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Nebraska Advertiser. (Brownville, NE) 1880-01-01 [p ]. · a "Grand New Y"rV Ball at Marsh House...

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tf ti r f THE ADVERTISER nrownvlllc Dmi llne to Phelps. laTe Brownvlll 9 a. m., and 3 p. m. A rri ve at Brownville 1230 p.m.,andceOp.m TJ. C BOUSFIKLD. Sunerlntendent. THURSDAY, JAN. 1, 18S0. A happy Christmas to all. Cough'madicineB, of ever kind at Nickell's. New lot of Holiday goods at Whlttimore's. A llirlit fall of "beautiful snow," Sunday morning. See Huntington & Cumminge' "ad" In Nemaha City corner. Nemaha comity Book Store is now at Nickell's. Gn to Mrs. White's for your rub- ber and arctic overshoes. Everybody Invited to attend the ball at MaMi Opera Houee Jan. 1st. JjHrcft live and ten cent counters everin'Brownville at Mrs. Small's. Preaching at the Bnptist Church In this city every Sunday at 11 o'clock by Eld. G. W. Reed, of Peru. Tilra. White will receive this week an entire new line of millinery goods. 'Johnson fc Palmer are filling TtfPlI'a big ice houpe with the nicest kind of ice. Luciu ('ImitHi. B1". Arnold, Da- vid Mercer Hii-- i Hen. Lorance. stu- dents f tiie University, are enjoying vacation and the holldHys with their friends in Bmwnville. Por your lianiess go to 3auer's Holiday brackets, a!! varieties, at Mrs. SmihM's. Buckwheat il-u- r aud choice hon- ey at WhittimoreS. We are in receipt of a ticket for a "Grand New Y"rV Ball at Marsh House Opera HaM. Joseph O'Pelt, proprietor." Thin splendid occasion will he on the evening of January 1st. Music !v Berkley's orchestra. Ad-tniapi- $2 50 to ball and supper. The managers detdre it underntood that this is not a select affair, but is for ev- erybody ml everybody is invited. Call and see the "Pinafore" jew elry at Geo. Arkwright'a, opposite Xiowman's. !Large stock of Confec-tioT- is to "be sold at low prices at City 3akery. Taxes! Taxes!! Taxes!!! All persons owing las tre hereby notified that the same must be paid by January 1, 1SS0 The time given by law has alread3' passed. Why not wrae forward, pay up and save cost. The new tax hook for 1S30 will be in my hands for collection January 1, 1SS0. Times are good, mouoy plenty, and there never was a better time to pay off delinquent tax than now. A. H Gilmoiie, Co. Treas. Received, at Roblson's, "W- omen's and .lien's Fancy Clotli Slippers, just the tiling: for Christmas and Xew Years Gifts. Berkshire'males for sale.J Grand-sir- e cot fourteen hundred dollars, Grand dam one thou-an- d. The best pedigree hogs in the tate of Nebras- ka, "without doubt, for sale by Stev- enson & Cross. The State Fih Commission, says t"he Omaha Republican, consisting of Messrs. May-- , Livingston and Kaley, met at the Whitnell House last eve-xiiu- g at 5 o'clock, aud agreed to hold the 200.00(1 California salmon fry re- cently hatched atRomine's hatchery, ntU the weather la more favorable, when they will be distributed in vari-ouspar- ts of the state, under tite direct- ion of the commission. The' have or- dered asufficient number of cauB made to accommodate the fish, and will dis- tribute them in lots of 5,000 each. Is Nemaha county making any ar- rangements to get a portion of these fish ? JCmas presents at Geo. Arkwrighfs opposite Low-man'- s. Berkshire Pig", Cheese, Curry Combs, Flour and Scoop Shovels by Stevenson &. Cross. Go to Roblson's for tvool lined boots, slioes, arctics and rubbers. Closing Oct. The undersigned will close out his entire herd of Berk- shire and Poland China swine as boou as possible; consisting of as fine a herd as there is in the west and repre- senting some of the most fashionable strains, such as the Sniper, Robin Hood, and Crown Prince families. A fine lot of young sows large enough to breed ; also can be paired with boars of different families, all eligible to Berkshire record. Stock in good thriving condition, all bred and far- rowed hero, therefore will be accli- mated. Original stock imported from Iowa and Pennsylvania. Those wish- ing something in this linn will get as good Btock here at less cot than from the cast, besides having a chance to select for themselves. Come early as stock Is going fast. Farm nine miles south and one-ha- lf mile west of Nemaha City. H. N. Bagley. Elmore. Richardson Co., Neb. Mrs. White will sell you millin- ery atgreath; reduced prices. BUSINESS UREVITIES. California Caned Fruit at Hill's. Nickell keeps all the lateBt books. Buckwheat Flour and Maple Syrup at Hill'B. Go to Mrs. White's for your cloaks and wraps. 1,000 mince and apple pies at Johnson & Palmer's. Call at Mrs. White'efor anything "in the millinery line. Everything in the millinery line at cost by Mrs. Yauney. See "Report of the condition of the First National Bank." Finest stationery and toilet ar- ticles at Nickell's drug Btore. Holiday candieB a large assort- ment at Johnson & Palmer's. New and elegantiStyles trimmed hats at cost, at Mrs. Yauney's. Bain, Studebaker and Nebraska wagons. Stevenson & Cross. There has not been suflicient snow here this winter, to date, to cover the ground. Money to loan on Real Estate se curity. Apply to Wm. H. Hoover. Holiday gifts at the drug and book store of W. H. McCreery. 26-2- Call at A. W. Nickell's drug store for a bottle of Thomas' eclectric oil. "Too busy to write locals" wbr the answer we received from J. L. McGee Tuesday. Complete etock of freh drug at drug and book store of W. H. Mc Creery. 6mo3 For the Best working oook stove with nutomatic shelf, call on Stevn-so- n & Cross. Dr. Collins. DntNt. Brown ville, OfJue hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not at home on Fridays. 39tf The cold snap, which had scarce- ly been above a freezing point for 1G dayo, was broken on the 26th, and Fridn3 Saturday and Sunday were lovely days. 2,500 acres of land in Bedford Precinct for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to William H. Hoover. Do not buy furniture until you look through our mammoth stock. Stevenson & Cross. I have for sale, cheap, some choice lots, in Nemaha City, for those who want to build. Wm. H. Hoover. Wednesday morning, 24th Dec, was the coldest, so far, of the winter. At dawn, by a fair test, the thermom- eter indicated in this city, 15 below zt-ro- . S. M. Summers is selling glass- ware and queen6ware cheaper than was ever before offered in this city. We are prepared to do all kinds of tin work on abort notice and at low prices. Stevenson & Cross. New married folks and new com- ers, Stevenson & Cros can fit you up in everything for housekeeping Stoves, Furniture. Groceries. Queens-war- e, Knives, Forks. Carpets, Pic tures, etc., cheaper than the cheap- est. Give us a call. Stevenson & Cross. Miss Fannie Arnold: As a slight testimonial of our appreciation of your untiring efforts as directress and a memento of the pleasant and in- structive rehearnals of 'The Sorcerer,' pleae accept, from the gentlemen of the troupe, the accompanying set of furs, with our best wishes for a Mer- ry Christmas. Respectfully. W. A. Bailey ,'S. A. Osborn, T. L. Jones, Dr. Ed. Arnold, D. L. Smith, John Chapelow. F. R Sykes. James R. Dye, Rolla O. Heikes. William Murr, Milton F. Jones, Geo. Ark-wrigh- t, Geo. Fairbrother. Jr., E. M. Lippitt. E. Huddart. Geo. D. Cross. L. Foster Hitte, John L. Majors. Gentlemen: The beautiful and useful present coming from you, asso- ciated with our work in "The Sorcer- er," and the Merry Christmas, is ac- cepted with warmest;thank3. Most truly yours, Fannie Arnold. Married on the 25th ult., at the reeidence of the bride, by JLi. L. Hul-bur- d, E-q- ., Mr. Ben. F. Sanders, of the Bloomingtou Argus, and Miss Dora M. Fairbrother, elder daughter of the editor of Tiie Advertiser. No guests were Invited save the parents and families of the bride and groom, hence the party was Email, quiet and pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders next morning took the early is traiu for ttieir home at Bloomiugton, Franklin county. May their now happy lives be blessed with conteut-menta- s they shall meet the alteruat-iu- g joys and sorrows along the rug- ged road of life. The whl ski and beer sellers of Brownville have not heeded our warn- ings given from time to time, that they were known and would have to suffer unless they desisted. The3' thought we were trying to scare them. What do they think now? For your saddles go to Bauer's. II. C. Lett Will pay the highest market price for Butler and Eggs. "Where there's a will there's a way." And everybody who sells whiky or beer in this city will rind to their coot, that the city authorities have the roitand the way. For Sale. A first-rat- e good family horse. Gen- tle and true to the very letter. Also a double seated buggy, three springs, 1.200 pounds capacity. Call on E. M. Lippitt at his residence. 28w4 Grain ! Grain ! Grain ! Highest market price paid for grain by Hackney As Handley. The citizens of Tecumseh recent- ly raised by subscription- - $200 for the purpose of defending M. C. Barrow, oharged with robbing the mail. A IVevr Iot Of holiday goods just opened at Nickell's. XX A WD V WILL JAN. FIRST To Close Out leaks , . AS AS WILL i On last Friday, upon the infor mat ion of John Drur', Jacob Rausch-kol- b, Chris. Houboldt. of Brownville. and Phil Deuser. of Rock Port, Mo., were a'rrested in this city for selling intoxicating liquors contrary to law, and taken into Judge Stull's court. The prisoners showing a disposition to enter pleas of not guilty, and de manding to be tried by jury, subpec nas were issued for a number of wit- nesses, and jurors. When the officer went for witnesses they could not be found ; moat of them, having urgent business just then over on the other side of the river. The jurors were subpoenaed, however, and the trials put over to this week, or such time as it might take for the witnesses to get back home. The game of running ofl witnesses, we may remark, the price of the work worth a cent with attorney Os-- 1 magazine remains the same. born, who represents the State, and does his work well, in all these whis- ky cases. There is sufficient bull-do- g about him that when he gets hold he just holds on, quietly enjoying the time until the other dog squeals. So the subpoenas were not returned, "not found'' as Mr. Rogers, for the defense desired them to be; and by Monday this week about all the witnesses had got through with their important busiues3 over at Soott. City and Phelps, returned and were duly served. On Monday lawyer Rogers ap- proached Osborn with a Hag of truce: "How can we fix up those cases?" queried he. surren- der," replied Osborn, "and if these terms are not accepted within five minutes, I will turn looe on the fort." And as that was the best tiling the de- fense could do, the surrender was du ly. and made. It was truly a serio-comi- c scene the sur- render of the recruit from Rock Port, who "shust coome ofer to have a leedle fun rait te poys." Phil. Deuser, of Rock Port, Mo., and Chris. Houboldt, each plead guilty and were each fined $25.00 and costs, which in the aggregate amount- ed to about fifty dollars. In Mr. Rauschkolb's case a nolle pross. was entered by Mr. Osborn, up- on defendant enteiing into a bond in the sum of $300.00 to quit the business of selling or giving away beer or alco- holic liquors within the county until after he shall have procured a license authorizing him to do so. We deem it proper in this connec- tion to repeat what we indicated last week, that our City Council, which devised and employed the means for the suppression of illicit traffic in the city, are entitled to the gratitude of the law-abidi- ng portion of the people of this city and the entire connty, for the good work it has already accom- plished, and in behalf of this class of citizens The Advertiser thanks, cordially, the City Council aud acting Mayor of Brownville, and in these citizens' behalf we ask further and continued vigilance and pledge their hearty and support. Within the last few weeks four vio- lators of the license law, and one of them twice, have been arrested and punished. And in the methods used demonstrated that, the apparent difficulty to get evi- dence of secret whisky and beer eel-lin- g, "where there is a will there Is a way." Charles Rody has the nicest candies in the mar- ket. Is brimful of the best family groceries, and at his Restaurant ta- ble may be found the best in the mar- ket. Customers are served with fresh oysters or any other dish called for. Go to Body's. Frank Moerer, of Johnson ; Fred. H.Sanders, J. C. Evans Nemaha City ; Wm. Febing; J. Makinsou, Phelps, Mo.; Hough Holstine, Morril, Kansas; add their names to the list of Advertiser subscribers. Business. I am now readyjto receive orders for Picture Frames, and re- pairing Furniture, at Roy's old stand. All orders promptly attended to. M. H. C. LETT Has on his BOOKS many small accounts which he wants all who owe them to settle, as he changing his business after the 1st ofJIarch. You will fa- vor me by coming In at once. Geo. W. Neeley lias sold his property In Falls City, and is getting up a mining company for Leadville. II. C. Lett Has a full etock of fresh Groceries, and Drugs NEW YEAH! COMMENCE '? v dHIUWIVl Flannels, Ete. SELL GOODS CHEAP EVER. IiO"TL3Sr. dontjessary, subscription "Unconditional ignominously notwithstand- ing Brownville; Windschefile, lengthening Upholstering Felthauser. contemplates Leisure Hours. A magazine of choice literature for the people, published monthlj' by W. L. Mershon & Co., Ill Broadway, N. Y. The publishers of this popular mag- azine have determined to give more good, interestingand instructive read- ing matter to subscribers than can be obtained any where for the same price; they have, therefore, engaged a num- ber of regular contributors well known to the public, for theyear 18S0. who will present through the col- umns of the magazine, original ar- ticles, consisting of biographies, trav- els, natural history, works of fact and fiction, etc., etc. Notwithstanding the increased out jay of money which this renders nee Our terms are $1.00 a year or 50 ots. for pix months. We send a trial subscription of three months with a handsome premium for 30 cents. Agents wanted in every town j Steady employment and good pay. j For further particulars and agent's j terms, send stamp to the publish- - ' ers, W. L. Mershon & Co., Ill Broad- - way, New Nork. IWanlovc Self- - Opening and Shutting Gate. The most complete and convenient piece of farm machinery ever invent- ed or used. One can be seen at en- trance to Furnas Fruit Farm near Brownville. Price of that style gate, complete, $30. Robt. W. Furnas, State Agent. Missing, The man who struck Billy Patter- son can't be found; but his sisters and his cousins and his aunts have found that Hill's is the best place to buy Groceries. Just arrived this week 1 car Bain wagons, a fine assortment Heating Stoves, and a haudsome line of silver- ware also Groceries, Furniture, Corn-Shelle- rs aud Pocket Knive3. StevensonJ& Cross. List of Letters Remaining lu the Postoffice at Brownville, Nebraska, for the week ending Dec. 27. 1879, which if not called for will be sent to the dead let- ter office: Cooper, Elizabeth ; Daugherty, Ah-n- er ; Givis, Mrs Dpbii ; Hess, John ; James, Ira; Rehm,' William L. ; Rees, Mrs. Sarah ; Snodgrass, C. W. ; Welch, James. Persons calling for an' of the above letters will pleasesay advertised. T. C. Hacker. P. M. 'Psach? F0RHusini GLIN JLOCKJILLS ! The undersigned, having an entire new mill, with new and the latest improved machinery, and the best practical miller in the State, are now ready to do both Merchant and Exchange work. Address all orders to Hallam & Huddart. Glen Rock, Nemaha Co., Neb. "The Benton News" is the name of a spicy sheet published by the pu- pils of Lahue school, near Phelps City, Mo. The editors are Miss Clara Lahue and Miss Effie Buckham, box 18. Phelps City, Mo. They solicit con- tributions. Will the pupils of our school give them an interchange of ideas ? M. Bon't you Forget it ! That Geo. Arkwright will sell and work the cheapest and the best. Skates, Shotguns, Mink Traps and Corn-poppe- rs b3T Stevenson & CroBs. Married, on the 25th ult, at the residence of the bride's father, Ne- maha county, by Eld. D. B. Coryell, Mr. Joseph Frazier and Miss Alice R. Graham. Largest stock of Holiday Goods in the city, at City Bakery. Go to Mrs. White's for your holiday goods. She has a ninn lin of them II. C. J,ctt Will sell you the very best groceries j for the least money possible. Died, Sunday.28th uit., Wyman Kent, an esteemed and prosperous farmer of Glen Rock. We learn the fatal disease was pneumonia. Iron, Wagon Timber. Horseshoes and Nails by Stevenson & Cross. L0XD0X ITEMS. Prepared for last week's Issue. "There were in the same country, Shepherds abiding in the field, keep- ing watch over their flocks by night. And, lo, the angel cf the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were eore afraid. And the angel said unto them, fear not, for, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy which shall be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you ; ye shall find the babe wrapped in swad- dling clothes lying in a manger. Aud suddenly there was with the angels a multitude of the heavenly host, prais- ing God and saying, glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will to man. And it came to pass, as the angels weregone away from them un- to heaven, the Shepherds said one to another, let us go even unto Bethle hem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us." A Merry Christmas unto you all, readers mine. The weather is so cold. Again it iB Christmas. It seems but as yesterday since I gave my greetings to The Advertiser its patrons, its editoraud all baud?, to the devil my fifteenth Christmas greet- ing. It is hid iu the future how many more times, if any, I may be permit ted to give these greetings. The Advertiser has great vital- ity, a fine hold on life, and promises ereat longevity, and no doubt will outlive me. But I pray it may ever retain its present character forsound-nes- s in politics, zeal in temperance, purity in morals, fairness in religinu. Long live The Advertiser. Many no doubt, amid the festivities of Christmas, will revert in memory to the faraway home of their child- hood, from which they have wander- ed, and made their home with the stranger. How vividly will he recol- lect those happy days away back in the past, aud may be the intervening scenes of anguish, grief, bereavement and the faces of loved ones, will stand out in distinctness, who have been laid away beneath the coffin lid. But it is better to put away sorrows in me sacrea, secret cnamoers or tne heart, and smile this merry Christmas time. Christmas has the preeminence over all the other days celebrated on the earth, for it commemorates an event in which every nation, tribe, and tongue have an equal interest it unites in one all the families of the earth for it is in honor and memory of Him "who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time " All hail the blessed Christ all honor to the day which celebrates His birth. Willard Dolittle, some nine years ago left his father's home in New York and came to the far west to live with" his uncle, James Ely. Six weeks aco the sad news reached him that his father was dead ; again a few days agorhe received the word that his brother died on the 6th ult. These are heavy tidings for the young man, and calls for sympathy. It will be a lesson to "lay up treasures iu heaven'' for uncertain are all earthy things. Editor Advkktiseh, please add this to last week's Items. Londox. It came to pass, in London, on the 25th of December, that both cler- gy and officers of the law were called to legalize the marriages of the wed- ded hearts of three young men and their chosen maidens, by whom, and the place will now be chronicled : Mr. Amos Whittelowand Miss Em-ell- ue Jones, by Geo. W. McGrew, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Willard Doolittle and Miss Sa- rah Guilliatt, by Elder Young, at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. David Wanderly and Miss Lib-bi- e Travis, by Elder Young, at the residence of the bride's father. Let'us ask a benediction on these three wedded couple. It is hinted that there will be more weddings in London about New Year's day. We will let you know if there are. These must suffice for this time. CHEAP TOR CASH. A eiioiee line of Grocer- ies at City Bakery. e?k WANTED BY D. E. DOUGLAS. Chicago Fresh. Oysters, cheaper than at any other honse in the city, at City Bakery. Machine Needles, Cartridges Butcher Knives and Tinware by Stev- enson & Cross. Theopara company, Miss Fannie Arnold musical directress, aud S. A. Osborn, elocutionist, are orowding re- hearsals of The Sorcerer, aud soon the time for that popular comic opera to be given the public will be an- nounced. Thisoompany is composed of more solid musical taleut than any ever before in this city, and the ren- dition of The Sorcerer here will be a most brilliant afluiir. Teas, Queens ware, Crosscut S3ws, Rope aud Baskets by Stevenson & Cross.' Hay knives, axes, lantern', corn poppers, scoop shovels, cross-cut- - saws corn shellers, aud a few heating stoves at, Willing Bros. There will be preaching at the Christian church Wednesday evening this week and each evening thereafter during the week, b Eld. G. B. Mul-li- s. Farm For Sale. The S. J S. W. , Sec. 3, T. 5. R. 15, GO acres in cultivation, good frame bouse, granary, stable, good well, orchard and living water, will he sold at a bargain. Apply to S. A. Osborn, Brownville Neb. or to Wm. R. Harris, on the premises. 25w4 WAEE, SILYER NEBRASKA STATE HORTICULTUR- AL SOCIETY. TYinter Meeting, 1SS0. In compliance with state statutes, the Nebraska State Horticultural So- ciety will hold its winter meeting at Lincoln, the capital, commencing on the third Tuesday in January, 18S0. The exercises, as usual, will consist of addresses, treatis, essaj's, and dis- cussions. In addition, at the earning meeting, will be inaugurated a winter fruit and floral exhibit. This will particularly enable fruit-growe- rs to exhibit their winter varieties of fruits to advantage, at a season when their true qualities and characteristics can be tested. It is hoped the friends of pomology In the state will exert them- selves to make this meeting the most interestingand useful of any hereto- fore held. Let every one bring speci- mens of fruit. As flowers cannot be brought from a distance at this season of the year, it is hoped and believed that both pro- fessional aud amateur florists of the capital city will see to it that this fea- ture of the winter meeting, too, shall excel all others. A detailed programme will be an- nounced in due time. In meantime, as all committees ap- pointed two years ago have been con tinued as originally, it is earnestly re quested that reports be made prompt- ly. More time will be given to discus- sions at this meeting than heretofore, the Board of Managers believing that more practical results will accrue than by any other method. The following topics will be discussed in an order that will hereafter be announced: Fruit List Shipping and handling fruits of all kinds; Synonyms. Soils, Location, Diseases of both Fruits and Trees. Pruning Value of fruit cul- ture as an occupation; Transportation, Bird laws, Entomology, Meteorology, Culture of Flowers, Vegetable Cul- ture. The number of days to which the meeting shall extend will be deter mined by the society when it meets. Let all come prepared to participate in all the proceedings. The following premium list is offer- ed. The committees will be selected by the Board of Directors at the exhi- bition, and will be, if possible, com- posed of non-residen- ta of the state. Where nototherwise herein specified, the existing rules by the society will govern. Standing committees, as an- nounced last year, will be continued the same. All fruits competing for premiums must be Nebraska grown. To no oth- ers will cash premiums be offered. Facilities and conveniences will be given for exhibition of fruits from any other state, or region of country, and on merit, diplomas or medals awarded, discretionary with the com- mittees. For the bet and most extensive dis- play of Winter Apples, without re- gard to number of varieties or num- ber of specimens, - - - - $10 00 Second best, --- 3 00 For best and largest displaj' Winter Pears, stipulations same as above, - - - - - 5 00 Second best, 2 50 For best 5 varieties, 5 speci- mens each, of Winter AppleB 5 00 Second best, ---- 2 50 For best 5 varieties, a speci- mens each, Winter Pears, -- Second 5 00 best, 2 50 For best Floral display In pots 5 00 Second best, 2 50 For best Floral display in pots, by amateurs, --- 5 00 Second bept, 2 50 For best di-pl- aj' cut flowers,- - 2 00 Second best, --- 100 ROBT. W. FURNAS, Pres't. Dax'l H. W heeler, Sec'y. On Monday 20th, day next pre- ceding that of the horticultural meet- ing, the State Board of Agriculture will meet, at same place, at 2:30 p. m. A circular letter from the president says : Every man who desires to demon- strate by the Exhibition of our Soil products aud an improved breed of domestic animals, the fact that iu pro- portion to its age Nebraska, agricul- turally, is second to no State in the American Union, will, we are quite certain, do all in his power to asiat the State Board in making the State Fair a complete succers in 1SS0. The January meetine will arrange the Premium Lints, and will fix the price of admission to the grounds during the Fair. The president of each county socie- ty, or delegate therefrom duly author- ized, who shall for the time being be, members of the State Board of Agriculture, for the purpose of and consulting as to the wants, prospects and conditions of the Agricultural interests throughout the State, are requested to be in attend- ance. Ladies call at Dolen's and see the nicest line of cashmeres, alpacas, mo-hai- rs and suitings, also a full line of silks, velvets, satins and fringes, and the newest thing in buttons ex- pressly for the Holidays. BARfiASSS IV CLOTUIIVG at HACKNEY'S. Oranges, lemons, cran- berries, buckwheat, maple syrup, prunes currants and raisins at Dolen's. Died, 29th ult. at the house of Widow Zook. near this city, Elder Mullis, aged So F'iier Mullis set- tled in this county upwards of 20 year3" ago. Sour Kraut and Apple Cider at CityJBakery. Ladies satchels at Do- - ten's. The &mW and sortment that has been kept in BrownviHe for several years has been ordered and is now on the way for ITEYINSCM & CROSS, and will be sold at to correspond with other lines of goods they keep nTTiMwrnnrTnii iiiiarirTrrTT'"- -' including full line of SIIEUIDAJUTEHS. Cold blows the blast. Overcoats oheap at W. Dundas & Bros. Don't freeze. Christmas Eve was enjoyed by a house full of people at the M. E. Church. A large ship, loaded from stem to stern, aud even to the top. of the mast, hove in sight just in time, and was followed by several flatboats loaded to the water edge. The whole cargo of presents was estimated by the Post at $1,000, but we presume that Old Santa Was on board when the estimate was made, and doubtless Mrs. Santa was on the estimating committee. Mr. '"Hi," of the Post, has taken unto himself a better half; yes, we presume a much better half. Now, Hi, remember that muddy boots will spoil the sweetest temper, and green wood will break the heart pf any wo- man. We attended church in Nebraska City last Sunday night, and listened to a sermon on the future punishment of the wicked. Johnathan Edwards never drew a more horrid picture of hell. Of its duration the Rev. said : "One could give but a faint idea by sayiug it would continue through in- numerable eternities." Of the se- verity of the punishment, he thought we could only Infer that it would be as much more severe than any pun ishment that could be inflicted by mortal as the author of said punish- ment was above human beings. The Rev. farther declared that to do away with the belief in endless punish- ment was to eet at liberty every evil passion and license every crime. Nebraska City is living in high hopes of having a Marine Hospital. The grounds are selected, and there is considerable talk about who will be appointed. We suggest the name of Hi Peerj for chaplain. If we could find room we would mention about one dozen marriages for the past week. The Xcw American, Self-threadi- ug 3ewing "Machine the best in the market. For Bale at the "Regulator" by Tiros. Ricuards. Xew Goods! ISevr Goods ! A new stock of milliuery goods will be received this week by Mrs. Yauney. Ladies, call and examine. Attracting IucJi Attention, Dr. Price's Unique Perfumer are at- tracting much attention. His Floral Riches is indeed a toilet luxury. In the sick room, a disinfectant greatful-l- y refreshing to the invalid. For the handkerchief, a persistent, delightful perfume. Dentists, clergymen, ora- tors and professional men will be pleased with it. Don't Get ilie Chiils. If you are subject to the Ague you must be nure to keep your liver, bow- els aud kidneys In good free condi- tion. When so, you will be safe from all attacks. The remedy to use It is the best preven-tatio- n of all malarial diseases that you can take. See large advertise- ment. Farmers! $3,CGO,000 can be saved every year by ttie far- mers of this country if they will prop- erly color their butter by using Wells, Richardson & Cos Perfected Butter Color. It is far better than carrots, annatto, or any other color, at one-four- th the cost, and no work to use It gives a splendid June color and never turn" red. D not fall to try it Kature's tjluicc-iva- j. The Kidneys are nature's sluice- way to wash out the debris of our constantly changing bodies. If they do not work properly the trouble is felt everywhere. Then be wise and as soon a3 you see niens of disorder set a package of Kidney-Wo- rt and take it faithfully. It will clean the s!uicp-wa- v of sand, gravel or slime and purify the whole pystem. A choice stock of jewelry, at the little jewelry store, at No. 90 Main street. Habitual Cobtlveuess is the bane of nearly every American woman. From it usually ari-e- s those disorders that so surely under- mine their health and strength. Ev- ery woman owes it to herself and to her family to use that celebrated med- - iciue Kiduey-Wo- rt It is the sure remedy for constipation, and for all uisumcio ui iiju Riuucjo uuu liver. iry 11 now, 52$gla Priced Sutter. Mr. A. W. Cheever. E Jitor JVeto England farmer, owns a line dairy aud gets a high price for fine butter, rn an editorial. Nov. 2d, he said; "The Perfected Butter Color made by Wells. Ru-hardao- n & Co., we have used for several years, and have found nothing equalling it, although we nae ieieu auouc every tn ing ot the kind made in this or the old country. It should entirely super- - ede carrots, and all preparations of Annatro.' inoia ny uruggists. Kidney-Wo- rt effectively acta at the same time on Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. jETor yOTlT "OTllipS gO tO Sa-ixer'- Laraest prices Best As axMBBaManoHasHiHKaiBnan SUBSTANTIAL HOLIDAY PRESENT. Membership Cards in PuuIIq Library. Buy one or more for the new year, and thus obtain your reading matter for five cents per week. Year Card $2 50 Half Y'ear Card . 1 25 Quarter Year Card 75 Life Membership . 10 00 Apply to Clara Mercer, Librarian, or to any of the Library officers. 27-- 3 Ladies call at Dolen's and see his Holiday goods. It'Yon Arc Sick, Read the Kiduey-Wo- rt advertisement in another column, and it will explain to you the rational method of getting well. Kidney-Wo- rt will save you more doctor's bills than any other medicine known. Acting with ppe- - oific energy on the Kidueys and Liv- er, it cures the worst diseases caused by their derangement. Use it at once. Is it ,ard or Butter? Why will our farmers persist In flooding tho market with such quan- tities of white, lardy lookiug butter, when they can, by the ue of Weils, Richardson & Co's Perfected Butter Color, make it of the golden color of June, the year round. Any outter buyer will tell you that such a color will make a difference of from three to six cents per pound. Oowto Get Well. Thousands of persons are constant- ly troubled with a combination of diseases. Diseased Kidneys and cos-'i- ve bowels are their torments. They should know that Kidney-Wo- rt acts on thrse organs at the pame time, causing them to throw off the pois- ons that have clogged them, and so renewing Hie whole man. Hundreds testify to this. Glass sets at Dolen's for presents. Every woman who sutlers from,. Sick Headache, and who dislikes to take bitter doses, should try Carter's Little Liver Pills. They are the aniest of all medicines to take. A positive cure for the above distressing complaint ; give prompt relief in dys-neps- la and Indigestion ; prevent and cure constipation and piles. As eay to take a sugar. Only one pill a dose. 40 in a vial. Price 25 cents. If you ry them von will not he withoufe them. Sold by A. W. Nickel!. Book store at McCreery's drug store. 26-2- w The most pleasant and prompt cough remedv io Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. Children cry for it. Call on vonr druggist and trv a bottle of it. Price 2 cents. 50 oents and SI a bot- tle. Sold bj A. W. Nickell. THE BIt01V:VVII.,IE MARKETS. BnowNViLLB. January. J 1SS0. 1 Following are tlie qnotations yesterday nooa, the um- - rf . ! to pres. LIVESTOCK. CORRECTED BY It. JI. RAILKV. STOCK DEALER AND SniPI'ER. Hogs ............. ... .. S8 598 75 Steers, fair to choice 2 5MS 00 Cows, fat 2 002 50 GRAIX MARKET.Z CORRECTED BY D. B. DOCCI.ASV RRAIX DEALER. Wheat, choice fall $ 1 01 " spring M.. . lil W Barley. 00 Corn In theear . 22 Shelled t& -- i STREET MARKET PRODUCE. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY II. C. LETT. DEALER IN DRUGS. OROCERIBS Corn Meal, 1. S 801 00 Bntter. 22 25 Lard .... T 10 Potatoes 40 60 Apples 1 W1 26 Onions .. . . 50 Chickens, old. per dozen 2 e2 25 sprlmT. J S01 5 Chickens, dressed, ?&...... 5 8 Tnrkeys, dressed, f. 8 Wood.-- cord 3 255 60 Hay, H ton i 506 00 RETAIL MARKET. Flour, R. T. Davis ISO " Savannah Mill fall wheat... 450 " Glen Rock fall wheat- - 400 " Glen Rock spri n sj wheat . 325 " Sheridan spring wheat- - 325 " Nemaha Valley spring. 325 " Graham ..... . 350 Bran and Shorts mixed, per 160. s ; .. Extra C.fiw . q 185t. " light brown, lifts. " Cut Loaf, T&Ifc. " Powdred,7fes Coneo, Rio, 5 fes O. G.Java, Stilus.. " Moca. 3 lbs Cranborries, per qt..- -. Triol Pnrn nar- - ft. Drled Appl'es, 8 B fori Dried Peaches 8 a for . pared Peaches, f pitted Cherries, fi I Syrup, per gal 'Lard Coal Oil. pergallon.. .White Fish. per kit.. 1 Mackerel, per k it. sail, per unrrei ' Coal Ft. Scolt rod. per ton " " " I M-e- ton 75 "0 20 1 60 1 00 J 60 1 W) 160 i,eo 2 80 1 to 1 eo 33M016O 10 8 1 eo 2KO .20 35 co-- i eo 1G 025 6075 00 1S5 SIO 70 NICE STOYES, FIT ENITTJEE, CARP ETS, SHOT GUNS, WAGONS, HARD WARE, AND GSO CESIES CHEAP, by Stevenson & Cross




THE ADVERTISERnrownvlllc Dmi llne to Phelps.

laTe Brownvlll 9 a. m., and 3 p. m.A rrive at Brownville 1230 p.m.,andceOp.m

TJ. C BOUSFIKLD. Sunerlntendent.


A happy Christmas to all.

Cough'madicineB, of ever kindat Nickell's.

New lot of Holiday goods atWhlttimore's.

A llirlit fall of "beautiful snow,"Sunday morning.

See Huntington & Cumminge'"ad" In Nemaha City corner.

Nemaha comity Book Store isnow at Nickell's.

Gn to Mrs. White's for your rub-

ber and arctic overshoes.

Everybody Invited to attend theball at MaMi Opera Houee Jan. 1st.

JjHrcft live and ten cent counterseverin'Brownville at Mrs. Small's.

Preaching at the Bnptist ChurchIn this city every Sunday at 11 o'clockby Eld. G. W. Reed, of Peru.

Tilra. White will receive this weekan entire new line of millinery goods.

'Johnson fc Palmer are fillingTtfPlI'a big ice houpe with the nicestkind of ice.

Luciu ('ImitHi. B1". Arnold, Da-

vid Mercer Hii-- i Hen. Lorance. stu-

dents f tiie University, are enjoyingvacation and the holldHys with theirfriends in Bmwnville.

Por your lianiess go to3auer's

Holiday brackets, a!! varieties, atMrs. SmihM's.

Buckwheat il-u- r aud choice hon-ey at WhittimoreS.

We are in receipt of a ticket fora "Grand New Y"rV Ball at MarshHouse Opera HaM. Joseph O'Pelt,proprietor." Thin splendid occasionwill he on the evening of January 1st.Music !v Berkley's orchestra. Ad-tniapi-

$2 50 to ball and supper. Themanagers detdre it underntood thatthis is not a select affair, but is for ev-

erybody ml everybody is invited.

Call and see the "Pinafore" jewelry at Geo. Arkwright'a, oppositeXiowman's.

!Large stock of Confec-tioT- is

to "be sold at low pricesat City 3akery.

Taxes! Taxes!! Taxes!!!All persons owing las tre hereby

notified that the same must be paidby January 1, 1SS0 The time givenby law has alread3' passed. Why notwrae forward, pay up and save cost.The new tax hook for 1S30 will be inmy hands for collection January 1,1SS0. Times are good, mouoy plenty,and there never was a better time topay off delinquent tax than now.

A. H Gilmoiie, Co. Treas.

Received, at Roblson's, "W-omen's and .lien's Fancy ClotliSlippers, just the tiling: forChristmas and Xew Years Gifts.

Berkshire'males for sale.J Grand-sir- e

cot fourteen hundred dollars,Grand dam one thou-an- d. The bestpedigree hogs in the tate of Nebras-ka, "without doubt, for sale by Stev-enson & Cross.

The State Fih Commission, sayst"he Omaha Republican, consisting ofMessrs. May-- , Livingston and Kaley,met at the Whitnell House last eve-xiiu- g

at 5 o'clock, aud agreed to holdthe 200.00(1 California salmon fry re-

cently hatched atRomine's hatchery,ntU the weather la more favorable,

when they will be distributed in vari-ouspar- ts

of the state, under tite direct-ion of the commission. The' have or-

dered asufficient number of cauB madeto accommodate the fish, and will dis-

tribute them in lots of 5,000 each.Is Nemaha county making any ar-

rangements to get a portion of thesefish ?

JCmas presents at Geo.Arkwrighfs opposite Low-man'- s.

Berkshire Pig", Cheese, CurryCombs, Flour and Scoop Shovels byStevenson &. Cross.

Go to Roblson's for tvoollined boots, slioes, arctics andrubbers.

Closing Oct. The undersignedwill close out his entire herd of Berk-

shire and Poland China swine as boouas possible; consisting of as fine a

herd as there is in the west and repre-

senting some of the most fashionablestrains, such as the Sniper, RobinHood, and Crown Prince families. Afine lot of young sows large enoughto breed ; also can be paired withboars of different families, all eligibleto Berkshire record. Stock in goodthriving condition, all bred and far-

rowed hero, therefore will be accli-mated. Original stock imported fromIowa and Pennsylvania. Those wish-ing something in this linn will get asgood Btock here at less cot than fromthe cast, besides having a chance toselect for themselves. Come early asstock Is going fast. Farm ninemiles south and one-ha- lf mile westof Nemaha City.

H. N. Bagley.Elmore. Richardson Co., Neb.

Mrs. White will sell you millin-ery atgreath; reduced prices.


California Caned Fruit at Hill's.Nickell keeps all the lateBt books.Buckwheat Flour and Maple

Syrup at Hill'B.Go to Mrs. White's for your

cloaks and wraps.1,000 mince and apple pies at

Johnson & Palmer's.Call at Mrs. White'efor anything

"in the millinery line.Everything in the millinery line

at cost by Mrs. Yauney.See "Report of the condition of

the First National Bank."Finest stationery and toilet ar-

ticles at Nickell's drug Btore.Holiday candieB a large assort-

ment at Johnson & Palmer's.New and elegantiStyles trimmed

hats at cost, at Mrs. Yauney's.Bain, Studebaker and Nebraska

wagons. Stevenson & Cross.There has not been suflicient snow

here this winter, to date, to cover theground.

Money to loan on Real Estate security. Apply to Wm. H. Hoover.

Holiday gifts at the drug andbook store of W. H. McCreery. 26-2-

Call at A. W. Nickell's drugstore for a bottle of Thomas' eclectricoil.

"Too busy to write locals" wbrthe answer we received from J. L.McGee Tuesday.

Complete etock of freh drug atdrug and book store of W. H. McCreery. 6mo3

For the Best working oook stovewith nutomatic shelf, call on Stevn-so- n

& Cross.Dr. Collins. DntNt. Brown ville,

OfJue hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Not athome on Fridays. 39tf

The cold snap, which had scarce-ly been above a freezing point for 1G

dayo, was broken on the 26th, andFridn3 Saturday and Sunday werelovely days.

2,500 acres of land in BedfordPrecinct for sale on reasonable terms.Apply to William H. Hoover.

Do not buy furniture until youlook through our mammoth stock.

Stevenson & Cross.I have for sale, cheap, some choice

lots, in Nemaha City, for those whowant to build. Wm. H. Hoover.

Wednesday morning, 24th Dec,was the coldest, so far, of the winter.At dawn, by a fair test, the thermom-eter indicated in this city, 15 belowzt-ro-.

S. M. Summers is selling glass-

ware and queen6ware cheaper thanwas ever before offered in this city.

We are prepared to do all kindsof tin work on abort notice and at lowprices. Stevenson & Cross.

New married folks and new com-

ers, Stevenson & Cros can fit you upin everything for housekeepingStoves, Furniture. Groceries. Queens-war- e,

Knives, Forks. Carpets, Pictures, etc., cheaper than the cheap-est. Give us a call. Stevenson &


Miss Fannie Arnold: As aslight testimonial of our appreciationof your untiring efforts as directressand a memento of the pleasant and in-

structive rehearnals of 'The Sorcerer,'pleae accept, from the gentlemen ofthe troupe, the accompanying set offurs, with our best wishes for a Mer-

ry Christmas. Respectfully.W. A. Bailey ,'S. A. Osborn, T. L.

Jones, Dr. Ed. Arnold, D. L. Smith,John Chapelow. F. R Sykes. JamesR. Dye, Rolla O. Heikes. WilliamMurr, Milton F. Jones, Geo. Ark-wrigh- t,

Geo. Fairbrother. Jr., E. M.Lippitt. E. Huddart. Geo. D. Cross.L. Foster Hitte, John L. Majors.

Gentlemen: The beautiful anduseful present coming from you, asso-

ciated with our work in "The Sorcer-er," and the Merry Christmas, is ac-

cepted with warmest;thank3.Most truly yours,

Fannie Arnold.

Married on the 25th ult., at thereeidence of the bride, by JLi. L. Hul-bur- d,

E-q- ., Mr. Ben. F. Sanders, ofthe Bloomingtou Argus, and MissDora M. Fairbrother, elder daughterof the editor of Tiie Advertiser.

No guests were Invited save theparents and families of the bride andgroom, hence the party was Email,quiet and pleasant. Mr. and Mrs.Sanders next morning took the early istraiu for ttieir home at Bloomiugton,Franklin county. May their nowhappy lives be blessed with conteut-menta- s

they shall meet the alteruat-iu- g

joys and sorrows along the rug-ged road of life.

The whlski and beer sellers ofBrownville have not heeded our warn-ings given from time to time, thatthey were known and would have tosuffer unless they desisted. The3'thought we were trying to scare them.What do they think now?

For your saddles go toBauer's.

II. C. LettWill pay the highest market price

for Butler and Eggs.

"Where there's a will there's away." And everybody who sellswhiky or beer in this city will rindto their coot, that the city authoritieshave the roitand the way.

For Sale.A first-rat- e good family horse. Gen-

tle and true to the very letter. Alsoa double seated buggy, three springs,1.200 pounds capacity. Call on E. M.Lippitt at his residence. 28w4

Grain ! Grain ! Grain !

Highest market price paid for grainby Hackney As Handley.

The citizens of Tecumseh recent-ly raised by subscription- - $200 for thepurpose of defending M. C. Barrow,oharged with robbing the mail.

A IVevr IotOf holiday goods just opened at




leaks, .



On last Friday, upon the informat ion of John Drur', Jacob Rausch-kol- b,

Chris. Houboldt. of Brownville.and Phil Deuser. of Rock Port, Mo.,were a'rrested in this city for sellingintoxicating liquors contrary to law,and taken into Judge Stull's court.The prisoners showing a dispositionto enter pleas of not guilty, and demanding to be tried by jury, subpecnas were issued for a number of wit-

nesses, and jurors. When the officerwent for witnesses they could not be

found ; moat of them, having urgentbusiness just then over on the otherside of the river. The jurors weresubpoenaed, however, and the trialsput over to this week, or such time asit might take for the witnesses to getback home. The game of running ofl

witnesses, we may remark, the price of thework worth a cent with attorney Os-- 1 magazine remains the same.born, who represents the State, anddoes his work well, in all these whis-

ky cases. There is sufficient bull-do- g

about him that when he gets hold hejust holds on, quietly enjoying thetime until the other dog squeals. Sothe subpoenas were not returned, "notfound'' as Mr. Rogers, for the defensedesired them to be; and by Mondaythis week about all the witnesses hadgot through with their importantbusiues3 over at Soott. City andPhelps, returned and were dulyserved.

On Monday lawyer Rogers ap-

proached Osborn with a Hag of truce:"How can we fix up those cases?"queried he. surren-

der," replied Osborn, "and if theseterms are not accepted within fiveminutes, I will turn looe on the fort."And as that was the best tiling the de-

fense could do, the surrender was duly. and made. It wastruly a serio-comi- c scene the sur-

render of the recruit from Rock Port,who "shust coome ofer to have aleedle fun rait te poys."

Phil. Deuser, of Rock Port, Mo.,and Chris. Houboldt, each pleadguilty and were each fined $25.00 andcosts, which in the aggregate amount-ed to about fifty dollars.

In Mr. Rauschkolb's case a nollepross. was entered by Mr. Osborn, up-

on defendant enteiing into a bond inthe sum of $300.00 to quit the businessof selling or giving away beer or alco-

holic liquors within the county untilafter he shall have procured a licenseauthorizing him to do so.

We deem it proper in this connec-

tion to repeat what we indicated lastweek, that our City Council, whichdevised and employed the means forthe suppression of illicit traffic in thecity, are entitled to the gratitude ofthe law-abidi- ng portion of the peopleof this city and the entire connty, forthe good work it has already accom-plished, and in behalf of this class ofcitizens The Advertiser thanks,cordially, the City Council aud actingMayor of Brownville, and in thesecitizens' behalf we ask further andcontinued vigilance and pledge theirhearty and support.

Within the last few weeks four vio-

lators of the license law, and one ofthem twice, have been arrested andpunished. And in the methods used

demonstrated that,the apparent difficulty to get evi-

dence of secret whisky and beer eel-lin- g,

"where there is a will there Is away."

Charles Rodyhas the nicest candies in the mar-ket. Is brimful of the best familygroceries, and at his Restaurant ta-

ble may be found the best in the mar-ket. Customers are served with freshoysters or any other dish called for.Go to Body's.

Frank Moerer, of Johnson ; Fred.H.Sanders, J. C. EvansNemaha City ; Wm.Febing; J. Makinsou, Phelps, Mo.;Hough Holstine, Morril, Kansas;add their names to thelist of Advertiser subscribers.

Business.I am now readyjto receive orders for

Picture Frames, and re-

pairing Furniture, at Roy's old stand.All orders promptly attended to.


H. C. LETTHas on his BOOKS many

small accounts which hewants all who owe them tosettle, as hechanging his business afterthe 1st ofJIarch. You will fa-

vor me by coming In at once.

Geo. W. Neeley lias sold hisproperty In Falls City, and is gettingup a mining company for Leadville.

II. C. LettHas a full etock of fresh Groceries,and Drugs




v dHIUWIVlFlannels, Ete.



dontjessary, subscription









Leisure Hours.A magazine of choice literature for

the people, published monthlj' by W.L. Mershon & Co., Ill Broadway,N. Y.

The publishers of this popular mag-azine have determined to give moregood, interestingand instructive read-ing matter to subscribers than can beobtained any where for the same price;they have, therefore, engaged a num-ber of regular contributors wellknown to the public, for theyear 18S0.who will present through the col-

umns of the magazine, original ar-

ticles, consisting of biographies, trav-els, natural history, works of fact andfiction, etc., etc.

Notwithstanding the increased outjay of money which this renders nee

Our terms are $1.00 a year or 50 ots.for pix months.

We send a trial subscription of threemonths with a handsome premiumfor 30 cents.

Agents wanted in every townj Steady employment and good pay.j For further particulars and agent'sj terms, send stamp to the publish- -' ers, W. L. Mershon & Co., Ill Broad- -

way, New Nork.

IWanlovc Self- - Opening andShutting Gate.The most complete and convenient

piece of farm machinery ever invent-ed or used. One can be seen at en-

trance to Furnas Fruit Farm nearBrownville. Price of that style gate,complete, $30.

Robt. W. Furnas,State Agent.

Missing,The man who struck Billy Patter-

son can't be found; but his sistersand his cousins and his aunts havefound that Hill's is the best place tobuy Groceries.

Just arrived this week 1 car Bainwagons, a fine assortment HeatingStoves, and a haudsome line of silver-ware also Groceries, Furniture, Corn-Shelle- rs

aud Pocket Knive3.StevensonJ& Cross.

List of Letters

Remaining lu the Postoffice atBrownville, Nebraska, for the weekending Dec. 27. 1879, which if notcalled for will be sent to the dead let-ter office:

Cooper, Elizabeth ; Daugherty, Ah-n- er

; Givis, Mrs Dpbii ; Hess, John ;

James, Ira; Rehm,' William L. ;

Rees, Mrs. Sarah ; Snodgrass, C. W. ;

Welch, James.Persons calling for an' of the above

letters will pleasesay advertised.T. C. Hacker. P. M.

'Psach? F0RHusini


The undersigned, having an entirenew mill, with new and the latestimproved machinery, and the bestpractical miller in the State, arenow ready to do both Merchant andExchange work. Address all ordersto Hallam & Huddart.

Glen Rock, Nemaha Co., Neb.

"The Benton News" is the nameof a spicy sheet published by the pu-pils of Lahue school, near PhelpsCity, Mo. The editors are Miss ClaraLahue and Miss Effie Buckham, box18. Phelps City, Mo. They solicit con-tributions. Will the pupils of ourschool give them an interchange ofideas ? M.

Bon't you Forget it !That Geo. Arkwright will sell andwork the cheapest and the best.

Skates, Shotguns, Mink Trapsand Corn-poppe- rs b3T Stevenson &CroBs.

Married, on the 25th ult, at theresidence of the bride's father, Ne-maha county, by Eld. D. B. Coryell,Mr. Joseph Frazier and Miss Alice R.Graham.

Largest stock of HolidayGoods in the city, at CityBakery.

Go to Mrs. White's for yourholiday goods. She has a ninn linof them

II. C. J,cttWill sell you the very best groceries j

for the least money possible.

Died, Sunday.28th uit., WymanKent, an esteemed and prosperousfarmer of Glen Rock. We learn thefatal disease was pneumonia.

Iron, Wagon Timber. Horseshoesand Nails by Stevenson & Cross.


Prepared for last week's Issue."There were in the same country,

Shepherds abiding in the field, keep-ing watch over their flocks by night.And, lo, the angel cf the Lord cameupon them, and the glory of the Lordshone round about them, and theywere eore afraid. And the angel saidunto them, fear not, for, behold, Ibring you tidings of great joy whichshall be for all people. For unto youis born this day in the city of David,a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.And this shall be a sign unto you ; yeshall find the babe wrapped in swad-dling clothes lying in a manger. Audsuddenly there was with the angels amultitude of the heavenly host, prais-ing God and saying, glory to God inthe highest, on earth peace, good willto man. And it came to pass, as theangels weregone away from them un-

to heaven, the Shepherds said one toanother, let us go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which iscome to pass, which the Lord hathmade known unto us."

A Merry Christmas unto you all,readers mine.

The weather is so cold.Again it iB Christmas. It seems

but as yesterday since I gave mygreetings to The Advertiser itspatrons, its editoraud all baud?, to thedevil my fifteenth Christmas greet-ing. It is hid iu the future how manymore times, if any, I may be permitted to give these greetings.

The Advertiser has great vital-ity, a fine hold on life, and promisesereat longevity, and no doubt willoutlive me. But I pray it may everretain its present character forsound-nes- s

in politics, zeal in temperance,purity in morals, fairness in religinu.Long live The Advertiser.

Many no doubt, amid the festivitiesof Christmas, will revert in memoryto the faraway home of their child-hood, from which they have wander-ed, and made their home with thestranger. How vividly will he recol-lect those happy days away back inthe past, aud may be the interveningscenes of anguish, grief, bereavementand the faces of loved ones, will standout in distinctness, who have beenlaid away beneath the coffin lid.

But it is better to put away sorrowsin me sacrea, secret cnamoers or tneheart, and smile this merry Christmastime.

Christmas has the preeminence overall the other days celebrated on theearth, for it commemorates an eventin which every nation, tribe, andtongue have an equal interest itunites in one all the families of theearth for it is in honor and memoryof Him "who gave himself a ransomfor all, to be testified in due time "All hail the blessed Christ all honorto the day which celebrates His birth.

Willard Dolittle, some nine yearsago left his father's home in NewYork and came to the far west to livewith" his uncle, James Ely. Sixweeks aco the sad news reached himthat his father was dead ; again a fewdays agorhe received the word thathis brother died on the 6th ult. Theseare heavy tidings for the young man,and calls for sympathy. It will be alesson to "lay up treasures iu heaven''for uncertain are all earthy things.Editor Advkktiseh, please add this to last

week's Items. Londox.It came to pass, in London, on

the 25th of December, that both cler-gy and officers of the law were calledto legalize the marriages of the wed-

ded hearts of three young men andtheir chosen maidens, by whom, andthe place will now be chronicled :

Mr. Amos Whittelowand Miss Em-ell- ue

Jones, by Geo. W. McGrew, atthe residence of the bride's father.

Mr. Willard Doolittle and Miss Sa-

rah Guilliatt, by Elder Young, at theresidence of the bride's father.

Mr. David Wanderly and Miss Lib-bi- e

Travis, by Elder Young, at theresidence of the bride's father.

Let'us ask a benediction on thesethree wedded couple. It is hintedthat there will be more weddings inLondon about New Year's day. Wewill let you know if there are. Thesemust suffice for this time.

CHEAP TOR CASH.A eiioiee line of Grocer-

ies at City Bakery.e?k WANTED



Chicago Fresh. Oysters,cheaper than at any otherhonse in the city, at CityBakery.

Machine Needles, CartridgesButcher Knives and Tinware by Stev-enson & Cross.

Theopara company, Miss FannieArnold musical directress, aud S. A.Osborn, elocutionist, are orowding re-

hearsals of The Sorcerer, aud soonthe time for that popular comic operato be given the public will be an-

nounced. Thisoompany is composedof more solid musical taleut than anyever before in this city, and the ren-dition of The Sorcerer here will be amost brilliant afluiir.

Teas, Queens ware, Crosscut S3ws,Rope aud Baskets by Stevenson &Cross.'

Hay knives, axes, lantern', cornpoppers, scoop shovels, cross-cut- - sawscorn shellers, aud a few heatingstoves at, Willing Bros.

There will be preaching at theChristian church Wednesday eveningthis week and each evening thereafterduring the week, b Eld. G. B. Mul-li- s.

Farm For Sale.The S. J S. W. , Sec. 3, T. 5. R. 15,

GO acres in cultivation, good framebouse, granary, stable, good well,orchard and living water, will hesold at a bargain. Apply to S. A.Osborn, Brownville Neb. or to Wm.R. Harris, on the premises. 25w4



TYinter Meeting, 1SS0.

In compliance with state statutes,the Nebraska State Horticultural So-

ciety will hold its winter meeting atLincoln, the capital, commencing onthe third Tuesday in January, 18S0.

The exercises, as usual, will consistof addresses, treatis, essaj's, and dis-

cussions. In addition, at the earningmeeting, will be inaugurated a winterfruit and floral exhibit. This willparticularly enable fruit-growe- rs toexhibit their winter varieties of fruitsto advantage, at a season when theirtrue qualities and characteristics canbe tested. It is hoped the friends ofpomology In the state will exert them-selves to make this meeting the mostinterestingand useful of any hereto-fore held. Let every one bring speci-mens of fruit.

As flowers cannot be brought froma distance at this season of the year,it is hoped and believed that both pro-

fessional aud amateur florists of thecapital city will see to it that this fea-

ture of the winter meeting, too, shallexcel all others.

A detailed programme will be an-

nounced in due time.In meantime, as all committees ap-

pointed two years ago have been continued as originally, it is earnestly requested that reports be made prompt-ly.

More time will be given to discus-sions at this meeting than heretofore,the Board of Managers believing thatmore practical results will accrue thanby any other method. The followingtopics will be discussed in an orderthat will hereafter be announced:Fruit List Shipping and handlingfruits of all kinds; Synonyms. Soils,Location, Diseases of both Fruits andTrees. Pruning Value of fruit cul-

ture as an occupation; Transportation,Bird laws, Entomology, Meteorology,Culture of Flowers, Vegetable Cul-

ture.The number of days to which the

meeting shall extend will be determined by the society when it meets.

Let all come prepared to participatein all the proceedings.

The following premium list is offer-

ed. The committees will be selectedby the Board of Directors at the exhi-bition, and will be, if possible, com-

posed of non-residen- ta of the state.Where nototherwise herein specified,the existing rules by the society willgovern. Standing committees, as an-

nounced last year, will be continuedthe same.

All fruits competing for premiumsmust be Nebraska grown. To no oth-

ers will cash premiums be offered.Facilities and conveniences will begiven for exhibition of fruits fromany other state, or region of country,and on merit, diplomas or medalsawarded, discretionary with the com-

mittees.For the bet and most extensive dis-

play of Winter Apples, without re-

gard to number of varieties or num-ber of specimens, - - - - $10 00

Second best, --- 3 00

For best and largest displaj'Winter Pears, stipulationssame as above, - - - - - 5 00

Second best, 2 50For best 5 varieties, 5 speci-

mens each, of Winter AppleB 5 00Second best, ---- 2 50

For best 5 varieties, a speci-mens each, Winter Pears, --

Second5 00

best, 2 50For best Floral display In pots 5 00Second best, 2 50For best Floral display in pots,

by amateurs, --- 5 00

Second bept, 2 50

For best di-pl- aj' cut flowers,- - 2 00Second best, --- 100

ROBT. W. FURNAS, Pres't.Dax'l H. W heeler, Sec'y.On Monday 20th, day next pre-

ceding that of the horticultural meet-ing, the State Board of Agriculturewill meet, at same place, at 2:30 p. m.A circular letter from the presidentsays :

Every man who desires to demon-strate by the Exhibition of our Soilproducts aud an improved breed ofdomestic animals, the fact that iu pro-portion to its age Nebraska, agricul-turally, is second to no State in theAmerican Union, will, we are quitecertain, do all in his power to asiatthe State Board in making the StateFair a complete succers in 1SS0.

The January meetine will arrangethe Premium Lints, and will fix theprice of admission to the groundsduring the Fair.

The president of each county socie-ty, or delegate therefrom duly author-ized, who shall for the time being be,

members of the State Boardof Agriculture, for the purpose of

and consulting as to thewants, prospects and conditions of theAgricultural interests throughout theState, are requested to be in attend-ance.

Ladies call at Dolen'sand see the nicest line ofcashmeres, alpacas, mo-hai- rs

and suitings, also afull line of silks, velvets,satins and fringes, and thenewest thing in buttons ex-pressly for the Holidays.


Oranges, lemons, cran-berries, buckwheat, maplesyrup, prunes currantsand raisins at Dolen's.

Died, 29th ult. at the house ofWidow Zook. near this city, ElderMullis, aged So F'iier Mullis set-

tled in this county upwards of 20year3" ago.

Sour Kraut and AppleCider at CityJBakery.

Ladies satchels at Do- -ten's.


&mW and

sortment that has been kept in BrownviHe forseveral years has been ordered and is now

on the way for

ITEYINSCM & CROSS,and will be sold

at to correspond with other lines ofgoods they keep

nTTiMwrnnrTnii iiiiarirTrrTT'"- -'


full line of


Cold blows the blast.Overcoats oheap at W. Dundas &

Bros. Don't freeze.Christmas Eve was enjoyed by a

house full of people at the M. E.Church. A large ship, loaded fromstem to stern, aud even to the top. ofthe mast, hove in sight just in time,and was followed by several flatboatsloaded to the water edge. The wholecargo of presents was estimated bythe Post at $1,000, but we presumethat Old Santa Was on board whenthe estimate was made, and doubtlessMrs. Santa was on the estimatingcommittee.

Mr. '"Hi," of the Post, has takenunto himself a better half; yes, wepresume a much better half. Now,Hi, remember that muddy boots willspoil the sweetest temper, and greenwood will break the heart pf any wo-

man.We attended church in Nebraska

City last Sunday night, and listenedto a sermon on the future punishmentof the wicked. Johnathan Edwardsnever drew a more horrid picture ofhell. Of its duration the Rev. said :

"One could give but a faint idea bysayiug it would continue through in-

numerable eternities." Of the se-

verity of the punishment, he thoughtwe could only Infer that it would beas much more severe than any punishment that could be inflicted bymortal as the author of said punish-ment was above human beings. TheRev. farther declared that to do awaywith the belief in endless punish-ment was to eet at liberty every evilpassion and license every crime.

Nebraska City is living in highhopes of having a Marine Hospital.The grounds are selected, and there is

considerable talk about who will beappointed. We suggest the name ofHi Peerj for chaplain.

If we could find room we wouldmention about one dozen marriagesfor the past week.

The Xcw American,Self-threadi- ug 3ewing "Machine

the best in the market. For Bale atthe "Regulator" by

Tiros. Ricuards.

Xew Goods! ISevr Goods !

A new stock of milliuery goodswill be received this week by Mrs.Yauney. Ladies, call and examine.

Attracting IucJi Attention,Dr. Price's Unique Perfumer are at-

tracting much attention. His FloralRiches is indeed a toilet luxury. Inthe sick room, a disinfectant greatful-l- y

refreshing to the invalid. For thehandkerchief, a persistent, delightfulperfume. Dentists, clergymen, ora-tors and professional men will bepleased with it.

Don't Get ilie Chiils.If you are subject to the Ague you

must be nure to keep your liver, bow-els aud kidneys In good free condi-tion. When so, you will be safe fromall attacks. The remedy to use

It is the best preven-tatio- n

of all malarial diseases thatyou can take. See large advertise-ment.

Farmers! $3,CGO,000can be saved every year by ttie far-mers of this country if they will prop-erly color their butter by using Wells,Richardson & Cos Perfected ButterColor. It is far better than carrots,annatto, or any other color, at one-four- th

the cost, and no work to useIt gives a splendid June color andnever turn" red. D not fall to try it

Kature's tjluicc-iva- j.

The Kidneys are nature's sluice-way to wash out the debris of ourconstantly changing bodies. If theydo not work properly the trouble isfelt everywhere. Then be wise andas soon a3 you see niens of disorderset a package of Kidney-Wo- rt andtake it faithfully. It will clean thes!uicp-wa- v of sand, gravel or slimeand purify the whole pystem.

A choice stock of jewelry,at the little jewelry store, atNo. 90 Main street.

Habitual Cobtlveuessis the bane of nearly every Americanwoman. From it usually ari-e- s

those disorders that so surely under-mine their health and strength. Ev-ery woman owes it to herself and toher family to use that celebrated med- -iciue Kiduey-Wo- rt It is the sureremedy for constipation, and for alluisumcio ui iiju Riuucjo uuu liver.iry 11 now,

52$gla Priced Sutter.Mr. A. W. Cheever. E Jitor JVeto

England farmer, owns a line dairyaud gets a high price for fine butter,rn an editorial. Nov. 2d, he said;"The Perfected Butter Color made byWells. Ru-hardao- n & Co., we haveused for several years, and havefound nothing equalling it, althoughwe nae ieieu auouc every tn ing otthe kind made in this or the oldcountry. It should entirely super- -ede carrots, and all preparations of

Annatro.' inoia ny uruggists.Kidney-Wo- rt effectively acta at the

same time on Kidneys, Liver andBowels.

jETor yOTlT "OTllipS gO tOSa-ixer'-



Best As



Membership Cards in PuuIIq Library.

Buy one or more for the new year,and thus obtain your reading matterfor five cents per week.

Year Card $2 50Half Y'ear Card . 1 25Quarter Year Card 75Life Membership . 10 00

Apply to Clara Mercer, Librarian,or to any of the Library officers. 27--3

Ladies call at Dolen'sand see his Holiday goods.

It'Yon Arc Sick, Readthe Kiduey-Wo- rt advertisement inanother column, and it will explainto you the rational method of gettingwell. Kidney-Wo- rt will save youmore doctor's bills than any othermedicine known. Acting with ppe--oific energy on the Kidueys and Liv-er, it cures the worst diseases causedby their derangement. Use it atonce.

Is it ,ard or Butter?Why will our farmers persist In

flooding tho market with such quan-tities of white, lardy lookiug butter,when they can, by the ue of Weils,Richardson & Co's Perfected ButterColor, make it of the golden color ofJune, the year round. Any outterbuyer will tell you that such a colorwill make a difference of from threeto six cents per pound.

Oowto Get Well.Thousands of persons are constant-

ly troubled with a combination ofdiseases. Diseased Kidneys and cos-'i-ve

bowels are their torments. Theyshould know that Kidney-Wo- rt actson thrse organs at the pame time,causing them to throw off the pois-ons that have clogged them, and sorenewing Hie whole man. Hundredstestify to this.

Glass sets at Dolen's forpresents.

Every woman who sutlers from,.Sick Headache, and who dislikes totake bitter doses, should try Carter'sLittle Liver Pills. They are theaniest of all medicines to take. A

positive cure for the above distressingcomplaint ; give prompt relief in dys-neps- la

and Indigestion ; prevent andcure constipation and piles. As eayto take a sugar. Only one pill a dose.40 in a vial. Price 25 cents. If youry them von will not he withoufe

them. Sold by A. W. Nickel!.

Book store at McCreery's drugstore. 26-2- w

The most pleasant and promptcough remedv io Dr. Marshall's LungSyrup. Children cry for it. Call onvonr druggist and trv a bottle of it.Price 2 cents. 50 oents and SI a bot-tle. Sold bj A. W. Nickell.


BnowNViLLB. January. J 1SS0. 1

Following are tlie qnotations yesterdaynooa, the um- - rf . ! to pres.


AND SniPI'ER.Hogs ............. ... .. S8 598 75Steers, fair to choice 2 5MS 00

Cows, fat 2 002 50


DEALER.Wheat, choice fall $ 1 01

" spring M.. . lil W

Barley. 00

Corn In theear . 22Shelled t& --i


IN DRUGS. OROCERIBSCorn Meal, 1. S 801 00Bntter. 22 25

Lard .... T 10

Potatoes 40 60

Apples 1 W1 26

Onions .. . . 50

Chickens, old. per dozen 2 e2 25sprlmT. J S01 5

Chickens, dressed, ?&...... 5 8Tnrkeys, dressed, f. 8Wood.-- cord 3 255 60Hay, H ton i 506 00


" Savannah Mill fall wheat... 450" Glen Rock fall wheat- - 400" Glen Rock spri n sj wheat . 325" Sheridan spring wheat- - 325" Nemaha Valley spring. 325" Graham ..... . 350

Bran and Shorts mixed, per 160.

s ;.. Extra C.fiw. q 185t." light brown, lifts." Cut Loaf, T&Ifc." Powdred,7fes

Coneo, Rio, 5 fesO. G.Java, Stilus.." Moca. 3 lbs

Cranborries, per qt..- -.Triol Pnrn nar- - ft.

Drled Appl'es, 8 B foriDried Peaches 8 a for

. pared Peaches, fpitted Cherries, fiI Syrup, per gal'LardCoal Oil. pergallon..

.White Fish. per kit..1 Mackerel, per k it.sail, per unrrei' Coal Ft. Scolt rod. per ton

" " "IM-e- ton


1 601 00J 601 W)

160i,eo2 801 to1 eo


1 eo2KO


co-- i eo1G



