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Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1857-04-30 [p ]. · "YT71LL promptly attend to Land Agencies,...

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Myriads of- - Madura Plants. 1,000 ... Bushels Madura Seed. , FRUIT AKD ORNAMENTAL TREES. O VERMAN $ MANN, . IUoomington, I1I. lcavj to announce that they tare, for a BEG ies of years, been engaged in the culture of hedges"and hedpe plants, and having been greatly fcv the success of the Jlaclura Hedge, and f timulated by the immensely increasing demand j for the material, they hare sown, the present season on good, new land, about 150 bushels of excellent need the produce of which is estimated at fifteen million ianUl! which they offer for the Spring trade, It tcould late required more than that amount to tupjly the demand the part Spring. The terms fur plants will be reaionalle, and to dealers and oth- ers ordering plants by wholesale, great inducements will be offered. It is very important that orders should be sent in eaelv, as they wiU be registered and filled in the order in which thy are received, For the last three years they hare been unable to supply lie demand, and it is probable that late or- ders cannot be filled the next Spring, as the demand is expected to be four timet greater than heretofore, Hants will be securely packed and delivered on board the cars free of expense, except for cost of ma- terial. . - They are also extensively engaged in importing hedge seed, which they sell on the best terms, and alwavs warrant freth and good ; orders for which should br sent in prior to the 15th of October next. They will be prepared to sprout seed for such as de- sire it. Ilaving several extensive nurseries, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a large stock of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Roses, Shrubbery, Ac, at the following points, to wit: Bloomington, 111.; Mound Nursery, Canton, 111,; Ilenry, Elmwood, and Havana, III. All Fruit Trees warranted to be of the best varieties and true to came. All information cheerfully given, and catalogue and premium essay on Kedgeing sent to all applicants. Address, OVERMAN k MANN. Feb. 5, 1857, Bloomington, Illinois. NEBRASKA CITY Xxiiaxxrn.il. co Company, CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.' Nebraska City, N. T. THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is now organized, and their entire capital stock of Fifty Tkouand Dollar, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Ilaving adopted the mutual principle, iu patrons, without Incurring any liability, will Ehare ia the profit of the company. The operations of the Company, will be confined, for the present, to marine, or cargo risks, with a maximum liability of $12,500 on any one bottom. - Iking the only Insurance Office, on theabove pop- ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex- pects a generous support from Western Merchants. We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa- tronage. DIRECTORS ! 8. F. Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly, II. P. Rennet, , -- , J. L. Armstrong, W. N. ilinchman, Miles W. Brown, A. A. Bradford. O iTnCERS CII AS. F. HOLLY, President. . . - J. Garside, Scc'y. Bt. Louis ATit Col. W. P. lloward. April 2d, 1S57. ' 42-- ly O. F. LA.K.E, W. IL HOOVES, Brownville. Nemaha City. LAKE & H00VEB, - m mm Wm, ' " AKD I l NOTARYS PUBLIC, ., ErovTnvillo and Nemaha City, - d titms a f t-- a rnnrintmATitT "YT71LL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying Y taxas, Drawing money, buying and selling Real E?tue, buying-an- d selling on Commission, Making Collections for distant dealers, and all kinds of business pertaining to their profession. Particular attentoin will be given in filing declara- tory statements to pre-em- pt end procuring- - War ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. Persona owning TO"wv lots, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to place the agn?y incur bands, always presenting their Quit claim Deeds for said Lots,) within the ex piration of six xnenths, as after that time all lota not Deeded will be sold. Blanks always on hand. N. B, Letters of inquiry answered promptly. March 2(5, '57. 41-- ly JESSE JOHN. SURVEYOR & CIVIL EKGIHEER. WELL attend to any business in his line when 1 have a first rate compass, and having had rmany years experience, both as teacher and practical Surveyor, can give satisfaction. , References: A. L. Coat, Dr. Hoover, Wm. Hoover, .also, D. Goust,W. Hobson, and C. A. Rowlew, Sa- vannah, Mo. Address ' v JESSE JOHN," -- Nemaha City, N. T. March 19th, 1S37. " 49-- tf iMilcs on Horse Shoeing. just ruELisnED, A riAIN, practical Treatise on hobss shoxixg, X. by M. MILES, author of Tbe Horse s loot. In one vol. 16mo. l'rice 75 cents. Sent by mail free of postage. Ve like to recommend such books, when we see so vil&inous bungling at horse shoeing." Ohio Cu- ltivator. "A concise, clear, and practical work, which should be studied by every smith who shoes horses, and by every farmer who owns a horse. The truth is, there is not one smith in twenty who Ihoui how to shoe a hor?e properly, or one farmer in a hundred who knows vhen a horse is shod as he should be. The work will pay you if you will study it, and ten-fo- ld if you pntcuce lw or olii;'c ygur emiiu vo louow iu ins true tior." IHinoi JoratN. , ... ' "2io vrsix who owns a hone can aS"ord to be without this sort of information." Albany Ere. Jovr. - nEXRYCATXYllAIllD, Publisher. 'Philadelphia. -- March 18th, 1S57 40-- tf DILLON, THOIIPSON &, CO! HOCK FORI, MO. , . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in .' SrOOdS And Groceries, IIs.rdw'fi.ro.-'Quecnswxr- e, DnTgs,-Ufit- s, Cap, Boots," Shoes, Tinware, - Stoves, Funiiture, Iron, Nails, Plo-s- , and FarniiEg Utensils. WILL have, t the rpening xt navigation, a and varied accession to their present Stock, which will be sold Low for Cash, fflrusry 12ih, 1S57. ' S5-- tf Hcrrir's Patent , Champion FIHE-PK00- F SAFES, T TTH ITall'e P&tcct rowdcr-Proc- f Lochs-th- e V tame that were awarded separate Medals at the World's Fair London, 1 551, end the World's Fair, New York, lSi3: ulI are the only American Safes .that were awaxdrd meJili at the London World's IV.r. 11 1 " " Thc.eF.rcs arendwalnilttcilto be fperior to any ever CVrcl to tue public ; trfd the tulcribers thai l(c.ro't!e V.V-rl- l to produeean instance of these Fall's failing to preserve their contents through the fc fittest ire-- , rr a Lur.r'ir p'cklr.g the lock. The sul . ; .lie's Er x iv-.- r f jouts are the only per sons authorijedto r nl:e -- 1 sell Herring's Patent Cha in- - ioa t.ifc, :i L'-- L's Patent Powder Proof S.C 137 J -1 sit xi, 12 j, and 5 Mu rray Stn New York. ' - v w uu ProTi" .1, lonr, Corn Meal, rn-'-v- -,f Groff ries. ::liizi:ll & co. ff crc-- y c : .z. f.r at t'-- '-i UNITED STATIC every possible facility for the safe and GIVE transmission of Jloner, Valuable Packages, Parcels, and , - - -- Goods, Merchandize Of every description, on reasonable terras.- - - Principal OrnCES Now York, Buffalo, Cincin- nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, liidianoolis, and all the smaller towns on Railroads in the List cm, Mid- dle and Western States, eonnectkg at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River Express. IL KIPP. July25,1853.-vl-n- 3 General Superintendent. Caution. public are hereby notified that ose Thomas THE through false colors obtained a certificate of entry of the . West fractional quarter and the S. East fractional quarter of Section numbo? twenty-fiv- e, in Township number six, in Range number fif- teen, East of the 6th Principal Meredisn in Nebras- ka Territory. The above is claimed by and will be patented to B. B. Thompson, whose papers and evi- dence are forwarded to Washington City for hearing. ' B. B. THOMPSON. Febrbary2eth,1857 .... 37-- tf F. DINGS & CO., j . Importer of, and Wholetale Dealer t in w Fancy Goods. Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. S9 North Main Street, (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, Mo. S2-- ly .Egv 1857. BROWNVILLE FERRY ON THE , Missouri Bivciv The Route from BrotmvUle to Ft, Kear- ney, and from thence to California, is the nearest and most practicable. FINNEY & CODINGTON, ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that they the entire interest in the Ferry across the Missouri Rivor at the City of Brown ville, Nebraska, and open tne season witn a new substantial and commodious Ferry Boat, run bv Horse Power, which arrange inent will secure certain passage at, all times and in all kinds of weather, 1 be Proprietors do not assert Doastmgiy, or for the Tunse of raining custom merely, but are governed by facts, when they say this is the best crossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville to I ort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest, for evidence they refer the reader to the map of the Country; and are warranted in saying it is the most practicable route by personal experience, aa well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to persons going to California, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements lor a safe and speedy crossing, ourjeharges are the same as other Ferries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legisla tive enactment. A skiff "will be in readiness and a hanl on the ground to run all hours of the night. .mm-- 11 1 i l 1 1 r f 1 - t T", .cj ivecoiieot mat wun. our lacmues 02 rower, so kinds of weather will prevent our Boats from caking regular trips atall hours. Brownville Nemaha to., X aj February 25th, 1857. t. b. crifiss. IOHN C. TCJtX, CmiLNG & TURK, ... Attorneys at law &-Rca- l Estate Agents, v-- - OMAHA CITY, N. T., WELL attend faithfully and promptly to all entrusted to them, in the Territorial or Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lands, en-trri- es and collections, Ac. Office in the second story of nenry & Roots new building, nearly opposito the Western Exchange Bank, Farnhari Btreet. I ? . v Dec. 27, 150. Tln2Stf , JESSE LOWE, '' J ... OMAHA-CITT- , K. T... Mo-SIore::Cre- lit ! NOTICE is hereby givenj that here&ftur we sell for Cash or PBonrcs only. McAllister, dozier & co. Brownville, March 12th, '57. . , 39-- tf JOEL ILL .WOOD, LL D.F BOTANIC, PHYSICIAN, informs the citiiens or Nemaha RESPECTFULLY ponnanently located imme diately feouth of Brownville, and having hml consid- erable experience in the treatment of the disea rer incident to the West, be natters himself that h u prepared to treat the same on purely . , : BOTANIC PRINCIPLES, And in connection with Dr. Bcckhax of Missouri. Brownville, Jan. 1, 1857. vln29tf . .. , i. ; mi. ROSSELL. . . BOT- & SHOE BROWNVILLE, T. rf? EESPEOTFULLY informs the public V. that ho la prepared to serve them w ith any- -' thing in bis line, at short notice, and with a style and quality or work he feels confident will please. To his old friends and customers he deems it unnecessary to say a word, to others ho fays only -- try me." December 13, 1858. vln2t-J- v ' " ! (Daution. mUE public are herebv notified, that on or about 1 the 20th day of February, A. D. 1356. there was made and executed by the undersigned Two 0TES,in favor of - B. L. Rogers, one of two hundred dollars, payable the 1st of March, A. D. 1357; and one of one hundred dollars, payable the 15th day of May, A. is. leoi. tne consideration lor wLiea said Notes were obtained ; having failed, we shall refuse to pay the said rote3 or any part thereof. ; . , ; .. , . . JesskNoel,, ,: , 1. ',. ' . , ' Ukxry Exsksox,. ' ' , . IlflxiiY W. Laki, By ; " ' " " 0. F. Lake, Lis Agent. "Brownville, March 12th, 1857. . ... 39-- tf (Daution. rnnE public sro hereby notified,, that tlicre was L tcuda snd executed on or about the 23th day of T 1 ..TV a T j l ' m rcoruary, A. u. iojo, ojuib uuuersignea, 1EK2I! Notes in favor cf B. B. Fratier, of two hundred dollars each, one payable September 1st, A. D. 1856; one payable January 1st, A. D.1857; one payable March 1st, A. D. 1S57.- - The- - consideration having failed, for which the said cotes were given, we shall refuse further payment on the said NoMs, oi any yvft thorAnf. ' v..." -- S i ' . " ; " ' . Jssss Noei; ' ;. i " ItEXBT EMiroKy, ' IIrxrt Lak. By 'O, F. Lake, lis Agent. Brownville, March 12th, 1857. .. , ,. 39-- tf SPECIAL' iroTTcn Short Scttleniciit Make Long Friends. rpHE subscribers request all that are Lndtibted to A them, by note or account, to make payment by th lilk of FebniarT- - BexW-s- Be tie- - f.na will start East at that time for new md foil ctock cf goods, and CASH will be watted to to v fir them. We retard our thanks to ear frisn it ' for -- their fAtroaage ta this time, and to cidriti a coa tinaance ol'tha saae h,r3iifi.;r. ' ; - - WM. IIOLLIT2E1X. a CO. Brownville, Jan. 5th, 18i.7. ' . i;.. i AXOVZO TEATT, K. Q. KtlTT, x. rox, New York. : O. V. CHILD, callers, t. LouLs. ' t. Louis. CHILD, rPkA-T- u; CO.,!: " ; Directt mpurta-- j, J&lbers fcrii Misafaitur'i'' Agents English, French German & Araerican " liar Jvraro'.jmd Cutlerr: GUNS, E ITLES,, PISTOLS, 1SD t: lil Main Bt, co. Wbbtoi' Avenue, BT. LOuI3, XIO.:' , .1 Trt c LAUGH ajcorLiCnt 1 1 i .... .U :l w E021 THE EXSVEPAPEIt AE VESTISINQ AGENCY f "V7. S. SVYMMER, r Corner of Olive and JJain Sts ever the Bank-- t, ing House of Joh 1 J. Anlerscn & Co. 'By"AmtI:cr2tyr THE STATE S UPEEIN1 ENDEXT And Board cf Education, Have ordered the following Desirable Works for the - " Township Libraries cf Indiana. Some of them have be in put Into every Library, others only intj the more populous townships. The careful attention gives t the examination cf works for these libraries, is a guarantee of the merit cf the books chosen. Many families will desire to own the books, and read at their leisnre, rather than wait their turn to get them from a library. The works may be purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent by mail, free of postage,, upon payment of prices annex- ed to each. ' Farr's Ancient History Much superior to Rcllin, because more concise, accurate, and up with modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, gilt, 3. theop, library style, $3,50. - The Teacher's Jliscellany is a new and ex- cellent collection of articlss on Education, written by Judge McLeas, Drs, Stowk, Biggs, McGcffiy, Aydelott, Picxktt, Lrn, Post, and other distin- guished members of the "College of Teachers." 1 toL, 12mo Cloth, $1,25. History of the Puritans and Tilrim Fathers. By Stowill and Wilson, 1 vol., 12mo $U5. Moffat's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vcl., 12mo.. $5. , The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished Scottish Female Characters; Embra- cing the Period of the Covenant and the Persecu- tion. By Rev. James Anderson. 31 o fiat's South Africa. One volume,-12mo- . Twelfth edition. SI. Six Years in India. By Mrs. Colin Makxk zir. 2 vols, 12m- o- Cloth, 2.00 Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening with 22 plans and Hlustra tions. Third edition. $1,50 ian-oi-w- ar Liiio. A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy. (SIXTH THOUSAND.) 1 volume, 16mo.; Hlustrated. 75 cents. Ths lilsrcltant Vessel. A Sailor-Boy- 's Voyages to see the World. (SIXTH THOUSAND.) 1 volume, 16mo., Illustrated. 75 cents. NoBBHomr's admiral saries of volumes. "Man-o- f- War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and the new volume to appear iu September, under the title of "Whaling and Fishing," must be received with groat favor, as the first two have benn, wherever circulated. They are the faitJifal limcings of nine years experienca at sea, of a common sailor, a native "Buckeye," re- cognized afi inferior to no writer of the present day, in life-lik- e delineations of adventure by sea. Very striking and graphic pictures of life at Sea, evidently authentic and very instructive. Has adventure enough to please and truth enough to dissipate the enarm or a sailors life. fNew Xork Evangelist. There is in them a vast amount of information respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterian witness. , Will take captive the young. Journal and Mes feenger. . !; A Bockeye Abroad, or Wanderings in Europe and the Orient. By Samuel, S. Cox. Third edi tion, Illustrated. 1 vol., 2mo., muslin, 1,25. The Three Great Temptations of Young IJen. . oaxitkx w. joshes. Hourth edition, vol. 12mo- - mufilin, 1,00. These are capital works fpr family libraries. Pub- lished by MOORE, WILSTACH, KEYS k CO 25 West Fourth St, Cincinnati. WM K. & CO. are the publishers of Bayard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely by agents. - S. Lockwood. 1857. R. E. Poxebot LOCKWOOB $ P03IER0Y, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HATS & CAPS, STRAW GOODS. Also, Shippers of American Furs of every description; for yrhich they pay the highest Market price, IS CASH, r - plOUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine our J stock of Ilats & Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which, will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety our stock shall not be excelled by any House in bt. Louis. Uur prices will be low. terms accommodating. Call and see as at our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph, Mo: S 32-6- m H. F. BEKKETT, J. 8. KOKTON, H.H. HABDINQ BENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at Law, Nebraska City; N. T., and Glenwood, la. WILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and Iowa. Particular attention naid fa obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of aeou. REFERENCE: Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. Julius D.Morton, f Michigan; Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, 111; Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. Fifiled, St. Louis, Mo.; ' Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toledo, Ohio ; ' P. A. Sarpy. Bellevue, Nebraska; ' Sedgewich & Walker, Chicago, 111; Green, Weara & Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Eaiffle ! ' ' ST. JOSEPH. MO. JAMES CARGILL. Proprietor. jlTANUFACTURES and keeps constantly ATJl on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal', and Feed stuffs.1: Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it; r srr- - : - . ' . i St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1855. -- vlnl3-ly Chlnoso Onear Cauo. fTinE subscribers ean gupplr seed of - the abore X valuable plant in limited quantities. It is put m puc&ages uia eeni Dy mail, post paid, at Z5 ents perlacka?e. Havin?b(n r.iav4 k .iru.. we can vouch for its purity. We ean also supply iwunagni oi eeeus oi . me ice .... uream and . U ran re TIT- -. - l j t? m o ? w5rmeiun sua i jg lomaio at zo cts. each. Address orders to, H. A. TERRY, & CO., J7-4- w ( ' 4 ' ,. '. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Attention Lot Holders !! HIGHLY I MP JO RTAKT Hi ALL persons who own Lots in the City of Brown are lere by notified, that I am now pre prepared to execute WARRANTY DEEDS for the piration of six months from date, said City Lots will be sold to the kigheit bidder, and the proceeds f V- -r j : i - j; i , , , A. S. HOLLADAY, Mayor City cf Brownville, N. T. Feb. 25 th, '67. 37-- tf . ' ruriiitTire. : BEDSTEADS, Tables, Stands, Bureaus in short, the Furniture line, can be had at llVtiLlLLKLu & CO'S. NEBEASKA CITY HOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. BARNES & BARNUM, Proprietors. THIS commodious Hotel, situated upon Street Nebraska City, will be found a de- sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this house for all parts of the Territory. - CURRANTS AND RASPBERRIES. TTJTIITE Grape Currant Seeds, saved from our V specimen plants in 1856, will be sent pre-pa- id in packages worth $J,to all who enclose that amount. . UCBBants, bite urape, Cherry, and . a collection f l a. a i ri? t ii ii ui cigurctta oia;r vaneues, embracing au uie novel ties. ? : ! i ' , ' : , 5 " IUetekkkizs, Belle de.Fenteny, a new. French ovtT-uear- sort, fruit very large, and plants vigor ou- s- very distinct variety. Mxeveilli os Four Skasoxs This is a wriety which has been Tally tested, and was awarded a premium at tbe,N. . Fair a fine display of fruit exhibited in ths month of October it is by far su perior to any of its class. - The frait is as large anc as good as the Red Antwerp, - and the Autumn crop is afcundatl 55 per dozen. , .' , ' ELLWANGER A BARRY, . Mount ITope Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. N. B. Ordcn from nnkr.own oorrespondents must be accompanied by the casX . March 19th 1S57. , iQt ,eci A considerable amount of tuition Bills for th XX Terra taught by Mr. M'Hinuey yet remain un rail. Will th(se kcowin? themselves indebted tlisise call bntho cadersiid and settle. The present Tena of School 'will expire in about two weeks, at which time it is heped amounts then Gae wiii be rroa.puy t -- .1 cp. - ' - XI. W. FTRNAS, .: .. Sec'v B'dcf Trus. . 1 t,.'i, v3. 41tf SIGEllSON'S; NURSERY, st.louis, mo. JOHN SIGERSON $ BRO., OSer lOt S&ie lac i"'a ayimat 53.CC3 Arpla Trees, 2 and 4 years old,Vm- - tit nA...V Vkisi., frnm R tn ft fact bipb.f8 o 7 vareities, from 25 t 30o. , 2s503 standard Pears, embracing 43 varieties, price from 50 to 75 cents. ' 5,000 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price $1 each. J ' ' ' ' fi,0()0 Cherry Trees, ?. vanehei, 50 to 75 cents 500 Apricots, Early Golden, Buda, Peach Apri-- ' " " eots, Large Early, price 50 cents. 1,200 Quince, assorted, '- -5 to SOcenfs. 500 Dwarf Apples- ,- v - " - " "u 500 White Grape Currants r"it u 500 Black Naples 2 500 Cherry Currant 500 Red Dutch Currant 12 500 Victoria Currants " 500 White Dutch Currants-- .. JH" 500 Lare Red Dutch Currants 12" 500 English Black 12J " - 2,000 Prolific Green f-- . 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 25 500 Warrington do 25 1,000 Sulpher do 25 , 1,000 Ashton do 25 500 Crown Bob ao r 500 Riflemen do -- 25 u 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 10 1,000 Ohio Everbearing do ; 25 . 2,000 Large German Antwarp do 10 " 1,000 Red Antwarp -- 10 1,000 English FUberts - 50 1,000 Horse Chestnuts 50 6,000 Grape Vines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 ' 150,000 GrapeVines, 1 year old--- $5 $ 100 " . . 5,000 Dahlias assorted, each 25 u SOOPernias, : do .... i... ...50 . 10,000 Giant Asparagus Root- s- $5 $ 1C0 5,000 Tube Roses 10 u 2,000 Yards Pink 50cts yard. 2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb 50or$40$100 8,000 "Wilmot's Early Red Rhubarb - -- 12o 50',C00 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties - $5 to 10 per 2,0000 10,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing Catalpa, Black Locust, Palionia Imperiallis, Lombafdy Poplar, Silvsr. Leaved Poplar, Linden Wood, Sweet Gum, Elm, Balsam Poplar, Allianthus, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy- -' prsss, Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, American Larch, Weeping Willow, Buckeye, Moun- tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying in price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to . ' size. ": '. - v ' 15,000 Evergreens, embracing Red Cedars, price each 0cto$2 . White Pine. do, 50cto$l' Yellow Pine do 50c to $2 Balsam Fir, do 50o to $1 American Arborvitas 25c, 50o, 75c, $1,50. Chinese Arborvitas, 50c, $1,50, European Savin 50c, Tree box 50o . Norway Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, . White Spruce, $1. 12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing ia part as follows: Snow Balls, each 37 to $1, Lylac, each 50c; Spiias, assorted, each 25c; . Hardy Roses, each 50c; Monthly Roses, each 50c Honey Suckles, asorted, 25c, 50c $1; Tyringa Philadelphus 25c to 50cj ' Rose Acasia, 25o to 50c; . ' ' Privet for Hedges 25c; Bladdacina 25c: Corcorus Japonica 25c; ' Ellagnus 25c; Laburnum 50c; TamarixAfricana25 to50c; " Ribes Gordoni 25c to 50c; Weeping Mountain Ash 1,50; Whith Fringe Tree 1,50; k, Forsythea 50o to 1,00; " Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50o to 1,00 DeutxaScabia 25c; Deutza Gracalis 50c; ' Weeping Birch 50c; : . . Magnolia Acuminetta 50c; Weeping Linden 10;" : Dwarf Box 50c per yard; I Eauonimus 50c; ' ' Altheas, assorted, 25c to 50c. XW, In oflFering the above Stock to our customers we beg to say it is superior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply can avail themselves of further information, by ad dressing the undersigned at St. Louis. Catalogues furnished to all post-pai- d applications. Reepectfvlly, JOHN SIGERSON & BRO. Oct. 25, 1856. " vlnl-l- y V . B. B. PKQRASt. 8. H. KIDDLE. B. R. PEGRAM & CO., 33 Si IOl 1 O - . . AND ..j GENERAL LANB A GENTS, . COUNCIL BLUFFcq IOWA. lie w Hardware Store. Sign of the Mill Saw. : - J., FLAHERTY, ; Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in " American German, English French HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. '' ' ST. JOSEPH, MO. , IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most arsortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan- ic's tools of every description, direct from the mcst approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul- tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin- ing all the recent and useful improvements for. the saving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com- munity, from whom I respectfully, request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices. Also a large assortment ef Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, &c, of the best brands: in a word, roy stock is very complete, which, for its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in the general Hard- ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi- tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is cash sales and small profits. . January 1, 1857. vln29tf NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASH!!! A. S. HOLLADAY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB E7 Drugs and medicines Llain Street, Brown viUs, IT. T. THE undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform public, that he has now on hand a complete assortment of everything, usually kept in Drug Stores, which he offers for sale, Exclusively on a New System of CASH AND CASH ONLY It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful system, to "Book,", "keep acwunV' ' "note" "scratch" "chalk," or "remember for a few days." - Come with the "Spondulicks " if you want anything in the Drug line.; , . Prescriptions Compounded at all Eouxi with Accumcy and Dispatch.-Re- m ember the system I have adopted, and my pocket and your feelings will not suffer. Credit will potitively not be given, unless under circumstances cf peculiar destitution. - July 12, 1856.vl-n6t- f - ' " A. S; HOLLADAY." f in Lansas i a F. JENNINGS & CO., .. FonvARDiiis & co:.::.:isoan : MERCHANTS, TVTiite Cloud, Kansas Territory.' fPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For-- O warding Goods of every description. ALSO: Will keep a large and complete assortment of GROCERIES AND BRY GOOBS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, r SHOES, : HATS, : CAPS. ' CLOTHHTG, &C, &CL, . At the Linced Cost Prece! Dec. 25, 1853. vlc2S-6- m OLIVER BENNETT & CO,, KtAJfTFACTTTREES - i.XD 'WHOLES ALB DSALXBS Cf Boots Chocs CzErozzzs, KO. ST MA.LY STREET, SAIST LOUIS, MO. ARE N017 E RECEIPT of a complete assortment gools from their own and other manufac- tories, adapted especially to the "Western trade. ' Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, tranufactiired and sdecicd with great care and warranted of superior qualify. Crierj wiU receive j rn?T- -; ei err-- f r.1 i.'rit;. - - - . j KJ TaEILIL subscribers have entered into a jartnerihip THE the firm of Reed, HtLibird & Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are cow prepared to furnish ail those in want of a good Corn or 'Wheat Mill that" for dura- bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill ia the world. . Oa the late exhibition of the Mechanics institute ia Cincinnati, a Gold JTedai was awarded thomforit. It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding the Fanners feed by Horse power. The above Mills are manufactured by the under- signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O where they con be furnished ia any quantity at short notice. v The above Mills warranted to perform as louows . 35 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 30 " . " 44 30 15 " .250 4 . w m ; 20 13 - 200 8 " 150 20 :15.- - - As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quote from our numerous recommendations, received Fresh Arrival of HEW-.GO.OBS!- ! AT ItOCKPORT, 21 0. rpHE subscribers would respectfully tender their X thanks to their customers and the rublic Uene-- rally for their liberal patronage he retofore, and solicit a continuance of the same ; as they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lowur than anv other House west of St. Joseph. Having just received a large and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer Goods ; also a superior Stock of Family Groceries with Hardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture, baddlery, iron, &c. Come one and all, . For well we know; , Again youll call, Well sell so low. Of Goods the best, ' And profits small, ". ; We'll beat the rest, And suit you all. Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased in tho Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we can surpass our competitors in the low prices and good Qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will m&ke by calling and seeing for themselves before purchA&irig elsewhere. CAKE I , JOES, & CO. N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in' ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '58. DANIEL ZOOK, "wholesale; and retail Oregon, Halt County, Mo. Has in Store: . Pure White Lead, Window Glass . . Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting, . Caster Oil, Red Lead, Ex. Logwood, Litherage, Blue Stone, White Chalk, Alum, . Venitian Red, . Ground Ginger, Spanish Brown, Root do, Cream of Tarter, Saint Louis Gl ue, Tartaric Acid, Paris Green, Sulpher Carb. Soda, Chrome do, Vinegar, do yellow, : Turpentine, Iron Paint, Sal Soda, White Zink do, Coperas, Fish Oil, . Saltpeter, Whale do, Borax, Wrights' Pills, Mex. Liniment, Champian's do, Vol. Oil do, Jayan's do, Norland's do, ', Loudon's do, Nerver and Bone do, Radway's R. R., Farrels do, Davis Pain Killer, London's do Fahnestock's Ver., ' Jays' Expt., - , r Stone's Cough Candy, London s do, . McLane s Liver rills. In addition to the above, I have the largest Stock of Drusnrist and Phvsicians Shou furniture. Chemi . cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent Mediciens ever offered for sale in this Country. Merchants and Phvsicians of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, are respectfully invited to give me a call. June 7,1830. DAK1JL ZOOK. A. B. HOLLABIED & CO., Machinists, Founders and ENGINE BUILDERS ' Troat Street, West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O, "VT 7"ould most respectfully inform their friends and V V the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in their line, with rromot ness. Having lately enlarg4 their shop and with the increased facilities they t ow possess, they hope to merit a continuation oi me liDerai patronage wnicn nas n eretot ore oeen extended to tnem. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly on hanl: consisting of the riash, Circn lar and Muley. ' Mill Gears and every description of L astmgs, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables theio to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre- pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. - Thoso in want of anything in our line, would do well to give as a call and examine our new patterns THOMAS WILLIAMS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. . BROWNVILLE, N. T. - , Will practice in the Third Judicial District in Ne- braska Territory, and in tho Twelfth Judicial Circuit Ll the State of Missouri. . REFERENCES. Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T, R, W. Furnas, " . ,Dr. John McITierson, Tippecanoe, Ohio. James Foster, Oregon, Mo. George N. Miller, Archer, N. T. FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAMESON & CO., No., 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis. WE are now in receipt of the most complete and magnificent stock, everoffered to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of our stock and prices. EDDY, JAMESON & CO. GRAPE ROOTS. 20,000 Catawba Grape Roots, old, for sale. Price $5 per hundred $40 per thousand. J. M. McCULLOUGH, Nov. 29tf No. 200 Main St., Cincinnati. Beady Hade Clothing:, EVERY VARIETY, style, quality, price, and Ready Made Clothing, just received and for sale cheap, by ' HOBLITZELL i CO. Hats and Caps. LATEST styles of Hats and Caps, and of every price, are offered at HOBLITZELL ACQ'S. Stoves and Tinvare. COOK, Parlor and Oflice Stoves of various and Tin ware, at , HOBLITZELL CO'S. 7ood and Willow ware. BUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, and an endless variety ware, is for sale at HOBLITZELL k CO'S. GREAT U. S. l MAIL KOUTE. From Nemaha Agency, in Kansas, to the mouth cf the Nyoway River, Nebraska. ' THIS LINE makes one trip per week, each way, at the principal towns on the Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good horses and nice young men for drivers. J. B. k W. BENNET. Contractors. Dee.l9,lS5. vln27-l- y , d. m. HrrcHCOcx. ; c. bkasxslex. -- . . . bixj. jot. J. M. HITCHCOCK $ CO., Bet. (Xiva and Locust streets, St Lonis, Mo. MANUFACTURERS Grates. of Cooking, Heating, and Alio Manufacturers of four sizes of Je we tt's Pat- ent Cary Plough, one and two horse (right and left kasj ; ,CHrUTT;COU:iTY CUaVEY03, lElIAHi CITY, N. T. ' ; : ' " ' ' 1 ' ; TTTrLL attsnd promptly to all business ia his pr-- VV feasion when tklle.i on: such as subdivin, Clai2s,layir oat Teira Lots, DrafLlrj City - Hiits, - , - T- -tf REAL ESTATE AGENCY. G20RG2 CLAYE3. J. TV. JL3. CLAYE:! Jc WZLll. Real Estate and General Agency,' '. OMAHA, CITY, 21. T. ' References. . James Wright, Broker, . New York, Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. . 5 v Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Go- v. of Ohio, Cleveland, Wicks, Otic and Browneil, Bankers, ' AlcottA Horton, Col. Robert Cairspbell, St. Louis, James Ridgway, E.sq. " u Crawforn and Sackett' Chicago. OiruvhaCity, Aug. 39, 1S5S. vlnl3-l- y JAMES CAEGIIX. GEO. W. CARGILU J. & G. TV. CARGILL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION AND , MANUFACTUKER'S AGENTS, Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, 21 o. of Gooda and Produce CONSIGNMENTS and all business entrust- ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at the lowest rates. References. Taylor k Shepherd, St. Louis, R. L. McGhee k Co., ' a Livermore, Cooley A Co., u u Merchants Generally, St. Joseph. Wholesale & Retail Departmsnt. B. W. DONJTIXL; A. M. SAXTO. DONNELL & SAXTON. Arrangement for Fall '56, Winter '57. THE PEOrLirS STORE. ST. JOSEPH. MO. New Goods reo'd by every Steamboat. IMore of them: Cheaper than ever. WE are prepare! to offer Extra Inducements this season, and call attention to our large Stock of DRY GOODS, : LADIES' DRESS GOODS, (Latest Styles) FASHIONABLE BONNETS, READY MADE CLOTHING, WINTER GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, (six hundred cases,) Groceries, Nails, Hardware, Crockery Wape ke. Cash paid for Hemp, on delivery, at all times. , B. ES TAB ROOK, TmTSD STATE3 District Attorney, OMAHA CITY, N. T. REQUIRED to be in attendance officially upon all of tho District and Supremo Court of the Territory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis- trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his care. Omaha City, June 7, 1856. Notice. ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the of Noel, Lake, Emersok, k Co., will find their accounts in the hands of O. F. Lake for collec- tion, and an immediate settlement is requested. BrownvilU, Feb. 25th, '17. 37-- tf X. A. 'WniTKIDGK. B; J. U'XVXSZT. MRS. E. A. WIIITRIDGE k CO. MANXFACTCBEK3 07 Masonic Clothing and Odd Fellows nncrinxiXiA.. Also Regalia for Temperance and other Societies, Ao. 128 Walnut Street, up Stairs, CINCINNATI, O. masoxs. References, odd fellows. W. B. Dodds, OM of Ohio O. P. Morton. POM Ind C. Moore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner A Gray, pub Casket F. J. Phillips, H. P. City W. O. Ncilson, PGM Ohio The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens of Regalia from the above Manufactory, and recieve orders from liodges or pnvate members for Regalia, August 2, 185t5. rl-n9t- f. W. II. WILLIAMS, "WHOLESALE AXD BKTAIL DEALEB IJf STOVES & TINWARE Oroson, IVTo., fTIAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or X gon and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Moves and 1 In-wa- re, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Ketall at bt. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of LUUAJNG blUv hs, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tig- ht and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tigh- t, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sixes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin.Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term-- . Old copper, Urass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W.W.WILLIAMS, vl-n- 5 Oregon, Mon July 5, 1858. FRAXKLTM TYPE a STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY ao. 153 Vine St., bet. Fourth and FLU , CINCINNATI, O. C. F. O'DRISCOLL & CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book ana Job Presses, Caso, Gallies, 4c, 4c. Inks, and Printin-- r Material of Every Dewription. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music, Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engraving?, 4c, f c. . Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, GEO. P. TrrrrrciiATirvr. WATCHMAKER S v- - -- 1 -- T. - - . OREGON. HOr.T miTVTV xrt mAKES thfl Uherlv - - j mivu4 VUli.WUJ j i --a- Arownviue ana vicinity, that he has opened a VA A J1J, CLUCK 4 JEWELRY STORE Ia Oretrnn.TTnU innntv l...lt..:n l. stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silrer Vntio. Ch..A T i v- - l he will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of lolins Accordeons, Silver, and Hated Spec- tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, 4c, 4c He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry, of every description, in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. r Every article bought in his establishment, is war- ranted to be what it ia represented to be. Watch re- pairing warranted for one year. -- ujjt i J, iojo. TA-nS- tI geo. a FiniGTjsoir. MULWIIIGHT AND ENGINEER A NN0UNCE8 to the public, that he i a prepared XI. to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. ALL WORK "WARRANTED. ' He is also Agent for A. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S., stern Foundry. UICINNATL O., LEE LEAYITTO Saw illannfactory, vMlA.fAA4.Af Vf And . 13 vrtvfLreA trt rA;A ti i -- ; a- - -- vvwiiv Ajwa uaa viutis l vi ftUT pia- - ctinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es- - MWMM Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. , REITERENCES. . Noel, Lake 4 Co, Brownville, N. T. Steam MilL cM.uua & n nue, iuKpo: Mo. James Lowe, Linden, Tln31y. Brownville, June 21, 1855. Steam Hill Lumber. f WE take thi3 method of informing the Public Wit Yiavit net nnt in nMnt;nn Vn. !. known as Sonora Inland, four miles above Rrown- -i nrsi quality sccam fciwnau, and are now tre-par- ed to saw all kinds of Lumber on Rhort notice and in a manner, we aro confident will givg satisfac- tion. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the main shore, for free use of our eu'tmers. ... . . HALL 4 CO. OHCC3. A N nnusuallv lartj stock nf f!n B..4 t..- - XJl. and Shoes both Gentlemen an.i be mid, acd purciAstl U . at J.lllii It AIM C- V3 Ir vV, !' i r I mi, sues cmn cn h Boir A nish Fanners and ethers wtl "UUAUN separato?, for the present season. It is ,nnJ I particularly of the merits cf the! Uv7 V are too well known throughout !U Z extolling ; but the fact that th.y are continuing to receive trejrinl and County airs where theyJ Sv?" sufficient to induce all those it yn ii. chine, to purchase one of the, ... ' , i At a practical test of this S 5 ith the best of those made hKB ' received the highest commcrdOioni rfTi. l ! i uj i5iuu,j KrlXul'rauwu f that ' I have a large number of then on liTi- I the coming crop, made of the lejtmater-2,rfi?- ' ran ted to do good work. , ,B4j I have made many valuable iirprovta.,. . I machines within thelastyear.nni kaT, i in warranting them superior Vrj ; J" I am also preparing a Urge number of Crjv Improved Clover llulle ' , patented in 1854, which are greatly 1 patent of 1344, being in itself feeder ST' ahead of it in other respects. They tjji"'' factured under the immcdiaU nv patentee, wno n s permanenur tocatl v . , The above eat represents mr four ho-- 5 114,1 wr, ana is aesiguea. especially fur ths fj use. Tm also urgent fnr IfCnrminlt'o . ER and MOWING MACniT,.JWLbin.i lS' J. R. MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami eouaiy, 0 BOOK ST0l jusr vrts.xi.ij & r tub hhiij OF BllCAEn, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOiVA WHERE AND STATION FJlf everything in their line, consisting ia part, h lows: . Histories and Biography. Narratives and Travels, School Rooks, Misscellaneous Worki, .' . Lives of Eminent Personr,. Agricultural Works, Sundard Poetical Works, Religious Works, Song Books, Bibles and Hymn Rook", Novel J and Light Reading, , Pictorial 'Works, Blank Books, Paper, Pens and Ink, Cards and Gift Books, Toys and Fancy Primer, Portfolios and Albums, And a thousand other useful lid neccarj irtils in the line. Also, red, black and blue I3KS, of onrownm. ufacture. Wholesale and Retail. a chean u nn w had in St. LouU, and warrant d of the Wi'ini rr put up in quart, pint and half-pin- t buttlcj: ii e . v . . i . ' ttur uu two ounce Doilies. Professional men wishing a lull of JJilll Uii LULlUmiU JJUUIJ, 1 t., taa d suppuea nere ai per. cent twip lishers prices, we paying all costa and obtaiDin' bfl ai xne snortess notice. Uur amirremenu mn anysrA.NUA.IlL UOUKS j rintcd ia tho la ted States. Call and see our stk we .ni new bejinnnkt will serve our customers to the cent of our ai:j. Our prices, we are sure will be sitiffa.:tor. CRAM A SAXJOK). Council Blnfls, Iowa, Juno ltLff vlnl Richardron's jVIissocri Express Comixwy, Principal Oflice No. 1 2, Main St, ST. LOUIS, MIS550URL BEG leavtf to inform the pu!)lic, that they hn their Express Lin i to thU plrv-e- . H.n-in- comDlied with the rcnnisitio:t tf their CLitltr and being fully organiiod, aro uor jrepareJ W Inu- - General Agency Business. The etor, is a guarantee of the satisfajtion render!, ii win always be tne aim and study oi tne fcjerKtivi of this Company, to give every peiViO fati!i:jJi me speeay ana sale tmnsmisrfioa el Jloney, Valaable Package, Parrpls tai Bundles of Goods, Jlerr handize,. to all points on the Missouri River, and at fHL'M. wun otner responsible XiXprcus LMnpiyiie, wt York, New Orleans. Boston, Ildlidelphis, tjhtrogrk Cincinnati, Burlinzton. Louisville. Rick Lb nil, M a- - phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, aid to aluwt tt! town and villiage in the United SaUcs,Earfpe,i tralia and California. A Messenger will ha rmt rn llm r 'xr ttiymet On ha, making weekly tri betwen here, and St. J- oseph, there connecting with ounla'.ly line tf St L and all points as above. In behalf of the Euterpe, the ruitrnnft All business entrusted to us, will nt with thsi energetic and prompt attention which b" alJ characterized this Express, and made it pra-eai- in Western Express bu;inpH. D1KECTOES. Enw-AB- Mead. Sum McCAsmt W. D. W. Bes.vard, J u AV. Toolit. Josfpti l1. T?t.-i- ia iiinu B. F. Bae'bt, Alton. Y. J. I'icot. Uinf- - JCSEPH F. RICHARDSON, Preat S. M. Grat, Seo'y. ln2. IIejoit Ktie, General AL Aixiproveu i,ttne liiftni CORN & COB PLANTATION MUX TUE subscriber has purchiwed exclusive ri?M in tbe West, of theabove eelobrt either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the It is now more than a year sitce the Was introduced to the public, daring which time.15 has been constantly arrowing la thd rt cular far-- . The improvementi raienUr effected and eatenw makes it the most perfect nuw:hin' ever offered W general farm use. It iifarnibeit rw-l- y for atf: team, and weighs as follow: N. 1, 22i N i " No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minute k sufficient to set one up, without" anx:hank-a- l a:i,,D when once adjusted, it can with lifety be entrwi to a boy. Full directions accompany each Mil' No 1, $35, will grind 8 lu meal p-s- r hour srith 1 1'1 No3 50. u 15 - u u i it No 4 60. 20 a 3 u r7 Liberal discount to dealers. . JAMES B. CIIADWKX No. 63 Locust strejt, bet. 2J M June 2S, 18j3. vl-n- 4 St. Mo. . t. rowDALL. R S. CA- - DOWDALLCARIt & CO., m WASnrvr.Tnv rnnvnr.Y. . Engina and Llschine 'Manufactory. Corner Second and Morgan Stroet. ST.LOUIS. MO. MANUFACTURERS of Steau Ungines Mill Machinery, T Screws and Prea?, Lard Kettles, Lari re na Cylinders, Wool Carditg Machine, Young"! 1 Smut Machines, Baildiug Casting, ke. . r "t Ii Agf nt for the tale of Jamus miui Superior MACHINE CARDS. vnrcr.'q t i TrvT ctrr-- r iirrrrsB. tried, alwavs succesfuL fullv GuJkrantied. un factursd and for sale by . n Washington Foundryr St. LoniV. BROWirVlLLB STEAM MILL, vnrT t. a vr i a? vifFTtSUN. N. B. We would rosTMwtfulhf iof"f jj sens we have alwavs on h.al a largt und e',ge'ef'l. supply of LUMBER, which ct.n f a:aLiha. er rates than any mill ia the Territory. j . Miu-ke- t rrlcos raid for loej delif J at th J or on the bank of the river. t ; . All orders accompanied wish U.s lui, wU r eur tesed juts aticatx
Page 1: Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville NE) 1857-04-30 [p ]. · "YT71LL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying Y taxas, Drawing money, buying and selling Real E?tue, buying-an-d selling

Myriads of- - Madura Plants. 1,000

... Bushels Madura Seed. ,


O VERMAN $ MANN,. IUoomington, I1I.

lcavj to announce that they tare, for aBEG ies of years, been engaged in the culture ofhedges"and hedpe plants, and having been greatly

fcv the success of the Jlaclura Hedge,and f timulated by the immensely increasing demand j

for the material, they hare sown, the present seasonon good, new land, about 150 bushels of excellentneed the produce of which is estimated at fifteenmillion ianUl! which they offer for the Springtrade, It tcould late required more than that amountto tupjly the demand the part Spring. The termsfur plants will be reaionalle, and to dealers and oth-

ers ordering plants by wholesale, great inducementswill be offered. It is very important that ordersshould be sent in eaelv, as they wiU be registeredand filled in the order in which thy are received,For the last three years they hare been unable tosupply lie demand, and it is probable that late or-

ders cannot be filled the next Spring, as the demandis expected to be four timet greater than heretofore,Hants will be securely packed and delivered onboard the cars free of expense, except for cost of ma-

terial. . -

They are also extensively engaged in importinghedge seed, which they sell on the best terms, andalwavs warrant freth and good ; orders for whichshould br sent in prior to the 15th of October next.They will be prepared to sprout seed for such as de-

sire it.Ilaving several extensive nurseries, they offer, at

wholesale and retail, a large stock of thrifty Fruitand Ornamental Trees, Vines, Roses, Shrubbery, Ac,at the following points, to wit: Bloomington, 111.;

Mound Nursery, Canton, 111,; Ilenry, Elmwood, andHavana, III. All Fruit Trees warranted to be of thebest varieties and true to came. All informationcheerfully given, and catalogue and premium essayon Kedgeing sent to all applicants. Address,

OVERMAN k MANN.Feb. 5, 1857, Bloomington, Illinois.


Xxiiaxxrn.il. co Company,CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.'

Nebraska City, N. T.

THIS Company, under a liberal charter, is noworganized, and their entire capital stock of

Fifty Tkouand Dollar, paid in and secured. Theyare prepared, from this date, to grant open policies,and take risks, upon equal terms, with the mostfavored Insurance Company any where. Ilavingadopted the mutual principle, iu patrons, withoutIncurring any liability, will Ehare ia the profit ofthe company.

The operations of the Company, will be confined,for the present, to marine, or cargo risks, with amaximum liability of $12,500 on any one bottom. -

Iking the only Insurance Office, on theabove pop-ular plan, West of the Missouri, it confidently ex-

pects a generous support from Western Merchants.We respectfully invite the Missouri River pa-

tronage.DIRECTORS !

8. F. Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly,II. P. Rennet, , -- , J. L. Armstrong,W. N. ilinchman, Miles W. Brown,

A. A. Bradford.O iTnCERS

CII AS. F. HOLLY, President.. . - J. Garside, Scc'y.

Bt. Louis ATit Col. W. P. lloward.April 2d, 1S57. ' 42-- ly

O. F. LA.K.E, W. IL HOOVES,Brownville. Nemaha City.

LAKE & H00VEB, -

m mm Wm,' "AKD I l


ErovTnvillo and Nemaha City,- d titms a f t-- a rnnrintmATitT

"YT71LL promptly attend to Land Agencies, PayingY taxas, Drawing money, buying and selling

Real E?tue, buying-an- d selling on Commission,Making Collections for distant dealers, and all kindsof business pertaining to their profession.

Particular attentoin will be given in filing declara-tory statements to pre-em- pt end procuring- - Warranty Deeds from the Town authorities.

Persona owning TO"wv lots, residing at a distancewishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well toplace the agn?y incur bands, always presentingtheir Quit claim Deeds for said Lots,) within the expiration of six xnenths, as after that time all lota notDeeded will be sold.

Blanks always on hand.N. B, Letters of inquiry answered promptly.March 2(5, '57. 41-- ly



WELL attend to any business in his line when1 have a first rate compass, and having

had rmany years experience, both as teacher andpractical Surveyor, can give satisfaction. ,

References: A. L. Coat, Dr. Hoover, Wm. Hoover,.also, D. Goust,W. Hobson, and C. A. Rowlew, Sa-vannah, Mo. Address ' v


Nemaha City, N. T.March 19th, 1S37.


49-- tf

iMilcs on Horse Shoeing.

just ruELisnED,

A riAIN, practical Treatise on hobss shoxixg,X. by M. MILES, author of Tbe Horse s loot.In one vol. 16mo. l'rice 75 cents. Sent by mailfree of postage.

Ve like to recommend such books, when we seeso vil&inous bungling at horse shoeing." Ohio Cu-ltivator.

"A concise, clear, and practical work, which shouldbe studied by every smith who shoes horses, and byevery farmer who owns a horse. The truth is, thereis not one smith in twenty who Ihoui how to shoe ahor?e properly, or one farmer in a hundred whoknows vhen a horse is shod as he should be. The workwill pay you if you will study it, and ten-fo- ld if youpntcuce lw or olii;'c ygur emiiu vo louow iu ins truetior." IHinoi JoratN. , ...

' "2io vrsix who owns a hone can aS"ord to be withoutthis sort of information." Albany Ere. Jovr.

- nEXRYCATXYllAIllD, Publisher.'Philadelphia.

-- March 18th, 1S57 40-- tf


HOCK FORI, MO., . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in .'

SrOOdSAnd Groceries,

IIs.rdw'fi.ro.-'Quecnswxr- e, DnTgs,-Ufit- s, Cap,Boots," Shoes, Tinware, - Stoves,

Funiiture, Iron, Nails, Plo-s- ,

and FarniiEg Utensils.

WILL have, t the rpening xt navigation, aand varied accession to their present

Stock, which will be sold Low for Cash,fflrusry 12ih, 1S57. ' S5--tf

Hcrrir's Patent , Champion


T TTH ITall'e P&tcct rowdcr-Proc- f Lochs-th- eV tame that were awarded separate Medals at

the World's Fair London, 1 551, end the World's Fair,New York, lSi3: ulI are the only American Safes

.that were awaxdrd meJili at the London World'sIV.r. 11 1 "

" Thc.eF.rcs arendwalnilttcilto be fperior to anyever CVrcl to tue public ; trfd the tulcribers thail(c.ro't!e V.V-rl- l to produeean instance of theseFall's failing to preserve their contents through thefc fittest ire-- , rr a Lur.r'ir p'cklr.g the lock.

The sul . ; .lie's Er x iv-.-r f jouts are the only persons authorijedto r nl:e -- 1 sell Herring's PatentCha in- - ioa t.ifc, :i L'--

L's Patent Powder Proof

S.C137 J -1 sitxi, 12 j,

and 5 Mu rray Stn New York. '

- v w uu

ProTi".1, lonr, Corn Meal,

rn-'-v- -,f Groff ries.::liizi:ll & co.

ff crc-- y c : .z. f.r at t'--'-i


every possible facility for the safe andGIVE transmission of

Jloner, Valuable Packages, Parcels,and ,

-- -- Goods, MerchandizeOf every description, on reasonable terras.- - -

Principal OrnCES Now York, Buffalo, Cincin-

nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, liidianoolis, and allthe smaller towns on Railroads in the List cm, Mid-

dle and Western States, eonnectkg at St. Louis withRichardson's Missouri River Express. IL KIPP.

July25,1853.-vl-n- 3 General Superintendent.

Caution.public are hereby notified that ose Thomas

THE through false colors obtained a certificateof entry of the . West fractional quarter and theS. East fractional quarter of Section numbo? twenty-fiv- e,

in Township number six, in Range number fif-

teen, East of the 6th Principal Meredisn in Nebras-

ka Territory. The above is claimed by and will bepatented to B. B. Thompson, whose papers and evi-

dence are forwarded to Washington City for hearing.' B. B. THOMPSON.

Febrbary2eth,1857 .... 37-- tf

F. DINGS & CO., j .

Importer of, and Wholetale Dealert inw Fancy Goods.

Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes.S9 North Main Street, (Up Stairs,)

ST. LOUIS, Mo. S2-- ly



Missouri BivcivThe Route from BrotmvUle to Ft, Kear-

ney, and from thence to California,is the nearest and most



ANNOUNCE to the Traveling Public that theythe entire interest in the Ferry

across the Missouri Rivor at the City of Brownville, Nebraska, and open tne season witn anew substantial and commodious Ferry Boat,run bv Horse Power, which arrange inent will securecertain passage at, all times and in all kinds ofweather, 1 be Proprietors do not assert Doastmgiy,or for the Tunse of raining custom merely, but aregoverned by facts, when they say this is the bestcrossing of the Missouri River in Nebraska, andwhen they say the route from Brownville to I ortKearney and from thence to California is the nearest,for evidence they refer the reader to the map of theCountry; and are warranted in saying it is the mostpracticable route by personal experience, aa well asthat of hundreds of others who have traveled it.We claim therefor that this crossing and route holdsout peculiarly favorable inducements, to personsgoing to California, and solicit their patronage. Notwithstanding our superior arrangements lor a safeand speedy crossing, ourjeharges are the same as otherFerries in Nebraska, all being regulated by Legislative enactment.

A skiff "will be in readiness and a hanl on theground to run all hours of the night.

.mm-- 11 1 i l 1 1 r f 1 - t T",.cj ivecoiieot mat wun. our lacmues 02 rower,

so kinds of weather will prevent our Boats fromcaking regular trips atall hours.

Brownville Nemaha to., X ajFebruary 25th, 1857.

t. b. crifiss. IOHN C. TCJtX,

CmiLNG & TURK, ...Attorneys at law &-Rca- l Estate Agents,

v--- OMAHA CITY, N. T.,

WELL attend faithfully and promptly to allentrusted to them, in the Territorial or

Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lots and lands, en-trri- es

and collections, Ac.Office in the second story of nenry & Roots new

building, nearly opposito the Western ExchangeBank, Farnhari Btreet. I ? .v

Dec. 27, 150. Tln2Stf ,


... OMAHA-CITT- , K. T...Mo-SIore::Cre-

lit !

NOTICE is hereby givenj that here&ftur we sellfor Cash or PBonrcs only.

McAllister, dozier & co.Brownville, March 12th, '57. . , 39-- tf


BOTANIC, PHYSICIAN,informs the citiiens or NemahaRESPECTFULLY ponnanently located imme

diately feouth of Brownville, and having hml consid-erable experience in the treatment of the disea rerincident to the West, be natters himself that h uprepared to treat the same on purely . , :

BOTANIC PRINCIPLES,And in connection with Dr. Bcckhax of Missouri.

Brownville, Jan. 1, 1857. vln29tf . .. , i. ;

mi. ROSSELL. . .


rf? EESPEOTFULLY informs the publicV. that ho la prepared to serve them w ith any- -'

thing in bis line, at short notice, and with astyle and quality or work he feels confident willplease. To his old friends and customers he deemsit unnecessary to say a word, to others ho fays only-- try me."

December 13, 1858. vln2t-J-v ' " !

(Daution.mUE public are herebv notified, that on or about1 the 20th day of February, A. D. 1356. there

was made and executed by the undersigned Two0TES,in favor of - B. L. Rogers, one of two hundred

dollars, payable the 1st of March, A. D. 1357; andone of one hundred dollars, payable the 15th day ofMay, A. is. leoi. tne consideration lor wLiea saidNotes were obtained ; having failed, we shall refuseto pay the said rote3 or any part thereof. ; . , ;

.. , . . JesskNoel,, ,:

, 1. ',.' . ,

' Ukxry Exsksox,.''

, . IlflxiiY W. Laki, By ;" ' " " 0. F. Lake, Lis Agent.

"Brownville, March 12th, 1857. . ... 39--tf

(Daution.rnnE public sro hereby notified,, that tlicre was

L tcuda snd executed on or about the 23th day ofT 1 ..TV a T j l ' mrcoruary, A. u. iojo, ojuib uuuersignea, 1EK2I!Notes in favor cf B. B. Fratier, of two hundreddollars each, one payable September 1st, A. D. 1856;one payable January 1st, A. D.1857; one payableMarch 1st, A. D. 1S57.- - The- - consideration havingfailed, for which the said cotes were given, we shallrefuse further payment on the said NoMs, oi anyyvft thorAnf . ' v..." -- S i

' ."

; " ' . Jssss Noei; ' ;. i

"ItEXBT EMiroKy,

' IIrxrt Lak. By'O, F. Lake, lis Agent.

Brownville, March 12th, 1857. .. , ,. 39-- tf

SPECIAL' iroTTcnShort Scttleniciit Make Long Friends.rpHE subscribers request all that are Lndtibted toA them, by note or account, to make payment by

th lilk of FebniarT- - BexW-s- Be tie- - f.na willstart East at that time for new md foil ctock cfgoods, and CASH will be watted to to v fir them.

We retard our thanks to ear frisn it ' for -- theirfAtroaage ta this time, and to cidriti a coatinaance ol'tha saae h,r3iifi.;r. ' ;

- - WM. IIOLLIT2E1X. a CO.Brownville, Jan. 5th, 18i.7. ' . i;.. i

AXOVZO TEATT, K. Q. KtlTT, x. rox,New York. : O. V. CHILD, callers,

t. LouLs. ' t. Louis.

CHILD, rPkA-T- u; CO.,!: " ;

Directt mpurta--j, J&lbers fcrii Misafaitur'i'' Agents

English, French German & Araerican" liar Jvraro'.jmd Cutlerr:

GUNS, E ITLES,, PISTOLS,1SD t: lil Main Bt, co. Wbbtoi' Avenue,

BT. LOuI3, XIO.:'

, .1 Trt cLAUGH ajcorLiCnt 1 1

i .... .U :l w


"V7. S. SVYMMER, rCorner of Olive and JJain Sts ever the Bank-- t,

ing House of Joh 1 J. Anlerscn & Co.


And Board cf Education,Have ordered the following Desirable Works for the

- " Township Libraries cf Indiana.Some of them have be in put Into every Library,

others only intj the more populous townships. Thecareful attention gives t the examination cf worksfor these libraries, is a guarantee of the merit cf thebooks chosen. Many families will desire to own thebooks, and read at their leisnre, rather than waittheir turn to get them from a library. The worksmay be purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent bymail, free of postage,, upon payment of prices annex-ed to each. '

Farr's Ancient History Much superior toRcllin, because more concise, accurate, and up withmodern research. 4 vols., Cloth, gilt, 3. theop,library style, $3,50.- The Teacher's Jliscellany is a new and ex-

cellent collection of articlss on Education, written byJudge McLeas, Drs, Stowk, Biggs, McGcffiy,Aydelott, Picxktt, Lrn, Post, and other distin-guished members of the "College of Teachers." 1toL, 12mo Cloth, $1,25.

History of the Puritans and TilrimFathers. By Stowill and Wilson, 1 vol., 12mo

$U5.Moffat's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vcl.,

12mo.. $5. ,

The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs ofdistinguished Scottish Female Characters; Embra-cing the Period of the Covenant and the Persecu-tion. By Rev. James Anderson.

31 o fiat's South Africa. One volume,-12mo- .

Twelfth edition. SI.Six Years in India. By Mrs. Colin Makxk

zir. 2 vols, 12m- o- Cloth, 2.00Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening

with 22 plans and Hlustra tions. Third edition. $1,50ian-oi-w- ar Liiio.

A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy.(SIXTH THOUSAND.)

1 volume, 16mo.; Hlustrated. 75 cents.

Ths lilsrcltant Vessel.A Sailor-Boy-'s Voyages to see the World.

(SIXTH THOUSAND.)1 volume, 16mo., Illustrated. 75 cents.

NoBBHomr's admiral saries of volumes. "Man-o- f-

War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and the new volumeto appear iu September, under the title of "Whalingand Fishing," must be received with groat favor, asthe first two have benn, wherever circulated. Theyare the faitJifal limcings of nine years experiencaat sea, of a common sailor, a native "Buckeye," re-

cognized afi inferior to no writer of the present day,in life-lik- e delineations of adventure by sea.

Very striking and graphic pictures of life at Sea,evidently authentic and very instructive.

Has adventure enough to please and truthenough to dissipate the enarm or a sailors life.

fNew Xork Evangelist.There is in them a vast amount of information

respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterianwitness. ,

Will take captive the young. Journal and Mesfeenger. . !;

A Bockeye Abroad, or Wanderings in Europeand the Orient. By Samuel, S. Cox. Third edition, Illustrated. 1 vol., 2mo., muslin, 1,25.

The Three Great Temptations ofYoungIJen. . oaxitkx w. joshes. Hourth edition,vol. 12mo- - mufilin, 1,00.

These are capital works fpr family libraries. Pub-lished by MOORE, WILSTACH, KEYS k CO

25 West Fourth St, Cincinnati.WM K. & CO. are the publishers of Bayard

Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is soldentirely by agents. -

S. Lockwood. 1857. R. E. Poxebot

LOCKWOOB $ P03IER0Y,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in


Also, Shippers of American Furs ofevery description; for yrhich they

pay the highest Market price,IS CASH, r -

plOUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine ourJ stock of Ilats & Caps for the approaching Spring

and Summer trade, which, will be large, fashionable,and well selected. In point of variety our stock shallnot be excelled by any House in bt. Louis.

Uur prices will be low. terms accommodating.Call and see as at our New Store. Second St.

St. Joseph, Mo: S 32-6- m



Attorneys at Law,Nebraska City; N. T., and Glenwood, la.WILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and

Iowa. Particular attention naid faobtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection ofaeou.

REFERENCE:Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit.Julius D.Morton, f Michigan;Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, 111;Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa;B. P. Fifiled, St. Louis, Mo.; '

Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toledo, Ohio ; '

P. A. Sarpy. Bellevue, Nebraska; '

Sedgewich & Walker, Chicago, 111;

Green, Weara & Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Eaiffle! ' ' ST. JOSEPH. MO.JAMES CARGILL. Proprietor.

jlTANUFACTURES and keeps constantlyATJl on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal',and Feed stuffs.1: Orders solicited and promptly filledon most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly forWheat. For character of Flour refer to everybodythat ever used it; r srr- - : -


. iSt. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1855. --vlnl3-ly

Chlnoso Onear Cauo.fTinE subscribers ean gupplr seed of - the aboreX valuable plant in limited quantities. It is put

m puc&ages uia eeni Dy mail, post paid, at Z5ents perlacka?e. Havin?b(n r.iav4 k .iru..

we can vouch for its purity. We ean also supplyiwunagni oi eeeus oi

.me ice ....uream and. U ran re

TIT- -. - l j t? m o? w5rmeiun sua i jg lomaio at zo cts. each.

Address orders to, H. A. TERRY, & CO.,J7-4- w ( ' 4 ' ,. '. Council Bluffs, Iowa.

Attention Lot Holders ! !

HIGHLY IMPJO RTAKT HiALL persons who own Lots in the City of Brown

are lere by notified, that I am now preprepared to execute WARRANTY DEEDS for the

piration of six months from date, said City Lotswill be sold to the kigheit bidder, and the proceedsf V- -r j : i - j; i

, , , A. S. HOLLADAY, MayorCity cf Brownville, N. T. Feb. 25 th, '67. 37-- tf

. ' ruriiitTire. :

BEDSTEADS, Tables, Stands, Bureaus in short,the Furniture line, can be had at

llVtiLlLLKLu & CO'S.


BARNES & BARNUM, Proprietors.

THIS commodious Hotel, situated uponStreet Nebraska City, will be found a de-

sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this housefor all parts of the Territory. -

CURRANTS AND RASPBERRIES.TTJTIITE Grape Currant Seeds, saved from our

V specimen plants in 1856, will be sent pre-pa- id

in packages worth $J,to all who enclose that amount.. UCBBants, bite urape, Cherry, and

.a collection

f l a. a i ri? t ii iiui cigurctta oia;r vaneues, embracing au uie novelties. ? : ! i ' ,

' : , 5"

IUetekkkizs, Belle de.Fenteny, a new. FrenchovtT-uear- sort, fruit very large, and plants vigorou-s- very distinct variety.

Mxeveilli os Four Skasoxs This is a wrietywhich has been Tally tested, and was awarded apremium at tbe,N. . Fair a fine display of fruitexhibited in ths month of October it is by far superior to any of its class. - The frait is as large ancas good as the Red Antwerp, - and the Autumncrop is afcundatl 55 per dozen.


Mount ITope Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.N. B. Ordcn from nnkr.own oorrespondents must

be accompanied by the casX .March 19th 1S57. , iQt

,eciA considerable amount of tuition Bills for th

XX Terra taught by Mr. M'Hinuey yet remain unrail. Will th(se kcowin? themselves indebtedtlisise call bntho cadersiid and settle.

The present Tena of School 'will expire in abouttwo weeks, at which time it is heped amounts thenGae wiii be rroa.puy t -- .1 cp.- ' - XI. W. FTRNAS,

.: .. Sec'v B'dcf Trus.. 1 t,.'i, v3. 41tf

SIGEllSON'S; NURSERY,st.louis, mo.

JOHN SIGERSON $ BRO.,OSer lOt S&ie lac i"'a ayimat

53.CC3 Arpla Trees, 2 and 4 years old,Vm- -

tit nA...V Vkisi., frnm R tn ft fact bipb.f8o 7

vareities, from 25 t 30o. ,

2s503 standard Pears, embracing 43 varieties,price from 50 to 75 cents. '

5,000 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price$1 each. J ' ' ' '

fi,0()0 Cherry Trees, ?. vanehei, 50 to 75 cents

500 Apricots, Early Golden, Buda, Peach Apri-- '

" " eots, Large Early, price 50 cents.1,200 Quince, assorted, '- -5 to SOcenfs.500 Dwarf Apples- ,- v - " - " "u

500 White Grape Currants r"it u500 Black Naples 2

500 Cherry Currant500 Red Dutch Currant 12

500 Victoria Currants "500 White Dutch Currants-- .. JH"500 Lare Red Dutch Currants 12"500 English Black 12J

"- 2,000 Prolific Green f--

. 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 25500 Warrington do 25

1,000 Sulpher do 25,

1,000 Ashton do 25

500 Crown Bob ao r500 Riflemen do -- 25 u

2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 10

1,000 Ohio Everbearing do ; 25 .

2,000 Large German Antwarp do 10 "1,000 Red Antwarp -- 10

1,000 English FUberts - 50

1,000 Horse Chestnuts 50

6,000 Grape Vines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 '150,000 GrapeVines, 1 year old--- $5 $ 100 " .

. 5,000 Dahlias assorted, each 25 u

SOOPernias, : do .... i... ...50 .

10,000 Giant Asparagus Root- s- $5 $ 1C0

5,000 Tube Roses 10 u2,000 Yards Pink 50cts yard.2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb

50or$40$1008,000 "Wilmot's Early Red Rhubarb - -- 12o

50',C00 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties -

$5 to 10 per 2,000010,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing

Catalpa, Black Locust, Palionia Imperiallis,Lombafdy Poplar, Silvsr. Leaved Poplar,Linden Wood, Sweet Gum, Elm, BalsamPoplar, Allianthus, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy--'

prsss, Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, AmericanLarch, Weeping Willow, Buckeye, Moun-

tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varyingin price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to

.' size. ": '. - v '

15,000 Evergreens, embracingRed Cedars, price each 0cto$2

. White Pine. do, 50cto$l'Yellow Pine do 50c to $2Balsam Fir, do 50o to $1American Arborvitas 25c, 50o, 75c, $1,50.Chinese Arborvitas, 50c, $1,50,European Savin 50c, Tree box 50o

. Norway Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, .

White Spruce, $1.12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing

ia part as follows:Snow Balls, each 37 to $1,Lylac, each 50c; Spiias, assorted, each 25c;

. Hardy Roses, each 50c;Monthly Roses, each 50cHoney Suckles, asorted, 25c, 50c $1;Tyringa Philadelphus 25c to 50cj '

Rose Acasia, 25o to 50c; .' ' Privet for Hedges 25c;

Bladdacina 25c: Corcorus Japonica 25c;' Ellagnus 25c; Laburnum 50c;

TamarixAfricana25 to50c; "Ribes Gordoni 25c to 50c;Weeping Mountain Ash 1,50;Whith Fringe Tree 1,50;

k, Forsythea 50o to 1,00;" Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50o to 1,00

DeutxaScabia 25c; Deutza Gracalis 50c; '

Weeping Birch 50c; : . .Magnolia Acuminetta 50c;Weeping Linden 10;"

: Dwarf Box 50c per yard; I

Eauonimus 50c;' ' Altheas, assorted, 25c to 50c.

XW, In oflFering the above Stock to our customerswe beg to say it is superior in growth and quality toany heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supplycan avail themselves of further information, by addressing the undersigned at St. Louis. Cataloguesfurnished to all post-pai- d applications.

Reepectfvlly, JOHN SIGERSON & BRO.Oct. 25, 1856. " vlnl-l- y V .



33 Si IOl 1 O-



liew Hardware Store.Sign of the Mill Saw.

: - J.,FLAHERTY,; Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in


American German, English FrenchHARDWARE AND CUTLERY.'' ' ST. JOSEPH, MO. ,

IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and mostarsortment of goods in the above line ever

offered in any market west of St. Louis.My stock embraces a full and complete assortment

of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan-ic's tools of every description, direct from the mcstapproved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul-tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin-ing all the recent and useful improvements for. thesaving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com-munity, from whom I respectfully, request a carefulexamination of this department of my stock. I amalso exclusive agent for the sale of the celebratedSt. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cat Saws, which Iwill warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices.Also a large assortment ef Guns, Rifles and Pistols,Iron, Steel, Nails, &c, of the best brands: in a word,roy stock is very complete, which, for its quality andprice, I am determined to offer such inducements aswill command a liberal share of trade from this andadjoining counties. My arrangements for importingand agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers,together with a long experience in the general Hard-ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi-tion, but has convinced me that the true principle oftrade is cash sales and small profits. .

January 1, 1857. vln29tf



Drugs and medicinesLlain Street, Brown viUs, IT. T.

THE undersigned respectfully begs leave to informpublic, that he has now on hand a complete

assortment of everything, usually kept in DrugStores, which he offers for sale, Exclusively on aNew System of

CASH AND CASH ONLYIt will be entirely foreign to this beautiful system,

to "Book,", "keep acwunV' '"note" "scratch" "chalk,"

or "remember for a few days." - Come with the"Spondulicks " ifyou want anything in the Drugline.; , .Prescriptions Compounded at all Eouxi with

Accumcy and Dispatch.-Re- m

ember the system I have adopted, and mypocket and your feelings will not suffer. Credit willpotitively not be given, unless under circumstances cfpeculiar destitution.- July 12, 1856.vl-n6t- f - ' " A. S; HOLLADAY."

fin Lansas ia F. JENNINGS & CO., ..

FonvARDiiis & co:.::.:isoan: MERCHANTS,

TVTiite Cloud, Kansas Territory.'fPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For-- O

warding Goods of every description.

ALSO:Will keep a large and complete assortment of





. At the Linced Cost Prece!Dec. 25, 1853. vlc2S-6- m



ARE N017 E RECEIPT of a complete assortmentgools from their own and other manufac-

tories, adapted especially to the "Western trade. 'Purchasers are invited to examine their stock,

tranufactiired and sdecicd with great care andwarranted of superior qualify. Crierj wiU receive

j rn?T- -; ei err-- f r.1 i.'rit;. - - - . j


subscribers have entered into a jartnerihipTHE the firm of Reed, HtLibird & Co., tomanufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Portable GristMill and are cow prepared to furnish ail those inwant of a good Corn or 'Wheat Mill that" for dura-

bility, simplicty and economy ; excel any Mill ia theworld. . Oa the late exhibition of the Mechanicsinstitute ia Cincinnati, a Gold JTedai was awardedthomforit.

It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it issuperior to all others for the most extensive MerchantMill, as it is for grinding the Fanners feed by Horsepower.

The above Mills are manufactured by the under-signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O where theycon be furnished ia any quantity at short notice. v

The above Mills warranted to perform as louows .

35 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $30030 " . " 44 30 15 " .250

4 . w m ; 20 13 - 2008 " 15020 :15.- - -

As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary toquote from our numerous recommendations, received

Fresh Arrival ofHEW-.GO.OBS!- !

AT ItOCKPORT, 21 0.rpHE subscribers would respectfully tender theirX thanks to their customers and the rublic Uene--

rally for their liberal patronage he retofore, and solicita continuance of the same ; as they are determinedto sell Goods as low if not lowur than anv otherHouse west of St. Joseph. Having just received alarge and well selected Stock of Spring and SummerGoods ; also a superior Stock of Family Grocerieswith Hardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture,baddlery, iron, &c.

Come one and all,. For well we know;

, Again youll call,Well sell so low.

Of Goods the best,'

And profits small,". ; We'll beat the rest,

And suit you all.Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased intho Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we cansurpass our competitors in the low prices and goodQualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all willm&ke by calling and seeing for themselves beforepurchA&irig elsewhere. CAKE I , JOES, & CO.

N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in' exchange at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '58.

DANIEL ZOOK,"wholesale; and retail

Oregon, Halt County, Mo.Has in Store: .

Pure White Lead, Window Glass . .

Linseed Oil,Spanish Whiting,

. Caster Oil,Red Lead, Ex. Logwood,Litherage, Blue Stone,White Chalk, Alum, .Venitian Red, . Ground Ginger,Spanish Brown, Root do,Cream of Tarter, Saint Louis Gl ue,Tartaric Acid, Paris Green,Sulpher Carb. Soda, Chrome do,Vinegar, do yellow, :

Turpentine, Iron Paint,Sal Soda, White Zink do,Coperas, Fish Oil, .

Saltpeter, Whale do,Borax, Wrights' Pills,Mex. Liniment, Champian's do,Vol. Oil do, Jayan's do,Norland's do, ', Loudon's do,Nerver and Bone do, Radway's R. R.,Farrels do, Davis Pain Killer,London's do Fahnestock's Ver., '

Jays' Expt., - , r Stone's Cough Candy,London s do, . McLane s Liver rills.

In addition to the above, I have the largest Stockof Drusnrist and Phvsicians Shou furniture. Chemi .cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent Mediciensever offered for sale in this Country.

Merchants and Phvsicians of Iowa, Kansas andNebraska, are respectfully invited to give me a call.

June 7,1830. DAK1JL ZOOK.

A. B. HOLLABIED & CO.,Machinists, Founders and

ENGINE BUILDERS' Troat Street, West of Smith,

CINCINNATI, O,"VT 7"ould most respectfully inform their friends and

V V the public generally, that they are now prepared to execute all orders in their line, with rromotness. Having lately enlarg4 their shop and withthe increased facilities they t ow possess, they hope tomerit a continuation oi me liDerai patronage wnicnnas n eretot ore oeen extended to tnem.Saw Mill Engines of every Description.Constantly on hanl: consisting of the riash, Circnlar and Muley. ' Mill Gears and every description ofL astmgs, warranted to be well made in every particular.

They have also a Boiler Yard attached to theirestablishment, which enables theio to oversee allwork in that line furnished by them, and are pre-pared to work on as reasonable terms as any othershop in the country. -

Thoso in want of anything in our line, would dowell to give as a call and examine our new patterns

THOMAS WILLIAMS,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.


, Will practice in the Third Judicial District in Ne-

braska Territory, and in tho Twelfth Judicial CircuitLl the State of Missouri. .

REFERENCES.Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T,R, W. Furnas, "

. ,Dr. John McITierson, Tippecanoe, Ohio.James Foster, Oregon, Mo.George N. Miller, Archer, N. T.


No., 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis.

WE are now in receipt of the most complete andmagnificent stock, everoffered to the Western

Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited tomake an examination of our stock and prices.


GRAPE ROOTS. 20,000 Catawba Grape Roots,old, for sale. Price $5 per hundred

$40 per thousand. J. M. McCULLOUGH,Nov. 29tf No. 200 Main St., Cincinnati.

Beady Hade Clothing:,EVERY VARIETY, style, quality, price, and

Ready Made Clothing, just received andfor sale cheap, by ' HOBLITZELL i CO.

Hats and Caps.LATEST styles of Hats and Caps, and of every

price, are offered atHOBLITZELL ACQ'S.

Stoves and Tinvare.COOK, Parlor and Oflice Stoves of various

and Tin ware, at, HOBLITZELL CO'S.

7ood and Willow ware.BUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, and an endless variety

ware, is for sale atHOBLITZELL k CO'S.


MAIL KOUTE.From Nemaha Agency, in Kansas, to the

mouth cf the Nyoway River,Nebraska. '

THIS LINE makes one trip per week, each way,at the principal towns on the Missouri

River. Good Hacks all the way through, and goodhorses and nice young men for drivers.

J. B. k W. BENNET. Contractors.Dee.l9,lS5. vln27-l-y ,

d. m. HrrcHCOcx. ; c. bkasxslex. --. . . bixj. jot.

J. M. HITCHCOCK $ CO.,Bet. (Xiva and Locust streets, St Lonis, Mo.

MANUFACTURERSGrates.of Cooking, Heating, and

Alio Manufacturers of four sizes ofJe we tt's Pat-ent Cary Plough, one and two horse (right and leftkasj ;


lElIAHi CITY, N. T.' ; : '

" ' ' 1 ';

TTTrLL attsnd promptly to all business ia his pr--VV feasion when tklle.i on: such as subdivin,

Clai2s,layir oat Teira Lots, DrafLlrj City - Hiits,- , - T- -tf



Real Estate and General Agency,''. OMAHA, CITY, 21. T. '

References. .

James Wright, Broker, . New York,Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. .

5 vHon. R. Wood, Ex-Go- v. of Ohio, Cleveland,Wicks, Otic and Browneil, Bankers,


AlcottA Horton,Col. Robert Cairspbell, St. Louis,James Ridgway, E.sq. " u

Crawforn and Sackett' Chicago.OiruvhaCity, Aug. 39, 1S5S. vlnl3-l- y



AND , MANUFACTUKER'S AGENTS,Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, 21 o.

of Gooda and ProduceCONSIGNMENTSand all business entrust-

ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended toat the lowest rates.

References.Taylor k Shepherd, St. Louis,R. L. McGhee k Co., ' aLivermore, Cooley A Co., u uMerchants Generally, St. Joseph.

Wholesale & Retail Departmsnt.B. W. DONJTIXL; A. M. SAXTO.


Arrangement for Fall '56, Winter '57.THE PEOrLirS STORE.


New Goods reo'd by every Steamboat.IMore of them: Cheaper than ever.WE are prepare! to offer Extra Inducements

this season, and call attention to our largeStock ofDRY GOODS, :



Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, (six hundred cases,)Groceries, Nails, Hardware, Crockery Wape ke.

Cash paid for Hemp, on delivery, at all times.


District Attorney,OMAHA CITY, N. T.

REQUIRED to be in attendance officially upon allof tho District and Supremo Court of

the Territory, tenders his Professional services to suchas need them. He flatters himself that his facilitiesfor gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis-

trict, will enable him to give satisfaction to such asentrust their business to his care.

Omaha City, June 7, 1856.

Notice.ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the

of Noel, Lake, Emersok, k Co., will findtheir accounts in the hands of O. F. Lake for collec-tion, and an immediate settlement is requested.

BrownvilU, Feb. 25th, '17. 37-- tf



Masonic Clothing and Odd FellowsnncrinxiXiA..

Also Regalia for Temperance and other Societies,Ao. 128 Walnut Street, up Stairs,


masoxs. References, odd fellows.W. B. Dodds, O M of Ohio O. P. Morton. POM IndC. Moore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner A Gray, pub CasketF. J. Phillips, H. P. City W. O. Ncilson, PGM Ohio

The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimensof Regalia from the above Manufactory, and recieveorders from liodges or pnvate members for Regalia,

August 2, 185t5. rl-n9t- f.



fTIAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of OrX gon and the public in general, that he has on

hand the most extensive stock of Moves and 1 In-wa- re,

ever offered in this market. My stock of Tinware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale atWholesale and Ketall at bt. Louis prices.

I would call particular attention to my stock ofLUUAJNG blUv hs, comprising the most improvedpatterns both Air-Tig- ht and Premium. Among themmay be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove nowin use, the Asiatic Air-Tigh- t, Pioneer and prize Premium. Also

Parlor & Box StovesOf various Sixes and Patterns, which I will

SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN.Particular attention paid to making and putting

up Tin.Gutters, in the town and country. Also, repairing done on short notice and on reasonable term-- .

Old copper, Urass and Pewter taken in exchangefor work or ware. W.W.WILLIAMS,

vl-n- 5 Oregon, Mon July 5, 1858.


ao. 153 Vine St., bet. Fourth and FLU, CINCINNATI, O.

C. F. O'DRISCOLL & CO.Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book ana Job

Presses, Caso, Gallies, 4c, 4c.Inks, and Printin-- r Material of Every Dewription.

STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music,Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engraving?,4c, f c. .

Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles,GEO. P. TrrrrrciiATirvr.

WATCHMAKERS v-- --1 --T. - - .

OREGON. HOr.T miTVTV xrtmAKES thfl Uherlv- -j mivu4 VUli.WUJ j i

--a- Arownviue ana vicinity, that he has opened aVA A J1J, CLUCK 4 JEWELRY STORE

Ia Oretrnn.TTnU innntv l...lt..:n l.stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment ofGold and Silrer Vntio. Ch..A T i v- - lhe will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a finelot of lolins Accordeons, Silver, and Hated Spec-tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extensioncases, Silver Thimbles, 4c, 4c

He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew-elry, of every description, in the best manner andon the most reasonable terms. r

Every article bought in his establishment, is war-ranted to be what it ia represented to be. Watch re-pairing warranted for one year.

-- ujjt i J, iojo. TA-nS- tI


A NN0UNCE8 to the public, that he i a preparedXI. to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at shortnotice and reasonable terms.ALL WORK "WARRANTED. '

He is also Agent forA. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S.,

stern Foundry.UICINNATL O.,

LEE LEAYITTOSaw illannfactory,vMlA.fAA4.Af VfAnd. 13 vrtvfLreA trt rA;A ti i -- ;

a-- --vvwiiv Ajwa uaa viutis l vi ftUT pia--ctinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es- -MWMM

Letters of enquiry, promptly answered., REITERENCES. .

Noel, Lake 4 Co, Brownville, N. T. Steam MilLcM.uua & n nue, iuKpo: Mo.

James Lowe, Linden,Tln31y. Brownville, June 21, 1855.

Steam Hill Lumber. f

WE take thi3 method of informing the PublicWit Yiavit net nnt i n nMnt;nn Vn. !.

known as Sonora Inland, four miles above Rrown- -inrsi quality sccam fciwnau, and are now tre-par- ed

to saw all kinds of Lumber on Rhort noticeand in a manner, we aro confident will givg satisfac-tion. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the mainshore, for free use of our eu'tmers. ...

. . HALL 4 CO.

OHCC3.A N nnusuallv lartj stock nf f!n B..4 t..- -

XJl. and Shoes both Gentlemen an.ibe mid, acd purciAstl U . at

J.lllii It AIM C- V3

Ir vV, !' i

r I mi, sues cmn cn h BoirA nish Fanners and ethers wtl"UUAUN separato?,

for the present season. It is ,nnJ Iparticularly of the merits cf the! Uv7 Vare too well known throughout !U Zextolling ; but the fact that th.yare continuing to receive trejrinland County airs where theyJSv?"sufficient to induce all those it yn ii.chine, to purchase one of the, ...


, iAt a practical test of this S 5

ith the best of those made hKB 'received the highest commcrdOioni rfTi. l


i uj i5iuu,j KrlXul'rauwu f that 'I have a large number of then on liTi- I

the coming crop, made of the lejtmater-2,rfi?- '

ran ted to do good work. , ,B4jI have made many valuable iirprovta.,. .


machines within thelastyear.nni kaT, iin warranting them superior Vrj ; J"

I am also preparing a Urge number of CrjvImproved Clover llulle '


patented in 1854, which are greatly 1

patent of 1344, being in itself feeder ST'ahead of it in other respects. They tjji"''factured under the immcdiaU nvpatentee, wno n s permanenur tocatl v . ,

The above eat represents mr four ho-- 5114,1

wr, ana is aesiguea. especially fur ths fjuse.Tm also urgent fnr IfCnrminlt'o .

ER and MOWING MACniT,.JWLbin.i lS'

J. R. MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami eouaiy, 0

BOOK ST0ljusr vrts.xi.ij & r tub hhiij OF BllCAEn,


WHERE AND STATION FJlfeverything in their line, consisting ia part, hlows: .

Histories and Biography.Narratives and Travels,School Rooks,Misscellaneous Worki,

.'. Lives of Eminent Personr,.

Agricultural Works,Sundard Poetical Works,Religious Works,Song Books,Bibles and Hymn Rook",NovelJ and Light Reading, ,Pictorial 'Works,Blank Books,Paper, Pens and Ink,Cards and Gift Books,Toys and Fancy Primer,Portfolios and Albums,

And a thousand other useful lid neccarj irtilsin the line.

Also, red, black and blue I3KS, of onrownm.ufacture. Wholesale and Retail. a chean u nn w

had in St. LouU, and warrant d of the Wi'ini rr

put up in quart, pint and half-pin-t buttlcj: ii

e . v . . i . 'ttur uu two ounce Doilies.Professional men wishing a lull of

JJilll Uii LULlUmiU JJUUIJ,1 t.,taa d suppuea nere ai per. cent twip

lishers prices, we paying all costa and obtaiDin' bfl

ai xne snortess notice. Uur amirremenu mnanysrA.NUA.IlL UOUKS j rintcd ia tho lated States.

Call and see our stk we .ni new bejinnnktwill serve our customers to the cent of our ai:j.Our prices, we are sure will be sitiffa.:tor.

CRAM A SAXJOK).Council Blnfls, Iowa, Juno ltLff vlnl

Richardron's jVIissocriExpress Comixwy,

Principal Oflice No. 1 2, Main St,ST. LOUIS, MIS550URL

BEG leavtf to inform the pu!)lic, that they hntheir Express Lin i to thU plrv-e- . H.n-in-

comDlied with the rcnnisitio:t tf their CLitltr

and being fully organiiod, aro uor jrepareJ W Inu- -

General Agency Business.Theetor, is a guarantee of the satisfajtion render!,ii win always be tne aim and study oi tne fcjerKtivi

of this Company, to give every peiViO fati!i:jJime speeay ana sale tmnsmisrfioa elJloney, Valaable Package, Parrpls tai

Bundles of Goods, Jlerr handize,.

to all points on the Missouri River, and at fHL'M.wun otner responsible XiXprcus LMnpiyiie, wtYork, New Orleans. Boston, Ildlidelphis, tjhtrogrk

Cincinnati, Burlinzton. Louisville. Rick Lb nil, M a- -

phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, aid to aluwt tt!town and villiage in the United SaUcs,Earfpe,itralia and California.

A Messenger will ha rmt rn llm r 'xr ttiymet On

ha, making weekly tri betwen here, and St. J-

oseph, there connecting with ounla'.ly line tf St Land all points as above. In behalf of the Euterpe,the ruitrnnftAll business entrusted to us, will nt with thsienergetic and prompt attention which b" alJcharacterized this Express, and made it pra-eai-

in Western Express bu;inpH.D1KECTOES.

Enw-AB- Mead. Sum McCAsmtW. D. W. Bes.vard, J u AV. Toolit.

Josfpti l1. T?t.-i- ia iiinuB. F. Bae'bt, Alton. Y. J. I'icot. Uinf--

JCSEPH F. RICHARDSON, PreatS. M. Grat, Seo'y.ln2. IIejoit Ktie, General AL

Aixiproveu i,ttne liiftniCORN & COB PLANTATION MUX

TUE subscriber has purchiwed exclusive ri?M

in tbe West, of theabove eelobrt

either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the

It is now more than a year sitce the

Was introduced to the public, daring which time.15

has been constantly arrowing la thd rt cular far-- .

The improvementi raienUr effected and eatenw

makes it the most perfect nuw:hin' ever offered W

general farm use. It iifarnibeit rw-l- y for atf:team, and weighs as follow: N. 1, 22i N i "No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minute ksufficient to set one up, without" anx:hank-a- l a:i,,Dwhen once adjusted, it can with lifety be entrwito a boy. Full directions accompany each Mil'

No 1, $35, will grind 8 lu meal p-s-r hour srith 1 1'1

No3 50. u 15 - u u i it

No 4 60. 20 a 3 u

r7 Liberal discount to dealers. .JAMES B. CIIADWKX

No. 63 Locust strejt, bet. 2J M

June 2S, 18j3. vl-n- 4 St. Mo.

. t. rowDALL. R S. CA- -


WASnrvr.Tnv rnnvnr.Y. .

Engina and Llschine 'Manufactory.Corner Second and Morgan Stroet.


Mill Machinery, T

Screws and Prea?, Lard Kettles, Lari re na

Cylinders, Wool Carditg Machine, Young"! 1

Smut Machines, Baildiug Casting, ke. . r "t

Ii Agf nt for the tale of Jamus miuiSuperior MACHINE CARDS.

vnrcr.'q t i TrvT ctrr--r iirrrrsB.tried, alwavs succesfuL fullv GuJkrantied. unfactursd and for sale by . n

Washington Foundryr St. LoniV.


STEAM MILL,vnrT t. a vr i a? vifFTtSUN.

N. B. We would rosTMwtfulhf iof"f jjsenswe have alwavs on h.al a largt und e',ge'ef'l.supply of LUMBER, which ct.n f a:aLiha.er rates than any mill ia the Territory. j

. Miu-ke- t rrlcos raid for loej delif J at th Jor on the bank of the river. t ; .

All orders accompanied wish U.s lui, wU reur tesed juts aticatx
