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Neanderthals and Modern sapiens - Knox College

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Neanderthals and Modern sapiens

Neanderthals and Modern sapiens

The Family BlobThe Family Blob

Homo erectus

H. heidelbergensis

H. sapiensNeanderthals


Who Was Neanderthal?

Neanderthal Homo sapiens neanderthalensis

Neander Valley, Germany 1856

Age: 40-50,000Significance: First human

fossil acknowledged as such, and first specimen of Neanderthal. Most dismissed it as a freak, but Doctor J. C. Fuhlrottspeculated that it was an ancient human.

Changing Fortunes of Neanderthals

Questions about NeanderthalsHow were they distinct from us?Where did they come from?How human were they?Why were they different?Where did they go?

Neanderthal Cranial MorphologyMidface prognathismAlveolar-zygomatic ridgeLarge nasal openingLarge anterior teethRetromolar gapDouble brow ridgesLow foreheadTeardrop-shaped craniumOccipital bunNo chinLong, semiflexed basicraniumLarge cranial capacity

“Old Man” of La ChapelleH. sapiens neanderthalensisor H. neanderthalensis

La ChapelleAux-Saints,

FranceAge: 50,000 yearsCranial Capacity: 1625 cc

Early studies of this elderly male mistook symptoms of advanced age for signs of brutishness

Boule’s Reconstruction:

Kebara Cave, IsraelLynne Shepartz, 1983Age: 60,000 years

Neanderthal skeleton, lacking cranium and legs. Includes a modern-looking hyoid (throat) bone and distinctly broad, flat fingertip bones.

Kebara 2: “Moshe” Homo sapiens neanderthalensisor Homo neanderthalensis

HyoidMoshe’s fingertip


Neaderthal SkeletonLarge, wide rib cageLong clavicleWide scapula with more muscle

attachments along rear edgeLarge shoulder jointLarge elbow jointBowed, short forearmWide hipsLarge hip joint, rotated outwardsHand with strong grip and wide

fingertipsLong, thin superior pubic ramusRounded, curved and thick-walled

femur shaftLarge, thick patellaShort, flattened and thick-walled

tibiaLarge ankle jointWide, strong toe bones

Cold Adaptation?Body proportions– Broadened hips and

shoulders– Shortened lower arms and


Large nasal and sinus passages

Designed for close encounters?

Injury pattern resemblesrodeo riders

Neanderthal Origins: La Sima de los HeusosAtapuerca, Spain

“The Pit of Bones”300 kyaDozens of individualsClassified as H. heidelbergensisProto-Neanderthal features

The The The Family BlobBlobBlob

Homo erectus

H. heidelbergensis

H. sapiensNeanderthals


Neanderthal’s “Mousterian” ToolsMousterian (Middle Paleolithic) tool traditionLarge flakes from carefully prepared coresGreater variety than AcheuleanIncluded projectile points

Hunting patternsDid not follow herdsYear-round home

Burial Practices

Social Life

Tightly knit, cooperative families Restricted intergroupcontact

Score One for Hobbes:Prehistoric Cannibalism

MIDDLE PLEISTOCENEBodo (heidelbergensis)Choukoutien (late erectus)Gran Dolina (heidelbergensis)Krapina (neanderthalensis)

WHY?War?Funerary ritual?Prey?Peaks, then fades

. . . and one for Rousseau

Neanderthal compassion

Neanderthal Art?

Cro-Magnons and Neanderthal extinction

Sudden change 40-35 kyaPhysical and cultural

Upper Paleolithic Tools

Cro-Magnon Art

Ice Age Venus

Ritual Life

Unsolved Mysteriesabout the appearance of modern people:

�1. Where did they come from?2. Why did they coexist, then suddenly replace others?

3. Why the radical change in culture at 40k, long AFTER first appearance of sapiens?


Modern human origins

Also . . .Also . . .780 780 kyky teenager from teenager from GranGranDolinaDolina site at site at AtapuercaAtapuerca, Spain, SpainAssigned by discoverers to Assigned by discoverers to Homo antecessor, Homo antecessor, an an intermediate speciesintermediate speciesMany prefer Many prefer H. H. heidelbergensisheidelbergensisfor nowfor now
