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NCIENT HARMONIOUS SOCIETY OF WOODSHEDDERSphilrichards.net/ahsow/Directory 2009.pdfTerry Barranger...

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    Member Directory



    Board of Directors


    Sam McFarland [email protected] 703-448-5949

    Term expires July 2009

    Corporate Secretary

    Noah Morrison 717-380-1990

    Term expires July 2009


    Rod Sparks [email protected] 281-497-5851

    Term expires July 2009

    Executive VP ..currently vacant..

    Term expires July 2009

    Information Manager

    Glenn Schilberg [email protected] 724-935-9299

    Term expires July 2010

    Director of Commerce ..currently vacant..

    Term expires July 2010

    Education Mgr - East ..currently vacant..

    Term expires July 2009

    Education Mgr – West

    Kent Shepherd [email protected] 559-790-6236

    Term expires July 2010

    Director of Member Services

    Erik DeLand [email protected] 905-278-9955

    Term expires July 2010

    Mgr of Publicity/Promotion

    Ross Lindgren [email protected] 605-882-4079

    Term expires July 2010

    Bulletin Editor

    Casey Parker [email protected] 408-814-5247

    Term expires July 2010

    Society Liaison

    Joe Liles [email protected] 800-876-7464 x 8553

    District Educators-Certifiers


    Jeremy Conover [email protected] 812-841-1723

    Central States

    Lynn Trapp [email protected] 712-540-7185


    � Opportunity available!


    Glenn Hayes [email protected]


    Far Western

    � Opportunity available!


    � Opportunity available!

    Johnny Appleseed

    Ken Wheeler [email protected] 740-588-0241

    Land O’ Lakes

    � Opportunity available!


    John Schulkins [email protected] 703-966-5534


    � Opportunity available!


    Jim McDougall [email protected]



    � Opportunity available!

    Rocky Mountain

    Jerry Hooper [email protected] 303-278-1762

    Seneca Land

    John Wulf [email protected] 716-636-4655


    � Opportunity available!


    Toban Dvoretzky [email protected]


    BABS (British)

    Bob Walker [email protected]

  • Woodshed Of Fame

    For services and dedication above ordinary expectations, these men have been inducted into the Ancient Harmonious Society Of Woodshedders Hall Of Fame:

    Jack Baird Lou Chacos Toban Dvoretzky Ed Hartley

    Fred Hinesley Herb Ives Joe Liles John Miller

    John Plazek Phil Richards Jim Stone Ken Wheeler

    …and woodshedding in a heavenly quartet:

    Bob Bokman George Bunt Lou Chacos

    Stan Conway Dan Cuthbert Buzz Haeger Avery Hall

    Tom Helzer Bud Hillier Al Holloway Hank Lewis

    Earl Moon Charley Nichols Bill Otto Hal Purdy

    George Sanders Huck Sinclair Jay Ward Jiggs Ward

    Woodshed Eternal

    The following deaths from our brotherhood of woodshedders have been reported to us during 2008 (listed in order through the year):

    John Bachman Jim Graham Dick Hadfield Martin Huegel

    Robert Evans Jim Schmitt Lorne Wheeler Shelby Molter

    Fred Redmon Alan Draper Philip Ayer Russ Seely

    Erd Dahl Art Booth Jack F Stevens Franklin White

    Art Furman Fred King Howard Nicholas Tom McElraevy Jr

    Note: If anyone knows of the death of an AHSOW member in 2008 not listed here, please notify [email protected] .

  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 1Page 1Page 1Page 1

    128741J Kenyon Abbott 2003

    112947Ronald Abel 1987

    199848Clark Abrahamson 2002

    248749Neel Ackerman 1998

    191806Ken Ackley 1989

    227518Fravin Adams 2002

    298630Craig Adams 2004

    252231Jonathan Ahmanson 2004

    274787Michael Aitken 2004

    183392Vaughn Albert 1986

    104510James Albini 1985

    286638Jeff Albright 2007

    111548Eugene Aleshin 1998

    264887John Alexander 2004

    168767Eric Alexander 1991

    111476Theofelos Aliapoulios 1994

    210521Charles Ames 1996

    190284Richard Anderson 2000

    130224John N Anderson 1993

    127632John C Anderson 1981

    143785David Anderson 1991

    100542Allan Anderson 1989

    267323David Andre 2000

    163051John Andrews 1985

    116409George Andrews Charter

    239803Willard Andrus 2006

    243108Todd Andrus 1999

    102079Robert Angel 1983

    191807Curt Angel 1994

    146031Richard Anthoney 1999

    235994Robert Appleton 1997

    116007Terry Aramian 1991

    117302Ben Arellanes 1979

    175584Thomas Arneberg 2002

    107958Joseph Arnold 2004

    231790Chris Arnold 1999

    116806Doug Arrington 2005

    140835Richard Ashby Jr 1982

    277783Ron Asplund 2001

    246569Jeff Avey 2004

    172323Roman Avila 2005

    142573Brian Ayers 1998

    215104Harry Baertschi 1995

    100468Jim Bagby 1979

    112202Mike Baggerly 1997

    255388Richard Baird 2003

    103485Jack Baird Charter

    120728Richard Baker 1998

    221288Dennis Baker 2002

    280320Christophe Baker 2006

    263651William Balser 2001

    167207Toby Balsley 2005

    264402Matt Banbury 2005

    219519Mike Banish 1999

    116501Howard Barber 1989

    186229Dale Barber 1998

    131466Brian Barford 1991

    111158Cal Barker Charter

    180114Mark Barnhill 1984

    258204Terry Barranger 2005

    148135Stephen Barrett 1988

    149271Charles Barrett 1984

    171176Granville Barrows 1988

    250560E Jay Bartley 2002

    109165Ken Bastien 1988

    118054Charles Bauder 1979


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 2Page 2Page 2Page 2

    102967Bob Bauer 2005

    106910Don Bazely 1985

    226115Lawrence Bean 1988

    125210Donald Beard 1989

    149879Kevin Beauford 1998

    239299Stanley Beck 1997

    102483Bill Beck 1985

    184695Dick Beckner 1999

    264600Loyal Beggs 1999

    107131William Behrendt 1984

    230480Jonathan Bell 1993

    258598James Bell 1998

    186075August Bennett 1995

    283732William Bennight 2002

    234300Kirk Benson 2006

    234229James Benson III 1996

    105474Daniel Berendt 1995

    105785Robert Berg Charter

    188578Ronald Bergenstock 1991

    193565Gordon Bergthold 1988

    107256Richard Berkshire 2002

    108337Leon Bernard 1996

    138379Sterling Berry 1983

    169374James Betteley 1999

    251908Daniel Bezaire 1996

    153869Bill Biffle Charter

    254534Jack Biggers 2004

    102104Bob Bird 2004

    218197Doug Birkeland 1995

    102512David Bishop 1986

    269269Stephen Black 2001

    157885Ron Black 2004

    284477Douglas Black 2002

    262488James Blair 2007

    108148Jules Blazej 1979

    159447Paul Blazek 2001

    141193James Bledsoe 1988

    126415Raleigh Bloch 1985

    145440Bill Bockerman 2006

    295498Steve Bogaerts 2005

    129267Gary Bolles 2002

    294808Jim Bolluyt 2006

    106667Mart Bomers 1991

    223932Charlie Boon 2003

    158096Robert Boone 1989

    175826George Booth 2000

    153534Kent Borrowdale 2003

    190296Andrew Borts 2005

    143806Buzz Bossard 1990

    270308Fred Boston 2004

    162152Joel Bourgeois 1999

    268231Tony Bove 2004

    101156Warren Bowen 2001

    127809Robert Bowser 1998

    100469Dan Bowser 1998

    126973Joe Bradbury 2006

    182026Max Brandt 1987

    118091Bruce Brann 1991

    152971Craig Bray 1983

    212996Eric Brickson 1999

    102157Dave Briner 1997

    253738Daniel Brinkmann 2005

    186119Raymond Brown 2000

    109924Lorne Brubacher 2000

    243931Terry Buchanan 2007

    107622Jean Bucher 1991


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 3Page 3Page 3Page 3

    180908David Buchner 1996

    260376Douglas Buell 2005

    111955Roland Bunge 1983

    109615Arnold Burdeau 1987

    176223Hugh Burford 1986

    192084Mike Burkhart 1995

    108821Fred Burne 1992

    107064Clinton Burnham 1994

    124696Dorn Burrill 1988

    211723Stewart Bush 2003

    105091William Businger 1992

    220427Gary Buxengard 2000

    178187Frank Caldarazzo 1987

    137222Robert Calderon 2006

    162835Robert Caldwell 1997

    235543David Calland 1998

    227640Rob Campbell 2000

    110329Pat Campbell 1991

    304578Matthew Campisi 2006

    225415Edwin Cannon Jr 1998

    110588Warren Capenos 1983

    232052George Carey Jr 1992

    172847Dean Carlisle 1994

    238979Kenneth Carlsen 1999

    123336Roger Carlson Charter

    125677Richard Carpenter 1989

    124552Noel Carpenter 1989

    245879Dan Casamatta 2006

    244645Patrick Casey 2007

    228185Gary Cassell 2005

    218098Bill Cates 1988

    117762Bob Cathaway 2004

    254969Michael Cating 2003

    103110Robert Cearnal 1990

    187091John Centamore J 2005

    120914Jack Champlin 1997

    145098W Bruce Chapman 1981

    300507Sean Chasworth 2006

    124599Marty Chirgwin 1994

    116817Walter Chisholm 1980

    239989Roger Christians 2000

    160999Stan Christman 2007

    105769Robert M Clark 1997

    276663Robert F Clark 2001

    178745Mark Clark 1984

    157039Dan Clark 2006

    110852Bruce Clark Charter

    128658Terence Clarke 1980

    109991Len Clement 2003

    125082Gene Clements 1989

    182809Jeffrey Click 1995

    187136Guyles Clifford 1991

    159932Floyd Clifford 1991

    126099William Clipman 1993

    109037Wally Cluett 2007

    187387Ted Cluett 2004

    278607Bob Cluett 2007

    173277Jonathan Clunies 1995

    170233Robert Coant 1989

    163961Robert Cochrane Sr 1991

    116205John Coffin 1997

    128073Paul Cohen 1979

    249152Gareth Cole 2004

    131773Floyd Cole 1989

    103676George Collar 1979

    169054John Collins 1991


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 4Page 4Page 4Page 4

    249964Edward Comingore 2004

    102530Randall Conner 1985

    292643Michael Conrad 2000

    197615Kerry Conrad 1994

    128810Denis Conrady 1990

    126382Dennis Cook 1995

    141597Steve Coon 1998

    181816John Cooper 2004

    164300Dwayne Cooper 1983

    111318Al Copp 2004

    228668Dick Cornett 1995

    271269Robert Cossentine 2003

    274652Daniel Costello 2003

    121744M Gene Courts 1995

    120639David Cowin 1993

    183453Michael Cox 2001

    313030Ken Cox 2006

    273164James Cox 2004

    244150Donald Craig 1985

    243710John Craven 1996

    102163Chuck Crawford 2006

    241599George Crosby 1996

    226218Eugene Crouse 1989

    115535Terry Crowe 1992

    285605Leslie Cudworth 2001

    193050James Curts 1996

    110762Kenneth Custer 1998

    146815John Czarnecki 1980

    179694Lou Dahlstrom 2005

    130619Richard Dallman 1984

    109420Earl Damon 1996

    105964Richard Darby 1998

    241221Russell Dart 1997

    195868Robert Davenport 2004

    110364William Davidson 2000

    241304Mike Davidson 2004

    163533Richard Davies 1991

    102660Lloyd Davis 1990

    131273Howard Davis 1992

    253513Chip Davis 2000

    258342Ron Dawson 1996

    126980Richard De Vany 1980

    127821Kenneth De Young 1996

    298465John S.R. Deacon 2004

    251833John Dean III 2000

    167301Ralph Dear 1986

    254261Tom Deas 1996

    294824Dave deBronkart 2004

    101384Jim DeBusman 1987

    160130David Deiter 1993

    218983Daniel Dekowski 1990

    269988Erik Deland 2001

    125855Stephen Delehanty 1983

    184218Gale Demaree 1994

    253849Arthur Dercksen 1995

    234905R Lawrenc Derstine 1992

    121574Larry Deters 1999

    215054Jim Devenport 1991

    110921John Devine 1996

    116208Edward Dewey 2003

    269831Ken Dewire 2006

    129954Lewis Di Stasi 2000

    148963Richard Dickey 1983

    106194Richard Dickinson 2007

    189289Dale Dicus 1995

    174622Edwin Dierdorff Jr 2006


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 5Page 5Page 5Page 5

    259711Ronald Dionne 1998

    257368Howard Dobson 1997

    248962Don Dobson 2007

    152771James Dodge 2003

    104090Gary Dodge 2004

    231802David Doheny Sr 2005

    120678John Donohoe 2001

    271805Michael Donohue 2006

    146222Edward Doran 2001

    180586Neal Dorsch 2007

    263871Francis Doughty 1998

    139403Alan Downey 2003

    188171Al Drepperd 2006

    298288Peter Drew 2005

    111575Dennis Driscoll 1988

    129438Al Drouin 2006

    154544Gary Drown 1995

    259788Gil Dubray 2007

    246363John Dudrow 2003

    281913Dennis Dueck 2007

    313539Landes Dung 2007

    166656Robert Dunn 2002

    195068Daniel Durfey 2001

    169297Toban Dvoretzky 1982

    118989Fred Eastman 1997

    274637James Eaton 2004

    107623Ernest Eaton 1987

    175009William Eberius 2003

    139741John Eby 2006

    253924Keith Eckhardt 2006

    256255Gregory Economides 1998

    161210Darrell Egertson 1994

    263467Vaughn Eggert 2002

    184603David Eiser 1990

    282144John Ellison 2003

    226933Lester Elmer 1997

    220182Phillip Elsner 1994

    251934Curtis Ely 1996

    109213Thomas Emmert 1992

    116969Paul Engel 1993

    117328William Ennis 1996

    132358Lloyd Erickson 1998

    113029John Erickson 2000

    159286Ron Evans 2003

    180236Marvin Evans 2000

    241820Leonard Evans 1998

    210563David Evanson 1987

    169864Chandler Everett 1993

    269096John Fabian 2004

    251979John Fagan 1998

    102794Jerry Fairchild 1989

    295023Chuck Fantz 2004

    107830Robert Fedel Charter

    233968George Feldner 1995

    118655Tom Felgen 2002

    163614Charles Feltman 1983

    108295Arnie Feltman 2005

    265870Bill Fernkorn 2007

    110732Clayton Ferrin 1986

    120610R Dale Fetick 1999

    229962Rodger Fields 2000

    147087Joseph Fiori 1979

    192338Dick Fischer 2006

    260908Robert Fisher 1998

    103965Philip Fisher 1987

    141561Ken R Fisher 1988


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 6Page 6Page 6Page 6

    142697John Fisher 1983

    161834Al Fisk 2003

    260039Terry Flanagan 1998

    129393Ian Flemming 2002

    120495Darryl Flinn 1982

    109314Donald Flom 1989

    162109Lonnie Fluharty 1993

    284501Kevin Flynn 2005

    193442Larry Focht 2004

    108209Robert Fogle 2003

    134413Bill Fogle 2005

    267406Jerry Forbes 2005

    124605Elbert Ford 2003

    257123Kendall Foreman 1999

    101574Bruce Foreman 1993

    110167David Forrester 1993

    259484Wylie Forster 1997

    181940Howard Foster 1999

    196948Roger Fox 2003

    104410Brian Franck 1994

    100114Robert Frankenfeld 1988

    184960George Franklin 1996

    110381Harry Fraysier 1981

    253458James Frazier 1998

    256487Ted Freyer 1996

    194979Mark Friedman 1987

    229531Jonathan Friedman 1998

    242046Donald Friesen 2001

    283613Leslie Fry 2004

    291024Willard Frye 2005

    110249Ron Fuhr 1989

    181845Paul Fuhrmann 1998

    199173Robert Fuller 1996

    240149Drew Fuller 1991

    195375Noah Funderburg 2004

    275877Don Fuson 2007

    162383Richard Gackle 1993

    221129Jay Garber 1997

    200319Thomas Gardner 1989

    137733Al Garfield 1988

    146280Lawrence Gasena 1993

    229331Quentin Gates 1994

    311889Ronald Gaviati 2006

    111364Robert Geil 1984

    194694Al Geis 2005

    134277Dave Gelb 1995

    117534Thomas Gentry Charter

    124560Gene Gillem 2005

    108371Tommy Gillilland 1997

    184608Paul Gilman 1999

    147502Amos Glanz 1988

    126111John Glass 1989

    110301Tom Glosick 1999

    186677Dain Goad 2001

    251537Donald Gooding 2002

    125221Dr Donald Gooss Sr 1985

    177544Brian Gordon 1987

    124462Dennis Gore 1999

    190496John Gough 1985

    211666Carl Governale 2003

    254566Stephen Graham 1998

    112805Jim Graham 1990

    110616Carl Granato 1995

    104497Ron Granneman 2007

    130603Wendell Grant 1998

    117772Spencer Graves 2000


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 7Page 7Page 7Page 7

    116463Kenneth Gray 1995

    121584Don Gray 1984

    112113Kenneth Graybill 1980

    223574Joe Grear 1997

    114470Robert Greene 2001

    210037Ben Gregg 1995

    195448Noral Gregory 2002

    162164Barney Griffin 2005

    260369Ryan Griffith 2005

    123442Robert Griffith 1988

    129354Paul Grimm 1991

    113681Freeman Groat 1996

    176562John Gronski 2004

    117984Dave Gryvnak 2005

    125510Andrew Guerriero 1998

    260612Paul Gugeler 1996

    256042Donald Gugeler 1996

    131626Roy Gurney 1997

    122116John Gusmer 1983

    228339H Glen Guyer 1992

    113878Maurice Gwinner 1998

    234933Gayle Hageman 2001

    118518Robert Haines 1983

    101066John Hale 1997

    132257Donald Ham 1997

    134648William Hamblet 1991

    104867Wm Hamilton 1998

    170341Hank Hammer 1983

    233054Charles Hanna Jr 1993

    105325John Hansen 2002

    170082Steve Hardy 2006

    109493Charles Harner 1988

    278066Sagan Harris 2007

    249854Richard Harris 2007

    311916Jeff Harris 2006

    278434Dezmer R. Harris 2004

    119980Con Harrold Charter

    101478Ed Hartley 1979

    227572Jim Hartman 2007

    228000Joseph Harvey 1987

    108227Robert Hastings 2003

    270580Derek Hatley 2000

    133666Boyd Hatley 1988

    168239Lynn Hauldren 1993

    156041Donald Hauser 1990

    138814Jay Hawkins 1991

    185626James Hawkins 2001

    221097Dan Hawrylczak 2004

    130789Gary Haycock 2003

    309703Glenn Hayes 2007

    160945Doug Hays 1996

    250766Fred Hazeltine 1995

    248399John Hazen 2000

    151889Dewey Heggie 1987

    140351Dan Heike 2001

    110976Sol Heiman 1991

    136449Ronald Heinemann 2006

    194707Jack Heller 1990

    311644Jeremy Hemphill 2007

    223397Thomas Henry 2001

    147209William Herdman 1994

    128411Richard Hess Sr 1989

    185514John Hester 2002

    143119Warren Hettinga 2002

    172816William Heyer Jr 1982

    117371Robert Hibbs 1991


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 8Page 8Page 8Page 8

    239568James Hickel 1993

    111365Ralph Higgins 1997

    158688Albert Higgins 1994

    124096Thomas Hine 1998

    211284David Hiner 1989

    114404Fred Hinesley Jr 1989

    253029Luther Hintz 2003

    133515Carl Hitch 1991

    180846Edward Hobbs 1990

    240483J. Harvey Hobson 2000

    190608James Hodge 1992

    195904James Holder 2007

    261110John Holshouser 1997

    131850Walter Holt 1998

    288184Eddie Holt 2006

    102577Earle Holt 1980

    260898Newman Hood 1997

    111778Gerald Hooper 1985

    167827Keith Hopkins 2006

    124960Bryce Hopkins 2002

    265201Lawrence Horn 2000

    102108Rogers Hornsby 1990

    279626Bill Horst 2003

    316669Bill Hotter 2006

    273167Thomas Houchin 2004

    116850Robert House 1980

    228325John Houseman 1997

    248910Bill Houser 2001

    125137Darrel Howard 1994

    230904Gerald Hubbell 1997

    257764Joel Huddleston 2006

    239275Kenneth G Hughes 1993

    255484Cory Hunt 2001

    222628Robert Hunter 2003

    154138Joseph Hunter Jr 1998

    127414Paul Huppert 2006

    228052Donald Hyman 1988

    261899John Ihlenfeldt 2000

    186733William Iovinella 1990

    152799Donn Irmiter 2002

    225246Lee Ischinger 2007

    125293Marty Israel 1984

    118658Herbert Ives Charter

    154838Steven Jackson 2004

    244574Donald Jackson 1995

    251415Bill Jackson 2007

    103010Jim James 1979

    192383Jeff James 1996

    259902James Jarosz 2003

    234733James Jay 1994

    232952Jack Jemison 1990

    225336Lindle Jenkins 1990

    247162Nels Jensen 2002

    279220Harvey Jewell 2003

    131232Glenn Jewell 1992

    220927Ed Jobson 1987

    130072Ernest Johansen 1982

    153604Arnold Johansen 1988

    100801Robert Johnson 1996

    108856Richard Johnson 1987

    250984Raymond Johnson 2005

    103479Ralph Johnson 1997

    241497Milton Johnson 2002

    189410Gregory Johnson 1990

    164017Glade Johnson 2004

    117871Douglas Johnson 1989


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 9Page 9Page 9Page 9

    150115Dennis Johnson 2006

    211485Thomas Jones 2006

    116232Raymond Jones 1988

    156226John Jones 2005

    126604Hardman Jones 2007

    186302Glyndwr Jones 1998

    186218Donn Jones 1995

    251574Dale Jorgensen 1996

    103873Donald Julian 1995

    236732John W. Jungroth 1997

    106926Drayton Justus 2002

    117379William Kane 2002

    258577Joseph Kane 2001

    173668James Kasten 1996

    250296James Kastler 2004

    198595G Lynton Kaufman 1986

    154747Argyle Kaufman 1996

    105116Conrad Keil 1990

    220465Dan Kelley 1995

    238670Robert Kellogg 1997

    139281Pat Kelly 1987

    217671Michael Kelly 2006

    267013K. Alan Kelts 2004

    275822David Kennedy 2003

    163405Grady Kerr 1998

    106854Fred Kienitz 2001

    105740Jack Kile 1988

    117782Charles Killen 1990

    187355Richard Kimball 1985

    226399J C Kimberling 2003

    241144Dennis Kimbleton 1993

    138033Jim Kimos 2007

    117783William King 2002

    308207Aaron King 2006

    103496Walter King III 2001

    160761Richard Kingdon Charter

    267032Frank Kinnison 2004

    214708L Dean Kirchner 1993

    247382Andrew Kirkman 2006

    196470Scott Kitzmiller 1986

    265632Kyle Kitzmiller 2003

    189406David Klimper 1998

    102150R Ken Kline 2001

    116579Jim Kline 2004

    102849Randy Klopfleisch 2002

    167863Joseph Klug 2002

    120923Richard Klym 1996

    245147David Knapp 1994

    133305Dick Kneeland 1990

    273462John Knight 2003

    256560Harlan Knoke 1998

    191000Frank Knoll 1998

    211006Barry Knott 1989

    136113Charles Knowlton 2004

    264355John Knueven 2001

    145211Donald Koehnlein 2006

    139017Frank Koenig 1994

    158158Joseph Konzelman 1998

    242410John Koons 2005

    101299Edwin Koontz 1983

    109426Joseph Kopka 2001

    118462James Kraatz 1988

    147206H. David Kracker 1986

    178584Kenneth Krancher 1999

    191068Larry Krause 2007

    100296Donald Kready 1989


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 10Page 10Page 10Page 10

    112038Alan Kremer 1996

    191736Robert Kriebel 1987

    112985Richard Krueger 1995

    232657Paul Krull 2004

    167538Gerald Krumbholz 2001

    218102Mark Kuettner 1991

    275398Jeffrey Kuhlmann 2004

    104869Richard Kuhn 1996

    295271Daniel Kuhn 2006

    130496Douglas Kunkel 2000

    107954David Kutter 1989

    275478Michael La Scala 2005

    281085James Labor 2005

    260019Denis Laflamme 2003

    500434Kyle LaFollette 2007

    138521Bob Lally 1985

    312341Ron LaMar 2005

    258356Neil Lambert 1995

    121637Calvin Landau Jr 1990

    255932David Landes 2005

    132576Bob Landry Jr 2002

    291544Max Lanfranconi 2004

    192161Robert Lang 2002

    104310Tom Larsen 1983

    116237Gary Larsen 1980

    271726Carl Larson 2000

    241771Charlie LaRue 2007

    161340Tom Laskey 2004

    194716David Lasko 2003

    231792Richard Lauzon 1996

    234900Charles Lawson 1990

    102409James Lee 2002

    102686William Legg 1996

    183125Ted Leinbach 1997

    230262Robert Lenoil 2000

    234496Adrian Leontovich 2006

    163954Phillip Lesh 1987

    112327Jerry Leslie 1985

    100651Bill Leslie 1998

    124665Andre Lesperance 2004

    102996M Jerry Levine 2005

    239377Don H. Lewis 1999

    118764Don C. Lewis 2004

    220850David Lewis 1993

    133570George Liacopoulos 1985

    111414John Lickert Charter

    236695Mike Lietke 2006

    111030Joe Liles 1988

    106804Gordon Limburg 2000

    197595Ross Lindgren 1993

    142119Robert Lindley 2003

    111916Frederic Lineberry 2003

    260255James Linsley 2003

    238407Brian Lipe 2005

    177828Rick Llewelyn 2005

    107672Earl Loch 2005

    111716Ronald Long 1980

    313365David Longroy 2007

    165505Randolph Loos Charter

    230661Mike Louque 1998

    127519Charles Lower 1999

    275472Timothy Lowrance 2002

    148901Mark A. Lubart 1991

    191543Steve Lucke 1986

    102026Paul Ludwig 1998

    192600Michael Lurenz 2006


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 11Page 11Page 11Page 11

    177578Roger Lusk 1987

    226950Phil Lustri 2006

    111980Gene Lutz 2006

    113527Gregory Lyne 1997

    195794Digger MacDougall 2002

    190564Donald Madsen 1995

    315558Dan Madsen 2006

    101532Robert Mahony 1993

    248391Benny Malone 1997

    278438Terry Mann 2004

    247255William Manning 1993

    118330James Manuel 1979

    125109Marco Marchetti 1988

    128311Joe Marino 1996

    186585Brian Marsh 1997

    106721Robert Marshall 1997

    174555John Marshall 1998

    292542Brian Marston 2006

    236071Steven D Martin 1998

    285372Rod Martin 2002

    128668Kent Martin 2005

    284733Kenneth Martin 2003

    302705Dean Martin 2005

    117112Richard Martinez 2004

    213968Edward Martinez 1996

    101752Douglas Marwood 1990

    225558Jerome Mason 1999

    107630John Mast 1988

    116760Stephen Mathews 1990

    169095Gary Mathews 1999

    123130Michael Mathieu 1995

    118249Larry Maus 2006

    104428Carrol Mavis Charter

    119118John Maxwell 1987

    118101Ronald May 2002

    228819Don Maynard 2007

    287695Patrick McAlexander 2005

    229431Bradley McAlexander 1989

    247276Kent McArthur 2002

    198168Thomas McCabe 1987

    131640C Philip McCabe 1980

    102962Roger McCandless 2002

    114218Charles McCann 1992

    106897Andy McCann 2006

    256608A. Scott McCarthy 2000

    126265James McClelland 2005

    111422Clare McCreary 1985

    118735Lowell McCulley 1988

    142566Robert McCullough I 1997

    102667Earl McDougal 2005

    170824John McDougald 2001

    109963James McDougall 1979

    180019Brian McDougall 1984

    233357Samuel McFarland III 2001

    196345Collin McKinney 1999

    171504Roger McLaughlin 2007

    248831William McLaurine 1995

    134030Kenneth McPhaden 1996

    257119Robert McPherson 1997

    175678Jack McPhillips 1996

    169608Jim McQuiston 1996

    316944Matthew Mealey 2007

    289826Dodge Melkonian 2005

    168897Harlan Mellem 2000

    125402Myron Menaker 2006

    102003Marty Mendro 2005


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 12Page 12Page 12Page 12

    191413Mike Menefee 1996

    155595Earl Meseth 1991

    166720Leonard Metallo 2007

    304212Jay Michael 2007

    115990Phil Middleton 1995

    174567Paul Miller 1985

    105601John Miller 1979

    104104James Miller 1990

    103858Gaylord Miller 1985

    263593Donald Miller 1997

    223228Benjamin Miller 2005

    222640Arthur Miller 1994

    293608Andrew Miller 2005

    100486Thomas Millot 1982

    113954Stanley Mills 1984

    155537Michael Mills 1990

    183826Glenn Mills 2006

    172077James Milner 1988

    117516Bill Minea 1983

    167422Lonnie Miner 2004

    134865Gene Miner 2007

    169263Robert H Mitchell 1988

    184557Robert Mitchell Jr 1990

    108123R. David Mittelstadt 1979

    114779Nathan Mitts 1985

    162488Dave Mohr 1992

    266605Ben Mohrmann 2004

    101580Stephen Mondau 1986

    300666Aaron Mood 2003

    298383Terry Moore 2004

    150550Rus Moore 1998

    111986Ronald Morden 1994

    215084Nicholas Moreth 1996

    246622James Morgan 2007

    115865Bob Morgan 1983

    125642Richard Mori 2003

    153836William Moriarty 1989

    187795Ed Morin 1987

    131998William Moring 1985

    501537Jeff Morris 2007

    254271James Morris 2002

    220801Bret Morris 2005

    268431Noah Morrison 2002

    127194Robert Morrow 2002

    320347Andrew Mortensen 2007

    113960Roland Moy 1987

    102638Ronald Murray 2001

    104107William Myers 1998

    145003Baxter Myers Jr 2000

    192880Dale Neff 2006

    173773Samuel Nese 1988

    166832Stephen Nester 2003

    236007Brian Newell 1997

    117714James Newlove 2001

    140606Don Newman 1998

    139881Lawrence Newth Jr 1986

    166521Jon Nicholas 2003

    193263Thomas Nichols 1989

    217950Pete Nichols 2007

    175255Richard Nielsen 2003

    193147Herman Ninneman 2000

    121198Gerald Noda 1993

    229454Bryan Noda 1996

    226752James Nohe 1988

    118465Gary Nohren 1979

    136833James Northrop 1996


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 13Page 13Page 13Page 13

    235519Ted Norton 1992

    229646Daniel Norton 1992

    150299Chuck Norton 1985

    194197Joe Novelly 2007

    279237George Nowik 2001

    224018Neil Nugent 1990

    112366James Nugent 1984

    104395George O'Brien 1987

    104797Bud Oden 1983

    254382John Odhner 1999

    164736Jack O'Keefe 1984

    116994Lloyd Oksen 2000

    109225Brian O'Leary 1985

    108128George Olson 1979

    115638Charles Olson 1993

    193698James O'Neill 2003

    266759Billy Orvis 1999

    177052Vern Otwell 1997

    149839Todd Oxley 1988

    140372Raymond Packard 1992

    149532Francis Page Jr 1996

    291913Neal Palmer 2004

    102631Joe Palmquist 1981

    116360Clayton Panlaqui 2004

    238515William Panter 2004

    224635Larry L Parker 1993

    117317Casey Parker 1986

    101561Alden Parker 1993

    160097Mark Pascarella 1994

    126269Ray Patsko 1989

    116630Robert Patterson 2003

    248256Mark Paul 2004

    144502Dennis Paulsen 2006

    263886Stephen Peacock 2003

    256880Thomas Pearce 1997

    104994Gene Pearce 1995

    190163Louis Pearcy 1992

    312244John Pearson 2006

    273604Clark Pease 2004

    103499Don Peddycord 1990

    153918J. Douglas Pennebaker 2003

    109821Douglas Petch 1979

    268120Farnsley Peters 2006

    115799James Peterson 2006

    124717Doug Peterson 2006

    252148Christophe Peterson 1998

    230855Albin Peterson 1992

    131650Gerald Pethic 1985

    233356Dale Petrosky 2007

    109939Lyle Pettigrew Charter

    197554Brian Philbin 2003

    259362I. Murray Phillips 1998

    121084Gerhardt Piel 1998

    100181Jerry Pike 1996

    190556Jack Pinto 2005

    240735Robert Platzer 1992

    123624John Plazek 1980

    107156Bart Plescia 1993

    248525Virgil Pletcher 2000

    113658David Plum 1986

    129320Stephen Plumb 1999

    102076Don Poole 2002

    229612Charles Pope 1996

    162266Bill W Pope 1986

    102352Kenneth Potter 2003

    242941Pete Powell 2003


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 14Page 14Page 14Page 14

    255826Keith Pratt 2002

    249440Douglas Pratt 1996

    191965Kevin Price 2004

    173899Gregory Price 1983

    242538Bruce Prince 2001

    190100Michael Proffitt 1997

    165401Terry Pyle 1997

    124674Ruben Queen 1992

    200657David Rabe 2006

    143878Robert Race 2001

    177184Tom Raffety 1985

    165430William Ragusa Sr 2003

    178307Tom Rakes 2006

    117340John Rambo 1980

    110144James Ramsey 1997

    234846Jim Rathbun 2004

    295723Roger Rattan 2006

    265603Gary Raulerson 2006

    131653James Read 1982

    102099Don Redlingshaf 2002

    106089Robert Reed Charter

    300865Clarence Reed 2004

    118255Donald Reid 1983

    195271David Reiff 1997

    161020Harry Reinheimer 1981

    193078John Rentz 2003

    117807James Revell 1989

    199427Jeremy Reynolds 1989

    102742Milton Rhea 1995

    156366Carl Rhoades 1996

    118104Ray Rhymer 1996

    252168Dean Rice 2000

    103327Philip Richards Charter

    122278James Richards Charter

    300938Bruce Richardson 2006

    121364Frank Riddick 2004

    118008Philip Ridout 1983

    137069Wilton Roberts 1988

    173412Herschel Roby 1989

    173552Mark Rodda 1998

    126198John Rodkey 1983

    188875Milton Roedder Jr 1998

    104920Gary Roeth 2000

    131441Bill Rohlin 2004

    146170Kenneth Rohrs 1996

    150556Robert Romaine 1979

    230668Don Rommel 1998

    127835Kirk Roose 1995

    251949Sheldon Rosenthal 2001

    244085Wayne Roshaven 2002

    143462Norman Rosinski 2004

    241736Charlie Ross 2004

    117124Phillip Roth 2000

    125897Dick Rothermel 2007

    247540Ed Roush 2006

    218647Neil Rower 2007

    249656David Rubin 1999

    218760Charles Rus 1987

    113772Clyde Rushing 1996

    288328Josh Ryan 2006

    126888Bertram Ryan 1987

    163684Jack Ryback 1994

    173499Duane Rygg 1995

    300479John Saffery 2004

    101782Robert Saltee 1996

    172861Donald Salz 2001


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 15Page 15Page 15Page 15

    232436Stephen Sammonds 2001

    183896Frank E Sammons 1997

    184423James Sams 1993

    166625Roger Santiago 2005

    126854Paul Santino 1996

    167402John Santora 1994

    281987Lou Savarin 2003

    121096Fred Schaefer 1990

    248237James Schaertl 2004

    101451Larry Scheel 1987

    252500Dan Schell 2001

    255924Michael Schiermann 1998

    103001Greg Schifano 1986

    266619Glenn Schilberg 1999

    261132Ray Schiller 2006

    182619Cletus Schirra 1982

    229147Thomas Schleier 1996

    244719Dusty Schleier 1999

    168011Joe Schlesinger 1984

    142860Jerry Schmidt 1999

    105106Frederick Schmidt 1988

    200831Mark Schnabel 1993

    110988Dr Saul Schneider 1996

    229227Waldo Schock 1997

    253900Peter Schott 1999

    231877John Schulkins 1995

    129265Ronald Schurman 1984

    259231Daniel Schwartz 2003

    167716Keith Schweer 1988

    247530H. Wayne Schweitzer 1997

    268792Shane Scott 2004

    220322David Scott 2000

    270187Dan Scott 2002

    161922Bradford Scott 1991

    157291Deane Scoville 1984

    105710Ray Scroggins 1979

    110485G Richard Secrist 1980

    196785Jerry Sedatole 2004

    239628Lynn Sedgley 2004

    125573Lee Seligman Charter

    255891Bruce Sellnow 1997

    260380John Shaerer 2003

    123415Steve Shannon 1992

    104665Paul Shannon 1997

    104463Earl Sharp 1997

    133679Richard Shaw 1991

    231598Larry Shelton 2001

    183477A Kent Shepherd 1984

    196999Gale Sherrodd 1985

    217982Erich Shultz 1996

    232313Richard Shuman 1990

    247341Neal Siegal 1998

    118977Rudolph Sikler 1980

    107001Lewis Sims 1984

    103330Delbert Sinclair Charter

    161341Roger Smeds 2006

    123721Lyle Smerud 2005

    123178Paul Smith 1989

    246620Michael Smith 1997

    171111Daniel Smith 1994

    258972Bruce Smith 1998

    210691Henry Smothers 1997

    263950Gayle Snedecor 1998

    264006S Richard Snodey 2004

    214476Harold Snyder 1997

    281758Dennis Sokoloski 2003


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 16Page 16Page 16Page 16

    132288Barnett Solomon 2004

    108498John Somers 1988

    148088James Sortore 1994

    186813Robert Sowinski 1983

    281225Jonathan Spangler 2005

    120452Glen Spangler Jr 1997

    169842Tony Sparks 2003

    200895Rodney Sparks 1995

    142350Del Sparks 2000

    112679Marvon Spellman Jr 1989

    131295Stan Spencer Charter

    125899Carl Sperry 1998

    277942Jeffery Spires 2007

    153197John Staley 1980

    118469Gary Stamm 1987

    110881Robert Stancil Charter

    255510Bob Standfast 2007

    160117Joseph Stangl 1988

    171939Leo Stefano 1996

    119181Jerry Steffen 1996

    183702Michael Stehlik 1985

    184872James Stenson 1986

    250866Steven Stern 1999

    102674Richard Stern 1980

    126470Philip Sterner 1997

    161635Jack M Stevens 2000

    248708C. Howard Stevens 2001

    114569Wallace Stewart 1989

    247547Michael Stewart 2001

    111307John Stewart 1996

    105792Alan Stewart 2002

    116889Sam Stimple 2000

    125708Michael Stoll 1988

    110707Jim Stone 1979

    102672Jack Story 2001

    217659Jonathan Stotzer 1992

    105144Russ Strahl 1995

    115213Robert Strand 1989

    102713Buford Strange 2001

    105999Frederick Street 1985

    134018Hank Stromenger 2005

    317799Alan Stroppini 2006

    103817Dick Sturgeon 2006

    121203Richard Sturm 1990

    218476Bob Sutton 1996

    169846William Sutton II 1995

    270295Matthew Swann 2004

    183503Jeffery Sykes 1999

    115134Kenneth Sylvia 1995

    100573Richard Syring 1996

    198613Paul Tamblyn 1999

    102675Jim Tate 1980

    117523Donald Tautkus 1986

    285071Steven Taylor 2002

    114865Lee Taylor 2007

    103003Kenneth Taylor 1984

    264198Gene Taylor 1999

    115931Donald Taylor 1980

    243390Carl Taylor 1998

    257259C. Martin Taylor 2000

    123425Richard Teeters 1990

    113127Fred Teller 1987

    227232Bob Tempas 1993

    188129Garry Texeira 2004

    154503George Thole Jr 2005

    107061Stanley Thomas 1991


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 17Page 17Page 17Page 17

    292771Shawn Thomas 1982

    140107Robert Thomas 1985

    128195Dale Thomas 2003

    104449Charles Thomas 1982

    250167Jason Thompson 2000

    227267John Thomson 1998

    115647Jay Thornberry 1995

    295227Michael Thorpe 2004

    163159Larry Thorpe 2002

    102312Kenneth Tillmanns 1989

    102746Frank Tillou 2003

    161460Robert Tilton 2001

    253974Stanley Tinkle 1996

    185495Matt Tipton 2004

    264619Robb Topolski 1999

    296684Mark Torrance 2004

    253593James Toth 2001

    113276Rex Touslee 2004

    147966Richard Townsend 1995

    110862John Townsend Charter

    199969Lynn Trapp 2005

    315419Allen Treadway 2006

    187021Carlton Treff Sr 2003

    116147Larry Triplett 1980

    133279Earl Truax Jr 1979

    247345Ross Trube 2007

    300657Stan Tucker 2004

    234515Erol Tucker Jr 1990

    132847Howard Tuggey 1979

    155066James Turnmire 1988

    265053Joseph Turzai 2004

    100025Pete Tyree 2004

    162447David Updegraff 2006

    250564Donald Updegrove 1996

    228178Ralph Urquhart 1992

    236631Vance Vallandigha 1991

    100060Warren Van Meter 1987

    305396Bart VandeMark 2006

    248985Chris Vaughn 2004

    246051Brad Verebay 2003

    279649Chad Vermillion 2003

    152483Bill Vermue 2001

    110723Chas Vertrees 1995

    151017Jon Vickers 2005

    247989William Vincent 2004

    127359Robert Wachter 1995

    100087David Waddell 1999

    269792Charles Wagner 2006

    125835James Wahler 1985

    180392Stephen Walker 2006

    257125J David Walker 2005

    118863Donald Walker 1989

    133811Bob Walker 1987

    120063William C Walter Jr 2004

    163703Byron Walton 1979

    237451John Wanless 2004

    194784Ken Wantuck 1990

    160609William Ward 2000

    101039James Ward Jr 1993

    245296Stanley Wardwell 1999

    308305Sam Warfel 2007

    114134James Warner 1980

    264335Jason Warschauer 1996

    123159Dan Warschauer 1995

    141824Ed Watson 2005

    254507Doug Watson 1998


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 18Page 18Page 18Page 18

    120458Charles Watson 1991

    103672Tom Watts 1990

    152523John Waugh Sr 2004

    232016Allan Webb Jr 1998

    127219Richard Webber 1991

    179256Gary Weddell 2004

    196070Bob Weekley 2007

    133947Oscar Wehlander 1995

    224168Marlin Weidler 1994

    170595William Weir 1991

    131666Gerald Weisenreder 1979

    177005Allen Weitz 1982

    195309Douglas Welch 1988

    165361David Welter 2007

    100503Bruce Wenner 1988

    278869Patrick Wenter 2005

    312995John Wenzel 2007

    226251Michael Werner 1996

    134106Lawrence Wescott Jr 1987

    212639James West 1997

    236589Daniel West 1991

    106454Bert West 1981

    182867Jan-Ake Westin 2004

    232598Richard Westlund 2001

    111802Kenneth Wheeler Charter

    232545Rodney White 1989

    172611Benjamin Whitney 1998

    167937Thomas Wiener 1989

    147200Fred Wiese 1980

    246776Edward Wigley 1997

    108783Alden Wilcox 1994

    256111Charles Wilde 1997

    270481David Wilder 2006

    213329Dave Wilkinson 1987

    219591Warren Willard 1992

    210040Stuart Willcox 1987

    251516Thomas Williams 1994

    116432Reese Williams 1986

    195160Kenneth Williams 1995

    126208Chas Williams 1983

    126717Glenn Williamson 1997

    133503Todd Wilson 1999

    196869Philip Wilson 2004

    112684Fran Wilson 1986

    151411Dan Wilson 2005

    243397Christophe Wilson 2002

    213648Donald Winiesdorffe 1998

    125374William Winterberg 1982

    102507Eliot Wirt 1986

    104766Fr Joseph Witmer 1993

    128428Raymond Wixted 1991

    309691Philip Wolf 2006

    147996Andrew Wolf 1979

    106845Lowell Wolfe Charter

    312172Victor Wong 2005

    169683Richard Wood 1984

    118640Tom Woodall 1980

    142672Carlton Woodrow 1998

    260135Woody Woods 1996

    116433Dennis Woodson 1999

    135147Wayne Woodward 2003

    228338Paul Wren 2002

    313144John Wulf 2005

    113047Henry Wurthmann 1979

    113661Lyle Wyly 1988

    124260Patrick Yacques 2006


  • ID no.First name Last name Since ID no.First name Last name Since

    AHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical ListingAHSOW Alphabetical Listing Page 19Page 19Page 19Page 19

    236842Harvey Yarborough 1996

    224999Gregory Yarnell 1993

    125205John Yates 2003

    500804Mark Yeokum 2007

    149969H Vincent Yinger 1993

    130472Robert Young 1993

    110325Robert Young 2000

    217912Ken Zahrt 2006

    200126Dick Zarfos 2005

    253650Rudy Zarling 1994

    160815Lee Zellmer 1996

    256623Larry Zemlin 1996

    106966Edward Zimmerman 1988

    109770Vincent Zito 1984

    110496John Zonnevylle 1987


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 1Page 1Page 1Page 1


    Donald CraigCalgary AB

    Terry CroweCalgary AB

    Douglas MarwoodCalgary AB

    Stephen GrahamLethbridge AB

    Richard DallmanNanaimo BC

    Byron WaltonQualicum Beach BC

    Ed JobsonSidney BC

    Lawrence GasenaVictoria BC

    Russ StrahlBrandon MB

    Paul GrimmBerwick NS

    Ian FlemmingDartmouth NS

    Ralph UrquhartDartmouth NS

    Murray PhillipsWolfvilleNS

    Jack BiggersAurora ON

    Daniel BezaireBelle River ON

    Robert YoungBelleville ON

    Jan-Ake WestinBurlington ON

    Douglas KunkelCambridge ON

    Len ClementCourtice ON

    Ken R FisherGuelph ON

    Neil LambertHamilton ON

    James O'NeillHamilton ON

    Don BazelyIldertonON

    Gary HaycockIngersoll ON

    Tony BoveKanataON

    Paul TamblynKingston ON

    Lorne BrubacherKitchener ON

    Dennis DueckKitchenerON

    Eric AlexanderLondon ON

    Ron FuhrLondon ON

    Donald HauserLondon ON

    Brian McDougallLondon ON

    Kenneth McPhadeLondon ON

    Douglas PetchLondon ON

    John AndersonMillgrove ON

    Erik DelandMississauga ON

    John GoughMt Brydges ON

    Frank KnollMt Brydges ON

    David ForresterNepean ON

    Wylie ForsterNewmarket ON

    Bill VermueOsgoode ON

    Wendell GrantOshawaON

    William PanterOttawa ON

    Denis LaflammeRockland ON

    Glyndwr JonesSarnia ON

    Richard LauzonSarnia ON

    John S.R. DeaconSimcoe ON

    W Bruce ChapmaSt. ThomasON

    Digger MacDougalStittsville ON

    James McDougallStrathroy ON

    Loyal BeggsThessalon ON

    John HousemanVankleek Hill ON

    Chris ArnoldWaterloo ON

    Andy McCannWindsor ON

    Ronald SchurmanPierrefonds QC

    Ron DawsonVerdun QC

    Ronald EvansRegina SK

    Richard GackleRichmound SK

    Stephen WalkerSaskatoonSK


    Pat KellyTel Aviv

    New Zealand

    Bill HotterChristchurch

    United Kingdom

    Victor WongBirmingham

    Bob WalkerHorsham West S

    Pete PowellMaidenhead Berk

    United States

    Edwin KoontzAnchorage AK

    James BellBirmingham AL

    Robert FullerBirmingham AL

    Clyde RushingBirmingham AL


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 2Page 2Page 2Page 2

    Michael SchiermaClanton AL

    Larry FochtSomerville AL

    Noah FunderburgTuscaloosa AL

    Bob FrankenfeldBella Vista AR

    James NugentBella Vista AR

    Gale DemareeBentonville AR

    Arthur DercksenClarksville AR

    Ronald HeinemanFayetteville AR

    Richard HopkinsFayetteville AR

    Charles HannaHot Springs AR

    James LinsleyLittle Rock AR

    Kenton ZahrtLittle Rock AR

    James MorrisNorth Little Rock AR

    Rodney MartinSpringdale AR

    Ronald BergenstoVan Buren AR

    Terry BuchananAnthemAZ

    E BartleyAvondale AZ

    Sam WarfelCasa GrandeAZ

    Bob StandfastFlagstaffAZ

    Gaylord MillerGlendale AZ

    Charles BauderGreen Valley AZ

    Kyle LaFolletteGreen ValleyAZ

    Richard ShumanGreen Valley AZ

    Richard BairdMesaAZ

    Barney GriffinMesa AZ

    Donald KoehnleinMesaAZ

    Collin McKinneyMesa AZ

    Terry AramianPhoenixAZ

    John EricksonPhoenix AZ

    Stuart WillcoxPhoenix AZ

    Ronald LaMarPinetop AZ

    Gordon BergtholdPrescott AZ

    Sam StimplePrescott AZ

    Ben GreggRio Verde AZ

    William KaneScottsdale AZ

    Daniel WilsonScottsdale AZ

    John McDougaldSedona AZ

    Donald TautkusSedona AZ

    Robert AngelSun City West AZ

    Rudolph SiklerSun City WestAZ

    James MilnerTempe AZ

    George CrosbyTucson AZ

    Jim GrahamTucson AZ

    Rogers HornsbyTucson AZ

    Conrad KeilTucsonAZ

    Paul LudwigTucsonAZ

    Bob MorganTucson AZ

    Kenneth SylviaTucson AZ

    David UpdegraffTucson AZ

    Stephen PeacockAlhambra CA

    Robert PattersonAlta Loma CA

    Dan MadsenAltadena CA

    Phillip WolfAltadena CA

    Peter DrewAnaheimCA

    Stanley TinkleAnaheim CA

    Dave BrinerAnaheim Hills CA

    Ronald MayApple Valley CA

    Mike SmithApple Valley CA

    Buford StrangeApple Valley CA

    Michael A MillsAptos CA

    Donald GugelerArroyo Grande CA

    Jerry LevineArroyo Grande CA

    Don PooleArroyo Grande CA

    John StaleyArroyo Grande CA

    S. Richard SnodeAtascadero CA

    Stephen MathewsAuburn CA

    Dean RiceAuburn CA

    Bob CathawayBakersfield CA

    Arnold JohansenBakersfield CA

    Gary LarsenBerkeley CA

    James RevellBurbank CA

    Bill MineaCamarillo CA

    Lloyd OksenCambria CA

    Leslie CudworthCarmichael CA


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 3Page 3Page 3Page 3

    Jack McPhillipsCarmichael CA

    Terry MannCathedral City CA

    Willrd AndrusChicoCA

    Walter ChisholmChula Vista CA

    Kenneth PotterCitrus Heights CA

    Jeff AlbrightClaytonCA

    Massimo LanfrancCupertino CA

    Deane ScovilleCypress CA

    Harry BaertschiDavis CA

    Edward ComingorDavis CA

    Robert HunterDavis CA

    Joe PalmquistDowney CA

    Ken CusterDuarte CA

    Greg LyneDublin CA

    James StensonEl Cerrito CA

    James NewloveEl Dorado Hills CA

    Donald JacksonEscondido CA

    Jim TateEscondido CA

    Earl McDougalFallbrook CA

    Jack StoryFallbrook CA

    Clark AbrahamsoFolsom CA

    Donald MillerFontana CA

    Richard NielsenFresno CA

    A Kent ShepherdFresno CA

    James TurnmireFresno CA

    Allen TreadwayGaltCA

    Joel HuddlestonGlendale CA

    Ray RhymerGranite Bay CA

    David BishopGrass Valley CA

    Al DrouinGrass ValleyCA

    Jim RathbunHanford CA

    Lynn SedgleyHanford CA

    Robert BirdHayward CA

    Clayton PanlaquiHemet CA

    Michael ThorpeHermosa BeachCA

    Richard MartinezHuntington BeachCA

    Philip RidoutHuntington BeachCA

    Charlie LaRueLa CanadaCA

    Carl GovernaleLa Habra CA

    Thomas NicholsLa Habra CA

    Kenneth TillmannsLa Habra CA

    Neal PalmerLa Jolla CA

    Gary MathewsLa Mesa CA

    Gale SherroddLa Mirada CA

    Dennis WoodsonLa Palma CA

    Earle HoltLafayette CA

    Fred EastmanLaguna Hills CA

    George AndrewsLaguna Woods CA

    Virgil PletcherLake Forest CA

    Jim JamesLakeside CA

    Ron MurrayLincoln CA

    Steven TaylorLinden CA

    Richard LlewelynLomita CA

    Matthew CampisiLong Beach CA

    Chuck CrawfordLong BeachCA

    J C KimberlingLong Beach CA

    Reese WilliamsLong Beach CA

    William HambletLos Angeles CA

    Randy KlopfleischLos Angeles CA

    Thomas LaskeyLos Angeles CA

    Robert DunnMartinez CA

    Paul EngelMenlo Park CA

    Howard BarberMerced CA

    Gene ClementsMission Viejo CA

    Robert CossentineMission Viejo CA

    Dain GoadModesto CA

    Phil LustriModesto CA

    Sean ChasworthMonroviaCA

    Donald FriesenMontrose CA

    Casey ParkerMorgan Hill CA

    Dennis BakerMountain View CA

    David PlumMountain View CA

    Bill BeckNevada City CA

    Robert HibbsNovato CA


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 4Page 4Page 4Page 4

    Bruce SmithNuevoCA

    Ronald AsplundOakhurst CA

    Michael CatingOakland CA

    Charles FeltmanOakland CA

    Paul WrenOakland CA

    Randall ConnerOceanside CA

    Lloyd DavisOceanside CA

    H Glen GuyerOceanside CA

    Charles KillenOjaiCA

    Daniel DurfeyOrange CA

    Frank TillouOrange CA

    Michael WernerOrangeCA

    Edward Bradley DOrinda CA

    Samuel NesePalm Desert CA

    Milton RheaPalm Desert CA

    Robert PlatzerPalmdale CA

    Terry MoorePalo Alto CA

    John WanlessPalo Alto CA

    Jim KlinePalos Vrds Est CA

    John PearsonPasadenaCA

    James HawkinsPaso Robles CA

    Roger FoxPenn Valley CA

    Spencer GravesPlacentia CA

    Robert LenoilPlacervilleCA

    Andrew MortensePlacervilleCA

    Keith EckhardtPollock Pines CA

    Larry ThorpePoway CA

    Herschel RobyRancho Cordova CA

    David WilderRancho Cordova CA

    Jerry FairchildRedlands CA

    Brian PhilbinRedondo BeachCA

    John SafferyRedondo BeachCA

    Bruce SellnowRipon CA

    Kevin PriceRiversideCA

    Kent McArthurRocklin CA

    Roger SantiagoRoseville CA

    Phillip RothRossmoor CA

    Josh RyanS San Francisco CA

    Kent BorrowdaleSacramento CA

    Eric BricksonSacramento CA

    Frank KinnisonSacramento CA

    Don RedlingshafeSacramento CA

    Don SalzSacramento CA

    Alan StroppiniSacramentoCA

    Richard DickeySan Clemente CA

    Warren WillardSan Clemente CA

    Robert CampbellSan Diego CA

    Stan ChristmanSan DiegoCA

    David EvansonSan Diego CA

    Robert HouseSan Diego CA

    Jeffrey KuhlmannSan Diego CA

    James LeeSan Diego CA

    Greg PriceSan Diego CA

    Allan WebbSan Diego CA

    Noah MorrisonSan FranciscoCA

    Sheldon RosenthaSan FranciscoCA

    Roman AvilaSan Jose CA

    John HazenSan Jose CA

    John JonesSan Jose CA

    Steve SammondsSan Jose CA

    Mark TorranceSan Jose CA

    Eliot WirtSan Jose CA

    Greg SchifanoSan Luis Obispo CA

    Kenneth TaylorSan Luis Obispo CA

    Gary BollesSan Ramon CA

    Dave GryvnakSanta Ana CA

    Bob LallySanta Barbara CA

    Ed MorinSanta Barbara CA

    Philip WilsonSanta BarbaraCA

    Luther HintzSanta Maria CA

    Dan SchellSanta Rosa CA

    R Ken KlineSeal BeachCA

    Bill JacksonSebastopolCA

    JD AhmansonSherman Oaks CA


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 5Page 5Page 5Page 5

    Thomas RaffetySherman Oaks CA

    Thomas SchleierSignal Hill CA

    William KingSouth El MonteCA

    Bill MyersSpring Valley CA

    William LeggStockton CA

    Joseph HarveySusanville CA

    Jonathan FriedmaTemecula CA

    John IhlenfeldtToluca Lake CA

    James LaborTorrance CA

    Landes DungTulareCA

    Jeff HarrisUnion City CA

    Aaron MoodVenice CA

    Ben ArellanesVentura CA

    Richard SternVista CA

    Don MaynardWalnut CreekCA

    Bill HorstWinnetka CA

    Lou DahlstromWoodland CA

    David EiserWrightwood CA

    Ted CluettArvada CO

    Leonard MetalloArvadaCO

    Chris VaughnAuroraCO

    Michael BaggerlyBailey CO

    Jeffrey ClickBrighton CO

    Michael DavidsonCentennial CO

    Leslie FryColorado Springs CO

    Brian MarshColorado Springs CO

    Pete TyreeColorado Springs CO

    Woody WoodsColorado Springs CO

    William SuttonDelta CO

    John CoffinDenver CO

    Matthew SwannDenver CO

    Fred WieseDenver CO

    Lee IschingerFt CollinsCO

    Gerald HooperGolden CO

    Steven JacksonGolden CO

    Kenneth GraybillGrand Junction CO

    Warren Van MeterLakewood CO

    James CurtsLongmont CO

    David WaddellLongmont CO

    Rex TousleeLovelandCO

    Joseph ArnoldLyons CO

    Dennis CookParkerCO

    Ronald LongPlatteville CO

    John KnightFairfield CT

    Vincent ZitoManchester CT

    Richard JohnsonNorwich CT

    Joseph MarinoOld Saybrook CT

    Howard DavisRocky Hill CT

    G Lynton KaufmaStamford CT

    Philip RichardsWiltonCT

    Michael BurkhartRehoboth Beach DE

    Donald BeardSeaford DE

    Joe KaneBelleair Beach FL

    Carl HitchBoca Raton FL

    Howard DobsonBradenton FL

    Ken RohrsBradenton FL

    Delbert SinclairBradenton FL

    James NorthropBrooksville FL

    Stephen BarrettClearwater FL

    Randy LoosClearwater FL

    Dodge MelkonianClearwater FL

    George LiacopoulCocoa Beach FL

    Myron MenakerDaytona Bch ShFL

    Christopher BakerDaytona Bch ShoFL

    Kent MartinDeltona FL

    Raymond WixtedElkton FL

    Gerald NodaEnglewood FL

    Gerald WeisenredEustisFL

    William HouserFort Lauderdale FL

    James KastlerFort LauderdaleFL

    Robert BowserFort Myers FL

    Walter HoltFort Myers FL

    Dave WilkinsonFort MyersFL

    Richard SturgeonFort Myers BeachFL


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 6Page 6Page 6Page 6

    Arnold FeltmanJupiter FL

    Kenneth WantuckKey Largo FL

    Jeremy ReynoldsLady Lake FL

    Doc WeirLady LakeFL

    Vance VallandighLake Worth FL

    Boyd HatleyLakeland FL

    Keith HopkinsLakeland FL

    Andrew KirkmanLakeland FL

    Gene GillemLargo FL

    William DavidsonLeesburg FL

    Harold SnyderLeesburg FL

    Daniel BrinkmannMelbourne FL

    Jerry SteffenMelbourne FL

    Albert DrepperdMerritt Island FL

    Larry MausMerritt Island FL

    John StewartMilton FL

    William BockermaNaples FL

    Richard KlymNaples FL

    Bart PlesciaNaples FL

    Robert CochraneNew Smyrna BchFL

    Farnsley PetersNokomis FL

    James SchaertlNokomis FL

    Henry StromengerNorth Port FL

    Elbert FordOcala FL

    John ShaererOcala FL

    John AlexanderOrange Park FL

    Frank CaldarazzoOrlando FL

    William WardOrlando FL

    J. Harvey HobsonPalm Bay FL

    Bruce PrincePalm Beach GardFL

    Carl SperryPalm Beach GardFL

    Jack ChamplinPensacolaFL

    David DohenyPensacola FL

    Robert RomainePensacola FL

    Walter King IIIPompano BeachFL

    Calvin LandauPompano Beach FL

    Bart VandeMarkPt. St. Lucie FL

    J Richard ZarfosSarasosta FL

    Robert FedelSarasota FL

    Gary RaulersonSarasota FL

    Frank SammonsSeffner FL

    Clare McCrearySeminole FL

    Patrick YacquesSpring Hill FL

    Roger SmedsStuart FL

    Richard FischerThe Villages FL

    M Gene CourtsVenice FL

    John GlassVenice FL

    Raymond SchillerVenice FL

    Theofelos AliapoulWest Palm BeachFL

    Andrew BortsWeston FL

    Alan CoppWinter Haven FL

    Richard ShawWinter Haven FL

    Robert GeilWinter Park FL

    Ralph HigginsZellwood FL

    Roger McLaughlinZephyrhillsFL

    Steven SternAtlanta GA

    Wayne RoshavenBlairsville GA

    William BalserDunwoody GA

    Vern OtwellDunwoody GA

    Carrol MavisGainesvilleGA

    Douglas BlackJonesboro GA

    Thom HineKennesaw GA

    Mark KuettnerLilburn GA

    Maurice GwinnerMacon GA

    Jack O'KeefePeachtree City GA

    Bill PopePeachtree City GA

    Drayton JustusPowder SpringsGA

    Gene CannonSavannah GA

    Fred Hinesley JrSavannahGA

    Milton JohnsonSavannah GA

    John HaleWinder GA

    Kendall ForemanHonolulu HI

    Jonathan SpangleHonolulu HI

    Eugene LutzAltoona IA


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 7Page 7Page 7Page 7

    James BolluytAmes IA

    Amos GlanzBettendorf IA

    Herman NinnemaBoone IA

    Lowell McCulleyCenterville IA

    David KnappDavenport IA

    Robert ThomasDavenport IA

    Vince YingerDes Moines IA

    John MarshallIowa City IA

    Bob BauerKingsleyIA

    Steve LuckeMaquoketa IA

    Paul GugelerMount Pleasant IA

    Dan WarschauerMuscatine IA

    Kenneth GrayNew London IA

    Paul KrullNorthwood IA

    Dennis PaulsenNorwalk IA

    Lynn TrappOrange City IA

    Ronald MordenPanora IA

    Charles RusPella IA

    Jerald ForbesSioux City IA

    Harlan KnokeVillisca IA

    Jerry PikeWest DesMoines IA

    Tom RakesCoeur D Alene ID

    Richard TownsenCoeur d Alene ID

    Charles WagnerCoeur d'Alene ID

    Nels JensenIdaho Falls ID

    Donald TaylorIdaho Falls ID

    Don RommelPocatello ID

    Steven MartinBelleville IL

    James MorganBellevilleIL

    Robert SowinskiCarpentersville IL

    Herbert IvesCaryIL

    James KraatzChampaign IL

    Tom WoodallCharleston IL

    Theo EconomidesChicago IL

    Richard HessCrest HillIL

    Robert HainesDanvilleIL

    Craig AdamsDowners GroveIL

    Frederic LineberryDowners Grove IL

    Kenneth KrancherDunlap IL

    Robert LindleyEast Moline IL

    Allan AndersonElk Grove IL

    Lynn HauldrenEvanston IL

    Joseph SchlesingEvanston IL

    Bruce RichardsonHerscher IL

    Bob TempasHinsdaleIL

    George CollarHomewood IL

    Tom WattsLa Grange Park IL

    Glenn MillsLibertyville IL

    Earl MesethLockport IL

    Gary NohrenLongview IL

    Robert CearnalMascoutah IL

    Richard AnthoneyNapervilleIL

    James JaroszNorridge IL

    Don PeddycordOrland Park IL

    Norman RosinskiOrland Park IL

    Richard KingdonPalatine IL

    David CowinPlainfield IL

    Edward HobbsPoplar Grove IL

    Benjamin MohrmaRockford IL

    James AlbiniSt. Charles IL

    Don LewisSublette IL

    John GronskiWatsekaIL

    Donald ReidWauconda IL

    Jack BairdWestmontIL

    Al GeisBatesville IN

    Steven BogaertsBloomington IN

    David ReiffBluffton IN

    Scott KitzmillerBristolIN

    Kyle KitzmillerBristol IN

    Ralph DearEvansville IN

    Patrick McAlexandFishers IN

    Bradley McAlexanFishers IN

    Vaughn AlbertFort Wayne IN

    Marvin EvansFremont IN


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 8Page 8Page 8Page 8

    Howard FosterGreenfield IN

    Lyle PettigrewGreenwood IN

    Garry TexeiraIndianapolisIN

    Gary DodgeJeffersonville IN

    Philip FisherLafayette IN

    Donald HymanLogansport IN

    Brian NewellLogansport IN

    Chuck NortonMunster IN

    Don JulianNewburgh IN

    Kenneth CarlsenNoblesville IN

    Russell DartOdon IN

    David HinerRushville IN

    Denis ConradyTerre Haute IN

    Con HarroldTerre Haute IN

    Donn JonesTerre Haute IN

    David LandesTerre Haute IN

    Andrew MillerTerre Haute IN

    Noel CarpenterUnion City IN

    Dave GelbVincennesIN

    L Dean Kirchner DBurlington KS

    Roger LuskDerby KS

    Don FusonLeawoodKS

    Bruce WennerLeawood KS

    Mark YeokumLeawoodKS

    Phillip LeshNorton KS

    Marlin WeidlerOlathe KS

    Ronald AbelOverland Park KS

    Kevin BeaufordOverland Park KS

    Dan BowserOverland Park KS

    Mike MathieuOverland Park KS

    Keith SchweerOverland Park KS

    Robert JohnsonRoeland Park KS

    Richard KruegerShawnee MissionKS

    Charles FantzTopeka KS

    Donald KreadyTopekaKS

    Don NewmanTopeka KS

    Donald UpdegrovWichita KS

    Greg YarnellWichita KS

    Doug WatsonBurlington KY

    James CoxCrestwood KY

    Jon NicholasLexington KY

    Jay HawkinsLouisville KY

    Thomas HouchinLouisville KY

    James MillerLouisville KY

    Stan TuckerLouisville KY

    William WalterLouisville KY

    Carl TaylorRussell KY

    Chip DavisBaton Rouge LA

    Bob LandryJennings LA

    Sol HeimanKenner LA

    Saul SchneiderNew Orleans LA

    Jim StoneShreveportLA

    Waldo SchockSlidell LA

    Brian O'LearyBelchertown MA

    Ernie JohansenBridgewater MA

    Daniel SchwartzBrookline MA

    Terry ClarkeHingham MA

    Francis PageLynn MA

    William RagusaN Quincy MA

    Ken BastienNew Bedford MA

    Daniel CostelloPembroke MA

    Raymond JohnsoPittsfield MA

    Robert RacePittsfield MA

    Toby BalsleyQuincy MA

    Stephen NesterWaltham MA

    Richard CarpenterAnnapolis MD

    Jim KimosBaltimoreMD

    William EberiusBel Air MD

    John SantoraBel Air MD

    Lewis SimsBethesda MD

    Stanley ThomasBoonsboro MD

    Kevin FlynnBoyds MD

    Joseph KonzelmaBrunswickMD

    Thomas GardnerCalifornia MD


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 9Page 9Page 9Page 9

    Ryan GriffithCatonsvilleMD

    Clinton BurnhamClinton MD

    Jeffrey AveyCumberland MD

    Edward ZimmermDenton MD

    Terence BarrangeGlen BurnieMD

    Robert MorrowJarrettsville MD

    Michael KellyLaurel MD

    James WestLaVale MD

    Robert HastingsNottingham MD

    Carlton TreffPasadena MD

    Robert FogleSeverna Park MD

    Richard WebberSeverna Park MD

    Eugene AleshinSmithsburg MD

    Daniel DekowskiSykesville MD

    Donald GoossWillards MD

    John ThomsonWilliamsport MD

    John AndrewsBoothbay Harbor ME

    Max BrandtLimington ME

    Larry NewthMechanic Falls ME

    Lawrence BeanSaco ME

    Donald GoodingSouthwest HarborME

    Thomas WilliamsWest Poland ME

    Lawrence WescottWindhamME

    Dan CasamattaAdaMI

    Dave MohrBenton Harbor MI

    Neil NugentBeulah MI

    Jeffery SpiresClarkstonMI

    Richard AndersonClinton Twp.MI

    David AndersonClinton Twp. MI

    Willard FryeCommerce MI

    Dorn BurrillEast Leroy MI

    Fred KienitzFenton MI

    David LongroyFlushingMI

    Dale BarberFraser MI

    Ruben QueenGarden City MI

    Robert MarshallGladwin MI

    John PlazekGreenfieldMI

    Sterling BerryGrosse Pointe MI

    Michael ProffittGrosse Pointe FaMI

    Del SparksJackson MI

    Raleigh BlochKalamazoo MI

    David KutterKentwood MI

    Larry ParkerLansing MI

    Derek HatleyMiddleville MI

    Al FiskRochester MI

    Louis PearcyRochester Hills MI

    Martin BomersSpring Lake MI

    John CollinsSt Clair Shores MI

    Dale PetroskySt Clair ShoresMI

    John WalkerSt Clair ShoresMI

    Bert WestSt Clair Shores MI

    Matthew TiptonSterling Heights MI

    Martin ChirgwinTraverse City MI

    John WenzelTrentonMI

    Dennis GoreWashington MI

    Richard DickinsonBemidjiMN

    Darrell EgertsonBloomington MN

    Robert GriffithBloomington MN

    Harlan MellemBloomington MN

    George TholeBuffalo MN

    Steven HardyCoon Rapids MN

    Lyle SmerudDeephaven MN

    John HansenEden Prairie MN

    Duane RyggMaplewood MN

    Robert ReedMontevideo MN

    Jim RichardsRoseville MN

    Frederick StreetSaint Paul MN

    Dick TeetersSaint Paul MN

    Gary BuxengardSpring Grove MN

    Robert BergSt Joseph MN

    Douglas PetersonSt Peter MN

    Roger CarlsonWinona MN

    Richard DarbyWinona MN

    Dan KelleyBallwin MO


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 10Page 10Page 10Page 10

    Thomas MillotBelton MO

    Darrel HowardBlue Eye MO

    Dean CarlisleChesterfield MO

    Paul FuhrmannChesterfieldMO

    James JayFlorissant MO

    Charles AmesKansas City MO

    Jim BagbyKansas City MO

    Albert HigginsKansas City MO

    Mike LouqueKansas City MO

    Lyle WylyLees SummitMO

    William McLaurineManchester MO

    Milton RoedderManchester MO

    H. Wayne SchweitSpringfield MO

    Henry WurthmannSt Louis MO

    Brian MarstonSt Louis`MO

    Kenneth HughesWebb City MO

    Curtis ElyLucedale MS

    David KlimperBillings MT

    Robert SalteeBillings MT

    Ralph JohnsonAsheville NC

    Roland MoyBoone NC

    Donald WalkerBurlington NC

    Jeff JamesCharlotte NC

    Mark RoddaCharlotte NC

    Roy GurneyClaytonNC

    Stanley MillsCrossnore NC

    Larry TriplettDurham NC

    Michael StehlikEden NC

    Harry ReinheimerElon NC

    William VincentErnul NC

    James BlairFairviewNC

    Robert GreeneFletcherNC

    Dennis KimbletonGranite Falls NC

    Donn IrmiterGreensboro NC

    Robert KelloggGreensboro NC

    Andre LesperanceHolly Springs NC

    William BennightJacksonville NC

    Robert McPhersoMurphy NC

    Richard BerkshireNew Bern NC

    Robert BoonePinehurst NC

    Robert TiltonPinehurst NC

    Gerald HubbellRaleigh NC

    John SomersRaleigh NC

    William BehrendtSalisbury NC

    Robert YoungSouthport NC

    Wally CluettWake ForestNC

    Bob CluettWake ForestNC

    Hugh BurfordWaynesville NC

    Robert AppletonWilmington NC

    Mark BarnhillWilmingtonNC

    Dick BecknerWilmingtonNC

    James BensonWilmington NC

    Robert ClarkWilmington NC

    Don DobsonWilmingtonNC

    Ted LeinbachWinston-Salem NC

    Jon VickersWinston-Salem NC

    Gary WeddelEmerson NE

    Gregory JohnsonFremont NE

    Dan ClarkGering NE

    Lonnie MinerHastingsNE

    Fred TellerHastings NE

    Gary DrownKearney NE

    Marvon SpellmanKearney NE

    Fran WilsonKearney NE

    Ray BrownOmaha NE

    Jerry LeslieOmaha NE

    Eddie RoushOmaha NE

    Dick KimballPapillion NE

    Jeremy HemphillRavennaNE

    Bill LeslieYork NE

    James DodgeDover NH

    Joseph KopkaHudson NH

    Earl DamonNashua NH

    Dave deBronkartNashua NH


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 11Page 11Page 11Page 11

    Gil DubrayNashuaNH

    Patrick CaseyClaytonNJ

    Charles RossClinton NJ

    Ross TrubeEast WindsorNJ

    R. David MittelstaFlorham Park NJ

    John PintoHamiltonNJ

    William WinterberLittle Egg Harbor NJ

    Andrew GuerrieroLong Branch NJ

    George FeldnerManahawkinNJ

    Bertram RyanMatawan NJ

    David BuchnerMontvale NJ

    George OlsonMorris Plains NJ

    Joseph FioriMorristown NJ

    Richard De VanyPiscataway NJ

    John YatesPrincetonNJ

    John AndersonRamsey NJ

    Richard MoriSomerdale NJ

    Floyd CliffordTabernacle NJ

    Nicholas MorethTeaneck NJ

    Mark FriedmanUpper Montclair NJ

    Brian LipeWestfieldNJ

    Marty IsraelWoodbridge NJ

    Douglas ArringtonAlbuquerque NM

    Bill BiffleAlbuquerque NM

    Lester ElmerAlbuquerqueNM

    George FranklinAlbuquerque NM

    Phil MiddletonAlbuquerque NM

    Lee SeligmanAlbuquerque NM

    Tony SparksAlbuquerque NM

    Chas VertreesAlbuquerque NM

    Oscar WehlanderAlbuquerque NM

    Ray ScrogginsFairacresNM

    Dezmer R HarrisKirtlandNM

    Roger McCandlesLas Cruces NM

    Kirk BensonRio RanchoNM

    Clayton FerrinRoswell NM

    Larry ZemlinSanta FeNM

    Bill MoriartyCarson City NV

    Buzz BossardHenderson NV

    James EatonLas Vegas NV

    Warren HettingaLas Vegas NV

    Dennis JohnsonLas Vegas NV

    David KennedyLas Vegas NV

    Pete NicholsLas VegasNV

    Keith PrattLas Vegas NV

    John WaughLas Vegas NV

    C. Howard StevenMinden NV

    Cory HuntReno NV

    Michael StewartReno NV

    Tom GlosickApalachin NY

    Craig BrayArcade NY

    Andrew WolfBergen NY

    Thomas JonesBinghamton NY

    Michael LurenzBinghamton NY

    John KoonsBlasdell NY

    Daniel NortonBrockport NY

    Dennis SokoloskiBuffalo NY

    Bob WeekleyBuffaloNY

    J Kenyon AbbottClifton Park NY

    Richard WestlundCollins NY

    Gerald PethicColton NY

    Lawrence HornCorning NY

    Floyd ColeElmira NY

    James HolderEndwellNY

    Jerry SchmidtEndwell NY

    Dan ScottEndwell NY

    David ScottEndwell NY

    Harry FraysierFairport NY

    G Richard SecristFairport NY

    Robert ClarkFayetteville NY

    Robert CoantFulton NY

    John FabianFulton NY

    Patrick CampbellGetzville NY

    Neal SiegalGlen Cove NY


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 12Page 12Page 12Page 12

    Douglas BuellGrand Island NY

    Eugene CrouseHauppauge NY

    C Philip McCabeHenrietta NY

    Lewis Di StasiHighland NY

    Richard DaviesHorseheads NY

    Daniel HawrylczakLackawanna NY

    Mark A. LubartNew York NY

    Thomas McCabeNew York NY

    Mark PaulNew YorkNY

    Brad VerebayNew York NY

    Ted NortonOlean NY

    Joe BradburyOntario NY

    A. Scott McCarthyPainted Post NY

    Richard WoodPittsford NY

    Joseph HunterPlainview NY

    Arnold BurdeauPlattsburgh NY

    Paul HuppertPoint Lookout NY

    Al GarfieldPomonaNY

    Paul SantinoQueens Village NY

    Steve DelehantyRiverdale NY

    Glenn JewellRochester NY

    James ReadRochester NY

    Bill RohlinRochester NY

    Allen WeitzRochester NY

    William IovinellaSchenectady NY

    Donald FlomScotia NY

    John ZonnevylleScottsvilleNY

    James HodgeSilver Creek NY

    David LewisSilver Creek NY

    C SpencerSlate Hill NY

    Michael La ScalaTonawanda NY

    James NoheVictor NY

    Stephen PlumbWest Shokan NY

    John WulfWilliamsville NY

    Thomas GillillandWillsboro NY

    John CzarneckiAkron OH

    Tom GentryAkron OH

    William BusingerArlingtonOH

    Chandler EverettAurora OH

    Joseph WitmerAuroraOH

    Earl SharpBeavercreek OH

    David RubinBedford Hts OH

    George O'BrienBerea OH

    Thomas HenryBlacklick OH

    Frederick SchmidtBowling Green OH

    Stanley WardwellChagrin Falls OH

    Bill CatesCincinnati OH

    Paul GilmanCincinnati OH

    Don GrayCincinnati OH

    James RamseyCincinnati OH

    Brad ScottCincinnati OH

    Frank KoenigCleveland OH

    David CallandColumbusOH

    Frederick DorschColumbusOH

    John DudrowColumbus OH

    Tom LarsenColumbus OH

    Paul MillerColumbus OH

    H Glendon SpanglColumbus OH

    Charles WatsonGalena OH

    Richard BakerGreenville OH

    James HickelHighland Heights OH

    Dick CornettHoward OH

    Jack HellerKettering OH

    Gene PearceLorain OH

    Woody WoodrowLoveland OH

    Brian FranckLyndhurst OH

    Bill HerdmanMansfield OH

    H. David KrackerMansfield OH

    August BennettMassillon OH

    Fred SchaeferMaumee OH

    John DonohoeMayfield HeightsOH

    Guyles CliffordMedina OH

    Shawn ThomasMedina OH

    Richard SturmMentor OH


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 13Page 13Page 13Page 13

    R Dale FetickMilford OH

    Ron GrannemaN RidgevilleOH

    John CooperNewark OH

    Darryl FlinnNorth Canton OH

    Arthur MillerNorth Olmsted OH

    Alan DowneyNorth Ridgeville OH

    Mark SchnabelNorthwood OH

    James KastenNorwalk OH

    Kirk RooseOberlin OH

    Bill FernkornOlmsted TwpOH

    Gary RoethPiqua OH

    Frank RiddickPolandOH

    Leonard EvansPort Clinton OH

    Baconator ConradRisingsun OH

    Jerome MasonSolon OH

    Thomas EmmertSpringdale OH

    Jonathan BellSylvania OH

    Jonathan StotzerTiffin OH

    Jim HartmanToledoOH

    Gerhardt PielToledo OH

    Daniel KuhnToronto OH

    Richard KuhnToronto OH

    Dale DicusWapakoneta OH

    John EllisonWaterville OH

    Brian BarfordWest Chester OH

    Michael BanishWesterville OH

    Terry FlanaganWestlake OH

    Bryan NodaWilloughby OH

    Charles ThomasXenia OH

    Paul ShannonZanesville OH

    Kenneth WheelerZanesvilleOH

    Dale NeffBartlesville OK

    Billy OrvisEdmond OK

    Benjamin WhitneyNorman OK

    Michael AitkenOklahoma City OK

    Dewey HeggieOklahoma City OK

    John W. JungrothOklahoma City OK

    Jeffery SykesOklahoma City OK

    Ken AckleyTulsa OK

    Curt AngelTulsaOK

    Robert McCullougTulsa OK

    William EnnisBend OR

    Raymond JonesBend OR

    Donald MadsenBend OR

    Christopher WilsoBend OR

    Doug BirkelandCanby OR

    Charles OlsonForest Grove OR

    Robert TopolskiHillsboro OR

    Nathan MittsNewberg OR

    Kenneth CoxOregon City OR

    Wilton RobertsPortland OR

    Larry ScheelPortland OR

    Jay ThornberryScappoose OR

    Wayne WoodwardAkron PA

    Daniel WestBarnesville PA

    Jason ThompsonBensalem PA

    Dick RothermelBerwynPA

    Kenneth WilliamsBethel Park PA

    Dale ThomasBloomsburg PA

    James SortoreBradford PA

    John OdhnerBryn Athyn PA

    Stewart BushCarlisle PA

    Leo StefanoCarnegie PA

    Dean MartinChambersburg PA

    John RodkeyColumbia PA

    Chas WilliamsColumbia PA

    Daniel SmithCranberry Twp PA

    Fred BurneEmporium PA

    Carl GranatoErie PA

    Clark PeaseErie PA

    John MastGap PA

    Joseph KlugGibsonia PA

    William FogleGlen Rock PA

    Hartley OdenGreenvillePA


  • NameState - City NameState - City

    AHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational ListingAHSOW Locational Listing Page 14Page 14Page 14Page 14

    R Lawrence DerstiHarleysville PA

    Robert KriebelHellertown PA

    Joseph TurzaiHummelstown PA

    Paul CohenHuntingdon VallePA

    Jean BucherLancaster PA

    George CareyLansdale PA

    Richard AshbyLititz PA

    James FrazierMalvern PA

    Robert FisherMechanicsburg PA

    Stanley BeckMonroeville PA

    Jay GarberMonroeville PA

    Wm HamiltonMonroeville PA

    Alden WilcoxMontgomery PA

    David AndreMontrose PA

    Joe NovellyMurrysvillePA

    Mark PascarellaNorth Versailles PA

    Charles LowerOreland PA

    Douglas PrattPaoli PA

    Vaughn EggertPittsburgh PA

    Clete SchirraPittsburgh PA

    Earl LochPittston PA

    David DeiterPottsville PA

    Joe StanglPottsville PA

    Warren CapenosSarver PA

    John FaganScotrun PA

    Tom FelgenSpring GrovePA

    John CentamoreWarminster PA

    Michael ConradWescosville PA

    Jonathan CluniesWexford PA

    Glenn SchilbergWexford PA

    Ray PatskoWilkes Barre PA

    Ernest EatonYork PA

    Edward DoranPortsmouth RI

    Ron DionneSmithfieldRI

    Granville BarrowsWest Warwick RI

    Carl LarsonBeaufort SC

    Brian GordonColumbia SC

    Wallace StewartColumbia SC

    James BledsoeJohnston SC

    Benjamin MillerMoore SC

    William ManningMountain Rest SC

    Tom DeasMyrtle Beach SC

    John HesterNorth Augusta SC

    Warren BowenRock Hill SC

    Sagan HarrisSummervilleSC

    Richard HarrisSummervilleSC

    Carl RhoadesSurfside Beach SC

    K. Alan KeltsRapid City SD

    Charles KnowltonRapid City SD

    Harvey JewellSioux Falls SD

    Ross LindgrenWatertown SD

    Richard SyringYankton SD

    J. Douglas PenneAntiochTN

    Shane ScottAntiochTN

    Larry DetersBrentwood TN

