MUST include six-semester or eight-quarterhours o English AND three-semester or our-quarter hours o math.**

    n Earn a GPA o 2.000 in those transerable credit hours?

    I Ys to all: I No to at last on:

    You can practice.You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You can play right away during the rst year

    ater you transer.*+

    You cannot practice.You cannot receive athletically related nancialaid.

    You cannot play until you complete one ullacademic year o residence.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    ** In men's basketball, not more than two credit hours o physical education activity courses may be used to ulll the transerable degree credit andgrade-point average requirements, unless the student-athlete is enrolling in a physical education degree program or a degree program in educationthat requires physical education activity courses.

    + Baseball mid-year enrollee: In Division I, a transer student-athlete in the sports o baseball and basketball who initially enrolls at the certiyinginstitution as a ull-time student or the spring term shall not be eligible to compete until the next academic year (i.e., all term).

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    2-4 an you want to go to division III you ar a qualir

    At the two-year school, did you:

    n Complete at least one semester or quarter at the two-year school as a full-time student? (Summer school does not count.)n Complete an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter credit hours or each ull-time term at the two-year school?

    These credits must be transerable toward your degree at the our-year school.

    n Earn a GPA o 2.000 in those transerable credit hours?

    I Ys to all: I No to at last on:You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You can play right away during the rst year ater you


    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You cannot play until you complete one ull academic

    year in residence.*

    (See the exceptions on page 17.)

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    I you ar a artial qualir

    At th two-yar school, i you:

    1. Complete at least two semesters or three quarters as a ull-time student? (Summer school does not count.)AND

    2a. Graduate rom the two-year school? You must earn 25 percent o the credit hours at the two-year school thatawards your degree.


    2b. Complete an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter credit hours or each term o ull-time attendance at thetwo-year school that can be transerred to your degree at the our-year school AND earn a GPA o 2.000 in thosetranserable credit hours.

    I Ys to 1 an 2a or 2b: I No to 1 or 2:

    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You can play right away during the rst year ater you


    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You cannot play until you complete one ull academic

    year in residence.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    I you ar a nonqualir

    At th two-yar school, i you:

    1. Complete at least two semesters or three quarters as a ull-time student? (Summer school does not count.)AND

    2a. Graduate rom the two-year school? You must earn 25 percent o the credit hours at the two-year school thatawards your degree.


    2b. Complete an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter credit hours or each term o ull-time attendance at thetwo-year school that can be transerred to your degree at the our-year school AND earn a GPA o 2.000 in those

    transerable credit hours.

    I Ys to 1 an 2a or 2b: I No to 1 or 2:

    You can practice.You can receive athletically related nancial


    You can play right away during the rst year

    ater you transer.*

    You cannot practice.You cannot receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You cannot play until you complete one ull academic year in


    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

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    2-4 an you want to go to Division III

    At any collg, i you:

    n Practice or play in intercollegiate sports?

    I Ys: I No:

    You can practice and play provided that you

    would have been considered academicallyand athletically eligible i you had stayed atyour two-year school.

    You can practice.

    You can play right away ater you transer.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    I you answered No to any o the questions in the previous charts,there may e an exception that applies to you.

    See Rules have exceptions on page 17.

    CASe STUdY

    Michele was a qualier who runs cross country. She attended Bono Community College or two ull semestersduring the 2007-08 academic year and continued there or the all term o 2008. (She attended or three ull


    In total, she completed 24 credit hours that will transer toward her degree. Her GPA was 2.345.

    Can Michele run in Division I, II or III?

    Whether Michele can run depends on which school she attends. She cannot play at Division I or II because sheneeded an average o 12 credit hours or each term that she attended. Since she attended Bono or three terms,she needed 36 credit hours that would transer toward her degree to be eligible (12 x 3 = 36). She has only 24.

    Since Michele is a qualier, i she transers to a Division I or II school, she can practice and receive aid, but shecannot compete until she sits out a year.

    But, i Michele transers to Division III, she can compete right away i Bono (the two-year school) certies thatshe would have been both athletically and academically eligible had she stayed there.


    Joaquin, a nonqualier, plays basketball and attended Marcus Community College or two years. As a ull-timestudent, he earned his AA degree. (He attended our ull terms.) He wants to transer to a our-year school. His

    GPA is 1.950 and he has 29 credits that can be transerred toward his degree.

    Is Joaquin immediately eligible to play in Division I, II or III?

    As with the previous case, Joaquins eligibility depends on which school he attends. He cannot play basketball

    right away in Division I because he did not satisactory complete a minimum o 48-semester hours otranserable-degree credit.

    He also needed a GPA o 2.000. He had neither.

    But he can play in Division II because he earned his AA degree and spent our semesters at MCC. (The rule is thathe must complete at least one semester at the two-year school as a ull-time student since he is a qualier.)

    I Joaquin wants to transer to a Division III school, MCC (the two-year school) must certiy that he wouldotherwise have been both academically and athletically eligible had he stayed there.

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    Jack is a nonqualier. He attended KB Community College in 2007-08 and the 2008 all term. He earned his AA

    degree ater the 2008 all term. He has 48 credit hours that can be transerred toward his degree.

    Jacks GPA is 2.280. He practiced with KBs baseball team, but did not play in a game.

    Will he be able to play in spring 2009 or Division I, II or III?

    As with the other two cases, whether Jack can play right away depends on which our-year school he attends.

    Jack is not eligible to play baseball in Division I in 2009 spring term. Even though he met the transer

    requirements because he earned his AA degree, completed 48 credit hours, had a GPA above 2.000, and ullledthree semesters in residence, he cannot play in the 2009 spring term or Division I because he is a mid-year

    enrollee in the sport o baseball. In Division I, a transer student-athlete in the sports o baseball and basketballwho initially enrolls at the certiying institution as a ull-time student or the spring term shall not be eligibleto compete until the next academic year (i.e., all term). Thereore while Jack meets the transer legislation he

    would not be eligible to play until the 2009 all term.

    However, Jack can play in Division II because he earned his AA degree and attended or at least two ull-timesemesters.

    I Jack wants to transer to a Division III school, KB (the two-year school) must certiy that he would otherwisehave been both academically and athletically eligible had he stayed there.

    Rules have exceptions: Possile exceptions i you are in a two-year school

    There are exceptions to the rules that may allow you to play right away ater you transer, even i you do not meet the

    2-4 transer requirements. These exceptions are applied by the new school (sometimes called the certiying school).The certiying school determines whether you are eligible. It has the authority to grant exceptions, based on the

    conditions that are explained here.

    I your sport is discontinued or is no longer sponsored at your two-year school

    I your school dropped your sport rom its program or never sponsored it while you were a student, you may be able to

    use this exception to transer to a Division I or II school to play.

    You may only use this exception ater the date that the school publicly announced that it would discontinue thesport. For example, i your school announces during the all semester that it will discontinue sotball at the end o

    the academic year, you can use this exception only i you transer ater the announcement. You may not use it i youtranser beore then.

    To use this exception, you must:

    n Be a qualier; and

    n Have a GPA o at least 2.000.

    I you have never een recruited

    I you have never been recruited by the Division II school you plan to attend, you may use this exception, i you:

    n Are a qualier;

    n Have not received an athletics scholarship;

    n Have not participated in any athletically related activities or meetings (beyond a 14 consecutive-calendar-dayperiod); and

    n Were eligible or admission at the Division II school beore you enrolled at the two-year college.

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    I you did not participate in your sport or minimally participated or two consecutive years prior totranser...

    I you did not compete in your sport or did not engage in athletically related activities (e.g., practice) beyond a 14consecutive-day period or a consecutive two-year period immediately prior to your transer to the new school, youmay be able to use this exception to transer to a Division I or II school.

    This exception applies i you:

    n Are a qualier; and

    n Did not practice or compete in intercollegiate sports or two years beore you will practice or play or your newschool; or

    n Did not practice beyond a 14 consecutive-day period during the two-year period (Divisions I and II only); or

    n Did not practice or compete in noncollegiate amateur competition while you were enrolled as a ull-time student

    during the two-year period.

    I you are transerring to a Division III school

    I you transer to Division III and you have never participated or a consecutive two-year period in your sport at thecollege level, you may be eligible to play right away ater you transer.

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    I you ar now in a our-yar school

    I you are now in a our-year school and want to transer to another our-year school, we sometimes reer to you as a 4-4 transer.As a 4-4 transer, generally you are not eligible to play at the new our-year school until you spend an academic year in residenceat that new school. However, there are exceptions that that may allow you to play right away, read this section to see i an

    exception can apply to you.

    Only qualirs ar allow to us xctions uring th rst yar atr thy nroll at th nw school.

    Exceptions are applied by the new school (sometimes called the certiying school). The certiying school determines whether you

    are eligible to play right away without spending an academic year in residence.

    The certiying school has the authority to grant exceptions, based on the conditions that we explain here:

    n You can use an exception during your rst year o collegiate enrollment ONLY i you are a qualier.

    [Note: I you are a qualier, have signed a National Letter o Intent, and transer during the rst year ater you enrolled ull time,you may have to sit out or a period o time at the certiying school, even i you meet an exception. (For more inormation

    about the National Letter o Intent program, go to page 25.)]

    n I you are a partial qualier or a nonqualier, you must spend at least one academic year in residence beore you are allowedto use an exception.

    n You cannot use an exception i you are sitting out a year o residence at your current school.

    n In the sports o baseball or basketball, i you are transerring to a Division I institution at the start o the winter or spring termyou will not be eligible to compete until the next all term, regardless i you meet an exception.

    In tennis, i you are transerring ot Division I institution at the start o the winter or spring term, you will not be eligi ble tocompete until the next all term, regardless i you meet an exception i you have competed during the same academic year or

    received athletically related nancial aid during the same academic year rom the previous our year institution.

    exctions or divisions I an II i you ar in a our-yar school

    I this is your frst transer

    I you have never transerred beore rom a our-year school, you might be able to use the one-time transer exception to playright away at a Division I or II school.

    To use this exception, you must:

    1. Be playing a sport other than baseball in Division I, basketball in Division I, men's ice hockey in Division I or ootball in DivisionI. Note: In ootball you may be eligible to use this exception i:

    a. You transer rom a Football Bowl Subdivision (ormerly Division I-A) school to a Football Championship Subdivision

    (ormerly Division I-AA) school and have at least two seasons o competition remaining; or

    b. You transer rom a Football Championship Subdivision (ormerly I-AA) school that oers athletics scholarships to aFootball Championship Subdivision (ormerly Division I-AA) that does not oer athletics scholarships.

    Important Note: I you do not qualiy or this exception due to any o the conditions in Subsection 1 above, you maybe able to use the exception i you were not recruited by your rst our-year school AND have never received an athletics


    2. Be in good academic standing and making progress toward your degree;

    3. Have been considered eligible i you had stayed in your rst school; and

    4. Have a written release agreement rom your rst school saying that it does not object to your receiving an exception tothe transer residence requirement. I your request or a written release is not provided within seven business days o theprevious institution receiving the request, the release shall be granted by deault and the previous institution shall provide

    a written release to you. Further, i the release is denied, you may be entitled to a hearing conducted by an institutionalentity or committee outside o the athletics department (e.g., the ofce o student aairs; ofce o the dean o students; or a

    committee composed o the aculty athletics representative, student-athletes and nonathletics aculty/sta members).

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    I your sport is discontinued or not sponsored at your our-year school

    I your school dropped your sport rom its program or never sponsored it while you were a student, you may be able to use this

    exception to transer to a Division I or II school.

    You may only use this exception ater the date that the school publicly announced that it would discontinue the sport. Forexample, i your school announces during the all semester that it will discontinue baseball at the end o the academic year, you

    can use this exception only i you transer ater the announcement. You may not use it i you transer beore then.

    I you have never een recruited

    I you have never been recruited by the Division I or II school you plan to attend, you may be able to use this exception i you:

    n Have not received an athletics scholarship; and

    n Have not practiced beyond a 14 consecutive-day period at any school or participated in intercollegiate competition beore

    your transer.

    I you return to your frst school without participating at the second school

    To go back to your rst school in Division I or II, you may use this exception i you did not practice or play at the second school.

    I you did not practice or play in your sport or two years

    I you did not participate in your sport or the two years immediately beore you want to transer, you may be able to use thisexception to transer to a Division I or II school.

    You may use this exception i you:n Did not practice beyond a consecutive 14-day period or play in intercollegiate sports or two years beore you practice or play

    or the new school; or

    n Did not practice or play in noncollegiate amateur competition while you were enrolled as a ull-time student during the two-

    year period.

    exctions or division III i you ar in a our-yar school

    I you are transerring to a Division III school

    I you transer to Division III and you have never used a season o participation at a Division III school or have never practiced orcompeted at a non-Division III school, you may be eligible to play right right away ater you transer.

    However, i you did participate at your rst school, you may be immediately eligible only i you would have been bothacademically and athletically eligible had you stayed at your rst school.

    CASe STUdY

    Billy is a nonqualier. He enrolled or one year at a our-year college and played ootball. His GPA was 1.987, which did not

    meet that schools requirement to be eligible or the next year. So, Billy transerred to Ceylon University, a Division II school.

    Is Billy eligible to play right away?


    Billy is eligible to use the transer exceptions since he completed an academic year, but he does not meet any o theexceptions. He cannot use the one-time transer exception because he was not in good academic standing at theprevious our-year school and would not have been eligible to compete had he remained at the rst school. Beore he can

    play, Billy must spend one academic year in residence at Ceylon University.


    Dauber, a qualier, is a reshman soccer player who enrolled at Bonzo College, a Division I school. He just nished the allsemester and played in only one game. Daubers coach is unhappy with his ability, so Dauber wants to transer to RichardoCollege, another Division I school.

    Can Dauber use a transer exception?


    Because Dauber is a qualier, he can use an exception. Because this is the rst time he has transerred, he may be able to

    use the one-time transer exception. I he is in good academic standing and Bonzo does not object, Dauber can use theone-time transer exception.

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    I you hav bn at a our-yar school annow attn a two-yar school

    I you started at a our-year school, then transerred to a two-year school and now want to transer to a our-year school, we reerto you as a 4-2-4 transer. Generally, here are the rules that apply to you.

    4-2-4 and you want to go to Division I

    I you ar a qualir

    di you:

    n Complete an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter credit hours or each term o ull-time attendance that canbe transerred toward your degree at the our-year school?**

    n Earn a GPA o 2.000 in those transerable credit hours?

    n Graduate rom the two-year school AND have one-calendar year elapse since you let your previous our-yearschool?

    I Ys to all: I No to any:

    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You can play right away during the rst yearater you transer.*+

    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid.

    You cannot play until you complete one ullacademic year o residence.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    ** In men's basketball, not more than two credit hours o physical education activity courses may be used to ulll the transerable degree credit andgrade-point average requirements, unless the student-athlete is enrolling in a physical education degree program or a degree program in educationthat requires physical education activity courses.

    + Baseball and basketball - mid-year enrollee: In Division I, a transer student-athlete in the sports o baseball and basketball who initially enrolls at thecertiying institution as a ull-time student or the spring term shall not be eligible to compete until the next academic year (i.e., all term).

    I you ar a nonqualir

    di you:

    n Complete an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter credit hours or each term o ull-time attendance that canbe transerred toward your degree at the our-year school?**

    n Earn a GPA o 2.000 in those transerable credit hours?

    n Graduate rom the two-year school AND have one-calendar year elapse since you let your previous our-year


    I Ys to all: I No to any:

    You can practice.

    You can receive athletically relatednancial aid.

    You can play right away during the rstyear ater you transer.*+

    You can practice i you have completed one academic yearin all your colleges combined.

    You can receive athletically related nancial aid i you

    completed one academic term at the two-year school.

    You cannot play until you complete one ull academic yearo residence.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    ** In men's basketball, not more than two credit hours o physical education activity courses may be used to ulll the transerable degree credit andgrade-point average requirements, unless the student-athlete is enrolling in a physical education degree program or a degree program in educationthat requires physical education activity courses.

    + Baseball and basketball - mid-year enrollee: In Division I, a transer student-athlete in the sports o baseball and basketball who initially enrolls at thecertiying institution as a ull-time student or the spring term shall not be eligible to compete until the next academic year (i.e., all term).

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    4-2-4 an you want to go to division II

    I you wr a qualir or a artial qualir

    At th two-yar school, i you:

    1. Complete at least two-semesters or three-quarters as a ull-time student? (Summer school does not count.)


    2a. Graduate rom the two-year school? You must earn 25 percent o the credit hours at the two-year school that

    awards your degree.OR

    2b. Complete an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter credit hours or each term o ull-time attendance thatcan be transerred to your degree at the our-year school AND earn a GPA o 2.000 in those transerable credithours.

    I Ys to 1 an 2a or 2b: I No to 1 or 2:

    You can practice.You can receive athletically related nancial aid.You can play right away during the rst year ateryou transer.*

    You can practice.You can receive athletically related nancial aid.You cannot play until you complete one ullacademic year o residence.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    I you wr a nonqualir...

    At th two-yar school, i you:

    1. Complete at least two-semesters or three-quarters as a ull-time student? (Summer school does not count.)


    2a. Graduate rom the two-year school? You must earn 25 percent o the credit hours at the two-year school thatawards your degree.


    2b. Complete an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter credit hours or each term o ull-time attendance thatcan be transerred to your degree at the our-year school AND earn a GPA o 2.000 in those transerable credithours.

    I Ys to 1 an 2a or 2b: I No to 1 or 2:

    You can practice.You can receive athletically related nancial aid.You can play right away during the rst year ateryou transer.*

    You cannot practice.You cannot receive athletically related nancialaid.You cannot play until you complete one ullacademic year o residence.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

    4-2-4 an you want to go to Division III

    n Would you have been both academically and athletically eligible i you remained at your previous our-yearschool?

    ORn Did you successully complete 24-semester or 36-quarter credit hours at the two-year school that can be

    transerred toward your degree at the our-year school AND did you spend at least two semesters or three

    quarters at the two-year school?

    I Ys: I No:

    You can practice.

    You can play right away during the rst year ater youtranser.*

    You can practice.You cannot play until you complete one ull

    academic year o residence.*

    * Additional progress-toward-degree rules rom the NCAA, the conerence or the school may aect whether you can play.

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    I you answered No to any o the questions in the previous charts, theremay e an exception that applies to you. Read the section elow to see i an

    exception can apply to you to allow you to play right away.

    Rules have exceptions: Possile exceptions i you are a 4-2-4 transer

    There are exceptions to the rules that may allow you to play right away ater you transer, even i you do not meet the4-2-4 transer requirements. These exceptions are applied by the new school (sometimes called the certiying school).The certiying school determines whether you are eligible. It has the authority to grant exceptions, based on the

    conditions that are explained here.

    I you want to return to your original school

    I you want to go back to your original school in Division I, you may use this exception i you were not sitting out a yearat the original school when you transerred to the two-year school.

    I you want to go back to your original school in Division II, you may use this exception i you are a qualier and werenot sitting out a year at the original school when you transerred to the two-year school.

    I your sport was never sponsored at your original our-year school

    I the rst our-year school that you attended never sponsored your sport while you were a student, you may be able touse this exception to transer to a Division I or II school only i you have never attended another our-year school that

    oered your sport.

    You may be able to use this exception i you:

    n Are a qualier;

    n Completed an average o 12-semester or 12-quarter hours at the two-year school that can be transerred towardyour degree (Division I only);

    n Earned a minimum GPA o 2.000 at the two-year school; and

    n Spent two ull semesters or three ull quarters at the two-year school (Division I only). (Summer school does not count.)

    I you are transerring to a Division II school

    I you transer to Division II and you are a qualier, you can use any exception that applies to 2-4 transer students. Formore inormation, go to page 17.

    I you did not participate in your sport or minimally participated or two consecutive years prior to

    transer...I you did not compete in your sport or did not engage in athletically related activities (e.g., practice) beyond a 14

    consecutive-day period or a consecutive two-year period immediately prior to your transer to the new school, youmay be able to use this exception to transer to a Division I or II school.

    This exception applies i you:

    n Are a qualier; and

    n Did not practice or compete in intercollegiate sports or two years beore you will practice or play or your newschool; or

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    n Did not practice beyond a 14 consecutive-day period during the two-year period (Divisions I and II only); or

    n Did not practice or compete in noncollegiate amateur competition while you were enrolled as a ull-time student

    during the two-year period.

    I you are transerring to a Division III school

    I you transer to a Division III school and you have never participated or a consecutive two-year period in your sport at

    the college level, you may be eligible to play right away ater you transer.

    CASe STUdY

    In 2008-09, Je enrolled at Oscar University, a Division I school. Je was a qualier and was on the swim team.

    He then transerred to Felix College, a two-year school, in 2009-10 and was on the swim team there as well. Hedid not receive an AA degree.

    Now in 2010-11, Je wants to return to Oscar University.

    Must Je serve an academic year in residence at Oscar?


    Even though he does not meet the requirements because he did not earn his AA degree rom Felix, Je does not

    have to serve an academic year in residence at Oscar because he is returning to his original school and was notsitting out an academic year in residence when he transerred.

    THE bOTTOM LINEUnderstand the basic transer rule.

    Look up the rules that apply to your situation.

    Find out i any exceptions apply to you.

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    5Important defnitionsyou might need to know

    Two-year college An institution where students can earn an Associate o Arts (AA) degree, an Associate o Science(AS) degree or an Associate o Applied Science degree within two years. Some people call these schools communitycolleges or junior colleges.

    Five-year clock I you play at a Division I school, you have ve-calendar years in which to play our seasons o

    competition. Your ve-year clock starts when you enroll as a ull-time student at any college. Thereater, your clockcontinues, even i you spend an academic year in residence as a result o transerring, decide to red shirt, i you do notattend school or even i you go part-time during your college career.

    10-semester/15-quarter clock I you play at a Division II or III school, you have the rst 10 semesters or 15 quarters

    in which you are enrolled as a ull-time student to complete your our seasons o participation. You use a semester orquarter any time you attend class as a ull-time student or are enrolled part-time and compete or the institution. You

    do not use a term i you only attend part-time with no competition or are not enrolled or a term.

    Certiying school The new school that you want to attend determines whether you are eligible to play.

    Eligiility Center The NCAA Eligibility Center evaluates your high school academic record and amateurism history

    to determine i you are eligible to participate during your initial year o enrollment at a Division I or II college. TheEligibility Center is a separate legal entity that provides service to NCAA member institutions.

    Exception I you meet an exception, it means that a specic regulation will not apply to you (or example, theresidence requirement or a transer student-athlete to become eligible or competition). The certiying school

    determines whether you are eligible and has the authority to grant exceptions.

    Financial aid or scholarship any money you receive rom a college or another source, such as outside loans orgrants. Financial aid may be based on athletics, nancial need or academic achievement.

    International students An international student is any student who is enrolled in a two-year or our-year schooloutside the United States.

    Full-time Each school determines what ull-time status means. Typically, you are a ull-time student i you areenrolled or at least 12 credit hours in a term, but some schools dene a ull-time student as someone who takes ewer

    than 12 credit hours in a term.

    Memership or memers o the NCAA The colleges, universities and athletics conerences that make up the NCAA.

    The members introduce and vote on rules. They establish programs to govern, promote and urther the purposes andgoals o intercollegiate athletics. The membership is divided into three main divisions Divisions I, II and III eachwith its own governing structure.

    National Letter o Intent (NLI) The Eligibility Center administers the National Letter o Intent program, not theNCAA. NCAA schools that are part o the program may send a National Letters o Intent to a prospective student-

    athlete they have recruited to participate in their intercollegiate sports programs.

    The letter is a legally-binding contract. It explains what athletics nancial aid the school agrees to provide the student-

    athlete or one ull academic year, only i the student is admitted to the school and is eligible or nancial aid under

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    26 www.ncaa.org Transfer 101

    NCAA rules. I you sign a National Letter o Intent, you agree to attend that school or one academic year and other

    schools that are part o the National Letter o Intent program can no longer recruit you. For more inormation, go tohttp://www.national-letter.org.

    NCAA also National Collegiate Athletic Association the national governing body or more than 1,300 colleges,universities, conerences, organizations and people.

    Nonqualifer A student who has not graduated rom high school or who, at the time specied in the NCAA rules,

    has not successully completed the required number o core-curriculum courses or has not presented the requiredGPA and/or SAT or ACT score required to be a qualier. I you are a nonqualier, you cannot practice, play or receiveathletically related nancial aid rom a Division I or II school during your rst academic year in residence. You will have

    only three seasons o competition in Division I, however a ourth season may be granted i you have completed 80percent o your designated degree program prior to the start o your th year o enrollment.

    One-time transer exception You may be immediately able to play a sport at your new school i you:

    n Do not transer to a Division I school or baseball, men's or women's basketball, ootball or mens ice hockey (unless

    you were not recruited by the original institution and have never received athletically related nancial aid);

    n Have never transerred beore rom a our-year school;

    n Are both academically and athletically eligible; and

    n Receive a release agreement rom the school rom which you are transerring.

    Partial qualifer A student who has met some, but not all o the academic requirements necessary to be a qualier.

    I you are a partial qualier, you can practice on campus and receive nancial aid rom a Division II school, but youcannot play or one academic year. Division I does not have partial qualiers.

    Permission-to-contact letter or written permission to contact I you are enrolled ull time in a our-year

    school, athletics sta members rom an NCAA school cannot contact you or your parents unless they rst have a letterrom your current athletics director (or athletics administrator designated by the athletics director). I your currentschool does not grant you written permission-to-contact, the new school cannot encourage you to transer and in

    Divisions I and II cannot give you an athletics scholarship until you have attended the new school or one academicyear. I you are transerring rom a school that is not a member o the NCAA or NAIA, you do not need a permission-to-

    contact letter.

    Play Competing against a team rom another school or participating in a contest, game, match, meet, event against

    another schools team or player.

    Progress toward degree Whether you are moving toward earning your college degree at a reasonable pace. Thedenition applies to all students o the school and is governed by the school, the conerence and NCAA legislation.

    Qualifer A student who, or purposes o determining eligibility or nancial aid, practice and competition, has:

    n Graduated rom high school;

    n Successully completed the required core curriculum consisting o a minimum number o courses in specied


    n Obtained a specied minimum GPA in the core curriculum; and

    n Obtained a specied minimum SAT or ACT score.

    Redshirt In Divisions I or II, redshirting reers to someone who is enrolled ull-time at a school, but does not play oran entire academic year or the sole purpose o saving a season o competition. A redshirt does not play in any college

    games or scrimmage in a given sport or an entire academic year, even though that student is otherwise eligible. Iyou do not play in a sport the entire academic year, you have not used a season o competition. However, i you play in

  • 8/7/2019 NCAA Transfer Rules


    Transfer 101 www.ncaa.org 27

    even one second o a game as a college student-athlete, you are not a redshirt. Redshirting does not exist in Division III

    because i you play or practice ater your rst opportunity to compete, you are charged with a season o participation.

    Recruited I a college coach calls you more than once, contacts you o campus, pays your expenses to visitthe campus, or in Divisions I and II, issues you a National Letter o Intent or a written oer o nancial aid, you areconsidered to be recruited.

    Season o competition Generally, NCAA rules say that any competition in a season regardless o the amount o

    time counts as having played a season in that sport. I you play any time during a season, regardless o how long youplayed, it counts as having played or an entire season in that sport. Your season o competition starts when you spendone second in competition on the eld, court, gym or track.

    Sel-release I you are a student at a Division III school and you want to transer to another Division III school,

    you may issue your own permission-to-contact sel-release to allow another Division III school to contact you abouttranserring.

    Sitting out or academicyear in residence Under the basic transer regulations, you must spend an academicyear in residence at the school to which you are transerring. I you transer rom a our-year college to an NCAA

    school, you must complete one academic year in residence at the new school beore you can play or or receive travelexpenses rom the new school, unless you qualiy or a transer exception or waiver. To satisy an academic year in

    residence, you must be enrolled in and successully complete a ull-time program o studies or two-ull semesters or

    three-ull quarters. Summer school terms and part-time enrollment do not count toward ullling an academic year inresidence.

    Student-athlete A student whose enrollment was solicited by a member o a school's athletics sta or the purpose

    o the student participating in an athletics program or a student who reports or practice.

    Transerale credit hours Credit hours earned at your previous school that your new school will accept toward

    your degree. Each school determines how many and which credit hours are acceptable or transerring.

    Transer trigger A condition that can aect your transer status. A student who triggers transer status is a studentwho:

    Enrolled ull-time during any term and attended class or in Division I i you are enrolled ull time and are on campus

    on the opening day o classes.

    Reported or a regular squad practice.

    Practiced or competed while enrolled as a part-time student.

    Received institutional nancial aid while attending summer school.

    Waiver An action that sets aside an NCAA rule because a specic, extraordinary circumstance prevents you rommeeting the rule. An NCAA school may le a waiver on your behal; you cannot le a waiver or yoursel. The school

    does not administer the waiver, the conerence ofce or NCAA does.

    Walk-on Someone who is not typically recruited by a school to participate in sports and does not receive ascholarship rom the school, but who becomes a member o one o the schools athletics teams.

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    28 www.ncaa.org Transfer 101

    6 Where to go ormore inormation

    NCAA rsourcs

    NCAA We site: www.ncaa.org

    Send mail to: NCAAP.O. Box 6222

    Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6222

    Send packages to: NCAA1802 Alonzo Watord Sr. Drive

    Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

    Phone:317/917-6222Monday-FridayNoon to 4 p.m. Eastern

    Fax: 317/917-6622

    publications rom th NCAA

    NCAA pulications hotline 800/638-3731.

    n Guide or the College-Bound Student Athlete.

    n National Collegiate Athletic Association generalinormation brochure.

    NCAA eligibility Cntr

    We site: www.eligibilitycenter.org

    Send mail to: NCAA Eligibility CenterP.O. Box 7136Indianapolis, Indiana 46207

    Send packages to: NCAA Eligibility Center1802 Alonzo Watord Sr. Dr.

    Indianapolis, Indiana 46202

    U.S. callers: 877/262-1492 toll ree

    317/223-0700Monday through Friday8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time

    Fax: 317/968-5100

    National Letter o Intent (NLI)

    P.O. Box 7132Indianapolis, Indiana 46207-7132



    877/262-1492 toll ree317/223-0700


    We site: http://www.national-letter.org

    Rsourcs outsi o th NCAANational Junior College Athletic Association

    1755 Telstar Drive, Suite 103Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920

    Phone: 719/590-9788

    Fax: 719/590-73242


    Division I

    America East Conerence 617/695-6369American Lacrosse Conerence 740/593-3410Atlantic Coast Conerence 336/854-8787Atlantic Hockey Association 978/373-9640Atlantic Soccer Conerence 215/951-2720Atlantic Sun Conerence 478/474-3394Atlantic 10 Conerence 757/706-3040Big East Conerence 401/272-9108Big Sky Conerence 801/392-1978Big South Conerence 704/341-7990Big Ten Conerence 847/696-1010Big 12 Conerence 469/524-1000Big West Conerence 949/261-2525Central Collegiate Hockey

    Association 248/888-0600College Hockey America 218/760-7825Collegiate Water Polo Association 610/277-6787Colonial Athletic Association 804/754-1616Conerence USA 214/774-1300Eastern College Athletic Conerence 508/771-5060Eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling

    Association 508/771-5060Eastern Wrestling League 412/648-8226ECAC Division I Hockey League 518/487-2289Gateway Football Conerence 314/421-2268Hockey East Association 781/245-2122

    Horizon League 317/237-5622Ivy Group 609/258-6426Metro Atlantic Athletic Conerence 732/738-5455Mid-American Conerence 216/566-4622Mid-Eastern Athletic Conerence 757/416-7100Midwestern Intercollegiate Volleyball

    Association 740/397-4539Missouri Valley Conerence 314/421-0339Mountain Pacic Sports

    Federation 530/669-7600Mountain West Conerence 719/488-4040Northeast Conerence 732/469-0440

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    Transfer 101 www.ncaa.org 29

    Northern Pacic Field HockeyConerence 540/831-5211

    Ohio Valley Conerence 615/371-1698Pacic-10 Conerence 925/932-4411Pacic Coast Sotball Conerence 925/895-4145Patriot League 610/289-1950Pioneer Football League 314/421-2268Southeastern Conerence 205/458-3000Southern Conerence 864/591-5100

    Southland Conerence 972/422-9500Southwestern Athletic Conerence 205/251-7573The Summit League 630/516-0661Sun Belt Conerence 504/299-9066West Coast Conerence 650/873-8622Western Athletic Conerence 303/799-9221Western Collegiate Hockey Association 303/871-4223

    Division II

    Caliornia Collegiate Athletic Association 925/472-8299Central Atlantic Collegiate Conerence 203/773-6411Central Intercollegiate Athletic

    Association 757/865-0071

    Conerence Carolinas 336/884-0482Deep South Lacrosse Conerence 803/981-5240East Coast Conerence 631/348-3455Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic

    Conerence 989/894-2529Great Lakes Valley Conerence 317/237-5633Great Northwest Athletic Conerence 509/535-5291Gul South Conerence 205/991-9880Heartland Conerence 254/714-0907Lone Star Conerence 972/234-0033Mid-American Intercollegiate Athletics

    Association 816/421-6422Northeast-10 Conerence 508/230-9844

    Northern Sun IntercollegiateConerence 651/288-4015

    Pacic West Conerence 480/983-6605Peach Belt Conerence 706/860-8499Pennsylvania State Athletic Conerence 570/893-2512Rocky Mountain Athletic Conerence 719/471-0066South Atlantic Conerence 803/981-5240Southern Intercollegiate Athletic

    Conerence 770/908-0482Sunshine State Conerence 407/248-8460West Virginia Intercollegiate Athletic

    Conerence 304/487-6298

    Division III

    Allegheny Mountain CollegiateConerence 724/934-1978

    American Southwest Conerence 972/234-0033Capital Athletic Conerence 717/815-6817Centennial Conerence 717/358-4463City University o New York Athletic

    Conerence 718/997-4270College Conerence o Illinois

    and Wisconsin 630/637-5693Colonial States Athletic Conerence 610-361-5344Commonwealth Coast Conerence 413/796-2329

    ECAC Division III East Womens HockeyLeague 518/771-5060

    ECAC East Ice Hockey League 518/771-5060ECAC Northeast Ice Hockey League 518/771-5060ECAC Womens West Ice Hockey League 518/771-5060Eastern Intercollegiate Volleyball

    Association 914/337-9300Empire-8 585/581-0834Great Northeast Athletic Conerence 401/598-1604

    Great South Athletic Conerence 706/880-8262Heartland Collegiate Athletic

    Conerence 317/882-8090Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic

    Conerence 319/366-4845Landmark Conerence 973/805-8836Liberty League 518/388-6433Little East Conerence 508/910-6299Massachusetts State College Athletic

    Conerence 413/572-8212Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic

    Association 248/336-1677Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic

    Corporation 717/867-6395Midwest Conerence 920/748-8157Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic

    Conerence 651/644-3965New England College Wrestling

    Association 401/254-3428New England Football Conerence 978/665-3313New England Small College Athletic

    Conerence 413/587-2105New England Womens and Mens

    Athletics Conerence 781/239-4944New England Womens Lacrosse

    Alliance 802/468-1365

    New Jersey Athletic Conerence 856/582-3679North Atlantic Conerence 802/368-0050North Coast Athletic Conerence 440/871-8100North Eastern Athletic Conerence 518/320-7354North Eastern Collegiate Volleyball

    Association 201/684-7675Northern Athletics Conerence 608/225-1640Northwest Conerence 206-325-5096Ohio Athletic Conerence 330/259-9090Old Dominion Athletic Conerence 540/389-7373Pilgrim League 413/748-3332Presidents Athletic Conerence 724/933-4630St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic

    Conerence 314/529-9586Skyline Conerence 732/586-5922Southern Caliornia Intercollegiate

    Athletic Conerence 323/851-4740 Southern CollegiateAthletic

    Conerence 678/546-3470University Athletic Association 585/273-5881USA South Athletic Conerence 910/630-7282Western Water Polo Association 714/639-9106Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic

    Conerence 608/263-4402

  • 8/7/2019 NCAA Transfer Rules


    The NCAA salutes the more than

    400,000 student-athletesparticipating in 23 sports at

    more than 1,000 memer institutions
