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Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind...

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Neal Parker Neal Parker
Page 1: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

Neal ParkerNeal Parker

Page 2: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For MankindHis Plan of Salvation For Mankind

PassoverPassover– Signifies Christ’s sacrifice to pay the Signifies Christ’s sacrifice to pay the

sin debt for us on a personal level sin debt for us on a personal level and for all humanity and for all humanity

(John 3:16)(John 3:16)

Page 3: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For MankindHis Plan of Salvation For Mankind

Day of AtonementDay of Atonement– Signifies Christ’s delivery of the Signifies Christ’s delivery of the

payment, in the very Heavenly Temple, payment, in the very Heavenly Temple, not built with human handsnot built with human hands

(Hebrews 9:24)(Hebrews 9:24)

Page 4: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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Leviticus 23:26-28Leviticus 23:26-28– Afflict YourselvesAfflict Yourselves– Present An Offering By FirePresent An Offering By Fire– Do No WorkDo No Work– Day of AtonementDay of Atonement– To Make An Atonement For To Make An Atonement For

You Before The LordYou Before The Lord

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Leviticus 16:1-2; 16Leviticus 16:1-2; 16– Not of our own choosingNot of our own choosing– God gives the Instruction / God gives the Instruction /

Rules; We do not determine Rules; We do not determine the Instruction / Rulesthe Instruction / Rules

– The Temple is required to be The Temple is required to be cleanclean

Page 6: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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Leviticus 16:1-2; 16Leviticus 16:1-2; 16– ConsiderationsConsiderations

The ritual was an acted parable, a copy of The ritual was an acted parable, a copy of what Jesus Christ was to do on the great what Jesus Christ was to do on the great day, when He made atonement.day, when He made atonement.

Animal sacrifice could not atone for human Animal sacrifice could not atone for human sin; Only the blood of the divine image sin; Only the blood of the divine image incarnate could cleanse our sin and enable incarnate could cleanse our sin and enable us to enter safely into the presence of us to enter safely into the presence of God, who is a consuming fire. God, who is a consuming fire.

Hebrews 10:1-10Hebrews 10:1-10

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Hebrews 9:1-5Hebrews 9:1-5– All the value of the All the value of the

Tabernacle was only a Tabernacle was only a shadow of reality, of the shadow of reality, of the greater value of the reality, in greater value of the reality, in the Heavenly reality of them. the Heavenly reality of them.

– Exodus 25 and 35 outline the Exodus 25 and 35 outline the construction of the construction of the Tabernacle from freewill Tabernacle from freewill offerings of the peopleofferings of the people

Page 8: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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Hebrews 9:11-15Hebrews 9:11-15– Verse 12 and Verse 15 focus Verse 12 and Verse 15 focus

our attention on the most our attention on the most important aspect of the Day important aspect of the Day of Atonementof Atonement

– The High Priest Jesus Christ The High Priest Jesus Christ entered with His blood to entered with His blood to obtain our Eternal obtain our Eternal Redemption, so that we may Redemption, so that we may receive our Eternal receive our Eternal InheritanceInheritance

Page 9: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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Hebrews 9:11-15Hebrews 9:11-15– Additional ConsiderationsAdditional Considerations

There was symbolism in the Priest’s garments There was symbolism in the Priest’s garments that was a copy of the significance of Jesus that was a copy of the significance of Jesus Christ performing the role of the High Priest Christ performing the role of the High Priest on the Day of Atonement.on the Day of Atonement.

Within the representation of these Priestly Within the representation of these Priestly garments, we are carried by Jesus Christ into garments, we are carried by Jesus Christ into the Father’s presence. the Father’s presence.

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Page 11: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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Page 12: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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Leviticus 10:1-3Leviticus 10:1-3– Our Approach Our Approach

Matters To GodMatters To God

Hebrews 12:25-29Hebrews 12:25-29– Our Approach Our Approach

Matters To GodMatters To God

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Philippians 2:5-8Philippians 2:5-8– Humbled Himself Humbled Himself

and Became and Became Obedient to deathObedient to death

Matthew 6:16-18Matthew 6:16-18– Instruction on How Instruction on How

To FastTo Fast

Page 14: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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We Fast Because God Says SoWe Fast Because God Says So

Leviticus 23:26-32Leviticus 23:26-32– Commands Of How To Keep The Day Commands Of How To Keep The Day

of Atonementof Atonement

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Some Battles Require Fasting Some Battles Require Fasting and Prayerand Prayer

Ephesians 2:1-6Ephesians 2:1-6– We struggle with Satan and Our SinWe struggle with Satan and Our Sin– We were dead by reason of our sins We were dead by reason of our sins

Ephesians 6:12Ephesians 6:12 Matthew 17:14-21Matthew 17:14-21

– The Great Power of God required to The Great Power of God required to overcome the Power of Satanovercome the Power of Satan

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Fast for Integrity / Fast for Integrity / Righteousness SakeRighteousness Sake

Isaiah 58:1-11Isaiah 58:1-11– There Are Right Ways and Wrong There Are Right Ways and Wrong

Ways To FastWays To Fast– God Wants Us to Fast for MercyGod Wants Us to Fast for Mercy– God Wants Us to Fast for HumilityGod Wants Us to Fast for Humility– God Wants Us to Fast for God Wants Us to Fast for


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Fast for Integrity / Fast for Integrity / Righteousness SakeRighteousness Sake

Jonah 3:1-10Jonah 3:1-10– Repentant HeartsRepentant Hearts– Seeking God’s Integrity / Seeking God’s Integrity /

RighteousnessRighteousness– God Responses With MercyGod Responses With Mercy

Page 18: Neal Parker. At One Ment God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation For Mankind God’s Seven Annual Festivals Outline His Plan of Salvation.

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Following The At One MentFollowing The At One Ment

Satan is placed in an abyss for a Satan is placed in an abyss for a 1,000 years1,000 years

Those who are granted their Eternal Those who are granted their Eternal Inheritance will become a Kingdom Inheritance will become a Kingdom of Priestsof Priests

Rule of God’s GovernmentRule of God’s Government

1 Peter 1:13-161 Peter 1:13-16– ““Be Holy, for I Am Holy”Be Holy, for I Am Holy”
