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Needs Assessment/Analysis

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  • 7/29/2019 Needs Assessment/Analysis


    Manila Central University

    Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

    Esquierdo, Fae Rochelle T.


    September, 09, 2013Mr. Ronald Go

    Needs Assessment Result(Freshmen) CheerfulnessWeighted











    3.46 Very


    I listen closely to determine what to do and what

    not to do in announcements, instructions ordirections given orally.

    3.53 Always

    3.06 Important I listen to instructions given in connection with

    test taking.

    3.66 Always

    3.06 Important I note down details in instructions or directions

    given orally.

    2.90 Sometimes

    3.46 Very


    I can carry out instructions given orally. 3.26 Always

    3.36 VeryImportant

    I explore opportunities offered to accessinformation by listening to broadcasts and

    weather bulletins.

    3.36 Always

    3.2 Important I can distinguish what to do and what not to do in

    emergency situations (fire, earthquake, etc.).

    3.50 Often

    3.43 VeryImportant

    I listen closely to instructions and cautionspointed out.

    3.43 Always

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    3.53 Very


    I listen for specific details and warnings in

    weather bulletins.

    3.13 Often

    3.2 Important I can determine the content and feeling levels of


    3.03 Often

    3.5 Important I can identify the speech event, interlocutors and

    objective of the speaker.

    2.83 Often

    3.23 Important I can note the use of intonation to express


    3.06 Often

    3.63 Important I can identify attitudes and feelings signaled by

    intonation and stress.

    3.00 Often

    3.46 Important I can determine the type of listening suited to a

    given text.

    3.26 Always

    3.53 Very


    I can use Tune in-question-Listen-Respond as a

    strategy to make sense of listening texts.

    3.23 Always

    3.33 Very


    I employ selective strategies to find out answers

    to questions raised in a listening text.

    3.36 Always

    3.63 Very


    I can listen to informative texts specifically

    descriptions of processes.

    3.53 Always

    3.5 Important I can listen to determine steps in a process. 3.56 Always

    3.47 Very


    I can transcode descriptions of a process using


    3.36 Always

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    3.06 Important I can listen to explanations of specific processes

    noting cause-effect relationship.

    3.53 Always

    3.08 Important I can listen to narratives. 2.9 Sometimes

    3.40 VeryImportant

    I infer links and connections between ideas. 3.5 Often

    3.63 VeryImportant

    I can determine the information map suited to thetype of narrative listened to.

    3.16 Often

    3.89 VeryImportant I can listen to issues pertaining to the home andthe family. 3.26 Always

    3.3 Important I can identify the place and the person speaking. 3.16 Often

    3.5 Important I can identify the stand of the speaker based on

    explicit statements made.

    3.83 Always

    3.33 Very


    I can get information from rapid speech. 3.5 Often

    3.00 Important I listen to process speech including pauses,errors, and corrections.

    3.26 Always

    3.80 VeryImportant

    I can get information from rapid and distortedspeech.

    3.20 Important I restate a commentary on a basketball game. 3.3 Often

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    3.23 Very


    I make sense of broadcasts and telecasts. 2.5 Sometimes

    3.46 Very


    I listen to get information on current events and

    issues aired over the radio and television.

    2.66 Often

    3.4 Important I can express appreciation for entertaining texts(anecdotes, jokes, fables, and tales in sharing


    3.4 Often

    3.85 VeryImportant

    I listen to simple narratives to developappreciative listening skills.

    3.3 Often

    3.46 VeryImportant I can point out the (situation-problem-attemptedsolution-result) discourse pattern in tales. 3.53 Always

    3.03 Important I can point out the distinctive features of tales,anecdotes, fables, etc. listened to.

    3.46 Always

    3.26 Very


    I can identify cause-effect relationships in

    anecdotes and tales.

    3.03 Often

    2.96 Important I single out the punch lines in jokes. 3.16 Often

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    3.3 Important

    I can predict outcomes from events described instories as they unfold.

    3.46 Always

    3.23 Important

    I listen to determine if one's predictions are borneout.

    3.36 Always

    3.5 ImportantI listen to events and note developments in

    narratives as they unfold.

    3.4 Often

    3.56 VeryImportant I can note the dramatic effect of sudden twists in

    surprise endings.

    3.3 Often

    3.46 VeryImportant I can identify the attitudes of the speaker on an


    3.53 Always

    3.33 Very

    Important I can determine if the speaker is neutral, for or

    against an issue.

    3.46 Always

    3.33 Very

    Important I can anticipate what is to follow considering the

    function of the statements made.

    3.03 Often

    3.4 ImportantI listen to determine conflicting information aired

    over the radio and television.

    3.46 Always

    3.3 ImportantI listen to appreciate the tune and narrative

    structure of ballads.

    3.46 Always

    3.23 Important

    I listen to appreciate harmony, unison, and rhythm

    in choric interpretations

    3.36 Always

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    3.7 Important I can speak in clear correct English appropriate to

    situations and adjust rate, volume, and choice ofregister to suit the audience.

    2.93 Often

    3.66 Very


    I can observe correct pronunciation of critical

    vowel and consonant sounds.

    3.26 Always

    3.7 Important I can use correct pronunciation, intonation and

    stress patterns, pausing, and blending.

    3.13 Often

    3.5 Important I can give information and express needs,

    opinions, feelings and attitudes in explicit terms.

    2.96 Often

    3.23 Important I can give short talks to entertain. 3.00 Often

    3.63 Important I can give and convey information obtained over

    the telephone and from radio broadcasts.

    3.26 Always

    3.46 Important I can use visual aids like graphs, charts, etc.when conveying information on topics dealing

    with science and mathematics.

    3.13 Often

    3.53 VeryImportant

    I can use English when offering things toclassmates and teachers.

    2.9 Sometimes

    3.33 Very


    I can use gambits when offering things to

    classmates, teachers, etc.

    3.2 Often

    3.63 Very


    I can respond to offers made (accept, turn-down

    or negotiate changes in offers made).

    3.43 Always

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    3.5 Important I can give clear commands, requests and

    directions to get things done.

    3.13 Often

    3.47 Very


    I can give instructions, prohibitions, and


    3.03 Often

    3.06 Important I can ask and answer different types of questionsusing the basic sentence structures and sound

    patterns of English.

    2.83 Often

    3.08 Important I can arrive at a consensus by citing proof


    3.05 Often

    3.40 VeryImportant

    I can react to information shared in small groupdiscussions.

    3.08 Often

    3.63 Very


    I agree/disagree w/ assertions and observations

    made in radio broadcasts and when sharingexperiences on topics dealing with Science and


    3.53 Always

    3.89 Very


    I can observe social and linguistic conventions in

    oral transactional discourse like interview,

    asking, and giving directions, etc.

    3.66 Always

    3.3 Important I can interview classmates to get to know them


    2.9 Sometimes

    3.5 Important I can use communication strategies like

    paraphrase and translation to make up for

    inadequacies in the language.

    3.26 Always

    3.33 VeryImportant

    I can ask and give directions and instructions onspecific processes.

    3.5 Often

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    3.7 Important I can get information from the different parts of a

    book, newspapers and data from generalreferences in the library.

    3.5 Often

    3.66 Very


    I can use card catalogue to locate reference

    materials in the library.

    3.16 Often

    3.7 Important I can use locational skills to derive data from

    general sources of information like encyclopediaand dictionary.

    3.26 Always

    3.5 Important I can get information from the different parts of a


    3.16 Often

    3.23 Important I can get current information from newspapers. 3.83 Always

    3.63 Important I can use different reading styles to suit the text

    and ones purpose for reading.

    3.5 Often

    3.46 Important I scan for specific information. 3.26 Always

    3.53 VeryImportant

    I skim rapidly for major ideas using heading asguide.

    3.06 Often

    3.33 Very


    I read closely to find answers to specific

    questions, note sequence of events, etc.

    2.83 Often

    3.63 Very


    I can use ideas and information gained from

    previous readings and personal experiences to

    better understand a text.

    2.90 Often

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    3.5 Important I use background knowledge or schema as basis

    for conjectures and hypothesis made whilereading a text.

    3.26 Always

    3.47 Very


    I can recall ideas from previous readings to better

    understand a given text.

    3.36 Always

    3.06 Important I can explain non-linear visuals most commonlyused in content texts.

    3.50 Often

    3.08 Important I transcode orally and in writing the information

    presented in diagrams, charts, table, graph, etc.

    3.43 Always

    3.40 VeryImportant

    I use illustrations to activate backgroundknowledge and to get a pictorial representation ofwhat is discussed in the text.

    3.13 Often

    3.63 Very


    I can explain non-linear visuals most commonly

    used in content texts.

    3.03 Often

    3.89 VeryImportant

    I transcode orally and in writing the informationpresented in diagrams, charts, table, graphs, etc.

    2.83 Often

    3.3 Important I can use illustrations to activate backgroundknowledge and to get a pictorial representation of

    what is discussed in the text.

    3.06 Often

    3.5 Important I can give the meaning of signs and symbols usedlike road sign, prohibited signs, etc. and evaluate

    their effectiveness.

    3.00 Often

    3.33 Very


    I can locate places and follow directions using a


    3.26 Always

    3.23 Important I transcode information in linear texts intoinformation maps.

    3.23 Always

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    3.3 Important I can conduct a covert dialogue with the writer as

    a basis for predictions and formulatinghypothesis about a text.

    3.36 Always

    3.23 Important I can interact with the writer by responding to

    statements made in the text and using this asbasis for predictions and formulating hypothesis.

    3.53 Always

    3.5 Important I can formulate and modify hypothesis based oninformation given in the text.

    3.56 Always

    3.56 Very


    I can distinguish fact from opinion, fantasy from


    3.36 Always

    3.46 VeryImportant

    I can react to assertions made in the text. 3.53 Always

    3.33 Very


    I can make predictions and anticipate outcomes. 2.9 Sometimes

    3.33 VeryImportant

    I can make generalizations and significantabstractions from different reading materials

    designed for information, pleasure and


    3.25 Always

    3.4 Important I can show improvement of ones command ofthe language as a result of reading.

    1.75 Sometimes

    3.3 Important I can determine the concept or information map

    embedded in a text.

    2.10 Sometimes

    3.63 Very


    I can use structural, lexical and contextual

    devices in deriving the meaning of unknownwords and ambiguous and information-dense


    2.09 Sometimes

    3.86 Very


    I can identify the sense and reference of words in

    reading texts for a better understanding of a


    3.16 Often

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    3.3 Important I can show recognition of collocations and

    semantic relationships by arranging words inclines and clusters.

    3.83 Always

    3.5 Important I single out cohesive markers that signal


    3.5 Often

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    3.63 Very


    I can effectively express thoughts and feelings in

    writing book reports and correspondence forspecific social purposes.

    3.25 Always

    3.86 Very


    I can write personal letters like friendly, thank

    you, excuse, congratulatory and condolence


    1.75 Sometimes

    3.3 Important I can make diary entries of significant events. 2.10 Sometimes

    3.5 Important I can write summaries in book reports. 2.09 Sometimes

    3.33 VeryImportant

    I can give personal information in school formsand write announcements of school events.

    3.16 Often

    3.83 Very


    I can produce different text types, narrative

    (diary entries), expository (process explanation,

    interviews, etc.) and descriptive (comparison andcontrast).

    3.83 Always

    3.63 VeryImportant

    I can write well-constructed paragraphs utilizingthe macro-discourse patterns, problem-solution

    or topic-restriction-illustration suited to the

    discourse type.

    3.5 Often

    3.50 Important I can use appropriate rhetorical functions and

    techniques to express ones idea, needs, feelingsand attitudes.

    2.96 Often

    3.46 Very


    I can expand ideas in writing using cohesive

    devices and employing different rhetoricalmodes.

    2.5 Sometimes

    3.06 Important I can use key idea sentences, support sentences,

    transition devices and restatements in texts.

    2.5 Sometimes

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    3.06 Important I can present information in graphic and non-

    linear texts.

    2.66 Often

    3.46 Very


    I can take down notes utilizing information maps

    like linear and cyclical flowcharts, two-level treediagrams, and three columnar grids.

    3.3 Often

    3.36 VeryImportant

    I can use two-step word and phrasal outlines toorganize ideas.

    3.56 Always

    3.2 Important I can make a write-up of charts and graphs. 3.40 Always

    3.43 VeryImportant

    I can edit ones composition following guidelinesconcerning content, format and mechanics.

    3.03 Often

    3.53 Very


    I acknowledge resources used. 3.17 Often

    3.2 Important I use quotation marks to enclose direct quotationsfrom resources.

    3.45 Always

    3.43 VeryImportant

    I use expressions like according to toindicate citations made.

    3.26 Always

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    3.33 Very


    I can write well-constructed texts employing

    alternative forms of the overall macro discoursepatterns.

    3.25 Always

    3.83 Very


    I can use appropriate modes of development to

    express ones ideas, needs, feelings, and attitude.

    1.75 Sometimes

    3.63 VeryImportant

    I can expand ideas using a variety of andcohesive devices to make the flow of thought

    from one sentence to another smooth and


    2.10 Sometimes

    3.50 Important

    I can write short personal narratives to support an


    2.09 Sometimes

    3.46 VeryImportant I can use information maps and other conceptmaps as aids in note taking.

    (Linear, branching, cyclical flow-charts, Three-

    level tree diagrams, Grid)

    3.16 Often

    3.06 ImportantI can use three-step word, phrasal and sentence

    outlines to organize ideas.

    3.83 Always

    3.06 Important

    I can explain in writing the data presented in non-

    linear texts.

    3.5 Often

    3.46 Very

    Important I can do self and peer-editing using a set ofcriteria.

    2.96 Often

    3.36 VeryImportant I can use writing conventions to indicate

    acknowledgement of resources.

    2.5 Sometimes
